Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 11, 1852, Image 1

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    A.. P. DIURLINik 00.. Proprietors.
brie Olmtrutr.
B. r.. sz. wart. i t
Citi inh#tribers by the earriey. atSt"
Sy wail. or at the athee, in advance. Lie
wit" ocd paid in adyanee,or within three months from the t hue
esuteeranne. [no Mints will bie - ehargetl.
gyArlconimunications snot he poet paid. -
Cards not eureeding 1 lines, one yew,
. One 'quart . OA •• -,.. 10,011
do. do. air months, . • 6,00
do. do. three months. ' 3,00
raiment ad% ertissmenta:3o cents permitter% of fifteen lines or
l e o, for the rim insert tun% 23 cents for each sulacquent insertion.
grYcar I% a d ven leers ha% e the privilege of cliangiug at illearu re,
but at no tune are allowed to occupy more than two salaams, sad to
b e aw•MeiLte facie iissieediSt4 *sinews.
A drefliseineittshOt having other directions. will be inserted till
orbid and charged accordingly.
(Late of the firms of G. I.oollill 4. co.)
DuLlia ,n Clocks, Watches, Jen elry. Silver Spoons, Musical
Instruments. Looking Glasses, Lanki, and Failey Goods, whole
sale and retail.
syteaarr Tattoo. and Habit Maker—shop on the east side of
Slate street. two doors north of Ehtbt, and adJoinlll: J. H. Rib
)" k ILVp Cabinet Ware-Room, t rue, Pettna.
Gtsrast Steamboat Agent. otrice at •R. J. Roger'," Hat Fiore
Nue street Erie Pa. -
rrsaii de2tere Hi Dry COolli, Carl.(4l, Mid Dry
Groceries No. 1 Reed lloute.
peal.•r.' in Gold a id Silver coin. uneur
rent Money. hand %Varmint and c Depoinie. Also
Sight Oran. Cu the tutuesp.:l f ttiex ot the lit 1011. and all parts
of he Old l!truntry fur tinle. ()thee. Yiltiaitit' 'Lock. corner of
Pliate-54..-illl Public Sioare
J. Y. W 11.1.1141111
J. G. & W 7 I, 1111.1.3.
)11PORTILIII and Wliolesale Ihrnlera inlroceries. Wears. I.idttOra •
eogari.—Also. Poreign Fruit. Nutt.. TiT Ides and Piekled 0)4,
ter.. Lobetert, Prei•erv..., lin! Ile rualrie aII Sailed art.-las of
41 Mm e iotaalv,:sJs ui, ti-,..trtio .3. lViNt.,tu'a Bloch.
at ote-ot. le itr li
ou . b New Ilidcl. Eric. Pa.
J. G. M w Vin k. ,
- . AV M . - I . MILLS. Menlo.
ii i ,, , t Peel VIII, Ili their ~.ea-otr. • i) wan. iu •.liell. front J. G. Mills
D, !. -it .ISe% . York;n hie!' a ill he void Who levale at low prices
A. U. J ' ACICSOII. Arent. gree, Pa.
r111111.1t• in Clag.iieal. Serkinl and Mi.erllnneous'ilook., Blank
dootr.i, Stationery. and Printer's Cards, Nu. V, lirOn new
Erie Pa.
arm' t at hts residence on 6 . 14 Street. two doors West of the
r church.
_ _
I'. W. 111100 RE.
Ptara ~ •
,crocerirA, ProvisioAs,%Vine•t.ltitptor.,Cantlit”.Pruit.
ar.. (Int. Dcar below, LowntO & Co'. Stair street. Ent..
fit tti a In Staple & Pune y Dry Good; and the Greatest variety
of an,; Store to the City. (:trap Huk, t:rte. Pa.
JoLliers and retaiL , DcaleAtt in Wet and Dry Groceries
Produce. Toporn and Domestic Fruit. Wooden.
Win,,; anti Stone IVare.nrionr, Fteft. Salt. Glass. Po.y.
der. hot, Ceps. Safety Poo.. &c.. &c. French Street. oppo.
ont tt , e Re. •1 Erie. Pa.
V It — and manal Boats. VeaSels. tfotel.. nit.l
guipplied %Mt any of the atiove article. with prompt
nets and ter). cheap.
Attorney, and Counsellor at Law.
OFFIrt: ot sr Jaekaon's store, at North-East corner of the Pub-
Ix Square.
DoCloltu - 13E4.8E' Sc .S t',IYAR'C.
Pb)•wiatts and 2lurgeons. Office and Ri.,idetieft—
Mevepih k (rags Streets. -
(dire blurs from 7 to la, A. M; I to 2, ant: 6 to ~ P. M.
• went.. y. D. J. 1.. STII - 11•11.T. N. Ti.
JOHN HI ARN &•in and enerimi.iiiiim Jle•rehautr. dealer in Coal.
Pour, Fish, and agent for a daily line of upper lake Si.aitiers,
l'uhlic Dock Erie Pa.
..._ .
_ LIDDELL 6,-, Cu.
Itiovvittn.Manufactyrers of Iron Fence. Railing. Strantboat
110,1, r 9 . k , . & c.. Stale. I,etwire II 7lt and .411. St re eig. nrie.
. _•
Orrice. Removed to No. 3 recd. Block. Stat.. Ftrecr.
F..vern Etprurs chowtt at - It 4 O'CLAck, A. M.
11 eoern . GO f 31 o'clock. r IN.
0. It. Ira F Poili; Anent
_ - • -- _
(Litt of the f its of J. Hearn 4 C 0..)
foltWilDS •4 . and Cututainsiod Nierchant,l'ublic Dock. Erie. Pa.
