Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 13, 1852, Image 2

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    What the People hive Decided.
• The people of theatUnited Slates hayso--"as no
body can deny" .emphatically decided the, they ac
cept Franklin Pierce as their orzt President. But
they have decided on a great many other questions
of Presidential and National policy.' They have
decided that there is to,be no sectionalism, no heart
burnifga between North and Smith, 'East or West,
but ore great system of harmony and progressive
development throughout the Uniop, the rights of
thif citizens under the Constitution and laws being
equally protected and respected. , Tney have also
decided with the utmost distinctness, that the gov
ernment of the countrpia to be Conducted in a bold
and republican spirit, Jealous orthe 'national honor,
firm hivesisting foreign aggression on this Conti
nent, and prompt in irenging insults ~rid outrage.
cOmmilted ulion the citizens or flag of the Repub
To sum rip details; the people glecided on Tues-
Any last, that the adminip.tration nc Franklin Pierce
shall furniali a safi.-factory solution of the *lotions
which the country shou'd hold to the Central Amer
ican States; that it ',hail. inquire into the preten
sions,and riirlits of England to colonize Is!ands in
the Golf of Mexico or the Bay of Honduras; that. it
Oral! Verminste the farce of the British Mosquito
Protectorate and confirm Nicaragua in bee sover
eign and territorial rights.
And as regards Spain, sod the atrocities, outrag
-es and insults heaped by bee upon this country and
its cificens with impunity undo• the present admin
istratinn, the At-fieriest' people have decided that
they expect Franklin Pierce, and tire Statesmen he
may coil to Ins aid, to exact "indemnity fur the past
sod security fcr the future." The affair of the
Conti.) , prist•nerr a the illegal and barbarous treat•
meat to which they were subjected; the•seisure of
two unofihmling
,Atnerican vessels in neutral wa
ters, and their , subsequent confiscation by a Spanish•
tribunal; the „cowardly and °revolting massacre of
gallant Americana in one of the , public squarmi of
Havana; and the recent outrages of the Cuban an
•ihnrities are rll comproMised in the grand task
.marked nut by the popular decree for the presiden:
cy, New Hampshire's honored and now illustrious
won. It is a great and momentous task but we have
. Confidence that'Franklin Pierce is fully prepared;
. 1301. , fitily to 'ns.ume it, but is resolved to fearlessly
,discharge all the duties imposed, in the manner
best calculated to exalt and - benefit his cunntre.
Dlr. Pierce has a gloriops future spread belibre
' him. Ile has, we doubt 'riot, the talents and quali•
ties to 'rightly, imprute his opportunities. And
when we speak of that future and these opportuni
ties, we intend to appeal not to the personal ambi
• Jinn cif the Man, but simply point to the great facts
which his ovkn clear judgment and patriotic pride
must - abundantly recognize and appreciate-. The
I true patriot is not. stiniulated by selfish anticipa
tions. for his cauntryls honor and gijod he is ev
-1 er ready to sacrifice selfi and ,the only pie4tit.
ward he seeks i , is the assurence of comtpience•that
he has doneacts whose resolis shall continhe when
even the.remembrance of his name has passed away
from among men.
.But when great • good sets are
performed in such ele‘ated 'positioni as that to
which Franklin Pierce is now called. the Memory
of the actor groWs dearer and • his fame brighter a i s
his own age rededes into the past.
Franklin Pierce may make his Presidency stand
out in the pages of American Newry in bright sod
'glorious 'cotit rein to the pale and'cloutied reflection
throw tint by the aentinistration; of his immediate
predecessor. He is called for the helm of State at
an important crisis
. in the atriirs and destines, not
only of the country,
.btit t& the whole civilized
world. Spne the greet intellects who have for a
century green shape amid direction to our republican
vficy, have passed away, and the field of aclem is
lose comparitively clear for new and vigorone minds.
Tae heart of.the. nation is bereaved, but its hopes
ark brighter; its energies stronger and its will more
resolute than. eter.
It dues tint Wish-to cherish,iegrets, or to indulge
in idle reveries on the post. It-wsreits new objects
of, its dosfidence and trust. 'lt feels that it has a
ndve and greater and grander career before it; and
kr, looks iktit for men who will unfalteringly lead. it
onward to theirealization of its hopes and ambitions.
For its Chief it has enoi:en Franklin Pterce.—
Writei glory there is in the choice! What greater
glory in the wonderful unanimity of that choieel-ii.
Will it be tiecei%ed? Wi:f it be betrayed! Will it
'be C urbed and held back by its chosen leader! We
hoocut will nut. We believe it will not.—X. Y.
ire ' .
• i Election .Prsads.
The telegra'ph has give brief' notices of frauds.
noon the right of suffrage high were committed in
Vittabiirghds The. Post of ridiy,ltas the following
esPiatiation of the matter. I •
,ZirATURALIZATION .—Consitlera
ble excitement was created yesterday, by dev4lop
inents made•• in regard to. forg ed naturalization pa
pers,:which had been furnishe d a number of persecs
In no way;entitied to them, on consideration ofibeir
Toting fur Gen. Scott., . Au information was made
'at the Maytter office, in the afternoon of yesterday,
by a German named Gotleth F. Graham, who, though
in the country but three _years, had been furnished
with a regular cert,ficate of naturalization, with the
seal of the Prothonotary's office affixeti,and the sig.
.nature—not genuine, however=of Geo. 8. Hays,
Prothonotary. •Thts paper had bgen furnished G'ra
him without his taking the oath' of allegiance I,
c'pen c•iort, as the law . provides. .
In yesterday tporni-g s paper, the fact that Gra
-ham and live other Germans received a slip of pa
per from '4ohn 11.dlIampton, E-q:, at his ottic - ept
Fourth street directed to the Prothonotary, aft
nothing on it, but the words "all right' at the Cour
Ilutibe,.they Were tplien to the Court Room, but no
worn, nor the necessary vouchers produced. Fru
trie Court Room the Gerinins proceeded to the of
flee of-Thomas N. Marshall, Esq., on Fifth Street
where they receixed naturalization papers, with to
receipts and advice was also given them scidestro
the pspers after-thejt died deposited their ballots.
'. Skx Germens.receiVled their naturitlizition paper
in this mannet..-and further developments btu)
'that thik fraudulent system of naturalization ha
been carried on to a great extent, so great as to re
quire that the strong arm of the law should
stretched out to' punish the guilty and secure th
_purity t 4 theTballot boar, by it signal . warning..
' • Sisa tsa i l."ATkOr ACS rait LIS.— Foitbree or too
• suers: tons he Dutch univ had any precise knowl
, edge of AuStiehl. The - Dotch had eyes, but sa •
not. Their commander, Careten, sent out to e
plore the country, described it as consisting o f ob a
ren coasts, shallow waters, islands thinly peopled b
creel,-poori.and brutal natives—of verb' little use.'
