RiveNand : . .). Damen& araindge• th•lV hies claim ea( Naive fe~ d fur Har bor and River approprfatious; a .. for that they claim everything and r nothing. Their policy is one of the elaborate pro AlliOfill, boundless promises and pledges; their prat ice is another matter alto., (ether. •' - e There is no better or. airer . test of the valve of awl article, than to ;give it undid examination; there ii art surer way of under siding the motive* of a man then to exa.nitie the e not of his life. What he haricese and not: what ha' said, should determine the a ount of credit du him', True, he may have reform, front evil to , trod Conduct; be may have forsaken is idol's arid ow worship et the altar of, truth, and eat things will ewer pass to his credit.l This rule of interpretiog settone we deem to be : .good one—an good and ertjtist that no sane ma will doubt the propriety of Ili application to the par. , ties of the country. • 1 • The hillovringttatent' nt hits been carefully enrol' piled, and will ~how *Mounts appeodriated for illarbors, Rivers,' 800 a, Light Houses, p L. ., front lhe cmnmencement of governm u ent r each l iliucceseive aolminuorst nu Let it be carefully scanned.' and it will f. ly ova how unworthy are the exclusive pretensions of Headship to liarbuii and Rivers put forth by; the W 4 partvt; „ Arraorstanoits al ADP: . 001Watit at VAlttoett An ditst-tadmos-s. roe' ilsaitoas, Itatrass, Lase Houses. Buoys, fem.,: During Wirshinetier's 'admisistra . lion of 8 years. over . (During this edministration, .vari ous acts were peeped by Congress ter erecting light houses', buoys, and niers, at the public expense, wit bout lashing specific'appropri st ions. ) I John Adams* Administration of 4 veers' s. • • (Ditririg this adminietrat iottone act was passed for several ,works of like' character. welniiit making •specific itouropriationa.) , ' Thomas Jefferson's adiniebstration of 8 Vet re 1 ~ , James Medisim*s aditinisttation of 8 rears ./ . 4 (ituring the firsuyea rs of hie !admin istration, the late war with Great Britain *limpid, if is prevented, much of the liberality of Con- gross towards harbors, lights 11te... ' The la 4 four yearn made ample (intends.) James Mariroes administration of 8 rears (During this administration. appro. , priations first began to, become permanently necessary on the A ScoUNDaßL.—Etery day's.' experience • hiker'. in ' consequence or the s that the is orld is rife with ra-celiiv. We growth of %heir commerce.) a case in point, illustrating, forcibly and sadly, John; Q"inel Adams' lialloistre" •xterrt of which deception is semitones carried tin s, of 4 years eixpenie.iif the-tenderest and holiest of human AndiewJackron's adminietration of A,naari named: Wellington R. Gorbratn came 8 ilea ra is county s'ohie time in April last,biid was em- (Various acts of a general charge rd by/ihe Conti/lemur Messrs. Becker k Rust,,tei t were passed during i this ad rersee the building of ' the Wateet Creeit Rail- mihistration,••ppropristing mon4 (thlidge—professing to have ben a Dative and ry frir. certain rivers 'slid hers 'n era of og& County. Possessufg a tine person ibleedifies-and agreeable cod% ersat lona! pow.. • bceorii, Certain States grants of, rights to States to levy. tolls for' ie.made a favirable inapre-simi in the circles in , certain imPr't`ente°!• IP or °knit ihe meted and inspired conOderirte both in his `, their borders.) M ess tactand integrity of character and motives . , Martin Van Bureo's adminiitration it the'first of July last, he firmed the acquaint- I 01 ' 4 rear' of Miss France. M. Purdy, f ormer ly of ll,s "John Tyler's -Administration of 4 city but then residing with tier anther (tto•v Mrs.,_ Y ear. j Ste le,)' near the Bridge; and so well performed hi,'lfLuide in some instances were sp. pert the : tile succeeded in gaining her sfr-ctimis, and . Prroirristed, during !hi* adminis. the) .were married a few weeks seb-erment. Th e i train'', _for the,iinpriiverneut of union was appare nt ly It fitting one, Anil they heed barbarism! ricers.) , together liarinomo .14 tool haripilv for the space of James - K. Polk'', r.dtmeistration of perhaps - * fortnight, when deve.opinepts were made' 4 veers 1 indicating that so far iron., being *L et b e professed (Lands were appropriated d ming to 4p. a maroof honor and limiest vibe was a black- this atiOlini.iration for the ion ; hearted ecoundrel, without. the »lig , lest c l aim ti ,lie pr , ,vemPot of riders add harbors.) attributes o f a gentleman. .A I,,'hi} ruin 1 , I Ttoga ,General Taylor'. administration—e. Co , * oily treielling West , hapeene l di lie - stop at the li nerve. pub is house of John J. Swan in' Fairview town-7, Millard Fillmore" adniinistration, •slots far ' alii , and hearing something mineerning Ceshrip, • i i ' ' 1 . an e, and at mice deninineee him as, 'a ; b a . e ';,ll„,„, •, Whole amount sppropriated` ;) charging . that' he had abandoned a wife and two • ' t children in Toga Co Hoy. Upon being told this he •Of the above appreprintinns4 the -boldly Idenied it, sii as to quiet any ,fears his wife whole amount apprnprieted bir might to herktse rime indulged; b il f, u arefo ng his .. the democratic partyjunder de.- opportunity, he suddenly left, with all his effects ocratic adminietraitions. is .t_ and •iis borrowed money, for partri k roiknown.' The:r to -do 4 Whig do victim "of his arts is, ofenorde. in the deepest tits. , r T 0 tress. A pnre,minded, unsuspecting ledy. her coo- Difference in factor of demos tic •1 frdence has beets barely mit raged and iter.stfections : • 1 ernelly abused. While;ishe has pur slocere nyinpa • From theab lie sta ; remint. It would be pie lilies, we trust the: liebetless Villaid who has so adiLthe airomotiapproprisied melee Mr. Ty 1 s a grossly deceived-her may Ire apee iitY arrested and ministration, in the , tienvircratie column, 1r I broiight to condign punishment. Tot this est 4, our whip repudiated him - .and his administretii it I coritemporariies are requented to 61 . . tee the affair I fore be had yet signed tiny bill for flarbori i R f and iittentiling• circurnsiances.—Gasef4e„ • : era. $ • pesidesolot bills hetigi far those objet wt mostly pasitecliby a demucrati Congress', dur fig last two veers. . . Now, can the Whig pasty contend. from: abc statement, that it is the only party friendly to iri and Garber!. • 1 ' ___ Figures show the democratv has, when in a approirrialeit $5.48 . 