Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 20, 1852, Image 1

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r. VI/ULM& CIO" Piopri•tors.
01.411111 E 23.
frit IPettittlj (i)liiimu.',
B. F. IL 15411 f. d
,! . . SQUARE. ERIE. - 1
l'cillvii or •r!ft: PAPER . i
, ..:' ..rrdi•-ls iliec arriC.t. at • .
~ . . ,Ifp.‘ crfice. In aavance, ' -
. 1.341
3i it i i ..t paid tp idvance, or - Within three mOnthi from thcliat
~..,„rill4...vat, dollars will be charged.
‘ t: -,- ..i.uzl,rsUOUP WWI be gvngt paid. 1 . 1
,-,,, 1 , ~, ~.treeding 4 lines; one year. 01,00 i
~,, •., 10„no ~,
...,:', V ;,,,rt .
t. el). Ell months, ' - • • 1.00 1 ~. three months, ' .-`3,00
, t .,...,,i,: ad% ertneinentv i Al cents persquare, of fifteen liner otl
..,. , •,: , d r..l. it. , vition; 23 Ceitbi for each subsequent ansfrtion.:
- 1.. ,, ad% erti,:ergkftre the privilege arehanging at pleaimitre,i
.... ~ ....,,,. :ire .1 iIOVI. ell to occupy more than twang:mm*oldd gd
. ~..... :,. i',•‘rii fpnwediate known. ••i
• •.• •! 1.-uii lid% ims other direr-dons. will be inserted tell,
:.. , , , i -, ‘.l:-, aceordingly.
j 11
'Lai 4 . the firm of (I. Looneis 4 co.)
. 0 ,- .i, Yr. , : 1., I ..V.aettes, Jogetry. F•aver"Zoons. Musseao
...r . w ..1.. I.o4ini Gtasetf, Lamps and Fancy Go‘ whole.i
41‘ . ":,1.: r , 1414. f
R ri .N 1 T % I'o ft, mid Habit Nlalker--s.hop on thereast side o
- 1 -, •••r. f.:. ty. 0 doors n Onit of Eight. and adjoinink .1. H. Fab:
n, I* , .. ,• .,t.,•) i rt Ware-Room, Erie, Penna. - ;
Stern! , oat Agent , office at R. 31. lieges's Hai Ptcrel
t Erw Pa.
t, tail dealers in Uri Goods, Carptts, and Dry,
Iltred Roux..
1111.1.1AM3 oCIVRIG I —`
~g, r+.r
i.,.0 r4llerte .tiiil DralrriCin Gold an Atli
,r roini . uneur-1
4 1
11. , Lan I Warrant. and eentitle. -soil eposttO. Alo.
~ _ . ilr .ti- 0.. the v....mi1k:11 cities of the 'n inn, and all Rarlsi
, ss i lid l'unntty fur sale. (Alice, Wta
illuls.' Bluek.torner ar
.., .
, t,. a...L.P.:1d1e equarc -
a %k t i.r • f
a.. to. wainaur,
J. G. St. W. I. 1111.1.8: •
r .1
!RR and ‘Vltot.sAle Denlera in Groceries. Wines.T.iquar..l
r.. l'oreign Fruit. 'Nlutts. Pickles and PielJed
r'• lA , •trr.. Prc.ervcs, unit (fertile:tic:illy Sealed 'anitqcs
• .ry rte•eription on lassd. No 3, SVillitan's Block.l
• . PIVWI/ . ll.New hotel. Erie. Pa.
3111 rt. Pica York. Wm. 1. 311r.t.5, BulTrilo.
Tr eriv al,r an their teatnn. ( Otters in 'ben, from J. G. ]!all
-• ..t . Acw Yyria. a:Licht% lc at low prteCt,:i
A. .I.7..j.seanon. Agent. Erie. Pa;
,s oav:
In Classico!. School and Mew.elianeciuq,Books.
and Printer's Cords, No.•V, Brown's nos.
F.r:e Pa.
W. YoYNTELL rOtt'STo3 - M. I).
~ ..), / pr, on 6th Street. two , door. West of the
.r , elo:r.711.
T. W. MOC.,Ri,.. ,--
. ~. , :, ,,, ,ri,-,z. Provost:ma, Wirres.LiquoroXandies, Fruit,
1- , • ~. ikor below Loomis & Cu . s Rtite sueet.r.rie.
, i, , .: , ..!,..i•,& Fancy Dry Gouda. and.tha Greatest variety.
1t n. .', 0. Ulu City. Cheap :Side. Erie. Pa. _
- 31..- E
.1., ' , Nand retitl Deateca it, Wet and Dry Grocerteo
.. - • ~i ', ,1 u, . .. Foreign and Doniiestir, Friut,•Woolki.
• : ~., e (Carr. Flour. Firth:Salt. tDarta,.Natt.... Puw
.- t'. ;•-. : 4 del: ru-e. &c., 4.c. French Street, onilo
•-• .• !:, • ',14 , 0. 4 .". I:rte. P 3... L -
.• - 4 •,.. . t can.,l Borth:. Verve's. Hotels. add' Privaw
• ••• • , ..• A a Ith au!, ut th e aLove arttelev watt prutattl
. 4
t ornoy and oounsallor at Law. .
; trk•Un't store, at North-L . oi corner of the Put,-
' (';t6i — siTgiz. sz. s ctw Mt I. - 7 -
r" • :1111: Surgeons. offieo and Reigadettoeft—
' Slrerts.,
a.: to d. A. 31:1 to 2, an:: it IA 7, P. A.
J. 1.. alfr.W•lit, X. I.:
rwhinl.dion ilerebanta, dealer in (70:11
r. t '•• aarlit kg a daily hue of upper lake Oreautere
c U I r 4. Pa • ,
- _
LI 01.)E &
• dac turers of Iron Fence, R..011g, rltoaml.out
. F.:110..14 , 14'0th i _h and 'JO). Stri.m.D. Kew.
.1)11:11tCAN' - EXPRtSS. , CONIP.ANN.
e•d - to No. 5 Beet) . Block.. State. trtreel.
Er r...e eftpa's at 11*o'cloelt, A. M
3i o'clock. P. M.
ft. P. •PAFPORD. Agent
G1.011.4E: J. AIORTON.
of OK fins of J. Mar,. If raj
- n.; I ' , lcrni..lon Merchant, Pabhe llotk, Erie, 14
I . `
I. Sati, Mal and
LIT 441 ; 11311ALS. •
‘Terehauts, second Ware
' - •• 1 ;' ‘rie r 3. ,
1 1 . Sall, Motet. StUeeo. Fib.Ligle'aildt4l ll l
• • ; V Caqlngs. Ste.. act with tavrtrage}
"••• -h,ljnug either by Stranitarae, PrOpelter4 , .
