ofUME 23. (grit itleelttg Oberuets. . DURLIN & CO., P OPRIETORS B. r. SLOAN. 31ditor. OFFICE, CORNERUARy.. EKE- BTATE ST. AND PUBLIC SQ TERMS OF THE PAPE.- - City aubscribery by the carnet. al . • In" II) mail. or at the' i:ifice i invanee, QM lo ,ija I - belt paid in advance 'or within 'bream ' on4tbettare ottut.cribinfe, two dollars i:1 be clialloL l wAlicOaanunicatiotts ra tbe post paid. BATES OF: - ADVERTISING. . i - Cards not exceedini a tines. one year. SU. j a r One square ... MS NA; I do, do." aia lamas. ! , COO F - do. -do. three mohths. 1 . Pm ) . Thansient advertisements, 30 cents per Kew, of fifteen noes or ten , for the brat insertion: 23 cents for each getrequast thatolent. Tlcarl) gill ert hers have the privilege ore ranging at pleasure., butat no tune are snowed to occupy more than two squares, sad to k /await to Mew ustatediala braittess. Advertoemenu , not h4i - ingatber directions. *ill be inserted tiff torrid and charged accordingly. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. THOMAS M. AUSTIN; • (bat of as firs of G. .Looolia Cc) Doan in Ctocks, Watches, Jewelry, leaver Spoons.-Musical lu,truwents, Looting Glasses, lamps and Fancy Goats, whole wie and mail. JOHN GOALUING. Thitna. and Habit Maker—Stoop on the emit side a 'WIG wt et. two doors north of Eight, and adjoining J. , H. Hai bi k t'u'r Cabinet Ware-ltootn. Erie. Penna. • JOHN K EENAT4I. - CMItaL Steamboat Agent, office at JR, J. Roger. flat haw LLHC bireet Erie Pa.. „ CLARK otk, rd ETC A LE. Warn roni and n tail dealers 'in Dry Goods, Carptts, and Dry oosreries No. I Reed House. - - ,WILLIAMS-At .W RIGHT. as..Collectora and Deatr in Gold iind Silver coin. UtKW' mu t Mcmey. Land Warrant and'eertifienten of' Delman*. AI light Matto on the nuefwlcitiesoftlµ Union. and all pans of iMe Ind Country fo p r tale. Office, Wdl lama' Biota, corner of slide-v. 1.. and Public Square. J. x. wILL“ alai P. I. WatillitT. J. G. & W. I. MILLS. and WinMesale Dealers in Groceries. Vl.lnes.tientra, Ctears.—Also, Foreign Fruit, Nutt,. Pickles ands Pickled Oys ters. Lobsters, Preserves. and Ilertnetrieatly Selyteti amities** opry de.eriptiou always on hand. No, 3. WiMamli Block, atate-st., opposite Brown's New Hotel, E!ie. 1. Mu.u.NeW York. WU I • Mit. • Buffalo. O .1 - • en, receiving In tbei season. clysteri shell. frugal J. G. Mills tiny-at., New York, Web will be. sold Wbalesale at low prices. N. C. !sestina. Agent. Ede. Pi. DU LIN SGOAN. • Mims in Classical. Echo& and Miscellaneous Paola. Blank s o otts, Stationery, and Printer's Card', No. 11, Brown's new Block, Erie Pa. P. [WIWI . X. P. SLIDAIS. W; POYNTELL JOHNSTON - M. D. pnx•r at tits residence oa tkb Street, two doors West of the Esateopat Church. . T: W. MOORE; an in Groceries. Provisions. Wines. LiqUots. Calsdko. orie Door below Loon* & Co's State street. Erie. - . JOHN B COO•, * Pc.crt to Eisaple & ranty ih.y Goods. end the Greaten variety ot ony store La the City. Chenpride. Eoe. STERRETT & GItAY. onarrit., Jobbers and retail Dealer, In Wet and :biy Groceries I' , Vrt.lollf. Produce. Foreign and Donicinie Penn. Wooden. 151/1014 and ,Slone Ware.{Thor. Fish. daft. Glary, Nail.. Pow. 61, stn. Caps. alaretv Pi . ice., rte. ' French Street. °pm , me the Reed Howie. Evict. a. , , , II —St-nn and ranal floals,Vennels; lintels, and Private hannhei supplied With any of t i e above articies with' penur .. - y and Wp. i A - cheap. • ___ ,_,. - W&I," S. LANE. - -' Attorney and amine*llor at Law. ' ;TICE over Jae It-on'a store. at North-Eaet" corner of the Pah- In• Scram. 1 , . ~ I F. Iprit6. IRSI. - - I - ...... = DOCTORS Bf:k:BE • S 'EW AR•I', • kertgiso Physteians and Hyrneons. 01101c9 and 84:shimmies— h4,9111 S ssa Ir as Streets. , ter hours (rum 7soS.A.M; f to 2, and to 7. P. M. tXr., X. D. • Ji 1.. sTIKIP.,IIT. K. P. JEW - 4 - 1, IVA WU is Al:Nrt and Voqunission ..•lerehargs. deafer in Coal. r all , / J.:rut 11. of a dawty hoc of ttvrer lake Steamers. t.rie , Pa. • LIDDELL & C . t.i.,,Tl , ,Nl..pul'acturers of Iron Fentic. StcansbOot Sc AC, , State. t.etween 7 11 awl SM. ettreis. Etie. A‘IERICAN EXPRI.;SS OMPANY. Rename dto Ito. 5 Reed Block. State Otreet. • .1 - Avrref dors at .14 o'clock. tern 11e.ra .." , 1 38 o'clock. r M. o v. orsiraßn, Agent. • GLORG,E J: :11011TON. (Jai' 4 - the firm 4 . . 11 //tear: ir F MY , : nwietotointsiooi Dock, Erie. Pa. be. Jr( tt, Coal, S ilt, Fish, Flout and Plieter. ‘VALAER. & TIBBALS. r ttr n 0 ,,, prodnee and Coniiniasion Merchant!, second Mire iwuv Lam of ibel'irtnie A ,ielb in 'oat. Sa4. Plaeoet.taturect.ish.time acid Lime iron, Nail... Slow-a. CaMingi..b.4.4rie.e. , un'OurPago -1 rot ollipplng .either tty titeatuboats, Propeller'. or b . ) Rail Road. o oultelt. l4 Tilissaa. - . _ ....._ W. H. KiTiowL•toN. , ~,,,,,- il av hmaiier it IA Repairer. Dealer to-Watches, Clock* 'retry. r, ..,,at louromet,t.. Look,ing Glasses itid other Fe act Goods. :••1 , o une do,A weal . t' • of the Reed House. l7 AftRUCKLE & KE.PLER. -1 1 , ,, , ,, ~, 14 ) G t u i d.i. Groceries. Hardware, Croclfrry. Ise. No 4, Fru) tO. t A.:State WON, Crie. Pa. , A. M JUDSON. Arustsrc L4w.--()Eact oa Park Row. between Brimuenew ll,Arrand the Reed How*. Up otairc• BRANDES. hr.:rua a n d s t timoi.