Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, October 09, 1852, Image 2

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    Political and Genera News.
The Presidency—The Seward Groans, and the .
. the Fretwoil Ticket in his
The vole of Ohio is indispensiblelo the electioe
of Gen.. Scott. Even with it, the prospect I. that be
will be defeated; but .without it there can be no hop*
of his election. In 1848, although Gen. Taylor car
ried the States of Tennessee, Maryland, North Car
oline,, Georgia, and Louisiana, the loss of New York
or Pennsylvania would have defeated him. Now,-
with the certainty of losing several, if nut al!, the
abnye-named Southern States, it id absolutely im
posidble that oven. Scutt can be elected withoot the
vote of Ohio. That is a "fixed rect." The Sew
ard-Scott orgens, and;.in. feet, every' body, saw it
from the start. .Ohio; was a part of t r tie. Seward es
timate at Baltimore—the nioninatior4f Gen. Scott
rested upon his chalices of carryinif New York,
Pennsylvania, and Ohi.,--a strong team, but a des
perate game. It Was, however, resolved upon. rind
from that moment the fate of Gen. Scott was inev
itably Sealed, unless Seward and his Free-Soil allies,
could' muster to the• rescue the honest and ionseien-:
duos men of the Free-soil party in New York, Penn
sylvania, and Ohio, but particularly in Ohio. 1
,ft sudden and deadly chill—a sort of aggravated
duinb.egue—was thrown over the Seward-Scott
party to this rally fur the independent Free- sot tcon•
vention at Pittsburgh. It was unless, to attempt to
mop it : but it might be turned to tie disadvantage
of the Demecrets. Senator Chase, of Ohio, a rov
so!l.Dernecrat, a man of talent, and popular in that
State. even among the regular Democrats, was the
man for Seward's business. If the nomination of
Chase could - be secured by The Pittsburgh Conven
lion, he might draw sufficiently from theerank and
4110 of the Ohio Democracy to give the State to
Gen. Scott. It was a last alternative;and.eveo
John P. Hale, supposed to have mine of the warm
est attachiment to Gen. Pierce, co-operated in the
movement.' But Hale was ndminated in -spite la
himself, and in Spite of \ill the efforts of Seward'is
agent to defeat it. Yet they left not a stone un
turned, akmay partly be seen from the followin :
disclosures olche Evening Post, (kettle calling t -
pot black face). The Mr; West spoken of tea er
lain Mr. Williem West, red-hot for Socialism :ew•
ard, and General Scott. Says the Post:—. L
"Mr. West has called upon us in moo, and ex
plained the error intelharbich he says our,Correspon
_dent has fallen. 'lie tells us that he 'wished to go
to the Pittsburgh Convention as a de gate; that he
5,7 2 e
could - not afford ¶he expense ;he de known his
condition and wishes to Horace G ely, editor of the
Tribune; Mr. Greely gate him paper str hitrizing
him to correspond by telegrap with the Tetbaee,
rind an order upon Simeon D oper, one of the meat
-berg of the W hig, Central Committee, for money.—
Upon handing that order to Mr. Draper. West re-.
caived sixty dollars, half of *filch pegs ve to Young,
rind the other half he kepi himself, and they went
4egiethor, jolly - as beggars, to the Pitisbur 7 gh Con
rotion, where they laboreddwith all their might for
,0i5.:6000,,,0,in of Chile for President. Mr West
further informs Its that he , wal its favor of Gen.
.Scott's election ; that he sought Chase's Mifflin.-
lion of Hale to that rest' t. -: It is dii" to Mr. West
to say that he disclitimed entireli buir Ea party man:
he said lie was a Siva ist, and let; ed upon both
parties only as instruments to,be used for the prop
agation of his favorite doctrines, and he desired the
election of s c di bectitse he thought that would be
more auspicious for the cause of Socialism than the
•electirin of Gen. Memo." : •
.01.Fourre non:lllation of- Hale 'threw ell the
fat into the fire; and thesixiy * dollars paid by Are.
Draper to Mr. West, for all the goal it did, might
just .as well belie been ea.A.lllled upon Greely's
.tracts. Theeffeet llite's nomination on the
Seward-Scott marts war Pad enough.. "Ohio wag
-altivosripi Komi as gone.. Let us recur to the data
7of ai'residentint election or twit. •
Vote for Mr.. Clay . I. - 153.047
4 4 - fur Mr. Polk I 149.111
4 . for 4 J. 6....Birney . I • - • 9,050
Giving, ip •roitad numbers, to Mr Clay the electoral
rote of itie State by nearly 6,000 majority over Polk.
Nui mark the eha,peP. • . .. ~
.• .
. . , ' •
Vote for Gen. Piss --' 154 775.,
•"fur Gen: Tay-tor, _
, 138.360
' " for Martin-Van Soren 45,334
'Which shows, as compared- with the elictiun of
a fit4+l,•• Arcot 1.,. 6.. thy Wi.tge of ascot ty c•lrelisteirto
thousand votes, sad a direct gain to the Democrats
el upwltrds of five thousand. From the natural in
crease of piptestion, this Democratic, gain is probe.'
Sty not quite up to what pliontil basis been the fair
proportionate increase of Democratic voters. But
upon the same ratio the Whig vote should have in
at least seven thousandA which, added to
2,the deficiency since 44. Would mcke a real Wh o' ,
Ace! , of twenty four thousand votes., And ibis ac
counts very satisfactorily for the• loss of the State
-to Gen. Taylor, by over )6,000 less than the vote
!or Gen. Cass; and for the increase of the Apolitiun
free-soil vote from 8.000 to 35,000. 'Some twevity
add thousand Ohio Whigs went over to Qe Free'- .
toilers and _there they have remained to This 4aS:'
andlthere we suspect they will be fouiWiii ~Alovem•
bertor as yet they hive given out no signs iif yield
ing Ur falliog back babe Gen. Sent. Nu wonder.
. then, thst,the leading 'Seward-Scott organ of this
city shourd betray the anxiety and desperatiiin it
exhibited yesterday. The ease is desperate.—en,
*tritely desperate—in fact, we should say that Doi.
*her tracts, nor special missionaries, nor gitupowder
tier burnt brandy cou4l restore the (oriunes ef the
day to'Gen. Scott in Ohio. Like the chief
: organ
of Seward and Gen. Scott, the Ohio Free:stiller,
"execrate and spit upon" the Whig platform; but .
Gen. Scott hair pigged it, and 'that is enough; for
If his endorsement tame but a 'trick,, they piust de
spise him, mar he ryas in estruest, they pre com
pelled to desert bits. But it is very hard that while
the South hatf n faith in his principle" and associ
ations, the-ant;'ovary people should - abandon hint,
mid repudiate h i his Southern pledges.
