El News lrir Telegraph aid Mail fl O'ItILLYII LINE. A„. J t n * SLOAN'S Book Store, Igo. 9, Itreem's New Hto.4. " h i t h e officers of the Clay. against whom warrants yesterday. hays been arrested. except Copt. confined in his beii,by illness. the bail case, ts $l.OOO. Kettle axe has. boon postponed till next Thum- / " • . Muir/ix. Aug 4. 14, Noire frontLive,rpool the 24th alt.. arrived ear- She biings fa passenger'. Th 4 I.:iveriniol Cotton Market in the early part of the seeli was very quiet. with a alight decline. Sales abostt b.iles per thy. ; to the yer part of the week the awir liit assumed a firmer tone. with increasing Die . 41 „ o f t h e week were 32.000 bales at steady pri i t,,)od-brands Ilour *ere held firmly._ N t political'news e l f importance. , New Yotre. August 4. proceed.ngsni the Coroner's Jury I. lowest igloo • ,5 cause of theist, Outer. after a session of Ere .58 brought to a close at 10 o'clock last night—by rem &tali i verdict holding the officers and owners•of the Ws: respuusibls for the deaths which occurred. • Dcattque. August 3. The electiim in fora jezterday, (Mm the present a • I.oll3bCfl hai rerulteclin the re-e%cctioa to Congress from ,ho fYisiort, of Bernhard peon. Democrat. Becokd I) Wxt doubtful. but supposed to be in tarot of Clark I),erat. J. %Ave naticod but two voluutoers a the blesiesn , „ -Dine insinuations against Gen.. rolls' I ) a these w. . Petal: ad upon i tito rolls' as • I, 4 the other,all drsertir.—Coacikil Patriot. tiv,iletiopmpers mo-t given to Fetftd.flg Is' of uleo ••coweni" and “detrter," are ,- Ask moot heartily with Tom Corwin j h”. tyn i itureds su , t h that the Mexican's would “wel• ci ,a•'• oar 'neve volu nteers "wklht . bloudy hands to hos frettrs • A Lie— Maier Omni H Cha se . o r the J S Vat* E i egieesr Corps. an. officer who is eaten , ko,mvii and highly respected. in writing to the •d -t-the Wimbledon Union. says— •• the clogs hope to succeed by reckless aspersions bsrieter of their presidential opponent. 1 eatfiell our. Siata at least IhM will signally fail; for Lumens af•whiga.will unite with such A .Looker.Looker . Veuma." is denoipeing means." The New York Thbune says: A. follthe Platform it. we execrate it s we spit upon hick lortilma Stat• seminal replies: ”What iinoble par- Thtty moral their eetschclate from thtembrales of Na• and run:with a Spittoon , fur a PLit " The:teensylcani f in sate it has chissrintr acCounte •"•0a M +r? la d. It ie , assured . by friendi that 'that State no%er d et cast her 'electoral vote for a Democrutic . s win; in :` , l4vemberi next; give a m.jority t cr and K.llt. .1_ i j o'( TLIIICTION Or Cliet111*1111: To Tile lILALING Aar Lf.• !hit Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is' a chemical Ms. :set t 1.11.1 Y CIVESIO why the ittstinOttehed Professors of ence: (Stillman. Hitciscuck. Webster and, Cleve thtl,ll,tv• given their certificatei is its fuser. None u burr judge of its infra' then' iheso erniuent men. r 'uatueo would be • , nuffie4tsnt guarantee of its sue, d eOrrieuco had not alrestfk proven to the - pub ,s 0110 of the most eff'l,cll44entedipe fur affec ut the t!troat - aud lopgs ever IleToro them.— Scien t Rcr. len% '. 11.n..'r. - .1- of our elllZCll4lCOMplaiii ilf del lily and !angoor ' • ..,- , ••,...d. , r.0 gemetillilfitre Is rit find 01011aCII, want 01 a . I. ..1... , lile . l me frequently the retnft of ,e one aiiditalf i, lii. ~..inl oilier cause, Vie eannbtlhere name: hut we w. od .:. s, ,dhtted, do as' we have done—gel a bottle or t .0 of 11. i ll ,r.. 4. Gerus.m Iltifierq. prepared by Dr. Jaek,:on and. ~ ..,4, 1 fee IT, )ou 44 ill he cured Vlrs! rist.:.n4,spuJ .1. .....4:- L.. k tr... ‘n2 Iron, ea - permute that it ,s iduch .prior I the gen-, . ,I. ..1),..n.. I mrdtetnea. %%e could $3) tootrc sea ere, por , t.,..m unit,. prepared by Dr. I'. M ide1...00, k alt Iphia. I gull ' MARRIED.- .- In M'Keen, on the 2,1 inst. by Rev. IA. Purse. • FE i.a! I% Ft.t.t.ows. and Miss Maft 1.. Syaabi i i_r_ir • (In Ttu .le.day evoug list. by the l ß . , . MrLoa , , M • u 1 I. Suu.wil, and Mrodiansaft ' V 1111111154 both of !.. ' 'DIED. . / i'n ; h r Gal inst., in this city. M kart% Seel:lN:cu. for t•ia .' of Getter; N Y.. aged, 57 v - eari.l3 months and :1;5. Th et fu rail 'sermon a ill b‘preoched on. Sta Imlay . .iarrow) late noon at 3 o.'clock. is tha CniveiSalist ~ 1 1 the 2n4inek.. GintAi.nts•E ANN't, only daughter of : D. H. 1 I'l3ride, aged 7 years mid 2 weeks. on the Ist inst.. Mr. Ite)SY.II(T . ST2RItZIr„ of Millereek . aced G 6 years • '%3 the 2nd inst.. in this city. aftei a protracted illness, *II t aco . of Gaya Sanford. Esq. . (In 29th plt.i an this city, HE NRY . slEuriann.. yen of B and E. -W. Haverstick. aged - 18 months and 0 XII ARD AVADZINIT.. 11-11 Fell Term of this i logittettiOn wtlt comtnence ‘%ecttesday. the lerday o(Septembernext. nod arse of P. E. PILLSIICRY. A. - M.. is Principa by Alias-M. L. Fsrtwri.r..-,Preceptress io th Deplartoreut,- Miss Fl. L. Saga's. Teacher in th Department, and Eowis Fariansm, Teacher • • rnan,top and Drawing: 10 , ruet.on will also be given in Vocal and lustrianie \lox—ad-11v upon the Piano Forme. or blelodio, rd,tig to the choice' or the pupil. !. i n.. I ustitupon has just completed iis first lAeadeip during which titne there have helm over 250 pa a attendance in the. different Depertmena. Th • esly well 'established reputation f the Princip, iftid the unqualified sppiobation of sue of students ens( scattered over this and the a. S,iorg, render it minim y forth& Trustees • 'win on railer the qualification of the Teachers, . edurse of instruction here spurs 1 1 ,” wine tint., Aber would not.coeceal t „ •.t e-n6dence whickt they feel in the permanen. • I iution, nor their h.gh anticipations or f • F, C •• and stiecejso. JAMES -NI I LES l'res't. Uert s R. - • .ir4rd Aug. 7 '52-13, V 7 A i NTEDI ,•• e. IA 11 tod• of pod tiny—Mg° 23eord. •'.. I ...I n h the lint be.* market frier u ill be pat r the stove armies bring thew along. TO PRlNTa i rt... "..t,5..1 fir , . 9 Brown's Meek. by the subaeribera, • _ •- •t nt of Slither'w leper rine Book- Tob. and Maws Ink, • an+tintanopf flb earh.-Aliso; Red Gre k 1 ho.r isiw ant cannot flia a better article. 1-5.1. 10 k l LOON. FIENZIT - 11, BLCkAN, T 111, ()RI AND CLOTHIER.' kf•adire.,. heiress Dev god Fattens alsiet. Me riwlk. 11 1 . / rti GOON of thefts...4kt soviets roost.* tn.; , Vouthe and rhii.lreo's CI. o sift ticatiseis and • ON HAND. al No. 9. frow'n's Block estate street. • • 4 . , h:siss s is Magazine tor Auuust. s•s .. • .. " " Lifein New Yong, or the flieeret order of _ F_rse I.lly 17-10 1) , i,.i & 141.0 Aw NAP GOODS. RT(IN kV°. are jut ',caring a !hive P iippty ' -•• P 2 ant*. tills. ate. Their old 'custorne • :ter:Cl) are incited to calf, arid examine quail • • :' , .owillaro hereafter. - 14p5 Rced House, I ...J.: • ;.ne t f4miti to begin a Aloging elan . ••• I 'bid,' so if M or In awl will take an in ", s.u.l••'.dzf rar bine in the old inutile system is alma J.l that th- called' hew system. (iiingi di a bi bract iee4 The temente the snit ;,' ”th I gi‘e during the summer season Iwo Iceto at 6 P. N. and Saturda) at 10 A. M. J 8 I WM. WILLING.N( I TICT IV - Prti- 7 A MLANING. •• • "A 41 *Ilfa - tly'.undersuiod by GU madras irrterftsl • 141,iieso moil be eloped 1111 ioiout any fu ' "" , mq be avoided on , the part of those owing, aefOlint this ran ottly be *ode by making pa • uu, arranking the saute before the Ist'of he a in ihortnatter esadiy *hat 1 oaf. , I; 1 - zrt lip • • J . : I).,CILARK. Settlement l — S•ttleinant U . R`./N4 tit.lt . bleil to us will New call and actUe before '. 1 , 1,r, GI - A ugiut, next. . tit •.,,/ ii• I-52—IU ooL: arooLts . , I, idirefrilarket prier paid for Wool by r 17-,tif Ties &La ili. NAT'S. NO. I NrOWlr li nkifigi ''" I r Ind liguted into, selliug tow at I. Ne jut ) 17 p,4 41 COOK'S, TOrnip 0041 d. 0 (Pt the [limb best liinclb of Tamil for sale la No. s [limb by I CLARK & C&ILTEL • ,N IP Wag ot Wi)opt 411 Norton's 11:411,11 sad vramdol. 142 7 ?kw Yoit. Aug. 4. , Pashlonable .1 TH E Sub...el era I patronage of Ibrie for the call their atiei ferreted a new othot a. . .. I t ' v .,..l;i r :t o tk l a h C Romiii. he ir .v r 'l / if ' ".• R I " I • on and acc nimmillie lins ot I t i r l l ; n r i rils .l a - ri:l n freni r" . l e u t l i ' d hopes Mt 10 his natal Pile 34 111 II? il.ing -yowl v." ite not only eoll4llloe in theist confidence. nut also. iti • their influence. a .1 by h`+ 0%11 Ititegritt and ialientioik to 1004 ilers to vet ure lilerdl Wire of the ii bile patronage `thigh lie re.teredbillt vo COI!. IS i i% At 4nd ',stir) Cli Gime made or 'er and Vint ing for ot er.. to in Ote 0. done it ii I care on./ pr lupines/. Er ie,Jul t.5.1..32J0HN GOA 1.1):14G. - 0 T lIIF , CA /MOT WATagt LL .41%0 EN MOP: V(' Irott#lsELlTs. T"pub-yr - then. %OHd adopt flu. Delimit of returning their v tiOcrre tbanks to th citizn. of :tie . .jn CleMill • owl the pub e o..tierallt. for the libefal pa retinae Iry nett° eideridell in tlie a. and would riate that they hay¢ Piot received from the City oft. 