—ofßee corner: of Flute and Eleventh etr , Nl.s.iteloonee no Eighth Street, between French and Erie, Pa. • SANFORD acto.. I•+elet re Gold. Rant Notes. Drifts, Certilleaves of De- Ire. Sight Etchings. on the print' pal tit les constantly kw rale (Ate in Beatty 's Block, Public B.itpiare. Foie. T. II ERON Sit ART. I-raras. Arm Pirreretior—Ogiele. corner o French and Fifth " . " 6 •c' v er Moe. store. Sessile aon Fourth street, war dour earl of Pie old Art !weary • H all. RUFUS REED. Diitta in Fnrzlith, Gentian and Amejrcaii liardwareandCtakry , Alin, Natl.., Ant ilr, Vice., Iron and ,Bteel N 0.3 Seed Holmes Er le, Pa. . • • C. 6I EG k:L. II antssAt• t snd Retail dealer in Grocer es. Provilllons• Wine.. I 'Vo r ". EMIL &c., Re Coiner of tends and Villa Matteis. corosne Iho Farmers' hold. Erse. _ „ —_-------- C ADVVEIA & BEN ET T. Ispoartas;Jobbers i and Retail Dealers n Dry Goods_ ,i:Groceries. riveter). Glaumbatr, Carpeting , . third are. frall.lslFel, Nails. 4,16 ". la • Empire. Stares State mei. four driers. below Eros tea hotel, Erie, ek A lk , -- A avits. Viers. Hello* s. Azle /Inn*. Springs. and • general tftbruneill of Sisidli and Carriage Triinni amp. St - MERNIN SMITH. A:ll..ovri er and Justice of tire' Peace. and Arent for I:0 lie,: stone Mutual Lift. Insurance Company—Office doors .fla VI rights Inure. Brie. Pa. - - - trrolvs , w.ber GI ?.!varl AWL , C. 41 . /OIL Flaner anti White-FiA, cot* ROSEN ZW Eli 3c Lo. 0,0 RETAIL Daainas in Foreign and Domestic Dry Gc"'• ready wane Clotting,: Doan* and 'Shoes. Nrkgbrli Smile street. Lein- M.4RI3IIALL do VINCENT. Attniewrs w—ollsce up starsTauisnar liat building north ut . llle Preahonntary's'• Erie ' • MU H A ILION. kni/I.IIEN COCIEEKLLOS AT LAW-44Irtee °VET C. B. Clitisbt's Sim% entrance one door west of &We street. on the Diano ild . . IBBALS. YES. It.uu pi Dry Goods, Dry Groceries . Crockery . ilarlivnave. at -140. 1. Fawns New Hotel. " , SMITH JACKSON. 111 4141 i n Dry C r oods, Groceries, Hardware. Hamra Ware. Lhae. lan. Nada, dr.c.. ii', Cheapside, Erse. Pa. • T. — --- WILLIAM ItitiLET. gAlinT M A cat Cpbolster, and tietderiater, eerier allikaw lad erreate - sureto. Erse. : - ' 4Alt'l ER & 1311.Q41 IEI4 15 abLag 4L a and Retail dealers In Muer. Medic Int hauls. ow. 11 )e-v , tpcfs Glass, to , No. 111, Reed H' . Eck% - JAME:Ii LYTL • millibuaLe Merchant Tatior.oti shg rut 4 ie 'g um " lb " a " • rn 4f State 11180. JOHN -IL BYI - I.TON it. CO. It ar.lig, deaief.lo 11rup. *Whims,. Dye Sawa. ke. 'So. a. Reed Name. Er„ie. L. ELLIOTT. Resident Dentist:OM/weed dwelling of the P , outti side of the Public square. Ist doOf ran 'sda: of uie Erie Batik Solidi'''. Teeth ingression 4 . 11111 4..0* id Plate, trout otiero au entire/sett. Carl ?II teeth idled with pure Gold, and restored to health endow rli rwie• 'fee' eteaued - wlthinstrionelpte and Dentidee so se to , •ave them of pellucid electoral.' Ml work warranted. M CHAPIN. BEIM I 17 DeIITHIT r • eas / i b h e r ß aal; 41:=1".:Z's` , warranted Brie has 111 lea, I . . , . . . I „ I , 1 1 . , : i . , . . _ . ... • i . . I I 1 ..._ _.., . , ~... • .. • . , B -' ..•._ . E.. . . , . . , . . .. .4 l''' .. . . . • I .‘ , 1 . . .. r.., ..„ , , ,- r .. , , , . _ .. .. 1111M1b. nUy for sale. pub; and 311isretuni. 2 "I LOVI THAT BICH 11,6(108" la telbtehee Ye that Clevetaad speech cf Ckererat Sew. die Ha& sou Spa thus touches of ies Mersey " I love that rich brogue!! Plow tilkerd guess joking._ 'lle erne) at Patrick meta rosu so tie pain. That •• 'worm" you've beard 11,1} ware year every what. Aad not t iovad It heft,, ad—l a hit. •• I love that deb bropw." You love It bow well. Let your long motels ventinnent bowed, tell— Too would welcome tni here from Erin's grin Isle, Bat fa ma kin ye/Ira, you'd giro w so laud. I. ',love Mat rich Minim." Did yea love It whim Do Indignantly" rap platelned up yaw pea, Is the Amor louse parlor. sad Muitealle That Irishmen were sot davervlai a vote "I love that rick Intope." Alt lh pow awed ltbrdeotk What Pim pee poor arreat to a* iolltosotaterked. Whets you ela hoed of that pony. the Wade, to be. Who would take how the Irish, their night lobe the. INd I Pou lore • that /Feb hoopoe," whets you told OP priir BIS To repeal all aaturalization laelload No butter bow Amiens or honourees we. ; " fblit Paddy should never a eitbuta be ? .6 I love that rich brogue." I knew you belong • To the party that always love Irifhien strong A. the day whew their scarf are warteddraws meari. Although are are but swag tha ter of the year. al love that rich tottioe:" Whew did yea- bests t 'Whet, Greeley tad' yea, yes eetelirst set ie. 1 That you Newer mild tat In the Pile.ideit• Chair, Ifyoto contd.'s& get Fairish No bit* Pot you there. " You love it as well perhaps. avail, be own's', 'Faith aith6 Ow eked's; day be toe stash', When Aar Irrasidest Nerve. it fella as mar ears. • That vane" rich brave" bylined lingua( ebeera. " I love that rich biodell." K. depute. blbithee Peal. Our votes you'd love better T ow. ',u s« I Now Garet& be nisi, quit easels; and taxies, When he" ailbee votligfrita blaweiflie'll be Mewl*. 4 iet - that rink brogue." hlaroevl.'eld 'homy. 1704 Caul eagle that pill so Paddy will , Caddis% beim what TOM are. he'd indade be a hail. Thad law. Native wolf covered up with N'hig wael. - *Native Americas. aa IS LA II . TXICXERY EXPOSED. LKITKIII MOW TBlll CaT110141: PASTOR, or. itmicuss., Tom A7=coso, 7. a., To TUE iorralis or. Tuk; 11011TUR _ . - - , , . .91micasovss. 91. 11.. Sept. $9. 1992 Gitivairmuun—ls tbe Memeheetior .4/Dorian'. mad is itsh, . eminent. have pa bed doeseinesite. or cornfield's.; mainmast*. oigoodounl( inteaded as as "sewer to OHO i i letter i wl.ich 1, is cuajmicties with • few Catholics of: - r• . Coneero, addressed to Mr. Whit". of Milwaukee. cites- ; erasingVeo. Piano frost As chime of bison oity or is-, differeace is Manus to the 'brownies test. 1 loom ifs ditty an myoelf sod twee" agate/sof that let- / ter. to show heir than isosater-inateepussia were reaus• , facts/et Baffle doisi as, II illestprinsise— -Ist. This is ay fi.th you in Manchester. Coaeord..: die.. aid aria, that noel hove never. is any way. is -1 terfere is ekeetiess. Yet 1 attestively watched the; moveninotaof the political p erase a this state. sod par- tieularrl t es floe conaistios fey moisieit_tbe misatits•ti .... ...ie.., eice.