lir El A. r. DPRZIN &CIO" Pro frit Obstruer. A: P. DERLIN & CO., PROPRIETORS -4 iil OFFICE, CORNER STATE ERIE.. AND PIM4LIC - SQUARE. 1 . —....-- . TERMS OF TLlii PAPER. r,ii tuber the cooler. at - ' • - Stet 6, salt , or at the oder. in atrium,. lAA y_, it, not paid in , advance . or within three month, from the time arssbrilbine, tare dollars will be charged. i ll al I WINIIIIIII IljOUt UMW be pe s tid., ,RA ES OF ADVE R TISING. Card:. not e ceeding 4 lines, one year. 63.0 0 One square I. .10.00 • Jo. do. six months, , 6,00 I _ do. do. three soonths, 2,00 Tbanrient adv.ertneuteu is, 30 cents r square, of fifteen lines or' km tor the firet i norm ion; 23 cents f each sateen - tient inaertlon. IA rarli adbertivera havethe privilege of changsog at pleasure. but at no tune atvalkneed to occupy "are thast tw o all tutres,ead is Is /mud I. their esitusau tI4 isall4ll6. Adtertierments nat having other diaw... tips's, will be i tiserted till furtwl and r itarged accordingly. BUSMEN I 0: CTORY. THOMAS M. AUSTIN. (Lee of the "race G. Loomis Co.) ricAtfit in Clucks. Watches. Jewelry, &dyer ti/poons, hrusleal Instruments, Looking Glasses.. Lawits and randy Goods, whole iale and • JOHN GOALDING. Writraorr TAITAIa. and Habit Yaker—Shop on the east skit of State street. two doors north of Eight, and adjOiniug J. H. Rib. het k Cu', Cabinet Ware-Room, Erie, Penna. . JOHN KEENAN, 6 / ..1a.„-Sientaboat Agent, office at R. J. Rapes Hat stare et.ur buret Erse Pa. CLARK & METCALF. Want Ff•Lt and mall dealers in ... Dry Goods, Carpel+ and Dry Groceries O. I. Reed House. WILLIAbISar, W *IGIiT. • (Warts. Collector, and Dealers in Gold and Allierkoin, armor nput Money. Land Warrants and'certiticatevcrilarouvite. Alva SightrUra itooa UY principal-tit see of the Union. and all parts of the Old Country fur vabe. Muck, cosner of Erato-d., and lotille Equare. 4.1. WILLIAMS. 6.11. WIRIOWT. J. G. & W. 1. J/lILLS. binaural, mod Wholesale Deslen in Groceries. Wine Llndors, Nino, Pickles and, Pickled Oys- Lobvlerv• Prevervet. and Itertnetrieally Sealed unities of every dercaptioti slava), on baud. No. a. "'Mihail Bleck. State-at.. opposite Brown's New,Dotel. Erie. 3. G. *LLs. NevrYork. Wm. 4. Mtctr. Buf f alo. Mao. reCeiViii, in their season. Oysters iu shcla.frotu J. G. Milts pay-st.,Mt.w Yen ,whiebwillbesold Wblleiala at low price - a. At C. Jaxicatt, Aleut. Erie. Pa: DUBLIN -&-.I3LOAN Buren ja Classical. Bctiool and Miscellaneous Books, Blank K l aus*. Stationery, and Printers Cards,. No. 11, Brown's new Blot, Erie.M. • r. DI.R.Lilt ' • P. P. .LOAN. _-.4.--- • ________,_ W. POINT,ELL JOHNSTON' M. 9. Oren -, at his rpri dente on 6th Street. two doors West of the Ls.scoPol !Zit ' h. - T. W. MOORE, Dl.' II InCiroter" Frosiiions, Wines, Liquors, Candies. Fruit, one Door below Loomis & Cu'. State street. Brie. 0 1, JOHN B. COOK. 0w... In Sta p le as. Fancy Dry Goods, and the Greatest variety of any Store rt_the City. Cbeapide, Erio r Pa. IS TERRITT dr. GR A Y. Impoarrsi, Jobbers and retail Dealers in Wet and Dry Groceren Pro% Produte. Foreign wig 4n/inertia Fruii Woolen. % !HOW 111141 Stop t Ware. Flour. Fish. Salt. Glass. Nat riat:lo , der. Shot, Caps. d4frety Fume. 4r.e. French Street. °PRO' bite the Reed - Minnie. Erie. Pa.. - N. It.—'tenth and !a/H.1.150am, Vessels. ilaelat and Private supplieddn lib any of theatres! artieles With prompt ben' ery elbeap. . WM. S. IiAR - E. • • Attorney and Counsellor-at Law. OFFICE over Jacbon's store, at Nona-Foist corner of tbe-rub , riquar. Ene. April & 102. DOC fOKS BEE BE At. 41 - 4:IV A ItT, rt.( TIII , O Physicians and durgomm. office and Revoleumn— *smith & timisatras Streets. Wire boors IroM7 to d. A. /13; Ito I, aid • to 7, P. M. a: suer. I. D. J. L.. STLIN•ItT, ,----- JPHNT HEARN St CO. 1 . ratiraltDlll4 sod Commission Merchants, dealer • . Coal, flour. lilts. and agent lar hoe of upper to cis, rut.Oe Dock Lose Pit. LID4ELL & Co. 111..rverirrus, Manufacturers of Ison•Fence„ antboat lkt.. lk.c., State. between 7 h arlSeth„ duet Erie. • AMERICAN EXPRESS - COMPANY. lirr,cs. Removed to No. 3 Wed Block, Bate Pitieet. Fanern Express closes at Ile o'clock, A. M. western " " cf duck, P. M. rrrrr ORD, Agent. GEORGE J. !ORTON. (Late etas jins qf J. Hamra 4. c 0..) ; 'ilioawatal vs mad COnnnissaon Metebaut. lioak, rale, Pa Dealer iu Coai,dalt. Fisb,Tiour and Plaster. WALKER & rrideaf S. • riewaimms, pmdoc. and Coustuission Mereitantst. second Ware name East of the Public Bridne,.‘:rie Pa. .11.0=-Deiiers in Coaloialt. Plaster, Sttlet.oi Fish, Li me and time Slone, iron, patio, Stoves, Casttnip, &c..& with unsurpass ed Wiliam for Ehipung . either by Steamboats, Propellers. hithooncr.. or by 11211 soold. P. D. WaIIICIL. , W. H. KNOWLTO,N. Ratchniake and Repairer. Dealer in 11taiebee. Mein. Jewelry. Illogical [Harm:rents. Looking Glasses snit other Fancy Goods Storeoneckiut west of the Reed House. 17 - ARBUCKLE & KEPLER, blaca in Pry Goode. Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, bf... No I. Petry Brook, Eitate areet.Erle. Pa. • A. M . JUDSON. ariossir AT f...w.. , —Offiee on Park Row, between Browns'new Bowl saidte Reed House, up stairs. DR. C. BRANDER ?mei.* and gnomon—Office corner or Statib and Seventh &new ith,idehee on Eighth Street, between French sot Swan& tile, Fa. M. SANF'ORD &CO.. Daekri IQ Gold. Sarno', Rank Noun. /Vans, aqtlfiealli, of De" ac. Sight glebanee on the 'principal cities constantly for atle. Other in Beatty's Block. Public elquare. T. HERON STUART. soilgo. •an Portrisets,i--Office. corner of French and Finis suress,oser Moses Koch's More. Resident.' on Fourth Meet; Ana door nasal:o[oe old Apothecary Dail. - RUFUS itiED.! N i t Daum is Earitisli, German awl American itt,d re and ectieri , Also, Nails, Anvils, Vices, ilan arid . I .3 Reed Houle; C. SIEGEL. Wasiasata and Rentifdealer in Groceries, Provisions. Mats. • Liquors, Print. Ate., are Corner of French and Fifth Screens. sworn, the Farniehe &fa CADWELL & BiNNETT. larysertasjobbers. sad Retail Dealers in pry .. Groceries. Cruekery, Glasswart, QurpetitiB, Hardware. liro , &eel, Nails, litukts. Ate. Empire Stores skate &arm. Baur doors. Ilßlow Brown's Hegel, Erie, pa, Also—Aavils, V lent, Bellow spAlle Antiaftrwings„ and a Rental :assaimem of &Riddle and Carriage TrnilnOlulli. S. MERVEN SMITtI. Ansoaser ar Liar and Justice of the Place. and Alent for (e Key &one Mutual Life Jimurance Coopany—ollice 3 doom slue( Wright" store. Elie; Pa. GEO4Gg H. CUftCR, Allows As I.