Political and General . News. West Cast of Mika. Lieutenant Lyitch, of United States Navy, who acted as Superintendent of the late Dead Sea Ezpedition, has recently embarked at New York fur London, whence he will preceell in the new British line of steamers (,r Africa. The object of the milt- sien upon which he has entered under the orders of 'be Government, is to make certain inquiries and - arrangements preliminary to an intended explore ik , lion of the West coast of Africa. it is certainly a; . matter Worthy In excite general interest add spur.) 1 bation that the United States hare at last determin ed to investigate the physical character and resour ces oft country which is rapidly orving into com mercial Importance, and that so competent an oft - . eel has been chosen by the Executive to take t, - initiative steps in the movement. Since the period when the first efforts were mad - to civilise # region which nature has endowed wit. rare fertility and productirenear, muchvericonragin,' things has been affected in the moral and politica condition of a number of the African tribes, an. through the happy agency of the kaowleJge of me i chanic arts - and acquired habits of iudustry, the . v have made themselves andthe respective districts tp territory which they inhabit objects of a lively an increasing solicitude to,the ,mercantile as well_ a ! . the' philanthropic enterprises of the se'. Gret Britain, actuated by that far-sighted and prude n policy which has - contributed so tugely to eaten ~ her empire and her wealth, began very long ago t 5 form i .connection , wijh Wes,tern Africa, havi • founded her present settlement at Sierta Leone.. I s early as 1787. Her exertions in the &sue of civilization in t• quarter, stimulated es they doubtless were, by tn. - tires of animate advantage to her commerce, ha been 'treacle richly rewarded in the fruits ..:,f a mo t valuable and expanding trade with the natives ; a .. we may gather a potent incentive to emulation i itherorork of cultivating intimate relations of inte - course and traffic with /the same people from a statement of the progress and profitableness of t e commercial dealings between them and British the - chants. In 1827, England received from Africa b t little• more than four thousand dull its worth of pal . oil. At present she imports a enmity of the b - nual value of eight hundred thousand dollars. n 1835, forty-seven bushels of ground'-nuts were-e - ported from the Gambia : now, between eight, a. 4 nine millions of bushels are yearky exported. In a • ditien.to the above named articles, vast supplifs .1 ginger, ivory, gum arable., gold dust, and othef p - ducts of the country, are exported in English shi.o. The resources of Senegambia, Liberia, and Up. r .Guinea, in all the producs of the !topics, are - limited.-and 'ith the advancement of these Ste es in industrial'skill and social improvement, those a • riots afid exhaustless stores of =trivial wealth in whiCh they abound, will be more and more ancee s fully developed, and the trade-of which they con - tate the staples will proportionately enlarge. 1 is asserted by intelligent men who are informed, fr nn peraemal observation, of the capabilities of the . it of the Nest coast, that indigo and cotton may - produced to an almost iudefinite extent. The Is. r plant'is beginning to be raised in considerable qu - tities, and the,opinion prevails, that when eu ,r -prit,eandatkention are properly devoted to its . I- . ture; and the necessary facilities of transit are . aided for conveying it to a market, the irroductio f cotton will, bedimte an important and extensive . .. ment of African commerce. .The.sugar.cane, o finds, unler the same ardent stinshine a flourish g grOwtb,.. and local industry is already turned h most auspicious results to its, cultivation. loch nal planters have raised in one year as much as t thousand pounds of sugar. Moreover, labor is'- ,vetted most profitably in growing. ric.., gathe . g 1 grapes ind oranges, which are found everywher n wild luxuriance, and in preparing for commerce .e native lumber, among which are the rose, c .e, pains,,and other egtially Valuable wonaa. In brief, n intelligent man, aim ha 4 given attentien.to the subject, can fail to eee that West coast,bf Africa is rapidly asauming a co lion and attitude in relation to commerce and L ci nation which promise highly...important consiq emend should engage the serious regard of I Government. -The step just taken in the miA If Lt. Lynch is a very commendable one, an , hope to see it followed up with the vigor 'and I 1.. ality which the object- *if eminently deserves national question . Pkiladelpkia North Amer at. From the Far North -Week Ites. Peter Jacobs, Ojibway Missionary, re id to this place yesterday on his way to Nun - from York Factory, situated on Hudson's , ' Ehortilistanee this side of the North Pole. came to the Sant on his way to that place o first boat last' spring, and since that time, wit exception of some two weeks spent at the if hasbeen - araveling to and from that truly rean region. During th:s period of *boot nix in he haft traversed chit; .vast extent of • cuouir twees 'Lake superior and Hudson's Illy, a j I going sad coming not less than 4.0 10 in t iul t , in hark canoes, on foot, and in smill This•rout'e lies lby the way of the Ind Ri the North, !Ate Winnipeg, Lake of the Wood ether :small lakes in that region; where iher seater he traveled in his canoe, V 4 -here the-r none, his Canoe was carried rater portages ti shoulders of his voyageurs. Ua his • utti passing across Lake Winnepig. he had the irf tone to be ehipirecked in his Wit birchen and of losing five hundred dollars in SpeCie; to. et with all his clothe', equipment and raluhl s, men and 'Sims& escaping barely with Their. ti es Lake Win, epeg, or thL"nruddy-waterT is qt a large sheet of water, being about 300 mi eta length and 60 in width, or ebout as large a L Erie. One solitary rchanner of scone fifty to , b den is ail the %easel that rails cater its broad a rfa awe ea ept the bark canoes of its voysg - Thiti sail vcsiel - belongs to the Iludion ISt Cult:my, and is employed in transporting la s • supplies on their way to and from litubq B the chief fac:ory of this great Company. L ttte is known of ;his great .northern lake, with i s• Lary vessel and its limited business, it is whit Ia thiperior.was to the world twenty-Eve yes a and it $s not unreasonable to suppose that, a in casco! this lake, unknown resources and un r circumstances will, in twenty-five years mo , a round its shores with civilization, and cover is tens with steam and sail vessel.. That it i a gion rich .in minerals there is no di.uut f r testimony Of many travelers. -The time ma cue ortien Lake-Superior will be but he half we plai for busineesond travel to the North- Weo. We learn from Mr. Jacobs that. Mr. Mc avi Chief Factor, and formerly etatioced of thi ph remains at the bay; that Mr. Ballenden, several years agent of the Hudson's Bay's p Fitt has recovered his health and has gone ibis ae over the mountains to Columbia on the p r ic ; i that the season has been pleasant and a If • ore • or.e for the business of the Campany.L-/ rl, So riot Jo&rsol. DIiATSBY POI3OM2IO.