Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 04, 1852, Image 1

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    A. r.,DIIYALIK &CO., Propriotors.
voLump 23.
(Flit I,lleplilq Amer.
112. OAN, Editor.
Coy subscribers by the carrier, at , et%
11) mad, or at Ole office, in ItOvante.. LSO
rrlf aot paid in advance, orwithin three mon / du:from the tante
orfuls:r :thing, two &liars will he charged.
-alll communications oust he post pilif.
Cards not exceeding .1 Imo, one year. 02,00
One square • . •• 66 10,00
go. do. six months. • 6,00
: no'. do. three months, 3.00
That:urn: ad vrct t-emen t s. 50 cents per square; of :liken lines or
le+ tor the tint I riarnion: '5 cents for eacti subsequent insertion.
yr Yearly ado enlaces have the privilege of changing at pleasure,
i ma
b e at nO liii.e ate,llloWed to occupy more than IMO squaines,orniei•
i i ni to Ayr latiftediett Insisters.
dreturr,..elio no !Invinc other directions, will be fusened till
and and charged ace9rdfogly. . .
A ( Laic f :he fru if &. Loomis 4 Co.) ' -
Duuts n Clocks. Watches, Jewelry, Saves 400 as. !Humes'
Instruments, Wok in; Classes, Litinps and Fancy Gooas, whole
sate and retail.
Ma . clust Tatboa, and Habit Mater—! op ou the east side of
State street. two clOors‘of Eight. and allotiiing J. k I I. litb
let kCo 's Cabinet Ware - Room . Erie. reona. '
GMIIAL Steamboat Aseut,office at -It. J. Roger.: hat store
le street Brie Pa.
Irseitessur and retail dealers .uiVty Goods. carpels. and Dry
Groceries No. I, Reed House.
SAUCERS. COlirt tors and pealere m Golit and/Silver coins useur
iesi Mosey. Land ‘Vnrraisis and eert &cute, ofi l epotne. Also
& Dean.. gin on the p oc t pal canes of the Cni . and all pan.
or the OW Country for date. thrice, Vi Diock, corner Of
Bute-st., and Public iSquare:
J. 11.•WILL14.MI. • IP. a. WILIGHT.
J. G. & W. I. MILLI.
IMPORTS= and Wholesale Dealers in Grocerfes, Winer. Liquors.
eigars.—Aiso, Foreign Fruit. Nutts. Pickles and Pickled 00 ,
cers. Lobsters. Preserves, and Hermewicaity Pealed art PACs of
every description on. hand. No 3, Williuner Mock,
litate-sa.. opposite Brown's New Hotel, Erie. Pa. '
J. G Mii./s.Nea York. " Wm. I. 111=71110.
Aiao, receiving in their .Cason, Oysters in shell.froin
pg)-st New York, Which n hesold Virh3 Wittig at lOw prices
A C. heasou..Agent. J.:rip. Pa.
DIALER/ in Classical. School and Miscellaneous Books, Blank
Rook•, Stationery, and Printer's Carib, No. 9, Brown's new
work. Erie Pa.
• r. neptue • D. P. u.n.4.
()wrist his residence on 6th Otreet, two doors West of the
Episcopal Cluireh.,
Dialll in Groeerierc Provisions. Wines, Liquor, Can die.. Fruit.
etc.. One Door below•Lomnisic Co.' State street. Erie. •
t r i:i N B . COOK. .
Oran in triaple & ney Dry Goode. and the Greatest satiety
ii any !Store in the
,ity. Cheap :Side. Erie. ea.
'T dr. GILAYi. I
Imorrras, Jobber. Dealers in Wet and Dry Groeeriets
trosnsoris. Prod , and tiornestie fruit. Wocsteii.
WAIN and Stor If. Flail. dal,. thais. malt,. pow ,
eler,e*i, Cane. te ... eke. French Street. oppo
site the Reed Hr .
l 11,—Steam an Vessels, Hotels. and Private
Families suspli the otiose articles with prompt
ers end 'Tr) el
it over Joel
.11•0 r!..
(mill k - it
Ake hours frtia
'MCIII, ■. '''
tRN & CO.
, 411.1101 G :and Commit' on Merehauta. (teller in Coal.
ur.fisii. and agent for a daily Hoe of upper lake Steadiers.
tie Dock Erie Pa.
.rzurrrint, Manufacturers of Iron F'ettee, Railing. Steamboat
&c., &c.. Stale. between 7 It and fish, street , . Erie.
Comet Removed to No. S geed Block. Stag ett eei.
Ea tern El prer s closes at 114 o'clock. A. M.
Wcitera " " - 5g o'clock. P. M.
O. o. rrrrr oaa. Agent.
(late .f the frill Of J. nears
IWillllllo and Commission Merchant. Public Dock, Erie, Pa.
rater in Coal. Salt, Fish. Fluur and Plaster.
IRAIDIVO, produce and Cominimeion Marinate, neeon'd Ware
dense Eau of the Public Bridge, I .lsie Pp.
is-Deglenk in Coal,Balt. Plaster. Stucco, F ish, Li me and Lime
, c lo •lrr.'n. Nails. Sliovt*. Camittp, Sze.. &a.. witlinalurpana.
rd tacilme4 for ..hil! either by., Stcawboata; Propellers,
kkooners, ur by Rail Road.
0 11 •1560.
laker and Repairer, !realer in %ctches, Clocks. Jewelry,
11111.4 n m -rots, Looking alao-es ate.! gale/ Fauey Good.-
le door west of the Reed HGLISe. ' • ,
Aln Dr ) Groceries, Hardware, CivekerY•ice. Jio
Perry Bluck,Stau street, Enc. Pa.
_ _
wr—Office on Park Row, between Drown, new
ed the Reed House. up stairs.
DR. C. DILA:it/ES.