*sr;Giratd, Erie County; Pa. Collections and slier trasiness auended to with prompts' and dispatch. JOSIAH K ELLOGIi. _ toward ing & Comminution Merchant, on tic: Public Dock, east of ruse nom 611 4. eleateriad While Fish. connountly for sate. , 1. ROBENZWEI G & Co. woouLme Al - 011 Itrresu. &Auras In Foreign and Domestic Dry Good._ read) owe Ckithing, Boots mid NimeniAtc. , ,, No. "nest's Melt, State street, Esie- MIRSHALL & VINCENT. Armress ar tsw—Orbee sp Maas an Tanusaoy Hill building math of Ise rwithowoutry'l (Ace. Erie. ' MURRAY WHALLON, Arrim;17•111111 CociwALL.ol. AT LAW—Off ee over. C. B. Wright, *we; enurastee one door west of State street. on the DianoWd.' Ene. . TIBBALS, & HAYES. Ihutias i s Dry ficKANUry Groceriag..Oveker7*".6""*. U. I. Browtes New Hart • SMITH .JACKSON. .. 'Waft in Dry Goo* Groceries. Hardware. (Weems Ware. Liam. lius. / 4 ails. isc.. 121, ebeapaide. Erie. Pa. ' VVILLIAid RIBLET; Casters MAzza: Upi*les, Sad Undertaker. e, memo streets. Erie. CARTER & BROTHER, WeoLecida 'ad Retail-deekre la Dray, Medicine .ralnie.ol l s. D) clunk Glace, &cc-. No. •. Reed 11000 e. Erie. ' JAMES LYTLE. Ni I I3OItABLE Merchant ou the r,thlie i q uare • a 691 daaa'a *at et State Meet. Erie, • JOHN H. BURTO N & CO. W ‘L1131441 •ND Ita - r• IL dealers' ti tWuird, Medic 'fie', Dre diata. Gtoteries.t.e. No, 3, Reed Howe. Erik. DR. O. L. ELLIOTT. Resident Dentidt: Off:teamd dwelling on the South side of the public Elnuare, Ist door East •Ila. of the Erie Bank Building. Teeth inserter:ton " allia Gold Plate. from one tn an entire sett. Cart rs teeth. filled with pure Gold, and restored to health and use "loess. Teeth cleaned with instalments and Detainee so as to i . e a 6 e . them of pellucid clearness. Alt work warranted. .....-- _-, M. CIJAPI — N. it — LEIETE - NT — DeMT IS--Othekon I. .., the *both side or the Thannand. Ave (kern eastob i lk be E • I se * . t no Bank. Priers reseonabie. and all woe warming! tie June 11 1862. . 1 . - - • , $ .... /Yi • . .. . ' 1 . .... 400 i ) • ; ~. •.-,' z. x .,„,,,„,. 0 .,,,,,,., i ),, 40 *,0,-,..,,,„" .. 4 ~,k-: ;„ :„.„:„,..1 4, ,,„,..,:„. , ~,..,... -..; 7 . i -.,,,.. 4--ww- -.. :4 -:•-•,....0 , - 4 ,,, • ,....,-. -_,.. .-1.4- I -.. „.... - --...,.. 7 ......."- i ..,..... , t . j .:.- ': r.• I - . i I I • i 1 ~, j'.l . . , '. • .-I . .- i . •••4, . _ I .... , ~ ... • I e 4. e .. I rietors: of Dune amid - 7 - 7 --_ --______IIIIIIIIIIINIMIII Vileirl ' auk '31115011-111111 rl With flare who read Gen. gears "peeeh atCleveiand. the SalleasUl of the kiikiwing will be duty appritlaied. Is is tie* and pungent. nont.tlie Cleveland Philo Dealer.; Itnro to hear that rich Irish &Kim" Tosa- 4 OW Arm Pltsiv." 1 1 • . I love IV; (love it! who'd be such a Rogue, . ' \ 3 As to Mil& a. me hdlovirsig that rich Irish himgisall It aloWs ili my spirit Illm loves geode sighing., I've cfwiyht its veil times 'smart the *mango( the ; dylats \_ It hascharmed me to b4tUe, co:mauled in dekat. . And, hence, to my ear is ha music so sweet, ' But it 11111f$ IheOCCBI4OO. "ii give' me deep pal" , . To see re stand out is the mud and the rain. Pee fought with that vklt Irish beine aide by side. , ' When blood flowed . in torten% t'es't gl 3 wed line II title. Where loud canons rattle and small pistols ClaSt. I Dui I never knew Pet to be turning his back, Except when he run; or wu Sias or got shot. 1 ' Then /WA cry 4, rich accent, "Docid ire. Ufsierittleott." Arlin; dearest hrougues, It gives me girat.rmin. 'i I To see you Mend out in the Mud and the tale. ' I I made a niistake in the Mexican war, \ , A mistake that Pte mow truly Penitent OW.— i Some fellows deserted, f bung them: We legacy. &Apposing them Dutchmen instead of my 'lr.:rogitipi." r With deep "indignation" I once Weenie • • ~„ ed." 1 1 ' And into my room in the Astor retired. • . 1 . : ! With two other trleuls, to decide kto some plan . 1 ror extending the rights of the brave Igislntme. ' t . , In eonetuA;on, loved brogues, "I therir you my heart." I • I give it 4p gladly, lei each take a part; ' • i , Now let sine.ettibrace you"'—ap In let me bear • • . "Tligit rik.b Irish brogue" flowing into my ens. i SPEECH, OR lIIIOGE CANPIIELL. -Deliecied st Pittalturgh. Sep:emitter 29th. • Mr FRIENDS' AND FELLOW CITIZEPI.—.I did not intend to make muctilef•opeech when I came to your city. nor will I do so now ; but, inalmach se I arwheres I will_ embrace theopportunity of hiving a little plain talk with you in regard to some measures of public importann.. and the conoectiou of thosemeasures with public rtiei. The coining election, is one of the meet important, iif not thee:lost impertant election that has ever taken plate since the .American peopte,have ranked in the wield es a nation. At the isn'general el'eti;in, my fellow citi zens. Abolitionism lied reared its head, and was ennytil sing •the country trowt , one end to the other. At that election. heaven. the Doniocracy of Peun”lvaitie oh bly put down this Abolitionism . .and restored peens tied confidence to the Whole country; and the Li .inodriseyko . effectually and ineilitieslly endorsed the Comgromiie Measures, 'that the ;are now chat we hairestriven !to make them—afinity ; so effectually. that when an 4 t . tempt was made. in the United Stales Senate. td refiiiint that portion tic these measures known as the Fugitive Slave Law, bet four votes were found its favor of iescinit jug it. :These men, with their heed and front. Who p+- tectee aid supported them before; are again In tlis field. and again are they attempting to acquireao4luetie which mey. titre/ 'You prove effiJacioaa id csrrYing t their viewa. You arenow called upon again to end this agitation ; and it rennin, to be seen whether it egtall be don,. ' Look around' the counter. and beliall the men who array thesolve. before you, as the lenders of this party. Look in Pennitylvans. and-yes will see Williabig V. Johnston ; a d, in'New Yoik„ yea Will find diet Wit -1 Ham 11. Seward is eollecting hie scattered forces for ..p -lion. Through the ionsence of these men, and osisdni like them. General has hese placed in nominating as the itchig candidate for President uf the United Suing and, should he be sleeted to that high office,,he will ih dectrinate the country with the ritaay l imins his supporters. 