Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, August 14, 1852, Image 4

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IS_MI .:- :',_ ";.L;L:. - -- ...;.----
- Through to Dairkiek in 21 Erfal• so 4 1.04.
Vane. AND NONTIc soap
ON and after Monday May 10th lit 32 trains Erie daily as
follows. 8,1,,,1,y,. exCepiol: •
lilt E say.' passenger train leaves ii i l 1.231.
• •... 2nd .• .. , . •... *. M.
Otte Expretui train ou sun da vit at ,2 M. •
The above i rat tis gamin tat Dunkirk and Rua' 'a sib Loth the
morning and evening trains for New York C'ity.gla N. Y. nod E.
E..R mil and Butfvfo and Albany Rail Road.
Psitencers by the noun train t o e Bu ff alo and "fishing to return
the'same evening lave .14 hoari 111 aUttllo•
live k and freight
i. e.
This Company is prepared to transport
of all • kinds over their road. Baggage cheek to Durikiik and
Buffalo. Fare to Dunkirk 91.111 to punk. lirl., . Trams leave
by Eastern Rail Road time Wtifell is aboutau et- y Minulem faster
than CM tune. -- - J. . TRACY.
brie May 6.1541. tfs2. SuperintendeniocE. N. E. R. R.
NO. 175 MAIN STREt."I'. 11111 e
rrili Pliserli l iessi N ha?e opened at fo. 17a M I S
_g.. (nett door to-Hollister &Co ,) an estettriv-
China, Glass, and Earthen i
AlsO;Solar Lamps for oil or burning fluid. I
Mon and silver-playa Castors. silver-plated and I
• "'Old, Sugars 4ffni Creams. plated Spoons. Fork*
Mill Trays. Table Cutlery and a couspleie tumor I
edam and German Vases,
They import their Crockery and China direct rom the manu
facturers, which will enable them to sell at the i Is vst, New York
prices. • .
They would pahiettlarly invite the attention Merchants. and
all others wishing to purchase, to give mein a 11, and czatuine
their CoodiFand prices hetbre purchasing.
Buffalo. March 10.—Illint$ it. Ir. BitOWN & CO
ivi • -- -41111 , 16 . ivrzteir Arco TANGY
; goons.
Rd. M. CURTI.I, havtue returned Gum ;Niew,l'ork, with
an extensive anti complete assortmentlif ~
of - the Spring styles, would say to the ladies, aid all of her nu
merous ustomers, that now pripa red to supply them any
and everarticle in tier line or tr.aile. feelais thankful fur the
`veryithe a 1
rpatrounse heretofore received, still I.q,es to merit a
eot aa itt tart re of the same.
64 My moil' of IniVoi ETA is extensive, t nihraeing every
variety worn. ar ing ;selected then, in •relf tt ith great
tarry! tru I shall •tot aide to please .7.11,1b0i1t in style and
pried- My as..ort tent of R.Jllltwot is also lariAe The •Endies
can he sure to fi n Ritibrws at thy shop. of the ewest styles. at
ail tunes—no di , option in that particular lin a %ariety of
Straw 'rriiiiinspits. My assortment of ladies' 'loves, Mitts and
Hose is e amplete, euiltracinz'all sizes and colill:all of the hest
quality. I base a great variety of laces for Man 'Has. Lace Veils,
Thread Laces, Dress e 3.4 en abundance. Moor in: Cloods.Mati
'dila fattk.-I/ress Trinbuities of all kinds, Nee e Work, Wench
Worked C.ollars, Uhdersieeves, Illitter-h,nd errbiefs. Linen
Poe krt-hh odkerchieli , „ EinSmidered and Plain . ri i dela' Flowers,
- Wreaths awl Borders. Steej Ti jasmines. Berth. Fringe. French
Oi iii i t V.Crewel. Embroidery Pasterost, perfnrat Paper, Canvas.,
Pills. Needle*. I:erniturty. Hair Combs. Faits; Corsetta, Crewel
and Crotchet Nelsilles..Saddler's Billt, Tidy Cotten. Panne' l'Ilk•
_ and Linings of all co lors . . Bonnet Frames and . !towns. Whale
bone*. w ith man • y other articles too iminerouslitirtition, all of
which I will sell, Wholesale and Ret:iii , at tl rlowest possible
price. .
' Msttillas. ready made, always on band Boaticts cleaned and
Prem s l'd. Having aiiptilied myself with the asst heinktrom the
`swet..ll am prepared to attend to all orders with ill iliateh. and ex
relite them in the test sty le. vf M. CURTIS.
• Eric. April 17.-11).
KieMRS. nAl l :is & v.,. would. Inform he f.adir , s hf Erie
and cieinitV. that thev %save roinmeropi tot.inftv on the
4 Piatitorl, .1. doors, ar-t of %Villiani's Prollierti. Other.
Where all kind. of Al 11.1.1 N. P.Rl' nod 1MF...4 11 %K I NG. M ill
be attended to with care. FrOf II a 1 , nir
nia esru l
nee in the leki
uvis Mrs. It. feet, Zutifilleia stir shall Its able I toil - duet the t,u*
ineA in a manner to gi,%, , 4 - itl.f let ion to ;111.%%10 mar favor her
with a call. A new..oppt ynr 11,11siter!, p,4 to opened tt)e flint
VI/Pi' ki ii June. &raw"- bleached and repo. cal on the moot redo
foe, Mr t.,191.. I
lel a y . .
.. 2
. ..
• 4' 6 ‘ - ' -.'
• ...1. -....: • i
ig. : ig
• AND CIPAIR sr4RE,Rclol,
T o:Yr n wr.L.Qii, e:+rtier'of Slate and Emlit st irt Er 4.4'3 . 14 ell
' •r , keep constantly on hand a ‘tilendid riswirtment of Rll'll
FU RN ITU RE. at kw hitt. will +ell low in lie an be piiielueed
at any otliese.tablishinetil in Erie. matinfartnird by Smith &
Ric tiarn, pi. hek-sa:C strpt retail it. alms in fukoture and chairs
1:1 Mii •t Mind:de. They are now ma nuf.afin rina,an a'raicle
of Sofavverymeat au diahorat le. n hr will sell friiin 62t1 to R - Ati
C:.11 and seee f . Erie stay I. itiz. )t 61..
Iron itiesTort'S: , -
'F"g proprietor. IN'. R. R.Nt AV I.Tt iltir. has Just returned how
the Empire eitv, with the largest, eheapeit and best assort
ever before imported from that city west offlinkk i rk;att of which
' are now ready tor inspettion. 11n the - first boor. No. tII. niay be
found n tares. asiortmeninfOold and silver Watches, Gold guard
tufa Tub Chains, Keys and Seals, ringer II i4ig. of every'depc rip
.,. tion. BMW! limp fol all sum and sized. Cult tints and bracelets '
' Gold. Slyer. and German silver thimbles. cold pencils and dens;
.steel fol, an I guard chains. Keys. &e. Havitla made arrange
. mental lit h the ma nuf.tet nrers at thee:is, to fbris Oh a +limit), ev
i ' ery we e n
fresh frpin the Mild. he will be able to furnish those
articles cheaper than any other ew.ablishment west of the term,-
• • nu. of the New York awl Eile Railroad Asp, on hand. at
'J. wieilettaie °teem O. any quaint') of Loliting Cfal.peP.Brargelocks
anq other t i wen lee et.. - I •, .
M t hear. I NoTIII , IIIOI - 11..—Surh as illailOYZlTteit.melodeonii.bass
veAs. guitars. violins. !mayors. tambourines. elartonets. flute-.
flaierdets. fifes. ac cordeens. &c.. solar and ea Mime la woe, and
rerondols,eztra glonelt. c h 11111 l eys and wicks. s iVer and German
ma. silver table and teaspoons, sugar and salt sic . butter knives.
errut a r.r A vet) tine nrtiele of Pell kn Ives otthe matt celehra
le? tankefit.eaZors Ey Razor.tratr. pei.Wltgalitd.hears Gold.
si egs. ariasrrtritati P.l per and stew spectacles:
Its Ire ..+u W.R.E.—Tea get!, ca.tore, and
.Candlestidks.—China Cases. Fancy Roses Plated:lnd Brass
snuffers anti trat r, steel I ag. and pies, clasps. hair combs. ivory
do.. 'MI. I pens, . - ird elves: vis di necards and en velopes.gainitiou
_ boards. domitinei, r hest, men, walk tr aad pocket hooka, knives
and forks. lea•ellt Prej&g.
- Aldo( n loch will he shi!,wn to hi. vi.iiiers Many time between
thr.linars td.6 A .M . and 0 P M'. free erm,s. atiira "mall fki on.
iI y -s Of he taken from those nllO may Melt to tdke.tionie of sa Id
articles henie n Its them;
1 r EO-1 Palace i- beard on the ground formerly occupied by
sal I iCnrva !toil. one door urn of'the Reed llonse.
' Erie. Sild. k.-17 •
, .
. ...
- - ,
-'-- It: WV, Str : it .- 9 Z. TIP Avi.. - 11 -- --7
. .....;ItOCERI S'TOit E,
AT - N 0.7, kON.VEI I. I:l..Ot'A", 1:14,112. PA.
1 TIII 11 1 suhrteritsrr baring learittl the 'tore No 7. B , .nnell Block.
1 P.n . :pert" - ,ierioned by Lester, :"..eit I:Ptt & Cheider, icreeis.
i tor from. N'esit York. a large and st it;l, selected :lock of
Coteries, to which he 1170.1 cord ka II t, invite. the attention of the
trade in this and the a Apt ittitJ eutilit:e.. Ile flatter, him-elf that
from hi, exper i ence in the 1 irffeery tePd nes.. and his superior fa
ction.. for 01nd - timid t;.xels direct fern the Importers and Man
ufacturer...then+, Prising the Jolther-• profits, that he ean :cll to
the 31erchants , favoring Inni with fie .teat rooster. Goods
At Cheap as raw be West tif Nese,l ark.
And as cheap an can be bought in New York. with thy addition
of expect's. attended insetting good; to tine cite. 'Wing deter
mined to make his liti,itiess Meal ivelv svhoi e s a i e .n ill
confine himself toselling Itr the rue age. irhe eno be sustained
in so doing. Ile will be happy at a tone. to e , shibit his good. to
[tie -e who way favor hie. with a e il. In ad mon to his stuck
cif Groceries. he has added a choice toe kof Wines and Imported au D le Liquors!
ri t
to an ..inniitintion of which he won d ettpeeiatir inVite the atten
ii.ion of hotel keeperi and others in he trade. i flie fullon ing nil
cemprit.e a portion of lii..toek. t•tr, : I ,
New firleSiDe..Porio-Rfreo as Outs sq2;irs ; Istordered.entidted.
Granulated. White and, Sellout (Vire do Porto 'lt•
wad°, ik tuba ri. 11. Symp. in bbl hhd ; t ittl. II) .on
Cull powder. and Black Tea,. in ehei-Ji--, hal f-e ono and caddies;
(lid Java. -Rio and Lagiara ro:lee : Virginia tuantifactunrd To
b , eco•difreretaßvGa.;- Andereon's loose ft) •.ilgt, and papers.
