■ lIIIM VOLUIa 23, (Erie Weel4 aserurt. A. P. DURLII 4r. CO., PROPRIE U=l33:l;lL= • . OFFICE, CORNER STATE ST. AN IUBLIC ri SQUARE. ERIE. • L: --". - :. TERMS tH , THE PAPER. City autairribers by the carrier.itt By inn ii. or at the othce, in advance,. ' a I A ii Ind paid iii nth' ance, or within three months from the time 011 ta,e r 0411 ' two dollarp will he charged. y„.; All cusnuiunieauoini onto/ he post paid. , t ' RATES. OF ADVERTISING, Card? , not exceeding I lines. ooe year. • imetiqoare , • 6 64 03,00 10.01) do. do. pix month., 6,00 do. _ fo. three months. ' 3.110 Thansieht littverthethent., 39 cents per square, of nfteen tine. or less, tor %he tint irirren 2.1 rents for each iiubsequent insertion. early .44% trt it•en. ha% the 'privilege of ettaisipur at demon re, Ina at no ilustiare allotted to oeeuvy inure than two Square.. /limit. In !mutat. tig.r ansinudials inanatas. A if% CalSellrftri lirto( having ocher directions. will be inserted till for hid and c ha raett accordingly. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. JOHN GOALDING. afrerti+rr TAILOR. and Hann Maker—Shop on'the east side of bole wee% two dome north Al sight, and adjoining J. H. lib , . /el & cces Gabizart 11ape-itootio. t. ie. Yeti Ala., .JOHN KEENAN. Grsrest. SicAsoboot Ascot. °thee at E. J. Roger's flat sore ' 1 4 tate streebErie Pa. _ CLARK & NILTCA.LF. liVandevate and t. Lad di•alera ru Lny Goods; limpets, and Dry Grocer/4n Nn, 1 lined Hodge. WILLIAMS. & WRIGHT BAXIFILS. Colll,:tlUta .1101 pealPla lu Gold Aid sayer coin, uneur- Mt.( :flame), Laaj IVarrjaho sad Cenilleales.4/1 Del/0/./1.-. Also S44A s la oral u, on the wane qr . .al uuee of Um: CutOu. and all OTIS Of rue Old I.:own') fur 4ale °dice; Wllllallae Balt k. curlier of sl4k-.q.„ and pubite. Square J. IL WILLIAMIJ J.- G. & VV7 - 1. MILLS. liar; ri - Erq and Whole,•ale Dealers in Nroeerieli. Winer.. Liquor', 4.7lg.irs.—Ah•o.Fureigit Vr ut, Nina,. ['tette* Lail Pickled try., Lotnwer., PreM•r,l'f, and tlertuehricaily r;ealed art' lea ul etery ne-erii , aitAuS's on Word,. No 3, Willi.au'a Muck, Siate-st , I3otel. Erie, I'a • J. G. ia, New Itiardlo. A Leo. reeeiviiir nt their „}aeon. OystriNiu Ellen:twin J. G. Mille, De)..t. New Pura, whiten wuJ ke .o4d Wa loath! at low purees, A. C. J•cason, Agent, Erie, rd. _ 1111RLIN & SLOAN. • DEALER! :N411401 and MirCPII.IIIeOUS Books. Malik as.:iPrtnleelo CarJ., Nu. 9. Itruitu's Dew Block. pie Pa A Y." lot ALIA PO Y 'i(iIIINST(),V M. 1). —7- ()me, ac up. pe..pi e u cc ou Gib Stier:4 [wu dakbrlS %Vela, ok the 1.:; , i,c.)1.41 church. k== F•F It P f 0100 /Ott!. N', 11 I . 4 '21444 tee; U t /Ike boor beiow lJuousg.k. eu'A wet% Li ie. .1011Z4 B. COOK. _ 1.4.,, It in !staple ir. Failf V 11; . 5 14...).1.. a. 1 the Area ea variety - ~1, ,ay Store in the t;ity. 11re:tn . :ride; kat... pa.. ~.. -- S'il:kikt,ETT at WtAY. ,r.nr-t, r.. J.11 , 1..r. :1.4 retail beak r. in We. ..1.1 Dry Groeeries .• :\ . , - ; r•/ :...,,•: l'Ore.V.l. :11.4.1 taium•ttc PI tlll.lp otAICU, f •••z , o.c %V. , r-, f 1 ,,.... 1 , 1.11. Salt, 141 1.11,, :I Air,. row ' • , . '-'• .:• - 1 , . , ...e. c.. 5.. 4.e. Frea.sit &feet. krirpo. , • 1'..,, , .1*,, ... . „ :. - i., o,', Ve.c.eht.. Hotels. am/ 'PrteMe ..•I".iii, Ui 11.C.,,,,, , t e ..,rt,rl , .. A% tt:r. prvsupt • . ' ' • it , ' 11. 6 LA NE. Att.oracy to,nd Counsellor at Law. uvirJAck•gm's .tore, North-La.' coiner of the Put"- 6 4 1 • ' • ‘ I. I t , F,r Dlie i tllt S it l•. k. aE t ..k. :•3 rt..% Alt t'. P rk ,_ f ex. +INc. In) Clilitil.Elll 'l4O. :^ 41 , ge 4 AIIP. ULce and Ilreualeoce•— :.•%". culh ic 6 ...tans 6trecto. I . 01. cc bouciri ow 7 WW. A. al; Lto 1 4 ani 6 to 7. P. M. A. etas. * u. ' J. L. •Irt.IOVAIT lg. D. ° JOHN HEAOI A. Co_ , Fos • AIDING and I'i:ntold-Jou 0 etch into, dealer • in Coil. r „,, Ftilii:iirid silent fur a doily line of upper Lake Ateauters Public IhNlt Erie Pa. ' • - __ _ I • - LILWELL & Cu. IR r.tre , tm rens; Manufacturers of Iron rettee. Mailing. Steamboat '.. Itattrts, at,, the „Suite. hrivt re,. 7 h a,..1 N t i . Str,,lst. Erie. A 141+: ft I i'A N Exekt:s6,cwit'ANY7 — Orric I( Removed to No. 3 Reed Block; State Ogees. 17 . m.tetu tiiinetta clones at .1,14 o'clock. ii. M. . 'I% et•teria! " " 24 o'clock. P M. - • 0. D. ararroacr. Agent. . . G 1.. - oift; - .1. MOItTON . , - (Late el . the jinn di J. Ilearrs 4 Cri..) ' row vtrurciau I C.JtouliA.tou 11Cfell MI. rdt.bio Doak, rdie. ri. De.iler la fro AI SAL' Ft4b Flour and Mow,. c WALKER. dr.. TIBBA - LS. . . Irotw.o.too:4 peaduer amid voiiiiiiispion Menthasita, accoad Ware flouir tam, of ilic Plitiiir Itriiitte,‘:rie Pa. , A fao—lwitero in toa I. $ a it. Pl.D.ier ix . diver°. Fi.h, Linw and tame sione. Iron, iti a I is. rove'', Canting...— ace.. with ifiiurtia.w... et/ far ileief;* for r 'flung either by Steamboats, Propetleta. Schooners. or by Rail Road., 'D. D. iii a taita w. ii. KNO LTON Watehmakeraod Repast - cr. Ilea in Watches. (leek:. 'Jewelry Aluseeal Instrumento. I,..ookiwOlasols 41.1.1 other Frney Goods Store out door west of the Kethtgiouse. 17 ' ARKUCKLE Sr. KEPLER. DtALIKI in ivy Goods. Groceries. Hardware.Cruekery. Ica 111 3. Ferry Tock.einte Erie. Pa. . A. IUUso. . Arriwity IT 1.....w.