'ew YOrk and ettriwive it....orttue tof / (:ABINE'r AVARE, /embracing Mahogint Sofas of ditieren iit lee. Mahogany Fiencli ti.e.loteadis and Chair.. Nl:Mod:in) Told . n dlit and without %Int life Tops, a itli a tut of other articles t o onnedons for tletS•paper il deta nil of n liieh are o ff ered at prie l ower ith•rn they can be ii lune toted Isi any other eidablirtunent ra of "..Ow York. ''his is , i m 1 in no 11. of empty boost. but Olivia it e nt lotion of • its ' Taira, as all n ill find who may take the tronGle to inyt.tute a F.•.......t kr.al Irrifteltrillll. , 3 hey4 i :ltiiine to maniirtenire all va wiles l Cahtnet Ware - They 1 111 themselves int constant re line..o furnivh. al the snoriert tier. articles of wh o ver si le or quality Confident of their ability to give viol-faction. the intiite im their moot. and their fictlitimi fdr &Jump:Nil and ohe work, the attention of the eltlLells of the . city and county.' 1 M iiir Loses of all macs kept cOnstrit on ha i iid. _Erie. Auly 21, I J. Rut' rr h. Co. ______, ___+:__, _ ____ ___ Tub • ic Van tee. TN e`tinserpienee of the out vont.. rha ;tie to in south for a year 1 0 , to. he will ellerLe 94 I'llblle Yen ie. on the prentilw, where lie now hot.. in Ilt a rboreritik tun nolo i. near Bealey's T.1“.1 . 11. OS SATURDAY. AU( UST 1 14. 18:J2, at 10 o clock.. a. M. the Conon iit dreier bed p pent', viz i .2 line_ te...:11 . 0114.. JU SON,. a lot of 1 (wit F. r nine 1e1,..11., a number 01111Vel, if Bees. some itOrztl He .;) lIIIN TURF: Sin- Nlill i i ...pig. IV.l2ron and flame., tegett r ith sunny other n•tieler 1 ,0 mul t rli.lll. IQ Illel/11011.) I t *ELK Mitz.-Sitdis under 83 00 C ith tio ilie dot of Sale. SIMS Over Moto credit of six or 11111110 111 ill I.en en upon good r idorred paper. JO IN 11. MILLS li irliorr rei It. July r 27 1'32 1 ttl3 Gittli&T DA N Ti) r. limel i • • •irr.i. i.l 0 ben the inn i vbe stet° reduce thert Ana. of:41141111er 11;0011'i by otfe en I.IIeIII without regard to eOlll. at such prices that every one Mt has ti tiey Will not tail op buy.' - bur newirtment of Summ r P IS large, and Great Is 3 rg i, o* 6re in store for those that gall Kiwi. Erie. Jitly :I -12 CAM* I.f.lik BENNETT._ 2 OflOf THarreis New , York Mills Floor. just 4round *reel. from 1./ minim M hite Vt Mat, and warranted good. for vale by C. July 31. et rail. Te & GP! AY. • Barrelsot, Jug treet ived -r and• tor rate I.) I_OQ f:rie. July 31, STIRRETT &CR et I. GUNNISON &CO . • PAIRIIINT GONSOAX• .EURR STONE 141 ILLS TO the above Milli have Wert awarded. tit idiferent time,, in the United States and the Cauadea, ', THIRTY-NINE PREMIUMS! They are of simple construetion.eircenpying but a smell entices are durabk.,.(the grinding surface being composed of the thole_ eat Preget+ Harr Stone.) and may he attached to any motive pow er. either Horse. Vied. Water or Stitt in, atil:reailtly as any mill n ,sy gemio.atone,—doi n g its work vi ith 'Oat rapidity and per fl•etiotv--are rar.ily kept in order, and po , de hied advantages over the flat stone null., in that they can bit put up at much less cost, end require 34 per cent. less inner to pprrate them— the name II nit* te,, due noon to tend timiu—andgrind more ere The Conical Mill IS a perfect Grist Mill iil miniature: it I well adepted to the wants of the community. and is undoubtedly the Cheapest and but Na l ever idiri4 S. Ile Pillar. • N. R.—All communications (posi.patd)owdi receive prompt attelitiOn. addreesed to CHARLES ROSS. Manufacturer. ROetrZ eviler, N. 1"., Aqueduct Street. oppostte the !Arcade, or JoSEPII SED.;IIIItHEER, General Agent, Erie, Pa. '' ) 1 Vettoeve. 4.. Lauren Crt. April M. 1f4 7 - thave tried the Conical Patent Mill forge ding corn, bad have (mind it to answer admirably. No planter ;that is not in the vi cinity f a public mill ought to be without tie. if he can afford to pure mat.; and his family is sufficiently 1 ge to require the isse r of it : wise I would suggest that:sever fanners ora Neigh both should .. it e tite to purchase orlie In e moo, which he MI vi cinity establiiibeil in a rural Poe:tion, wo9ld be accessible mall. i Very respectfully" I ttra„ iG. M. TROUP. --..--. . i i t Miernorroiarn. Delaware Co . N. V. "Thi6 is Ito certify:that I have new in err nee if Boer' Pat ent Portable Burr Stone Mille, and a satielled that it a ill more. than anpwer de reeonsinemitatione: is the best Portable Mill that haeheen invented—there is one I tier about nine mite,. from me, that doe 6 quite a CUSLOUI Rusineeit. I can cheerfully recoru mend itho tbe public. -, -. E. A. CLARK, Maier. Erie Jm,l 31 DM : ' . 11311 _11MIL.J11 4 11 - 7117 -7 151 PURIFYING EXTRACT The Greatest BLOOD PURIFIER le Ina WIII.R Vi . ollL fl! ' 4 , .. Er Price 111 ore Rath,. or e fir ftattfre far It E, It I. low pot op In QUART novriv l*, n( th• samopmeir .5.g..;/itm Altai? as when In small lbottlec Eseh tare. battia Eeau* PqXTI-IFOr k I)4IIP.ES, and lbe inneanettone tee ittaimarlp oreiterstrated that Fm,y 0.. T•Rapp,oo la - in4i at a Ilafte—flarre hen .. Sow —thus cow bottle tem lrereantfrafhae Mt's, vri , rh is trtarti hatrer than a Wile of wry either Ord tease lasts. because there la re f lultee or this a lion 'saw tiro at. a dee. The greut Seprri , eiro e lialeaimi Ettore. comma. :a a I oinesip-ritr HS ;4tAwupound. the re* and Rare Indian orlifeh a o other osed;rin. Purl els or tie 'M..* or 'Art* maw, and tiro lal Ert }acts of ,I3ansaparir CHERRY A, make - this Venetabln rorlier r but also. 4 t any other. It Ii eheopir, bourht for One Dealer Tea Times more Blood., char nw•tve me, ar for undoubted proof Scro 11, Nold.rtord. FeKrfeete Pumptel nn.. J. Snort Mr... Cogtivei s.#, Breast. How+. • Dssr•seN, ore our P.I.VJ th e m to give aira.T. Anarro.—raner &Br rO,IfT. Girard; 11. N. 4:111 R. l'ut.er Wem Waterford; .1 IJavip, Sprin2flml4:" J. , rani B . 20()QMLBS. good Itw Cud o ii i sli; also. Mil , iite 'l , ll, Trout. aearral, e, rte r re. just reerit.ed f hat July 3L: Strum !k 4.aVf. a all /VT , lUMUO lON D K lelli LSI Cheap Books and Statio ery!! ' DIIRLN & SLOAN. iv O. 9 Brown's Hotel, rite it. Erie,bave on hand , d are e0n ..1.11 staidy addma therm . the most estsns ve and he cheapest as summits of Rooks surd lartsarry ever o ff nrif la this mantel— tinbrae ins History. Han- Miy, Fiction. P t. a, Travels, School Chusieal and Blank Boas, English, French, and Aurrseats, rap, Lentil' and Note Papers, F.oveluprs, Steel Pens. &e, &se.— 7 tie folio wing are a few of our price,. by *bieb the pttfilte can judge moot% bat of the rest of the stock. via Quartb Bible:, from 61,73 to 0 6,0 -.. _ _ . -.- . ' 7 /icier .. .. L - so •• MVO Blitiek , ,,flooks, Cap P. rt. C. per r. ~ 93 13 t• 37 ... pg. .. •. ' " C 3 Steel Pens„ pe":r gross 1 .111 '• . LSO Envelopes 10MI . 1.25 " ;.it /I :byline Cards per dos ' ' 75 " GAO Cottage Ink, the best In ma et.' per - doz. 1 30 -. et-dry And ery thine else In •propo li o n. Call and elan inequality and p:sce4. and we are eoulicien we shill be site to *study you tun. NO 11, IV the place it; buy e app. r_r AllXquantity of R. 4. wanted; 111 exchange. for Books, at 3 crime perpound. 17 A Irberal n..duellon from the 4 and corresponding priers. made 14 1401.1 . who buy to sell again. , N ft A ensul eau% .4..ser Vinti.ed 10 110'lerl 1111b*Cflberl , for two popular Irks. at which good w dger. can be Made, as each book sold t kelds prollt‘of IrOul 73 emits to 81. 1 • kind, July 17 1n33 ; 10 - -- t --- ir NIS VAT • t This way tuy intend. st 1. in and ' , few - ourample stock. 'Sig ("cab and new; ' • Just manufactured Mr y ruse, . ny skilfat tumid. (bat ply the Goole.. I i: They are cut b. hil i i are well aware; t That he can lit y i . j. tto a hair. -A And make et ery part k pod o. s "O. From neck to breast. knee to Soe. I 1 Re neither friend Me Ise low - i As any store in Warn an do. . • 1 And always try to pie Ma. taste ' Of the most fastidlou • At Reed Hodge -Row. .8. ' i We are always ple out friends to meet; ' 1 'TisJUBTIC."4 famous Mining 'tore, - '1 Enough le said._ you n Ino °Mee. 0 ; --:-.4.----- _ .- ! ir 2 ir a o Latrat e , ..1101 Cry is shill 'bap! C...." . Gass...p..l.D. Huron rd. ohio Jan..l3th 1101. MR 8. lel. Kier-Dear deri-...enute three week :210 your agent 4 ' B left me two Marti of your Petroleum 1 hare sold out and want more-you will please send me four dord4.l, intare of T. WASIVIIIII k to., Sew Haven.; Hullo CO-. 