—A man named Uanti r B et or, aged about 50 years, and residing t th miles from Hartnousburg, died suddenly on Thu • day last. Suspicions were excited that. bs de was caused by foul play, and his own wife nd sow Simeon were suspected of being the-au bhro his death. His body was taken from Om g vs Sunday and a Coroi,er's Inquest held over t. ter a lengthy examination, it was the nu nig . opinion of the Jury and Physicians in% Ott dal that his death bad been occasioned by poi on -ministered by his wife and son. The son mi - that he had purchased arsenic in Meadville bm .tertnight since. Those two persons were rre and committed by Coroner Parks to the Cola .17 •lesterday, to answer , fur the horrible crime. The wife of the • deceased is only about I y i of age, and has been married some four yes . has an infant with her in prison. T - sot about 22-yiars of age, by a former wife . the ceased. I 1 is believed that the wife and top bad been on terms of improper intimacy f a thaapast, sad that the husband and father moved that they might have free course A criminal pissions.-*Crosefori Dem. ' NoT Qom learn from th sills Ceserier, thet Don. George G. Dunn a W. A.,Aurtwen, of Indium, visited Loui Friday 114 for the purpose of settling a between them by fighting a duel. The standing is said to have grown out of a s made by Mr. G., that Mr. P. had instigat turbance ist a demoeratid Inettiat in radii Prieada -interposed in the matter-,.and t fight. roc se sf:er_ as Yokes, thougit'peerall relished when !gus to* at ether's expense than our tt wa,aie coMswisat dangerous commodities, and at time result &sae ironsly to parties concerned. A joke was; played not, long since in this city, that elm. trot fir from terminating most disagreeably. A gentleman who had been married some two months became acquainted with a &titling young fellow that prided itimseif, and justly, upon the pre posiessing effect his presence ezerciated uponi tilt fair seg s geoerally. This newly made Benedict conclu ded it Would be a good jqke to introduce this gay Ro lando to his spouse as an unmarried lady and observe the Uadicroua consequence his little gallantries would hare when he had been rowing all „sorts of passionate adoration to another man' s wite. This brilliant ides he put in practice4sharging his 0.)4. sort to preserve the delusion under milky hjs friend labored; ' The youthful' hero was is' fact very Nano with his new female scqnaintanee, dna warmest regards on every occasion, and at sweet Contagion of her 'twilit, nntil what a light; spiri. of gallantry ended in an rex 'ion. ) i. The 'wife too, fonnd her y i n ithful beau q na.ing,jand extended to hitt} a freethiin not ed by her matrimonial position. Matters v vied to Sul" an extent that s it elopement posed and icepied. Soft onsense aniLao es had (melted the sutceptible heart Of t wife tole capacity for tout!ding that ter foil/merit il/merit would nut coutro . T . e h,u ban ed a hilts. cif % heti was abt .it to n e t -ent / at the itatural res,lt of hispwo 1 . hater the very oiek of time. to reveet sal in 7ssoundlto his hop's' and ht nor.. nor. H. fruit elopement, but obtained t kni it 1. his wife, who .tow threat e aa se tion. The wisdom lacking hu band dierelishe a conntrial eharadter at pr sent, and has the folly GI his former co roe. We wit all persons, especially woieen, to avoid to since done are so elevated or so invincibl not fall. In the truthful I nguage of Add ii Millen love once pkatis Id illaiOes tau lento . In spite of all the virtue w eau t> t se, - The woman who defibeute ti lost Thii is well exemplified hi Cervantes' P beautiful story of Fatal riosity, which it evidences how dingerous t is to trills vs fectiona when they are on a enlisted or M. (;oat. . 777 — ... L ------ ----' Tail BILRAcer or raoutsk l g asn.—The san Maria Learned vs. Alfred Wotlityns, of promise. which haeneutied the ellen Circuit Court fur woes l de s pest. closed' with a verdict of $3,260-fur the Plaintig There are-but very fear Points of into, case, although she - „testiteoy was snow rate. It appeared that the plaintiff is th Of Etvaid Learned , ,Csq. f West Tro i the defendant was the P h sieian of the Miss IL., during the alleged ccartship. through the year 1850 and spring of '6l, 19 h end 20th year, while the Doctor is I gentleman-of 60 winters. .It was shot defendant had paid particular attention tc tiff; 'upon one occasion ' , Pending nearl 'illy in her clropany ; and 'frequently ell members of the family 3 hiaratisfe 60 of Sowell settled was the mate. ' deeme plaintiff looked forward with fon coon promised tour of Europe. which was to i foliate the marriage. Not only gee turns neighbor., seemed to deem the *etch only thought differ oily When it was ken the Doctor had, or was about-to tear young lady—lounger than the plaintiff: bush: • The defence was that the Dector`i fr at thS house 4 f the plaintiewereprotess and the sccutnt boik was , presented to fre uent entries were made of such prof iii. iit was also' shown that upon one ter he match had been broken 91T. tb ist r denied that any engagement had teen the plaintiff and the 'defendant. he rerdict, although sntnewfimt fu )ibly just ; and whits it will teach 1 , gay .Lothlries how they trifici wit this case its payment will hart ly a .siun upon the "'pile" which t e de -Waled during many years .cp Inv t . ' ' 4Zre.,,lver. pro an in t pre CAROLI3,II Twos. , valuable Medical . Va., an account b freak of nature,r children were-born i a stout negreSN, a ,me. The are' ' rem hildren, natural si la uth , and are pe i ail the sacra—the Ts bond qui:Jinn a ,Wut titi sacra are a. nne suppose there is The I anatomic 41 pPc iliaritle: in•crest .0 omit. il position is on tl .iller, and left of t. 1 as to . put the face ir a year in the recta :es and hands have :811Y. The mother me int first on one side, then on the ii , les them auk wardir t ind seems +imaging th l em. FrOm their i. iii i. get)t cpuuteesiices, there is realm 1 i will 50014 acifitiiio an education in Ir ail and I. catuotion. They must sit 1 mop seat, 'tad take it by turns . :„ w ward, white the other must that u k l la tnilitairi.. They are far !wire faitintis Siamese Twins. They ni l Purris. i I i 1.1 A GadAT Et.casket-....A filen{ Or a: • i iimmitigated hig, received uu feel ke of purchase fur" bbl thulifier Oil," on time being, ha stowed awar his j 4. 