Political and A Simms Qcesnori.-1f Gen. Seat wOl answer a single questton•we will promise not to bother bias with another duringg.he, whole canvass-q-uOt one. WO yearn fur the names of the two gentlrlmen that sad dawn with him on that memorable day At the Astor !Luise, when he was * 4 tired will" indigna tion," an.l who raw him-while' in that condition. If we - only lour the names of those two fortimate in dividuals, we feel that onr curiosity upon most ques. tiotte of sublunary interest would be sppeseed. - have our suspicions as to one of the parties, " brit I%e wish to knots Ahem both. The' - met, who ; c.jtild have been admitted to Gen. Scutt's cOnfidential councils in a tirment.like that—. . When he was at the Astor House—. 1 . -Li When he wait in his private parlor— •:1 When be was fired with indignstion--.). Men; we say, who were pefenitted in a moment like; that to.unite with him'in "an address designed tug rally an American party"—were no ordinar,y mad, their names belong to their country and tq be known, their lights ought not to be hidden tinder" bushel or,• any other grain measure; the history of:the Nativ/ American party w:11- be incomplete without a revs Wien of them; with it, its history would be coin, plate. No not quite-complete. The "appeal" will yet be wanted. Where•is that ippeall ;.What be} come of it? Did Judge Campbell or D. H. Wheeler' read it as an a , :dreas from a nomina Ling convert {{ tion to tleir 'partisans at the nitive heatd varleril Was it published as an editoral in the latpress, or was it seat on to Levin in Philadelphiat fur eircu lationin the precincts? If not who has it! What is lie doing with it? 'Why does he not produce it? We have no doubt it is in every respect w+rthy of the pen and 'discretion of its unassuming author. *, The Gefieral intimates "that the eleetion of Gen. Harrison probably rendered its ptiblictition at that tone, unnecessary. in the opinion of his two friends." Those two friends again; who ; are linty, to wbnin the General deferred so much as to permit' them ,tu suppress the product °Chia glowing pen? It• thee': suppressed the appeal, they must have tit; the Gen= , eral said he did nut know what beram4 of it; there were ,bin two gentlemen in the Genetare private parlor, he sayi, when he sat down in *parlor, we have already alluded to, "to rally an Ainerican par ty." Therefore the res po usib ili ty foil the prompt 'product: of the "appeal" written on ¶he occasion, rests. with them. We repeat our fiber,' offer to ar.lt no , more favors of thwGeneral, for . the l whole eiM paign. if he will only give ns.the names of the two gentle — men who, with himself..compose'sd the Native American party that sat down togetheir in hit eri vete pa!liir at the Astor Muse, in_themonth ofNo: vember, 1840.—.8ve.. Post. , . - • WHAT WHISKY is Gotta Foa.—Thi3•Lvrichbiurg Express sia' tea that two sons of the lute ilezekiah Fuqua. of Bedford, near Liberty in t his;otitte, togeth er with a little negro boy, a few dais since were severely 'bitten by a snake. The lads went-out hunting, ani hathng. started a . rahbit, ran him into a hollow log. when one of ; the boys put,his hand'ln to pull him out. i Very soon he • felt something bite, or as .he tholight,it he scrrocth of the hare. ilisltirother tried it with a like sertrai,ion, so he declined repeating the operation. *nen little Cuff (brave as Closer) tries it with lite sticceas. In a few tiatments the hands of the; parties Cam inenced swelling at an alarming rate,; rr hen medical ail was immediately procured. The Physician d'os ed them-riell with liquor, until the patients became thoroughly intoxie,ated, and after reivering from the effects cc the medicine; the swelling subsided, and. we are happy' to hear the trio are now entirely co . rivaleicent. The log was split open, and to' the surprise of all, a large copper head seske exhibited himself in all kia t n4tive ferocity. i .. - 4 ' The !Ise of dittiskv as a cure for -dire bite of "II Snake. we understand, was practicalliet 'sted in this . -- ---cfluntry a few weeks since. A negro an )‘.lot.ig-. •inir to. Col. DavidiGibton, of this vieinit i y, was bit ten by a capper snake, and in the course of a half art hour drank a quart of whisyi and was relieved from the effects resalting from the bile.—Roinhey I fell. Test Dimas:lnit.—The enekira g ement we, hold cut to , strangers are a good 'climat4 fertile wholesome air and water, plenty, of .provisiona and fuel, gi:Kd pay fur labor, kind neizhbpp., goodlave, Fetter not commerce:, invite foreigners to;your country; let them fill the forest and cultivate the soilo—Paratck HENRY. " I now hesitate between exiendh4 the 'period of residence before ntturalizapoo and n total ! v o nt o f `elf acts of Congress on the stillect ; my mind in. clines to the latter,"—Gth. Sc r-fi • We think we are liberal enoo * h, When,llo proud log for America, •we leave the door-of aihnission open to the children of foreigners, now b b if, wh o maw hereafter bebortrhere,lwitholit sllttislog their fathers to some and help iolovere as. We, who Mime have any right to tbriit on the alibiitcr,, claim that we can best govern v*raelve. , ,.and the better such government, in the ineantirni , , an .vouch the better for the foreigners whp may hereafter' come among u*,.and fai their American .born children.— Osts. ,Scorn. INDIFALL.—A young lady of Brooklyn, nam ed Payne, has recently received a legacy atatrint mg to seventy-five' thoimand priunds sterling, from a Don Gay Emanuel Ilernando, a Aieetty %Vest In dia planter. This lady, it is Fa it was married to the -planter in 1846, when sho alas scarcely fifteen years old, but the marriage having roved an unhap py one, it was never proclaimed. ,i Shortly after he left her and took 'up his residenceJin New Orleans. In 1848 he received information of his father's death—he returned to his estate in South Amer ca, and ancceeeded in increasing his,already large for tune to one hundred and fifty thou.and pounds stet: ling. Its he was abtiut to embark for . Havana. he was taken with the cholera. and died on his estate, bequeathing is sterling to .his wife (i ( she.never married and i will render - . her the 'we ed States. 811N6114A1l —ln drilling yesterday w /use well, for .the purpose fly pf water, one of the workmen twine that, he nad reached a ,cavity, and on, withdrawing the; drill, perceived a etrongicurient of gas issuing tip thence- through the water. On placing a tunnel over the' stream an applying a match to its spout, the gas ignited andlthrew a flame to . the top - of the well, say ab.rut 20 eet,'at the same time setting the shin and pants i f of he workman—an Englishniatt=on fire, and bur ing him severely, though` riot dangerously. Th gas still-continues to issue lle large quantities in a steady stream, and wilt; we tinderstand, be im mediately Sppropriated . to the lighting of the John ' eon Nouse and other buildings if the spring dues not give out. Tbere is but little doubt that it 'will prove a very advantages discovery.