01‘110 • Vrry re,pet• illi II) )o.? r...i FR APHIS KELLY. ' Aisne iost Emal...rmarte.--4.;111. Burton & Co.. Geheral Agent, Carter & Grother, E-ie: J. A. Wbite.l Girard; W. IC Townsend, Spring:debt R. Fuller. Wes. ilpringlield: J. Clarke Albion: H.- M. Gerrish. Ellenhoro T. 0. ellen ed.lll . l(eare can: P. C. Judson. Water ford: J We biter. Pai rview i andy tite proprietor. 0. M. El 1.1 i ry July 17. 11431 4[lo Canal Asia. *eyelid) in- Fitsabunih.. I , NU reit tir excleanxe Pm Luau 'l i• a em co ered bu, . enquire at Contiahle t Co's • d Fa c tor . my 17 'al 10 NiVrii.E-..Tbe Ann lemon tt of ea Litter. pre shay. ' collie new srbscri owns the si of the hesiervesed Eris Andres/ C..trir v. will be due and 1 • able at the lidlee of c i the Company. No. 311,510uth Front EAtiper. (u stairs) int Monday, August lei h-1831. • ! Interest will - be paid Semi Annually on each initallmeht from the date tif *foment—interest will ablate allowed on all pay ammo made in anticipation , CRAIG BIDDLE. Philadeltibla Juts . 17180!-0tH 1 Trammel'. . • .. —_. . psecutorls Illotice. • NTICP ii hereby given inatlibe Ondeentaried his takes out L e n e cili Teeteteeetary, c the ratite of Alston ,1.. Randall. late of Elkevrek tp. deceased. All persons indebted Weald estme are hereby notified to make Feyentfit wiehOut delay. end those having claim. against said e .alte are notified to present them le gally authenticated for settlement. July 17 '33400. J. A. & Wm. 114 RANDALL. Executers. '-----4-- ___ •T AMER:. you an find one of the greatad assor tment*of silks, 14 printed lawn.. Jaconetts, plain a• d fringed berates", scotch. drew gingham., poplin* and other dr......a goods that has never been offered here before. You eon buy these goods at a great bar gain at " July 17-10 - . ,J. B COOK'S. LAatvejlcsiume—Walking oboes lad slime good .. ^'r sad OM macs Neap at July 17-10 C000,41. Smenspcoessi- . A tarps :moot on hired, which iv 111_10 old at kW retie it July 17 18811-111 3 11. COOE'S. UM Tra 1713de/signed having seemed the delusive agency for the mile of the above named Ruud Cases. for, Erie t'spinti, 1 and deeming the article one it huh depend' vole!), npoo 114 0%4.. 1.14C/fill would reaper thin). tot le It no itir.trt ettorr of the ~true at hi. Roadrilarade Ooffia Ware}loozn. Card side of dote between 7 And r Fix , over the ploiron Iron Company's store where salmi's c tory ret. Rotes and test nuome. as to bete practical titsilty rap I.e Os en, 14 limb together with si personal inspection cannot hut rem end theta to the ftrornii consideriutua of all tho.e w in the dtsPetwaUoo of i r tv s PrOnglerrert hare occasion for he Use of a Collin. The un era signed would Isere add thait cases are of a classic font . and corresmin lin shape. to the on tine/sof a huitrut body, are telly ornamental. and regarded as et a repulsite wore Leautyfhl and • unique in appedratice, than at y oilier i rode used ns re , eta:ides for the dealt they are shade o the most imperishable oat. mu.. are rumor:ea inside and old. as not to rust or rout. and when cemented together are perfect air-tight. prevent'' , the relate-. tiou Ur Offensive gases. so Ilya When desired' the re rats tan be kept Ric weeks hetbre Istri a aviaiting the air tel of absent friends t they are Itabiand portable. at the • Arne I vie being more t or les. curet ducat, ey isoster.s itio e Units an wilt stretigth to resist all the pressure of gasser trout the Lot • 'which spiry err sultlect to whale in use; and holies way hl d , dtereil even after a lapse of many yenta. aid rev oved to any . tsrti of the country. gothout Jhe .dighteststisagrers de odor aria og Irons them. In the use ut these Burial ll.: the gr if hug rearetion Is af forded to sit - riving meads as relative. that the mortal remains of ihore ones elisarty beloved re each) and deposited where they will man e , S in prier. free trim t irruption of water. the depre Ultimo of vermin. and clot pi atirely beyond the w unhal lowed Maceration of dissectorii. a ii VI di be pellaritted 10 undergo :1 transfigurat i on, or return .o Ithe antivi elements, trout nails. tat 1.mi...a alone. I ET The nude:signed hat tort intly on hand and for sole at Isla were rooms a. ahoy! R -rood. Mktiogont. Hlackos Maul. cloth covered. and all kohl. cheaper Corfu aof all atm.-all ready Mr immediate one. al 1 ahrtalda 011111citer kg both win. N. R. Ile'. prepared to ale the general artoerintendsige of fluter:its, and farnish 11 re ail Car' ,ages it desired. Erie lull' 17 le.ll. IV AI.I.EN A. cama. - SZINIIT I • CI . , ACIIINZ:11. TILE untieraigised hug inf. rifled flint ihe.r airent at Eris ha ant 111.1Vorlieed. shiloted tad "Mired Mr salt. fix,' setebra led Pint Mrfoir 1 heal( rye...dug/re miles, Istria, Ma this!, a• 10:1 1 1ail 1i contract tou 4 lake the liberty to inform the clothier., shoe anion:ewer. it'd all when having vetting or Witching 10 be lone dint Au. nPatent tiering Maehines may tie purchased ' ono Mensal their °Vice. No. 1.1". ftruailway New g il York. is lilt f II right to use theren. in 1:i or ( totilet%. We hate not sail the tediopult ill we it tenrehrires in Erie dmiity to any tpe. 't Ire 1.31 . 1111.4 . • hay. Intel Lein greatl y inn got e , i and a new "besot it turd fur th e "oproe• rig Price of the Machine* vdth all 3,110.0 atlas euundete to r 'woo dr lie use gll3. tee' e mens of the unequaled' stitching done by this Machine um) *MO 11 the other lit this, paper. ' I I, 11.:14 _ ... one 11 1-31. •i7rue • ..V.2- Or samik • iwzrar APlllllrtilao CIIS.I PER TIVAIV i: PER: At Warronso Bat Cap and !famishing Utica. Browsed Block, State sDcet. js,rot Epin aapply of Iho.e 143 , itifulle•-lt in Hats to" 11 01,1 at typal balc.4lllll. Also, 111111 , Ill'a%l ver) fir!' and eau -1.f.1 lor 00111111er A l .O, i. • w.lpk+ , ufkuwwltl. Panama. 'alit,- lf•al afld rticia MIS of all kimlo DWI ' , Wed. Two few wilesof :kith 1:a16. - • FURXISIIINTI abODS ,• lf all hind 4. new writr of rillze and rollnrn: the !Meet pat pr 14earrit mod y rich an.l beautiful ...)lee; flandierrluefe. !looter., Cloion Carpet. rAlellt Leather and Enitureed Trmerlinq Itat... knllrr., Trunk... rulbrellar and Cameo. Y.,1 h %areet%•eintori 1r all enumerated m an ad- Tetlspelaw. 11./01. at 1i1.1111,71,1i1.e1.1/4.11111.4.1 ulOllO, Ix bitch kepi m I ca-r.. G ! All othi, Oars du,i 1 prove ar they are eCilll:4 Mot ., In:ltaugeJ jr Itre 11101.0 J. 11. .WARR Ilpoed the Plow IT • - Till: sithserihers. so presenting this sort ice to the public. leg to remark Sm. they have eolliterted a oh their large stuck ol Groceries. an P1,11.111,1Ve assortment tit 14rieiiltiiral and ilOTtteUi tural Implements. and Machines, '1 he rapidly increasing i titer est• inalillested in Att , iciiltine., has mallet...l us iti engage iii the trade westing that the Farmers It ill be i 'Mixed to la vor .i ait h their p4tronage. We are in eirst int rorrr -modem... a illi the most etteintit e Nlonisfactiirers. nil shalt 41{40 S., have a 101 l sup ply of Implrinents.oi 411 k rod-,tit Int he-t .a nil niost approved patterns. animal wit le it may : , e iound tine iolloa ing different styles of Plow; lee. daft:rein iimulters, at,i or without I,Vheel and '. Drill Ro d' E.,l2te Self Sharpener: R 41 , 4iiig or Doable 1110111.1 Hoard Pio s: Solesoil Side 11,9, or Swivel Plums, Swint rierre p, rs.etc. • filch a e will sell Willie lowest possilde rates. June 6, , ' - ... i_ , - C' F ' or ß is l' ir k ly i l): 4 ; l- 1:1,1 8 1 ‘ k. ' E I kriYfr CR(R.7K ER Y S'I ; OR E. 1 • 'No 9 bror's Block. • \ lli z 'ATEstil'RP:ET. .101-. • 1 NG ENIPIRE STORE. IL (I.lc be slept constantly on ;111.1. a Loge and well seleeteil • agsort Meld o Cole kery.o Liss IVa re &c.. prising White. Iron Stone China. Atiilliury %Vare. Light lilac IVare. also. While and Gilt ' ud china: in fact entry thiiig to in4se out complete Dining, Te and. Toilet Setts. ' . C.' 4) Af Al 0 1V WARE! A large armor tit to all its varieties, also Yellow and Roek ingha in Ware-or a • latest St lest. GL.ISS WANK. %Ve have no heiotatinn in saying !hal our: Stock of GI:14. Ware: insurpassed by any this side the Atlantic e ifies.,to 'mum, ate ati a ield be almost inipos-ible, however a e 1 14 11l give a iew rillele+, VI . • LoOk int!. Glas4es of every size and'' variety: large cut Glass Use i, Vases. cellery Dishes, Susan. Salts. Goblets. IV.ine 4:1111...... I moo:ides. I iecanters. - aud Tout bier. of all onrt• mid sizes. also t. .- by 11u box.l , Salve Plated 11 - a re. Ti, , and roil. ' it.. Cu.lorr.. ke.. also pd. taitha Ware of all l ,no.: the it'oYit: II tic sold foe cash as lOW SW can be ' , might ill i.. ink Itiewl ortt. May It —I. . I - - .Wsl . I. /It BICSIIETT. M1C414,14 A 1.014*. 