-Liratruc , on fart Row, between Brogirtw'new iiwri and tbe geed Moue,. up atatra, - Dtt- Prrpu-tal and @Cpah.o,ll $0141.. ketmirtock ttaia~ a, Erie. Dactr.rs CAW. Si I vet . Kai e‘e Sight Exchai tut tate . I iifier IWI atty ON STUART. Mee. comer of french and Fifth store. Residence on retain Alba. { Mabee ary ft al I. rus REEL). . _ T. tl stitc•ovi ei Mopes Koch' due dour cue L of the old Ai RUi Drp . i a in Englivii,Geiinanl Abu,. Frei hrie, Wit , ‘Li ',LK And Retail dea Liyiur., Foul, Ike.. to OPlKr•iu' tbr Farmers' Ho 'CADWEL t. POUT/ RS , Jobbers. mid K ' o,4 ' her).flasoware, Ca . Empiric S 111914 11°04. Lirse. Pa. A1m0. , -Aut ink ace..Beno aw,runentiof Saddle and • 4 S. ME ItTnuaart AT LAW and J the liey Stone Mutual Li IA ul Wright' ature. Ets - _ - GEORG Arrna ?ter all Law, thrard 'other humwar attended W JOSIA Fong arl ing IF COlLlWillallOn 1' 4 61 I. street, Coal. Salt. rill Me t i r nd Whs • 11' II01175•LIC aIfSD IRE ZAIL ready wade eldt 1% right', Hawk. Spare - M411.811* A T'otfl VYS 4.7 LA W...-OSM (KAM 01 We; Prothonotare' MU itRA Arrowwwr •wb Comma:.os more. eatrafter out door • t4w. • • • TIBBA hp' Aikaa In Dry Goode, Dry \ co• I. Brown's, New Hots. SMIT DR•LPII on ihy G 00414 Groe - • iron Nails 42.. 1 5 1. chea Cl el .IT NlAita Cpboleues. :•••11.1Ini Olffeta. Erie. . vv." , l an d Retail deal I 9htse, ike.. No JAM PAiItIONA•I.II , Merebitil Tah of Stair .ttertt Krlr. - :11,)ItS - 1 - • opm RLT•II.(k.I ltK . O. • E Wel/ _At:. = Priv Ur. 1: tut hq u a re.. kr. •- • • , from o anti rotor el"tile.l *Mk . : I . l :llrtallental Itellueq4 deaf All CHAP! 11 1 . . i south ••••• ,Ikte arriosed • 1 . _ ''l• . . . - 1 ' .... ; • . • -s - . - . . , •4- . ~,... , • t I . . . , , • I . 4 • • " • i .% • . • 3 I ' . • •'* 1 - ' • ' I 1 4 . . . . .. - l'' .! - -• ' 'l' . .. I' l l " :-. ' • • • 1 ''. ' - 1 - f l• 1, ..4 ~ ' - I • I - .:' . 4. - ~l''' ':' :•• ' '-' '. '.--,-" - '-'" - ... I , ' ' ' I ' • i I .... - . t , '.. • • - - . • S• .. _ _ • E T_ • : • '..H - E•-...'. . F . R I 1 - . ! , .-.--,. . . .. . ,-\.. .. ..t .. ~ . . . , ;• , • _. . I= B. I. SLOAN I= ~._.' tillA - NDEti. . Mice *corner 'or trine lindl4,4venth ghtb St . - between Presich and , r • k Now, Clertafkater a De• ou the pro ire opal c I Lift room/wily r Mork, Public Square. Erie. d Anirtirao Ilardwarr and Collory, . Iron wad" Steel No. 3 limed House; 81EG Kt.. r in Groteries; Provisions. Wines. Corner or French and IF ifth Z 4 U'eag. I;ree. 45c BENNETT. I Delers to Dry Goods. Groeeries. hap Hardware. Inks, elect. Naar. res dude tkreet. four 'doors, below is, Azle Arms. Springs. and,: genera/ ;:arrinie Trisimunsits. - _ ' VIN ,Attiee of the Peage. and Agent for Insurance Company-40kt 3 doors I Pa. H. CUTLER. Erie County. Pa. Collections rad with prompt!~ and 4iwititch. KELLOGG. erehant: l on the Public Dock, east 01 . Fish, couotantly for sale. iiiZIVi:IG tip C MI 44,kune., in Foreign and tie Dry Boots end 81 Sot... No. t L Jr. VINCENT, t p main in Taininany Hall building office. Erie. • _ - • •WHALLON. IT La w--thhee over C. 0. Wriihes - t. or State etreet..on the Lhartoott. S. dr.' HAVES. :rocerie*, Crockery, Hardware. ice JACKSON, ies.filard ware, ttueens Ware. Lime ride. Erie. Pa. M filltLET. • d Vadenaker, comer of State and & BRO'Fri F.R. in Drugs. Medicief .raipiam.Hasi Reed House, Erie S LYTLE. ,••-• • :on . the pipblie *quire. i le* John BURTON & CO. rssu Drugs. VlC...Wales. Dye Yleiffs. House. Erie. . t LLIO1?I'. )entsst; offieessui dweta i s in the . tip. fAin side of th e Public 14!. Teeth insert/41 on : Piste. it entire sett. , Carious tenth filled u) health and woefulness. Teeth d Deputice • as to /awe dim of warranted. . RESIDENT DlENTUrr—Odiee on of the Disoload awe doors art at Prices reasoaable. sad al) me* &le Jose la MR. a • Padril onit 31 ORS. HAR God of the rol Our sortgce In many a And iiheral No arsti lop o No soaring But on the ha I VA 1.60 Our gnarl Born On thy b Was beape. Anil soiling . ; The dun.bi And itutnune The ripenii 1- Andsgoiden 'The eui) Nu menial th Here wait a But many a to Halls wqn No groves or p No myrtle n But rutting m And , rate in thy care the laudeal l te o'er i Out flocks had herds-eurt ty stray; pilo I) rant waster claims out More— No ruthless ,dtibber reipds assay. . o tierce, volcano's withering shower— No fell linty:kW with it,ll.OllOUO breath— Not bittutni *nuts, with baleful power.. ' A:wake the gory plague; of death • odliere •hall Where hingth • ad streanis go Beneath timit! here ne're be -Where Crown tiere—at the thr: ehall man. in (froM Bart: 1 The Cobw tir e• • • Died. suddenly, a) on the firteenth..Margaret Cho lan. agedmixty eight years.' liflo the pale, stern f. 14, and. iall, spare figure of her Meho bore the 'nanse.of Ittrearet.l Challsn reniehed fin earth forgetter. omy mind this thought carne laden with nosorrow. /4 in ! iurnfutthriti Once. when on nivont to nir Aunt I had emit Mrs. Chadian. and her gloomy face, and siombre dress ; es ship sat by the b l dght fireside, cast over me m sort of nameless dread. T 4 O me she seemed •4 a gaunt . ; weird shape. which 04 , iiling in (nip the weiild of sorrow, Bung its chill she. d4w upon the braghtu4s,of that lair home. Margiret &thin was the otilt i .sint of tny' Uncle : she had blen . kind to him to 14 boyhood, and her nephew re 4embered this with grateful affection. Upon his desth• be'd. Stephen Hilt b4soisght his widow and only child to r treat with k godly regiuditim A cek , iii*t!met women. who had sig greatly beireelided herb. my 111111 apoke of her. with ! ir(ehudder. . 