Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 08, 1853, Image 1

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r, -
♦. P. DifkLZP, &Co., Proprietors.
_ -
uric "tlrcl,lq Otigeruer.
S. r. sCowl, aaitor.
• TEMP OF TUE PitrEi/.
Cdr subscribers by th e art:ter. at . B-a.%
Naiad. or at the an .in anvanee. LSO
plf not paid in a ance.or within three s:loathe ham the time
f ondscribilip, two dollars will - beebaryped.
am! cominuniedi Olip mist he lop ppid.
rards not eat' lug I lines, one year.
03,00 -
One square • • •• 10.00
go. do. siOtionths. . kW
to. do. three months, 3,0 0
Thaialcnt ad} ct ti-Out-lit, 30 cents per ignore, of fifteen lines or
ins. for the tin.t insertion: Y. cents for each subsequent loscrtion.
alsratly other:risers han elite privilege of changing at idensunr,
but at no tam arc anon% et! to occupy inure than two squares. snit is
id hboiled is !kir inanedists besisuras.
Adierhortuentsnothaving othor directions. will be lilac : rind till
'slid nod charged ancordi nifty. •
asoN 4aIAH km.
ATIOIOgi T .rn V‘. LLAM Law, to George A. Elliot's omee.
trew ride of the park. Erie. 31
ArroviET .xo COCPIELLOR •r LAW. No. !U. Third stre.A .
Pittsburgh. , SI
Arroe.ty AT LAW.leiriee. Fifth street. between Smithfield
and Grant Same Miran, but*. Pa • •
MaworAcTralaa of Shorts, Hollow Warr. engines, MlCRlimy,
Rail Road Cara. tie , Rotate tit.. Erte-Pa.
(Lite of the fins of G. L. 4. Ir Co.)
Diem is Clocks, Watches. Jewelr y , Silver 'Spoons, Hamel
otruinent*. Looking C lames, LAsups And rauer Goons, whole
sale and retail:
Senna Aver TAnon. and Habit Maker—Shop ote the east side or
Mate meet.. me door, north of Eig h t.. and 3. H.
kt &Co's Cabinet Warr-Mom. !Joe. Penna.
G t. &tombola Agent, office at H. Roper fiat Ptone
State street Erie Pa.
WegursaLs mod Tv tajtdralers in Pry Goode. Carptia:and Dry
voteries 1110. i Reed Howie.
hiltu.Coilretoro and Dealers in Cold and ailvartoin. noel:s
not Money, Land Warren's and certificates of Deposita. Also
light Itrat:r on the pr i tie i p4I cities of the Union. and all parts
gibe Otd Country fur site °dice, Williams' Lock. e oracr of
Nate•st.. awl ?tibiae blquare.
u It-tuts a. a. warmer.
J. G. & W: I. MILLS.
'port Lis and Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, Wine., Liquor.,
Crars.—Also. Foreign Fruit. Nuttii,Victles and Pickled Oys.
trii.l ohoters. Pre.errni. and Ilernietrieolly Scaled anitlee of
ever) ite•erisflion Mid. No 'I. WillO.tu's Block,
Wstr-st oppopite [Woo ti s NeW Hotel. Erie. Pa
Minis. New York. Wis. I. Mud... Otifiraki
Atm, reeelvany w their ceaocui., Oysters in *belt. fruni J. G. Mills
Della , New Fork, which n ill be fold Wh - ,lecalc at low prices
- A. (I- JACKSON, Ascot. Erie. Pa.
in rtawical. School- and hti-ccilmieosir Rook.. Blank
Book.. 6, xlionerY. and Printer's Verde, No. V. Brown's
Dior le Pa
• P. OCILLIII a. P. 51.04111.
Cerra at tua rewleilee on (di :Sweet, two doors West of the
Eturcol4l Church.
T. W. MOORE. -
Deice mi,:rocerier. Provibioris. wee, Liquor". Camlieo. Fruit.
be.. Our Door below Loomis ik Co's State street. Erie. ,
Rill ,iB COOK.
Dian in Slaple t Fahey Dry Gtiod", and the Grew** variety
of any More in the City. Cheap Side, Brie. Pa.
loyaattal.,ol4.titii and. retail Denier. and Dry Groeerin
Pmrmono. Produce. Foreign and botneluie Fruit. Wooden.
Willow and Stone Warne. Flour. Fl.h. dal'. Gig's. Naile.row-
ImOtoi, Caps. tt.ifety Fate. &C.. Inc. French erirent. pPPo
the Reed Ifouoe. Erie. fa.
B.—...4team and Canal Motels. anti Private
fauitlitsaiiipi led with say of the above articles with prompt
and werycheap.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
MICE over Joek•on'e otore..ta North-FAA corner of the Pate
le Agnate.
Wt.; 1 °lip_ & b FEW Alt
!Unloose Phystt!:iantratsl Surgeons. US= and Residences—
Seventh & eassatras Streets.
Iflee hours ftwiti to C. A.)!; 1 to e. and 6 to 7. P. 51 -
14Elit. 1 , 1 D. • J. L. ITkW*IT. X. T.
DIPWS and Coinamisoioa Merchant'. fleeter in Coal.
How. F tool llMeal lot a daily line of tipper lake Stamen,
hddlC Dock Erie 'ra. r
. LI Di.rELL h . Co.
it Kit II ITU,. Msinufacturess or lean Fence. ta iling, igie2mb°4t
ke ke.. r s le. I. liern 7 baud Nth. +urea vole.
AMt.RICAN COMPANY. Ectooved to Ho. h Reed Moak. Stale Siren.
F.utern Ezll6l closes at I ia o'clock. A. M.
Verse.' " 31 o'clock. IP SI.
• , cr. D. 10 rarroutp, Agent
- •
tLat• of the Jinn of J. Hearn 4 C.—)
tear. "two and ronindmion Merchant. Public Dock. Erie, Pa.
Dreier is Coal. ill.ilt., Fish. Flour and PialKet.
.... —
flaystollii. produce and Connuinieon Merebaata,, second Ware
.fila* East of the Public Um*. %tie Pa.
l'o—Deder. ih - 0..a1. Salt. Plaster.eitueco. Fish. Lime arid Lime
goe.lrou. !Walla, rlioves. Cardengp, ace.. ke.. With utpturpant
rd %clinics for ',hipping Caber by Otearuboata. Propeller*.
Wagner.. or by Rail Road .
