Cgik i gM! lll !9f l M . 'll3/ Tibressiyh to Doa I FhirlMk in ti Blkifohr in 44 3 Users. I ffOlOl.llUN SIBRIMAS A 3 I I I I3 I M+P LINF. RAIL ROAD. • O i Pod after Monday May 10th ilea trains leave Erie daily ag .611110ws, Sundays excepted: - , Ist Exprpis passenger train leaves at 11M. hod •• • •• •• ' s 64 '. M. . ORM Express traits on Sundays u 11 M. i The above Ifaltllledineflat ilhliskirk'alid Buffalo with both the awn_ fug and evening trains for New li , o, rk City via N. V. atist..E. - ;R. Road and ButEtto and A,ltsuily Rail !toad. raoseseers by the aeon train for 114410 and wishing to rettila tie asaieevehover-bave li luny. in Buffsbii. ' Ibis Company is prepared to translate( live stock and freight of all hied, over their road. Baggasge rheeked to Itunthilt and Buffalo. Fare to Dunkirk 6,1.1 n to hwy.siogr2.oy. Train.; leave by•Eaatern Rail Road hale which is ahosit twenty minutes tastes than We tithe. J. P. TR Ail.% a.rie MI E. R. R- piy 61142. Mt Superinunitdent of E. it N . . Na 175 MAIN STREET'. BUFFALO. - - . - 913T0N 0111002XMAT IITOMIN• lialLauboettbers have opened at nct. 11s Main-mil l i Illotialo. (heat door to Hollister & Co .) an extinsive apsorUnern of China, Glass, and Earthen Ware. Also, Solar tanaps for oil or burning tluid, Girandoles, enrn;• sou anti silver-plated Ca 4ton...titer-Plated and Britannia Cotrye Puts. Sugars and Creams. plated Spooto.. Forks. Cake dtaskets, Tea Tritys. Table Cotlery and a ecancilete aiiortmets of French, China and qrrtnau They import their Crockery and Clikiia direct from the mOOO - which will enable them to yell at the lowest New Ytwk prices, The: would particularly in rite the tittentioo of Merchant., and all others reitthi og to it:ltch:lse, to :n theta call. and eatin4ite their Goods and prtreo hefore purctastin.. Butralo. t:areh , Pi. C. DROWN it co 14 1 1NXIIEW AND PANOW GKIODIL 3/ 'w 'L a iite • 4 - iwi ' v ß e 'l , :::: i . e h o a m v i i 4 l , l . l e re a t m u o rn ru e n d el f: t u o u t ! New York. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. , of the Spring *tying, would say to the ladies, and all of her nu merous eustottlers, that she is now pc:coned to supply them any and every article in her line of trade Feeling thankful for the 'very liberal patmna , c heretofore reteivcd, still hopes to mere a continuance of the loom. lity stock of lON N ETS is eifensive. embrring every variety worn. Having selectee them my self with great. Core, I trust I sylvan he able ro please 1.11. truth in style and price. My assort meal of RI EMON:.; is also large. The Ladies Can be sure to find tbhons at my-shop. of the newest styles—at all times—no deception in that particular AlSo a variety of Straw Trinitioings. My assortment of Ladies Gloves. Mitts and Hoer is e nuplete. embracing all sizes and colors, all of the beet quality. I have a great yarteiv of laces for Mantillas. Lace Veirs, Thread Laces, Uress C .11)si a abundance. Iluirritine Gooits.llan - tills itilk, 'Dress 'Priininags of all kinds. Needle Work, French Worked Collars. Uridersieeves (Alder-b .nrikerchiefv. Linen Pocket-handkeechiets, Embroidered and IHvu Artificial tit/viers. _Wreaths and Randers, Sti..el Trim:l4l)lv, Itertha Fringe, French Pimitv.erewel, Embroidery Patterns, perforated Paper, o.2bnvass, Pittri.•Nwe'lles, Perfmnery. Hair °mobs Fans. I.:p ra wns. Crewel and Crotchet Needles, Saddler's Bilk.- Tidy Cotton, Donne' Silks sod !doings of all colors, Bonnet Frames .and Crowns, Whale• bones, with many other-art ieles too numerous to mention, all of .`..xhic - b- I will sell, Wholesale and Retail , , at the lowest possible 'price. - Mantillas. ready made, always on band. Bonnetselraned and. ' pressed. Having supplied myself with the hest help trout the • east. I atleprepareil to attend to all orders with dispatch. and et ecute them in the hem style. M. eurni. Erie. April tr.-49., s • TO Tar. LADIES. gie - - ,MRS; DAVI.I lk 01) . would intone the Ladies of Erie and vieinity. that they have eonitnetteril Moine...on the J,amund. 41 door', %sr of AVillinen's Broiter• infiee.• ar bere all kinds of MILIAN! Rif anti fiFtLior-741.%K1NG. a ill be attended in with care. Prom a king experience in the bu.i-, fle.iii„%frs. D. feels eo:ithleni the shalt'''. able to conduct the bur , inPiis in a mannerto give ratisfariloh ia all wrio tiriv favor her with a call. A new .apply of. ‘tilliriery a ill t e open. if the first week in June. Straws bleached anti repai , ed on the most rea sonable terror.i . May V... 2 C 11 - E A P FURN--ITU, E L. ...._-. . t... . iv( l A. 173 elf .111? WIRE ROOM. TOIL'S WELSH, corner ofiState a[4l Eight i , t met F.rie TA.. will a keep eonattuitly on hand a iipliatiltd atioUrtillelli of awn FURNITURE. which he will .4.11 l yet th in can lie purclia.cJ at any otker evitabli.htnent in Erie. zannfactured by Siirith R ii Richards a. wheleeate and retail dra era In lainittiretand cknorti pi illinat . &Maio. Then are lima inanittientrina an article (Sots. very Heat and dlvd!de. wh.e2 •hewill sell front ki2l) to Sao Call and . Erie May I. -.52. 31. • TH : CRYSTAL PALACE NOW OPEN ron vsfixTonsi THE p , pfleror. W. H. En SAVI.1101.:, has Just returned from the ' moire eitY, with the x jarseSt, el.capc , t :Aid be.; assort ment of JE. -EL . WR Y , ND; FANCY GOODn ever. before ported from that city west of Dunkirk, all of which are now re y for Inspection. tin ilj'e first floor. 1.4 o. 1. may be An found ala assortment of Gold and t4ilver Watches, Gold guard and Fob Cha tin., Key' and Seals. Figezer Rings of every descrip. tion. Breastpins of all sorts and size', (hill pins :Ltd braeelets Gold. Silver. and German salver phi: !bleS.cold pencils and pens; steel fob an I - guard cl.aitis, Key... &.e. Having made arrange ments with the ninainficturers nt their:lst to furnirh. a mliiply ev ery week, fresh from INS until. he %%RI I . 4.abte to furnish tlx•se unieles cheaper than any other e.I. isliment west of the term'. nus of the New Vork and Erte ' a ;road 'Also. stn hand, at wholesale Or relait.:Lny quantity o b.ookiugGlailaea.BrassClocks t., and otherAimeosece... 1 i MUSICAL I ,, MTRI'VF.V7I.--Such as piano fort.i.melodeons,bass viols, guitars, vudins, banjoes, tainhourines. clar.ottets. 'flute., ffaieblels, fifes, accordions. ttis.. sclar and cainplienr• lamps. and gerondols. extra globes. chimneys and wit kw. silver and German silver rahle and ter...norms, ~r.r andtsalt stoops, butter kn t% ed. CovLastr.—A very tine article of l'Amkn Ives of the most celebra ted makers, Razors and Razor /gram sei.kors and shears. Gold. silver. aod Gerinan silver and steel Spectacles, Barrramett• WAILL.--"l'en sea., a a ktors, and candlesticks. ' /111nreatt.a , ,arics,—.Cliina eases. F:InCY Boller Malta and Ilniss' snuffers and trays. steel hag. and poise clasps. hair combs. ivory dn.. steel pens, card eases. t :••111:iv;rdn and envelopes„gainnirdi Bizards. dominoes. che.s men, 14 allift. and roe ket books, knives ind forks. tea -ser v ers.ik c. . . . All of which w ill be rhotin tr. h I s , visiters nt any time between the hours of 6 A. !It . and it I', M .. free era, IS. and a small fee on ly will be taken from *ore .V.IIO tu l y ii :Aldo take some of 'said articles horse with theta. rft said l'alaee a located on the ground fornterly occupied by said Knowlton. one do& west 01 the Reed blouse. Rile. Sept. 6.-17 NNW W II 0 1. tft 111 T.. 11___ 3ROCtR YISTCYRE it • 4 T.,%T). 7. 1;():1' .1 Et I. Sf.o('A", "ERJE. tI,I. T" C. oubsc Wier hat:tog lea'ced the :afore No 7. liontiell Mock, formerly ocetiiiied hy ',ester. Sciinett & Che,trr. is reeelv• , ing direct from New York, a large. and well selected 'dock of Gmessics, to - senien he it:rot cordially invites the attehtton of the . ' rade in this and the adjoining tenni les. liellatter.litniseflluil i rout his experience in Ole Crixery tkisiness. and his stitierior, :a- Mlles for obtaining (;Desk direct f in the Importers and Mali or . • ufacters, thereby saving the. Joidie s• profits. that he can sell to pie Merchants favoring lion with ti nt er trotiage. Goods .1 ,r wi At C heap a. COI all Parr/m.4d West of New- Fork.., An as cheat, as can he huticht in blew York. with the addil i on -of expen sece de se attended in setting amto this city. Being deter. mined to make his torsi nevi ll:bCclta anly V/rholetisale• will foniint° himself tosell mg by the Pack. it he eau he ~, s -ta I fled Jam-doing. Ile will he nappy at al Imes to exhibit his goodslo those-urho maytavhr him with .ii ca I f lir addition to his stock Cr _meetly , . he has added a choice k of 1 4— , Ines and Lnposted an omestic Lignorsl lu r anegnmination of which he wash! especially invite the alien • t uof Hotel keepers and others in Ipe trade:. the following wit mprise a portion of his stork. viz i , New Orleans. Porto-Rico & ruhaiSimats: P,owdered.rrushed. 