1,787 83 for liatbor an Ri Improvements, unite the Whigs, includi go Titters*. ariministretion; and running back i on very heart of F.ederall-m, have appropriat d 11 139,03 35! It is said that demecrats h e I• power 1 longer thin the whigs; but the de vet has nn been witting' power at any time. an if th have en the eneihies of harbor 'lreprov Meat." how h re the whi ' succeeded in getting ey ap. l a peoei tionst- is it td, too, that but little a been Conan u teri to Like commerc'e—it is mire y rir to sue er that Leke r eurnmerce and I.ake e.essi tie. h -e grown up to consepteece,withi the' twent. years. It 04:indeed. idle—st is aro ti idle—i is,wicked and sinf u l fo r the w hip, - e i specie friendship for liarbur improvement*, Political and General-Nowa Mr. atithamOhe Whig er;zididate far Vies P- The 'Raleigh': North lc:swills, Standard adduces thelolloWing "proof from the recerd,"almwing that Mr. dra4m, the whie, candidate' for Vice President, while•a mein - bet of ,the legislature of North Caroli na, voted (virtually)`against'the enfranchisement of the free white men of thit State iu respect to the choice of Governor. This exhibits Mr. Graham in a wove light than if he_were shown merely to have favored it property q tapfteation Or religious test, as many of his whig as tales have done—because he steads 'helorelthe egtuotry as the enemy of popular suffrsge, without qealificatian or exception. Read what the Standard droves -upon him in 'the subjoin ed article: ' . • _ , .Peoolr FROM TUN %RciaD.—Uider the old Con stitetion of North Ca lin,, the Governor was clect edoutually by the legialature ,• but in 1835-the cop stitittion was intended. and, simony other things. It wws provided that. this important right liti , ,,tild tie iliewreforth 'exercised by tli people . 1n.1835 a bill iniS,ed the legiblature proidino, for , a convention to make alterations in the c tratittition : and, Willlsm r A. Graham, the Scott can idate fur V.ce Pieside, 1 was a,meniber of thatlegi'statare. While this bill was pending before the j house, it wadi moved to strike wit of etid bill "that cloture in the 13th sec tion providing fur the electicin of Governor of the State by the free white men thereof," and the noes. tint) f,hereon was decided in the negative. veas 35, nays,l9l--William A. Graham voting to strike owl. For proof of this, see , Journal of the 'House :of Cum cnonsi.eesbion of 1834, page 220. • The truth is, Mr. Graha'm has alwavi been re garded "iipi.a conservitive federalist. Ilitt ideis of government have been drawn from the teachings of the Hamilton schciol; and hence he has al WIWI! c in- sidered it sound policy to limit die people in their cxercise . of power 'on the, one hand, and to render thenr_prosprrous on the other by bunks, bigfi tariffs, 8,..c..-4-tite federalists. lit is well known, regarded it as a pimary duty to, take care a i thepeciple--titat is to wa tch,. oierhitik and restrsiti them. lest` they might] destroy rtliemselves by indulging in ton in , tch liberty: in other words, f e clersli- et "mans power lirt the heeds -of the few, and submission &Nell übectieOce an the port tithe many. Hence, alio. the , Oppo4tion of the 'Ong- leederslif this State tit free Suffrage:---to tbe right of equality at the ballot box. Mr. Graham is now a candidate before tile free u'llite!uulti of the United States fur the Alec of Wee ! resident — he wants their vote-, and probably hopesl lobe Oletted;:end yet, in 1834. tie voted to de •ny I a portion of them* very men,the right to vote ,for G iverttor. "Pnwc4" lasi in the hands Of "the few" in our State Legislature and Mr. Graben' was for k eping it there in. iwur bare the et til l ties.' to ill' ploy to', irrti Te+l pleu ere, Will • I Aba 011C1 , .1 0 11,T US'ISAV'S TIIIE: 'XISVTIIi.--Meny of our whig ed itors aralrepresenting their party as vastly more fciefidly to•llirliorlinprsvement tlito the dein 'era t c and ?souk of 'them even charge N.lr. Giddings with misrepresentation, when writtog lii us that 'in the House' the two parties were-abitut equal in 'the number of votes in'. favor of that' measure. • The ' Tribune alit' other papers say that - 58 k whips voted foi the pili t. in the Hois. N•ikv tillsr utisrepre• settatirin. 'Co noke out this noinber the Tribune -.must count Florence, of Va., itsM Whig, although 'lie diVards that piity' and stows !its attention to , cute f/ Fr Pierce. d" i• [ • - • ' Again lie claims N .wton, Ninon and J. W. Ilowe. fu all o f .whim refine o tote for *lcor'', but . c iippott Hale. Now such deceptions aal •otily lender those • who put them watt feSS worthy of pitlic eistifidence. - The truth is the whips contiot.b . oest . hating given i. - a larger vote iii either Hous e (or t e (Imhof Mil than was cast ,by the Eleinvcrats, if hose who ) vote - ere.classed according to their pattysympat hi , r, itnil if any 171hir paper is ill titiblish the names of th e . 58 rwhics, we will Show the'riames'of dive who ought isniu to be cl,,risetras such. • I- St, in the Senate, there were preel e_ Zsely„ll whir.. and 11 demncrts who voted for th . ill, and. three . ' free sullen., and we 64 our whig'frwinds, the p , roprt= ety of attempting to claim this as a iwhig measure. 'rue statement that only two southern w logs. Biel die • n f„,m iss " eitk t i p ewson. o f Georgia,, voted against the . bill, i s I to glai ii i i a misrepaesen.ation thit many in.- . telligent readers, wriii!d dtstrin-i it: Pray gentle; ;peen infirm tis' whether yinn call pri, of Mt-, 'fend Pilallory, of Florida, deinnerat 1 They were !both elected in t opnosit ion to democrei ic candidates,. - aad by whirr sti,teis. Hate they changed since elec , Itiou'l But aiirthat 'we say is qkere is no party is " sue ea, Ilarbo). Lufirusentenis.7 Men of both' per ties vote for aid against theih.---''Clene. True Deaf. , ( Silk MenSTliik•The .loop E.,curh of Edgartown. Capt. elevelrnti, twitted heft , tin: - morning, with a s p ec i men o f th e fish getvitli?,.% bleb ! we consider to .be *great curimii(v. The fish is 4•11 the whale spe cies, snit is generally known by wha!lemen as a right , •while t•Killer." It was caught 17 .Monday after-, noon, off the south side of the Vine aril, by a sword . fishing party, hole wilt is 15 feet; its thickness 4 i feet % and its weigh about thrre thousinill inings. i • the creature has a e tof reeth,tahiCh fair regularity anti_ whiten - es wouli'l excite the envy of out ciiy , belles, and taupe a dentist to fall into rantores. lu tact, that. is a "finr;tia is fish." and there ii uo fish story about it.—Xt?Bedford tYtuudUrd.' „ .. , A listr Dozeir Caermiaills.