11. %mina
W. U . KN _____WLTON.
Ratclituakerand Repairer. Dealer in Wathil"4. Cloaks. Jewelry,
Ruheal Instrumento. Looking G :awes and other Fancy Goods
lhort.the dont west of the Reed !louse. 17
butts in Pry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. kc: Ko
1. Perry I ek. Pilate street, Lrie. Pa.
hTIPICI.OI and Staceon—thitee at his residence on Eighth
Sweet between French an I Iloitnnil. Eric. Pa. •
611 " 11 la Rank CertifieraPs of De
luit.Ste Sight k:xettaligc uti the priwripal titres constantly
tweak °thee to Beatty's Bloc L. liquare. Erie.
k han! •ND PsuriaciAm—Offiee:corster• of French and Fifth
xttro.oet Mows Koch's store,. Residence on Fourth Woo,
" 1 0100 r watt al the old Apothecary . fall.
bt.tuk in Fani,,ii,Gennan and Anicriesti flardw;rratid Calm ,
kek Natls , Aar Ali, Vices. Iron and Steel N 0.3 Reed Ikkaoe.
Enc.. Pi.
g•strite,Jobbent. and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods. eirttlelefieo.
Crockery. Glassware, Carpeting. Hardware. Iron. Sled_ Nail.
ISAts, ke. Empire Stores chase Street. four du ds, 3 eklow
Ilianu'r Hotel, Erie, Pa.
Ira—Aar de. Vices. Whits ir; Axle Ann.. Springs, and a general
isionament of Saddle and Carriage Trimmings.
and Justice of the Peace. and Agent for
*ler thane Uk Insurance Company—Oiler $ doors
onto Wrights store. Erie. Pa:
- 11. L AW . Girard, Ent. County. Ca. Collections and
Alto business tutended to with promptness and disuse h.
J 0031 A ti KELLUtirG,
I ._ -44 .int cocucum. ion dlerclsaat.on the Public Dock, cast 0(
ne street.
hlt raNter and Wh,tr Fish. constantly for gale. - * -
Wi ett.SLLIF a lID [TAIL DIALERS ID roreien And Domestic Dry
G 4
i 64n • "ad, macre Clothing. hoots and Shoes, ate., , No. I
sweet. Erie.
ANitity, al Lill —Office up lona. in Tammany Holt building
tt ro'ot ti Prothomattra °i n ce W ' ne
. •
areCoreeaccoa AT LAIVte over C. S. Wristlet
rZ.em trance one door west of date street, on the thaetood.
14.:.• TIBIIA & HAYES.
11 .1.
Broil in Dry Goods,
H Dry nroterien. Cu:ICW/. at'
n's New OW.
u 'YOo GrOef ay. Hardware. Queens ilfare. /14118 e.
I,"__.Ntiie.e, „Ili. C hatfield°. Erie. Pe.
1 1, Matra Upholster. and Undertaker. corner or State aid
nststreeu. L'rte.
Retntl deniers in Drugs, Merlicsr" . Paints. Oils,
ke., No. 6, used Howe. Erie.
"410NAILE Merchant Tailor.ou the public .are, a flew doors
. w lwef Nate street, Erie.
Il i ' the rout!' side of the Elmwood It* doors east trf
a 6 66 the IM Batik, Pricer reaaartabla.aad all work
w • teed Ene June It
• LRAMS of every variety aud style Dam le Cents
aid at Plow 11-18 • SMITH IJAMIOUN.
60 . " Co. Java and Lavin! Cake Net nekivel sad Me
lie!t ' , l'm 6 66 Wlr MIST?* e GIN AY.
H ~.
c ,
. _., :.. , •
1 7:: : -IF:
'l4x'..:.: lt i . 7 .414-:-4'.‘.4
...7 .- . .i t 77:r...7,...77.4 : :,.. 7•, : 7 ..... : IC : : 7 ..4 1.: 1 71 ,4 1 ,
~.,, ,F ,:i . :.,-, : el k :. 7... , • . 4: . 71". 1 ,' 4. .'... '
.'",: :. .
.. . , . -
V ti R
Resident Demist; (hate and dwelling on the
South side of the l'ublie square, let door Cast
if g of ate Erie Ban nu lids lig. Teeth i opened on
tand Plate. frow ouc to an entire sett. Cari
ous teeth filled with pore Cold, and restored to health and use
fulness. Teeth cleaned With tostrumetas and Demi nee so ite• to
ware thew of pellucid clean's... 4 11 work warranted.
JOHN 11. BURTON & co.
wneursmv, •ND RICTAtf. dea!enrn brugs, Vied te 'Hell. Dye
Dreeetiefry lie. o. 3. Aced douse. Erie,
Tv tike Judges of "in Court of Quark? ,use q/
Ike Pfaeefn Cmaty of Erie •
THE Petition of ilirain Baker reapectfully showeth.
that your petitiouer oecuplee a cummediuui house equate
in the towasuip of Concord. ou the road leading from
Waterford to Warren. iitao from Meadville to Columbus,
which is well calculated fur a public house of eotertata•
mom. and (ruin its neighborhood ■ud shuatiou h Nita•
b as well as necessary fur the bctoincliedadiegi of the
public and the entertainment of straugera and travelemt
that he in well provided with stabling (or horses. suit an
conveniences necessary for the entertainment ammo
gets and travelers: he therefore reppecitully prate the
court to grant him a !scenes ro keep an inn sr petite
home of eat!rtaiatueut there. and tour petitioner will
114.. the undersigned citizens of the township et Con
cord aforesaid, beiug per.onelly merit; tinted with [lanais
B Arr. the +hove named petitioner. and else - having a
knowledge of the house for which the Iseertsa is prated.
do hereby cert:fy that such house is treietsery toaccum
modiste the public and entertain strangers and travelers,
that he is • vrion of good repute for honesty and tens...
peranot-e. and that he is well piovided with titters room
and conveniences for the {Aging and accommodation of
strangers and tricolors. We therefare beg leave to re
commend bite, fur a license agreeabl'y to hut petition.
Sigma.—Robert C. !frown. N P. Drown. James
H oo d. V.B. S t r o nhao. P. K. %Vobbe'r. Alden
James Cab, elf. Jedu then Grey. Aboor Lilley. John LI.
tee Wilber C. Webb. (;harlea Wehlter. Parker Stowell.
J. H. Moffatt. Andrew Hays. William Data. Eli W.
Webber. Jesse Heath. Philander Bemired. Ezakial LPar.
lie. • '333
re tha HonorsWs Cowl of fowler tiesopm of Iris Ornate.