. We apprehend,
- ticket will not be
lieu. Scott to Ohit
conscientious clam
ligiously hOld that
MO Compromise, the
'small-degree in N
'•Wisconsin."—tu sat
'Thus % while the erf
Scott n solid bre it
.ater:nten are eafilat
• the Fiee.seilers ma:
. pletely by their got
In corroboration
ground in Otilo,,thet
good man Frtilajt,
"Ihrt is view of I
veered the vision of
ligent voters; impel
wurk of the slavery
lent on resisting it; . .apers.,...
drive back the Irish voters intsi_the fold wh e nce they,
are desirous of escaping, the snuggle will be a bard
onei and the Whigs of Ohio will deserve the high
est honor-if they carry - (as we trust they will car
• ry) their State for Gen. Scott, in November. There
are half • dozen States we can effird to, and prob
ably shell loose,'whicif might be secured by patient,
• qrdet, solid work equal to theirs." '
Is'not this a dreadful picture? "A blinding mist
Teas obscured the vision" ill s° many of ' the people
that they can't see. It is not thesmoke of the bat
tle-Weld, but "a blinding mist,"—a sort of New
foundlerid frig—that obscures their sight which is
really awful to think of.—awful• T —swfull Bin, worse
yet, the Irish want to get - away from the Demoeret•
is ticket, and, with "superhuman rffirts," they, are
drivers beck., What a pitch of 41 **)Putic power the
rascally Denioarate must hive eome in, -when they
pot , pely undertake to "drive back the Irish," but to
drive them back with "superhuman effurtir But
if there are half a dozen other State* which could
be *cured by such 'work as the Scott men are do
log irs Ohio, it is the height of folly to stiffer them
to be lost. Any half dozen Slates in the Union are
' wortkaa much as Ohio, andsthey may all be wanted.
The moral of this Free-soil movement is that The
Whigl party has destroyed-itself by its intrigues
with the unclean spirit of Abolitionism io all its va
rious shades, sod shapes, and mixtjfKations. Sew
ard and his instruments have raised a spirit which
they cannot control; and the great Whig party, by
conniving at his dirty wiiill has sown the wind to
reap the whirlwind. Defeat stares it in the face.
. We see no hope fur it after November, but, a semi
-ration of the sheep frum the goats—the one set on
tie fight-band by the gieetkied the cOnalitatienr
aed the lied the other sit ea the hilt, with
s e wed, and all the 'mottled, piebald, Abilities, !
lide', and Semi reformers of the day.
Y. Harald.
Met Palndite.
The N.Y.. Tams has an ankle Di Guano, eed
the eloquence of Gen. Scott, in which we find tie
following paragiaph:
r 1
“Toe fame of Grn. Scott as an orator, seem ilea
tined to ecl i that be possible, his renown staa
soldier. Who qso point to a speech by Webster,
Fisher Ames, Patrick Henry, or Wirtywhich coil
tains more true leloqUent" more sound convincittg
argument, than the (letterer* rematits, brief as thSy
oere, at Columbus, on the charge ofcruelty to Ger
mans?'• i
- Webster, Clay. Calhoun, Benton, ill, hide noir,
your dituinisi.hed heads. But the est of the joke
is that, the'Colunibus Statesman avers the aforsaid
,speetilh, was never made; that two leading whips
callecrow Gen. Beau at the Neil House, and 'bat the
charge and speech were both manufactured theq).
IL says:
"The speech delivered by Gen, Scott about bang
ing Gerinaris was delivered' in his own parlor at the
Neil House Columbus. Ohi;t. That is to sav,; a
Couple of his friends celled upon him. and told hire
that belied been accused of hanging German.,—la
fa isehoa, by the way)— hereupon the °Potent'
arose and addressed his wu friends with the bur ls .
ing eloquence which ha set Scott Whittled all 4 011
6re. He had a talk th his audierine of two, sod
one of them being regular enthusiasm makee.
manufactured and eported the magniloquence whikh
so far trim-rend any specimen of oratory that ever
before fell fro man's lips. But the best of the
joke is that t e reporter had to manufacture the tc
cusation, a well as the "indignant response"—fur
the chir in the German paper was simply' that he
hadilto fifie, n German soldiers, not ; that he hid
brag em. But the charge must be Magnified lin
orde to justify the "entuseriussy" of thOeply, obi
pr ; uce a fire of indignation equal to what the gen
al felt when he inclined to theopinion that forigirt
era ought out to enjoy the right of naturalisattim
rot ill. I - I
Imp . ortant iDecision:. i 1
Jostice Gibson, of the ;SupremeCiihrt of this
Stale, has just delivered a: sere imporient decisi n
in regartrto the liabilities iif railroads, hi which e-1
takes broad ground. It wee in a case where an • -
tiun was brought to recover the vtalue all a cow rn '
over by a train of cars on the E. i., Itailrupd. Jud ge
Gibson's remark. relative to the opiniun tif the Curt
h t ikioi are as fullowsi i I
• The Charge woe accurate in he outline, but
in he:details. As o has 'trendy beer* said, there WI
no evl,ience of negligence Vin the part oil defendai
in anothei part, he even tusk the !fact fur grim,
"The r.imple .fact," he said, "of ipermittiog,lo
limited time, the cow to wander on the mirth
would not, of itself, be such negligence, as to excu
All negligence on the P.,rt'of the defendiu"st.""
Ilso tbeie been evidence to raise the point, the I
rectum might have .been well enough ; but the •
pficstion of the principle in the,porticuler melon'
was wrong. • ln.Bills re. Brown. 9 C and P 605,
was ruledth in ca s of accident withcarriges,
shipsonut I negligence, if contributive to the i
jury, bear an scion fur ft--aprinciple enforced
this coo `in Siniuson vs.llar‘6lh Wharton, 3
But it/was erronious to! predicate it of 0 case
which the negligence lee all on the !side of
plaintiff. . .
Ile farther charged thelltry that, "if - the plain
knew his cow was wandt4ing on the railroad; it
his duty to drive her theiehi.m. Ije hail no ri
to su ff er her to be there, end if he sulieripd it. kin
ing her to be these, he wai guilty of such mglige
as would prevent his receivery. But if his corw C
belly draildered away, being us
restrain her, the simple if e ct of, her below on
track wonid not excuse the defendant's niegtigen
Nuw, the (leaking of 1111 grlqUilitgil l imputat
of negligence. and the igeoratice of the cow's w
about., the turtling point of tie cause is the roo
the error. As the loss the property is hot a
ally for the ouilier's supi tutees in the care of it
what . acconnt is his ignu Ince of its jenlisrdy?'
irresponsibility of a rail ay company , for all
negligence or 'Wanton i "ury, is, a necesilly•of
creation.- A trttin roust mere the time necese
to fulfil its engegements with the post Ace and
naseengers ; and it mos be allowed tn fulfil' t
at the sacrifice of dory interests OW. in
.....7„..ti..4.-...shi not fit t them at att, "The
iota of "salti• pile!'" ould be' invetted, and t
paramount affairs of the !public would be post t
to the petty concerns of the individuate. •
Every obstruction of 4 railway is unlawful, is
c'ierons and abatable attthe cost of the anther o,
owner of it, without reg rd to his ignitrauce o in•
teuition. It may seem c ttel to make a; dumb b ute
loafer for the - fault of it owner, but it, must re
membered that the lives of human beings-are tit t to
be weighed in :the earnscale with the lives id - •
farmer'sorl gyakier's'a ick; and that !their preker
ration Is not to be left o the care .irhich t s r
takes. 4 his uncared for att le. Allowing 'her
prowl fur theirfood. be ay not wash :his band
the of it. In a country on 'Autos
4; the charge 4 indi ff ur nce:to human safety, iti
high and holy charge 0 the coitus to Rohl to 11
deny, ant only those,to
. hunt it is imie4distelv el
mitiod. boot:aliai those b whose defaults it may
reinotely,endaitgered, a d to hold them hard.
i i,
ere of *Anton that an her of cattle, killed to on)" Orilroad, haf,ir recourse to the c risp
orits Nervihp.; that he i liable for dainage dun
them to the'tompany orits paisengerit."