—Frrdoitio A .e. , t MOB 1'.4 A Csturtca.--The cit y marshal of Gardi ner, Me., having placid a watchman at the trarinus chureheepf that city, to pr i eveni the ringing of the bells before 4 o'clock on the moru`ng of the b.b inst.,. a mob collectid,about 12 o'clocli' 'beak •in the doiirs of the church, assailed the *Nam maii,, and rung the bell most furiously. The ritijseti sOined tii be to set the autbprities at defiance.—Bustea Journal. - corr. s sTrrE-Awriticatet, .--The Ohio Ste 3ournal (wtiig) admits the gentlineness of Scuit's native-American letter, but villa it "General Scott's old native-American letter ." Its date Anws its age. General gent' was near silly years of age when he wrote, it: 80. iv care one whether it was written an oh coy a young man; thelmiiiiinenta it eoniaini are in amons and anti-republican to the last degree, -and any man avowing them is ins& to hold any awe, 'we care not who he ip, what hie name may pen) What party he may belong. CU" A crime, shocking to humanity, was perpe. - Traced at Louisville, Ky on' Sunday last. Henry Weirs and hiii wife Bridget tre bosh dr k. and :qMirreled. In his rage Binge killed tileir aged eighteen months, by das ing the head of the little innocent against the wall. The (tuner's verdict was "came to its deeth l by vielehce from ibe hands of its fatheret he wesarnested and set, to - il„ trr' Hitaiitcarrn Fine.—The Union Manufac turing Cabropany of Afartrtancrslextensive • works for Manufettorint Cotton duck; ay, Canton, toy+ nada the cily of lialtintorp, was totally destroyed , i by fare on Fritinv afternoon. I,tew *bunt $100,000; insu rance #46.000, of whir-hill% OW is tbw Hanford Company, $lO,OOO iq the Franklin Conipakr, Phil adelphia, and the balance to the New York and Bos ton oaken. r eral Newt. His Eseellewey. : Got. Bigler. is ,sow so.* Visit to hi. 'ether in Metter rannty; and in espeetod hero is a few Mars. en route for Niagara. W. do sot know tho es•et day he may be eipeeted, hot w• have taken moans to eseertnio. and Milt let the people knew. oo (bey eau come in and civil hint. When ho comes ho will atop with Major Brown. of the United States notate - • t 1 The excursion and Pic Sic. on Setorday last, of the! Univerisliit Sabbath School, is said to have been. by thOse whe pertieipeted, one of the most delightful m oldiest. imaginable. tatty thing went *V to the sada faction of all eoneemed. and old and young returned in the evening better satisfied with themselves end the " rest of mankind." The remarks 'of -the Rev. M. Mexhim at the grove were said to have been peenherlx happy and appropriate to the occasion,' and were listened to by many of Uppoeite sentiments. with pleasure and astisfeetiou. The Societe. requests us to return their thanks to the Railroad Company. to - Mr. Tracy:Super intendent. and to Meson'. Moorhead and Moore. Con doctors. for theitl kindness and attention. . , --JD" We are pleased to learn that at the recent confer ence of the Methodist Epiecopal Church at Jamestown Rai. J. W. LoW was appointed to the pastorship of the Church in this city. Mr. L. wag stationed here II nom bor oryeare ago, and our recollections of him are of Vie most pleasing character. H. I. a geutletnan of pleasing address. liberal ;skive. a devout chriotian. and of coop• wending : talent*. Ceti Tettkit! (Ibirstre r. ERIE. PA SNTUltplet MOFVIING, 3ULY 31. 1932 DEMOCRATIC NONIILTIONS. TOR I'RESIDENT: GEN. =MM . MICE OF N EW U.%MNUIRE. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. . WILLIALR. KING , OF ALABAMA. FOR CANAL CSOMISSIONER. WM. SEARIGODof Fayette County. Ogir. Bigler Mining. rrir any ono is-dissatisfied with this mundane world the best corn we know of is to visit A. A. Crsig's ready made Coffin, wire-room. Besides the amid quantity o articles to his Bee. be has added to his stock an amok merit of **Fisk's Patent Metalio Burial Cases." an arti cie of decided Woe. Sloss:—,'hers, if no surer sign of the popular ettr rent on the :Presidential question than the lone of the independent and commercial journals of the country.*-- In 44 they were more or leu friendly to theelection of Mr. Polk. in'Atfiere was not one.within our reenfiectitin. that did not openly or indirectly fluor Gen. Taylor ; end now. fn 1552.: Where are they ? In Sew York city there ere bUt two papers. The Times and The Tribune. that heartily support Gen. Scott; and they are of the Sewatd. "woolly head." •higher-lavr" stamp: The Mirror. Cour ier and Enquirer. ttpress. Commercial Adeirtiser. all wbig popery, while they do not advocate the election of Geri. Picker.. in the full f the term. jiver the pre; tentioni of Gen. Scent a Mast uncomfortable cold shah?. der; The herald. Stsn, , Day Book, Eremiag P . 0817 end Journal of Commerce. may tai said to advocate the elect ion of Nestor with more or less warmth.' The Herald sets down the aggregate Circulation of the daily press, to New York at one handre'd and forty-five thonsandsheets perb...exl of this number there ern one hundred thou sand sheets per day opetily or quietly opposed to Gen. Scatt's election and triumph. A similar stars of feeling estate in Boston. among', the commercial journals; only one.'we believe; Du Atlas. cordially supporting Gen. S co tt. These sra.- , nne!nnt in be mistaken. and the pol mimeo that diarneards tiiffi in hi• esliwnislins• •1‘,.••• h• la not postoo."., The Niagara Converition. This farce has coin. and gone. It has "strutted its brief hour Upon the stage," and, like any other farce. left no mark behind. Our whig friends are proverbial for this ape . eies of elip•trap ; but never, we think; hive thee so effectually " put their foot in it," as, by this demon, strutinn. They think the people blind and ignorant. but they are mistaken—grossly mistaken ! The people can see it was not to celebritte Jo.dear•bought victory' of Lott di's Line that they. eller a sleep of thirty years. called them together ! They can see the gross inconsistency of this pretence, hence they laugh at its; hence its ef f ect. if it hos any. will be directly contrary to that intended.