. The natives had not found the gold tlkat'ltature he
thrown into - their river-bed' pud, the voyagers di
- Pót suspect its eXistence., Therople 'were host'
And ugly. They Wage no glittering' Chains, as th '
natives of',[ eru did. The nArdieWile coast IV3
wild, gluoin' trent !getstion, n
luscious friti indong the'
stay, or pent of mine . r
treasure`.. lei - Ism': the
came in seal finding ne
mo ther
ofo t hest lent as tar.
as Pirope,
LAST W 4 le follow in
language 1, , for by t* e
name of a "highly respectal*Atentlentan, left 1
the Mtge of the Philadelphia Km*. ylraninst:" -
' ' Daniel Webster, a short time *fore hie dear ,
- tailed, his confidential friend, Peter:HarTeY, Seq., 1
Bustoh, to him, and ar , ked him Met r Rufus Choa e
. t . s ,
intemied to supplrt Scott. :M. vvey answer ,
"I du not Worm but I think ui, , O S , Wen." es
the lamented Webster, "Choste be. ytitith and t 3
• ents, and tell-him fur me not to mar.the future pro
peas by taking • step in support of Seoit--and t
him. at my dying **sage to him, that aft4r the 21
day of November next, the Ali pasty ass Noll*
aLparty, will exist only in hitspry."
cerreepundent of the New Ye4 Express suites th
' -about lone hun.tred cf the New York passengers
the steamer Franklin, Whisk arriied at Havre a
clays previous, (Sept. 113th,) left that eh, for Par
by the ( first train, found the track eneumbered by
lend slide, caused by the late eacessive mine. T
interval which they were compelled to travel as be
they could, was some aix miles wide, and every
cies of vehicle, from a diligence to a handcart, w
put into requiaitinn. One gentleman,a tali Ke
tackles, dirribe distance in a wheelbarrow, and h
auferings from riding backwards, sad letting b
legs trail ape the ground, would draw mars f
e Cornet stool laid by Louis Naroleln.
The Lest
An elaborate, Must
• reaa of Naval Archie
n, received a day or
!wanted with the det
_ , tom' Mr. Davison,'
Ime and forme, duri
• venting improveine
eeriug and internal
ow proposes to brin •
11 ; all his knowledge,
"onviruction of a ste '
!fling's's,. This "0 ,
,'slace of the New I.
et long in the keel
ighty feet wide an
wenty,fem draft.fa /
Q,spo tons of si/aler.
ruPelled by !osistee ,
)1 about three hundri
.lan of c.mst ruction
een separate water
easel is tC be built o
it will have neiiher
e-wheele, nor kern pro
tr over the sea .the shi
clines went' 'rig at p
e not protected, bv. pa
'Palace" ie ready fur s ,
he mirseitages which
will include:—"..A stes
if nonsiructione . and
isroprit, rigging. ail
Whit mode of getii
ave,.?dr. Da-tiein d
his inventions e
'hell however, the
litwing are among
,tor anticipates sh
nit could splendidly ace ,
bassengetal and an in
t is-designed to* her u
• in the centre of the
fty feet wide, and two h
ndiJ dome-light from t
'wished and furnished'
rn art, with every poesi
'l`ltere would be two
he '
proposed ditnenni
ate three tiruiand
wont of freight.
a nvigniticent sat.
igiitren feet high.
feet lung! with i sp
per deck, and to be
highest style or mo ,
guy sand conreoienc
each side of this marl
:id airy galleries, etc.,
nghout is designed In b
'ern improvement and )
lis , enjoyed in" the best 1
I. • Every state-room to'll
flt marble basins, supplie
ram pipes running throv
lave evensive actommod
whole ship throughout)
heated by steam in-the V
ventilated in eery mato
engine us•ed expressly .1
.ottzhout the ship, and e
WWI an ocean of pure
of pure air above, then
'ion being ins Ic for sup
ship- . board should not bat
er air, be healthier, ant
ime, pipon such a magi]
bier place upon the face'
this vessel, it is estimate
eat as that of a Colliers C.
is set down at thirty u
)r is of opinion that, tal
as of Europe behold this
I tnerican freedom, they , - d
duced to revolt jity,ain4t
. too, may build Ocean 0
of state , rooms upon
saloon, with light
The whole ship tlrn
plie4 with every mi
nience, the same as
dwellings and hotels
()idled with permant
and cold water
the , shib, and also to
or bathing, The
lightedwith gas, am
anJ to he completer)
nd apartment by
collating fresh air tit
mit.the vitiated air.
below, and an (tea
Ireason (ample pros
it) why personseutd
be clean, breithe
Fore (4 least fur a
vessel, than iu any
earth." The cost o
beltbobt twice sa g
[ter average tweed
hour. The\invent
own-trodden natio
[lament re-tilt of
all probability, be i
'Oppreamirs; thailt
and Floating Palac•O. lie is ako 6tinvinced
euch a ship should .e merely taken to the pr
ports of Europe, a, ; "exhtbit ati - a small's'
headlit woud tray e tretnely well!! There ca
doubt of it. -If any of our readers' desire to
a 1400 of their fin ting capital in the Floati
ace, tfiey may hat • a sight of models, plan.
ficatigns, etc., at t e tifice of "Dams littetr,
Brother, naval arch tects, Nos. 374 and 373
way," where, also, the pamphlet maybe pur
price'twenty-five cents. i
The wind, which had Wen-blowing [rum •
fur several daye,Changed to the west Saturd:
and blew with great force. Some ilamagt.'
done to the shipping caught out. The Sch•
Dousnan, loaded with coal, is sunk in the h'
The schooner R. C. Sowed, also load
coal, has gone to pieces at Barcelona. / The
Canada, with a cargo of coal from Once
after leaving Erie, Was struck by the gale
be, top gallant mast carried away. She
this port which she made during the ferAo i
terdsy. A vessel painted black. is reported
at long point.. The steamer's Michigan an ,
eler which left*attirdaY night, returnetho
terday, the weather proving too beatry fur t
Propeller Sampson sprung a leak and
throw overboard 600 barrels of Flour .oeusi
11. Weed be Co., from Cleveland. Bhei wa
into Erie. this - morning, by U. S. stainer
- The barque RoclieAter, Capt. Myers, t ,
Cleveland on Saittrday, watt albad of Coal
lido, sprung a leak, and was run aohore no.
nut Creek, yesterday morning. All hand.
in number, lost—except the Captain and o
—Boat total wreck. She has gone out of a
The Steamer Si.; Lenia, was wrecke
ningth of the 7th, it mite and a Waif nort
Cnnningham's She is reported to ,
J ocks. Nti lives Sere lost, the passengers
heen taken ofrby the Northern indiaanw..
I A Brig, name not kunwn, is reported '
Rattle Snake Island. ofrSandusky.