THE petition et Robert Hills of !ha city of Erie. in
said county. renpectfolty reprerien:i, that•he is well pro.
sided with house room aid ClialFdaillOCOS for the lodging
cud accommodation ,of strangers amid traveleta. at the
horse knewn,as die Farmer'. liege!; formed', occupied
bv L. A Carmanhoe in Mild city of Erie. He therefor*
prays the oone:ebb Court to grant ,him a- license rw
keeping M publ i c ins or t and he. as in dett• beend,
will pray. dic. ReIlEaT MLLE!
ou salseesibors. citizens of thel East Ward of the
city of Erie in which the shore inn or talons. prayed to
be licensed is proposed to be kept. de certify laftt Robert
Hails the above applicant, is of gond repute for honesty
and temperance and is writ previde4 with house room
and centreniences fur the laging and ,accomniodatiesi of
Orangery and travelers. Ran Ihia, soef6in tun or tavern is•
neeeenery to accommodate the public - and entertain sumo
gess and travelers.
Sigsed.—C. hi. Tibbals. J. J. Liais. 11. Cadwell, M.
514‘nr, C. W. Mayberry. Thar Sill. IRatov Reed.
catir A. Constantine. Moe*. Koch. Jobs 8, Brawn. John
M. Justice. H. L. Brown. W. W. Lisfieuis, Bernard Mo
bley. Jan. I 3 34
Tv the lissisevbic the Judges ej the amrt elf quarter asw«•.
Erse Coo•if.
T II T., Petition or aiirson J Strati rn, of the town-hip breOn•
cord. and co intr ntore.aid. •Itoweth. Ih.rt he i•
vtell provided with hourw room and zohreisteliee. for lodging and
aceonstnodattun Of tranzer• nu.l tiaveiereilt the bowie lie how
oernl.,e• nI wri 1 towu•hrp; In• iherellne prat~ the Ilouorablc
CO , lll to itrant him a Ireen.e fur ke,nonu a public inn or la% ern.
rnucced, le3i. 1:111S1174 S +TRANAIIAN
We 'lse find,eralened e zenx of Concord toww , htp. to which
the altu%e.sientiOnea tl% ern is to be kept. do eerisfy that the above_
petiliquer oritnol repute I;,r honesty and trim cr .nec. and tint
he is , well provided with house rctAn And ronven eenee. lot the
tweiltaltiodatiou of atraticent and travelers. and !hat as house ta
aerewwly for the of otrangen and travflertv
Niffi . ei —P. K. Webber. Andrew Ha, e. N. P lhowilt.Thousaa
rhelton. !imam Millard. John Ih, er, William Pratt John Ek
dell, J..mee Hood. t`hao llre,Ner, kMN Urn,. I', I ...WI. J
FOR ita•ing the sideou Vie south al le of zero d street.
from Itoltand to Pa'ade'st.. no the North side of short it
from Sassafras to Myrt:e rt.. on both sith • of- 1111 rile rt • froth
Fowl*, to :piton rt . on both rid. s of Third se.. frobt'Stessafrs• to
IVithnit Pt the Earl stile of Clertnin si . (Yon Eishilt to Elev
enth it.. on the %Vest rude 0r:411;446w, frinn Rimer to Buffalo
st • on the North side of Itudtlo st.. from Petnelt to illepinut
tut sty. West •ble of French •t • from Eleventh st .tO the lEtte and
North Utst Rat; road. ou the Elit pide of French st.. trout the
Rit!ron,l t t litttfalo st • on the %Veil side of Gerumu st • from
Thin/ to Fourth at ,on the Solt h toile of Third at.. from Holland
at., to the Extat attla of My-. iltekKoieo lot, aiid our both sides of
11011 tn.l at . from Iteeculd to F 41 on the South side of i:lev
tails at • from relett st , to tits•talf•trt it
tar it ordained and enacted by the Mostar, Select and Corn-
Inoll Cotineflo of the t 'ity of Erie That all and every owner or
owners of,rny tot or lots. or smaller (pilot ity of land hounded on -
the South side of Second at.. between dt•dtaud ant Parade ar .on
the North side of aahort .1 . ta•tween Sassafras and Myrtle Ids .
on both sides of M) rite bet weeti 'Fourth and Short las ,on both
si of Third st . between Sit.safris rind Walu•it ms., An the
East side of ifierwait . het vreett Eighth and Eleventh at:. On the
%Vest sole of Sassafras st from Ruder to Buffalo sf/, on the
Alo•th tu+le of ['offal° at from Peach to Chestnut is „Ori the
Wear stile of Ereneh at.. front Eleventh at.. to ihe'Etk and North
Pa-t.RNlroad. on IN Cast sole of French at . (root the Iltr e and
North I . .xest Railroad to tint - tido .t . on the tVestlide of ("carman
lii.„(roits Third to E iur h at . on the South •ideOrrhird st..from
Midland at . to the t.asi line of Mrs Utcksot¢s Lot, and on both
sides of M,Sland 'wince', Second anfj Vi ft hat and on the
South aide of Eleventh rt.. tetween Pear is and tiasvatrar street.
he and are hereby required to pave the Side Walks in front of
their respective Lou or Lots. or other irantity of Land, and the
Mailer or owners of corner Lots where any street (Jr •lreele
reel those ordered to he payed by Ora Ordinance. are reonited to
extend their pavements aho n said streets i.fist the hue of their
re=peetive Lot or Lout twelve feet ta here said cross or interisset
ins Street is silty feet wide. and sixteen - feet where it Is one hon.
&eft feet or.hie.aud to have said paveineni completed in toe-own.
net herein after directed ou or before the brat of January A. D.
Slid. That said Pavements .liall he good wand plank. two inch•
es thick. to be laid mot feet vri .on good substantial bed or cross
i l
pieces of 'timber. and recur fa-veiled down with good spikes,
and to the grade civet) by the hiirveyor.
3d. That the tenant. tenants o l
other persons residing on any
such I.ot or Lots or iv her quantity of land ow and by any person
or persona not residing in this city. he and are kereby required
to nave in front of the same as rtfonermid. and in such ease it
shall he lawful PA ouch tenant or tenants to deduct the cord of
step pavement out of any rent due, or to become due for the
premises,. .!
Ith. That no pavement shall be deemed to'be completed until
examined and approved by the Side Walk Commitiee.
ith. That any person nettle:tint to comply with the requiri•
lion of this Ordinance. shall forfeit and pay the ruin of one dol
lar for every foot in length of pavement which such person shout.
have made, and in defiiilt of said pavement heine completed by
the tint mut of January A 11t 1833. the Mayor. eeket and Com
mon Council. wilt proceed to lay down the same and tile Lwas
for the cost thereof against the revpeetive Lot or int. or other
quantity of Land, and proceed to collect the same according to
the set of Assembly in-such cases made and provided.