Dealer in Coal, Sok, righ, Flow and I'l'orpr. ,
- -
Flits Ast , i‘n, produce. and C011111111,e1041 Nferehants, second Ware
!lot, Ea,t attic Public Itridge. Erie Pa.
A!“)—beabis in Coai,sali. Nagler. evicen. Firth, Lt me and I.ime
&our. Iron, Nadr i dtoves, Ira:dtmo.. ate.. &c., with uu.urpam
rd fac.bnco fur idn;.ping. either by SLeale.hoats, Prupellert.
briNcatr. Rall.Boad.
D D VkAturt. T. N. TINDALL ,
- - - - -
Revairi•r:llealer, in 11:ate tic , ,
I.,.trutitentosliAtts in: (;13, , rs and wirer Fancy G4cofot
t 4 , 4, OW* Aro .r IA .44 of the Rind flpuoe. 27
N.4ra in Grocerkw. Ihrilvvare. Crockery. &e. No
3..rrriy Wirk.6iate street. Erie.'
. _ A. M. JUDSON. . •
Art...aver tTltiv.—Ofilke on Park:-How, between Brownietiew
Hotel and the Peed Home. up eLitrs. - -.
AR. C; RANDES. _—___
PIM , Ii• 4 flraneos—fiffice at his reaideuee On Eighth
ii B
Street. be wren French an I Holland, Erie, Pa.
Dieter, in Gold.Silvet, Bahk Holes, 1 1 rafts, Celli UMW'S of De-
Pon. b.e. Sten Exchange on the principal en Ks - constantly
no tale (Mice in Beatty's Block , Public Equate. Erie. .;
tiLlarn X • , (D Pureiman—Office. corner of trclin!h and Fifth
ureent,,,ter Moses Koch's store. Residence on Fourth street.
one dour Pastor Pie old Apotheeary Hall.
Dem.' in English, German and American Hardware awl Crtiery.
Also, Ns I Is, Anvils, V Kes, Iron and Stee4 No. 3 Reed Iloure;
free, Pa. • " •
' C. !SIEGEL. • t
Plintssats. and Retail dealer in Groceries, Frosisions, Wilms.
I ...riUrrl Frlut, le., &e tbarate,.r of French and Fifth Streets,
wante the Farmers Hotel.rieot'E
- *
__ _ .
Ismsrras..ktbbers, and Retail Dealess in Dry Good.. Groceries,
f.'n'ker"r;lilassivarrettarpeting.llNrdieare, Iron, Steel. Nails.
span.. &e. Empire Stores Putln Street. Roar doors. below
lirmatt's Hotel. Erie. Pa. .
A , ..3--Ana lir, V tees, Bellows, Axle Arms. l sPrilllta, and a Venetal
assortment of Paddle and Carriage Trimin imp. ,
aIIINANICT AT and Justice of the Peace. and Aynt for
tile Key Roue Mutual Life Insurance Company—thrice 3 door.
aria ofikrights surre. Erie, Pa.
Armies./ AT Law, Girard, Erie Eo ty. Pa. lXilleettoas and
other businena attended to with pr ness and ilistatteb.
Nuard,ng &CotatnieSiOn Mereliant,hu the Public Dock. mist of
Mute street. ..
C4l l. kit. Plaster and White Fish, enistantly for sale.
- E.
w......m.. :ND Riersu. 1./Lau:as in toreign aud Donie:itie Dry
tx.eii., -ready made Cleaning. Bofors and aims, ase., No. I
% 1 t,0,1 s like k. State street, Erie. ,_.;
Arr....,r1 • al Lair—Offiee up stairs in Tammany flail isuildriig
Lorth of tne Prothonotary's ofike.Yzie.. ' - •
, "MII'IMAMIP VOrK•ALLOR •T LAW--Oftlee over C. 11.1N - right's
pr:ri , entrance one door west of :irate etteet, On the Lhapsend,
et, Fl a in Dry Goods. Dry Groeertea, Crockery, hardware. &e.
No Brown'' , New Hotel.
b ?`" ", DO' Geode. Gorcer ww; Hardware, queerur Ware. Muir,
b.e , 121. Erie. Pa. •
I: " I WTMAIKtiI trphOtilei. and Undertaker, corner of Stdte and
W HOLilLacr and &Hail dealer', in Drup. Medielne . Peanut. this,
Glaoi, , No. 11, Reed House, Erie.
• ,
r"aa,i. ai g Merchant Ta ilor. on th e public .iare6 a few Joon
wrlt of Mute street, Erie.
a min.l.3 ~,a ItirrAtt. dealer,' in I/rugo, Medicines, nYe Otligo
!iiuretier, /a. No. 3., Reed Howie. Erie.
1)1t. 0. gLI,II)TT, . .
ne,ident Ofilee and dwelling on the
1. 4.
South side of the Public Square, tat debt East
0 11 of the Erie &Milt Iduilding. Teeth isteetedon
as din
-- Gold Mate. from Gaeta an entireliett.
iPetti tilled with Imre Gold, and restoredio beenth and use-
Terlh elean.l with instruments and Desitidee so as to
of pellucid elearusais 111 work warranted.
t !!!Wlit . !)
CHAPIN', It:811)1:ST DENTIST — Offiee on
thy %ule of the Diamonil. fere doors eitima
thertrie Bank. Mier rea,ous bit.. and ail
Erie June IP E....3•J. e
. . .
/ (
. ,
. .
' • 1
...% .