„ l outslie r iiiiill.mitAit •uaat '1 I.ast 0011 Mtisalire Deere last gall. , filed the daily ninon, of its proardinti. Frain these. iti was evident thin Woodbilry mid Pierce "seated them selves strenuously for the removal of the test. - I 6 , - --.... raleicnlelellt.i'' eat willing that party hacks shaelJ be pertained. vrith-impa : ail. to trade Imo. what they can, the Catholic you!. i 3J. Yet it aiwomil tome. that as tha Catholic prone throughout the corsair) , promptly es weed this en worth* artifice Fos' entrapping the votes . r Ceiba ea. united fordo dune that was required ender the tired stances. TeL to the astesishnieet of an parsons here ' a New Ilansiii i - shire. a hoent not totally blinded by li ar tier. the gains charge was repeated—for the western rtet I ennigin. as few persons iii this quarter woolJ be ireeirsid by the story. salmi perhaps. such per.... as mot only wa ling. bet determined to he deceived. 1 Mr. Whits. .1 Mileaskse. wrote tel wee friend ;is. New Hampshire. that this repetition of the cheep agshiet Geo. Pierce was iodestrioarly eircalase4 at the) greet. !A rear Catbilies' who wire Supposed_ to knew aoneetbing a- Wm the matter. were reepseated to state whet they kolow. 'Accordantly tKey al tied their manses to the White let. ter. Bit it wee kronen to am. and I Was regretted to eertiTy that theAsmes were thee of Catholics heist is Contused. I not NIT complied. bet as I alas - knew 01114 Geo.l Pierce had; ee aliamefolly belied in thismatter. I added soy testimony to their'''. It is tree that I de met Tnni eyes politically, with the party which has nominated Geo. Pierce. bet I rapped the one. I knew that be had dMittall that mea could de is .Sr behalf.Und that hese@ he was Frowsty isakinteisted. 1 saw that the votes s Ca tholics woreiwods at. stock le the Midst of all marista —the political nearlast—sed apart, froM the led:patios which a Catholic would @laterally feel node) , them cart ministatioes. I felt that COISINNO gratified' retisirod of us the' Catholics of MSw Hauipstilin. • dear recognition the fact (het Gen. Pierce had truly said seelesay lake in our %shalt. and if he Coiled to seatuiand the Stain i this Issuer. the took was not kin. sort:aid, oippised that, the matter. as Too sisipM i itself. atiosid mat USS(S Ms itikashes w•ald bawls bop raised aboat it. if (lea Papraeliad set .is amaisaisid se gimlet' win be mimed Whelk it three meethe he . It aettere. however.thet the disisiarest sinned by see.; and the sonsioses itietionney sf.tbm Catholic papers.-esti sigh tlesteryed what doe UM cans the trap for Coastal' teem It eras resolved to mead thwtrap. Ele. Mr. Coe trey. of Obey. an Irish Catholic. limber's. visited Bow Hampshire. Hie object was to get sp a etmata dace mem . signed by Irith emboli... Another penises. whets I seed set alaalil, wag able interested is thee matter. The relishes". that decenteuta. samerosely sigeed. wen oh mimed freest Manchester. Dover and other towns. , A. nonwoven. is hie number for the promo' month. sp•ak • jag of the very matter. says the fags ate not an dead yet. sad s see breed:is hatched every year. The pennies who gat up these teenier certificates regard the Catholic news aa fools, I slippage. I bad determined to bestow se attention span the'inatter; bat upon readies the dec. I foxed,• smeste is question.rot only that they contain ed contradictory statements-4 thing which did not cen ters me—Aret that they wars intended all ac impeach,- meet of the troth ef the certificate signed by mo--nay. the &Keenest' juiciest. that OUT llirillaanal Wen, net ail ' ressiSe., Of soiree my honer wee here eeersorsed. 1 . billow soutethieg abet the mane,- in which the sig. satires wore Abased is Weeks ter end Deemed. Yew. I believe. of the signers are mess. Who. I state that Blasebeer Is a 'Mfg MIT, Ohms is is tiorpowsl b Ng*. SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16, 1852. 1110 , 109.41 native iiirith keteriev. fwndriea and 111.111:10.0 restaldiehasente—l anemias that Imam ao new thing whes limy that every of the operetivet. in mutant of this sort. act ardor • species ) of moral restraim. What iadeeeinedt softiced to bring Mr. Cooney all the way from Albany. ;ie help the Catholics of tbia State to mettle their ewe afire. I will net stop to esquire. Per haps be ie perainally interested in the defeat of Pierce. Perhaps Mr. Nobilities la—far he. also. although he has ao let et part with , iss. kindly undertook a jeisrsey from Now Park to New Hampshire that we. eradiating'. might understand that we had been badly treated by Goa. Name thing we did not know before. and which we cannot, atith all the pains Rubinson has taken, understand sow. The muster certificates were. I believe. written by Protestants. Perhaps one of , than woo not. ledepea• toady of inners .1 amdeaca, there are phrases and es yreettiostelito them which betray their Protemest origin They may have bosh and probably were clod by Ca tholics. An I ri sh mas ,tine. the Pilot UM wi commend . Say price—quortaielyl airy premiss from politicises. aunt November nest. Why Pretest/10W imotrerowelt I leader iatailat la est wolf* ' . and why those Pronsettimis happen le be latermiled la s cionoOtyy optimism. is a phoneme• nee which Ido Sot Wen to - agitate. The person who Wee employed in thin plolitto obtain sigostitres from the operatives. is . a pounsionf wham