Politi and General News. Scott's Katie. American Letter. . ' , ~ i The sec t hi story of Gen. Scott's Nativist letter to Mr , ' . of Philadelphia, in the. New York Courier 4 EnqUirer of Saturday. '41...is a very lopg story brit may be stated in a nut-shell. It appeaks thit the letter in question—elmost lit erally. the on published in this and ether paper., except instei.wari actually written by Gen. Scott, then at W shington (November 10 1844) and was shown in, is hen/ writing, or the maierial portion -41 i of it. to tmtiers Of She whig natio4Xl convent ion in '4B by I the opponents of Gen. Seat, and the friends of bn. Taylor. It was shown at that time to Col: W bb, who knew the General's hand wra ting, and who vouched for its genuine/ter'. The chs ge, soon after the publication of the let ter or a rtion of it, that it was a Idrgery , origi nated in t is wise. Those nho had possession of the letter, or reasons not explained, pretended that it Wei wri ten in November '46, whilst Gin. Scott was in Me p i icoand that was the dstelaffixed to the extract ofithe letter first published. i Gen. Scott was writtertto.,by Mr. Clingman of North Carolina, and furnished with a copy of theblished extract -and thelGenerara reply was t Uat he had never 'Written a One from' Mexico on i the subjict of native ism. Whereupon Mr. C ., . publicly denounced the letter a forgery—and hence the pretesigained bottle credence hit a time. ' , , ' But, Cul.;ebb, who had melinwhile caused i ihe letter to be published in vehulelor in palrt, in orde to r IW defeat Ge . Scott, did not rest 'quiet t oder the itn potation lbws thrown upon liirti. He ars:— 1 " We in4ited the, Divine in whose possession Lye had seen the original, to exhibit:it to Mr. Clingman and somether members of the convejitimi astelo hled for t e pdrpo - e. ' They also pronounced the originol t be in General S,cotts handfloriting ;tiut i i the tirstpert of the letter was not prloUliced ; +id enusequenly no opportunity was at the% time afford • t ed, to pro that the assumed. date tkas a feu d, and the fir t part of the letter suppres#ed to prey nt the-fniUd . log detected. The excitmtient grew . ng out of thi matter Was %cry great, •441 resulted lin compellingl the- publication of the te i fole letterlas above, together with its dale."- 1 , The lett' r published by the couriee 4. Enquirer is, some tri fl ing veikill An/ riaMs, the we re ' a t, with . identi: I letter recently re-published extensii•e lv in the emncratic papers—but it shouldbe du4ed Nov. 10, 1 44, instead of -1811. p 8 : . s It will bit remeinhererthat it was lie Decembeof 1814 that Gen. Sc et under the FigrOlitite of "Am r icos," published in the National latelligencer et 'LVashingttin, the{ views shadowed forfh in the R J I l e letter,t in are lmo methodical shade. af,liey there ad taken'the him of a• law, carefully preliared for n actment, h i which all.persons born out of the lit:tits of the Ili ited States, iv 7 etre never .to acquire the rig,hit- of suffrage—iintes's they were A'' able bodied miles al least •seventeen years of age;" End shouhl serve two lyears, in time of war, io !the army 'or naq - of-the United States. This pe , fnunciarnetite of Gen. Scott against f r eigners, it:appears, was attributed tu;lion in 13 {B. and with the Reed letter alluded cot, according to the Conri r t.:. Enquirer. .did aid too "produce the lonvietion in the minds of the members of the con vention. t at Gen . Scott was not an available can oidaie." Vhy hoilEors either did not produce the like convi lion in I.B3—and did not; now as then result-in h s rejoction as a candidate, its seemingly ace,ointed for: from the fact that Gen. Scott had , Vritte.) the R:•ibisondetter, in which Ve professed to have suddenly changed the views einertained by him during the previous twelve tears Of his, life. 'lt i s not to be regrettid certainly tl4st the private (parrl beiveen - the editors of the COurier and En- • Quire and the Times, has brought out this iiiteres ting afio political ti l ifitory, and fixed indelibly upon t i Gon.lScott the odi•oxs of - intolerant tenets of ,Nat ive Aniericanitm, at a tiMe At hen tlie exhibiri.in of their worst frei s should have adminished him to consid er cud rerediate them,. It is Signiticrint of his teu 'lei .I:id #dliteretice to these a bom i gable Mictrines, that, they were in no way modififtl or recalled until they were 1 - 41111 to be a stionblitvg brock tr' the way of .' 1.1., ,i..i. , i w n riloloto. Tlaco t .nd to until thin, did hi 4 'ilprineipl4s" which were viith him "con viciitios;" I bend i btilim n VAHLIMAIMIn.I64itiI. n ' " il •al.lll CAI liGi 9 t - Wino;Es - roktomv.- 1n old sold*, in this c t, Lo foug and was woOnded in tbieleverglade Ilirida, arid who served under both SOtt and for in the 'lndian wars, and also in slexieo, a has beretfore voted the Whig ticket, vertu. ates idea of vo ing.for scot. He rays that t e "Get al is too t melted an aristocrat in habit and feel to receive his vote,".and declare* "fOrithe first t lin-his life he shall vote fir the De itcratiz ca date." 1 a adds, "that white tl , or *61,141 Florida w e badly off for ration ~ the itible of G c a Sc itt wa supplied with, ever uxiiryi ' and while! ill-paid pr vate-vras marchir thhough swamps ii morass of aft er the'kviiy Indian, the General. wit the pomp nd circumstances of tsar, was contti i l i l li ly surron de.ll by. his "body a uard.".' Ifs relate marked dilfrsrence be -een the croidtict of Gen. 'I 4 Inr, whenl,he took th e ; ommand of the troops Florida; Ito, heistaiee, "wale ever,' the soldi friend, an disdiined opt to share st hilt the meat in the ea p"a aoldier ' f couch-lin,' a I)pldter4 fat he.was n t ashamed. nor coolidered it de gat to his di ity, to extend his hand in friend -hip, well to t man who- shouldered his mitsket, as to the ep Wetted officer." This is Ithr leinguagi i utt.old iv. and . a !Ili g .—Louiiesitk . Times, , A M.. ir...- 7 We a'ro authorized bye gentleman to state thi ' seeing the advertisement l in the Intelli gencer oyesterdsy morning, headed "111110,4)00 9n Scott,''c.illed on Mes+cit. Lloyd tr. Co., the ad !Il, verthers end offered to take the whole bet. They demanded a premium of 5 per cent. from the win- Pe - , "ad ;after' our friend agreed to Clowthe atm mi•o;i4n ho unexpectedly asked, advertise a (Lloyd tr. Co.,),declated that they could not put u Oa mo iitie)? untiliit could be sent fur in Viegini it being probable that the person there. for whom they were acting coluld' not get the money to WitAington until Mondayeit. Our friend therefore; offered to. pot -up a forf it, and to give the advertialti until Monday i /i to deposi *the balance. itt they declined' putting "up any f rfeit—thus " .g P quare dow,""oot of theta- wager of $lO,OOO ou e election of Gen Scott: ~.