21s0'11Xe‘e and assorted size pap. Smoking ; lack and Yellow
Stoat Ihintesce and Imported Havana St.43pOßnisiit., tun hole
half and aunt' r Roses; COtTOritP. Foto. rillanao pepper. Cannot,
Clones. Nunn ,Indigo, pure G Inger; Pepper saute. Ground Pep
per; Pimento. %vila aid; 'Coffee in lb. and 14 lb. paneri; Low
e i t
der.,.. whole. half,and (limiter keas.Shot. Leak Nuts of dillerenr
kinds: No. 1 Pale.d:seeisior. and Panes Sotpi Refitted Pdephant
and Whale Oil; Sperm. Linseed and t alive dot: Mackerel, No.'s
1.2. 3. in ..hole. hail and quarter bids_ l'oilesti.. tleTring arid
White fish: Pirints :led ()Ho: several tirades ,
,Rehndie.. Ruin. Gin,
-MononeatelaWhi.kes t Intl Port;HOrleira.Clatat an d Cluunpaign
Wines:London and Philadelphia l'oitort tOgerll r with 1111iSi kiwis
and styles of goods kept irsth e Grocery Inc. line. a hot enumerated
in thi, Md. t 4 the inspeition lorwitich he wisii eitpeetfult) invite
- tlwatientiop of purchasers before buying elae, here.
Particular attention paid to filling mdse., nd all goods war
eauted .s repreneured or the money refunded.
. trir, Sept %..... , 19.. . M. SMITH.
.—-- - - - -
i• -Secure the Shadow err the Sidatt Ace fide." ... .'
• ' .?". ATTIIT-L. tile Dta cut er roils Artist
..• WOui,Drespectfullv irtlortu rub
the es and 'entleuien cif F4ie,
alld.V iti [illy that he .tilt f011til•101 , II is•
JOIli•ot Cr the Erie
Rank, for the purpose df delineating the hat an face divine by
Hm , ira of the beautiful art of the Daguerrotyt in the Inteet and
• trios, approved style. Ile offer.. to prridure the ithenetat of any
peraon &Waring bun with a a g which chat l be pronounced by
cothPelleht let's. superior to the work of, atiAother Artist what
ever, for Ste nth. beauty. and Ilk-I:Ise appetrpuce.
Daauerreotype, 0 what delight
. T. gate Litton its A 4 orks or lie - , , 1 .
. . How high the polish. pure Ow tonlr,'
An etery face Is nalure'vownt
' Su neVer Art with ail its 'kill. ~ .
T soul with such delight could Fill.
• His Picture being fixed by the eynnide of gold and allot Irtare
,- dieing of his own preparation. can ;level fadeitigt by etposure tO
r ad and tight. Those who wish perfect Likitheeses will please
k coil at his toomv9ver the Frie hank. and ex, Twine specimen's.—
. (Alice hours front b o'clock. A. M. toy Y. M In all gutter of the
- weather. Erie. Feb. 14, lalsl. ••• tf4ll.
A rehitret and Milder., ISTo 1. Park Row, Eri, Ta. A rrhiteelu
rat Drawings anti:4pm ificatiotta made out o reasonable tenzw.
• Eros. Pa.. Nov. 13 lf-6I
The Led rer. Mr. John S. Shadduek. ion practical Are hiteet.a nd
hat heel. for teseral year. envteed in that buttneet, daring vehicle
lit" lie has erected SMPral la ge and eotily headings %lie eheer
fully iecommend Mr. nadir k to nil nelson 'who may be ellen-,
Fed ter buildung. and letters at he will. a. heretofore, promptly
fttifi„ any taisinerr enwsgenre the ma) makef
~ Conrad Brown Jr. IV. Tairaart
blaithen k. Ilarr J- Fullerton
Pardon *Lanett J 'LI Dunlap
E. Holmes, . Job P. Vincent
. Smith /nekton ' Joh II Milker
• a 1... Sterrett .C. Sparred' - '
Erie March 20 I‘4l-1f45. - F. atert i i m.
HATS, CAPS 'AIM' - PIMS - Iroll: lON
&• , Clear the track, fat
SMITH, No, 3, Chealiside!! 146
-'--WEBS has on hand thelArnest week of G It. in his tine. over
offered an this market , which were put bated kweAnk in
Ste Eastern entes.,or nianuractured by hem If; by W hich be is
eull r . e led to saillbent 1() low that people do sa)idhey must have got
- by ihe custom Houle without paying duly. Well , wtiat if they
w " smuggled. lethal the people eau buy
r Ikaatiftil Silk Itats foe
a tiffide Robes for et SO. blexlean Hats • loft: M
er l ins, and alt
other nowt at like low were For proof o
eauwhkh, all Interest
ed eau eall and examine rkbemseires I 1
-Cl ye
ide..liion'tforget the . r "4e.linlith's Cheap Hat Store. No. 3-.
apy . T.
, t .
Erie ?invalid*, B. IBM. • - 1 MI
Why not go du Eloltltodo to;
AA N Übuy your Clocks, Watehes.JetweiriliZer Wars. Lang*
lActitins-Giaspes. Guitars twenty per t lowrr than has
'ever hien:Pohl is Eiiy. Why* in litic t 3id ye. pf the Pith cesatu
Lys tbs. ity of retinas and improvement . .you ”Likay fkielber
idlo look 7 " or whir is esen vrone. buy • • you examen!
market. Nothing etuirgnd rot among. r now, S 'tandem
kr Brown's New
tEri!. May lids, int.
satTHIS Line. possessing unsurpassed thelllttes.
Is prepared. upon the opening of navigation: to
transpon Merehandize. Produe*. ere., from and
to New York. and the iVesteru States.
E sit tertNv DinEcTtorts. ...
, Mk. Paikapeil ragronD /arm ship Daily by the
' .
• Eckford Express.
.The Public 14infurzued that :ix n arra!' seinen," have been made
with the ditlrer i Rritruads and Summers as will etiable ibis
Lithe to Formai' Merck/mill?" daily, from New York to the Wm
tern and Sou ru States..with the greatest dispatch.
Mk. Packs . zoaroun incrium, Ship by
••PII.OPLE'S NJ or We I.:A . SIERS." Foot Courtlaniltlikreet.
Shippers are equested to broeure Bills of Lading, at the °like,
No. it 7 Broad reet. upstairs,
li 1 1. ALLEN, t .
G. w il t :4ms. kr Broad et. New York. .
, M AXIV El. It I'All EN ,' rt .,,..,,„ ,
JOHN :AI,I. :N. _ —"""'"'
. __
Jno. Deltria'.,ar. Co.. Eric. Pa. J. II Doll. Conneaut. 0.
M: %Vatron,„ Aiduabula. 0.; 1). Knight & Co.. Fairport "
&My & Halladny. Cleveland." Writer SI Co . M II:10 "
F. P.l,4iorti. Sandusky; " A. Godard. Toledo.
U. B. Miller , , &Co.• Munroe, \i i Untige ik Lt.sels, Detroit, M.
April 17. . I 411
131:6TALO AND a>aCIAGO. ,
TM: New aild splendid uptier cabin ISTE.tMER CILODE,
AM( 1 0 - PRATT Mailer. r.
CIPLAIrk• illit. at II o'clock4l. N. liakaraseineAounaceelnk a. le.
Thursday' , ' June 17 I Wialura4ay . June ii
Thioriday i July I ' AVeduesiay • July ft
Thurrany I ' I liity 13 ' Wedninday July 2.1 -
Th•irAday '• ; Jury '2ll 1 wednryflaY ' • Aug .3 •
Tlaurodny S. Au" , It , Wednesday' ' AIM iv
Tbdroday . I Atte 16 ' Wednesday *Kt
Thursday ; -- 'ete-li 9 Werfrit.ltay Petit
. 10
Thurulay tiepl tr.l WedheAtlay Sept la
Thursday , ... 1 --. Uri 7 . Weil .i•-..ilay ' Oct II •
Thday ;; , 0 , tll We rte-day . Oct ....
' Tbur . d..y 1 • NAY 4 W Nov 10
J. 11 EARN k (AI Public Dock. t
Jitli - N KI E (%N I;rie. ' i Agents.
June 131-34. 1 • , ' 3
..75,, ZEi ch i g all II tltheira , Eamzi
plliad Road X: rte.
B O VI ea% e Erie daily; fur Clevela sil..Sandittity and Toledo.
; G. J. Mi IRTON„ AOT.
jj !..
Public hock; Erie. Pa.
T Si ;
,1-vireei Buffalo).
ar•ortineta of
:trandotai. tvm
lit ita nin ('ofree
Cake itnikega,
• al of Ffeliek.
1 H •
lt steam.? •If lIR 11 . !K
Islander. Ic4ye Erie uo
'rue day, Apr'
.. w e l .• ' • ' r ;Kr
. ,
',l ,I •.
.• , , r
, (~, 0
" : ..
C t;.QR GE - 1. 5191tT0
Erie. May
imaCiQZ 7 ' . aitalfaora •
• I.: ll' (*lnn , tairainers stirlitcAN and
1.11 7 : 4 It 1114)ItTi /I 4: will, ply reluLerly betwren itutralo.
Erie ao:d Gt.+4,lltiy. duritg peason For further lin ieutars
•I PPly to J . tonAlur c G. J. mf taros. Erie. l'a.
I PAIN lil:EfaAN Artit, Erie Ca.
April 17.1431-49. ' I
1852. ntrzerAzo
is“ tl Tttpe r
Hearn. Aiitabu
Cabin .unmet u I run regul
F " 14.10 and Cl
%ley. a.lulloia
Lea vele Erie. ev try WEI
mg at eunneant. Ashiabi
Leave. Erse, every TL
touching at llareelona mina
For freugbi of:
Max, Erse. GEE). lir
i • EDDY
Erie, 31?.y 3S, Iti3
rbn .
royal:el: es
Rana', Jr
rr ILiE stasis:lo a tl la►t r
of the semipri, p.. follow. :
Thurerl.ty Jul) 1.1, 9 .
'l'ue.da .A ugu. tJ.
Faturds Jl.
Thur►d pt. 6.-
For Frew ur raped ge a p
Erie J u • 1%12. 7
Safe rleasiutt and
on; '+
them l reigi
Passer:fere will be take. from Buffalo by. the Express or other
trains of Cars tu Albany, nd (torn Albany to ''kela York, by the
splendid lbw presshre sit% ,er.tof the Pnle's Line, all of which
arc lePlele, vtllikevelY eol r.rt and cut vertiener.
Steantets IrIA A C NEW 'ON, Coin. , V 11. Per[, am! If EN•
DRIK HlriktoN. 1 . 01111 A KFr Joni, leaving Albany daily op
'the arrival of the Eaftrees 'rain in the evening,. and tug,
New York. at Cottland st. , t 'Wharf. at 6 o'ciu•k next ~,,, ming.
.eavtng :sew I s urlcrit 6 P M. connecting with Morulng e.x
ress Tram at Albany.
Stemmer.; tißlltio"., tt"a t, noire. and RIP VAN . VI lISLIX.,
1 Cold 'Rnr. !eat!. AlLany i dall y' aril P, M., on arrival ut tint
Mu g rawie.. 'Train ftitit utralo, Rochester and 2.yrdeuse,
arrli.lll^ in hew York., all It iii6on street •Wharf. ar .S o'clock
neat morning Le:vie 'Mew Mork at 6P. M., connecting with
the /A.. 11 tog Ranter.; l'raiii at Alhany,
Passeisger- aan he ticketed and Veit bag:tace checked to and
from New Yt,tk. '
'Frei-Jut can; he contracted fir at all the Potions' on the litie of
ltd. Brinato :told Rochester Ra 'road, and Irvin :4, , 11 , York at the
Pri.,ple's I.sildoitce on their 'V hart at foot a Robt,.....orert.
