-i_.~.e.........+ U • A . p. a77V.L2lQ'ik CO., rropriotors. VOLUME 23: frit Obscruff. A: P. t)UR & CO., PROPRIETORS, B. F. SLOAN, Editor. OFFICE, CORNER STATE RE. ERIE. ST. AND PUBLIC SQUA , TE.0:115 OF THE PAPER - . itriulicnberi 11, the earner, at -02.0 t 102014 a at the office. la advance, • ' . I 1.30 t i lt lii ,ipa,,i to ailvance.or within three montim from lifetime d, l tarribitl. - . tan alcllar. aril! he ehargetl. rrAilf4JOlliitillifrOlOOP emit he prat paid. .. LtATES OF ADVERTISING. r ,r,!. f 'et rice&llng t tines, one gear. - 03.00 th.e square ill : • •• - . .1 lO.UU ;4: II , :. ...I c mcntlir, 6,99 - do. do. three MOliffta, 3.' , 0 7.'1101(1.! a.ft Vrt 011giel Ir. Zif, cents per square, of fifteen lines or Ito, T! ;'ie Ir.? 111.411:OH . 15 rent' for cacti silharquenr loser:ion, u},-nri:. navori o-on , has rile privileite of changing at pleasure. v. , %,. to .0 t.re.lik, A e,ly necilo more time tivi. ivares. and li. k r:rtrrd r ,, tkr rr samerfinte Jl4/... , ,utia. - d,tol Is: , I.Alitt bot ha V itig Other dig eCIIOIIII. iu ill I.le 1 tiactle.l till , ,J n !...1..“ . ...:,1..:ci:r !:1,..,i). BIIBD4ESS DIRECTORY. VINCENT 111:111101) & CO. • • fI. ;FR: , of SIOVCS, 11011PIV WCITC. illtztoett, Idackturry, 1:01 F63/1 f %IFS, etc , State et.. I:r THOMAS M Lett of the firs of Loomis dr Cip.) g.tra m•Clur; tl'atches, Jen err). tlileer ditoous. Muttical h•twtnent-. Loots lug Glasees. I.anilts and Fahey GoQue., whole sale and retail. JOHN GOA LLANO, LtilletT TAILOR. and Raba Nth:ft—Shop on the east side of 54tie time:. two doors north of Eitert. and adjoinin: J. II: Rib iet k Co's rat.' uet Ware-koorn. Erie. Penoo. JOHN KEENA N. :ollAt Steamboat Agent. Mike at R. J. Roger's flat Ettore Lute street Erie Pa • CLARK Et METCALF. l'astrssca and irr tail dealers in Dry. Goods, Carpctir, and Dry i;roreries No. I Reed Douse. W I 1,1,1 A NIS & Kral! T. lizmus. troller tor. and Dealers in am,' and ditret coin. unenr tent Money. Laud Warrant. and eertitleate.ofUeporne. _Also ttght loran e on the pr inc i pal cities of the Union. and all part. o ttire Old Count ry for Fate. Other. %ti 111 i WM' Btoe k, earner of itaie-at.. and Public Square, WILT IA MI G. & W. 1. MILLS. learns and IVholevale Dealer, in Groceries, Wattle. biquoirn. ho. Foreign Fruit. Nutt*. Pi -Ides and Pickled oys ter". I.olnnero. PrevemP. and Herdnetticatly of every de , eription always on nand. No 3. W1111. , 111 . .0 , te Brown's New Hotel. Erie. l'a. G is. New Volk. ',l'm. I. 1.1 mt.. P. is frato. Jr, receiving in Orel r+eapon. OS stir' i u Filer% from J. G. Mills De ) .it , Sen York. ti trier x ill he rnlti IA - tralc,ale at low prim A. C. JAccorra. Agent. Erie. N. — till aLi V - si: Cci,k ~,L r ir in Cla•sieal, S , hoot and Mi.cellattecius Book., Monk 's c ar, stationery, anJ Primer's Carta, No. 9, Brown's new tIIIZEI W. POTNTELL JOHNSTON M. I). Ormt at 1114 ret , idence on 6th Street, two doors West 'of the f„‘*ct,.. , ll rch. T. %V. 310ORL, Nett "r; r e.. tons. %Wipes, Lagyirnr-, Carnage.... Fruit. en, rgrne 11.... Gr below Loomi