Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 27, 1852, Image 1

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. D17414.1N & 00., Proprietors
MIME. 23,
'Meekl4 Obgerutr.
.g. 9le-0.91 1 7. Edit o r.
ER ms• (11. 'AVE*
thi.-arnrr, €l,ot,
,•••. Iu dna afire.
.11, , O.:or a, olitnihree.iwAttlis from the luttl.
Nt claved.
mils, be po , t paid.
. ve rtling 1 lines, One Tear,
-II 'man fits;
thit-e months
i-t , [ ent• ptr 94/Ott. of fifteen no. ur
93 rent• for ear tr subsequent insertion:
P;11;• 14; %Alt rbangtug alt , leasurn ?
. ed to ()cry Wan tt,t v 2.pdare, , ,rtnd
r : rst •'.fttk (nd....ttess.
: ut her Mr:Tu.-ft., mill be Ints(gted III!
'111( 0 . I.IS, M — AtIS 11:1;
rr , e,irir of r:. I,oon. •si .4. Co. ) L.
.;\ , ,: h .,... - ., .1., rir2.. :-,“.. I , So; .1.., ,, Mti•1 'di
) -,,,n , 4. , .--e . I.luu:.= ;mu Faitc j
,I , ,iiiN (;(_)ALDIN(i. I i
:1 , , 1 lia':: \I 6t r—Stu.rtr . ott the e4t bid , of
•,.. ,!. -,- north I , f E.!: 1 11. and .t , t).Aning .4 11. Ht.'-
• ~.. •
11..,rt-1:0 , •$ , . La ~, Praha., !
_ _ _
,;(110 :., KEEN •
AN. ,
10 . : .. .1. A .r.•:- t. +.1 .• ut It. J . Itege.e% 4.11, Flor.#
('I If
I .•'+••r• in 14 ' 1'z;rpet! Dry
• 3!..
\‘ 33:1.11\1s sti• tG it r.
~,,„ , „t (.n:.l uill.
s! Alfib
i. , ti I Olt I•Vt. :110 ,rti,
; 4.sf
. r: P. .... r t..r.vT. •
. . .. 1
J. (;. & VIC I. 1111,1,S ,
t . ,
.? 1% Irik ~.t.l-1,..,i ler,. .11 4.r.,,.rie.,%VinT-.l.nilsor4,
...,.r. ~•,:,. I , r .0. ~. ..hb, 1....k.0i 1.1 1 , 1, 1 / 4 '....1 ii. el
,. I ••• —•,,... e't I h r) l'Ill. • iIF firolll., ;trti - les, of
•.1 .0. ' .0%, ~ ~ ler! h in..!•, N.:3 :I. Vl:ll...zes 1403{:,
, tv , - 1 Is\ I,' , Ne ~i11.,1t I, l:r.. t L'i.
~ ' I
...•,. 1 .•r- . ' %V - r. 1ir.,..1 ft,strar)..
, i",•:.: it ./.:0:," , 1 13•4'.•r- t”...f.....,...,,,.., J. G. ki16143
i ) „:14 IN hiell
V. i.I nep,71.1 Wil.,;iyi, 11e . ..1 1..,ve prICC
~ J
.t. (.. 1 k••ktt,•..C. ,,, irt. Etl4•. P 4, 1
111111.1 N ,&: - .:51.0.1.N.. 1
4... C. ''.
..-') ~Iprii to :-.-e1ia1, ,,, ?", ' 4k. IP:w v t
~ , .1 i't"'rr rN ,
s ar,. N
o ,IJ, Ii! — iV; 'li' lie
i I-- ' t i,
/ i I
11, t. s• r)km i'
__ __
't)IN HILL J(?icss•ro:i it. 11. ,
r,..,...!."nce on tlth Street, two doors West et 00.
-_ _ _
T. W. AIOORE, ' , 7
, I
cerie-. Provi,ioni.W iiivg.l.lq , nrz. rand lei. Fr 44.
'w:vw !.(4 , xiip , Az CZ.'m ti:4tte sireel.l:•l"..• ,
'e 8, I . wry Dr) food-. a.•: the Greairst Yarit.ty
,t, , A.. 4 . . tr. t%leA , Sate. Erie. P 3.
r•••:..1,1 iivaleto in We: and Dry Grocerlei. I
r..' t4 . e. ureter tkant7llr Flat. '44 . 0041..ti..
IV..ri.. Fl• It, Salt. IDafir: l4l, Dh!.. l.o4 ,
r l / 1 "... KC., eL.C . • Fretkr:ll Street. Oititgir t
II .11-e. Erie. I'a.
liotfo.;„ Asia rtivatld
ar.i . V yr oicabo:earticlt•s n - eth prosupt%
- ,'NM. S. LANE
r=e7 and 01MAIMUI
inrjoon'± t‘torey at NOt , '
swims-and Stir/eon..
Iv 7 tut-, A.:411 to And 7. r. M.
,•• iTS.4t •MT; W. /I
ttfernhantu, Aetler in
cent tor a dall.).llne of upper lake .iteauurtr;
_ 4
l• CAJ,
.1' •111TP3 . r
f Iron Fenv. R gteltill,oo :
, -t o e. i.,l%%ceik i ti ........ Erie.
• ! No 6 acta 1.1.c,rk. Sof Buret
.ictOek. A. 114. '
tict,,:k. P. 34,
n. D. •rA-frottn. Attitnt.
(i}:UltoE J. hibltTO..
la, tftu , ;Arm of J. , /harm k CSI
1 -, ,anntl+,..wn Merelmni. Pul,llc the.
Fish, Flour and Plaster.
1 7 1 ,' A I.KER & '1961A - i9:
prod Counnisp.tou Mereharats. 'set
• PNt•ter Ftridr. Erie Pa,
- i-teriPsuceo. rt.b, Limp:m(l Ilitnit
tt.,l ,t,•es.• Curti nits, Ice.. &C.. Wsth unalup.Nsii,"
• r t pii , g r I.y titer vuttaata, protKrkrs;
3 Pall ttpaj
•• • at
Jib • b Wniehe*, lewelryt
t• 1.0c,k 41; lir:OE4V and other Fancy G 004.1
- (•! Kr. , l Ilduec. . 17
_ .
AIWA. 1'KJ,136/.. KEPLER.
• 4;•'re•ie:4. ilardwrare,-Croeka .&e, Tiro.
arced. Lrie, Pa.
t A. M. J
—(r.rtcr raricjiow, tattoreen Drew tiolnert
It•-• . -,1, 4 11;prott, up ^t tiro.
