Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, August 14, 1852, Image 3

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    Neit by Telegraph tuaMail.
BY &RILL:Y.S .11 1 e.
oz. is DORIAN SLOAN'S UNA SW4, No. ll.NNows's now wal.
This Steam's/ Africa with firtr days later news from
D ro p', stetted at half-put 9 to day. Stock Market
„ry set's.,. bat at nuchanged Prices. Sahli for the
week reached 114.000 pounds. 454)00 of * which were on
_speculation. '
Flour and Wheat steady,: Corn name. aud'white ad
vanced 6d.
Weitern Canal flour 19sa19s'Ad—Ohio 204•90a6d.
Front all gesture:the Potato, disease is spoken of. and
ma ny affirm that it is in the worst forni this year.
Lard 33IPT•11 1 0 w 38.6d.39..
. 1 -
The following ii stated u the Anil resell of the ell+
tioo. Free Trader, and Liberals. 3149. Fos.the
325. It ss ineposeibleto tell how partieU will be con
structed when Parliament assembles. ,
There are said to be 170 sew members, is"- the sew
bogie of Commons, and with the exception of this'll - who
are avowed in favor of the ministry, the niniainder aie
not bound to follow any particular kind of '
FllMlCC.—Napoleon ' s iwarliage with the Ninon of
Nassau is som)what isicartain;
Forth Carolina Election.
. , • I RALciati. N. C.. /log. 10.
• •
There is a net whiz Lain of Swint the LegAilatore.—
The Csoloseas probably sihiig; the Scants democratic.
There is a democratic majoritroa joint ballet.iving the
democrats the United States Senator.. -Reed: • demo
cratic candidate for Governor. is re-elected' y ea ie•
created majority; his majority in. 1850. wee 2700. , .
A cell was aside yeatorday.•poo the Presideuttocuis
rrantcate to the Senate all such correipoodence as has
takes place beiweeo Pi a United States and Pere. in
gsrll to Lobo. (elands. Sois•--liras age Mr. Webster
gars his opiniia that dtcLoboa Island((-being more than
a mai:inoleagse-from this coast Peru. and the govern
meat never haring exercised any control over them. yes
eels frons'the United States had a right to go there for
guts ., "tidiest paying My trilieta to the Peraviao
sraineut. Ho also recommended that a vessel of war be
despatch/A to protect' Amsris.a reseals, :The frigsta
Raritan was accordingly. despatched. Sba his doubtless
strived ore this.
;• A gust 11.
Tho latelligeueer of this A. M. officially
the' resignation of Hon. Abbott Lawrence as Ministo is
England. and the appointment of Joieph R. Ingersoll to
fill his place. ;
The Union contains rt letter from Gen.Shielde. in fa -
vot of Gen. Pierce, for the Presidency, ibd vindicatin
Ilia military character.
Mr. Andrews. Causal at St. Jobe% has Oturaed. with
a report of the facts ia regard to dui fiatierit;s. be anti
cipates difficulty iu efreCliag a sattafaciary adjustateist.—
. Pirrsaristatr. Aug. 11.
- The Free Soil Convention met in this city this A. M.
There wu a large attendance, the liest of feeling pre
ruled. bitisineas of sad importance was tranuctul.
It is' 'Vow confidently 'believed that. S. I'. Crhase will
receive the nomination for the Presidenec. .
A meeting was hold last evening by henry Wilson
and Erman* Hopin of Mass.. Lewis Tappan of N.
Dr; Snodgrass. and several others.
The 'Pennsylvania 'Fres Soil Conventon thin
passed a resolution, by an' overwhelming vote, nomina
ting J. P. Hale for the Presidency.
NEWPORT, Aug. 11.
Complaints were made this morning against the pro
vieturs of the Ocean, Atlantic and U. S. Hotels Sf
A seizure was made a4rhe Ocean Missy. The infor
mers were suisn'td with rotten eggs ate. One man draw
a pistol. and was arreaied and gave bail ; There was a
groat CZCJitmesit.
The steamship Europa sailed 't moms for Liverpool.
with 37 paseiognrs and $725.430 in spcis.
The Herald says that Mews. Webster and Fillmore
hiverhad a care-up, the rainiltof which will be the with.
drMval of this former from the Csbiluet. —la confirm'.
it says he shipped yesterday meting! loads of farM.
tore for goor g etow n . from thane' to be rihipped for Boa
ted. 1 •
Favestavitut. Di,: C. 'keg. 11.
M r . Kerr' wig iendidate fur Governor. gain' 100 an
Rutherford Co., but returns from other eouuties show en
-lee/ease for Rill (detis,) qaitir about 1:200 in
counties. Reid ti doubtless elected. bx from 3000 to 5000
majority. the Legisletard is .1111 doubtful.
The St. John's papers, received here..onite in derma it
slag the coarse pursued by the British hlittister, Mr.
Craotptso, in ordering Admiral Seymour to enipend fur
ther coiffure of itiviiincao fishing ireasele. For so doing.
they urge his immediate retorts. • tt
The New Brerisericker has reeeivni private •adv i cra
from Engluid state that the Poitughese have made
appliestile to the British to Sibtaie lerve to core fish,io
Plewfooodlaocl. sod forgo doing offer to abolish the duty
at present ea British• fish offered in their market.
Gen. Scott in Tennense4.
The oppoillion to Gea. Scott among - the whip of Ten
nessee is growing fast sod (anon/. Person Brow _ plow,
of the Jenesborough Whig, takes his fall share in the
Movement, sod m clue of his late somber. chroisiclis his
prosperity and success; - Wein* not surpneed to see the
Persoo going ahead in his war eyoo General Scott; but it
does seem rather curio'ss to find Mr., Webeter and the
State Department openly giving him aid it'd comfort and
cheering him on. ' - •
' lie nays in hi. issue of July 2Q :
"Week before last. we entered the , names of 84 new
nese:there ou our books; lest Week we iniered 102; nod
this week. up to the hoar sof going to preap. we ha,. *al
tered 200 names; while 14011 ten men hews dieconunwed
10 ail that tape. Alsuost every man wrung for the pa
per eye. 'I „am an anti-Scan stag.' Thuile are facts
which we can show on our,books. and by our files of let
ters,ili to any one who are Cunene enough I call and ex
amine them. i This is a free essentry. and ,
ii iinsauses Mir
not tir be driven from the support efts!! inset ode"( press
by a few selfish leaden. Our' weekly issue sow is 3.600
—a circulation no paper ever could boast of in dui end
-ef the State." ', ~
Te show that the sdatiatettation at Vitaehingtoa ap
*yes his soars*. Parses Brows's, whom the assezed
Wig ootiCei
"We have been kindly and respectfally smiling, this
uel by Mr.,Webeier. Secreteiry,of State. thim our paper
le selected for publishing she orders. resolutions. sod lairs
Nisted donut the first session of the Thirty-second Cou
rtin, and also all public tresties *signed , into sad rattfi
ed by the United: States."
elf the. aboveac
f o
d solin •de to that T• noisiest is
['time 'gamut. ascot and Grchant. and that Mr. Webster
4111 rsisice 'Leach e result. we confeq that we an sea
bio le draw scarred inference.. Ten thousand majority
is what the Parson says Tenites••• trill give for Pierce
`and Kieg. . 't
ILT We see , it staled in some of the papers that the
whip, on their return from Niagara to Cleveland. &s
molded in E ire Hall for the pmposo of working o ff
Ow eaexpea enthusiasm, bet were sadly surprised
sod betted Abe fact that *se of the *peaking whom
i l 'ilr f.• rid mr-4 whit whom they had oft Wows called
PM bilfore—reepeadedien.the wrong aide of the garden!
instead of •• ping it blind" fOr Scott. he went the other
*ay. - This was leo nisch; aiming se it did es the WO.
"of the Niagara Wow. of which they wars heartily tit&
There vim no remonstrance. bat a pascal diapereioWdr
the aaioundod *l4 gathering.
Er A Rantsisessurs.—TlM foltessio4 indult was dw
pls3sil conspicuously at die beads of the Nativist papers.
111 It :
Nadirs ..deacriesis "rickst. 1844.
For President.
For Vies Freakiest.
-11.1 whit faaiSws. 6".
Scott did sot deoUse the hpisienihip tllO Nitivist fog
tem.-said raeei4 ell *Sir woe. ; ; •
kw Yogic. Aug. I.
Sim Pont .Aug. 11
.11.474'01,, Aug. 11. ,
. ,
!Cr Farm. roe twit Ps +The Borate Ceur‘er
makes oat i wrong case o Iliztievagance, in die pubfie
expeeditstre. under Mr. nllmon's administration, It
sepsis a time of prefoopd peace the Army add Nail
expeWses hate been increased 13 per cent. say $5.000.-
000..witheat any apparent reel The nitintier of mos
employed in the Army last y ar;iwas 10,510 . and the es
peenos of the Army prime , ri:,73 /,000. or more' than
*MO • man per ennum. I
. 1047. daring Mr. Pout's
Administration. their. we .3po men employed on the
am( of Mesita. cad the ea eine wrens 11 33 itwoilm iir
I l i
!JP a man. per nuaisi t rt
lading transpoat•on.
Tim Newy sap see belie the been increased 20 per
eell. Peyments awe boar made upon the Public Debt
t :
sandlots interest., perticalarli 'signal payments. until the
whole amount (4 tittsooo. wwithinterest. , due ander, ,
the , Mesimin treist.. is noir p tiiharged, 1.'41 not natural
Ifni to expect th at the *tinges of Govertinent wilt is;
futqce be reduce and tholes*, of tin pipple thereby'
lesiened; ' I
,et. instead of this. weifilid ear Whig administration
estimating the e penditsoles for the next Gavel year at
ii le
$4000.000. and tilling o:i Centres* to provide slim
of Meisel?! Plea ly tioiskfil the eipeneett Of the ti -
meitsiander Democratic Adiamistrations. about which
the;whigs and whi t neweilepers cried out, charging ea-,
trairsgance, corruption.; sic. After dedactilig all pay
ments on accosnref the Pablic Debt. It willlleave more
thitit $44.750.000 that is isked for to carry / tin the Gee.
*turnout. And this will art be enough. 1 There will be
anither defieien bill bolero the next Comings., le meet
coins expended 'toad the appropriatioak. i •
Daring the first three y ears biter Geti.JA ICSON *Anse
int; power. the %Inoue, colet of carrying en 1 . Gotern -
wept. was about $14.000.590, and oar pope! ties elu *-
beet fitertein millions. low. with irpopirotion 'flees
ty-theee millions, t e cost Sir carrying on the Government
is—double die ratio pod ! igoler Gen. ,laca•
lost. This systsns is ell wtong. It must be checked. or
tits $56.000.000 will soon ;be swelled to $1b11.000.601)..-
is ' where it has already goes—to contractors,. jobtilsre.
ats sad Galphine. The Democracy are cow Celled
i nto put forth their best are, to reform such abuses
bribe substituting of nevi men ter' those in power. It
wolltsis done. Ir
. I
,I l ' artutcrien or 34a. Wnesratt i —Tne. Concord (N. II.)
