Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, October 23, 1852, Image 2

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    Political and Gcma,,
At ert•setit,turatesier, ire ere In piesectioa ell
es parte weeeestatiotk.. i Out Geveriemene h
tteew I-cf. e ill either of the emilee beyond the 'der
from the published- tice.ituitie which, however , eceu
tate to their gametal teunr, scarcely Sum set isfiactu
ry data for - the:direetioulof governmenta lso l puke . '
With the view - of ssc4rtaining therwle eas et of
the affair, it ii.pisderstsetd Herat Judge C•thltl.i her
been inaireetkel, during lets may at Havana. nab l
, . prrTsßutioti, Sept. 25, 18 5 2. min • full mill authentic statement of the fact con•
'; Si
‘fy Dear r;-1 am buttered by y . ror fea,ir
of neeied with the prseeedings, . _The estimate ref par
te:, is.), shat.,and if my
permitted, 1 celve, thefehlre, that the gerernment is net in
ant to the toi,ce of the events, or nnsnicidful 0
Would accept your kind imitation to addreati the
steps which they have letidered necessary.
Dernnerneruf the city and County of Philadelphia
on the i 7tproe. - , further action may be Called for in the premi
- a gil l ? ion altogether dependent upon the :re
lat,ti ay to learn from year letter tat the the its airy authoi' Rep.:
skies re right, iiid the council fires Itgl ted tip
en :he clueeic gratitd of old Ptsiladelubii, where '
• Pena the New II psalm Patriot. pet. 13; '
first bunt forth open a beniehted wield t it tle - glori- ciizoord Graniui l mu —A call upon Get.
slurollsluri. ,ItilieretKience and L•herty. - Belieting, •t ' liai Slieeoh., ,
as I firmly,do, that the pereeteeemit of the tame,- i - •
piee of cur lather. of 1776 in their twittery and At the regular' meelig of the-Granite ,Cl
tstrength, ts ieseperably tenineeted •,,, il k
.1 - lie esii , e Thersday evening, ttnitr hail was jammed .
ttl: atilt assentlee ii) udtance. I cameo '. ,itheiild the enthesteetie Democrate;assesubled to co l ig
ae.eraiso that try' heart te with you and 'bid you cich tithes emus use earning mews reeetveil
God satd. Obits. d'entisyl,ansa. lit i.likis, Florida and lieu
. .
ruin iudebteil i. ,•utider a k;nd Prmidence. `,to ° Very eliveilt and euirited speeches' were ma
Elson Wit, E-q.,ef Cutileed;• WM% Duette, E
Disniticintit • principles and measures fUr that won
derful advance whelk %t i hkVt. madras h nation and leuseteter; L. Souris, 4- q ., of Neshua, ansi ,
the neartkleled liberty dd tinpinees id our penple. Wh ev ' er, k:-q" it Fl ` 414 " 111 "' 41 ' 1cl ' %Pie reel
In extending the bounds (deur coointry, we stand l'ibY th e mist etitins-iestic cheers. ' The C.
upou the piettotin it our talherse tor they foie-eland- baled wee present, and deed to the interest.
[their Coalg'resi "Q'Pao l,4l by some excel est music; ; • -, tettd ii.e future ween they Minted
the "Continental' Congress" and th eir army the At ;he chiee ut the exercise* ,its the hell,
("mein that army. Acting under such an influence, ve i led that the Cluh-propeell to tee residence is
Dee. ...relic measures ha i cgiven us Lou:maim e tin Pierce, and congratulete li tuzepou the Deno.
its ms lay Meotiesipui, traversing with its ()ranch
viethries above mimed. i A proceeniuli Mae tie
,ite the *Lures of half the Uti - inn. It has given tiA tor toriliPt), and headed by 'the band, nierrlted
Fleridas a hese collets, ritinini out toward's the senth end, and haltinte hefore Ge• . Pteteer I
West 'tidies. hike na their IWltddlorit—perhaps i i ,' the baud played ja pereriaile, avid, then' the
the fa sire tomrthink uteri than n'eiglibors. s heel> gars -three treat t rious Cheers furibe Slates I !
beg e t..4 ll " s gate
; „ a ~„,.!, a tine b it? , iiimii Ibp Gulf
and three fur Gets. PierCe i , aud Whets Gen. I
of Alexis's', that sitar people ii e r e l e d to f „;,, , ,,,,,,, ii , ppear
aed, the Preeitlentlut the Cleb, Mr. Mat
incite it) Tex a s, and ultimetelv, wider the Prosislee, ad tressed hiteeee full,'st
ey,ssf thet,dis l ik ieee ..h e d e',1„ 1 ,1, i drill „ p „e di 6 iii. Gen. General t-l-Yone is triet and neighbors hest
ri d
ilousttM„ that great State 4as added to the Creote etPto annouoce to you l ite gratile lu g i nte n t
Their Oregon, a country of vest extent, was sweete j"al• rear l'll. The telegraphic wires tither
ed., 'I he-e taluable territories - Were • eequired by that Paosykania has rune far the- Demuern
Democratic men and measures. notivan'eutuding, 11000141 ..rite. t‘W title the KeYseine ;ant
the violent atom-item of the federal party. - Ach ye - 1 , fe.... !: '"Ohill ittitio us greeting' 0.61
-Then . ' came the war welt Mee co. This. •lon, 'lip bent (ief, Iln l n4ka f-II"... s%i'ii., 1 2 , 0)
was a 'thetiecrat le : measure. Commenced by the mr e o t same side. And lain, and perhaps thelnie
gressuM of
. Mexico, the üble sea patriot it polle'slis p hetet. Su the ass neitissenethat the' Moisof
tethed by the great party; la Inch had e'ec\..tti him, 1 1 1 * * .' hal trollet! op fir;its Diuitueraim candid'
-hurled : upon the foe the cuereteripg legion e able', N, nyer, - the tlrieia6ple majority 01 3600,
-carried its triumph the banner of our enntril to the li in the gloriouelneWil 401 I) FloridU, Y.ttl'
elit•ni)'s catet.l. In e%ery step of that filet and c nuet reel:sin ,theirleY, and they bid •me
gl aious ear, we advaliced, - uot sinle agau t the Iti congratulate you. .
.wi&hes but Ilse .eff.rts er our u.tlitical ipputie 1 Gen. Pierce -seseknoWeledged the kindness of his
Their newspapers. their spipeiloa and aii , es tit•Coti• 0 iglib"•B and Ifieteldo'in c ~,,, lug to greet In* "P” ,
t se receptioo of sistellagence, to which the, might
gee -s•, gild it, the State,Legisiathres, and their coin
private life, prove this incotifestiblv , l'lnt'e he walshin in itfereer, enough he co id tru
, , ,
CII.ICII aid and contort did th e speeches of their l4,o4 I say that tee positio i from the first, had aver ex
'ere lose ! , fie evens), that they erre published in the' eited , in him anything like a feeding of Cain, Me•
Dlexteariyapers. Alas! the bitter and i inclietiee I' had eartaliewaited th progreeeiof eyente, an Ihotrid
mats a hese I, <I lilt v t ,, Ins ow s ii country' and tree I,Conttime to do an, coristiouetblit how, ver t resell
setei the e . , initslny lot the eneay, inifticed hilt, inlsay' mi e ht effect %edit Week', his intelligent era' trymen
that he hoped the 441diers of the reptitifte—thnie l ffc'relliPl?ndaMlY conspetent to take care f their
aim W i ere hen ill under the r glorious .11•41' of the :own iiitereatr4 under the guidance of th ~ewer to
limen us a foreign iwild--‘'iuteht be aelcuined wi th . *h. bh e wished welcould all 'habitti y Itiok with
leeedy 'heeds to heepitable grates," slow, under an limit hinnilityi hud'initb. lie erg ed hie friends
accidental ii'lligi're,,itielii, disgraces the e•evatea Semi d net forget th 1. with high tied an - honest ,
,4 fLi . :i• ul Secretary ue the Treasury of the United able; uteri, the dour lit triumph e always the hour
nt ningtienimityi. \ li ivies not it be use, hulked, that
Stowe. But the c'ar'es/ carried un to a success
ful! termite - aunt tinder the efitictept adininistratien of they, were arliund ui,; 111'4 witte whom we' were its
'Mr Pulk, a eabuiet St iilCk, fur ability, faith- deity iiter.couree silt is moment, missed by, feelings ,
fu 'tyre aed eutegv,
, has beset' been excelled, per. . kxactty the oppusitet f those witch celled net -the
traps never equal.ed in this or any nth. r country.— aeseatblage?:wlere fa s; teed his friend- ci - .. .i1ifl well
A- Buchatair at the heattul the:State Department— afford t,-allow the • tretunstatice to detra i ss ,ree.