011anulated. While and VEIV/IN Colfee do. Piorm Rico. kluseo-- __ vndo. & Cuba Molasses. S. 11. Sy rip, in Ma or hhd " gild Dyson "gunpowder and Black Tear. in c heti,. half-chests and caddies Old Java. Rio and Imgistra l'o der :C Illigiuta manufactured To -baeeo.different Brand. ; Anderson's loose thew mg. and tinier.. alto loose and assorted site PIP. Sacking r. Illack•suil Yellow Snuff; Dotnestie and Imported fiat Mia ttegirs; R a bdtir, 111 whole halfand quarter Roger: Corr:1111F. Figs. Pimento Pripet. Car.,4a. • Cloves. Nutineer, .Indigo. pure Gingev Pepper r.iisce.Groiliul Pep ;per; fqinento. Cassia and Coffer in 3h. ant 1.1 v.. papers: Pow der, 'awhile, half.and quarter kers:ll 4 lmi Lend. Niite of iliderrnt klndseNu. I Pala Excelsior, and F nc% tkinii: Refinsil Elephant And Whale Oil "Eliwrin. !Aniseed a p.s (nix c do.: Mackerel. NO'. 1.3, 3, in whole. hair and qoarptelhtils . Codfish. !terrine amp ' White Ash:Taints and (tits; severallamtes Brandies. Ruin. Cm. MODcmgmbela Whiskey:llld Pon.Mtqlerra, (*twat and (*haulm iglu Wines; Loudonand Philadelphia. Poftew: together w ,th most kinds 't and styles of gobds kept in the Grardry him: and not neraleil in this list. to the inspection of utile* lie would respectfully in ite i the attention of purchasers heftier bitying elsewhere. ". Particular attention paid to filling orders. and all goods war ; tasted as represented or the money tefunded - Erie, 'kid, St.-19. i J. Id: SMITH. - ...--...._ THIS - WAY ISTIRANGER!! • "Secure the Shadow ete 'lie Slib.l:lllCe fade." In. 41 1 .747tT5r5. the Dxagßerroian Artist - 'Woll3l.DrexpeethilD unforto Ole .adirs and Cr iittemen of Rite. and vicinity that he "till contiIIIIPP 1106 roonis over the brie Rank; for the purpose of deliweainic the human I cc divine; by ' means Girdle beautiful art of the Itiyierrot) pe Jut the Wets and moot approped style. He offers to 'produce the likeness of anv i • persOnfav&ing hum Otlt a sitting shall be primoistieed by I" echtlievent judges, stiller:or to the wtirk of any other Artist what J• ever, lbr streneth. beauty, and I i fe-lpr appearance, Daguerreotype. 0 what el ight • . " To gazeittion 11. works,of light: ' 1 • How high the polish.plire die tone, _ And every face it nannies own; • - Pure never Art with all its skill. , %The soul with sine h delight conk! All. - Mi. Picture being fixed by the cyanide cf raild,and other ingre dients "'Chia own preparation. caavver fade out by et 'moon. to air sadlf et Those uho wish pdrfeet Likenesses will please call at h rooms over the-Erie flapk. and examine I.llCellllClif.--- Oft rs . from ', o'clock. A. M. I 3P. M to all states Of Th e 4 . Weather. • Erie. Feti. 14 . 1,41 ° , EDI J. EC`griX Architect and Builder. No 1. Park ;Ron:. Erie. Pa. Arch i,,etiti ' ral Drawingi and oprlibeatlons rim* out op reasona bie Jettal. ! /11/I"3IIERDATD MS. ' Cale. FA.. Nov. 111R511 I • The beater. Mr. Allyn S. Shadduellt. is a practical A re hl tect.and ' has heels For several years rnipapeiiin that business. dorm, which time be has erected several large and costly buildings 141. c laser Fully retonnuend Mr. Shadduck to !Si persons who may be emut- Red In building, and believe that he n will. as lieretoktre. promptly fUldlll any !meows., enpagenteut he.ray make. . Conrad Rrown Jr. W. Taggnit ' Manbew.A. Barr J. 11. Fullerton Pardon Sennett; James D Dunlap , . ' E. 110‘111“ ' John F. Thema . Smith Jackson John H. Ws Iker • D. B. ?derma . C. Mclparren . 4._ Zile March 10 DOI— ins. P. Waters. , HATS, CAPS AID PCBSFOR THE MILLI - Id 14.. (Mbar tho track for 6 SMITH, No, 3, Cheapside!! ft as on bans thehargestatoek of Goods. in his line. ea t Nir Ilelh offered to this market. which were purchased for CASH in Chi Eastern cities, or manufactured by himself: by which be is enabled to sell thew so tow that people do say they must have pis by fi g tte Custom House without paying duly. Well, what itches smuggled. so hot _the people can buy •'1 Silk Elate fo• SUM, i '• 4211h1 J 10 Robes For DI 10, Mexican Hats for 50 cents. sn u 4ll goods at like low prices. For proof of which: all in sl - call and examine for themselves • rDotet forget the place. Smith's Cheap Hat Dior!, 240. R. CROOP•1 0 0- i ai SI rr November e. test.. , • Why not go with thi Ilhatitudo to STOCKTON kLIF/ULLERB , I' y your OW ks, Watches. 4ewelry. Silver Ware. Lamps • Loblithira..„.. Guitars twenty per erns low. r than has ever been so le 6ne. Why. in the &Id year of the IHk teem 1 7t this ye of ',Arm and imp:Emu. w II you"••Leap bee you look I" er what Is even w buy beam you examine Oa market. Nothla, charged km Park low. II doors east of Brown's New Hotel. • • Me. Malt lith, i • ,CKPIIRD LINE. gati : ift THIS Line, pomeming unsurpamed II Prepared. upon she opening or naviaation. 10 -transport Merchandise. Produe. cif from and ,to New York. and the Western tubes - • .• SHIPPING ttliftECTltont+- Mk. Packages XKlatrenno Limn Ship Daily by the . "OL4) LINE TROY TOW BOATS," TROY_ TOW Corsi's' ur. Zeilbrd Expross. The Paid ic is informed ilsit 'nth arraneernerato hire beer made with the darerent Rrilroads and Ateanwro a. wllt etiabre this I.ttor to ihrtsard Mernliandize. daily. Dour New Turk to the Wes tern and 4k:starer - A Stairs. nob the great..., rhspateh. ' SHIPPING. MILECTIGNti.. Mk. raeules• ZIOXPORD =MUM Ship by “Plt.rri.r..s LINK OF AT4AMERS." Foot Odurtiaudt Street. eh Gwen are - requested to procure Halsor the Other. P47.lllroad sseet • up_sta rs. • , 'UH A R. LLEN WILLIAiIrt. 127 'Dread U. New York. XVgEL L & PAT.' EN„ Jo N A LLI.N. , '0 , 11.1113,11.X11 air Lace Eats Pore,. moo. Hearn. k Erie, Pa. J. H Ctinovrul, 0. 111. Wauv4lS.A4u: la. 0. It Knight & Cad. Fairport r i dgy &Halladay.l3 veland.l , * Walser & l'o . ItGla ' 1 E P. Osborn. thandusit L•• A Godard; T.. 1040 i. H. Miller, & Cu.. Mop . Bridge & Ltwi , 4 Detroit, M. April 17. , • 49 1852. 9‘llB New :ma splendid I AMOS PRAT? ' Master LFAVO3/ ll.tot at 6 o'clock A.l Thur. y Juue Taw y Jul Thin y July TletrAkty July Thureiday ' Au 'l'huni4ay Au• Thurislay . 'be Thursday, Pep Thursday 1 .pirwtay • ! ( 1.; Gel Tbur4day N i • J. !I • JOHN .; junetit H 132. . 1 ••• ;1 i Meta . , 4 8 leaie Eric daily ft B" II MEE Cal 1852. ...... , .; ..i. . „„„ - i 185:2 .. . • n iiii. G 0 h . 'nd Nrl IClied fir urte. ilie, epleudld upper cabin ‘/ rarinurr EINIIIRICK lIIIISON, L. B. Golddesuith coin wander. will leave Erie ax luwe: Turtday, - • Apri r 13 L.. - : In May ,” II i .“ . .... IS 8 I.'" .• line Itt r . ... - EIM Aug . t . tst t:: 46 t SeptewLo Oslober .. , 1• 6 - . Novegiber ' 9 :6 .) 1 [ J. J. P tPPINO Owtlir. . GI:MICE J. MORTON. Agent Public lkiemi Elie l'a ill CI , JOHN KRk:NAN Aridt, Eric Pa: Erie 4 Muyi I. 1£42-Snail. zacaziti StliS• siplstalitt Upper Cabin Sieniners MICHIGAN and JC- L 1.111*:4 fl, monTI)N. win ph. regularly heiween Erie mid Green Hay. during the season For limits.? particulars apply to J; HEARN a, Co.. or G. 1. mciß•ros. Erie. Pa. JOHN KEENAN Agent, Eric Fa. April. 17. lAFI-4111. 1852.i;BurrAzo arnvezarriudorsx ms 2. o _, •Til. 0 Trip.. per week. '...l oueluni it Dunkirk. curt / ,want. 1 ptabuln. and Fijrpori. Tire rptendul epper (10)in...framer DlAMoND;..cipiiin AM.. G.' If. Fe, II A Will run regailar4ri dung the 1.4•110011 of Wti Y!. beiWer, liutralo arid C:eveland. touching at above ports each way, it. it.kllowi,: Leaves Erail. ewer} iVElliir.vlDAYLatul SATX,II.DAY. Youe It- I olg at Conneaut„ Ar.ntribttla. and Fairport Leaves Erie. every•TUESIJAY and FRIDAY at 3 A. i M.„ tonclittur at Barcelona and Dunkirk. For fretgbiof iramwaste apply to J. (rant & Co.. or 101171 Rag e.., Erie, GEt). B. WA LIM MC E & CM. Proprietor,. Foot of Washington street, Beitrale . . 1 . EDDY & HAL.Li DAY. Agents, Cleveland. Erie. May V. t &kJ 2 _1852 ' , 1852 _ POE OBIOACIO. Tose.tiar at Defrod, Mackirare, Grated , Harem, MiltiaN4'is. itselare, kroaals sad Werke:mai Ile staunch a d fast Propeller TROY, D. P. Donanic rap .. lain, Win lei yr cam fur the abuse Ports dun ug the balsitee of the season.; as 0.11 low*: Thor:day Ju13 , 1 IS. 9A. M. Tuesday Stilt. V, 9, A. M.' Tuit.oday ttugut 3. do Saturday,tiet. 16, do Plattarday 21, do l'nunntay Nov. 4, do, Thormlny Della. 