-4-The Bonthera - Rights Convention have autoustaterl i i .,Guy .'Ttoope of Georgia, for the Presidency. Wd thus bave six Candidostv in the fi eld, and we giveitbeta alphabedt _ tally—Goodall, Abolition; Ilate,F e 1.1011; Plastics, Democrat; Scow,- Whig;Trittipe, . duthern Rights; ,and Webster, American and Ns innal., !As th e f hump-backed Richard, said ametbinks Otero be et: Richman& in the field" and ire have been alaisCal , flaY- ~ 1 , - OLS BULL . , NORWAY' 8111711A1IRMITThIll' 61141 , urcbaped by !the Heil!, in • Pennsylvania, to form • tti t . men r, for his C .M ild r yinenplameto Puller coi;u l Y. and embraces -120.000 sCreL Je aside We pisr. chaoe from Johb P. Cuteso. Sm.. of WMN ijn -port, Pa., and already isms twenty "hardy of • Nor. way balm proceeded to their new bows in %bat soon. • O T w PrinCilied Whit of Augitot pith, ' con , eitaot notice of the death. on, the &at • of the non. E. W. lifcGioghey foie' member. 'or Congreem from Indians. He arrive d sito rreottie, Co Ott the 4th ult., laboring midge the Pagarla *rep . with' wh:cit be was attacked during thwpa asge t ; resident Life of Geri, Fr Pierce.' 'SuLpoised to 4oae beta ate ilea by W. E. ' foi" a or .1 II Walk, Esq. - •., • H. "4004 11. C. 14 bqrit•in Concord, N. 4003 " • is exaetteil from &len. 4001 " hr her Abel. 26831 Blares 'the Tetnytte of pions, and pot Ptre I n - 2i071 if Orders Daniel Id be dernored - b lie 67 A. D. Persecutes the Christiana. t. 74 " pocs his Slather Agrippina to e — Vi 761 "' Nays the fiddle while Brook nis 801 1 1 11.1 1 all the 'children in Judea a 14* Bulids the fiastile. ,1:1581 Murders the two young Pane in ToWer. 1190 11 Plots with Andre, to betray th ,A. • cup'ertnse. 1818! 44 Encleitpre to ruin the teeth• 0. t• - child with Witd . * candy. ; 185,11' " the' Lisadun Times. 1;b5.21 " Invents the Perdue Pavement. 1853 " Is inaugurated as Preside:it. " Swears alleiria..ce to Queen Vi orii - Losii,t Napoleon, androviros the I ted States in their names. 1555• " Makes biontelf Perpetual Dictator. 11367 ." Puts all the Whig. to a ho.ribilti'det HOW Gen: Pierce increased in Pop - maths Amite et the ?septa. ;Franklin Pierce was elected to the legislaturs at the age of 24.. 1 They liked him an well that hi servedfolar'yeers. His conduct and sbilitieswere so degeedin i g. thet 'in 1881, ht' was elected Speaker of the Taut.... The vote be messed en this occastne was highly complimmeury. . Ile received a majority' of 109 out of 240 mom ben!.t- lie still rrew in ionpularityi - ' for in 183 i, he was re.etecteki Spesker,'receiviig 206 nut of 208 cite. In 18321, ttia•sstne .year. he was elected to Con gress Dv s insjoriry . of• Kw. . s r In 3834. he was re elected to Con t i f eee a as. } w i t! , .4 Iwo, running far ahead of his tie et. ' 1n.3838,, he was elected to the Sestets o the Uni; ted Stales receiving 160. toter Out of 2 t /X in the Howie, and'll vl;ies not of 19 cart in t he en s ... 110800; he was chosen President of the Citeven li„n tit Am e n d t he Sons. COn.titistion, by a vote of Ildroist of 1164. one-third of whom - were *Pp. • ' We eittillentre sot .oppooests to - poodor 111WILIO• ;Ord of &pother such fife. , . Erie Weelll4 Olscrue SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER BS. MM2 DZMO - CIATIC NOMINATIONS. c):4,A41:7.1;p:404e;04.:crl UP NEW !HAMPSHIRE. FOR VICE PRESIDENT G . VTILLWE R. KIN, ' FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. G. W. WOODWARD, of Luzerne ounty. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. • J-10PKINS, of Washington County. Tbe,nioeting of tho Ilichory Clsh es Toss der roonisurres the largerti sod, inset esthsebsitip ibeslisiertiog yet h.ld in 16 . 11411. r Bretehei wore made Stooors.Thoratos and Gifshotti.os the part irf the adopt. 414 Citisoso. sod br Judie Tbenipoos is olseidatios of the Native Asseriese toodeseiss bf the srhig piny. A - AM) I I Boons a WATlMlrpflat—Ost Iriqpieds ie Waterford 4 will 8 very oleo *ad cheap . airoortaroat if • Books with Mr . qr. M. Swam. who has opened a dopositi - rry dors fora ftlw works. If be Rads Ilia patroller, 'oaf. &Wirt he petpeses to famish that ratios with over/ thing is that Ilse. s aid for fiat pahrooo will whoa thaw at otatftd Pariodo.—diva hint a call. 83,150 Tnodat.c is ins Cal/P.-0y a hasidbill issued from the Chmusebit 'Meer. epniauting the proceidinge el a whir meeting is MiLean as Tuesday Mat. we learn that another candidate for Sherif Was been psi upon the coarse by the whig party. The rerson nominated ,at this meeting is Mr. James 11. Campbell, of Ede - ahem Mr. C. we kaolin he a whit—weals° kaoe, that. like his computer. the regular nonanee. he is every way grailtficd for the office, . In this light ansong,sbelaithlel. we inteml io stand by and see fair play. andge goWging! 191,270 i 202,267 P. S. gliacti ilas above was written we have been hand ed an announcement (rim Mr. J. R. Formes. plading hie ustoebofore the people se eandidete for Sheriff.— This is senpiliatically • , anottasr Richmond is the &IV' atr . Mr. F. Id a tree blOir IOU& having been twice coml. amid and elected constable in this city by that party.— , le the laogoete of thi poet we can can' truly ;say. ••Thisige is worlds:" 641,482 rrriter. Solt. Nor is ATIP/113. —The Free Soil commie : ei,onal convention met at Edenborikeo the 231. and very enaohnonely put in nomination. DAVID A. Gams. Erg.. of Erie enemy, fog Congress : and Cuant.es Hannon). 907,1 b,809,4 q• of eno(ord. for &motor. 11%4 of those goalie !a ore Os' so 'aro original rehire. t • Baseker or. C... New Yens —vy. direct tho at- Is tiim of oar readers to th e advertis e at of M re. mien &Co; in another manes. They have on sod *ry Wry - assortment of Pear° renew which. th e sell !ore rowsouablo priamb varying from $lOO to 1 ;of Alio of imisb and make. Dealers and Otbsi ell to oat this oat for fstssiv referesten. 3,799,0 Thorough Organisation. This is the secret 'of niece's—thorough MVO iced 'trim efficient cooperation. •nd intelligent it •siding among ell the friends of the alum. Wit 1 1 aterapersiby *ore bostow—nevot will b. so be! Boa to it. then. friends. and perfect it at ME =EI rzs coosty iirthis contest has a etas*. sad that eyes is mOO4l is swelling the majority in the tad Keystone:— giiniallion. titen..harota the October election is Japer st—it is the key to waviest and socesse he Clatshor is 00 Oars to be followed braseeses in Nattosaber: Oar oppo• $77,4 12.622. theyof f their Jon. are sow directed to wee tint ceditest. they recollect the &merinos. result of tiler own defeat in October i• '4B. and they hope—end it is their lest hope.ho prodnee a similar result by a likeicause. To maim this a 4 hope • fedora one. organization. 'es we Imes beton M. 83 matted. is Me most efficient issenos„ Many dike aims- 10.139.:. 9,482. EMI 'ships. aro ars pleased teeny. bay* already perfected titoic: 4glarrangemests-p-Itaycsabdivided tyrrttory. bays ap• ;pointed their eonttikitteec and wiN have overt voter at e " the polls. To oar frieade touch tittotWhlpip mohair. sot dodo this. go •ay pore *lgo %boa and dalikoarise.!! Do ke , lay sot. for delays,ara dangerous! .The ism thall Wm* iv . hundred majority ')hat Johoiton got iit 1818. 