'Judgment reterseJ. , , I
, ,
rpm doe "lain' Gamut..
Tostimotry of onothgr 01no:r of the
\ war.
We call dieanent of our cif iseils to th e
losing leiter, wr itten the' • • !Ulu!) of
(smote •
',laetrile, by Col. George! T. ' lloghet, who ass
a resi4hnt urnur alio! lookire Whore,' pa'
till real to amuuest •
"He (Gen. Pierce) possesses . many of the
and mete qualities which were, as chitracterist
Gen. Jackson, (lOW that is th'e highes) oomph&
i can pay to any living man.) ispetfially that
firausese. sincerity and honesty. A mire sit
and honest MAN Ulan Franklin Pierce, e
His opinions are freely expressed on, ail . ti
subjects, and he always means - whit It say
There le nu inctmsistertey. when pre ly et ,
stood, id any of the acts of his life, pi • srprt_ _
lie never deceived any man.o..mor w man either.'
The blast of hi* trumpet hteter We an un certain
seised.' Hence I would be *Olio to over fronti s niy
personal knowledge of his elm reeler, (in.depender •
-ly of the conchisite evidence/which has been prit
duced of the falsity of the se iisation.) that it l Jas.`
possible tbeil the aws *this amber aid toe brol eof
the chivalrous Cul. Beiii in Pierce could be Ely
thing else than a brave *non. -That •he is tide is
well known to all- wit served with his* in the Oex •
scan War. ,'
It was not my C;rtune to have been with fif , in• in
the trying scene . in the valley - rf Heiden: but I
well know wit bits repatation was smotigiq my
brother officer .. ne of Whom (of the old army) re
centiy told te, that chile his company (of the
mounted r . es) was engaged; at Contreras, pushed
up slim. under the formidable batteriel of the en
emy, it. Twiggs was standing near him, *ten a
snore nt of a portion of our troops was obseirved ,
her. by an officer oti horseback, directly exp o sed
to the murderous dm of it battery of 24 guns—balls,
bineshella and grape shot were falling thick and fast
ou the devoted column, yet on they moved, regard
less of the pelting of the iron worm, and as their
ranks were thinned, those in the rear took the Places
of the fallen,. So cool, so collected, so compact was
the movement, as if on a - field or day parade, that
the veteran Twiggs, carried away with his martial
enthusiasm, exclaimed. 'By Heaven, it iathe gallant
3dr Presently the commanding officer was seen to
fall with his horse, when it was ascertained to be
Gen. Pierce, and that the leading rigiatent was the
14ilt infantry, (a new regiment.) under the brave
IRansom, (whose life wee lust on the field of battle.)
i instead
-of the gallant 3d. To hilly appreciate the
compliment of Gen. Twigge, we m tat bear in mind
that the 3d infantry was one of the most distinguish
ed veteran regiments. and had covered itself with
glory in every battle of the Mexican war, excepting
that of BMW Vlislet i in which it was not engaged."
ET Th• New Hampshire Patriot is ieformed mat Hr.
Webster lately gave ariviee to a Imes' whit of 'bullish).
eehstasually as Wilms :
••TMM is so orb* pony bib k Waft
If yes Irbil to ba say bott, yes nen bo • illoamoopoi"
&it Meld
or NEW 111APalltlitt.
Dementia Electoral Ticket tar-Peaarylnni►,
witiumoluTt — . ;Vrereas.
rETRIII Loa a „
Hroant H. 344itria.
3. Joa• Mo.Lca,
4. P. W. Porzion.
S. 11411111% ArCsr. Jr..
G. Atu. APPLY.
7. I 4 OltiesectAno.
8. Ana'*. Firms,
S. Donn Forms.
litita• err IN !Arm
11. Joan Ill'ltirrnoLne.
It. PAanen thaws.
G. W. WOQDWARD, of Luzerne ouaty:
WM. HOPKINS, .of ashingtou County.
aeon* R sder, Esq.
Ii will be seen by an advestlisement In Una papers of
the distriet; that thilsgentlensais has bean berseght Out by
his friends as a taudidats fir Congress. With this
movoraest Mr. Cstkr had so eoneeetioe—it ie purely a
spontenesms tribiste of his pefhotral friends. who desired
to manifest ithisio *Sneer tistor appreciation of him as
a gentleman sad a Wiliam It Ina been said that his aft
tionneemeot oe the sin of the !feeds. is a "lolofMro
Wick." bat we beg leave to say that there le:nothing of
this character is it. Mr. C's.l fri-nda wished to as •his
name aid although it was mu agatest his inclinanon.ho.
could net foliose the request ' sacs be was brought oat;
and this Is the whole story. *hat Mr. C. is better'quali
lied in every respect for thepist be is named fOr than ll*
opponent. Mr . Dick. ne ens who knows the two men
will fora moment deny ; but h iwbether he ear be elected
in a district so thoroughly w 1 g as this. is anotbei quesj•
L 7 It. Democr■tic rally at the Cot Mem
or Mopday ceasing. Mora's Smith ■ud &gnostic et, aro expected I. b. Present and addrese Abair
brothers in Pennsylvania.
' Eris do,demy.
The Flientination of the students of. the Academt
will ihrionyence en IThereday nest and naafi lee throneh
Friday, The Tooehrre would be pleased to ewe present
the peened of doe wheel sed i etbirre. .
Walker, Skinner Trilunphent, •
We ere pained to leer' hi were of .er musses Who
hive returned, front the Be , laU Coed, that ear tit est
ers reed weal slot—that the a who hese bee. eo lois
sad/store to *boar ei iaj sties egoism the reed bete
seeeerdetio itecoatplishieg t sir purpose. The, Attor
ney Closers, ha. Woe forced yield is the outside pres
sure: sod lies announced hi driernaimatiee to Wes the
asiessery papers immedietel The rout thee well hare
to r stop. sad the hopes es ~ d sad fetidly cherished by
lbe public of a . railroad eon eetion with the west this
winter. are blighted 1 - Thor is "to hope new but In rho
Legioleturs. and Erie coin , . we fear. will awed thesis
repreoetitatives as deadly , hip to our western reed fis
men cab be. it is well k a that Simmer belong, to
the firm, or rather party. 104 have se isidestriteady welt
ed snit', die Pitisliergb sit or to defeat Um Franklin
Canal Company's road. an d tie fair to infer that, If Ow
ed he enters the Seesto f 4 the porticos of continuing'
the War. Of Kelso sad H the same ;inctjlio said with
equal trnth—tbrry are an* body anibro•chos to tbo
eats of the Western tied ! The western part of
the +linty. therefore. have I:wiling to hops fees Item.