equivocal cat/Wick I will net new any a word. Few oaths signers undo the import of the paper to which thee salmi their eednis. Batas wan calla epos tosdga in As ;wows of their 001#14111 s.. Two power. in an. latmap:.49 *Ye *stymie isotonic.; Were atenollY homed to sip. Boma -were isd thin the demonises wee • petition, A!, the oatablia,mmallarf ho tea toper epeeist. - Odtano were told that tbe or mills eelJ be Stepped. and they, in esumnposues old Se Ammo out of week. if Pismo wart elected. /foes* wesreitold that It wee a sort of aatsraliza. ilea paper. Others re told that it was a docisiemot le velled at English int* ace. Sense waft told that it was a petition for-estsal ti w, Odeon, signed it. aim* tie. cause they were ask t 4 do so. We need not - Weeder at ell tile. Messrs. nits. for each things weer foe. greenly lap sag pi•nieue who claim M be better in• formed.. -The meneleri, pi/tillers sums often 'hear of. are ii ii I ant peniendod. got • l in a similar way. Petition boar ors monsmosly bred th t the reeve! run of people will sign oar paper. •I a eitoStleet. she r isvostigstiOs of the matter, that net noire thee moss hag doses persons knew j int whet they wire doing When they signed the Cooney document. I isaw,thet sense' isre ?stowed to. sign the paper. and yet mood ;keit some* appooded to it Nevertheless thorn me intelligent and reorpocsalds.- Catholics. whom sem • were squired. Inn whe;woMtd 1 . not saga the paper. Y t them names were re tails.-- ISo the coamictirs. aft most of the names ad Imes oh seised. ehaeged' the le dmiument. the dm was of so objectionable chat er. Afe axe were obtaioed to the solemd dommoso t. and thou the bulk of tbs . D ip estates wars Iran? .by the itioneoctors of Ills paper, end without leave, tots sew document because it dif fered, to several very ',trial aspect.. from the old 0 Ii wee a eilforeet Owes last. Therefore, nearly the signatures to the doesheeel. sew b`dforo the forged. Permute signed the mooed who, lb* litst., 'Mart of th* or sew she wooed., Taloa thr Cr whit paper. came iii rira pik nos to eattify that all the sin. I comb( isdrdko. -4. eivreteree were C I=l /stir document. admitting that ell it are the names of persona really because I would in Wiping that troth. iiiesuntich as no true Cat h e• going s piper slaudering soy men. I circumstanced to Pierce ie. Maack it appended ]ting. Secondly.] pale►. certify to an or I:c Ito guilty of si mach worn a Mall 1001 figlteril 10 the n eetou. the first tiro saws en the rst' . on the Hewed coheres of sign= Were the Arturo, excitement is hoeing endorsed the paha dere - his tried to betrieod•thew zed 1. know that. Si' re first totems and the ere well repent. if ever. et least alter..l inattess of • PISA w theirs—who has bee 'evoked. 'kir • thorough esuni nation of the clearers they_ brisg ligslast him. be the Cathblic papers. by Mr. &swims's. who says is thousa• bet tot the pressor month, that Pierce is, so - bigot. mad that ho is well knows to hats exerted himself fur the abolition of the too ; and that ho has the moat boundless contempt for I.b MI he try to get tote. fot.Scott by lay lag on this shooldersior Pierce the blame Apr rho (adore of the revised constitution. Archbishop noshes tolls to that both Casdnistesiiro wortliy-of spal.siipport. Nay. this rospretablo who paws worn to notice thin sow sad. false ileu. is Calk° *c voters. sad eves the papers which started the story a brgiamiug to own that it is set trio. Io say of the Concord doetinseat.— ~ • signed it lsbored wader the same d .were imposed apse in. the panto signed the Manetenter rrhosh.—. • ey Wel«) 'opposable for the Coa: r. Coin; all the way from Albany. town ' ordsostaintid ))thug the* . ady teristed. and after nommen. 'isolable,. it woo decided that another prepared. By the aid of s penises sin mill egoists at rishereille. a few Ily .site reed to sign the paper. These 4 the; they know wet what the paper . , °aid her. sanded the erasure of their not think it worth while. anvils aid., • meet will do ea barns. Mr. Ctraey and his abolitioniai l I • hoses. Thikiamoil of Joha Gallagher' en in the C•geord aortilicen atg ,n; Ghia bearing toes names, live at bar wen asked whether nor signed I here seetethin Te be brief. they w missrpteheesioe. • 1 1 Wily with these w enerso. IMr. C, eetd•doeistuest.--- • riedisig that Come. &ibis's.m had met • I with eertsi■ freesei • seamiest should • ;iiih me iM arila t ess er wr ia l e ce lid re a n; 'sod. 'gamins. hot I am. that the d At Wosi Con friend. asda kw It' sad Jets Lyash by sno. end two,to Woo Coucord. , the White certifimies, indorsed- by me. No. said they Go to Concord. an yen will find another JohoGUllegher tied Jobs LyMtlt. -The cencectors prefeisid twits** o b i each rasa in Coacerd: and that se such men ca old (tread.. ille that itlit o.llaglter and Jobs LTlllek., liir Wag Cawood were indeeed to give , as aflidairit thM they had sot sigood the White certificate. They saint wee ea Wiest tris4 et coarse. i The Joie Galhigher sod John Lynch who did irigc the White iliseninest live at Concord. I , know them. ascii knew shit tin eigetd it. They ant ready to mal, as alliderti is thin effect. The Cooney eirtilicate soya - that one Halpin did ai l t sign the White lineament. His employer is a whit, Cid he together whirl Gooney. persuaded. Halals to swehr that he did not pigs that etirtiflcste. It will be recollected that I did' est getep that document. 1 simply esniftiod that the persons Theta amuses were appended Ili it wire Catholics. nod that 1 behoved the cosiest' of the letter lo be perfectly trio.' I led epos loquiry that Halpil. when asked to sign the paper. answered. I will. bet pat down my same yourself. Thin cireemeianse.