1. %sow e4rocate ; and:le avoid the strife wad °Damien 'which the, Demeerseet, effectually pat down before, 1 they Mast do so egai .' These/nen will inligre 4. 1 country if they be idle sato pursue the cootie they hone I laid out. The North.WiJl be tarayed arsinst tire Swath: sectional agitation will tie ,renewed, and the labors lof those who would have wetted this public calamity. will have Wet all in vain:. This sivetional feeling wise men ifestod in the so-caned,National-Coaventio• of the 'Whig party. There, ttleite,leaders whose names I hairs, it4o ti'oned. controbinig thereto* of Neer York. Pennsylvania. and Ohio. and / risceieing some additional Northern sep port. succeeded in craning the eitnincion. of General Szetf—a nomination purely sectional, with none of the element's of nationality about it, Against one if. -thesis leaders. Walken F:' Johnston. , I have nothing teeny. viewing him u's private chiant i . Personally I have Ire= Bard for hirel 'bet, has i public man, I um entiikidt to speak 'freely:Alf his public acts. Again* those pubic acts, fellow Densocrets of Penniylvanin yea. fist Oete her. affixed your Deafer reprobation ; and I now ask *i f Will ,you de-ft sp. f tdries'of "Yea !" " yes f." 3 iffs opposed and kept irihis pocket a Jaw by which fugitive slaves could be restored. 4 For this you rengkeoing. Upon the reamernbling of the Legislature. he returned 'that bill, and, is hie•sto made the Serrn ee Judiciary say that the Government of the 'United Stites "'old not niaklaws whereby the provisions of the den stitation would be carried out. One -Judge alone sup ported this sectionakview of the case, nod from hint siege could he expect to Yetteive co-operation sod sopperi in the doctrine be advanced. • He put weeds into; the months of the ethers that they never said. *And now. .I will say that that message was a disgrace to the country. beffenough is itself ; bet his endeavers to . shift the're *possibility. and hie attempt to plaCe it spots the sheet den of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the United -States. was infinitely worse. One was a bold audacious tworemeat ; the other, fellow CiIiZIWW. 1 cannot and will hot characteriis. ,, ' . . Let as twiw take a glance at the great State of New York. we behdld,tbere. William H. Seward, the leader lithe Abolition-Whig faction. 4-le is a bold men. For year& and years be hes been the head and front ef the ibeliiienieto of that State, openly and avowedly. He is see of that.class of geatleuten who live under (101r.0110- sAilatios„ sajoying the protection of its laws, and fv,iitg in peace and security through the iastrumentelity of thole laws; sad yet. digs enactment does not snit him, hit has a conseicacs. and 'bald not obey that 'enictraent—Yes. (continued the speaker; in answer to a remark made by 'e one in the crowd, in relation to Seward's "Higher La l," notions)—fes, his Higher Law ideas or principles, as he delights to call them. will net admit of obedience. And so it is with the thief who eaten your dwelling in the watches of the night. He has a Higher Lew=he believes that all property should be held in eommoe—he has a conscience. pertspa—and so he steals your money. Bat the lege does not respect the course of reasoning by whit the unhappy culprit arrives at his conclusions; he is tri ii. convicted. and sent to the penitentiary. And se, i my °plaint, should these "Higher Law" cunt be Sorest . -Blicit an the principles of those two men, Willie's' F. Johnston and William H. _Seward, and holding these principles. thoy still wish to controt you. Do you think --Cue you for ens; rooment imagine—that either of these two men have disused their opinions open this @abject. And yet; dtryon_ lot remember that Governor Jolisetse sat is Whig Convention at Baltimore. and voted eye to the resolutions which endorsed the Costpreatise row ers, 7 Had ho changed his views open these measures 'before he west tolhet Cementit' I Ns, fellow-sitions; he a as ardent against that Compromise as ever he was —.sod shooed that opposition spread. then will be au sad to our Constitaties. to our happiness. and to our lib erty. Lot as Iwo from thia display of sectional feeling, and glance at tin Coneention which nominated Franklin Pierce, and let a inert the vast difference between the conduct of the two Conventions. I. as • perheps some of yon tufty have hieerd, was a member of that Democratic , Convention. I west there as the arsenal and pot tics; friend of that entinelt Statesman and patziot, James Buchanan. (Applasso.)