It. i 4 itilver..Meesre• Derrich,,u. Haskinoon. sod McKee
should. by any possibility, IM slictsd. them is • chance
left. AU of thous ws beleive. an 'warier, in favor of
transferring to the Illnahisry reedlike Frsuklia Cies'
_Compels'', road to the Ohio lino. and thus, while Ahoy
semi. to 'Erie a West? re connection. give to ths_ Stew
th gh IMO of her owe eorporetioaa the control of the
trade sad travel of the Wont. Hach a measure would
Mee evil the Banbury road such capital, both is.aritrila
blimeass and is importance in the commercial world,
that its speedy coinsnonconiont acid conipleuoi Would be
socureirbeyead • coatingency. .. .
- -
, '"37 "Never kick soul rm are spurred" it • good
&ninon la polities as well as ia horsemanship. 'Pertilips
"Peter G. Egerman. Jr . Charles Oalli■rd sod Cherie.
Gaillard Jr." who sign a mini -in the last Contemn-lid as.
setting list their names were seed by the **Erie Mitr
e*, on Pierce committees" iM Fairview township without
their knowledge or consent_ hod heeded it they would not
placed themselves is such a,ridieskins positive beds» the
pulibe. *either a their amines appeared in the Mary -
er "tenons the pemeedisp ei the Gem...nth' meeting in
I fill -
le rl
i e
I tits
The Independent Ticket
The !lam presoaked le the people of Erie eousiy :
advertisement is twi whir peepers—the C4osiegsiii4 he
—is is epr mind a good fee. We know °-
welly meet of this geatlememeompoeiog it. amid gh
mealy all are whip. we have se timiuttioe at
we shall vete for them. met bemire* they are/of
lea* hurl. but bees.** 'kiwi good twearbestaese they
ere **boom sod capable." apd because they rely epee
ibe parity of their poet lives , for thei,Mirtificate .of cha
racter. Instead of irpoity emireotios: Asd we -ads our
fries& titroogitimat the cousty—mild when we say friend's.
We do set meals our pellucid fries& alone. bet theist we
pereeitelly esteem el all parties—to . weigh this ticket is
t he biasses. sad wo ars mere they will out gad it waist •
Mg. Lem than this we tssld sot say, ter malty .1 the
residents's. us we hero mud before. we llama sad esteem.
sod more woiW be tiametuiuiry.
[ ere
Gazette and Judge Woodward. •
tper ceases to be honest, it reuses tow re.
id it ought to cease to have blesses is an
tenity. This is jest ti • pordicaineat of the
Giulia hi regard to Judge Wood•ard. The Girsette,,
lumina that the extrart it quotes from ledge Woodward's
letter of Soptember 6. 1851. is • garbled extract—a hire
extract—a franil7,Pronounced so by the judge himself
is a letter publui4d in the last Oiserter ! - It ktiews,
too. that the speech, upon which it rests, its charge of
NINIVtilllll, has been Pronooneed a fraud by the same au
thority—that it is sot a la \ ir report of what the Judge did
say in the Convention. and that be has 'repudiated its
seatiments time and •gainonce on the wiry 110.4' ripen
which it is said he promulgated his native doctrine. It
knows further that Judge Woodward refused a seat in
the Senate of the United State*, rather than seemtusb to
to the dogmas of Netiveism—and that, too, a few.menthe
after the mkt, Grand Jury of Erie county, backed up by
the Erie Gazette—a paper film and wore the wren of the
*hiss of this county. proclaimed their determination 'to
alter the - naturalization laws Yet in the fees of the
knowledge of thes@ facts—in the very teeth of the tights
of troth and history—it persists in adhering to. and pro
mulgeting its films enamel; against the Judge. ' There
was • time. it in said. when a public defamer wu'liable
to have hie ears crapped. It is welt !for the ears at the.
Editor of the Gaselie that this pesalty is not Inflicted now.
Q A Luse. Rims an.—Tht* N•diaital fistatligescor.
a few 440 ago. pablialtotl the *pooch of Mg, Ciarail
of Philadelphia. is Savor of Goa. Boom bat. without coal.
most of Giese. oat oat that poetise of it which peettooill
Gota..tiortio wiilt hems opposed uusligkres tolotatala
Nov Halaribir!. Wilat Aim the Oap* 1111.4 of ilietl
OF A1LAD4131.4,
_ -1.
I Jowls Cuomo% Roatisoat
41. nasty gravity
11 /amps Ihniartioa.
11. 1111 A we.sult,
loans III'llostag",
. W. 11. emntax,
.511 , 6111EW
13. Jots. B. Weausavr.
13cootaz It. ILltliarrir.
The Naval* of boil
The Whigs 'maid est deterinieed to elect Gee. Scott
ky freed, avid they have steed ily paneled their' arielsel
iteteatree from that day to the present, time. F.m4 false
limed that rascality or perfidy could Mesa* against Gen.
Fierce has bee. plat in ciritelation. Every pretext for
aseseltiag his repaiation. every OXCUNI fee misrepresent.
Mg his position. has been fully embraced. until now, - ,
when met and confronted in all of them, they an drives
to lbs pitiful maw of sendiog an emissary to New Hemp
'hill, te primers false certificates from men by coercion.
sad whoa dray could not be procured in that wayeef bold
ly Slll•sofacteriog them out of the whole cloth. Of this
',seesaw are the esruficame now (eine the rounds of the
orbit papers signed by Irish names in favor of Gen. Scott.
sad deeenciatury of Geo. perce In miming them. the
Concord Petrie& printed Spun the spot. sere they origi.
Sated in freed. were concocted in fraud. and are aged for
n fraudulest purpose. These certyficatee represent that
the Democracy have done nothing, showing themselves
ill rain* of removing the' religiose test from the Continue.
lion—that Gen. Pierce has made no seen* for that par.
pose. mud that the Federal party h•voishovvik thews lees
- mimosa favorable to that objeet. 7 .4l of which represents.
delis every intellyeet man in the ementry knows to lkii
fittee. Statements to this ett•et pnrpen to be signed by
"Cathithe citizens ," of Co rd; Manchester . Dover sad
flashes. It is kairen that ay of the rigouts's* le them
were fraudulently obiitioed; It Is known that many of
-them are Liporioos. no such emu living lu those places:-
Ird it leftmost' that)scerSs i of those who do live there. are
person, who have been in the cowry beta short Unto;
Soo know nothing &Poet the wetter in regard to which
they are made to uglify. And such statements. the.
1 Ogusd, are now being paraded before the Catholic voters
.f other States to cheat their, into "Oita( fol\a men who
has proclaimed himself the originator of a party whose
,solo principle is hostility to foreigners and a detvitutin*-
.tion to exclude them from - all tbetfights of ellisenship!
•- W e do not blame the signers of these docamento'for
the fiend whieh has been- thee:perpetrated. - The, see
the victims of 'native 'willies". men who have 'Ter beon
the worst enemies. to foreigners-.;.men who instigated
and appleaded . the baruiurof Cell:olio churches and the
inoreteriog of Catholic citizens in Philadelphia. ar.d who
hays ever fraternized with the Native AtUtifICIIIII faction
and proclaimed their contempt and heetit4 towards
Adopted cluzens. Deceived by the lies and sinful proles--
8u o' of each lemx.themi Irishmen have been iodated to
sign statements that are fake in seer, itiaterial respect.
and without !wowing their purpert. The Odin Demo-.
ctad. in regard to thaicertifil•ete obtained 11051as:chewer.