1 - 3K r. 141111 If r..—lr an ens stemma nave ,the agency of a ler Of the Lest mat factoring estalt 4-hmeitts in the eastern states ofS y the- mid Snail Pori,. Shov els, Spinles. floes:Axes. Rakes: Mill and X rut tsaa etc • all oi which will be suppiled to the trade at manufacturers ices. Erie June 19 le:el. 111 ' Time Exteaded , • FOR SEALEI)'PROPOSALS.. N poratintree with the follow ilia R erolw ion. Propoanlo w ill be I reeeived'al the other of the Nta)or most the find of July next Tor furnishing three hundred thotisand ket of Plank. for grading stale rlte. Cl and lay nig the Plink: Nereids. In the °pluton of Ilse Select and Cotnmon,,roissiella of thigggly of Ere. it is expedient that State avert helms, 341111 is Ming* ;rack of Plank thion the foot of the sires tat she Lake. to %here the North Fain and Erie Ratin....l 4 tn....el the wilier. aria for the pdrtimie of sxdrrtat is lug she co.it clocaitiug the pl.siik tug 01 State Intel t. then Gee . Result-ere, That the Motor be directed to advertise andrereive proptenhi up tOTtlt4r44l4/y, t e fin, 410 of July tort!, for to riir-11- mg three hu..dred thoisapisd fect,'of Plank me need krees • at con ceit-will dodtherri ‘ to be drlitrred by the Ursa slay of remember next: the plank to le three inches Mick and len het in letigtlt and to be eitiier White trait or lirmlitek—hithi to be received for each kind; Um plank to be pa id fu' in cot) watrants to le by the tires of March next its china Not let* than one liiindreil dol lar.and that the Mayor reso nittienve or the Kline time to re ceive prdpnaalr kir/railing of mall street. and laying the gook: to be paid at the mire and iu thesante manner as i. protKer4 to pay for the plank. • AY WII A 1.1.0 N. !Idtvirir. The share is a ropy of the Rexolits inns adopted by the Select and Common Count its of the etti cot F rieit/I e I lib, le&S. Erse. Josue . 1 W. II 1011EIVAN. clerk. *The f4linwingresOlutiona wa• na+ped by the City councils on tilf Re.dre4: fly the 1.1 , 1 , 4• i and Cori:non councils. that the lime rot receiving Olds fur furnishing Pliftik for, and the grading of state street, he c.stetided to the Hun of August neat. - Erie, Ju'AY IL W. H. finnan a, clerk. 13 :last It•ceive4C. AT the Ilutiab Furniture afore. a Pplerdod amortment of Po cm% Mollogana Chairs. Mati.i.res, abaci' I a ill sell YS per cent - cheaper than the e hen pO4. N. o,All Furniture front this house is wdrraned Juty. /I—et JOHN WET-611. Look out for' Bargains Dry goods at Cost Tsa-Subserilteri respectfully giVetiOlsteto their en-tourers. and the public, that In order to make room fora large and splen did assortment of fall goods. they wilt,traint Thu dale sell their summer dress goods at cost. such us French Jacottett Inunk and marlins.yards Berate de 14111•14.. nOlineus. Parasols. Sum mer Shawfit. Plait and rigtd tierragrs and a variety of-o , ii goods It our unusually low prier.. All those ui want or.llry Goods are invited to call at the New York Store: No. 6 16onnell's Block. State streoll. Erie. Erie July - el. IS3I. MERRICK k. DAY'S. Livery and Saie Stable, r f , lit minor raters hawing hOtl,elli Orli thri inieresfol: 11. O. Sen ., pions in th. ar eAtAlihrhivieril on Fight etierl ttmnt en Stale And Freneh. would give nollee 111,1 Vey are now tally and am ply supplied with horses, auto tlidh mit warmth'. of en/Oa:es. of the vet!: hem drneription Their' mixt tn alumni rittipply new. and earieelinelitly of the fink rate character. Public ;patronage Is reepeettirlly invited. PerrOnn wii.hing to pinch:pie horses will find a fall supply for that purpose constantly on band., A. F. NORCROSS. tries July St, ISM E. T. WCANN NOTIIE TO rONTR.ACTORS. PR A O?4I6 . i t l i t will ebeof ree e u n li t t r l a l c zti f t tt l4t i l i ;:t ve l i t n i td and rillainiryth Railroad 'o . in Miller.hairgh. for eleeining the gra ding,. ehrtherorit anti inaroory on the line of their Pond from the point. or i titenertraW w th ibe Ohio and Pct i los} traula Railroad to la Wartburg—a dirteare of 21 mile*. The itparyo, protidea and pore tfirrrons mar 1* examined at the Rilpiarter's OftleC in M dter.hnrg. 611 and mu/ August girl. when any toiWisaintin Moline to the work may br obtained *nun the tharre otlthe wink. 81)111022 PRRKIN£ I , tretet. July 21143 I au. LI4 percons whio are iii Ariel no lo the Tomer, of Erie Aead: utcub , for Rent.. are notified llllt paynerui MUN be mode im, ia*ly; or they will be proceeded against by 'mune of . law. By order of the Bisr . d. 1 ; ' J. H. BURTON. Tyeaceerr. Erie.l July 11. !Ssl. • 3r11.. • Ittßurp 01124 —The itutwe Ravin; lJ made arrmmemenht a ith the .Mantif.teturers of Copper Bot tom,. are prepared to furnit.h than to their:lde nt Buffalo. pfteen. 'ruiners and deader' are rrspectittlly invited to call LTA examine gintlity,autl prices, and we ganure theta they a ill not 10 at% 47 di,Enaied. Crr at Co. Erie July 21. Haa • 111AVIA 0;011T111. ,Densons knowin; tisnntselves libleturml io the sohneribert, et tlwr be Note or Cook Account.' are requested to esti geld net tle issiminii ahoy or rorts will be Slade witkout respect of perm's, special contracts oulyene`epted. Erie. July it. SENN RTT k CO.. 31: — /E••1 WANTED at J. a. Guuulsoss & Co's New Bookyaore. 'rte. July N. IMANOFIELD'S LIFE OF IsCOTT. - 117 e, shy, a few copies of thlr popular work rem:Iloilo/unsold. V which we will di?pope of al the reitular price. RI U. pay able when Pierce I. elected President. & Erie. July 31 111101—ll No. II Brown't Hotel. Static* to the City klolloctiota tad Tay Payer*. HE litdlowles Resolution was adopted by ins l'ity Councils, r ,, 14.tidov evening. July It Iteskoha, By the deleet and Cardamon Connell... mat Met 'up t OReetors ire required to culler* and pay over to the Treasurer one thousand dollar. cash is softie twenty days. Erie*July 17—*III W. N. riuittevi, Clerk. _ NOT IC E. • Qat). Air a d Nerthlront Rearred Cowpony. July 11 lea, 5 11j °TICE to Meth/ given to the'lltorkholderr of till* COM pany -IA that a dioldeull of three per tent baa been declared ow if the earning-of the rood fin the law five motto. to the lot Jolt, payahieattloir tiSse la tbioetty Imbibe Idth toot. - By orßac of the Board of Dirresonc July 17 1!i-$ 1. C. SPIBBCIIII, Bay. 111:11114160111121131ANT VrfiINALS HAYEN love rentoaed to No. I Brown's Pock, J. madam wow opening the richest, clwapr.st and beid etoek of staple and Olney Dress Goods that ever eaine frau New Vork, !Wools Or ,Philadelphia. These Nooda consist in part of Barer,. Poplin', Serene de Laines,Muaiiii de Leine.. Chailleyv, Lawns, GilLuhatini. FriDIX, etc ,ete., and in Atom toniprieina et er~ thing in the way of traces These Goodi were Groins tor Vault and at Anitiou at itargains. anti will he o+l eorreeposidingly low. All we want to the.e frets ts that the h..iying.iaddie will call and e041114111n 14/ / e...+1 41.4 - .10 as. 1 PHA. PJt lIA t.e. Erie. April A. ISM. No. I Pion n'r !Hoek. 30 S/5 000 or arum- strnistineciocinii. • rosnA IA fr. NAY klig No 1 Prawn. Phrek are now receiving a large and C•ref..ll3 wire 1t.1.4.n . uf and 1 40 ey dry l imas [bought is nlnn a very fen da,e n( 111. loneet auctidu pricer.; caste trine all We Yarn...l4)les rind deeig.e..4 f 44.10isent Clothe. pl.un and figured water td Bar Mrs. paid and 1,1.411 Hai ree..prv , i.• I J....* net and Lawn.: rill"' and lama Grape ..., and tivittsi gab and Linehrand flak and eutroh Pup 4 0., theage tt” 1...1 cis. tat de Lim., "Preach and Kaatioi tiinithini- ace . at prices ihr per. rent below an) OW. 11... n utlrre.l In this cat). Erie May I tr.let SI. EEE!! liiisaolutgois efrartswiship. , q MICE it twirby "item that the co partuctoMip tterelofnre ' soorittetts under the 1111/1 (At I.llleV & &R , /11110111. of F.so it It VI, I , mit A moults( WWI'S.. 1.0 tuft day olo.tasosed I' Illalltrti i t t Torta.— MI having unsettled aretounts unto the late Brut. ut. lii 111 e ne cessity oral:Ming as immediate koettieutetot, with &/SIII4CI /Ale, ail the estadminueut. i . 1 1 SA All'EL ut.rr. . . AIARIC U. 111.1, U MUNI% *a'rviess,June 11 4 . 1,32. -• l l ithe sut seriher takes this Opportunity of intbrmink tte Farm c • and public , generally. Omit he n ill commote to usattufaeture e th. eassutteno and flannels 'Nail kind. and gnat ties,lou "Awes or by the yard. find cache nee cloth forpriot.ou resins Oat can nel he beat by any other c,tatdeolusetst \-"The subseriber tenders hi hisMankato the patrons of the late firm, end assure& them that will make eve y' to uteri a eutiosaidance of their rayon, a d Inviter alt Wool gnawers to eve-hint k trbaltisemeconttotent tkipt he tan gore entire sati.faetoom both air oo term. au t goods . !purloin carding anti &twang done lo POI en , loinifo SAA.t:Ei. ' , LI.V. N• 11.