• he eenceiiite. justified him in retrial , that he did sot sign it. Those thing' trey that the triumph• which the tees *Tiles supposed they had gained, with reformats. to these three came. le el triumph at all. Cooney woof to most a the Irishmen known to be Is the sespkiymeit of whivioinel. as a matter of IMMO. I fear. toilet of Ahem s igosd,the papa. So far es 1 know. *sly eis4 matt refired. Hie name is Conften. The eeseceetirs . ei the domentiint coaled end flattered him gunboat virceeso, The amiable and seeeniplialted daugh ter of the'em;er of Connate els • eitilleauered te t r ill T- M& blis 10 Ike porn , . "Ms tired herd ; - ' - niMEMNI 2E= =EMI ===l =1 easy with lb* edits, or a ...we Tint Mt Cowen, whu eudersioud it. weald sees. the as kew efsbe doee.nent.steaddy reseed. "I was breiteit up*. be a Dsursumersi." was his constant reply. With retinues to the N.shee sad Dover certilicetes. easiest speak (rem personal knowledge, bat if 11 he ear• reeds isformed. their history is very similar to that et the Maw:haste, end Onward &imamate. rats the above facts. it will be evideat to tho public that the Ceoftoyte papers professing to embody i,he Cath olic reatiosat of Now Hampshire. with reforest* to l b . test (tho only statior I hoot at soy time Soitabod spa) meet he regarded to the prodeatioa of a few petition ea *eta er Goa. Paso They do mot. is the elightos &- re% street the Inithfelneee of rj tipaistery. as Morato ria publiehod. is the laavuspo ef i lfreassa. Pores is ascii Loon to hue 'gonad himself is ado/Citing the abrogation of t h e too. - U the Aramsersts wished tir rest 'km" eseeefee the •astbsr of ssismeres. slay 'meld. I asset set tem pre cored so array of sise•terre t h at reel. eswelsolos the Cosooyiso dowoottoi. Pedigo's Mei Ismail sow. U obey dime& it won► .►die. Reopostfolty yowls. , W id. .McDO N Csdsolis rester et Illsookostor sod Coward. N. Asa. Nom sad Aim loft Man. C. B.Tarpoisy. Chia Jastiessal Mississippi. h.. hasty meads a taw dimming% tits Penh. sad am& ea- rooltoo to snots the volooestutooto of Goof Soot oat Piret.. I. • totter to the alliosionappioa. twee,. dm M. lediogimphitt sketch of Geo. Pieta!: 6 71 bad the pleasure of opeadiolomme daYs hit wasps. my with Geo. Pomp. _lit Rye • Beech, Now It aispehite. mid fossil him one of the mew inuwoetiog mid fancies. deg moo whom iteitesiotaime it has be.. my good for- taro at any time to wake.. Ile is rsnieritahly fiefs and roe* is but habit.. dortilleol. •114 sestteess is bas 'wester. aid ilatloo's,ns• tints eso of the - mesa kiid• sepretesdios asolieroteable sontitasiosa I wive stet with. Yoe *sold peteeivo st Ow UK 'lanes. Oast ha Will a mem of se m ;send/ere dtelleet. sad of marked char (*ler. and es a Airings, is sty crowd. he wosid be riot odoot as a ores ol‘etisetiony list while he recites Seer adoolblaloo y 111A - lodortkiring and grocers{ aloes-. tilos. tho.bl4oduesi of %Vs maanors, the sYntlieres ofhis I essoro bed. test smooths. siespliettlY which elitrieris r/ es oft he does . 'sayLi tries year heart. mid waver lediirsreat e etv her boon towards him !refers. ho_is sow to .its yise;aaptive. sad 'm tits Iltill fool'ilast he iit smitently IMO of Ood'istelblost orerits- 7 “as bosom eise.'? •possesses as trosistits Otani shortness. sod iq all the, relatitios of sue. finstemd. Felber. and (rived. Ito is ••0411111 pane el atlas reproofs/I." Teeisissirotile ofsiejesof bi 4 h e . its 0 dreekord. like that of hi. 4.64 a coward. is t h e subject of isiorriin whims he ie ittattste. midis *it oat. regeoesly fat ' set to merit the *piny of a rofetatioe. Old men: or Illasepshore I/hobos' know. him front his e y boyhood. rind here been intimate with hint in riper asonisood. ;ermined moo to itt be always been reinarksblo for the *Oriel, .of his ha . sad eertoinli lie presents so appeorameo of intemperance either its hi. looks or roissoere. .Ow • tiring oposits rolossiosies hi wain. 1 have seldom wee soy was MO litleared end beloved b his iiiiiikbore so Golsen, Pihrer. and so high et %Abets could be paid to hie ~el loreeth.thise tr. re spout ..J Ismo of those yr/refuse kers* hiss losiost and i L jeginevallitatit 14.11.1-1644111fjr044 puuttia__4l,e. *snit sus es••••• Awl • oalatars ossitior family who is willing to support boss for tho Prosilionos: whilst these who has; knows Frank!:* Pismo oast Usti na!dely. are his warmest feigned*. aid will sonnet h is despite of 'petty disciphee." •I All who knew Qes. Pierce will admit dud the alma is a very bightsl sad life-lite portrait or Ides. 'Hew let them hob attire talkteriag piously of Gee. Hese. by the Same hand. sad mar, the cowrie& Judge Tarply is a mai of high character : and the teederterill we that its write. to We heppiestmeia. *blab coovisese all of the trathfolsoss of hie skrteh. Ile a le .. , • "Of all the emosieg chorea I fievo met with elec. I have been la Weshiagta. a have eitentiken•ll .n malt to my gratification os• '. Beett—l bed *lowa s a id tho Whll Sadidate for We nostdeeef. I rent take this losek.*owevet. As he hoe ropediWed be eery ;mast' of OW loidipg whirl. and rely islerated by thew 'who ati . 4 . rat with ilging • .te thd sane of office. it we.ld mere peeper to Pall h it. eaadidate of the alSes-sooking portY, or party In Up of 511 the ram's room vrees,is wlrigisei, down to rplitteetrappiagistet.