. •
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' .... -- , s4lololllcoist ,4111 ....<OII.M.S. , ko • Aar i r<stoo
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. . .
1 : '
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V. . .i„..
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: .
. . . . -
IT Came at last—whi
had muttered of for seve
prophesied to each of
Lyman, the stage driver,
When he called fur his
young maidens and sch
such impatient longing
homeless had etticipat
the snow storm.
And a right brave ator 1 1
trifling affairs that men,
thin frosting, like that . 1
lar old fashioned snow a
rather coquetish at first,
ing, but loon itfettled
good earnest. , It wove
olet beds in the deep old
over like a careful mothe
the cedars, until they loci,'
and wrapped alike the c i
i n shrouds of dazzling w 1 ,
Oh ? very impartial w
feathery'flaker, that cam
ding of the storm, edgi
of Judge Elmontle, and t
beggir with
.• Ermine . too d
Then they made a leagu
ta tician, the north win ,
sk rring through the 'at
meints here, and, digging t
*ire, rushing round cor l
cheeked gentleman, wlio
dashed the snow from th •
awa' ite4 them next, whi
drew their shawls closer
in troops, like little snow
of the -houses, to escape t
In t'lle space of an, hour n
pretty much to itself, fo
was glad to get beneath i
On the corner of C an
wholesale clottUng• store,
up and down the street
the storm seemed to best
It tried to shake the mah
find some crack in them,
led door, by which it coul.i
here, it. contented , itself • '
er over the gilded signb.
muffling the steps, and p
the door, as if it..said"
for you when you do 0; •
N3rw, it was very provi
of the ma ncinvers teemed
of Mr. D. Orestes Jimps,
All the clerks had gone ti
their return, he sat before
T . 6 - sting upon a high stool,
his head, and his eyes fixe
wail, as a kind of tether
counied up the profits of I
cessary and commendable
was New Year's, and 11•
demands upon . his pure.
be far froni the truth, if
time, he gave a sort of ro .
Jumper's profits, and wo
WHAT he would give at th
next evening ; for D. Or.
be-cast in the shade by a
cal house ; besides, we a
ably disinterested, that w.
or people's concerns than
But, hurrah! the storm
the open door tills the b
by the winds, that send t.
cing through the wh..!e
raising such a cnmmotio
ments, mentionable and
-overhead, that it is t some
Mr. Jimps is aware of th.
But there the standi
eyed girl, with a cheek al
matted in her abundant
folds of her miserable dry
44 Well, what's wanti .
Jimps, as the thin, wan
the level of the counter,;
I i timid, appealing glans
" Please sir," began
voice, '"I have keener
wants to know if you wi
have the money 'or then
Mr. Jimps took the pa
from under her shawl, al
emits/ garments it eon
edged timidly towards tl
"Tbree,-four, five; si
the gentleman, u he 6
this? Here is but half
"No, air," returned t
to ber.first stand, " m
Jennie bas been so sick
any more done ; and
is ali gone. =Mot
kind enough to pay he
the others as snort as w
"I thought your 'mot
I told her when she tao
tt rule to pay only w
Mr. Jimps . " There' a
work for us on these to
not expect us to make
unlit please, vit,t l pl.
Jennie is so sick, and"
But Mr.: limps did
just at that moment t
and a person entered;
the flee of the storm,
and shake his garment
proofs of their Grua text
caught sight of the big,
jecting battlement over
comforter ihich envelol
new corpses face, he s
seizing his hand, shoo
faWity, Uncle loin
from Did yin unit
44 No, Diosmio," nt
the fut., CaiSandel
-1 days patm-what -
' on the street—whit
ad foreseen that mot
eaviest pea jaeket—
lboys ha looked fur
what t e houseless
Ith ani ety and the
iit was; dobe of your I
corer the earth *I
.a bridal loaf; but a
1. Mi. A. T be sure,. it
!l ike a you if horde at a
own, and went to Ivor
I, t, ,
l ainty c u Tuf tn.
woody, .hd covered t
•; it pow ered the hes
1,1 . like Wh to haired gia
ves oft rich and
kenos'. i
re those -same little 'w
daticiag i rlown at the
a l like'lh blue: cloth cloak
el a 4 l
zged garamits of the
Air an kart." • '
with that cool headed old
I, and together the; went
eets, hearing up embank
enchbsand forming curves
era, to attack stoln, •rusy
fought aid sputtered and
it eye-brOws,.ta- see what
the thinly tlad shop girls
about theiti, and :sc.tdded
birds, cltiseunder the lee
eir boisterous greetings.
sn, ihe storm had 4 he city
whoever had a shelter,
. and stay there;
D streets was a spacious
itpon•wilich, in hurrying
after the last stragglers,
w particular attention.—
gony cased window'', and
.r in the heavily pannel
gain ingress; brit baffled
tb wrapping a while env
darkettieg thelvindOw,
tting a krricaele against
ever mind
.! be ready
p king no doubt, but none
o distn4 the equanimity
the owner of the store.-
tea ; and while itairtrir.
1 the store, with his heels
rather above the level of
npon a lapp hook in the
o his imaginotion, i s he
he day's tales Lavery -ne
procese, reeilig next day
anticipated several extra
Perhaps we should not
we said that, at the same
igh guess at his neighbor
ered jubr how Nyco and
it pastor's donation party
odes limps did not like to
one, espec l ifllY by a
- all, at !lines, so remi
take ullre interest in
• + r VIM .
has triumphed ! Thro
ricade of snow. followed
glittering• particles don
length of the store, and
among the various gar
;mem innalA suspended
hue before the astonisbed
cause of this disturbance:
a little, shrinking, hollow
, ost as *hits as the snow
airs and clinging to the
g, my girl r . asked Mr.
ade, *tardily highet that.
an turned up to him with
a little 'retailing, piping
comb Aims, and mother
be bled enough to let her
kegs which the child Brew
d deliberately eounfed the
ained, while the little oas
e stove.