4 1 ; A 4, he was spas to the poll 4 a Wh givieu him, Which be deposited In th h ole. bole. At the twirmt box, bal L __tuolt f " r : abet he supposed area" the Whig t* re -deposited with a hearty good will, he wlcetlirig about his ,b.misess. thought he would took at site price CD! • found Wi ddehl Stott, head the bi ice we shall t divulge the mime of 6h made the . intake, but - if Mr. Blrret Judea of section, he eau get a 1)41 I ice, irlifutiber" str.mt the "cots.—freUkr. "6 ' ALAMO Misstoxamee.--.Tlie - / isun held as• ial conference at Salt I_ end J 2Elth, and made. extensive miser in stile Icnnsideri their numbers and use ye- maims to . their great field-of ilsb thirty-se n Elders being appoi ed ew . that beni bted country. To Ire nd !t ree Wales t a; Francs one; Ger sly ors tat o; llits °stets nine; Lima tiro;Cis rails of Guud I one three; British Nor h i hi s incise four; West Indies four; Br till a or eats three; Neer Orleanii otv von lers'ahington City,' one; lowa es At- id the Sandwich Island* nine. pus Were confirmed by ibis unanisno nee, fireltatien• . ' a d. The Mormons prove the truth tte d ' , Small parties make up in vigils It a in numbers." ' toed. -- . j,,d Ha Lit's Vo st. - -The feessil vote I over the conn try has falba ffirentendonsly, and s anything but mre st i complimeu to fis. In his, ow State, where sh e his partisans bought he was going to make such a , i s heavy inroad upon the Democratic v te, he has only d e . about two•thirde as many votes as s party cast in ger , March; In every other New En lani State his nine 1 • vote I. full a third less than his pa y cast in 1848. ...... re _ lin New York, where the freasollers i st about 123," lir their 1 000 , sad Grtn.Pierce has a large SI ity over both - 1 dale and Scott. Pennsylvania, w.re the freesoil vote is 1848 was over 11,000, Sake les only about iiellti- 1 1 8,300, and Gen. Pierce has a ler majority over Id Hoe. federalism, freesoilists and nativehins combined.— pill* on 'there is also a great falling of i nthe (meson vote iftsulty in Ohio and Michigan and other Western States s w iw i er . w h ere Haw s oidegneepe" was to dit so mach. His tenant ' whole vote will cot probably be over 180,000, which a die- is about oart-balif as many as be. party oast l lOW. napolis. i This ahows a rapid dyieg eel of ftMihreilimit.wwYsle didn't- liarafakire peiriii. - = . Erie Witithi eluctruer. SATURDAY MORNINWROVRIIIISER St e 1852. ET Road save ndeartisatitasts. Oar otoro , basPits generally ars bringing on and opening out hfrge sad elegant stocks of Fall sad Winter Goods. Time iltat have particularly large awl desirable eastortments. of coarse. let the people know it through the soursPapark , 113' Ws efeehl call the misrule.* of ear readers to the advertisement beaded 'ladle Rabbet Gloves." Ws ere assured they ere ea treelleart article rapidly rowing isle oar As dui ems. of the ',year for inelesseet_wsether wreaks*. ere skald them hidispessible: ~ 1 t pleased ) ring big ring the evil in I site Mr. [tag. the dicer wbe has bees acting Chief En• leaser of the United Stow steamer Mithigirs fw earirerei months past, has received his centasisaiee from Pfeil /lent Fillinoreas Chief Engineer in the United Stapes ?ivy. Mr. K. entered the service some oho years age. hat passed all the.examinatietts, sad through all the in• tenor grades of his profession. The Baltirere CVpper this speaks of Watt ile rani - arrant- ere car• as pro_ terltisq e young wall and Nast. AtrOIIiTNICAT..-41111104 W. King. of this city. Ist Assistant Eagieeerof the U.ll. Ner,F, haring pri d ed i the examining B. of °Seem recemly erg iced iet Philadelphia, hoe been promoted to • Chief 'loser • ship sod wall sifts recites bis commission. 1 tempt , ions bioads in Beltimeri. of wbicb be is s net se . will; be iratifted to bear of this Whom to his merits West's. 1 obtain ! alarmod init eded hi ediabie ' led the d*enl of eons Rms. . 1 • We timiatetsad that the • 'we raibsod esti aria fres New Terh. Dees Itielinesd. Esq.. end I *wins, , i Esq.. wit!Otave boil oP*riti•lr her. all I —'ir r*" destroying id \" buy the tows." or is ether Wei" vas vas the gan Isw. sad ran the fear-feet t in b treek through Penusticasia. have failed in &tithe e9 ' rte. 1.4 have gone lionterwith a Iles In their ear, aSd a fire in the ryer. , ' _ Good bye—when pus route _bpi let us knew It. 1 ' i j..lkes of 'cowered !Id advise I. festien, they may jinn: J though ~ andstritir th the id: , .use.l.—.- U 3 We see by the Pittsburgh Post that Coq .1. sooworo. of that city. i• spoken of as an , applicaa the pest of Treasurer of the Mint at Philadelphia. ai r the iniorning adthinistration. The Col. filled he pest with honor and ciedt under e. - Polk. awl iv s aboald be pleased Is see him reinstated. bet we era by a killele g r • sat @event number of , that paper that he peretapt ray refuses to be an applicant fur any office fa tholgife of the Adtaioistratioa—bating determined to make Pittslmergh his future residence. and **the Law" his prefersion.l -.- I The Railroad Keating. c 1 We see a tall for a railroad meeting. ea this. El4ir o day eventing We premium it is for the purpose shah iag late contemplatioa thi premised violation of the awa of the State by a part of the Directors of the Ed Mid North East road. backed spier outsiders from Uutfidel and , i New York. We - have bat • few weeds of advice to gin on this qoestion. Let as liars it reusing Meeting. bat let us be cool , ealm. -and-candid in all we iii say an do: s aid shove all. lat.'s be salted ant firm. e hensibah the law math, impellaiah..ll,ll ea ear menu the me ats-law and the "higher-lain" the latter. f roe - ed he, we cam Make the "Hyler-law." • • C 1 Herrn FAarilltall —We think if we were a f er.