1 . No. Ellen:" she slid to me one evening. " 1 can never lord Aunt Chatloo ; pit!. her 1 do. for I knew that tile hss bate:ed with (aerial s sorrows; but 1 always feef t hen sks is here. its thoug h thete stood Remotions dsrle.l and"drearv,,betsreen me and life'. sunshine. I riper'. i . enee a sweet relief when the std carriage from clnailso ridge rolls home Wartio yoo bl/Sine Lae for this , Elleuts -, " Blame you. Alnyll eh. no ; j 1 shoelii wonder much ii.d you feel otherivia4 '; to ine your Aunt is very eledlink; but you speak ofhelerahrrows,--hiive the) been peculiar?" ' ..I cannot tell Yoe.' Ellen ; for abode this mother al. Ways evades my • questiOns. , o)icer I was speaking a. Auut Challen: end 1 said there were two lines in tie fate not almss of grief and deipeir. but of a fierce; terse bee remorse. Mother. starti l iig : from_ her' cases. sad .quickly. *Child. child. how I strangely you talk :' an eft the room Were' could *Peak ; but there were tea jo Her eves. and 1 basset had bresghi - soinething pain 011ie her mind.' 'filen w 4 toi l e yowls girls. haven. • , l i ly the Ore is A - say's little hien*. talked wonderingly o it I rgarat - ..:hollan. to es a'striiinge. dread woman. is 1 sat in the low 4;0(1*W-seat. with the paper cram 1 li giled in 'my hand, the memory of this cenverseriose Curbed vi idle to es e. Node. lliarsigsret Challan woe_ gleied-hei heart, with it. groat :burden. of hid ;en grief. intimated Ise longer, ttien; as 1 mused. 1 began wonder 'what would become of Chat's* Ridge ; into whose hands lie desolate. yet noble Old country seat would pass. 1 was not log in doubt. • 0 "It wiiit uueondition illy beqeeathed to use. Chaffin ' Medic is *furs, dear Ellen. ; and we will shortly leave on; Present home for it. Yen mast go with us therai. stud 1 /oil stud I will do our best .to heighten that glooy old aeuse.!': ; Bo ended a leittei, falai my fair young euxis . Amy Hill: and it had jotted) reed, twice ere 1 del ided to ieusply with her request. : I , ' "Chalk's Ridge shall be smiles longer." said .Amy ' . . Old straightway it seemed to me i that the old grey house. With its marrow pointed windows tad quaint hide pot hens., yea bright. - iyen cheerio). beneath the magic of her presence. As • ray of 00,4 Amy danced across the dark heti up the wide 'istairscese, and her laugh. 'like the smothered tough of a fairy. o clear aid sweet." rang loyoiroly Strough Chat)." Ridge{ A sunny change came, Over the Old place. and 1 kue* that to my taut and lie f lovely yonag daughter ii would become a happy home. Amy aim 1 followed Rath 4rey.he old hemeeke l eper jig Chaffee Ridge. from roiein; to' l l room until. slimies t Weaned. Iwe were turning to jo et Aunt Hill in the bright hale Bitting-room. Whirs Ruth *necked I. ;'''Hillyhd: young leidies. - you , , Would like to see the paii. Or mistress, always sal in." ohe j sett:. passing at a daiese.. 'and we eiegerly assenting. shiSterned the. key. . i It' eras; a email room : therforiiiiere had ones been lich. but Was wow time wera.isiiii the carpet bad fade) io a dingy hue :hut not on't.lhese did Autra eyes si mine rot. High over !hit. ',simle , ' hung a lire pl!ltir i and upon this we t both gassed! : A bower covered wi dark creeping elites. a - yoong )and' beautiful girl w . standing is the, entrance. looked. timidly. yet 84130 4 iterth, whilst far *lave in the .le ,e. a cheer stlest team threw a fair light uion the tall trees and 'hid' hrubbory. .Such was the pletoie.—The fees of this twhtte robed figure was one of exquisite lovelies's.. this dark eyes gleamed with a joyous light. and the dolma+ l. . curved lip seesaw" saltiest l e st bleng with a winds I t *. Tell me. Rath . I ' said, Am y eraing to the old howls Jteeper. " is . thes but a fancy pi ore. or did—" I i. •• Did that - lovelY lady ore, live ? yeses veers going te 'ask. Mies Amy. ! Ah . yea : bat It is many a long deli/ i , , deate death shot up her stiviset; bright i ** Aad what wag har camel" 1 asked. noting as 'poke. that down Rods Grey's sir Waded cheek a ter* b • 'fen d Ito *ay." ! " Hopei Maybeith." l a ' . ; t se opir i eybritb." repeated Amy. musingly. 4* I nov4 iiirltelard aamabefero. Why. Ruth. who was abs 11' "Oh* se an orphan. end only wild; leer another aid ;my {m ete i ts worn fall cwasise.'attel when elm was log piosc _mid Jim ii the smild. Cluillia Ridge became her ?hate: liet• Ye*** ladles." sided the GM monism es Iltbeegb 'fields% to Mango die mobjeet, *ire boo net ,- • istelin4q. EST ioQ year: tar thee Il rue—whose bounty pours ly gat, with free ,hand our aUtuuto stores; tour doe k eplay, loud, of tincture rim-- lowed rhria9we hearts I h ilterance. natal. the tap or Spring with trtany a blooming Sowell I amine? joined to Wing and the gentle shower ; rich luxuriance now. reed—the b4l.rpting then, at. and ladetit bough. of thy bounty tell. ! t;. in priltely dome, led lord•, hnhen, r and peaceful borne peaceful doe a guest tin our fielder nduru— , ades or orange bowers— ode orgolden 'corn, l wartng graiuire ours. se our song to thee, fled tales l unging wild anti free, land nnibng sky.. reared a 'snort?) ihrone, oppreiwor never iro,t; lie of fle.iveis alone. centime. bovv,t9 trod. VII Kla Magavale.) " 1 1) on the- Wall. YE ATHIjRBI R. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, 1852, me Master Richard's picture )et ;" sad st►e tuutretrto wards it. With a high. white brow.- from which the rich brows hair was cireiessfy eerept. dark Woo eye,. add features clearly cat. Richard Challan'■ fine Nis looked (Wien upon as fremits mas.iv• frame •• You me he waa then sighed. "It evil ter Richard died. sod day to her'death." "/ think he was Al cousin., very handsome," said Rath" and •11011 be meat); years since Adee.k Munroe' stealer Broiled from that "Yeti, blies Amy, for ham t. but they s about her " young which her sibs runti covered her fees wit *arils the window. , There was but of other portrait in the room, and it was that of Merger t Chalice ; she had sat for it but' a year before her son death. and there, were scarce any marks of age upon h r face. A widose . e cap pertly coy.. ered Mrs. Chanute dark hair, and her mourning dress fell gracefully round her que:enly figure; Open her brow was no furrow of he Vy grief. uo trace of fearful sorrow.