. Why, child," exclaimed
jibed counting, "bawls
helot we gate out to your
e child, as she 'edged 'back
I •
her knew , that-l—intt little
sir, that we iunld ont get.
and—it is so cold, and the
r hoped, sir, you would bo
1 or these, and we will finish
r understood our termeei—
the work, that we made it
' the lot was done," retukned
e a plenty of people gla . to
ms, and your mother aq
exception in ber favo e l +
l aded the WI. on*, " I the
t stay to bear he r r out
e outer - door again •
ho slammed it too, eh
and beams to stamp his
lit a way that gate It
L re. As soon as Mr. ii
aim that peered tibial
be folds of the red w-
1 i t li s l i
t iv
t ps
t ra
) the
r mid
p 091
the lower pqrtion of
In rod the mutter,
it beartify, u he er
rkisaa! whore did you
aid the obi min, takin
his low crowned ;.
storm from its" b
snowed under.
come in such ha dfulis ? I told mother when I
started, I p there would be more snow before.
I got back ; but I did not think of its coming sa like
a judgment. -All • Simon and I have had a time of
it, I te!l you, Di tie. Whew !my fingers ache
like the toothed' he added, dra wing . ora thick
pair el blue and, hite yern mittens, and spreading
_ •
Lis bard palms t , the fire.
"It is the wo t storm we have bed'yet," rettirr
ed Mr. Jimps, wi ci og slightly at the appellation, by
which the old n , addressed him. In his native
village, belied !tr i als been-known as " Dimede
iiinps," it being
cat cngnomen,
him b hia fgthe
his eatablishicen
Orestes limps)
in urging fbe ca
ways remain D
sort of 'bins% iation of the closet
inrtheoes Orestes, bellowed open
, which he had ignored ever since
it the city, signing his nom* D.
; •
q.l But he knew there was noose
e 'kith Uncle John. He would al:
(isle with him ; so he smoothed
his brow, and ea' Ideartily—
s of
"Come, Uncl
self comfortable,
get back.; then
will be delighted
to-morrow night
night is Mr. L.
certainly attend
when he calls."
on the Waiting el l
lie said, with a
" You liadbett
ther knows my
man muat'have g I
intends to do an 3
" aye, sound
is ibis ? Who
storm r said :6
ding forward to
the child was to
little girl,if you
i.your folks are c
For a second,
little pale face
him, and he saw
“ What—what
fullow her, when
"Come in,
standing in-that
" Who was th
seised her friend
,sneh R storm 1" a
ed himself by the
"Oh, she dor.%
sands you will IV
who or what the.
'work I and, as sh
hands whom we
I should think
husband Was a di
is full of such
But what lien
them anything.' i
I.oyee them r'
"You must thin
fir a half 41..z•n o
to pay fur each I.
answers luspecti.
both sides. Bu t
—she has bent inl
h^r for these befo,
lOU didu
. Idi
she doe
e for w o
" I s'pose th -
foolish enough to
her a little some! ,
obsersed the old '
Jima, with a tier
- : " Yeti, and fool
Now, I claim to
men; but I ad u
thing ,else. I pa
i_ .
liberally to sever
wife devotes hat
these people
i them apply to tb
i ual charity only
nest.!' -
se preud that tb.
returned the o
&ode. " I do
inch in our neig
pretty Chin bef
"No dinht., of
degree of pride
ford mey though
These people
Lewis, - he add
entered, Out of
dun those hal
• I'3liss Mattis
1 ; '
, No—Mrs. ary Ives, Binkham Crossing, YOrk
I .
road,!' was the ply,. as Or. limps deliberately an
eaited his dappe person In• a wedded overcost,lttd
ea eloped his t runt in the voluminous folds 4 a
co tly merino s rf. 1 •
bile be sr dtawing on bit over-shoer, his
g est took fro 'his pocket a large pallet-book, aqd
w ota a few tv son a blank leaf..
- They were - ploughing their way lithe direc
tion of kir. Jimps i residence, Uncle John looking
the Storm rqnare in the face, Ls, If it were an bid
friend, and Mr.,jimps iriying to give It the cut by
turning aidewais. it_ bore this for it while; bat ;at
last, as they Is ei a tardier, it sprang out upon him
and flapping th long enti t y of bis'icarf in his face,
suddenly lifted is shining beaver from his head,
end lodged It i a snow bank, whieb it had Men pi
ling up right t i der the windows of Ouvernor &+.'s
mansion, as if r the special amusernent'af a‘ small
groqp of curly- teaded children and a lovely young
ladywho wet watching the person, with delight.
• 6,10 b! it it h only happened anywhere suer
tbetight Mr. ii - ps, as, with one glance at the isle
ehbiroos faea ; liens •nd the laughing little
ouse l he pieled i ap Ms bohkrer and disappeared rotted
000 seriCkr.. Vide John followed with steady steps.
4 and shaking a miniature snow
d brim ;. ►1 but I liked to been
ho'd a thought it would hare
John, take a peat, sad Make Youtr
f you can, untff some of the boys
e Will go up to the house. Julia
lolsee you. You will stay over
with us, of course.' To-tnorroiv
s ponation Party, and yOu mold
that. He asks slier you always,
Then cliancing to let his eye fio
ildi whom he had quite forgotten,
store towards the door.