- with bread 'crap and fat Seeks, we abseil - bei Om happiest mortal elite. No debts to harass ' form is no use in a farmer being it debt; no c res be the cares of the dimes we cols from the broad Ids as fa) , Hacks aforesaid . we should glide down life' strew /tis contented. to rem • tiomely simile. es a in is ithiep water. For instance, the long evenings--t e toldlont• nines. the pleasant fi reside 'wettings , are itli nis.l• and the blustering. dismal. dark Novembei da , ./ that I the comfort out of all outdoor exercises ate4l maim pleyments are hemmed I. like a ladrk in atilt'. a fringe of pleasaututes. How the Auld tires within. the lender bones ieritlydes' without -flog Farmer says to his daughter. lids* and rev -chsieltpo. "Take the Obseresr. Sally,deer i , and read o the! tile!. 1i021.6111r11 first; seat the, mardpre. marri aid deli.' for year another; sad thee take for' yew f sad Jobe aid Mary." And nibile Bally' roads. ii the malls% aideelees a "regaled," large as his hood. is the chili, IMP eerier. or crackle a part of his irinter stotly of Moiety nets. With a frugal - supper. • cheerful w' •. ochserfort li fire. and cheerful children: lead a reads • tiewopaper withia arm moat , aft ay halm been discasseil l are not our, farmers happier tha Oriente*? !!. se or Su or breacii inn of the :ast eight, tet in the vi bit Oahu. di ngh t er Iwhich ran was in her coneroble n that the . the plain a- 'A hole Drew. t to 1. i the uoion. ' that the • oce tiffthe medtely yi bet the i tiled, and lanced that p another n Grout. tient visits °nal visits, *haw that asiitinal via , easiun, ai .plainthEi"s car existed rejJable, is 11 Anerobte Ithe lilies, l ake an im- I re/whet has natal prim p MO in the I•iiiiblished Elitor, Dr. .1851.- 1 veryfat, and ly sprightly romeirhat formed, but termination to be chiefly: eiy approai. ous union of 31, rka -', a ee,l Er Ole 801 l upset a day is. this. city I PM/ so teach pleased with the situation sa l the place, le visa. of tbs rposdy COSMO Satibory,-ruati. that he aigaifiod Its deter visit as aril,. pad bey souse mini estate. saliscribed 00.4300 to the flanberfroati._ rmitina his r prufes: ions) A Yea in Trouble. The man .of me Philadelphia Sallatio is not eboot polities. for lie is' at a politiniao; or ye religion. for Ws a prefosnar—Mt he is ag Ithe right r) with their 40. Having pasture thus tioniewbst . thew by ly- ~. the Leis Shore AMhoed—the last Oak of it— . ea n• 'doted, tied because. in his ass kepis's. there been au "arrival at Erie • r trains of cave from Cleve " Now Wel this too load--thai Erie 'boleti he al ' ed to . have li eMantunicadoe with the West. Canals! it is— the thing is sel(-evidestf—krie ought to be w is; fenced nff front all communication with the •'optsi e bar barities," of Ohio and New York! But the fan y pert of this moderu lamentation if Jeremiah. is the vity with which our Philadelphia eaterroporary aim his readers that. in consequence of the completion f this road. "all competition en the pert of Peonsylvasi /teethe great business of the North West is sided." ow we ask any man who knows any thing about "the at bu siness of the North Wen." If there was ever earth./ such a nicer since the world began as this Jeremiah of the /fatale. In the same of 01l the 'virtues of ter old com monwealth. we ask what she has seer done. to Amenpetio or the "great business of the North West?" Wleatpeti fits work has she ever befit over .which Mat ••t besiii mem" cield or weeld find %m aelt? If you sae or bar pe se main line of canal, we reply that it was Wilt as iy to sectors the trade of the Ohio Valley. mad sot of de North West. If you reply her central line of. railr4d. now D early completed. we answer that it comeneedes and ends jost where tits canal commences and mods / and hence stands so more chance of otiteining "the great business of the North West." thee the canal. Besides: "baseness." whether it be that of the "North West." or thejfilooth W Odell, seeks the most diiyet mod cheapest route t usirket. New that rest* isn the ,Sinth shore of ke F.rivi to Sulfide or Wald . and thine* over the ow fork easels et Erie Rail to . New Yak 444' ; Bec Poessylvecie bee within Isse her ders a mete et which • railroad hes lieu surveyed. said ie mew ' fir eximmoso. with whiehjif beil4 she sae toesepe Wilds trade sad rural—thld "Wei. , Mos." ever the, of which the /htfletios greentr i as loud ly. We refer I the Smiler? nod! - BMW Ow and Pmeasylwesia w t have the slimiest. d' and cheapest route met whisk the "gees Icsokie of the North Wes[" ten 'food transit he the -bee I .1t is cheapest because the dietetics lion; the ken to AS. wa fter is amok shorter time ever the New ark an Erie or the N. York Central roots. It is she t lownese it s grades ere fighter amid its serves We than by any oilie r mete., It can compote for this "great bosivuoso because Pennsylvania has established a systole of pulses by i f hie / every Mies Is the shape of freight or passeern p oor Liss West meet submit ti a traitibipmest ben.— In view of these (Acts. we have no doubt; it woe id be goo d lows , it it wets tree. to Now York that. le mouse gnome of the eimpletioa of the Lake Shore re54...a1l competition es the part of Pastasylvaisia for the great beeisess of the North West is ended:" hotunately it is net true! The competition of Peonsylv fir ibis ee,s "groat Waitress" has rot is commence. She hard ly takes her first step yet. When, however / the Bos ton r oad is esnemeseed she will have doss se: Mid when it is *terrified. .of which feet the BOOM eon Will be ar rived Nome fitto nstiming. the compediim wlllttre hems goaded. ter it scar *mode lb) reitoristioe of the rimd to end i r. . *-, i . 