all e Err to supply the s inews i ,f cur, ari d a. ee,„. y iwliet (rein thei erous joy. He ho,; d they
to i rLati lie anti eimeent rate the slum pod snuiiitiope lweuld *leo re nib i that no- preispeqof success,
- ofttice rilevetitm - iteelf,Xould • render
atickeimininistied a ,Ctory. And. b, that war, 'or-Ittor indeed
tether Itt) the teace a hieli aas cotiquertd, we hair 'their nei e r m orp s ckrl t les. W trthy of-thtec Widener
added to ..iir cemitrys•territor,e, si t toeiteu-e exten• _and Atli !
~,. fur wt4flt he
we e pro , I , IIV noel - te
and throe:nab e %tette. • IN,w Nlcaicii rod Culifili Tu. the peleste'df hte: naive State tits heart ek,,,,i0.'
- pii(nre ,eir.. .. 'ru..o latter a itti tell degrees sit late etlgei ',..1) igat ions, fo the express-len of w .ch
been jet lied, lei)-
ilium tee Pacific, slid yleitiitig - eite.t, tni,illen- llfttalle•l•nrett.'hed nu ' or:in. flow could it other
ef eo.iere per etitini.drom her g"idett runt). The-e la - usel F . "' in" i n . th I ''' A*llit y P' ar " their "flier
e-ed friend-lu, , for'l an ha•i 'tete'. sir
restos are the fruits ul britioCristlC IfiClieUrell a 1 1
D. tie Ctb IC ),- 'their their ee.fidenke eltaken. Ile had le the ar
o n•ilrri••••
•Osir 'wrens, relut 1 0 11 S h av e b e en equally pr seer regance to heltete ghat $l,- , seq . *. iCt:s bad nat all
as,. aid happ) i l ii ii ;er simi l ar iii n vt .„ rair. ir , i ii isii Cumweileurateta II h' titqr:stlerdy. ?Alleitei parlini
and reduos, holt ass ttlitlit4ti 'undcr foot by the i's. T. , the record st that pail* try. he w nid ever .
illiist risme J. fferea.n; a Nutimial Bank of deadly hos look with. pride and gratitiention. From t e recall
Wily to in the richt,. and tut, ie.' a et the peoele, wee sit hit- set*. as ns renipient, he bad neither he right
proetrated by•the intiteib:eieed immortal Jsclastrit nor the inclisiat ii• turn easy. lie was Id frral
t C•ilirertt in hi- irienl i .thetiwithin the last frw-week s
a c..nstiiiitienal curiency Was orginizedithj a pep*
it had been pet:inhale y-p rant to know that forty
rat ion of the banks from the gut eminent was estab
lished by- e able and enli 'tenet! Van Boren.— seven years !TOSE hi. ! Tie, as boy and inan.•hed
This lantmea-tire, t••geth we pr. j . ct4r . ~, elven to the r faith In hintisoeh at rength, tat finite
.struck Own by the whi wind efloilv, leisehoodetid hosurcould tit she it, 1, perfidy steel I Imlay:—
eilandire a Licit gate the 1A hig party .4 temporer General Pier clip
1 ' of wit a renewed tow eseion of
itscendency in 1840. And new, when passem hae h is thank* o ld a earty good night to is neigh
• .
We take pleasure An
,layitig beture our readers
the futktwingadurrrable letter, written by JAeeta
Ruts and read at the great mass
De.n4cretic Merting 1.1 Philadelphia, on the 7th.
pa-red aviay. and falsehood has spent it. Circe. the
adrmtii.trasion'of Mr. Van Boren la regarded as sine
of vent vtgor, purity and etiictencv, and of advant
age to she cotiniry. m g _ pa re e.tabli.fied the.
Irides en4rgit T
t rea.ury law, and delivered the c -
. try In ortinitirt and unequal taxation. I kale inn
noticed' a les- of the - great ineattutert and behetts,
which have• relished from Dersiociartic admisiratra
lions. It Ye look at Fetherso or Whig atlinini.tra
slim.; Ye C•ti Plat/ 00iitiJig to commend. The elder
Adams frail los •-••• akeii 'and *edition laws;"
yowler Ailatn-, ht* "beigain aid ale soil Haul
'son, a 13.snkrupt Act." Thert are that , they
will be et er feutembrre4 by. 1: ilitte airy great or
beneficial mein-tire n. ntSris the -pre-cut aduiiiii-tra
nitilling„ It % i ll b e re •
`mrn.bered by the extravagat ce .1 its er4enotiiires,
a:Write fraud* upon ilia public treasury. It
.livr be remembered by its neticiercy hie..
er s orinima eppropirarwul have been nude to legapsti
the paitiei.t. 01 utioney,virlitchibad been taken Irons
_tlie y In tiyhtt htiss of she colii.tituimin %ki t h
di elan•- that .41. 0 money 01311 be dies n Wins tart
Treasslrv t but CUllet triVllso vapPropirationis
culit!e !b. : w. ri , t
- TIT recently passed Ofic'imcy bill was fur 1114,
t:iVber, of itv filch 'hid beets exiiendt d ensuera
fy paw. It nosy perhaps wish be remembered fruits
its indircrtniinate renitiv•la-lisaift thee, lig
of a vo,tot z ary p:edge, previous the Net etectiew. -
I.( ha' ing no friend. to reward e neeinies..ter punseh.
: AS nitatepriqientat ion and dtCelt narked it*. ailvOii
int pi war, so Mimi) ali4 corruption' nave been it.
chief char.cteri.tics. Let us. Own, hasten in re
lieve ti l e c o untry (rim sueli eurslulr, and p.see the
ship ',I State on the republican tact's:oh .such aide
latid i.eriee.ced Democrat *lord siate.mers as PlerC ,
"rid lime at th.• hello. - That we hall be unmoor;
ails. I have do d•-ribs, rf osii'detrairsitrc friend* gland
firrn'y together arid purits
their locust d energy saidsbirii.,, We hive never
'been defeated %hen
, reasiiu and juitgoie. have been
left het+ , dumber error. A' revival .4 he nolitatv
lOrci'euient and huhibe.pp of I.4tr and It4B, has been
In Sake tried by our opputirtiiv. , ,ifisiltit a irerfr:ct for
riedui of
_foil). pa. ion, fslar-liard and exceterneeley
sttept.tiqr the - laid.' These elernente of error and'
dircorld liave*lent their !wee, l hole never to retussi.f
but the -kiss-are now bilght, the judgment hf
pesii;ile is lel, to'act
,freely, and a gtortiiii*
asvartss use, it we are only true to ouraelves and our
cberialted priticiples. -
My her, you,'and I once more slab you
God speed ingood work In %loch you are en
ipitgid. I have the honor to be, with great regard.
Your friend and !allow
• .
