A.. P. DIURLINik 00.. Proprietors. 1 VOLUME 23. brie Olmtrutr. A. P. DURLIN & CO.. PROPRIETORS. B. r.. sz. wart. i t orrICE, CORNSqE R UARE, ERIE. STATE ST.- AND rumAc • TERMS OF THE PAPER. • Citi inh#tribers by the earriey. atSt" Sy wail. or at the athee, in advance. Lie wit" ocd paid in adyanee,or within three months from the t hue esuteeranne. [no Mints will bie - ehargetl. gyArlconimunications snot he poet paid. - RATES OF ADVERTISING. Cards not eureeding 1 lines, one yew, . One 'quart . OA •• -,.. 10,011 do. do. air months, . • 6,00 do. do. three months. ' 3,00 raiment ad% ertissmenta:3o cents permitter% of fifteen lines or l e o, for the rim insert tun% 23 cents for each sulacquent insertion. grYcar I% a d ven leers ha% e the privilege of cliangiug at illearu re, but at no tune are allowed to occupy more than two salaams, sad to b e aw•MeiLte facie iissieediSt4 *sinews. A drefliseineittshOt having other directions. will be inserted till orbid and charged accordingly. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. .. THOMAS M. AUSTIN, • , (Late of the firms of G. I.oollill 4. co.) DuLlia ,n Clocks, Watches, Jen elry. Silver Spoons, Musical Instruments. Looking Glasses, Lanki, and Failey Goods, whole sale and retail. JOHN GOALDING. syteaarr Tattoo. and Habit Maker—shop on the east side of Slate street. two doors north of Ehtbt, and adJoinlll: J. H. Rib )" k ILVp Cabinet Ware-Room, t rue, Pettna. •- JOHN KEENAN.' Gtsrast Steamboat Agent. otrice at •R. J. Roger'," Hat Fiore Nue street Erie Pa. - CLARK & NIETCALF. rrsaii de2tere Hi Dry COolli, Carl.(4l, Mid Dry Groceries No. 1 Reed lloute. WILLIANIS WRI peal.•r.' in Gold a id Silver coin. uneur rent Money. hand %Varmint and c Depoinie. Also Sight Oran. Cu the tutuesp.:l f ttiex ot the lit 1011. and all parts of he Old l!truntry fur tinle. ()thee. Yiltiaitit' 'Lock. corner of Pliate-54..-illl Public Sioare J. Y. W 11.1.1141111 J. G. & W 7 I, 1111.1.3. )11PORTILIII and Wliolesale Ihrnlera inlroceries. Wears. I.idttOra • eogari.—Also. Poreign Fruit. Nutt.. TiT Ides and Piekled 0)4, ter.. Lobetert, Prei•erv..., lin! Ile rualrie aII Sailed art.-las of every 41 Mm e iotaalv,:sJs ui, ti-,..trtio .3. lViNt.,tu'a Bloch. at ote-ot. le itr li ou . b New Ilidcl. Eric. Pa. J. G. M w Vin k. , - . AV M . - I . MILLS. Menlo. ii i ,, , t Peel VIII, Ili their ~.ea-otr. • i) wan. iu •.liell. front J. G. Mills D, !. -it .ISe% . York;n hie!' a ill he void Who levale at low prices A. U. J ' ACICSOII. Arent. gree, Pa. DITRL-IN & SLOAN. r111111.1t• in Clag.iieal. Serkinl and Mi.erllnneous'ilook., Blank dootr.i, Stationery. and Printer's Cards, Nu. V, lirOn new Erie Pa. ECM :%V. POYSTELI. JOHNSTON M. D. arm' t at hts residence on 6 . 