Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, July 24, 1852, Image 3

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L T Tito -Boo.— rho' Cho ' n • • am broke. o.t ito the
Rine country. Th" seeing that tbeemigratioo
e that fir on among he W ip w4I be so smineroue
t ;, r a n. is really leo b d. However. they will hive .to
sir their chance. for e they most.
a The Boston Bea (Whig) says that nearly all New
F, f i n d received &cites nomination "with tearful eye.
,a;t3d hese% as the tease will. show next November."
i l , e Webster Whigt will ratify (be nomination "some
kar:ll of Juty."
The Democrats of Armstrong end Westmoreland
or nominated A, Drum ter Cooreaa.—Ezpdtpc7.
{,;hough the whir - hase'embarked .opou the
:„.. of a purely military campaign. we have *arias,
.',. 1 t0 whether they ei it Dram."
Mow,/ HIGS deg Rouge
s.onoctstiC Ratification meeting. on -the Bth inst.. Mr.
;chem. i leading Vb hig, spoke Geer of
mart 'and Rita and ,was followed by hrajot
anoinerPloininent Whig; and also Aneaa Adams,
r.he „ me pi ety. This. from' General Tiaylates old
is significant of good results to the Democracy of
I ihsiellt.
11 Some of our Dremocratie friends ia. this city are
0 , i..ed to l'idieulo the W)itg meeting , held at this court
II a , l a q week. All tie have to ear. gentlemen. is,
„. u , a better meeting if you con. We should like to
;it .oi nlake,the attempt —GAruite. , : • 1
lt..ere is a stump fur you. 14 a \* county where the
si , z ,„ .rlually hate fourteen or fa ein hundred Majority.
i „ . i, c ; a ,m . three or four hundred more, they it up a
r.,i (cifi , at , on miettng. and the dare the Democrats
;-: u? a I irger! Wondeirfull-
B).!el Poet .60 that at the. Whig Ratifies
, at Fotiu'tel hall, lion. Lupien V. hell paid
~ e•oniplunimt to General Pierce. who. he said., pos
e. iterou., brave. honorable and pure a heart
.Vrt11.;)11 ever pieced in the bosom - of ir tura."
:,1;1•7t alt. SCOTT Alllll NITiIIIIIIII—FURTIki ER tROuT3
Natrona/ Inidligenect in Deer mber. l .lB4B.
so article over the - signature of "AtnericuS." iu
e' ct were the following propositions. with reference to
\ ,;urslantion laws
1. To reduce the term of naturalization from five years
3 Sure aliens as 0;101 hive served two years in the
' , lli or navy. whe shall thereby be entitled to the rights
- wash I I). iticludiug the right of sufiraje.
Al-ms shall be exempted from involuntary service
""1."• army, or navy, (just as free negrues
hohaus are )
5. Tito law to go into operation six months-after its
rte. New York Herald publishes the article in full
sus a is authorised to state that the author of th•
,le k Americus) is General Scott, and that if required
r. pre)pire I toprore il. •n,l further ch illenzes any Scott
ivi.'whwth,rl ,, nest. or • **higher law" demagogue.
r-"at.tion of the arilictinent". This is consistent with
• •..a , ,us Native American letter. and with his avowed
: • •t. to Ifureign”ra. will our whip - friends an
A 13COM lOU LVEfI peanut:a!
i 111 a •utedential and beoinifolly bound volume,
okkoekkeeo, foil gilt bask, marble edge, eon.
:k 1%,..ith 430 illustrations, 10 steel and
.0 u• e•d
• • :,a; the :neva $.1% l ' er it
" of th 4 Farm is a vrork.which needs no
um' The author to one of the. tiku.“ pound and writer* of the dac. Ilbrr y Ca•
! a«r and trd book without which no farmers hbra
, ..• eo.iirleio: It oi Ceotetpletelutde to the farm
an. cot it ntan • thertt•Nrmer field worker. sod
• .—A•nrtntrftc Americas.