Ordained and enacted an Ordinance the Sahli day of Nov.
A ,11. WM.
Atieet. W. a Pneapicy. Clerk. grie. 140 v. 10 103t-,%30
Z. 31. 00..
Na. 7 8.aa.11 Black. Slats Sl-eet. Erie. Pa.
1C rubscribers beg leave to lofting the citizens of this arid
I the ndjoiiiitte counties, that they are receiving almost daily
Meditators to their week of goods, the largest and best arrort
mental Groceries to be (mind west of New York City. Thank
ful fur the liberal patroilaire received since our commenceinent
i n thin ei iy, we would mostresiwetfully call the attention airier
eliaLlt and other. svi•hinz gnod• in out line, to an ethibition of
our stock before lining to ituffalo or New York. We wish it dos
thirty uederstood th Ore will sell goods for Cask • r Rsady Aar.
as cheap*. can be purcha.ed in Buffalo or in New York, with
the addition of expenses in getting goods to this C.v.
The lollowins comprise it small part of our stock—
ba N, 0 . and P. R.. Sugars.
109 Ilbts. Crushed Puw'd . Granulat'd & Coffeldo.
leTierces Ilutch Crushed/Maar,
lb Rotes Refined Loaf do.
1111 Ilhd Mused.. and P R Molina/is,
le Tierces do. do. do.
75 Bits. do. do. & S. 11, do.
Is do. Stesran' 'Syrup,
le do. Culyt Honey,
I.le Chests and half Chests Pining Hyson.Hrion Skin. Im
perish. Gunpowder and Stack Teas,
NM Rs. from I to laths of Slack and Green dn.
73 Bap Rio. Lagoa r. and Java Coffee,
10 Roles Ground Coffee.
7S do. Cavendrsh Tobacco, All
do. ji lb lump do. stiPPriog. qltalit leg.
13 111.14. J. Anderson's Brook'''. Tnimeeo. 1.4114116 pea.
Also.reveral different luamia Pine Cut ins. •
73 Packages blatkeral. No's 1,1 & 3. in "bolo, i,t eel
1130 Boxes Herring. No.l and Saabled. •••
Seelelbs Cod Pi.h.,
1 13 Stris. Rtrined Winter Strained nil,
Also. Nets, Ranting, Prunes. Pepper. Pimento. C 811413, Nut
li Cloves, Rice. Powder. Shot. safety Pare. Wrapping. tap
an gs. Lettel , Paper: Mustard. and Pickles, of an excellent quality
arid cheap—besides a great to may other articles too numerous to
mention in an advertisement of this kind We also have in Ad
dition 4, the goods above mentioned. a halm stork of PURE
WINES end LIQUORS, which can be bad 13 per cent. eheapee
for the same qual.ty. than can he purchased west of New York,
not wltinlandi nit the great advance in liquors. London and Phil
, adelphiel`orter.ecorch Ate. and Wine• of almost All descriptions
Ple use call and minims kw yourselves. and you will I. satisfied
that you can do better Ulan by going to buffalo or New York.
Erie, Dec. J M SMITH & Co.
A IVeILPIIPi re misorttnent of Ihvorint extracts the hest in - 11.41 .
litl.CX/ril - fe tor the handkerchief of every kind. enentnee.
hair oils, p-. 411 adfind we a certain cure for chapped binds.
lip salve, slit III( soaps and creams of nett quality, hay ruin. hair
dye. hair restorative, depilatory powder. in short we constantly
keep on band ‘sorspleie assOrtawni of every kind of Perfuntery,
hoer articles and Yankee notions or almost *very description.
Persons w shine to buy are respectfully invited to call as they
nsay depend upon sewn, what they want at the lowest price. at
theetty drag store state-st. Ene bee. 4-24 P. HALL.
RITMO PAPER:4Iw. White. Lever. Cap. itt edge. coi
-1 • w ored. patio sod mote Psper. limey envelopes. plain sod wolf
seines envelope*, eardo.of kind/ Odell! cannot MI lo ISM
eumorners..eive as • .401 •nd of.. Dec. 41M131 H•LL.
(Erie iljetlll4 Obierutr.
and Erie Railroad
We give iliac to auotOPr alums to an impor
teat and- able lea r from Jon* Taco t*, E.q., Pres
ident of 'the Rea , t.g road, and CUOUTOIPIIIKR P*&
LON. Esi., ?rebidlent of the Sunbury -road. This
letter needs no e orsement at our bands—it speaks
for itself; and in peaking exhibit* the character
sad advantages theBenbury enterprise in their full
and true bearing. When we loilk upon this work
exhibiied in the •
by Mr. Tucker.
are not oow runes
ring practical point ul view peen
can only wonJer that the cars
g between.tlils and Philadelphia,
instead of that ci
ar to subieribe or
balling and considering wheth
tot to its stock. Aside front the
mild pour into the lap or Phila.
be it remembered, that city does
-can enjoy except by the roast rue
ement—it would itt a few years,!. portion of the State,
oat to the revenues of the Com
conceded upon all hands that by
lion of the State, in natural re
n Erie and Sunbury. Now !hat
i Bible wilderness, almost. Build
! Erie to 84111)41'y the while dis•
la garden; its lofty forests *ill be
L. mini its mines of cIA and iron
rieh the peopte of the State. Li
calory say nothing of the weilth
nia would hereby secure that now
Y. Tuat this teed* would -be
-, the facts .et forth in- the let
illormstiate. Why then should'
te? What, iri comparismi with
be dented, is • million or two
Ia a city like Philadtlphial No
v p in the bucket!
immense trade it
! deiphia—a trade,
not now, nnr nete
Con of .this'impro
by opening a now
add more than its
monwealth. It i
far the richest por
R alurces, is betw
section is an ion
this road, and fru
tine. will becorn
auras I into lumbs
brought forth to e
referring to these
of trade Penniplor
seeka • anorket iu
tanned to our S:
ter we WINO to, fat
Phila.fw'phis heolt
the advantsgei t
millimos of dollar.