, R l Road.
W. il. K N O
Pi ~,ror. Dealer in Waif Jewelry'.
: L., 1,04,:,,a,24. an.ra auJ Giber r0.11C) . (.....7411: ,
_ _
it: KEPLER.*
1. • • t'•. I. flnrdw•are. Crockcry, &C. No
.• Erie. Pa.
A; Ml.
-art Park sow. bet?) ken Broli" n; qcw
It,' 1 ii , ..'l'-e, ill, "%airs. , ~1 ..
. _
.pl.. C. BRAiDES. '
~ ., z .'nGLeo..-kitree at his resilence i Ca: "Eighth
~ t'rft ... h as I liollatitl. Eric. Pa.
N 1.., 6 .k\ FORD & CO..
'• 5' ,,, 1• Italik Noir'A. i'raits, Certifieitti-s'of De
„oi rtttlinice on the pritiCililli cities constantly
i • ‘ , :x. ta ill..iii,t's Block. Public &wive. Erie.
T. 1.1 E l to3 STUART. T --
•"', ‘ , I , i'..y :, i a.--4 Mee, corner of FrruCh and root
•, - ~- ,/ --- Koch's store. •Reinilence OA Four th iticsti
•:. ,„, .. •....ii 1 i'.,oltl A iitithecary Hail. i. '
__1__........ ~ .. - -
RUFUS REE.b. 1 . ,
•• , .. , . ...!I,(:rranan and American if - diVarrn . thler • lery,
' . \ ', An. i.,, Vice”. Ironluld Stec '. 4 t0.3 Reef (louse:
t derlier Groceries. Provisions. Arines.
-•. k. c , Cornet pf French and Firth eirecw.
1. t'.irit.t.t.4' Hotel. Erie.
and Retail Dealers in fey Goods. Grocriesi.
' . tvare. 'aged I fig, Hardware. 14 0 1 a. raael, Nadi. ntotcs ettaie Striel4Out 400 int, 6,110 W
1.• A - Pa.
' err,, Bellow lc Aide Arens. Sprint,. and a geikerad
...e,,c itfanii Carriage Trimmings,
P•f and Juntite of thg Peue. and Agent for
. 4 'une Mutual Life Insurance Company —Office 3 doors
••--; rigida *tare, F:rte. Fa./
• ,Ls r y thrard. Erie i.'ounly. ea. Collection'. and
ri s u.ine,i. attialitt€ll w with Ouninuess and &snatch.
•warding lk l ' ouuni>•ston Mettillilli v oll the Public. Dock.t et 01
•• .treet.
- , alt.
_Plainer and Winn. Fish, eeeksoknorfor awe_
~,.. AMD TIK7AIL DE4LE.Rii in Foreign and DOinestie Dry
N. L 4) made Clothing; Boots and dhoei. te.. No. I
• I:4ek. Siatextreel. Erie.. -
‘11..w-4.llfice up ii AL aira in Tanicsaffl Hon buntline
Inc PrutlionoUiry's office, Erie.
" r 'CD entAill'LLOIC AT Loktrz-Otriee over C. B. Wright's
Lail:ire one door West of State street, on the Diaraad.
Dr‘ , G)Ods. Dry Groceries. IC/rockery; Hardware:. Jae.
Brow WI. New Hotel.
14 ' ' 'Pi , ft? v (;oo,ls. Gnxenes, Nuism
d,. Alcamo Ware. vA,. ,,
'' ' • ~,,"... &c.. IV, I:beam/de. Erie. Pa- --- ----
"I'NIT MAKER Upholster, and Undertaker. corner alltate and
- 4‘ , nit - .,,,.,N. Erie.
nr CARTtiCik. 11101"11Elt, r
d *etial Sealers oio Drugs. Medielne . Piling, ails.
41r.c . ?to. 0, Reed House. Erie.
• -
"":^t 4M
Tailor:op the pubiic will• Te. • AIM slo o nl
,a4,i strert Erie,
Jo - HS - II: RTOSI if* * co.
,", s.. R Se/denim Drup. Medicines. SWIG.
tr. No. 3. Heed Howe, Eric
DR. O. L - ELLitITT.
Remderit !Wolin; (Jake and dwelling oa Ibe
South aide' of the Public Square, tall a** Bast
'seaAA d
of the Erie f ro m Budding. Teeth laseitedon
--"" Cold Plate. anew am en tire sett. Ceti..
I,llrd with p4re Gold. sod restored' bodtb audits*-
, Teoth eleaued 'kith instruments and Dcatilee so as to
"__ I !" 1 " of pellucid elearneas Alt work warranted.
- • 41:C liArl NG RESIDENT
dye doom most air
I/ sm .' t i t:l7.rt h l:a i t it
r i tes
' Di rcasonabk.. mad all wort
" a roil led - Clic iunt4 Ho - 4
• 1 . . r eta tpepor7.-Al"Es ~ •_
4 1 .Y
_ . ;
E .
R. ) v
. '0 'l3 • E
Between old gab!.
1 watch the sha
When e•er it hat),
Or steals the II
Like marble. glea
Beneeth the sk
While every bree •
A thousand Cr.
1 witch The *Lit ./
And vanish lik
Or nairrornd Wu th.
The anchored c
I see the vagrant
O'er clover Woo
Amid the poplatl.,
That turn to Apl• ,
-Threogb clinging
Its 'moiled hinhs
Like a taiage 1.13(.0
I watch the tivi
1 hear the aneie
Break on the gold.
Tca,auttimon ba.
But when the fete
Thiir eo.,y flueh
Id to the rustle_
The vigil 'lint it
•Then musing t t
While near the l i
I get their dreary
Al. with each tal
Or, from the tree
GA. — AV upon t
Thit-spreede bey?
T. emblem of
F4:u •
.1. - 1 h , ftl - t , :.. E.r' ;.
"Tic;. wild winds save
And inakes a 'Weary
AU niVit.roci tirsr the .
Tnat i;n thou rustj.