—Wasksloglimi Union. . . . , . . . e Journal of Commerce jn Speaking (tithe late Ste h en . Allen, who was lost on limtrd the Hen. -ry Clay, says:— I , . As a mall apeelmen.of his liberality, we may say that 'gee rat thousand dqllars of hiss have pass ed thrdst h our bands within the last two years, to aid in th emancipation and coloniz#un of colored people. Ikevery instance the gift was unsolicited, except b a statement of the case thtough t our col urns. -, -1, Gerrit Smjth,rWho went bail icr Chitpin, the Alrl. litionibt, whd , 'PIM arrested a year or t ago in Mary land, while attenVpting to carry off some neg;rser, is coniplaining.of tbe , expense this case has_ been to him. 1-4 e is called.' panto pay $600 . q. to indemnify . the - bail ! In Washin on, and remits qlllOOO, trusting i t that ot era will ma eup the difference. lie say he paid 10.006 taih4einnify Chaplin's bail in Ma to ry'and., Meddling . iproperly with', the affairs' of nsikiHric is very,apt to tun out arrtixpensire piece of buisiOisii. / .. , r- Com4e'ricur.—The New [liven Kegister, a safe prognontiontar of, results, as it is a 'wound and tittle detut•crit lc journal, holds, this language: Culinectieut is as sure for Pierce and King as the dttylcoMes. The democratic maitrity over the Whiri in this Stsi.e,st the last election, was 'about 3,000 on a full wits-4od if the whigleause has been wretigthened in Connecticut by the nomination of GP°. Scott. we have got something to lea ro—th a rp all. Put down C• anecticut is six for Pierce and K ing. , Pr' , • - . GirsensL PRRCIt IN klecict.--CoL, 8. H. Stant rso4r.rti ttio eilitor of the F rt Sinitir (Arkansas) Ilehild, who was a soldier in the thlexican war:, thus speaks of Gen. Pierce; \ , ."It was our - fortune to become nelpiainterl with him. personally, during the Mexican; war, o hen he commanded one of the Brigades of Grip. Pillow's di viliou the army ; and we 'have seen him partici pate in nearly every perilous battle field in the val ley of Mexico; and"can speak of him,lnowingly, as i braves - lid chivalrous soldier, and one of the most geutleptaply Akers in the array. 1.• ...4 , 4 . . . ‘ . . .1 flit 936.14 Ohs*. ERIE. PA SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1852. DEMOCRATIC lOXINATIOIS. FOR PRESIDENT. GEN. PRMILIN PIERCE, 'Or NEW HAMPSHIRE. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. wnium R. KING , OF ALABAMA. FOR CANAL comminntimir.a. WM. - SEARIGIIT of Fayette County. Wt . aro under nomad obligations to Gnu, Houston. Senator Broadhead. Hon•s. David Mace. p. G. Pon.. Jelin B. Dyes So. sad William H r &ward. : fm Comma. 'initial favors. I GOT Bigler's Visit. • Gov. Bigler end Lady arrived is this sityee Wades,- day evening hie( and leek mimosa Brows'' Hotel. His vi.it to Ibis partTif the State being, as he feelingly re marked, of a perely domestic nature, h•ving just left the sick bed of his ! venerable mother la Mercer bounty. he very properly do. lined addressing his copstiteents is Erie comity upon the, 'Saito of the State &Sid 551105. A•large numberof eon citizes,. however, or pll parties, embraced the opliotianity to call upon him at his rooms during Thursday and pay their respects to oneiehe so ad mirably fins . the,executive chair of the Cernsitonerealth. And we' aire pWised to add the impression made upon all wee decidedly favorable. Oa Thursday arming he was the guest of hi. B. Lowry. E.q.. by whom %general in vitation was eXteadltd to an Our Citizens to ran and par like of -an entertainment himself and Lady had gener ously peovidrd fur the occasion. This invitation was ac cepted by a very large number of goutlemes and ladies. and the evening passed off with the highest Satisfaction. During the evening Capt. Knobbich's company of artil lery' gave the Governor a national saints of thirteen gone. during which the choir of the German Benevolent So ciety appeared in front of the house and creliomed him among them with several wings in the linguage of -their so father laud." Carl Benison, Esq.. Ed for ,of •• Oar World." them Addressed thii Goner's's. Oa ISO part of his countrymen 4 is which Ilia Eacelleecy responded in. a WWI{ happy and eloquent manner. .1 Tile IG'overeter kaliailed to leave os Friday. via Yew York fur flariisburig. bat fooul himself too Rowell to proceed. He is atoll at Browa's Hotel. but was nimble yesterday to see company. IE7 AsWrist:4 I..i.zt.r.—Stinte months 'silica ther'whigs established a Garman paper here, called the "Eris Spec- tater." hnpi lig. ;we ilupposo, to break down" Our World." From its birth.dt- went on dispensing Scott "soup" ud Graham "bread" to a •w dozier' enthusiastic subs • ibers. • bUt all would stet de—it b me -weaker an, weaker mitt!: this week it finally - :Who s- a there is tie Scott sithesisim in-Erie! We ha eon the time when a thousaiid dollars couldhave be rain 'o twen irfour hours te have sustained such . paper'lliroath. a Piesidentiel catiipaign, but now th ...enthuliasni is at such a discount thatithis paper is all. ed to die for want Ore feW seas; 0. drhat a f-i-z-s -0 is Scott entt4siasm in Erie. - i . . . . • !I ADi Triumph ... , The whig County :day which assembled in our Court House od u : day evening. for the purpose of ap-' pointing ,fie co erees i to tweet a similar number from Crawford to p , to no mination candidates for Congress and Senator rWsulted, upon theists, in favor of John li. Walkeir: ut iq reality. we are confident' it is a triumph of Ge Dick. pf Crawford, Whether Mr. Walker is aWar that he' : is sold we do iset know. but we tell him op*. / in advisee.' of the meeting of the Conte ntioa. that A. Tracy. of Eno. John McClure. of Girard. Johnl2E -14y. of Sprinfield. John Greer. of North East. and „un- Wu Flint. Of Waterford. One of thesis delegates is a warm personeli and confidential friend of Gen. Dick,and We ore confidekt the plan of operation was marked out in Meadville weeks ago. • That plan is simple, but !Ili cacious-and sotii. It ir this: The conf will meet— Gen. Dick will be nominated on the partof Crawford— Walker still be: nominated on the part of Erie. The coo frees Will ballet Until wearied out. and when arbout tools pirate- withe mair a nomination. ins e 0 the Erie county conferees. fa the sake of harmony in th e party. -will conclude, jo sac Pace Walker. "The good of the. party" will dorriund t at our amiable Es-Setiatur 'h.( 1 I stand back, aad Dick nominated; and nominated he will tie! There me ho mistake in what we pred;ctfia ibis mat ter, for we understand the "ropes." which is a good deal mere thus Welker does. we are thiuking:pri , he Would have Heated up sense body for a conferee besidles a. per - renal and confidential friend of Gee. Dick.‘,ll.ent we may be inisunderstood, we may as well remark here. we don'tehargs'attything for this infortnotion-4 is given perfectly gratuitons!.. . - I ,rof ay li,) the, tory e to $ to of Au Iran semlsEltVift. Hon. G. W. Craw. ford. ofGeorgiO. Beeretary of War wider Gen. Taylor. who brought opium upon the Administration by his coli nectillin with the Gelphia claims!. is slid to have come put to. Pierce and King. - 1t i is presumed that the Ob. Omer awl kiudred pripts will nnw keep silent on thin puhjoct. as they. hare got the Chief of the, Gal/Aims.