Cl 7" The Boston. Mail Says• the yearly in,
Ebeit Francis, a rich i citizen of Boston, w
twelve hundred farmu. ilia income, at 60i
on his entire wealth, would / Gannon, ilatlw, ,
than the weIVA of two hunfted hard-worki ,
llis income would buy a 'bottle cif schneld•
pair of boots every three minntes. Ever
the old man make 4 ji worth another nine- :
Ills enormoug capital commands, the toil
thousand laborers and mechanics yearly; , , t
interest. •
1116 e Lstv,:v dairuerreetypit
Abbottosho itinerates with a car fitted up ,
loon forttaking photographical picture•, st
Perry, where he induced a girl ten years
low him to take her picture in a nude coo
The'girl told of the transaction, and•tlic in
of the people caused the artist to decathp.
a person on to take away his car. •buF a m
ed ■nd destroyed the vehicle before he cot
beyond their fury. The cost of the appal' ,
about trii)v—a rather expensive freak.
TEEM CENT Pisces:A—The 'Ph iladelphi
says of the mint, during khe litat month 1
notntifeettire of three cent pieces has been
-.2.666.800 pieces were coined, lepresentit
ue 6800.000, twit mouth, the coinage of
convenient little piece was over a million at:
cud the amount thee vraa thought. to he im
Large as this supply is, it 'does not efcei;
mand. The Treasurer has now but e. few
1: I
A ItgIIASICABLA Elats.—Mr. J. F.:
Churehhill,. in this county, (Mourne,) sea
Rine! New Yorker an accouqt of a hen
been in the habit,Auring the•last asylum
IWo eggs a day. She usually retirOrto
about alne - in the !naming; and depoaite.
and then repeated thirsame interesting*.,
abalit tour in the afternoon. This is. 'tri
derful hen, and rather takes down the•Sh - sr
Cochip China's, who do not pretend to lay
one egg per day.:—Jlech. Union.
A comp SNOT'S,' els FaTtnta.!--The W' •
:lanais relates a most melancholy niter in
Which recentlypir place in Covington
Lozerne corm( . 1 A. Mr. John Willior
piny with Jameti l Patry. seeing his own
a boy about 12.rars of are, to the wtotis
chesnots, and 'Opposing him to-be a deer,.
fle and shot theli i ttle boy through the Biel.
proaching eaeh' other, the hoe .eidierased,r
why did yes shatitater' and afterward*, sdri
Cher you *ill bury me on the farm Iseult y
We art rejoiced to iesrn, that the pour
iurviees, and is recovering.
A Borlox bitt.uoristut.—The Boston_
list the yeirly,income of i itertain rich ~•
thit to
e tn would buy twelve' hi:n(4M far
Memo sixty Or tent, ou his entire Weal(
amount, daily, to more than the oragmixif
dred hard working men. His waged wci
battle of•Schueider or a pair of thwits es
Minutes. ,Every breath the old was to
booth., nioopornee.. Hie ireetemes caps
stands tile toil of one thousand laborer. an •
kir yearly to pay the
sake' Pr ,
ted pemphr
elute," by 1
two since, I
Is of a truly
It appears,
g the lest ►
ti in the ffil
to bear "KC
ship that-s 1
ean. Chariot'
(rfd," is to be seven In
and five. hrtndred on
sixty feet deep; eights
when loaded, will dit
This huge structure is
separate sad distinct en
horse power each,.on
nd application, placed ii
tight comport thetas."
iron, also on a new pril
that if
ITI prr
be no
g Pet
v. 8.. ,
he east
v nigia
s been
ner M.
rbor at
0, soon
nd f►ad
ran for
had to
nett to
at left
or Buf
r Va I -
1 - !land.
tdi ih
'hat ittg
ome of
old btir
, er cent
to Inure
g men.
r. or tl
:t named
i. as a Sa
pped at
4to al
ib amino
td get it
Itus *39
g in vsl
dit-half 3
:Ltihe de-
ilies, of
to the
i litieh has
f toying
Ithe nest
an egg,
• ortnance
re than
'intim Hee,
, in emn
III; 'pale.
; r.erl 'Et 0-
.1 ap
led. Fa
nu '
ittio boy
sit states
itizen of
e. 1114
141 , buy a
ry three
i• worth
GI 0111111-
Erie Wetithi olletvr.
The reed from hereto C
ther permitting. Belt week
liege. of the Directory to 4
tee of which. we present
en to
to be
We balm stothiog sow t ,
‘esult. Scott has got VW'
possibly Kentucky old Ts
set down for Gen. Pierce.
will beabOat 25.00t1- 7 in
and in Ohio from 1.5.0d0 t
in tilts proportion. We sh
official of this State nest
'give as soon as received.
71st F,
IT That was glorious,
Ng." Good asisi4„. prett
exeellatasepper, trod an •
haps we shall look upon it
bot "bother we sitall or u
ed 'Maher Hotel equal to
day eight. :
a, the
he in •
er of
?low is Trust—Fro..
:Me. relative to the Gus •
reliance that piper now ft
policy of Erie in regard to
itself) its frith iu the in
said to have control of th
••fainted." Flow is this?
very men who hive hero
against the Franklin Can
sold. like sheep in the she
shepherds who cried ••W
was sa•d favorable to the
party? It - would appear s
is without melanin: CIV po
.we shall see:—in the ruse
' - - Whig Croaking.
; • 1
Did Shsk4paare live n . instead of say7o2 "1 would
croak like • [OMB." be w Id asy--"1 would croak It a
whit" for s more dismal onc..rt of croaking than is n w
set 00 by the whip press i would pilule all the foi e a
in Gfiristendo - m to iinitst . Big and little. great iiiid
Is no
I •
of the
d, w ill the sr:lig na t vciiipers, have t‘sch and seiv
ertill, set to croAking ove,r i the eleczmu of (lea.
Each soinethinz jarful as going to happenito
the Union. arid riser dierfes from his fellow as to the ex
act nature of that tiontetlil of:. That Greeley' tells Os that
"protection" ti "home industry is crushed"—that ,"sle
vitry'sixtension" wi:i new bees "fa swing"—that rivers
and harb . ors will coutieue to have "snags" and ''heed
bars," sod that Cuba will be swallawed up at the first,
convenient season. The •Nurth Amsriciin don't krfosi .
exactly when the blow is to come frosts, or its shape. e•
vertheless it is fully convinced that the countty will "i of
fer" a "disaster" of seine kind in consequence, of h e
election of:G rc
nsii Pierce --iu its own ISUIVI go. that •i ent
-bodes no good' to tea United States." Aud this iith*#
mournful heel of all their eihoes, with slight variations
to suit times and circumstances,. Now if this "dodge"
of the. press was new one there might be sinik so
green as to tired it; but it is not new. It has cocripeeparA
their stock_ in trade for 3 ears. Whenever they have been .
beaten they have croaked. There is not a successful
maasiire of Datnocret:c policy that has not been mourned
aad croaked over by these dolectil doubters, and we pre.
snits there wah u&ver be. It is their province to creak.
and croak they most and wilt, and we say let them.