t:-hs• vuilliosie as 'me of the most importmil
•.1 I •I 1 be 1.11 d• before the Farm/yrs of the United
a ~ li W e Triple. In OP* With • 1•11 f mass ur prieti
r ~ .,'ve. eseeed.rig a thousaud octavo pages. qfr
II! i, :•ie et ?nee "—Bonk Trade s '
II - -,.-,. 8. bet •t. We cannot understand how
;.0 ,! b publi.he4 beautifully printed. with 4.1 U well
Ir. o '.. I nere•tork and firmly bound as it is. fcr less
• , 'NI **—Jltiro.4l of Arrieultzire. • 1
- ' pi .f . e valuable publication than thin has
ever beet
r•,. t i the world. ' %V, blizzard nothing in o,titinz Ills ,
. ... it. . if reed and profited by. as-it phi a d be. ~
iicli,v for its e lf in solid cash. a hundred tit es user .:
riorrur 4. rowprierrr. 1 -
"11.0 ;a realty esie,eif the best books fur a
o .o•• • "—elerefded Herald
•• "Ifeibigh diameter at the author -heeicl et
to.tioe public Boor. It is hattflpeone
wuts,!ot iu weldable sad well metaled illuatr
parrehaerri on the Boost resoTible ter
'rye Jerarstet
The aleorre veleahlo Ark esti he had. who'
••:. at the Cheap ok Store." No. 9. Rro
Swe it. DUBLIN Blc
rie. July 17 1852.
3. i N B. Ants genated to spell thhr.ana o her ♦alaa
• 'torts. to *hoot a 'moot hbOtol percentage, will be al
tl , tn.lreds of our cit.:ens romplain.of detqlity and languor
derar.rmest of she Itver and stomach, • ant of ap
4 kr.. they are•freunently ;the result of close application.
' 4 no:::suf other causes we cannot here name: b /.we would
afflicted. do as rsre have done—get a bottl or two of
• Ibr hzttors German litters. prepared by Dr. Ja kson, and •
int . Von will cured. We recommend •tblis medi
c, It pow in t from etplcience that it is much superloi to the gen . _
.17 paw; t melte:ohs. We would say to our readers, pur
witoo unless prepared by Dt. M. Jackson, Philadelphia.
tt Bloomfield, Cons.. on the 27th ult.. by th• Rey.
T. 11 . !mine. Mr. A.'ll exartsr. or this city, and Miss
%Vr.t.i.s. of the•filinteepl ice.
• ( k IV . I 0 I AN D . '
J i 41 R. ri it t. , 1 at Zio. y . ft WWI Block Mafertreet.
i.i diatii's !Magazine for August.
t,,det's _._ ••
!...trta lII'S ••
" rt • tt
' -1. R: inliif t• of I.ifelln New York, or the Pee ret order of the
Inc•t July 17-10 i lb !LIN do: St DAN.
r , - - ..l''' , at K". idtrown'i Block, liy the subscribers, a
• ,t , 3.` , /rt • 110 Ili of II ither'i SUpeltlo.
rind Book, Job. and News ink,
' -' 1 ''''l 3 / I , 4 .11.. ati lin cans of 11b each—Also; Red Green
• • i•f•c. l'hoie tw want cannot find a better article.
• • 1. , 17 P.... 1.1 to ' liURLIN & StdiaN.
Olt Z. AT zaiDucTiorir iN PritC/Pil s -
Cheap Books and Stationery!!
.• - DURLIN & - SLOAN.
\ .. v 11.0" n'.. Hotel, ante it. t:rie. have on ilandand are,,con
-• ' 4, , I , a ldiu:r thirty.). the moil. eiteuilve and the en r eaprit
• • '' -,,, t •.d !tooks andMatto:wry ever "tiered in this market— ,
' , '•2 I li•ti.r . 111,1 4 00,y. Fiction: Poetry. 'Praiteli. etc imal
. '''''' l " 1 ` Plank Boas, English. French. And American.
I,¢u, sod.Sote Papers, Envelopes, Steel Pens, &e. ite.,--
!-,• GO It4lng arc .1 few of our prices by Which the public can
. ..:••• , htne tt hat of lie rest of the stock, viz :
hi itrltt itiMetT, from 01,73 to * &MI
l' , rlvt ••' ... SO . 12.00
It•iik Books,Cap H. 8 per gr. •13 " 37
- - .. P. eD .• ** ' • 33 " 63
sl, el Pens, per grOM it .. , 1.110
k.ritr.:,,pei - i1ve 1,23 • 2,33
, .