8:to hand ' little idea of y and inteili hope that they ttaig sitting I on t I ne rota s to 'alit fur • tole ward: a ~ 4 , f0l ilia!) the ' wned by M. I he Lee ch •ep 131,6 ure who is an ion Jag • a bill which for the ke& FIN icket,—, iickili wia same pigeon at his peeket • et, which he ad then nreut after he oil, when he '1? Of course r friend 'rho ill call on the f oil—so dal In (0 ) Jeer. ..tro:on Elder ks City, Aug. ry arena's:int, ns. England ;4, tin less than imissionarieis to they send twtrt . four: Gibraltar na-three; Cape merle:an Pros- Gliana two: :t. trivia ore; nstratia nine; e.appointnseitts or .the coo- he ultl saying: what - they lack ~i E it I E.' I' A. Naval Appointment. Thiwgia a etroirrobat oat affair. Oro Arty et write( soid tlss preartdiage. - theeeyisits. sod the dolor. ettbo Cel ebration of the *peeing Of the Railroad Worse. title city wed Clevelead. ie lather a dry otte - -4•9„ tor. we woad gladly resign to itto proper but lama, madly then was nose; we believe.. or if there was. we heviet found hies. r,: The day dimmed damp. dismal sad assomfortable—. altogether unlike what one world cheese. if a 'choice were Possible. for a gala day. Daring the sight the cars frees the East and the West had hue buy is hrieging in streagers. so that wheat - we leaked Mat ear Hotels is the nowaisig we mitered quite a samba al disciagsished 1 gaols. Amen oorE4itorial Me . sti we rimegaised Lass. of the Ravi Netts. Dr. Baena. of the "Weltharger." Exhe me. if the iflusilic. aid Luise. of the Corneae. cirri. ail of Buffalo. In oddities to ear Editorial Mende we found Buffalo represented by a large delogaties. and seawall ii we Noticed Ur.. Paints. the President of tad lite" Liao Bead.' Mr. Wit.uans. Due Ricsisosio. 1.1 Scrams. Jr,. P. Dearcirsca. sad others. _ At nice 4 o'clock the Mated pests. to the .number ei. some two or three headred. had gathered at the Depot? and were sees whirling away us board - the ears fOr Ash 'i. tabula to meet the Cforelaad delegation: At almost evi,, try elation additious were read, to the amber*. al when we arrived at Ashtabula the train from Clevelea was jut coming in sight. with flags flying. sad the cars otherwise appropriately decorated. Oa the ratans. the trate striped at the Elk Creek bridge. fee the purpose tif 'Davie& those ea board to ems so ins that stapeadess aerie. But we haw" neither room ROT time is this place to dd. scribe that work—,sffice it tees" that* a work .1w it is second is seas In the Unles s mire perhaps the hi Bridge at Portage. ' , . Soo. after the reigns. all wirer essembled is Ma* Brows's Splendid Dialog Runs. - mod as a fast fro ,t i Ilweakfast unfit after three o'clock kid prepared all fo r playing their part in the ceremonies then to commence. It Can be set dovisas pretty cartel* that full justice was dons to the repaseprepared 'Judge GALBRAITH prosid ed—(hers we qiete from the report of the 'Cleveland ffrrald. ' , Scripting the remarks of ,ffir.' Leary)— .•and when the popping rof corks began to create " noise and coufasion." the speaking unimeacid. Judge Galbnith being called on. spoke briefly and well. He usgratulated the assembled representatives of Ghia. New 'fork. and Penesylesnie, that the last link between New York aid Cineineati had hese eempleted. sad a t the connection with Galati sad St. Louis. mak' g a chefs of maid extending 800 or 1000 miles w - would .soon be made, and throegh the read just completed, imalteonaect with chaise of equal eosin the East.— Who could estimate the importance of ese improve-, meats on the bee; i;oes said props* of the country, and is bieding this Union feet _ I. uniting all see tiesi as one people? /le , was titled to see friends from the East and tha IWest to ther. and these friendly gatherings and, eating" a Id do much good. )edge G. closed 11th a happy radereeee to the obstacles over. , coat* in thri work now4usiebed. and to the improve -meirts of tub last baKeeetery. . Mr. Lear that 'misdated the ••Railroad King. Al fred Kellei" / Air. K.irespended in a felicitous 111•111111. ' HO said is 'eehistance—We have ma at a marriage feast. Who are thi parties to Are waited? Two geom./amities kut wad 'Vh'est; sit F. F. V's. list F. F. A's—the First . Fassißiis id America! [Chou] The we great Rill reed' families had resolved es a weddlog. Bed it was . ought beet to have it in the Keystone State—the Key stone of the Union—in the geed old Commonwealth of 1 Pennsylvania. And why? Is' Psalm Mania they don't require any marriae license! . (Cheers.) to Ohio they I , du. and the •Ilockeiis dome to Penally traria to build rail roads without chalets—not so—a slender on the gleri- I ou. old Commonwealth. (Leurtapplaue) The dam sel was first christened some Bolt of a copal...woo Frankton Canal. She'wes a great romp and would run spoi the Land. The old father slid he would sall ell her *phis's— at the hide hoyden would romp through the forest and roll her beep en the comments Ohio reek chile of the girl and made a real racer of her. Peon• sylreoia sedertriek to stop her propose with another. - co the- aria-d• script aex—s raise betwixt the two—but the girl hal% seed is multi, serem the weeds e'er leaped ' every barrier the parent emir eaten isterpesed (cheers) —leaped Crooked Creek - st a boand--eleared 1400 feet at Elk Creek it ease, although the' hat was prouenced impassible—made no stop at Walput Creek.- iret)eatied t 800 feet this side—and stands furtliat the wedding proud ly wearing the ring of the Bride! (Groat sheezing) TA* lEast complained that she was small. bat they should re member that Wyatt brides always grew after the wed ding! [Tramerdoas applause 'tad laughter.] • Judge T.sompocia. of Erie, responded and kept the ta bles in a roar. lie spoke of the Railroads built and in progress all over the IJuirrit.—frosa the Allude. to the PlI• eific—the iron train a blazing meteor, a aural sae, radi ating. vivifying, and biologist alt the people, (Chie4.) This little railroad of oars, its said. is finished; a small link bat as important ore. is she chain of tea, thessuind mails. Its failure had been predisted. bat it went on asides. sod obeyer stopped going. sutil ii oesasseseed raising! (Applaus ) Jodie T. paid a deserved esa pliamiet to the President and Daemon of Frasktin Coast Cempasy Railroad, sad spoke of the difficsltiea is their way aid the progress if the work aid of Erie. Nina years ego Erie lied, not even a amid. and railroads wire met dreamed of. The Canal had Wen iii "erotism ;Car ers) years and most successfully. Nine years ago Coal was brought into Erie in the winter by the "fed' load. thrive or fogy toes sufficing. The trade bed grows to ) 00 . 