'epithet the following fact' CJA be shown:
lat. That tunny simples are attached theruth. totally
"Wheat the knowledge or commuter their, leartuf elegem,
' 21. "Iltit stymy ethors,were elnainoit by antic
preeeatottous. nut Duly of matters t evolved. bet also. of
the' purloin of the document itself. 1
That where migneii ff adder the coercieg of Cur
pentium despotism.
hob. Thou Woe than a down of Ahem are legal voters.
sth. That eons, of them have mot been in the country
three months.
6th. That enemy of them are Democrats. who will like
the earliest cppwristigy nibuke thi 'them which nu
ectipulaits scosudrels have taken with their names.
-We have s letter. (rum Dover. tits tarsier of which says
he hen it from the mouth ef use of Oto oversews in a
manufaciurtig ostablialiment • there, that he compelled
the /risk/goo is his Ow* oimplorOsni to sigh de sesta-
ALM Ay Otediewing to cfaszAorgo- Lissa —As said "(key re
Is she er taps their walking Hisses:" The writer soya
that most of 'thewsaesidiug here. whose mantes ere at
to the iDuter steteuissit. are in the euiploymeut o f
the illaeufactgring Company. and thit some - of the ovelr
were *peaty but that they can make Whig voters out of
the irt.hmett l
roeut, •ud t
trot• they
cruder diem by pre.guising them employ,.
resuming to disr.b . arge them if tker du iibt.
nit iorderea: :
Appended o that 'Cousord certificate is an affidavilpur
porous to be 'steed by !hie, of,the men wbo signed - tlie
former stale rut of Christopher Hart mid others. They
ars new Mad lit_liffOr that they never Slimed or anther;
Sled their seems tribe esgaed to that stetement. To phew
the deeeptive character of this atlidevit it is only lISCOO.
BOXY to *Sy that thcreare,freqesist cases of two men binar
ies the Janie roam: ond this is the juges in regard
to one of there. if hot all The men *Wish/Mid the state- ,
,nionl of C. tlart and others, 1 m net tholgumaz who alias
this affidavit. but another of the same Beanie And dist /
ma be the case witlialt. At any rats.ithe men whoa*
so es are attached to the first statensentjall signed It Oh
• felt keowlodge of its purpoft. or authorised - otherite
sign, kw thew. This can be fully proved. •
We-learn ferther.that attempts are flow being Mad*
to geh the Irishmen employed on the blowel Railroad_
in sign .one of these certifiestea. There some eight
bsedred there employed. men who hive en in the State
zi,./ e
hat a short time, at.d Soma of thorn Ityrp not f ees io...tini
conatry ‘ a )ear. Yet overseers sped this rook 'belie et*
plied to infloeace these men to s) go a oiatoisoccit.ol facts
about which they know isithimpt andis ty probehiti
that it will be dons. TAs aciiodosetais u l.
iit' ' 'circuital(
bisinaos. are moo who ifaraiocn open atiCalciolatatiat their
tippostiiox c's tits obol'ittoa* du religioWt. noting actil
talking in" furor If asyriaatiors, upon a; .
80Cill Of, the means eard to obtain sigiimb r res to these
' 4 reg certificetes. / iind such is the tvatteiony relied *poi
to cheat the Catholic voters of other +ate. into voting
for Scott. Aid what a gross insult it Wile the intelligitat
portion of the loreign voters of ikl. eolntry, to suppose
I that.they / Cau be iufluenced by such a loalemptible mud
fraadelent 'chem.. It allows p l a i n l y phe low estimate
ellit z ji federal poliil.:inne,plime epos the charactct of these
vo i le's; and if such maniere worthy the name' of free
men., they will rebuke those beam derlivigotutis by acting
1 I
like freemen when the day of ammo copies.
I . Tel ••Itusiente•
iiirtar !tales thit tlra Lawrinhee Maas
ay of Illessitehripetta, has desla
BI dividens of four per-Bost. - Asd y
Mir Tariff raleedl Eight per emu. a y ris net enough
10 the Lairrences sad Appleton. P r talking! they
ern-worth only froM nee totwo million ; itatth: and eight
per Witt. won't keep them from unarm Pile es the
Tariff for their benefit; Make our Wrier men pay
higher prices kir easisient. and esliew a d sasslianake
her foraseni aid rosebush:is pay attire f Iwo arid steal.
True. the-pear laboring wan has tort an/ work itycied
and clothe his family sit prevent prices. mid bat few farms
yield over fopr per tieut. yearly: bat wetter fur that.
The andele, the ariffecrecy must be en oda te. ”Up
pertemiona" is in disuses. The Tan is 'too low. Only
eight per sent. How - esa Lawman* li erre eighty thee.
sand defiers. the interest et a willies eight per emit?
"If you have mars to shed." *pea the saidgates said-let
them Misr! Cry till year eyes beinian• as Ind a beets.
•ad WWI. Mai till your throats beret. If this divideed
of few per coot, for sin swathe does net unary you that
the country is reined past recovery. ahead • few whig
Peale klestiag mid yea will Wittily °satiated.
' QT ANOTllltil Clarion De
eOllllllOll des prompting, of a martiar Mehl is that pees
oil ilia 7th all at which Mr. Kirk. Ep.. of Corflawing.
eamo out sod romanced Ins Whig prinitiples. which he
had always previously 114itaillP11. Ws espy the &Wiring
from the pomading, of Ike meeting:
r•Mr.kurk. is hie 'cornettist., stated that he deslitted the
Whig end jollied the Domeerame party .n the, Ereiand of
'minim's* rile party with which he had acted had
changed end anthill. could be sees" of principles is it
were embodied in the Democratic platform. which ie as
sualteraele a. the laws of the Mides end Persians. He
made borne happy allesiens to the operations of the whig
petty. with witch he was feminist, and declared he
would where than ••spit upon the platform"—he would
reject, the man thatermforred relofftasnr• to stand epee
it. He was heartily cheered by the Democrat,, who
besot the wise man, who. seems his error. 'hang's.
(German.) a daily stentral paper, has declared far Piero,
mud Kum, and calls upon the Germans to support the
candidates and the principles of the Democrittic party.
ET The “Riregit Nan" is still harping epos the (M
*am. setwithaianding it asserted last we'll It weak!
has. nothing mien to de with us. Perhaps this is mews
fiti it has eoraioly had Wet two strings to play on
toast skies it started, and It would lie s pity to *prim
Unit ooloolitrity. of goo of ties,
its delta
that the
its forair,
■ay. it
and bite
that wh
wonder ,
of '
What Is
UPS nes
amass ea
tattoo I
h. epa
_ iy." We charge •that the En. Gersys did ap
prove of this measdre. dad coaateitssee it. sad he show,
that it approved. isoseteaaueed .ad upheld it, did hunt
ip as old Made* Anteriese address mid publish it foe the
purpose of giving a more &nailed stateipent of its pew-
lies. We charge that this semi Erie GaialA that was
the organ of the whip of Ens Asia is their orgen. new/
We 'charge farther, that its course thee Met the appre
bation of the whigs of Ene, and we know that it has n.-
von Wee repudiated since •by word, deed or act! We
know Nether that when the present Editor stepped isle
the east off shoes of G. J Bell. Eng ...the Iforsmns ef•tbe
Whig Greed' Jury referred to. he assusnaueed that then
would be so them' in the - political course of that paper.