1 ' 1 ) ."E rude per doz ' 73 " 6,1111'
‘' '1 1 3.7c.1,.k, the best IP market. pet doz. 7e
' ' 4 ") !tong else in proportion • Call and esaminequality
14 '"`. sod Ne are confident We shall able to satisfy you
E. , !to 11. is the , place to buy cheap.
' In: aqua:any of Rap wanted is ex up for Books. at 3
. •
k 1 '. . rut reduction frctin these antitorreepouding pikes.
,% '2 ' V , •-e who buy tom!! again.
, ', 1 gal Canvasser wanted to solicit subscribers for two
" " tioqi. at winch good wages can be made, as each book'
~, .11.4 profit of frouli3 cents to $t s
.. JUI) 17 IP-32 10
Zotice to the Oity Oellic - tots a nd Tay Payers.
1 Fir. following Reel:001 iOn was adopted by the City Councils.
1 t lidas 1.% en Inc July It Pee : Resoleisi, By•the Select and
. • ,i i • ••• , •• , ,ti.tnat the City Collectors be required to collect
.i. r to the 'Preatarer one thousand dollars task within
di?",_ Erie July 17-1110 W. H. Pluatutivi, Clerk.
__ _
- N Tlc E .• , )
vim. Errs r gad North E.orl ltaßroad
``'TIFF • Erie. July a ll= ll . i
ip hereby given to the Stockholders of thi• lkorupsay
tl 0 a di t idend 01 three per cent has Awn declared out of
'Th. , vg 4 th. road fur the last flee moolM. to the 1.1 July,
•,,!•• 4 t thur office inthireity on the lab inst.
By order of the Board of Directors.
J. C. lIIPBBCBS. Bee],
ZISII 110 W dhitmetly; •ussiterstood by all person" iatureetert
t) old busiuow lutist be eased up without any further
it con is to be avoided on the•part of thaw °Wilts Itie
""f hots or account this ran cattphe done by making pay
: • 1.... tartatily arranging theism' . briber the ht or nettttcdor t mean to :his matter nnarair that
i,iy 17 iass 10 - J. D. CLARK.
- Settlement 1 _Settleamult I 1
plltsfiltitt indebted to ui will pease call and wadi beSint Gm
4 ""th•dty of August. ilex!. ' I
.' , 4. July/1141-1e J. S. GUNNISON &CO.
WOOL! 1.002.11
ronSira the market pries paid lbr Wool by
t:r:k July Mar TIPIPAti & N se, No. 1 Erows's Mock.
I Thlit way my friend. Step In and view '
Our ample stock.'ill fre■h and newt
Just Manufactured fpe your nye.
By lawful hunda that ply the Goose.
'The/ Ire him you are well aware,•
That he can dt you Jost to a hair,
And make et ery part ktok just so. 1.0 •
Prom neck to breast, from Intim to toe.
,Itementher friend a e sell as low
A. any more its town cast do.
And sins). try to p!em.e the wale
Of the mom ram ut sone. •
.At Reed Rouse Row; No. P.
We arealway. pleased our'friendito merit
:'TislUdTltriSfanicastrlothinit stone.
RuSayth'is said, yen) need no more' 8
i • PZlTROlalltral.,.
j , ... nil' Cry is still they CAM
a j Cirmsrlei.o. Huron iro. Ohio Jan. 13th IVO.
AIR 8 - Mrr Kle,r—DCM diri—igoine three heck. zgo yarn gent
left iliettwo dosed of your Petroletun. I have sold _put and
Irani morel -you Will *end me four doses, •lis care of T.
W. Crow elf is Co.. Nets Haven. II turru.Co— ( thio.
Very respectfully yours. . PTA APIS K F.1.1.Y.
An e vs* rots Ea la t;tic wry .—J. U. &Our' & oy.; General Agent,
Carter Is Ilticlther. nrie: 3. A. White. Girard: ,W. 11. Ttestoesd.
Springfield; K. rower. West Spr i net ie I d': J. Clarke dinar. 11. 31.
Gtoer r Joh. E. door°. T. 11. lehel I in, hl'Yean:t. E. Jutlvon. Water
ford: .1 Wt .eter.rairvievr: and bytbc proprietor. t. M. K 11.11 -
July 17.1 "1 4tlo Canal then:. seventh et.. bust:arch..