- yet Amy and 1 loo.ed upon this picture with a shudder. Ceittpr,;.iiimg the th n bps, and expanding ihe haughty nomarila. ware 14 hi es of sit iron wall, a earn, terrible .1 t emper ; we saw it iii the cold bezel eye..—its' ahadow deepened the pale leek. **Oh. Ellen," h all' whispered Amy, "if Aunt Cha lets could at this tne i nent stand 'beside her picture, what a tale wolold the tie ' faces tell—the one glee ' g with i the Sin erce'deterin• ion or *proud spirit; the other dirk 'tied with the panialltment that spirit lied nett d iont.for itself—remorts.'' t - , l•And they were , hatipy here beneath her roof." re eddied Anat . . &one+ /ialie portraits of R chard Chal lan mid Hope Itilaybri , h.,"at least. thee 'Wilk imams; hew strange. Ellen ! Wb most get Ruth Grdt-some day to Wins their history. She knoVire it. i'do nut doubt ;' and Amy Walked slowly towards the old woman at the wits - du*. i end she had planned great things ere not tuba;"thin murmuring • after ; and sweet Mips lispe.•• ered needy indistinct. Ruth Grey bher check apron, and turned is. Again I look'ed 4 the *tided faces—two so full of beaaty, hope. aed yueth `.; the third io cold and mexisia tile, and t woudered iif her Icy heart had not sometimes east its cuillieg spelll'otter those fair young bailie*. A. the lett/me she threw his rays fullupou Margaret PIO- Litel'high brow and finely chiselled features. it seemed to loves' them with 'Oiled 4.t. chill. proud beauty. and I telt that hers mai gaff " A pate stern tree;and sterner thr. - Decal le it 4 a Faaaaa'• lee!. ' . . IVIA,ti gleawed l a waalag, wasii-out ,or. I Wawa outs was bright with ca.n.ia; grace." , The gay some ei Aso ~ • fell suddeuly upon my ear. and 1 turned away .lesiat Alt ptctuies.. . "If you eriiii't tell me. Ruth, why you have left that ti great Week cobweb 'alleging is the corner 1 will certain ly brush it down ; at Anoka a; though' at bad bung ibere fur years." ' Ruth Grey's eheell get vary pale, and she said in an almost imploring ton'. " It he. hung there for years; but, oh. pies's,. Miss Itany, do not take at down !" . _ Why etel. Rot tall we. or else—'! and Amy meteingry moves to arse in • eorUer out tee mu tr. man. with, nervous h nd, seised her by the arm. " Cutest itt wu d see that which will make your yaws/ bean ebiver, let the old web alone," she raid quickly. ten ille. Ruth t there can be noth; uth a klnder's Web. sod I ne«st see!" hay W...had the. all. and the Wtb• • von the fluor. .• Dou't try to frig ! lig very terrible boa As Amy spoke. she li rrk with dust, fall What had it hidd dark. Ruth Grey I is T A otegle stain, red/. deep •nd oked onourufully •od stleutry upon t' shit at' length said. whit hale year it has beea..shias lay cSIJ :•011. M 1•. Amy. role done Maisy raw that .pot." 111" asked Amy. irately feeling. What IS it; Rai with myself. mhos* What is it? Yes • the bloid of ".1 wept bitterly. ",Ab, if yea do al this'll you wens anal will. You are not this nice cushisaed feat ; now de begin sea wow" and Amy , heasekimper's faca,. l Rath Grey Sighadt ad hack nay seam "it is a sad, story, wee% tube very mac •fisgia. dam Rath / ly around my waist, flew" awaiting .with MI the Wall. Hsi •wed, 'hy. child. don't you 800 'tie itnodi and the old woman sat do*n. and at tell us all 'best tb• web. I shell srith in' fur broshiug it from tits Well. theu. Ruth dear Ruth. take ,ehatr.ead Et:ea I. oral au at your 1 mast hear that glory before the Hill looked up coaxingly ta the old and faintly smiled. as she ami>oth -413116V, earls..ani then she said. Amy. one yon and- Miss Ellen I am afiaid." "urged Any. twining - hpraren fond= and Inns ar• sat together upon the ernes* tho:story of The Cobweb .111 evening." said Ruth . Grey( in a Is (bone shit were fearful of being ope M!iTbrith firs( cant• to ("hollers •• It woe a-bright 'olivine of voice. a, overheard. '• whee I F Ridge. She was pretty young creature. not took: than siztetta then ; at she had seen a deal of trouble It wasn't only her back dress told fin that, bet her face wail pate and sad. and very often her large, bright sp., were suraoten red with crying . "Mistress was very kind to Miss to love 'ber dearlyi and. befori 101 (hallan Ridge kited and loved the "Mistime wasn't them as Yon kn so dark and gloomy, She was the world. when every One obeyed he like stone. It never bent to ii,crea crossed in a trdle,i her temper wouldn't be in sharp angry spells. We proud coldness. ihich aforyi f old Ruth trembled. ins some dark in. I over her "lelest.r Richer& was the only o did not liar hie root er•oroorper. ' some bay. as prou4 and fearless • trisstsTes tairlidate4 i on him. He and I have of h and her say.th pride pod hope b r boort. ••I'rrenombor tholovoniog Mu • cam*. my young moSor otiod,by tho bro. and biokr. long and fixedly et her; thee he etimMed rho room. an • sat down beeide her upon the wide rota: I was laying I eupper•cloth. and now and then I heard a word er tw •of their talk: Mas ter Richard had a gentle voice; ono i sounded very pktss sot. D s he said to the young *triage •do set weep. • my sweet °MILO: yes shall not be aloe in the weld; I mill love y'es kb* a brother. mid take eta a of yen.' "_ "Miss flops tried, to answer; bet egreat tear choked hat. and she Vied like any child, Oh, how blaster Richard's dear Illae sr.' did glisten. ai he tried to geiet his cooties: and abet • while she leaked up and sailed. 