Scraror—Offiee at hi• residence on Eighth
41 French and Holland, Erie. Fah
;old. Silver, Bank Noiev, Drafts, Certificates of De-
Sight Exchange oti the principal cities constantly
thrive iu Beaux's fleck. Public Square. Erie.
-• &ND Pnesictsx—Othce. corner of French and Fifth
t? " 4 1 . over Noses Koch's store. Residence on Fourth street,
ft dm easter the old Apothecary Hatt.
AU& in Englph,Gerinan ate American Hardware:lnd eirtlery,
tiro. hails, Ansi% vices, Iron:anti Steel N 0.3 Reed House;
Era. Pa.
ALs and Retail dealer in Groceries. Provisions, Wines,
Frou. /sc., ace Corner of French and Fab Streets,
.wort he Farmers' Hotel, Erie.
rt la Jobbers, and Retail Dealers in Dry Good,. Groceries,
eery Glossa are, Carpeting, Hardware. Iron. Stitch, Nails,
k,, Ike. Empire Stores State Street, tour doh.4, bel7
is n'i Hotel. Erie. Pa.
Anvils. Vices, Bellows. Azle Arm, Springs, arid • gene 1
' , old of Saddle and Carriage Trimmings.
AT LAW and Jitetire of the Peaee. and Agent for
,e) Btone Mulual . l.ttc luburnnee Coinpany—amen 3 doors
of r ights store. Erie. Pa.
.AT LAW. Girard, Erie punty. Collection end
ottlliDell. attended to tt , ith p ouiptticai and disoilleb.
-Lung & Csmardasion Merchant. co the Public De,k. east of
u street.
Bah. Plaster atid White Fish, toewitintly for vale.-
•Lit •%31 Itsran Dam Lints in Foreign and Domestic Dry
- -ady made Clothing, Boon and Shoe*, Ake., No. 1
-14. State street, Erie.
~:Cii.SH4LL & VINCENT; -
'7 -- - -
r L.VOrtgrulle 1/ I! MairS itl Tammany Hall bonding
, tee Prottionatarraitgliee. Erie.
.namp COCUILLOR ♦T LAW—Offlee Over C. U. Wright's'
eatranecone door west of State street, on the Diarson4
ita in thry Goods, Dry Gioceriep, Croelaity.•
krown'x New Hgu4.
rt in Dry Goods, G roee lTH ries, Hardware, Queens Wire. Lim.
" 4 t. itc.. 121. Chealiside, Erie. Pa.
"L. tea I - Oldster. and Undertae'. corner of Mote awl
'lt weer. Erie.
' " 4 'Wail datien in Uniss, Illedieolll stains/40i%
wt. Glass, ke , No. 6, Reed notioe. Eric I
au Merehant•lllllilor, on the public square.* flew doom
Ile 'Merl. Erie.
11. BURTON &
IteratL dealers in Drugs, Medic Dye Sitr®t,
5, Beed.lionre. Erie.
0. L. ELLIOTT. - • •
resident Dentiot, (mice and dwelling on the
South side of the Public &pare, lit door Coo
or the Erie Bank guild' 'lg. Teeth inaertedou
Gold Plate, from our to an enure out. Cart
- with pure Gold, and restored to health and unw
ell' eteaned with inctrunbenui and DenUllee ao of to
of pellucid clearneis •II work a•ariauted. t
the earth side of the Disavow! Overholt's east or
Owl Pole Bank, Price* readanabie. and all weft
wa f
,Evi• *Me IP I6ad.
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.- - • • -,, .. ' - e4.. ,,,,,, ,‘Vie ra,lo‘..,&.N. , .??momins , :_ _ _ . ,Mr 4/Mill
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• •. ' 4 ,.. • : Y ' ''' '... !.~..:: ';' 2 't .. t
:11.1 AMP . ' - . 1 sib NW Th. 41 101-Tlltit Xl4, 10P1r..400 In ? alweil
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ansallor at Law.
a gorth-East corner of the Pub-
k; iir. STEWART.
icon,. oMce and Residences-,
1 t 0.% and 6 to 7, P. M.
rrawarr. w.
Mil in'
n well to woo.
Pot so the wort
Sines myrile gre
And morning •
But have a are.
Be sate ye ple
Be certain that y
Beyond the de
, 1 / 4 For if ye giro not
At wee u hin.
Tout end yon'en
And bait open
'Ti. well to taro.
A goodly store
' Aud Fold enough
For charity i■ a
Bet plies not all
Is what the die
We cannot live en
Unmixed with p
Aud be who pays
• Will Asa have
Beside his corer e
'Tie built upon
'Ti, good to epee
And soothe wh
Fair speech shoo
And love. like
But stay not at th
Let deeds with
The one who piti
Can scatter ern
The Mercy thtt is
Must lend • hsl ,
Fur those 'who tail
Bet build •pots
Frew the
.t... Tale of th•. 3 Early
He vras a fel
" You shalt hare no wr
Zfor jailor thalz amelf.
Once more we return to
passed since we lastilivehe
is sew; eamtest has boois
' —which his ear
whole people.--yet the ha
moot has not lain dermal'
trees which were families
'disappeared. and little ' .
roofs glistening in the sun
place. and innumerable Stt
ITS visible in every direeti
' Such is the altered asp.
vcinity of ble i g's cottage,
unchanged. it has stood
The same little oiled pap
light—the same massive
rusty hinge.. But :I we e
marks of tints. Delp w
care-worts cheeks. her hes
ness.'hor eyes have lost
voice is feeble and trefoil
Bet still sere Wilds(
over 4 1ittle Flori: She h
Sear. and has grown is
lapse °flints. nor Agora
tnandiag fur ono of hoc a 4
artless. Meg lied gives
Sf education of which eh
knowledgo• was by eve to
Though still a child. she
unent.r•-and bor love sod
ed both • parent and a tea
' . • •
Towards the clone 4f
stranger dressed io the so
seaman. galled at the cot.'
be provided with a few
privilege of werktog to pa
preparing tea. gild 61 .1
something of his kistery
short time before. been
with barely what he had
very destitute. and desi
ltied f until a good oppert
vessel for home.