OireXettaliSte n t Lawler a • coveted augly, euguire
•••• at Cure/aal.le 4 :74.1's St-h Factor . July.l7 IU
i s
IY ' herr! :P.--The first Instilment of tam ,JoUitro par sears
on Ithe w subneriptiodd to the 'hock Of.the Swaim, and
F..rid Rarirristd . ..topmast , will he due and payalibe at the Office of
the etwitionh%. o. 34 &Mk Front duvet. 0 1 1) 1 '13110 On 11 OffdaY ,
August Ith i I, 1.
['Here.( 111 i e paid Semi Annually on erseb installment from
the ilatplui v ent—tuterest will also be allowed on all rurynictite
mailivi t i ant ie f %Stigma ' CRAIG Rilini,P.,
Phi i Idlita July IT le3l-3t17 . ! Treasider."
•t_ rxecutor); Notie. ' • '
mif f I -, in inrelsy gigeul that the understened.han taken out
11 I,i , tet , p ' e.Onabentary,. on the eat ite of Idnxon J. Randall.
true of ,Elkareek tp. deeme d. All Perr.orin slidelded4o said &tax
are hereby 03tified to ma k e on.thoeut without 'delay. cod thoing.
has trig rkaiins iigniiincnafil -rain. are notified td present diem le
pilly atitheiiire-ited.ror lied :iwvii. -
July 17 1 31-401. J. A & tro. B 8 ANDALL. Tarentorn.
_ _
IA 61 i . :14:14 Icairtiii one of the g leaur,4 ao-orttoent__ s of odkr.
I prinitid Ir an. Jaeonelts , plain a d fringed berates. setiteh
dress giogliatis . poolonf rind oilier dren• grx.sil4 that has never
been offered ha re before. You can buy these (plods at a great hat
guilt at 1 • Jull 17—In
J. 11 I lit i . i4._
1 • 1 1 1 1 4 . !tit 1 1 IP. —lN:talk toir,:ist., aod blip*, i guutt . • •tt le nod
I tar 1...,1?C C lelll.lli 'July 17-10 ' ill oily'
DLILACIDID Gligus—A large 111114131111/1) hand. w 1 Itch will he sold
LI nt tote ptte. at hill , ri I-S!,-1n J 11.14 roiCs.
I z-1 I K.—...rtnan itriti.daTl fi gured folks, relti..a tow n t
Ertl , Joly 17 1 .1:4 10 (3' II )K . A.
5t. , 1.11E.11 fly amount on tronl ut prieeA flay
one In Vant of a pltauk. July 17-10 J. It. COttli.
ISK'S FATE-N-li- t.,TillAl;-.*A-S
_ tit
and deeintlar the a riiele site 44 piths asti4 ., lllo solely IINMI its OWII
111/CRIS WatLLI resportt,sll) es/hell ;in ito.p4 ci lois id !het:awe at los
. - 3;toady-Clade , Cofful Ware-noon'.
na.t ' , or 0 Mate tetn cep 7 and r." rte., otter the eiharon Iron
roitipais)' , 4 Store W h en' satisfactory rei's . retites., Dad te.doinnisial.
as to t .eti ts
prarcal instil) can he :lit eti, w axis together V. tile a
per-snit ititi , es'l.l)ll C. 1 1 ,1104 last trekassita oil i;iflts-14, :he fat urns le
con.rislerali tst tf all silo-e who in the .Itoprniettion of
Prot h;:,6. have oec 1.1.40 sr the gave of a i ',grist. The tinder
t.igliest 14 , Slitsl liesettdd that these caw, are qr a classic torus. and
cacr.,s,i ail I :Lztla:X . i'l the oltlines of a teitnah • holy. are litglitv
i l
orpanseittal. aaa germi.,l a, tern repuf-ive 'mute heatitersil and
Unique its appearance, Of. n any other i.flie li , Us4 ) II as reeepir . elell
for the delel ; they arrlita se of the riso- ( miterishahle water: its.
are e tweed inside and i t , nom= not ustme or corrode and n ben
Grit her are pe rectly sk i r-t sub). Oet 4 eitting the evlntla
wo t.f ot ensue
t ga...41, .0 (hit When desire.! die reislifs) , 1 .- 515 he
kepi for It e.dos be:lsre I teal, aMstlitis4: the arra V.ll of ..t seat
friends; herhre light an 1 purtahle. at the li's sited fuse I eits
or lest- elr I.:itear. they 1 s e e. * inure than si.flic dist strength' to
resi-t all he pr.-pure . f asses! front the hod). Whinh they sat .
sast , it•et I ) while in we ; . n.l holler tha) IX'slitalits'fi'sl l•Vell after
relap.r. of III:441y )ears,.l I d reits•ved to ritsV parrri the eosintrl,,
it ithisit t r pe sii2l.o . t oh-. sree:s Ale odor ar isi w.ii, Irons tit( in.