14 Street. two doors West of the r church. _ _ _ I'. W. 111100 RE. Ptara ~ • ,crocerirA, ProvisioAs,%Vine•t.ltitptor.,Cantlit”.Pruit. ar.. (Int. Dcar below, LowntO & Co'. Stair street. Ent.. JOHN, B. COOK. _ fit tti a In Staple & Pune y Dry Good; and the Greatest variety of an,; Store to the City. (:trap Huk, t:rte. Pa. STERRETT & GRAY. JoLliers and retaiL , DcaleAtt in Wet and Dry Groceries Produce. Toporn and Domestic Fruit. Wooden. Win,,; anti Stone IVare.nrionr, Fteft. Salt. Glass. Po.y. der. hot, Ceps. Safety Poo.. &c.. &c. French Street. oppo. ont tt , e Re. •1 Erie. Pa. V It —Stc.na and manal Boats. VeaSels. tfotel.. nit.l guipplied %Mt any of the atiove article. with prompt nets and ter). cheap. WM. S. LANE. Attorney, and Counsellor at Law. OFFIrt: ot sr Jaekaon's store, at North-East corner of the Pub- Ix Square. DoCloltu - 13E4.8E' Sc .S t',IYAR'C. Pb)•wiatts and 2lurgeons. Office and Ri.,idetieft— Mevepih k leJs.sa (rags Streets. - (dire blurs from 7 to la, A. M; I to 2, ant: 6 to ~ P. M. • went.. y. D. J. 1.. STII - 11•11.T. N. Ti. JOHN HI ARN & Fmr.am•in and enerimi.iiiiim Jle•rehautr. dealer in Coal. Pour, Fish, and agent for a daily line of upper lake Si.aitiers, l'uhlic Dock Erie Pa. ..._ . _ LIDDELL 6,-, Cu. Itiovvittn.Manufactyrers of Iron Fence. Railing. Strantboat 110,1, r 9 . k , . & c.. Stale. I,etwire II 7lt and .411. St re eig. nrie. . _• ON AMERICAN •E SS XPRF CIPAN I". - Orrice. Removed to No. 3 recd. Block. Stat.. Ftrecr. F..vern Etprurs chowtt at - It 4 O'CLAck, A. M. 11 eoern . GO f 31 o'clock. r IN. 0. It. Ira F Poili; Anent _ - • -- _ OEOIt G E J. AID KT° N . (Litt of the f its of J. Hearn 4 C 0..) foltWilDS •4 . and Cututainsiod Nierchant,l'ublic Dock. Erie. Pa. Dealer in Coal, Sok, righ, Flow and I'l'orpr. , WALKER Alt. TIBBALS - - Flits Ast , i‘n, produce. and C011111111,e1041 Nferehants, second Ware !lot, Ea,t attic Public Itridge. Erie Pa. A!“)—beabis in Coai,sali. Nagler. evicen. Firth, Lt me and I.ime &our. Iron, Nadr i dtoves, Ira:dtmo.. ate.. &c., with uu.urpam rd fac.bnco fur idn;.ping. either by SLeale.hoats, Prupellert. briNcatr. Rall.Boad. D D VkAturt. T. N. TINDALL , - - - - - If. KNOIVIA'ON. Revairi•r:llealer, in 11:ate tic , , I.,.trutitentosliAtts in: (;13, , rs and wirer Fancy G4cofot t 4 , 4, OW* Aro .r IA .44 of the Rind flpuoe. 27 • AItBUCKLE KEPLER: N.4ra in Grocerkw. Ihrilvvare. Crockery. &e. No 3..rrriy Wirk.6iate street. Erie.' . _ A. M. JUDSON. . • Art...aver tTltiv.—Ofilke on Park:-How, between Brownietiew Hotel and the Peed Home. up eLitrs. - -. AR. C; RANDES. _—___ PIM , Ii• 4 flraneos—fiffice at his reaideuee On Eighth ii B Street. be wren French an I Holland, Erie, Pa. M. SANFORD & CO.. • Dieter, in Gold.Silvet, Bahk Holes, 1 1 rafts, Celli UMW'S of De- Pon. b.e. Sten Exchange on the principal en Ks - constantly no tale (Mice in Beatty's Block , Public Equate. Erie. .; • - T. HERON ATUARTI • _ tiLlarn X • , (D Pureiman—Office. corner of trclin!h and Fifth ureent,,,ter Moses Koch's store. Residence on Fourth street. one dour Pastor Pie old Apotheeary Hall. RUFUS REED. 1 Dem.' in English, German and American Hardware awl Crtiery. Also, Ns I Is, Anvils, V Kes, Iron and Stee4 No. 3 Reed