— Indeed all accounts front the rale go to prove this. - The Befftle Courier says it, is the general testimony of W4lB Who were precept. that z..'s a meeting for political effect. it was .2'1.461%10 a failure. The interest of the multi tude. much to their credit; appeared to have been taken np.with the Falls, and the magnificent sewers - . this being the first visit of 'it least three %loaners from abroad. There.was but, little inthevialm manifested, except to wirdnigho became ,rather boisterous %Oh quite large numbers who hid relented to artificial means of produ• eine it. The wire-palters. of enure,. sew to it that the ipteelies were properly applauded, and that tin: bands kept up the ft teeing spirits if thelista.iers by proper interludes. to regard to the number 'resent. the Courier says it was very respectabletthere having been probably from 12 to 15.01 persons df all ages. and setae, and politics on the Foetid duriag!the tint*. 'The fact that the Falls —the greatest naturaf curiosity on the continent,—could .be visited at half pride. attracted large numbers whose cariosity hednever kidfure been gratified. And then. this is . the lessens of the year when every conveyance is full, I wending their way t .the witepne places, among which Limier& holds a fiat rank in popUiarity with pleasure' seekers. The deiire too, to see the rand military play thet'*as promised on the occasion:drew in others, BO OM was quite a i respectehle crowd. One faet, which w have from gond authOrity- , 4e."every body in general an tio one in particular`" ) —•dernonstrate" fully that it was th Palls, and unt'pulitiels. thaf drew the crowd together. is this. Over one 'lluatlred (tektites Were reported i attendant from Penitssivania; but'when the proressio *es form • d but area solitary, rotors looking "tape etante felt into li time in the place issigued for the delegation trot the Keys :11d: the rest had vanished in search, perhaps of sonnet ing more entieeniug than •Psoep." Whethe e martyrs, in Slew of their melancholy situ* led theenselvei• with a re rain from that appro lad, "When lahall we thi4 meat again." to fulbw in'the footstiliatof their these thr tlon. coo prime 'be, conclude we are not advised.' , l The fact, howeve ho inquiri—Where w p s AD Scott Eittbasiasol tompani suggests e of the leading Dernoe!alio journals are e infutty conscious of the noneiske made by-the Copselotion in tit* uontanatioa of FMIIIILLII, G‘titie: LT So •idrntic Sabena! Punts 1 An on of this t **tomtit' j cs of fact is worth a pound of fiction; in vie th will the 'Gauls giros las the Names of t Dsmaloratic journals" that are thus •• pain fel ." Os thinkit will " pats" oar cotempora al to ao it. or else he is !not ••painfully co j 1 f a aileros'. tonatios good d scions" Q 3 Gauls bas *. brok. oat aosin in a now arrot."! The lEUieberbOckor Garden didPio pay—it was too up towsii or amino Inbar good and sifUnient reason, b. bo ban arraelodsd to try Ilia fortes+ down town-4to sow in nio:nrae of Walters' Grocery. Tait • Sorriatat lumniaa." is tits seats of a ea tat Deeteeratki, piper. jest started at Ipawiteetotra. f by W. iilvrort!. & Soo.. It give. leiminitsecoe for the Empire Stile of the West. sr? th. Gazert, mu. as that shit whip oso 04 getti i musical. and right /OW matured." i From tbie we Is e. that our, cotenrporiiry is willing to•Odoilt that they her a bees nmiskal" .or very " good , mated." Wen. I are & oil to hear It. for raully thi Iltove bees ON ere-begone N i of iielitielaiiii ohne zioothoodea of P -... •, we ever saw. liteliddli wax A The 'wintry he. boos •Mattlett from its propriellri by news that OW siatersal "seeable. Mrs. BIA has fan steps tole-eseart ber eisehoeive claim to the &bedsit oa the cos* of New Fosailitsod, ets.. etc.. by ordering • large naval forte there to protect and enforce obodienee to her dimmed,. The claim she now sell op. we be lieve. is predicated epon treaty stipulations of 1818. bet never seriously asserted until now. The query would satire* anise to every rtfhintibi man why, if Entitled s trl posse exchtsive rights bg that treaty to the &hales on fh coast et bee piessessioies" on this . reagens,: she has be le so lardy is asserting await —tiffiy she should let ova a dfrOln here rightsbe. i . d - fete to 105 2 :. 'wi th out an effort to "mintetc! them I—Why she should do so i now withal at loait giving - Brother JensthaW notice of see h intention? Thil is the season of the yearl whea iheie beaks swarm with our Betterratia. and yet. coi in th e angsse of Mr: Mason. of Va.. **suddenly Is ith.. i est n We of soy kind, we are informed from the ptitiliel joureab. and eetnii-offiehilly by • sort of prociamationL from qteSeeretary of Stale. thlt "I very large British nal vat finite has been ordered into those seas, for the purl pogo edenforoing, at the tnoeth of the ciliate, the coni eirsetba which Greet Moshe he. now recently deterA mined to place twit the Cenvention of 181 . 8. Now, wit had ilippoesd in this civilized ego, and be f tweeo two soy rice as thole of Great Britain and the United Siamese coon that l oio it the purpose of England to revive hct euu on at thts'Couvantion. and require thaitahoul Greta. amity. ordinary quitity. national cooties_ have required that unties should late beau give street be •o won t detehnittatioe s ou the part or Greet Britain. Be of ih who ea such notice is given; when, on the contrar . _ the rut information which meths& us,' is That Ore Brit +) has ordered into thous seas a large naval arc for tliie purpose of enforcing this alleged 601, we kmo . not whet light it may strike others. but it strikes us as a fa higher offence% than a breach of national courtesy; if •no orinsolt and indignity to the whole American tiero , lo." As Great Britain never does any thing 'with out reason—without au end in view—its most look he yon the mese qoestiOn of fishing rights—deeper than the ome of the cod' fish—for the motive that has pro true d this sadden concentration of a Naial force on our ens t. The reason is obvious. The Cansdas..foesome ttin past. have been endeavoring to get. what they cull • relciprocity in trade between thin country end theirs LikO most each measures that have a British origin, how. mi., the reciprocity. when satin ized. proves In be chiefly i f on ne side. In a word the Canadians want Congress to dmit certain of their staples, but are unwilling to al. losi l the free egress of oars into Canada.