In the Ilse sf phi: t• tin tat rarer, she got - siting rt fleelyn is af
forded toi,:lrvivial ;tier'. it a nd.rel :tit Ps. Itsrit the 'aortal rs In'slits
of (lin-e ntwe .1 sr ly is-1 vet are easel , se I tirtss•alle.l is 13 , •rts
the) nll2 ion...tth to pe to . Tree frieis',tl.e Irittsi, , ton of w.k. , r. list.
depre hiti •n.s .1 s s .'ratist. and eaity.traii .1. I) try owl Uss , ssistall Ide Tr: obis , d • di.. Fuss, - trot 11:1 INt ' , Online/1 to on I •
a tratlq• lams tots. or return to IN it native eloinent4 . ' front
rap tattki akdse.
I.: Tht ti1ii!tr4i.37. , 111 . 1. e dp'esistty on 1.41.1 and err s:
hi s wiz/elm/loots :is ;alas,. t RI ~,c-u n !. Mrsh , lisy. Illark•vt t.l
cloth corro .1 , nest all kttish , ..if s t setivitt' e. all. of j ilt ,.
ready fur iii.mcdtate it.r. also 1.11,4 e, fur truth
reuelt..l dtsperetlewl nee ut
g *
..14c ta , it ...c4itc..
ALIAS A. ettAlq.
IX 0 L 0.'14 SCOW.
j 1 I 1 F: rtioril*ery of the :drive
pm' ;trot tort has 0,1:1!•14•11-
tlll tier. era in the him try of
,he heAtoor itrt.; it-rat. It; truth
)he of the, trreliteff 11eite...41
tee..., erter ,, r .1 I he tele, l , eatt.e
it t.* ill turf Ilinte ihlitA nine.
ehttur or a ells. , of tliotreit.iba
'ISP.I-.% incidental it) veinal,.
It .'eery ou.s.. of '11.....att4
.Ittett have Itertior.4. re...1-ted
ii.• tweA 1•110r1.4 nt th %1e.11..t;,1
f 1
1f . 11...1 , /ii lit all'eutlott ler. to
I , tcar.e be% and lll.itl r or altupOl
~1'0•11, olher malady Ito %bleb
Ili) Iwo/lion of theltittantt (ant
il , 111 if llse trelye. to
,%Itidt tt tiler ar
t.ou II t 1/1 , I rn, t f
remale Com 1
'l id OVliiitell.CP all VI
111,111.10 %Pi •Is felon
tanistit,oa. Attlee
, %Vomit; I'qrc;nie It'll
. ,
and I icilatiofi of the W ,, oth . lt,reiloatal 11.euturahla
unit t Flit.'ut Al', e. or While,. ; ('hlurree; ; enatitul, , rt
and IrrOtlie Mentoruatione.. v 1,1111311 their aces
i i
evil., let meet' evcepte I.) of II .tese,s.l l tr:. o3 i hull ' , es
-these rd npl ittits can tie plc attitlvocifel)". 11 1 1 0 Cen 4
di.-.1 it; lief 1 r..l,3tati , p.
Then i,iii. nt tut.. NII dieibe (0 till*enntidcbce of the'
pirellett 011111 by the lac k o f ii . hit togTeeettle.l the at
and kh rat phirottntre 41 totally lifOlioliwol members of
eat facitlty in the Cilitid Statist. ado(' DI ` 0111 '„:" ha" I
Oaten 'discus of count eintation. oct inimaoilet.) on*
that ie dlantied fur thIC 'atlioloitieort a. a rum ivenge I. _
Panifiturts trinutiiii g moth useful' niforlitation lo it'd's: the
and s) intdonis 1 the 'hove di,easei toiether wit li testy
sn onialefroui Ladies the liiiheteltrilMetahill7). at fil fill hi
4 .