The early deys•of New
roma*" is connected witl
incideiri of our prevent a
jolt silterior to the stirring
icon Rest,luUnn. Tne col
tranquil. tot the greet co
already iregaa elJwly to eit
no human tieing dreamed
helmtits which 110D , 1 after
At the lime of which w
cottage, some lait2,usa
from the highway leoding
onios to the stttlc.natit of
journey betwoon the se
whetheer tinblenton or peas
poosalile to 1;311 at CID old
Little thought they who
road—those staid old no
their g4d-children wont •
few moments; that thyy ar
nifieent car possessing all
Own private apartment, a.l
at the beautiful (inlet villa
Pestling sway amour the
in quick saceemsion, find
journey's .end,•t b.
they_wcrei 13U: so it 4.
•We doubt not that tho' the
.end the thonxti!..'of melt tt,e
BLit to leturn to the litt
en eteentricktnale, fon
whose sip tiler intrineic
proverbit4l ninotir, Ole co 1•
ty years itsd rolled aver
she had ipngme'd throut
wrinkled b l trow - and bent
hollow cheeks, give her
life's journey
Her strange history. t•
was of the ifeepeg inter
with Our presenctsarrati
marking that.she was k
&cation, and ter possess
of which she dtspensed
Her humble abode w.
composed of logs far gon
ed it te . tptiver like tto
care of old Meg. the no
been carefully filled wit
afforded &comfortable s
Old Meg possessed
and the weary travelsis
only recipient* of her lh •
need near the niche of
or many a stormy.beate
humble : roof. Thq plc.
the fishermen who chni
la par is for water.
111 . eg. dorinittleirl
slid trite.
He door was ever of
er seamed so happy*.
fort of some poor ado:
"Patents have Misty b
Where new steads
the ties* *fear starreti
toted here and there et
forest. Oae of the se
Image° of the powers.
bsiWiag itself which
wee'ottly,a meal, foe
ie. covered with thri
teemed with a variety
ahrobbery. which p
with the grim ferret is
that evest"the shady f
la the gray elite eve
the toile Odle day. •
gate to admire the see
• he drove the kiwis
ap to the dower garde
taloa. while:gating.
And the settee child
from eabeel. ups
(Mk. sad pitied to
gioo at the ltiotato4
mos od the boy 4 •
the claming star,
w of pullet dot.
s its crystal Mde
s sioclooiied dome.
awakes to view
of pettily foam.
it Oile
a wing. i 1 air.
glossy tide.
Cc away idly thati.
••phyra play, •
"ad twinkling prat',
ayes delay •
er as they pas*.
i f fy that, a* a shroud.
!Lit 644 o'er.
e wrapt-ro cloud.
g- . •
iwaliened soots.
otter:dee chime .
hush of dews,
the thought of time
sunbeams Bing
Alan the deep,
spirit bring
totes to keep.
• phore atone.
'halving rise.
...tog wave. it dies
craggy height
s'briaildieps sea,
iny eager sight.
on Olive branch
tla.--.Or-t of IT
.ie'root the old damp fluor-.
.1 wailinZ moan;
rtW.of !woken doa;;:
agoograte'add ftroaa.".--Nlii.r.rit.
England! Whi n (hied of
their fi l l*tors! he, opening .
rrative4 ere lid st a period,
vsnts which led to tlio Arne,.
nies were then eausparatively i '
!droll of i.uLlic sentiment hold
inner al du iantlom ail itnta=l.
C the great Rol startling op
°Vow Eli.
write. there stood a crazy 'old
any ether I/sr
runs 0,1. metropelia of the cot
ahem. It was then q tuil de), 'a
thiatei? s nod the trios:oi,
at. de died it almost iodia
ottage Felt ,rest and refresh-
then isiesed over rhd; dreary
/et and.lstardy yeomen—th i st
perforav the rime fiffree lea
• 01.1 seat theinselvesih-a wiz
he ease and losnrieneh of one's
• (1.
vrith i scoreelr time;io Menke
es. an the teety Isrtis-houses.
ertile Isills. %Welt ti4y pealed
hemselpes set kiwis; at %Voir
fore thelr eould recoil et where
Ila ths lanzoiro u 'fenny-
=re ode Jucrea.in4 part r corm.,
14 Alerted by the 1,mce.4.;,
I cot. Ito sole occo `
Ohmic knivr •441
and kind hosuitalittrh , i
nietate.. Probably les
er head; but within th
many severe irialtal
form. her thitt. }}ray
he eppearan6l of
toe :tts.'
Dint WaS.
d Meg."
thou for-
and her
As. Red
'eteran on
those who were tritaitar with it,
tat; bet air it has no 4onnection
. we piss it aver fnerely re
lOWn to be asfi.tress ofia rare mi
-1 score al" vatirthle Woks, both
Isith becoming librrsl4:
indeed! a shyttered_old hulk.
to.deear, and the st orm cans.
But thdough the trreventivil
oroos cracks and crevices had
mess suit etfow.:ao. (bat now'
Air In hear and' ooki•
out overflowing goodness.
eon the Itighwiy wets not the
• Wilily.' The cottaio .was
I little cove, and in rough weath
/ marissrlennd shelter wider
was also mach frequotitod by
l ad along the coast; here they or-
I nd it was a favorite [pastime of
isnre hours to teach gran to rind
.he nes
the coin
to the stranger. •
hen adatiuisteriug
! teanican move,
repeal'. at
ware . eaat- ,
deep. dark
act tie
r oues; for it
• little village of W
*sly a few rude co
the stargio of th
Igor sever failed to a
Art it watt% sot ha
tad this Parsaal
cot it belt. Bat
redo frost
seat yard
If delicate flowers I ad tasteful
tad sock it .stn p mistreat
!whose bosoms i••• to pestle.
spar. in returning it •• his week
:ag. weary though war with
I • witiously stoPped it the wicket
Asa the hers- rented sew.bey
liend before burn. **aye turned
to per am the rat fears. and
•• nowladfol of s charge...—;
when sporting • *Trill bent*
; etas at the eselase forget their
ap their little hastie
were. •
Boob were tb'
bet if we tr
we sbalVdister
wall ricwith th
Mem. i3Ohe
some plii,atire
'tell that she is t
grief ezita.e th a
eyes sa i d golden
IN o( sorrow.
ty might hay
nese of the rose
renity of the fill
Mr. Grey wa
This. in a amass
bad been father!