.''o W. 4. IMITI*P;I73r.. Ghairtuate, !Lc.
The' Hair um Difficulty.
i• The recent proceeilittga of the authorities of Cuba.
in reference to the detetit ion of the burp, Cortselis,
and the mini.' to allow the mail steamer Cresent.
City t.. land her paseengers, hai.eiCalled forth strong
manifestations of • public kc ing in rarioesi ciiies.
New Yuri and New Odeon* bait been the scenes
of large meelinga. at which the .itetitin of the Cap
tain General of Cube has been deuhtinced in terms
Doi less setere than those applied Id the rote Unties.
, ed by Spain open the 'richest cifjlericolonies.
The two occurrences, as tiotti Anilkir..tood, are well
calculated to Prodose lhi. eactietntit. It is slieg
ed, in one inatatice, that a trtati steamer' was nut
'permuted to enter the I ori 14 Hating, or-to land her
pitear.ngers. w cintregtoriree of haying as her purser
err ii.thentinal oho has incimed the decoke/Imre ear
the local sulhorttfes ; - and. in the o ther. that a N ew
'York barque wife ternourarily seized by Openieb
troi4te. her meter carried on alone in cusindy with ,
out proper pretence, and :bat her lerier.bags were
rifled in search of letters and d4cothettia id an oh
nozmus character. Thal is the ataillaneso as it it
ocw b. (pre tlie.Arberieso people; and we admit that
it the het* be as they are gins de, : eribed, they ,af
furd-j.ii.titicatit.n fur • much of the tro tei,•nt that alas
emanated from the press ujt the subjeGt.
n l'l
bail. - 1 al 1
At the cancluvi of 111
tile I wo hi al
nor4i • ni, n till
..kitioneotoi alol enlhitsfai
!mil - ward in rile -4 7tggin
re-eir . ed. the Itosto sir.,
stick Clob :rertiri ted, c
:err og opp.Oiite the ;
howl rpm mere.) tbeieketi
and ntne' tociferisto chef
ine the Potria l
idE e, th
..ff , for; ili:11- ristabliehnte
halted j,ll friltit 14 Gilit'Am
head rit)ivrterv. a mil gyve
linid„;t4timentri., brio rt y I
which lwav tw4-d it, unit
The crowd thou
, epary
time.. , li waiii Ifl tartan
very credital:4- nt , ove,
ducted in a ner4;n l / 4 iit m
Tun Ca LI Ir. illOil t ;
8C110); L. M,sTRRO+. -. year or
tarn op! a vairtv .itiAlvoli One hundred a d twenty startatrfro St. Luis, ny i er the lains. for
1 4rnati the toonher liereeey nil Melt
tali-I . mihieleva, a companied by their •ived and
etoldrotts. •as also a Yount! Alt , who he'd
been teachn e'sch+.ll for come time be . e, and she
felt that ahe4i.ul,llite of some ore in plan ng ethics
iiliti.aminic tbe children (tithe ir , old thin!, r..; so she
paid her tyilt! T iitind ed dollar*, the .nrire harge.l for
rnev k a c
th« y k o.laisieJ w•ron, with ev v comfort
orto , iate.l for er. 4 the War. Iler , brat et. before
I lt - starteJ,,o ere, her fine, n litimlred i do lays to set
• militneir' Ph. there,bot she stuck to her Ifllre of
le cintog. soak re paint! that slim. applie het own
had estiting.....t..all he ha‘tis—to carry ih r ifterpn.e
lip .n arrivint . at I.crantrinio. eire cOniiiie cel teach
in a srhont at One hnithired di nitre a 'ant)). awl ;
made' fifty al month beAdee, by iivingq lessons to
families. This *lila elieiteti•htit d\
ijeddo laia a year.
She sawed a ihoniftind o it, must , of whi it she sere
home to her etithei, and it the end of t Year she
married a re,Metriblei merchant from ! owe, then
doing bosinels i k Ca ifornia, worth ilia I 1it30,000.
No* here is it w Matt is it's* along mist eJ woman ,
and we will ',yen 'inre to say that *he rte er thought
of Illoi.tner dist tittle in; her life. nor wen t a bout corn
pinkina. of die Wirongi of woman, or • y tbinit of
the itort,, - 1 1
, ~ •
Sortsallh-Xrivita e
y.—We fern, aa the Bahl
m0re:C...107,1W ig, I:1;1m
. getilleineti f esitly from
Culvert ciittnjy'. . following vingnlar •lincideni :
A week.. or sh a a heavy rain wash 4 down the
bank on the Isi , of ilbeqstreet which keads in the
l i e
pnblic warehtiin the' village of Lostlo4lMarlbor•
nisgh, in that cocui nth, exposing to view a Jorge bom—
ber-of tar barrel/if' yini in every position; ea if thrown
in horriA. Biline of the tar is said •iiiiitiil good
i te
for use. The bX,rrels are short and bro d. very dif-
Went from an,f, that have' been in u
_fora long
time. , 1
~ . i .
The est impiesainn was. mint:ally that the tar
had beim stored fl tos place in the late w wit sreat
Britain' when thb British were ascendi the Patux
ent o n heir iraitti Bladensburg. Bois it moot have
been eposited there it a mu e' earlier Arrind. for
Mr. itrittiniiirnoin old gentleman whirl has resided
in Giwer Marlbitirlitigh since many before the
war, , 043;* it ihapi certainly not been laced there
'within him itOdlectiou--and i his we ry of ; put
events is vet ' hear. . , .
A 5711.0 , 08 I irpgli.-..We ate Infii
tips that prolea.,aii be well leg r . beted
otatter,4 that :the Atlantic and Poeta
Currittp4 opsred iitir gut eremen
mediate tuts tu protest therufailve•
(runt the in ItU fu( the Cipsistiol) itiuhori
at its oun r iumtlite, thereby relievit 4
(ritntAll ,her4rouble sir expellee 41 7 1
The propoliktioit),;if true, to certainly a
Anse, and its ier now,ell v will Pietiloa
dminio(ritlqs of its KiniWW: - . I: wi
ertitin the itUtitlnints Eikeiand on ,
'fore it will diire icr movit.--X. , V. D ;
6 IM6
li• rd
f she
es, i•
ult ul
i b, on
u:1 c,t
mg ire.
Jr b
q t ..f
I the
a 'Ad
v by
• the
tt) fur
O on
t .or-
4e for
la to
mnat elngtitynt remarks.
re assembled '.ate such
tie f pplati4e• as is not 4
.s. The•4loi. then
P k up " Yslikee,,,Doodle.'
It...prink at vitriol a points.
:I.M.ix Mop! (;life Whig
in results were pinet - si.tted,
; r ivennverthein. p....
' • hoeurtv ch .eral were let
it. .The pr.4.e. 1 ion t hen
rican ftei-e. (II nineratic
three eheers,an. thin o n e
ugh, a teal '4, , ha, ha,"
all the region.rili • d shout.
i ed. having It _a tygthod
lull dctuonstrat un: 'and a
t thkg hiat,inz .ren 'cox.
finer. - - . • •
4 Rd. be par
e the whole
• SteansAbip
. to lake int
or our flag
ies at Cuba,
4 gmeri.gkes4
0 4+2 1 ter .•nr
Mere sure IV
OUr present
lAN ve- o as-.
i a , ohbject be
etie 4.W tehiq', - Ohttuii,r.
OF ram liAmpsuirte.
Democratic, Electoral
amikaur r
1. Yarn= LaOsit
Orciauc M . .iiivrts.
3 .140r+ Mi, Lat. •
4. E. W..Buctisys.
3. [war. Jr-.
S. Mass Arms.
7. N StitecttcAssfr;
S. Ablest. P
S. It.vto Visetu. .
IS. Rua sr 11;
JOI/14 Stß
13 raltiouNl
X .sting st Lockport.