1J(. C. BIiANO - 04. 7
ai Inv rewt.lrneo oa Eighth
• , • • an I liollatoi, Eri•••.11."
x.l 4SANFORI.),,i C()..
•re m (tack Nou4, t'rallf, Ccrrittcates of fre.i.
Fu the pr I at' ip..l trues ct.tokta , ttljr
.'" ,11 Itior roam Bitttraie. Erie:
I'iirolri44--4)lRee. corner of — French and Filti
y, Koch's scare. RestanCe on Fowl?* *afoot.
-1 , 1 t to 01.1 Apothecary trait.
'• !tures "ittr,b,.
•,•1 .1.,,,,rman aul A gierleau H arawore sod GolliwY•
. A:.yii , , A -
Wee, Ison and Steel So. 3 Reed nouso:.
R - 0 , ,,a 11 dealer in Groceries. Provisions. Winer,
I I. Critrarr of French and Fifth &me th .
•• I' .flirers' Hotel, Erie._ s
and Retail Dealers in. Dry Goods. r%rocerics.
are, Carpeting, Hardware, Iron, Steel.
- e. Etepire litotes - State SUM, four doors, below
I:rie. Pa.
-, Vwe,, Bellow C. Atte lArms,Spriop,sield a general
I ut saddle and Camaro T•ritninamp.
- -
T i.etc au, Justice of the Peace. an I Agee{ rOf
Intattatree Cotnpany--011ite 3 doom
neat, mote, uric, Pa.
1 LAW, Girard. Eric- County, roa4
~..4 ntiended to'. ith prornotoessfnd
__ _
USIAH K4.11,0Gb. r"
6r. collitiliikieD AletChatit, on the Pia, k. lof
''. A gy.r and %Vhitr Fish, constantly for pale.
I. ROI4ENZWEitr& Co. •
..o it b. ZA 14 1)1tALX111 In Foreign and Domestic
~, wane Clotniay toots stud eitorli se., 1110. I
,:....1.. State +met, late. t . , .
` , l Alt H ALL 11r.: V liiicl.l;si
. tAw—Ottice up stairs in Taonnany Hall building,
Prulionotary's office, Elio. •
_ _•._
':. ItiketLux •r Lailv—Ofilte OVIN C. 11:Wiliglit's
, :,e eune door west of State street. On the thandad,
coo., pry Groceries, CroeketY. larli‘arr" to
• A • New Hotel
!Ir, Good.. Groceries. Hardware. sineertir Ware. Liumh
•-• 111. Cheapside. Erie. ra.
-p later. and Undertaker, corner of State saJ
.101.14, Erie.
(Seaters ill Drum, edie I nit . taints. Oils.
ate , 45. Reed . Erie.
lerctinle 'll,lll
rador.nn the p • •Eise. a few a""
mei , Erie. .
4ADR:it 11 dealer. in Wart. edielam pre IRIS.
. ue. a, Reed Howie. Erse.
Lk. O. L. EGLIOTT, •
iteNdent Dentist: °dice and dwelling oh the
P3irtil side of the Public 13quare. 1w 68 or last
of the Erie Bank Building. Teeth fellionedon
Gold front .one to an entire sett. Carl
tned nub pure Del!. and restored to health mad me-
Cie*llea wait' netroments And Denchlieenn as to
Pieline!e ete:l3.7 All -work warranted.
t+~e roues ee of Me Diamond. Om doors east of
tar th,.,E,ie • Mee' reasonable, and all work
1.101 Ef IP June 191469.
Tutrq ni
03,00 •
- - -1
the ritt,i.
Oa tine C.illoaring dap •
always liaen upend as
*Peary fraVale.r, Was PK
Jack firewater had Intl it
light heart, and embark
Netwithatau Jinx a tole:
time. J sck, after taken
heaving. caw:L.ll4 it
toned into ibe Ain.
"t)l the ari
A-e "vrel'iei !ler
• Jook hid pheiid too
pdovioso good look is
gala soatissoil to is -
roma tag dawned. the
with the shattered frovis
tti vessel sodititsuar
Aire. was the rant to
fogad *itia die real es l
hearted Jack Brewster. , I
boor a . rocokrreisitor at
become as faiwilirsi as
kind tied eiseerfisl word
darkest trial. the only its
rated land °estran g ers
deo fausitiarity of a fe
had been takes array.
filly made up. And ati
Lion at this time. just
sad fah a seeerity in Isia
sista . lied Meg
she would' boo
'hock; bat
Warmedttinalgb th: A; t. or eh:.:red throititt tram detals. ,,
Elbe did not despair; she still eloug to'her - asered charge
with all a Mother's der .tiess. tied aosiftit pr./tactless is
Him who tempers the a raters Wirt to the shorn lamb.
Af apart oasis on th same day; two travefers. halted
at the - cottage for rest red pfnishuttas. Front their
dress sod conversation. was evidentihat the strangers
were as less personate than au` English merchant and 1
his valet. 1.
While they partook s( their scanty
they eoevereed treaty • o the rebellious stew of th it
colonies. and the pro • Willy that striageat measures I
aim eveataally 114 r d Igin order to *shies the is.
aergests. The tomb t ;teemed to be coadicuag the
discourse for the inform ion of his valet, bat old Meg
wax set so loatteotive. ugh appareitly a winless US
tenor. 'She was alto. Hata of the purest 'tamp. 'aid
eatertalaid a meet % die** abherteace for every ibis(
that savored of malty; witU had tasted of 8s ignite op-
Premien to the mother *retry. before she had catered
apes The daring lovely' Si ;Wash • gaiet sad bailable heist
its the roses. sew world' adios sad sopreteated.
As ehe was perforais hey doutesda dales Asa tie
home, and leading Ii F t ra w • kr
11,1 I ,vei alto west, .h.
left tits ream for a sae a whets the inert:bast lastist-
i..- ~,
The world i.,
of so bad it world
1(1,111tio to make it t _
- elitood or whether bad,
to, we take it ;
laail trot all day. ') .
.trit tiil oven. i
oii'et aiLitd to mai
col of hoariio ;
troth as goolkirrlai
mown to soy j
oeh itnoth!.r.yet—
vi,ry-roany ; • .
As e4ma wu
whet t li
Dipund4 0 4
Fur it Wi ic .1.1
FrJilt Jo:4,y r.
T,ii work( will
A faretuta Is
This worhi 'A 1111
At o'er twat
Who have nut
Ar.d thole ♦r :r 011.3 1713'!:i
H.114.-wainork joo
st‘ ba turd to please
.114 etryloymeiat. -
llay. jr'~nty
ret9st .utulf hl
W'ii) cannot
etas clever work!,
• saat wpatlier.
world is q
In rain or pl .