;ilea air
;en the
HI, in
I their
USIOSIOr CUMIN:IM —We are in recoil:it.
through the politeness of BICIU. GRANT; L'sq . Honorary
Secretary of this irtetitution. of the two engravings guar
swoop.' to all subscriberi for this year. They are enti
tled ••In a fasandq.'t a was - tern scene. by Brigham. and
.4:donation of'Nitare." an exquisite steel plate. Thee.
sloes are worth the price of subscription—s.s ; in addi
tion to which each subscriber,fisa a chance of drawing a,
valuable oil painting. Among the prises to. be distiltM
tad this year we notice a copy of "Cole's voyage of LIS.",
pait4sd by Sontag. This prize embraces four paiutiort. l
viz ?Childhood. Youth. Manhood and Oid Age. rur
(Daher pirticulars call upon the Honorary Secretary and
get a - circutar. •
rt yes'.
' CT - Tux &sawmill Isi.satts.—The New York Ti es.
/ hb
although a W,hig 'organ, is decidedly in favor of t an:
imitation of the Sunda tch Islands to the Unite States. States.
and gives some very urgent reasons 'chi it, should be
dune. It says that of all. insular posssesion / a. none save
Cuba -klieg, a more desirerbla. It wduld be a great ben
efit toN. oar whalers, oar traders, and the rugav-Vating
papolatiOn of the Pacific States. !be would all glory".'in
the gain. and awl therneelves'oflhe new *that, °Pan
ed for trade and wealth. /Lad as a 'Maim to a future
line ocChinese steamers. they are indispensible. There
is danger too, that unless' tlrey come into our pusiession. l
they will fall into. the hands of some other paWer-:-per
hrpo a , coinmercial rival. The prof-ct of acquisition.
too, is surrounded try few difficulties. asthe present an
tliuritire of the Islands are desirous of the charige. and
there ii no slivery. elute" rrrrr inertia stirrentadiag the
question to tasks it a bone of contention between die
• .
on the
cat t a
bore at
of one
pay the
. .
It swims timed:We that ICtistucky has goes for Pismo.
Whu tiveld have believed it six months ago. -Shade of
Henry Clavl. protest the favorite State froia the fadt•iu
roads or the Goths sod Vandala:—Gazette.
!t is oboist time, we should think. that respectable
whit papenr should be dine with each staff is this!—
Who ire 'the. - "Gotham and the Vaudois." pray? Ara
}our Demoir•tic neighbors e•Gotits and Vandals"? Are
thembt4a °frier -0a • church "Goths and Vandies"l-- 7
Was it "Goths and Vondles" that gave our coontry the
beautiful prates of the West. the erangelloesomed
fields of Florida. die rich alluvial bottoms of Learsiana,
the fertile openings arid prairies of Texas, sod the golden
Hills end Valleys of Califofria. New Mexico and -Ore
lois? Was it "Goths ind Vsodols" that 'conceived.
matured end estabhstted:the present financial and com•
inertial policy of the 'country. ender which the notion
his prospered at a ratio tripled in the hiebtry of the
world? la short. was rt "Oaths and Vandals" that rol
e,' this roautry under it Jefferson. a Madison. •,Slearon.
.11 Jaekson, a Van,Burso. a Polk. and will now ride it on •
der a Pflirce? Have the people all become "Guilty arid
Vandals" fiat those who hire in Masesebesetts end Ver-
out 1 These era query* the Gazigis world do well to
rider ere it again etigmatisee the people of twinity• nine
totes with such an epithet! Arty said last week?
ohai hate the whir gained by their conotant use of term!
of contempt and reproach towards their epporects? No;
thing! Oa the contrary. tints they have laid "Lo'
en-ftr•eo" they holm repelled right thinking awn front
them, while at the earns time instead .I'o:begriming es by
1 theirsneers they hare disgraeed themselves.
• irr Gt.ontuus.—The Whig candidate for Congress.
Mr. Crooker. in the Chautauqua district. has b... de•
hated , by the regnlar Democrat*. nominee. Mr. Fenton.
'oth counties composing the district are whit. having
given Geo Scott something like 2.500 Majority. F en .
mos majority 'boat Mtn This iithe most astonishing
Aluig oI this canvass; in view of which we do not know
bat w. w II have to send our .eirtenstiorary ef the Censor
another bottle of that cordial. Ile needs it. doubtless.
Nattier:sr Diterapir"—The news from the fi l th-
Moe of Panama indicates that the inhabitants there are
considering the expediency of declaring ii en indepood
ant iiitate or else of oneestag it to some more.prwerfel
poultry. The government at Bogota. bus, sated liboral
ly to opening the matter (or dimension. sod he throne
meets with general eammesdatioo.
CT Tba Gauss tolls as that moo of its stottuatry
'Steads mistook tb. saawadiq twit Saturday, Wild for
rojoising war a wide victory:' gaits a atiotalra. Iwo ad.
mitt bat it is mot do Sol praporsder adoutbut tba• alms.
have wads this snow
:0, NOVEMBER 13. 1852.
1' inished.
To be
isallied will be finlehrill. woe%
It is the ►atentiea. w e b el ,
II vs a grand apaniag--dae ari T
will be ems.
reons .l us : l o ° an o n. d aiz as. te I l n e re hu tr t d ts t . o the ad
/ nestles. All the rest may be
The majority in. New York
r own State at least 2tIJHXI.
18.900; and theother States
I prubibly b• able to give the
sell. and the balatsee we will
,time at ••Major Brown's open. -
plonty of d.ncing • an
ordain of good fooling! Per.
like again• and portinps not:
t Erie will not noon see•erect
he dodibated on Woduca-
sofue remarlis the Ga-
I Law. we infer that the only
in the maiuteinenee of the
I rail l rords. is the Gauge Law
n. or rather the mat who Is
`Eastern road, appears to have
Is Erie 4. be botra3te&by the
fore raised the
,hue and cily
I Company? Are we to-101
bias, by the .elf-couetitutad
••Wolf." whenever . a w old
I fureaid Franklin Canal f
e Cuml
.of the Gdzelles art,e e
pose. Bat we shah veal what
time let us hops and prey !
A Word or Two on CobinOt liking.