80 0 ts*Ormily. .Noir we have twei Regrinds. sad plank reeds had become the most common tbikgs in tha world except telegraphie -wires! (Cheers.) edge T. told soap assesieg anecdote'. mad said he 'we Id contin ue his speech. hat hi *so respect be se meek reserahlsd a great ties that the **saes and cosfaiissel Pretreated! (Cheers and Lawlor r ) ) ' ,fr - Mr. Lase. Secretary. @peke of his *arty asahossisaw its the Franklin Canal Commis, Rail/sad, l weirr sit, laid a high oaosplimeat to Noma. Galbraith Oad Kelley. and referred to the parelassaisos coarse of this &ate towards the projeett. mad the Uirerslity ofOhis wad New York is siding the enterprise. • , ki It= ea• *ids glow Ike and t woe pros Melt ul of I.f Lb, inatioe •• has VP re lately tole— "boat B. liitiyise. Esq. was milled for. and made an able. atirviagimireeh. la common with thopireple of Ohio he had Snaked with great Interest ea the mires* of \lie Franklin Ousel Csaipaity Railroad—the gm nasal ma by steam. heath's Ayes the ealargotaaaal tb Empire State. [awn.] lie referred to tbtriteamit. reditsylva ale is Nosing obetrectioae In the way of the - work—an oppolition to aaromeaablo that it Bade no eenatonance ant of the Mate. and hint Mk he treated is It. The *bole central interest Mabee. opposed to dee comtruction this Nat—opposed it by logisiation--la the money mar • ket—and bid appealed to the Immo. Bat the collate *to of the West sad the Earl boo been mad* through • Ponatqlvaala la face of ail ditO ',perkier. (Applease.] Mr. P. pee dim credit to them who had accomplished o fe w or k. sad took an anintatme vonrey of the roman. Thirty m fitly railroads. all cantering hare, aad peering their aemmisalatod trod. and travel throegh this short tun nel. Are yea going to fetter title ynang giant of the West so that she ca . anet Mnt the fatten? Painsylvaaia can. not. great tad mighty an she We There is so hostile teens/ irt the West to Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. We want both mates open. We will be iiheret to them, and want they should be liberal to us. The West will go round by Virginia or Canada. rather than be forced logo through the Cud:emote. [Cheers.] Is this ►nuts going to be kept up? [Cries of yes! pool] The *hi Cr menonwealth herself has stepped into Court. mud i s mew Gahm, her iiisprome-Csart to break ap thie limo of mad. If she summede and tears sm the roils, send to Ohio sad a regiment ef Basksye boys will pet them beck again! [Cheers.] la reply to the remarks stilt. P.. Mr. Low!. of Erio. oak* is eattotsses: • Mr. Prosidosi. I fool as We oasaaion all the gratiaea- Mori *so au Won the coasaalleativa at a groat 'Wail whisk has bass savapasatelly apparaml—spromiod. with all dap bluoraara atad As bard*, Mal masey ass coatataad. I gained bib lbs projeat. hid Wt. L. of ~~ ~ _ essmieettleg the East sod the West with be. of iron with till the ardor and determiseties I was espablet, hie It hes been aecompisbed—accomplished. too. stalest tit. ...bib sod effort if designing mon who bad determined that Ass consecated ground open which we stand ahooki never heal' the shrill whistle of the Westora locomotive ever the road ash* Franklia Canal. Company; and the records of the Coed of this county will 'bow that myself sod Smith Jacksoo. who I see hens at my right. were prosecuted on divers *cautious foe Trespass; and not on ly es•but the laborers ie our employ wore indisted as criminals for attempting to build a road 'to Quite New 'York with Cleeionati. And now. is the name of jostles. and common honesty. is tine. oar hoer of rejoicisig. kir jest to Piunsylvania and to Erie. It was not, said/Mr. L. as has been repreasseted by the gentlemen !rlls pre ' eseds4 •*-46. POse.-belyems• they were b olts laudable effort to suite the East sad Ihe West, that they were op posed. No let as be jest to t/or oilightnri z e—it • cause citizens of Erie. chimes of Peustajlvanis. soli red. and that-honestly, that it would be wore for thi/titerest .rif Erie end the State that the same object should be ac complished over the Pittsburgh and Eris charter. I be lieved differently. I then th.sght and.l/now Olio* dint the true policy of Peisasylvaisla is to let the human fam ily connect themselves by railresdajitat where they please and when a member of the th• Legislators of the State I advocated this doctrine: and lyeeld advocate it and tote lot h this night with .11 Lisa (centrism that t now partici pate iu this social gathering. BM. cootintied Mr. 1...1 ant **practical matter of fact moo. and we may as well meet the gentleman who has jest set down now as at Amy time. He has bitterly di- , counted Penusylvaole in regard to the Now let us , •take the bell by the horn.." and to doing eo allow me to remind my "Buckeye" and New York friends that Ohio has built and is now building their railroads with s, four feel ten inch gauge—New York and Boston on the other baud have built all their roods with a four fret eight-and-a-half inch gauge--except the New York mid Erie and her appendages. Now bear iu mind that the width-of roads East of us and West of us is differ? Eat, hence a brea( of gauge is neeessiry—most, its feet. Oka place at seine point b-tween the railroads East and the railroads West. Tills is a “fired fact;" akm which all regret, but a —Si ed feet" nevertlieleve: • - Peous3lvania..continued Mr. L., is the Keystone of the Federal Arch! She iciest to the .West and she" is . just to the East. The rail roads to the 'Atlantic hero been built—those of the West are now eoncesatrating at Cincinnati. sod exteedieg oat breeches to the Father of Water., and is the Atlantic. Hire they have met. and here the break of gauge meat. (rain the nature of things. t r tker place! It. must bit made span the soil of Peen-iyi ianie—ii must be made and remain hero forever. [Ap pilausel And this brings ma to the reason why the 'Lichees' must be made here. There is a little spot on lite "green earth" called the "Old Ko3steue." She was one of the original thirteen! The metropolis of that state is the "Clinker City." This city has rights, and her rights must be respected.' Wit' not extend your roads upon your own guegesfrons Yankeedom op to this, ° tut. and them place Boston anti New Yolk in competi •ion with Philadelphia upon Peens3lvania ground? iVlty did yen build the Ohio pose East of 'us, end that too in the face of the seisms selectmen's of Pennsylvania? Because New York stud Boston owns the roads ESSL of OS as well as vilest of net and great. and strong and . mighty as they are. they are afraid to enter into a fair and open competition with Philadel t .hie for business here, but are fully bent an running tile trade and travel of .the Went to a point bestow us, where Pennsylvania is net represented, and where she eputial come! Now in this , ,hooest?