P4irloi motes, bat durin g the recent visit of Mr, Web-
Dar to his farm at Faisitlin; a lady. a relative. reinarked
to ins. ' , spell Mr. %Webster, l• was really in hopes that
- an is time I should see . hire PriWident of the United
Slittes." "Yon will ye ti madam ."
madam.'" was the instant re•
ply of Mr. Webster. "if i u and Oen. Pinata live until
snit March." The 'above is from; the lips of the' has
h''d of the lady. who was •himself present.; Evidently
111 , -Webster is of the opinion that "filuotes nomination
f i
1 One Wnot fit to be made." ; :.. 1,
46 Buggy for Sale: .• • . •
'i•For Sale--:a cow filet rate Buggy. ! A credit will be
gii , eo until Pierce is elected. Preaulestt 7 ; Enigma, of
iErie. Aug: 7. SWORE."
The above advertisement.•l-sm surprised , to find in the
columns of the Eris Obserrer. Tile Publishers' : of that
pstPerkeisor'tlist it was a Forgery whop they published
ittittitser that was not - one of the sympathisers with
the faintrtig soldier. but is favor df that.gallant American
dr nem!. _-who atw•)s couquers'aud never faints "
*The Pierce piny to this county mu%t be hard, ran to
resort to Forging to strengthen :the chances tif their
Jeckdisw Candidate for the Presidency. -
Aug. 12. 1852. T. W. MORE.
)11Zil The above slanderous frroduetion appeara in the'
hit pakelle. "That it was written by the 'parson whose
aline ii attached to it. we have usi more, idea than we
hove that he would be guilty of the crime he is, in that.
made to charge upon . us—i. e. p4.lticeps crpßioalis in a'
!‘forgery." He unquestionably has authoirsed a denial
of tbi paternity of the advertisement, but that he hirn-
Olf could coolly sit Own •aid charge such ',gips. crime
upon those with whop he has been upon 'tektite of the'
must friendly relations for years. is out of the .question.
We fiel we are right; therefore. in aeqiiittiut him Of in
tqutionel wrong in the premises. , The i sutlior is u'ilquee- 1
a,cluabil some one whPe• emeriti. soul (if he has one)
has sought this opportiitOty to .ruder those he dare Cot
o'er his own signature. Thelacte of this - "tempest in a ,
teapot" are these. Mr. Moottesiratier came into our
OCIC.e. and requested the advertissiiieut abovp 'inserted
in our paper. giving as a reason forbaving these in went
41 the boggy "Enquire or T. W, Moore." hat he Was
Mimed in building a house a gttod , way Off from the
Business parCof the town. conseqnently he would be vary
likely to find more purchasers hviliaving some one down
town to snood to it. Advertising is a part of our buil
ttesP,. hence we inserted it. True, Mr.• T. %V.l Moors
ley* he came in end ordered °in business partner to
,tike it out after our paper went to press, bat he very eel'.
rectly.refuled to do an without orders from the person
saho ordered it in. Saw. whether this makes es per
fie", criininis is a. "forgery." seen had there bees one
aonimitted, we leave tlr. T. Wi Moor td answer as to
20111 seems beet.
!Er Missevat.—This Etate, SU IS elected *hire's
Whigs and two Deinocrats to COngress. At the recent
election the tibia were tornlrd4e DemOcrats sleeting
three and the Whigs two. °Demoleratio majority on 6ov
ernor 16,000. -
rr Hundreds of our citizens compliiin of debility and languor
3 .
of the syetests, derst.fgetnent of the li• and stomakh , want of ap
petite, &e., they are frequently the lt of curse application.
t ire
and a thousand other causes we eau there ne but we would
Saito all so afflicted. do as have done—let a bottle oetwo,of
!kr.' Hooflarhei German Bit rs. prepared by Dri Jackson. and.
storword foe it. you wilt be cured. - We neeonunend this meth.
Woe. knowing Wont experience that it le niece, suPerior to the gen
ejalitj of patent medicines. We would .y to our readers. pur
chase none unless prepared by Dr. C.i. Ic
knosi. Philadelphia'
toll 1
Ip Edinboro on the 10th.. by E, %V. Garrisb o. 'req.,
Mr. %Valuing COLU%e. or Pginifiviiie. p H Ind Mee
hl•er VAIIIDIVoRT. of the loniser p eCer.
Ott the sth tact . by the Rev. Dr. Lyon. Mt. C. H.
Dr Fenster.. 'of Derby . Conn., and Mies Et.t.mtll3 KUL*
MAO. Gethin eity. • . • 1
On this 23d ult.. in Kenosha city. Win.. by Om Rev.
Vni. H. Sampson. Mr. Et iana OLns. of Milleteek tp...
As Cauniy.•Pi.. and Maki A.:, -doughier of (he Ray.
; H. Dominic. of the former Mese • ;
Mrln this oily , on the 9th in s t.. 1w the Rev Jcif . [Awe.
r GILO. H. IHILLEn and Miii Maitioancr Nation. both
et Girard. ' • t 6
floN dots ase this QOne, two tons of good hiy—diao cord. of
Illpod wood for which the highest market prier wi I be paid.
;You that have either of the above armies Wing th ew lung.
Brie. July IC h-3t.
' P To raisr.rnsts.
;TUST received at No, 9 Brown's nitwt. by "the aubseriber,, t a
r 1 large aisportnient of Maider's au perio•
•' ' sin. =oak- :fob. and News ,
in SIAS and 30 lb ketts, and an cans of lib each—Also; ed Green
had Blue Ink. Those in want ea rot End a better ar iele.
Erie July 17. lE 4 * 10 , litilitLlN & 1.1.1/119.
' 3133311111' 111.. 1111.0A.111, •
, • 197. Brmatheay. Wyse. ilk, and Fans, sheirt. Tina.
GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods of ute latest st constant
,lg on hand. Navnl,3llilitary, Townie and CAI n'a Cloth
injonade to order Witbneatiters noel despritek.
. ,
p' UST Received at No.*. Brown's Block State t •
to Grabann's Magazine for 'August.
F, Godey's •• 4A ••
LAnd "A Romasesof Lilk In New York. air the See vet edam
Seven " - Erie July 11-.40 D. nun PIIIAMPI.
31 ar
mad she public riteially are tavited to Call and raankina q•allay
Fend pan scalars hereafter. No 3 Reed House.
'Zak Jul> 3 1e33
w it
p iew w nitro of th o l i f radii work r i r:dainr awsold.
OddeNdrhen Pierer elPeded Pres:lent: &
Etrte. July Si IPdle it No. Brown`, Haat.
floes Rip Boots at Wilma & Norton** 1i 4s& XI ow wounded.
June y 6 IrsSi
JOlliaii"H Eft Meeting, and dinni nadd,4• 1.744 &4. I -4 . 1 0-4.
and L 4. Idea:men sheeting.. frOos I to Oh coati pew yard.
Erie Juan it had. • I Tundada & H AT'S.
W • Oiii W
and the highest market pries' paid far Wool by
V EtieJuly 17-111 Tnuw t HAT.r, No. I Brown's Block
111.aarn Ship for Australia.
4 ii dir m a TUE um dotahle Engine Stearn Ship
;Will rout for Port Thielp on Platurday girt August. in* arr. per
laengerr only. Tula it the drat titeatner train the Untied - Owes to
Montana. the hat. been three vortices to Closures% grids pareen-
Inpre., Her tutaubtrtery Kau been thoroughly min* laid baa
!proved to bee very superior lad limn* Otesuror.
Cr Tiros loodssuis. ?or paarap apply_so •
_Aglow 7,—aa3 41DAJI lt, 71 natigHt i / sir Tort..
szstaas 411041101111 CT.
THE Pall Terns of this Institution wilt ceinsineses ea,
YV•Isuoodo). t h e lot dm . of September nest. under
the ehsegs of P. E. PILLSBURY. A. M., as PftlisrP• l •
assisted by bliss M. L.' FAIRWKLL. Preceptreas in the
Female Departmeist, Miss 11. L. Stars. Teacher in the
Primary Doparimest. and EVWIN FAR :AN. Teacher ef
Pesisnasadiep and Drawing.
'sonnet*. will ilso be given in rncal and instrumen
tal Moths—either upon the Piano Fine, .r blelodioo,
according to the choice of the pupil.
- This Isetitutien has just completed its first Academic
year : tiering which Rune then has. hems Mier 250 pu
pils le attendees" is the different •pepartaaaani. The
previoesly well ostabliabrio repatotain of the Pnaciphi
sod Assistants, suit the onqualifie‘ :approbation of each
a number a( 'tadpole sow seattersitoort ibis and the ad.
Seising states, rehder it annecessaky l far theTrostees to
remark apes ekthir the quolification of the Teacher , . or
the thorough.-practical course of intim:canto here pursu
ed : but. at the same drum,they nook: not conceal the
reasired• confidence; which they feel in .the permanency
or the Institution. nor their high anticipations of 'its fu
ture noefalarso and onetess. ".1 AM ES -M ILES Pre s* I.
Gs*. W. Carcan. Bee,. ',hard Aug. 7,'52-13.
PANOT 00011111 , ST'01111..
Moe St.. arparil t Brown's *fel. Error.
FTlOCiathairitel. (late of the firm of to Loomis & C 0..) tomes.
before the Erie piddle mid vicinity. Polk • g a ',hare of
patronage. confident a large and well Teleced welt of the choic
est and most fashionable Cot It'd always at km proem. member
'with the manufacturing of Siker Ware and Jewelry, and etre
attention to Meiners will insure a remainahre support. Haring
been for the pint fifieeri ',earl. a monition of Erie. and intichaing
to remain the real or Itfe, the public is ill find me no etiitil of per.
sate.? Mil alwayson hgail trt i lig with the •• re.t of mankind" to
imetain myself mod fancily, in the world. and I pledge turner? to -
dea VOr-,10 inalait4 Iti the reputation enjoyed ht tlie old nun in dirty
particular. Th.inkftai to a genermor public cm my ptiletemi thus
hr Ih IdR !shall ettiiCAVOlr to merit a eominuance of their fitirofs.