- Despairing of securing thi a one-sided bargain in the moat way. they hole hit upon this strict construction "of the treaty of 18 IB awn sort of grand coup de main, aluch wilt enable them Ate Barry their end by assault. as it were. It is in plain language. the sudden kick 'eh* is tai make Brother Jo. nilltan ,come to term.. Hutto thisr as in most other es ea. Mn.i Bun mistakes the temper of the American pe ph, if she fancies she een. by any each proem.. drive thin into the required confession . In truth, by this pri er ding, she has prevented. now and forever. the success of her BF/exigent reciprocity act. It is exceedingly ill be regretted. as well on her account Li oar own. that drat' arkein baoordered her armed mute to drive ofroM 6shing'ernft. The timeaare'not those in which either .hyoid be engendered between the two gieat brlinches of the Anglo-Saxon race. or difficulties be ppm. td in the way of fair and upright negotiations between thit governments representing those two branches. With. omit Visite eaeo . ptirposials order. the present difficulty could helve been adjusted, we have no doubt, iu an hour's con: venation between Secretary Webster and kir. Crump. tot). Nor ttii we think there will be any serious even now; for both these gentlemeiz are •prutleiit ho. niiirable !outcome', and diplomatists; and if the ectutro• Tem a notesettled, both speedily and amicable. it will not'be thefiqatilt. Tile British goternment, however. clone( pie/ any insuperable obstacles in the way of on adjust mint of tbe dafttialty. for it once formally yielded our ( yeastia the right of fishing in the Bay of Fundy. icf ,:stn_ A Vifor4 tit th a 9 wa l t 4 ! • Bert here goottemen o fthe timutts. a lord with you! on itsio been busily engaged in- trying to idlest)* sthsitie votes against Geo.. Pleven, from the eirennt- s soca that the State in which he resides is Democratic. and has an illiberal provision in its Constitution forbidding. 4.thotico to holidoflite. And the la •Tt has been made ia-now making. iu the face of -the fact that Gen. f'ierce exerted himself to have this ohnoxious prevision wiped from the Constitution. TWO being the oase 7 mid you can't deny 40—what course are. you goinz to take with your candidate forVico President—Graham. of North 'Carotins—when you learn that.a similar provision exists in . the Constitution of North Carolina. Will you sal that Air. graham should net be supported by the Catholic So -1 tom. Will yen say, that he should beheld responsible for this clause being retained th the Constitution of the ;old Ishii BMus of North Carolinal. The 32d article of Ithe Constitution of North Carolina provides as follows: p, flo o who shell denv the beinit of trod, or THE ;TRUTH OF THE PROTESTANT RELIGION, or the Divine authority of either the Old or New Testa tueni l i or who shall hold religions principles incompatible with the freedom end safety of the State.. shell be capable of holdiely any °five of or place - trust `or profit, in the deperttnent within thie State." • ". Will the. Gazette tell us *het Mr. Graham has dose fel 'have this article shit heu from-the Constitutiou of 4u', Siete We hope our botemporery won't flinch. but walk dp to the “rack fodder.or no fodder." ILT Geouatal—The Washington Maim say the eoar (titian of things in Georgia is alike unprecedented and' significant Nobody there goes for the regularlY.nonii listed candidate of the whit party. General Scott can not find friends enough there to form an electoral ticket for him 1 Yet Georgia voted by a large niejority , fet Geo. Te3lor. and, while the whiz pasty could clairri position its a nntional parts. has always been considered a doubtful or Whig Suite. Now, this state of things isi Georgia—where it appears that there may be two elewi} oriel tickets for Pierce and King. and none for Chow Scott—proves in the clearest possible tn.:suer that Scott ' will not get a vote south of Maeuu and Dixon's line.— Georgia is fairly entitled to be called the Empire State 0( the South. In railroads, in manufacturiee. in ell the ele ments of material wealth and progress. she atands'nearly at the head of the southern States. flier 'infinsiiCe is the southern section is deservedly verypeat. In all res• pacts the interests of her inh ;tants at it m' identiced with those of North Carolina, Kent s. and Tennessee t yet in Georgia the Scott whip cannot even form a party or raise a ticket. What hope of success have they then. in these last-named contiguous States t 1 ex A lair, delegation from this and neighboring pla ces are in ausudisnee at the tiaegara Conrenties. It is estimated that five or six 4tuadred Welt passage ma the cars ou - Monday; aad amity MOM today (rnesday).4— Cesenserrial. . . [ 1 1 The above is s fair sample of whig " estitnatee;" and from it we can reedit) , arrive at the numberii at toe rim. on Tuesday. This -.• estimate" makes the delegation from this faction amount to tram 1000 to 1100: Whereas the *Staid number - of tickets sold by the 11si t lroad 'Com pte wale liee-hunitrid and sixty sines, or• *boot' oat fourth of the Commercial". 1 . tratlinete." Thia intiludes every body that WWII down oo thoie days—trhige, dem ocrats. wattles and beys . ..-all, in feet. attracted by the half-priee fair. and the prospect of seeing the crowd and. visiting the rails. There is no mistake in these tiger's, for we have them from tlis Coodoetor himself: whe al though a whit. don't deem it a part of his political ditty tr tin tiply gcteal facts by four! ' VT Immo a . Asp Dm O.—T ha Seat two. holies that they hem sot :hoses at all whitest these two/ kluge; hove' is their desperation vestseed to lerimeie a hope of ear. ryisg es* or Seib et them. Jives * a piece of *Mgr tee gamey. takes ea the spot. whit* is worthy of their et. testi ye eeeshisretioe: .. Pr "Ge To iCirseseae.—.Ties Lafayette (Isdisna),lketr if seej. a whit paper. sere; 'Wise& will gofer Piero*. frith . out doubt; or erillOhie. We meet keep a leek est-for • JK•eteeky—sh• too, Is en thy uses. What time sad 4,• have to devote to-that Shelia ldt Aims be 1 mese! yes ~ .. 1 1 ms} daere*set kors, wbery on have asiblittio int ptet. " . , A fiita "lhasta)g.' • The David' Aciltress very joettiandiagsarks diet . "me .r the illeMis perm thatVieeral Bawdiest rts is is 1840 wish Ga. Depteaskie es • backer. tI. Ewers that Gen. Depreasioa has always favored the whit side. He announced that the very feet of Gen.' Barflies's election would add Three HondasPAllliiosts if dollars to the value of property in the United States t . That trash t hig inducement. andthe complaining old General hied tosea the'electinn Inarvison on thg strength of due as ! tedium Mr. Clay krn with Gen.yrosperiay. and it is Meetly *5ll known that Gen. Prosperity is - death et\ the wlkige. , Mr. Clay ir defeelF4. la 1848, Gee. Tolle, rim with Gra. Deris ion. ,tier. DeatraCtiou I. a tsar• Iroleetend scrotum, able ',old •arab g nd. whp inehroat*d Monett' foto the D. octane perry. and_of doom.. O.D. Te)lor eras elected. io spite or hie esertioes the bent.. °mut :carried their standard in triumph in Moen• dlr. : cereal Slates. a Didiracties is a silo old sinner. perket I turneoat. an. withal a great liar. He commas lied the left urn a true army. and lara4st distinitiou for has Ire abetq. t quo to hail or Benedict Arbour• He caused to be siortentiored all our i'orts. Arsenals. and • over al l hundreu thousand prisoners in Nejw York. sud ironed numerous reinounciunseistais in other States.