— Gazelle. Well, the Cilissrrsr has oohed this "item." and it has get a few words to teply—host a few! It is nothing twangs., we take it, 'hilt whim so any rats ire leaving the sinking ship of Viliigery, once in the while a *tgal likii Craisreerd, should be found id the flock; sad while we welt:into them to ourranks, we shell lake good 'care to keep 'lan aye upon their moremeets. Tube won't steal under a democratic Ailminiatraium: that the Gazette can reit assured of;, but they have influence, and we want to efe thatinflitencef Throu:h their influence the Gazeete defended their robbery of the treasury through their Maurine, the G=stle may be induced to come ever with them. : though really we don't see that we hairs any Sailer • Bat seriepsly, wbo broulbt this Administration, that allowed Cralsrfisrd and his partneri to swindle the gee eremen't. into isisteneet Win It net the same piny—. t he earn* inachinery—that_ is Dew attempting to fasten another militaiy Presidast open the people! Was slot the Gazette so 'deep in the mire as any of them? and is it IRA tether ntige for that paper. after having de defended Ind approved' of the Gelphtu rotary, to tura round and accuue the culprit of having "brought odium upon the administration." We think so. and thi least said, the better fey the Whig., we should thitk. Q "Fiszt.n."—Oer friend Walker. in his speech nt the Court 'Hone. tie Tuesday evening.. doctored that all the Democrats eau say in thireatripaign is "thale.”*.fta. a 1.." atidibe +regrew/or avowed that the aftssrid!r would t i sonatina on Sat relay "soother tremendous kale." in noticing that thee '6g. Now, wo really think our honor able friend is uogiusrous. He certainly ought to allow us to use the word *lute" as often as his party friends use the word 'Alta." Meroovor. the use of the two 'fords is dirtied from this slim souse. Gee. horse fainted for the waat ofrrtrength —.the Whig meetings "h -alo" for the Fasts want. The General's wounds were very painful. too. whsn ho fainted; oo it I. with Lb* whip —they are in great pais whoa they °Tuttle." 8s you see. goatlemso groinblors. the word *lisle" is as appli cable to Whig meetings se the word faintly to Geo . :: Pierce. Cr Tim Pinaositi w Faczooit.—A willies who re sides is the fear* ward of Jersey City. who has boo married thirty 7.1r1 1 . sad is new shoat lifiy - yoars of ago. gars Wilt to hot. "Bch child a day or two sines.. Oho says shot kneads to Imp op with the •stars of the Un. isal" • TAR tail Forrassa.--Illbee Daniel Webster hoard of doe sernientfoo of Gei. Beat and air. Graham of North Caroles be remarked “Beets and °Mime:— "Geed floevemil has the whiff arty some to that? Feed" ors mad mow , ' - •ri w ith re- e ora keow r it *Demi. oriel d its sm7ireet Der n wh th ig e r fleas ." rie ' ". port like the follewiog, bet dal is the robins &meads YI the eacrifico, and the troth mast be told. Truth - is tell. the whip beteg thieves,. themselves; their papers will hawk It that there is the mese unbounded enthusiasm for Scott—that the **fires of 1840" are 'wimple, ever the couutry—that anise and harmony pervade their ranks. and het his prospects sow. are even brighter than were ih.4 of Taylor at the same time in '4B. They studiously cos' lathe fact that thousands of their best men utterly ref, to support Scott—they mondial,' the idea that he nteyi ti be defeated. and strive by every 'art to ell:wince the wet Hag. and reassure the doubting that "military hero tern" retaineife efficacy." It behoves the cause el, troth. the: —it hi ihocesiearyr to the "truth elhistery"--that facts liki he following should eat be bid under a busbel , or kept tli (with' public So far se we eon judge no Domination. ma by either party. has been repudiated by so large a nuriber of its party as that of Gen. Scott; far let ft be remembered the public rensticistions are bet a moiety of the number that have in reality determined to vote against him. Mist men dislike notoriety, hence they shit h frees bavieg their names paraded in public jour nal besides, by so doing they avoid in ch of the biitee a t i that would otherwise be impeder d against them toy i sir former party friends. If it wer not for this fact. tb sands epee thousands would be found declaring their detmummies to vote for Gen. Pierce. But , to be done wit cominentlet this charge ,of "grape" from that i , .. "fir in the refit , " tell its own story. It is compiled by i the 'New York Evendig Post. and reads as follows: - it Ihomes tl. Clay. eldest sou of the late Henry Clay. i misted by the Weehintou c rrrrr pearient el the Rich fouled Ealairse. wili not vote for Gen. Scott; •aiiii he avued hiss detertuinatiou to has esumat father. before his oath , who apprirrird of it. enneth Raynor. heretofore a distinguished WI •, • MCongress e her el froui North Carolina , • num ku wu i f thriughout the Vision. refured to attend a Scott orbit due, at Raleigh; and it is rumored that he will to e a Ito lotion ol hostility to Scott's election, prubab y •on alter theiNorth Carolina electron. • W ahem Shade. formerly Governor of. a • member of Coogress hum Vermont. and Titus II ut *, luso° , former.. ly Chief Justice of that Stem. hamlet° milieus. whirl. repudiate alike Genies & Scott and a platform upon which he stsads. Judge k:clhard Y. Hill. in 1: the Whig cand.date fur IGoveruor of Georgia, heir). .quested to draft an ad• droll to the wings of thmt 8 te, in favor of Scott, au. swers;—"Not having ob ed my own consent to vote for Geo. Scott. lam oar 'hog to beinstromental in per building oilier@ to do • . ' , David E. Wheeler ...well known and respected law yeti, of this city. el ted by ibe Whir, a few Years suite, to tlhe Sate Lee' Store, in which he took a Irading.po Gwen. as we le n from several rooms. will not support Gee. Scott. . t reek impelled, by ti pinnotic desire for refirm NIS rotreuchineut at Warbington, to vote fur Frifik Pi cc. . . Will . . in S. Parham; for several rears • prominent I , mem r ol the Louisiana Legislature, and one of Me wh' substitute electors in that State. has resigned has • etsril:position because liiicisiiiiiit support : 4 cott. Mr. 'wham was at the State convention which appointed him elector, sod said then that has earms.hed.better net be sod, as he,might met *Op: rt the Presidential noun se . 1. "he Tribune, in its mistiest, insinuates that 111r...Per • ha may have been bought With "two Or four negroes.A , The Be. speaks of the ninertlficatioe" caused by,his loii The Crescent. the leading Scott paper. says. M. Parhem **mine in the cleverest gentliiiineu we ever had the plea- sure to encounter." Aud the Deltas says the whig party loses "one of its ablest and most popular champious 'in the State." A letter i• the New Lisbon (Ohio) Patriot. (ram W ills, in that Stme.