6, do Tuct , day do For Freight or Pignage apply on hoard or to Erie Julie IKAt• ' 7 C. J. Nit/RTON. - Public Dock. , 1 ritorsars win; ~ .....,..„4-...„4 1852. -a L., --z.,..'.1 ..,, _...........; . Pleaeant and l Exp editious Route to'itteer ic ork. • . w Pwwwg! wadFreirkt Arreaffea±eaf to end from New Fork , . orrwry netweeff resew Ploksengerri will be t.ikea Irmo flotrake by the Exiore.a nr other tr:inl* to to Albany, a 1,41 (ruin Albany to Ne tt York. liy the WenAftl 'the, Newton' r.leameis of Line. all of vi Inch are s,th rvrr, rOmr—rt and ton: etiortiet. . . . eneanier* ISAAC N1F.1,4"111N. Com. W 16..Pt:r a. and I 4 EN. Intik 111.1h1(JN,11 . 0111 -A.. P. Sr Jowl. leaving Albany 11311) or the arrival of the Valle*/ Train in 11w ever:trig. and arm jll7, 111 New-York. 4t Cortland. street %Viotti, at 11 o'c tri-k next morning. I..e,tving New York at 6 P M. conitecting n ith Morning Fa me** Tr ads at Albany- . SteameriollßEctm, Can. Mere, and RIP VAN WINELF.. r-iPI Roe, leave Alban) daily nt 6 P. AL, on arrival ill tint I , ii Iliiriiiiiii Express Trail front Buditlo . Roehefier and Syr:viols. g. arm in it Pew: Von t . at Ruhi*oit atrret %Viral. al Suit-lock unit 000010, k Leave New Yuri. at 41 I' ..M., couweetidg w itti the Lye :bind Expre-a I* in at Albany. , • P o . 6o 'llgerl , can he ticketed and their baggage checked to and from Sr.% %loth.. , Freight dam lit c.intraoted for at all theptations on the line of th e 11.d: 1 ; 0 4 1 0 o eh e ,,,t e r. F;. rand. and trout N. w YOrit .11 the Prola Ldliepthce on their IA hart at Pout of 111..bilisoil *tFert, New York.! .t , 1 n II . fi r MC(' Freight from New York to ii alo. on first elatie , 14 center 0 I el4sti cents; 3d clam, 33 cent..: 4th ela** 37 CCM. , -..r. Arad fr a nlitlio to New York on let class 37 cents: Id class SA echo.; 3tl Vast 17 cents: and ilth clam; 40 critic I NPAVTON. Arent. New. York. • , . 114:01tGE. J. MOATON, Agent. Erie. , New York. Aka, Ifigd.. The Apleniiid "'trainers ALIDA and REINDF.P.R , will ritri as a 1./a) Line' . Legs en: Moto f Hamilton Weft. Aldan). al7 4. M. on arrival of Ku lo Night Lii,tettri, and New York, from Mur ray street What . 3t7 A, Al•connecting wi th AfterelOon Laiirras. Through itief h n . making the usuarlauckings at wdy 'Adept,. , till. O O P OP IP o>dlT I. O. , T.l Xi lbimgh I. laus.Fracciana. Cart/wain 'Firm if Ai to 40 Drys, Tbe aiilendid new double Cligilir aleaU3.hlp WELT WIND. . blotto her Pier No.l Faeu River on Monday the lAth YM day of Altana Mr Juan direct To connect at SAII Juan del Susi a Ith thPsplenilid new clipper chip •• Kart- Hound,'• to nail nusiM.hgsrly upon the.prrilal of the Wept Wind.' It Pan Fraitccico. Thi. line wilt Poncho or five clipper .hip. un the Ppcilii.Ahe Race Hound. North American. Grecian. I . lllWe de Juu.v.lM l 1411;1".111 . . an liven Piiia;nitiiria uo the iinniie. Ilse WeNt Wind" and a new ilea neihip now hgJ.huß, !Ouch a ill he ready to take her plate in the line on the first day of Septem ber next, torun on the A daniec side. FirFt Stateroom. Sir 6 131 tbeera - - - - - - - 1.0 - For parl.3 - AD -AM PMILI'II. July 17 1.. 73 Pea rl•at., New 'Park. - t apply to • 1 Btu tO . VirtILLO. rA.110,0 114, CO'S NE'' FORK AND C41.11 , 1112,Y14 EVPRESS. i - - '--- • _NIMIENE I M I OArITAL - 5.300.000. F , OR the pureta.,e and sale of 4:torl Invd, Hulls Of . r,lehaner, Wei pa ys{ t) ent find tolleet nor of Notes. Bills. nod Acrounp4, the fOrWriffllll i Gold D,Ft. 801 l ion. Spee ie. l'.ieka,..•es, Parcels and Fre I gnu , . o all kiwi. ais .1 dew opt ions, and attending to a gener al t'.‘ press, Fla% a rdine. and Agency dur•weeo. ,The titsder.igned have her-new:aged ot hue Ciprevir Motiremr he tit re.. New York. klhani. Itodalo.eineltmati:elneago,Altlvrau iil kee. an St toms...lmre its first pdahttedetnent. under the tiring Of POlll •11(4 & CO.. 1.1% IligallM AL .Welle. Went. & CO , LIVIOIOI6 1 916 & ~ro. and si this time, wok the American Express :con- Ipany. in .tile Bruno or Wells. Butterfield Ir. Co., and Litho stun, 'Fargo & • 'O. The tlrin'of Well., Fargo & Co.. a joint stock company. with a icapiml of. /1113MIANIO. art- Leen fo.tned to Jo aqtenerat t:tpres• For- I wardittg. Ckotteetim. and Exchange lailortem..betrt ern the city of New Yu/knurl ale pfalli!ipa: cities and towns to caliiorioN: con ineciing nt New York watt:Atte American Es press eutttpai), to ,all parts of Ithe United Stater and Catrad4o. • Our several Adentii in Callan...a are 4rithorixed to draw drafts 'out 11., p vil f f out in the pormipal Odieeo of the A...priest. Notes' t'oloptri '. eetwees. New York a - d&t. i.c,nis , nifordoug to persona in :ail min, .he idust,convenient. prompt and retialde means of 1 ,,,,,,,ii 2 to diet, friem, in thin eau...try. Alio, Drafts. on' Cali •fornsa. for sale at die current rates of Pio:flange. i We willow-n.l promptly to theeolleetion and payment of Notes. t'll!. and account.: the,Bettlement of Clailns Also • to the Pur chase and s a le of Gouda aunt Merelikodice, by ainniiki or other 'wise. , . , i cur arrnagethents with the United Atates Itinifl.itta. of steam era. enableips Moir& great inducements ti shippers of lIMI.I Gust. Bullion. Specie. and other valdal ea.—Packages. Parcels ~and Frehthuo. or every description, w.ll be forwarded with dispatch. and delivered at all the principal towns in C.ll.krrita, and other parts of the Caned Strit..s. and knew. countries. Messrs S. P. Carter and R. W. Washburn.the former tar many years connected with the American Express l'onitia ley "orogen' a Albany. arid tly latter from lie Bank of dyracuee, are the General Agents RN California. BIRECTORS. . _ - Leary Wells. Aurora. Wm • (4 rare°. Bullitio. John LieingWen. New York. James McKay. Rultalo, E. P..Wili lams. Adrian. Mich. Alpheus Reynoltl,..Butralo, Edwrn Morgan. Aurora. Ales. M..C. Atulth, N.Y.. Henry D. Nitta, Elmira. James McKay. Scrag. ' Edwin B. Morgan Pres't. • WELLS, FARGO & CO.. 'No. IS Wall Street, N. Y. O. D SPAFFORD, Agent Erie. Erie. May 211. 1 lEI3. 3m3. T me. PIoRN Straw andralin leaf Hats at .L 4 May Mi. —ll .11.terstrus. 1 LAPI ES eofored and Black flatten!. Walking Shoes. Stiokinr. Tie , . itl.d sfrrirai. White Red opera Ties and AI great eanety of ebi kitties-Shoes for rale cheap at , ' May 11.-4 1 • I Brent /*carol. PONTS at whole sale at retail. cheaper than the cheapest' by hlny 111.-1 :' 84.TU JACIOION. _____-- MRP: 10.090 Imported Cfirom from Sit to .4 0 Or thofomod sale st Rile Ju ue ig u43s-7 - .. Mitrlß I'd GI ochry.. 1 IITS of all 111 MIS foe male tiv 1 acW. No I. William? Block; Etic.ll.a Thormosnotor Ohm. 1 THl$ Churn we confider tbe heal . Butter wade !Avow It will be Yelh3wer than that produced by any whet. while Uwe from the chorale( by annorplwerie • a ill be uniforgily whiter, and Oro less In quantity. If the er - • Rolla the proper de. otnac t eneroi , heat hen plated in th e churn. wh ilu ay be known by the . pine 41 at the enL may id zty.twO degteto. Ilf.Vuo wnrovillt will and above. and too bold below .] apply eo Id Or hol w e t% a , ma be, by wane of a tuned below the elms. which will pirodoee temperature required. Tor sale b Jost 1. 1' I • Cuss & easel. i 1 ! . . • . , !. • . , CIIIOAC4IO. ' 1852. b(n STEAMER GLOBE, 1.1111 Ca L•AVVICHICAII4IIIIi,eteCIO:k A. "4 17 Wednesday' iniw „S I Wednesday July SI IS Wednesday . July 92 VS Wednesday ' Sue Wednesday Aug 111 ffi ‘Vcdhesdai ' . •,•l4•l 9 Wednesday , Fe)4 , IS .3 Wed twoday 643.11141 t 7 %VedregdaY I l'et 13 Oct YB V I Wralt.e.dnyL Nov 10 N.& CI. PuhliC DOCIN• 1 Agent,. EENAN Erie. an Southern MOM . itoed Xi no. r Cleveland, Pandu.ay , and Tuledu: G. J. MI MT( IN, Aar. Pulldd Melt, Erie. Pa. 6 cidlork A. M A Spleodidasuariment of antattner Lawns ftw;eFe b: ..v dg er ri:: :Te jP i ti : f- p •-• ;."1. at May RI, I , 1. t s's - St•mitt:i eitilvLs —A ny anglitit trend at pre' ea to 'Atral', ate in Walft Of a shawl. .t y 17- , 10 31. E. ootlpc.- • er--- 1/5. • r :;;. IHAVE on hand the best .1..0r tof Liqooreia t - -lay, f - oin the heis CoguLaes dog, uto # rPot VIP" • 1 Feb. 11, 1-.lq. T. W. OORE. :Ma t I. ALARGEautortrneuTof Cook and Parlor; thoe.a, jou reer9v. -al at All:RPM:1" S. Erie. May 15th i 1'32. :1 on fart Row ...._, _ ____ C HAIN , W.di and Cistern Putopi, all slialand ib r t r : imlik .s. V. Erie, May IMA, 1a32. i olarark Row.. AIILSZIWINQuiNean4 Caen* . Mom .can /vir below ecaapetiWoe at No. S rem_ Hack. Erie. May Ital. 51. - AROUCI.I.E FLOUR! FLOUR!! i •la MIN ground flour on hand .at 1131 !horn et,. Which I 4 " 11 i:.l deliver on bAirez Notice. any o hue virrUist the city limit at Os low OriLea at any other einablisluntnit i — leer Wein-soar in five vaiii•faetion. 