Mar wu deeply tone
offered to \give him a en
place near by. where she
obtain employment. ,
A• the grazer eat op , 1
the (mai meal. a sine
saes*. and a peesSiar tst
is his am Titiy obse
prated it as the expressiel
finding a friend. 8e
with hid awitiltsepa?
him to the seat cottage;
at toast a few weeks. T
matey blessings upon th
Wg. at Meg's earliest
• Almost a week after
tend the souse. He w
toss. aid had bet jest ret
chemist at haul*. who
himself for reckless dale
ram te meet his. he ta I
where lief est. seid Wes, 1
simple Whin streageir
deep esseenratiosa.
viewed the strusger fleas
armed the room. that h i
view of his fee& The •
day to which he was sai
Whoa he had goes. Fr
that yaw look's' outer
rattly WWI f"
" Ob. that is a poor fot
time ago. aid bas sow hi
hint baying. Ho li a bora
to hare hint call. he nab
Meg. very aerialist/.
4. Well. I dealt mach tilts his looks myself !", said
Frisk. pettishly.
"Non, await got beryl Frank. at the fearof • And.'
said Meg. with "a helot . ' "I regally
diWeilltscaaybody is the add bill ay Mite
Frisk sod Vlore both Js . 111
'pokes words. adrtliti staa dimly&
tilt good to w
has dons.
Lod rostra blow,
ought thsi inn.
• Yowl( ad fair..
•witis t th; •
r lerawi wear , .
of partial
. I ,
serf for heart. ! '
for Nandi
pleOlid th usairlait" part.
I ,
the ditod. - ; 1 ' .
l'tis well tait!,
I f swig;
:tar IleSs l oud trust
trans Whigs;
pillow duet
rim tither,.
p wealth albne,
o stand
ell and own
• sand.
in kindly raiiir.
tent ,we ea*:
binii the baa►aa ind i j;
an to man.
geode words,
artg a rdwell;
st wing turd'
itts aM wog. ,
! " 4 / 1 - 4.
laid, i
'oil to a..
an CA
1 3 11 t of .No^r En
If'Ttlll Z.
in a peasaat's garb,"
le prison tbia my clamber
he cottap. Many y
its niosyt..roof ; sad t
aging—a straggle for 111
d the heart and awl
1 d of progress and of
Many of the glom
a es on (orm•r occasions,
asses. witti their now 1
ight. bare sprung op iaZioir
le patches of cultivated g nett
t of alloy io the immediate
t the old hose itself rotas' Los
0 Shock of tune rasesskahly.
* window emits its pale:. dire
oaken door Steaks epee ite
ter, we t fail to note the
re visible lo old bileg's
ieregig timer, s# -her
hank, which blis;Dosil
t rosebod h.r twelfth
I my and lovohninis with tits
lid we I proportioned ead'esesz
. and her oats,. is gentle sod
er ins ruction in every biadob
1 herself was mistress. and her
l ane tionfined to anrrow N mite.
ab l oom a trainee in deport-
II emotion for one who Antrim
her. is ardent as 3 aolsodddnd.
, • a •
homitifol nfaraee In Jnair,l
sty' habilhoosts o a dostitoto
and inquired' if he mild
I sola of victuals. and basis the
for the same. Flora wail thine
irked tho *ramp; in. to liars
ti e told her that he hod.! •
at sway Am the moat. seeiplitir
is his biMk; that be was now
I •
to obtain employment of *Moo
I '
,oily should offer for him ti Wt.
ad al this simple recital, and
per, sad then direct hire hi a
had no dark he could -readily
. Its to F ra. and partook of
iwilliana lit op hie counts
klewsigh have bole detected
ed this uliarity, but loiter
er ratite , • which' As felt at
being r, Meg 'conversed
iris(' twin and themorkeeted
whore ab (height he woeitild
s. sod set to foi
strauge after preaeuipiag
both. .1 • his lean. prom
14:kalif's. call sista. •
evrett..Fraili Waylaid on
sow a spirited youth of alie
ned trim the termed mad ci
te had signally disliagiiihed
After caressing Flera. • wbo
• le the tinier of the Wiwi
at the appearance of a
wbsot abs was inspired in
salebrd bar kl■dy, and theta]
!wad to feet, ash evea walked
'night have a• more distinct
ogee observed the close sera
jected, aad wail left the cot
k taquired of Mag. " who is
that yew ioovissasti so oats-
w who wee het away a Ebert
ed eat le farmer March. is de
lees, simple fellow. but I like
l ewelt wasp stories." replied
• tow days forward. Frank called again at the cot
tage; and found the stranger there.interestiog Meg in
hie eimmersatios} as ea the previous occasion. Freak was
eves mom vessid time before. and after speskiag a few
words M . Flora and merely addressing Meg with a
**Aped after* - "he left. mattering to himself.--. •
. 'filow - strangto it is that they will Iro so 'taken imp with
asst a isimpleteh. " s
11 • • •
tiaszt mo lt ing. the cottage was for a second time
the se of m nsiair. Little telera was nowhere to be
i v
head. The go hat bees purloined from dos casket.—
Nees • lef km wno recanciliation. . She wept herself
claim to mad* She was completely beside herself :
and w an Frank visited the cottage at noon. it was the
Swami strangelcoefesioa. When he learned the cause.
he more (larded in the impression of his feelings,
hut it as evidell that his heart was leached to the eon. -
/del , the beighbers were present. doing their best
lo 44ke Imirseirsii Meg. Frank paired the room
ter p w titennikte. sad thou looking sheet among the
poste. he turnif to termer Slorth. and asked.—.