—Mr. R. POrtiO PM lake in WOOl, a. his :it. rch nue toity.,orner Of Itsartio Road mot rßootte street. and's moot the kinds of cloth that was be desired 1 3n.. - Land row Sale Ike. I • •rTIE subscriber has two farina to te'l. Nosh rlizit•le bttentr,l r It .1 ; fanning lairaewst: and tonveuient to market: tvett I mitered, f wateretl "Id adAtote.l '4, proper portions. to grain and c t0.,0, Iwr soCtillot 'Sewing to tisakesoial local toni. had better rail wfore the etinnee is gone . ione of th em if a small place contain itg about 30and the other JlO 10 lin :tem. more or 1e.4. ll'at.bpa id for plantar) land warra.t. or located by, we West eptingbeld. I:rie co., Pa . 313 y 10th , lea2. ' , to GII.h O ltAlftn - RALLY NR friends °reheat) Goods are once Inore at:.- . the 1 1 cheap rood. now option; at No. I Wu.t tie Illuei .. We are receir tint daily atoppltes of dre-a roods. of 41 kinds: Parasols; Bla c k tt natl. Curia on Mold I it.' rte.. etc.. and Mae for Ire pricer, than the 08111 C goals were honed for, I . ‘ - e tyeek- ago in N. V.. hits fact can be detnoltstrated to any one lay a c:01 rt June 16th h,. 1. - , i . It TIIIIIALS ar.II9YLS ALL MONT! ALL RIGIIT:! "mix way New York Great 311teeitenseat et the Cheap ;lamb !Store. ttRF. NEW .Gtp knoffier large ...voice of splehdid dress V 1 , 0 ,14, easel. b-aistilul Silas. Lawns. and.lUarteges. Laren and Cringes. all emors. for rirt‘a and Maidellas.lErntirui dried goals in Or [realest varirtr, snit tt as Cutts.Collars, ender. sleeves (7hr...rewires. f.. C. Mats .ititilioins mid NIA Id.lllo. rte.. Crape and onaitillie Shawls. Late Veils. Lace Gloves Mel min.. K,dGloves:l.rsle Gloves. Butd•on. mode ilmiiery. Tlikegerridr are various as nerrarr , desirable, arid will Le sold frostily, l ) low the average. Ladies tan re`y - ripon tiny na grinds al great bar gain.. and nt all time will.eud We greater , . warmly °farm+. at Erie June ill piiiN U . t't.olCtl. r . obhc Notice Ts hereby elven. that an applic si ion w II he mule 10 the Le is Inisireof Peunsovanen, at its nest enteral Assembly. for the Ineurporai tots of 01141. k. to be called the Erie l'ais Ca nlu t,. le lo cated in the-City of Erie, with a capital Of Two llundrid 'T:Ilhl- Sand [War.. , I Jam e% l'. Marshall . BM ith-Ja , k , onr l Henry Cadu elf" , . Ji.illu C. Beets! . J. 11. Fullerton - George Keilogi J. N. Williams Guy !booms . C. M TiLbats Presley Arbuckle Jr.II. L. Brown . Then.. 'louileesd. r Jingles I.}tlel W. A. Brown. July 3 1e.:4 . • ft Zey&tocke Paper nails.. r . ERIE. PA. 73TRIZI7q11 et 8131..DT1N1 WI", R. .lIII' M %K% IN liavitiailiamr.il at .I. ini"liwi lathe keit aboyeeAaltheilicariii, nail th the bii-iiiivi.e. Mar‘9ll & l',er kii..!oSairasuri alehlesi. the bilitirie-, .ill !terra , .-r he eurillue tell I.y thesiiiiserillier•.uniler thr iinasealrerkinak.Selden. WllO la ill -rtlle all account'. o . f.the lalearia. let 19. at F-110 L. PI P11W... • . TAIIIIrt 14 vi , , INN. A FLW more iiirierio.of throe/ heautilul Cauttata Cillglt..iiiriyisid, *II. received at ilia Mew 'fork Curb More. . July 3 litil More. .1 .SWi:E.NY L•ntra and Gents K.d litokornor every shade and lils t i k y prat received at July 3-6 . J..l6Wk. N 'lr. rji t• MN andeller) aborting. an reTinrang. jtri virreited at r tie July 3. -.4 • J. SLI(Lit.NV44. rytme Pour— A pply of think new and beautiiul arlie • jurt re- GI eilved byrie July :1 1. , :r...-.4. J. O. Bt a rc lk il!'o. __.___ _ /110 1111,111(r 1 MITIIS —lain now receiving at tlre CI ap ! lard- I wale ritore. N 0.3 Reed Rowe. a heavy atiwk of 1 a. Si;orl. Azle Anne. Siirinaa, (1 rOund lkikeii. Ma la lde Ca-ling.. Carriage 1101 W. A lll7lif. V 104.0. Ilellun.. Stock and Vile . . llor.e SI .... e te.. lie. Er.... May .1..1.-2. R IL:FL? LED. ''Unels Tom's Cabin." rrat author of theaboat rriebruted wow iv. n id.hart net with goqd mecca.; in the rate of it. hut it i.ottly trifling VI/ bell CO n pared with the stile oe thou. serruttt..t r.. tr. J. Inotterr—nottrilthstanduix the great cry 'mired by the bould he ..second Genio." Rogers has reinolved lit- hat and r emre to trtate-st. our door south of G. lAIOIIIIO & for Old .lall4, u bere l ill be found the 14.1/1-t 54 le Of hat. and en R.. extant Ii an o trouble to show hats Gents. PO give hint a call. July 3 lea WOOL; WOOL!:Ur 00E oft! —l-- _ .--- I Warted at (he liliikreek Wale: Faritory. trur sul.eribror having taken Mr,. John JON Pit iota, pa rtneroldp . intik Alanoraetui ins Ito.ittesg. at Iti. , 0:.1,t - .1'.1.11 ~ tile:eels tteddp, where the) are prepared to 1111:111UVIC Hire arty rpm uhf of 111.0 cloth. eao•dsorre. Ida okeiP. !hoot I. t.e . of : !etre.; ' }std. se , well aw any other e.dahlo•hotent In 1 he nix estrv. 1 ' good rank a- ea . Le gOi op to Wedertt r eight , tvaton. ' ot tiootii tti door for - eeolp s 1111 01 art( OnII %V . 04./1., • m.. I re per 11d.•• . cloth do ring done t• any et} hrthat II Iloll,e. I i and eolora retained for extra p y, orlwa•lted rn.. ra-k. ‘‘'o4l at John Wintf., Ea In Vdtage. to ' Nni Saturday and rt ittrurit IP: . laext. or I JOHOIIIIII P. , 0 . • II JO :1,,V r. •; of u orbs ..., bak ii LC it eardosig Md fe wnnd•A on.. wa.hre . 43,1 1' at die ow 1 7 11—NCfYO(1+ IC it nyi card. will hat e ll taken Carielo OW Millfrrrk.J it n. 1-ra .o,ltoJula..r r corded • •. ' ' ( 'et o 11 tel. the ti, 1 , 11.11 .. In rifini , ••lo.., trii.st total ... InOI:g ttio-e liaciit item) 'a, DA'NI .L IiILIILRT'S BO t. q.v.* attention of the mairical 4,,1'..1.r ar r 1 lii a DPW and tenon nal It.t ...... rot. no% _ Stockton It ritilrer, The notrakrair 1., by prof . ', I kwon ledrd to noire. , .ii:per lOr nalrantagelt over a now in ore. The 10 e,6lloent henutier of this new curl to deep. rich anal emotartae tuner. or touching delte et , I , conapartosew of at. form ; and in connect atm wash a out at, o,,nitutrd and attramve appearance. Mort offer rong t ot weld. , to any One who iron the eve et wire; ma n e Glee o e rarenroletrt-,euthent. To appreciate its qualatio - t redo only a , examination. Ica merits can be fully te• leaf tat ear tag at, Jtalt 31.•4 8 ISTO , K ICI% 1PTL1i.7.101.- . Wooden Wars. ALARGE: ,Pasta. l'obe, elsurnr. Varner I,aafte... Pram.. teak Mauls, SI.O.Ine. Roiling rall%. rotaiee Marheer Letuon So mete . ran enlowel Illorfrr‘. Sugar Rowe, Mop Steck% Ilea eacriar. 1114, rov tr.•Mettatires. Ate ilelver. Keeler., !lobby 1 rfer' 'tread Trayr. rulk Slat or, etc., etc.. may be found as .910 a 119 E's Erie .1411te1e1.41.,..t ()non ate ltrown's NAN licaet state at. • l_ _ 11.1.0ag0n% and ('hair,'. na•krir eraal4er. etc.. rte., a . W W mac 14. (howl at Et or. June% 15.11 2 7. ‘lllollt int. Tr l --Grarm.llaataila ----- , awl It oral Mat% of all st.eadnd col- ITS orr ; for rate eheao at „lune% '.l!-7. It o qtr. S. E.% 1 6 / ri iiii INa 11l SIDING—A gam - .co oral qua toy re:aroneal I' Flawing and Staling: Alen...lWell latith for rat eat the hun ter y.,nl of Erie Jane ID larat 6 SM.:NI:11 - r et ('O. FRESH GROCERIES. Tile: nib.esibrro have )1101 feerived as their rian4i-iminetliale .ly ofhptt o.e the refry Mork. a tare and leered •inek of Grneeries. l'offr:er. rtairmi. bloinseei. Rlell solution the are le lecinstiaily club/aced in the list Alen. Linsionl, 'ruins. etc. %%silt an arri - ortineut of Nuns and Conutietionarse..- Filiterind them-elver 111111 their ',net; in vat telly and rzeetlenee. is not rite. parcel in thee jtV,III/V% hope to receive* 1 Weed sib:so:en( iini; pub lic patronage: Their detelminno ion 111 so do irseiii;is cheep for resh.eonsiderint the '• nimble rilpenee Mow tilt than ;he now shilling." and that all pastier are benefined ,by ihe ready Ns r.t rf.ltlUte Of atilt ludo taken In etsehange for GiOtefiell and other artieler. • tall quickly lent the ptnek on hand heroines. exhaupied i fn the 13101 C of a le* wveer. (kir priers are -010. that pectitte will find W 4411,4.1% el , retiree die to ienirt the teripi at inn In hue. bete. Juno 19 - f 1.11141411111 Je. l lllllll Orr. NOTICC To FAR b ilf:RS A.vp woo/ a rieß 17 f. 1 1 11. le. NT( IN !Mt eT111.:11 1 . late of Fie rirew.w .h to juifbnn I the Col droner. of thee peewit Of the eon Irv, and the pubic , eral.Mai they have reified-the eel-ihiehnmen Of It. Johnson. atii• that they will Manufacture Word into Cloth *nit promptness and disparch. We gladly milder inir thanks to the Fa: users and public generally. forcheir very liberielpalreanage. a airs ite !Noisiness:it the Eagle Parody, Fairs ice.; At.d deem it Unsieer.imry totom ake manners to Mir obi patrons but to new clionniiefr, lie have no hesitation in t.riyitig that lir ihri hill calif ou us with their Wool, they shall not go away e lilt thet ' r 11:004. or Prices. We n ill gladly illannfienere rlcatt and Flannels pf all kinds, on .hares. or ny the yank a- our far men may preinr. • Custom Carding and Cloibi ler na. done nit ahol nolleP• nod , ready at elm time appoi rued. , We will do all work a eraoriand as- Cheap asany other estaklishisrent. - We will gied the highea market Price ku Cush .fur Wool. THORNTON AILJUILCITHRRS. , Girard. May 13th, Fa. I . lit • p l ow that Boats the Illrottd.. , ICII*B Patent ron Ileum nouble end single mount Warp ecrn IN Lion for sale al the store of the inn,,criliees. Ttle.e Pun. have hero tesiedand prove superior tawny aims in me. We war - rant them lodise satisfaction. June 19. 