Aug.? toritl—l3 TIP M. ht. ArSTIN
N. R.—Watches. Clotho and Jewelry ennthilly
irattLit and ditver Watches. rich Jewett.'. Cliiver Ware. CIOCIO,
! 1 / 4 7 I,nolmig 1;1m/well. Gill Portrait Awl tecuire Framer. 001af.
eamPhene and fluid wile and ivispcsidtint Glis. laments,
stained 110411 plain - Maas. Muoieal Instruwents. It4ritura. itr.
Walking Sticks, Relicts and tissman Tubs. just purchased in
New York. and reeeivini and opening new and fresh. at la We
enie and retail. in and see the sock. Buy a client. cluck or
something else. if you like. at .%U
Itrie Aug 7 PAN
jEr c Wood. Optineite tirl w n's
Amulet and colored bracelet*. just els. d a t
A :44:1'1".*: 1 .
Erie Aprist 7 1834 i 13 Oppno.llr hr wit'. Hotel,.
~U.\RI'P.RLY Repot, of the Fanner* anti Meehattlet.' llrahh
&nue 'anon 01 Poloist/eh. tip to July Ist. 1.31. Office, ear. ,
tier or Third an.s mr , CIS. Piital.urals.
Whole amount of applicants tor twetobireehlP 31,4
Whole 1111,0 1 / 1 61 ofcash teeeived . 87.7 v 7h
raid siek'clauttss 327 23
litr)nesed IN applicaats,usakiog .
Paid printing ; ' Obn 90
Paid most tee awl etaress47 :$
Paid mots and incidental eatsea ' ace ~. 52g1110
Fur officers' fees - • Sll till
Fitting up Branch offices r , Ile7 I4'
Actin* hued rash capital 41.243 f 4
We take pleasure in present ing our quarterly report no the mem
hers.'that they may see how the toss itiabos is duo hitting: teelibg
fu ly satisfied thatevery effuse has been made by the officers and
agents to add to our nullities those Who tare look ittg forward to the
best interests of thetuaefves and their families.
N. kisilluu report ha. been deuisised on accoudi of notitensing
froin our branch of in dile lime. 4.. It Hifi iWN. eee'y.
V" All delinquent ineintscia holding teteipts will please rend
their deposos -O.)U. and take out their policies.
.A.sig. 7 lS.i ' 113
sro set tor exchange Ric Lumber a new covered bogey, enquire
A at Constable Sr. Co's Sash Factory. . July 17 %id HI
_ ____„._
ion now clotiitegnp my business and take this method Of noti•
fying all yersons who are indebted to nip tiy Noir. nr Hook
Account that I w i ll he in my I HrKe on the corner or French and
1 -
Eilliilt three,s, daily. until the Pint day of .!spfsother seal. fur
the purpose of giving et erY one all opportunity of wilting with
me persona/Iy_ and saes., nal? Ail Accounts and Notes not
settled as above will be left with a justice fir roue,, in after the
Ft rot of steptember. R.,FAULK.NER.
Lrie, Aug. 7 tr.. 11 MIJ
HAI4 PERS Eassitin r
e fos Auas. ran lie had at.
Erie Aus. ? 11.31-11 • J. li. GUNNISON k Co's.
TII f AT Song - Little Eva." Also ; a large supply of Uncle
Tpin's cabin eau helm' at cil',.4 IS , slei'rs,
Elie August 7 le3l-13 _ :few' Ilcisksiore.:
. -.
I . • • LL 4M) EXAMINK F W
T ..
111 . t ub -Bribers w nqli
.would adopt this meth ut returning their
Pit ere thanks to the citizens of Erie :and Vicinity. atsel the
publiel o renetally, gm the liberal patronage hitherto eesended in
then,,' iiil would state that they have just received from the City
of NeWYork and extensive assortment of
embracing Mahogany Sofas of different Flyby. M.ihoiany French
tiedstnadi and Chairs. Mahogativ Tables. ilh and a Munn Mar
ble Tops. with a list of other article,' too viii sou. (or oeverpaper
detail. fill of which are offered at wires toner than tlwy can lie
procuted in any other e4ablirhinein wert 01 New York. This I.
raid in no spurn of empty hoart, but fr,nis a
,e of tyr
TRCTIL, as all will find who way take the trouble w luau a
personal e-amination.
They continue to manufacture all varlet ICP of l'abinet Ware
They bold themselves in constant readioe•s fo furnish. at the,
shortest nassee„ articles of whatever style or quality Ironfliteid
of their al. Iffy fo give ran-faction. thi'y invite to their alock.and
their faellitiee for dtgatt anal and cheap work, the 1111C01305 of
the citizens of the eily and county.
hiriAaraaor ef.oll ei aro bor. ssassts'advein
Brae. July St, J.llO Rtityr Co.
rashionable Tailoring 'Establishment.
Ire I :l4ul.peritier.Ais gratefully acknouledging the lib.
oral patronage which he has receit (I nom the citizens
of Erie for the past hie years. would most respeoi yely
call their attrition to his present location !lacuna
erected it new sh. di on the east side of chid , . surer, 'no
doors NOM iil (4.01. ana adJmii tug J 11. K ibli t & I 'O . .
Cabinet Wm reStomiis. he is mrepaird again to
on and accommodate his old patrons and friends. and
hulls that by his usual success in making ••gram his."
not only toronttnne in their confidence, hut also. thin'
their ,influenCe. mid luy his own Inteartl% and attention to fin.i .
ness .to re% urea literal share of the public patronage n lurk lie
respeetfully solicits.
Nat-al snit Military Clothing made warder and Cutting for oth
ers to makeup. rimiest's,' rare and pronoun...l
Erie„July IS. triSt. _ ____ ' Jt MN 1:0A1.19 KG
_, _
frac gutvetibel o ff er s for' sale miltiable farm, known ar the
a - **Baird Farm." situate in the:township of North Eart. amt
One mile (root 3iechrt's Mills. on the Lakeshore. Ihe tarot eon 4
(nine about 130 arms. Nu under iiiiptioentent , hate ererll l .l
thereon• good Farm' Barns. and other ont-hutitr a air°.
a ivitai tearing 0/Chard or the Innit Ifni( in tn.-county. Altimmit
er ti Is one of the mom derirahle farina in the comity. For
er particulars, terms. te. apply to the inewieritifl . n 1 Mirk)'.
Mlle. • Ji1111: 1 1 W. MCI.ANI . :.
Ilarhotereelt July 3 IP3I. tl" 3' Alent
Warren's window Bash.
warr. d hicont tttttt the trash hue ors io r.rje,
boa amp), d of his entire ittock. coniiistiya of over toil
thousand lights of glass and ilsh, to 'atter k 1401 het. n now
otter , for sale the aaiiie. torrethe , s ith eery article in 1011 e at
the regular rates. These Satin are all filled with either French or
best American taus. Este June 33 lead. " 7
"trneieTtscrnes Cabin."
rrot author of the abut e crtebrated work. it i. ea id. ha pill
Rood sneers, in the saleoril. but it 'hi only tritium wheal eon
pared with the sale of those splendid lists now oirpfeit by R. J.
Rogers—notwithstandlne the great cry raised by the would he
4 "setond.Genin," Rosters has removed hi,. hail an* cap Fiore t`o
State-•t. one door itotith - rif G. Loom'. & Co'sl old plaint w here
will be fbund the laOrat style of hats and earl extant. "It if no
trouble to 1 , 110%, haul Gehtb. so give him a call.l
July 3 11131
IRON &STEEL —Pwreet. &Wish, ;ound: squ a re and
blind Iron. English. Cast. Amerlsn't &.taprinst Stivl for wale
CARPIENTEII & JOINER TOO LS—The pl.ce In Int y them
is at\ . SELDENs
A general asoortment of dhelf ifordware for sato b)
GErr, BELDEN Mr. soN
- -
WINDOW 811A10E i gl=moat reeehred by the 'subscribers a.
quantity of Window zibades, variety of patterns anit-pc lees.
Eile June 'X G. ftLIP..)I & SON.
_ - _
01111113.? 8/1.1113A/NS.
111 E time haisarrived when the Ern - pow. begin to reduce the+
mock uflduinuier ,boils by °dere the them without regard ti)
root, at stick prier , ' that every one) that has money will not fail
to buy. Our ifssortineut 01 ermine, 4;00.12 , is large, and Great
bargain. lupin store for thuse dint call 'Doti.
Erie. July 31.—1 t t:Alnti ELL dr. BENNETT.
EitElf ANTY. TAKE. NI iTICE..—.I indwerl a helmet base
the ageney.of a number of the Iwo Itilfitlf.jetejrcflemlal ,
lightnents to the eastern males of At the,. and Pnaths. Et;riis.l 4 llo -
els, Spades. !foes. Ales. Ink's. Mill and X Vut Saws, ete.. all vJ
VI h,eh will be supplied 10•111 C, trade at manufacturers prices
Erie Juire.l9,4n.kt.
GENTS. Cocos Half Howe: by the dosesl7w Footle pair at
the New York Caell *lore. J. tHATEIN
_ _
AFEW more pieces of those beautiful Cambria Gin gha ins Just
reeeived al the Wow York Cash store.
July 3 1831 . 14 ,J. SWEENY_
antra stnd Gents Kid Gloves of every ohmic , antliquality just
L.....e received at July 4-44 J. MY &EN
TIM *VIM and bleached she7ltuts and shirting" pant re...rived v at
13 Prie July 3 1534. 9 " J. SWEEN Ire
'Pais 'IF Sr IC • - • .
This way my friend. step in and view
tMs ample stock. 'lts (Seth and new; .
Jam nianutireurred automar use,
by skiltill bands that ply the Goose. -
They Ire int In him von are well swam,
That he earn fit you just to a hair.
And Make every part look Just*t. PO. I -
Prom wen to breast, front knee to we. I
Itemendter friend se sell as one
V.r. , . store ,r, v. in so i
itre.i.. - Tbsedo'
- Of the mat am bleats.
At Iteed flonse Row; No. 8,
We area lan is pleased out Meads to meet;
'TIsJX4TIC'd fatuous Math I a* more,
ENNIO la said, you need no more. • 8
tipvirir—A wIMM7 Of labia RIM 2ad bAtniful afleylejUst re
is•Oed bs. ' /Brie July 2 10 , 3241. H !Outran IL Co.
frt./ ISLAt !Nat), ITHS —I aw now trees viola at the Mee, Hard
' wale donee. - Pkt- 3 Redd House. a Iwavy tOor kof iron. Steel;
Azle 1111111/4 Sprinp, Ground note*. Mutable e a, C arr i age
Bolt.. Aavtla, Vows. !Wittier. Mock aad Ilk.. Hone Shoes , MC,
ON. • grir. May 11.-2. stuive
G _
piWnes„ Clanks land Rollers, of eatiora nee. and al
%-N soma I4mie of them are .01.1 ad low ay flee shillings per
ion& at She cheap Hardware tame No. 3 Reed Haw.