If peol)lio wont
but leira to live
oglther ;
t ,he kludly bond
elite cemented,
Nor ii.,!ok to 114
11 ) 1,tv,! it'ad
A a.l.ltdrit the
oitior le.gotto rot,
Ts% at iyi
000 a pla%snat
I : A4 were, is
Thou- wereilla
And Idea~n it,
d Aroll
T.Lt w;s
pis!' milli plstrAutly •
tis ',scan it ;,
ilierts Er letratices,:T
y thirro.vpd trOlibk: 4 .
i 1• „
s ,r4rt , siwy they are. • I
tiny but ,
tttle4. 1 1
l n w.
. i
. ,
,c.‘„, mr.,.
.veiit lie beyond
iyotertoull p.tth we troicl.
our souls' delepotitL, . i
1,1..1 of stoi ow r steed !, ;
w.iwhats best to do.
Itii his st , tiry thru,re ;
rnon'otir view . i
- Iti”ot re nits tt:Arlown. 1
Ald .o_oll 1141
Burl:At ,;:i‘
%Vol° I prov
A ullFl ur
T O -
Did w. ant know
. I Tiya 'orange.
wool eye' Pte t^
Rut whr
•Vh4, t f r
That which hit j
of- hote on hig!i,
w iroiri dur side "
ysturfr el.-ny to Ole .$
vreo our ntornint prti4e.
!re we bUOt our !ta c t.+
the evening rays— i
u;nd laid in dust.
Sint ah Y on,4r
Some f iend
Some fhwer that
Mtv (A ►rc di
M tV trampled
,tany" beilninz thinTs
'er PleagiOres :nick t
I.w-born Firdmile briugs.
*f so:r4 back :
roizth drowns of
As #n lilt hies
Each day •41110
lie tarns uo ey
This 11,,sery 11,141
Ilis t eycs en so
Life is is Mim i s
/beg It era it it
dehr star aria art,
Igor shone.-
it, shadows yet.
ty seers'. i hada
int flee foe ma ;
fathers laid: .
s.tehlisfeirtsue's swag
a's hoss4ary live' . . .
i armi'y bright, v. -
ioitabes i:h. givos
1 isd'risr; steps sued.
Pkihtipip4 is runiais.
To•marrow ! in t
I little k•illf
I may ha with m.
t)r wreck'd on
Bat far hecand Li
Tit everlastin.
An.l 1k %lons w•
Cad glide it
tors iNtin! Befu4
0D 4 I
Prowl t:te R
• ttla:r.or4t. Enz:aml
r.- vri 1.04 mi. • I .
Elr:y L.
Prot yai
6 -lonely lieirtl4,
c tilled wthlairt
ati eoti
a citeettlat re•l
-d tw a )taase
lon the piesinn
on !wird et
I its isle', wni
his conionssr
isiseliii its h
1 • '
on migurttfn
ore most Moltke
I neli ribose's •
tionnilling 'she
in' Ins -•
sib sird:rigid ,
oats irrew.
stirs Mien tits Wait-ost after s
sr the dins et. Whim ohs
ra ttesist.
wit* fir the ibis years. had
sr Mot keine whose face had
koseirierid • jest. is shove
awe had fangs seises is her
mg in this hrsitil. wild. saysiti
hos-its* dared to address with
I 'ad.—wino shi,tssitted that he
• sow of 4est *strew sorted
were agenivaiWas
abe reposed's new trust is kiip
14154 J wisely declaration et as-1
pooressed •et say ordisary
Ws mistral/A 'Pettit!
Old &tor; arlui was
re lofty mune JONI!'
bratea an atrene.fate,
•, • • ant .weir,
In one woak heart W
rh rn hi• whose ardeat
!y: changed
an eider to
' ..Did ybU u
' • k did sir;
bsien raised iu
c! aat, earneo
I •
betwell t 9 qnc
uey to ty
nr ape•.lker
tn. nitblitt! I
lied by (hi
:bead darn •
derly in the
y I be so ii
atilt are amp .
.g looked
riled tee
and &le r
ci3l sse
. e of need
whole aft ti
aye' sli•I
le., Lai A.
1 10 114NIsLAUC
tv,t to ),;o'
If you are i
- Thr!caArit
i';2l4 of Alog. r.
-4 Taal de4l
Jdhiii h:•r Ne.e,
Cso tlierbt ill In
nt lirat,
only swine fur
tit the" gAt of
Walla ere ' Axe,
•wey the last p
Cho e4rlit".l
tour, ti o d ch'eti
Hui hi
pecting the chi
' gratified ;
lio requested he
might dean' in
1,4 t the cottage,
They had se._
taud's son Fra
travelers fur a
Oh„ aunt .
riyallers, bet y 9.
ctutlise I ern
know !"
M. gently ,
aspired • frolic
w. bowl bet
of • former.
bor. who fired: ,
ten visited the
her. ■nd he au
was a robtsgt
though possem . i .
od okl :Meg ma
va shawls. ti
oetit of the tim
an ordain lows
lila WI Iwr. w
salt •aent tire it
i.r. Si., ret•
oseziweted Ott
`wk with R ealm
ladinied -with
"I'n theui 4
The 14: - *ar
isfassiost *
nee illrpt,
rife ht the metropolis! %%melt' rind
. ~ ea 11-eirriir.g to and fro. The "Wets
wertierawded hit excited poops of Mee. she talked
, eritit l luitri role r and elguificaut gesticulation" ! , All
I, I:testae," wee eetralad ; the merchant left his titan er.
the seeitisnie q itted lies work-bench. aid the artist drip
i peel his pews). rod-mingled fits the busy throng t So i r e e
need high oaths while others looked grave and ah k
I their heads for todingly. , Tuna( mist examined t air
' me.ltete. middl -awed met prepared their mititarieq p
ages, and oh! en freely Ousted eat th eirsag' cons, I
O l sen loortilitiels between the worsruieent end the his r
could kad been -hilly declared; and brag before ni ~t
! felfthe wrote reel reionaded with the stirring dr m
lof the British iery. es they-searched along with iei
1 glitteriet kayo is tad blight red Oats. sad go
phnes. fie awe he pesple.