New York. I ' •
Prier.t Freight from New Tork to Buffalo, on first elan. etl
een 5:2,1•411.,0 tit CCIILA; 3d C itislf It CelltA: 4th erase 57 rein.,
Au •fiont !Ms al° to Neal York en Ist class 31 emits: :id class
c i e
I N I" e - tv York.
.5:1 i : t.; 3d c i sa 17 c el::
L l pli a 4l l o. .,
%,; I , i i.,l. h i ): l 4 . .i . s 3A ; (o 4ll l t ett i ni e ,. c .oil . A
New li3rlt4Afiril, IFSI. .
The splendid eteaMersl As.inA and RI:ISM:CR. will ron no
a bay I.i- IP. teitvinz Worn r !law ikon .trcet. Alt tiny. at 7 A. M.
on (.I'ou:tato Night Etti,rei.r, and Nett... York, (rent Mur
ray etre,. S% hart: at 7 A. M.erinerting with Afternoon I:4l,ree,e.
ThrQugho h el hours. making the usual landing. at a a!, 0ac....
i iii.
' • 10VP015.1 . 1 . x0n i.v:rz,
TA ougik to .4/ea Frannare. Ciloforx.a. Through. to. 40 Days,
' The oplendyl new thnible ermine riertmohlp
Ita.pail frbittlier Pies .lio. 3 East 4 tve.r ins Monday the NM
'''‘v day Of Atitimd for rlai Juan dirtiei. To connect at Siin
1 Ju n dr.i.,sud v 6 ith the sp:endid hew clipper ship" Race Hound,"
to ad itilutediatel% ni on the t iiiii al of the '• West Wind." 10
Son Fr-me,s.cp._l Tltt- Init. st ill entv.t.l of five clipper ships n
the Paci fi c, the Raer lloond.!Korth American. Grecian, Pries e
de mconville, l'ukuin h, and two Stintsoshipo i•n the All:Wile. the
•,. West' W.tint" and a new staatn4fHp now latlLlinig , which will
'he ready to an%te tier place in p.e inie on the first day or eeptau-
Ler neat. to inn on OIL-Alla:ate aide. ,
e r e t e ra o t n C a a . hiti titateruoux, 1
SteetnieN; - - - ' - - - - -
Fur,pa.•.nce apply to ADAM 'SMITH,
July 17 1%.45$ 2.iii711 73 Penrhst., New York.
raiiab — a - Cdiks
.ft•Eir iroll AAD k.',4l,lFORArld EXPRESS
- C1A.V1T41.1.6-5300.000. . .
r i q OR thei.pure`tare and +ale of Gold Ikon. ROI. of Rich:incr.
L the pa yittent at.d eollee mitt of NutPS, Rill/. 1111./ Account., the
for% a flit.g of Curl D... 1. 11(111sook.Mtecte, Packager, Parcel. and
Freirtita. or ali•k i RP nn.l det , eri pt lone, and atoluittig to a gener
al l'iprt... : , Ford ar..lin2, and'Agcncy kW:mega. '
The ittidnrceite.t hd s . e !Mt a Nun get' in.the harems burl ness be
tween New York. klhaily, Iltuttio. I'. IiCIIIIInti. 4 liCallo. Milltrau•
kee. end Si Lath.; since its 'first establishment, under the Orme
of romeroy'Sr. Co. Livii.g.ton & Well.. Wells ar. Co.. Livings
ton & Vargo. and t thia i iiiir. with the American Express Com
pany. in the firms Wells, hutterlield & CO.. and Llvinginon,
Fargo & Co.
[ The Arne of Well . Fargo & Qo.. a Jointstoek company, with a
•eap l tri of Sallio.ool4 ha- lien rip Mel/ to do a! general Erma.. Por
w.irdieg. Vorler limy and 4:change business, beta ern the en) of
;New Noll; aili4 the principal Cities and towns ii, Calikreniaz doh
netting at New Ydr k wilt the Amerman Express Company. to
all parts ...l . the United Statesand Ca imdas.
Our 'mental Agents in California are authorized to draw tills
011 .thr. p a , i r t,te at the principal Offices of the American Express
company, fit cell Nr.r Vora. sled Lit. Ludi..affordiris to persons
in 2;ilitirr ut. the MOM COlivenient. prompt and reliable means of
reit ttttt az their frilln d. in this country. Also.llJrafts.ou Cali
fornia, fo sale at the current rates of escluinge.
•We wil attend pninimiy iolthecolleetloll and ini ytnent of Notes.
Rill. and col:Minis; the Settlement of Claims. Al.o. to the Pur
chase audc of Goods and Merchandise, by sample or other--
wise. . .'
, .
Our it at menu with tlu. Cliiird SWIM Mall Line of Steam
ers, guahl tia tornfer great itirternieni. to Milli ppers urGchl Must.'
Bullion. Petit.. and other Valtiali:es.—racknces, Parcels .and
Frerztos. f ft* erg deserli imp. will he forwarded with4lispateri.
and driii, errs, at rill the principal towns iir C..ilifornia„ and other
parts of Met:oiled ninon, and foreign countries.
Menlo...S. r. Carter and R, W. Washburn, tliiifornier for many
yentseOrilir4led n id) the American Erre...Company /mop-fit a
Albany. a nittbe latter from .he Bank of Syracuse., are 16dUetteral
Agent. for California.
Henry Wells. A urpra. . Win. il Irnrgo.Bp4lllo,
JohnLlviagston, New York. JanKs McKay., Bu ff alo:
fr, , ..p. Williams. Adrian. Mien. Andtenn RegsoldNEllEklo.
Unlit P. blorpni_Aurors_, Ale[. M. C. Smith. N.Y..
• Henry U. ilee."loSiiira.
James MeKay.See•y. , Edwin H. liforgaa r 7reet. ,
WELI.S, FARGO lk CV., No. 14 Wail Slitel. N. Y.
1.6 .
ano.ealoi O lest . D r : t r i .: a F t FORD, A it Erie.:
Erie. 111ny 41111..F.Tr3.
~..._11 _1 •14.111N S
lay 24 —4 - ' • . ' Uhl:
, ---
.1.1.r11101 , 111.
APIES aidored, and Black Calk:D. Walt inn ShoseiJElisikins,
14 Tsp. and "limo. White Red Opera Ties and a great variety
of children' Shoes ibr pole elleop at
Mayl3.-2 Sums hempote.
nal NTS at whole mak or retail. Cheaper thah the cheapest by.
JE Atop Bann Jocosely.
ClfhliEll,l o ,ooolmperted Clore from Sit to *lO per thouansull
for It Erie Jane It 1411-7. - nometre Gwent.
N or kind. fir dale by JG. ar. W. I Mills.
No. $, Williams Sloek, Erie. re.
Thermometer Churn.
Tim'Churn we consider the beet. Smarr made fr om It will
be ellower than that produced by say other, whilt , that from
the churning by atmoapherie Marne will be unta.rinly whiter.
and aleo leas in quantity. If the cream is not at the proper de.
tbri l
area of heat when pineed in awe. which way be know nby
the IlicirasOliketer pier 'dot WC - say elstY 4 we dMitetil• l lf too
warm II will stand above.. and told below.) apply maid*. not
Wheat. as stay he. by meowit; mead belo w the sham. which
will produce the temperature sited. Yoe sale by
Jeer 4.Viral & MCC WIC
fplendld upper ea in
L. B. Gouldmnith eout
12 reetork A. M.
27 •••
, ter 11 ..
1 V
r .ll .• , .
ber 9 •
. J. J. PAPPJIIO Owner
Agent Pnt.tie Doe Cur Pa
- brAnnaLArixtis.
r week. nothing al Du ilk irk. roa
n. acid Faille:wt.- The splendid sipper
MAllO l . 4 lfl, Commis' ion., G. lit sr,
rly tiorlog the rearon or I:Wl,l*i - wren
retai!, touching at above porta raeh
titITIDAY and SATURDAY'. Touch
la.And Fa4rpoil
1:4.41./.4Y pull FRIDAY at 3 A, M.,
dr 10 J. H►itr &Co., or irogy Kee-
WAI.IIII. 1111;k: &
of Waolitlivon
& fIALLIDA Y. Ageutf, cleveta
• Igie Ago.
chums. Grauer Me.., iliheetatie,
oak and Waukegan
(welter U. P. Dobbins. (np
r the above Pons during the halauce
Tut.4-•'trrP.. V. et A • /b 1
Satut.i-) tbt. 10. do Nov. 1. do
Tormta y do •
oli Board ij in
.1. :NORTON: Public Berk
• f •
or editions Route to New
ArPitagewserl Is mad from Ser Dirk,
y Ardreed Peers.
iIIiArARSEILLIM Quilts alba counter pr. aim be had
11 11 below eolopetitioo at No. S retry Miuci.
&if. May I, Isla. fl. AIBUCILE iti IC.
ASplendid assonnient of summer Lawns for , salc
. May 7.4 J.
mamma tia.wta--Any amount ots baud at prices to ta irt any
one in want of a ..tutwl. Jtey 111-10 ,J. IL OttoK.,
y HAVE on hand the best nwartment of Liotern is ais ciar,
from lie be 41 14-kiliniacs down to 13 crnt Wrn•ltry.
Feb. ti. 1,42. T. MOORE, State 1.4.
ALARGE lissorusutit of Cook and Parlor fkoww.lwit 'keit : -
ed at : . MURPI Elf•tl,
Erie. May 13th, 1•34. cm. rhrk Row
r -
CHAIN, Wall and Cistern Pumps. all slim sod prices; at
isiPseis Row.
Erie, May 16th, 183 L
ilkr..qtr around flour ouland at my Dimilk-ry. irhi
L ik er un Short iYalum ; any wbere within the city
as low vices ar aay ether establionment.— I. Jour
give U. B. HAVE. •
Ma) *22.-1
TE:As. as Cheoto of all 'Mid!. Or Teas varyina tr
wiiiiinses per. lb aloe 341 1 14adies Tea 1111aL, each,
put up. t-spressly for families. for sale by
May 21.-1 W F. KINDER.
LIiJ3kOIDERRII (Warr. OM. am! enTierAccy
LI and Cambric Ertginsa and :nearing's. an cltenm%
for sate cheap at ' Ma') S.
Y!KA:A H.S. the lie.t earottimeist in the city. roosie
tin.. plain and tlguted, silk. citighatu and cotton at
Erie, Stay It. JA
• ITE Blur atnl Pink l'aritutip. cpat.r6ideted al
nett. MngLns. Rook mid fS mttop Swiss .
a good an•ortment ofllrapery lludm for sale ehrep al
Erie. May 'V- Sena .1
Vreneh Broadcloths, Green and Iltne' It
Mori doe oltoo r eavelmeres of every quatily and s
May :14-3 JM:
VEsTiNair. Plain and figoied silt and satih.-B
were.. Farming satin, plain and figureil.'Whint,
figured Merso Be* Vesting at the cheap Store of
May *3.-3 it%IITII A.
•T ADi Es Hose. White. Brown, Colored and /nix
1.4 While and Black Silk, ab at4uroactit of Mia,les
(kens Hove 41
May Zi —2
Bl.lrE and Bro. limits. Bro. Lsiten. Blue Linen
mina. rtinump.r eassiutere and an endless vatic ,
emirs inr al
May 'IL —*lt
I -401-nm YARN, from No. &tote% in any goantit)
oted Carpet white 114., %Vickilig. Ratting.
etc. June 12i9:.. - 5 Tin u..•
AT OW ing Goods.