— After our defeat MAIM. General Destriliticub gave up his •consmission to General Prosperity. and -the latter Geteral. with old Gen. Harmony. agsieLentered the fii•ld and defeated the enemy In twitiatt-site States. and lu faun others eame,ufr with equal honourGin. Pros prrity Gen. Heritiouy are both vetbrattniu our ranks. and 04yr again are in the field on behalf of the Demo ciatie 'Party. They ! di drive the 'Alga from every strong hold of their iarty. • Their entripehments—a most -clumsy Worit—in Ohio and 'Pennsylvania are alp ready giving we and Limit' deserters are rilbuing through the country in every direetien. - crying,for glitter. Their ridiciloes rase de perm by which thry•t;' l ropoted to en trap the foreign eitiseus hes been discaverrd and capes eel ; and already that portion. of our poptlktion We pour.' ing into the scott ranks a most deadly fir# of Democrat ic grape and canister. Another coup de kiain, in vogue with theta. was to wealth the head quer*. of the gallant pieties. aadpour in_upoo him a deadly fire of Billingsgate, but there again the hosta of the Deinucraky were posted. and a alma but active fight drove the miscreants from the field: Their present planLis to call in. all their goer- Miss And to concentrate their Whole forcirty Niagara. and •• fall down upon the Democracy. _Thar, too. is a fail ure. The Democratic soldiers are fri4ly laughing at their desperation ; the cosnritanderof their right wing. Gen. - Seward. and Gen. Apathy in comnia' tid of the Cen tre, together with Gen: Rum. in charge f.l the ••thei.lit of the south." are already trembling in their boots, and the bloodless cnuntenalices of their motley soldiery bete -1 ken an earl) Hight of the whole Army. j Meantime. the I Democratic hosts under Generals. Prosperity,atia Her tunny, are pressing on to the scene of cu l titairt. each matt eager tut the fray. t end confident of a giiirious victori. ~. Bnoth`3r "Fire in the Bear:" We know the sensitive UOlllOll Of o ur 11111 . 1 g COtOMpOtIt. I ries are nwfullyahocked at our parsdiva suck documents as the ifollowing before their eyes. hut Wis COO . I help it— we arq boosd to let_ ti's people see the •firi in the rear". of the wing cesididat . ' Rev. C. W. Oestisou. the wri ter of he lolluweig.as the Editor of •C)sty Coax 4." t.,r a Webster is tug pep fin Boston. Ile liras %leg all Aver, having received ca l si , puintutent froba Gra. Taylor,' which tie resigned, hcilwever. to establislt •'Our Country " The antnnes....aotion. of Which this is;tho first cud sou cludielg parts, we find in the Beaton ffgice Brassie. a nes cellatrou• and religious paper: . To tee .F.:dttor of Ike Oltes brunch: ' , lknit Sin:— Voor good-natured par graph respectin g me, iii the (Mies brunch of the 17th esst , in the artiste fieel i d ~•Putdm end Nuldield :Ceres,' calk. fur c brief dike is Mien. uWets your ittell.kiititch ?liberality. and the pltasent per,onal'relationa that have lui4g existed between as. uiul al once mishir toe to give. :, I jilt' happy to taunts you that 1 heve completed my arra gement.. fur issuing sii failependent Mobbed Jour nal: i It will be eirculated gratuituu.4 during the cam paign. : The initial nursibm will appeir on the brat pros.: istio.! In state mid Character it a to be etertiter to ••Our Ciiatitry." but *tit be, wholly devoted.to the discussion of P ( '!".ftitint i riVelieit ' nerat: c0ncitt5.4„........ .. ''' , . that' nder no conceivable eireunt emotes could I support Gen Scutt. I have fur years been ciativinced that • al thou h nobly 'breve and greatly successful in military life. ; his itnnZiples on ceihin tviestion?, hill habits. tastes and Itemiser era such. ll9i would render it ensile for the coati- I try to plice limo In the 'matted post of ihe P *Weary. In INsildikton to all this. 1 re ga rded and still g ird sundry I. surtundings uf!Geti.. Seatt air in ninny r pert% °Wee 1, tion ble—especiLllv in ..‘ , /PW, of the critic* condition of I, certain nationallaffatea. both et burrnsand oad., And !' whr..n , to mown the whole, he was pet in °utilisation at I/mil l ion:ire by a series of snotrerneuta that am satisfied were secret , sel fi sh, fraudulent and ei.etto al, at the ea , cri6e, on the pert•of certain Nonnerri Deel gates. of 111 r. ' Webster. I could no longer_ heehaw st's to y path of du ty./It &tea not Weems. me to 'pea for ny ours else; "but, is forme, that path is "straight, lief plain before my face." ; ' .r- Determined oriiiee and judge for tricse.f,ll took a kind letter of intro:l . ooton from yea. midi in ittionpialtv with your sigrerable assistant editor. waitryi oil !Hem. Frank. 1 lan Pierce. We met • favorable restepti a. and (nand him in all resifrete equal ,twoor iv:l:retail as, General Pierer reminds me more of the true Vag is gentleman. the , will collected. pisheihed. well into4nted 'lawman. the wile' .hearted,*eurraas - and chttralrio As email' itoldier of th, Old Munition. than any . Mau items ever met to Newil•ttigland.', He hat 'stood well the test or the most reolliint personal abuse. • He hesibeen public!y endorsed by ,Me. Webilr!. as will q,unlsfied for:tho Presidency; and insistent) as thst dtatioguished gentleman will not prob.. ahly I sland much longer.as en independent candidate. 1 see 40 other course for his Democratic friends to pursue but lie support OeueralPieree. . ti ' 'l4 takin't am airs* that I shall incur certa(n,e from ariou quarters. But for that 1 sin pro per d. and shat there tire taks it cheerfully mid abide it paii nay. Abuse f in: certain daises in stri4et7 is the hit est praiss of t a good man. Yours truly. C: W. Damson. iiinn.),uly 19..1852. Corahill. The Comm ll Tl thinks if %albs money spent et • ire** the,other riled ”beeti inve‘ted" In circa- . _ i lati g that piper. "" more good in the ease. of virtue. mo slily. and band politica. might have 'been 4 ine."— A end at our elbow suggests' tbei query whether the Ed tor in speaking of "virtue" and I•Morality.`! as being ir lt p `. , °limed t rough hi. columds. has any reference to the half colt u advertisement or the notorious Madame Re tell. aliae. l -• Dr. A. N. kteurittean." which weekly up. ars id hiseoluottuf. ' Lvotcitolvo.—Tho story of the old, 'gnaw. who yost papaw once on a time, . and who, despite the 'Min. got ilontpretty well for veins y.eani seder the con iSQUPOCIO of rum and totticce. till boo dey getting vett* boozier than common—say •crying drunk"—she up a terriblo pow-wow over her poor baby, dead.