!theewt aati.fitelory thorny in the paioldtlet. to 31 Whlctirldie
aitentinin of Ladle% MI t,Prielltsuurn. Is re.pecttu:ty -I sited, can
be had itrilis at the Ater of tic 11111.0 • 11E11.
'i I rttatlitrta.
, x—P. Jt. ee Wre
an. M , l'lles;N. Y. 1.,. IL- Flen,
inantLiiiini ,
:i.. V. I. IL Milli. M ii;iitochrmyr.
, Foote. li It, rt)ramice.N 'Y_ It rof. !Midi:lr. il It.
Id. J. C . l
Irrir 11. 34 11, Raltinicre. Mu, W, W.
City of Pi V. W. Irreotrotl. '.lj It. rog.eord. N. U.
twx. 3 1 4 Broadu aj New VOrlt ! July j 7 '1.1.-Guila.
P 2'-051T10.21 LIMN.
Sasi Fremirivw. C4llYor4ia. 77irawrill in 40 Days.
be skirled d new dout , le entione 'steamship
. 1;17025T WIND,
11 from bet Pier No S1:41.1 a ive'r on Monday the hhh
. • any of Atiecontfor Sal Juan .intet. ,To Connect at San
Juan 01,111 4 u4 with thelapletolid new tipper tihlP" Race litmlld."
to sail immediately it tie the arrival of the :•• %Vivi %Vini.'" ant
Han Frtincit-ro. 'Flu Illte wilt etas wf of ire clipper shim on
the P3C%IIC. ille•Race lonnd. North titertemn. Grecian, Prince
de Joiniv li
,Ile, akouth rind two litra ships on the Atlantic, the
.• IVertiV%'itiii" and a new steamsht now -.hulling. which will
he reedy to like her place in the Itts Olt the dir.t day of evident
her Oil neit. to run on A tlatttk aide. ' 1
Fait t;tit,in State n. -
, Sectorid.
sieernre. - . - -
For 1,0-sate apply I
.lul 17.1%21
fariiier t '
once COT
y printed.
onto or re
n'o Hotel
50 lign°„reflitrlr
BU .03E1 BRIO 1!
!r II iwubse riber ha burned at hip Kiln in Milli•reek , and now
1 offrre,tor Bale. WI ? mu Brick pr the veryibest quality. whleli
he will di.pore o ff at uitable rate*. The attention of pervOns
l!ev - fully invited. E. CAKADRIVII.
G " June u 1t,51
T - achers NranteiL 7 I
r, pH F„ Oehool Direct .rs or the West Ward. Etfis,W44l io employ
4. one; Male Teach .r as Principal. and three Feme!e Teachers.
u f a
45 Assistants. troake'ettarge of the School 01l said Ward. ! They
will inedt the applies is as the School House i o&-Wednesday the
with 1 o'eloe . P. M., lit Which unto they will he exam.
ined.and eetee t ions • de.
WU U. vy. KELSO.
, ,
July 1414 40 '
1 1
my. i r tr es the
ly on On(
lip:l44e (4
Ay Colts.
S"AYED eave r hip
leriber living id' s' towns
about the . ' bit. two colts--'forth two years old
—one a Sorrei rria bone on both hind feet. and a
white stlfipe ip the tr. .'he other a flay —ie artificial marks.
Wh hl give oevet wive i formatiOn where the stray. may be found
shall be liberally re rded. P. 113. - WOOLLEY.
Greeu4 July 19 1 Kit 3t.
• 1 71131 N T GOODS._ - •
T IL *WILTON 11l CO. are join reeeivi' a large supply of
J • Drubs Medicinal. Paints. Oils. to. ig Their ohi empowers
and the public geserapy are invited to call nod ouantlne quality
anditriftv. fain knish hereafter. 110 3 Reed; Howie. -
I 'Vie hilY 311191.
Mak Siert,. Itelm's Meek. east side of Perk.
ANEW supply of lektdeons of G A. Prince's manufacture.