—and for him I cast my vote for three daye, and would have continued mysopport for e days and weeks Lancer ; but it became evident to the Meade of Mr. Buchanan, myself among the number; to the advocates of the claims of that great and good man. General Lewis Cosi F the friends of Mr. Douglass the little giant of the Great West ; of Houston, of Marcy, of Lao., and of all Others whose names were before the Cotiveotien, that all Ouste be dropped—everything con- 1 coded—tiNsecore pt see Mod I ormitoy ; and with one voice. and ono scellim. the Demoaragiy of the Rollos I 'saluted Franklin Pi eas the Democratic candidate for the Presideay of t • United States. N. Noah. Al South—so East. itio West mad* that nomination : In 4 it T was the united voice orthii whole lloaatry that effected it; and when he is el ted President-1-as he aan be. and certainly will be (Applause)—hie can lick • ever the collates.. and regard it all alike ; 'ho will not distribute his favors to oils po ion of the country, to the wring of the ether ; but all ill receive his boasifits alike. Seek a President is the o • we want—the ono we aura have • the ono we teifl,har . (Load applause.) Such. follow-citi as. were the two Conventions of the twe greet pa • of the nation. cud inch are the can didates they ; hive • *sainted to the people. On the one hand, we have Gen Scott. who. xi a militoryAnan. has done the country co e service; but se he is before the people sea c.mpeti r fora civil olive. we most look up on him as a civilian Ido not intend to dlepr;reiste the services he may has" done to the country—built wilt say that he i f utterly int • 'wipeout to discharge the ;duties de volving upon him is the event of his election to the Pres denej. Ewen as a • ilitary man, it he. happened tel. General Scott—(w yit is so, is unnecessary fur my pre cept purposes to ex• aiaj—that he has besa in a state of quarrel with his foil sealants. bah aberdiona cod ma pirtors. Ile Tarred if with Gen. M'Cuinbe, wfth Gen. hickson, Gott. Bro is, Do Witt Clinton. Gen. Ripley-= with almost off those of hirofftcerie in Mexico. who came in contact with hitn among the latter, with twit. against whom none—not • n the whigo—van say a Word. 1 anode to Get;. Wort and Col. Macao. He hula his character's singular endency to quarrel with who ar nearitim; and as a Nihau—fir to we must judge him when he presents imeelf for a civil alike—ha fatten for the high airmail .'whiets he has been placed in taint nation. Hi hoss() zed opinion open any measure • importance before th country. I have no dealt'. though from the temper of is letters, that he is as high-toned Federalirt In his e• lions as Alexander Ha/oaken eve was. He iv and ha been in favor of a loose construe lion of the powers I merest in the Constitutive. In re laden to the doctris of a United Statos•ffink. he it a fivorablei as he is ikewiso to the swindling Binkrup Law. He ;sopa+ of stab a system of Internal Im o provementwas ilroul untie this States mere etipendietri of the General r eat. And he holds these apin ions, too. In an neat' edy nauner—he,is Axed is none ol thaw. LC es tithe a = ded to by my friend. Jade Simla nione. embracing Native Anseri in wtih indignatio . tor Home; in New York. ror new American party. In I: , !none letter to George "Waehin o l in. its which it -ivae deniers& u Is which have been all He 'adopted these o piinciplea;ia 1836; he sat down at the pcfrpose of founding concocted That info Reed. of rhiladefp opinion. that *4 / an who hid been wo ootortuoa • foreign lend. most Wombs .. 01 t lid an occast - in the lend he ha --but which . by the tenor of h dept hint. ' And. follow-eitiseos it! use sentiments. lip cruel to fureig. eve 'tending—adopted by tarn 4 to hove been l ord i slered u Pitrtot dopted o !sum woiao4ver Scott's mon ircirdo; on. Ire,* of eeiep Met this, and cherished with ro the comatincement seven long'yes rip. Bath had . be 'such they Continued to be. And, t epinien and his own sentiment. - !, se,try seven years' reflection--b the old rederat party—teat part I Allen and iletliti+ Laws, and we ' i pposition to4their repeal as they Is' r pass:vs.( each are the opinions e 'whit party now. arid each th r en. eirott.'ss the leader or the wh omit. views. agreeing as be do As hat never.ehanged., ens knows that at this thee the • rty. which waste sweep the coin gird during all thus h s seutjuienp. and was no, only file ow fared sad strength • wis the 'doctrine whieh adbucated th as warvii:in their been in favor of th Gen: ScrAt and'at !titre alvr i ays been. , patty. sisaply cirri With thesis view,. Everyone before' Neboo At/Gerken dead 'amd baried. •id that dim is past tinge. is 141. rs of that petty. aid all its • t• dainive. area. Senn has shemited. i r i nee. kis views on the Lyiatit• Ame '.. now profess.. a bigk regard for lie fellow-eitisees. The rich Fuegos el i amain te his seta. cad hi no. ea • ry by latitnating that they never l • sir foes: sad he vied* up ibis dee • ilk, by &sterile; that', atitataliaaties , by 'their simply earshot ea* year is' if the Deitedi States. Ide think that alms hoard sof . liefeas is the histety fate has plat the lei tom An!' eases it all estwitillarp•ari etas qaesioo. Hal Gsranas and Iris the latter : le indica plimestritheirlerav their baOke opals t ratios of his sea, ( abosld he Weise the ars+ or awry each a Shawls w of this cousin, Deri4 ill my Li e I heap steadily set my face agar et adman' say , peals to Comsat) at lAA Mtn* es ash. 'Med I shall • atingle this oasis, of weadue,.alw St for I outsider sue appeals** diegreeeful le the emu .; disgraceful is the ipiente. and diegracafsl to these ho make Mow of the ... When a Gerona at sa I • taker-the oath of legion's to the Lowe of Mho -emu y. loeloeceissiae an A . sea ultimo; mid should' hash be addieseed a. . considered so each—sod all wh do otherwies me. as) have said. bringing disgrace a themseline sad a, • n _him. And hamlet me as, to, he friendi of Gen. Slott, thou they gnoatly underrate the in • ielligence and thelcharicter of that portibu of our coanitry men why come frills! a foreign soil, when they matey peals to them in any other character than that of A er imp citizens. 44; let me Also adj. a store rein*e to those who do liketwis• will be gives at the polls in it. 1 ,,i vember, [Loud Orphism.] . 