11.'13. ?fAITEMSII(.. .. Ala v V.—.l. 1. —/ r•011• A- MICAS, 3u Cherla of ail .rade, cd Tens virr) hie rim 3 to a iohillities per. In , nbop srl . l'soblses 'reit 61bs. , each, very wee 111 i up, czpresoly for latuilits, (Or sale Ly ". klay 22.-2 W F. EINDERNLICIIT. . GL S W ASAR'E. A uOMPT.ETP,,m4ortmeet offf:laffeWare Miff ju.ft lava off-ned LA at MO(IRE`ti cheap tfroeery Store. Ma) P. L•mußilllil:R.E.l) 41.4 ,L 2 and Cambrie Edgutes ni.ff Itit.etiffgs, au eittenef re variety fur rate cheap at May 22. Am. cLaN's. P.lll A:4; L.'4;l.w ile+t as-oi, meat in the e ~y. otabci.i:.: of sa i'll• I•latil Mid figured, silk, ginghasti and cuotua at Erie, nay 22. J.rrefrea. WHITE Bt u te mad rink 'Pailtons. embroideOM :11,,110 Jaen nem. Maglinp. Kook and Birhop Linn. Kivies :Mull,. and a 05cot aveormneuit of Drapery Muslin' for sale cbenp at . h.roe. May 2t P.l* i JacLowes lIIACK .French nrondeloths, Green ethl Blue Broadcloth. I) Black due skin eassimeres of every quality and style at May 211.-3 JACK:4I)NrS. ESTINliti. Plain and .figiiret silk and satin. Dud - . eassi nem*. Farmers satin, plain and flamed.' Wiwi.. ►iutl, and 11ersailes Vesting at the cheap store of ' JACKSON. • ose..Whiie. Brown. Colored and 'hurl colon. - Black Silk, au arsortnieuv of Ylinaien •nd end- Jaciaons. May I ADI F. White drens Hose , MN), 29.-1 11111.1 ll: and Bro. 1110. Bro. Lining. , Ittoe Littenfirlif.:llle -13 nuns, rhotoner l'ao.ituere and an endless sanely of other gi lids lor sale Citerp at ‘N . 3.lcpousr. Mny .11.-2 TTor rim YARN. Iron No to an, in any quaidity; nl! aced Carpet Wisp. ti hit. do: Wicking. Batting. Wadd,ni etc. . Jane 11 ISM. 3 • TlisAus Ir. Hay .n. Neve ing oda. No. 1 Wright's Block. le Street. • NOwwelting at the ahore . Old stand. one f the richest. moat comp...scan I hrilliant..tocka pi rood+ e brought to this market, among which are " - Innate de 'of new and rich de.ivn at v ions times. Laines. Fil,,ck and colored nil wooll-lriold b nl. Man clies•er. mod Scotch de Intinev—at low takes, Silks and Sat ino in great vAriety..intl wtnsnatly Cheap. • Benign, and Lawn.. a general iamatinent or very rich G ds roonon or nil color'.. wateyed. and plain. Ginglinin. mid Prints. in great variety. embracing the mor popular make. _ _ tihonth..—Cratte. Nillt, Rrosha. Catatonere and Tbibet Shnvele Ribhoos —Rootlet Ribbon..B3.h. Moulton. 4e. Ike Rountia—The Spring sit besot Itontiet-, directl) from the man ufacturer to large miutitine. and ;rm.% cheap Cloth. and trassitneres--0 large stock of Cloths and Caasitneres Of French nod American make ° LT As we hive Pt our employ the best of workmen. gentle men fan i.e Ilirnishel with a suit of cloth+ a hitie'r hen per ut our establishment than at arty other to the et:y.lllld Eta warranted. Our otuek of Heady4.2ada Clothing: • both skor Rove' and Melts' weir. la also very ertetaiire mutts worthy of the attention of iluese'de.iring CFt EA E,S AND DURABIL IT Y. Groceries of all 1‘.1n , 1“. not forgetting 25111 me the Nevi imported i`trtre eats fick.ol.l here for the wooer. ea.' he found cheap at Sy. I. 11 - 11;1We flfoeit:—.lon't m; . .take the Erie. April ce. I L 191 J. ROSENZWEIG & CO. UR R el FOR THE E A.P• t.i, #1.13 fr-r •) 'I DILL -Why. John what do you halloo for' . 11 John —Ol ohould tell you all about It you would halloo wore 'than I did. . . hitt —Then tell nie quirk. Ark* —Why. I war at JAMB KOMI'S Clothing Starr. No .7. Reed Ilcuise. and mieh a sight. awl such a selling. and such a grqsad ',gm never saw before. Ile ell. Clothing twang-five per tent elle:war than arts other store this side of - New York. Riff—Well. a hat has he got ? I i J...—11e hag all kind- of float. yon can Imagine. from a fine black Dress coat, down to a linen Coal and in Vests be 'easel be haat Ile has Satin Vests of all t - rods. and has Velvet and tlloth Vests also, the hest and prettiest sou eve , . teas ;.—awille tias the greatest assortment of Panif. in Erie. and be has them 1 cloudy P tits. that new .tylejaiti COW . out this . print. and what else do you think tie has Why. a Whale lo t 0 Ciotti:, Cassl mere. nail Vesting.. and a man ea go and get, is measure tak en for a whole slut fur little Ur nothing, Etll.—Vou have told MP so mach that. I am hound to go there and buy. _ •.. Jska.—Now, hold on, I have not told yon - all yet. Ile has the n.sortment or Collars. ttlatro. Underskirts. Drawer.. Pockki lia odketc la set's, Cravats, Travelii.g ba is and U tut... Jibs t et er SON Bill.—Now. I have hut thirty-five dollars with me. b.l w 11l go and buy that much at nny rate before he rel I, all. Join —I 1 , 011:1h1:1 little. only forty tire &Alm. worth and I can hardly carry them 81011 P: but I 8-111 going hollie naw Soit.r mgrs money and tell all the neighbor., nhont. (or I. knot:. its w their adVanta yr. aid you anted Snow that moot of :1 he. itiorekeep er. keep divvy ork ftliade l tutbing. but ne nag IDs t'utterin lbr .lore a ail Zeta every thine male ROL—Now. I know that!they don't half stew input. in N. York. Jni• =And Allolilef thing be ownr only for eakti. and I !O l e firm rare. beennoe aluvo, best pa) for what 'on' act. Vow. I tell rk bat hte Ilotto ir, a goon our too , -- (a".ck 14111,-. blin.lll Proribt." Well good bye to von. but clotsVorget Ai to Nn. I. Re •ut doorl...North mhle of the D•ahlood. Erie. April 49 !LAI/IES 1.1 .)R4l ER E, T.lll very be,4 Alerrintae Pruot. inn% !. h 4,1 I'm._ Citvzhnite Ur Ih r iiie% !O. U.. rii.usa4N I:er t .v. 4,1, 001 folk!, at the Nt w 1 ork earl, Prone' -I 44)ord ra.l oldie Erie Aant. : ' J. SIN EEN V. _Er ii...‘1:11 IS. 1-31. „ -o 1 5( 4, i YARD: 4 !hack It.t'uts :Ilk, (rum 4to II phallnurP per /- 4 7 ynt.l ph.t o:•cita.l plragr de Lamp. !brain.", I I,.ttep. 1:14111:1111.. etc . etc p pet the a...u,tp for the rcaPon. al price. tn..' 1 ccer% our Call tray at .I.IW 'l6 - 7. '111:B %Lei &II ‘lir.v..l , ___ Hki VI: tst.t • Peen 'hope eArtii.e Roa.tetv lAN arc wlltnt ktr One ktullar al No 3 herd Howe- J iti.e.l2-3. It cry"; it; CO. f 1;111311-13n Italian.' quarker little Whtte Fib jut rucei vett at • July 3 11-5.1 & rt!t...att *. Alci'.th 11. - SIiGA R cureelfann.—A small tot or very ni7e cauvapPed ru wit. cure.: lianas past oreett . ed Paul fur , le lor ' Jul) 3 lea el Ct Arm & NleCiavr.n. - _ ni es—A law lot of every variety - alpoSs the ntatha of tlw best will wi 'sate by ti RIC & 310 'ANTI AMALL lot oiler) owe dried Beef put up elpresSly tor sum- user rise and for sate 11. 8 CLAIM & MCCA IL a At. - VGtitTR. watt. Foal. Pork. Hams. fb.ta. (ken. Itutfer. Putaioetteon.lantly on baud and for .ale a. cl*..p a. the ebeapeet. W. F. aI‘DeILILCLIT. 1 1 11 - 4 V, ISM- • 3111MDICAZ..• • r I R. R 1 , 1111. KN continue* the practice of Methe lIIC and Priurger), • PIPI”le 0 by his Father ltr P Faolkuer. warn oc► ei.qoo requires thrice at - his Re.sileuee earner of Feenea and tight :greet.. Erie Is. June..• • • 3ao I. . _ __ 3 0 ~HI rf.ll.:auil,half Rids. of White I r. j '. and Trout UPe re• . ceived at June 10 h 32-11. StkaititTr & Gant's. - - - •PORNIA STORIL - _____ ___ G• ~"41 ) 14 1 11+ has removed to No 4. Brown 's mock. and is now opening a nett/rand one of the most rich and splendid atourtineuts of Pine Waiehes. Jewel ry. an Silver Ware thai.was ever offered in 'hi, city. embrac nu a4a . rerit variety of Watches cot afferent I. , cayainents. both gold d • Over. and the latest sty le of Chu i iiii..l 4 eal•..and Key • to match ether with the must fashionable Jeneity. comisting ul hue rold diamond. ruby, pe .rt and topaA P t Fuer It mg.. fish) And pearl Bruzichro and Early ;Wants. Bract lilts, &e. A !so. Gold Lockets. gold and silver Petit its. gold Pen., IIPS,•111 and tea 111p0U,S. rilliOlf Tong,' and Seooll. Napkin Rates and Portinunies. an arLota- Roma of rich Plated Ware. rms. Tea Setts. Knives, Forks. SPOone.l.ldleS. randlertiCkS, ands gfeat variety of rant!, and WWI Goads, bolls übelut and aflialliPtstal: Clock* of all dpacrii, I min from .1 11.1 to ellt, all of whir li will be sold as cheap it• the cheape•l aunt a little cheaper for ready pay. The attention of the former eiiiitomers 0111:Looms and the public generally is in vited to this mince. _ _. Jane .5.1 * .1:111•211911 CHAIRS:: 11 BARNUM ANI) JENNY4LIND(:IIAIRS. 