The smoke of the earnest has treartely eleared ow , .
yet the work of ”Cabiset Makieg" has Already eo -
I pinsed among a certain class of political Papers. T a
soperfieial shims; rrrr this fact might lasi to the eeeelsal o
chat Gen. Pierce is a 'rely hangnails unitti-..his Iris
having - detsrmined to take the whole responsibility et
hairlike( service o$ his heads. sod fernieh hias,e,
goaitity of Cabinets ready made, like a enfrtc. where
if he eacepte either or them. we floar I he may politic
wry himself and the now triumpha4 Democratic pa
Bet. if our 'stints's of Gen. Pierce's Charecier is corr
seas of this proff, , red s-rvies it rstquh.ed. Or' will be
(opted. H. coaars into poach antratnntehli by previe
pledges, and he is backed up bT i tztjarity, that "dim
tote him is be the Preeident oe ,
the hole Mistotry irr
poetise of the plans for emirlensent which deoltaimg to
well *Oise to recommend to hie rave. All!epicelitie
therefore. at to who will compose Kul Cabinet—all el%
political Editors to induce hien to choose; this or tl
puhlic 'missies
'hen Ili proper
the brel!iant arl
man for sae of the chairs by forestall
will : as it might. be thrown away.
soars. Goa. Pierce will choosedfror
of aames in the yanks of our stat
choose. driebtless, wise and well:
Whether. however. if he should
aecordsoce with some suggestions
out. he would sit fur the bestiutere
the Democratic party. we coasider
We refer to the propbsition to 'evils
it, part. of thine Deinocrstio Stone
dates far the Priosidtacy at Bahia,
that either of the pattering' whom
twitted for otiasideratiee. is quilifled
eitrastaacee we would ba.gloid to lye
himself of their takints and acquire
be':unseated. and mien not if if c
lion would tend to distract and divi
the Union. Each of these gentle me
his (needs: each is sore. to hive hi
either goes into the cabinet of Gen
able he goes there With "friends t.
to poniph." This should not ba
whole Democracy noihiusted and
Side by side with the friends °lliac
of Cass—arm in arm with the fri
those of Houston; and shoulder to
vocates :tor Mercy were tile admire
In the Cabinet of • compromise
Pierce is emphatically one—the fr
thtose should have uo advantage o
ahoul4 strud upon an eTrility
favors as necessarily flow fruits r e
Those Editors. therefore, who yak
task_of a dvisingdhe President to -
of State Gen. Cali or Mr. Ouch
Houston would adorn the Depar
Marcy could,liocceed in the Trees
as be did in that of War under M
reflected calmly upon all die cc
course, or are heedlessly willing
umphant party forOrvste ends.
evitable--it is ineiltable for mor•
enumerated. It is iarvitablo fro
present circumstances. Who
whee Mr. Adams taretted to his I
petitors for,the Prestdency. the
rioo)r. and corner•of the land of •
eonsequ'eness numb to the ma
Wed poisoned skirt Shoot
this bad example—he being a c
frieuda or all the ethers—would
ed. to Net followed by the seine r
know sot -Let of he ve e th e n;,11 •
this. but let os have.the pbcis
-Pierce corned out an all ihe Dep
meat—new Inca to •dmiuiater
ores. as well as new projects
gera that begot ear party wlll bdt,
create banner, which now 110,
the entire Uuion. wall 00.4
1911 I
ed in : the dist at the end f four
Nur So —The G zeta says, • Eatraor4inary effort
making by: Elite nod Wester interisti to get thri
Cris; timely w a uniform gau e—that' of four Teel
inches." '3 far as the -.Waste n intermit." that is In
lag the re' road from Clevellud :here, is'cmcerued,
Matins tof thi,Zaulte is not correct; - That ; int
kno *that there Must he one chinge of gauge some*
. •
after arErie et • Buffslo. and it wouldis soon : enc.
er it here as at any other point. It can make no d
mice with-that interest. and due 4 make none. whisthe
four feel ten inch track meets the four feet eight a
feet tracks here, or at some point farther east. H
all such isiertions ere groundless', and 'jinn only b
firth for oue objeet—i. s. for the purpose of dividin .
reeponsibility of i proposed abriiigation of the Gauge
by thise who procu'red-its enictmeut. That's a die
We are 'opposed to—the responsibility cif the act, al
it be consummated. no tt.t restwhere it-belongs:
Loss or VIE B ink Bimini:re. —The new bawl* :
eye State went &Awns Friday. at Sontli'Point. near
Waukee.. She is apparently a total wreck. and h
board a qoantity of railroad iron for the fildgranke
Mississippi Railroad. She was an entirely new .
and this was her soitood trip. 'Rho cost $15.000.
insured in the Astor Company. N. 1t...„,f0r 10,00 0
says tha Milwaishois Wiseonsie. . !
17 WHAT is annonneed, on whet I.
aethority. that two officers orthe army of the Do
can Hematitic. in the !stolid of iloyti. hare Ma
rangements with pertain patties , of the Utited
fur the. purchase of a steamer, iu which the% p
to take a :large number of emigrants to Domin c
We understand further thitT - 61glit hindred men her
ready enlisted for colonization among the D om i n
the terms offered being highly advantageous to me
enterprise and intelligenee,i Eight hebdred Amerii
in the repel:Me of Dominica will soon make the etti
of that end of Hayti. as important iteneof• the Wesi
diatrede. la • political view. eight hendeed "mei
lag Mustiness will not only be sufficient to piote el
Dominicans 'against the black Empedor &longus!
they will be very apt to ••cavy the war into Aft(
with mays to the extension 'of the area of freedollis
Foram Ifin.—An enthusiastic Dentocratie fiend
of ours, recently returned frr New Tort deals i thit
there has been but ono live whig seen is that city since
the 'Wilms. 11‘,d be was chased over into Jersey y one
of Baraoisi!s spats. Whether he was etptered iii- sot
he did not know. bat from the following anisedote l ;e i f i lated
by the Newark A loertiser it ie evident he has be seen(
thee*: say. that paper— . 1 • 1 1
. .
A young man aboit tweet' -five years old. frometilum
bia. in Murrill county, was. t the corner of GeeMa and
Liberty strecs. wish a load f potatoes. which he weasel
ling. Some of the byeteed is were remarking upon the
whig def e at and the eleetiooi geuerally. when their] eou
versation caught the ea, of the eountryinen. and i j i he in
quired with eagerness whet ad' been going on. It was
informed that an election b d taken place. and ( m etal
Plaice had been sleeted Pr set. •
e•Wlty." said the loath. ..what did they do thei fir?
I thought is bad a President new."
i 7 '
Tut Eno ow %Vutaass.:—Ttia Bastes Trattsaipt
is sick of the awn* Whig—it waukte it ebliterated.' i ttaii a
ow sue sabetiteted; one it sayS. that has some aseseiiag:
Hear it-- •,
••We hope that the first thing that the whip will do
will be t. drop Cato ineaninglese sesame. by whieh tb par
ty. has been designated thii lest Ili:tete tats. it lies ao
applieibility ia this coaistry midst' *Ostia, etflll4/Niat
eiso. It is Obsolete. Thar* meat be wow orivaleatilpa
audar a now same," •
, Th. Gossaa eosplaisis of hi N. T. Cappaita
Trots bgeasa• is **seamed is nejsisti ow Pisces e* else
gam:" which wane, tie pressatio. that the Eititaaftalood
la lie abaft dos. Naas whoa it seawall is be atmtaaary.