—i;it fair? No. gentle'men of New York ,and Ohio, it is not hunted and fair; and, tell you now as a friend. you had better be both: rut' rCtilii),Vitaid to refuse to let you pass over her soil would be illiberal— for you to attempt to TOO the business of the Vest past her SenbuiY and Erie road to New Yotk at the expense of Philadelphia is dishonest—is a conspiracy! Let tie then be ficklest with each other—let es do right! Under the arrangement yea propose, pneseugera and freigh t would be ticketed thrOugh torn Girtena to Buifele. from. Chicago to Buffalo, from St. Louis to Ballo, from Cin cinnati toßitfralo. and from Cleveland to Bunk' for the same price they would be to this city. and Philadelphia and die Sunbury and Erie road would be "nowheris.•%—' Penes3lvanin /lauds here to-night proud of her strength , her position and—her gauge law: She any. to Or West. come hither, and she has come—she says to the East. 'come hither, and she has not come—she refuses to enter, into an honorable - competition with our own city, Pnile delphiat In this we feel we are asking nothing that not right. arid are are determined to aubusit" to nuthin chat ie wrong! Much. continued Mr. L.. htis been said about corrupt log the Legislate rep of the aisle to accomplish this re rolling purpose. it can't be, don:. gentlemen. W know your% is eparse-proud monopoly; but it can't rid rangh-shod Ihrough-tbe Legislative halls of the State : -. 1 er t en though your emissaries are armed with twice 50,000 erpinents in the shape of dollar.. Mark this: One more word and lam done. The Frinklia C nil Company hap completed the read to the Ohio Sta; Line. That rood has.been fought long and wickedly. I 'stored into its support to save as honorable a man fro hankniptcy 'siver dial 611111 shone upon. John GA braith started upori this. Work with the entire and, bear felt approbatioe, of this . whole community; and whenli get invested is it. not d uly all his earthly possession , but his reputation also., then those who had bid hi God-speed at the commencement, dug up the Pittsburg i charter and attempted to driv e him. in his old dove, i • gloriously into divines without a dollar. The mass i the people Who went for the Pittsburgh charter; hoe uothiskof the scopes behind the curtains. I did, for- I Commenced Sebum( for the l Frasklia railroad at t s miip of the game. I foetid John dalliraith • perste • I led arcs-..tlse smuts ware appealed to lit cases watt's!: member; sad* wee thee the people thought the joke h , been earned fee eneragia....iedeed i little tie far. end beams they dwiegarded,peirtice and sleeted him President Jedgcrif this district, sad his largest eoeusase. Jelt Mlles, his assesiale. New then. epsua sed Mr. 1.5.. f there* lay One 'Meg I so geed at it is • hitt. sack We we have great thew:bib I. etaremplieli this :work; hat if the Frani& Canal Company. er Meows** abroad, *- tempt te be wejeet to Erie--4 she attempt' to het. y Philadelphia-4f site demi cwt beer, with mibmiesien roopeit to all tits laws. inetodiar the -Gesso Law. will Sad that abo was bore at aultantimely kink, and will ha straagiod by these who sitod as bee mid•wi• The brdok of pogo st the Slits Lino is - iibisassfel hoposittoo spin thstravoliolpotilice, bat we sot to Wine for h. Oes pogo betweeo Lot sod the West. mill oily one, is seesessry, T sbooid be =ads as fir West l as posSible. sod New • moot mods torn her position. Let her estesd ber op to-this WO epee her owe ritag“. sod col itit toteeript to twee the Ohio /sego late it State who was sever heed before. She Is asking What is w end what she will never get Tags has been eke with a desist, to hews the ehengehere verily for the ■ k of change. These who make this charge show .1 theur owe igeonume upon the swbject. Was the gli g East and West of the unto width. mod the people Erie demanded a cheap merely for plunder, th. wash! not stay another might io the peace. But t are asking eothing of the Pod. Oar Lair Makers its. their advantage—they raw that Erie was the "Pineville'. between the East and the West. Oar Quaker faihers wee had been neglecting us. have awoke from their slfep, Our Legislature but told yen to come here an Our gauge', and heis it her bottle harbor. compete wiilt the Sunbury and Ett,its railroad upon a fair field sad in l i b* fight. Pennayleanfa his warm hearts. saidlifr;:l f .. !sp on this "Paean:is" who will never;see OM' huge, *Obi West run to coy other thous the Ileabeary Eepetf The remarks of Ildr. L.. .1 which the shies Iv a teary imperfect report, were received with smatedeatie 'ap plause. Tim - Ace of dos °lsaias Weekly assail r 404- los open a fur days or and rifled of—a see dollar !Wilk and a bops bait Adios- Tits editor kid tO nspUdl tho m 4110144 es 0 til Meld oolirOt. P•CTS AID 7ANC4II, Cr A mss that will scHatormil , 7 !ilia attire ye t wiialid salt his ototkises Wiser. if it TS 11 110001. ti CIO. 13" Wednesday' was oni few iisis tae 1 ,, November inkhis laiitude—zhnight, son st.inf tad k eti. tifil: , • lU" lyis said that p:rk Benjamin ?epee's allel e 4 1. mho aeon. from certain decisions lately madd ise e td,,. th‘'Setstos or htiokt Jewish seesaws in 1 11 1, 4 : 1 ... e , k i iii.s ., hall it. for Park hums how to eriji e a d, peti it well asp 7 Amin in the lead ----' V . A writer says tbe Odd Follows speed ,ften ail blidrii minion a veer in'aid of sick Members et e .. iii6l orreltere. ho might hays Wed. were sot sias " No to hart them. IT A yolog lady—s eosoitio giti—gieee the ha w leg ceteforie of Ow dinkiest kinds of love: . The sweetest—a-mothers; the longest- 4 I i hive; the •streograt—a woman's Iota; the jl tirw ,.. l men's !pee; and the sweetest. Wiriest, strongtr, d ee ., lore--..“ lows of e new helmet. - AT tiolec.