.Vo. 1 ;Frights Block. State Str
I vr oW.openitia al the above old am mt. one of the ri
I. complete and brilliant stocks of Goods ever Lao
market. among whtcli are • ,
Mirage de Lane:. of new and rich balsa, at cart ,
be Laineo. Black and colored Alt woolt—Gold
elieeer. and Scotch de Da tnei--itt low p. lees.
Boil Plat 14{.. in grt"at variety. ini untiqualty
Itartigerand Lawns. a general ap.o.tment of very r
Poplin• of aft :alma. A.:tired. witereit. and plain.
Gingham. and Prints. its great variety. embraeln
populist wake.
ethatvlii—rrane. Rroetta; raptinierr and TIM)
Ribbons —lionihm Ribbon.. Ra.h. Mantua. &r. ese
Itorittent—The gun he ptt le.otilloimet-; directly frol
ufaeturer In large quantities , and yen' cheap •
Cloth,. and I IMP/P.—a hree IrfCrek of Cloth. and
of Preach nod American make
IT AP we have in our em..loy the be.t of work,
men earl hrfarniolsed With q mitt of ehtli4 a
emahleillhent than at any other in the city. and tire, ,
our rt6ck nt
Ready-lkade Clothing !
Moth fin. Dos.' nod Meo.' IA/•lf. la very eaten
wort hv of the anew ion of (Mee ileyirine
CHEAPNESS AND 1 ) 13.1tAI311
Grocerica of all kinds. mil .forgell tridiXi the he.
Civil can tie wild here fur imme!.. can Le f..asad c
1, Wright's (Hock.--don's the number.
Eric. April 16. 1e52. 49 J. It thiF.NZW
.1 - 1' FOIL _T H E
BILL. Why, John what .lo you bath.° for 7'
luhm.—(l' al I should tWlluu all aL•uui tt iou
worn• than 1 did
juli.—Theti tnryhtck.
Aga —Why, 1 W.p. at JACtitt KOCH'S Clothing.
Reed Ifourc. and such a sight.. and .nch a rellnig,
crowd yna alaw before. Ile CiOthllig
cent cheaper tban any other store this side of New V
Juket.—lle hag all kind. ol yout tan imagine
black Ereri.Coat. down to a linen Coat t and in V
tie bdut lie has eatiii V. Of all kinds. and bar
(loin Vesta also. the hest i and prettleallou ever me
has the greatest assortment of rants. on Erie. and
rluady P Ans. that n'ew style just tome out thiastprin'
else do you think he has? Why. a whole lot of et.
mete. and Vevtioga. and a mats can go midget ht. •.
en roe a whOle suit for little,or nothing.
iiii/ Li e s 'ou have told me so much that I am holm
atil .
.1.4 a, Now. hold on. I have not told .yr'ni all vet.
Lest assortment of Collars. en in.. Undershirts. 'ltra
Handkerchiefs, Cravats. 'lra% cling Bags and Undo
fa W•
Rill.—Now. I have hurthirty-five dollars with rue,
and buy that much at any rate twforr he sells all.
. Jahn.-1 bought a little, only forty five dollars.wor
hardly earry them alone; but I am going home now
more money and tell all the neighbors about, for 1
' their advantage, mini you moat know that indicter th
keep the New York made elothilig, but he his
t ,or and gets et ery thing matte here.
Ra/.—Now. I know that they don't hair' pew
- Amt ....wM • •k*..p tit*vntyl ra ...b.
Oat rate. !avail.. it la nlvays best t'. pay
Nuve.l tell what his Motto as. t good one too—"
Sundt Profits .. ." %Veil good 1..$ eto you. hut don't 1
I. Re-d donee. North .1141 C of the Diamond.
Erie. April 17.
Li:kr/Ir.:A I.I>(►I' HERE.
mIIF. very te,t Merrimac Prime itia) he had 41 7e1 7
tie i... lie I - sties 10. as.. Cliatol , as tier... lithe, I.
All wool Ifel.ities I. g. 1.. at the. New ) otk gush r ,
enet of the Erie
Firle. Nay I. It-51.
501 1 7 V1111)$ Iltaeh It thin eilk. t.m. 3 to 11
V y.ini ju.t opened Ilaratt.• de Lai no. Ilan
simnel , . elf . etc . jurt the 20nthe for thr sea.:n. a
et ery one eaubuy at June 2t-7. IIIt 1$ A 1.:4 Az
H}iv': you seen those l',:ree Roaster- that are.
Pollar at IV° 3 Heed Iluu.e. June 12-3. 111
Ftslll-451 half and quarter Lad. Mute Ft-b ji ~.t n
July 3 te.Sl. E. VI titly: :'
...._ .
rt: llt etirp.l II a m4—A swill lot of very le IN.
gar eta!' I Ilattis Plat ietri%ed by
Ju!r 3 t r-51 CL4RIC &
large 1,4 °revery war wty
kJ . attic best lot sale tty el Cuwas.a&
A SMALL IMor very ofice dried Beef iffriqf p
turr use and fur ffife by. 8 &
vi.ork.i , all. Fub. Pork. Ilan's. 0 Am. tA;rit,
L *Potatoes constantly oil baud and (..r 'ate a.
Cheaper'. . , W.F. ki
M a y 21.1=3L•
-- - ji I
UN EL. R. FAIOI.IiNr.R. COIIIIIII4I , the ornette of
I, ll :+urcery.,miwted. by P.lther Pr P. I': H 111“
ci.morevlires. I)lfice at lips Rceidencc corbel. •
Eicht 4.-irtetp. Eric ra.
*if Ll: and lin If IA While 1 , ..114nd
cesved RI June tl) RITERRI.I
CAI:11 1 011MA STORE.
1.,),,m is Was reinmed to N 4, II
• and la now Opening a new and on,
rich and anlendol,ativin melds Fine W a
ry, am Silver Ware that w.f. i'Ver Clirereft in that e
a gram variety of 4V:whet of eitfeient fseapetne
mid +liver. and the latest •v• le of Seafa. and
together with the inowt fo.tionialiie Jewelry, eon
mid dimunnd, ruhY, pe ill and totilw.Ciiitiq ft im.m.
Broacher, and Earin.ndatitc mac. left*, .
mild and .alt er Pencil*, gold Pens. iletowli and tea
'Comm and Meoopo, Napkin Roses and Porimoni
men! of rich Plated Ware, trim, Tea /lett*,
Sworn.. Ladle., eauilleatirks, and a great varlet?
ether CrOO , llF, both le•relul and arnamental: Clocks.
(tons from t 2.5 to Sgti, all of whieh will be 'old ••
Mira pyit and a little (*emir r for ready pay. T
the Punnet el/MO.IIIE7i of G. Loomis and the r ildie •
viwd to Mail notice. , luny ,
if 08411.XRUI O.llAIlt
7.7 Jot droned ritrid Irani tin City of
ALARGE and splendid aysoflfileill of C.AI.IIS
every variety anti My Ir. and of the istest rash'
td by the mom celebrate , l
scrim's le now sirpared tosell at Gasser Bareuto
°tiered to this community before. Determined not
be is now prepared to compeer wittrall competit
inducement' that cannot be round to any other
this city, and on,toto he and in addition to his m
sort, he has a lefeeassortment of his own nianuf:
eltiff Spores of all sizes. tables. chairs, c hildreu's
aed in tact every thina in the chair lime.
The Ladles and Gent'emem of Erie and vicinity
call and examine. where they will find 'rester
beautiful work and a larger assortment at the
he found in any other establishment tu Doc city.
il!" and illre and Lelievc that the old Mwid 16 the
bargains. \ J. W
• Northeast eoener otlltait and Ei
N. B —All hinds of Repairing done punctually •
'storable tering. - • Erie June lent
IN Iffain Street. (3 Sena ./ Skeransie
ft/ R. 11. having opened an extensity Hafnium'
01 aM Poimatniso ErrA auntie ern . at the a
his determination to pay etc:wive attention to the
'C' USTO 31 11E4. S 1 JVE
Front the patronage Which he has alrendiricel
mc Mr. H. feels nssured that the e oy ,
hells. which hr has adopted. doe* and wi
entire inlioraction to all who desire
here their wermetits , made op its
GoollTAsti: horn the •
Strut' quality of
. UR. G. vr.
Will always be in attendance to wait upon Oast.
M ders orgendeman wishing a genteel At and a tit
meat made *spin hie heat sit
lll•ntlernelm's • runaistking CI • • I I
of the I.Mr#l wy l eonetlntly on Wm,
,Juee tt DM.
0 UCARN of all kinds Legate at MOORE'S G ..
C.l Jane 111 INS--7 • Oppo►ite Brown'
M ;
t. 8. C. MloWya ELL., thankful for the !them paw:waves
1.1 tended to him by the citizens of. Kale and vil
insty. *mild
say that he la permanently located in his old *tan i on State tit.,
where he may he found at all times ready torseeine Dental *o•ft
in the best possible manner. De. will also keep on hand an al
'torment of Donut stock for the arrnmiliodation orDentlins from
the country. Dentists are LUT/lell to can. Julie 3, 4
PRINTS—Front a colts per Pod up to 41/ ceuts,Tsl
May 19.--3 Sax sa - r - rar, !Ws.
GIINTA Cravats /!carts and,Neck Ties, of every l atyle at
May 29.—n •..., -' dsaasoiss.
CHURNS.— Thermometer Chums FMK reeeived
is ennsidered the hen, in rine,....Bissiv mode idy l
linter than that produced by any other. For idle
Apt II 17„ 1831. b CLARK &
DA. mdißciners 3
47111111N.11 OATZOLO/12003 1 '.
THE discoteri of the ibove
preparation haw estableib
ea a new era In the history of I
the healing art ; If ia. in truth t
one of the greatest Medical
disco% eries of the are. because
it will cure more turn nine
tenths of a ehuis of distressing
d,sessi.s incidental to Melnik/CS
in et ery •14.itie of life, and
is !licit have Iterrtore resi4erl
the test effort: hf the Medical`
profession in all countries. to
.1 deen e toe; ond that of almost
every ..then malady to which
any portion of the human fain- ,
it.. la heir The diseases to
which we refer are usually
k n b) It fan of
Female Complaints.
C,,ii.priFe , all the derange
oustasto a hiclt(tuualesare ha-
t prices
LER. .
A 1 will
!mute it
uNinl lu
„rsan,i.Uton.ALososse the.e are
~ f the tVollthrlinsrOtsle liltamlrwt iun
and l'Ics•ralloo 01 the 11 oloh ; 11,c ideotal 113 thurrhr.e. , lood-
Wit ; Fluor Athos, or Vflotel ; Clik , ro-14 ; disppressed.
iod Irrryt dat Msio.irritition, he with all their accompanying
evils. ie .- 11101 , r 1.4f , p1e.1.1 / f tot er duration nod oreerity. All
she , cOnsn'au.t. ran he tdeat•notlV.s.trely. and certainly nine'
no,d by tht. preoarritir•n.
The , claim* ”roos Nl...heirsr to the confidence of or public hre
Arrortltcoed by. the Mel of also haysuse rerested thew iishruhati o n
and liberal patronage or natty litelathetsi 01 the atheis
t:ll faculty in the United titan %, mime of 'l4 hum have voluntarily
given Muss of toifineetntition. (sec pamphlet.) sustaining all
Maris c tanned for the Catholoo icon sa a cure st e arta.