!Brie Jane fl lr I. T RIPFUI4 REND.
r1•o—A good is Oft MVO. of Table cutlery . mine
• kw knives. plated silver, German silver, Britian'. mid iron
lab* and we spoons. eoi, mills, waffle 1,01111 brass and porce
lain Kettles. porcelain and lilted sauce pans. collet end ten can
istera iron. britia nla and japan candlesticks. paste purrs
innwters•rid trays, tea waiters, tea bells e.g. eie.. at
Erie June to issd. S RUFI7d R EMMA..
The Plow that Boats the World.'
Recall Patent Iron Roam We and single mould hoard Cora
'bows for sale at 11w store s the subscribers. These Plows
Wave been levied aud prove su for a may other In use. We war.
rant abeam waive salssraeiton. June If. 6 ellasiarrr & Co.
11 . 111.1ilit Di ci"rismet syb. cri b. r. . hating
I, made arrausenwntr with the otaotifscturees of Copper Bel
tran., ate mewled no Ilurnish them to the trident Buffalo {bites.
1 tuners and denten are respectfully ',triton' to call Lod examine
qpiellty esti prices, and we argue, thew tbey win ha N away
dueatweel. 116XWETT & 09.
- -
re th
e above Mil* have been awdeled. at Muerte( tames, in
the United States and the eanadatt.
- -
They are Of . flinitle construction, (*cm.) ins Ott a .omit ' , pate:
are durable, (the grlnditi.i 0 , 111.1te being romi«,rd of ti- eh, ,ir.t
rol o wench Huh Stone.) tend mart* attached 10 ally teqf ire vow
el'. either Game. Wind, Vlrater or Strain. as rrottly,oli any ordl
- ry ariml-slope.--dOittleite work n nth great rapidity 411 i per
fect um—are eantly kept in order, and itu.-tv le, :Jed ads artlaces
over.the flat shine mill., in that the) can be put up at much Jr..;
7hitand require Si per cent less power to Operate thOut—ot the
sa time less attt nt ion to tend view—and ;rind more et co.
e Control Mill is a wire, t Grist 3101 in min 'attire; it is well
ad wed to tna wa or sit the eniamnimity. and Is undoubtedly the
Ciasprat and lea Mill tree ojered to the l'alair,
14. as.—Air cominutikatkona OAS pint) wilt melee prompt
attention. addremitd to IVIAILLgs MISS. litianutacturer„ Roch
ester, N. - Y.,Mpleaim ( Sheet. Opfklufe thr Arcade, or Juiscrif
exu,Elißlli, General Aleut. Psis, Pa.
' Vat.sen , ra. Lavern. Co. April 111.
I Imre tried Ow C.,sl‘ifitl Patent %WI !or grin ten' torn, n. A have
101111.1 /110 8/ 1 0 1 We/ sr/me/ably. Pen Mahler ehnt to not en el #I r
emit) of it public will ought to be withal one. if he can otrota
Poreilllk. Mot hi+ rdinity is tio(ite ienkly large 10 regal re UP.
of it ..okherwior I woul.linariert that several shrine,* 01 a 11 .Iqh
burhoosl &Wald oldie to porcOmpe t in. in CUlil4llo.l. M Itteti be ng
eita l4lllo e ll / 1 , a ertllol/ hOe.lloll. would be ....eeepaink• loan
Very respectfully
— )ours, G. M. Thrill
Minato Town. De'cware Co N. Y.
"This is W certify. Mal I have Hew in use. one et Rows' Eat
tint Portable Blair itioneMille. mud atn satisfied that it will more
than answer its recosaine..ilat ions ; it ,is the best Poreihie Mill
that has been invented—their is oi:e in usc aboilt nine lath, from
hie. that does quire a Custom Waimea*. I can abaci reeow
inei,d it to 'ht. public. E CL-MILK, Miller.
Erielnir 31 1141 - - 13
T 4. w«t ratiaile Icrisyr &maw Nubians is World!
SALOEY'II rosinsur
Ai EtileiNES containing molasses or liquorice. like the boost.
tV I mit , arvaparilia., ref' tore many Lome hnit re to I - roMice the
slightest change 11l health. The Forest Wahe eo mom:oilier a dif
ferent art tele. It roma Imo no syrups to give It euti-eotencs . but
acquire* its rzeeffent ltnve rind powerful medicinal qua itio •
frnin the Teri able ;dams or which it is ion-ed. '11.1: Fore.o
Vine cutoillines the virtues of the Wild Clam,. I.4irlelteas. Tel
too Doc& ad Sarsaparilla. with o th er Trainable piano, whove
properties a rye still more pm en
metro!. its high concentration red
der.. it one the sm.,' erne lent nu die ins.- KM in saw. Leas tha n
a stymie 1•411 restcres the lingeritog natant trout weaknes.-. iii ,
Mit}, and •i k loess. Sp *l.loUfg and %morons health. The Fore.'
Wire is 1 , ( . 0 ihreliderf. In OM strmoge.l ter ma. for all tompla 'um
of the .lonsiar . Liver. liidasys. Aeneas Insonderi. Biliitse AP
ferl,spas. liropee. Lstopr i ona, L.. 41 a/ Appettle Send.... Joew./e
Colleamts. Jirrq(rhs. and till Di-trders raisin from Lin Ilt.ouL,
and impure ha'air tr tric vpteni
Trrtimony!uf Mr. Nathan Matthews, a highly respectable and
wealthy en igen of Neu ark. N. J
De:li. W. thafeer-1 belies- your Forest Wine , and r,:ii have
hem. the means of waving my life. When I estat,ts-ne.r.d taking
theta. I Inid at she por sit tif.leath.. with Drupe*. Piles. and Astir.
um . Ms phyvicsa us had given Ine over as ea.,' recovery . tVloile
ill 11144 dreadrulsatharrou your Agest Wine tow Pill. %err env
cured fur law. and I.rfore I had On ,sled tlw firer !ethic. (lithe Wine
and box of rills. I experienced great frier!: 'soy hods. awl linit.s.
Wind' , stir Oreptily 'nutlet'. heemnr sensibly reduced. slopes
of ink recosery began now to relit e..and rifler courathrina the
raw of sour suedleinev fur about ii mouth. the ear". 4414.1 Asthma
were completely cured. Ti e l/ropss. it oh is hich . any late was
Mare,' in such great danger, •ms lel*o neatly gone.' I ton ve con.
tinned the te-e of your medicine,. until the time. and I now
r0..k1 as perket health as eser I', did in ii.) lite..ilthissli I net
more than strife )ears of age. I aperibe ine retrovrrj etlitrelt to
tEw law of your excellent inediessiev. 1; trial 01 ith neighbors
has+ also used them with similar otteeess on oihellitiate coon
plaint*, and I eau eheerftily reeutinstendtheat mate publte.
No-v% a , ll N. J. Dec. 19 IM7. Yowls, Jar. MAT 11 F.W7 4 .
GREAT cokr or LI V [lt COMPLAINT or Tr." ft:AND *TA
New Vuak. Jail. 9 045.
Dr. -Halsey. Hear Sit t—ltasiag taken your f re-I %Vine and
Pin. ti remove a diseiase of the I.jvcc. from %%Mehl have ~listened
net end) fur up lards Of feu years ; and haying adhered closely to
the daCelluter which lecompany the nun/fettles. / have reent ered
my health. nom itlistanding all who knew me thought Inv ease in..
curable. 'Previous to taking the %Vine and Pill,'. 1 blot recourse
to the I cut medical treatment. but continued to vow worse to an
stariniug degree, !Some ui uiy f.lends epoke despatriosi) of l i l y
case. and trie.lim pen.sade ow from milting use of /my co ism)
remedies. and. 1 doubt not. but wh .t there :ire ilundrid. wr.o'sre
dissuaded Irons taking your elm...ltem &medicines. it. etElfergliPOßP,
0(10P de rept.ent and Illeffilf ictiry of many adve timed remedies
Intl forth by unprincipled own. in il s ..Sitig adreittsentrim. hilt,
%%bat a pity it it. th I the deeetitiph metl by others. should be
the means of dtertiading tunny latstrint Wider diiierl.e. - fr 11l 1111-
kin! trail and being tinted by your CEePlK•lllreisiedie. Iluitiantv
sire.. A init. Hier Irate sztved. thy We, vi h... 1 eommeinied making
use 01 mem. i wa• on a wretelwil condition. but Milian li:tenter..
ence their good effects in led. than Utter days: omit. in -fit VI Rel.l
from the I.ollle I 110,0111,44.1 . thq. medicine r..
s. in the Crest oar.. of
all my hiendo. 1 was entire y enred. dud' his.l Inert-a-en! ISittolinds
in weight. having I .ken one hot of the Poll-. and two t.ittles of
the Wlbc. WOOl.l to And th..t every poor'•irffert•r wroulif avail
himselr or the fame remedies. Y0411`0,, he JA 1 111 1.;:* 1‘• I LSI .N. 1
tic tlavid Star% its. a celebrated practitioner of New York. dei.
r larrd PllMiely. Mat one hot.le of llntretts Forest Win...contained
mot• t. nue* Mi. ti 50 of the larc.e how... or sa r,a p, ',li n . m..,:..c,,,
el. S. stampann k iro , the larcest-and mod.resmeetable dtutiel.ds
to Syracuse. in n I Abet say_ 1V
s i •••oms what they hare heard and
see of flalsey's Forest Willi. it is an eteeltcrit and :mod medi
cine. and will omtoithi«lty heerinse the lemitilic meltSinc or the
day... lir. Mutt. of New York. arm P.M.(' liner to ihe mutes of
thitsey's rorr-t Wit.e..l , y re ...ling it to many ..1 to. tin-•
1,1011119. !levee§ hundred terirflenirr, from plryorciono, clergymen •
arid in , hrull 11.. of &nowt. re.pectablitty. hive been 2irel, le,ti
fYint'lollo. treat Clip.* made by. ••• 1k I,lnlsey7o Fears-1 Wine sod
Pills.. Amons Meta in the.cure of,lllr. Jutitt Stitt-. of 54.3 Pelf'
ids New Tork.„ of ntli.e 11 01, the Lit er. and I. id rota.. Af ter hi l sisictisr. ;iron over 111 IS I,IOIPICKIII., ~ho IKOntY/11C1 , 1
his wee *Pat& l'orentropt inn . rhad of ter Witham non en..
/fro:Pinny. New York: ityno had been iheadfidly al eied witty
elierufula: of Pm , tears suautclos. cu ml ru lest than -1 g o eckv
Ouse.', Mary .1 Nruwts. aingnie.rot-uev Jame* K flrMs n. or
rtisertserif the heart. mod ine goer.. l'Onsnmption.i *Ube , . of J 1110.
deer, others of Piles. others of fZentrgl Illoolity. tither. , f G RTC!