thereby tacitly eadontog lad adoptiag the (*gaily with
all its sins and imperfections on its head. Mors. 'too,
the Gazettes artiale of three weeks slime. denouncing ■a
adopted citizen for having dared to adgresie Danincratic
meeting of his fellow adopted Giusti*. is replete with the
s■me spirit. overflows with the same gall sod wormwood
at bitterness. as the article's we have quoted from iii col
umns iii Wit As the geutlemaa assailed said, it chows
bast the flesh is still willing. bat the spirit is weak—and
the spirit is Weak only because adopted citizens now have
votes to give—thee they had 'sore: But the Gdszeile was
not akin, in its iheeenciatioa of the ••hordes of foreign
Catholics" at that three—the sleepy old ekrunids .was
snake upon der subjeet.though it might have been asleep
upon•everyether. At the same tiine:--iiideed, we believe
it was the very same week =that the Gassers stigmatised
the Citholics as a •iiiiiass of igoormsco. supsrslitiost, end
prejediee."ite twin its whiiery and 'iati seism...the Chron
icle, called them the “scant of Burope." impiessly giv
ing it as'the belief of the editor that the •'evil one had real
ly possessed hisiseg of most el the slave holders. all the
abolitionists. radicals. and scan of Earepe."
Bet here is tile 'street itself--read it:
" It seem is though the evil one bad really possess
sed himselt of most of the sieve holders. all the aboli
tionists, CATITOLI i'atteslo. end scum of Europe,
sod has seecessfelly l icombintid and marshalled thous, au. •
will eieniwally defeEt all the greet principles of astioi I
policy upon which oar prosperity. asa nature. isnder God.
depend." -
• Now then, here is a wltig Grand JitrY io 1: —the
forewiln of which was GI 3: Balt, since Ed ur of tat,
Geutte under its peeitelif proprietorship—c tog for an
alteration of the naturalization lowa. Tat call is sus
tained by the audio —sustained., too, o league,' the
vilest of the in approval suiting oil hearty ! And
that course is seal sustained •u:l esponded to by the
CArisaicte. &Bolivar organ of the igs of Erie county.—
Under these eircueitstances, is'nt it the height
artful dodging" in the w. to &aim that the whig
patty mod its organ, the Gazette. are i iiiiteceut of the
charges we have mad sod pieced, aEniast thein,lie
csuse there is a new an at the Editorial pen.- %Vs did
not .make our ch gee against bias—;we made them
'spinet ,his party nd their paper—tkeisl organ, the Gs
-tette I Now t the gilled jade wince :"
.11:.ggin in the Hairy. •
The -Ifo owing tsetses hocibly alsatestee the ruinous
snit de e uctive folly of abolishing Begging in our navy,'
/ pious ilolhtis is ?no of the few facers of die instal
seryior whose conamind has ativ aye been. sought after
tottth by *Seers and ,Men„ ou account of the just. homane
'and of the ship* in his charge; sum
under the ancient regime when the law pargaiuiag the
lash was &bent a delso letter.
Tho condition of the Cyan' proves that it is not th
sib which is wanteui , but the right kind Of wen to cow
wand our ships.
U. 8 SLOOP op' Was Criqtr..—the Norfolk Ares de
scribes eu interesting exercise .on board, thus vessel on
Member, which toOk place_ at the instance of her gall int
commander. Capt. 0: A. Houtu.. All the men ware
marshalled is battle array by Lies' Hurst. amt
performed the-seireral duties assigned , them with irriutli
promptitude and 'skill. A revu:or broadairte - was fired
from the big guns. add 01/01111/OUS of !warding and repel
ling the enemy.. were executed in fine spirit. The Clone
11111 the OPhMli ern:client eos.ilitiou from stern to stern. and
her erow - inaidunratile discipline. while no I afloat
cal 64-4 Of 'noir golloot officers. On Sunday atovot
one hoodred of her anro..ROCIV dreamed, with their "offi
cers. attended church in Norfolk. in a body.
Reader. when yoa hear an opponent of the indpendent
Ticket pail it ••• locofueo trick"—an argument oni• used
by fools ied k . —just bear ii in mind that it is a good
iodination of r dishonest man to be always suspecting
reighbor,ol trickery. The harlot always rails out altsinst
the virtue of her ses—the thief is sure to 'aspect hie
neighbor of • like offeuce • and the coward 'is well con
gincedlevery body else is as much of • pahroon as him.
self. RecePoct these facts. then. when you hear the over
airiness :bags ream/Lout spinet the Independent Ticket
a. ••leei44:o trick." aud ipply them: You will hit the
ease ansailv.
&eine/I'i Re.
tenni Compi
ed,• semi-aims-
whirs "test
braver man. says the Boit& Ceerier, ore more ac
complished. talented and successful commander. is not to
be foetid in any country. than General William S. Har
ney. of'the old line of the army—the intrepid. dashing.
aua the determined leader of the Dragoons. into Bte hot
test of *Teri fight. when their Cervices could be aly way
available. Ho was ens of the the compenion-in-arms of
General Frank Pierce. in Mexico. and 'acne better able
to attest his worth. Getters! Ha •on his late visit to
New York. was invited/If meet the Densoentey is Tam
many Hall,` and express his soutinsents we the tepies of
the day. - With.. delicacy aid sense of propriety worthy
of all praise. , he deained mixing is the' strife. se long aa
he holds's military commission—though his sentiments
are in their entire length emit breath. identical with those
of the Democratic party. bd promulgated in Tammany
Hall—a party which in every war has stood by their coun
try and its brave defenders. (while. the Federal *hire
opposed thein.)—the same Democratic party which me
man'weithy of a commission sad the epaulettes that he
Wears. can ever willingly be separated from. Theeon
chiding sentence of this brave and consistent pettier.
letter to , the Tammany Committee o is as follows.
"le a word. its peatiotente. (Tammany Hall;) which
has ever been the Democratic programers sentiment. ha.
over been my sentiment ; and cuutd my enatcience per•
iii we to lay maids the scruples which interdict. me from
the active participation in the coming Presidential con
test, there it no building in the Union where I would ra
ther promo!"e the devotion I entertain for the principles
of the Democratic party. and bear testimony to THE.
TINY. Nosut. oo Datums. eitI.LAPIT CHARALTeR ON FRANK•
LIN PIERCL or New HAMYSHIRI. wino was Beall se-
Lig`TUD AS MI STANDARD MKAIRKIII, I have the honor tube
Your folio , " tilrirll,,
Cul. Second Dragoons. and
. • Brevet Brig Geo. U. S. A."
Rants* Dusty.—While ScuttwasatCleveland he
was eery mach troubled with mod and rain, but whoa
he 'get down ttirtitliteothe it wss the desist that "earns
between the wind red his nobility." At the fitter place.
while he was ideresping the adapted. citizens who bad
fat owed hit ••coreren carn•ffe" some tins in the crowd
asked hint if be had always cherished a respect for esti
arm of foreign birth ! The ghost of his notorious 'Reed
letter and the *.indignatien" which ones *.Bred" him at
hie parlor ie tho Astor Howie. seemed to overpower his.
and leidniog ant to bear the laikoiry. he (dosed hi• very
ilk, brief reinarke. y sayiet he alp} noise up, /MIMI VI
I"Let taw thaw has wino....