4.llVhas bliss Hops had ions to tsar room, sad u ems hits •ths puler with lights. I liostiL Master Rich. "annul to his inothst. ••llhs is too lout" Is be mortal; ass scarcely holier* she is IQ* of earth's child/es." ••afoaseau.. Richly!!l yam talk jsat late a foolish , at aightitt, aa yes an;" 'swamped my sietnu• • madniv bat I titeatbtaltediti sat IMO attagather sad I ism Ilmybad ham Milano, Heys • at Chaliaa'a duly child." said lay Cu - II Hope. She seemed nog everybudY 'strum edeer orphan child." ilew her. Miss Amy. mousiest Lily in the i; but she had • wool arm and Wilts war would brash out it —it in a kind of torri• oghtentod one:" and miry seemed is en I• in thirhosee who e grain noblo hand could be; and my se her only , child:— t jai bins lay all Use ”As bliss Hops began to feel more- at home in Chid len Ridge, she grew cheerful: end after a while she be cante nue of the happiest add gayest young creatures I over saw. blamer Richard rind she wens always togeth er. lu fine weather they used to rid, or walk through Challsu Ridge grouuds.••tid is he• the days wers stormy. they sat side by side in tens room. reaming or talking:— and etithetieries bloater Rich - ard. would give blurs Hope lessons:in her drawing. Poor Children!" said old Ruth. with a !earful glance at the tifirtrait s *.they were so hop gy their!" • Aboat a yoke after Elope Maybirth came to this house. • I iris young master arm( la travel In - distant conntrics. It was two years before he came back; and then ha was of age, and bad grown handsome. and taller. Miss Hope we. fairer than ever; mild I could see that blaster Rich ard stilt loved her very desity. • One morning. I stood by the dressing-room Window. whenblaster Ilititiarri sad his cousin rode up. halted hericalls those.treew; and Richard, springing froM bis h orse , Idled Mimi ichre tenderly to the ground: - ird then she. kissing het little,hand to him. rah lightly up the broaa steps, her rttlettlint upon her arm. Slrhey both Naked so lo Mg, and so' lovely, that I felt in spy heart. and said aloud. ".urely. God h e ns willed bluster; Richard and Allis Hope to becalm man and *tie." ' I forint that I was not alone; and when I turned front the wtoduw. and ntrt tha eves of my -tnisirea, I shook from had to foot. "Hoo Mara you say U.at. R.utii Gray?" alto sokid. uhorp4; sod thou as though ireenettmig had crossed iiser ennui. oho utd.. in a quiet way. "Go down own. now. and never waste jeer breath rpm i., ouch aout.etliks." "I wekt quickly. and an I shut the door, I heird my mistress mutter. ••rool, fool that I have been..neicr to think tit' this! But it it not '.et top late:" . • Mode Master Itchsrd was ac ay. he gathered up ma ny totriental picture*. and learned to be a painter; so. when he Caine home, he hung 'ltem in this pwlor across the hat 4 and called that his peinting-routn. It was then be plumed tire picture ul Miss Halpin and there they had always oat alov4 until my carelest. words in the Mewing -I...etir. . Thrn 31re. Chalfant canoe in every clay. antrhat 'aunt Mica Hope'. picture was 'itiundien, . T)rinirrlered Mester p.:charq; cud many a tune I have se rat mune slut ulthiCit room with a clouded and vexed brOw. From , the county neat to ilii4 • Alt Lothood of.en :came to Challata Ridge. lie wee a grave goOd•kiolc.ng .man. almost as old as my miCtress. Ind said. in the - umthhoehecd, he lbe-sery mfg.-111os /.1t ire geed lokt/et at hi. ettiT. queer inanWera. Pe r'ciplil ,inany a tiro • 1.4 ,haveasga her Wan back to her on, w 1 lea he was talk. , inz, anti c:ver.her pretty. *mho: mouth with her fan! One rilay .n —I remember it welitl twout . to the vitiating 'room to co Master Richard a 41 Mao !lupe to &utter, There Was a glass, in the door 'which opened mute the ball, and one passing along could ouk right into the roam. Hy voupg master and his fair cansin mere standing op posite.alarge picture: but they did , not terns mere it.— liiiartn wee around bee waist. her hand was in Ms. and he was looking down into her 'aweetlace oldie° Much love, I cannot tell yen hew fondly. - I walked past heavily. so that LI arig ht 'startle them. • vrirste•PY 11410 .11/1111,YY , )Ulko a ••• so. • saw ae I turned away? Who.! hut my mistress. She was coming , slowly down the girest staircase. sod her biew Itativemig. 1 knew her stern 10(4 that the too had sees the young lovers, and Was angiy at them in her he.art. "Hope." said my mistress as they got up from the ta• liele.."stav here for a few minutes; 1 wish to speak with you." Maltase' Richard stood by his chair, a l a,though hr had'cliopen t6rtes. too: hut his, moaner loi4ting at him. said. "You inaiy leave' thishrimm; Richard .."; With a hall ensile. halt frown. he olinsted. - sittl 1 heariiiim: directly after. walking the hall. "Gulps with,your emit hem Ruth," sand Mrs Thal. an, seeing RI, flOk toward* thedvor; and f aas ohli:ed to stsiy, and hear all 010 said to Mies Hope. .Dioir Mist Hope! she sit in the. window seat. smiling 60 brightly That was the last day k etrer saw that poor thing look really happy. —My mistress did not seem cellis t cittly Arrive and de termined. "Mr. Lomond has done yon the Minor to propose ft;r, your hand. Hone." she - Deja slowly. "and I have giVen t hiits fur tips' I favorable 'Sewer." - "Miss Hope did not vomit; but, oh. hew she laughed! Her laugh was so clear and uskinty. v it rang through all the MOM, 1 saw my mitress did not like it. for she said; "This is a grove mantel.. and not one of smiles."