6 * VV is t' - ' 'd yes employ.
who be t e math 'lste ?"
The Ammer aiesist i. sad awl ire.
0W.... •
..IWell. real 'mil sees him
slum airly last 'sweep ahem
it tae." tomtit lir. - ter be's
seism failed ti p I
•• Piol6►ar
evil a patting ,
bei am japes
for 000si hose
Tim; whole
Tornio: to M
" Bo combo
tuy life to torus
match the noir
.hill &stood or
• -- i • _
a bap. ei ' hitter. which Lathers,* is :mimed
tiro dark tr detailed above •walt give Ilse reader
mem liVit apse a subject t ' •
My Deer if :•-Cst la/11M ha_ beets eminently
soccessfal. Ear' yibing has worked admirably. and has
harmed oat just )oe would wish. Thalami of tho east
away sailer war dto a charm. I 'could met hay* hit
kriti.ala isr h aalat .
ma i : A l la f arias ;
a faw itet imal witlt a iny r
*post • -
trouble. add w is bolter. the object of. my marsh. .1
mama new step to describs le you her boast!. slather
would it interest ou. I found so difficulty in initiating
into the grams el high tits old hog ankh*,
'beautiful prom,' I *taw I had bees at the hat %few
times. a voltam flew mode his appiaraser. orlm soma.-
ed to hold ast g place in the affections of the girl,
which throats.' le Im a miaow cbstaele is the way of
the execution of my planet mad I therefor* doomed it
most safe to kin del matter to a ekes.* ease. I
Upon my wayether. I assidontally fell in with a mist
singular Whig. he inhabits a seam saver* suety mass
from hirs. He jaded*. himself wholly trim the world.
and I. jut the perms fee a confederate. looms satiated
him is my missieei. mad base at last seitmeded is plac
ing the shad widths his mitterreman abode. whore she
will he taken cars of. and I'll warrant as bliMee eye ma
over reach bor. lentil the time arrives to mother at libenr
I: s th mid
'1 ! the
, bite
I bay* elmegod my ettim is web a maamoruldtevede
detaMitro. aad it Mill be amessary for Me to Moab is
thitiviciaity until jibe eMitomeat pones off. 1 will Mee
make emit diapeollioa of the MUM ae yea any ilireet.
Yount. Meet devotedly. • faaviamin.
loadsorag• was b elated at dr* seeress of his pia*. and
lost so w titoo is king 4letral ikielaratioa illautlio es&
ject of the codicil meld amt be food; sad that bealtoold
forthwith take posbeeeion Of the property. call evident%
was predated to 4arly estaWisb the - claim
/ 1 CIIIAPTIrI it.
has none corrosive and revere
• More flintie r more poignant and Meuse.
Than everhoitiic sword Dr wear .
Waked ink OW breast of losiocence."
More than onsiyear had elapsed since ths incident if
our hat chapter.•and still Frank Waylead prosecuted his
search unretnicktgly. with all the ardor of ' , bereaved
lever. • if. had wit:misled- far and near. and even open
ed •correspondeses with tbe police of Loads' and i.Jv
erpool. , 1
While traversiag the fertile valley of the Connecticut.,
almost Is deepair of ever gaining the slightibt femme
lion of the object of his se ech. he halted at the clove er
i bet alinnoms, and seated hintealflipun a grassy limited
to viol, the enchaining seems before him. The nest he
ocespied was alkhituldway down a steep tkciirity. over.
looking the riven Fer some distance. open either side
of him. was presented ore amplete sheet of
verdure. broke*y hers sod there by some bugs gray
old net. which I its head far above the gross banks.
iii r hd
At his test lay 7 plaeld stream. unrolled by • single
ripple; while the ate". like thick set diamonds. studded
lbs celestial eau py above. from-the midst if which the
fall- rosin moo '_looked down. ousting a calm serenity
over the seine.
As be Mit eartared iu The view. the singular. en
tomb Brume wit be bad 'conjured tip. before him,
were sedditaly pslt to Bight by the low. *plaiting sound
of muffled ttare.,l He looked out upon the calm stream.
and illreedys in 11
0,110 reflection ( the clear. pale of the
moos. ha dimwitted a small beat. containing a solitary
sersowea: For amontent he watched the little craft. al
it scaled like a plantent direr the glassy surface of the
water. sad then *is lost to view in the deep. dirk
shadow of the oirer-arehing trees. Bet still, the low,
'plighttag mud If the oars were heard nearing the Otero,
sad presently the boat touched the bank directly below
him. The lonei boatman leaped from itstprow. and
hurriedly:made his way up the steep declivity.
Frank anxiusly watched bhp movements. bet' was
himielf so hid le the deep shadow as to be effietsally
shielded (rem sight. The stranger proceeded for, semi
distance up the bank, and stopped before a hogs reek;
he halted it it, base for a moment. and then suddenly
disappeared, as if by magic! Frank, who never knew
fear. proceeded forthwith to the rock, into which the
stranger had apparently entered. But as its base was
shaded by the ligh of the mutt, he could discover netb•
ing antessal: sad elle! a 'ridden search Owns time., '
was compelled to withdrair from the race. to pass s
restless night. : I
The next morning at unripe. rtaitt the again upon
the spot. carefully siainiaing:the premises. Vpon a
clue @crudity. he thought he disgusted as andshi l
lettermen in the earth around i the feet of the rock; ba t
the turf was apparently eniwoiti. sad his most dilipat
' investigation litiV, to so satisfae ry results; Bet lie re:
solved to penetrate the mystery. if possible; and aecord
ksgly en the nest; *vetting. he took a position sew the
reek, where be could command a full view of Rebus.—
Bat be watched is vain. roc the straager did set ippear
With his nateral'perseversoos. he tool him secret plea.