6 tars,cfrr mi l l 12 ?1,, rile cheap by alao 13 Ile tat nod la Idda i r3 A ß T oio, oots and Shoos Cheaper than Ever. r I 1 Alta AND . NOIRTON,Nei. a Wriakit's Work. haat Min received an altaci.4 entares variety of Boot. and !Mare freab from the manufacturer. made of the heat water nth. anti warJ ranted. Call, esamine rad h^ sirfPrisedh llo w lynch's. good ' , IA k and excellent work. Erie/nue II INI. .. . ; 4 fiOFFF.P..-01d.Gov't. Java. R jo Lnionnyintdt. DomTiido and ki Mocha Cake, east be found at June yb7. MOMIK'S. Milits Of at Oct ! s WH. CBItWLTttr. being desirous of elo•inir his pirevent . business. ogees to sell out his hinge and 'splendid amain. meat of Goods at eosr—ectneipting of Clocks, Wa 'cheesed Jewel ry. rialto• and other Newell Inairtinseutat, LonititteGiapors, Lampe, Britannia Ware and a great variety of other fain* arli .eles. Brie June et trn . 7 =maks" wimaxecals Mysie Pere, Bides Ll' ork,essi sodtof tie Firri.l A NEW supply of Melodeons of G A. Prit;er's m tnufbetnre, $3. Buffalo. on band. Also. Three superior Piano Pont , are offered ibr Nile very cheap, and expected in a week or turd, four splendid Piano Portrit,.vary Ins in style and pr feet Also: Aceor deans from IS cont. to 110 cash. lie has also on band o*w- - est variety oftakeet Musk. (Vocal and Instrumental) it at! tents per page. and win 'be sold by the quantity at a o i r GM pet est 1 Mao. Guitar. Biotin and Sass iholis *i various ices. A second hand Pianororie Itw rem. AO pair reasolable terms. Erie July 3111.1 . iiiii .ie roll'd , ' , ..hvell 'ott(t .„\ to:d." I 01R. lIAT ...d. .., pecir„.iriii..: on exhd, Wm at ; 'Nall aira. ac - . I ,other Piitilhi vett ,ion are i haul the cielner: Ii VIA ql GIRARI) WoOLLIsi FACTORY ! • ' NOW 'in the filereeery Lbw. Mesta. “L••are sates • •Ell CO. /I P•Oftift. " THE patYPEICEOWS rery,setfinly give Novice to their Callier• mere gad friends, that they are no.v receiving 'horn flat beads. at the lowest cash pekes. consisting of the test &sear.. theft to Erte. Comprising, in put Superior 1114 and bluing My eon. hyrooskiti. tolong. Ulaek. and sotteliong Teas. East eriotted. granulated. powdered. and eituares relined, roller Su rto*: ikeverttleana meta Rico. INUetegratto -and Ihim i our..ts of etery quality, by the hhd. bas or ewt. which will be 00141 at prier. that defies Competition; Rio. Java end I.liguur3'en4tk of the Wert 10:Oily; :41vItio.es. tinunt's Wined Syrup. ertgloh cur rdiitc. pickles. and an short every thing issaallo kept in a genera! Um' t.i I I rig priat ir eon store. AU are nut I led 119 Call on ehrap.dde and e.z.nuine tin thrtlierhees. sTF.RRErr ric GRAY. lIIIILDIIIVI =POT. lIMPR•OVEMENTS: paw... Sash. Prtssel Flooririf. SAditir Madding Tooke. Agile. PAiAlo.dre TiAVING cultured oin Wilding, and procuml the !Alert len a provetnentv iu the .no-t perfected kin& of 7d:whiter') to the tnaittif.tel are of Ilkowv..elavb and Mind... nud atlw inga..el the ItitAlrotnuourni Mee haute-. n e intend kerein on hand and ma king warder every article in that luta. We Marsden on hand (•tlail intend enlarging °or laden.) several 'hundred thousand feet of Lumber. ecto.l.llNit of clear run. Poplar. Whitenunid. Cue inn hero rak and Aviv. rea,oned and tat prOe PAD of Pe2 4 )ollfirt• SO AS 10 mourn the thiratuliry of out t ork Persons ',rho etnitempfate building will find it both.eonvenient and inlvantaireoull so call 00 MN AA PP intend to meet the rea-4.nahle u.ints and ii !Oro In this line of the iluprovoettt part of the ern/natio ity. CAk 1 ER k ISROTII,II. No. OS Ree#Jlouse - . ;I,4%nber linT4 Fi-ning Mill and Factory. on Elexeitih .treet, rum ot Vineries & inarteFa Furnace. Frie June ' Groceries! Groceries!! ' 1 •' • , S IEG K1.1.5t.11" bdrl•Or :Wit ?It No 4 Wrixhrs Iltoi-li n rpiy i f eitrustve ni. alitient or Grocer ter of es e-s I. tiad a J nun lity And .Q lona as, Cie)* *en them 2l their pirornt low vie .. them no 101•Zel if % v.: , any iteeeiss.ily ,liir counts Atriellint, or. o I.l*. so ra In thei.a,tern r etie. lh their aiiiiiii,e.. lot they ran y}trehai , ouf them Al own low In lees, no si all enable thew In onve ths. isihe 41051 usu Let they wont,' neei-Ooarily PIrC4/41 1•0411/1 to New.' York and - Nick. say noshing of the violin:l in transponation wine's hi:of itiiedf as Nruill proth. We bowl in order tu to t the truth °tithe mole sou is .11 enll:and einnione oar g‘Kidri and prier. but don't dm into the syronsohup;rerollerl the tunic and nuentseir.iitegel:/k. liieli.ey. 1110.-; IV', mlit'sl IL.4.ek rialr ?tree, tine Pa. tt • fate tire mines Wrthe.aleofSmith r c alaneb aril'. 1.4. - t;titte ratqf gyeratiire Soap. rine of Jte iiioa4 gerbil In vention* or sae riae It ba. ireyrt tern Proofed rand eadtrot be el eelted. 11 ira warranted to be jgrat w hat it I- reeolutweaded.— WaPher iv well in 6alt slut Hatt; water as le Port. 1:le - June 21 ?WINES; LlQvosa. Grf:.% RS G ~ rGreflr.. 11 , 4.1•. PieLrled 1113,1 e/ V. I.oh•ters. rill , eign Fruit Wad Nis;s. .1, G. tr, W. 1 AtILI.S, No. 3 Wil lani's !stock: apposite Brown's New Hotel. Ern.. pa: bare Just onened a New fit abashment . nil Articles in their linens the Leanest Prices. at I.l;holevale.and Rriaik. , The Stock Commits an pan of the fulluu ling art les, to sit: . 1 . Wanes. Oranges. ' Preserved Fruits. ?dare roofs. Lavalre. - I A"Rango V ermat ills ... Sardines. l'a,vars, Pii:s. • - Plain Pickles, A , F ,Wviess. al Putter. Raisins. a'd Pickle.. , en sip., Ate. ' Naito, pickled I ..ern. C.l rants." ruler. - I . 0e03.• Pickled Loh-term. ' I/eir swat. Cordt.als„ r.‘,..., rfrided Clams. rum 01. Ea oknoono.. , ;rill SNEERI ThIE-RaRREL.i Al.Nfr-r1 ea. Suariri..rolfee, llolisses. Tobacco. Bice.round H$ iceri.d'onfecleioary by the Box. Soda Ilieci.n. Crackers by the 'Balm!. and man% other Au lel."' 'too numerule• to weal tot . I vtpeaßTEllt EIGAN:4.-IYr import our own 11:igars, ahri can tell teller qua illy of Cigar , . at isle same price. gran ;,.. h o u s e in the eityl. Pure and Ili twine Wine... 1...t..Jr- ail every descrite t ion rotarunntiv on baud. ty: Sale: Wholesale at low rates. Al so—Battled Winer and I.4inurs fur Vied sr Ina' 14 (Mit' f !Mr pcno a on hand lw !lie ......ni"..en or Smite home 111 lisch are pure. .4(:/..ICI r()lit lillk'k.iLir) .4 t. 1.: —ll.4.l*.and Gilmsin'k Barton's Al.r , fur sale by..ille barrel, at INII:110 Price. lidding transportation. Also—receiving •iss tie.ir erason Irvstersi an rhell. Kra. alb! Can. (rout J G. mad+ & co.. or Ncw York. for. sale %Vttole.aie at Low Prices. J U. 1111t4..4. New York. W. I. Mitts. essTato. • i A. C. JACKsriN. Agent. Erse. Pa. N. D. Itotrl-.Atr•tm BOW., private Famito,, sod ilent t . r . entity Igsfpl,l led with 1r tole% in our Igoe. at llotralo pr 0 1 111)I Rrt Coto rity and. Orrialp.l, o.g eutjutr) . k ot t e.. ite.l. and wa p 1 dge ourielres that all goody shall be as reeow• usandad. - 'Writ% May ^_•_'. 1051 • 2 I OCKri LATello4.— Hunt dour lock.. VI, ker.. IA ironic, Rem n 10.111.714 11r.elks. Kllol.aild Wok Latches for 121 e cheaper than ever olered in this 'doer by June C...4EIDEN Er. Som. _ 2fp:Me. each. very nice ha mins. also nap quawizy 1 ofnuarters, uud Nholc dic.xes of Ral..nA. fur sate e brim nt May 2& 1 53 IV Ii;ow chain rut dnldrrn. for *al.. by ?la y W. F. litsnriurn'rnT. LAIIII.S nue Slew* and t;ailier Hoot*. in every %Inert , of new role, at , Ma. I lbSit. St TlItitALS & ILA Yt.S. ICASE of of %MA yardit Madder colored prints tit di rte. per yard—color. warranted at . Erie May I I-5.1. . Si TIIIII‘I.II & IIAYLS. 1 CASE L,Stifi yd.. Mutlitli Ilel.aius at 1. of a bandrosaeaityle. / true May I frit. • AI TIUSALE; & -HAY ES. IcAtite oacbeio pti.de ts.into y a. t , l I eta. pet. yard, also Me. 'attack vole at d CL3., COlOretl f 4... n• a rock. . • Erie May I k- Vi . SI . TIUCALS t 1 lAY FIR. 1 tASI: printetLabitw.frons In to 1.11 ct .. cot./rn waeramol. J Erie .11a) i ItCl. St TIBUALS ik . II.IYES. 171ENTS. Colton hail Ilm.e, by the •doz.en or Finale pair at 1... W. the New York Cash Store. • J. SWEENEY. I)UU K —lu Barrels of rood Meg* Pork ha. ~:iief u t their more June 3. , J.tr.smit,rT dr, Ga.r CASH will he paid tiv it? miliiicri!wra for nnv rtnirni of Pop- Pir or %Vti tevrood Flooring. un delsverN at their Altll on Eleventh street. It filthy be currcctlr sane.' run itr:t sit.F breadth at both ends, nod, in •nliltlis of 6. 