-anneonces that Robert Ralston en E. . Mort, two elks' most respected whips itrth• town, are • tug Scott. and that a somber of other wtdgs go with th . - Capt. Richard H. • lily. of Nicholasville.Kentocky. an More in the ileateim under ihe command of bulb 'St'i and Pierce. though litlW a strong will, know, it a I,lhDou l l i eeou lt etdi e tintell s ou:ro lli pasctuors r apol u at.ifi . , copk : rit ' ittha t : e ueytri r cisii c e.aiw e i,:rh s tane e s tell, isfi si n ett , moi ti ninu a l ait t itifloweane i.iti n tii;:no o df : ::.:;:le d li.:; l 6 , t i ae:,:i i ii n ips - .. illiain L. Tate. whig assistant elector for Burke iity. North Carolina; publishes a card, &echoing to vs nay !auger in that capacity, as he caonot support it. br. John A. King, smother inflormisl wing of stump tor Pierce sod. King. -• J —. il ....1. : 'ti. Robeit M. Henn, one of the whig leader's of' ncumbe cdtuity , took occasion,,at a recent public die t stem,to soar/once from the stump lust he could nut mould not support Gels. Scott. Those guntemen ide to one of lire etroogeet wing portion s ut the State. lie Trenton True ,inteihean mates that Dr. J. G.Go• .114 ludo .hii4l w rig of N. as J•r.ev. will not support oil. Horace 11. Dot. the India tubber • man: one of most active whip in the same State. made a spirien met Scott, at the Scott rejection meeting at Boston. 'el. William 11. Lucas , delegate from the serood di. ct of- Alabama, to the erlug 'national convention. has sde a report to hie colistitueols staling the proceeding. iho convention, but declaring for himself list lie will milt support Scutt. i • Col. John Spear Nicholas. a gentleman °cereal worth and popularity, °neer the first lawyers in Baliiinors. in a letter ton friend'. repudiates the hellittiellett of Gen. Scum .tad 'avows his determination to cute for Pierce nod King. Charles I' Mater, "pother distingui-lied Baltimore whip and Mrs-re. Brerxer.'Deireetimit and Serniiies. Allegan% coin y wiiir. have also renounced the whig party, and deielared for Pierce nod King, . Iblelinclhon Carman, heretofore a whiz member of the N+w Jersey Legidature, from Eaorx county, ntWonly re /indices Scutt, but has partieip•Mo in the enthusiasm which prevails in that State for Pierce. W. G. Seiko; the ,wing Attorney-Geireral of Tenets ; see. in a speech at a whig meeting at Ktiox•ille, took • decided stand against the support of General Scott. Dr. Crozier. blemirs.N,Wellter, Gammas, and Morey. sod ether , active wings - of that crty; sided with bun. • Node of them will vote fur Scott. Major A. M. Dune; an able lawyer. and a popular whig orator of Louisiana, a neighbor and fribild of Gen. Tay lot, add d the Ilegiecratec ratification meeting at Ba ll toe Rouge, at which the Governer of the State presided, end declared that he should vote for Pierce and King —. This averred , was received with tremend.irs cheers iEneas Adams, another influential whig, came forward add made the same &Airtime, end was also warmly received. . . Mayor Harrel. et Bridgeport. Connecticut, has renoun ced the whig party. Several other leading wings of that city have followed his example. . (Lucius Polk, a prominent whit of Tenn eeee i. being on a visit to Washington, freely avows that hej is with Gkotry and Williams. iii their eppositien to Scott. •• eart ad soul." I Dr. Ikavid Long. of Batavia, New York. a Tavola on ary soldier, who hos:never voted a Democratic ticket. re pudiator Gen. Scottaud : goes for Pierce and King. .. iiliillisin A. Crocker, delegate from the 9th distriefof s eimarchosetta to the National Whig Convention, haste weed a bitter and sarcastic address to his tenant ents , de - twanging the action of the convention. He se s: "hay. mg taboo a seat :in the comvention. lam bo n dto lore for the candidates nominated, utilise the peopl arise and repudiate the deed. Then I shell be (ice ore free." Otherwwe he will give a **silent end reluctant ballet" - ;Capt. Williams, the leading whig of C ottanoega. i Teneemee. @bade a speech at a whig mee t flee ting at that plus receutly, swimming that he 'could Mir vote for Glen Scott..but should vete for Frank Pierce. He was eestaitted by Cii. %Vhiteside..Dr. W. S. Bell, Dr. Mile S=ynth, and other prominent whips. - '11 1 ... Jobs H. Hi 11.,• whig candidate forth. North Car olina Dome of Commons. (rein Brunswick CeeeiV• hes wllidrawn from the canvas*. because "he could not and w aid not support Gen. Scott." There are so many whiff, wto concur in this opposition , tbilt be would probably halve been elected in spite of it. but he did not wish to he a t siudideni sinless he could be supported by all those w th whom he had been - accustomed to act. William 1.. Hartle. ens of the ablest whig orators in Miesiseippi, has come out unequivocally in favor of Peeves euld.King, sad economy and reform in the administra tion of the , governinent. Mr. Harris says that a* State ' , niiro man can hereafter set with the whip, • he Democrats of Mentgoiriery. Tadisun. were gran& ed at a recent merlin. by a 'lseult from Lewis Wallace. Ivrbe had beep see of thir most decided opponents. He Ideclared that he could not .upper= Scutt. but mid do hietstmost to elect Frank Pierce. We have no room is-day fur *n3. 1 1,10'14, ••e.hieges." wltb the like of which, below. we aright seedy fill-anis. their column. Are these the ehangei which have so ad vieea Clem Scott's stock tit the Tribune office We peeve for a reply: I . , 1 The news of important ebonies from the Whig re sto the support" of Pierre and King. is daily bourns ing more Interesting. The latest aid most prominent that we note are those in Montour county. of Doctor Clarence ll.lFeiek. • volostoor who sieved hie alostry is the war with Menlo.; Geo. A. FFiek. Cashier if the Denvilfe Hank ; lienosek & Foley. proprietor* of the &igh 'sad Ready Imo Works. and John G. blientgent ! , :cry. Esq. it woe the ** Revel NiNes.'"'w• keliere. that was going to missy Peoneylisahalee Rome loosen of A'A bettor indsmitinding of Os curie *Salsa tu That,' "Religion Tor the Gazette; somber ertitge. in reply to cOolFalo paper. we have explained bow we were lead, lest wee!. to misrepresent , the Constitution of North Crushes. in regard. to an ob jectionable "religious test," which it confides. Is reply to the Gazelle. therefore. we will merely state here that th• - artiele quoted Ikons this constitution is sot a forgery. as it alleges. but merely • quotation' from the esinetitie- 1 two of that State as it did wrist previous' to 1836. In that , ,year the constitution of the State Wie amended, and the article quoted was altered so as to read **chrism)." in stead of protestant"—thes allowing Catholics. bat'ex exchadiog 7 Jews" sad Jafidels from "holding soy offs co or place of trust or profit" inithe State. Thus much I for • correction, which we feel due to the "truth of hia tory" and our own character as X' public journalist. Aad new a wdni to the Gaulle. in regard to the Position of I Gen. Pierce on the "religious test" in Nevi Hampshire. Having cheerfully related the earns it 6 theY exist iu re- gardto the Constitution of North Carolina. will the Gal ult. do so with that of Neiv Hampshire? We shall see. First will it tell its readers that Constitutie• of thit State cannot be amended wi fief a vote of Ind -thirds.' and that the Democraitc p limner had that majority in!the State? 