Wit moo s coil out for a fi)o.nocreue westing at Lock•
'port op Tormfair seat. Judge lhosstpoon. of ; this env.
sud hullo Cborch. of Crawford. ono to oddrossi the poo
pia. ' ,
47' Aliotttitft Pet.e. —The -lire among our! Ger e
needs is spreading , Oar:friend Smith wishes us
.vote that a fine Young Hickory wit be ere c
tie residence, nearly opposite the ksfsterle 1 0050. 00
hareday next. tie Win. at 3 'o'clJaek P . A . good
Milne may be expeetid
• CoI. B. W.
'Phis gentleernie (with Col. • ,
O address the Drineeraey or
he first time he' hai had
iisndi in Erte—it may -
ay ofatt suirncluett t
must accomplishe •
itis• tins he r
He speak
Ilits t,
' t*
~ give - Up** thie OM (we quote from te-41 4 0 eel 9. thy
( a d . soar I . Lenterey said:" ' ,
•IGentlentio. there 6 a pessate I hie sehject to'whicli
I seinsi,tern - year antennae It ia- ie. Oostende in winch
linfigesuts are regarded Yr Americas pehdie men. of esj
tire Welk. whether j hat .ersispi. or Siete or
rat politicians. Ido say t t i iin Ida. der erogranin
bone forks. if there are any dretobeelts'oli their comiull- .
/ I . o wd e o.) is onaa msoa d Mem al a class. if they • not improve tonally alms th 4
~..n4i , tp .i iiiin : end an it in 'scot Ido say. the fe tis partly in the natip; e ptiblic uses
pleasure _ a . m.e 4 tiut ..„_ , of il e li he country. Fre th e omen simy - years. - sea the cam.,
n'' 'ts a ender Wiettingtirt's Presidency. hay say of dyer
/MA be •mies to set to, them. by st lesion* deemed a utimilt of hie time. to :in worthy ell
ii,. he is to *sr mind one of the 'Pueltled 61 1 ,1 1 N thou." sad motile of tht ' s j° 4ll kgera" l 4 -4 "
mom o' oe i kkars in the state. chit. hoagies Mich a mind as that of the treat 41.,.....cnnt, 0 tta
thy. eloquent stleastien---imstine each minds as ClaY's VW CalhU011:1111
!led lieltemenletiel• he' ap reaching in calin and msdithtive mood, this phelin -
„le of all. and carriage them captive ist`will.—‘ one. of stridoslnted nation, with American Halle. sp rat. ,
'as tiegh his heart. and sont. sad Mad were Ofd
l int a Direness' educatimi. I biases so OstitisAiiise.,
ices for occasional dieerhefachen - with. the face the foe
., work before him ;.. end hi; 'never fide; to sari)/
cony lion that, whateiec„ . otheni may lichees Mid eitto intim:wears. bet Ido eat that want 4103 have art
Riven the fame all that atteution' that Mole present and
ik4 Sam. Black believes'ind thinks all he utters.— priopeciter• tantHiwlneee ,dee..cree- ' '
.'his is why he was so iminensier witii his reg- . L 'ljat "la °outran. Minot they leave thiaentig;ant io
eN,e i tif ew l e e r e . ti " o7, s
tal T ut WI)" is Meric°— thin is I th Y the i ' l iren°Bo•*°l* t e u h C e n e v . rarre l% of h d ie d e n n t is a t t Pr. re ld g w itt Chl hO illl'
was ready to fallow wherever Tliie lead,threegit • leaden And then whim thm d i o nc addr x esetim. t they .mak e e appe i ele
hail or sheeted fire. bad,
1, , • that never eaglet to be Made [appileese . l. instead of iiii :
, liolttemuu his juidtinersi, timy meanie his
.ourion's: thiY
- !
Col. flatisfrieo* Vtor. :- . make the tweak - wearer,. Ole prejudiced mil.d snore pro
We inviti el.ention to the let of Col. and the confused still more con timid ShaMe
another' colosne. It is the be 'abort expose of the issues
7 "" '° and disgracs to the eilucited and able rtiln. who stoyp
s o lo __ ; judiced.
to each base arta! I eare not ..r . what party he is. or of
sod clai iof this-two parti we ba • ••••., It will re- What standing. the Oise who takes formica (grazed tisonsin
psy p ro a t, - ..., Th. C a l dd ri .i.i. th Ej immers t" t thi l, oyes citizens of foreign birth; is so 'roe petriot. is uottto
Coert HI use 'hie wooing, and this i her is a vivill timed 1 h° .. t "" l ' d: E R " newrd 'PP IIIII " 3 '
istrodiscthat s :l if saw wore reqUirsjit. to
his hearers.
DOPItAP'S Elirio - a or Iroasts.—A ew end enlarged edition
of the, popular work has just a issued ay,l C & J
Diddle. hillid.tpl7is. 'lt contains nearly 8110 page., and
mots thus 1200 forms : for practice ip * the condo
... ennayleanta, and of the Uniied States. it ht a eata
ble work, not only for the Lawyer, tint for *Tory class !
and hurttoriasr - . It will undoubtedly eomatand a'lvide i t al.
.-iitifired We anderetand the first edition is rilfreadk ex
hausted, arid another in course of preparation. Tit*
Briuk can be had of the author in thus city. ' ':
JET The Dontoeraey of Waterford are 'wile awake.
ward wilt giv• a rood account of thantaAvaa io Novem
ber! 0. Ther ,, day the}• erected 4raeolel hi2kury, and
were addremsed by Jude Thompson in hie alital.bappy
4adoioqreat style, Roll on the ball:
. IET Our German friends se the #ist Wardieeseted.a
beautiful yule on Wednesday. /It is ever SJOifeet - high.
and straight like Dernocrsue principles. Specehee were
made upon the occasion by Cal lloolott. Eel ;sad Gen.
WhaLon. • •
lEJ" The publishers oft at excellent family newspaper.
the Hews Journal. announce that on the let ak January
neat. that they will appear is new sad beautil4 type. and
will commence at the some nine a new novek k from the
German. eutitted •• Wald niwers.".said to be a 'very be'au
uful story We know of so paper in the. Union :nhich
euntaius t ,Bujouen of that piquant. racy. and eitertaihing
"ape perteitiag to light fiteretorts, as the firing fettrital.
It te well worth the $2 sebecrlption.
"The Grapes are very Sone;
We hardly. know wee;er to laugh at or iiity ef
forts of the Whip to I* en the blows the dealt of the
„k e n o's . to 03 1 0. Indiana, and oar own engin heti. deal I
swim their hottea. They counted confideutli upon -Car.
6 lug all three. and bragged ai usual upon then hopes -7
bur lo!I the
.. .Vied were counted. end they lobed them•
selves jo a glorious minority of fifteen or twenty thousand
to neck State I 'nits wan more than they bengaiited-for.
aid the "tripoli" most be made "very lour" i setoebovr.
Th. Tribune tells es that the State olli era Voted ior .in
r . „misylvaiiiii end Olio—such as supreme _Tort
4nd nasal eiininiesioner—etere of no sort of importance
Hie fact
,not worth having. The Tribuue" Sods the
grapes very sour." The North Ainericah ears the
eine is smell. and ;molten ilhat everybody the did no ~
vote IS a whig. And thialsottg is took up and sang by
every whig paper In the laud. Now. this I. all a poitr
iirete4ce, showing a strung wish to drcesee veithelrt the
ability. Everybody knows that the eli-ctians which befit. '
just taken pl;ce are not only importieut but decisive.. , -- 1
4k4eniniug that the wdt
~aot abateiin the hour}
of victory either its vig,l4ece or its estergy.khey Ivens
to the 2J in i Ndveinber only the formality of in 'decline
to ratify thefescortioist4 verdict of the pools. nod to give
Oeuvre' Scott lent iliac fifty ',lecture! totes. 7 Vii4er
those circumstances. so wiender din ••grapne-ere vviry
sour ;" bist 'soon," is they in nothing in what t ey
will be in -November ,
I Hen. John Aliases. whit. bee been elected loC.n
gretrflrion the Jivrettr. Hisser. sea Lseeredes door
..y a esai.ruty el
k Elota hotel. Who *ill are dud tse
not 1 'portent that seer, oak should be out}.—'Calm Cainal'i.