hing!—a mere d
Tug Naw Teat ' arsr . tt PALACll.—edits a number
of oar exertions' a liewo at.. the getters op of the
New York Crystal : lam. feraspiActiig th• Press to ad
vertise the . inicitatio ~ when the shores are said to torn-
Anaad over fifty per out premium. It is nicked iiirpoisia
liting which ••t2lte dews" coinpleiely anything ever
nodertoitou by Barn . is. Witat lea remarkable pecaliar
ity iu'llso ineditst p ' eters is, that they hare. in the
Dime of the pubtii. procured - the gratuitous ass of a
yobbo aquas/J6i Nob Yura. fer their beading. sad have
had it eoretitoited in tlevartinhont storehouse" by the
President. so that trisigit atticlvs may be imported for ex-.
hibition.daty (rim. 1 Bath lasso facts are stretches of au
thority. to be palliatied only upon the - graced that they
are is aid of a purples wholly pantie. *Foley would hard
ly be excused. if they ware granted to help ea a private
specolarlea. The Crystal Palace at Clablia..aad this
again. at New Terb, are imitati.nie which will not has,
au the merits ed theleriginal. • This brit is ... cockneyish
imitation of cocknerism - -with the.solt , tail gave the
original Near. wail reg. Na Royal lady no Prince Pat.
typan. will parade it aisles. scn.itoC tenda•cetidingly It
the throngs of exhth tors and gagers. themselves a part of
the opectaele—suleibr. indeed. morn* of the self-styled
••nterchant peincrat of the Metrepolos will coact that
part - 1 - •
Q7 ^ ' PUTX•111 . 11 , oxrut.r.—We are indebted to
the - publisher for sit eirly c try of this new condi •
date for public larch., and fully a gn-vt with the • , Hoine
Jovinar that it i4 l ,a triumph in Magazine literature.
Its contents is tinily, various, and ofezeel?ent goal
ity. The number rcoutains 120 large, double-c li.
Il li n e d Meet beteeen neat, pea-green covers. The
articles—twenty-five in number—appear 'nutty
mouplY, as they slimed; but h is well known they
are from practiced . etid "Popular pens. The gay aed
lively meduminatei Pet the grave and instrtictive
are well representii; and the result is, a charriiing
and interesting m tig tzinl, t work creditable to the
publishers, the etli .rs, the writers awl the country.
In its durum' it s eminently American; and thus
while it igent expivted to impereede "Harper," it
will be an acceptable visiter at the Pe.side of a
large class of read 4 who hulk fur something solid ,
and at the stele ii 10 instructive anti amusing. It
can belted at No. 14 grown* if eel.
ILT ()apathies it said ha be the 144 of be.ime•@; and
'we &reglad to seilitkat Use Empress bosuns. in this eeon•
try is %bent is have • life infeerd title it. The pee.
111111 i el Writ y bete* this and flew York is 11 . perfect
monopoly. sod like 01 ino•apaltes hss degenerated into
• stependoes swiedieespen the hiseiness of the anontry.
Bet its moo is rano theist' fortune! The Jeernel of
Common states that a me v Eeiwess C iin pony. le be
celled the .• United :States Capron, Compsoy." with •
capital of ss43.o9onre,rapidly perfeenag their arrange•
manta. nod @spent to bo'is spiv-O'lO*AD! the Ist of Me refs.
More than throe tints, this normal of Capitol 'required
was offered
s in that pity. bet a podia% was reserved for
ether points on the nista over ',hies its basins.' is to be
eeedeeted. The prminiees No. 63 Breeds/try. have bees
leased for theprineillel New York oiSise.
ITChloreforne is Wow seed to rootage-hem from the
honey-comb. The hire is placed above a chamber. hav
ing •view window , at •ne side, and lemon hole pierced
st the other. The chloroform is pot into a smell bottle,
having we taboo throegh its cork. *ply one of which is
allowed to come into immediate contact with the chlorio
form. The tabs which does not come into immediate
contact with the chloroform is inserted into the smolt
bolo is the side of the hoc and by blowing into the other.
the chamber is soon 6IId wah gee. and they lambi* eat
hate a ban below.--Utica Obsaresr.
The-Boston Pest says: Hon. E. P. Little. of Marsh-
Beld,,DelallttratiC Congressman elect in the ninth dis:
It Et. is a mach respected member of the fraternity of
Quakers. and an asiswerving Democrat of the oW Jef.
forisalea school. His father. Captaia Goers, - Little,
wee ems of oar ravel commanders its the war of 1819.
and the present member of Congress d at ens time
as • midshipman iti the U. B. Navy, daring the war
with Gkest Britain.
07' The Eiie Elliot* hate taken upon them
pelves the herculean task of terelating ati the rail
road gauges in creation.—.4lereer Freemen.
Quite a mistake, friend Freexims! The tegisla•
ture regulates the ganges tat raiiru3d. in this State,
and as the old cosoninnwealth is a snail! and' mime•
what important pint of •'cra►tioa;" %go C►'MU du
what ityitaputed to us if we woull
07 - There is no clearer index of the growth of
the West thin the fact that what dankness the
States of Illinois, lidosaa, and Wisconsin, haring
twenty-three Representatives and six Senators is
Congress, was, not many yeus ago, one Congres
sional District; aid the delegate who the* repre
sented ell this territory is yet living,
The greatest curiosity we haw met, in Mr. Lan
mites batik, is a couple ofstanzis of verse, the only
specimen of ‘Vebster's poetry, so tar as we know,
that ayes found its way into print. Our readers
will, doubtless, be curious to see them:
TUC mr.tions or TUE IMAM'.
*. If stores of dry and lovaed lore wo
Ws keep thorn in the memory of the brain:
Names. things and fect—w iate'er we knowledge en%
There is the COl/1112411 leder fur them all;
And images on this cold surface traced..
Make slight impressions. and are soon elf .erd.
"Bit wit's , * a page more glowing •od snore-Wight.
Od which ear friendship and our love we write;
That these Inav never from the soul depart.
We trust them to the mcmary alas heart.
There rape dimming—no effacement bore.
Each new palsetion keeps the record clear;
%If %rill. golden leite'rr, all the tablet flit.'
Nor leas thou lustre WI the heart Asada still.
••Losues, Nev. 19th, 1839 "
Here is soother anecdote of Webster,-which has
just been told me, and which is worth preserving.
Just before be died, mod after his recovery. was
'ilespaired of, one of his physicians approached his
bedside, and asked how be found hioriself.
• "I feel like the jackdaw in the church-steeple,"
was the strange reply. The physician withdrew
sadly from the bedside to .another part of the room,
where some members of the family were standing
" together, and shaking his bead, confessed his appre
bensions that the brain of the dying statesmen was
erected—that the stately oak was perishing at the
top. Ile could see no method in the answer which
his question had received . . : One of the ladies present
who knew Mr. Webster better, di/ not believe his
mind was wandering, and quietly stepping to the bed.
side, asked him what he meant by saying that he felt
Mike jscitless in the chArch-steeple. "Why, Cowper:
Cowper's delightful translation o f - one of Vincent
Burnes little poem's, entitled the Jackdaw."