Parntobleut coma ttttt a touch userot infurusation touching the
nature and oysoststo4o4' of the' ahsoe dosear•cs.ll o tethe r null Woo'
menials. from ladies of the Mehra respectability. as Centred by
the twin satmtaelory authority in the pasaphki, to all which the
attention 01 Ladies nail Practitioners is respet,tfully invited. can
be had gratis at the %tore of CARTER &
litrresimitrs—P. R. Penkliaui, nice N. Y. 1.. D. Elem.'
mgr. MU. Cahnorhsigisa. ii.. V. N. 11. 111111 a. M 1). Roche.ter,
N. Y. D. V. Foote. M N trot. Dunbar. at 11,
Italstutore. Rd: J. C. I wreck. '.l 11. Italtimore. Nq W. W.
aer;te. 51 I), City of N. Y. l'rer , ..ll, al H. coneor.l. N H.
Central l 1 hroailnny :Sew Turk July 17
'tin 3 106
l ‘eryiuter
Eft r.
1, liriety
,ioig of
tins, and.
I adelutii,
, 1r en•si
auk liud
I Mutton
and tli,l
of; other
af-o, co'•
Wad lin
• L. MOM
I to this
1.44 MAMARS —A : quanta!: or lid:dock Rim andLacmang.
A kr oale'nt tbe .40reof June 11.'52-3. nwrr &co. •
itl.-I.ailleo and fi:entle ineu's Gameroofwarnsuo
al the more of June 121-52. 5 ige).21...1t 11. rI..
. -
FrIV note of cheap
Pnru:c• -
_Ern. Jane 12E-52. 3 t 1f1: PI I II.IIF.N & BON. _
PD I.A IN awl Etttlituidem.l 1.4 v..11i cheap at
J. 40, 11, 1-32. • 5 - A. SON.
INSati.l Mao-Jade P. 1.411 dint
PJune 1 . 8 3 ' SELDEN & BON.
BRugheetinas (*.Atm. Mont..; eato, yirn ntl Car.
twt inp.,t June tl. : 1 1.1. 1 / 1 . -11 K ti•I Y.
50()0 its 1., nItY
(plant tv rt..4x mg and nolitng tobseeo fur ..11e
Inw al Non. Will, th,,, 1,1.,ck. 4.
trETs! cmtPETs"!! .
%yr are i.ow tire', 1112 it PlO4l, of .i": 2,4 Grill of 4'.irl..
Matsig-.. Floor Ituc;:- plans ea r.peit.
ke• Ar • Vl'e 1.11 szr.4i.l 1 .1 ) C:srp•l. f11,1x4 Al IF
IV uu. e Altlfitptsiwr Inern in tea mewl nil 1% i,ol frrin 5- to
4, .111 i‘IA %%tilt
14d• J-11., 31tutont 5-1 4,4: y. r - q.i.lot
11....0t Oil clOl2l .1p4410 t 11e4vj,l/rtnegstiet , 4-13 .x1•!-4 • 4a14.
Erie :Vat, 1. 1-5.1. TftlitAl.s y 1.6 •
11'. 1 1t-F. of 1.114. y 0... perk eat• film col ES ar
I .14. I:rie "fa,. 1 1-31. 51 Vpit4ll.:4 & IlAV.pts•
PA N ,
IS linreo.
'al, Man-
el) coo&
till mo-t
~ 4 ar•i+
tb‘ , titan
!ell rentie.
aller il! Mir
leap at Nta.
etc co,
E A P.--
•rak: Dri,mvmu: sn Tr.'
zziournArrola CO
RC nor, 4e: uti the Sininii
.1 a 'tattle in the {4.44-
nor .
1. 4 2-V, ;I , in! nfnl;,ra;.li
itIJ hrlivo
Nn 7,
ky-grbe ptr
I Irbil; a line'
i#lslie caul
I Velvet itll.l
v t—sutti 1w
1C h~a Thew
anti what
!dist •
easute tak-
ir( ~:n !..I , • re • IA
or eokattr).fw a 1 mute nuabeLt
Da itl:4 td
Joite'plo IL. Sent, Jatneot".ltdul.„
TheophiltooP4tuldlog, Joust C. Da. to,
RuLert tturt4.4l, Juin. Garrett.
FatilUCl rdwards,
Ilenn L,I i Irnce Pa% ad IL Stacey
I'l,arif., Kt Illy. loan! It. 11.1% att.
lula. thy.
Dr. , Dr. R. 'II. It•it , lrtrt,
Spr-t, r lit fltie
Rich^r.'l. Vewbotaid,
T:_/' A pplicataval cot) 1.0 otade to
Litutl tt ill go Erie. Fet, 'lB, la i 2.
to •go thore
Ile hi. Me
liar , I etr
Tho trio County .mutual Ms,
yr III:4 co.ti l m,,y divide! tboir risk! ,
A Firs; rl iF.II •,r r-tirmerr, COIN 'W.V. I
and art:lir:n{4 bocrli, bo itu.ore,l.
r Ito. to etrf+,l rill'ou
erron.l CP... or C..,:nrit. ;TPA Itepirto
kiwi. ul I , •i/lSolz.s. utr , , , t 1.111/r are., 1
rill ...„,,,r.,t No . I .k “k••• ••• •,..;
Tile tu ff Is 1., m..., 1'1.1.4 *% ..1 11 , 4 OW la kela
AO lush'. T_ltE.l T./ EY( I'.
• , 1 ” b.recfr•r.
• Srtlith J-1 , 4..,,n, - Jar . , I ) Thollap,
i r Ir.•
rillircusi, % 3 ~.1 . Maro,all,
' . WO. F. k:,,,,..0.r.0r1tt, 1•h - Zttuuterly,
.I,VrI 't Ir. ilbr - tith, Pot. r I. 11,,,t,,u. .
.1.1 1 1 ‘r. Siert. 11. - ' . 1 I 1•:-..k, •
- C. 141. Ti1.:,,,1.. . Cr Se,ldell, - .
' .r. 11. Wi,11,1:111..
0 • . 1...
• II rrl C E ii. . .
Ft , :illt 4fektton. rr,-.1. . 'J. II Wt:lrsull. Tlrli. -
JI , NAS ICIThNit-i , N. ree;v.
r' : - e (lilt d• or ,re.A of Will,,lttpi rs, V rto'lts Woken , ' tiffm,...
. R .
01..4 ii".. t), - 1
I I;hre . h ,Ur• • from 10 to 11, A, M.,,10 1 from ball past 'I to
I, P M. 1 1 - . ,
Mro. 21, 1 , 52.
S . Tautual
% ;:iot.: f AT i ON
h and I can
to er.t
knom ti+ to
`hr qtkoct to
l in %ork.
5'411 u.t.
get II to Ntt.
- -
Ili; ;Itir (hie
r: !R. ca.
co i c.: ;it
10101 rift.
. .• rltrmurs and Viochani
11E11,111 INSURANCE ,
07' Pri - 71.4nunrifi. ()fit no ker TA
aux~j..xll ru
""d Trit4 'TkoniPs , a Pr t. rit P. .ae. lit,
rItINCIPA I. Orrit't*--i—Erw, r.,.. wt ,
- Trnn , Ft Loud. 1:1,.. and 11.
Guaranty Capital 1
rrliN knu .11 , • , leiatiutiuf Farmers, Al
1 arid others.-tOrtiwil tor the tiothial I
ca4r of 4 ie. 1te,... Of. :WC ident. lit Ow payu
litlai d. posits.. you Let - acne a 1.. e Nt.1114414
3 It. rid. I, liriwto during I or, •twoltd you b
;ire 'dent rfloill anseiding to your ordinary
All *vim j•nti tort As-ori nth. air ettitie.
ion olotnrOts. tio% to ii if I iinte in the pi
It i•il e-dardisted on a-wife air.? DP(1.11114441
al ai.d brthwolent in its rleripis, and 44 ll'
Plssll4ll4 iur'it•
s emits , i. poser id , 544'1111.41tk, esprit strry vs,trs Or .not
OF. KATES Nil. 1— i T.A.13,r; (q , e.vrt:F s(i. If—
Tlic,c drawing for the lion I l'hose Jill drat. i fig ft,r tlwl.r:t
wiiel.''s i:ickdess .) pay ing : sitek's sick lan-b. by paying.
rt. per yedr draw 2 per wick E-2 Kr yeot draw 43.1.4 1 per W' k
3 I. ' 2 . . 3 .. . 4.55$
4 . •11. 4 . 4 . ti.rti .
3 , 3 ". 3 •' 7:39
6 ~0 CI 6.73 .•
7 ii 7 VI 10.iiii • ..
If " . . eI 33 AilmissiOn Fee ki'l hr
- 0 .
charged the . fi rst year. and on , i-t
10 '• - he paid at the time of nothsing
die application. astir t , e riot
. ' , ,.r', ii Pss+4ll Vll4lllOlO day+.
rrhfor.,r Rejenevo.:—entiltirf F Mack. E.g., lames lIATer.
rsq..Thonias lerander. 4:sq , II: K. Bartle - on, Publisher and
rI.. I rirt..o Zd'il e pail) Mir:Wing 'l'i tam and Gazette.
Pdlisbar,rh Iffre 'fres --11 , ii. 110. e., Ham r umiapo. F. Brriwii,
t - ti .irles sUsiver, I. K Elven:eq....John Moiite. !lon 11. W. %V 1.-
Innis. Bev. .1. !Tooth. parosou :cwt, Messrs. troth ag Scutt.
Esurs. ,
F:r.irßqfrerentegr—n• Grant. lion. James Thomp-on, Win. C
Cur y, It.' F. Sloan. and %Via. A. Galbraith. Ergs.
rP.; it s:
It. V. ftpannol at. Prr-thlr tli. W. M. Wilson, Vire President,
i:. 11. brown. trsirretary. 11'in. 11. %Vil-rin Tieasuret. A. J.
("halal., A, U. Chriaitte, L. A. 31*31 isters. Finaiter t'oninittwe.
Erie July 3 I - 31 A. It. ACIARLAND..Ietuary.
it Air4t .w 9tited., 8
E %V
--- N ] i 0 RK C; A,Sii STORE!
New Goode.
r 1 Nil I: sabre Wier has jut i unwed. a+ Ante .t for one of I 11.13FX
.4. Pet lime.e* in hive York. in the rooms on the lhatunnil riw
melt), occupied be Mrs Ward, thrrie doors 'East of the Erie
Bank. it large aisscUttnetit of low and elegant goods at prices tar
below any, herciofoth offered in thhi market. Ills stock citthra
re* all tker varieties loom! in Dry Good establutitnetits. ut quail
r les -nisei i to every t.i.te. and at rates aceorrinioda led to every
pursetsuctlß for crimple, no Giiiirkirns. siarraniel lasi rolur.. at
II Cl. per carat Prints. hest trrinkae. at II not..: Par: vas.
Turkish *tin. 'tilL B ts. Grape Shavers. new sty k. at different
prictsst.i Jpioilattic 'ic of Irish %Alien, at 31 rents • Wm.! De Lains.