Female l'ompintitt.. he. 'l4 Ilalsei"sl otti,".r. N.. dm. pe al, itt,.
New York The l'ort , t Witte lit large !mime butfle.: S 1 per AM.
tic; sot I.ollle. fur CS 1;.11,...-en.ted_,o Pulls. •3 cent. per box.
For sale by Ve gi.poiranj agent in I:rte. CARTER C.; Um., it'lt.
August 7 lE.:a 14/3 4rrolll. J
'1 , 1111'0:lee to.p.srelimw Groci're's.Wor; , li•ri mid Willow Ward
Wines awl Liquure., Fmh.
. MIS oR Frto Grocery . more.
Erie June 26 fun. t flippotite brown's New liott:l'State
►(~I~C be•t and eltent.e.t lot of 4.7,recit Mark Tea lu Itii. r isy.
.1 ea 1 , tioind al the crocery ptAft A: T. IV. Thu k}:
1:: , 14' Jurlr Ni. 1..3et. Brun N.. ti01..1 .late
4.211 . 13 V RTtr i rut , . Purvt. t len 311. i Nen Orleav 1.1.,13.-e. fur
6.3 sole cheap ft June 'X 1-:4-7t IR re 1; romy.
Wooden Ware. • .
AI.AR a E. 41.4.41r1111.411 ~f toe .lil.A' Warr r 141.41 in:. in On r.f
Fads. Toles. I 'horn.. Dotter Ladle-. Prints. taieak 31.aliia„-
Amon*: Rolling rtno. VOLII.I. 111a011414 I kinGn eztpieezera. Iran
co Towel lioilrel. et , lor Pow.. 'Ski., rink. I *bole, ribs. BM
enters. Measures, Ate Illelveg. Feelers. 110'.41 IlOPPfnl. Bread
Tra).. Silk :...):1.. cie .eir..'ulay 1.0 (4iiiol ..1 Mot /RE'S
Krie. Jour 1211-1,13.2 7 t birpre.ste Brown . .. S'ew IJotl state at.
- -- . _
MT 1 , 1 1 1 1 .:1 1 % . 1,: i i. ; • ) ;;)1 . 1 , 1111111 1 1 ,1 :1:1 , 1/M ni f p p l i pi ll;te . p.. 7 eraill40 4 . 11 e4 i ...t . . 4. 1c ..,
la, — . .. ,- --- .
1 .it e--.. 1 a ..., ti.ilifit .. a elli 1% .A 4 14.,[•.Jf .141.1‘,..11..4e , /.-
,I.a ors for talc cheap at Juue Id '.141-7. Ali it Mr. S.
iNt)FFEI"..-01.1 t;ovet. Java. Rio I.:remit ra. 2.4. Domingo ado
%._./ Mocha Coffee. can be tomid at 3,311 C t•Si: MOORE'S.
- tfe,Arri* et )w1 ir n * .:4=-- - ri, ..i Oil, merrJr;:, thiliee•s and j flogir -
.11. do. Venal Fonder. for sole nt ' Mob iR VS fl roeer v.
rip Juiler2U 1N12.7. 1/190.11.4: Drowles :Sew 110.111.tatc rt.
t .
' . W1L2.14.111 WZlaling'o.B ,
Mosir Prebt's • klork. tart aide of the Twt. ,
w ;
.A . NI:WM/11ply Or Melodeons of G A. Prince'. 111 1111/Plete,
ButLilo, on band. Also. 'tame superior Pi tiau Forie• are
Offered for sale very cheap, and expeeted in a week or two. four
splendid Piano Fortes. vart LIM in style and price: A 1241. Areor
deons from 73 cents to IgIU each: lie has Moo un hind the great
est variety of Sheet Mime. ( Vlrral . ll lid iuMttfinent.dy in tbl.Clfy
at:Seems per page. and a all be .old by the quantity nt a discount
outs per cent ; Ago. Gnitir, Vold In and Base Violin strings. at
Vacuous 'triter. • A second hand Piano Forte for rent, Accor.leons on reasonable terms. Erie Jut) l
rievater's Notice.
7F is hereby given that the sionter.terusit has taken nett
era "Peotainentarv. on. the rotate of .(1..x0n J. Handal',
krrrrk tp..leeme-ed All ',Moons iniMlued to said
y notified to make paymmit without delay, and those
Mal , . ago toe; raid tonne. are notitied to present them le
letittilitted for setilonent. •
'Jd-at 10. J. A. is Wm R. RANDALL, Ilseentrws.
K. i7ord, and White Kid Gloves. Silk Mots. pie nie
rand Glows. Whit...lll.les: awl Cord ittk Gloves. hid
lidennd colored silk do. 1441 c thread, and cotton Moves
ariPtytll al y 21. •
1. 11
laic nrt.
are 'acre
having e
gaily au
July I
01 every
I • and tliorr;l - Ti.polp.. litiirrarro. De latimk.
rhin and lbe•lnuep. nil winlif in. amid
4 revela and American liinghainsier smlechr4l , at
av et. S a u rn J.ciony'r.
ots and aper than Myer.
, /X AND NOBTIII O I.I Not r Wright's, Block. !Ince }act
coved an tilmout codices, !variety . of Boots, and N h or
n manufacturer. made of the brut matermlu and war.
/'all. en non I sue add tc• warm iced et low prices. good stir k
Bent work. F.ric June ig ItiSi .
rm.,' f
and ex
i _
fleas! aeons !
i• --
TE at /.11. Gwasison & Co'i New Book lore,
Rrie. July 94
, ALL RIGHT! - A 1.1.. RIGHT!!
azoitosaeut at the, Cheap Cash Store.
NEW Grnyllts.—Atioth.lT large invoice of Ortet.4ll4l
Roods. Poch h”autstul 1 4 0lts. Lawns. and Barages,
d Enures. aft eglors. for dress and Mantellas. Embroi
the trcatest ctriprv. swell as eliff.„ Collar*. ruder.
.helnteellell. Mkt.. Ribbons and Braid. roe. Pte.,
d shliditt or Shawl.. Lace tare - Mores and guilts.
es.toste Mores. 111.81,`.t.n. mode Hosiery-, These .14
us 4111 they are derivable. and will he sold wildly. ly he
perage. Lather can rely upon hoping ado& at areal har
d at ail times will dud the greatest varies,' of Ronde at
ne 111 .111111 It. MOWS.
Ler/. d
Craw a
K id
are van
low the
dress gi
ber.n of
Fon 121
ES. you ran And °Deur the centres inuomitents of JIM,.
etttarvota...l.ltoortt...phill sr .1 rritr2ell herarest acme!'
Clod*. Kaduna and tuber drew. woods that b'a never
red berc before. You Call buy ascot. 'omit at a array bar-
July to • , 1 8 t tK•ta,
Tam a' Stsaimi—Walking shoes sad slips.' gu::_id .. "sle awl
I-J for isme cheap nt July 17-81 to vow'rt
Btra;nrm (boar—A large antout oa hand, vi kWh, will i't Mold
at le rates at July 17 11 1 30--10 .1 11. vsidiliM. •
nEISE requested by same families to begin a singing claw kir
13 Bop.. 1 i intead Aunt vio if sOf in Mare 1411 take an interest
is it. Rty mode ol(Teaehting to the ad music spteui is already
known.and :add only. that thi*.so ralilcd new system. (varmint
with ridnserals.) winch* be practiced, The vertu*. are the ratite
as hekire.althouth 88iirr during' the 1011M1Ilet Vell.oll two lessons
a week:, Wednesday at a?. 111,, and Saturday at 10 A. M.
Erie lay 3 Mgt . 8 WM.'svir.t.trth.
1-00 Barrels Near juefteeeseed mad for sale by
Ere.. July 81. Satinet? e. GUY
20(1.11.4 GOO 4 -11 Cod Fish; also., Wititelr tub.' rectal,
kl aekrirat, Rice. cte. te.4wit received fresh t
July t. • Orilla. Ti it Gear.
ltraccitantdatiai'erutieilla. Durksvos Making Powder, and a
/II feat boxes of that infalliallu (Tense . rovvder ; also. piste
double trebled rearlash for making best family bread without
milk. sdda biscuit, short cakes, rolls. etr.. superior Corn
titarrli for making puddings. eustardS, pies. ell., Oki. Vat:lib's
refined Geatior for making jellies, soups, gravies. ete.i, fo safer
by Erie June 12 Ic3l I ST. 1111 , 1 T & 4Y.
Whirs and o ldlone• Ware. of every possible des
VV option. for lale wholesale or resit. at • -
Erlejuns 12 _ Stenarrr & Guar.
X Ed superior sweet eirtmorfudi Tobacco for sole low by
_45 bole at remit from 10 even to Ii tents per lb. Also.
sit obi ; ehewing. so•Adatin Tobacco of ewers brand t Aid Ct
gi r• rn 'as hoes et kr .111 per Osgood. foe sole by
Erie ne 111 lan 111 enuarrir a GILA.
Ins Soo ay Emote A 3121 1111111111111 t GOODS.
• r 100 A & IIIAVES , No brown* Muck are now recriv ins I
I lame and eareni3) petected st.)c k ofinsple and Jitney dr, vie
(hough' *akin a *et)* feat days at the lowest auction Pi 'eft.;
ennihriot ns 111 the vas ioini'my les and of lashootitthie
u.e•rdrr. itoods.*ueh as Irxtvian t and ft.pired
Ha* Liiii.,3said and plain tt.ii ass*, pr puled Sarum.' and I Wil•
Solk and Ltnen 01104rd:tin and tgurrd sitk arid Lurc n, and
etok and (Amdmi rule trt% liarane' dr Lame, Mandin de LOGO.
French and Kagii,d, GmJillant at^ —Ate , at prted Iu per. rent
boo. any y. *NI* now olure4 in Oh* city.
le May I INYI. SI
TltttlApt Pe tl AY Ets have rent iced to Poo I Itrown'e 1110ett.
wain& how OPe II Ins the richest. cheapest and hest stock of
staple and (holey Dress floods that ever came from New York.
Booboo or Philadelphia.
Theve 'tooth, C0111.16t in part or Bareeev. Poplins. name" tie
Lainee,Nluvlsn de Lenora, Chalky'', Lawns; Gingham*. rant..
ete.. etc . and in Abut comprtsineever)thing in !Newsy of Ike,.
Goods. Thee Goods were bought for Caoll and Itt !orotund' at
haven ins.a ad wilt he mold erwrespondinsl) km. All %ore want ill
prove these facts is that the buying public will call and roairpare
priers a n d to k's. TIIIIIAI.S&IIAVEt.