Bit there aentliet dies elitally as active. end. es
diabetes drew er pail over the selne, every farm-ho as
frireslies arias; held its' stack of acme, and its be u
coot. eslestatto patrfole. ready to meet • tfirP k iiggree • r
• with elect Iris . ignorant though they were, of mitit rt
ergsaization or he taeticikif war ! '
Tkirprieple. . the toles'," bad at last firmly resol et
apes a hags • doty... Long goaded by °primal
heta dawn by ; Omit rulers. asdberdesed rrith eni
taxation, they d resolved I. assort their rights. ;
, •• aat tberraoson's meoth. , . _ i ,
i The great . otorisen,llsweleateo, had beset fortis
Wheat the ate began to gathrie is its blacklist*, i
eciatateretal ho ;11 woe deeply ottereae; by thereto ' es
'bedew. nod try of the beet tretalilished flreas ire a
heieked their vies* sittLasterrool well, mother a.
try. there to e ps ato imposed's( ark,* Ames(
first is d•sialis was oho iiewee el; ', Lotiorage lin : •
et." The yea erveisaibsteicire Sim lied neeisisi Is
Liverpool. visit • thteeletnies•rialy, eneeskrosily. w *to
the elder - ' 1144 effaire Spite this side,ef,the t.
issue; mod tb . h tiro eiseigy,nod etiterywise.of
they had air a lissitsoilse tesssee. sad meta
ato its • . Bet duty weft of , ag
lareerglit. aid pos A* Ilsot / r*lontwales• of the eta I
Revelation. di , wisiity . dostihnt to estepead *pent' •
the e °tellies. Accordingly. aumeging mouse. 1.41 a.
little delay as ibis, the eider Lotherese *mbar ed
with kis family fe4aglanst. .
. ,
The older Is hares. , Bonet a skillful finanoisyk se
emphatically.. • *on eljdosedrei" lie vaned his • spi
grotifootinit a' . IP , evary other shield. Though
spirited enCheSerablo is his doelirgs with roes. *
pamitras were l litebrirlled,ao fret/Gently led him ate
*range deries4, , .
.. _ ~ . . c
' Ilis imbibe" as Of a dtifoceot Alwacter. • With 'm
sordid ivories piTtlottligelSlll- li. ltactri4coli every s'
principle to that of self-iatereet. Stuiwd is basis*
transactions. he tumor failed to take an honorable *dim
tags of those wth when he dealt. hie sordid a re
mi cid
ism seldom me I ' to deeds of pore to t oovolooto. t it t
epee one see a his feelings had hoes molted to -
thing like tenderness. and the iqtpressiea die seise ad
trade epos his ity boort tries sever "'Ally eletireie .
- Mamma lit ::ki*restly !Delimit!, the biotin's s•
limited "hilt ' . *es very isirsiesioisly, were
M:x "
.ja. which had
iir 1114C0 lu the',
titan robing
evenias with a
is little ink—
, lowing at tito
y or the
fight; and
ilis skill •sd
weather: Ti..
mos' et lit-
. 0
conversation. and addresswg his vale'
o, said:
4.1.% %lot b : -.aohrol wa?"
and - hv hearing the old hag miust l lla:
eh ft lovely
.creature could uSver ;have
miserable hovel like
•be guards it, tau!" euutinued the titer
"revlt-rd the v t iet. "Perhips it woo
tioa her upop ttro . 14 ct ; the otrur of
Iv; her to
nd burrly coa t ed. %%hen Meg entered the
Flora tottering nt-lier side. The etrau:..
tiineViei.hed their repast. end set back
I. their teeth.
". said the merchant. looking old Moe.
..Loa, ..yull swum iii truuLlo this tuoraio
Id as la squire the Can.e, mud as ! at
a. perhaps 1 can rotaderrnct asaisian e?';',
t him scrutinizingly; his coonte" atteas
Vitie , raletkee to ho cnpablo — of d cep
..,cto.f Ivo,. the 'Hu...v.Laity ofLis. Lelug'a
!el-. st , iit by Nov . .. Waco ... -diet `
llet lii,t .i.n e ul3t, svds to it ofill,i to / him
. sup! 1 t7iiwlie hit aid; but :licit hp was a
.1 ,
1.. mite regnr.!rd as inhuman{ iy-
' IA slid bure fur-retief front such s source?
I am in cro . .ede, but I feNtr )ou can Le
to ine My hhd would Le of tide
'bad her eici waudere.l toward' ttd
it Isiii4,l give iufiaito iihriskris
•inlty if that ikor iiivotved 111 lours
ot I'. ire st the
,I earl lam to ivir rontsin tier gilef.
t'i3 tversrillled
'..ts ra coofr kJ to iiiy c•ire when it l it ar
I. \Thu Rtipitile(l its wants
•dis4ppe•iroit, Iwe deprived ofithe
t. isupp irt. In the hou• of trist. Find
4 up ono who promised assistanco.; !hat
st night. it •srin6 i:roridence, whose
•g t t orst o riu t iA to Ilto ttvotolg.
Ibt, of my support. euil now I niu'intedl
..t..,111 t:te 411 114., and her ffisliear
re heart of the merchant, and he cUuld
n (Jrta, to press further Iris rimes
Ilia curiosity upaa the aulject war
aisdiug old Slug a :sum of mour4. which
ito,apOopriate in such manner as 'Oho
,t hAtieficial for little Flora. the siren 'em
snit porsuld their j
ce,ly !limited 11,1 e Natl. when farrner.W
k entered. 'stick after
'ootneut, and then turned to Meg,
!diet been ferdieg them
I know they're riiyaliers by their
Ma'. glee ben viva* if they starve
aid him 6t. his rudeness, and - h•
with. little' Finn.
re silid that Flitetk Ws) !and was the
met Wayland was Meg's neare.t nei
ely Lbotst Lair mica distant. Frank
outgo to see "Aunt Meg," as hens •
Florsliad becotno intimate friends.
d of abOnt t Wolves years of age;
c a kind disposition, he frupeutlY cc
Is perples:ty im consequeney of his
had imbibed;- from his parents and
s, an infinite Its tred for the royalists,
r thi largost
%mining the mosey which ti, stray
sverford with gratit* to nud it qt
v the chi:4l comfortably w
avd thsnka to kind Providence for
monition. and ones mots resumed
those her heart was still hes ,
rkor. •
, cna►trn to
' , twin! lime*, when each non dr,•ads
Pr *ruts! of 'irloy heeds." tbrex
Cr 0 l't Nff ASt D ...t1 _
_ .
fw beyond the fortunes of most men eiinilarly
■ni• after the Revelation broke out. contented diemielies
with remaining al belie. am: cutifinott their operations
ahniut wholly to the old world .
- . . "Oh thew lort;
And ever 01;itle ric:ins—whole . tua.t le.srf4 I
rate darkens , airth apd 11 :v. en —xrrit 10.1 nou att .