—Geo. Scott received in F.:1,240;4m0 11. ly 65 majority—a_whig toss of 356 from their anti Nit Slifttter es)s that marriage effords tutu II:milli. eat happitiesa on earth—the potwor of 6 :spiriting f. his wile. Where is Fanny Fern?" Q 3" flow melancholy the moos must f ojteai thi "pejo} ed the tallness of proaperity and got redee t i last quarto. . cr **Gone a ducking."' That is Ike term's l ei . young roller in Arkansas. wises ha goei,ts "'w a r tit iOOlll , Wedlllll.l.l. irr Sportsmen hass'a great tins, of it op AIM ok, lows, in bagging gaoil. They are shipping ri . noops. of a Mulched doing, to - St. Loots. sh ell sop!s consider thorn R losory for sating purpose:: Er One of 011, exchanges says the Mormons eh fashionnb:e es any body. The Deseret Nicir cot faditstiernsuts of nrilliners_tiost from Now Y he istest Paris Fashious." &c. Brigham Yarn/ luaariied his twenty-fonrth wife. lu regsrd to the ;fishies t we think the Mormoi:s are a l.afe cum 1 14 , idusble than tha ”rest of mankind" or uanyhotiT U? A project is now totted of and eosasitred bls. of butidiag a railway from 'Minnesota to Net fk. Wag% by thasids of the Mississippi River. Ttl4 truly a gigantic Plan how Psonz nist:—How folks diffe iobscco. the Iliad.° takes to lime, while Ili' •Oa coat u ineat'ia a•trit sf Gseno. Thri his tonal y detigtit ia toady—those of A oh. A renthuroa goes his length kr while a E.. riataas Indian dank, s eteit4 throws or dmatiee. The Saath Sae 1,1 from all tievo, their favorite Moir .being manor al roosted iniavorvort. IT The sow I I ork Mirror spooks of speech on the fileelt cf 3k. Webster. as e beitattful tribstes that ilsse bac.' puttied . 1 of the"mighty Ond." 4 The not itatee that a number of • Boston and vietnidy ere grtting up a corn. timoniel of their persons! esteem for the to the shape of a i"snoder eanioget loge I oes and scpaipage;ionaplete. ali of New E. lion, for the ocr Ohio iosegaraoopli Neatorleans rev ,ya. that the Spanish iialdiers The edn 1 lav ea. may do ye fur a sort of uninfoimed Fm keep down s et _,td ridden down people, but, terly unfit for net/ral warfare. Ile bel„eves that. fire companies fr in say of out cities T weild plies then a match fur t e whole *quad. • The Ptt of the Democratic Party An anxious sealich for consolation in their pre refs has diseloa4d to whig journals the fee...) • enaocratie party 4.annot long survive its trim will soon sink Moder the presses of its "Wu well' fall from the very unwieklinese of its belt: Tha seems to prevail quite generally moos' be whip, hae.doubtlem contributed much to mitigate the ef Mel, fall. They talc very confidently of a re: power in 18.5 G, Mid of thq prostration of the demo, Party in the mean lima by . the reige:onntestine str'o 1 ‘Ve cannot assent lo the soundness of till, opia cc.. tholigli_vre hair(' every disposition to ficrinit their,: indulge in each cinsatn-,ary vioiitis as their limey a suggest. From ea impartial survey of the rehifin parties :inirof this eundition of the country, /se , of the conclusion the the supremacyof the de miaow,: x• ,s lit length established , upon e permanent basis It is very - true:that there is not an astire modem sentiment in tho democratic party upon everf subject of political belief. Perhaps no two ' can be forted whose opinions upon all subjects at act aircordasce. Lt may be true, also, that there sOrm professing the faith of denteency who ei opinionedirectly at; ration., with Ms recognize( the deMonratic party ,, -just as nominal Christis. lives preach very heretical doctrines and do very ac Vs. tint neither the' nitity of the church in the a alines, nor of the parly in lists other, is destroy' s! misdeeds and bereiGes Jt infractor' members. T'. heartis sound, smiths "lows of an offending Loll), frpm inflicting d psi h. Will rather improve the het literease the strength of the body. i They argue from a formo stpatogy who suppaw XL dentocatic petty cats die, Snares, and defe it e rr fatal to the whig party, becguee it has uogenutai and is animated au! sustained by no living pro Adjust only to an accidental exigency. based uPe: pinery corsininanou of circumstances. and ford , the flestingloreatb of expdeney. it fells when ' support is withdrawn. and expires, it. sat duct of the hot-house. from the first chilling t:4 moistly. Not ir with the .democratic party.• dation of its power is laid b 0811 and deep. It is en Joternril 'trails. "though' crushed to earths again." Analyze the erred of the whig party, el/ , be found-to consist of 'a batch of political rarer philosophy and eiperience eqUally condemn; as. stance. its national bank and its protective tw:d. measures hare sprupcfrent no well established • eleteny Policy. and hive contemplated no delis) lasting benefit. They havis hese the creatures i - the pnlducts of unwise and narrow legislatioe. Instruments of only pattial ii;iii or of uniniiign la short, the while theory of whig politics le ' having its origin in no enlarged regard for Weal. ausupperted by the Maclaine:a of pbdosefl 1 nines with-the genius of lair reemerged • *four people. and bit ill adapted to develop ices' destiny of our country; mod therefore eondemued and reptlittiated by the ymoplo• i l verse of all this Mai be predicted of toe j.: 11 democratic party. It contemplates not the it' elms. but the good of ithe tintire people. its . are the deductions of mum and the 'duo° O f philosophy, confirmed by annual experience. i ores are all in perfect harmony with the spirit ci atittitiota. the aspire:4*n of the people. and the of American destiny. Aid ibis is the sours strength and pourer of the democratic party - " 5 based upon immutable principle and its *door? country and the eget, It ie expensive and a ""r too narrow for the widening stream . k . developmeut. nisi too slow jp keep pan' In• varteiag spirit-of dm times. 'l‘e principles of racy sever grisly *.siliseletotAl SO that if by as! ' the peewit organiaatioa of 'the democratic psi tombs. up. and its Omelet be abandoned, yet 1 14 prieeiples and Its sprit sortie* Is be, se they ' been. the bleising and glory of the cesstry. • it strikes tis.lhomihore..that they ';feed oP" By" who 4 1P 11 01 the early decay of democratic ' toy. sod Omi sisimaii 701110fOli01 Of the pehet e l party. No's mittigia *wow** is the amino of I' Ate roil tits age. Civilinstion lobes no otil The March of mind know'. sip halt,— 11-644/1/0" NE thildmi in iv RIM c sad.t i'• Ildel4 • e, 0. P. nf( 1 1 , 1 /a - 1311 imenta: ,her w =I