U . Mee* the tileetare. it is dalleek to food a 'hi/ who
will mierieledge himself ••as origioal Scott mast."—
Goe. Jemmies amid 'sever have be. permitted 1
tofitroled sudden atlpeltiatere. if there bed hems 4. ibis
Ruts as aiseywhip whim *chiliad premiums wit* for
_Wailer et rithment pier le the Widish*Meal came
llias. se dime appear to Met thin portimelar *meta.
ems ii—and he
elect hie Cabinet
• hori):loau thro
I la of the country a l
I ztreasaly dos L . f a. l
to hia,aosoeiho sil l
a who wets ca..
1 . Weaokeow ( .1
,emee mere there.
sod leader other •
the tirealdeat a I
eats but it can
aid, tltat such sel
e the; Pent..eree
11 . 1 0 is presumed to It
Pierce' it is prestt i l
; reward sod,pnotil
must pet bib! . 1
lecte Creiiil Pie
, I
ensu Ore the frig l
.. of; b.mglas
s toullOr 4itti the,
s of B4tter . and
'-udo orlone or 'nor
et thii?tliors; tiu
dispc !nation of
Ea af i ,dsninistrat
1- upon' thenssolves:
H to the nepartn
111111-460 think *
moot of War e or
ry DopOrtmont u
. Pulk.*iher have
se.cosiices or so -
o wreck our now
This conclusion is
reawene than we
west t4Sory its imps!
as forgot the fact
g &Worn one of WS C
y weat!ap from e
• larviulind sale:".
and the party liito
• Gay. ,: Pieter, irsi i
.i .
.mprormaa betwerul
!oi ibis same cry bAli
such stiicid
1,11,ch 00
r iunted
of the jrOV
lid e
r..t out old m
is mlts' ,the
*coded, sod sh. Di
a triumph over .61
o to goat. net to be t
ears Italia 1848.
' are
I tigh
• tin
Om; •
i nr-
Protesdoss Is. Pasties
To jeep df *see Democracy there is no better time
than jest after* savers political reverse. Theo the pot•
iticians true senthiente are apt to be revealed—his true
position defined. and his faith in the people's capacity for
self-government exhibited. Before an, election all lie says
may bi safely set down as profession. r -w hit be says af
terlife pradice! Let us try the Gazefis by this !We. We
siugle'out this paper because it is here at home; and our
readers cat better appreciate the point r e wi r e!, to cell
their attention to. Before the eleetion; our cotiimporary
was a great Democrat—and when greasy Democret, we
don't mean of course that he voted for;Ptereli—bat he
WOO. great Democrat in theory. There Arai no question
iwhie mind of the capacity of l the People for self•govern
tient7not a doubt of it: let 10. the. election is held and
aching, comes over the spirit of his dream: His De
mocracy wk. to itself iwings and Les away, and we find
him. indeed of the warm admirer of the intelligence and
patriotism of the "dear people." a sour. L ill-itatured railer
it their sleeistoo, a sciifiliritt their verdiet! .11-ear hint
**We can say. with mother. the attooz m•ru has fallen
before the weak; the mortal has prevailed over the 4m.
-mortal; and the honor, of the State, 'which a life of de
votion and fame could not win. have been conferred. with
a thunder of enthusinetic adcleam, where neither Meriv .
nor distinction. tier swim the proof of fitting ability invit
ed them. Busch are the caprices of fortune; such. more
unhcppily, the verdict of the- American people. who have
a second time within eight•years. set the perilous exam
ple of iiejeettev to the claims of high service and patiiotic
ambition." In plain English, Grit Scott is defeated by
Frank Pierce because the people have not sense enough.
to' distinguish the "immortal" from the "mortal." to de
tact "inure eud•'distinciioa"•or"proof of fitting ability.."
Now, what is all thistbut the rankest
,kind of political
heresy in one professing Democracy? We don't object
to oar cotemporary inter -tuning these .opiujons. or eV
pressing theirn. That is his privileze. What we do ob
jest to is his professions of faith iu 'the people before a
election. and then. when the decision iivecorded again*
his candidate. turning round and telling them they had'o
intelligence enough to decide the impwtant point of wh •
i s birstopialified to serve them in the cepacity of Chic
Megistrits: Here is the point. acd hero is wileren_ It.:
- -nits who impl.citly believes i- 'he '
reverse of the pmkore. when they have_ trait snytied in tt e
state and nation? D. they Ilia: rem:.ancr how be'ch•t JZ
explosions of ens-powder di,turberl the equiiibriuM oft
atmosphere. and fell umn the sunrinz ear-drum wit
erashme •ibrat.ons? Ditheytkot call to mind the nee
ing windoWs of whit' politicians, the torch-light proee 7 ,
'ions, the shows and yells that spoke of pindeinonia
revelry. and the whizzing fire-eirrpents that endanger
the eyes, limbs and' dwelling,* of nor c.tiz-us? Da th v
not recollect that no Democrat, for ten whole daysen.
nights after the election. Could walk the streets with. t
encountering a whigi grin.•and a lneenitz allusion tt o
relish of the
s election in some Ipu,lity. such as —now
Maine?" "Have you 'heard fruits Ttnuecu•n?" ,
&e. Do they remember those thinzs? And it they ha y
not forgotten them. cannot they appreciate the difTeren
between the treatment. which they receive from Dem
crate. and that whiqh D•moTrata roe+. iced from the
when they have happened to get into the asc-ndant,
hope they will. atleast, in their mazads. make the cam
cr Speaking of Vermont. ander the Iwo States G n
Scott ie r suppOsed to have carried, the Gazette exultin I .
saye•••her vote is re to be rendered on the sid l e u
the country sod whip principles," What nonsense i
this!, Vermont and Ithasnclittletta nlone of Ili. thiry
one States on the aide of the'.•country"!
,Will our smig
wiseacre in political economy tell us•vi hat the ”onuntr i .k.'
is- coni!itaterd of it; not of the twenty-nine States that ar
supposed. to have gouts fun Pierce, together with Vertn •
aud Massachusetts. - Or is Vermont end Missile at
setts the ••country" par eccellence. and the balance a
appendages? • •
Office Seeireis.
As applicable to Pitch of oar Denincratic friends as n
tend to mike applica4u for office of peu. Pierce's 1
ministration. is the stdry'told of the ;Clergyman dowu
'Key West. He wrin jusf,in the iulddle of an elogni
disecuarse to the wreckeraone Sundiny. when one of
Zook-outs came rushing into' llio
i Chorch crying. •
Wreck." "A Wreck:" Every • o:i o storied to his
sod mode a rush f..r the door. ."Sinp." vociferated
holy msW; sill steeled the commend. when he deli ,
ately walked.into their midst. coolly souk off his' coat. }I ,
as hai made a dash foe the door. exclaimed. ''Now.
%ski a fair alert." As the Key • Area clergymen sitid;
hold as geotoises. let's all taken !sir start.
..., -..•.........., ..- ,i,.