• keg is ago"—reminds the Detroit /tine erase forcibly of wonderful time , the whigs have just now had tr the battle or Lundy's Lane. +hick has slept quite indly witheet a celebration for selms thing odd yen,* til it is all at once premed into the series of an eirC• neering campaign by the same Only who declared the i of 1812 ••itiliaman. etichriatian. sad not justified by troilism or humanity." Poor whigeti—poor squaw! • —l_ . i The Gess* appears to has, aft issiee - proolirity for , • pfssontatirle. if not Tor deeneright ifalrohood. when I' ' Meg to ea. For instance. in ?justly condom log the I E n. I obese of Cifidifistes:tbat Polar affaarta that " Goa ileott's character la pleetifelly beepriskled" in our 11111 t: " with, such e4ares epithets se 10 , addl•-pate.". " dosaagogui." . and !ether terms of ridicule." New. I. 'ilon't 'bleat to beiag lied abort Oecuionally. bit Olio esestanti strewn :of stierepreekstation la ermogit to *ear not that potence of a saint. ledjav Sr. sot am of that senor. by a good dial. The *oldie will tunes no. this. if w• brand this &liberals falsehood. • . Ger pa per hurt week did sot eontais a aingle.oreetenco "'WWI lag" Cies. Scott. eithiar as a milker Scan. or as a states- Mark though sverrbody karma wn aright with a good deal if truth "ridicele" his prateetions to Oro litter.— Neither did we nee the word "dentagowee" in 'wealth,/ of his: and as for "addle-pete,"i we now used it is speaking of soy oast Wood wo"bardly think we ever knew of bat one perform it wield be really applicable to, and that is the writer of tbo Smelts we refer ti. fer The Seveeneh' Rqnarscoit (tiahla Whig) nts thikt the laritlitetioe' reeelved the 6 shrive. Note or the Mitt. , /evilest the behet Met tOsfiKoolhowt, in thoorigia. eet SOO en tidbit to take Oen. Beerr:‘, EDITOZIAI Cr A /nu+ or Ass appeared lik the stre•ta of New Or. )naps No a. We thought the raM was Whist.. 110 — AgreMpeoeral may be a great statesman. but the tact that ha is the first is so 'airlines that, kat is qui tr The w eat basest is coming in tittor lit this pirt of the (woo . The yield is pod; the grain siolualli pi :mp, sod i has beett houtsed'in exeolisat ,order. ott min may he very eathusisetie iO this ay most con Sue it all to thamselvat—it is the usual way. cr . The = tegise, bit t net exhibits ...Somebody te,siie a Seett 'mtg. A " would be piefered. For further, perligb. the "market Neese tpqac" i,cr Mut • '9•Sight singe Isis eaqiire CET The Commercial does'at Joke the word " f-i-s• 2:1-e ;" an. no weeder S it bar been 00 fitulini" ever sines it bad a •' habitation lad .11 name." T.—The chargairot tratisporti sg the rentals' on the steamer client New , York to Albany. hotfoot" of committee. were $3.347. - ar Curt of Mr. CL♦ inchidlog•f IStautoai the pragmatist' woman Of Western Idolises in American to be "a machine that - o jli - cf for three score years and ten.'! Losisiani Constitutional Convention hive •roposition prohibiting the introduction of i hat State, from other Sates, as merchandise. m ro. Dilw-York. squirts too QT The rejected a slaves into ew York paper says everything in 'this coon• except nigger' and editors; The remark rod, is time in the main. LEY' A. try is free. though ell , Ws beings dy4 diedont ! AT'S IN TIM Wiso`l—That story of PIZIRCI. 'Aar& started by the Nees York Tribuiss. bits Eff its are malting in Allame to esthblisti a ship ceitill .nye the Florida peninsula. front Abe Atlantic to the Gulf dr ;Mexico. r 11e is the advantage of being Fat. Fat men 'win) mo ueeasily than spare men, because fat is bghter than wan* ;'the fatter a snarl the more bubyant he is. liww a s TIM MIGHTY Fat.t.Eri.—mt the decency part} baits thrown ot£ their starched dickies and now answer tt4he cognomen of '•soup boys.!' , . tLi It lie said that Senator ByII igrees with Par son i Brosenlow. that Scott will be beet in Tennessee by abont10.10) majority. Niger !Rats.—Au extensive malleable iron foundry,' is labouQ to be established in Worcester., Mass., by,i iCtsatiscv & Co.. giving employment'te from 5.i to a 100 hands. i to so Tito New York Day Book . is that there ate .iany !Whigs seeking adMission at ••Taminani , " that it it; sari4usly contemplated to enlarge thai old heisd guar teri of ts 4 liemoeracy. .401 01,, I ' he Cleveland True Drmncrat ea that E. C. .y, E•q ,of Ell rim. phlo. tousle y a Whig hal as c h ar as the “glisEe9ol noon- ay" for Pierce sk I Gary, le DU Kit' tiiiMhe Halifax! Drill •Ainerican i4ye there is be , eyer. that gold. real veritable hqs been in Dioira Scotia, in large cinanetties and of 1/113 2= IS TIE Oil 7 ysass of age. j feet 9 inches high. weighs and with whisken and moustaches ••fully equal of Kostsatii.'! (ao says the description) is on ex= in Rochester. • lir 716,1 lhoge•. ,itton t 7 1101100RACT.--The London Court Journal asp) niy tLawrence," wife of Abbott Lawrence. displayed ore 10121411 a diamonds ind brilliants - oaf the Queen's t Jostle than any other lady in the royal presence. -- 1 ady Lawrence!" Oh! s _ • fla" The Fredoulailee have discovered another spring natutri gas. The discovery was made in dining e, ell tit the Johosod House. This accounts for the Fre nirtiteie koinia• ~,,, e•notnflil SS." 41. fdythe telegraph we learn from Boston that i, Jrtantidespatches from Mr. Webster to the Americi Otitis+ at London. were taken not by the means! ,t,'snadi. which left Boston on Wednesday They p ably rielate to the colonial cod fisheries. ILT The editor of the New Orleans Accra's tely misfits a handkerchief made fronythssilk gra I londnras. which for fineness of teztare and durabil • . • r exc*eds any linen he had erne seen. At was in ,a Lo*Won. QT New York papers are full- of reports' about bAttot;tren fraud and the rascality of the Mexican c/a The Illerahl says that the Senate Committee's ape report will astonish the country. Let 'er rip ! We anziotts to get astonished ones more ! Paw Bike us. Potteics.—The Commercial us that •*ienmotise amiss hate been pouring in fro, parts •f the nation" on their way to -tho : Falk!. No least doubt of it—that bird it always oo hand when t is a dead carcass about. ..ad 'every body knows whig died i natural death at Baltimore in June ! flstrt.—A petition has been sent to the U ;S. Senate. signed by many merchants of Boston, pm jog for the recognition of the independence of • Hayti, for . the sake of her large. and increasing trade with this country. Thera is no chance of its being favorably received. • , Itl Recollect that - the Whip. at the last elections. whorl the contest turned on party questions. hard ire 7 cared majorities in only four States—Vermont. sea. Flonria. and Tennessee, and that General Reott stands little chalice or hotting a majority in eithet.;ert ceptipi Version ti I' IQ' Nearly an the Democratic papers that we op' en' give the uanies of seceding wirigs who vow their dekeri wination to- vote for Franklin Pterce: We have(ncit rooritt for the twentieth put of the annunciations o itas kind; if we had we - do nut know what the Garizill and Cosensoroal would do-.