Sims. regale sail again, bet with as honer success.
Finally, after the lapse of a week from the evening's
which he had brit made the discovery. the inyolovloso
!burr grain appoarod. In tie mono h nsioanav asioirowol
In pdlifnlyaniminionv sleek foods, as inonslio. - long
'wolslinilik -1 venv4aoloi. Thu noenlne"toltilrgiii ?V
inoivi i 'boot turf. then Moira it lortgo fat alerts; ii:
1:11" 0 X w wari
sleight of which seemed to tax hie utmost strength, he
Catered beneath it. and reaching back. replaced the turf.
let the stone fall iuto its plus, and all was stilines again!
Frank was welt pleased with the result of his observa
tion. He bad thus diicovered the "open sesame" to
this mysterious cavern. and he retired to ponder ever the
enure incident. Ho had seen enough to eonvioae Imo
that the cave contained sense rare treasure. .which the
parses he bed seen "'Whet, but one. a week; and Ma ar•
Rest levier adventure dried blo► on to penetrate Its mys
Afterthe hpo. a? two daye, be gran visited the spat.
It wet noon. aid the mint praftlitid Utilises' reignitl,
setereely • brestb"of wind utirrlet abroad. After some
minutes of diligent search. be discovered the moveable
tad. whiiilt was se iegeniettaly niatdited to the *M i guel sod
l as to be well calculated to deceive the moPt careful ecru.
tiny. He removed the large stone which covered the en
tranzewith but Wl* difficulty, and deaceoded the rude
steps. which led him down ti:s or eight feet. At first it
appearid utter darkneee within. and he hesitated about
proceeding. but very thoughtfully he primed his hands
trghtl to his eye. fo'r au instant, and upon suddenly tak
ing it away, the objects around hint became quite distinct
and far in the distance he could discern 'a dim, fl.ckering
rgbt: Nothing dkuuted, he cautiously felt his way along
be narrow craggy passage, which in sonic places was
unitinilleieutly high to admit him to stand erect. Tiik
distamee seemed almost iuterminable, said pne of lees de
termination would have tamed back; hat on he went, as
ho seared the light, it. dim rare fell upon • ghastly fig
ure. which might Ones have been a !um! bat its unshorn
fake and tanged hair, seen by that flickering,_ yellow
ligbt, gave it an 'unearthly appearance. The sight at
first startled him—he had anticipated nothingefthekiod.
Bat he bad progremed too far to shrink now, and gather
lag sew mange, be appioacbed the figsre.' As he soar•
stilt, a bosky. Mooing mead; which seemed to Wes,
t. mistime week!. grated Mae—.
Hlresi Ferdinand? What sent yen es sees?"
'Motto salt Frank. wswiag his head. "I m a
fried. meat hither with an importest neesseget Lists,
astihear inoi"
mak abreistly.-
orsvjesies that
lo 'norm filmy.
make the sirs at
set sieeesefal
father se any be
KlThat pouter of Hooves or boil divided Too hero?"
said As irate. • -
.I. West, as yea vahliew year Zist" said Fmk, to
Wm. toss.. • •
**Life." repeated the brae ottonfolty. **what to Ilifo to
nut I hits so KW .1 Won boos dead lo tbo world
We ourjr a yawl ' How dote sonewitiod does* ltoro
in my dismal gran?" . •
**Rs* to shwa." continood Frank. **sad yew shall
ha walontatod; bat the loom 'bow of ntitiotaotto will pews
Pow hintont destruction:"
"DA& woe mum resist." sighed Or Been.
“Pophiteem op hen.” hid nook peoliesi , tdo Ansa
epos theighip. oreoh op sod go hie the Ittight4otid:
Too be.. lowed tbe world. 1 Matti,
"AIF1" tressed the km*. 'sew AN* thee beano,
*lee. eitee—bee title wee less sr: It atm. sad
all eseekied :"
P 4310 say mu oh" amiss csk Frank simmidsiky. *.(3s
oast late the ameid with as, sad l-will sistailse load
HILO" **slated the livire..inaleigebia -
'Tee. yes.—iumt With* hew I eat is rateinma4 *.t
Tes sqi resell esswor sash sseetiles M I wit
At this mensal a low. erOpressod sob from sae side
of the cavern, attracted Frank's attention. Lie imaw•
diatety wont to the spot from whence the sound proceed
ed; and here, upon a dingy coach. lay a slight fermi
0. What means tbia?"aaid Frank, lookiai at the
strange Elate. •
"Touch it not!" was she only reply,
• Frank coasidered thatthe new object lw►ore him Mast
here same connection with the secret or the cultist'. and
opining it In his arms. left the awful piece is rapidly us
possible. Tne strange figure with which he had bees
sonesrsing. shrieked demoniacly at this unostentatious
proceeding. but was ontirsly to weak le ofcr. say rule:
Whoa Prank Wayland hid reached the light. with
the senseless form is his arms. intagine..if yea ean. his
dismay at discovering his 'burden to be the very object of
his search—the long-missing Floral He lost no time
is conveying her to a plaes of safety; and learning frem
her own lips that them was se other object in . the cave
bat the dej•eted old man. rrank imasedistely retsmod.
and try the pewswealtui words. seecemled Is Mdse.,
the eisgalar escapast aceempany bias.