'Will it tell reders that, after Gee Pierce had procu r ed Meuse:is -of the emoudtrent in the con ?aconite for striking t the religjoea test, and it was sob mined to the peo e, it was only defeated by about 100. there being on! hat number lacking of a two o4liirds ma joriti in fan of the antendnieat 1 Will it tell its read-1 era - diet w le Geo. Pierce was laboring in the Cptiven ' I afterwards before the /people to have this object ".religions test"sticketi um. Mr. Levi chamber the , candidate for Governor. was laboring as teniinund to have it retained 1 These are facts, and we' ask the Gazelle as a.candiejournalist, if it does not knoW, the to be at. '1- if it doe, , we.sak the public haw much b ee r than fal.e!roud is its whinsing attempt to cant Orliuni upon Geu Pierce for • state Of thing* in New llatelpshire which lie had no haied in bringing about, but on t 4 contrary has labored strenuously to remedy - Welriet down the, twenty- lectors' votes of Pennsylvania. at certailt fur Scolt and Graham. The wealitrn part' f the SlAti seem, to be thoroughly aroused. sad We expect much from the better understanding of the tariff: que.tion. but lately acquired in . the MIL section.— nutlet 11utcs. , P tv sA r .g t onl Ilp r .t tio,n. am ionab , . Teti -set" them "ddwn" do you? Well. we are glad to hear it. fur the people, who have more bueiness witfi . tketh than you. intend to pick them up, and Ipso them to Pieria and King. Ytiu think. too, the "Western part of the State'! a "thorosighly Moused." and all' because 'of a , ••better unueratandincof the tariffqueition. but lately ac qui rka in the iron section." .This is truly wonderful trews! We profile* to know seteethiacatmat • %Ve•itern Pen nsyl vatire—this is the third Presidential campaign. we haw.: takeb a•hand im'and we, assert without fear. acontriedic.. tion that there never how Win la political canvass that Ito little enthusiasm has beeu'"Arroused" en the.oart of the whip. or aoslitticsaid od that worn-oat hobby, the To: The fact is: there is a "better underateinling of that question." end the whip know! it: and thus knowing they: are mum on the sisbject. ( They think now a ti;ood deal more of “Cero . G.irdo." '• hernbusco." and other fields where they wished the Mexicana would welcome Scott ••with bloody hands tea hospitable grave." than they d r of "protection for promcdon." or the ruin of the .tariff . of '46: Knowing hate, we say in all candor to the ••.Knisla Notes." if the whip have nothing better tis ming their hopes nod for carrying Pennsylvania than -the twit they may as welt ••heng alOomi 'ipso t h e willow." al I a 1844 the loapfocaol weri very much domitivfiedi with Mr. Clay becatiee he foug'it a darl. Now they aro just eis much disples•ed with Gaul. Scutt fur haviug re S fused to tight One.—Fradovia Censor. A miiitske, Mr. Censor; ti mistake! The " locale your ill-manners prompts yne to cap the' Demon racy, were not dtsdatiafied with Mr. Cloy Wiens* he fought a duel." No. sir ; not ati all :—they oia'y object .. ‘o your running one who lendliought,a duel, while)oo. at the ne time, claimed that at the religion, and piety. Ind morali 'n the 6 - gantry W a embraced within the pile of the Whig , rch. with F linghpsen at the head mneraey • iirctrd to. It war your gross inestvistencv—not' Neither ere they .• diectlewied7 refused to fight" Gen. Jacket:in. f4ct to show how unstable are icitledly ;fickle are:his • ••religiou H. had fought two_dnels, one* foot in the grave, but whet 1G hint to the fit Id his .` retigiu were thought of just 84 that ar did'ut mown with him Nag, thine after we find him inviting combat fur a publication of titer the joke of it is, when the pa was. made. the Governor was nut taken an oath as Governor while he had taken suoh.au,oa Was gives - •• Ha (Mr. Ewinp),hrid bte miitls him, Gen Scott. fee twent known hherr, in his judgme tray . affnirr. lieSiheuld be elm. pits and he briefly, t. great.querlions atreetit.g the we improvement of riveMand herb cntkitiduntry. The above is from the Tribu 'a report of the speech of lion. Thoinas Ewing at Ni L nra last week. As Mr. Ewing's acquaintance with the hero of landy's, Lane covers the whole perioitof the I ensral's alien law dis temper. we of course are giv ! to understand, that in the judgment of Mr. Ewing an. his.partisone. then is nothing in all the General said of did during that pe riod that was , an trror of jud meat; not a principle avowed that was net right. It sowers the purposeof the Tribune's and ,Times' edito a to 'jay that General Scott has disavowedtha proscrisitivo policy towards f0r .40 eigne'rs. * avowed by him in 1846 but hero we have An e of the shining lights of the part . oaf whom whip de light to honor; deliberately apps ving of the General'. attempt lii , rally a .Native Amer • party, and virtually avowing his willingness to 'assist in enacting the bill of Americus. whiiih would disfrancl ilia evorycitiaen of alien birth whu had not served in the tiny or navy for • coo ple ,of years. , Or Coutes -The Erta Oboes • r..(dernoeralic.) nub liehes that lorged clause. pretend d to be part of the Con stitution of North Carolina, whir esys . that "nobody de ntine **truth of the Preto:gnus, iligion" shall hold of fice is the State. The word —P .tee tact" is a base for gery, inserted in plies of ••Ctiritt it" as it nails in . the Constitution. Will the Observer make this correcuon? We shall see.— &ugh Notes. Why, ••oreon e ," Mr. Notes . Is there anything in the past cosmos o the Obserosr th t leads you to think it would misreiires ut a fact. Lao .'ugly?, We think you ought to kook *n better. The fsets of this. micelle& for gery are thole. V . found the clatteei. es published last M week, in elt itt - itti ion of North, Carolina in a book containing • the v onsiitotions of the States, before we saw it noticed iii other papers. ‘Withoot ,looki3g for ;her, we noticed P. but when we saw it denied we again W referred to the ilk and found it Detained an appendix. l e in which the amendments to the h l e setrerel State Constitu tionb are noticed. and among of ro we found the objse tionable clads* in 'that of North Carolina was amended in 1836 by *abstaining the word •• .hriatian" for "Oath°. lie.". ' KT New Porr Orriats.—A n Post Office has been r i iiitablished in Vi r agos township. tialled Carter Hill,. and S. P. Moire Esq.. appointed PisMaiter. . Another has been iistablitited in Concord, call d Stewart. sod Bung ee Stewart appointed Poet Master and bo soother at Wens rgh..ealleit Landers Lane.: Titus Robison ap pointed pointed Post Master. • J Erie. br this Gloriosa CathOlio Prism, Aar 17. Mr. DasitL SWILIRIET to blurs East SCASAT. both• of this tows. The-sastrunenial ginkgoes recorded above wai of short derides. Sweeny was guilty of bigatity.linvieganother wife living is the vicinity of Willoughby. It is said. al so, that be had &Wife nod twicbildroal lisland. He was arrested here last: week. bat 'eesiiived.to oaks his seep. sat la sew fres to forte new matrimonial allies-_ eee with-wne ether fair• terseestatlie of the Emerald Reperkr. 