1 But let us torn !from Gen. Scott. this gentiontso r 4 all sorts of opinions. Pod conletriplate with pride and joy Der own Franklin Pirate. We have in him a .statsatioan without guile—one whoosh(' has been irreProsehable— one who has roftsited the highest honors in this great :Re proferriai. as he did. to remain by his own fire side. is his.owa home, to the enjoyment of gnietooss. peace. and domestic felicity. sod rs!oging.with more than Romsn'firmness.ilie honors tendered him. Look threingit the wide nation, and behold. if yen can. inch another ex ample as he presents—you wilt agree with tae. caliow citizens, when I : ray they are indeed rare. Bat liibra the Democratic party in New Hampshire was endings?. ad—when Alooltitienism reared aloft its head. he was Wand at his posy and did his duty as a friend of theiDs meersAy sad of,the Union. nobly, fearlessly. and prompt ly: sad. en mother item/gee. he was not beadttiag, whoa hie daty,piallml his. Teo all ksew the Cosetitittlealer Hew Hampshire there exists:• pessielp- Ur° revralip.4o ito alum. strectiag t h e rights of Catholic authors. This disgraceful. unjeut. and odious in the eyes of eve ry true freeman. Gen. Pierce manfully opposed, sad de manded its immediate and total repeal. Upon the floor at that Cooventleo. be battled is this righteous canes. end going farther. denounced it before thepeopls of New e. 's fairer ampshirod did all that snao could do in faer of gscindin g and eadeeivered by the forms of his halo fee to erase all religious prejudices from the rabbi ied. And. people of Foonsylvania. I. the face of all this. the . nasal unjust. diegracefel. and illiberal charges have been madeageinsit Frankli• Pierces with a view hat you may array yonnerless against him. Toolbar ex. Olaastions of this inatterwill be of oss avail. Rightthink ng and truth.loving Men will see the falsity of those charges: and with ell others. words wool.' beef no weed.; Nearly all of yen who hew wig. 10 probably recollect that in England at one time the laws excluded Catholics tram bolding seise, atisluhie monism's' 1a Isa sa (sr years aad years. In Engtaod:. Canning and' his efaspeers. sad in Ireland. Rod his supporters. battled for ma ny. pan to erase this liliquitons wring. Soppossa that either Canniag or O'Connell had bean bigots the people —.say for fora seat in parliarneat—wasid say Tiinglishman eve urge/. es an argament against them. that they liv ed la a lead where each** prohibition 'tasted? . Tbis would have boon utterly; aboard, and those who proclaim ed goeh luoli.b ientiusailla 'resold have been considered fajta or madisea. or walla' s.'After rein of coaflict, tbes• geolteusiin accomPliehet the great desire of their lives;—. their labours were ant inxisita and so last Catholics Were pistoled en the same [000.4 4 enjoying the same priv Itsw, as saber citizens. And here. in.this esonsection; I will say that Franklin Pismo will yet teach the people of New Ilruspeltirs that Catholics areas good citizen*, and will die In the defence of their cootttry. if need be,' as • smolt as any-eiher clay,' its the lard And I will ( links' seams to assert Oast the days of this odious clans* tie the Csastitation of New Ilanipshire are numbered. EAps please. j • ' • • I have spoken of Franklin Fierce entirely in We stx.• psoity as a civilian. and not as a military man at all.— Nei would I do ito, • if it.wrre not for the sneersmf the %Vhig pr ud Whit orate s. I have Waled th at he deilinid honors tad olgicela the civil deivartinent of our go4ornment; but !ham ogr . caaatrpt laemansi amgagod,io war. and her sons; sere weeded toitight her brUles. mach , as he loved the tips ipf domestic life and peace. he for. seek thorn all. and baaislied the thotights of their food al lurements from his mild. Ile entered the army as a private soldier. willing meet death hi that pi:N.l64n. or its any other that he aright be called upon to 61L But his merit gas tee well known Air him to wombs it 'thin honorable obscurity. and Mr. Polk made him • Brigadier General. Yea all know bow well he fought en the bat. tie-Gelds of Mexico, and hew he added fresh praises to hit %heady helmeted melee.. The war swim he musette& to his peaceful fme-4e Ottoommenaraud continue the toile aid duties of his tirel l eseion. There he remained esti! he was calked by the deveowary of dim *mien to "place himself at their head. end lead them en to victory. She had his Wave volunteer' on the phase et Mesh:G— antt them he stillVernains. anal will remain. until year velem and gear support ;shill make Mit Presideat'of the "Uoitual States. ( Ind chewing.) Am& new. feHeir•eitisene. hirers I leave res. allow me to wily a few words upon 'the sebject of your State elec tion*. You are all for Franklin Vieteet—(firiepof••yeols --Parliiii-buris Wald You to do mom than that. I want yea to p for all the State nominees. I want you to him.; raft for George W. Woodward. Wu. , (Hero tho crowd. who had Ibsen idiom lug with 01l their might sad main for Pierce: gave dire. hearty cheers for Woodwarit,• The speaker then cootineed.)-r4Yes. that's right. I say, her rah for Woodshed! (continued emptying. which lasted for 1 00113 • tittle time . ' My f 0 i-iitd. the chairmen id thi meets jag. has already shown you the imp ik of th toss! October olection.ind told you the necessity for r•nopt and efficient &otitis. .1 repeat to you whet he has aid.- 7 If ere sleet ear candideicw; the triumph will bytm noon. ; end there. ThcOulikeen of this, Whigs is to deck. either or both of oar candidates far !he St •thr offi'aes..-the Su• mime flinch and canal Baird. They isistrei•coniered their fereee in eppcivition to Judge . Wood ward: and Al though I believe they has no private animosity against him, they dosire. sod are Striving .. haed for his defoaf.--. Should. they . accomplish this--orltich I. earnestly trust they will ofiiedo-rtiny will ralPih &hey cry of ”P""q tva t aia is safe'for Qiinotal Scifit,l--(aritia of l'aelot —nevi er?")-4o I would my to yde. two and ali t if you desiie the electioe',:of Frank' p Piero. vote to! George W.' Woodward. end kor,the entire Stele noininett. Not one f ticket mast bo serstched. • ( !ere some outi•qt the crowd cried oat--•ollatithe L y mratched . yoo. though. ledge."—) Yee. they did *etch me. [Mow-citizens; bet t trust in God that 'no one, who hears me an respect will scratch George W. Woedward. (Apple se.) Jadive-W rd bine Nally, Amer ican. I have Iteewikhite leer. an Itsiowe him well. sad. from that entails keowledrr of hit I deetats hire to 6. co Native ; muff I will peeve to (het my Words are tree. 