—they feel so awfully as it is Parmartios IVaasezi. The directors of t the goatee Mille at Arnaebory Meas. haviag cut o 'th t e fifteen initiates hitherto allowed (or the ateu's luuctleotit. all the girl. io the mills. eight ,haudred is suushes; re famed to work. Red tho milts ate now standing 14140 tiers, is a ' , kr." , Wale." which it would be well for, the proceFtionisis to e>amis• lute. Er Woir'v Go fins —Au attempt was made lat Cleveland the other day. Joys the P/Missieder. by T 4. uoutir. FANCR. a Garman Whig, to get up a Gernain Wing meeung and ratify SCOTT. He was set on piets lily b 1 the Post Office clique. and alter penunbalatihg the 'Whole city could not find a cab load of Gemini's who would go it. and be rive up the , ghost. Thep know their friends better. Mr. F. is a Wool Veslet t : but he unmet wool his countrymen on this 'natter. Er The Scots "enthusiasm and fire" is being post poned alrbrer the country. , The Ohio Mus Cimvention. which wee to come off at Columbnisin the 22d. has been postponed to a Mere convenient Beeson. when the grass on the prairies gets scorched by an /August son. The great Scary convection called to meet at_ Macotti— Georges. en the 4th of August. has been postponed to the /Bth. "to give" u the telegrspb reports. "the peo ple tints to tally." F 91113 present' indications. we bare ditatathe &Unit= would be glad to g hats the else dell postponed also fur a season. 1? A %mugs !—Tbe Whig pipers tell us :that Stott " 11 sever yet led to defeat." History ten. es that he led a most disastroni and discreditable defeat at Queenstown Heights. on the 13th of October. 1815. la that liattlehe wits not only defeated by a greatly inferior force tint he was also taken prisonerly the British ;"and witlrbins the British took more prisons," than they bad man in the tight !—We do not slats this historicil ; fact to detract from Geo. Bcott's well satoed _military fame. bat simply to show bow readily and recklessly his Orli 'esarsieleity history So hte'oirriess and prose his - n!'!"7 - ' II NI The wants if a portios of the peePle of tbis'Stat o , with regarditibises of Railroads *bleb psis through s o Northern bowls/lei seems to us at once selfish and Mie n . Bible. The• shiers Railroad. is finished to E r i c P ... 11 , from puffrhi. tie .Cleveland. Painesville sad Ash to . bola track will, on be completed to the Ohio State Lw. This will Maw say . tionayfeur milea-'—lyibir • bens", this point and de, to make auntie an iron link bets.", Galena and ton. St. Louis and New .York. B ow. seder these ci omelettes+. would it be believed chit ti. vat interests is ennsylvania have thrown every obstreo , don in the grey Ohl' improveniend They boos doe s it They peu "tied the Govermir; they beseiged the At. 1 utility Liener• ; they declared. that the iatereet o o f the Old Conimonw alth m it' titillating@ imperative. A ttiev sued out ou injun don. before .the Supreme Coen of Teurtsylvaiii a; to .st all work on their twenty tier Odes. The Supremo rt refused to great it. Tv," roli dciaiou, was made lest week, and. we bop.. this '4l be tke last ' h thittmean an seifieh action. ' Rival yi. betwieen Suttee we like. if it be loyal to rigid. Al meal • j ai uttug for supreUlacy does cot alarm us. if it 1 ) , formable enlist pties,. Bot a miserly and mean non; whichl Cool 7to it &A conquest. we despaw. *ad, in aSt te, it IS Mat . What would it hoot Pei.. Sylvanie to atop ear R dread at the State Llt;e? t)hie would not autionit to su h injuetice. Every foot o r p o „. Sylvaniit' lino , , and ev . dollar of her 'capital. a t ter as the lam wool twriai * would be caked to teeth leer t. snow What j . lice is.. ad (ode it. . 4 But po pat i tic ciu nof ei th er Suitt wiehee to s e , each a Confli . We rejoice. therefore. "n ;be d oooroo if the glepre Court itif Pennsylvania et 'once honotstile M thetote. d beneficial to lb* nada,. It will ',lm o 'ell sel f bri ry. It will put down uow and heteiPe r the ate u anangeeloolicy of a few act of Patient. id Saa ho Id dated, the peace of both States , sod Sort ta pr ertty a both. without benefiting m oo t , dime. Th Road ii Erie. 1 The deep t tliei I Th oboe ~ to t h e tier one of the•moi railroad ' isle, beer, at the, sinews lof a ill now be completed in a few Weeks 10' en having control over the litot nil net oats; or allow salient to do it. from th; Cleveland True Democrat. S ara. The war upon the railroad neat hes Le la t selfish we ever saw; and that the Cewrc t of this State—not the Stets itsev.4 l . ttorn of it, and in good "part furnished a l t . the "materiel aid," we have ■o wore doubt-than'tsf our eaieteuce. But it is now ended—t'm wenterti road,which John 11. Walker boldly proclaimed i i , in our Court louse he had "nailed in its eotrimi,- ka s chine out of t • fight unscathed. It will be butte—µu Wailing. an - deepite the efforts of those who hate op. posed it--indeeptte the threats of their organ. the Ga. =lie, a few Weeks ago, that the 'watchword 'mild ime be "viol v."lwe shall have the satisfaction eta three months more, or see r iog the cars from Cleveland arriving and departing'daily i 4 our city: What • kips! rebuke minim wtll be c+.Walkei, as Co.? What a coninteotory upon' the Wonted plower and influence au" woeld be. Congressman at home and in the Imitalettire. He t. been - defeateo at every turn! fits potitieal Mi T eisearr as beett'brokenidontithis tverteual popularity i i .eattered to the four winfial—and his legal acumen deviled ors art, by the Suprme Court! Did any great mono (1) ever is into so larg • hole bud come out of so itoall o•e! !NI =;rn transit gluri Hy tho'by stand to Court, ex tioottiou t t ecuted rate plut;dei we may as well sac here, whst•we elide. fact. that the' investigation in the •Sui r•ev erf the feet Inite prominently. that ti , . 0 : - e iVesteto Railroad has breo 414 ate i'... ! - n!y by a set of ticklers edvetim t .. . i• who dare not proceed' in their .. - . • Imams Advertisements. New MA" , VV E hate which at.te n hen Erie. Jury • few ropir. r of thi * popular work reinairiv.;% , :r. • c will 'biome of et the rwiular price. 61"A:Vall .ree In elected l're.idet.t. & 1 12.12-12. No. 11 Brown'''. MAO. retro 1' Theatre : I Theatre 11l IN AND - FRENCH THEATRICAL 'f-PL:IiFORMANCE, On the extra ew but stale ia the elegant ltalia m lee. D. E..- aviv. Rail sod F. change. on SATURDAY 114VEN1314:. it I.Y . 31. Ir3l First ppe.arancr !pith's city Of the Grassi Genres aid FlVlCApail,' ratio Trmipe, under the orepaiewneot of Messrs. A. NRO 'l' er, DF.ET:4, from the Royal Theatre , f ;last' Berlin—they perforn during the winter season at the Aster Place Opera essir:New York. where they were receive! with great a pea d crowded houses every nigh!, liaturi fay Th OEI2II • 31, will tie piefented the eonneopere. 