-e go home, little girl. Yourmei•
rins—cat:t vary for any obe. 4
mi rulos, and stick to them, if he
hing," he added, turning to Uncle
'ottsine, tint, Dimmie. , But whit
coik send a child out in such 1 .11
of man, hastily rising, and stri•
I,e the door, the knob of which
to turd. " These, run home
'l+o intend to be buried," berried;
azfi to send you out in such we:lth-
re she cragged the threshold, the
s 'turned up to his,its if to thank
hat it was wet with tearp.
I' fte muttered ; and was about to,
e ► was recalled by the voice of NV/
le; you will catch your death
raft t" cried the little man.
t ehild; Dimmie and what -pea
ill she had any, to send her out in
ked ibe old man, as be spin seat
mind ir. She is one of the then;
ip the city—one scarcely knows .
,auJe. Her mother Came hers for
was recommended by one of our
old trust; we let her take some.
ad heard some-one say that her
irted sort of a fellow. The city
her here to-day ? Do you ow
rn'mie ?''
returned Mr. Jimpa,
mq lard run, not to be able to pay
shirts.`' II always make it a rule
'of work when it is brought in and
and that is 'what I Call fair on
his woman wants me to do mo,
'Viler lot, and want* me to pay
e the rest are done." , !
t :do it, Diatmie I" thCA:thl
; 14 neTerget my work dooe at thot
not :ike the term!, she mhet . look
are people who would have beef
beve done it, or, perhaps, given
log out of their own packets,'
an, watching the face of Mr.
peculiar expression.
shiecough they are, as you say.-jr
tis liberal and benevolent as molt
.n:ilystem in this, as well as etery
my taxes promptly, and subscribe
I benevolent soeleties; besides My
beiiinte_to their management.
Ily are worthy, / and need aid, let
ei or to the city authority. Ca"-
Ccourages street begging and idle-
t, l pose there ate come cheek there
y would rather 'starve %hie bee
man, with the same aeorclieg
say there are a geod away jnat
bUrhood, at home, whu would rillo
they would do it. :
You would be suipriail at ilia
anifested by the people who WOik
ny of them are as poor as Job.:—
• doubtless ttf the same stamp. •-=
~ addressing • young dierk,.who
stir with facing the storm, •!put
dozen shirts to the credit of Mrs.
yes, of George street!' inquired tie
No danger of the storm's playing trich with kis
apparel. His hit WOO jmnineddown upon his held
crown, as if he meant It toslay' , there:. end we ha - ve
a saspiciou that 'he rather enjoyed the -disaster of
Mr. Jimp'.
"I say, Dimple," he remarks, seeing that gentle
mai pause and turn has back to the storm to get,
br s eob, "that little girl most have a hard tinie.of tt
giving home, won't ahet i
"Yes, her people were crazy► send her out at
Inch a time. Ugh: the snow almost blinds one."
"Very likely," retunied the old min, o wilb a peCu
liar smile, replying to the drat par of Mr. Jimps' m
alaria: "poor people are apt to do a great many
orange things. &it here we are at the dour, aitd
there la your wife at the witidowt" and with a nod
to the rather pretty looking lady abo looked down
upon them;•the old man (allowed his nephew into
the house...
Deihl job's Markham was warmly 'received by
his nephew's wife. lie was a bit of a humorist,
" r odd as Dick's bat band," the people said in his vil
lage, and, by the way, we should like to know in
what thei peculiarity of the said Richard's bat-band
consisteti. Eccentric - „Mes. li:tips whispered to tier
'friends as she introduced him; but then be was rich
and childless, and rich f o lki can aford to be "odd."
• His 'kilts were very welcome among bis-nephews
tend neicee, not metely because of his wealth; for
though they were keen-sighted business people, and
perhaps did oft
. entirely,put &trout of the question,
yet they bad sense enough to love and respect the
old man for bis intrinsic goodness'
Tea being over, and little Anguitne Adelmar,
Mr. limps , son and heir, having been sent to bed,
after making several j +gratis to "Danbury Cross," ;
on the old man's font, the conversation turned upon
the approaching Donation Party.
"Simpson sent home the sand to day, dear," said
Mrs. /imps, turning to her husband. "It is a lore
of a thing. • Uncle ipbn..ymtroust.see it r lunyr gift
for Mrs.'E---, our pastor's wife. .1 do not believe
there will be anything half en pretty sent as itt"
and running into the opposite parlor she returned
with a beautiful grapier wake wOrk-stand.
"Why; it is a pretty thing enough," said the o:a
man, looking et it with a good deal of interest, as
his niece explained the material and the process of
manufacturing it.. "That butterfly' hovering over
the rose, bere, is as natural as life. But whit's it
for. Juliet ,It is hardly Strang enough to
. hull
"Oh, It will hold light things; and then, it is each
beautiful ornament in a parlor."
"And what might it hays cost, mete!" he asked.
«Only twenty dollars. Orestes, how I wish your,
vases lied been sent home, so that uncle John mild'
have seen them, too. They are such betutiestbe
real Bobaniao glass, and no mistakei7
"And what did they cost?"
&twenty more," was the reply.
"Well, Dimmii, you saW you were liberal, to
slay, and - I do not dispute it; but it sloes seem to me,
children, that my old-fashioned notions', that ycu
might hive laid out your money more wisely, con
sidering your minister's wile and children. But
you meat well, doubtless, and cannot fail to- be
benefitted - by it ?ourselves, whatever your friends
may be; for no one ever-opened their purse-strings
opt of kindness, without being the better fur it.