I send you a copy of the verses—which some of
your realcrs may base forgotten, or never read—
that they may perceive the - perfect Lanese and point
of the reply :—[Cote. N. Y. Die. Peat.
Ther• is a bird who. bilis. coat.
Aridity dm heareeriess of his act*.
blight be auppesird a grew;
A great Ireqmeater of the church.
Where bishop like he Gads a parch.
Arid dormitory tee.
Above the steeple Otiose a plate. . •
That loran sod tor.u, to ittilicate
From what potatHows the weather
Leek op--)our brain begins te swim;
'Ti. is the elueds-4hat rissoles bias.
Hs shesses dos rather.
Fred °film elperulativareight.
Thither be *sage hie au? night.
Mad they secure!) , Dees
The beads cud the rare ahem.
That eccopyramakied below. .
&mere sad at ease.
Yo• thiuk, Do doubt he fits saJ •uaq
0* future broke* base• aid bruises
If ha - sbould erode• te * fall.
No--uot a single those* like that
Employs his philosophic pour.
Or troubles it at ■ll.'
Hs sees that this groat risaitil-a-bsal.
The wised. with all its wooly root.
Chuck army. physic. law. 1 •
/10 cousin anti its bosisosa.
ls-os samara at all of his
And says—what says hs?—Caw!
Thrift %sappy bird! I too hat' woos
/dash of the resides or sum;
And mist of howls* soos 'oss.
World ohoodolly thew limbo r•aiga
For **eh s pair of thin*, •
And:soh a hood hotwoos
drba beak referred li. Private bfa of Webeter.•oaa be
bad at No 9. Brorre's quid.
The Jai in
• Sittig(' from a letterlof an y Alcor on board' the
United State'. ship Sio;cpiebinna, dated Curtailing
moon, China, September 22, 1852:
"For some two nrinths. past the chief subject of in.•
serest in the sqoadron had been gradually dying
sway, owing to the character of the news front
home in regard to it, and its continued delay. In
the first instance it was believed to be a decidedly
warlike movement' on the part of the government;
the amount of Fire to be sent, as then stated. being
entirely 'unnecessary for, a friendly visit. Bisbee
;pent reports, however, reduce the number of vet
oes, and put ofithe time for their sailing until whet
might be cal:ed an indefinite period, so that we were
beginning to doubt whether any expedition, other
than was contemplated at the time this shy sailed,
would ever take plane. The arrival of the store
ship has somewhat revived the belief in the expedi
tion's Coming oft; and its hostile or peaceful cha
racter depending upon contingencies after it reach
ed Japan. The store ship does nut bring as late in
telligence, by two mouths, as we had received by
mail; but it beings su'lstantial evidence of the pre
paration already made by - the government, and its
serious views towards Japan. I have tome few
thoughts of my own upon this Japan boainese, and
the policy pursued by the government in relative to
Assuming the objects of the government to be the
°Outing uf the Japan ports to commerce. and fail
ing in that to ileum sons point fur the establish
ment of a coal depot, it will be seen by all that both
them objects are contrary to the known polity of
the Japanese government. The Japanese, though
not in the Eiropean sense of tin word, a military
people, ars still even in that light, not to be disre
garded; for they are admitted to be brave,. and to
entertain less regard fa human life „than any race
on earth. They ere numerous, and in that sense
possess great strength; hut a greater element uf
power is, that they have always been independent, ,
and have great Gonelene.e in their ability In defend'
themselves against all invaders. Such briefly is the
notion whose policy of government we propose ;han
ging. Besides they are known to be very suspici
ous; so that, in hiilding•the little intercourse that
has been allowed the several Etreopean vessels vie
icing their ports, the great ditibulty was to satisfy
them that they meant no deception, and that they
were honest in their deelaralions. That being the
true history of the cam, does not the mum of our
government seem very researkablel Bat jest let
ito remont ?het toe?'" the% we, to hire been put
.Anecdotes of Webster
sued upon the Galling ot this Tesoro, and then contrast
with 'that subsequently determined upon by the gov
- The force of each will speak for itself. The Sus
quehanna, upon her arrival at iloryf Kong, wai ex 7
pecte4 to meet • party of Japanese, sent from the
Pacific by order ulthe U•ited States government
These Japanese, Commodore Anita was to like on
bean, laud proceed to Japan with the view of re.-
turniug thlna to their chantey. Tod* act was to
have been used as au introduction to the objects of
their visit. Of course, the manner of praseating
these objects must rest with the officer in charge;
two lII'S foliose:a and discretion much' Would bate
depended; and by being frank in the discussion of
them, all cause of suspicion would most likely hate
been avoi.leil. Fr« quept - reference to the fact of the
g °termite at hat tug tent a national ship to feature.
to their au entry ;anal hit aids. party o shipwrecked
Japanese, as wide Lee of our pescvable and friendly
relations towards them, • ould bate been a straog
erg in, ?or favor. Such is a faint uutline,ofilie
course to have beers pu - riiued in the first instonee.—
Now for the subsequent' movenrent, not forgetting
the chancier of the paopre we have to deal with .
The world is apprised flat the great American r e
public is about to ease into collision with the em
pire of Japan atidis seeding
. a larger naval force,
consisting of "eve ral s powerful steam frigates ire.,
to claim mire as for violation of the law of nations,
as well of with the hope of ultimately obliging the
Japanese to open their !torts I°om : commerce of the
world. That is libnilt the substance orthe announce
! .sent: Japan, through liatavia, is very soon made
aware of the publication; and whether it contained
the reel views and purposes of our government or
not, the effect produced upon the mistuf the/open,
ese would be the same. •
And what would that effect be I A mistrust of
our intentions that rutting can change. That is,
the frame of wind in which. they
_will now be foun-I,
and the American negotiator, whover he might be
will not be able tar approach them at to apt upon a
friendly basis. And assuming that forie is to be
lased in that event, ro be forewarned is to be fore
warmed; that, no - doubt, Will apply to the Japanese
af , well as to ether nations. Tneir redo-frees, what
sever they may be, will be fo.tad ready for the once--
aloe. • As to what we can do and what we cannot
do in-the trial of arms, it hardly becomes me to
speak, even to you. Tnat by means of our guns we
could destroy much property ,and many lives with
but little to ourselves, I have no doubt. But would
that accomplish our enrifil I think not, because we
could not go beyond a certain point if confined to
our ships. To land, with a view to march _upon
Jeddo and hold the country, woulifrequire nearly as
large a force as was required in Mexico, and about
the same expense. To land upon some small ;island
and hold it:might be done ; but 'that would require
a garrison on rhore and one or more ships off the
place ;.- and, though you may 'smile at the remark.