Silk Illnwnn. enrtain 1/rapers, laolled Muslin. ranlaoidered
'la ndkrirtnrf., il:tubroidered taps. Lae* 1/ridersiet es. Mar k and
la h tie SI lk veits rut cheap. Erishro4kreel Moornthic I "inieriss, e.,
TIV.IIC or yatiottr cobra, ate.. Ate. Also. Bloomer Long C0m1..,
an rlcaani : 4 41 4 C1,, ' 44 oh good Linen Itaadkerchrefs, at tell c 5.,
arid 111..ek Silk 11andkeretnefs. nt Sheets
Sythe %Laths
-.I) for .nin
;litter. 141,:+.
che•ep as the
Del ht. , 11T.
frdlOine and
•r. tirn uc-
rrocrt j 113.1 re
!own's Elot.k.
of Itte mom
cittrl. Jewel
y, ciolirne
to. ,i)oth gohl
'Keys 10 ettatch
listing of fitir
/by pn4 prral
I:olif Lockett,.
1.c.(,,j SIIVIT
Hi. all
I liver. Folk!.
llEnna' awl
f all 41.4.erip
,s ebtritp a4tlll.
attention 141
t/er4l,ty la. to-
6 • 44
9 ••
eos.Ssvf lea ri
US. QOM.'furl*
isleUilie sub—
. ha ei wat. ever
bee Outdone.
on. and °tiers
biiodnn.t tn
k Oflartero
cm IT. raglan- .
twig chairs.
Imre invited 10
:tropiiiie. more
Wan can
, ill rind el:1111-
d4tepr great
1)111 8114 en..
d ou (tiddler(
.R . S Clemons
e there, it is
I- 8.-
New aulJkales will be beeelve.t-reaularly eiery. week. • • '
The >kit? , ritrlr Inviter an'esniu 'swoon of hos good. and
rotindent kiust he cannot be earpaa.en by any rumba e,tabl b•fl
mein in the city. The bibiiiiais will b toildueicd upon the rash
prin'espie suirely. JOHN iSWI:F:I4 EY.
Eric. MAy 13 JIM 1
. from sonar
I Ore
rjrINcWHITEIIi INT.—We have received a quantify or the
above wfi,elt has been pronounced by thorr coup'.
n'ul 10 :wire. tarliiiperior to Lead no a paint, both in point or
dnfatrilily and thvendse or numb,. %We its eo4 doer slot exceed
that rirlenit. Jitne I'2 1, 3 2 . C•arb.a 411:. flourru.t.
• -
gruoii tolho wigh to hrtollme acquainted with the yervices of Tile
Hers i t f mass! fisitths. will do well to buy the Illustrated Life
of Gen. Scott in painuhtet form. It war he had kW IS cis; alto
a good Li nevi of Gen. ikOit for one rhillkur.
Erie July 3 849 8 .I. B. GCNNISoIIi do
lout take
hionabk re-
QtrAgt..a IjIIO.I.BFX 'have just ripened at No. Wright's
1110Ciii &arm 4.. an ektemive assort/nevi of choice Groceries
ever brqughi ioltur place and w ill sell in asmatiiirs to unit pur
chaser,- at N tatMeale or Retail. at iodolisahingly low twice,. Our
41 , Yek comer [stir all atilt' le* belonging to the trade.consisting in
part of
Swain Of every Variety and Quality.
Atetiar and BtrltT4 syrups; West India nod New Orkain•
tuolastes;Teaa bf ever) kind. price and quality. old 'Government.
Java. Lattuira, Aio,. Port Rieo. and At. Dowling° Cultemi. To
bacco Ili hit shapes end at all prices. Lamp. lard. and Linseed
Oink ripirits Turpentine. white. Lead dry and in oil, Red Lend.
Venetian Red. I.l4harite.Chromeltreeme.Chronie Yellow. Lamp
black. &C. We also hare the largest assortment of Initort.
ed Ligisonever brought to Mi. market. direct from the Import
er.. con.mting of hard. Caginae. Pale and American Brandies.
Holland. dwan and Aiuerican yin. Pure Juice and immolation
Port Inc. Mataga. , Madmira, Champaign. Wham and Claret
ry ;Vlore.
New HO4ei
wed on
& GnAir!p.
Conatandy on hand by the bnrrel. (mantra and Lemons by the
bot. also enema nt supply of Plour.flatt and Fish.
The old;eu•eurnem of c.dirgel. and our Mends and acqqaCtad
*oats are iinailed total and mashie Out
ET Produce reteided in Ezehanfe fbr
Erin, May 15,
Thu Churn
it wiltbe Id-
LTAY STRAW, awl Corn
L 1 Stuck Cuutcr. ALL arlscie
that every pecauti uvrtriort
Iltne or Cbw shoUl , l parr,
for 'be Agricultwal
wnrrhoo-e of
May 22, 11132,
/la inzt t ht
on the tnoio fai•orahle
1Y •
EJinotid A. 9 , ..p1er
U. Rwe. Oroosio,
John U. reurt.r :
George rterrel
l'Alwardllarl II qou
J. G. John- or 4
JOllll . \et% liiii.
-film elior ,Jr.
Wni. Mart in Pm.
ranco Company-
Ili tnn it.—
) Pinch farm p•nprr,y
No ri,k taken in this
4 41
enh in whirti %arantis
II V.1161z1•-+ rind Caw:,
• x.• 1) iJnn.•e •tz 1LUt!•0•r
EU p•:,300.
J aid Smithfield .t•treet ,
.' l urk Ker., 1 . 0
Va . 31rattplii%
ierm:o lllinots. •
choose.. Work ingsisec
so tit'of enels other its
,cot of the 14 dtoo ink ots
i and wssi he rot sited lo
.Is.ohlesl hy shorts...Or
r.l-1111.:..0r11e1 , 111aI1011.
I.) r•te al the rteet•
Idsitss of the Ass.or la I SOO.
ti - •
11 the lowest rate, coo-
, 1
T !, E Cure rbr Coughs. Cold*. Sore Throat. Hoarseness. Tit:kiln; in the Throat. Stinging 111ooit. Dar/tint Breathing , . g rorehita .
e gala. Coonnited. and Ttainicillar Lotivutupttoli. In lungs BoTTLes. Each unp peculiarly snared to each one of tpd I t
' it
tAili 0 or
1 1 23111 1 1 1 STAGY . 4 SYMPTOMS
i, • 1 •
Coaglyiatn in the breavt, vide. head, back, Joints. and Bahr, it
001,111.171111t i rl OW. daalion. voreners, and tickling in the throat '
fever ' di -
- - . _ that
and quick beet lg. sitrachrratins &anal, guru ea,
' hwy.
. cootivrecvir.rposetixlie eough,riolentferer. night, inorniay „,, aweats,heetie &nib in the ems. and cheeks, b ig : --
twat in the palm - of the hands and soles Of the feet, szp , ssas
i: .
froa Ehly, calittlist, and streaked wall Myatt .
Tire ERCUL A R ' -
Diarriera. diminished fryer. cough, and morning sweat.
Q ONSURE 4 1 1 I 0 'N. . and - increasing hebility, frequent faint g tits, slight Oat.' h"/
In Yellow %trappers.
' . and swelling of te extremities. Celi a
To, TU E AtTLICTI:I ) . 17 The appearance in , Three Bottles of..Nsittall'a•Syrs is a new Fra,lft Meilleine, Nan its i...
and direct opposition to theist, Tirol!
ABSiBIZO AND rercornnirrzsrr ONE s trimaran -
While its merest. premised in this inn nner. (tise-h Bottle containing a dactylst p fawn.) in caring tha dbilhirwst thin s . 1 ,,,;
dui raeterize ChholosPhot. hht e*tahliadwd the Warm/4 tenth of the Curability of Et e thage of Pultinaniory Consurupt len. - '''•
tr PlirsillAN,s l A PritaVE Or IT. het:ince it is igllij upon eorreet Physlologi al and Pathological principles. i•l.p." .
ap e sif it, bee -angle it is reararma sense , and'berainse they know from 'tad expecte, that sat prepfrottion will sat cure
the ----`,..
stages of Cusissaisptisa. Tits wsScri mg . flisappcnated, and di:con/aged /sestid approves./ it, because its principles hold oot ait ano. --".
at.. Rape, and when he uses Naftali's Syrians's. hts hopes'are itself/ed.
IF HE IS IN THE FIRST 87'.-WE OF 0. 7 1" S 17.11fPTON •
and uses the Fins Pottle, his expectoration. ditficutrand painful. becomes frec'and easy Ms CAswilk awns lets lull, the sorra en, t a t.
ling in his thNai, intlaniation. pain in his breatk,"iiide.hedid, thick. punts. and ',t nibs ate ream:med.
and tiseathe second bolt's. hit my-es leaves hqn. his disturbed slustibeys become sweet mil refreshing, his night sweat, vanish kis
pectoral tun. cuptonts and tdhodr.u.sutes a be.tithy appearance. anik at length dies piwari. his bowels become regular, his epp„,
n tarns, the flush in hi- cheek .110411. year... the yarning heat in the palms of his bands, and soles of his teet, are felt no 9 ~(Z: now ceases, Mr raCOCITI all, Is wen.
, 9
and uses the"third bottle. his Diarrhtra grailuallytie.iscs , his weak boa els become sin lig; his cough And other bad ormtirn (,{i..,.,,
pea - . feehie ihitesdinti heeentes strong and vtgarons. hia-stonmeh recovers its proper iblie. and creates new, rich, and amusengt,s,4
his strength returns, his wasted body is clothed with MO LI 1 E IS :. A VE!) - !..and he Is
Earl, ~„„,,,,f
. Iv, a u s w, 5 r ,..,„". h as the ~t a nittonts ot the stage fur A ten it is entered printed in front of the wrapper, tone s ..,
every in vat id knowing fits On II s. 1111 , 1011.5. can Judge for him .i..r
self WHICH' 11011 '1 .tiE it EQUIKEd. IS eonsetrently to ii,,,.
:the e=i l P n - reur in selecting rrI'IIEtROPER MtiNelNK•rt „
et; Pamphlet att pus-ennui' of the Editor 01 this Paper, containing Dr •-
"3 - ' - ' eltructure and uses of the Dula in Lungs, and certificates of CCU,
Proprietor. 53 - Prico. SI per Bottle.
DR. WM. LI.YDOP, 175, Chesnut Street, opposite the St.:
• l' Removed from 26 South Fifr
la Mei Wrappers.
•pO'OWD •WAa!'
001081:IMPT;01 1 :
:In rusk Wrappers.
• .Steceili Pivfits and Num-runt Transuetioas." Ia Dial
A v i:::g te - 4 -
D - Ii IN & SLOAN'S In.
40.:11 '
`11:. - 4 - ...". Emyoutt - Nt OF
Cheap Books and Stationery, % 1
A lkb w
.9, Bron's .A7ew lintel, iState st. .
\ t: are I,i)%v open 4 tog, the largest and hi,' a.slir Latent of nooks
and SI la.:l,er, t." r 1,011;_lil I.• lb.- matkul. arid ar. Our
1110110 , ill be ....quaff Pr elita and .Isurterinis - 7Faussactiasis,': We Are
pa pare.! tit ••••11 at price, that def) C.AII/I , VtAIOII. Our 'richly Cu,- '
A "'s
!daces all the standard mocks o f 111.1"
. 11.i.t0, y,Biography." rlontanco, expect 10
I;rrete by .•-•.: ea unil.Lanil. Tier tiling Affentures. Boolafur " po or t faith 1..(V
iis ?t
the Pa flue and Firr:%tde. c. t it Eouks for all ages, loAile. snip rot,ar
School, scClassici.l Books. 131bles. Testaments, hal e doubted lik
and .oTI I 11 , 1!e- 1 :S ra /r i r:1; 1 1 ,1 . 1 0 1M ti n :. ' 11:t. " 1 .. 0.1 4 r t .' o al l l l ' 4 4 .: ll lll .) :ll k . S. r..!aVl ' lt BoOks ' i hret. , " l,t ra , " V i 7 4- ri 1 ,.. w6h : . 1.1
hi,i ll V. 14...1P1slf•Tfl 111.1111.11:1CLIKM. :41%1 Or Oil !1,1“1.
a, bi the parts %I
I, 4, 4 it :s I .VIION ER V Iliti.i . .l}t EMI:NT trill C:letraff• an „ id he m. ihr ,„,„
'cause--I,l,.rielk of 1:0g11-14 rrelir h and .%inericbo Cap, Letter, testing, and Op.