Grey was instal
to love hire as a
real father, OM
proaehed hirh w
retinal eitreas, hi
her. end she inn
whose seleinn di
aver cotireetl thr
sac. will dilly.
and send a thrill
nature wai Mr.
any iltilultivirne •
bidding in 1:e e
Arteu,vli l i it
end lienow Lege,
of both stDotion
a pestish fauna
the more ' :tll
NMI au louvre!
Flom though
else& Miser Eel):
load of grief. S
world for to r to
cherished more
hours•to tite.itd!
companions; an ,
to the bitsafill d
dear, gotod Gith's
the n mow watt
taught her to rea
T nin
ono disappeared
mOtoia.flioce out
might hairs been litt!ei a
in one corner of t
_you& a tall Ltd
- "Flora!" said
searched the hop
"Yea. mamma
thinking, And for
"res. mamma
aide. I will tell y.
Mrs. Grey ea*
was thinkit
and try to earn
** You go to tow
.Vas ooloro•
Farber grow. mo
mo: I know: and
burden to,iiins.
du something."
"1 hive rogue.
would bo tha bes
you," said 'As.
you are absent y
“ It may be *
with eiaultuel
Bower+. mamma.
Mrs. G rey red
•• And scud $
won`{ you V' cu
'lad make papa
Here her voic
her. The chil
be i-aspr
and she led Flo
"'tV nn
It was lira lot
cold *ud &mull
la4iltio:: clouds
click which oc .
meet,. had stru •
other 'armful of ,
ildwir her bible
jut/tog her spec,
prelporatury r
As %he finiehed
fui' mood. the r
dr! oiled psper
the humble ; (en
reverie. and iii
• frill of herkeap.
" Ah roe t"
- storm is ap'pro
lead tales of shi •
fire lighted un
pear souls. nnd
sad the night
there. At' ell
it is not unlike
Mg." and she
;" Atthoe:h
acianfy." site •
old Meg's ho
fire." .
The thread
the astir door
Briewster. t a w
•• Bless yew
preached the
headier this c ,
ovre pia en e
.$ It is troy
*beet 0 wit,
.• tee." re
it petty !Gag.
dart reining ,
prepared as
miscuing; for
• Weald •
neighbor Bre
wield stagy
half its tortfir
toms. "I be ,
mar item mad
"Winn". %la d
it may be.
seta• little •
Jai* Bt ' 1
hit broils"'
till tern
i 1 a ttractions around air. Grey's cuuage;
ry closely through' the clustering foliage,
.0. diligent allendant whose beauty may
I. of the tiny plants she so dearly, cher
.aron ud among the vines. humming
e. er hessiok deep sighs. which piain/r
a 'Companion of grief. And why should
fair frtin3? Sirely those mitt blue
rqs4lets were never intended for the
Rat sorrowful she is: Once her. bean
compared with th.) blyontiaz fresh
, f '
I .
grey, Perhaps he we j nut conscitrus of then severer
I. but his very manner was cold and tot- t some mom.'
time- sleeping itif
• •
a returned his *tern kaki with coldnege.; est and moo
pto regard-her as srstubborn child, void tonished gal
end respect. Ile frequently alluded. in ` dement fiir
±r • to her wilfulness, and treated her witb 1 At feel old N
a. al if stoniness could win affection
i ; die , and bun
.N. and iptieless heart. ' ' '"! ; " A beam
alto could appe tr untaiored'in the prep, coal htive
'atlier, was sieking rapidly ander ht r l as this 1" •, . .
\ii Mt tlit,t thoro was nothing in tlie, ••• kin a p oily chi! I." ventures! 3,ck. in A I . .. Did tone;
ovo hcmif but her !timers. and these she I t e• but wit:4 tti it a'l in,.;.in 7"
Jill heeown Lie. She would sit furlong ' .. Ifenvea protect Os ; it is ntarethan I can tell,"said
Si of- livening. g.rF u;; u,otru her tidy 1'
Meg, in nu eq telly timid voice ; " hat see what .rich
then lipr memory would wander baCk clothing it hlr-; and here. the basket tioniains every tiring
is of her early childhood. wheal her . ' t, ma k e t h e to p d ime warm and comfortable."
~that was. lel herby tlie hand illl'outth ! Thus-the enrol on. striving to solve 'the mystery. bat
polutitig oat :he thtferent fliwere. and' only liecornnx more deeply involved in he intricate
and fora th I
i em. tneshtw; cud to what of 41 0 1W/tile* 'bell' anal`elY
would' have led them. it is difßrult ! to kinegine, bad not
•old Meg bethought herself of the little Patlirge that the
stranger. put ia:o her hand. and which, during the ex
citement of the moment, had been entirely forgotten.—
She picked it Wp (tam the lloi:r. and upon unrolling its
food it contained *small parse nod A . /sinter. * lt 'was'
written in a Idelicate female litinil, and ran thus:
"Goon Dine —Your piety and kind-hearted neurVo•
.fence l ie not unkhown to your neighbors. Although we
live farapart. and ere etratigais to each other. I have so
often heard, Of yi;or good eWeria, that; I Teel confidant •ef i
'. ! yotaroyenpethy. You are the only betne on earth to who-es
i 'l can lin a kink fur cons.ilation, (hid grant that you may
'toot turn a diAit• ear to any humble auppicetions It le my
eerneet printer that .too will, : takolcherge ot:iiiri infant
, which accompanies this. Adopt her as your owe. and
, furnish her With 'all the comforts which Fel Jecesstry.—
, •
lln the porsaiyou will Bud ten guineas, which will, for-the i
' preseutrpeyou fur your trouble. and furnish such De
cassettes se he child tria'y immediately used. Before
I That reensie xhausted , you shell hey, more. Let her
y i
1 cialy in mou'es, hut in the grateful remechbrancs Ann oar '
I lriest prayers of a crushed and broken heart. Oh. do lie:
'lrefitie, nor tteek to .know Apace of its history.' It shall
"all be unceitdtio i yoo hi doylies*. .
:i I foot tit:all h rt e s6reody written ae arch as my tea-
'T itle sal trirrillding ciente will permit. lam indeed tens-.
'i l ereble—my 'heart rtike within me. May kind heaven
• ..