'het first let Me ash yoe.“ has been already done to-nititt. who are those who bring' these unjust altargei .against Goo. W. Weodwitydl Lit es overlies the chars.- ,:tore sod the 'oriole of shoot 1111111 ors eo busy Jo ih:s minor. Cetteits•eboYtereie reeept Ishii history. ofd is the seessittios brosklitioyerhig leSdereersioot DONIOCTII. ey. have amitooll mi. foliate othersihave startled me.' This i i : charge against ilmfge Woodwerd b as both' simbsed and' startled met fee well do 1 meet that the ,Members or this whit 'melt wow soloed in its ahisool Native Amer. , 'copious. and 4 those whom it used of contlection , with it. thee withed arm in pi the polls together' with Native 4insileatie. dejois their losilors—betis ahko—and. on J en occult's.. act together. Their bat. tle.cry woe the mime when. in ISM,. is Philadelphis„ they joined with the. Natives in mmission of the ctirnee ,of murder. of *roe, end of treu4u! Tbis was the same 'party that new raise," the cry of 14stiveism." when the fact is, they.baire acted together twit since. Those who lived in Philadelphia in 1844, will never forget the feet* I bare just narratod. The retitle then and there enact , .. ed will never be forgotten. They disgreced the actor, 1 and the country. • , , . Another.fact in relation to thisl charge of Native Amer icanises against JOdge Woodwrd. I will narrate to you, tad I think it should forever settle the question. 1 have men myself the correspondence which passed between the Native American caucus and George W. Woodward, when he was a candidate for the office of United States Senster. Eight men possessed the power either to elect or defeat him—sad be anew it They interns gated him. and in. his answer he repudiated their doc trines. and thus refused th - eir support. Can any better evidence than this poslibly be offered. A man retailing. for the sake of his priociples, the office of a United States Senator, the meat honorable position in the world, is surely proof positive that ;the charges prferred against him by the whip are false; The man who say' other wise. insult you as mach as does General Scott when be intimates his admiratisa of the brogue of his "Irish fe i t. low chimes." , I ant nadir personal obligations to Geo. W. Wood ward. la the last contest for State of em% his hindoMs left an ineffaceable impression on my mind. The report that I am oppoed to him has been 'nodesd before. this 'seeing. Se far from this Wise truoj rehold! eon' tribatad as mach as to plus him la bis . presoat positioa, assay other $u la! the Comisoastoattle. I kootr Ytlm la be • Meet 1101-4 OM to joialuorilboad appal E to casts or pities. Aad 'toed mot soy that y l koaw Ms to possess N.t timeots. 1 iroold ash the first one to rel oboes.] There is another circarnetaoce would be well to state hers. In 184 dectriues commanded • high, pretnii and ethers then tbonght it a glories's leaders of that faetien-i—tor it tree thy &hack eight In tiles booing& the grew try. !Neer. viewing all these things why 'did not da lgo Woolvtirirplace,. slit; ai he could cia.ily hard dens selie n tod to de? Pot. no! Re hid the wpm:hated their doctrines. ewe peirk of those pnweiples. Ass w tinseifer bite to join the party—and ill Deleted himself with the ••Great Ant frltow-citizens, thin Charge ?i Geofge W. Woodard has been broi to:4ost him. and fur 110. other purr etriirsirr tire electiota at a Supremo .J Crimmisereaerr. bat they wish to tz throdigh tim length and the breadth a Eleizioentey of Pea isylvania have. I that the !State will . ge for Galteral Se i rV tliislyeiriethroaili every coujity in t and friros here they will spread it ill and Ohio. and Tennessee, and man) this ms an engitie against the Drinot Rut ion have the fight in your owl Oriseige ,W. Woodward and Col. Ftd ten. lwilve or twenty thousand (au lity-itisens.) and 'hero a en end of t test throughout the whole country , . vistas • blued ballot against our Slat ortoimartreri against Franklin Fiore We ail know Cot. HoOkirs. He tkat the breath of salunanY cannot bins, tits is a ecrmpereat man, faith, and he 1,111 fill the attics to irh:elt by ejected, with honor lb himself. Cornsmiawealth. . quer nt , id hit me thank you for Thritrrienty wh:cts you hays so oft* 4ontimet again if "vs wilt. Wifl 4 tt? ofl•Yei! Iter!") My friends, it is in your power a tcntotr► sad the govt runiellt Iphtus that have plundered it fur intl. plating it it the handy of the back ur: liest d ayi. of Jetts rson' wed el Bishop Hughes and W The , Nctiosal Democrat 6ablish tot Major tiagadoru—at States lal clip two followitig : "1 flare here is letter en this sob', :dictated by Archbishop Hu . ghee hit. [Co y. ] ' - Nsw Yu ;btuas r L.111116011X1 , , i ply Pear ir :-1 ...hare in 1 coo l pertinac y, with which the wit . ;the Citholre vote for Seoit. It 1. hero are a little careless about cops .11 to bagasse they_kcisit that Griner ;by the cluarch-boyueia 'of Poilaile: :swahld !genii.' him fur ever the coati 611191 41% : . in a cutiversatiou with tw,. ,olic Criaiscif at Bihliktifek. Shall( his' ;they agreeti that thekAtnew no Mit t ;church who ever arill'believe him :taid Aftwirtemitiltill. Archbishop. Iloighes stithorftes emptority the Idea that he desired Gen Scott. And he further gays t lic lustier, pf • Frau.ttlin ['tette n h inenship, end sviictie% thtt he it of n.rtow•minded illrbtorality to th the Wien " •1 trot the Archbis , me within enu be mere In evidence of Catholic sentiment: Year friend. Tie Mhjor ls a gentlemau of tie hari introduced this letter as froth Flitere patfiesn,goad greaed tor it. Tut Tiro lilexEs.—When a relti Piens:re gather around him iu order path Or Inoue. - Gentleness had k upoa him to win him back again to 111,a a would a g.peet _that he, ' milieu 'a poor osi.fideag girl is betr brawd r ors4eiity, and is henceforth of Virtue. s' The betrayer-is honored bit Ms ruined. heart-broken victim peace. fur her this side of the gra helping hand fur har, no smile of p givsoeis. These are itrthly heavies.` Mitre a ill:1 / 04' wrong are ere apna•ipetteea. ' VILLACpV. 