While the sttsnpe incidents of our last chapter were
-transpiring. old Meg. in the midst other bereavement.
was infocined of the conditions of the codicil. A I d
.and benevolent attorot iolsistee'red to investigate the
matter for her .. From the particulars he could gather
from Meg, he had no doubt bet that' tits_addseted child
was the real inheritor of the estate. livery circumstance
went to etningthei the Tact. Bet then the direct bvi
done* In the case was so - vague. that it aeamely seemed
worth while to maks the claim. Nevertheless, the limb
set forth in the instrument had neatly expired. aid the
attorney felt the neeieeity of immediately taking ammo
action ea the subject. for ft wend soon be too late. -
The day assigned fir the lavonigatles of the ease ar
rived, asd poor old' Meg appeared. meek, boirever,
against her own wishes. Bhe stated, thueirb her stun
ner. the Incident's of the child's history, es far no she
was seeptaintod with it, precisely as they bad ottearred;
bet the wily evidence she could prodigal to combust,
bee story, was the letter, which the reader hsa before
been, bowie, the signature of "Flora." /
But this was iesufficiento The judge rviid that thei
bad no evident, that the child abducted was the one re
ferred to in the ceding; that it Was "semis' to produce
corm stridence to prove the letter gopitiae, sail bad ben
assailed as a furter:: and, moreover, that the child most
be present, as the codicil acknowledged her oily as the
inheritor, except is the case of the last sum motioned.
which went to the guardian', but no evidence of legal
guardianship bad been priiduced. •
This being the st ate/of the case. Meg's iitt)ruey fe
compelled to abandon thenit. is the required evidence
wand net be prodmlid, and the time allowed ii the cedi
ell would expire/to 4 few months.
At this stafi of the affair, the advent, hiLotherage.
that he Welt make his 'theme more restre,erdered that
old Meg ,Aosid tie dpprehended. as in Impostor. and
immediitelf Brought to punishment. fu collage' of thi
peorirromait endeavored to stay this proceeding; bat in i•
to. often the ease. the induenee of wealth dazzled the
eyes of jetties. and poet old adeg*feeble, trembliag. tot
tering upon the eery brink of the grace 7 -waa placed in
fame esenneeneet, to answer the Chives of si grave sa
And was this lb jest rowan! for s 0 her labor? For
this bad mho toiled, sod yin sot hir life fbr bar fellow
tosttstat for this sin bad dosied boroolfsvory tosskri
Jail &mood her yews to tbsuglit Shoi
thane Woos Wilma' at which imie.leses mime lie crush.;
ed. or *Kies *vide/.
"'Min. tn. wore* 'twee§ Not welt es *l'
Whet gasps Ws 'flake 0 1 / 1 111141111161~ , 1
IMO !M a ,- mill et i i .ll iaargam
• I' l/4 tiof
Oh. IA 'I If eaffilegOiire AM WNW e ..ft
eisihrralt XII.
‘lig*Clukd &parted; aid my llb helbre me
Lay covered with the what of the past,—
Dark barren. cold. dreary. tlloiy.colotle .."
Frisk amid soma wo toot assietanee.-%-or eves if kiad
hearted Jack Brewster retold speak a ioneoling word.—
abe arantd be infinitely happy! But too! it was impossi
ble! All hid been ■wept colt—she trolly remained: lad
death was the oily bliss she could sew hank forward ie.
"lean not ttaiuk of morrow LOW t nod doubt,
Ire* . I fell so dazatid from
41,, 111411111 Off 14 oho oblivious crampon..
Ail invalid wan bolstered pp init. easy *hair.' She
wee the isolate el an Insane, Jenks.. Her cue bad
Wen e emote else, rat by the least skillful ettendaoce.
eiteload:ee (Sr recovered as to hip considered beyeed all
dangr. As she glsocedabont the reed is search of
some co`ject with which to occupy tier thought.. 'betook
a paper froin.the Boor. of • date 11011111 weeks hack; as
her eyes glsoced earnestly averkho:page. the ferabeh
color for ao imagist left her cheek. and with treankliog
bud she read the passel. earnesily! Her attendant ob
served her azitation. and upon reaching (or the paper.
she pointed to the following paragraph
.. • • • • •
llisis singular suit has a+
last bees brought too elm,. The whole stair prompt.
a most inexplicable mystery! The, old ironies wLo is
cheesed with an auempt to obtain the property unlawful
ly. has always borne a pod cha Actor: while. upon the
other hand, Lather's, is far above scopiciont Hia wealth
mid standing, as an influential n erchaut, would hardly
permit him to descend to an act o such grossness 'seems
lisp against him. To our mind.; the case has met with
the only decision which the evideaes produced mild ad
mit of. ,The eld s woinan is to be brought spillages the
airs nothea. it is probable. she willing let ell with alight
punishmen4 se aecesat of her age and peelers ped
When the invalid• had recovered her corsitoso!•. She
mad that the incident* referred to, celled up to her mind
afresh some palmate in her perused experience. and she
amid not be denied the privilege of witnerwing the trial.
Her friend* considered it trendy a retensing.shadew of
insanity. sod endeavored to pairs her agitatieu.—bat it
wain 'vain:
The next day Was the time aseigned fir the fulmina
tion. sod the invalid plead au f tly. that the ph}si
cisn'ln luf censeated to accompany bar to. the scene.
thengh, ith.said. the atteadant excitement might cost ht r
her life:
TN feeble spectates wait presided with a wet Dearth
prisoner. she watched the Rneeediege with the deep
' eat Interest: and when the case was clearly stated, she
I involuntarily pee vent to n piercing shriek. At this nu
t expected iaterreptiod. the grass Judge forget his digni•
ity. the jurors looked at each other, in arnameseet. mad
'the essinesliers arose in their seam: •
$ Whoa order was restored. the invdhd misdated to le
swore as a witness. Alter some hesitation. the request
was t grguted, and site proceeded to state. in a feeble
ttehatf Xelostantitilly as folluws:
"My name is Flora Grey. Many pearl age i resided
j the family of Mr. Lutherage. I tan arother of the
jehild Sefeered te r The letter prostituted is In - my , ewe
hatsdoSeriting. sad *ft met *site." Obi yield re
lined w father; het extreme seeded prithitted titter
Tfq cointeel of taill!rNre iturrutottately aretae. and se;
eurelypretattaiiiO4.l 2 the 'admission 4d ach l atidemes.