'aim the • State to Tabor is November. If yes would avoid a lika ere rostalt.,wo may again delay nat. bat organise at mi. bin '7;656 . J 5 "They Smell Defeat ifir off." . I live Tho whirno aeU defeat afar off; there is so raisiabe ors alma i 4 or cleti their actions b. 4. their Doetfila. la 184 d tbay were twilling to take all lb. , bets . offerk bat sew sissy have become seddenly inspriesid witli the im• 111X1 normality of beuing. They have got upon' tbe stout 4 re - ' Ir. I he immure*. and win IMMO became di (amass lid!oest, it( L. moral reform ea lire erintoirhat eillebrikted McDowell • 3werseil won jn the days of its publication. Ae in'oral re forms nod rebgrora are irwairoreblo. they hear. brume* ve ry raligiosa..trio-_-gteet sticklers for Catholicise:Oaths... held CO LIE !emetic defenders of Catholic sliest*. especially to New ilampelore. Well, we dl not know th■t we ire •erry ht for•thie. fir if it be Ines diet tee ',vilest sinner any re- tors.' eris are aot sum tout this new born seal may sot last his as acceptable recompense for tie berm church., and eistravisi wigwams fad childrea with which their allies. the Natives. a partY Geo. &sett. whets be said... with fwe'frieasie is the Aiter Heave. wrote as odareee t. tal `k. &wooed the fair f .me of la..lter Philadelphia . Bat beading. awes: , that the wings ••easell defitat afar off." ' is sae war-bores smells the battle. is evident fr.!, the spasmodas effort. of their leedire to rally them hie the • tweiviii. sad the almost itweee Cory they ker. osaig u l. ep ist,their eideavors to drag is questimui fad iseassehot , e i, et allfrortiseat is the comma. For tips twit they sow talk *balm the Cettiolie fetes!" is New HarWpakirel For s. "pelt mimed and °booted PreesOwasis." which seed to both?, hurdle of their *e.g. is. hate is. Qs. tined to snit . a panieelor religious seal 0111 the side if "Fels end ' !slithers." For Herber lied River lerprovessests. we site.Piave ksewßebiesent's Lwirroseeseist ea lying; tad siyeti loth. wad of the dietitian( chapter. from the meet ap- MEI Din proved method of **pitting to tlio piattonte: down to the En t'iledive" a falsify the Coestittlime Ofit State. _When I_ a p a n ! y se hem peee t eet se thie-.-totten its leaders rely. otic epee .seed, rearm Or itemooetraii!e fam e bat era i. p*titre books, sad isseitatiem 'Veep bowls." it sae be trs• mad, we Mink. that they "smell defeat afar eta sad Rot se foe either. hot what it min evert Ake Mem alma November ! •mnd Q Tiattoo Cams or tits tautios.—Fillotots Is pro parlor to vocals—be -ia trakior sato of bia Koons. the tato appoipt,enta ii that of Thomas M Foot!. Eoq . fora hog WOO Editer of the &fah Coos aurcisl. kttO Preoideot'a Hoots own. • i• ,sad cr The Sega%climb Notes le deem es tb seabi-- matisii of Curt...tip" Express. Ihr ; the Legieleteri.: It thinks the realisation is ”tiee Imam be essole.'‘ We ebeeld c•ii t,hef • lwts of head. ' _ CT blie64l Brows. 0/opa with basis' placed his wife es s low se& hernias bor. frogs As resets a which sibs ills& as Carisllisws. lasi sprint hes bpis tried soil sessosised to tb• Positsstiary for six yews. *Wald Use bus Asst. Cr The whip have rowed ewe effiewi who armies . . der Gen. Sows in Neale*. whit pro, hie hot Politelsm. It is Liert, G. W. May. gad tM Zink No*. saps he ••i• doing reed service for hie aid ewistitiewder hallow Tea. Pinsoupylsonai • and the New Englaild Eliatee," Se kw as Pennsylvania is concerned. ars peas the keen M the paper that how the news. Gituaig Pug Ottolgi•—anikani's alaripia• for October WIWI the i atereati Ng pellaissia• it irrer Mai bees., It risk* deimintei IY wide NookNiss i ' ail *MI el Ustelo • • • ERIE, A FOR PRESIDENT. UK ALABAMA Ingrafted Hickory Club. , That 'Vast" we 'ha have bos • fog; der A's week. mad them to+ shall be to the pent: and thee woo will leave it. Th. Gouda has procured • espy ,*[the C406616061' of New iljauspehirrowhere frees it, * set. perhaps, for is to say 7 in' which the Catholic last •is Telly fenceless'. ~ This, discontent is la the shop. of a pamphlet. seinething sine the manner; of it "yeller bleared" •sougeter. sod pertiOrts to have boon issued "by aotheritp. " mod prfeteoll 'lsy Satterfield Ai- Hitt. Colons'. 1 H. • Of the antiteuticity of thie,4oConselit we will hot my a werd.rbott -we will state what ewe rely upon to satiate war peastioe. and then leave the : reader. ' to .judge whether it* an elecdoneerlog docstneet got up. for the occasion et not. "Niles' Register" of 1813, l een. trios 611 Om constitutions oftie States then he the Us. ii.; sod moan the rest , qmores. is that of New Hampshire. ' bit tiers is se Ceihelic WU Ntlis! Reg *ter. 11* envy istelligeut reader is aware. *gem* author• ity—ely. it* eoreeetsese upon all gunshot* never was 1 iisolleStdi le 10110 i• this that A is sew considered a corms Manly of the times in which it wee printed. We' have them a ninon of Constitution of the fiestas. 111111104 by Tower said Hosse..Poili.. is 1830. and the 'coma . I ntim of New Hampshire awit even word fee word with that le /Fake'. &Oder. Ws bare a sonalat voltam* is. seed by . J. ft. Iligelow. :N. Y.. is 1447.. which ale* agrees with Niles' Restiageh!. We have smother Mood by Hogan fir. Thompeee. it 1847. and it egress tyAlt the *there eminaerated. We ban two *then. este issued is WI. and the other ie 'AS. by different publishers. had they agree with then **anointed. ' We have again one Wowed lir A. S. Serena Co. N. Y.. the poblishers or limaidwirs 44 ef Seed. - es late et'the prosiest year. end it aging wit Wall the ethers. le *either of them is there each a "test" as the Whigs assert exists! Now. we ask lame iotellsgest ENO if it is set a little Muggier that all theta shard egrets. sled - yet all of thins be wrong. sad this mineable patephlet—which beam the oar mark of I its pato:hay as plate as the ens 'day Sll6--shotisd be 1 right. 'ls eueb a thief possible 1 - • Is it within the 'bees& of reason that all these books are erroneous in this oat partiaslar. and tali so singularly agree? What. Nike Rgioteo;erroueous? Whymon might as well talk about 81 Bible being erroiseou4 as that decision. to those ihecessintod with it.