T ere NI 0011/ itUputtildl Mgr ill th e shoe. .. /111.111 . 1. Or
Sir. Allison being elected by eight votes. that !eligible
Deosorfat. M. C. trool. is sleeted 4 IWEN - 41 '
Eiliart thomisilsosi he Democrats 16 inohabore ,
the olog?nisiel Atilt ugh slob story, the Si tree!
ST Vssoisorr..— raw r •th. sego *taut Lb. Tip T ,
earried,thie 411;,•od sees hers their kw hat, iiiiii'ai i t st..'
'Tim twigiiiistoro..ftwirifinieFistaiod to b. otnjaigly t o igi
we.Shrosilsg• is org.4ittsiag. Ovoid' shish wore sow ill%
eii Sy too ittivor brims" is olostioit • lihorokse Oat 111
Wising' wore had joie,' peositisig taw. illualostOft
whigory. Oirsooth: Whir. is id . l'
Er No &Mole Corrierelye Gra. Beek's' orris .1
the Astor He1“..4111 bill mishit voyage; I. shisessee
ThalsiVis oi" anxiety I. the *ldle naiad to t aw
whether be eat dews ••in nixpalier.", aid Use. Rh
was ••fired with of the adopted d
uos. Early light shield greedy roliSee theamblie id .
Err A SIOX —Ho* r.-j Wick Med Mil
fur GOVOTIIO/ 01 three years ego.;io tan
to Joh S Barry. is eat to fever of Pierce and Kies.Ho
i. able , anihusiistic and to earnest. said dories pod
iservice foi the democracy.
Nswe ram awn ithiss HeModo
township. Twit miaow, where the phis , heaps wined
that 120 Desseerata bed Obsegvd for Besot site.. bow
arise* they lied. 6sir ohs has rediscsii this ;wing majori
ty 61 sithe.l Who will belies* i wing iiefropspet idler
aralsaab l e and Geders Ungava.. kat' November
hay. been rewired. Ttaoy Isolleriti,d
IPA in letter press sod iu siabetiishoefusi to , N u at
No. 9 liesira's tort; itioet
. ,
icket for Pennsylvania
. yrr - rents.
W 144.10( pirCANDIE4IB O ,
ri• Mt SON. .
IYK ELlicToas.
13.'Garay0. ETra. H
11. Jars CLarrox. I
13. 105101.4",
,41111 Homy IPirrrys.
17 JANE..
iPaziwit.e. Ate ita,
711. ANANIKW Itritl. Ut. , ?4%
I 13. Jon • S. 314:11i.momnr,
311: t It. KA.kairrA..
the lusd iegarits of
It _ . .
, . ;'14.111 4 rota&
The , lonised of Tdeles Daaci /OUR. . Ww
• f the Asuyiesn Cr& it this Coen t'osse's did, city r
sturdily-Gravitie s . wire on of .the Soot e ff orts' we •?
Mss er
'eed to. The mitijecti •• .ii /rids in A/aerie:4 o " Wesel*
a which the I.ecturor.stiplarod grOectly at hwtne. sad
• treated it seta au otatioUnei alai ,force 041 charmed
well a. Coniinced all. Them was one oi.,two points
hat *sack us wish peculiar force, not Mily f i r the elo-
Oa? with which they were adeoieted, 4 lmOar the li
neal, truths iis p.ilitscal eeouomy they revelled. Esre
y Ole bodied foreigner. ilid the Lecturer, iss subetsaco.
st:/seds epee }lib Whores of Asserica!adate w ceneia .
wriwWW sr ussisb!se wealth to the Country. aid stibtre -'
'on 'aft inuchlrias the laud he 1 .no Metter if is
• , kits fit se empty as i contribution box. ! Jut livirt
Ise. it has enst this cottetry nothing to reer!hi , • =-tit hits
t her aoth'ing to briogieim here— Me his • en bo ei
nee to her whatever, yet there is he m
ble brain' and mach moil h r
dded to the labor accomplishing, kir I
o much eabtrocted from the lend .f
irmate this cost of raisin, en r•
- midi alive bandrvd ors •
efiither sem yea may IF , '
ry 14. this where Is r
it Chit eats-is add • ,
trivial of every • r
iliMn too p •
iviso..'frien • -
• sit the •
ad' '.'
I L (
mare avail
mei nischitiert..!
• of the land , sod i
(his birth. You may!
Ibis. bodied *borer to a!
.newreed dollish. or irhate.;!
~ but whoteeer it .in a oritn.!
Jr te mishit and ants is money !!
to the tallith of the ci4intritry th at
is bodied ins mitre 'li This is s ! prol .
to b disputed. and one which our **Sal
, woold de 'Aril to ponder loag, serer, ther
ip dit ie.! heresies Nether. A eel ii.' OW. scathing!
!tea rinasuer the Lecturer rebuked the attempt of
leis** to array 4tte Irish as Irish. and the Cstboficit
. esthetics, oil dt s e tiOlititsal.bettle !field. wris well-tinted
andlheppo. Sad could lief but bete been telt,ht some %vei l
wotluf were at. . i‘ i
"I trust. opott.qricro. that '41,48 rhuH pert, tfeo lost of th;•oro
apporki. in 183%;'I trout Ow cloy is eesr. 'whom ill*
•:%04. revisor of Lb* losiorolosed citizen wits be oaor• r
tbs. hal boon; b • • 1 To a
44t4:1•41 thus n trust dm nativnlcatmen of
IT ORO,. will mutually contleonn'andldiqqaage. Jhi• pe•
rtotbeitiihotroeo to the, common el.stnr..l nh4rnctor. and
tq the chargeter of the pubt . men tlianioelvine..whohlqp
i g
n • self i fovrrousg State. w.,,nre gal inter...l l 4i in
14...pinig•the Rt4ndard pol tir• hoih\snd pate. an ifos..
s od in dton..nntrnain ing the has, Ind rumour isr:
tuificsi of deapagogte•iain. j[Applonase.]
{ •
"A Woik of Love."'
There to ssinethisg exquintely smash* is the waylth•
Whir: end to Recount or their uveyilholming de'
in Pentsaylvtdia. *Mil Indiana. - *Wise egrets***
icily in the emus.. hat 611 Snort reendli that it is ti 4 in
theatioi that Brett will feif i ta 11111tais the electoral veer • f
these States. Now we kbilw very well that • man Can
iietwon himeetf 'into almost Susi thing-i-from whig viCto.
PM In Mainlining to apiriiind rapping; from the crops-
Wilcitleriell- of the hilassWisisit's h ~, is lhi senile&
dogmas of Morreenistn—weerrthekses we apprehend the,
ill the
, esesses war whit 'friends eau isianefeetere-L, all
the reasons theta can rendSr, and all ti 4 comfort. Cold
Spd freezing though it b.. heyc is derive from such 'ea- .
none. will set prevent the left realitati sti aief *bestselling
i feet thatthese three etates'tirill epee their view 'isMo-
Stimher;•-an eversrivelming and criahinig defeat:
Wath is. this whole effort of oar whig friUnds 'to wan Illtt l off
- pie force of the biers einsied at their shield by the'iDe .
nmeriey in the repeat elections. ie • wm k adore; serfs.* !