7 or e inch... Ede. May ^_'.'. NEW Cl)Nr ER N sBR ASIA FOIA NDR I!! ICEN'rSIDS. OF TATE' STRKET FRIT. PA. Hthhaiti the public that he • -ha•lot•topeike.l It•a-• rouhdr‘. and I• prapa•ed to e•ivolear toid• it. fur , A,or.: h:s w.;:t proieptste.s.e.pd des pa•eli." tr^.....l7ltian ellltlenetA tirf" 111311tif.eutre•rina repairing of Nurl• Oil Slealll nn , l Fire etwitseo. I • nrrtatle a il.liarne:s Mottlititw, Ilith hands for Carrl:l2l'S OM! Beer 1.1411.;14 rualamoo. repaired 1:11tz1 Ile , . Surt - rl low allot Xlll-tent 111.1141111( . 111.. i:11114go • aria ;lie thanit;:; , thre oCt:a 1.0 aII 1.1..ds ul marluarry. toz•thi r e‘er y varei, of %%uric in the isi-4,lNoatatit ta - phting. Ile I som uttifielisre.ilersual: Ccpper, RAI metal. 801 Mork l'a.b.p.ied fore, ery Lind coloW met3.l. lion excepted May e 4 - ERIE DAGUERREAN aNCLCRY, Park Moir. a few doors Welt orthe V.Z=I COVRIL QIIER M giN is happy iii tithe all oho o i• 11 DAC:Ur:RR Ef I- L. 3 TV PE 1,1 li EN ESVE.S. who are at alt wirtieular o hat bind o' itsettirFr tl.ev have, to lu- new RrOOMS which hare twee built ei pre,..rly for toe Art. 1.1411 T .. the great agent of the Artt.t. and ta AA- berm Vie eonstaist_ .ttly of all oorthrof the name ....nee the Art was discovered. :0 eti.ploy and control it in the tnantier heat adapted to produce themir.t tivorable re-stilts. The result , of this -toil) unit ot thio hLatttl. of egnerinienw jd that there is not I wrespertali e perm:ahem Gallery in the. Ll. States w here the pie ; twee are maile by a common li indow, and he a ho salt. tie can ; J./odium superior picture by such a Window of oTrv tii. ifoiornnee 1 , ul the Art. The silo-eriber tlierelbre helm Mat e took,- that ofpi it f superior LIGHT, and o ith nit apparatus worth gig times any oth er 1.1 this em. he is enabled to produce pictures which Cannot lie f equelled in this part tit Me wintry. and offer. to egret; any filling IWCII Call be produced in other mom. m Erie. or forfeit one ban {l Vtlol!ars, ,pr has airs a splendid Quick Working. r:1111C13. %I it which be takes chilibnen otany age! Let it bedistinetly un derri his pictures a 111-not fade if pro,wrly kept. ' N. R. 'Elie "recent unproyements" way be seen at the above 1 rooms.. far. II . SIII ERMAN . Erie / Plept. °Oki!. e / . . IS BJ. tteK, Col and White KM 1:113% , CO. L0n7,7 ilk AMU.. pie nle Mitts and GI, ea. White, Mack *ffli Cord silk Gloves. Kid sewed unite:old co red Ala do. Lisle tnread, tad cotton glove oleveryvarict) at Ma} I.!!..J•t:10101. __,.-- et lICRNS.- Tlicrtnom r Churns rut received. This Chian Vis considered the bra 11.4. —Boner math. by it with be ycl /seer than thaeproduced In a other. For sale by Ap ill:. 1.!..12. 49 CLARK & IIeCARTFR, . • - -- --- - . nurrAr,o , AKErtle. IIJV I.7aßtot: I: if. CIA Rk.. would sprealully maim the citi- Iv I tens of Crie. and vicin ity in wa of soda and P' . ./ 1.1 , 4'1111. Boston nutter and Pie Nbe Cracker., !Nati and ritot ttreatt &e.. to call or Roust us their orders. Utley. will Aiwa) a find U• at Home, and ready to wagon our friends and sett them a. good groats and at honer Prices th.in can be bought at any other mi tahli.ltiumii,) nt our Cuipi e Steam IlAnAery. Junction of LIA & Ohio Streets , ..Ruir.klo. Few York. 49 TIN, COPPFIR AND prtingr IRON MURPIIY would respectfully inform hi 4 friends and the public generally that 1w has lor.sted himself at the old stand of Middleton k Murphy. on the Park Row with a tame r and hatter tuwortmentof Tin 1 op per a lid Sheet Iron Ware, manufactured of the best wen. and of lered at 11w most retwonntsle rate.. wholesale or retail.. lle has on hand Stoves of all prices and qualitfro constructed with refer 'nee to It-equines, and ecniveni .... er. and of the most durablema iertal. Also stovepipe sad elbow, and an alitiortment of JAPAN IV R Which , he flaitershiniself t• nitrite...led, if equtled. in this city:- 31.1 k pans oral' stars nod C•wesw vats 01 et ery description cons 'unmet on hand. Determined to pursue the business with energy miles faithfulness, and in spare no effort to render snitskeikon, he hopes to receive and merit d liberal share of public patronage. I:rie May 1 IFS'. • ' 31. inn K I:/:14 btat.t.og pow.kr: &Ira . 0 New F rr and FFG 041 1./N Rinepowder, .090pC1C11341011 e,lw Dad IRJ bar. Olot f ors:, le 4.y MITER RLTT & GRAY Yr III:hew a toil chenpe.t lot of Green and Black Tea 'n .1. e can be Ounii at thearoees y wore o: T. W. Mg M) E. Erie Ju" 1141 " 31 - 7 OPPlneile. Brown'a N. w Hotel ate mt. ItTRW A kll3' S) rup. rorlo R leo mad New Otlea no M a-,en foe tatecheapat, June KO Mit G - O to TALLOW. satiaszi, OHIO MINERAI. 300 ti.Aillgßarlit,tslnelonery uo . Pike wen. per Galion. do i ratio of rnr.oui sizer. • ' do al du do ?All El:oriels boiled paiol uil. do SI do do 3(100 Gallons do do do in en.k. or rnriods Axes. do ,do do do 'WU BarrenTanoerr oil. Vitriol:ln kinds end enstilline. from 33 to eV tent. per 13110 Goliour in crib of various sizes: . Varian kinds aid from ii to &Perm, per Fallon. • IS Tow tallow Brea.,. For heavy wartime, itudenntile in Panel.. or casks. orawy etiosiste.sey requited. Priced eta. per pound. 130 Toss Ohio mineral point. le hurley et the lowest market price Aloe!dairy Oil. warranted notto ebill Is the coldest weather. and corwidered by thole urine it equal tr Sperm Oil. 8 0 44 Paid Oil. MUM to Limed Oil. other than kw while. TT lameothrbintly receiving lametnmptrerforthr abore named mile es. aid my meanie. 'Small proAta and quick retnnii." B. T. TONI% M Water Sired. (..Jar lid Nerd 114 Horse ) ?few fork. Jane If le3t. *tab SZW YORK. LIONIENZIIO RODS. 1: wE me u - .,r presaged to put up the PlTillilllll od4 and Poison fix pny who wou'.4 like to be protected from the dawn tbe Remember the man jAat kicked tan born After his tor roe was Arden, and do not wa Yaw house u r bar n teed n stt okc before yo • •et toils to yogi . boAdiags. A word to the wise in . .i.& CO. N. R.—All Onlet P from a d latanee :suite OW-. Rada and points at arbotesak March 13. 1f34. ihi■ein • *vont tit • .14 MTN FLOUR .--Fromb gonad Nye Thou Ibr ale by Ibe bar. rel or Sere_ tooolty. Aril 1, 4 1,104 CLAIM & &MUTES. FLOORING! FLOORING ! Tres: Tmesu TRASH This tr i nicily is oTered to the eorusuunltyi we feel in an artiest which seldom fails to, effect...that ran he desired. Po wide is nes. and so numerous the eases of its en sectiquof the enmity nhotiltids In Persons. ; have been rostored from alarming and es .1 or the limp, by Jr,. use. When once tried every other medicine of its kind. Is too nP serration, what antidote to employ for the serous ilreCtiol22 Of the pulmonary organs,' to our eliniate. And not only in the f• the lungs. bat fur themilder varteties of • nets, Jr 2., and for Children it Is the plessau eibeitat "au be obtained. No fanaill al:mu I those who have used it. titter wjil. ite:4 the ()pinion of the knowing Cent recognized in the varhiva /ethane at cantata. eated—rach and all as mew:haute of then hilthret churarter—ae the ohieithantl moat .1 Prater• in Medicine wads our expersene. tql.ject of %awls we cheek. It there i of experience. tea 1 l'llll4 CERTIrIC . `ti e r the undersigned, Wholesale long acquainted with A) era Cherry Pectoral belief that it is the bes.t and most cinema' r ry ' IttnJot. eser ofrereil to the Americas %quid. iroin our knowledge of it+ ernupeuepl useful ne-S. cnrdiatly eminisend it to the attli beet confidence. and with the !inn eoneietto their rehel all Oust nitdienie Can do. II s. %so . Len vies t t'o.. Plosion. Maas treat Ic ilie:ieov, Baltimore. Maryland. Lava! IVOR H4M, Rancor, Maine.. 11 • Vll.Avia. II ta out %tr. & Co., Cliarlevion. B. JACO/ 0. INRGAND, !Mayn't Afield:tan. . T. N MeA Lonsrville. Kentucky. rat sew h WALTO4. 81. Louis. SI bevouri. Tittoinota A. IN., E. Marti noon. Vermont, r,k to , Aunie.tai Georgia It. J.mt.„ Trenton. Sew Jersey. J. Al . ToWNSICNI,. Yivabarih, Penutylvani Ctsat. Ik. E. E. Gtr, Burtinaiou. lon a. M, Virginia. EPAANI. URI Vslii Ker. 11' Ann% ill IT stiff 4k. Co . Philadelphia, Penuvy Z. D.& W. 11. Gos Afr. Washinetata.l.l., J. %Vattour i Co.. New Orteares, C. C Ru 1140.11. A Co.. San Francisco, tokivis fr. Arita. Tallatiasse. Florida. B. R . . Slaw.... Knorralte.Teunerste„ Guttru‘ It Dui R. Little Rock. Ark. SHIA, It. 2 4 1.ADF. . Lelitleloll. klwahai N. .D. Galvevion,Texas. 1/utv. Ursa. JR , Providence. 