117 If yen don't lsk the Obserpir well snorter to pey for it. don't steal it fro. your neighbor. For it is possible be does. ..1 TT The best cure far drowsiness we ever tried is the bark of dog; theoih church members should never take it. far it has tie singular affect of-creating en irresistible de sire to swear. ETIThe editor of the Albany KsticitsrbockFr says that now and thee an wse gets coarteeted with the fuddle press. That is very true. ID" As dog days'approaCh the aspirants for ixolitical honors among the •Whigi. increase and multiple. bite flies around a molares cask. September will FirObably eu .1 isms of them OS. lir Peter Salt. • reside•t of 'Warren 'county' m Ohio. was ridden on • rail list Monday. by his neighbors. foe shamefully abasing hit wife. So it appears "sa eouhrot save him. IET One hendred and fifty persons died iu No during the last twelve months, of delirium tre Here is evidence of thewaat of the Maine Law. rr The National lalailigeneer tells us reader New Hampshire •:the outhusisem for Scott•and r spreads like wildfire among the Granite Hills. • '!only by the Harrison campaign." The Demon red that State theft by over five thousand. mej • Queer ••wild•fire" that Sraa wa Suove.—"Gen. Scott cannot obtain th Kentucky •ny more than%!he can command the p 1 lieitven." The author of this emphatic remark plirey Marshall, ',big member of ,Constreee fro tacky, has been appointed by President Fillmor minianer to Chums. . • ", 17 The Cholera is riling in 8uff . ..10 with (ea lenee. Some or this best citizens have been svr - indeed whole familiei hate fell victims to the yet not a. word in regard to it hes been lisped by falo papers: Is this right? Le of year erodidete Gen. Scott for burin; • conic refer to the ellow de e is priue7 and patriotic h Dick man With,. m. Jackson onminimeti and patriotic scrtplea" iculKr juncture ! They though ; for in a short Coy. Clinton to niort•l • than • -ear old; end alication ( complained of t plain citizen, and had tat to engage in a duel. ih before. the challenge Intimately . arquaiitted years. Ile heed tierce in either tied or malt ed because, his princi• the nett( itert . on the fare of 'the country, the s, protectign to IMlCEtilti Is ?OHIO run Scurr.—The KnoxvillM . (Tenn..) Inig says, that Dr. Crosier. and M. M. Gaines. Esq.. leading and ittifldentaal whip, are against Scott. and that. Mr. Walker. a respectable merchant Rattan in iimiiii allehtlisl whiff. °Pined a resolistioe at a 'eh g•metting in that town repudiating Scott. which was eonded and advocated by W. G. Swan, Esq.. whig Att aey Gener al of the State of Tennessen. **in a a • ech of some length, and of decided ability, in which he howed clear .ly that Sceit's nomination was a fraud to the whir party, and had beeniachieved by the A !Won vote of the C non." This is the way Tenet sees is ping for Scott ! EDITORIA.L BREVITIES. 17 The agonv is over! Let the coentry r Joho Et. W4lker has;obtained the conferees county. There is onop thing mere we want hi —u 'acclaim/fold Er The Georgia Citizen. of Maxon, is the o paper in Georgia which support a Gen Scott. small support, thit, in a Slate that polls 95.000. Dean.—The Carlisle Democrat in dead it .. Phuffled off this mortal coil" we do not k dead ;t certainly must be. for we hav'm seeni • moni ker for three or four mouths. Peace to the Colonel's ash- 0J The Loniatille Journal (Whig) is informed that Col Humphrey Marshall is circulating Gentry's speech . against Scott in large numbers. in Kentucky. Mr. Fill more Isis rewarded the . Col with a commission, to China. Joshua Tt. Giddings, the great Ohio Whiff Free soil r, improves upon -the New York Tribune. Greeley was only going to spit upon the platform. Giddings says that he ••spits also upon the candidate." Alt j cuRRIOIaWL LIAR.TIIIII NOW York ea:rupee. dent of the Baltimore Timer, &MCI Iblllg a fight which oe. curred is that city between a Democrat and a Whig, in which the former mocked the latter down for calling ! General Pierce a coward. wire: •• He' struck the tatafi clone Whig in the Nct+ and left him lyang.t* . EU' A stranger who reached Buttaiti by boat on Toes day evening. was way:taid and robbed of $17.0110. by three men, on his way to h;s hotel. Since the Niagara ••fizzle," robbers, p;clL'•porkets, and the cholera. appear to_have ful sway in Buff4o. • - It? Cisme:tart 'Slows —The Cincinnati Times sacs two foner.la met itt the-ta o mile House near that city. the one going to . the Cemetery and the other returning hoer) it. Huth stopiped and the men alighted to drink.— Ageneral fight ensued. in which several persons were aeirerely bruised, and the coffin considerably damaged. rr It may be interns:Mg to the admirers ofienny Lind to learn that she has concluded to quit the world of song and turn Authoress. r At last accounts. a cotempo rary says the was preparing a •mall edition of "Gold. sehrnidth Animated Nature " That's a shocking joke! OE7 It is said that ea CieOretiry Girsitstn his sold his dw - ing in Wasiiingtoil. to Siinatin; k'ish for $12.000. be ing $.3 t more than he gave for it From this we ehould . infer t t the E.x.Secretary f.as'ut mach hops of his election. air A friend tram Pie a deans tells us that the most prominent charge sigainst in Louisiana is that JON graed mother was a witch. It is esnined if this can be established, the Democrits will " a , t" and give np the State! ' ItT•The Boston Post. a renowned antiquarian and classical scholar, infet:s that Dildea wai not oppoa.d to mint juleps. from_ • rethark that he once made, that ”straws may be mad* instronarins of happiness." Q 3 The Maine Linn Ltaw. which" ham bent adopted substantially in Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. ap pears to be carried into effect. in the latter Stales, with. out any great difficultk. except Roston, where it has been rendered inoperative by - a techanicality of law Some seizures of !iconr have been made.-ald a few pros ecutions instituted. - = . . • TT Parson BrownWe sa\•e in' hie Whig paper, that Gen. Seoul the old tool of a God-forsaken, and cor: rupt association of Nionherit Abolitionists—and we ask no &sore of the friend, and admit:ars of the frre•eoil He re. in or oat of TeogeHeo,•' TeWeeiree will gp for Scott —in a hens CAUTION TO PAININTS---Tlsi Roston Traveller an nounces the death of a child to that city kii! cOnvutsions. caused by eating raisins. Thu is no uocommon -occur rence. Dr. .Deateee, in hill work on the ,physical , and medical treatment of,ohildren—a book which parents should own—mentions the death of three ihildren from, the same cause, and remarks "there is no stomach—an. loss it be that of an ostrich—that can muter the akin of a ruin." • Now T Er Anemia To Ma: en sse.,Stinatof Chiefs. of Ohio. has been writing a long letter to Mr. B. F. otter, taking John Van Boren , and others. to task for st going the " free soil" dodge this fear. la answer is thit, at the Unmeant Demmeistic ratification at Newburg. John Van Boron declared that there wu no longer any free soil party among the DeMocracy of the State of New York. for oath* objects of the jiartyairing ben accomplished. therm was now no longs soy seessity for its existence. Hurrah furkJohn ! Ha's right this time; lel him go ahead 'I rr A soinf Mr. tyaits. of Cincitioati. was recently mind with hydroph 'a. but by judicious treatment hi has entirely retove „though a ramming wound is lots', did to too kept n white the lad was bitten, in order to prevent the? ibililo of craters of the sympionui.