013TRAUX.—In How week, a fie* Colored :nen. of cido tad ti l vile on - triage upon the person ble yenui lady, for-which he will, was pevereedeng , to work. it snipes the oistrage.aud passing by a re seems lady was-eugaged in palls. ceived the hellish Idea of Vic!Mini I eordiiigly leaped over the fence in ?. she was engaged. and made .a .ns • to her., from which she shrank - w drew • pistol from his pocket. .o 4 tewardpher: thiestesing her life i spot. Upott this, the teeing lady fainting fir. when this Rend of deck diabolical design. She is a yoao ksceptionnblo character and' pre pearansW.—Cisteiknati Enquirer. Soisietfitim nett is viitos —An ;New Orlran.. jr. Cartwtijhtre{t a Boston MedicatAnd Surgical Joni —“Thii Boger douse Cure for Br Conisholtivs Complaints." -k is leti a leg r t hitasse. during Lim tot is may ethereseitaseif restoring Be lost'by chronic ailments of the eh The rolling lessen is the hareest l eat, the juice expressed iud, Mint Louisiana it cciennionces oboo ll he suds at Christmas, but is Boman owe!. Dc. C. says the sniper i soothing to the longs, and in his moved a distressing cough. He sugar house inhaling the vapor. - ally a glass of; the list cane-joist ; eating to itavalido.—Cisciamatti xiorr ♦ VioaT.-1014. bead sedate ylootorday. A :Woof Coriovon. was oxposolog lion of Scott. , IlnlE n TITI j "Tea, I will." said the Whig ••D—d if you will." said the ••I.l—d if I wea't." said the "Thee cover that." saTi *et 3100 to a gentleman stalking , • *.Agreed." responded the i tor. **New." said be, nee ea the giatarni rank. ril trite why. 1 bet to way!" Whereupon not De!soorat talked poi* saucy *boat Wial I to this asiseatilage, Siva Automats sea edat• hiss. Apt prdbably."it Netive Antertear Gantrial'acou bectollllo the believed by wetly party IT tbe nein - their prefer Night. tinfselt at the'homil las he was, in feet . et his facto eipiinet He bad plasmas...4Bd aid have[ bees Vie atoald Miro eau- Beginning with the rmithstion meeting al t4e Dread; Way Hoaie. 'every attempt to gilt dp 1,4610418(u! gather ing fur Gen. Saint has been a most signal failure. The jubilee at tunli's Lane sal a Sat lailun i rti the ridge. •to the railroad companies. to the . tiotel-keeperei to the NMI with the big tent. to thit fancy Mee. and' eves to the Canadians: for they expected another invasion of et I•ast fifty thousand men. to epee thi campaign I. .Carti; ada. The Startler meeting. in this Cityi the ether oven• iig. eras coifessedly a figure; the ertbseiquentlittte flint: meetings *limit town. lei:lading the'. Onsh-in-the-paw it Williaraitinag, were wares and wont% 1 And the genii heavy incubus of indiabrimes•tethe' itarY glory of Choi Scott app.are to extend ever the whi , antrjr. from tbi St. Lisweeses to the Rio Granite , a f m Cohey'lebuid d ; 15 to 84n Francisco. Why' is this?. Is - because military glory is threadbare; or le it en se eat of the Galphisi a ,,' Vie-Chickasaw% and the Gardin e Or the Abolitioeisti. or,free ferias, or intervention ! or Citba.lir goatiii, er eird. fish eir the weather? What is the , nviti Whet alb . ,lir• to do to aaverigpott. to save thwart!. *rive ear laces. and the public plunder ottlfty year? T he evil is without remedy • It is the Omit Aar bating decay. • Partin—pelitieal. nattier. pad elitist—lifter cadets and cabbages. have their dey.. !They are.sub,Kll io the same universal law of natore' t They sprout, they bloesocri. they are developed. and May: die. The whig party lies blossomed. and ran to seed, and' ie now going 'lke way of all the earth." It'isli C h i process of diein• %oration; deiromposi•ttio. and distaelittod; is het, it ate tweaking tip like a Sitithediet eamp l Mertitig in the Midst 01 4 settled 'rain, or like New Port "and; ilaretnge *hob 1 the seamen is over. It Is going at ,ection—,•..gGini; gd*. ;qr. gone?" ' And yet while Stand rig upon its lest rem we see all sorts of quack*. with their quack medicinal:- and quack pamphlets and traits. urging the sale of thiir nostrums as the only mean" of lov/fog the whig party.— Even its its dying .stragglei these eiresdy pillow* Igo *- tent only upon fleecing the party of its money. "Herat they go , -cheap as dirt, i .la fall of blood and-Carinage.— Circulate the documents. hid pal Sc'etrwillioyde tested!" What bcipe can them be-fors.panly whole , f, 4 gletneu are governed by suchenscrupgijes repapitirt • '- . Very well. ' We'-ittest put thi beet face eimprthirbi? it. Aug. 10.1852 I siDeu jean parq.'• 1 it4tiveusi;i mg kinst gist by (hi, Whip They do not ice, or et a Ceusl • the sera seat i the lead thetlhe E•o defeated. Mid . t tt, They . will eer ie Commonwealth 1 tto4h Niw Turk, / other States, nAing eirs,ey of the (Tutor: handy. Give te l iking a majority ef JOU che dd it to Pusidentill con- A nolo whO now uominees. Puts its 1. so 'pod • win nd diva not !trawl al Fa ill his duiirg. ei will andosiotedly d with profit to the loaf kinditioatiii, cinquefoil. yee use will it. sue will you this time to rid the dardinetsia l eol the the past four:years: Guest men, briog it Jackie& i • Sot. l a • Democratic talk ad, from which we. t mrthorizettlf dot lerten fah nten t• et the wire•pulett4elk of Iraq the Democrat* *dieting. theta ; but litticott's immolation On 1814) hi,. nee of the Csitiobe liishupe of the Cath rohable nortnna(iou,' of Whence in the se frees swot Ka:. to contradict per k o aid the election of et the wholeipob noratile :e his dates bore the least stain I adopted eitiiens of I• pp'. own word s., It leotretusive than this. city. and watild.not it mh i ctp Hughes. had Tooth goes astray. o restore him to the i doeSs are lavished nal:mance •ud peace ever Biased. But ( ):ed the recatees the vrtt tram' the ways respeetad, ' , deemed., • known there is no a. Society hag no acc. no ruins offer 'ratifies unknown of is th.n, and hada' rd county; Mlle . tai ! passions, perpetrs sit •_highly respects tobably swing. He . eu the Torning-of • orchard whore the peaches. he arc eon lher person. i Ile ac- the o-chard where I I revolting proposal tlt horror. Ile thee 4:coeittis2 it advanced she stirred from the II is the greend in )i se lere.iiriplished his tidy it is said, of oil; sing personal ap- Mroent Phyoioixii of eo nmunteated is the" al, an article oatitled aehial Dyspeptic and stated theta rsoidepee at stioUset ; for pampas h, strength and health. t. throai or stomach. iwhen the canes are cried into P a gm, r. In middle efOctoWer. and. I es, protracted jab Jam melt agreeable and own ease, ends , * ee toed for boon it the ud dritiking oceulon . This is a feet inter il , I espartes. rir An •"iisened" y g genniantaa. to show his mil. jarapite frees the expresi train going at the rate of forty anise as hear. ea the riichbargb road. a day et two ago. sad the last sees ef. him lie • warn doiag at - ieveatete handed revolutions • minute. while dm air vies cloth fall of dickey-strings, gaiter booty. hair and [ tare linea.