Ile stated that the 'titans vu direst' from the goatees.
of a mad haw. 10411 ogled the pleyeacieu Spas the eland
to prove that her mind wee f■r from being l& healthy
date, sod that her to/flu:may could not be relied open!
Thie l arrowroot was enticingly,, sad admitted of no re.
rotation. The ledge wee about to elos• die base. when
Sleg'ii4t . toroei was siddeuly called from the ream. Ile
was a ut but a few moments. when he returned. deep
agitrtieh was stamped apes his ementenenee. . la I very
feelog sneer be slated le the Court that he must insist
Upon a irtileiheetieg lu the case , as be had Either wit
acmes t hand. whom he would now produce.
Ups this. tilt, was a alight confusion among the
crowd ear the door. mad as the oak of people opened
to the iglu and left.. rank Wailaad iipiteinched the
bends. ading by the band the pale and agitated Vlore.,
while el behind followed the her— " if '
'orig. co rce '
At tb • Igh
imaged, the I
despair. and
through the
Hare was
difore,ist non 4
'try !red
little Fh
Horst „ony
oak;Mod t he
tor: B t th 4.
to come W
crowd pr.
lug mem 1:=1
head. and
The Kees
the ievatid. ,
klnd•bwrp6 bleg with the ether, she breathed a fervent
prayer 6p6a them both.—and whilpering a farewell par
don toblor - grief•etricken step-father, expired to hit arms.
• --r •
• .•
A few years later, Frank and Flora were united in
,wedlock. and old Meg found a comfortable tad happy
home with them. Jack Brewster was well provided for.
and many heavy hours dad he lighten by rel Ming to his
Irishman account of hie shipwreek; how he wet picked
up by a British endear, sad the many incidents that °e
cured darling a long foreign voyage: that open his return
he foetid the eaantry involved in a struggle for freedom:
and ihat,without ever striPpilig to inquire fur past friends,
he had plunged into the hottest of the contest; that noel
after peace was restored, he very miraculously (all io
- with Meg and Flora at the Cuurt•room..a the reader el.
ready knows, and that to their kindnese Iso• owed b•e
'present barpiemos.
Old Mr. Grey. the dejected hermis, wee not forgotten.
Little Flora todlt pride in canto, him grandfather; and
the gray 'Old man wee free to acknowledge that there wen
some bright spots is the world. atter all. these' h'e
own sad , his they bad less but few; and althoegh he
never **peeled is enjoy the Marro! bora of hippie's,
epee imirth himself, yet it was a gkoriees sunbeam in his
own dark existence. to see others redeemed from des.;
pair. . The short remnant of his life was filled with deep_
regrets far the past. Ile coeld trees every dark shado4
which had ever crewed his path. to Wows ettra sad
inyieldieg eailiret--te that rigideon of chancier erhicb
had Bret fresethe heart of his pang daeghter, and driven
her frees the paternal roof to seek a Alrenhood among
ea4oling strangerst—to that false nese et boner and
virtue which bad afterward refeeed'her eonsolation vt,4on
she repented of her error: Bat he strove to amend fin
the past* by meditivering t• tread tale the swath whet
came to gone. with childish awe. *pox hie keg, bleached
beartilestil tvteerimg frame, the stadia, mond lessee that
Porfestion is int the child of earth,—that be only who is
free frond sjo abentld 'scut the first stene."—tint
"'to err is berino, to torsi%e divine."
117 i'oi•ttsissu aid Wk.," said the Amiga.
se bate: tVl'lsiirtatiiipilboiril`petintif it bail la it.
tit bi slietyllbesAisbitlfion
WM by fiei 066-triariti ti 4 hi! iris
4. 111 ,"Y 1 1 11 1 10 WIL- 4 ' 0 1 ,40
bite Leaf
OS SO 4 Irlie‘ : Tit. Advapeco.
A Eons
/111' AIRS. 41.1er lailiio3l.
I J - .
'• lily with feels as thlgit hNo wera.leboiiol very fiord
for the benefit Of otheri.t' , I - .: /
Thiswas spoken by ai man who considered tkintself e/
good.hosband ; hat if 1.4 bed been one ii reality. wo,,ti
hie wife bare boss ironti with such feeliogiii
Let us eonsicler the 3 bject," end take an iccerlience
freer every day life. to Imitate It. \ ' /
gir, 8..:.—,....... ariemitititho morning with • theintentitio
of going to the city. a disitauce Of twenty inilse.eud back
the seine day. le his listrt to he gone, hyr'sleee aot ob
serve that his wife is pal r thou asset /Ifethealitir has
boom poor fora long t' . and her aend apriaratic
new. is not even noticed. Althea they are 'in cous is
Iti/ lt
ramble eirootrieteness. y titer ,rel able to keep / bir.
lid help. As the booing d s neatness and Airier, for
which the wile Is remark hie. e latter determines thit
her washing shall be dv :e -* o his absence. Ifut many
things ,arise to binder— wood is poor aid will not
boiru4he babe requires more care titan usual. The
Lao bap passed the inert ' and la hastening on his dai
ly ermine ; • bet her work • sot belt done. She toils era
with en energy beyond h.r-streurh.l hoping all • will tart
be well. She pictures t. herielf her ehili'vn qcittiy
sleeping in' their snug lii lo bed, the floor mopped. tile
fire bright and cheerrol, t: e table spread with its suc y
cloth, and her hui.b.ind's rorite dish prepared. ere h •
roger's*. ,-
Bat. allot bright saticip tlonO vanish ; the day is 0116
sad •• !seeming shades spy sr ;It the babe becomes assn
treableseme and now to .811 1 ;he utopter's time. ' She
bee nearly soccer dad lo hid g it. when she hears the
well-known step on the t esh 0 ; her 'husband enters ;
he Dees the oafiuishvd, 'ulti . with all its sccompeni
taeuts,of tubs and pail 4; tie filit-is nearly gone our; aid
his little boy, two )airs oil is aplashing water from or
thong to another. id greet glee. I i Mr. 'l3------
eland. end places him in it chair in the corner. with so
tomb violence that the scram rieicklr resounds with his
eereams. lira then whips li , nl;ei still his cries. that his
voice may be heard. Every blow pierce. the mother's
bean, but. she kiwi". reline hence - is vela. *and lets
things take their course, ill sil pce.