I sdow nut, bnt if Oa.) t $:1 wit it I am:-
" 1 th'il.k dos uonid•-n fiirgive lulu q ilotra hi, (11.1
May weer forgave ~ ! I‘ll. two own r0t01.",4-13ouli.
us !ears the sit tky drzkt of Li iseipoo!. and ,
wigithag our-way tUrouatt lye dark. buAliag
may witness a seetteuf eelstue but tastructiare impart.--
f A, we pia the upper parisifthe city. a. 41 enter the mag
i: • ifieent Park. - we ,Isi4e beers es a wieviiis Wood i;f the
ihmattli and beauty ot the greet Malt 11 ere the retired
Irchant tells along with the splendid erptipitgo: gaily'
Anhero.dies !Id liy i ilike gaudy batterincssippiug'nectsr
front the anrroundiu , fl oweis; feblisouatee path end mini
old age are out is qa.sit of plesoure: Nu signs of pover
ty or want are' s:isiblei hero+ The princely residence. the
saws-white walk.. t4e velvet law its..tho Inutri an t ahrub-•
beryi. the sparkling (emit mine. ore all' that 'mot our 'gaze,
save the gay throng 111141 paIPCII before 'us like a beanti•
tut panorama of filthottaisle lA. li aalt surer era only
1 O o houses-awl fruits rathered fr li the dingy stare houseawl mur
I ducks which sre trire list left. Muse are the true,
sources of wenhlt —t -ss only the outlets:
We will cuter a up vigils in tesion, the retire front of
which is rompaised ell pure white flyable. Throadl glit
l): Let lite foot (ill 4 intly ttivia t!ta sat. rich tapvetry.
arhich covers this 11)4 bafure sou: Alth4og'i gorgeous
restate deLkit the ro4ia, yet it ii t'i . els:stutter oi-death:
at i :110Stiii deg:ter-I - the awittl etilbseest, rave . -the low.
short bra ittling of 04 ily.iil in in. an 1 the soft zephyr •
that gcntl) l'Ulereit tag guided I J. ,4 1,As and lie ivy ar.ipery.
ae i; ste.l6 its mt the nil •11 viincloir. richly freighted with
the ;Airs of the full-blown garden. All are wrapped its
motedi bilatice.and every counionance birtoltellS time deep
er! antiety. Fur tioMe 1141111 M the invalid had been in
digreire; his. eyes railed fearfully, tad his W!1‘014; fraia•
trembled. as if il ~turfed by some frightful spectre. Hut.
for the list fuw watatintr he iisd laid ia <filet: covered
wink a d,.ap weiresil. 41b4 also phyaiesaa wee wetehieg the
progress of she disease with palpitating heart : At !midi
}he eerily wyruleltad cis bedrid.r: fir au iurtaut ha held
his - t near the lips 0! his patient to wiceriai is if vitality
ittil ' nitat4l. and then gently pressed his ma s s. The
fee ': m
a opened hit ' , eyes, and glanced wildly around
, the t us mi l d seekiiii some which had b ee , ue ",
I .
eupy: a
. thoughtli,,--__tii he _ stsrling tremulously, he
'ejsc t ad in liOST*ti broken Whi sp er— , •
e it not bore:"1
. .
Ttob mottoes wife litid minim to her feat, bat the ery
sieis*book his Isesd.lasying in a sepiressed to is— ,
* u wi t t i l e r m a i t u d i ci t yi fry;
r h e e d ni d i s l i n i : l i r i r s b e l w a d n ' t ' o hl . e:i t i l h . .ysir Tt, ian; a l t a , s p e rt r: o to y him,
inst.' ly.eilled to ilia Side. and the feeble man irritinised
the • 0 i attendants td withdraw front the room. When
tbey,Were lift alone, the dying mureadeidfor his lest trill; 1
'the da l poinetit was produced, and by his direction the at-
trintAtied a cod:cid, indiselie. which we ished pre \z'
' r ,
, Thia done, Mr. Litliersge rested qiieily upori his pil
low, aid when his Glenda again entered the room. they
were asteniabed at his calm repose. Bat the lamp of
life !Likened &MIT: it hid pissed beyond the lest, feint
hope of recovery. and Moro morning deemed, it was
wholly eminguished. 1 . i
Anil °ai sad rite. bed beau perferinei, and the Bra
shade isfanouruirg had passed off, thei papers of the de
ceased, were brought forth, when the family and friends'
were *track mate with bewilderment at the following
strange disenineut— ;
"White inAnterlei I deeply wronged ens whose rm.,.
age Oil hunts met lied ti amend is part far the injne.•
tics this inflicted mirth helpless ineeeist4; 1 . 1611 impel.
led to aijaelt to my will the following. Y ,
Cedscii.•—Whersite; by nor last will and testament,
dated the Sth (ley of May. 1773. I gave is my brother.
Jelin Lenin/rage, •esirtein tract of land. and buildings.
.situsted iit 'the eidony of 111eiseelithetts Bay. in the Pro
since of North Arneries, the same epprised M ten Mod
s:mil dollars:. mid alen, the stint 1t fire thousand dohars,
to be Hid oat of 'toy dist ste.—l de hereby. by this pres
ent writing; which I I doelare to be • codicil to my-s ‘ sid
• will, revoke the itnidhericy„ astilA a r and belseath the
some. to Flora Lititlielage. an ill' 'ZBF to chill. now su p:
.posed to be a residept of said c . 1 olio give tad
bequeath lo the rid Furs. or her guardian, In addition
to the ibove. the aunt of tea thousand dollars. to be paid
out army estate. Presided. however; the said Flora iv
net discovered. 'or elearly piosed. within two tiara from
r the date of this instrantont. when I ratify and confirm
- - my aforesaid wfo In ajll respeCte, making void this midi
' l eil " . ,I
• The brother of the deceased. who was the greateit lo
• sir by this onloo4:d for auuommeinent, ern&etiraged and
s Modified. The end 'disappefetinent'whieh It brought le
r him, and the font alstia.whieh he believed it would east
y upon the aisiddlied mime of the &mite. aroused the fires
.t his nata6. DM he saw , at ones. !hat anger was net
a the resdieik mode to extricate himself from the Mashy.
• and hi trel l ook himself to cooler reflection.
f Its obtifilied from! ke attorne y . all the perrtlealeri he
was in posisessien dr i t retved to the Ail& and the man:
y ner in srhielt . ithed 'ea left. As he prtitreased is the
* investiga4a. he heittn to han a nEne conesptioa that.
d he had berin4leareed sintethipg elite !trance htsteryt
. and he et Ones retired to his room, to Ohre his scatter
ea" theoglit!e. and review the past.