"In that case, uncle John, you will return a with
better men than you came, for I intend to make a
draft nn you," said Julia, blushing and laoghitig..
'We are getting op a society for the surpreasion
of idolatry among the Chinese in California. and I
must have you down fur i good round some'
"Stay a bit, niece. Chinese-'.I heard they . were
..o,oming over thereby thousands, but I don't know
I -
thit,thev are much worse idellotors than our folks
i are there. Besides, I hove one - or two •claims of
1 the Society to which I belong, m settle, before I
can think of yours." . ..
E"Your societyt .Why, I did not you be..
longed to soy one, Uncle.
r ,
"You were mistaken,--then," returned the old
man; gravely. "For many years t 4
here been. mem
-1 N
ber of the oldest Society in. thik,World—the same
of whieb our Sitiorwas a distinguished member
Iwhile on earth—the Sodiety of ilumetibMtberhund.
—a society which has fovitssim and ohjeet_ all the
poor, oppressed, fallen and down-trodden beings op.
God's earth. I must attend to skis first, nice;
and then I will attend to w yonrs. 4
There was it silence for a- few momenta, before
the old man, who had risen sad walked to the win
now, added gaily—
" By-the-by,
children, I guess I'll just step manta_
to the Hotel; and take a look at 'Slack Simon.' " •
"Not to-night; yon surely seed not go out to
night," cried Mr. and Mrs. Jim's' in the same
breath. -
&Why anti see it has shipped sdowidt; end I
and fin{ finite so frill is Julia's stand there. - Simon
had a hard time of It, getting here, - and tbit.bostler
may neileot hiao, poor fellow. 'You need not *lsiah
I am lost, if I am not back in an hour or two," he
added se he pissetithrough the hall; 'I may find
vome old friends down there, mad chat a while.
ciurros le.
t•tllack Sluice was looked after. and talked in
for a few moments, much as if he had been a
and then instead of returning tei the warm witting'
room of the Hotel, or the elegant parlor of Mt.
Jimpr, thiold dean stdriftly ploughed his way slew'
the :snowy streets vain he reached the suburbs of
the city. .
Itere he slackened hie steps, mid paused owl.
lionally to decipher, tly the didt fight of th 6 lat Ops,
the number oil some % the dilapidated buildings
which lined the streets. At last he approached nne
riam which issued the sound of music and 'dancing.
and knocled loudly at the tinter. it was opeped; by
rosy cheeped Irish girl, in a•gay ball eoetunteind
dirty white slippers.,
1"11 there a faintly by the same of hes ; living is
ihle &onset' asked the.old
"lea there be, the pOor crayters; bottom in there,
air," wag the reply, al she saw Mr. WrithesWabout
to lay hold of the latch of a dont neat by, 41 0\at Is
Teddy MclCzoire's mom. The Ives ' are above, sir.
ru we after showin' the way, an' ye plesae."
liaela John followed the girl up the gloomy !
stairs, asking* tbia way. (for the old Oball was 'a
bit of a Yankee;) what RIM dot 'antra of therfeati,-
ity below.
MA yroklir4, sir; ?dickey Fla body is suirrirmi , to
Tin, Dosisn's_BrikpOo !tirett • ifit erf
. ~ .
smile, adding, as she pointed to a doot at the
e od of the passage, "Ws that , ye% bad
e seek."
' . d-man turned to thank !ter, hot she was al
ha way down stairs, stepping to the lively
re of an Irish jig; no he walked on. and knock
ntly at the door which the girl had pointed
t was opened by the setae pale face girl whom
-seen at his nephew's store. She looked, up
with a quick glance of recognition, mingled
!uprise, an d then, glettced toward tier inothep
t leaning over a miserable bed, on which,'
chilJ,Ovell whine face the ashen hue --
dy stealing. Seeing that her
erve the stranger, she said:
the trentlernan Who opened
he ha.
• I
to ht
a littl
,a r
• 'door for me
, tF
.." • r
to-da •
Th l
mother.. " •
disturbed, the wont. ooked op, question
'most impatiently, the intruder.
use me, ma'am." gen the old . tbsti; in an
tie tone, but eliberately shutting the door
him. '1 f I intrude; but the little girl is
lam gl to find she got home saki. 11y
, Air Jimps, did not quite understand the
st• rents; and I have come to make it all
." And he handed her a live dollar bill'as
"E I
he op!
Thlwounan took the bil f l, looked at it a titotnent,
and - , 'medic with a heavy sigh.
"1 • nnot change iv, sir. I have not a eekt-of mo
ney i he world."
"It' I all right. Ma'am. I don't want any change
—1 m- n Mr. limps don't, he isn't at all particnlar
—the lia—l say. keep it ma'am. yin need it ail, and
metre. ,in such weather as thi.."
Th , • I. t i •I • d
awl a pinion. At length she said:
,"T to is some mistake, sir. Mr. limps is a re.
ty pa icular man. Ile owes me but one duller. a
IV ma bring both of us -into trouble if I beep he
wine • "
'T• e tt t I +leis Zonod..! ba/emit - night to
do as ploeie With my —l mean hasn't r. /imps I
right do what-he pleases with uney? Take
it, an i mike ynerself 6ontfortabi
Th•rioatan urged no more: she es
gerit uteked•the moneyyind burst into tears, as
she . g rli r ea—
blessing oft teedy to perish he npnn, • iir. I mild tint have sent out to-day;'
bift w • be t by' sr food nor fuel, and little Jennie
ii dyi r
"II C!' no one whom you can send out.after
fond I
fuer' asked the old man, with a glance to
the farther corner of the room, where, from
a..pile of rags, came the heavy breathing of
a ofian
ate ,
414011 I
fellow I
you wi
will ro
only t
loon a.