'at ' Just .fririatd direct from au tit sy . sew York. . A .RGE and splendid aseortinent co , Cu..,... eonsitlting Or 2 - 1 ever, vartett and style. and pith** latest fashions. construe ( • ed by the most ceiettrate4 Eastern anotacturers , v. hick the sub scriber is now nrepared toadl at Bargain* than wasever offered ut_his community before. IMteresitiied•mly to I.e outdone, he is iy•WI• .repared to compete ei sib all competition. and orfere tmluceatents that cannot be tumid in any other establishment in this c it), ant no Mts. ke and in addition to hie stock of eastern work. he liana large assortment of his owl, manufacture. enthra r c t nit Settees of all sizes. table'.. chairs. children'. rocking chairs. and in tact every thing iii the chair line. • ' I The Ladies and Gent einem of Erie and *wintry are invited to trail and examine. wiser.: they will find greater bargabits, more theatit iful work and a hrger assortment at dw Old Nand than can :1w found in any other estaltholitueril in this city. • (bili and P/3111- foe and , suet and believe that the old eland is it,. tgacei fur great .bargaths.' .1, W.IA VP F 4 4. Nolltreast CofllefOCßlnle•lid Eighth .lterets: • N. 11 --All kind. of Repairmg Anne Punctually and on the most _ grit. June le Whit. ~ astruattle tennis * _____ S. .... . • 8.. T. HARRIS , . - • ' Ili ERCII A N T TA I L 0 - R,. - NO Main Street, (3 Doers South eJ Skersim'a) * Buffalo, rui IL 11. having opened as ertesietve uncle e1.,(b . r111%0 ttwll and Ironatomunt 0 4 the above tim i e, t fa his Aeterinonation to pay ele.uplre ;mention to the . CUSTOM BUSINESS. . . From the patronage which he has already received. from gentle men. Hr. H. feeic assured that the mode or, lug tivi nen. which he has adopted. does and wi give entire sati.lll , Ttkon to ail w ho desire have their garmenip , made up in Griot) T/terl Ennio the - tint quility of . • - .. ANT/ il•I O. 0 *a. a. w. r OX..t le . . • • win always be in atwOdnnee to wait upon Custothers:and take orders of gentleman wi.hing a genteel At and a fashionable pr ompt wile sip iu his hem timathnnua's .larnistling • 00945. -" •• of the Lairr4l Styles. eonsontly on hand. YOUTHS midi CHILDRE,PrS CLOT. LTG mods ps Mier WM , REITNJCS.I 4W Di://...rrcu. - June 11 lAN. • CRAPE, silk. Bun ge. Cashmere and caber sUmniershawis of all descriptions' , MI tyJoessint's BBLIC,of that Nice Honey dyrup Just reee z ved on tlwar Side at June 1111 0 31-4. 14..ARVIrTikPBAVVI. niatusirmr. nit: 8. e. BROWN thankful lbr the liberal patronare el tended to hue by tle• elliZettP of Erie and vieidity. would sat - that he is permanently located In hip oldatand onlr 4 tale where he limy be found at all timea ready 10 execute Den • I work in (he best ixionfible manner. He will aloe keep nn',Band portmerit of Dental stock Rar'llter accommodation of Dentists • the country. Denims Ire Invited to call. June.. ORINTS—Ftuou 4 centipet lard up to 111 ants, Pi 1. May 211.-3 Vulgar'? & so's. _ airrocf... , . Ilene* and Net& Ties. of every atpe at e Mai 14.-4 Jat=tar & '1) R. mAßcnisrs 172 1 311 1 1 PANE 0 AT11026011i200111 - ., 'rift dimotery of the allover, preparation haseittatitrith en a new era in the hivtorrof. the healing art ; it is. in tiutb• one of the greatest Medical tlii•coveries of the age, because it will cure more than nine-a , tem , . of a clas• of divtrenving hsearcs inettlental to females ' m every 'sine 'Or lite. nt.l - Mill have heretore rmi-ted ate best clots of the Me4iCal proess.on in nil countries. to .1 degree hey Ofni that of almost every other malady to which au) portion of the human fain sly is heir. The dines,-es to ahieh we refer are usually n by the teem of • remale Clomplitints. and comprinev all the illeranne meittetouhich females:lre lin- 1 ‘.ll t optC. Airmail three are erci.•is,,, I 't- , I. ,•4 J ~I I ic.: • f the Womb; Chronic Inftatitinumpu and Ulceration 01 the Womb ; Isle let Hadsiorrhage, or 100 - Mg; Ebbs Albo., or Wolter; 1'1110r0.0 . . 4 ; roll4fla, Suipteseed. and Itrue.ol3l Iterrirsiattms. Ike., with all their accotuisan) jolt evils. (.:direr eretirde.l,) of whattqcr ildratsOn and seterity: All 1 ti.e..e cOlOlO3 nil.. eall be pleasaativi Feely. and ceHasuly reuse- die.l by tin. prepainliwb ' 1%10 (lit 110* 01 Ibi. Med le Ilse to the confidence of the public are rireirrhetted it the tact of ii• lcsvin.2 reee.ved the tnprob.ition and lito•al nafrot,tit- of many jos:minden: for others of 11v 111e1' m i cal facillt, ip hoe 'lli I d Staley, some of wit° ti have voluntarily 1 11 Riven letters OF r mri.e.mla) inn. (see 'mulish et.) sustaining all that is clefused forme Catlenfooscoil as a cur ire agent. l'aMc4fWv. coma...dna c•aoh ict , dl info :son 1011eliing the napire, and aynt l i.,', f the hole di.easses together with lerfii Mottintalfrosi, Lad r• 4f the Isiftiest reseectat , lity i as cert.lied by the nut ..sit..aetr y a sulnyst) in the pamphlet. to all u Inch the *Deimos of Ladit r.-1.1 Practitioners is respectiully iuvitrd.'can 11 i be had g was at the -tore of CANTER 4115 BROTHER. • t ' , Ryer avrers-Pi B. Peckham. MD. (T ired N.Y. 1.. O. Flew- I ion. MM. Canandaigua. N Y. M. li• Milts. MD. Rucht4ier.' N. 'Y D. yrOttte. MD. Syracuse. N it prof . Duilbar.'H D, --. . ._ . . vl U. Baltimore. Md W. W. Pre*cott. MD. I 'ce,e40..4 N H. 'w York July'l7 '30.-thrim sin.) WI 1.11 111111.—A quatit.iy of lietnloek Joist soil• J for vale at thetelore of June It '5l-3. 14. 14111 - 7 r & • 0 . AIT ER...-1 1.4,, le, ndi;elll . .r Men . . Gaiill..n , of various Bales the store 1 June 111 1.454. 3 SlAs. TT & to. rs:w more f Dorm cheat, Pncarolr at 1. Erie June ip I-31 3 G. 11EEDEN & SIIN. D I,,MN ni•ii Eijibtuide.ed Lawasaellinic t leap at . I June 11 lc I. 3 G. ELDEN & 14101., Dor LlN: 4 ;lnd aregLde ldel.aines Pt 3 - J 0111.112 I . . 6 D. dIF.I.DEN & SUN. ' ... Rii : 4 :wenn !Shirting.. Colton Baiting dogma ylrit ±lll4 car d oct wrao a , -- Jour tt 1.52, S G. :1:1,11EN & ' , ..:41. li i i .... 5( tk).o $1:1 ,tlb' of all 11/41iiirs" .isttd erecii...d. AI". any qua out) of chew tug and 'molting tobacco tor .r.d.• l ow at 1, 3. - Veil tame, block. 4 . 1 . •CA RI "li4! (:ARI'ET'S!! VA IT Prrs!!! Ir y P. Are' 110 TKPIV3II7. II i.tuck of SIMI worth of Carpets, It t roczet,t, tting., !Icor Oil cloths, I usr, Watts l'arvelo &e.. to We. wit et) a good three ply en let. horn oar do tar 10 ni,.. ,iiiiiiiiia,., , i. ai d. Im:fa la VI arrant,l all %‘, ca ioii.i 3- to 6a. I nlrain with 00!. ' 111..7. .Ii Is. Cotton w 'tit VI Gr.] fit•ttre.l74 1 , 6 d. 3blllllllol..iii 1r. , 3111 in' 5-1 •Irriii.: Jac yard. hrot qt. tilt% floor oil cloth 31a. act) Ill'. !..Drllagl . lit've 1-4.1./111-1 ... Id .ta 14. Erte Mat, I i. 1. Tit TIIIIIA 1.14 & DAN' Kb t'AVE. or I,ftio!,d.t. Seetelt laghant• per.ietly fast co:foto ar llr. ii , ic Mat 11-J•-'. 1 Tick iiI.S. &II A YES— . 1--- 111E.;111.:10 , 11VARE 111 — Al. kt,II . I , I;TV '' - llfo T 7 11. AIC o'2l 0 c le PAIf T , I 7 (Ili l'hiladelphin, ' A RE now dottightiStnest•ott the:Moto:110a .trivingthr Insured .11i a participation i a the profit'. ofthe Compn .withoutiiabill ty beyond the ortittithi bald. it • Riskt.oponthei Erik • and t*nnalinaured on thr n 'at favorable term.. Lne.e. i'• 'lt I •11h,r.111% and prompt') mlimor I ire ri-kr on iiwhit:ol.l' Ltilditt2. UV! Oiller,4ol/C1 ..1 , 1 l 0 MT or country ,fora imutka im Min r.ri niatl) 1. . : - DIR Id"l'i!R.s.. s Jorcrh 11. Seal„ - !Janie, C. hand, Edmond 1. our r Theoplulto, l'auldlngl John 4.7. flat is, 11. June- Brooke. Robert Horton, i 1 John .Garrelt. • John E• Pedro-C . . . 11111,11% I'l4lll, ! iSa tit tter Edwards, George Serrell. Ilenr) I.a n relic* I David R. Starry Edward Darlinvon Charter Kelley. lrani R. D tvia. J. G. john-on, William roIW ell; W Ohm to. fitly. John . %en lin .. . Dr. c4.:1 Wawa., -Dr. R. :11.1111ston. John eller.Jr oie•nrer Me lit atm, nr4l-1. Newbould. Seco—. Wm. Martin Pre-'t enn he made to Ric Ti' A ppticati Cr,... Feb. ;lb. The Erie C • r • Foto t-• rin , l do.tiele-,1 It: cln-s to eve ,. . SCCOII.I ri k ibdp of.timHo to Iv be insured t' Tile (Imo. Ult... U BEM nt!..y mutual Insurance Compan7. ,111,0101 Rio ci %,,; it's , Formers Cwopniw., in vitti , ll (mat rtri - 14,..9) lit 111Ailf.l. Nu Id OW, 2 , 00 ihivirthOni, in which vir,nii4 oterr ii , tt, 1. 6r . m V 11132 1, and I • 111..,, N., 4..10 h th this I la..b, rsenai ••••• 1.• in tuntahr, 3K I'.IKEN rq. E XCE ED 81,300. idsrectors. Jame.. ft Thinlap, J 1!. iia , "11111. 1.0.. , twt At, John Zl.lowq l)•. . Peter F., Ibtrtau, It. .1. 111. 