It is • poor investment of ink. time and Wainer We Made
pretty tarp ewe of S. 'Sante kiad and teithia
day it basal breight as beck two peir cent.. we th'eMfore
Warn one whig Mende. from dear experience. that itr is a
isinking ensues.. In '4B. we reason-d eery prelim sidly .
t ted we Meath, very aatisfeetonly, that defeat in Clete.
bet was to sign of, defeat in' ?roveitsbeFf We Ishii' our
readers that this idpi!li 4 .lloUttng vets" was all tarn -
shine—there was ho foe) I. argue there was.
wee-an imult to freemen. BM all our fine wrought; ar
gunietits dtd'nt avail—it was no go—bui the '•floating
vote" was; sad is Nevomber we found ',it all Weal, for
Taylor: New. with tea. fifteen and twvii6' thattenut.
fiver of the Depiersiy,is the; three Suttee which eve
knit trod. ear whig friondi well kiwi al realizing penes
of thee 'gloating vete" brio& home to'thein in N miens •
'her! Notice the/ may as well craciexhipli•labor or hive."
and gracefully yield, as the Demo/root did in 1848. e.
the popular will: The Lit has goSe • forth—the; ,peeplo
knee willed (huh the Democracy shall 'manage thia x ` ifaini
tif this government for the aeatif Aar join. and Moir will
malt be obeyed! r I
ST The Seett•committes at Waehisgma. hsell Orem.
]atoll at the North. leader the Coogressiiimal 'Oioat
• head - red actuated copies of an artorlC pablishfilliC the
Ers. the 'halite:lC paper at Washiagttp. to pm', F;ou.
Pierce a pro.slaverp man. The same committee !,haye
cur slated at the Swab as many copies,of the Nesrilem•
totirpreeh. sod r docomeatunder theleaptioa of i"G ea.
Pierce and has abolitiOs allies." to prole himjis Choli
tmaist. • Transit, Smith. of ti t tipt. is th I Sumter
amiknosia is the, bait. bosigices—a 'emit which a mil k ier.
ity ear State pricer' ceutriets would es inhumed Pf.
147 W. H. C Homer, whe raskirkiiet amoeg inter
Jew port.. weds"' w hig *Nevelt at Etsatamirr ea 11bers
disy errata. lsi. —Couuoniat
, .
• hen is bat oaf error. fa the above: anti *hot is is the
pasties! obairoator of Mr. Uoirmorlit.speoglio—iostood of
being a it big okoeit. it iwaii
DRATAI et Jetts L. Sitratoo, E sq .— T hy oleos
Tick p" pars istasosser the decease of L Steihens.
Ett: t 'eminent' travehir. which °scarred at his filther's
•reeide is that city.. ea Tuesday. .the 12th ins;: i Hie
batiks travel , in the Est. ;ad it Central A erica.
OF earned for hiai the repeuttioa of gee Wf the
event Wheat ober rum sad delightful *rititririht the
language. and they are as England es
they are at hews. The protts of his, pehhca tinnii have
home ociutiar wormed bratty st . hor:4keafrieitti
M. Stophouto forty-wile; years oil age..fle was the
sea of Itimjamin Stephens. ,Esq . a wealthy'merstlant.—.
sew Naßly Silytoire of aira.. Mr Staitheins himayf bad
•OettOtalated larle foriatte. derived partly frOns his
warlis bat measly from varies. seesersfel eatiTriers in
',lob its bad ernorard., Hs was President torah« Pena
iriLailroed Company. and his death was seamed Nira
f vikr cotatnictt lag*
1 I
17 A Foci thy: of so
t's, that while Geo. Scott is traveling the sosatrY under
tho pay of the Gaited States Government. and aging' the
@Wimpy of the poop's in Mostiossorini for' hisi
Mammal is the office of , Chaf iingistrato; rra lie
nines is living qsimly at beam: spas his ants idioms,.
Patiently awaiiiieg thetas:oh of, tbi forthcoming straigio.
this la the first ismer, on record in' the Ualtod
whial a ealsry pool by Ma; Ouvionsensat fin.'s spacial'
abjest. has Innis demoted to eloctionosnig 11.49.6.
General Scott bus established it dasimmlls lOwettlient is
sepablicas Ainstitia. •
• 141 TO 19,000
The 4 •: of the
Wo peblieb below i
-this State fo• Jud
Commieetin•r". far as retzeiv
him the oft' I returns and o
will, be iee' that the majority f
far. ii • r- 14.000. slid that of
The itothi• of Bedford. Chi
le smolt. Mouroe. iteett.B
lug. are yt to hear from. 'l'
ties of MS gave a majority
for Goa. filer. If they - opt s
election ed he 12th itiet-oind
majoritieamMre coosiderably i
the 84)40 \ 10 be over 18.0011.
for Pauneihritoie
le relate'
of the S
; I Tilts -Rem.
S -
Allegheny 2814
Adeline 537
B •Vet.
aralurd '
Buoitt. ;• 246
i lßradfer4ll4,
Carbon.' I. -
Cne•Ler l l ' 1000
Columbia.; j ,
Crimforid. r
Ciiutua 4 1 '
D•ophili. 1 1000
Delawatithl 558
Elk. • . .311
Eno. 1500
Fniuktika. 546 1 -
I'uatmo., /134
°refuel I - 978
Huutinido. 4,11
Lebanam. - 1005
Lal/e - mrier. 4938
Law ie hp*. 1958
Lehig, • 377
Ltcvnlur. 669
I LUTVIIVI., • 1438
1 Alunruit.i 1679 '
Mercei. 07
Ibl,lllint,' 260 r
Muilionnery, 801
Nlototuur; 518
314r0limpton. 1523 •
Nertilumberlaud. '9617
Pisa's- rity. 3287 " - -3950
• .
' 1039 ' 104 a
4 196. 245 : 229
1017 10u6 . 979
257 • 465 493
134 1074 • 11:0
2115 320 • 1197
Pate. ,
8..m0 ruin
Washlogtoo. 126
PyosolOg. •
ork. 11
556 630 , GfO
2025 1 Tflup* 1 • 220 U
181 ! 65 .
105 tIl , -, 243
1148 1290 2 /200
11111 1157 • 1154
V.Olll 31 355111.753 32.110 17.1)2 34.111:i
22,891., 17.753 17.04
_ ....,__
•r '
Maj. as (Sr itrd
14 357 16.91t14
Frew th,e abatT;orltich we think will rather be increas
ed by tilleitfrlcielli w 1 be seen what little relhihee can
b. placed 'span the elito of ear Whig cetemporaries that
the asiiipirity pill be less hen lest f.. 11. it will' be doable
Gov., Bigleep, and sours to,,ipare,: KM* it! : 1
For going days the Whigs have been keeping up their claiming a large reduction from the brat re
ported majurity,m Oleo—claiming that it aoulJ Dill be
mew SOW by the offiiial tote, • This report—or tether
electioaeornig trick. was startedlly 1110 Cleveland
sad in rcorimersita it the Plourricii(cr says:
&nu. Lferall clique have been tele
graphing gawped that the deibucratic majority in this state
would be less than 5.01/0 and that the State .sure fur
Scutt by. o'er 10.0, 1 0. The last Buffalo Exprtss inpl: •
...W. !I -re a telegraph deripatCh from Cleveland. say
ing that the •Lomifoce figures 'show the majority below
10 000, red W liig figures belays 5.000. The wings ate
olferinglh hot that Scott will cirrry,the State.' " '
All a lie. Mr. Express. There has been no loch fig
uring. and no *lznik offers to bet. There is not a Whig
in Ohio wild will bet btane on the-State, but there are
plenty of democrats offering to bet ou 10,000 fur Gen.