— The yesielso which formed adder the tongs* rapidly die. appeared snider the administration of Lachesis. a medi cine prop* . d from the rim of the laeoe-beeded odder , wiwohw glue is an maidens Is Melpoison. sad lib* spasm, aro prevented by the wet billet:kens sad sib. , Sr re *diem rif. The sustain of os elopements ti pat dawn General tt Meet peeve wady hoste.—Ginewe. Tirs•; • gym IN& iro blobs* suurstie *fret lbws." Q W bottom. of the Diestierata of Erie c ow ' ty?,..418eY se quiet. I Can it be that they are dismo s . bed with r ree: who la a stranger, and in a study e q. corning doe xpedieney of rallying for Elect? W. , a , e i they would how their hand.—Gaselle. o doubt you wish - the Democrats ne t . 1 4 1 l and; no in the least. Well. ,you 01.11 b e • , on time—say about the first of Noverst i , n find out "what has beciime . ot the Dea l , ' County;" also. whether they are ••dissitio• ree" or not., "There's good time coming., sit a little longer." We have chow their gratified ie Yon will th crate of Eri fled with Pi neighbor. OsL's Orisiox.—Ed. U. Pendleton, tot e? hington, July 20, writes thee to the Naho e . cer :—•• Upoa may arriial borne this ere:. in your aper a challenge offer In, t , .. 4 „ : Gen. ott will be the next Presid...n: or te lin-Pierce. In riply to that challenzl, I lilt. t hat I do not believe the pinion off:r,a g :;,. - I and : and. to pet the isatt•r to rev!. I Ist 1 to $B.OllO that General Pi art.. it k arat d the next President or the Uuttsil S: - .1., . BACA INS date of We el lelellige tog.- I find $lO,OOO t Gen. Fronk ooly to •ey Nei eon be. brt $lO. will be sloe petre" 1 i a Wminal—Tho Southern Patriot. polet i s h . wilts. South Carolina, coritaina the pree t ,..!. i l • public meeting. by which it arpeara that t Thompson . a diatinguished Whig, farm er . to Mexico. Mod warns supporter or i.;!. liiniatratioo. renouced -Gen. Scoic to r eg . 1 his a ffi liation with he Sowaid vhrty of ti'el d comes up cordially to the aopi:ort of Ge t ...tog. Rerveu , ed *t G(00 61, York loe us,— jags of a IS , Gen. Wad Iy Telinnne mo•e'a adt, sequence o !monis% a that im 'rating' availed to Cat- Pierce • ard rity Adv ertisements, New vote or were or Hum. Ken , Cum- • - - • THOMAS M AUSTIN. tale of the lisno of G Laurens er C.. ; locks. IN..arbe*. Jewelr. Louk. Jug Glar.cs, Lamps ant24*.tticy onil. MAUI In Inrtrutnen rate and r 'l' HI AT It I A N D u A:l. I. - LN the elciinnt Mil of Mr. n Knobloch. EMILIO , %ii ix . vow! mirilimv EVENING AUGUST thli be pretchtri.Otlic comic opera in I Act of j The 'aloe Zen-,y Lind: • After winch the Opera in tine Act or TRUE LOVE! The whote ukconclude w:th the Laughable rive nn Act , r h t ,, 1 , 4 OX Auld Cox or Printer and gattar. ful rio `; 't off diseeviih h• Buf- Aftrr 11w oerformance A Gat:At BALI. Adallysioa to the Theatre 2 cents. Attutis.ton to th.• and Ball 37i cents. Diary open at 7. eartitio• will rise wive o•elv. A. BIN [cum.& B)1.1 7. Lrte A agusa 7 1932-1113 Actors frost Sert • k oice !-- ,em this CIO dream Ship for Austra'ia. f it THE new 41".thte Engine Lite:minim is es WrAT WIND, • ly whig Rather otos. . • Will 10111 fOTTOft Phillip on Saturday invl L r r•., wager, ouly~ Tat. ti the tirst Strainer from the Vntrich•-,- , .....; Anttralta She ha,•Leell three rotates to chatter.. w.uh pert. -tierubtehtnery IMO been rtinrou2bly meted, alid proud to bela very rupee o and tart •ea Sic:titer. r r 11,1114 tnoderate Sot pa,..tv.lopiv to Aaiun 7 .4113 ADAM SM I TO. 73 road-gt.. New S• rl . lIITRALF COW. (tofu the intreevelver on the 31., Ji m; Red row. tear, old laet rprttit. r borne. IIT rtglot hind tot a Ittile it hive ntlk, had no art teem! mark Whoever et% • vhe truly be fult9d at thi- (Alice will 1w !roc' : —.103 C41.11KL1.1. Whea ow, but hoof, Ao•mg I matron w:or Erie. Aug loam?, up my to.i-iness and take this meiho,t soentio who are indebted to uv •toy ' e.r I will be in toy (Wire Qii theedrimernf s ' daily. until the kirst may J Z.eptewh4r seri rinYiehret,ery_rotes' noe opportiloot of seat, 1.2 y and sarisr All—Accounts and .S.c.te. I , i eta ill be len w ith a justice fur calkelion eq. her . Y. F I it I 7 I t• lion now fvonff ali Aerbnol Usa Eighth rST. the pitrvu-e Itte pen.. 111111; pintleol a. ab Vir-t of Erie. Aug kfie nrilt Tow'. Erie , :4 Y.44IZiIIC for Atigun, ran be h!Vi al or 71 ,, 31-1.1 B (3"NiNNON & •... . . _ kittlr Eva." Mao; a law g.,01,!; 0,l Lr'e 'es sit rat, be 1104 - . GUNN fru )%•,. t i 1r5.:.-13 New ... - ' ' Buggy for Bale. FOR rate Dew fire) fate IttlaffY. A credit will he riven ..n.t4 i;eii. P, rev it elected President Ettlitliflo of T.-IN. lt, fr., . Na. 7 Poor plea Row. Erie Aux 7 lE4 i - I.: ___ . ._,-- N W WATCH, JEWELRY. AND TA Olf GOODS STORII.' ..'txte St..opposite Proux's Hotel. Erie. T"':std.. riber. (Lucm We Finn of (1. Loomis St ('0..) corn,. before lie Ire iniblie and vienniy, rolieiting. a• 'bit, i.e. piir. , n...t, , .. e mfitt...t a larre and well ..elee.ed stuck of time art.. i e-1 and pni). I.D.tsLii , able 1:01iInc als ay• at low prtets. toutil II NI(Ir the 01. hirfactaring of .Stfrer Ware and Jewelry. and r.,,, ; 1 11, 11 14,n t o tm.ioe... will 101.11fe a reat.rnable VI ppr ft Ilr.ll is t een for On part ht . mu tears.' a fC,l.lfllit of Grit. and 1iner...14 io rennin iti .te-t of life. iln• public will bud rile, i.o '4.lt.t of 1.a.- rare." bpi. it Ma)/ on hand to nig s ith the '-. re.* of luau A inn" r... 0.1.. in in In) - if and family, in the world. and I pie4elll)mell tt , fll delVof to in. 'main the reputation egjoyed by the old fi rm ID , t err parttenlar ThAikf.i. to a reliere, l l 4 lnit.lier Iso . my ' , twee". ft.• for iii lire:. I hall endeavor to 'sterna continuance of their lavers. Aug. 7 le 2-13 Tllrrs M. Arzfal.N. 0.......-- .......... tort,* aria Jewelry earenkity rep...nett. kir I.nakin' f'aualohmae a! shined andl Wrilkuirg New fork..' sllc not} ref. Erie .1..2 . esi ver Wawa.... nen Jeu WV. ell iref Warr, Clocks - . _ Gineses, Gilt Portrnia rind. tieture Frames. Soup. fluid si :e a nd sthspernling Lamps. Glass Lanteni., plain Omni, Musical Imitrunietipit Strings. Ar.i• . kti..Flieh and Getman Toys. jun purchased ',I 'id receiving and opening new and 1 esh. at u lade. J. . rail in and see the suiek. Buy a cheap cluck Of re. if you like. nt AUS 4i TIN'S, 145:1 l3 fipposite !Iron ti's Ili D.! Riga . Amulet and c.tored AUSTIN'S. Pt 7 11.3 d • 13 " Opposite RION n's 11, or, 111.1 i - Ramon of the Fastness and Aleehaiiic,' 11. 