-- 1 ' Bel I like the old tabs.. sod wee net speak *Chite dl4- paragiugly. He is certainly t vainest ad boaketit 1 man I bars mit with: bet Wet' his 'Ottawa. Hie military fame is pert sad parcel f the ttetitat's treasure. which steroid 'bei` sacredly chit • . sad handed down as an ialwritesee to rewrite. et with this high appre- i Motion if hie intfitery Ginn. it obviate to an. that his ietelliet. habit and mode of this *air. are wholly *..cited 1 1 to the efface in which It. aspires. He will petit we to you' his splired:il road% mid descant la the hoer upon the genie's foe which they were awarded; his medal's., and 'Alva hew costly sad spleedid they ere. end bY whom keriewed: the portraits and statues that Itavii hese takes of kite. and tell erre bow spirited are the like • names. bow Impentniag the peonies. sod bee easy We grace. li. will talk to yaw attest tear. Wales. Meals.. Canada. Lady's Lase end Chippewa., aid see have the delight of It le the 'whited sad ietereeting - egetiyar of a yak eldloose. ease whole eseversitian is made top el "I. me. and ntsself.“; ' Het whets you op. prosPh thaws greet oonentetlemel iloostioas epos which depend the destiny of the sal a. thesis delicate. be ; clearly ‘ denne roletiesship exieting tretwobe ibe Petters' and State averamente. instead of those cottage draught, and lonsiattes exprooltias which fan frees the Upset Web ster. ems hate the merest coraneteptsce twaddle. in-de op of thoughts often endigested. and sometimes eosin- Watery. sad possionag principally otopiaions and proph ecies of twenty yearn standing. Mr Webster said • triter thin= Was whim he reworked that Gee. Scott had "so political anteeedeeta. sod that a Philadelphia Lawyer could sot convict hits borer* • jeer of the eoes try Whales a Whig;" sad I Will take Ow liber:y et add. itit.'ref being sarthing ohm thee ao exceeding clover. eine. pewees, old soldier. who knows' nolltiolt bet le committed. sod who. if sleeted. (which God forbid.) will teaks a military PresidenLood ad enabler the government epos the principles applies •Ie to the command •f ei br as!: and yet. the "old sues" is/retraces) he hie egotism. a. Bradforslonian (if i may ceia a weed) is kit moaner. their,. cannot help smiling. and liking inns in spits of your onstempt far his isteniet. His electioe. i!oweirer. would be the greatest calamity which ever! beflol tbb cateatry." J . , i. EIOSTZI3I Do4l.ittai • D•ii.-10 1840 the laltoking „ H I ids 4 sneere d . sod cot lock is the bowl oat ea memos were premised. iiy - s tho Whip. two dollars • Jay the Ciam„p pulls( sod mos a ic. T hs sob. sod reset beof•—• pmcnia• pees? realised. of teal ; min es ," ti c "ow (ht buip tis ,„ for wok The sow we have the the prime %VW/ "Offnit. ad- 11 „ sm . d m 0, 4 . 84 es .; inane( that Genets! Seam Me &ward *hi; candidate. who failed Oelly property oufficiion to Fey kin own debt, gem say eighteen dollars • day. and that that in hardly won_ wt ten at it is Damao. for tbe ••groomat la sing generat." while oktetion- I lie lik at t or a: b•1 t00 h ... F:77: ld dieting to make liiimeelf President. Well, if twe defiers ' cut " t ihollimg; more anieet.itii se. ss it iUestrates mai meet beef wets enough for the Muses in 1840, wham a peamuro Met we beard folly rsplsined sit entr; l they wen called epee to solo for Harness—oopeeially sod thee tiv a school minter wh o 4t i i.i: *.sch s jiirs. t h is whra- we ,elect that they 11—.11b " . B i t i r ead i"A uld ."l l3ru7d he n n oir ! t flre 'S !a l ; e w il e t n i lin .l i d em ßa kie sk t Tett ie • day. In 'lime of Prior sad politics, ought ribs salllssost seat Sr.'. seal fl ac k ; void a nt. b et As h cane wit he Goa. . ihmos.4llkmeaksor Show. ialipmy anon eh 3 Normotti: A• volutes* by Loan. J. W. Ganoretra. *bath has jest made he apoweiresee from the Prem. rah,* tits yllotring fame, Lieut. G was a inenttiir Of the Eiploriai f;xpe titioa to the Great 8411 Like. •od.r the commend of OWL Stanebery. and had ample opportannied to diners , ' the habits of the bll•rinous. fie rims a very latelligest and candid narrative. The doctrine sad condom of Ooligsney basireeti grid ally istrotioced among the klertisons,. and may sow be regarded se a charaiteristic festore tif thole- soci al organisation. It was at first aoseenced that the foon• der. Joseph Botith. sod them he thogght faithful. like the mists of old. David. Solent". sad Jacob. *lmola be ton. vilegod to have as many ernes as they could support. to nom op a holy beesehold for the service of the lord. The priii4gra, etteh es it is. seems scot so have booms* eni • nwiel. wed loAtion the salaams sits prieciple. It is sought that the sew anti fireadattos of matrimony is to esies - sp a peculiar. holy people' of the Nisei/at of Christ ea:math. sad_ that at the Illsilmtingt the• glory of the NNW gin' be tat preportize is the nu of his bedeshold of childtve. wives sad seratiate. Noise. Iftwever. bet these eligible to the priesthood have a right is - marry at all. The weseise Uset monies mit of thspriestheed mar ries for hell. Manage ie to Int a pore mid holy mate. prompted alone by rolisigos smite@ sari ageism of daty, ‘ siteseal santive• brio* hold sip as ear abeininatiee. It in dinned that a-uteinite gamma vote" intethe king. des 411( irithestil hesitated fa Windom, her as be long*/ to hiessele ,The additions( wine alter the Stet; *-41.5••• is le called "a manes to him." This tiosetieies • anon wt off the rights asd asaccHirka 11 " "Rio . The id aga 'lglesias love is derided. The • r_alons bee the purer of animates. the Whit- Wilollll to be ingressodt am suitor Mod obtain the essemit of the pumas. thee of the lady. wed of the flotte. t ar r ma j arried *oases he • tight to deinaad &ease in marriage me she gromed of the privilege of Dai nties; die Pretfideat. she receives the petition. is boend le proem* her i husband:* be may commead may ems he demote conspetinit to support her. owl odd her to the num ber of Ws grieve: and game he eas , show a jest meet, if he deelises Om ashen. he is posished for iteenta.: nimy. „The Seer has aim the mama se snarl thlti-Mar nag, amarsci.,sad diesel.