In regard to the, majority. a Wet number of the-Pfain r J
. •
'•Goe Wood.
whiil boa joist returned from Coln m-:
bus. mays abbot sixty -citbtiee" hate repored olTt telly.
and that the balance are fast coining in. T.he law re
quire* the returue to be 'mewed' in tti . presence of. .the
Governor. Se c retary of State and itditpr. arid that Tues
day next "is th e e day agreed opoe the counting. Theo
look not for thunder: The G./ rnor earre that 3a.00d is
the /oast the deaitecrete of roil oboe* will take. Crow pro.'
Sot eppitarauces.,r•
' The leaf Colbiribus Stafesaitart hits returns from aiety
two counties, and foots up the democratic majority slot
.Icoa than 16.0014 with the probability of its reaching - 20,-,
In confirmation of theeretateemeutrof the PlainJtai:
er and the Steleonsan. we find in the 'Sandusky'Sfirror.
of the 19th. a table of 54 couutire.w hick show a Demo
. craticgria upon Gee., Cue* vote iu 184 S. eiheu hie ma,
jetty wa516.466: *17098. against rwhig gain of SI t'll3
leaving a Democratic Den gain of 191(1.. Should the oth
er 34 counties" cootie isa joircisely so at that. time. our ma- -
jority in the State would - be 18.376. The Mirror isire
the. Dtiswocrate orb almost certain to gain in the counties
to hear from. and we espect the majority in the state.-to
exceed 20.000. Se much for Whig gas iu reglad to
Ohiu!! • •
111:7ttlirr "Rif* lama Baooon."—Gen. Scott We in
his speech at Madison lad.. that "the rich brogue of the
Irish'and the deep acme* of the Dutch" have fullinwed
him Wherever hs has poo. -Goiters' Scott being a 'A'a-
Pe .linsrims. having —ral li ed" aNati we Party; 'haring
posed le repeal all law authorisiug tho mtturslizitiou
of foreigners; it is? sot surprising that the "rich lyi.h
llrugue and the deep accent"tifthe Dutch should !dhow
him. They will follow hits and iticlo to hien ike l the I
poisoned shirt as long as ha is in the field. 'The; tNclt
limit Brogue and the deep ammut dills 1) h." will fol.,
low him mid sonsd the glad tidiest, e his defeat; the '
overthrow of the whip sad the rester on ok Driuocra , l
eyati pews, sad the glory sl our c 'Wry once more 4. 7
Clad throsgh Democratic bait. . That will be rich
troth' Br ogee indeed: • ,
QT Kase sv Bosons TO Preens ! , --That WilliaM A.
Graham, the whit, tem.'' , ate for the Vice Presidency of
of the U 8.. voted whilet a member of the begicht
tum of North C,ll, seismt giving to the people [ the
rightful privilege of electing their own Governor] mind
fekeee of reteiastio , the power is the hands of thg, , ,Leg.
stature. • , This is the ma* who asks the peopte - ihoin
to thee !got tir deprive of • voice is the election of
their' ehief magistrate. to aid his ii Climbing into
Ore ad ell aria the gift of the people of the sees&
• ; Keep that helm* the people of the U. S . whose
isepacity to gavots theimielms. lo the sbeice 'of rulers.
Mr. Graham practically distrusts. .
I A Mai .or &non' EVH. of I the Cos -
Fseait Ihrertir la ooe who evidently titlieves that faith can
regime minimising! - With from - If to )8.800. in Ohio:.
151090 . 000 in Peaseylimaia. and at least 20.00 is lo
dies" Slimiest ills, be yet Mlle his 'readers there is to
iiiiinake bet that tit" states will se uwt this
lest faith gelignite& wel<sew got what i°:
of the rocket eleetiee is
Prime, Court end Omsk .
d. • They are made up,
! her reliable, sources.
r Judge W oodward. se t
Ir. Hopkiat over 16.0.9
&old. ludikue, Junietri f .
these. Tigre, sod Wye
wee cotton.* a the &ic
or' about &cr. Arr a / a nd
to the saute *ay at the
I -
he probehuitty is that the
I rtiased. the majority of
A prettyrgeod day's work
'Mg Dant. Whig Dent
CA ~.1 . .10
. a
tli 43
0 1 : 6
II A • ; i
D D . ,
616 I
500 (
461 644
41t10 511
637 - 594
4215 , 4272
693 647
' 1'333
. Bs3 •
. 587
145 t
106 t friend at the Gazette has matte “eas p in
cluscotrety4' as a Fteachatan would eay, B s hi ;
a **seers' circular." issued by cattails Diti•s mt.
the elettalie. 144 lb* PerP o66 6 f wrist %tit pi rl
• to support the iadispeaditat ticket. • 't wit ,
ht to light this important dottaateat, the ss ig ,„4 .
r eackele we! it, bite • nevi flstigml ban awn
U. What br calculates. ta esake by it, 1 4 wt.
We may bol,obtase.:Aut slut there is write r
hansocrat *tit l ing to another urging him to vol.
E o men. and giving his . reuses, for so deist,
oar tobupretiension. l r It is is thing that adap t
y daring weal:toss.; sod why wo sainiet
p r i s peg s i s by no ressaseloar to
:iit—w• procured the signatures to it-=l , s p ? , 4411.
• circulated it. sad there is sot a siswetai is
ry d
a t
a 4
arc thd as hroctly . behests to ho tree thou, w • a l l ei
Row: Ws koa l a what cm milked ta accomplish.
to p6rt, actoinplished it—sod if there is say trap I
this..th73vi't4igs coo snake this most.of fir c
=UM AN wArrentritta via t ica b ut
vlrlicr.,. to the ettkeetty.,lo..t. (.4 .t • r, ,„
“ t•t•gag Yiaut 114:.d t aftipatty. that 41:
1.0 , 1 r•inpau. 111 &Lew, on the tita ,
• r t, the liuuta of 't anti I u ruck,
d, la. a. e 11..1.4er, utikt • tie net/wirer Ihr the eltmiltot ye w
Et-e. t *II. i.:l2—* - 2.1 t 4 A,N , F. lit h. dettly
ahoy Cases I‘tere •asui Shop womihen.
t N I rr.iich Engliph tt6picanou.,,,,
f o r purposes 14 , CARTER &
/1% t. he largest arum isiveut
two this illy can be4boad t - et AviL
Um i 3 21 CARTER ir. unoTHER. mo
rt.,orn — Dent of hurt.
IL) frtwec.:Nobs t y 111-1 ; .CARTe.R t BR' ITHEC
Qi Ur , —A t e r) gr,:ii vanety of soaps for the I'tive(;,„:7 - ;
1.l it
. ."7 i rri. , , , ,-: at/ Ow i allelltatlet tho.l elenal imrsia;
vinf tu d lwadio. ft: Cawita & Iltutiort. !in t Rem 14, 4 •
kfloi Y 1:34 Eir V.4-The (Miming 'tepid estr, i iii - aq .
.utbiri. R.ui river and other+. viz: incite)
pi el*,
coiner. leant Lite ,I. R;,.,. ~d,,, tip tlim lb % py., ,„„,". 1 p r . hi,
ojh 11 , ..ito•onia. Verbena. Tea *Ore. ROl4. Gerinow. ).
)Suer Nat.
_._ .
Li/iNtil.F.: 4 : “aiiii,iteiTe:ilsrits - ng fl•iid. feard Chi, --:••.,
inn Star, aka Stet nte I 'a tittle. , ntuch better and glade k
ft...T:IIION Candir.y (..r pale 11% We I.oz nr pound by •
Frie r n - t TI 11 • CARTER: & &ROTHE& Nu 4 Reed RI
I INSLI.O rill.-14 1,1111. pure Western Linseed cm for.