A. int, 'oxalate Wive*, devoid Of oeu,k, •
. A sapid Isomtliri avathodelo M wood. •
Mama by alma* aornewead., 7 1Woorden.
Mr. Lodierage. ties titorisviag brodaer. eat alone is kfir
Frieda room; wrap ia 464,01811 W It *as twilight.
sad for the *bole dal- he bad keen tisbe seelatied.„ Fromm ,
Al. whole seated. as begat these iwile.lermia.vera mod
atrgleeted toilet. it Iris switiertt that her liattpiareed thisagit
a aerate eusgert—ti'atregglo b.tww eeserierter, wad
avarice, is Which the latter. as was Waal I. itiaSarAr. had
vitae victories& 4, At length be nag she bssj aid kb
valet tree meat st hill alder He Wiltdersd thadoer hocked.
and. nod"( the 'slat afore Ur hitn.'addreased bias N a
las tea, t • ' . ,
Ferdiattad." hog "as see novo*: arhib w 1
were Iratrelin is 4b salertieriarmstr air or dams yeti)
are. ef ...teat with a *de ehildra loved, girl of Sot
mese thalt ineartit, as aid britariathera are stoppoi
far refreshments , - .
The 'NA impited-Itis -habi t lifted it IMAI7. mat
penderest a Membat; thee steriferesoldtmly. la replied-4.
"Remember it! 'west treh 'de; sir; fortie . flair Matti
his never bees eroded frill% nit ' 7 •
••Do yes thisk yuireoeid now find that
copilot the gist?"
tositty, sir. as itititodhitspoubil hut l isteikkr!"
replied this valet prom*. 'L
say I rely elido you to' izieuto o &Scott sad
hazardous talk. but two which. If oaceosand; reward
you Moorally?" said the atertiiiutt la o aoaddisig Nee:.
..flare yes ever bad ewe to dark dob!lif?"
rh an•Tilecoltio bxsiged liroPOY
to of Ibis doeuladalejlt will be sees. has bee'
coewaders dom.
cu.her►6 TIIL.
,;••Any trust. then. which you Indy repose in ma shalt I were buoy prep,rtug for naming and inaugurating fhb
be faithfully emeitted./ ' , Went:" said the valet resolutely. i new place. 11. a II it; sladi a•ae needvd, • a beautiful
•• Ido not dauht you.- fiJelity. Issimi•t Ferstimend, straight re.. rgreen was cat d.exu, ltich Norwegi.ra
I do trfatraat year cOnrago ou shish a Mihion es 1 ant framed. les% iiig the toeitiOst brancliesWa an ornatneet
about to propose." to the dig they raised from the lop or the
••flelieve me, master." at it Ferdio Ind impiiiringly. hotel': 'a. soon as it Was elevated end fattened. a laise
you shall = er find them unwavering." I Aock of birds carne and perched upon :I. and common
"l ten it may be so." said the rower coosiderately. j ced singing its the gayest and most delightful manner---
•'tl• nui about to. propose. is substurstirilly this:—l It appeared as thatch they were iii.pired by the seen'.
...11 you to visit the colonies; Bailou, p!iinsi chariecter and were givinz u•terenoe to their feeling* by joy and
/hid' wilt lee IS•1113Pli to You. Bud beet calculated to de- welcome to the yea; Nom eziati and Ilia fellow,.
mitre the innocent and unwary peasant,. seek to heroine gart:tug si ay a good otnen. •we all uailed in• shin, th e
on "%wither terms with the iisinales of that Collnie, and, b;ribi a heiirt3 round of applause:
then you may ea4ily trod tl.e *child. or `ether some iufor• ft had been arranged that the new name by irlileb
011111011. 01 her whereabouts. ' thutoawn was lwrealtelr to be known, sliottkl be annotin
/Should you be unfortunate us to discover the Kid. ce'd as soon as the f ag bud reached it. proper alevatiou.
you can then change your plain as tise L oircauseritaneas re. t The cards tor raising 4se fig were now adjusted, and tell
quire. and if MISS/bid- bet lig her to me : : or roatlde, her to waited to hear the ellrien n:c. The flog &sambaed
such hand. as wilt keep her secure until this 'hitter. or and gr serfully to its pierce. a gentle breese•floated.
property can be finally settled. If alto cat: be kept as it mid air the name of OLECON• wasgie
from her fyi e ude, without exciting suapicion against me. en :o t h e newthorns of the Norwegians. Thirty-one
until the t , :ne InentiO :+din the codicil d hoti hays t aysred. folio for each .4..nite) were gives. and three more
all tt,ti lie well, en-d 1 ehl:lretteirst my legal rights.. But f ur Ol e Ituii,
otherwise, 1.141: trtetscisu
a la;:al heir, and tho proof iu I
eetalthOt the itset ihnt slio is the
duttuttettt, th/t 1 tilin!l IJo>e a I
which low Wiis tiii f.l ini
lodotsg, to we. Timui yoti Fee
and-mith great enerzy.
0ret0 , 11.C1.L.C..! doter r
tre.wheruni thing, ‘t tirte ti
wi I 11,d1,alwa),distelte4) to Ps
,pai)y on excellrut bargaia. k.
to rear. Let metitint dratract
moment (rum it, a n d a -yoo are
reward ,hall be your..." . •
s'i'e :ray p.o
shell b.: n to) vlr
' ra:u"ael 1.11.1 eh 1
lIIS * Wilt t; ••1 ituti I . au
ny. P §3 - eli .1.11 Isi
forthiwilit ela 1 111 stiu 1., r ti
.11141.1t04. 111 t 1 ap;laria, In y
find npportnni..)
v.ilat nl.l‘l. I
.• V., .3 an a •.1 nit's
sac tt.y butoadaa d • 11111 I .; , ' cmakson
Nnlre!itkat in a J 41114,10 eh tale.: .. .11Coathf! OA i Lop
(gnu" y oak an mat. -nt tmttt anfrien I. diriaz FJ;tr
solace •yni.l Garman; it IT n-aq vitt V 1,1,1. Cf met lions
which mare ennlavaaly n.c.issarr is an:cia.futl( et+Cuting
your 01411.'4.