2 lo One Am lEB AND- VIVANDIERE aftel which aft. tom• Evening. /11 of the OM Is ne ,Act. of rite Va.niers aaTuaN, Or The'reif fa after which an Exactser Bst.c.ta from the Oncis Hem/lar The. orlhonlio tr. ea« , ughat,le Farce with Dances and M0Nt1,..14 1 Att. en. ! /PROMISE BERIND TUE cumir.v. or Tee 01. 7—eurtains will raise at 8 o'clock, precisely. nvtssins 25 Ciists. IC 111 Ro • • ws iki• • •• etude with titled THE Disappoint Doors open Pales. ser at. 11-51. BENRODT k DECTZ. wider best, "rid ti„---;Sse.rimi Peri-01.'44*re. Erie. Jul ,71r WILICTIIDI no.kßl) ir.d.a furni,hed Room for a gentleman and wife in li priv4terfainily where there are tint few Boarßera. A.Mrew Box TA br fall at the °thee of the Erie Cotinty fflutual iuoiraace Co. 1 - 1112 Erie. Art;' ---214- 31. 1032. ionable Tailoring Establishment: i • THE Subacriber. iirgratefully acknowledzing the lib eyial.pateee:tee which he has received from the citizens of !Brie tor the pint live years. would most iCipeelbte4 Bill their attention to his prevent location %using erected a new shop on the east Side of fitat • mree., filo dksi North Pfeil). and adjoining .1 H. Riblet h. Cos 14:0141e1 %Vare Rooms, he 15 orepaiell agaiii to wan up • and accommodate his old patrons .tut (needs. atd ... «mei that by his usuql success in Making - pix,d rim' t catty to continue in their Confidence. but afro. thin' their itriluence, and by his own , integritv and attention to f•att• ties. 10 eel. ute a liberal share of the public patronage aMO he resneeibiltv solicits. '. . Naval Ili t i . o Military Clothing made to order and Cuttiag for all' err to inn up, done with care and promptness: Erie. July SP. liii.4. JOHN Goa inifiG. .. 1 i . ------- --- JOHN GOALDING. SitscnAter TAILOR. and Habit Maker—Shop on the " 14 "Je ef Butte at t. to o doors north of Eight:and adjoining J. U. 114- let it. Cd`ii Cabinet Ware-Room, Erie, Penna. mrazum, LL EX.IMINR FOR , FOURSELI - 1... cabers would odor,' tots method of reournmg Over e thanks to the citizens of Erie and •ie mit) .sr..l Its ler:Illy, for the liberal-patronage hitherto etirojr r i would state that they have just received from the t. 7 rk and extensive assortment of BM THE 51 Pine puhlm Ite them an of New V. .CABINET WARE. , no.cimnv sofir of different Pt) les, n t horint. Fr•rtl and Chair.. klabocany Table*. with and w Ithaca with a lirt of other &tick% too numerous for newitpo'l I of which are offered at prices lower than they ran In any other e=tahl Ishmein. west of New York Tho spirit of empty boast, but from a cont! tenon of i all will dud who may lake the trouble to ossorutr a-i ..antiontiort. - . embrae in tteetruead ble Topa. derail. ail procured said in n. TIOLVIII. a perm:mai They They hot shortert of thi•ir a their faer the edict Matti Erie. 111)11UP 10 manufacture all varietiet of cabinet Wirt' - dkeinwlres in constant readiness fo furni-h. at iv otice. articles of whatever style or quality l'unf..e *tiny w give satisfaction, they invite to thmr I ales fur doing good and cheap work., ite altruw.: • of the city aud county. set of all sizes kept constantly On hand. ly 21, • J. 11. gar kr Public Vendue. TN consr:Ouence of the Subscriber haVini t 3 Or south for a k• J. or s°. lie will expose at Punt le rendue, ow the premises v ~, he now t yes, in liartorereek ibwnship near beide) 's Taw' - ON §ATIMIIA V, AUGUST 14. 1852, at lOo'clock; A. M. the following described pretterty, viz II 11 , ' Dem.:int.:OW*. ritiSliecp. a lot of Hogs. Far.olni rteopikk, a n ,,.., r Or Ilives44 Beet , some tiriudEilt)l.o TURN,ITURE. sa a v i Iron.. % anon and Harness, together with many other ava ^ ,', too numrous to mention. . rElt. 8.--Smos under 13 00 Cash - on thele day of Fair, l• i i over tha f . a credit of six or nine month* will be (oven up.. Ir.' eudor paper. JOHN it. mii.i.- , Ham creek. July 27 1E32 • ti: • • G*EAT BARGULTIMIL THE lime has arrived oMen the Empires hekin.ro 'e'er.' '. .I. k uf Summer Goods by °tiering them amfacit " - L'''' cost. atuch prices that every one that has money v Ili e. s - to hut. Our assortment of Summer Goods to large, awl 4 , ; - ' barkaios are in store fur those that call Kans. stoe , Erie, July 31 —in CADW OA. & Itr.: 4 'S rr: 206 I l lil t e r h e t t : a N n e t ' l l i 'o tte rk ii lli bi t e lls i n at lr w .j a u r i;tr u r e d .„ lrr . 1:.::: by , July 31. elvesiolt & I .i'. —r - - - - 100 li g r i e v i j il itry ". 37 3-1 t* jou' received atui tr ro rv r talcnjir. ood Cod 2000 31a .It c/t l ;tra t i, Eke. etc . F i rth;t tc itr all °l; r4, l l . t h47 l, l ‘,. ":.; 1 July 01. • - era RI TT & GeV ---- reTztriT comackfa, swam man 111= 11 qNI me above Mille have been awarded, at,„ditforni-1,., ,4. , .1,. OW:United ewes and the eimadas. T i R T.Y -NINE PREMIL'AIS' They are of simple construction. occupying b. , t A ` I ".L illre.dultilliie, (the aria ling surface being composed of- I,fr " tit French Burr Sione.Yaiiil navy be stanched to not nidr,i • er, entire Howe. Wind. Water orititeant, as readit‘ ~ :t ' n ry grind-sione.--rlonig its work with gr at r.l , ..“‘' tectioil are ea.ily kept in order, and poses der),!” ! '‘ over tot e flat stone mills, in that they CR obe pot ~. t ' ' cost. rd require 3, percent less vo.oer to oti r , i , • . same um Imo, alb nttou to tend hieni-raiiii4rind c.. • Th [hoist Mill is a perfect Grist Mill in wit,.. , .. , *dap to the wait(/ of the cotriumnity;and is un,.. , .- 4, -" ' Cita Komi best Mill seer agreed to Me Pub ii N. .—Alt cormnunications (post-paid) will mew': P r z. ..` ' mien 14 addressed to INIARLIIS ROSS, Masotti:tor'''. . ester, . Y.. Aqueduct Street. opposite the Arczde,Lr lie., diltb 'lLBR.F.R,,acpertil Agent, Erie. 1‘ 4.. .." ( -.---... . . ' 4 i . VALINTITA, Lalifflio Co. April%l ~.„. , I tried the Coulee Patent MIR for gr indingrora• I' d ,' Ibis it to answer gain - trebly. No plaster that e* no Ii .ie: . ,. girth ,of a public mill ought to be wtthout out'. if he .: 2° s ' v r a ht to purtchass, and his family is sudelentlp beige to m ut/rese r . of it Outherwise I would suggent that several fanners of , „ 19e :• :, borActod should unite'to purthuse one in colinean• va "`"; e at a bthibed In a teallbi POOition. Would be accrsoble to 6 ..:, • I Very respectfully yours, G. NI. VIOL i I 1 - Msnourrown. Do;swam 1 ro . - .., 'SW Is to airlift, that 1 bba t e now In toe. one (4' Roo . ", eat Periabie lute State NOUN and aw sat i seed oat f; wilt , Mon Outwoe its letinnolonootions; it in lbw boa Ported. ;', ;bat bees invonsed-ibere IS one is.trie aboes am 0 140 ,,,. 014: dousgulsta ClatOm Blisiaooo. lean ebsecAtilL^s* . fib tbe public. F. A. CLARK. Mi tier : A role July S 1 Ib% . M