' l l l 6 l. -es you an I d the child. Adieus. ,' FLORA."
li 'No soonerri had :ilea glanced-through the cOutents of
the fetter. than her keen pm/cep:ion coiti;oreliendeil its
she had been r , tiding it. Jack It d
ko r2; n i t: n o 4 x 4 l " i l a 'i i i i:ii . ig , W th il e i;' Couteata of the pores with evident.
satisfsction. -
The /ugh of the bright gold co.t: had pas electrified !sins.
that he ettiii.
el., -forAta the litter ethic!' Meg was per
suing: aud it aas a hi: no little gretifiestion that she no
tired this [la ys, for she would gladly eseiips making him
I. -. ••.,. ....• .
as tar advasicad. And tie lights ono by
OM the neighboring cottages; but ths4
iarhinimed. and by its clear. pale light:
discoverd Flora Grey - tegted within s
1 or. made 'try her own hands . . far away!
e garden. As she sit itC•thoughtful
I le figure approached her.
/ha; "are you hero WV
e•lhroughout for p. u "
" s,ittiFiora. in a ow. el voice—"l was
oc_it wee growing Into."
I . id Mr. Grey, with agtonighthent.
and ,if you wit!' in; dawn here by my
a all I wee thinhing about."
ed. cad Flora, conti:ated—
. minima. that I ohould go lollpn
"ring for myeotr."—
t—what! nti.l!..ftvo all /your beiutiful
a stern •••••••,.
timbal. thialr:of reuntiniug here.
am noir eiglic,cn, dud cerbicV 1 can
ones tholvet. tnvself. that such • COW Se
• bat hire never dared 10 . mention h to
rev. gravely. "I think that !hen
or fst , :e.r will miss your company. and
" said Flurs • Raj her voice trembled
• You surely will tAke good care of my
will Yon not :" .
[lt'd 01 . 31, lobe would;
e a freth boquet;Shenever you ein.
nutted Flora pleadingly . . •• And do.try,
ye them tea, as father need to 1 ." "
railed: and she could proceed no (or
.ng wind remiuded Mre. Grey that it
eta longer to remain in the open air„
to the liouee.
!a understanding, but nronue."
I r part of November The day had bee
awl whin darkneis set in, henry. ngl
• severe /night. The It Lichen
upied onecoriser i of?leght hraulole open
i k nine, an'd the good tfaine, adding en
-1 rvgots to the already glowing fire, tot.
Tom the antique case, and Carefully ad
odes, rend.a chaeter from the holy book
at 4%1 been h..r custoni for tears
IreadMg, and closed the b3ok in thought
in began to fun spitefulty against the ht
inclose, vilie r h served to admit light t
meat. Ol Meg tattled from her plats
wing her ghillies back. 140013 the amp!
looked:out °poi the darkness.
he sighed to h- rse If ; *" soother tirribl
hing. and I fear the morning *lll tinfid
!wreck and disaster. There should be
r the awatag on the bluff, to guide t
wain therti of dealer; hal I sew so weary ,
co wild. I hardlr know how to fees
vents. I-mast hare • good fire here. r
thst 1 may have visitors b•fors moist
tided another ariasl of faggots.
y *nay be mess. and my Waft,
otiotted, " no _wanderer shall 1140 r •nti
I without being weleotaud by a ems
f het soliloquy was : hare broken abaft b
making spin its fusty binges. and Jae
other-bsatett listitrinatt eutemd, wit a !
Aoot Metf,"ho esetaimad, au ha •,
; " tea thowitand blowilogs too yo,
arfortabto fito. The poor &herons w
.rlastiog debt of rratitade for yoor his
lartld eight. Jock, sad the Great Bpi
deters abroad. Thether by laid or sea.'
ied Jaak. sti g himself...ore abell;ba
balk/mm=l)l44 ; bat it has bonafer,eo ,
I . . aid meet of the Beet oa the coast b
tit We .rea into the coin early t
latilt. elect. mode& se it looked like
; . efe.thoegbt tool to lay by till it
in skippers wore ai cautious as'
Mgr." said aid Msg. T
precious life M sperm:4 astil'a• asses 1 2
I you. 116 g." said Jack in a eclisaider
;fro yea ; I bare sailed the ease Sow
thirty years. is all kind. of craft. and
savor as seeideat have 1 stet with.
etwaetweet warliag away of, a spec
of that sem"
pip.. aad was Moat to aeasseurre so
epee lestiohl Mb. Whist a fete k
'lam rod MASS
I**o 4 VI A R D ..M
her feet. aat4 !meals( s isotaeut; /hurried her customs=
ry salutitioal
Tito knitoing was repeated louder than before. and
„he hestane4 to the door. A. also opOltd It. a gust of
wind balled filter sight ; bat a grad' (visuals voice drew
his attention l ie soother d;reetiou, and. peering •through
the raiu .atetir derkoese. she 'di ti cerrtedtt atoopiug figbro
before her. eloaely Jitufliod la a cloak. The stranger
spoke aothin4 au.iile: bit inroilediately let a large bsi...
kat to to the entry at Me, , f i s feet, and 'then, placing a
*,r lit - hurriedly .
:t her senses
ir, tt:Ale to
Why 1 have
&equalities! volt its contents.
gnineas:" lie said. misinglzote he drew this
purse striae. and fousiol the trimming t& Meg., ..tettigiti
oeda: what aro you to du with that?"
'`Tbal replied thedaine. tt to Putuitaie the necessary
'articles for Cto child. which it wrill,soou need. That sum
will go but a very halo way teward'its support."
• . And don't yolkkuow who sent ti?" continued Jack.
ve4io2r tiariosity was ureamrd.
..Not pirecisely." said. Meg, affecting a careless - tone.
..But I knOW th ml,it was sent by the child's priming. who
e,re unfortbuste people. and atilt me to Iterip,the dear ht
tie babe. sad rear with greit care." -
'..ind you wori i rrettae. I know." said Jeep, tenderly
whose kind etrupathies had become enlisted in dae•little
stranger's behalf. • • . ,
••Bless it. ne t ! 'Meg nave, 4-etturised,rher bask spew an
innocent wanderer." and she oluipsd dans:Jai a arming-
ly in her arms. -- .. -
The night was new (Cr advanced. end Jack. feeling
Cie necessity of looking afterbis craft. Imo and depsrta
ed. first tieing strongly aalinonishad by bleg IRK to 'hap A
breath of or hat , bad transpired. - .
"OW iiiilt me not to speak he tale.
' /
• . Oh . *mill we not toiett•
- ;meet rat waste her delsoists— - ,
• i
; - , raaattai litre mad not amts.',
AIM: the crate e to ottii lte
. , Pitirefa;e•of her rairery."