4:1.1rk, I••••• Ceu. Sclaleu. • J 11.Willottoo. • 1' 1 C E lit S . .J. 11 Tren.r. 1 JO GUN:N.Ii' fN a duf Wutlia tut & IV( i.this tIIUII trace tkrieejelnrs ITons 10 to 12, A. M., and from half pact 1 to 1. I Ma, 22. 1-d2l - 2 :nit I II %VIA. A l i .M.' Ja^k - 4on. 'CAM flier firot doct _ Farmers and Machanies* Mutual \ EWA L'llli INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. r o PlTTsituftaii. off,. replier Third end Smithfield .sireel, and arsik Thedropons 4 I ir.,l. .‘o. in„ Park tier. I rig. Pa. PRINCIPAI• firriel:S-I:r.e. Pa.. Wheeling. '4,..a , Memphis, Tenn.. St. •Lbuni, Nlo., - and Chicago Illinois. . • .Cirrani.y Capita! 1130.000. t T , Ille mann t 0(.131'00 0 Fa roirrs. 'llleeft lillre, %VOA I nctritr anti °illega l funned u k lie mutual twin to of eneli oilier iii ei.erit.iieline , niir are well, 1;% the pa v meal of the following an- Dual ileiruota. ti beeutile a I.iie illi tuber, tont h ill lie entitled to i f a Weetils bcoetit ilinin2 I/ . 0. pinniltl yow lw 41.-abled by if nien-e or accident r.ou Mie.t.lol2 to )0./r ord Ina cy 100. I M.S.. or Wel, phi.n All w Ito JO/ a thin Ainiurs ition are entitled to a tole al the elect ion of 0111(44 , , ni il to ii 11'1 le I pale in Ml' pi 0110 , of the .1'...0e tattoo. It we-ilia...lied i t a tile .01 I ;Willi 10111 i bli n.. ilelll2 loth mutu al :nut beneluh 6t 6.6 6i. ileiiyiii, :lad . ii 106 the low, lot Tale* COO. 10141`10 our it s iii.ty. • If 1,611111 ti INI 1 i Or .Ir3lllF AS BLE, Olt TAF ITS NO I—' 'l'llo-e'l'llo-e drawl If .1. for rite firm iwereii's whiter by wiy mg : erg 4 0 ..per year ara +b" per week i 3 I 4 . r•ott 1.1%7Y T:sra or AOlt TABLE or RAPES Nn. [(— Timme tiOldra it ing for the first WlTk•S•nirk.lers. I!) 0.11)111K." $J per yc.irdraw thddin per n'k 3 140 ..• - tall ... 7,36 • 6 i m P. 7.5 .• _ 7 .. • 10.00 .. $1 30 Admission Fee will tie charged der first 3 carotid ninst he paid nt the tune Of making i the application.' and I e first . ' f year's lielhl.11%101111•31 days. ' IEFETt.F.IsrCES . : Wkeeling Re retorts :,-Sanittrl F. lilac*. Esq.. James Bilker, Esq..l(humas Alexander. I:mt.. E. R. Bartleson. Publisher anal Proprietor oral's , Haul Winstling Times and Garette. Pittilawrik R.Y :—Hun:Mior.ilatursoil.(;eo.E Brown. rii.rier Shaier.ll.. It Lira.,; .ton, Juhu. tloorc. Hon H. W. 1V i,- 11111111.. Rev. J. ;Smith. Harrison Scutt. Messrs. Sroth & Scott. Etilrot ' . Lne *femme l 2: --B: Giant. Hon. James Thompson, Win. C. it Curly, IL F. et , and W n ,. A. t(altirauti. Ergs. a 0 F F I C: I.: II S': B. W.. Benultiont. President. W. M. Wilson, Vice Pirsident. G. H. Blown. #Sectetary. Wm. M. Wilson Treasurer. A. J. Childs. A. U. I 'iir isele. L: A 4 Nl'Maiders. Ft mince Co 11111 l Mee. Erie Jots 3 1-yri ' A. B. MTARIAND, Actuary. Id' Age•litsi wruilea. ... 6 ---- -NE%V..ll'illtli CASH STORE! . I Now Goods. 7lF.PUbfiTiller has Just opened Agent Agent for °Tirol' the tars em Holism , in Isms' York. in the mount on tim litamond fur occirpied by Mrs I Vatil. three doors l'4ist of the Erie .0 Itatil. a large a Moen, of new anal elegant gnats at purer tar below ant her°fore Mimed in this market. His stock entbra• era MI the vari les Mt. Maud in Dry Good establishment. of quail. ri i ties suited to e Try taste. and nt rate. accomniod tied in every puns. *heir: ro rv. tOpl e. as Gingham... is arraitted fast colors. at 11 eta per far ; Prints. best illerimne, at II cetitst_Parasois. Turkish Salim nt 01 Wt. Crape Shawls. new 'tat le. at differed i prices; a gssl a ticlent Irish Linen. nt 34 eentP Wool Detail's! SIM' Illusion, 'oirtatit Itraperi, 11.01 Ind Mllslin..Embroi.l,•rea Hanilkerchters4Milit9idered Cans. Lace Undresleves. !Mick and 0 Nte Silk veili,tert cheap. F:tuhrodered limonite". Illiderriet-es.. Tissue of ratio' colors. &e . &e. Also. Bloomer t.otig Combs, an elegant nut le it ith r'lssf I.inen ilandkerchiersr •I ten cis:, and Black Silk Innilkerebsegr. at & mtee its , New supplies; will be received regularly ever) week. The slaw riber invites an ernmittation (Allis goods and pricer., confident that he cannot be surtassed by Why similar establish. merit in the The business Will be condo ~P OI, she rash principle nitwit- Jot :S1 SWEkart EV . Erie. May 13. . 1 Ziige iv 111 . 0 above rater 4 • ••• 66 I 6 ea I 7 - • to 9 111 70 HAV F, opt reetiircil and rifre now opening a large and orient, imek of Sionmer ra nci i 1 nd ilia ple DRY llt u H IS, einbr; e• Jet almect eiery article in lair Dry Good* line tonally brought u thi• market. Theirl arcorinyrnt of - LA 111 ES kiU NI NEER DRESS GOODS. is Nil and complete; embracing a very great variety of rich an sidendid Good.. Wept:lmes add varieties too teil lOU* In eninueval Al-ii. i grrat varity of Ladies, Mi.ces and l'hildrciec Morirc -- A ""•'S'•' '• • ' Shoes. Men's Gaiteairete. A• large t and general acconment of l ISU dies eon w flowietta. Par role etci . Croekerv. Glassware. Na. by the licit or pound. Hardware, a iteiieral assortment of Gr i 'leo. etc.; all or any part of a bleb will be void unriaitally low 1 aceimmindating terniv, Most knots of country produce, taken V exchange for goodsq ; it WA NIT Eb.itood Diary Rutter. kw which the bigheit as • --------;- I 0. - I ket price will at ailiimea be, I F.rie June 19, 141. I. k t, t: c: T • •11 In become. aeluainted a ith the certiers of Tag ' j nem NOW ARRIV Fil. by, etpress. a large addition la iv Nal:les , will do 'relit° buy the Illuctrared Life stock °railcar iNare—soree new. and beatitiful patterrai ; paniptilci form. It may he had for 13 etc; al.o A -Spoons Fork.. a. Also, Diamond Jewelry and fine Broker of Gen. Ileott for one chilling 0 P 1 . B.Gl.aNllstiiN es CO. I Fin g er Ilh ar. Ear DraPv. to Jour Y 3 t .> IC P :NT- •We hare recened a annum of the v le. lllieh han Tern pronounced h.!, thoss eompe in riot ha Lead s a ;mi.,. both in point of incite.. of nni.h, hile its eo.t due* not exceed Jone it irsll S l'AlTill & "lowest& a. tent to ji(dge. fa , dew:away and MIME planar with s lier..of of Gen. Scott trii a Imo, lakeafat Erie Jolt) $ 13 --- NII 'RITA aziszincifitiT. .1; 1 1 • To THE PUBLIC! ' r li nn E r7 l i"....V.s he .4l"Tgrh h it i n . i sh n a h ck is e ht./11 1 4.7710 i l i b‘A uT.L l pe Pli s ir l ' strict attention to 'amines* to trwrit a contiiiiiiince of these 'QIE:Gt L 4 ELSEY have Just opened at No. .11 IVright . le . I. Block . Pia at.. an eaten...pie assortment of clout, Grorerie• . g ever I.rolight t this place. and a ill sell in quantities to suit pur chasers. at Whidesale or Retail- at IstsoistisselY low P ners. °"' Hr %mild also Inform the pi.lPic In 7riera I that he hat, just stock compile...ball articles licluiagnig to the trade. consisting in turned from Near York. an.. Is-now ri et. ing the largest assort part of . . . mint of wet and dry family Groceries. Pirh. yr "'Mrs. Liquillr litgaellt OW 1101, 04 Variety and Quali t y. %Vines. Nails, Glass Wood and Willow Ware ever locaighl - Plesrarts.mtlfl Swill's sfittisat West India B ^l l New ries'' , this market. which he. will ..II wliiiesale or retail as cheap molasses; Traitor every kind. price and qualltY. old I ;overnineol. the cheapest for Cash , tin One excepted. Please call and Jana. Imitlirrq Rio. Port Rico. and tit. Dothisilet 11 .:d'sffees- To - quality and prices bekire purehasina elpewhere Imago in all shapes and at all prices. Lamp. lard. and Linseed W. P. BINDER iFicir this. Spirits Tarpentatie. white Lead dry and in nil. Red Lend. I ~ Corner of Sib gr. Blare et Venetian Rel.ithurge. Chrome Gmene.ehronielellow. Lang.- ; Erie. May 112 , Ittle. Mark. ice. t '.e also hare Mte largest amontment of Immirt. - led Liquor evert brought to this market. direct (rota the Itutton ent.emmisting b( (hard, rovil.le. Pale rind Americati Brandies, Ifollnoil. tsaan and A Ilieritall Gin, Pure Juice and ituraitatios Port Wale. shirt. Madaira. Champions. -White and Claret' Wines. . . 1110. YON 4111FILI 4ND CLAYPOOL rrmisrEr. Constantly ontand by the barrel. onuiges and Lemons by the boa. also* e mat supply of Flour. Balt and Fish. The old e u men., o( C..3.egel. and our frleuds mil acquaint ale WO to' all alui enflame our Stock. . cr4 ed Prtidueelreeel ed is leuthalsite kir Geode. Ally 14 11014. 1 , i - •t • LT AY STRAW, 1111(1 lrrt SloCiE Cutlet. au tinier tluit ere!) , pergOti OVihing lion.e or Qm mould have. for .ale aft Abe Agricultural Wareliou-e of CLARKAr !Y•CARTER. May i l cs 2. . 