— Alas; any poor darling anaulound that out. ...Forgive me." said Miss Hope: with one of her eerie: smiles; `* - 1 could.tiot help latigtv . i.ng..and I thought. Aunt Margaret, (for se she always called my mtstresso , ..thai. you were only jesting." . , ••Thetwas a !upstage mistake s child. But, now, as I tell ton drat I stn. serious. I wish you to !wen gravely . lend with; attention:" and my gumtrees looked at Miss Hopei.brit getting no &newer, she wool on: "You tiro absolutely without •- cent iii:the liorld: and. therefore: by sue so poor, ouch an offer should not be treated light ly. Past Lousclid is, older than yes, it is trite: but he loves you, Miss 'Hopist.he is nett. and yet; must marry him." cannot!" said Miss Hope. springing from her seat. and kneeling beside my 'wows*: "1 Cannot? Oh. Aunt Margaret. Ido not love Paul Lomond. But." she said: with to strange; puzzled stnlle.,•'yoa are net in gamest?' yin quanta sat twee me merry that grave old maa?" I do not remember new what answer Mr.. Challan m this: bat Miss Hops'wont on to plead With t- , 4 mad sub". awfully wrre of no use. 'She got up from he' knees. and said. in a spmek and and angry tons. ••Aunt. you are cruel! I won't marry Putil Lomond, fort hate how" I had aster mum- Miss Hops so vexed before.— floe cheeks Wore eery red, and her eyes fairly flashed. ••Talk not Oita way to me," aaid•my mistress. proudly. +•Hess you forgotten all . 1 hats dons (or you? • to this abolusaey my reward?" • ••Llnvet I forgotten all? No: I renumber you krnd• I hp - Ihr wiple I have rwiewil" and the brew of of "trees grow duke!. mid kw eye &raw. "neat I will take her, fir sever while I Ames reame MI Newry eitedieri" s e/1 Mao* [turd drew Hopi, d badly, is kb broad.. M. 1 **Yaks • ck those words. Richard Chiliad, or you loot your mother's love." - "That was bitter; but bitterer far; would be the loss Hope." Then me young master said aemething gentle to her who clang to him, and ilte7raiving her oung head from hit •houlderOrmiled satr.y. 1 cannuereinember all !that missed ,between my tnis trim and her sow bat at fast she ordered Mho Iheeelrom the 'Tom. 'roe • little whale, Master Rmltord woluld nut let her go, bat when she prayed him to , liet loc.° 'his arm from hoe waist and let her peso, for it wall-n,git broke her heart to stand this betweed mother and p i on, and he led her tenck•rly - to the door. "Let this be • token, tn) be loved. that you are Mine." sad he stooped down and kissed Misr Hope's white tiorehend. M mistress spoke of Pall Lomond. and Master Rich ard listened gravel). aid in silence. , •liope Maybrith shall nsvirr . noarry th,itt man if 1' Can help it. Mother. mother. and is it thus you would sell that sweet young creature?, Oh. shame!" _ **And ret. my son. 1 am only. smelting Hope!is happi * , 111,111 in this morratgb;" ' mean her misery. median. Hope can b ' si hap py WWI 'mother than myself. for she . loies . me. as I do her. constantly. undyingly:: She is mine and I will nee . ef give her •••Oh, Richard!" said my mistress, coming closer to her arm, sod lait'ang her hared tr,pein- has shouldor. "what madness, what fully is this,!thit you should in obst+uats• It cling to iio,►e Mavtirith.;a poor dependant upon your mother's houuty—one wilMcao neither bring you wealth nor power " ••That poor dependant, sio you 'call her. 1 love we'.l thati I will awry Bono Loci her, tnothor. itie■lth 'and power; what are they beside sweet . ilope Moytirith:" “AsMaster Risirrd seemed so det4;rtnined,'ltis moth er te”gan to talk about Chelan Ridge. I reek] not well undli-otaod OAT said. but:l remember ' , he 'poke of her fear that the coast., would pass into other bends. hetvektld m rr soma rich, great lady, and then she men tiouttd a name. Oh, how angry Master RsChareci see.m- GC; • • "Aglitql Heath." he reociated.'in a LW, bitter tone.— "Think •sou that I would marry that cdtd girft—.ll7crer. leerily! 0:o. :slather, the hart that loves a. hops 51.1y briatt dAnslut turn to one ' l na Agnes Heath.: and now. b•.r me—furl am determined." ha rut rted, etti~•up the table heavily, *Oat (lope and itsboif alien never b, so:d fur Ch ill iu Atrlge. lti may p. 150 !ruin al ill never keep at at the 'price of her happluePs cud mine." ••31istre , is looked, terribly black, butisinOathed down her anger. and alit!, a little. said. in a 'proud icy way: •ir:ypti are calm now: I. will allow you the papers 1 spoke or.. and'atte . t..h from hit 41c3k a rol, which looked, Way. some old dee4s. and laid thrni upon the table. S 7 1 slitiped from the room. 11 was frightened and tregb led for answer Richard and 'his cousin. and 1 wanted`. to be by myself. 1 sat down upon the back porch; it was very cairn and peaceful the i re.". 4 (visa-I:Darr WEEII. BONING AND SA.I.UNG.—WN do not know the:Wother of the following; which we find among the ••Meresintile but ft tell: the pWnu truth tin the subject et homely in baying siideriting, and :apse wile reulty desire to be up right in odenting, wit► do well to lay, it to heart:- 4 •Sume are npt honest to holing or , selling. Their rule is to bay At all tinireilA cheap %*/ tht"!l edit, and to sell as dear as they „qatt. Tins is a wo:ked rula. We often trade teal' Wass who tio not know thei weal' of the thing bought or sold. los cheating thom: i to mak/the best boreal!' we can. Sometimes we trade yith the who are iii great want. and we fix oar-owo prices, and make them nine's ion high if we sell. or too tow if we boy. There is a lair for eve r; thing. L-t lhoi be paid or taken for eve rything. fie who is jivit r stid true. end 'oyes his neigh bor as himself. win soon fiod out whet a fair Trice 1 . 