It grias siniJuiqlst t i a . :l: metropolis—a clear. colt, nil&
1 , nigh in February. stare shone dimly is the heave
.1 . and the Was Moen looked down epee the Am straggle ,
' who hauled elan the Awry. sad almost diteg7ed
, •i streets., ' • , • ,
ila a 11 wooded keine is a remell part otitis lbws.
I,lJay fl ora rev. al the point of death: The rod* was
, scantily r i ritished. t every thing abolt it bore wiidettee
1 that pain had bee taken to mike the sevslid Cartattarts-
I i ble in litaLhemble ' to. Althaugh diseaseand .euzie
-Ity had. tang pry spots bar defies% Shark/some tra-
I cr. ef•hs O'er**, *My stilt lingered iltere,,ildre a gear
dial: angel to a- tummy her
- to the limb/ The physi
cian. s-Clergyma . sad a APirilll sume,/woris her only
'-tadmitS. As g her emaciated biwid, sad Washing
Amur -
a liar-front her a.
1. that still if hot forth
s tourod-- 1
d "flu M I bet to
a a (by Child.
yst arriso - d; "bat i
t. sot hil to be bine' .-
1. _
a tsar hs will too bite." •
sbe 'sighed: "kit will
• should I hippo?, _. do sot *owe. his puska; be -will
spars if I ash " sod Ate betted hor foss in tbo pll..
l ig
• and ostobed i areal grist.. 4 .
or The hied-bee id ti i Jae wee eaditatorias to aeotite
O her tnrelliod stied. w lb. doer softly oposod. lied a
t. moo of *Noy fsait;yoans. with ataltaart face aad'rigid
t brow. estated thei reit& It deiteissith so Gals woke.
' tbet tis• sot pospoito it. het the rtiyalciei is.
if swath , meow. eistoasotiosellog tho ostrotsior lii Wire. A& eoo
' d hi* fildisiboo
thieltnea;ea of flannel ; *nd finally. after
tts of dsheut work -and Oral au: *. a
ut, *tingly imSed.lett in material of the fie:
11 del - leas texture, was revealed to their aii
! Etch looked ..t ilre other in mutaltewil-
A mom ..itt. neither h tying power td speak.
eg r.iaed her l.ttlo guest from its novel as
!: f mit Ft 14x 'I tit Alio ti of acl!nirilio?. '
ful chtl.l—y perfect picture ''.! Slirhit wretch
rcU e`u cruel c, to read it 014 Oa *nth a night
I , .
1 -
en lasheai. whisk iihieldasl bee eyes
1a heavenly luster.' she faintly 'sien
• . .
e yet?" t //
, whbopits4l thi 'Milder. bike Wee vie;
0 net be impiiiintf be certiVt will
. .
Nap* set go ehrit!•4 teligauf
to this bedside; taking the band of his patient in Ida, and
bonding °rot bor. ha obiapered.
"hart, yaw. father hes come."
As the words reaelmtl -her ear, a tremor rsn ;trough
her fr.itne, as if struchlair Alb Isle:cute shuck. and for a
mucassat a sweet code played 'nomad her &marble tiro. and
then an awful gravity followed.
With downcast face. the stronger approached the dc
in: girl. The meeting was meet affeetlng. For boar
years the dsughter had beau estrnurd frotn;hisr percale.
; Diving that paria , 4 no bad beau received
keen her, and her mother, emitted with grief and
painful appretiensiarn. hul passed iato the wotl.l of *pit
ste. New. her tether, her only aurviring rolattvc.atood
before her. For a mouse:it he seemed to forget bus us
tarid 'torrential; the colt. rigid features of 'his face were
her once sabdialed M-mdiluties. and a tear - trickled down
the farrows of his/rough - citirek.ea her eurvided the erring
'daughter in his arms. •
- .•1t has berti my ardeut Prayer that you might ranch
me before 1 died." said the rupiah,. in a Mgr and !Woken
whisper. "I r#ei that Ido not d your pardon, but
1 know that you will not repro icb me nosy. 1 hevu s se
cret to unfold 11) you. and a levt. a 44 mg request to ut -he.
which. as a father wad a frtnud--ithe 'only friend on earth
to whom I may seek for coneolcion in this, ray 64 hoar
—1 pray you will grant." •
S to that kli beck ups t !171 — pil:uy; end liravtinz the
ear of her father elose.tu liar Igrt , whigp..te,re few weirdo.
Who tho tears coursa4.l rapidly du*a s ti,r 45.11/4 citerki.
he diet:Ware thud med.,, the father Started to 11..
feeEzr Week(
into the en
ti the dome.
'tt, a state of
le tits. then.
where the
tows of the
h Ile Meg
ea I,ll* lays•
th coverts&
rtiomeals per
ticuppsng Ih
smarm:olu furl
to his 3.l2uim
My Gott:
fears verified
visa tits 11 Ca
agonizing 4hai
of a favidr w
died with fis
to the grave. - - - ; 0 9*.-
11 41:1111 forgive you in the hoar of Jai:h, sod pra•j•t tat
God iu Me infmte mercy miy forOr• yon, I will 'levier
sae the chtl.l Farewell', May a 'brighter halve await
tour" ant tito distraeted man lit the hou,e.
Bat the did not hear him ihroulh; the first sea
tehee wai mare th in her weakness could wahatoo.l, and
she swooned in the arme of hirphyaicinn.
When morniNt dawned. OM watchful attenelenta still
bent over the Liedatie, but a ntia.l wee (hero! l'aelranea
remained—the rigtdtbits---the crimped aistons-e-bot the
*pint of dbason witielegava 'them animation. had been
dlt'sroaed: •
°.% it Wate4.l VI 3t/ utartal solve the tuy t•tcr,)
Beyond the p tuts of in - final .
The revelation d well al."