* the relationship of the par* ties. le soma iamancee several wives occupy the same Mpu.i. but it ie more anal to beard oat the eatia who are goaterally stow to peer their own way by sewing in& Other saiployeseets The Mumma assert that this system is the-pnarestmive and ions for die awful limn; dation*** sad newel physical degrodotios ie the wwhli and they makg it both • roliginas wed emenitcestone. a point ad pointing! heeds fey ■ man whose links. or asegh. ter. hag been lei astray. to kill the oedema; sod eraisider tag thi t tc as* .Y 6,161006 resatate law, batted sa the Mo. .aie elide. a jolty will acquit the murderer at all hazards." Thai the wive* bad the pietism often a lonesome tiff brirdesseento oats is certain ; thumb aeaelly the surface of seeiity !weave s ensiling esientonales, aNd'te,all 'rho efineent from &smog of ditty or enthiseiwirh. the 'eke re easy. 'The wo4 of she prophet Joseph rebelled against it, sad deaf:red that if he persisted she would desert hint for assetherl, bet the only satisfaction she recessed we.. '• thet a prophet sweet obey the Lewd. — such wive" tobe4 th 4 proceedings are very er pats. he opiNion rosstisisse the eases aglow t.A .nerribig ghostlier; nittiter — efore is net ;octal parties. Anotheristithid of inentssing the household ised \ ad, diet to the glotyuf the chi l efe is by adopt's*. 3 his gee sista le - taking ea.& families and adopting Whin as part' and parcel of die &fogy of the chief, mad arises oat of the Asiesaity-o p f the person se proposing to attack him. self t. the sacred. character of some. groat dignitary of the.Cherch. - Tea, man 1. called. for instance. **Boa of lkighitas by adoptlea." - mod liven with him. or near by. sad-,acts for him a. i child does Ise his permit. and re.. cede, hi. enhsistenee. clothing apd living. co-jointly with the family. ; With the moralities of polygamy. weaves. of coarse, i s placed is a petition of mlitias, inferiority. The defer sacs to femsaliv.esectiones. which maybe a refitted 61•14 of visciety. is stigmatised by the Mormon a' •• geode gal lantry sad faehilm." To giro the pest of honor or of eethAtrl is the 44. la the cods of " Latter' Dar" eti. queue. in retkined SA abilirdity. If there is bolt opt seat it Woo's' of right to the genteman. who is be to lead the way. and let the Mormons dame eater* beau or the moat biihrd him. Thk most offensive feature is the Monson economy. as amounted is this frole;ne. is do Dosthe cus t o m of polygamy:, Destroying. ss it dtw's. all freodusn of lake. ties is salaam. degrading,r to the rank of a cypher in *misty ; and einmfertiagihr moat mimed relations of life into a state of ahjeft dirpeedinee. it mast . llooll become as intoierahlut• the Mormon COOMennf as it is odious o the civilitia world. *lacy et the froatiors hove alroo d! rheestdti d the **meted" rolatiors. sad married half weeds gait Potawatansles. prefervisg e'life of reciprocvl 'privileges in the cabin's( Piebraiilis tekhe decipher and torsi of • Mormon seraglio The valet men see olio indigasat M the ilitlitaiOlt of their tights whoa a dasight..r rejects their sail in obedient , . to c istisiber's 'ambition. which aim* at an alliance with a seer or as apostle. in order to Anal* • celestial 1111OftWOhip is the we Id to comae. . `The Last shall ba First" A week so two ago. four crediterceterted (rein Boston is the semi wain of anin; far the purpose of attaching the property el a mortals debtor is fermisetes. I. the State of Melee. He owed sae% eatimparatitly. sad they eaeh were walpiciess ef the object of the ether. bet dared not say a word abOliti it. 110 they rah". inipseistentee an. talking open everythiai. eases tbat which they had meet at heart. When they arrived al Ora depot. which wee thrimmilea (meth. place where the debtor did -hes image. ttey fowled **this' to ',et 'es ever the rued" bet a eeliady cab. towards which they ell noshed. Three (Mis and refsee4 admittance to the fourth. sad the cab attirree.. ' -..i. The faith ran a ft er tied get open the outside with the driver. He *eked the driver if he wasted to iieU hie bone. H. replied that he did not weal toaa4hat he *as net worth mere the $5O. bet ha 'meld set sell him far that. He ulted_itini if he wield take WOO far Wm.—. Yew said he.. The **fourth man'r quickly pewterer the seamy. took the mitts mid blacked the cab liP Is • book —slipped it from the herstree add tipped it op.eir that the door mid sot b. °petted. and jumped epee the berve'e beck esti retie elr•bck-a-ty-swielt." while th e *.t ee .d. era" were looking het of the wisdom. feeling like mused take: Ho reds to s haityor's. pi a writ mak sad tam* A imilitint In adeni. The afrectioa' of parent* for their eltilarea;\ and the deferoaco which they pay to - the aged, ie • boas tifal,iiad is their chaiischir. Ono eziromely cold. ariell7 49'. as I was huddled with. my liulo °Geo ever the Mote, the door softly made 1 mod: add tits adocesshied foot of as lathes creamed lb. door. I reliod illy head. ler I was too mach acceototised to *tilt redden appearance at icy hoer. to fool alarmed. sae perceived • toll waararettiodiag Woody sod nmpiett- • MlltLtdate tile. siraOeti le • large blanket. The me= iiisit she eaoght my eye she iltopped the foldi her covynng him *mod her. cad laid at ilny foot atlas aitod Ogees of a boy. about twelve yoOrs of Ye. who was ki the loot stags .r cosoortiptioa. • ••• &poise' deo." oho