0," returned the woman, as with a troubled
her ere followed his; iquit WillistO pour
it Heir wern MT: . she went nn.
sigh, "with care, and want, and trouble. ; Ir
I be kind enough to stay with Ellen, fir. I
down myself and get what we went. les
o doors from here." she added, seeing the old
•ot to remonstrate. - • -
was something in her manner that healle
il man, Mr. limps remarks about her hos- I
ntemperate habits. Elie fears to trust film
• - ney, and perhaps sheris right, thOught he,
w the scanty .covering otter t he dylng child;
so to hank about fur something to kindle a 1
I against the mother's return. •
itile girl !aid down the course shirt rho scan!
g, and came to his aid, but they could End i
! 1
but a few bits of paper..
it is Willie's kite, sir," whispered she, as the
laid his hand on that article. "Ile brought i
I - ,
im itikiti we moved from the country; but i
now as he will mind it much if we do take
can only be warn." " I
e spoke, a curly head peeped out front be- i
`'e 'rags in the corner,•and prOsently a little
• re or six years old crept to her side.
lie, don't wake father'!" ahe,whispered, hush- .
exelamation of rutprise at the sight of the 1
. "We are going to have R fire, and lame- i l
eat, Willie." she added. "Ago er hasginte 1
things. Mr. Jimps sent theme "y by this 1
lan, and now its all right."
ittle boy's sleepy eyes flew wide open the
of food and fire, add be whispered wit a
at Uncle john -u
will he tokens away from this hateful place,
nd give us dinners every day. Just as we us
ve them in the countryi When I- was en
, shi4vied last night, you raid atebby some 1
rld bring me a wholet priliketfiti of 'taker. if I 1
ro to sleep. Has he brought them sissier
her has gene after them." said the little girl,
nolo John took him oiria his lined, and warm
tle red hands between-hie greet palms. El
close to hint ton, and lie took he oh the
Ici the
with al '
■• he d
and be
fire wi
stitch i
nmhin •.
old ma
t with
I doin't
fit if we
moth t
boy of
i sig . hi i
thing t
after th
•hy lonl
' •Bilti
‘ed to h
ed his I
len dre
other k
rse a.
l ee and asked— •
long has the little one been so slog, dearr'
l iter says she has never been well; but she
t and played with Willie and me, tint4'we
re. Ever since she liaibeen poorly, and we
I d to hold her all the while. EouietimOs
hen I show her my rosebush, and pot' up
to catch the lesres. Biddy Flaherty gave
ber ba
~ sir; li,tt finely she does not scent to notice
I g, end mother thinks she - Will die! ..
I •
then she will go Up to GodiisvVaiitheve the
where the cold weather never comet," ;aid
illie, lifting his sober
_eyes to Mr. Mark-
it tom
i 4 A ,
little 1
ce. "It'a a [laic place up there, air. Would
like to gainer'
s the old man could reply; tkd inoTher tn.
I Molted by a man baari4 wootrand toe!.
out know whose please/alma the greatiest,
gry-eyed children, as they its their keel by
ing fire; or old John 11tarktrian 4 s as he sat
!baked on, We think Eh Chjldieu's.haw
int toold Mt but- be saddened by the late
aot yot
the he :
the el'
by sal
whieh e heard from the lips of the poor *ether,
as she rig over bet It was the old story,
-whit* • it blotted so many of the fair pages of life.'.
roverty hid follosted siekoes's Ilirstwa out of work,
strangers la . & strange place, disappointed and des- -
palring,lthe husband and father'had yielded to temp
tatioo, and tasted the accursed cup, until he no lon
ger eared for aught save the gratification of his brit
tH appetite.. ' rap some time pest the? bed depend
ed 'upon the earnings of the mother and little
Mks fol. support; sad these had, of late, been much
ctirtailed by the illness of hula
"1 could sot let her lie and die t Defers my .efes,,
•- i. •
SI SO A irafshuu,
even though we Were all s t arved," said the„weei ing
wurnan t
nclii Tulin 'Markman si
he neverjrnade a speech it
the words which he tiPok
aged Michaud, that night,
'and courareosaii Setf-rei
heart' which he had lon
N ‘ .
Tt wei r ) 'trite late when
nephews blame That nigh
wife were lois sleepy to is
next morning at the break
pered tube girlie Curious /
hours. 1
her rdid
- (Theis-John." be
es laie Fronded him his co
shall have-in write to 'Au
"1 think thatli sludrai
Ding," returned the old mi
"Rot nnkle; there mast
these friends of yours, to
Mr. iimps.
"They are; so *et,*
undue. them to ydts.': yv
time diiiing the dayr
"WWI great pleeittre,
It being New Year,s
sniid - ce le and business,
propirts -z:lhe more r r
was absent most of/
( dil
. the da
and it Gls net . fII he w
donation per in the eve
fit to POW dlim of his e
•"%V ~...,, it is ton lee n
alre yttpmtnenced dreili
I' '
le nOn:
4, Wel!, 1 can't go tothj
have called on these Iri
the olditnan. ".4 you a
I'll bare Llach•'S;mon on
the time pm ate dressed!
back again by the time J
like moin wwitti folks."
Black :quint' was at th
them with fiying'stelis al
On, on, they went-, pis(
from tvbenee came afire
on; to Where the streets..
lights begets to dwindle,
that almost took Mr.
the old man drew up-tel . .