Is tr Sot—We head it hints! that orrangeintints
are in progress for the abrogation di" the Gauge Law by
the Erie and North Elat reed. Is!this so? We ask for
iufarriontion. and ~. e want this itsfisrmission so that we
may lay it before the people. Wiltsorntiono who ku i rsirs
to "ropes" please inform us? 1 • -
Q 3 The Grand Jury of Allegheny county has n •:.
Measly recommended a suoscriptiou on the port Of dhit
opacity. of $1.000,000 to the Allegheny Valley Railroa d
Company. This "was done in accardance . with a yowls
los of law. which requires Such recommendation to,au.
thins* the COunty Commissioners to make the subscrip•
Kr The Detroit Advertiser. En ;speaking of the, re,sit-li
ef the late election. asks. "what are the Whigs to do,"
Why, keep cool. nf course. and inake 'believe me didn't
know an3tliing aboof r it.— Rough
l 'Nutes.
But hilve can Ton "keep cool" r when you have seen
so "fiiedlwith indignation." or "shake believe you did'ot,
knowsplthing ab3in it." when , that "rich Irish brogue"
and "sweet German accent"' condones to ring ,in yin
Er. Mr, William A. M'Llellim. au esteemed ciklit
of Washington township. fall dowi3 dead on the corder o
Bute and 13econd streets. in thia city, on Monday last.
Appuplazy is supposed to hate been tho cause.
,Tax Latium YST.—The couneautvill• ,Courier bragel ,
abeut a large beet weighing 13h kbs, but we can beat it.
Ges...,Loosids bee laid opou—mais.,under curt table. a rig
star Pierce and King Beet. ereigiiing 14 lbs. There tr
de Free Boil Beet List can beat that. nee whip either, for
diet matter
EauGa A riox.—la appears fru* a statement published
in the Liverpool Blinwiard. (Eisg. 4 ) of October 11; that'
the emigration from .that port continues to shOw a large;
therms over anyPreareding year. • According to th e !
earful repot Weighed to the Ctistout House. there 'Nisi
left Liverpool. oa beard of emigrant ships. during the
Stet throeitterters quilts year 1832, the enormous num
ber of 179.736 prisons. nodal 456.174, who left last
year within the same period scams. Total increase of
emigr a nts 21561 . This *Migration has all bean to
America. with the co:epees 41 43.000. ihich neat to
Aestraha. -
CT WI loam frees the fracressia ; den
Joke II; blefee asijority for Coegioei i. ren few Oen,
/NO- ie a line taijority. bit (boa 16)0 I. fete of
the tarred ewe, physically. etei euit-to Comae!
br, 4 I,ver
calomel; calomel proviraiet a,
fite system—the "L ea
etieugthett and never prosty/etee the 'Alien% and
renewed life and health tsc . the 'delicate invalid. *adz's *
the liver to its fnuctio and give digestive and bpp etne
in those movers lc a when is the ordinary seeds%
fail in producing y effect. telt
On the inst, by the Be,. 4r. Steinb'erzer, S.
.lostoti B Lasr.R. eod Stt,t A31.191DA Stter.irti, I f
this cit
Olt e 10th inst., by the,Res ' Mr. Glare , \b la s
10 UAW% tied MIDI) IDA• M. •VAA S AA ra. tat of At
On the 3t.t uft in Spritigi e by I. S
TR1:514, ,W of tivrthe6otti. Ent CO • Mad 1 4
Et, wir.rti of the former pher.
On sir Spring by Rev. R. CheeeT,
GLO W. NiAirrox of Conneiat. E t.. Co. tad Ma
ELIZA:MITI/ C. Gett.t.:4LCC Of tip. (urine , plus.
4 ,
' On the sth ingt.. in Attitty. fdr. SAUCE(. B. Marra%
in .the 46th cenr of hiy ;4- ' -
On theiiinrnina oral« 22nd ult Girard. Ms 1r,14
A.. wife of G-org., P. it! her 231 %ear
• Stray cloar.
Cf TR 4 11 - NJ from the li% lila in nn It.t
a hitn.;:e a It hue her hark. a •ilr a.*
breliers -unit a 11.1.. on her beat:, and ha- a Lap. S..g cwt.*
h,i4 a roe on ht r h nett,lic went 4%% of Any
Piriliuz, the al.use cox or gi%e infatuation a here aft. ear
found .411 he leterally reisradcd, JA.Mtzt 31..tuiLL
Erie figr. 13 • t
N O --TIP` Ml'
.. —The %lime, eauti iunity ate herr
1I 1101.110.1 that they will? be h•ld ttrietty aeiro.tidahie 14,
intro tigeniehts ul.tdo upod ileenuettp, Protr,w ut 1 , k4)1 4 ,
whether with Coil 'calor ot tier 31; id Patch, i a for
rel." and may be iiilrioae.l witli,:any add all kind, ct Nd, -
ee, Pateut Othee Report te.SO.
. .
1,4) fa% eve. la.. Noe. 13 1...11 I I). p,Lt.
- • ,'-' mr ,, 11 1 reit' , Erie l'itv NI '!....hne the cad) leg,l rett
u-c the•a),.),e ••Prkrett -' 111 Erv• 'otfirll. * t.l'.
Moro eff.rcts of the Cash. System: -
/Vs A:gaoled!, re,u,'f. , qre.,,ithi sibs ',CI it tr.e at ttekCi
1:1... 1 ( . 3 L., ' .ti: .., 1 Reed Barn.
1 pint:ND:4. jit.4 r ~..1 an., ii,c.;. • alt . iir.kiie ( .. k isnr:l..aset., at
' ( I_ ow , tuner ii.• •itiitiiiit-lieil.We c.,11 ih) it—itio. •F FL,
, 2e . i We' I.le wit Isoior. We have just opened new 1,1,“e of Bs
ea :.• S•illii.. 'ilk-, t :1,1 wttle bt:: k dO.; the ref) heft Ii tore. ,
• ;
french Merio.... i'ersi-iii Thll 6. Cobiarthe a aid the nicer 1
detain. for I. per ,:tr,l to lie 14u k - IeFFI of New York . Sri.alt
. 1, Ion , : anit •ii ill re Hroc ha of new it grizit.; Turker ie. Silks. ri , ter
. lam! Plaid. in great 1, - trirly. 411 , 1 llt ler' PO low as to !Oak II
I 10 hl Itth at th e i.fe: of e‘gui,etitii) '—iittlecd they sire FO 100 4i.
I woke our rt.,althors refipe to shirr Skase Jamb, eoli.ler.-;
! twele4. trouble. when they lih.l Illett customers are comm.; '.. , t pure Itasit.G Well. It ri priatt ;we &•.W% Name IF
.Shates turtaht furtash will o. whit y<„,,,..1,6v,..itil ..,,,...-..„
„,,,,,, the 1. kr.'en or roor . i I lacolppi purrhaettr. .
For the Gents, we hare evep, ilk., neer...ark f. - 4 an c.. 1. 1 ,. re,
'1 eery Cheap. and for fault he.; tee have fill .11.,sin, .1 hi .....i.