We wit! now return laths cintige. Titres, years have
.alapaed since we left in potoiessioti 4,f her little on
:togs. iliac bad entered "upontier charge with all the in
terest- of am.asatti mother. an'd row it bad beco•no ors an
!inoperable part of her being. As it grew in years. 'arid
its tittle mind Itegsn t,• di-venape alas bee aloe sa.):s
' One thing. 113. e over, 'wesghan nativity upon uer
and ataldod auoinor net a4erious thread to Cie already Hs
tricate meehes whicti Isere deep) , woven arouud the his
tory of'tlie chill For tho first two years. so uitknowu
messenger liad regularly supialtod the meatus ler its sup
port. With unerring itu.tctualsty au unseen hand had
• furnished monei to dufroy its eijaeatters. Bat f t ur twelve
I t mouths n bad been vittadTwu- r tite veilot; messenger
r, Mos presuming a new fie
( turn to itio mystery. which evert old .111e4 Could not un
derstsu.l. •
A severe w:arter wtse epprorcbing, the weans which
,she possessed were userly exhausted, and she b-eau to
have dark. turobudmizeofthd Notts. :liaise Ear. tits child's
every tweet, bad boeu supplied. -Although its abode W
&tat a shattered fog• cut, litr - a.ued la or,evei t y aside by tt
,grins vesture' of the wilik-frrelt. cud rtsourre cud tutor
thine other than old Mei:yet. had .iebern the tumuli, of
a palace. it cuuld not have beau wore solieituuely cerrd
fur. or murs liberally provided with eery see.s.ery cost
fvrt. Nut one cent cu this usuuey rectsived bud nig sp.
pl•oprieted to herovu use; it bad ail beau expended •ivir
the betietit of the' ciii!d Aird nuw. When the supply was
cat cS, end she could diecuver nothing iu the Tuiiiire but
ditrlioi l :ris and u gush 'Was keen ulipost be
v'uttlf feutiur..itce.
• It Was 41.-taa tune of her darkest dryolideocy tort J telt
Wrests/entered:Mei cottage jsl,l at tort:iglu.. Mfg wu
biried in ism I deep i aud sareuia reieVie• that she d.d nut
semi raise tier bead iebeo, lie outeVed. Aiier eosins,;
about the room a 1111)ildllt. ti•id. etrukui the golden ring
lets of the little Fldr with his &wallet!. suuburut hand. iis
she tottered taxer Min. he aporatielicd old ll,:g. cud
tapping her gemliupau thessitoukler„ said:
"Woo{ is thin tit ,tier, Mee Way do you loud in
dimming Of/yore you Wouy met:t r ee witheannle and
a cheerful wop, but of late ion hays seemed buried in
ntelaucholy.FW tat dues it memo?", - ,
Mel cam
4,„ /
d her INad, bat initoad of. answerioz the
slovens i one, she 113411Uels•flikr 104.411 J ke F.ora, aid
heaved deep.draten silt.
The Osage at Jack iris/sully iotererated its mean
jag. si , liking little Flora iu hi! arson, and pressing lit:
del • therk tq his raugh - jlips, Its mild. •• What is it
say hing_coanected ;rah this dear etuld that casts each
a oosn before you? One would thick tbatsorh,a lovely
b 'ag would make your days all sunshine.' . Yoa can car
'alp confide your sorrow to me;" and he looked implor-
• intoomher 'see.
Old blot knew that she unfit hies aid from some '
source. and felt that there was uo use in whom shricou'd
place more cou&deace. than Jack Ore slot. She kaew
that he possessed a.kiud heart. and would never .autter
want tu'cnter herdeor. yeah* coshd not himr the thought
of burdening others with her woes. • But when. she saw
the beautiful image of Fir' before her. land then !oohed
into the dreary future. Ike was prepared to saerifize every
feeling upon her charge. and repaired to unfold her woo •
Mee to Jaek Breirerei. and -abide -by his couesel. She
tad him all; and impleriag his *deice sad aid. begged
ha would keep the whole at • profound secret :
• As tie listened to her recital. even the foul heart of
J e r k k B re wster was removed; and as the leer, coursed
&writhe dark, rale& farrows of his laws. little Tiers. who
sat peatiliag apse his knee. leaked up anxiously. and
patting tier tibl hoard epee his Cheeks lisped cot.
makes you cry. grahl!Pal"
This was a voice of pleadiai Reel° be eoheided. es-
R espy bjr Jack Breander: sad braehiag away the tsars
with hie coarse cuf be said e la the atestootemn and de
*liter. I hail a wilErig heart and setting arm. sods*
long as the Des remains tree. sad- the. other seinspairsdr
this dear little babe shall never term mist. tin ea as
yea havebepa—protide ter the dear tittle creature all
it, requires. and Jack &swan will be a faller
Meg expreesadhar raided* is the Most ardent wea
r net. and Jack Brewster left the aattaga for hie frail ammo
beats. with that exalted Iselin of estfropProokl which
always takes poserresies
o of the retied after it has deter-
Was& apes asy via object of pen bearavelewee.
Lto is cospictlim) .
$1 5
1. • le3ashrnl •
u,(lirrir stsuulde •
we new
the soul of
tuer, nod s
ihiow forth.
pros, yet e
There sr
mellow •n
friatqat 1771
►r* mitt* th
flow with th
Vri are It
that latlici
Preis. will re
erodes mid
fu'ly; and b
pm& whli fd
mule glanc.
- The meta
l ysho is bashful is tlitt preemie* of I . 1
.er when the loose:togoo of the el
/e them ;it is not, be ho bouts at , go
k kltbly of failiega t at *List in his
• ; lite cheek will thigh with reiterant*
li anger, to hear the same Or. 1101118
. Alll4 oath ; and yet he why would di
I Nest tioaeredbr the 011-1-tity of oar
Iheard of a blehfel hbertitie? its a.
en. Esse sod elegance are his req
sit fluttery. reeds to play mart alike
Irk; he is newer iron-ph:Dye& hi stint
Jenne he is iu isptorits; for a word. be
y dimo his rife.' Yet it is he who ft
with wrecks if female parity; iris
holy name pf mother; desolates' the
1 alio happiness is throned; rains the
trot; polotes the eery nit he breath.
musk of a polished seotteansa.
tltrir Jr fen
would defy
or t!Jtrt. to
nation bhm
eye Ckett wi
tod %tat a c
rend thven. ill
Who et*
was never ii;
upon h's hpi
eves and W:
11;41) d ,rwit
ur 1.10 •%%,
another ill
ics Branch
said to hive
Muni:v.—The iii
,occurred between'
lindans presiding ju.
plias of Ularistonel
s worthy unsocial
o give evidence:
your bonnet. Medi
her not, air."
ocertniti q
learned dis
and left by,
cillod upon
••Take o
••I !cad 1-4
t; age off your
gefietally leas
ewhere, and, th
I •• ea? She petit
• than the judge h
• me and take a
- _
Disapplinte *% Visitor.•
fen:witty retarmA ft as — Loudon, ease tl
Indent of the New t rheas Delta. to
r, of ruins equiro that mingled in
had with au Eugli °Seer. who, ts
erred in Pocitenti rui's .stiny:—••Yo
is America?" s•F. a very short ti
..Were you ti in New Otlem
in it—although an a very sear it"
deer the city?" ". 4; thay would
t let rims:-why, II w, and When cot
kg. in 1914—and t ere was a large F
intended to sat on Christmas dinner
ough we' wars • warmly revel
•.Bat. a/
I SA: !"
iteadr., Su•
I'll out take.