Gemits should writhe seder Der exposer, of
motion of adopted Milieus a kW years *nee—
I -galled jade should wince" undercoat exhibit,'
hate of Catholics—is sot to be woaderediat—
I•ald ye a Weeder if it did not writhe sad @earl.
wolf, is hdpoteat rage as it has deem. We say.
' • ,we do not wonder at seek a eoems. we dii
I •
t its attempt to plead the baby mg. sea bar to its
ad doings at Me time referred to. What is it.
Nothing more or lei, then Mgt the paper • tioi
• by the N' persona. This is the smallest piece
'in extant."' direct atteamm toevade theisiee:—
the assail,' We charge that the Erie Gaulle—the
the Whig party is Erie cue nty—did. io 1104. de
er adopted citizens as a •-horde of foreign Ca
as • **mass of iris/ranee, superstition sod pre-
We charts thot the Whig Grind Jury. in the
. did call aeon Congress to alter oer saturah
a, es that so man eoeld be naturalized tiniest
"reed sad write the .Engtish languitie under-
Locofoco Trick"
The Voioe of Gen. Harney.
Political bards**
We understand that one of the or, ton-rat the k is
lub. a• Saturday might, urged upon Demo orou , the
is . .
comity of vutieg for Skinner; dm regular whig s omas,
fur kinder. fur the mike of their local interests: sed
know that runners is the employ of the 'big j ob's .,"
untembmely arra' the same roams open *sr D oitioi.
tictrytuud o . Now. we Ea not knew how others may tick
upon this, bat it strikes Gems the coolest piece of p o l ti.
ail impedeaiee of the mama. Leek at it. fellow D oe ,
erste Yoram askedae tote for Mr. Sitieeet k 00 ,' 04
your local interest defused it. :Sy (hie eoliew tit tam
rote it is school - Visaged dint you have an letterset-0o
y.fu hive a voice—in this coulomb Now were ye s oft.
asked In the nomination othlr. Skinner's By so m ous ,
Tun bad ae voice in it-the jetito that decider:l4 44s
Skierier should "follow is the footsteps" of Wait, '
rev thought of remit "local interims" when they met
event . conclave at Waterford. and if there wa s i v 4 ,
a prc•peret of his defeat year !option would a%
rovidfird=-it would be 'spained es and ! m ut
of thy men that are sew whining for year rota, two
repeeitedll proclaimed. wham they thoerht the tr i o
of the junto was oronipoteet. that they would hot sepp t
"10-fio-fo-co sapper t." hithe! Of thorn built/mem*
likelier erodes , the number—their brother va t ,
bareansh they permitted their names to be seed is m ow ,
thin with those -if Democrat& is onlectieg ear
pal oricent: Do you recollect last Byrring, key e t "
pawl alma. who sie new se' limes to have 'sole app al
for Bkinner. on brat and intereeird" grossed& 'w o w
their, anathemas ; against such whip) as united le gigo t.
to thy Demean** voice in our municipal affoire t h „
their teas has changed seer! The Democracy haws
oireJus is this eity!—whigery acknowledges it—bet gun
'Oefii as it always wishes to be of the • "dear people s
rights.' it chooses who shall represent your *local rates
&us', at Harrisburg without threshing coo of * i p oi
the nobjeet. Now if them men: are sincere in their•ou t y.
disaihip of year "local iatereste." why nAtirs ~w i t ,
reit+ in cheating the g.erdisa! Why not Imre comm.
'ed the Democracy ii reakig the nomination. Did th e y
do tilde? No! they pointe d est the man. one too sera
abnizionstso the Demean", thee nary ether man fa its
bounty save Walker. andthea they raise a hoe sad in
abott "local interests." Monier to gat pm t o sop ,
him! Now Democrats. don't be deceived! The ay
afri&knoo. the iarioproadreat esedidate. is at
meinitifiue—got op for the purpose of electing Skittle *
Stuff O i ertietuaung the Walker dynarity, aadgiriag m o t
its life to the " kat House Clique" again. Sit.
reettect, nothin else. shdeW deter Dem:wets eh
have anj Teepee or thiir principles from voting for >lty.
Der; For yea he has rode times with whip endue
at .Ivory ele inn; and he only now totem's' his kiosk
it rota basest, be th.i4o odogivir dtfreiag
SCOTT STIRITICht Y Nionsrracrvoso.-11*.
always been forzioso for lio ossoofactore
leo. and if the whit pipe= of that city staid
b. soots benonsoleamons or tem tuckasissi
nesetnres. For hiatuses. the Jetsme of that (Hy alp
ISOlilerd the other day. we a ;ratifying sign. that ia sw
store—ihe !Hewn. A. A. Mason 4 Co.—there wen
tee lt Scott sines to two for Flores and Sas fOr Hale. It
tarns out. however; that there are bet deeps vines is As
stn e. as we learn from the Union. This processes's*.
oftictorittg Scutt strength is oitnewboto.fter the ousts
of he ••Hellaw township? roceipt.
Ran, Road Tairttini.
s ro
t LED Pposain will be received the of the raw
, Irursh and Inci KJILI toad cousin' q. at New Caine 114411 6
O'CitAt It r. !nl of trey. *lh km Inv grading and eri.:glug oratno
ill !idles of the road. Nano aud awe 'Clamming w Wool
a r the Lists. ' TNIONIA.i J., WILL
et II 1%11 N. Ida ' r if. WM.
' -.. LB: 0 01:TATTY PAIa. 11131001111/ 111:1111011 ----.
4 . 2 1.04 ;lc 1 . o:I aEU Llat.k. *oak pleastire mita:matte to the as
401pupulattou-o4; Ctn. eouuty (isle bal,atee of nutty) it disia ,11.
Cloned) that they are this Ity opening the rictirst •u.l arcs
sink of splendid Llians.rail and vases mg Jewelry; Eme l
lli:11 4.1
Vt . te, riAlver Ware. act.. estii bristight to Owe ni.iricri Tre
4,.. 4 ~...tch arrant( sum by and theeinlbition o ttca.tar..
ettlilltetts.sisinner&Ml t:beere. lilteaus/„ awl suicit Wes
l , tables, hews at an fea,t,i64,.? 1.01.04 L 1 t . . 4 11litilit. the lair ior de
btt ant,- of t,,e season. at our *lore. Illbrie we plaait 4 twill a
ali **lover., of the but ar -.. • id ••atiattr, nut Ulte bea.1.104:
A. utmatice (lee , awl a aum i tt, .••• f•amt-4...b
,out ab t;
ase. i
ea ly.
.. 4. 1 Ilyt. II 1-.1.1 .
j r • .:(Iy4o
t A..AL D .
AR J. L. AND INRS. w Airy would trader th eir Arr.,
fell and f t ticerc Mauls t the large unitiher of ladies and gess,
inch, iunu Kt kinstly a el& many alited in seorthing for Ile^
c lif Id. on the alteriwyo of Taestl.iy. Whilst oinerialied at 11111 R.
co ery of their etujill. diary are deeply serwthle of ibe übligiimw
it,) ate under ,to heir fellow car/rot, (fries& awl strasesit:
tot their u 4 peace ti. Eric *Kt 9 Int. ictt
0 ilk., , dependant Voters of Brio county.