, itt2 article.. 'I .riees th.,: itek: ii... 3 111 I.e k etir4 toe I.tlre I -F
rrlertds :ilia eostomers. we .., :4 make these word. enoi.. !..,
to 'An' tittere.te. and try us. I tie Nov. 1..11-s—r
. • 'il- -- 7 . I`y (i • - t- - 4 - rr.''r..)v ~t 3
.• - ~ z. 4...:,.., - ,...,;;;) - ,,,,c.
,1. ' 1--• • - -,, .- ...-r-...-....:
' -..,.• i
1 , - , q , k 4 V
l . :_:- 77 ct " •' 1 , ' 4
111, 2 .'• ..."; l'• _.- - . . sl
. . n..„,
.. 1 . i ta...
if etiiiik"RA. 1 - i t itt' - 'll6.l:iiiiiiii . i
For the titre of
• WEEr)OPrITG-cquon, - CROUP
„Many 3 rare of trial, instentl of I inpnir.twg the puld.r eonCer
the,fictne. ha.-won fur it fin aplategallon and remor
, ear etereding the
. most sanguine. elpectationa of iis triese•-
• ; Nothing but its virtue, and the unaiirmltattr brat
; conferred on thousands of suffCrers, could or isjsuite and insitm
the reputation it enjoin. While , niany itifrrtor reine,bcr try
upon tLe co - tituunity, have filled and been dtreardett OH al
hued friends by every trial, conferred benehts do-the afq
I they can never fortret, and produced cures too'nuturront ad a
rentaprabie to be forconen
Slide it is a fraud on the public to pretett•ttrlarair.4: ,
nine infaiiiiity' cure—mill;therc a!nridayi pit et
t eriF
dc es tint kadi:is a gencr:cittut.g. cut:r2>-•
e m
N ih arialdo cure thali•lteti Vt:lhich eittpint. I.
I •As intte ni,tlses these feces' wider and better Anon n.
elite has arn , lua It y .1 t • COittelbel•esi rtl i :knee Of tne
t ' the !or, cabin of the ‘ll/ericatt Oearant, to the pniaces or Evre
he , an h:11144.
.1 . 11r41110041. thw Clli ire country, in eier tP
hod iu cod almost every haiiijet it contains., t' berry Petri'
I\noon as (he liestreinedy estiiiit 'or disease d • of tly-Thislit
.nties, Andrei many foreign oeuntries. it ticonasue to sera'
e sleety used by their most intelligent pktaieians. In Cir:t tc
. i tat . Fraueti and Germany. where thestsiptti,:al
rerie l•their hu,hest perfectilin. Cherry Pectoral i. 1 ,
and i constant use in the arMies. hospital..aliii• i t s, 11 lie In uitutionsond in donteStie practice. the sViE •
their attending physicians east employ for ihc twee di . Le s
fee tiOns \of the flings. Also lip Milder cases, and fir th. , slit
is .afe. iil)baxant,atid Lai c1i..41 to care. •In (set, some in
datttiritiF ) t-iitittionials we receive have been from parents.*
bare futiud t eilleactuas in cases particularlyjneide.u.t, - .:;-•
The Cherry Pectoral is lanufactured by a practical (brae
and every ouMre of it under trisowneye. with invar,
ey and care. i \ t'is sealed and protected by lan: hers mer
consequen4 can be relied 'on as genuine unthout se=
ation. \
We have endeaitored here t jto furnish the ennuntr.,n
medicine of such itilrinarc sdperiority avid worth....
mend itself to-their\eontidetice—a remedy : at ours "
and effectual. which e,hts basi by repented and
proved itself to be ; an trusetiy gre 4l: e nre u , p „.",24 f 4
chemical accuracy. of 'enetts tb aeurd th, :FP
new agent on which tt fur .the best tr ... .itt ,
afflicted with q rented o for them Al' t!...l„iLtv•• . "
can do.
Practical eat friesniat.
Sold in Erie by J II eo.i on North Last by I
Town dr r9.:_in,Gir:u Cranes , •
laceShsrman. wird by ery u here. 1
r CST received a tare elected Rork of PO 'ar
Groceries. (la raw: alt se et a.
teriniiied to sell nt the lon est price,) Ibr prowl t trii•
tablisheiii the cash and ready pat priricire, rot t 'r
sold—give us a call and satr.fv ytinwlbe,
vowcve„ illußOD,h
Erie Oct 30 lit3g-23. ;ilttktern lill att.:
IferF2ll.o R 091124 large n..ortfti T ritt Just rervn ed .l
cheap, Oct 30 1-32 , 23 VINt 'ENT. tt gi
A that are indented to I>r A Thmei. - by Voteorl° l4 ;
4 - 1. count will pira.c call and settle the same n
or my books will positively be-left With &it Sinil.lth'"'"it
fter the 19th Nov. 6-44 DR.
/Sew Goods! *Sir Goods!:
T AM now receiving my stock of Fall and Wintern is6 .
1 prising the most extensive assortineitt of Donn -tic 5 ",. a 0s
Dry gash , ever offered in this city. which 1 uitt +4-U `
lower prices than any other establishment west of itstlaeo
wishing to panellise fiir east) will dud it 10 - thea whrollr 6
and examine sty stock before purchasing else herd. a:vvo to
tensive assortment or lireeerier. Cry,e het ) . an itafAilteGs,
which will be sold cheat, for cash. Please calf and riaul.• l
yourselves at tuy old stetted On cheapsidin
Erie Nov." 6 Ustll-26
TUST received n goleteliit nreortinetit i`litio. tk• --
a rade an,i wiped ?Nu., also cord Silk. of ever" 0r... ( r
quail' y nr reduced priceii,al:ollin lonh• and equate ireoic•tZt,
li':great hart:tow. IMO Mui.trn Coitrril, Dow ect:. to ill ' ° __. l , F Corhinere Long Shamir, Veryl cheat) at ihe.New YO/i. titor;,, 4
3Bonnell Block Erie 941 3043 • MARRA it
NEW. G 001).8. abial
TE suhteriber. would anti n 4411 the attettiton of ihe l' , ,
the f et that they are receiving a err and writ 0461 ',,,. A.
wortieent °flirt, gootle.itrocerice, hardware. t,nailierY a ,r . ft .46
Our mock erunprises the greatest variety of Hurst, bo"' ii o:i
Shawls, Hoviery. India utiber ehoeii atid demesne good!, si a
we hie at.any previous une ottgred. and k.i unstiO AP7., ; •
eau he stupassed in thi tnarket, Our &do/stouter: a_ or
Pall Family are rvrpee ally loured 10 tali and rianui 4 0
Week. all we fcel.euntlde twe can otter our goods 2 11 2:
PlegWeeilired in iis market. ' JAS. HUGHES •
ie 001 30 am
Sllll . ll JAcit:42l.