'•llo tc
operable', "vow
D. Vr.2 .
;Is urttme cnistout el
teeny bonnet!"
hear that. genth
bout these mattes
madam, better co
!tialw mote
fled you'itu l
the bench? II
A citizen
bi!a correpp
mac:% ham
versation he
to him, hb,41.!
blue. then.
it is fun.; a.
••Not exact
dal •oa not
me," um'
be?" "It :
ae. too. Bch;
city—but t
cont.! not a
and went t
ma• time.
tempting. $
Apnt. 181.1 1
rand." H.
Soictor. —A in
ocent4 C 4113, tied su:cide in
A fi4liv;
IMlZinself soon artier ti
uln !=
her. and w. ddad another. 8 .
cirriad his
, wife to see his p•
young ladyi his former love. t
hive been evotedly attacked.
in; ovar'ettie their eeaae of p
into oath theta arms. emhra•
i t
tears. TM seem 4 in hate rev
hill love fo her: and after can
pareat... say he would go
whi.:h he ttpd wr.tteu; but it 8
idr/Ui11'i . . 13 :1103 Ma .wsy to desi.
13 she maw er describe i
no/ ears th t Mr. Petry Davis,
liar of the • Plitt Killer," it %id
a handsoite brick church for
Society in t Ist city, at a cost u
only gives the edifice to the S
proposes to l an ske up any deft Illi
should the pew rents be instal
iniuister ari4 other expeases
via bits the wealth lel the sale of pa
ever may be it* goad qualities,
very little it ns profit, had it,
tematically lad vertised. Ile a
ough spite 1 of advertising in
end this ' ptist .Seeiety abo
haudsotna hitch to the aim
tines iris. ode through the in
yet there a still found. hers
Gess anon. ho "can't eel say • oar Stewing.— esterday rnornin: or
oner /MI, beld en inquisitio • at N 0.107 Wei Thir- '
ey-fifth at - ou the bony . a beautiful yonng!la
dy named Mira Mary Ver.' suck, who committed
suicide a der thei following ,circnmstances: i
• "It see . 8, says the Neve 'lurk Tunes, the deceas
ed bad beim visited for sem time past by it yeeng
man who professed an extraopiinary attschateut; for
her,.ead I ad agreed to maket.., Isar - , his wife. , A few
days nga he gallant said;"Mary. , I'll not , ebsrry
you." ' wthis sudden an.touncenseat she rephed.
“very web," and while on elvish with leer father at.
Troy, she became deprmunin spirits, and procured
an ounee l of mosaic. of i
eh she partook a por
tion. Sean eller , takinf t e'pouerful poison, she
accompanied her parenu on boon.) at steamer
"FranciwSkiddy," and upo entering a state-rooet
was seised with' violent con u 1 ions , and only lived
a few minutes. The Jar fully investignted' the
painful Oise, and rendered verdict ecaerdieg(T..--;
Thstieceseed was 'only si a years of qv. •04
was bo .in tits city of Ne York. -, i .
i i
A IrM•R,.ila Ad•sa4i•
hfol mai who
i ch may Mimi' anti!
l a awkward's.. tin
ghts that they wo
with wake. the the.
sumesd them to as
tue teuchtte,its the
Ositictar that ti
IS delicate I ,
ors ; and their di I
autilal that they
shallow, ars
8 to thc, uokait4
leis refiaid sad,
impetoosity of tit
uniehed that ouch
ii.ste sot •p
rts sind. cultivat
tit real!y go9dilie
and the ga/laat
liistachio Stale)
Ncan fold • Aar]
Nrith P•trasian eq.
l o look upon thew
once so grist that
tept:ous. bosons°
ill not co7ilesce4
la fur them a relle
is Worship
word in your coil haws you . lovera ani
a worthy husbind? Cbotiao Lim wfii
portinent, whose sena* df your wortk
iiiotr, white others eroud aroand you.
tinier. even at your approach. eausido
of exalted opinion of your err. I
modest, let not a thousand fortunes
balance, for depend upon it, wi
tier with !parody, than wit
splendor of palacei
% 14piNNnaN,
It b. h ,
frounded b
__ _ -,----------.
I I .ag min fall&
wine Ws old lei
i• to of thu country,
) eraisupported o
l ai
I . %hoe Mrs. l
latu. 1 i.ds_ist epon
complialt our *Nit me
Se we ta
j Mo4ile Point; but though we atai
Itie did not find tra ening in AJAR!
'tam •cd. •e the
Ithe day selected
ter firesh to oar f.
r.frecellect:on etr
anis battery.
an eoucluded to r
we left for home •
'min , an appropre
re a sudden spasm.
t the farce of, a gal
l a awned Patrick
! ike county. Ala!
Is marriage. Th!
n in love witkr-•
means. from
after bill Marr
rents. and there
whom he appo
Their feelings o
I.priety, and they
ed. and wet* go
!wed. in a ton fold
•iog his with bee
o Tioy rod m• I
,pests he clans tokbe do
•y himself, whichibe did;
- -
CaTi t'revidene • hitt
. 441 koalas as the' frro#ri., •
ding at his own spees•
'the High Street
about $15,00 4 ).
during hie
saucy which inn
loot fordis War of he
L. society. r. a -
ch he is so eget* b
eot toectitioe. the so
wooid bees, pea ed
• t biro loberally aimd
l es his affluence t r or
• immspapers of he iiy;
mentioned. otos . sit
thing. Every y7r ore
1. Genes of the OJAI p4sie,
od lo
elsewhere, opy si
los, in adrertisisi"'
I +l "
.~ b
.., $
;- ' .4
- 28.
'as not
'W. to
11 oz.
a will
o eke
lee r is, ,
t., btu
-0 de
[ ,
ls oar
• Who
- g sad
ed .1-
if he
he is
"on in
f. and
d. t•
t spun
a Diu• .
. with
1 , have
*. and
I net let
Id that
rty eC
Art that
ed. we
Ent of
r oil
eV. or-
ck the
I ves. by
Segall "
ge. Its
d tba
`red to
lied to
to hoe
He pot
fa. but