15.5 ;1•, q. , 1 ,",, u ,'1.;; ° ,..:, 2 ")1" 1ieb '" e " . rARTEN e Eltreritti
i . II • ,
--- 1 -
, ----- az. azotr's rim Ur II .
irl II g Cotptrea are daily reeetvittir a Very lurve Pact of
i from II Calla 0 I (root the Emmert] Faeinriev tt 'sae t,
Ltilhu2 at such -prier v that will eortplefely floor ei. , tiat
(~,, .e offered to the tai d,e. We• will not lake the troolie e
e 1
rt - I- :, 'al la tee... this would bean endletr.tava. We ink:
to Call and ex:11111hr gouda and Prim ,
I , P B WI ltf 1i...)2—51 CAI/Wt . :LI. k orvirr.
ri l
School Director,. of i:r.roe•Town.hbr, Wel I
11 iti borne-a n wtld IOWINaIn. on e , '
P. tN „ lint Saturday of November next ‘ • Tear , herr to.
to ,:Ike scteruts rail to.v rabbit, will ii:eafreartead 6,r er
'awn. • Z. 1.. %V
tree. tit 1. , ..11:— . 211. of the Board of Seely)! Uu
Vitakal up at Last.
pttroict firm t of VI neent. 114441.0 a t Co.. having been
Mt the tiret\of March ISM. a new Panner4o.p ,
'te c 41110 Lela eell tli eisheeri I ern under the, 11411te 1411. e.
;etleet from that date. they iltereture notify the. tr.
.1111. te r s't of utnnk HOE," th..t lie.ieelorth our Mont}
.pnee....and prompt pa) mew.- At our more it, 11 t' lout. a
'mid no ll ,eleefe4,..c.ek of Dry Goodii: Crooer.e..l l
crorker4. - , anti nil - ware. stud at our Founari:
nett of 1.1:4e1:1.1e caltiog. boat a Ste in
4r ‘fill gear' .4•1111.! neuter! I llt ,11,,
erfn't r.edir iti ..iwiltrV Or fr , (
anti 1.1.1,1 rt.. f•. ' t• t.. '
Fay.irite 1,r1114. i s l -1„.„ „ • 4.
pirtor a:t otL •
Kl 9
5:2 I.
2, 1 6
Eno Oct :23. - 24
IN. 11.-1 ho.,e in.trlited to th
pnl up and that soon.
?VP /Tit 7E; is tivrenv given that an
tdo'kholdets of the Erie d• I% ,
the first Momla) of November uet I. at 2 h
,ell Torts. • not 'Zilalrt 361 ,
- 3:1 3
D 'coN ,
3° ---
Ily beg leave to return his r t:)'
t t- h . a l' o p kg in fi
to hut. Iti3 a b•(e rn, ~. no:i the public In inert
the Very t them! patronage heretuforeesteutied tQ btm, ant t
Itl torw theta that he ha. just reeetted the' _
Largest and.ftest Stock of Goods
n Ins line that bar ever been offered to tats city, consi.uutY
theehotcest kind. which he will make up to oreer
nen n their ctothmg made 10 enter can bate their.
urea hike,. and c loth ind made, aotl it not pleased wilt 111t1u•
our, they V% 11l not be asked to takethern , way Also.ct.
at .e.ltinies.,a large and wet( made assortment of
our QWII manufacture, consisting of (Overcoats of it ,
) rruc Lire., an I Sag Cwt*; Vests, elliartsi FTC ,
vat-, DrAners, Gloves, Suipenders. tt..
will he sold nt the very tunes( prices for cAett. ?erten .
wael ati) ng in our line, are invited in tall acid r
HS and tutees tor diernarhea•
" f.rie Oct. 13 te,ll •
• ' PJIINNEY - 114 CO.,
1141 6 ' 3TRALF.T. BUFFALO
(At the ofd flood of 1. Breed, VI toreorthattes to the
Li AVINir been Loa emeostrety l ettiasea, to the stank
II ti.: ot 1104)kel. and Jetsqr tbeouir,usattullacheti
heLhers to Uu.t.t;.,. are p.. pared to ft4ttilatt e%ety &merle
hoe. at the log ,t in teas: t thta mil* to rupee,' for tla.
pub! tenttoo k ,Har of %fiareirtneoua.and reboot
the k.a,teto Pul+ , l•Ler., they are thereby teat led to
I tit, tt ' uu tt hooka. at a'ploatfi roleatree oa eon of to
Vatic:War JOS'
. /1011 a corned to 'bra utiov edluou of
It , tanou. &I) be> 01 binding t aod al.O to •betr asiortivec
School. and icbool Library Books.
la capably die largai to tlve.state. Miring NIT.
at itb care train aituost every Book war t to th e utio..
Medium, Cap and Letter Tarr,.
()Willed chic:ea) %Youlithe heaviest utanufaetureni Cr
Traveling Agents v. dl had a stock gutted in sqle and i •
heir aaut..•
t_r w N' DEALERS; can generally dui
Neu Yor k purchase here. at mane prices or .e..•
v nig the. entire ec-s. ul trasispostattorr.trous New lura tr
arid Irom u n to twenty da%s delay Tii" the Utausunsshh.
All u.le is ti ned w nth ktiu wiantes, and at the name prat':
purch:wer were prevent. & ttn
Doha, Pubih•hers, Nos - . I.l* Main; and 3 Westr4-necs
-Oct 2t0.32-14. rr, s.
i 1
11:1CBSINV CIANDT auigurmtroar,
:Ards Jiro**. eprwite feerght'• Nlwt. t
Tlf tutweritcr ha.• on hand. of hie own wanougune
twititly of etery thkog in. his line. CZ pgewil) cot F
FILL *AND N'rrAK TRADE. to which he i nvite ,
tentton of Country dealers and °niers. In his stuck W 4!
auxpa Ira*
I .ele tOtt
11. la CA/11111 . 0 i
tf 11118ITIOn
Sars,M , l4o
Pcpp. rlui nt
urthuu ntl4
It eland Mop
rt• - • eirsow's
11111 lla .Grestu
Leußn. .• • • ' •
Cream Drop
•• • limo&
K lat•e•
I.rubun Drops • .
e ••
Ro4i ••• •
t•..)1.4)e ••
rep( nusnt Hans
41141.tua1l Darts
Ulna melded
.%litioted lucks
rta. Nut
Motto's °tank:rids'
Bieattie Cais.t) or all fiat Ore
W11.0:1. .
stateRCNOS : • . Hemmer kl'.
24,01 Rings iliac Maar: ,
Jaci,rou nails Charlotte Rome ,
Suitor Almonds " lee Cream ,
Kigali . ' f {Yates lees of all flu , .
rne frr•h 7 , .L . , kr....c Le.
Wirtz Plumb. . TabM Orairowol• " J r
COCriCandete " AU karma of Gem'
Caraway Emmy Goo&
Clore Cowitet ' / ' sad Swaii.
lie Wow had eoltatikrabir esperiewor ut the Mau
ical atanubletureri arid COollieguently thartarably
it iu all us detaits,be Batters Mame( be a lb be 5 1
tire eatistbetioo to those who mar warcraise haw.
11) quality and WIC!. tt 4 dettwwimatiaa is wdr '
his colewsporstirs. , All oukrs at Magmata's ( a
prompity at raw 'duct cannot be OtherWW/r1
Erie Oct lit ttaft—ill -
: P
• AI t.• :Ng
Will. I ‘l,
` . l it l• I\l k
rk,k P
i •rte
All kombi vidugar.als.
W t;tergreen
Cateue •
Cam 410 e he he
Fruit Drops
Leeson -
Rasberry• • - •
nnOil - It-apple •
Cher t y
C°ld :h r
i ' aa os
d y ub .: ,
e, 1 712 - 7
La F lyrtte
Jell v , "
T • •
J 4 I:1
R f`i
M 413.
TARiati rTra“