- t Niles' Register is not t y alone—its *opt stands supposed six oth4r publications; against thoistatbesticity of or IiAN is brought a pamphlet— s: "potter knond pamphlet," at itan: Plow. either Niles' Register is afrood. aid ithe publishe' of all the books we have enumerated. are guilty of :frijol. or this pam phlet to airmail Which is it? la the case of the book' !help is se iseestive to freed—no object to coinuoit a fraud —minim contrary there ii every reason why they shoal?t be right: Os , the other hand. there is a reison to Ids- . ! pm s.fraudl 'Min very feet that : the• books enumerated I I do not agree with- this •• ;loker kivered" . cotnero. is evidence of • freed! Ili ides aro the issaaagers of the IWhig party too pere to he mutini ; edof inch &Instil— I. Let the counterfeit Wolof Gen Poen° they have got up I and eircaated inswert Let _the Onoinsote they are leireetatirg at the Smith. proving' hirer an abolitionist, Itoed those they are eicolotint at the! North. proving him a "Northerti deugh.fece." .answeili Lot Rot:noun's ly ing pamphlet weever: lei tileirl" Collie handbills/ •is doye gess- by.chswerl pot thee whole coarse of do.' ceptiee Is this. es well es every op r comp.:lgo, answer! clad Oaceneo word. dwe are Shoe . lu eiscaistag this • i . 'lB4l6u' the other night. Judge moments is reported 1 by'the whig press to basica : l,4 t at if the •• test." as ; claimed•bp the wings. could be los d in the New Hemp t shire cenititution, be would tote r Scott. Lite most whig stones Ibis is a perversion. : Judge : Thempecou -on that occasion was speaking right r sidi. We baud ), ed hire a . volume et •Ihe Coostituti ne of the Finite. end mated his -attention t 4 portion, of i After reading theta. I 1 1 he said "Now ,soy whig friends. 'll tell you what I'l l i 4o—if you can find the religious t on. test. in that conotite ties.'" or link. throwing Aspen • table. •• I'll vets for lien. Ileott." Oot of ibis thelmisereble Rhoorbaek stalest Jed**. Thompson is *ganef:cased. We , or: 4 • '-- - • tio3tt on NaturoAtistion.,- 4Vhest Gee. *ea. "fired with lud anon." promitl pled his Odious illectriee of "ter ' y=on* Years prohibi tion. srietai exclusion. has 'ed inehniug to the latter." he-had not. it appear""iisetltodixed his views.," In has letter accepting the whig noionatien. however.-he had not only "imethodised" them, but had modified them somewhat. and iii aceordince with this fact. he proceed. ad to add smother plank to the whig platform—to wit: the netenliution of foreinerre after serving one year•ia the rimy and navy; This aoggestion,i lie informs us : , se the ' rowalt`ef his "military experience." Perhaps the Gin. oral is eilrreci is ascribing this change frdm "twenty. 1 ; sue years, or total prohibition" to "one year in the army : or navy." US his "military expernee." bet we suggest 1 whether it is not more in accordance with reason, to sip.' !loose it the result if his else ' ion ettperience.••• 7 . 'General Scott is a greet mate—bit friends say 4 great stetesulanyet we inmost help thin-king the last no tion his wont—to fact. the last a smart mail ever would have" thought of to gull the .peoAe. Look at it. adopted as will as natty* citizens. Foreigners. to be naturalised. most : ` one year to the - arm's or nary dining wee. 'About 'three hundred thicsand emi grants come to the United Suites every yeer=oue half males—What chaaelt! fur 100.00 to MTVe in the army? Who wants oar praates, composed of atenrjust from abroad and subtitle ,`by a sort of c impulsion? Who 'does sot knoi that• l innate are generally pentad men. ' 41.1 and that they 'do n tiere to - leave their families in the first yeast* join the! may is Meth eon to preparing' their homes and fortnes is the new rld?' What sort is of s way this to m a ke them hate ll inem ibd good - via mot Who waste's standing army, to pay. the expos- see of hundred. of lsoissathis of soldiery, at the rate of $lOO per years for eeh One? Whin Gest.' Scott - retreat. ed (rem his nook ;hostility: to forelgoese;he this tOiw dodge. be did ?hat ,' hostility only shows4.lll4iis pitiful "reek twos and lickleness.rtithost abating • shoes jot of the odium in which: he e heltiloy adopted citizens generally. IMM d~ T. • wer , ET The Rooth eisi moo is detoralioed to get op a tariff mitt eversporii es,hence he teas at es with • hitch of geolii. MoMieti sly- No. "1" .94 "2." /lira is No. "1. Whit is the resent coaditiou ef the iron io4mst of resiti'M as compared with it. 6ve orals years ago?"' .-'We hays as dilits'et band to compars 'hit eionclitimpiK Wu in,'" osteropet •Ndi years ago" with it at presitit. et we omen oat quieitemer oe thi homer of • votive . 'that it is wat deliberate opinion: tosedod upon mature to deetioe. that it ill i• .11 mach more pritsperoas eoeditimo thins it was "tea yeari 'qv." whoa IVilti•is 4. G r dun. flui`whig cienifigatsfor Vacs Priiiaptit. voted efigistst the ha if 1012 : • .. . HMO ii Ne.• Ikas or. strostly esispoet. it is is a wens state wow than it :was thee. to what mese aro ski to asettabo this • solavirable 'hosier . - This violates, like most of the Neese amed by that paper. depodils. for its redestptioa. spas so ••if;" it is ism s worse elms thaw it ger whoa W. A. Gishiuo voted egoism thf hilt of '42.4hs 'Thee" is •••siiiibellis." as doubt. b iho sold irat,t Filissevils swoop, hove throws spins - Ow thorium or **lonisation for proaistisa," Whiel the *ass bes ..y woes weenies, i ask. we Maps it west be Matfett Q Tr,' whir of Erie lied • due Meer Mamie, en the risisioersery or Perry'. Victory. 10th Of Sepeensber. Th. mooting Irmo addressed by Mon Merano Grreley. es the esbject of Protectiee. Leer and Harbor Improve anente. aria the prospects of the cantitein. Mr. G.. in bia early Caro*, ma n Joilrileyetilin ruiner. WOrile ' d ► short period IN the Gazette office in that city. te which he suede Weenie in his raddrosa.—Fivelosies Censer. How istraerdiaary: fl.a Horace Greeley, the wan that - "spits" 'ea the platform. actually dad. at •'a flae Maas meetiam" it; Eno. "snake &Huai.," ta the Net bat he;:laegest Herac•—••warked a short period' in the Cie tette' Aloe is that city:" Apia we say. hew ssuaordi wary " Cr A Goss Oat:—laity Vas Bona said is bisslisesh at Newberg/h. that Gas. tliestt wostd be is a position seat Nevem* to avoid,' lira is Ms roar, whisk has basis die sight-man if Mold*. Mammas ha lass& be es tar liejiiad tlw 'bop V be Nobody - babas/ sob* at REEI!!!! ISM What aim tbe- • • ot tittl e Chiagaign• -Na Preaidential *niPaige. sines tttet wbbals elevated Mucus to the Child Magietracy,fiashwe mutters to smart. elicited so little "Reim stud conineiou," weal open such occasions. as the present., Hence{ leaving est of view the wed know', iiiitecedeate that hang ron‘d the whit party and its candidate. No result is eismewlain tibia...lry bet sp• ply,the light of facts to the question. lied it at nice be• comeaappereat, we think. that there ii not the tieinotest shone, for the eigEtiou of Gwa. fieritt. What those facts . are. epos whin sly for this estueleisioir r we