such a step would be the must unfortunate act ever
yet committed by our government. it would be but
the entering wedge.to_the Establishment of the En.:
rish system of holding foreign possessions. We
would then soon have an army-and navy that Would
overshadow the land. My saying so much in regard
to this Japan tpifiness m&y seem strange to yr:pr.--
All 1 desired to say was simply that, i n le t , f rom
rumors and reports from home relative tad., the
government in Appalling from its original plan,
made a great mistake ; for, in dealing v. ith a peo
ple en peculiar as the Japanese, one vessel on-a
peaceful mission would be better than two: and three
or four, either as an armed demonstration cf hostile
intent, cannot acccunpli.h any practical results.—
Wash. Union.
_ Sunbury and Erin Bail Road.
PUILADRILTMA, Nor. 27, 1852.
arrealejarer Fellow, Esq., Prfsideneof 'Saa
burg dad Erie Railroad 4.:u.—Ditmt Sia: I have
year note of this morning, retniudimi me of my
promise to give to you the views which hare occur
red to me vi ith reference to the preepects of the Sun
bury sod Erie Railroad Company. I regret that I
have Rut the time to work out the project' as fully
as it would otherwise afford me pleasure to do.
The importance of the w irk easy be brought be
fore lie public in two distinct aspects; one, with a
'Root h, demonstrate its value fu the trade and vim
mare. Of Philadelphia, and the great enhaticement
in the real estate in the ti.v mid ccutity and slung
the line of the road, which I {relieve would exceed.
materially, the who'e of the work; and the'lith
er, regarding it merely as an investment factional.
eats. Either, in me inieinew, is sufficient to fists
fy the immediate constrocttnn of the road, and when
combined, 'het seem to be perfectly resisiless r .and
such as to 'ethic , . all interests to emberit,tagerly iu
the work of .ecurilig, without further delay, the tor-,
mense adratitageri it will unqie.tiniably‘prothice. •
I regret ilea my iiin. will not enable me In trace
the progress of New York and Philadelphia, from
the period whet' the latter had the
commerce and noprolation. I think it would appear
that the change in the position .11 the two cities is
smelly to be attributed to the early connec:ion
which New York secured with the trade of the 1.260
by her canal, and which' has since been perfected
by her Railroads. The growth of the cities. myrtle
sad villagers in Northern New York, which has been
Emily influenced by these facilities for transforma
tion and travel, has been rnn.t marvelous. I refrain
from the comparison with Northern Pennsylvania,
whic't is vastly ?leiter in mineral and agricultural
wealth. Bat you do unt.defire, I know, these gen•
eralities, but rather my judgment upon those points
which my experience may be supposed to render it
of value.
The city of Eric, in our own State, is admitted to
be the best
. harbor on the Lakes. It is th e proper
point from which to base our calculation*, as here
the verions lines of Railroad diverge with their dif-
ferent gauges, viz; to Ohio and the great West.
with a gauge of 4 feet 10 inches, to New York with
• gauge or 6 feet, and to Philadelphia (for in the
argument, I will assume the Sunbury and Erie
Railroad to be made; and see what it can do in the
competition for the great trade of the Weet,) with
a continuoila gauge of 4 feet Se inches.
1 will now ennrider the advantages and difficul*
ties of these three main Railroad nitres, from Erie,
Ist. The New York and Erie rout.
From grie to &ate Line. 11 feet saner. 10 wiles
• Stale Use to lounicirk. 1 feel Is ineb swum it
• *. Dunkirk I utiern's, fell gauge. 41t7
• Suffern'. to Jer.ey clay. by Patier•oo, *ow
Union Rohd. s feel gauge. as .1.
• ' Jersey city to New York. lir ferry, I
807 miles.
with three traorbipments, viz.. at State Line. Donktrk Ind Jer
sey city.
2.1. giiiraln and Albany Rout,
Frew /ale to State Line. 4 feet cnnse. li MOW.
" State lane to Utast°. 4 feet In twat 11 1 1%.• _
•1 fittff..lo to Albany. 4 Ire lON
••Albany to New York. (Ulan River Railtoati,) 144 "
340 mike.
w I it three transhipments. t.. at atone Line.Buthlo tad Athatiy.
31. Sunbury and Erie &dirtied re• Ute.
From Erie to Philadelphia. 4 feet* loch puge. the entire dis
taste% 43e mike.
via., from Erie to Will inloollon. IN ernes.
• Wino/moon to Tammy*. SO
Taostia to Philadelphia. PI **
Or from Eris to Philadeiphis, via Williamsport,
those* &Iwo the Susquehanna to Harrisborg. by
Harrisburg and Lane/mar sad Columbia Railroads,
437 miles.
1111 SO A TZIANI, in Advance.
Or from Erie to flarri,borg •• above, and from
the b e r 1. Philo/10104a Reading, by the pro.
pined Leb3non, V
444 mime.
The lmmem.e . nd'ldecided fuperiwity of 'be Sun
bury and Erie route l the other., ill cuaaeq
of its freedom Paaliele e ecessity of frcqueaz troao
shipments. will nut tbe stifficielitly, appreciated by
time' nut lanailiar arpli a th c . A c h ange
of nue tint of merehandtze trom . oue car to another,
i 4 about equal to theust of maneporting it fur fifty
This may be regarided by many who bare not !e
-ffected ulon tbe subject, as an exaggerated estimate,
but at can readily be ,terilied.: The cost of mere
tra nrportio inn, is half to three•qoarter cent per
tun per mile, with urinary gradients, and varying
as that grades are rri*e or lees favorable, which fur
fifty miles is from Ixeoti-fire to thirty-seven and,
a half cents pet ton. ,
You will readily perceive that the vast of inload
ing one tun of merchandize from a car. removing it
to another, tied reloading it, satiniit be ranch less,
and this, independent of the other considerations
arising from the delay of the cars and of the mer
chati4ize, and tl:e :Imago to the later by the more
frequent lialithing.
What, t !wo r ld the dirt all cc, ruts considered, trouti
Erie to the two great Atlantic cities
From Erie to New York. 162 the New York and Erie isilsesd.
actual distance, efi
And three trausininacats, at ,S 3 miles each, W
a r
Prom' Erie to liew . Y . vie the Buffet) and
Albany road .
ad. ,
HS miles.