Her torts cur next, sod h can hardly find words
tie indigdation; among many'
.. . ,
to clever has enything in or-
Ihave a qrs, or a meal of viet•
otroog•ortooth to express
other dilate. he toile het I
der; he never knew•t•
soli ill season.
By this time. the b w
rid eouliderahle exertion to)
by carrying it yibeat in her
She next prepared
alacrity as exhausted a ,
hatband sipped his tea.
of the Grit the irritab".l
with it all thoughts of
won retired to rest. sai
Wirier the day. His
lab, nod •esrc thing to
band's bootjack; for, w ,
stoentfylurgat to put 07
acconaplishel all, she
co; every nerve eras
tlitebSlag head ua its .
sleep. the events of the
to her wind. Yet sbe
eakiedly or her leetbr
"flare I not ■ ;rood hr
raj actual rants. acr
end! tries he not provide for
rdiu to 114 best of his abilityi"
leg all her endeavor's, the cruel a ords
wired by him in wrath, would rush in?
uubidden guests. until tears began to
ridge, and memory become busy: Then she
• hippy hourcrof heegirlhood. of the mother
led over her, ilf the days when the robs of
doomed ou her cheek. and her brow was onelood.
care. Bit, most of all. het memory reverted to
bridal day. when ber lover prOtitised, in Oriente of
Bat. dotwithsta
which had been
td her m►ud. I
Bow is prof,
thought of
chit wai
Pod andiman. to love. cherish and protect. mail death
silinald them part, She asked herself if she had ever
bean nafaithrel to bee marriage row; cotsc:ence an
swered no; hal alba sot stadied _her husband's happiness
irith untiring seal, mold self wae AI forgotten, health
roc toastiko quit tdrfebled? Atid. uo4, as she felt hei
self less abhtto reform the dutiet required of her, she .
felt that libt love had been illy repaid. Titus. after a
day of orartaskad Mbar. and pearl} , i eight speriem tears.
the wife seek into au nurser eternises. to be disturbed at
intervals by herbal Monti} lltt dawn of atwitter day.
*boo the well•mstrd bash ed
called- upon his wife to
arise. sot oub:ing bat she} we e as much refreshed no
I ,
Now. what had that hatband gained by all this! Had
not hie wife done het best. and what could the do mots?
11 is tree. bo knew dot that such treatment was baste*.
Mg her to the grave; is she daily sunk emir the scam- -
slated weight of care, tie knew that the Cause Was is
any way attribetable to himself. • - -
Yet, It would have Titillated bat little forbearance on .
his part to Wild ipukeu a kind ;word, or aympethlied
with here little. She would then have performed the
game duties wth eheethilne siid considered herself
help, in the poesesitieu of 'such a: husband. And .
her teed rested on its pillow, and she Strove to kink
its throbbing.. no images but sticb as efrectimi briags,P
would halo hddnted her imagination; add her alumbata
would soon have been is calm as those of the loved
beside bet;
If soy man, aho hairs care-worn wire. *lnc / to
this ankle. lei hint lot& well to the subject; d, if
wishes to be met with a senile or ;look of h loess,
him strive by hi. owe erteiple, toisow th. / I
r good seed
effective. add he will be sure tilt riap a, abundant- k
vest. for "virtue is its own rewerd.';' Artkar's Ifs
SUPPLY EINITIVI PRINZ CcT.,, Vi ten Sydney 3 ,, iih
pt the prebendal stall in ear tn(th'edrsl, he was lid sag
as College Green and hie fn a as, convivalist was not
then se noised and known aro subrrequently. he was allow
ed to dims al. home weirs frequently' then one ikould
suppose; and his a .nor was always a beeNteak. aka
that beefsteak he slwo;a bought b:niself: I was thea.
as 1 em new. my owa•purveyerl and there were 'few
days whet' he was in teaidenee that I did nit tweet hint
at Borp's in Denmark street. (his favorite hitcher and
mine.) oversesiog sad selecting hie owls cot. After
Sydney had described a circle with his finger round•A
certain pin;bons. aid ecephapiretally told thl man of
fat to "ant thee". sad cat 1;." es the Rxmaa augur
laid. Burge turned to me. , and atlied. "And where will
you he helped. rift" CoLsr; suit." sail 1. "tho
nest con te Mr. Smith's; .1 can't in wrong with each a
precedent." The canon's droll! eye twiakted
kap, pealing. sad some whet .iusurinwlip. meal
with thee tchnie lunch wide% speltiiihe man, es
"You're t WWI man, sir: this is olio of the Om* when
yew met err if you follow the church. eat - y o wl; gat
obedience rewarded with a good beat steak."—The
Ckarali Goer. 4e.
Ltaea.—lt a aid taat - ao rata*. hat'e migrated ittak
Great tritahr I. difarsarParta of the world. that it is
with dilriaull that laborer. ran bo obtaiaad for;ther mail%
atattisiag tor!tahßahamas then, aliri wages a r e aa rai ii :
up. Two libsears thane on 04 promo paid et Gm
Weft has bad upoonetinquilro"lo help Wily
roil Reed Liles
5 rattly muted, owl it teed• .
'husk' its plaintive cries. Ilia/
iho • her vr--