Iloure; free, Pa. • " • ----- ' C. !SIEGEL. • t Plintssats. and Retail dealer in Groceries, Frosisions, Wilms. I ...riUrrl Frlut, le., &e tbarate,.r of French and Fifth Streets, wante the Farmers Hotel.rieot'E - * __ _ . CADWELL & BENNETT. Ismsrras..ktbbers, and Retail Dealess in Dry Good.. Groceries, f.'n'ker"r;lilassivarrettarpeting.llNrdieare, Iron, Steel. Nails. span.. &e. Empire Stores Putln Street. Roar doors. below lirmatt's Hotel. Erie. Pa. . A , ..3--Ana lir, V tees, Bellows, Axle Arms. l sPrilllta, and a Venetal assortment of Paddle and Carriage Trimin imp. , ___ S. DIERViN SMITd.. aIIINANICT AT I.aw and Justice of the Peace. and Aynt for tile Key Roue Mutual Life Insurance Company—thrice 3 door. aria ofikrights surre. Erie, Pa. __ GEORGE H. eII:LER, Armies./ AT Law, Girard, Erie Eo ty. Pa. lXilleettoas and other businena attended to with pr ness and ilistatteb. _ - JOSIAtI KELWG,G, Nuard,ng &CotatnieSiOn Mereliant,hu the Public Dock. mist of Mute street. .. C4l l. kit. Plaster and White Fish, enistantly for sale. - E. I. ROgENZWIIIG Co. Co. w......m.. :ND Riersu. 1./Lau:as in toreign aud Donie:itie Dry tx.eii., -ready made Cleaning. Bofors and aims, ase., No. I % 1 t,0,1 s like k. State street, Erie. ,_.; I' - MARSHALL Ac..IEINCENT, • Arr....,r1 • al Lair—Offiee up stairs in Tammany flail isuildriig Lorth of tne Prothonotary's ofike.Yzie.. ' - • f - MURRAY WIIALCON. . - , "MII'IMAMIP VOrK•ALLOR •T LAW--Oftlee over C. 11.1N - right's pr:ri , entrance one door west of :irate etteet, On the Lhapsend, Erie. TIBBALS, & HAY ES. et, Fl a in Dry Goods. Dry Groeertea, Crockery, hardware. &e. No Brown'' , New Hotel. SMITH JACKSON. b ?`" ", DO' Geode. Gorcer ww; Hardware, queerur Ware. Muir, b.e , 121. Erie. Pa. • WILLIAM RIBLET. I: " I WTMAIKtiI trphOtilei. and Undertaker, corner of Stdte and CARTER & BROTH ER. W HOLilLacr and &Hail dealer', in Drup. Medielne . Peanut. this, Glaoi, , No. 11, Reed House, Erie. . I - J AMES LYTLE. • , r"aa,i. ai g Merchant Ta ilor. on th e public .iare6 a few Joon wrlt of Mute street, Erie. JOHN H. BURTON & CO.. a min.l.3 ~,a ItirrAtt. dealer,' in I/rugo, Medicines, nYe Otligo !iiuretier, /a. No. 3., Reed Howie. Erie. 1)1t. 0. gLI,II)TT, . . ne,ident Ofilee and dwelling on the 1. 4. South side of the Public Square, tat debt East 0 11 of the Erie &Milt Iduilding. Teeth isteetedon as din -- Gold Mate. from Gaeta an entireliett. iPetti tilled with Imre Gold, and restoredio beenth and use- Terlh elean.l with instruments and Desitidee so as to of pellucid elearusais 111 work warranted. t !!!Wlit . !) CHAPIN', It:811)1:ST DENTIST — Offiee on thy %ule of the Diamonil. fere doors eitima thertrie Bank. Mier rea,ous bit.. and ail Erie June IP E....3•J. e . . . / ( . . , . . t' ' • 1 ...% . . • ~ i - - ,- , .•• - -. 1 4-- . 3 -.4 4 1 14" - S. - Z r rir.'o4 1 ~410;,, - - . .1 .' • - 4,, ,rat^4 t , 44 1 ).. • 1 1 1 ,S.OSICavt. ' ‘-<.--, .Nll , -.- < , ' .... -- , s4lololllcoist ,4111 ....