And Wren unlash ' to.
to. - - - - 111 ••
. From Erie to rbrladelptiic via rte Sunbury
and Etie.Cattaal..lll. t.u1et c 1.141k1414144
ReAliall Roads.
it %Multi eaten to be unr.ecessary tope suethe
cotnparisen further, but there are tuber imporiaas
advanragcs to which 1 will Witty allude. .
Th• tocending end descending grades on the
three routes are as follows :
New York and Er.e. - mashie.
Buffalo and Albany. , 11,1110 "
Sunbury and tale. e.see
These tivires may slightly vary from clactoess,
but not sufficiently to effect results.
If we.assume the usual estimate that a -rife and
fall of sixty feet id equal to one mile of distance ci
a level, end introduce into the calculation the equiv.
alent of increased distance for each transhipoteot,
we have the compartativy total distance, scum'
t end
I equated as ("now.
New York and Erleroute.
Buffalo and Albany, • 01/7
Sunbury surd Erie. 575 r
Titus, we see moat in actstatand (gu i ded distance,
the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, has an advantage of
298 miles, which, at the rates of transportation
(about I j cents per ton per mite,) tn.ually required
for moderate profits, with a large'traffic, is equal to
"94 5r.) per ton, and a saving t( at least thirty bouts
in lime.
I hive made these comrprisons, 'stunning that the
Cattalo imps turtle • vu:d beadt•pted, as 1 leave that
. this road will be cumi leted at once. It is camper".
rtvely immaterial whether this line or the one to
!Janis bitty be set. cird, a. the little increase of dis
tance by the later, is equalized by superior grade...
1 learn that apprehein-ions_are entertained by
ECrue, that the trade mr.y be diverted from Philadel
phia, at Tamaqua, by the - projected road from Tam
aqua to Easton, and thence to New York.
An investigation of this question will show these,
rests, viz : -
From Erie to Witliamspon. 4 fleet ei Is. gauze: -
- Wilnantaperi to Tamaqua, do dB
• Tamaqua to Eamon,
Easton to New eruttawlea. do toilet.
••'`New Brunswick to Jersey city, 4 feet 1$ fuck. 7$ ••
Jersey city.
With two tramobtpments. viz
At New Itrumwitk and Jrrsey-city. or.
Froia lthe to Eauton. 4 Seel. al web gauge,
•• Burton to Elizabethport.
" EltutaUmort to New York, by steamer
With one at Liaabethpott
Thus, it appears that the distance from Talmage
to Now York is 139 miles, to which is to be added
the transhipments,' while- from the same point to
Philadelphia, wish infinitely superior gradients, the
ac us! distance, is but 98 miler, leafing 40 mhos is
furor of the latter;
This, you perceive, alturshows the most important,
fact. that the Sufibury end Erie route to New York
is by these connections, much superior to either of
the existing liner, in the three important features
of actual distance, grader, and the diminiahed nom•
ber of transhipments.
With the Sunbury and Etle Railroad. owned here,
and with 4t) raise• itt actual distance in onr favor,
'etly o it enterpri.►og fellow citizens will not fear
the campetitinn ni New Yolk. while to one-capita
list,superiority of ibte route tu that city over all
Inhere, gives • security fur results immeneely pre
The foregoing statements have demonstrated the
t*.illotaine fact., rim • -
lei. That t lap Smitten. end Erie roitte.ia the abort -
eat in actual (balance b e tween thrtakes and lb*
24. That it crosses, the Allegheny Mountains with
better grades than any other linctio completed or
.31 That in equaled distance, (allowing for twin- .
phipinente, and 'hie and fall, it 'exhibits advantages.
which defy Competition,
It has brio a matter of aptonipliment to me, my
dear sir, shit Philadelphians have, for PO long a time,
exhibited so nnsch apathy •ibout thip imp. rant work.
The Stale of New York cotiptrnctrd the Canal from
lfnf .In un A.hany, at a cost, to this time; of $26,-
000,000, and also made a gift of #3,000,000 to the
New York and Erie Railroad Cotnpany,•thc cam'
plei ion of Ilk iliCh enterprises, and that of the Alba
ny and Boirsio line, has required an investment of
more than .70,000,000,• and still these works 'are
setton2 the most, if not the most profitable in the
My time will not permit tie, and it cannot be ilt
oessity, to discuss at any lergth the importance of
the trarle,(ndw merely in its infancy,) of these vut
inland leas. It is well known that even now Kan:
nosily equals in value our national imports:
What then, is neeeesery to enable Philadelphia
to share largely this great trade! Other capital and
enterpiise mainly have made L or will make,tbe Hee.
of roads from Philarfe.lphis to Williamsport, 188
miles. leaving but 240 miles of mad to be constructs
ed, (fr Williamsport to Erie,) to give the best
outlet for this vast commerce ever prvjected..swe
Williamsport we again meet other capital and rail
road*, extending to Elmira, and hence to Niagara,
with a branch to &duo Bay and Oswego, on Lake
Ontario, thus opening to• us, not only the trade'of
the West, but of Nerthren end Western New York.
All that is required to accomplish these great put.
poses, I
learn from you, is an invegtment of only
*9,000.000, (with a single track,) which, it had
been clearly demonstrated, will be a most profitable
one, without reference to the immense indirect eds,
vantages which must inevitably accrue from it,
If our cilizens can be made folly to understand
the question, and appreciate its importance, and the
many advantages to be derived from a prompt oro.
secutioa of this work to completion, cannot believe
that they will longer remain indifferent to thistreet
I ma. dear sir, very respectfully, your obedl.*t
servant. JOHN . TUCKS*.
Ex2Senal'or Bement said recently, in coavtles
gallon with a gentleman who spoke cf his being the
last of the groups- 4 -06r, Webster and Calhoun.,.
gone; year. ago Dr. ----.. told me, 'When tieh
men are dead, you will be fresh and vigorous as Se
er.' My habits of living do it; until I was thirty, I
drank nothing. Sir! Since then I drank only what
eire.unistanaes mad* it lit I should drink. Tv:ow/r
-isco end moderation keep me in health and el myth.
Besides I adopt the Roman regimen—bathe Ishii
cold water and rub dry. That's eternise. Noma e 4
r,:::..coninson flesh brushes, but suck el they rut.
• leis with, Birl"
WI mild.
Pe ••
M r
400 alio.
Ull mile'
IC miles.