Erie. April Si. l' , lv- 1 . No. 1 Brown's block. 30
I A 11l EZ line 6trest. and tkoater lksuts. in every vat ortv. of new
Li pit les , at •
Mat 1 I` . .Si. " Si 'IIIIB.IIA uk. IllAYEtt.
' . .. ._. . ......
ICASP, of *m colored *mob yards Madder pfintS at di CI!. - per
Ybiti—eolori warratitota t
Erie May I It-31: al Tittn ALS Et. EJAAT.S.
1 CA I4 E. I. 3oo )d r a. Masi; oPeLaius at loofa handsome st le.,
it Erie May I POI:. tai Tilthwt.l4. it. 11111( ES.
/CASE Coeheeo prints IVaitt y Vi At 9 eta. per. yard. atiq
Wit:nark PI) le at .t., eta, colored4ll*i av a luck.
Erie May I IRA -5I - Tiltrikhri it iiiirr.q.
]CASE tirsiitel LIMOS. NM !ill 10 11.4 et. .colors w.itranied. ,
- Eric 11. - oy I 1.132. St Tilltt.%lM & ll' vne.
_____ _._ _
IR A -- i - i --- ii
- RAL L Y .
1111 E. friends of etwap Goods are one , . more a ohnOrished of the
I cleat t good. how opening at, No iKm . n's Mork.
We are fueu•it me flatly supplier. of die-s good , . of-att ktnotsi
Pararola. Black Silk., rtatattli Muslin, rte.. Pte.. and'vellinir for
le.. pricer titan the 04/111 . "Iliiill were howid for. titter weelt• ago
in N.Y , thiv raft Caa be dens, ',ated is aria one pyok tall .1
June 16th Init. 0 Tißli Al 6r4IIAIOES
a (Ir. 1iA1t14. 4 •pri loot i.awn• and Jaeuneits. _,
tonne as low
'''' a _ 7 •l a. sit Irlel,f/• per yard. Also; a few MOr' of t 11 0 ,4"
Cheap Glitallarite. Etre Jr/heti/424. Tisaais & Metes.
, _ _
Wanted et Ike . 1 1eiter i eek Irene Vartury.
T it , init....T.l,r having taken' Mr John JO tt into partnerAin
in the 1 MIMI in Ntillereck
tmvn.hip, n here they .o re pre part.oi hoarse arlure any ortantity
of wool Into Cloth.raaAnnoste. Sonooketor. hie to I. Ate . n toloarei
or by the jard. n. ut ell aoo any et Ike, e.aso , opol to sot on the country.
bayou./ .ie growl ca We , .1. tan I,e mat tip it, We •oterto l'eto no} I% nia.
robust and opnons tog oforseTor to cent- n rut. of these oh n Wool.
Carding Noll. J tend.• per lb. cloth dres,hig any n13 , 11..014
iv N apleol tett 2' hgnt rhet ice.
raret.waidwit an I riilirs retuned 11.4 irslra pay, or washed
%%lib soil at
'N II —Perp.o.o. le vin.tVoll at Jivtirt r.:121e to
card. nill have it tali, u 1.11 S.stiarilay :and rt.turtied the licit, or
carpel', the prime. 1 - 1 . 11111 Rivp, •
M inr - reek ,Jolt t. I '3'4
c;IRARI) ()t r‘iirroit !
Norict.: Ti) PARtiERs .I.YD 11 - 111)/, 1; O,,FR.c
1V1 , 14 'll IN & IT II IR S. hie or ram to inform
the Wool root ern of tht• seetion id the emmt, v. and Ihe ri
Imhoe to general. tr. 41 Ilel hat r renten the e-t 'nicht of 1..11
11. Johnron. and that they a ill 'Hanoi tetore Worn into rh•ill
with VlOnsi , lne.• act., •lo.outert We aksiti) tetorPr qef th inko,n)
the rather- and 1 , 1 . .14 , inoit•ra'lt .fir Oleo t - to!.
%thin. 111 lio•Otte-i. at the f;a2'e raetor). rniri sea drain u—l
Unorelt.v3ry w w 41.1. pr noses to ow 01.1 patrons hot 1./ 1114 , 1 ,
r 1 40.11111..r5.. ne hasp 1.4, 114 , 11:41luti in chat tf they a 11t1
pall on ars with their. Wool. they rhall not go awn) tlissat Wird cl
n ott their I:tiod. or Prices..
M.ttoilailorr: Cloths Mot Flannril*rof all kinclg,i l
no .Warn, or bb the Sant. a. Mir ril* mat 'meter. • 1
Carolina t'a awl Cloth Messina. dol.r. on plant ardi , e. and . !
ready at that line ape/routed. We will ito MI work as wood %%W m&
Cheap as an) oilier r.vildirhoieut. . We wilt gtae the Iti;hert
market Price its e 4.11 for '.Cool.
airarrt. May t3th, 1 6 51,1. • lif
.• DM JUI,II • 2,11 l iieli .1,1•11,
O'er whieh the brst-heln outwit. roll'd
In horning times that hmed to tin ell
i i
Amont threLe wiro of trembling - ,;(i." '
DANIEI, 611,11E1i "8 13()U1)()IR PTA. ,
trqt: attention of the nuts cal nubile' is remseetnitly In;
• th.s nYW and teausitnt nisi tat. now on eshil
Ptockton & Fuller's. 'lire nominee is to professional t I
knorilettgett to n0....p.s super for ailvhstneer ewer rilfothe I
now ti-c. The prominent beauties of this new Myna,
sts deep. rseh and exquisite susses. ins unsehisie delfrae4r
eumplottor, ,, of otp form : and in eVnufrlic.n with it.out
unmrutnl and anrarlive al.nraninre, ninot n(rew •Iron.
meta• so a 111) 5)11(.1.1•1 - io getka the eve 01 S4+lnel mg a chomp,
To apFrreinie its ipattne. 1444,
examanntima hr merito call be fully tinted by ear ang 1i
Jnly 1-". s: " rt prnorrnn t rt.,
,r otibeerilorr hivrjmat received their nand. im
ly oppo•tate die fern Itlork, n .01.1 hell "Orr .t“r
of I:rocernns. Coffees, Ten.. M..invore. Rare an all
armlet aloually embraced in the liot Alva. I,lqatOra. Fr no. etc:
wrath on ...rotors,' of Nun, and ecnitretirnn,rjosl. F atter, titt
110•111.-elve.thal their .tuck. rat lean and etc/darner. Is not SW-
Pa*.ed In ate eal c. diet hope in receive a t.heral phase n alve pub
lir T„, l dflennilial 101 l Is ,11 do-boom,. heap int
reskrano part int th ntoll,fosiTireflee" of more wortt than the'
and dial all pal LIC . O life tamelltted by the res.('
PaY ."1,1n•
Yrrlieeof all kinds taken to eseaange for GnXerief and other
artieles. :
Oat tviielity lest the stork en halal becomes exhatnited ip th
lapse Of A few /I ret. 1 hit ttr we. are -4 In • that people will du
theitspelve..enree :tide to resift the temptation to Lay. ,
Erie. Juise.l9 te.SO. 6 IiANINtI6
EWING rrr Il es la S- . •
rj it iinAtsteited twine inforine.i'l hat ttie.r seem Ha t Eoe
I.u a alt e-tow.t. Ilit.itted atiot•otTitrril for %att, the,' reiebra.
let Pate 4 l'erpenthrolor artian. erring Mr.
eilisartn. butt tit ht . coulter tto du; take the ititerq to itifurni the
el.ttliters, sins, inatintaelti•teri, and all other>, liariont teat us,
"onetime to tie done that Si s,eers Patent Sewing qaeltinee mar
fol• th"iti Pt their (trier, Nei"
York. wilt, Nu right to the saute in be County. We hat
not sold the itionni,os 01 ttieir nsu II itn in Erie iyunt!, to ails
ow., Ihr M o toes C. have late!, let ti gtt dim ion Pro, edam! a lie
P.teld era nit,' r,r the intirr.mmerte Pr ice othee Jrarli, u en n!t
alt af.l• iirat , h• eititthh to to. mutt , tutu. •
spec molls of Ow anew] dune by ibis i
luny be sei.“ at the (Atte et per. '
C. M. S . IN'tII:R & Co.
•3nlB nroinlway 4crk.l
. • NEW
At ciran4.en'a List Cap and rturnishing . tor •
ri Brown's Block, State'stre,r(.
A rßEfts , -nri.s) of tho,ie beant)for ifute-kin flat. le he Pot
/I. at areal Pnvtailtif.. AMn. Utah !travel... sery rich and , rat
for .nnuner A 40., new A) les of Ko.oulli. Panama. Pe tit
tem And straw Hats of tll and ' , WC*. Two rew f
Cloth Cap...
!tine JO 1,51
elf ail kind+, new Artie,, or shirt. , and -radar.: the litert -
tertir cif•rteaxis niul' Cravat... very rh-h and-•ifol :
Ilairdlierelairfo. ratie-t..l•Atent I.e.ither a, 1
EnthOiteed Hare. Waiters, Trunk+. rtuhrellasi at
Vane*. tro great a variety Cannot be all enanserated to I m a. -
vertisetuent. ran and look at them an reinettilwr to) num,.
olnett iv ill he kept lit a'l A , I ihat don't pre ye all
the) are rep•extlitud a ill be exchanged or the money retuited.
June G. .1 11. WAHRE.•.
300 ft ARR 1: Machinery 041. Price 73 eti. per gEkn.
two gallons 1.4, do
in caeks of cation. Mze.. . .do do do ilia
Mkt !tastels hulled pilot oil. 461 55' *do do
3 000 Chiffons do do d o
in tasks "(various i.izes. do do do do
3:nt parry+. Tanners oil. Various kinds and qualities, from 33
loan rent- per nation. .
130011,t1lons in e ~ks "(nations sizes. Various kind,' and
Wes. pow 33 to 30 erne' , per aallon.
.30 Ton- vilton rea , e. 1.. r neat gear itigni, and eratise NsehinerY.
in barr. I. or c.i.f.., of .tny required. Price (Lew . .
per 1.0411=1.
13n Tons Ohio mineral paint, in barrels at the lo lest market
AlarAirery Oil, sr,arrantell not to chill in the eold4t n rainier.
and entt.idereti lo %hose using ii entual tr; Soenst
Ittuteet Pdaw4 04. equal to Lion , ed 4.4 other than l io n fine,
j_r lam congta mly receiving large °film a ye owned
arUe e., anti my muUo n. "Small priltits and qtnek Prlitriio."
H. F.
.511 Irffter Street, (under the Pearl al Oulu , * )
New Week. June IP 1:41. .4n ea ir I ORK.