5. Z - IneU use too wetly' worth; in buying and selling: and whoa too ini,y words are pied, there is almost al ways a lie somewhere." • • AXNeXATIoS —Soon after Tesas eras tweezed. an offi: 1 cei named Bciqe. cotninandmil an American I an t' le Artedaerrantiats, touching at Gihoralter. was ierlicti to dm* with Simfroid, commander of the English vessel at that place. It ben dm tier . was over. a , d the• wino t(usred freely. the subject d acunex.imii was intrudtteedt **And so." sass Snufforl. "l see you of the United Saes flare anred.Tessa." . _ . • riteti , we have."saysiltirle. **Well )eu are a fiecti:m9 people." : . "Yes; , we do everything in a pecui;ar way." - • o "Di yu tit tt:od to goon: annexing." "Certainly." "And when de you m. an to slept" . "Stop: Why, when ree l get to the natural Wanda ries* of the, Et:lied States," "The no:itrul b.nin•litries 'of the United States. nd what ate We!. 7" said Stetlord -.The Equator and the ,Aursra Borealisp repl;cl Boyle. • The Lions rear d Liehtenoioi'n tuna that the African li mere • veil thern selse. of thireveuttistance gist the .0 dee* not atiterniu to spring uped his prey until he hi ineiteured the ground. and has reached the dtstiince f ten or twelve' paces. when, he hes crouching ups , to ground, gathering turn -IL up for the effort. Th. waters he says. wake • rule a -41, F 4d p O • O P 41 SO • -1 set ip never to fire upon the h o'till he lies down at this shor t distance, se that they' an Mtn directly at lus head with the meet perfect c, Hs adds. that if a person has the mirfortu to meet's lion, his only hope or .sfs• ty is to stand ,perfectly still. oven' though..the mainsl crenches.to eke his spring ; that spring mill not b. hazarded the man has only !Wye enough to remain Motion as as a statue. andlook steadily in the eyes or the •n. The animal hesitates, rises, slowly retreats e steps. looking earnestly about him. lies down. again treats, till having thus iby degrees quite got out of what hi seems to feel as the magic circle of man's in duence, his takes to flight in the utmost haste. Cuittot or Fon-roux —. l Some yeari ago, a servant girl, who had robbed her ildisuress. a milliner in London.' was transported t - iii)dneit fur a term of years. Since the diacovery_tif Bathurst plains, the female convict has IlifeltlO4 to h r former irtiatrese , that the colony was a good placet . th t ea she new kept her catriage , she was i i , Lapp's . to return the amonat Vrhich she had stolen with taterest ; that she. earnestly recommended her to Come oat and set up shop : and that, in that cilia. rho would be happy - to eztond - her patronage to a lady for whom she had lie great an esteem.; • During the prevalence ef the epidemic in Virgin. ha t io 1849, the tregroes on the different plaotiations came dreadfully alarmed. and tbisaoht they' would cer tanly die with it. Among ethers. in owe of the tipper isoonties was a negro boy. who having heard We lather say that :he cholera inlaid sore be along their way, left his work vinekday, and betook himself to the woods Hers be was fogad by hie everseer. soon after, fast asleep. tieing taken to teak by hitt for leaving hiework. he.sa - ni eased himself on the g ad that. oat being "propered in miad'to die." be hadgeno is the woods so ••••ditees.” "Dal." said glso overseer. 'low was k that yen wont to sloop?" •oViroll. I don't knew, 'smelly." responded no Reim berg I speek I mast have osorpraped myself." iii Previous to the y . 1 1 e o titely. unknown t iit arta, Ito great vat eaaawith whicha sdrtical Mermen toiler with its pow. errod acids and oche if a passing nokice, drrtvcd. the mode Corn e te ae be NE to r deco s to or co dune Gioia Percha from the milky juie houn or. t D 4t • of plants. called S . trees or sktubli which Initial- IY secrete a milky id. The Fiscus Maraca. or gum elastic tree d (India bliet belongs 40 this family. - The attention of:t 0 ma hied *odd was' first celled he • • t this remarkable p uct nature. byyD. Montgomery. a surgeon of the s LI i ish !any at Sinsporee He had observed its nee i s he"- m nufacto "of the handles-of tools, among the rp ' e tters bet ging to the cuter'''. rl l .and as a reward fa intro lacing it into England. he re cliyed a gold me de. from be Royal Society. Since that period. its admirabl properties have been fully dissever- . ert, end it is now apply l andiegteusively coming into " ed use, in the matirtia fuse or wipes 'sticks. giving rer• ploymeut to thousands. both in Europe and Alaska.-- The quantity rapor+d from the East Indies. up to the present tiling. °weirs yetiro,Y amounts to sizt-six mil lions of pounds. The appearance 4 Gtitte Percha. in its crude stste, ea fut4id in co 'swerve.; is of brown color. slightly elastic. Poenewhei porous. and ex etsdingly tough and bird.' -It resists the action of the mint '.powerful chemical agents, il. being totally insoluble in g ilds or alkalies , and is entirely hesensible"to the action to' the most corroding (uses. It becomes, however. !very much softened by heat. and in hot water can be tr4 l utded into any corm, or . l cos may be uuito'd tegethe into one mass. The trees from 'which this gum.is.obtained„ usually attain the height of 'from 0 to 7 0 feet. and are from two to three feet in diamete . There are several' species that yield a .sweet and alitialesinue fruit, which is used - by Pie.nativee rot food, stich - sis the Sapodilla plumb, the Mirtuelatle. the Star apple &hue of the species produce large