T view or i the dospostiodn sbowu by the Mueslis various , poi
l'of Use °Warty to support 'are as a cuadtdate kw the .111ce of
Rh off, I have concluded to scqutesce us their a ish..uhd beady
ay lor myself a causlidate for your suffrages for that office
rubor°. Oct. A, lift— wet ' .1 % All ‘.S H. CA +4 ruFA.L. I
'LSO BLACKtibIITIIOI.-1 am tio;ir receiving a (wart uo:11 of
, -Je Iron and Sleet of all ktads,aud slurs. a Lie Ants 5 , ,, lo genera
lows,. stuck and Dies. eledges. Simonsen, Horse sit es a , ...1 bash.
MittAls Castings. Br.usr. Hutt and sand' Roods. Ike.. kr.. warn
a ill be sold at the igasss ligu. tr. 1:1 au VIL:e likkli.
1170 all u hum it ashy cottceru— lf yea wish to buy Hardware
I. Cesar. dune fail 114 call at No.
.3 Reed House.
rairolet. IF le3t—tl RUFUS REIM
Vt.ZoLLaNS rest ca.. steel Aces. Warranted, ate lethal&
s *Lou each at the Cheap Hardware store.
ile Ir. 9 '32 tr — RUFUS REED.
etVE. Her. Soma and Pig Lend. area line at
Mei. 9 tract •
... It _ ' RUFUS I CUM.
1411. TNANIEV• Pateuisell-adjanspg eti• allutts..& aim a:WI
.L.; ale. aka Stara Wade, Brass drd G Lass Pies, al
I t. 8 Irla to livrat Sam&
t. bOW on hand IWO Kep Naito arearuni 'KANN lo
.1 1 two Keg. cut itinkce. la Kep wrought Spies. alio a pear
!liftmen* of wrought and merged Nails, which will he rola tor?
ca.h. Eta. t Part 'al 11.111118 ItLari
sUrLittost Leaturted Varpet rack. at
Ersepei I teat
FAKE I rpus anal *lands of &decent pattetua at •
ee't 9 irSt Ys 4e IEOI.
New Plain /1111414a,ery sad Wanly aloe&
Ilit! , ' DA V & CO. tus teutoved itself tasaiosabie •MOO
uory establi.htneut to the bowie one duor Wow the Casa
stud will be °yeti uu 'Thursday tietobet T. Irat, ds
most ele‘alli ar.OrUneUt Of Goods In their lin* ever Goilere4 w MI
et(y. Trahr sleet Condos's Cli almost every Wird .
Nes, Rid. ore Faaq, was Malintety
Such as Stlks; eishurs. kthbutts. Flovirett. Lace.. Slaipass. worked
t 'ollars and rivet es Boum ts of all styles, qualltte. 4111,1 1Prit"'
sburt every .b i hit to be tumid inn fasisioitable
went. all Of wrath !Ito poste are invited to call awl elaistrar.
rzr The .it. making U. paruneut wel be under the castled
Ch giviut tat:Lauda:lW mono
is. ~ u lbeieut guarantee foe the fulmar.
k:rietiet. loks.
• L MOST mood:mod CD* a of ■•D LIMN ATM 43
TEARS surrentinie. '
Sztraet de a Lefler . friss Mr. MMus Chapin. 4(70, St. Mall
arrest, Wirgswisti. dors Meg iota 1811.
To Professor truliwaray. elf —At th e ace or la ley wire (.ms
no id) caught a violent cold. shah Pettled,lll her legs.asid ref
satire ohat time they have been more or *SO sere, and nresuly ra
Gained. Her Willi% were rtistfaettnst, and roe sgoistb. woof
she was deprived entirely of rest and sleep. Every
wen iervirdali
medical en advised was tried, but without effect . bee
angered severely. and the state of her lip was fern He. It 3
Often read your advertisements. and adveed her so try )tour ril li
add Ointment: and. as a last resource. alter every WWI morel
bad proved useless, she consented to do so. • etie eurameseint ra
is pelts ago, and, strange to relate. is now is good health
legs are tiataless.owlibuut seam or sear, and steep is sound SA
undisturbed. Cou d you base witnessed the sstferiop
wile during the 43 years, and coat raid thew with her pleasant er
joyment of health. you would indeed feel delighted on hoist
been t he
t"nee. ,
eQ grea t l y
i j ilevilitiUg gll4.M t;
7"slle lA lng' . °1
IL a tri.
a flame; 70 Timis UT AQR CERRO Or • RAC LEA
Crag iir/' a bluer feats Mr. Willmar ilia. !)asides e GE. 41 °4
olrf Anabeirjs. star tradderrasti. slated May 31a. 1 - 31.
To Professor Hollow Str-1 soldered au a period or jit 0 51 .
flan a bad leg. the result or two or tutee dot/ rear accidessi
Gas Works; accompanied log scorbutic symptoms. 1 bed re'
course to a variety of medical advice, piton t deriving all _
etit, snd was even told that the lee must Le amputated. )6.
opposition to that opinion. your Pills and Ointment bare rite&
ed a complete cute - In so short a time. that tew who l ha.l not Sc
neried it would credit the Com (Signed) WM AIM*
The truth 01 this statement can he verified by Mr. W. r. Pr
land, Chemist 13 Marlici-st.
Eared from a Lan? p.m M. /Wilma Turner. 41 hahlod.
Arad, 44151Decrabirr hitit lisle.
To Professor Ilr noway. Dear sir—My wife had oulheed ft .
bad Breasts for mote than six months, and during the whole P e
rind had the best medical attendance, but all 1 0 Or) use " Av g
before healed au awful 'found di my own leg by your saws
medicine. I determined again to use your Fitts and inntieta. 8.•
therefore' gave theta a DIM In her ease. and fortunate it was
TO. for in lei* than a unnitha perfect sure was 'acted. sod 111 . 11
beneni that various other branches of hly fluidly have d er :;;d
from their nee is really astonisbi Pg.' I pow owl)
Wall my Mends. Otignect) vacuum,
The Palls should be used conjointly with Use Olutusent to well
of the fellow:am eases t—
iled Lep - Chlego-foot Fistulas Sore )40 40
Bad Breasts Chi tide ins Gout Bose-thrusts
Barns Chapped hands n. landu I , a renin.diseass
Itnniooll Corns (suit) attelltillp laurel
Bile of Illimehe- Cancers Lumbago Bore-besda
toss and 13111K1 Contracted and Piles Tusson•
eltsilf Joints Rheumatism Wousits
Coco r hey Elephantiasis tient& Vales
Noe at Pie netabtiehnient of Professor,
ow Tempi , Bat. London,) and by all iestrerlatulli bo e
dealers ip bledistries throughout the British I;aiMre..ami or
of the United States. in boxes at Mien" . elrcts.. and BI hi"
each. Wholesale by the principal drug houses ia Me Odor
and by Messrs. A. 11. & I). Same, New York.
There leaCO l Panber able saving by taring the IMF" Piatlh
j O . B. Inteelloft• *sr the imitate 061pm/ease in Mr; dsastMr
20 4 net Orr. i/YR