11. I. Jo. M. t ear la. ar.rratinab, Ga. iv, h. Cincinnati. Oki Li Foreign Qou G. Coi & Co.. Valparai , o,Alilli. . r 1.... it. co N era Crui, 'Mexico. Ir.. 0. rio . Baftoia. Ntw;Grenud ram °el a. Halifax. Nova scinin. T NI a & lion, St. Arbor. New limier ivAta & l'o.. Rao Jateirp, %Vial rtich , a.virunce. and trona such toe Can be orb need. exeeld anal roomyd in it elf ?report,' by J. C. Aper, r.orlital CArtoi4 ttol.i in Er... J 11. Bllttoll & Co.: 'in Ni Town & C.,,; in Girard Ly Oinite; reerhere. I IRON AL S I C. 1,1. --.1. \\ era. ittiw.o, ..“41;.18. ,Lind Iron. English, cast, American Sr. sl by , • , _ C.:. ME=l=a Warren'a Windo'y is %i : e a enure ~tick . 0 - thiOstin hi/ light" Eifel nos and to Tarter otter I.r .ale the rattle. together ttli every ar the regul.tr ram.. These a.ll are al: titled w, Lett American taass. Erie June ed Il 5 K berer. gi1154 and 60 k pure w hiwkud grouud ur oil. for sale I 4une 0. C f. AItrk:NTY.II & JOINER T.LJOl.t.—Tiii , i. at . Aliti- . .st white and" entured Pa nose. a the New York Cash Slur.. - • une 27. °PUNS.. %tut's. Ti•i-iseit. I.a.m. os. Seta=e and nit wool DaLai lams, at the New'Yurk C.H.!t t 4 tore. t June 3. • iJ. liIWEENEY. ORANGES. Lemons. Fags. Pruues. Dates.. 'candies by the Ituiti• tlways on hand ..t J. G.!ilt. Iv. I. Mills. , T l;te 3. No n, win intuit Week. Erie. Pa. UR NCI: 8 flaking Powder by the gross o'erdoz. for sate oy J. Ili : fr. W. I. Milk. June 3 No. 3. lir t 115u79 Mock. Crib. ra. IT:FF.IIA DALE .-3.lMlnt's. S. Ita rtou's Ale in bbla. and bay - bbls. for sale by J. G. it. W. I. Mills. nue 3. No. 3. Will laving Block. Ere. - IV II trilf. EY lay the LW, at lei per gall. and a good are - ee at - J. G. Ji. W I . Mills. 1C• It TRA & •ROT!' R t Rue', Port. Mader ia and cherry Wine. or WI B •-radrs and prices. .Now Just reeeit r d *2O rarer Clam Wino for ~alc, 1.,.% at , k W; 1. Mitts. the 1. No. 3. W e:ltanot Rlork.Y.ric. h. D he Lied 4 ) !Atr'F. Lor,-tore, Cla,u.oniona and we., rertre fur •air the boi or houte by J. G. &W. /. Mills. 1 A:t:Erl tialitr and colored Huse, at a great t atm, v. at La \:'l\ J. Swera. A .1 01,1 ra I a:r4.lll..ent of Sittif dardwarp (or, elle by - IN Ea O. '3.IICN & FON, G ENT* Pocket 1 4 .11,,thcrc'.1c1. for I. 3.11 k ermov !A, at Vurk:cath Li iP .I.ine 3 jt-.-.1-1. MEG e il a MILS freak Flour. just received an har wile cheap by iiilit / die Load, Mil., or lettluaniity onehetip Hde at • Erre June IS 1 , 51. IT kvita KEIL". & GRArs. CA - sillPaid for Wheat ty . Juuel;4li-5l , 7 V.LCX"I • INVESTMENT ?.ND N ► A; plat. to purr Lase Groc,'ries.ll'mdcn• !Wines and Liquors. Otis, Soap. eauti' Fruit rice— i• at ;;ORE'S Erie Jutie Y 6 19.12• I Opposite Wawa's Ne 11razuzuor Goofs still Co AT TIIE CHEAPEST STORE 11N TOWN. CR Buyer has been at his post riff several diya past layinj I. ia itioek. a nil the goods are daily: arriving. Winging with theta the evidence in the price of every Artie le, that itt tin yiag for Cash EXCIEUBiIrei7 as We Do, We can arid w ill undersell. - Gent temen in the trade may burlesque, aneernd make large pre tensions to !wiling - cheap but it is of no argil. the syteus are" are on will prevail; let facts:continue to speak for themselves that the place tutu y cheap good is at ?..:0 1 Reed littwie. Ladies and Gents without consuming time in coping a list 0 art:etc. cuil.raced in our stock, n • say in briefwe'have all the re gitisites. The Goods and the grief v. dl please. are lower than some Merchants are paying in the• City for the -wiate. which will ofersirse plca•e ton . June all CLAR K Jr. METUA LF. 131.A1N add figured Tissues. ISarravii, De Lains. Shalisys; Lace Cloths, plain and fi.,vireil De kin all qualities and prices. French and AIIICEIC3n Ginf,hainis for * le cheap at Erie. May 'lg. - Nairn JACKSON'S.. - - of an kind* for sale at 31( S t.. 3 June ld 11)1÷0e.ite Bror 4 9 9 9.5 ARlitt primed Lan los and Jaco as sit pence per yard. Akio; a Ginehains. IC Jatiel6'3l-7.' Tt ME 2RIND etonrs, 'ranks and oilers. or va %.-.7 tern.. roam or chew are. sold .as low a sem at the ehear Hardware Store No. 3 Need Erie Jorm 10' lE.YJ. . - 7 ' VALUABLE FARM FOR rrnr Inilsieriber offers for sale a valuable f a ”laird Parni.' Finial. , nu thetiowtiehitro one mile front Neele , ...'s Mills, on the Lakeeho tains about Ent neres, 1t under improvente thereon a rood Farm Hover, Ramp, and oilw , a good brawn: orchard of the best fruit in the' er it to one of the nkm.t desirable, thrum in the er par. culars, terms, &c. apply to the Mai Mills. JOHN itarborrreek Jute 31l tif3 _ _ rowDgipts—ru pion. Merril's. Durkee's sad Doitae. duo Ven st PJwder, fur sales' MOORE'S iiirocerp. Erie June to 1P.11.7. Opnestite Browns New Hotel state st. tss r( )R lt;-::A 'fear bitrrels Melo. Pork. a ales. article.fir side . by the barrel or swatter quantity. at the bore of the .9 'sen tient cheap for earls: • June 19 're.—s. ik • I:TT &IVO. 11ot:st Ewen as.—A good as- ortatet u of cutlery. tn I I dt - tug knient. plated silver, German silver. iltrutanta as Iron table and tea rpoann. coffee mitts . watre trona bras tirce la in Kettle,.. porcelain and tined sauce pan.. cutlet aud tea can lateen. brae*. iron. to titan la and japan candle-dick.. paste Dams Stlllolrs and trais. tea waiters, tea bells etc. etc.. at Erie Jute Ye 1-.lt , , a ITIPU4 enti.a. %)kr IX I /OW /411 ADES —Must received gutted ily of' Window izbader, variety • Erie June al GI 4 g, PDX,I4 Porwrior on Pet Vara od iris To . the Worm at remit from 10 ',ecru. to ZS 3qm - A e he% i . PC:I rallita Ttikieto of en iprA rouging from 113 to 4 , :r0 per thouvami, In Erie June It ItOrf.. \V ... .N. Will lw antl.Stolse Ware. o eriptinta. tfx male w hole -Alegi falai!: Erie June 11 1141. I 1 ALApA M. and (lusts., Ra.ius, wb also, seedless Ksg Rasias, by t Jane K. a 800 RAIN RAIIA. 3uot rreetve.lb3 :1 out a seam. 101 sale at the lOssest 11.1, TI Erie lane It 1831. - 3 1110:1 BLZArti En Meetings and pbtnings--3-1. tied 10-4. bleached adectioga. iron, fk to trio/nue IS la&P AIcCLAN TITAN k LOCK ZWly ronwirding and Commis !trio to New Tor Ivi rit crimire and Fitrincric . nrl.liingio 4ndProlutelo New ril r. a f ork. cl inuifing Butter. Lep. Pout' .eic , will And II le their intereid so Willi by WI. line. N. B. nve•, nalemuOn foe Orange county N. V. will devote Old pew* intention tnune oohs or all kind. of produce entrusted to the faro of the e.iiihilvblnvent. and will wake quicker remain than au) °their how* in the *T. O. 11),S PA rriti a, North P:rie. , R. $. na4wt.. r North FA*, - Erie Jane Hi ten. Msiceaansi sod Verrnieilla. Ilurkre'■ Ba kw boles of *hit jrualltatue Yreka double refined flesti4A for makip.l lest f Milk. soda biseuit. short cakes. rolls. eta.. Skink tit making puddings. etnturds. pit Mined Gebulne for waking lOUs.. pupa. by Mahn, HI lelet. • • .. ... ..... p I"' 1r . .. '1 [ '-- it '' - '''' 44 1 P i , , ...,........,.. .... -.z . , • . ~..., . .. % ..... 1 , vio k i t itor iA i acim i'a• the rater itir; 00IICI=S, COLDS, ROARSENR2S, RRORONITIS, WZIOOPING-cOUGH,; CROUP &STRUM mad CONSUMPTION No: 3. W ir.rus Itklek. Erie. Pa ME fr y: a. ii i h tie the ihr eo tia nbr pi n eos e• "field of kw Wend , ilia, Dittman every • •liely known.unti desperate diseases its superiority over rent to escape 0b... istrersi IV and dam which are incident idable 'meta upon 4r. Coughs. Howe t and safest ma.' be without i 4 sad men. who will by . where they are le class and of the zleative Wholesale unlimited on the any value is the TE . ts. having Mein*? I , hereby certify our' .1 edy forfuhnonas People. And we 'tin. and ostensive► ed as worthy their that it will do fa • Ilkoirata. 1= mo stronger ['upon trial Lorca; N rib East by I, by prim.l.l, 100.111tk. -4•• 4., uA trim. Steel lot dale & SUN. . _ • 1 business in Erie, sting of over two Urothe:. who now i init. in this lase at I th either French or L: it,. No 1 °Tula an i44!M!! pi.ee to buy theca RELDIZNS. artful article at ' Lsn-mtEr tl three ply eu/lars ore. - J. SWEENY. Ncrcat.► imp i• • HUMBUG. - od Willow Ware. :r. Fish. Candies. oroeery Flow. tiotel Stale fk. rocery Store t•n'ai New Hotel lota. iome is tow w mote or those Haiti. ou.p.tr• and at eve rbillinp pet Inure. 11:VUO REED. SALE rnt, , known as the North East.'about e. l'he tarty coo n. liaviog erected ont.houteit ; ounly. Ainntith ioonty• For furiti "nt Neeley's W. MILAN • itgent. the subscribers a tieruirond pstiees. 13et.ban dr. So+. .ceo fin Lite lOw by eats per tb. Also, y brand t sod M oak by tam 4 GIAT, every po,salde des =El= le, half and quArte keg or retaillit • , icrr =ni press, re at CIS& UA I Browees! E a ula per yard. mum & non. 0011'8. on Line front in! Pairirder.lupdi owdee I also. pow 'lily 14.3 d wlltboio itao. imperil* Cam etc.. olio, Pauli's% avers. ete., rakes • MUTT 6 •