2 J. KELL( .Agent THE - GREAT SECRET AT LAST I ISCOVEItED FOR THE OF CONSU PTION . It ". . , . - - , prEw SYSTEM AND NEW REME*IEft, TRIUMPHANT BUCCB. NUT' T A . I. L'' -S 41,1' . R' L A - C UAi T HE Caie fin Coughs. Colt* rtr. Confirmed, and Titie 4 , .per.usaillcadapted to e m b 9° F r ;UTa h r7 l ollsll ll l arie f i l PI T 41 :: ji thg Li T s bm t t a . c frP q i i i i t e inglili f k)lV-1 ! "Be "it Br " th ffic PTAt i O6 • - .! • .... . 1 I CONSOW,PTION.` ' FIUIT, STAG! . 1 t ' IIiCiPIENT.I. ' lipough, pain in the hires' , aide, head. back. Joins _ •CollealiMPTlO/Ile • . '. ' ' glaunation, st+ness, and tickling in the th . ri.,:t . * In Blue. Wrappers. - ~ J quick breathing. aepteivralias ihij64 ~.. a , —• • • ta it , IO . , XICOND STAGE : 1 , • SYR PTOM 8 . - CON FIRM ED -• r • COstivenees. aphsoodic tough. violent fever. mo t , ooNs U it p Tzosir. ; ,I uid day meat", beets Mash in the face, and ~.,._ - ..hditt in the palms of the hands and wir y r,,.,._ In Pink Wrappers. . j rise sear, torktes, and streatiuf math iii:::;• "" , . Ti I 'II D swear - SYMPTOMS. TUBERCULAR • .• rirrhsa. diminished. ever, cough. and lb w , ;',, • 00141501 S TIONI.- , . Il a n t‘ d d. r e we r t e l a in i g i lf tha deb e il s it t y rCtu fr rtit ue s. nt 4"th " LL . In Yellow Wrappers. • - . . . TO TIM AFFLICTED: L 7 The appearance in Tires Betties '.lft's Syrian's is a new iFra in si c : j ic ,... fr, and direct opposition to the of, as . , , . . • • Aniffirlin AND INCONSEITIIINT ONE BOTTLE SYTIIIITS4 While its success, prepared in this manner. (Each Bottle cOnta in ina atlifferent preparation.) on mini", gA,,, f,na characterize Csirrinarfirs. has established the Wthatise Path of the Curability of Every Stage of rulaboci,:ry t . ~,, ~ 1 r I'll YSIt.7IANS APPROVE' OF IT. because it is I.4seil upur e correct I•hysixesneal and Pathologic: 0! pi,, 0,4'• approre ell, because it is eontnina sense, and because the, *MOW from sad , that one perparation nil, n 0 t...,„ stages of Cissraisysion. 'hie steltering. disappointed. and diltetturageel Isiesdid stppreseu of it, becaute to print ipit. tw •.• able 'Heys. and when he sues .Nitititit's Syrianrs, his hopes are,reaaluaq. . IF III; I. IN Tllll FIRST ST. , IGE OF CONSUMP-TIDY and uses the Fire Raffle. his ex peetotal ion, difficult and thin tiful,,bsconies free and easy Ms Cuagh seem gets silt, ling in tan throat, iufl4lilatiou„ pain in his breast, side,, baelif joints. andlitillni are reunited. . • IF HE IS IN TII ';SECOND STAGE. and uses the second bottle. his fever leave% him, his distusted sh tiers become sweet and refreshing, ii,,, nig h t ~,,,,,,,,, pectoral son. copiont and WIWI V. a.PUISIf , a lwahli : 1 1.Pettrance9‘a , d at length dukirroarly, his ' , owlets berms' isc,, ' , ,, ~' eel it me. Mr flush in his cheek 'dlll.lll.p•mrs, the burning heat in I palms of his hands, and soles Of his feet, are fel t v.: tough now ceases, Ile reencerst?and is Kell. . • -' - IF LIE IS I.N Tll ,T'HIRD STAGE - , anJUsehrthe third brittle. his Diarrhoea cradually sec-es. his viltiik bowels beecnie strctig, his cough and other ltd r, ' pew., feeble digiation be-tomes iitrona and vezuroup. his stomach r err it proper tone, and creates new, rich. an ~,, i -.. his strength returns, his v. astcil body is clouted with tile.h. 1118 ,FE 1$ .k... 4 I'ED. and he is . . I RESTORED ''.o IIEALTII; . , Lich houleof Naftali's Syrietein pas the st niptoins of the stria fur which it is intended prlnted in front el' ihs ,„, every invalid knowing his own syloptdins.can judge for himself I IWUiCU BUTTI.E•IIE RfA4CIRES,II ew,,,,...,,,, ake can oeeur in selecting '0.,1 DE PROPER MED IEI N 1'....ri. cr:St ec PainphleSin posse-ti.on oldie Lditur of this Paper, e Inclining Dr. Nuttall's Pathology of Coreein.pi,,,,, 1, Structure and uses of the Unmanti Lung., and cernea of CURES. ILI Prepared only by Ur 'lt .ii.,., i Proprietor. 13:rvtoe. Si per Bottle. DR. IrM. LINDOP, .175, Chesnut Street, opfrosi r the White House, Phila. Agent for the P L. . , Removed front 26 Soulk Fifth Street. "Simail Pnifilsin# iv "..r..,,, Transactions." . , 'IA DISCOVERY TO in.rPi .rvri- - .le.if '7 , DURI.IN & SLOAN, S ,-v*.A., . I fe. . F.MPORIIrM OF 1 Cheap-Books o,nd StationerSN , _ __ _ No. 9, Broull's .. w 1 : arc tow upentint , the I. And St.illiniery ever li motto n ill he ...satali l'rpjai duo prepared to sell.. I. • rite, Illili il braces s till the standard viurks ItiAo. y, Bio Trrels by sea and Land. " Me Parlor and rircsif Xebec)* It Classic:3W Prayer. llown owl an eiolless variety it., 1111 IrOM 1M ... 5,14 e-ierii m ml,fm: 1 - 4 I /tit 1 .4 I ~ s 'lluN CH V' I endless VirirAiut Legli:Lt, Fr Conanerr tut and Loolisx.sett NeswEloot and toe Establishment.' *,Wm HA:24.1,1.F. awl !ririi . Toe subscrils rs stuuld worttt n speethilly announce . the ci,Jl.l.llb of sLtle and tte , Politi eoUntry . that they tit le loe.ete iltruetelvett in N... 'lt's Br. elate--t.. where ti e :1 ,- t • 00W, 4.0411 , 111 g. the laf . .it :IMI 1,1,4 Wier ed stock of Boot.. s•liue , .. l.e iihr . . JIM Ft Miltl +ever offere.t In (11 ,it). :mil are veil lir. :::, per rein. eltedlter inn ,I he cheapest.- Ntiiiii of our block is iit .A.rv. It uranttlacUire. t rni made of II i tx,t materials and 10. exi.efl ~..ed non,meor ~ ~0 0l iel l an t. amt.:mon ut our slue I. an uoi ilbu n Al be charged (or shun iiig,,— Omit fOrktei the place. Nu. tt I% iiglitlii Bloc 1.. . . 1 i ' %VI, rot & Nott - r..s P. $ . Conintry 7111ereh:,m, i 4, i o vied ID rail .. 1 ,10,,,,,,,,, ~,,, , r .10,1,. .4., n, it el ,u!,l tz ot•uo, i 9 • WI .. gilt oseizi P., is, :::iit nest ti. New Viol:. 44'e 41i• %le M . . 0 411e00../ — .10,1 WWI , lif ...i.:(11, .1 r....0,,,1 A,M irill 0 rim - la• Ili 44 ! . and 4...aine.. or eser) Kind ..Jitt fi ., lay, nitwit .:11 , 1 ..e ..,,...1 ~ che.,j, zt- eau It- bought in lintlalo Ihe •Ithr" Ate; ~... '-- • tie t• . " .I. ' ' 1 EpTinr, 1111 E rul.srrib • t n. now Keee mng a large Flock of Spril Side+ of Polueptte and 4.1,6 good...eletkiell with great car and bought much coral...l' 'hall could nave t.rn done Inc" wee. t riore. The pnbiaz rr re.ntek.ted au e.,il acid examine prieetl at mule•. and boa 'Wlii4l4! u ted Part ortilo rs next w eek. 11,.‘ 15. 1-52 SMITH J A 11011,4%, E. i I find.. New g R,e u a„,l u-coca • -I Seitrir.,ltist t••7eii rd, ;w3 for sal:. I s the 1,111 . nLI.. Ve ; . cheaper 'ban ever. Call and lee W. F. RES DERN Ala? 21.. 2 MILS;,.. of retired%er• dice 3 41,./ elwalp.,ju.t received by . %V. F. /KINDLY:NU:WI% \lad• 6 . 111111,i. rr j nal re.,e(l, dad xlLug 10.1 13 a s pee. gal., airt YU 61,1.. tv•11 11 nM , very tow. • W F. RlNlllf.RNEcarr. May 22, 'gar by. for rare cheap by ' , ' II) t ;8 " ..... it."2"4. 6.‘"- up. I W. F. lIIINDERNLCHT Ma} tr., 17511• • . . . - __________ t rill Ii.IGS R i,: - ...1'a pr. 1.-iii ira. and .1 . , l'od'e, just rer-r.... x 1 all., 1../r bale 111 coral, . the c lira peat. Nat 22.-1 W. F. R I NI DF.R iti ECM'. • - 1111•4 ri l Rt tO %o. I.ilein inits. Sehr pa... lm A•O4/ ilk ( 0.. Gra , i + chewing and suiLiat.iog lionaceo lit the pound or paper t May '-`2-1 -I W. F. BIN DERN Ecirr riv) TIME Br I LDING tot ~,,,„h 1 0 1,,,,, , Vi c , )OUT t. I Locks. blithely. thine.' SereWs. and in tact any kind' Hardware. at low lien res. I tit fan to call at the r heap Dar ware Sjore. No 3 p,rd nom.. May 1.1-.1. girt:l%i R LLD, 'V An IX and ~orket entierti. die „e-sa...o,inican in thy, c t$ 1. 'No. 3 Reed Douse. law 21*.i1:-2. El ( ' FES REl:tli. 1)11CD ER'S ..‘, 4 1 WS. Saw J:latie.". 6o • .•e,. a 'lli : 4 41.,1% :It . . 1.1 lErle. Mayl2 'Sat —l. _I R(' FE'S REED'S. I Seanylr.i Hags, ally . Dalt tilq COM Nary O aau Ca; Imo Wa 3( n y, r I.) the Bale or lebi,roman) at Erie...1,11,e 5 1 StiritETT & Cr At. --- -- IP7 k. C. IBRALET. ...7 %V( Ilt; LI) -4 to hori.e on Hero that he hak the , rrll of orarlt the entire race of omen reined for hors.. dud n it h a tintalwrial learo prarti will be able to, gtre satisfaction ;Worrell)* either as a farrier Surgeon. • , fO . Meager:ill nil ni . &Bre at the Canal Stable near the out lock of the Erie Ettengion Canal, and fudge or )04n . riVe... ' Jau. 3, it4l.--1y31, , :. . . E, C4rPATTNE7IIIiII. Wil o . e l.l i ." ., N r l in ß e A' ?IL NAN Fnit I) have th day for rshen as Ilatt M R ker:•and Collertio;t and Efrhav Broken, under tbiltiresi of .. BAN & ()Mee "Bea ty's Block," I .IWeell t4le and Peach weeks, Pub Square. Erie.llll. Jan I, 161. ni EM - ERY'S IVROVE I ),,CORN PLANTER, k lair' !US h S e i Sower. F NARMI es welt rage emit and examine Wig exce ll ent NI eluur fur Planti Mourn Also, an eirprove Canna, for gurrynathe earth beegierli 'Tile) are now bound to be hi nure with atittpulwereging th May 22 —= NEW Goonif ARDIYKI. NO 3 PARRY 131 lagav ing on Wood s i a 7 TttEitetiherigreredtoxreuteall orders' in and i Flotels.Storor Factories. Machinery, Sec lanes! Meals. 