"Uncle John. you mist
your friends surely cam'
Jimpft, from beneath the
" so—we'll see,
man sprang out, and takin
listened black Simon •gee rely to a poet. ..
It was too cold fur Par. imps to remonstrate:AU—
teeth chattered, and his s art was almost - Troxen to
his lips, even then; 'sai stepping ea refullyikt his damn
tyi glistening boots, he followed the old man through
the gloomy hall and up the dilly stairs. -fin limps
was supte'what fastiduous and more than once be
would hitie taken• excepticei to th e various smells
that, coming from the di erent rooms, seemed to
congregate in that hall, tad he not, fcirtusately,
been too well w rapt up. to be aware of-them.
l'incle .- Julin rapped soft) at fres' door, and after
waitinra few•monients,4 no one came, opened it
himself: One glance 14;1 ud the apartment taught
him the Cause of that silen e. Near the stove, with .
his little bdy in his arms, hi was sobbing In that
peculiar, spasmodic mann that indicates'the utter
exhaustion of the phisical frame; gat William fees,
With his eyes fixed upon t e bed which had been at
ranged as decently as positibleNto i receive,the dead
body of little jetthie. The mother had done all her
scanty 4 inesni allowed. She had parted the soft hair
on the little brow, straighten&l the shrunken limbs,
and robed theni in a pretty white frock, the last Tel:_
ie of happier dais. The dainty edgings with which
it was trimmed were in strange contrast with the .
miserable bed coverings -r-edgings wrought by her
busy fingers in those happy days When, a mother's
glad anticipations first stirred her heir!. Then she ''
had flung herself on her knees by the 'side of the
bed, and - with her face buried its the elothes;'nelther
wept nor moved. ' ~ . .
The grave-eyed Men stooped over the bed, a r nd
was tryintio place a poor„ sickly-looking rose in the
cold hand of the little on , . Uncle John glanced at
t both she had showed him the night before, sad
knew at once from whence it came. It itu her
poor thing! -
She Was the first to observe their entrance, and
smt, both parents Were . mingling words of deep
gratitude with their teed:
"I shall never, forget your kindness, sir, to AO
day I die I" exclaimed the mother, turning to Mr:
hoops. "Much as we needed the money, starving .
as we werts we-thought not less of your confidence"
in us than tine did of that. It was so kind, so noble
in von, to trust ttv ! But:you shall be tepid, sir ;
William and 1 are determined to do,it, if we work
our lingers to the bon4sl And this gentleman, to
come as"he did through the snow to sid us 1 'Oir s
hew can we ever be grateful enough 1".
M y kindness ! repay me ! you here !" untainted
the bewildered Mr. Jimps ! turning to tioelp ;oho;
and-tepidly unwinding the folds of his Introit, if
preark fur breath. - .
"Yes' Dirnmie, I wits serfs in you did not quite un•
demand the errattd of that
_little girl, yesterday, so
I followed her home. and settled your.bill myself.—
It was well I didi'fot the poor things needed it very
"Dave s bit' 6f bread .14i
ful of milk for—for," am
sadly at the *bite-robed
44 for her, sit, we had not
Mr. limps Wa.l neither
man; he haaaimplyibeen
tom of the del ;; and,- Zvi
gnats to any benevolent
consider his responsibilit
light broke in upon him ;
tire and said earnestly :
„Thank you, thank". f tilde John ! you could
Sot bare done me a kill r deal ; or," be added, in
* lower tone, " taught a better lesson. h laolua
which I shell newer for ge ."'
And, to do Mr. limps j notice , he never did. If.
told the story to Julie. When they got home, and
bravely took hie 'share of he t blame, while the tears
gathered in her pretty eyes, end sho almost forgot
her preient and the. don party in her interest_
isthe her's.
They assisted the father in finding emploplitist.
aided and encouraged him in his struggle, us over
come his evil habit., and even did not grumble when
Uncle John took little Ellen Ives to Her with Mat
and Aunt Sally, and be a daughter ter thearbt .. daeili
old age , though they knew that the Infortitionp 441
their darling, Augustus Adarls - T i 'OM 1W .-- -
cur taj led by ;he deed, i .0
- -.74W,Ari
I -
fa Advuoao. t
MBER 31.
as not an e oquent sum;
hie" life; yet,- somehow
, to that ,fallen, tlisemer2
awoie feelioka of hope,
t, is the poor fellow's
bee't a stranger.
I be old 'man .►ached his
* and Mr.iiinpur and hie
many questions; but the
Fist table, they leers dis
• n the subject of his late'
n Mrs. Jjetpo, smiling-,
, "this - will never do. I
Sarah about it." '
rite forgokUucle John's
as that old geotlemari
on business of his osan,
s about to dress for tb,
ng, that the old 094100
, Uncle John. Jelia has
fur the party," wild the
E party with yon until I
ds, that's certain," said
minded to go with me,
the sleigh at the door by
and we can. be here and
lia-gets rigged, if f be is
door in tithe, ind bore
tig idle crowded stretts.— ,
Miami, lighted parlo - rs,
nds of music and hinghteri
• gan to narrow, and the
with • suddenness
I ps' breath froth his body
, a rickety old building.
i have mistaken the place!
live here!" cried Mr.
lour folda of his scarf. •
*as the reply, as theold
..e rope from the sleigh,
si he childron, end a spoon
, the poor mother glanced
lia% figure i on the bed,
sated fool , fur two days.*
an unjust riot hard-heated
uided by the eaten' cum'.
,n he had subscribed his
•'ject allowed bireself to•
at an end, Now, a oiw N
he tamed to his e 4 reta-