— Bends Mag. ilealt." said a Deane- 'l' sae battik ea- Intacky Whig. ever in ettoafteace ht the .4es- meant. the Demtierai. banditti' 'big. banding ever the ehallanpd a►e to bet lERCEit Moe 1 bet. beak hie ems. bud tritiog. ' :• Si 50 A YEAR, in 4drranc•. The Breaking Up-of the Whig Party. A distinguished Whig Senator was heard to fly. few days after the nomination of Gen. Scott. "We caw ftirnspojelfinent now of the slectian—we moot wait five or aisairreks. If in that time the whit party can revive,the old enibusiewn of 1840 er '4B. than we shell halm i aid eafsilaig assurauce el success, but if we fail td kindle up the old military fever. thin we are gone.".— Thai five ar six weeks have elapied—eirery 'axpedioit id revive tke ganprowderfisreri of '43 and ; 43 his previa& chilling abortion. and he rig , r raise may lead the kiwi writing epos the Wan. that the "whig,partg by its.. weighed in the balsam, sad Awed moulting." and le re.; pidly,brenking,up: IEI We Itiew thak the 'shit party;has ruiite dis= rear—that it has nothing more .to-di—ttrist.itle - stlpshar. , reused. and harriesed..and . hrohen in body and spiiit. with tke rank mdtioy of Gadding!' idd tiro whip of the Westert Rnserve of Ohio-with thir . alt-penreding die- , tryst of Seward in ihe'Soatk—witti,tbe michinations of the'Llberty -meln in New Terk. itrid ihe•Freenollert in Massachusetts.; and. Fero thin all. with the terrible dogged and sullen silenee'of Gamin! -iiielsterapen-the nomination of General Scott—wi kno;r'all this. but what' can we do? Theexperienswormeolgunpowder Preside t. is recoiling upon the whit party. Defeat stare. tneni is the face. With their died aid disorganized force,. they have to cope with the cute fled and hungry De mocracy—hungry, reified snot oni edthey never were before—moving Noro and South !hi s olid phalanx. like a Roman legion. felt Pierce and •31Ci . their Daltimorn platform, end the forty- thousand i efficeb, and (the public plunder of full fifty Inillions a yea : ' , What is to be the' end of . all tbis I In the deAsat of Geseril Scott. what else can weltexpect. but the fermi] disbanding and lisiolotitio of the Whig patty ; and what nest bot.the sne4ing of the Serd hatoreat , beg and. t baggage, into the great Free So I abolition party of the s North 1 Such are the consequfncee to a great party from pandering' to all the political abominations and cs.clipeunyiumbugse the day. I Let the Wigs of t u be South etaud their grotrad e and kt• Web s ter conserva tive Union *bias of the North. od of Wall street. leek i th abet* thens„iiiii calsnij'instaire. n this 'Hobs. whether they had not bitteerahy upon Webster and the coosil tution. than-sink with Seward add the highir laW.—Nao York _Herald . i • ~ . tIT The Cleveland Harald. cUlls particular attention ;. to Gen. Scott's eloqsence as 'Nowa in a speech in Co. lain'ons. which is witted. In speaking of semi chug% which it was reptesented tnistin se Waving be.. and against him. he used the follbwing language : " It is false—it, is 'a invention. gentlezrien. a tic: I see aged citizens 'before me. I see eminent law? ere here . And gentiennin. yen somiets much erci. red." - ' • 'This may be eleguende. ph illy, but if it is. it Is of $ . new style not found is the !"* . einogies." if. any person she old use such language. en; th set. il,weekl be cutd bleckgunrdiens. OAT STILA w. •••••A writer is mace somber of filet - ant Journal, gives his experieuse af the injury et eat-straw wheat fed to mach tows. .fisettette that is the early pail of 'June his ems ate of.thi oat straw litter, and. al though fresh. their milked haMediately failed. and was 'not restored until the cattle were' entirely excluded from the strew. Thee, we belie!". accords with the aniver sal opinion among farmers,if the . deleterieta effects of this straw apes sows in ,milk; hat it is well *sough to tneutioa the fact", an "der thatothreegh isatteatioa. oth ers may"oot coffer from sogligimtly allowing their made io feed epee it. 11.7 '4 look pan Fnudilia Piss so woo if tb• most ?shays men, ma a statesman aid patriot, s tlasstlio Countr y has Prodoced."..-Join C. Caanon, .••240 man &opposes that if met oomia,atis of Scott 11; to b& caused to an election ,by thins who p joetq! u. treie' Webster will or can tamale eonasetod With tits ruaient,in any eapsaity."—Banton ( Wes) Arum. QT Better thet 'war. pestilence end limbo shineld sweep over the lend. tiles theta military chieftain shihelil bri Coveted to thi Preaidency.%—fleary Cloy., ANTOPRIATELT .13asoutrt.---Tho Viking Mtn bate bean Istoly potreaissd. we should judge from this mum. ber of copin of •Grseley's Lire of Scott. sod Roil sow's great splurge calks Nue Hntpskin Test. that hays boo* •grstaititssly distributed in thii vicinity. To show whit• respect our *doped citizens-hays for these documents.- _we notice that is savors' plates they have been Siorrap: prepriately lahollsti—the first a . 1/10 “Lifs of it Nati,* American of the firsitirder." and the sultor . "4l peek of Nee from the pea of a sillinoss North of behind Prang,: man." The investment don'ts:iota to pay In II& Vie* ! - ' - t4.n. , -, MI