1 11 11.1' • Canto, Show USK ke„&e., Onieraattended to without Ilelay.ebarget moderate. .- ' • Fredonia. July V. ISIS i M.S. Mtn 1 FROM AUCTION. DARAionts. a itibbatia, also. MO ttoz Little °- A briek liati4k.b. • pet. to loose *ay 1 MK gt TIRBALS gr. HAYES Yew Itotrl, Stat*st. are.,tawl 'K.:et ameostment of Books 'foil eta to this market: and ii Gor rd NaillierVlllS Tratutactsons." we are lel? . competition. Our variel) eut. () raphy. Romance. - Writ/.. a Ad rentures. Booksfo' c. Gylliooks fur all ages. biiks, Bible's. Testaments . and Psolos Books. .111110t1s to 1114 . 1111UU Blank Book (Wier ah‘..% oil 11.111 d. it,PART%IENT will embrace a mirli...iiii American Cap. I.ei,te OW Pones, 4* ith, _ i f nor Cultivator. It was Rya ti corn and other crop, 11l rowsl :alas preint in mixing the tine n 'wit anni poa tog For rale by CLARK Sr. NIcrARTER. 6tateStrecl. Erie. Pa 000D1114 F & KEPI.F.R. inch- brATE JTREET. STOCKTON St FIUME Afr , i 'SYMPTOMS posiTiv F. renle4) 't• now knot, B.lBB.eee, .18 I. A. V.v.:Co ANI 81.81" N. !erpect to he B,B.shete. - 1 wail et uM ore a. rt.+w b. made. Procure .1 . 1.4111;411e-I (ruin thr agent .our faith lb .tilt NUSerti.g, %Eitl , rer. m.r • looltle. anti cuithrin the , act 1,2, tour owl e. hate doubted litie iwt. awl bt a trial. a - T nu,t feet Cure. 'I he u., of one bOvile , a tilt either that another hOl a renual.ll.ll thew urk. ion it h .) , the down. "this Ir. applied to ..tte seat .. , 41. to the - p.trts /1111,C. deeoritposes the ne and heals the so/elite- all at the we tune ti. tt , tilia. and this is its- best reentathenbation I tre.nwed With this disagreeable malady. that tr r. 1,• by tin 'Anodyne nil. 'rite ittrections are 1.1 aml -honk' he .inept f.Aloyted order IP the ..utterer tt ho q ill not try it. Gettrf.ll ,Seuteea et . Ifistlalo N. V ' Thu- said:4 , le Medi - me t. for "air in Vtiv I Brother aiut.l TI. Burton &Co 3 ; v I'harle, E. Vale.. P ‘, , Erie. iN - r1 trit. 'Afannfac tor. r- LIVER COMM' JAUNDIr E. DI'S EPSIA. Cif Ro \lr r N'OUS DEBILFLY. DIsLAz4::: THE KIDNEI:3. rift' kf‘f illth ritf , l brat If Li VI(, 4 11•1( tr frtrli AS 1:111.1TIP•TII.N. 1 %1t .t11. Ft TEA,. oft lif 1.41 M f• Tilt / 4- 10314 , 11. N• I t. N, • • 11.4 f ., Pr roll / . 414 , 10, Fu 1.•11 Oft it• I I STOM cert. Mate t ti[ , r 1 4 1 , 11t1 , .. fir "' I:1 I •1 , 10,1 /It SIOM 4 , lb, 'lot It. ‘ll‘4l !.P i wit Plynct ; r Irsro t t • o•r• 31 • - - •• ‘11,1 , ... 1• % 1111.; s OR 11 pa. • . Lllffif 1, F, ;.I , lt /.• 1 r i , • , Ile , It. • Troy, Vt.! Lt. , * sr... Jr Thr rcn .an Err- rAtlft • IN Tlllr • Bark: Irlrrrl'.l.llltar. itra.Dirs Fl.r,-rITS gr•lt. n• • rti,r,com.T•NT 6 1:1:11INGA fir EVIL ALIttIGILI.A. deur rs, can be etrectually cured by PR. I 10()FLA . CELEBR.II'EII CEfI.IfJX Bl Pli.e.rAlt St •7 . DR. C. M. ACKSON I AtTIJE GERMAN DIME STt 120, Area Its Philamjalphia. Their purer Orel' the abyss lire iss is en, isesfe. 3 _. hg elily stir preparaLson roe the Cseled Sieges as the , a, Inner rases apershalltal piqrsisies hadfiaalsel. Tim Bitters :a °Way the Attent.on of snr:-+. *.• I err., t virtue.; ,riti,se frct..icai /WI Of 1/1.4/04 . 1 c0.i 3 0% ... .. • t"iltld. , ' Wien . ' 61(1; le ibty-t,earc Wing ii3O% cr. ,e, n • ..o. • -... ' ; •CCI•Ate ci t he dige.t v. r organs. the) are 141.11..I.:-.4,e. c. ... d I h. avant. i RE.ID AliD BE t.'0XV0.11:11. The edible Paid, llre, ' Dr. ilor,t'a.fsf t 111,10,11 Gerais* %brie-. r r ottuilniat, g):.1 r • ;; , de•zett &Air Lt -t • Flatero have Teen twee! IS thnu-al, 1,,, • .. v . ; wads be Ilan hrtueelt tereured an eller' na I r , ILaver trona Inc use of 'h.* ri rued!. ear.. , tbal, in the fire or the-e Bitter% the 'when' r •i. Attend!" and vigor—a tact worth) o n lffe ,, i are pleavatit,in taste and smell. and e.ta the moa t .115USACIL. with I , ntriy. ten is r We are .peaking Irian experience. and in the Er !.e their use., " 144 ' , Yrell VrEIMI.T." one of the best I.itei at) rr, r A. , r. 625 - HICKIrrAvr4 Graw• • 3ITTEnS. manufacrlrt " • son, are now treommeaded by some uf t! e - Lem ofthe [acuity as as article of murk .'!Rears t• - weakness. As stieh is the ca a e'w uoid obtain a book. and Ohs pave theatre% es Ism, soas of debit mated coast:ll3lton wilt Wad Me, to to their health.' as we kilo • • from extrer‘emt t. • feet they have upon weak systems." MORE r. EVIDENt 4 . 1 The "Ph Toutelphia Saturday Garrite." the !Ts! 1- :per iu the Untied etatess. VIPNEIIIOI'IO43 , of 1 • lilt. Ili iol'L.l ND'S GENNIAN .11ITT I eil l "It ii seldom that we recommend it hat are tern s. I.+ I 'eines, to the confidence and patronage of our re - . s - • tWe when we to-wain:lnd Dr .11nortanits Gretna n It.': , it to be distinctly understood that we are s ripen k i...:' trim. of the day. that are noised about fora Arid 1. ,,, , forgotten rifler therhave ilotre the' r guilty rate ut i....- • , a Jill theme long estaldishe.i. unrversalty pri/e.l. ~..., we; the hearty apprOLIII of the taculty itsett.!' _ Et Wenee noon evidence has been reeeivevl (like tlr from all reetions Ortht Ut111)11. the lasuhree year% an lett! testimonv n it+ favor. is. that there it more of a 1 . i pirractree of the n Ruhr Pht;arr tans of Ph tiartstpara. t , e' noetruttis ecnobt 'led; a fact that can easily be ertahl r ' ty pros ing that a St lent flit preparation w ill sheet w i , n OttrOva I w hen presented even in Ilia. for lii. 1 ; That thii.nte4ieine o ill turf. I.iir'r l'aintitairit no one can doubt after osier; it as ihrected I. 'IA volt the stomach and liver; it is preferable to sal.. hoar rfarartes - the effect is immediate .The} e.i. . to feinalet , , or int - mils. ith +tato) and reliable t BEWARE OF COUNTERVH - 1 This medicine ha4flita inert that flir..lleharaet. vary for all mecteiues to Ottani tr , molar, forth sputiottb artielesat the liak of the lire: ot ryxeutly det,riveLl: Look well to the marks of the Gee.,4 Thry have the at ritien aiettaiurr of 1 . % 11.'1 ti wrapper:ztid him same ' , town th the boner, orai. , a: vas - mos. Fur .ale Whoteralr and Regal' stele ' GERMAN 'MEDICINE iFTORr- No. PIO Arch •t , eet,. one door below :'t a lk. ' by respectable dealers generally throushout n,r 0.. a". PRICES REDUCED. - To enable all classes p( invalids to cup) the real •re►tVrauce powers. ' Single Btottle 75 Cents. Also for sale by Caner t• Profiler, son it 4.10 ff. McKean Corners., Pa.; aid J. Cunt, ti Jan. I. 1.42.--3 I To the, Inhabitants of Harborereek. d ilimit, fili an eenield and all afters ait Eri. TAKE NOTICE I , WM. P. RINURRNECIII'of F.:learnt A F le. I creek have purchased the entire awl . I •••'''' 0 King and la mswii at Moorheadv file in flarlirLic NO , ' - eontit Us till merea tale business in all us I is! .•h * ? 11/ stand o, k mit and Rr wn. wander the aim*: ' 4. pilll .: • RINDERECIII' lit it)NE , lii addition to our present Stock we wall reer,s; Li a ' I by Railroad from New York all styles of int '• '' '"'''.. Ir . Croeltert.Gliss ware. Ire ti.Strele. iiarks,P.ies•ri'f..!.. I ever)thing generally kept in a Grocery • rid I'm le' I alai place. thir Mono shall he to sell cheat.. f its L l.t" • I We invite the citizens of I,t;e' whose Daff,t 1.." . If and examine ore stock and prates and la we r .nl•tit . •': 4. : as large a stock of goods as some in Erie we .• o c • ' rood ainnietnient of evri) thine and at price, On , .• %Yams' in eteleanne Ibc tooth , . rark• II"'" I " .' • . Ont., Cum Flour, Reans,.dried Aoples an.! l'. L. I. t 111 e kr. Ai •ei. •-• .--'''' , and 11Feflo Silks am, by 4 `.0n4 13 tent% a yard, and u bcauitial e.. at ibeNevw York Cash !tore. Junes_- t-; — EvaCk r ; i)R. C. J. Vox. of New York City. 'has nom •' • s in the cat of Erie. li•f the treatment an ""•' - the Eye, ID all Obeli Wt t been in active practice for several ve.irs in if"' ..0 • menu: of the .eir nee of Medicine. he t thaeares admitting of cure ma. be aCei.ini •'• rrrairws• Prot. Mott and Factitt3 1.• Marsh and ninths of Albany kktltc al l'..lteitr • is Infirmary. Utica. N. It'. of Office with DP. Brownntil; N 0.3. nusbe" .1. "" I , i Erie: June 3. - . TiNPRE penny Prints rod shining ttiegh. , - . . ILL ale rare *NO yards or there .1 )14d.trr I' ot• ranted perfectly hut also. I yards Orin r r°''' per yard. hate It Ha • :IC Tate•i• k Ali ONEYS remitted tothe Old "co l ist4o. go: a 44 /RA tertar.ou oar respeasibility. gAli - lee . Teh. 11111. seats Pork - • . Fr'iuw"ri ,3