could read sly eueinerete; 'bet lea* wd might s he easeasedof I looking 'through the glass of party bops-of being biesed by the ••trisa being farther to Me lhonght”—weprefer.to eall to the stand a wAiir witness lel testify in the case. Tao N. . Twit Mirror. is elllsteilla ftell Plorlessee is 4 1 1, 47 Paper. as Editor is a wing office.GO, serkis 1848 itlw as one of the most efficient „- as to as the very rwst.Visyler pa ;old pent is the thugs. la a lute article epos, the 'frothiest of riirtlee—the Balance of Feweir." it sums up the.pros• poets of the whip thus: ! I . ' I We have been at some kiiiri to examine-the figures. and see what the chances Of the two great parties. whig sad Democratic. is wiew a Mair peseta' positions', are. We west ceases that the hope of a whig triumph in i s November are opposed b3rta we n array of filets. Except 'in this elite. Vermont , Tame se and Wisceniin. the whig. have Governor; oolr a Legislature save one is Kentucky. which o ff seta lb Democratic legislature, 1 of Wi•cousia... is Congress he whig show la equally bad—nay. sorsa. 7-u the Ben te. against 93 Whigs are register Dominica's; 3 geoid Democrats , villas Free 6 4 dere. and 2 meencies. Int tbs liana, agaiaat 73 age. ars 141 l 'regular Democrats. !lad 5 Free Sailers, Thus far. the account standU 4 whig Governors aid Liegialaturee against 27 Democratic. leaving I D eu io‘ra-' tie balance of 23 Shave; jaw Whig rote in Cmigress:lol against 174 Dimmers% e) Vohs, Soil..and 2 raeaniptes; leaflet a - Deinueratie„halsaCe ir without Free Sullen. of 63—a pretty fair working mail dr. ; We Irwrie found it iintiossiitill to rive in tabular falai a finakitem, to wit:—the large popelir vote of the Ellateir which the whip have' to ev reusue. A portion or the i n S ta i rs item their G,, s i o r s isra , y LegiShalliria.. )3011C the popular vote of 18.51 is divide ,betiseen G6ool'lllll 6.1. Congiessioiiel aud'ether elect s, We have, hoar ver. by going trick to the Preeideintial election of 1814. in three or four State...got an average elthe strength .Af the two parties according to the imiest. ' 1 . Leaving Georgia, South erotica. Minnesota, and Utah out of the question—eh I y are.ill DI in'onrstig.i—we find,the whig strength to too a t far from I.:161410 timer, I d while the Democratic veto ata a about 1.44‘000-kiettir wig a Donnicrattc balance of jibil.Ml voles, I We, here not recorded the Abolition Toll, of ¶ ew York—sfiiiie 5,- 000 as cast fur Chapin; nor the K a tote of ISeSir Jer sey and Poniuqlvittiss„ sole; 4.00 ii. as cast et:late elec. nous. We find 'also th a t in 1 Itild. had the dletnnernt-c party been united es it now is, it would have carried Creel' against Taylor—Ohio by swipe 10.000. N-w Turk by over 16.000. and Pennsylvanis.ssounting the Naive vote thet will now: be cast against Scott, by a small majority--thus securing the three great Statue depended on to elect Gen. Scott - • , . What reason then has the Whig Fitrly for exalting too loudly over ,no chances?. Cali it expect to carry a strong er vote then Gan. Taylor pored—aud that vole. lowqn the Democratic party suited. wilt hi of to avail. Tu air mind this pintose le by no means bright. end abort of , the utmost adity.in tb Whig ranks.'now en by , indepintrleist. mooremenits in Georgia. !‘lesssebura sena, and eliwashrre, there to hut the sinollerit oh lucre i•f success. We trust. Inrrefure. litet Wing.. who "'lvo up • on Whig plutforms.."‘Su.. will see that (pita 'another sort of work wilt have hit,* done to elect Gen Scott. As'ansdenda to the above. you may ant that. since the eleeliSit of Gan: Taylor: hr theltiest trial of the na tional strength of the two piste., a large - crap of Demo. crate have been'usteralized snit become of age—for it le a fact that youth thc h o••a to ructicilisio ind Democracy rather than coaaeriatism. That ii, we get `op in the morning of lie progroiwingt nod lie' dwelt at itight . cou. uves.—N. Y. Mirror. ET The Rringit NOW. in one of ite linnet this week, asked es two 'questions.. which, in sootheri article. wo have answered.i Will it uoie allow.us to propound one for •ts soloiii!n. 'ls the Mr. Graham on the wbig iieliet for Vice Presidet.the Grithins of **Graham's Miegsziue." or the gentlemes of that 'wimp. the ( Senate df the United Stetee.:voted sgaiust tit* terra st of 113 , 12?- . ff. as I. slieged b 3 saootbeen Whig Editor. fie is the ver kph!, men who - gets itcrhain's Magazine," we do pot know bat out of "stale, Pilde.!"- we nisi. bb induced to go fer hitn. Bit. if on the cnntrart; he's the _chap . c - votf tur IlfraiDlLl oar deirly belusred **iron interests." in the pereon of the bill of '4;!.. w e must continue oor opposition to his election. V", Hear what Colonel Haskell; of tSists.msseyewh;g„ who himself served an honorablyln the ftl'atticett s wiir 4 '. ears of Gen. Pimrce's conduct on the tiattle•field. ~ He speaks age44hrkee soldier Is bound to speak of ;mother: • •4' would (says he).consider nayseirpersOnally disgrac• : if did I stoop to the hutnillatiug baseimis of iosiutiostut cuiraritice agai 'at Gen. Pierce. whom I Amon' to, ba a Warp man , chivalric iu his conduct iiu ills fii•lii of butt . Others may pursue that course Which theii fretinzi d, . tate; hat as for ncysell. I would spurn Inc th4;iight did ;it 'obirisde itselCupon my mind." ' . Bow does this compare with the sneers of lamb able paGoons is tV inter. N 314 e & . • Repuhtic, the organ of the whtg party in Washington city. publishes . 41 long communicetion from •• JIN ot.rp WIIIG" Which chs claret,. among other things, that "the nontin - sholn of tretn. Scott. and the rejection of 'Mr. Webster Wed Mr. Fih murd, has 'destroyed the National WhirParty.' and af firms that in conkolueace of "this iict of ibfi.lehty no milin fit to Counsel, to gelde. to cintrul, and to fetid that"ptirty. will ever hereafter connect his Aviaries with it." "Aa 041)Whie, sityr this, rod much mare tit the same sort. and , theleirilblic. irt "Trending hisyinivisbVforithe world, says: •• We publish .this cemmunledtion bt:.cituse It conies from a wbig. and a gontlitnen who can never be aoy• thingelse:' sod. inastimieh 'as the writer is'tleterthinect to publish the ariiiies somewhere. his argument may as welt appear in the drat initance in i whip Journal." Alas poor Winery! • The Erie Observer says: ••No sollicr of distinc -add support' Scutt." What do ai r timer volurayeis. who risked their Ives in Mexico. mid who now rejoice' to be under the . %tuner Of their Oh leader. think of thatt—Csmaseircial. - •rhirik of" itf—wky. that if their "old loader's" par ty had, had its way—composed of - your. Corwin's. your Johirston's. your filoward'a and your Wailterio-7:thet.bleit teams would hive "welcomed them with bloedy hands to timpitable graves." That is whit they thiiik of it. sit: more •otill. they think it doss nut solidi well in inch "morol traitors" as you—men whp pronouoced the vie ,**God•abhored;" "tinholi." and waged . ••fer the ; props, ration of slavery." to new tern "douth faces." and 'at. tempt to ride into power upon the tame acquired thereby IFl'Greeles's reeent• omission to Ohio. from whi s e)4he anas sliming whets he addressed the rneetiog here lbe 10th.:dises sot appear to have 'added anything to his cihr66wee that shoe. 