Alter thk briof,ltt smya ssive a•lire's. 013' ftserthant
and hsv valet sao irate 1.---tts• aiii to usinAla ctili with
buoythe i k rd iu cis bu.thisi va srs. sehara he p for au
hOise!st. u?right. bat very tre;v4 busiAlas urts.—th•
other to prep sr,* fur fog nsf irieu•
F.•rdiniud toss u tim 111 akin 7, tic hee.s.are
istration\s:#4l4 its !foss t ,9k had .ecretty ens', sr. ad
for the co:44;o
013 Ball's New Colo -ay iu • "PlrT2 . : - 19111111
A oorre•post.i !sit of tae :Stow York Couricr on!
er' gives a -very itateraNtiot ;litteiiidion of a vie 4, to the
rt-at c iluoi of•OZ44 , llr.'ilon it !IWO bele' foradeti
by /DI, .11 All. in P.J.ter C;n i:v • Peoutyivatait. 'rite site
of the settlem int it in tht uttetasd, rich and heavily
timliered lelpfe In the Suithern pert of the Csioritr.
large cleariii; ha I elre ii4yb.a t .n . 43. and a hwel coot
'noticed by ill, for:n tr iir.9-i•tu re of site, belt r.), what
'outwit Wee abandoned knot stated. O. Hull's purr
chose consists of betweet lit/A.14 and 2 h/.olXlacree of
and. Coated *Soot 'said may betwatia tlaie,New York and
Erie Itiilrootisels the North. and thti eiesiteutpluteetrouto
of the Seubery Wild Erie It tilreed 02 the the
°petting. "'frit/sesta It iiitee of iutercota4onicetion. it is
in td s easy of actitite to'New YJrk. P.siledelphio oad 1341-
'tapers. T i lts writer says:
-It a. hi. tuteattio.' to have this trect of country sur
veyed sod ly;dcr r at to 41%11 Cana', which wall be &woo
ed of to his nieuitryintu at p:iosi watch shall miser Cost,
makies the (arms of.paynisiet so easy that itaish owe can
beano as independent lasitlholdar its his own right.— !du i . -
That each town 0.11 hate its church where they' ears Poet hole isinocent fool!ishe imegiles that's the way
worship, according to the dictates of their coti4ciences,— to prloerve: his affections. Reserve a' i.littlestleb! Tis
au/ each district its a di e el-i su usj. w h ere t h e childreu can consenocuce is, he's sick 'of the sight of her:, snubs' bar
It. taught toe Eagihli laugu age and receive a 'mashie sown she ask, hint a qeeetk i o, mud aftier be boa, sails
' eiloestiou , to euy.3115 L/1411 1 / 1 3 to fieco.ri• tateiligeot ail liie• her good dinners vibes himself off
possib i e.
ful cersoue, Delors leaven New ' Yorke Mr; Ain are bearlagO mind the told pro Serb '-that too eanuith of 7 at
ranged with a number et ho eotatryntens. noising whom good th i ag is g ood ib t . „ t hi ing. .,
ware cart/inters, joiners, mettles, mad ether anoint. to Now the trtith is jost'ilits. and I wish all women en
1 -
; follow ham, atil te in tat at a ill.v.* called Aagusta, this earth had beron t ear in common. so that I could Pot .
beluga'. point at or itc i iiiiipro,ritaed hi commence his th i s. i itt i n bit of g 0 „p c I into "it;—Jost
so long as a
coleoy. ,At the ineitattoo of Alf. hilt 1 j4ll4eti his pant, isn't gate as sure uslf he knew certain whether eothipg
mid . sli"itiPame'd him to ma eh"' Mimed Piles. some on e 'tacos:lld ever disturb Your affection for kiln, lio!is
fifteen miles tiesiaut. iviierie lie expected to nisei tim Nor- year
hem y . s ,
bit th e
second lie andsout tie
*nisi" limeade, Adgeate li 41111 St•J IllbJel the centre ot th i a k i , he deem ;bin he has possession of e cry taah !at
`a inset coetaioini utterly tereuty thosiulad aims exigently ruse beer', and no osotral territory—be wit tura on its
ro m a . ta bl e gars heaviir um:tired with hard wood
. •
heel, wad march off reliistling Yankee le!
' "Tee 141 etie -4414 hid arrived b ef o re us said supper. Nos home Use to laic jowr'llocket handkerchief' toid
Mg that was the end u! their joie / lief. h a d pr e pa re d to g . soivelinz moil the his with' a pink nove and ;nod
I (Mee tour Pimealeed bad thud 11164 /1116. ,bleb I"Y "d eyes;, not a bit oflit If ,'attt . lave made th interesting
t smile before leasing New Vof h. lt wee a bsaetiful a.; discovery thia
tied ilia
sort alt
1 vise. Tile errs' of xrertomy in the centre. so avocado( by vont, or bees. keeper. just II that place Mad no othor,
As Siam CM 1 ttertpu If the I/4We.! S 4 34 As moo as keep your temper, keep Al is .triage. - med battens sad
: ON Bell oPPl 4 Aaied insight, ins i n"l i g ralliti " in " 1 " a " 4 stripe 00, sod then ;keep la at at a: distance as a bons,
ied the most euthis lack' cheering. which we answered i blirpri , about j_ thein . i i . rii , ntimente I have
soon aim
by taut :tug up ii eat reasons, waving ern behithorchiafe j or two men in my !ifs who told . bear to be loved (s a
and swinging our Oats. Otaliall cold oat welt for the slow
motion glib,' her..., bait leaped !rem the wage's and tau women with a idol etiows *WO without being spoilt
it, or looverted into a tyrant bat they are rare birds l ed
to ~,,orses, theta. Sselt euthusms.ts mud siongtestatietel s hould b e caeght,istoffed an sent to Barnaen• Nowt N; of doleant are veld.oto w.tasasstl. Ann. too first greetings the mint:tier - 141.y. ”I'll eta 'with an iuterestinfincident
I were over. Mr. lieU 'addressed them, laying that attest .1
that alias under my - others -
inlay mouths it. examantot d.lfxreinisectiooi of the Vol- Nrr. Fern came hems 0
hid States he had at length (eau,: a place whine hie loved
crucifyingheadache that 19
blittwegietus could kits a home. 001 4" lire 41 " 4 ". w as was Married or single. and t
as heal th ful at their Dem Nerwxy. Me soil capable of sop- to 'lupin!. Well. I tied awe
plying an Mew wea. add . where they coati •l'.PY P i t - *left all , flying ," and sat d
pt liberty. protected y ivies and *tolerant* laws, which ot toted me to make him, vie
virehtd goar.lutoo" ta t out evert right said privilege ` so reeve's , mendetrall the butt
long m
iii am
ied good caul'
sas. With tears it. their , . a m ine down the froot, and
eyes they answered - him won siseuts and enbraciuss.