said. riet•rafally clarpiag hands agaio•l tier bridal. i6d looking; 440144e5, the sistratiej lad with the most beantek eapressio• of an.; tarsal love. while 'ergo tears uickled down her hbeir; hio•d's's 1 1°1"W says Polioeee—poor ImSoo mach ibid.', Na child wag beyond idt 'hlllllllll Sid. i :edged a " • Wooly olpoi lila. dad blow. by Ilia peached op Malaise; sod liarplo hes of big ad elate'', l ibai be bad Doi Dial) /Maid id tiro. 1 Olaf adowitt , wick teen bat agonising appeal to my a fli it , - ' o' Try and wive him ! All die bat him."' She held ~ op See of her Sugars. " Broeght him all the Way front Meta Lake spew my back fir white squaw to n01.e." . i Cannot core him, my pee friend. He is in Ged!a care ;in a feet inn he will be with him:" . I ' The child Was seized with • dreadfnl St of apaglsiir. which I expected every reunion wowed foremast, 64 frail 'tattoo,. I gave him a tseispoosfel of currant - jlelly.‘iiliielt ielo took with aridity. but could, not retain a moment oat hie stomach. •• Papessa'die." morinifrod!this poor woman :- f' &loaf —aloe* ! No papoose ; the mother an gloss." She beget, re•adjasting the. poor6fferer is her btu. ket. I gut her coins toed, find bogged her to pip. and feet herself; best die stair tar distressed or eat f ,anii tog restless to missile. She said idle. bat bey fail; slimed- 4 04160 iweelt sordth I she took op her orsorofful 'brad. - prated for a Mikreit-bis wasted. buriiiig band in here. <, • and left the room. i IMy heart followed her a feat way en her m4lase'sol; tt jammer. Think. ' What this eman's I've most' bays i been for that dying son, whe she bad carried • lad st hie ard ins miilort, tirresigh tbi'deort snow. epos her beck. ois such a dir. in tli• hope of my being able to do him Num. good.-: Peer Istart-brehen mother! I. learned from Joe Muskrat's' squaw Beam days after. that the boy I died at,* 'themes after Elisabeth fan, hia/ntothei, gojc Mims —:[Rtaghiug it is he Seek by Mra:Moodie. 1 • Pori"Won' of the - UMW St4tes. George W, Said% in a paper reeeritlF read herein the Franklin luaiiteta. le spooking of the density of iopulae tied 'heady eibtalkied in lionve.pwrie erne (d'bited Mates. _ referred to a hisp which rsposseuts a curios, illustration of Mid density. !rimed the 'baandary of an area en lirge as the kingdom of Great Britein, as follows: Cern. meiteing on the A t tlantie. at the mouth of the Bt._ Cron River. ascending to the head from this poiot, a line wet drains to the Nage. where it debenches from-she White Mountains in New Hantpahlre. tht*.— ....drama; aloes tot *tetragon AR st. rylsad theses. by the latter river to Washing/sm. *ewe* by a straight line to New Haven. oil D C.. Long island Sound. ,lad then.* by the see to the place of begiiiiog, in Maine. The included area will be 84.000 Isqoar miles, i close: Ippiculitstitios that Inactions irfer, mini the population of this are n. tot the present ' accsesi thr ni 17 ejl Lei DOM ceitspa,,, ..et • terms the saborbsb will tootisia more tl„harfi li a :1;111soo. A Fitter Tadet.,—.A. exempt • sat of the Liverpool Ipi:on says Olat mete yearsute. there was a Jerusalem. 41 ....t a mie l dm i t. Pads, hit. W I the presence of Dr., ,Roherison. tied t ehemies/ Sas "ertf or the day. go !Into an etre ind ng a song wbile goose wee being' cooked. When he went Teti the 'eves the pulse woe 72. and rose to f3O. At the second experiment it roue he 17G the themontaert Ith:iterates 100 of Reamer. At the third eaperintset he was stretched oil a plonk. surround ed b% light 4 candles. esti thee put into the oven. the month of which was this time efoost, Ile was there five Minutes. when the spectators cried .!.• Enough'!" Ac. cerdiugly. 001 door was spened."oet he cams bi the fiery Reif. and. With his pekoe st 220. iomped iota, ilea, bath. and became - as mei ea a eledither iniasediatelv after. As OfTICT TO Tat CIMMOT birosir.—Arhe whir rap e rs mention on insumee of rate beimmolonce in Gat. Pierce —his piesentwe a coat to a little boy to bey curly. As • • fair set-off to it; the, following autheatie sagtei•t• et Scott is resentod to the re odor: h is said that. Gen. likott followed Itillitiore to Virginia lest lost. to ammo the outing Preeidant's feSst-prints fist the, ***di of Old Donsiniss. The old •bero in his tray els chaoced to buys his aturntios celled to a link boil to the way-wife. crying meet pintos/sip because some of has companions bad whipped two. The Old hero. anyeill with cewersissiou. celled the distressed little lad to hint. and rating hi' head es his hoed. this adtisinisterod the halm of doneeietieo i "Ply sea. cheer op! Go. boom and ted 'oar father sod mother tam' Major-Ge Dotal Wis. field Scott. of the United SION army. pat Ail head en I far Awed 1, . . Ago • —A mini reterseil to this city lat - day. after ad Aiwa* of tear j?sto. 'epochal/ apse Ur taste the joys of a hems sod wedded life, sad filled. is. hie aurae old fietreit. hio. behoved wife* Med beeemo another's will,: is this 'tweet*. the hide hod Net pol ed hod. hit had heels deeeived Ow reverie ef tholes& of her sameat lerd, whoa it oppesied that somebody. olio of the movie nattl• hid been pot Soder the peel of the gold rejoin. This ogeh le smear ftritoi lad pieirale.a Soo Said fee leis! arguireet el to the giver eirovehip female. whisk will. heereltbe. 4ebeieted bv the e: ed *Miura - es* of. die present ~set~tett to claim tithe mottled hoebeed,t—ehs. C. , A Goof Rassoo.-7•Grooloy ate t his forviii pay. ors" will go up fee Bowe eid U• • woe. This? owitores Omsk of the fact that niters hoiden' visa lb, obey is mare* atakint ' t - , NUMBER. 23* ;Ilar 64 meat _)11k / 414-0 1 !il E i 9