I oniniercial and Lints:nixed Note Papers. 41"
,tres:ved v. ith all.
1 —..-..--- -, -- .
IVevir Boot , and !hoe rstablishndent. . ed b!,: rite 4noily
'and -hotild tie?st
\V"111 1 1.P r l {Lt. and retail. 'rhe sala.crthers %Wild most re
i. thr sullener
1 opt Cil.flly announce to the citizens of .rte and adjoining
eot.iiir,.lnlit Li.c) kit e Mcdoli 111.'4...1%14 in N0...t Wriglik atwit. •ietirr ast . Dian
~t,•--1 , aill. re ‘k!' art. t:9140,1*. ria:.: O w 1,,,, z ,•0 ~,,d 1,,, t , 4 .1,,,.. TIll• valuable
(A.:, rt: E,11:120t.. r`h le-. I..eathi.r a.i.:Fitiding-exerotrered in tins Ilr°l'i'vr and " I I
rot., atid are ee:lsw.! ti percent. cheaper Oudethecbeapevr.—
I ~chutes., r ' Irate
; ,
,mll.lot i.ur stock Is of UM' usill llbrtUUlletUre. X lid made of the : trite, Nay ii - ''
4.4 I aualer all, aulfl.,!, experienced vsurkincii. We wiicrt an ex
-1 ritaiit ,to.a al our .1 sisk as tout h in a N ill be Charged fur shoo mg,—
trou't I :r,:oil the •. ace; No. 2 Wri;rit's Ith,ck.
1 4 , trmi:os 41, Now T....
1„ . S. l'!'allt , l' Mere:l3llU are, illy,led 10 Calillnd examine 0,51
?Wei, as a e s. ill ~, , lig 1ieG11rr , .11..`1..110 eel: a.. low-ace:ln tee hourbt
O tt c-I of New York IV.' bay e •41..., in connexion with c.ur .t. ck
a ;r•- , rd Assortnirtit 01 I.eather and Filidines tor every attoil and
4,i.! In ; , n Inch vs ill !W .A.] a.. clle.q. .1- call Lc bought - in Uulfuto
ernes) other Market. either at wholesaleor retail. 1
I.rie,, Ma) 22 —*
tll% . {.:•etio IV:. alte old .I..ilid Of Iti-ii,:f.11,...c r,l,er. a (eve d00r
....11 tVe.t of 1% thrums & Wriaht's'Exehanee °tee.. a new and
elvt: -, :a ,- h'hia 01
Cl.(. I ///.‘f, Cf..o7W.s. ('.4ssitrpnre AND rE , TINGS‘,
Ipttether watt, a tweeral =t4el. 01 article= Hi the Clothing , Ime.—
Ca;l.o:devt•to.,e!vi Oil), awl ricez , . - JA.511...i LI TU.:. Thy. 15, Pl.'il. . I
AT E R I, I NI E ! •
% F-IR-.T rate rtic le of Water I .me hiAl reeeteed hv
/a_ - tal.trktik: J; Mt IlCriIN.
En^. Stay 12 trjrj.
~_. 1 Pi.trlic Dock.
NAILS AND. 0 . ..;
...rtrre ,No, ti, :tie,' ...f..
I'FIF: Irircn Iron r, - n. !lave taker a ...tote In l town. where tile).
.1 to telirliweellte li full =iii4.l . of .11 the ,!tur reiiiktept. amt =o
r,. .I,,oroi r ln• iii.i'ne. and :11- A C. 1,2'.... rt, ortweet or N . it!,
Peraie,,,eiVtiu Itrise .-i'4 'be Null cal? `.7.. r A...rot - hi cut 4i4 not
her.; urt., ! • .d t t tttat 11•Mie better a.ttlia.,...tath iat.t ur e l- eh here.
I:rip. :.... , I.t. 6.-17 -
. i
Bounty Land Warrar4,!!,
• • ;
•rlic hi•iher , t prlce (-at 11. r LI,/ %Varratid , “...l etery ale , serii,-
. 'Pre at hie Daokite,r..ll.,l Elchat.g, r :liee'..,l l
Env, M.,1 I:rth. I-3r.t. dl. i , ., , i NFOR Tv 84, CO.
- - . !
- ow Epring Goon 's !
rliiir. iut.trib;f ha Dolt R1111;1/41 a 1:1Ige : 4 1,06. of spring
/ : 4 1.1,- i.I I , arne-tte and bine) 1,p,,,1=, -eler!ttA kll itlii! , eill Cale,
arol both:hi much cheaper than en.lht ha% e hien done two week,.
!more. 'I he p0.,l lc arc c..lue.t..d to cal l andlel.ain.ii, Kite,' ;Ind
' , lib.- aced ,_,.. is ill tee =‘...t.:lt. L. l'aric , s!at , tit‘t % er.i. 1
Alav li. it- . elll'l II JACtit;ON.
' - '• i •
1, NGAR, I t had , New tirle4h.. l'utik• Ric and Mu.ctryttea
: , r,r,:rr J 4-1 iorelved. and for bale 1 . ,) the idni., t,bl.. or 1-nand
elh•nper than ever. Call and see %V. F. O.INDIKINLCHT.
:Slat;, 22. , 2
4( V I II s.
i....::lferca.l gra.ive Cif pain.. I s., 0....
.. ter, e nice, and
cheap. just recta% ed by IX. F. ;tiNDLItICECHT.
31a 3 , 12. I-31. t
llg 1 11 1 1 11, . Si.,! ~44 )1.4 r , 44.7.. . nelt, an l i i;*.rut 3 Iv 1
1./ shillie,l= pt.r. gal., aka thi bbla.. Mu ar=co, to aril by the
tl.l ‘trry I. W. , %V F. .12tiii.10a.CIAT. .
1/I.iv 22, I`3- .'J .. •
. ,
14) "LS "
9"°T'SYru ci'r e l .;.4.lie ehears by
Nla):•12, 17.1 . 2. ' ' • ..-
sr, It FOS RIO, Cape., Lapin. and J Iva Vothte4uat tereite‘i .
% r arid lot sale as cheap as the Clivit;aint.l
May 11.-1 . W. F I!iI•CHF.RVECIIT.
ill itillit.`i 0, -Ltleinthals. St-hoer...polio A inir-ph lk Co.. Grant 4
I chewing and iittioatpsig Tobacco hr t
ie pound or paper by
May 1.1. —l. W. F. It ISKRN EClliii'. 1 ,
Frit) r 111 Isl 7. Butuns“..—lr you u thin) buy your Nit - EL. :
I Luck., Latehrts. nulls. rtcrens. and Isi fart any kind Of
Hardware. at lovt . figures- Iton't f• 141 to coiC at the cheap Hard-
tt are Shire. \0.3 Reed House. May 22-2. i RUFUS ktFtED. -
r IFMILF: and tiockel cutlery. the best assortment in this city at
,4 Nu. 3 Reed House. May :LI '4.-8. ; k 17 1 ,11 '8 REED.
ilt - rCiii 3 VS -24 A WS. liaw Illaiks, Waives and Steels at
Erie. May *2ll SY), —2. ' Rt 117 S ni:Eirs.
t,3()() ,4,,,,,i,;,..... Bap. akOlfiiltilla I . ultti an Carpet Warp, !
• ht the Bale or less quantity at
Cite hums
.._ . SYTERR iTIT al GRAY.
W. C. Bn*LEw.
T-., %rt , i r hi) .:1C lo lior-e oIA here that he ill, the s'-
a e rrs ot nearly the entire race of pawn' remethe*
• L o . .
• fin hoe-r.. and a number of wars practice
will Ixr ab'e to gide satiofaellotl generally either as a farrier or
.f? Pli•aseeall tmy office at the Canal Stable near the/ouilet
look of t b.- Env Et tteion Canal, and Judge for SOUriteleeS.
. Jai'. .1, 1•51. I y:11 •
W i a L e l. o l l - tr r i tn ß c E rl i t7i .l .la i l l 1 e B r s A n 'N ti k i; ti li l :l l ll l 4 3 t ra e n t h a
?s * c rQ h r o m n e' re i
Brokers, under the firm of M: stAN FOR 4t, Cu. Ofliee in
"Rea 1 ) . • Bloch." licovi..en Duke and react; strectr, Public
Erie. dan.lan I, Ifsl.
And Bins h Beet Bower.
- rAwmilis pletn-e call and.esamine tnp, excellent Ma
i. 011/11. fur Planting corn. •
All'nv an hi.proved Emtinding Cultivator. It was first used
fir Stirring the earth hetocen corn and yaher crops in rows
Tlkey are Low fount! to toe hialilv ....NI . nosing the floe ma
nure noh and pulverising the soil alter p owing. For sale by
state Street., Enc. Pa.
Mat• V.-2_
HAVE:port r4eored and are now oven ind a large and aplendid
oock of Summer Fancy and Staple DRY •ptioltd,enthrie
fre almvit everY 4rttele lu the Dry Gpod. lige Usually brought to
thin warhet. Thew mien.. ‘nt of
is full and complete, embrae on a very great t'ir iety of rich and
*plendol Goode. the n.uues and varieties too ted knot to ett,lMetate•
11-n. a great variety of .Laittea. kloates and Orittireter Morocco
"otliorrOleti• Gaiter Pele. A large and general arrortmentrof
dir4 :grow Dolmens. Yantvols etc.. Crockery. !tint...ware.
by the kta or tiolind. I larthimme. a general assoruitent of galtee
rm.,. Me.: all or any tart of which will he took' uruall),Yow on
aceoluttuulating term.; Mort kinds °l . e.:Murry 4 prothice taken in
oxlip nue for gru.dr. .L
ge4e• WANTlth.lood Diary Rutter, for which theihishent mar
liet price will at all timer be pa id.
Erie June it In3d. ' "
UST NOW ARR.IVED lty express, a lat 4 acidotic/it to our
stock &Siker Ware—panne new and ,kiutiful patterns .1
spoons Forks- Ace, Also, Diamond Jetnaliy Mid Roe Broaches,
Finger Rings, Lair arups.
, prilEsub•ctibet,reiuriis his thaMks for the very liberal pave
' nage!** owed upon him Ati his business. and he hopes by
strict attention to" went a contillitimee of the same.
lie would alio i form the 411.1itie in general that be has.just re
turned from Ne York. ant es how reeeiviog the largest assort
merit of wet and dry family Croeeries. 'Fish. le Studs, Liquors.
Wines, Nails, Mani, Wood and Willow Ware ever brought to
this market. whiehke will arll wbolesale or email as cheap as
thr ebeapttot for Outs. no one excepted. " Please call and see
quality and prices before purchasing elvewhere.
W. F. Plifnitit SECHT,
Corner of kb . k dtate-st. e
Erie, Slay I!, 1892. '
;Diagraming on Wood.