4: 7, 71 111011 01P10-!mrgli. up to July Ist. 11-s2. uft and tlthrla rrirte , ,, tlits`•urgli, mot of applicants 10r uletukrstop :mut of cash received .la I applicants, making Eric! Auti, rtUART %he, A 4poe her of Thir Whole an W Note :mut; Paul ryes. lirreted 4 I`.isil Pahl uO-4 I refic.; , ; Fur officet Emit!' (4 c and r..rpress and incidental expenses fres Branch offices Areinni 144%1 each capitalsl.t3 We take pleasure in inettentine ;Jar qitartetly neporbio fit,r 12.• hers, that 'lnk,. may -ee how the Institution is thiurivhing: Ire. • g lu ly snail od Oro every effort has been'tuadt , by the officer. and aiteats to adil to our number those whopre tooling forward to the best 'mere.* of themselves and their families. N. B.—rm. report been detained on aoeotim of sot hear.ti (roll our brasch Whom in due tune. G. U. BROWN. Seey.• 1-7 All itellievien: members holding receipts will please :rod their depoi..o.l •toit, and take out their mete les. A.ig.. 2t . • EAT .ENGLISH. REMEDY , • . • toss/e !prier and Summer .Wed:riag is ti e jr. rt.l lqi:lsres rOuusT vrzlit . 11 " TM .4011111117 AND MEOW., L . /Artf..TT k,r ••G l 'e. PMin Tilt Mina' LI TRAOROINARI I ,Tlfr hVot in ES route tg,ipg Ifto4l,lr, Of liquorice. I ikr Iltr it , .l-1- , pari 1a.., req ti.r many I ire hot ore to err.bire vie - .le in health. The Fore.* Wine IM aih'er. her a ..! t. Pt mutt op. 110 .)'tip,. in Zliff ,it coo.i.iewey. I ~ I •teetirrit flaVOr Mid OoOrrtal mrdir teat ft , ta in s •It.i ,. 1.1 pat. of whirls it i. compmrd. The roe.: -it the eiroie. of the Wild Ch•rva. Parlifehow. to - i 'Set-sail:rata. with other valundle plata. , w r.,... .still more p .nor ii. It. high CUOCellifailOtle brut ;keup id efficient nt , die toe- don MOM% 1.1.-a to. a .re-n.rri. the 'meet' t g patient tit m weaker., dr kiove. so .trong _and %moms. lies it 1.. Ibe fore.l .1....1 did. in the .tioneid tet at.. for all reuiptallii• Ti A i molt Y ' f 'l::::ll. l llll r ;ll . lea N iaPr:P.;: a iste' t )r.lV lt il a iYi'l l 'll t eitir l iinirf al :4 ; : l .l i l eta rPedfrl.pr l i: : EP a likTe l i i 'fi r i '; g ill le' Lt nl' l gn: y jlter i ret u pec if 1:71 t ati a l;1 1, " 1 .2:1 : 11:ro. a .14 : : 1 ' :- a ealthy en • it of Newark. N. J Le U. ir rtbear-1 else% ia - 3 our Forest %Vine and Tiff,:tat. lweii tate tur n •of ...wits] my life.. Whet* Ics tufweed t..‘ • ..:. them. I la PI • the pomi-rd dea'i h. vi rili limpet'. hie. and A. f ma SI v ph% ' Sian. hail given we over a. pact reosery -tt iu,e in this drea I it .iiiirition tour Forest Wine ann Pill, were r.r.. cured far me. ad before I bad lireelied the find bottle or ff. V, d e and box - of lIIa, 1 exper.enceil /rent relief:'- my body and lind -, which th ere pally swollen. became seneibly reduced • st t,. of my r cote 4 began now to revive. HMI atter rontrattinz r! e use 01 )purr ti iciest for about a meth. the Files and A.thaex were complet ly cured. Ti e Dropsy. with which my lite a:* placed iii er 1 mat danger. oas .4.4. nearly gone. I hate Ns i timed the u v ofyour medicines urr]il the present tiow:ao t h.. i l enjoy as le *et Iralth as ever I did in toy life. although I . 'fl more than s sty tear. of Age. 1 liribe my recover. eitittrit ,•i tile toe of )rdur excellent medici .Several or sia tir,rlh-s I T .. have also stied them with. *Miff. r success WI belie , ' c - "N'', Plaints. and I can cheerfully recominend ablaut male public. Newark .J. lire. 19 1547. Yours. etc. N. MATH t..11 - P. GREAT CO tug LIVER CoMIPL•INT OP TW ll AAAAA VrAnnr ,/ New Yong. Jan 9 I.: , Dr. Dahl. Dear Sir :—llaving taken your F reel Knee tatt I Pill: to retie ye a disease of the Liver, from which I have sare't: o set crely fur upwards of lefl )cant and having adhered rio-i0 Ili the directions whichaccolupany the nwilleines.l have recut , " my health. uotwithstanding ail who knew toe thought my ti.:4;i , -curable. Previous to taking the Wine and Pills; I bait r r'r to the best medical treatment. but continued lb grow 110Offe IV' - alarming degne Borne of my ff am& smoke deepairinglyo i'IT ease, and tried to persuade site from making use of any adtrrivwf tried tea: and. 1 doubt not. but a hat there are hundred. pros: dissuaded Nom taking )our excellent medicines, in cert.-o.'l. es of the threption and inefficiency of many Rd Tel yard reibrdll pm forth by unprincipled men. in Busing advertisements r - P'ai what a pity it is. th t the deception used by others. snohld t' the Means of dissuading niatilaboring under, dease. to r 1 " .- k Illf trial and being cured by yor excellent requedire Ibis,rdi speaking. khey have saved my life: ashen I townie red RA.r . use of theis.. I was in a 'wretelied condition, but began to /to" r tare their good effects in less than three days; and. in sii.s reit , from the time I purchased the medicines, to the great - ;dirioi.e Of all ray friends. I was ent ire y cured. and had serrated 13 Porn lii weisql. having t i ken one boa of the Frile. and Iwo lo Wee' the Wine. Wouid to God Set every poor puffery/ woefd 111 .1 I herself of MS rate remedies.- VOWS. awl JAMES W I l• ,-4 11. • : Dr David kflarviir. a celebrated practliiMber rat New Y. 4 ." elated public v". that one bottle of Hale) 'if Forest W OW ennia n rd moo virtues has 30 of the large bottles ofllari.atir.ritla. :tk""f el. S. Naomi &Co . the largest and rawdlrespecuible .:•.ittr.. - I ° jif in f)raetise. in a t. Wet says t " From what Mc, nave heard .rif seen of Ilalite,'s Forest Wine, it Is an excellent and good lacd4" eine. and will'undnittitedly become the kmdling medieior or Or day." Ili. Mon. of New York. also sewer the to die %Mort of Ilatsey's }Pore t Wine, by ret.dusuending it: lb snotty of . 11.6 is. hems. - Serea hundred cenificates from physicians. cirri% incl. andanffividulia, of known reaeciability, bike been given. Irma fying lathe great'eures made by " Dr Halsey's Forest I,Vie and Pills." Ainong them is the cure of Mr. John Ovits. of SO Nail st. Now York.—cured of affection of the Liver, and bad cobeh after having been given over by his phasic tans, who pronounce; . his ease seated Consumption. A child of Mr. William Batten]. Broadway, New York. woo had been dreadfully afflicted * l ' o Scrofula. of Ants years standing, cured in IWO than .ir wrekik time. Mary J. Brown, daughter of Rev James R. Brows. 01 - Litiseaseof thf heart, and Me/pleat Consumpt ion. Others Of Jame dice. Miters of Piles, others of General Debility. others of t 4 lleo l Female Complaints, lie. Dr. Halters Otßce. No. Me BroaJosf New York. 'Fbs Forest Wino Is large equareZtles.Sl Pil..__ l4* tie; si4licittlei few $3. Guis- coat od Forest Pil SO ee s p ig ellw'r ref Mel the oppoioted "pat in Rd., CAit & i l l• Atr ( Iffi a ges /4°ml* Ve ■co•f ral 31 AL PATIOI TT TI /SDI !'i eIS.In4 r lere.,t r 1 Irlf Drew 'rt.. at.' frheit the %(Q1 WOW' eMIII.III bar a?, propertir,ener alers It one 01 • .thiee bait), and 14 II T., roa 01 the .townar ferbuirs. Canaptenats. lad impure had NOTIOZI. L 4 1 4-3 V. 7 1110 Jr 66 if 9. 1• MI .::16 VP 9F: 16