LIGIECT/fIliT 32.0D8.'
NVE are w kepare.l to put I/ the 'Pietism's' 'llo3n nod
f auy who would like to he lout. emit from the
dangers of the lightning. lit mender the man that locked his
barn after his tu rse nuts stolen. and tiot wait mod tour house
Jr hart, gel* a ,4.1 olt lehire ye .0 to }our tauthhisger. A
weird to the wise is seine }cut.
N. R.—All ordet from a distanee -mnetually attiende.i to.—
Rua. and points et si,li k dee.air •
March 13. tfll
Speed the Plow I
subseritoem It. presenting tilts 'inflict 16 the itnblie,
Tto remark that th.l have connected with their large'stock
Groceries. an ethuisive assortment of Agricultural arid llortieul
taro/ linpletnenis and M.achtnee. The rapidly hierenring inter
ests risanife-ted in Ag , sciiiiiire. hay induced us in engage in the
trade tress sue that the. Farniets a ill he indueed to favor us with
their patronage Wt. - me lil ronn tjtl correspondence with the
most extensit e Msnuf,ritirers. and -hall arwat is have a full sup
ply of hoplrmenta ot alt kill. of Ow tie-t and moat approved
pattern.. among a hn , h may Iw found the finlnWititt flarerfttl styles
of Mks: Eagle. different numbers, With nr without I,lr . heel and
Droll Bud: Eagle &If dharpener: Witting .cts lhanhie Moult
Iloard Non e‘: Snb-tots Sulr 11 If. or 241 Jive' Plows. Bolo] Nerd'
pers. etc.. which we will sell at thewipin ornoihte rooks.
& MCA at' 'R.
June 6, •
, Formeth 43. It: k.
. .
YP FlArßi—Frivh cruutPl nye Flour for hale by tbi
R Fel or lerls u:rintlty. by
April V. 1-51, 49 CI.ARF At. SIrCARTER.
seed for site at No.
50 1 - 11 - ::.!ef:7l‘7.l . „heb,' kis," °`.,T.lllll' McCARTEL
CA rant for W by
I. . CLARIC k lartrat.r.
Zook out for Bargains I Dry . goods at Cost I I
9 ism sower ihern rettheettolly dive notice KO their eustonierit. n
11 the putd tr. that in order to make morn for a taro and ktilen.
did neeortment of fall "nods, they mill from this date sell ',heir
summer dresnigoOds nt roar. itt as French Jaeonett tau its and
minditm. 611.4tynedi Ilet•Te de IA Met , . Botitulte. Pa rnAvIA. Sum
mer tihavvis. rim'. owl Ford &dumps and a variety of other
Rnodaatoir tlnnutaity knY ;Nitres. All Ihow In 'Mlle Of WV
Goode are inetted to ea II at the New York store. N 0.6 iknuerlils
Block. tatate three!. Eris.
Erie July '2!,,1A31. 'MERRICK & DAY'S.
- -
• Livery mad Vials Stable.
Tn r. IWhllhera Itn V in: bought out the iniermt of 11. G. Ile s .
sons in t 'le establishment on Eight street &einem Nate
and French. retold give notice, flint tiviy nee new fully and am
ply supplied with hones. amiuditlerent varieties cf can-ix:es, of
the vet} hest ileseription Their stock to almost entirely new,
and co.,..e.plenity or the dux rate chataeter• Public patronage
is respectfully i iis aril. .
Fervorss wishing to Plirethlle horses will find a Cull supply for
that purpose con•tant:y on hand. . '
Erie. July 1,,, Ina. .
_------. lolling of at Coot I
VW R. KNOWI.TON. beats dun irons !kraal( his preoint
w I , • Meanies.. offers ato "ell opt his tante and operetta! noon.
wept of Goods al east—Wonsisi Ow of Clocks. Watches and Jewel
ry. Piano. sad other hlweeell footrunieror4 latoßldw Oilloww ,
LoapP. lidasaio Wow mod • greet variety of othogifiecy *tri
cks. Eric lame dg len r ; 7 '
1111'111111111. Z.,14117 - 11111.
rocA t I. groem... Pinkie,. Picketed * stern. L 0144411. For
eign Fruit and NUM J. 14. ar. W..
.16111.64. No. 3 Wil
liam'. pluell. Oplwutte ttriilaii`e New I otel, rale, Pa.. hover
Just °relied a %ewe P.laliilattinent. *herr t d
are prepareto sell
all Artitirs in their lineal the Lo*est Pr re. at Wholesale Mod
Renrll.The ewe 1:0011111+1 in pun of thie following unities, to
wino,. Orange,. rrencrrefl Fr.
I.arestinc, I.einuna. Verinnr iilo
Plnin Fickler
Porter, ;Raiaur r -
.11e, Nuts. f i lekhel t true
Cs& Cocoa. Pickled Lot-i
e• - •Jialli, Pine.. Nellie,' ri ;me, t
Wilts !CET fit r TI11: R
AT.I-41 ea. Suva. Coffee., Molasses, T
rit ir , e.Coofrell9ary by the Doe. soda Ht
Barrel. and atat” other "trio-lea too home
eIOARS —We hopott on I
*et, hetter qua r War* a t lig...atm pr.
the city. Cure and Urnoitir Wine., 13
uon ecnewfauttr an hand. fo: eat, Whnir,
Ht—ltoteed Win. god Liquor. for Medi
on tvol.l tle*! eingte toattlei wh '
AtiLACI Fllll IiL'FF4I.O .41-Z
111.rion'it Mr. tut ctie by are barrel. at
trniotl.ortatittn. Aleu—reeeit in in'thei
ll.' nn Can. front .1 G. Milla
Sale Win? le at Low Pricey.
J. G. Na ts. New ruck..
A. C. JACK -I.
Y. A. Hotoll. ftWuatillortya, prirate Fa
rratly pupplied wolf? all prrlirlr. in our tic
tilt +bomr.ty ant! riarcnitl.lioig eou
nod tte pl. age ounrtive. that
t:rir„ Nor I`.l,
(yt i /et .,
.; P r u ue
Jut.e. 3., No. ft. Will
DURKEE Mail% Powdtr by We.
June 5,
3" "AL" AT.F.--Monhot: Oblates fr. Platton't. ?e Lbli.
awl half bbis. foe sate G. t W. I. MU.;
June S. It o. a. Wilbanis Lock. Ene. ta.
IAI 1111614 oV by the 4,L1, al lel pet gait. and froodnry'r eat
J. O. an. K.1.l inn.
7(o. 3. Witt iatnn !flock. Erir. Pn.
DRANI, it. Ruin. Pcrit iladeria elierry WmJ*ollll
gra.lee 'rued . Now Jog received 1 , 1 1 caper , Claret Wine
(t Pale lint' .1 • G.&1V.1.M 1114.
No. 3. Williatim Block. Er ie.
11111:letp, %14111 i pre
erretie fur eitte ty tbe : box or bottle by J. G,! W. . Ming.
Giroeerier' Groceries!!
I & ve °pewit at So. Wrichrr k a very
x. exieniove ase.trtorrent of Groeivierini es e-y ,od a.d quality
and *O long a. 1104 well them at their pre.erit low tine . there no
h:ter eit,tv auy riereiroo b, eimnly Merchant., or of err. 10 To
in theta, tern r stay (or ohm, issapplser, isW: they tau reit:smu(
theoi a Atte!' low sit tees a: , wit) viable them to rat eth time and
'ismer they would oreetwarity, elpetni going ro Nee York and
track, ray nothing of thew:mom in transno tartan whir , • to 01 'welt
a .9116111 wont- 7ttie l ttope to order to ic- the tr.iih o the above
Volt ty ill call and ezansine nor g,tals and seer. lilt 11,0 aro halo
the tyronizAllOp: recollect. the naive and n ber,diese &
No , . Eihirk !tat,. rtr. rt P
P 11 %% e hate the .ole iirgetiev Mr the !e of Smith & &lake
ard'. C. Giele reltiveratilig Scrip. 4 cot .he wort ot.efoi
Veliti(dit Of the 11:e ' II hail never i ern en talei'l uttd cnnud ht el.
erll o .l. warr:nste so fr• kist who is i• recousurelidetk—
tVa•tie. a. n ell in all and Ilpr,l Ovate, a la *oft..
June utt 1.41.
....-... •
11..://kr , t I..ilecti Ent.—F.onehloor *eke with waits ke
A ‘Vaii , ir Rl.lll rind Dom. Locks. Kw:o
sate r iper thanetcr ofkred in this Ow
4)1161 GS. ery tiler Rai,'
quarters, bailie and v% Mute lka
May 22., ISSIL
i W
vral:l.lAV A l: 4 )NS. I more I'.lMl
I, ‘i low Chaim lot
May 22.-2
Naha rA I' M 1'.11.1C
Ilion n
inn, ne
ton .nti ,
nn I lb'
HIE l'ililersiarwd boviiit secured :lie ( elusive it getiily for
the-airT of the LINA. li•iiited -nor 101 Vases. for Erie csiiiint!,.
and iletomna the article tine which detiendsi solely upon its .lii o
mesas would respeethilly wslicil :in Intl' et ion of the sante at his
It oady-,lnade Cain V7l
tart fi'd'e 01 Stare lielf.crii 7 and :1 4 0010..; Mer the eliaron Irpli
eussitgviio,i,r.ti,re a litre s.porl..cturi. rrfeititices and Ir.ditunrialts
as ILI 11.0 tr practical Motor en ri lie alb Pm it !hell together alha
pets•drit iiisiTetMii can out trot rec. (nnie I . thern to ;he n.v.rat,le
commteratioir of all IlKoe a (to in the tsnerusatictii of 1 drhie
Prot titmice have tic ensmtt fix the Oise of 1 Coals, - The under
signed would here add Mir thei.e eases a of a classic lunn.aint
correonion Ito i.ha:le. to the outlines of a man body. nre highly
ortiauteijitt. and re:ran:edam less retell lie more ieunttltil and
unique In ism en inure. titan nut q other sr icle used as receptacles
hit the deal ; they ore made of Or most tupetpliable materials,
are euastreled Inside and out. NO a. nut to nieorrode and alien
cemented h.gether nre pettedly nir.tiah istietTlil tog the; exhala
tion uf ottensivc gases. no tli•it w brittle"; eit the,rrissia ins. teal, t,
kept fur weeks. before burial. an astir , 11:e ahriVal of ahsenr
friends: ihu are light and portal•le. mitt e sillie Ii me licifir Mare
or Icii• cogt ii focal. they po•••••• more than runic milt strength to
resist all the pre.-ore sit gasses Ilf , in II 1,0,1). vi Welt- they,are
Ntlirel to while in use; and bodies not he disisitered even Mier
a tapi.e of ninny Reiss. and T1'11•01 0...1 to ; it. fiarl of ale country.