seeds, which yield a bland fixed oil, which is sometimes thick like buter. as the thee of /udit. or esti , : (African butter tree.) described by Munk nod which is also used as a article food, for the wane f,cture of soap. add in tha preparation of medicine. The mode by which the natives obtain - the gotta per. chs, is is follows : The fall grown teen are cut down. and ring...cot around tile trunk, through the hark . , about twelee'or e.ixteen incites apart. The milky jun:ego-asp exudes at these incisions. and is collected io cocoa-nut shells, placed under the body of the fallen trie. From these the sap is gathered end reduced to the couditioa . of the crude article of com ' ince, by evaporation. k may he proper to 0.1 lecting the gum. if r inse woi destroy the source f .1 Pr v leolTirePPA'"Alln, tion• we find this drat sliming , extent, especm ,of normative Americati f u•teless and wanton.• bit w, fed. The name of Guile , t er, tha t the orienerf rho j to the genrrel reader. F ice are.iudt hteti to Quer On referring to die tnso land of Sumatra pres . ente n %me for this ,island is P *. I • d." add '• Malay name for ruin. he flume of, .• GuUa pub P gad Wand. from wiienee . of commerce. It hash late years, to omit the name of Guars Parch 4. Description The • Boston Joint/it r wu taken by ospoteup r • when he deprived, that - woe-epic It woe written) where Jeses Christ eons • .1 Centulina, the trneernori Rol7lo—Uce.ftr. Emperor , 1 days for the Governor importance which tramp '• Conscript Keaton: i cl4:is a mato named 3e among Oa. and of the Ga of great troth ; but his o G.,d. He bath raised-the i oases. lie is a man of a, very ruddy Colllllloll4llte. aad fear. Jim hair is the , ripe, plain to hre etas. whi eul et color. curling and i the middle of his heed is t after the manner of the N and delicate. his face wit with a comely red—his• formed- - beard u the culu any great height but,forke is admontsfittig. entitles) aril wise (ire - portion hale• ever seen him lan weep. man. for his a children of IMP." Obi , 1 correspondent falls 1 lb* msmoq of the dyad i papers. Ile **Wit i •Shaislditiot this matt kubw that griif is txpres "rims of sorrow do pot ehauusils; but ought not rebuke funeral antics cat stdad of exciting tsmni? faMily the right. , and if mil Steam it. Without the re ret i nue's with a vier in It pire?-0; 00gralre oar his to make a reader hassle eetlwieut of death with ■ inlet. 1 like to see the en geihm on the new-Ju 'del relatives" were MILTONS. Of MILTOSS. sad pour on monodies, it were well rhym.ol romtit as that I AI sod doggerel divorced a remourVil w iog rotes foe evil." which snakes me I the various forum in wine me of wiusething I hear girl seas talkiug of the. is gm death of a dove* she. "tisanes George has mho grits her tads (!) arm him :" • i n 'UMBER 13. Percha, * :this article was altooot. if sot area. Itivreeent employment cieutific eiporimenti. and the !formed into a great variety of other &unifier apparatus. to :ist the action of tbe moat pow *spooling .agencies. demand for nature, the source from which ieFting, and the origin of ite, ed gat-tis par-iicat) is obtained lie, belonging tThashers/ ordo serve, that this method of col yred in for a row more m which this veluabl; , article Vain is too often the motto of oughout the sense of civilize /ire pnlicy piovat;ing io an ;ly in tte Leedess destruction_ rents, a winite which is wholly .us which future !generations fitge. is so unique in its ninne er,* may not be uninteresting thin .explaustion fer the term etre. Histology of Vegetabbss. I f Asia. we observe that the Is la reed outline: The Malay to - Perehe. " polo" signifying reigoil." " Gotta" is thu cc this substance received thi I reho." or gum from did rag. it was first derived as so article waver. become the custom of [•orl " polo.? and bonne the [of our Saviour. aye. that the following epistle in the public records of Rome. tv of So weeny valuable mend it the• time. and on the spot enced lin telemetry. by en Pubis* . Lot Jades.. to Ih:hißate of !. . • It r►as the eastern of those o' write home any event' of d while !Isbell! office here appeared in these *or t;tinst. who is yet hvirg tiles. is accepted as a prophet / , disciples call him the on of .1 dead, cured all manner of dig.; azure tall and comely, With a uch as the beholder may iovii can of the filbert when fully lice downward it is miostori avind about his shoulders ; in sewn or partition of long 'hair. urn's. the forehead is plain lout spot or wrinkle beautiful wse and month 'are exactly of his hair and thick. not or • . In providing he is terrible. , t in . speaking. very modest 4 \,kwdy. well 'belied. 'Non. • . CM many have Rion him rpessing beauty. excelling ,tho Rhymes,. ,111 of Uho doggerel, with which tuu•frequeuUy visited to &owl* r be refermeiraltogather? 1 ed in Tarioes foram that the las,' flow thretagh the twins e common sense of nieukiod Mated to awaken laughter in as oty member of the human should be be permitted to Onatrance of others, to bud mouth. for assumes, or en old tomb-etooe whatleould not fail 1 1 .do not advocate the in- Boca:sari hopeless, hugering o sad the shade blended to greys. Asidif all ••s®icted • r could command the services • their eel's in LIT:Das-like leuough; but I object to such to you. 1 desire to•see death ode. Will uotbod raise aiih I• p auks igatust this retying. gh? By-the-by. speaking or Ole( ii usanitested, r e i g nacts o day or two age. A sr .sistos rsesittly sustained atibuiatt. **Poor Mary:•• sold dead *oar sir months. yet • •whihtoyer Ail** or CI