i\ftashy it :occurred I. me (I
'After the uaisiputhe of jar Itetel in a ottoman sonettivd. I il auliothet the pocket m i l
we partook *Co hasty feria of Old' afloat N 4 ' " 14 y it inside out, slid what de 1 2
betrestlng the henget vein to the wagons. started forth. letter kin , - iiin , to my dreii ,
place selected by Ole Ball for Ciao exinineuesmatent of I dro Pped the Work-basket, I
operations, which we (suited about sereu **clock that pod the baby, (it was a Fe
[ evening. E .rly on the 1111tifUllig of the tfth., the cameo- a won to pat her of zor fais4 .,
tors commenced working on the new hotel—Guts were
onr isle n
chair (sow
of ow ,
selected ea, which to build a hineduiutittee.shoit. barn, to the *nig wonlie F oil
stise:besse, Is., dig. and 016 Bali wag IMIT wills its you —mth—cesit—iitictf-=4,
I tvegimmw.. hiking a eurway oarweof the while mural
.....ssii i i wi ".. r t...L oars Br
tot iovera!ttigoo ereand the aottiariroot. About tee oiehrek I a
Wagons loaded with literate. provisions. &c.. arrived from
Cottiteispett; which 11a. Bull had engaged to fellow the
Ittletiglio Mal also. r. ),aka of warbles oxen. sad a fi l m r at
!gut for ‘44 1 0 Irk+F. 3 Wooratrirs ninergitmted mid times core
oft After dittos r. 04 , 4.01 selected • efts foe it hawse fee
' hiring sod eimseitee for loans tetwaty4ls• clime booms.
'whieh effete be pat op intWeellateli, tt, tcoemoditat j ilts .
Noe/titan entigriare els rut as they arrive: ragaiiria g
' the Creekdown.abonti mile we roil 04 a. 4 aaland coattails •
lag sliest twenty-6Na 'Ores of excellent laud. This Mr.
Bill instantly molested for hie - gardeo; . imbue sereerise
- twatety hied of kale lieu. URA& le the elissets. will
be mioressteitk, med es retiring elated Wilibwelirriod on
hi iltnWei 1/1111Wilitige meaner ! ' • '
i Whilst Mr. Ball was surged is lasis t srhf, 'lion* Of 111.
IcONCLUD:;!) _ W.=
Si 5 0 Alr A
' "-.ands relied.
aa•ora the Wouldobey tl.e lawn ot - tr t e
he coaatiy.
awl do :`,Wr utmost to be worthy of (heir protection : Af
ter &deuce K:411 restored. (Ls Bali Lock ibis violin ano
cunt me need au authem audible to the eeetaioo. Noland
rlvrt CAA d..ecritie thi« music—the audience. the &flood
ant eirmetrowencea, and the`` appeeri.d to have •
&eh a a•w and unearti+l)i iusfoirittiou to the great:lir
tot: he wireled ever! chord or every heart to his lo4i.
tinsel the lions glans wept hke children. to
tbe waits* reminded them kindred - cad friends far bi
yend the ocean. end thou th strains of liberty would pear
forth froth the eucha tied la trument. to a moment
derefeadidg the lanzusge the inuaie. then would ahent
iad haute and ch .iit iii cnleon tlic war romp t u s4
hyruus'of old Norway,
“Alid Iti; P.O . lttii:evg a:,
71, tlic Aiemf...n cr 3i:4_ t
' At I**,l t'ru C.2011t . awl when the emoti9U Lid
itil; [led, a gaw/a a
kct P. uaii% auia went fortroall aid
lvdcoluel o:ts itii4l Nail a 1
t. Nororgmes to the isneitnt
c o t uo,n t w aa hi t a N
f o ri. „ olll.tia•esid to the United Stairs
al America. onJ * in.a few - .ellutittedt and well-timed 4-
!narks. promiqettle thorn the protection of our Repot+.
can at.rerurnostr era Cie potieefia eujoymetit of cur free
. .
. : Fanny Fern. on Mltrint,ty.
S;iotrti i': lA.k.; to &Hake a b.m . ,fire of 43 the .. !(a nts CO . .
doting hides." "Waffled u•o•usft;''S friend." ste,„ and
threw id the an•tt.pre after thew . , 1 Lhasa . * Mae neigh •
Ewe wlsb bettes , se all tl.ey,..tell her is impel troth, and . .
tiffs tip . te it. Ti. manta shi sees bet husband mit. • _
ing up street. she rnAtei for the deur, as if shihat
another - Initiate to lire. can& in the entry siith her teet
chattering is her heed anfl he gets all 'h - fir neat! and '
mellier?„ and over Shove. and .wha • .'eats coir, .
then chases round (like a ' a fit,) - after /hi beek•
jiek; owns his slippers. and 'puts 'ens on, and dist!.
rates her wrist carving •af the table fur fear it will *to
Cr Pig trim was sold its 'ittsborgli ou
ter $4O per too. A few ma Ms sem it eagle le iceipitt
Porn.: The Pittsburgh ' al:tribe*, lab Oat
ties to this Os-amity oftho i - le, grimy tstraaase being
out of bOiiim Itifs'ase sear pea pt them la °reredos'
again." :
bADisii *ea Musa.—epid sae e w es usel is an
omnibus on a rainy day, window s , In d 4 00 ,y, d .%
eight in 'a side, limited, of amuse to Mx, and &mom
that number two women cowered wleb mask 1..-
Drivare," slid a Frenchman, let me come °lli t i
ss dore lam suirucatr in
Yus. 'ii yeit fall
musty mt in 2, e ineseblla.l trro eltmeinezre.
I prel'are so rain water to me :neuritis stmll."..- .
efa arta
rr ITy'
. n Ada anon.'
- .
irct st i es
ri awl a
will ba
Wen; a
is iatdi-
pocky l of
reap b•-
io Lon.
tided in
%. coug-
ms to tilos
not min-
',iced (of
r0...31 . ...a . g;
o day when I had s•eir •
•oald'nt hare told whether I
row an old coat into my pap
bandage over my . forehead,
wu to it-4re might
one: bowie*, I lined• the
u boleti.- and sewed en new
N over the coat tai s—whes
loess it writ s•aestietp st
seed- mending; •o-I turned
At think f fdbad? A les*-
, aker! !dropped the inst.
I dropped the bintons. 1 drep:
ale ind I thought it jests*
try.) sad thou I hopped
oohing glass, sad remarked
there, • *Faso a• nag, lir—
coNrooßPlD—rool. amaMe•