'lle save the pemiistion of Have Will receive 000 votes. and at least 16,000 of tht•in will be drawn frobyhe Whigs. Irate's- strength is as, doubt eatirely wader (militated. is is also the Whig Oro. perthin of the vote; bet take b at Greelev's own esti• elate and Oa State goes for rieree r by 10.0:30 Plonslity. ;ma disseu.sirrs our . Gas. isks .The Whoshing. tea Ilaien says that the plea siito ~ e hietly assail Gen. nerneisr hie %series to lileviee, are net those who derv- Olt tiering** war. bet the ralesat &bad* sod petunii . rolsoine who remained, at home. Mark theist sod in ogee eases eat of tea lbw. who insioare that Gen Puree did wit believe. se Ole Scott said, "saljetitly" in lklettietioore the petitioises wlto mend' in the Aoki' of private life. le aiii,aeti sealed the eiimmoo,Jiiii. The wen who hoot hi the . eimentiy in her late war, .all, seitheeteoiseptiettAeisr the Warmest testimony to Abe thetiegaiebed peso:toe of Goa. Piste* ate !smiths, and a Cr Mies 'Norio* Nays* hie entered iota aa ea gagentent with P. T: Bernina . to give eisty Conierti in Califorais.>Mosips. Cabe. aid British North - America wader his rasasgentent. He gives Miss Hayes the rimed seam of $50,000 sad Gaff the preen' derivable freas Abe 00011•Milat. nu Dearing all the nveawmt. The party will sail for Contends is November: s ET We call attention to the idesirtimusest of Meows. Sanger. Camp & Co., contractors on the Ohio and Mis sissippi Railroad: One of the firm, Mr. Wot:Trenediall, will ream for the work on Monday, which affordalallotii ere s first rite eppertnaity to remelt the line of the\ead, witore.good sages sad steady ansploypikat ara inaritit• toad. rata M Papp" of et. I‘cosis ti. th# is* Iselin. An stespant of liwarigaoisetion er parties is ihe State if MIMI% tied by the section et the 14, Actor Cratistion, the f4ada of Geo. Scott •zpected to sho e setnethise oat of the recent election thel welshd revile the.dreagripg hopes of their- party. bat slam, they hav e been daissieed to disappsintment. as will be area by t e i , - follow my extracts Trent independent exchange ea the Maine ielection: . ~ Thin election bee,awept over t he State of bliiineem e ., ' what like a email tempairt.• !putting everything ie it s coarse, producing a vast amount of minfeeion sod rev. ' Bering confnsion,iteelfireree confounded,. It has hue the, eaten!scions of the polideiens. sad' driven them le sera without s'ehrart . or compass. • Let us lee if w e ea t , sec gatbeisente i thisig valuable him the wreck. la t h e first place we learn that the Whig party have bees tit. twig demolished in the sterns. There were font m i di. dittos for Governor. and the raga is u follosi : -. , . ruby. (Whig.) -. i.., . . 16.908 I übbird. (Dem. and Maine law) - - 25.311. A handler. (Dem. and esti-Maine law) . . 14.si , Neal Dow, (author of the Main. law) • . ( di It will be thus seen that the Whip bays bees• tut sp. itoot and branch in this election. . The Ulla Democrats have 'between them nearly ejj. 000 votes. while the Whig vote'snionnts to nearly it. 000. These figures. of enures nettle the Priiiiduati e t election vote in Noirembar.ao the .whale 40,000 D ia , 1 cratic votes will thaw -be given to the Dein:krone ew e r,. , I date. there being no collateral lases or disturbing access tq effect the result. Even if Neal D 61011692 soileehulde be given to the Whigs. it, would. net do them any /eq.. for oat elate 57,425 voter polled. tho Demoeista he;‘, 39.026. which will give them si large majority. : This is the political aspect of the Maine election. ; Recollect Ehimciersis.' says the Baltimore'Arras,. those who fought ths Unitas( Mexico. were Desocrei g Generals—Pierce. Pillow. Butler. Worth. Wiwi. Shields, Lane; Smith. Qiiittneo. Riley..bleßeyookle. &c. They were the brave leaden who lad tit* 'gallant troop. to tory, through - the : leaders hail mei*, front the enemy's clouds of war. inand,tohand the fought add emits,. ed. when Gen. Scott eat safely at • dietauee giving L. rectioos, which those othei Geuvralicotuteelled; iikd an Fur desires to appropriate all the ,ht l ider and glory whorl they achieved. A friend—sad a' Catholic—desires es to entisire iof the Erin Crreercer Weir James Casaisbell wee dr.P.aill ' by Me dernscratic Party fur Suproaisi Jedge Met (all!•-• Gitzeti ' , • Tour friend intuit be a eery intelligesitr moo, traly!... According to the best of our reeollection, James Coil. bell wee the Peinocratic caad.date, and was drafrateilby the Whir,, .. • ".1 snore gallant man, or 6. more konoraftle matt Shun Gi'n'. Pierce; both in public aid priro,l artier kneto."—Gen. Scott to ea, Gorman., • - New Advertise/mento, • , . -111. TO 'rho Voters of Eric Cetotir. Isrm leave , ty otler nit self ;via catololaie for trio otter of SIA• at the rouitng eubjact w the will of the Uallot vox. J. R. FKKG-t':lfli • e'rRAT COW. Yr . AKIN pp Jinn Irma) by the s , ttiser tier in IG'i • mni r. -4 ' ilit. , ; .1_ tOlditrlltlip. 11l 1111* county. a small Ted r , n i,ip sopp,i-p1 to I# nloul eleht• year 4 (4,1 ha% wt. , •untt a p.; Art tle on the face. white bit•lly.. stp4 orr lute hind foot. aria a abort tail. No other marks. l'ne ownrq i• ri - pleetr4 to row... prove properly. ;Is , charges: and take her ht. 31. , Grt tit .. Sept. 23—•:Ireit - J M. DULL. 31E31:OVAL. DR. e. RR 0. 4 :01E4 has removed his office Whig resident:eon c:rrt et, I , etweett' French and Holland. whet* 'bore tr. lotting his s..r . ice. arc resiscetfully in*Sted to call. Ern.; Sept. „ _ _ ' magazines for Opt - olbor. • • G R A 11 Am and Code) Magazi for October have berm te a rid are for t•ale at , .9, drown', ----- . izes,;u r's Notice. N „T !cc I, betehr es n -that Letters Teatamentary won tkt n 1 :1 annexe 1. ‘e In en crawled to the ulderslgned OA de estate ,tf 5`1 , 41CP1" . attnek,,hrte,or - ttalcreek tp..dee'd.„Ml tra• wen* t h.letoed 1 - 0,1 estate are requested to make ininteatate sa!