TllEsnlWertlier is prepared to execute all orders In his
line. Drawing and Engraving Landfall).* view of
'Hotels:store. Fnetorleo.Thiehinery, &dello.' fleetly, bodies"
i>ardll, show hills, ice,.4lce.,
Ordersattentled to without tkeloy.eha fryissiderate.
-Fontana. July V. MN ' N. B. PETTIT.
or kit ASOLS. llowiela sti a lbbone. alio. Oa dos • linen Cant
1 WHa
brick aaagnisitar. eels to Itik •
May l 1:11. . 41 TIRBALB & HATES:
GooDS ! !
y 11,1.114.! !rum the agetit and *vett* etltc le tat%
IF wavering..utrerer. ne entreat )f.ti ton, tee
it the tact I,) tour utri ll ' ex per L.U.t! fltreernie
yuti. and h) a trial. are now leltarC 114 to a pi t r,.
Or of one bottle will either • ore. or .a auk ttrc
a crtura pl stir . work. You need 1.01 pare i'ispe
p, applied to the peat c(the di-or:tee a, atll
tbit alleC ell; decompOstu Itte tumorous Went,
Dees all al the ea we taut. Ita virtue 111111411
tp Ita ttr• tit rettettillsetitta non Whoever a do
dasagureable intalad), may be relieted start btal
e (111. 'llre direr-mine are full and complete
telly follow!.. In order to in-ure 'Orbit.,
hu u ill not try it. General ceput No I I
o N.
ihfesheine is for Ede in thin CM? by c'sner t
1 BUllvtl a:. Cu Dr 1117.1ibli. Al.O at MelltlY gie by
It tf32." Manufacus no and proprittorl.
' • En. CO .
A TO • LT.
HITI•P I.l' tilt OR 2 4 TOR UM
Cll l As Cu , STITATIoN, IN% ARO ••••
. Fr? OR DI .on THIF. HEAR, • - •
"OF StollArll. N•LRGA. HEART- ' a
lAT roe Ft 1.1 . 2 , 11 OR IGHT 10R 7
Rlt R u Tin Mi. RIM 0111 F I TTTFRIEO AT
-10.111 WITTN
.• 1.N1 , 113 • IMATTRIE. HUY .
et RS. Di
5TC;111.1 , 14
IM/c• PIT or TII6
Dar! , el' BR
//,10 FRIO,
11, FI-Vrlt ANII 01:111. YAIM : eV TRC
I .
LAP. l/EnciLmrT' Prisrma•
irco.. V EILI.OIt NI., OP Ilia
51(1 , 1 AvT , EVE!. AIN • • -
, C.. Pr isnrti r, rpUrli or It raT, Weltsnra .rt 11411
IM A Givi•.‘,, or EVIL ANt , GREAT Mg rlitswoll
hfri•ettaally flltr'rl h)'
l'curpT., .
1 . 1,. NA. CNNICIA
Arch Street, P.hiladelo4al,
Their rvrrr r.
let 4/.1.r of Err pry
Mars; Care, ally
I; lilt rs
Ifll4ol. tit
. .-
er Ike 'flume chsrases is sort e:rcriled—it evialfed-:
ord..» re the Untied Mlles se Ma cores Wrest. ert
s , ,tioul phusistes kat:ailed.
re ler , rttil ibe :Meal WU (A Invalid!. Pos , t.., nc
I .
here ettlteat Oidt4ca. , - ,>1 the Lo. er H01t , .---j
..-- .1
ii: the isit,t,r reh till; putnero In Wealriitvi 44.4:1 f.
eevtive orgat , : r the are retdral. Safe. eertatna44
1 . 11 . (C I-1
tr• . ; Ka: ft of the d
I.IC.Iti 111
FMIII the ••Eortote film"
d. Ike. tam:—
The eiiihgir Fa
/)e. //eeifirnif
ron'elt mt.
felier‘rit , ) our ,
Biller: , 'TAN e '
map. lie h hut
Olaf. iii thy it ,
iitreiligth amt. %,
are illea•niit
the ino , t !pen
\Ve are
their uce.
••: 4 torr's W
said. A,,g,"=5-1
1C d,brat.,l Cerman Litiers for the cure of I *i ft
otter, Dyeprvia.l7ltron be of Nervcruo u
I (tie i,..0.t popular inctlir:oc". of the dal: "II roe . ,
111 'lkea by ihuoi•alldS. sad a Inca,' at oar r..'3 I,
II rereired an effectual and prima hem; CUT, c!
from the 'J.' of this remedy. We are cony :nr..l
; of the Bitters. the patient eenntanfty pm,
or—a•fact Worthy of great consideration'. i ,
able and .itaelt. and can be inted 0} ix trot% udb
1 !ifoinsielw wir l h safety. wider an) etrenatatanre,
g trout t 11.4:11c f/Ce. aact to the afflicted fi.. adraie
EXLY," one of the best Literary pap,» publoard,
ns fis:ast a v 1113 res.. tnanufaetoted by Dr. lick,
oinniontled by ; sty iite of the 42141611.111U11i1e01int61-
a: , an article of lune h elbeac) ito ase, o'l tetnaJe •
such is the ease. *e would adv ' ail mothers to ,
I and thus save Olen! Vey aourit ekneas. Pet
... I euniqinnions will ili three Hitt .11 adca imam
' Ith, a.. we know front t riche/ e valtitar) ti-
ROU weak Pwlenu. "
Mi .R 1: I'V'lliENC
ii Ipit in Saturday Gazette." the best, family zewita•
at Stater. . The editor says of ,
tlli i()FI.A ND'S (i Eli Mit N RI TTFRS.
hat we recconn.entl 'abut are armed ?en
I roll Medi
ii tioence and p.nronage of our readers: and there
outman(' lir flooflatrit'snertnne lititerowe wrsh
I y nuderetood that we are Pat orally: of she mar
-1 . that are noi4ed about for a brief period sred ars '
ev have done their futile,' raee or aidsekief.bui:ef
1 iiia td :shed. universally prized, had which has
I , piot al of the faculty itself."
"tht. Unapt
son. are 11,4 W rt
14. r. °fill,. Cl , ll
l i
weakar.o. A
ulair. a bottle •
rausq o I ticst he.
ft et 'lto • ha% e ,
'oet tai the Um
"ft in rettton
crue.. 10 the-e •
fore whlwe •
if to bed uric
ttittn••• of he tlal
forgotten after I
a Incttle toe '
met the heany
E% :deuce Is
frunt all recuitti
eel If•l•lituoriy t.
practiCe of the
ala,,trutnt. COW
Iy.provtoc tha
approvalsx het
o evidence has been received (like ale Ilkeerwlie )
• . or The Union, tkie last three years. and the strung
.• its favor is. that there is mote of it Oiled in the
r gillar Physicians; of Pit iladeliobia. than all odor
turd; a fact that can rosily estalolosherl.and too
a scientific preparilition tot ill meet with their at: s t
pferroted earn an Itsr* form. .
licine tt ill cute I,'i‘cr COI plaint and
tit :met mime it atilir .- It *els titpecilleTch
ch and liver: it I. referahl lb calomel iti al/ tot
lie effect it , immediate The ca. be slteisAme , ed
Wants. %Alb i.atet) Ind reliable beneitt at aay lime
That (hi. in
nf)oncan do
npnn Ihp *torn
hays stilt alga -
t 4 fensaten:or ;
Ile has atilt tueti that, high hareter . whieh is arm
L ecit• ines to attain Itu indueeenunterteiter , to to
lattieletent the rietc Of the lives' of thaw it hu ar, in
twell o 1/4 marks of As Gamine. ' •
This medic. i
for all
forjth Ppli
ecreeotly time
They havet,
wrapper. and
irerfuip.. I
-For ekle ir
e written l , ignaturii of C. M. J ACKSChS viva ate
it karue blown in the bottle, irtLionti acincl,lAst O's
Retail 4tthe
GERMAN 1111-.liit'iNE. STORE
rveet, one door Selow Pirrt4- rbiladeirtia. aid
den lent geurrrth) throughout thr country.
No. lin Are
by respeciabl
To enable all
great restore
lasses of i nyvl ids tO enjoy the advantages of Ora
ye - prayers. -
Itingia:73ottls 75 Cents.
Alan fOr sal
on is Goti. Al
Jan. 1,.• •
by Caner ir. Brother, .Dantiabotr. Brie. Pa.: Lump
Keats Camera. Pa.; and J. ("tufts, Waste Pa.
East, Gr
• abitants of llatzbeieripok. Malt
• • old and ail others is Mew Colo*
N. F. 1!
K ing and n..
Cie the
tnnin4ol King
i ?MEAN reHT of Erie and 4. P. Joie offlarlwr•
4 , 7
.i i: t! b r i ch w a r ;l i t e ...lll:f entire smelt of pads at Mews.
•rac en Harborereel and wtwel rs
alert:in - rite has i Win to all do branches at de WA
and (Iron, rt. ander the same if
It. It i'S; Et; II 'l' ik. JONES"! -
to our present cF-itte k we will rceeive M a ft. de".
r ,„ NPW York ill stiles of Ilry Condo. therms.
l en: ware„fr:! l . kneel e. Na ob. Dye dialn. Lawton n)/
tally kepi . ,,,ra f;rocery and Dry Cowl prom l•
ur Motto shall he to :ell eSeaper *as 44 , vanes!
be citiaens of tke above a :...avel [m'ash'es nr.n.....18"
. or stock and prices and. if we CAL:' ,(, : ' hp * "".--;
k of roods_ as some In Erie wei tan shoil*.h..
, at ofeverythtne and at prices tint cannot M bed"
[ exchange for goods. Cash. Butter, I:mrw rims"
i our. !leans, dried .4;mtes and Peaehrs/Tork. dam •
I Mare k". leK-41,..!
`1 and Dress tidal. and oplendidMair,ill=
tits a yard. and a beautiful wwWitatat of
• •
lurk Lash btore. /
/ 1. ii'llr FEN ET.
, -•
119f1 — : it rtrzliar f i‘stir. _.
: OX. of New York City, half located peratime° 4 " -
: tty Wale, for the treat*tit and cure of Docaus. ol
Mew tenet-tea and s*ws. ' Having arsinard Sad
e practice lot several year* ia the eilinOluo &la n ;
science of liedie isle, be Iteltere 'h
e, dui i.
tilting of cure at be accomplished ander b.
In admen
t , y,ft.tiirGad
'roc krry.
er) thing g • '
any place. 11
We Invite..
and einntauc/
as lame a st
mood aisoir
Wanted it
• Oats,
only 4.3
4t the New
J t
n A. C. J.
1 , in the •
the'EYL In
been In nen
thrills of
diseases ad
- Rarwaav
Marsh and
a —Prof. Mott mad Poetiky Of Sews . Coat: .
acuity ofAlba Medical Carnage; Dr. Leach. 11
tica. N. li.
tu • Brown II; No. $. guitiese Stork .
i z 'Penny into and 'MMus Ging/taw. tilot rter m4
woo rds of those St Madder Mats. subset •st
Uy fa Igoe meta plain Clumaztaraat Ni em '
be It 1571. S Ttaaata
Med to tta — MirCountry on Nit own
Hour respounibAlity. :1111. 111A11/0111D, &CO.
Se:ates Block Pie ht
/%I ORE •
one e
ranted pet
per yard.
I.rl terms
Pep.!! 1.:;-,
ex 11
dno, ,