aithout the . 1 1,:litest disagreenlile Nivea wive :rum them.
lathe ti-e of these Burial Casts. ilfr g nuts itig refleettrm is af
forded to s illTl% ing mends and reliiht es that Memorial remains
Of thOsii once dearly beloved are ends.* f and depizeitted where
the); will remain lii peace. her lrotti the irruption a water, the
depre litmus of cerium. and costmaF tl sly bestow,' the unhal
lowed apt...era) ion 44.1.......,..0.e•..ai1xil w liii . nertssaidd us. 0wd......5.
a !7.lll•Torinat ion, or return to lOCtr tra C memento. Irvin mutt ,
nil citie•es alone. l •
;tr.- The iindernitned liar con•ilititly a hand and fur sale at,
his a 21V rooms as•abov! hose-anal, A 1(111.1C011y.llNek-Wakillf,
cloth entered. and all - kinds of den
ipe I * . ftii v o fall spies all
rea•lY fur immediate use. also t shrouds 1 till siren tbr both brief..
sa• , I .1 ,0
otil) 01
N. it. Hr lifeltared to lake the ten
fain-raig. and furnish Ilearee and Cama
Erpe Juh 47'Kid. 11l
Public Notic
IS lereby given , that an atilli c won w I
I o I l'esito.ylt aura: at Ile. tiell it(
livoivotai Ina of a ILI nk. to in. call. ,1 the
cote,' tit the l's•!. of E;ie, u ilk a Crl.ital ,
etatvi MO I 4 r...
lime , . I'. NtAr.hall fil
!Ivor) t ell Jvti
J. 11.,t) Geo
.1 11. Wsit, ,lits C u)
f'. M 'l'it.b.ilv, pr.: 1
H. Lwow n • l'4
.1111•• 14 Ile
-MI) 3 1.:.1
NEW CI rAl'EttN P. BRA..
i orEsr or :if4TE :i7''
El , J t Rt:t'Kt., would re-preirnt4 re
• 1 .1 • Pin. era opened hi!, new Rea.. Fin ,
eseente alt craervr.f .ott in tris line •
pilinh. .
His oempatinn entbrnees the mane.:
Wino, taint 0!1 r.ttiniiti ant Fire rtip„iiin ,
Ihnitittnff... Itrib band,. fnr ratrinrep .. .
awl Soda rottrafttnr. repaired EnOtnen.:
ill-irutiwni.. i'iting.l , ,rl• Ihi tlir inntilef
At Ito lab limo- a maeh in n. teeetbre I' ot lit wit in OW eotwr mei s, Mini *a
nom: ii iii fictiste•f:icrnsan eilver. Copper
Mork tin. ace.. tr.
..h paid for every icila4 °fold metat.
Erre Nev
ER I F.DAG lit It It E.l NI ;A td.E R. Y, ' '
Park flow, a few doers Ilif••t of tb•
HELD 80u BC.
SIIERAIAN it. happ y to in* he all who wish PACITERREri..
TV Pr. LIKEN 1'.. - irir.S. who nre at all particular what krert of
pictures they hare, to bet new R rooms winch hill, been fulfil - ex,
pre•miy For the Art. lA.; lIT i. ohr area :went of the Artist. and
it hi- been the constant study of all %licitly of the 'lame alone
tens the , tr I iii.ent reel,. to eniiiiny and nturcil it in the manner
Nutt :tilapted P) prodoee the most faro ble tet•Met. The result
Of this study and 0(010ns:1111s of expent. tents is that there H i rt
a tesi ini" C permanent I:niiery in the ' elm,. 1., hen, the se
hirea are mail, by a COliiiiiiin Winrielle, nil he who 141:ks he ran
rtfuhwe au tenor Winn, by .11 , 11 aNk II low , llrocrl. WI , 12111111Inee
0 1 lII* Art. The eilie-ef i bee I here:ore 1 • leave to say that es, ih •
wipeMr I.IG 1 1 I', and with an nen:into worth six ti mv. nay oth
er in l
to this city, he is enabled produce tietures which cannot be
eque mil in this part of the country • am offers to exeell any thing
witch Can he prieilireil in oilier threw. i Erie, or forfeit one hun
dred .10V.itli. He #lll}l also a eptemtal mirk \tort, itur CaMent•
a tilt which lie takes children ut an) ay, ! Let it be duitincll/ nu
der.trood his Pictures it ill not fade if to pert) kri t.
N. If —Tbt, ••reeent ithprOVenie•lithi" ay be seen at the ni•ore
rl.vOliiii. • W. II 811 41.11:114 .
Ene. Sept. 10. MST. • W.
UGIUDGE & 11. A kb,. would r
P I zens of Erie, and vtettniy to teat
Boston nutter and Pie I.; to Crackers,
to call or Remit 04 their orders. tin
!tome. and ready to watt on our fru.
itort,to art.l at, 'Amer Prier, that. can
tahltstatren..) at ow Cugn e Stets.
Ohio Street*. Ruttao. New Vork.
TIN, (311 2 PElt AND ;
a ;
. MCRI'II V tlif re 4 '
nd the ',dot wct
e genernll) 1 1
et the old •tta nil of hi iiiillet
Row is tilt a large r a nifhe i l
per nod Flhrt Iron Wnte. iii3llilCititltt
tercd at the most rensonhhie ratiri‘. is .
hand dote' 01 nil price, :OA qualm
pie d to ti.potiotvs nod coneen mice. at
tend. Also re and el, w. nail
JAPA ll'.
Which be flatters himself is it . ' reeled
Milk iinlix'of all siie* nod l''itkr•-e rat< .
'Moll% on hand. fletertiiine4do por tii!
and fa ittifolneset. nod to .pale Nil illidt :
hopes to etteave and merit a I tberat sh. '
Rite May 1 ItaMi.
Dissolution Wl'ar '
voricE in hereby g t i en that thei•
LIF 11.1i , 01-ling Illitlef flit! firm...4d Lily P
Cloth Nlnnut.tettirer*. to.tliikdity di-mil
All lin slim otircitlckl to•fotiutpdh tilt th
re-oty of iunking an ilittattille settle 1
at the establishment. 1 i
The 011t.eribri takes this °Kevin:tit
em and imhtte setieraity. that, he tor 11l
ectittheaotmkter- and flannels 41" all kin
ar try the yard. and esthetes*, cloth rot
_not. be brat 1 4 any other e-tahlrMtlictit
Rls lhelllkl , lo i h patron. of the late fin
he will make every ethet to merit a c
and incite. On W01)1 gIUIPMFT to give h
Shea he can tore entity rate.factiost.
Customs cahling and dressing done t
N. 11.—Mr. A. Gag.tile will tate 'is
WY. corner or Sultalo goad and
Ititads Usat Itin 5* be Weaved
Land lifor Sal.
T" mtweriber bay Horan o* w gel
kinime plirpoor.: and conveniefit
souterrd and ailante.! to writer non iOl to grain Marl gross' per
mono rfrrirsog to make goal locations if falter roll ' , came the
ehnnet: is gone. tine of thrill is a int. place coniaioineabout
MI and the other 110 to itti acres nom. r
On& paid for Bounty load 'yarrow* or twined by we -
West Spriostlehl. Erie Co., PO.. May IMO It 1 tit
• 1 Gustav IBUIIO.
800 . 6 11, 1 s 14 rgiv " Brl il ett s.'"ve wf t.
' . Rives%
Erie line 12 ISSI. • tig. I prown's Slack.
A hefty , ' let,
• Currants.,
ra, . Pr. Or al,
Absiut ll
nacre,. Rierr 'Orou
chit. 17rar
.es to noentloln.
Own I 'l;.p r 4, kin.l earl
ter than any Onne3ll
Min nt every ererip
le at tow rn A. At
-1:nal or other utorawa
kh are pore.
CO. and f: igen ik
I Sur.lifi Trie adding
I`INMIII (Alt.scri 1.1
, of ac* Vork, Wl
T. 1. Mitts, erslo,
t lb
Anent, Erin, ra,
/Mee and Dealerp den
at Radian 0F1C141.-
ry rroprei rutty
shall be as roma-
r. Candler by_ the , bat
G,! . 4 1. I. 1111Gli.
• me tiloek. Etie. Ps. .
lbr sok by
.G. W. I. Mlle.
ams Mock, Et w, Pa,
'5 0.3. WO
awl Lock Lawhis,
r t.y
Inn. rit-11 nnv (plantPl
R.iwiit•. for sale
. P. itimutax.roir.
tVilk,v CradLrn ona
i Vi F. Ri•crorzvrcirr
~ / -..~
ar rope , lievaida nec
it de-sred:
l' tn. lin ide to the Le-iv
4 mil A.,.....1.1y. f o rthe
"Ile ('lt he 10-
, f rrv,o II outirtid l'tetto-
ti 41.ickson
..1". Ft , ebe
t outus•
ley.' Arrouckte
. 31tourhead, Jr.
kr Epic PJ.
in itie nubile that he
miry. and it prepared to
th promptness and des.
'tire and repairing of
.ratriage a d Harness
POlLltliee. Beer rump*
"•: 4 tirvet illf and ;114irital
aethre of I:whet:l bor. - .
ith'almeat ewer) riflery
,firy a plating. He al
-1101 Metal. Box metal
on excepted
U T. •
per litany imite the citi-
Simla and teu Woeful;
sari naadVilet Bread k.C..
14 NI always find tn. at
Hio aunt sell !helm a-mood
lcuuttt at sat otherea- .
kery, juucta n Elk dr.
ENT.! : .
trolly sulbrut hie friends
'•n he has kv..ted himself
& Murphy. on the Park
r a..OrtUlChliOf 1 in Cop
of the he'd iron, and of
le or,retati. lie hap on
cOnettucled with tette
it (Attn. limft dnnhle tua
li ae•ortinetti '
F. ' thia
1 e. et rapt ion ewe.
Ihe..ii•inr-a W ith enerstv
o render satipractton, he
e of public tuttrrmage.
cepariner,hlit i lheimafbre
• ha.iii.ont,a) ratrtimm,
ed by mutual
late firm. w act Ihp ae
. wt. with A.:mei laity..
I.u.r.y, -
of Inlbrminc the Fano
tottook IQ inanufin - liita
- and qua I , lira, on abater
'out. on letuis • that tan-
Tut. .„1,0,,,b, lent ns
. and stwarro them that
tinnaner of iho:ir ftwati.
!a trial, heiert ionlidlest
lz a* to limns and gouda ~
:not em.b.mtroi.
'sat e at his tltateh Foe- .
nract.eand aurtily the
bulb elifiblv
o kolaket: Dell limhetesi.