• inn to. coil 1 7,e hail i tl2 ela inn. against raid estate to peeress tam proptrt • . mlsenticated for settlement. IILN it Y 011ATTUCL, .se ender?. .. . Got ' Eieetttor. - „ • NDW noNnitrs AND Nam GOODS. ti Rs VC RTIS titystiainA ret.trned frOis New Yost. is saw '7'. In L- 0 ... d yoinrittSh Oor uttS, new sty les. sofpesber w Mies ry artirly up tier line. Pert. .1. • , Now Goofs a ro. Perri -ja i 9 ---- ii' e el i : - - - r I 1 t : .11'..irklwr. ltaiorec ',yeti theft Fdll sleek of Dry Coots. t. • t0,,41.16 , 41. ut the twist dvsirahlfi styles of Linter tire-- G•rser. itrcad 11,0•., Ca -Js igiege.. TviVe4o. /vans. Ake.. with a fnii nit ply of llonarettc Goults'at-prieett that none will think of W.A.', farther to li..d thew elttaper. (Mr Stock of Geoccetleo is full awl no eln•ng , a., the che I , ,.est. I n "(tie • ll,ror kcly deivvrtahrnt we len s outhetttion its 'nice , Jr quoin), of s are. and all iii t. ark is a nil Inun tilu , •CA , : 'stint g ty bity4t4 ne W2ll satisfy the tom% erre]: lutla pt the 'truth of witat w 1 assert. • . ...• 1 lAA: ,Sept 24, tr.. 11. -to • AR BUCK IA it ;K:1:11,7.1k. i ' • - - - z e- , • _ ‘, iitill Trembling t h e Trpule.. z A. o ur:AP - Goy& alWays bittla a rank • At !ea.!" CI.A Rkr a L. , 31i; IVALF tiini . in Inca et porienee. T4e , . i...... c , ,rilp.ilf-.1 itnth to crlP:riN.h thielt stock %tali , Ca,Vt.tiucht ra:l 1. , ./.. • n hi , It are noW i i;jlllling 114,1 , 011 r In At rate tiro IrO , d ~. :e ••11 , e0. t rell in 1 1 - 101 ,', /ficill. POOr • nit, tbeyrni4ht $, - ,t , ft re. seen 11he wnittipli of th , - as lOU they ltd crammed law d a tlto-t SltufieWeely wereabetrp. stomerr have dune, and a he nett tie hitt' ti 1,..% int) the credit gents s ill po to NO: 1. Reed Itmr.e to I.nly their gOody , • Erie.„Sent t'.s. • • eI'ST received a ' • New Yprk Cash Sore, mocha. INl.tutlew And atl wooltGingttlhawisaheaper than ever twlore ~ dwad .retlent.tmokee • itfe)4. 23- • ' . .1. SINE:NE.% . - A tilbj..K:\ airsormP•st.t3f Fallatyte Illthbors;;la bi ver .y. , ;esi ul. tr. - ER RI 11 At a lad .otlit r tztpt. , :F iUled at hr I'." ?Ter rark Cas4 Part tASIISI ti iti,l..toepbazine,:Brbetide and A lapaeao. veiittesr At • • Rept .25. eIIVEN 'FEW tilort ronees of those splendid Clothe: Ca-loin:ern awl ti3 , (11 , ^t ,, ..11 , 4 received end for sale eht;np by Str ri EV. • Ls.dics li t stbbor Poets. - -TUsT the thing for muddy en:wings and man'. kw nig ss, by , Sept...S. • WILCOX & NOB PI. AMES crow oi.prpttota, a new and Airsiral , leety ket'aaa LJ Ladici Ewe Gaiters. of all eizeirfrom twos to entlixfs all. by , Sept. %). W LA:OX kN 0 It'll*. lr UST received, inother tot of them. tine Calf Wider-proof nool4. Sept. W. WI LIN )X k NOWItiN. - NW:aoovst Tv ON opening a large amount of Fancy aid Staple Pry - Gool LI only a fen' days from the city, and not altipassed for slit ainrdea was as they are of the latest importation. E'rte. Sept. 23. COOli'S trap Cash Store• DIST GOOD•SI GRE AT sale of Ory Good. nt rook's Cheap (bash Amore, a wit niagnit:eent stock of Goo& now onenine. painieuhatly be :re. fire. , Good., which eant.ot be ournatived in aegila„ggianit eariria. A lao. Eiiihroifferier the tintest apiouttkever ovemaittil offered for woe. Alm ladies are solicited to tainting lb. -aft of Rood,, and alt will be otfered very—see' ebetip. You t.p fd r oll bargain!. at ' thent. 23. C114 , 10'. • 'A.T.17.1.1314.13 12EAL EST - ATE 10* Bits .1 ill E.Fuboeriherotrinb fru ilea valuable Siesta Saw Xr 1141 " - PILNI Washirrtiott towitahtp. in this tenon). on hle_ 1 " WenhOro Plank road, two misdeal oral of Edenduro, tin iln4 rate ratthins order and beaky new. add having ataindaQte pint salt ing, tiniCer in its unwed' its' vicinity. • Alto; a vain:Ole House and Lot and Ih4aitatt Shop, in rough of I:denting, in raid county. The house and ahoy M nrsc ;y new and in lint rate repair. and in a pooh location for boo' mess. The term. witl he made %cry ear). so as is sh i t the PO" maser. For further information inquire •of -the autocrat , la erie. or to J.,J.rulbertscur,iti Edeoboro. - `shit. • - C. A ..ITI.RF.RII4I'I;:, Now Tork store Triumphant: . TOL' CileAPI:sT HOUSE ill , ' THE TRADE. Tif tot!eeribere giatefal fur the liheral patronage they M r° ,;" welt eti. wo.ibt Laurin their ethrtotnerrau,t the 1.1 14 K•VI: i 'ittY are now relived with a new aid oplentiel Fall and Winter Goode, to offer - theta such kwrga Nate ' r ter before leeti heard of this aide of New York t sty. It t ootle earl to etioutet ate •rticew or prier., bit athfiee it to Pa , . ' Ld r! , fie 'hire ate such that our faeilittea are rub ow g. SEA W r , to the reeetpt of new and tlet•sra we G o od. week;,. dwt,is NA a' old winter. and we earl, we will and'vre dal sell the mad 'VW and quol it tea of Roads nun Aileen to twenty-the per retell; d'ian any boure in city. Any pattieular,ai)le ut rl,O l. 1 01° 'customers way w.tht. awl not be ibund in.tLi t inartet,-will ... Affiliated in •2I hour., time. by - leaving rote orders. ' arab r n Plettee call and examine Ivo& and prices, at the New Store. • tkthneti Mork,' itteitaltli PA VI ' 4 ee.'delpt. • _ • o n x st ji h ll*' 361 ra ll treVan t wa Y 'srt M Vi tu ' Oril 4 Kw. r" and ornamental. elegant patterns. ihibatmeiy tote d. a wi n4 O tinisheil with Pearl will , , ail of our own innnufact.,re. irrL ranted in Crecy particular. can he found atom atsmatc;• atusaway. new-totti. erne lii—ta.2o. BL N:sill' a t'' - Commencement of the Campaign. AT NO. I- BROWN'S BLOCK. Sthrtl piles of Ciliewp Dry Grodi. CdDri-li us of the totxt tee; importations of Ire Lostro, IL'ilidttliercii. Merino-. I , Willer with a very ifenerobsitooriairitt or Dotnertie Good., ri POW opening by us. will reward 1t vird. whit, I , loek of Atlas and Panay lire** Goods. ehallenne - ronivamk tu ,, e , , t e thee in regard to qualati or priep. with any whet (7 ,1 Without boa.tiog or ••eash ourehaves." - we will 4/1111 t 3% tAat boy on Wrap which will enable dr Ito ddidain the ri 7 ; , " i , 40 the "cheap idore." Our friundr and Rimier euidosurcl. an d 3 i g of new peutios, will And us ready to eetir cheap and want's. Erie, Rcpt.fes I t ' - • PSTROLIIII/111. keens repialp—Rred tAt fellowier . • P.411T PLILASANT. Ban iron. Cr.. 0541.. Kurt:—lour agent ttas here tome tense k 4ro4eumot Rock Oil. arid wade u. agent* for the ule U. Mae taken so nrerh with the people That we are pow atom 10 t out. N you can Need u& two dozen more we would like it. have calls for it daily—we do nut like to beau*, and goer sr told us he would not tie along kir air mottle. Si ' R. A. COI7LTE K. . As writ FOR rare Cookrre.—.l. H. Burton& Co.. General ,•` 4 0:1 Carter! Brother. Brier J. A. White; Girard; W. 11 % 1 ' 0 '71. orei,ood a. Potter. Weiss Apritteeldi-.1: Clarke t lurolu c ; or i. Gerrhe. lliteshoto: U. ea hpSn4 P. E. m i ho° , 1 0 *nit' Wt biter. raireletetaod by ihe proprietor. S. K Sept IL ON, 4s punial auto, wreath Icy Fi • MIMI