Buffalo. on ban Mao. Three superior Plano Forte. are
offered fir rate very ap, and expected Su a week or two, four
splendid 'Piano r , varying in style and prier; Also. Actor
aeons hobs 73 eenurto Slo each. He has oleo on hand the great
est safieo sof Sbert Music. (Vocal and Inatrusarnial) in thiseity
at Scents per page, and will be sold by the quantity at a discount
ofs3 per cent i Also. tGo itar, Violin and Base Violin suing*. at
various !triers. A second hand Piano Forte for rent, Accordcons
repaired 'on reasoniNe terms. Erie July $ 4831 8
- _ -
BEINd requested bi some families to begin • singing class fur
Boys. I intend doing so it it or IU mote will take tin interest
in it. My mode of Teaching in the old music system is already
known, and add only, that the so called new system, (pinging
with rimineralr,) wrltahobe practiced. The ternt• life the same
as before; although I give during the summer season two lemmas
a week. WednesdiCy itt 4 P. IL and Saturday et 111 A. M.
Erie itity 3 Iprel 8 Vl'm.
rraf f ltrallMelthnve teepoluSed agents for the
sage of Mesa Joao. WWI & CoCo's celebrated Teeth.—
These ate consider; the best articles manufactured. Dentists
eau he supplied by quatithy at New York prices.
July $4431-1 J U. 111.11T0114 t CO.
- • SIN
- - .
11 New York
if 10
Turnip Sew'. ;
y hest k lode of Tdrniti seed for sale et No
kby 9 CLARK- 41‘. Pa:AR/TR.
..ele Tome Cabiir bds been received
No.! 'Browser N ock.
1/11TpLIN. & SLOAN.
& Notion's
ley Enid Foitims liereib Ms reek.
g Gors)s of the lateresryles constant-
Ary. louths' and Children's Cloth
trnestesti despatch:
Thereby given, that an appl lent •
!inure of rennsylvania, at its
I ucarporntion M a Mann, to he cal •
eated in the City tof .Erie. with a ea •
sand Miters. 1
Jame. C. Marshall
Henry Cad well Fullerton
J. 11. Williams
C. M Tthbals
11. 1.. Mown
' James 14 tle • -
July 3 t 1732
DIA! NI and figured 7 dr — ue:r. - •
1 Lace Cloth...plain and lip
price,.. French and American Mi
Erie. May di..
XLaystona Pa r JIM% .
Rtika Wi II 'ELDEN
NII44IIU MASI lli hails disposed Of lit Interest In this
above estahltihtuetilanJ in the howines , e t Marvin It Per
ti a*, to Samuel ridden. the buitittert will hetes. se he eusidueted l y
Use sauseriliet the same of Perkins& Setttes. who willsettle
all accounts of the Inlet:rm. tret
lyres P1111(1111.. PAIIIII'CL SKI uss.
A Ftilt wore toreeo of th , ote Mr
freet , ed Ai the New. York Ca l
July th3l e I
.1 • 4 •& , 1117011111141 Gilll4l 1;11;ii iOVCIPOt
f Veki et July 3-44
bleaaeJ oberi i up
jrie July 3 led*.
r7uac Parer--A supply of dila me
c....ived by Erie July 3 L
RYE FLOUR .—Fresh gruatid
ref w, teaaquatilliy. by
April 17, , 49
Frio ItLACKSMITIIri —lain
' ware dtore„ Nu. 3 Reed 11ou'
Axle lrrtur. Spring*, Ground Bu% '
Rohs, Aal w Ile, Relowv, Mu
tie. Erie, May 94,-11.
• --
di Uncle To ..'
• Tor author of the above er %cheat
goo.l pacer's , in the rale us It.
pire.l with the little of show epic
nottere—tmtwitti.tanding the gre
Geoln." Rosters hio, reit
one doortoothM G. I
h ill I.e. the Ili .sett Pt) IV of 1
trou! , le to t•how. hnls Gent*. at gi •
July 3 11.1.11.
Woo WOO 11 *00L:::
Wanted at Me Willer eL• Walk's I Mara
ajar outoeriber havine taken . John Joweld into partureohito
in the Manor/rev:ring Itnainr a, at his Md win rot in 7itillereek
Where they :ire prepay I to inainifieture any quantity
of wool into elolh, eivoinirre. bl. akel.. &mom I. Le.. on share*
:re by the yard. win ell as any oth r erdablolittient in tie e Y.
hiving as good earths a. earl be g; tip in reti It!) VII nut.
Carding and spinning done for tents a run althea, OM Is Wool.,
Carding Rolls 4 cents per lb. clot' Crewing done iu any sg icthat
la o anted on abort not tee.
Carpet.. washed and enlort yet.
with ”nap at the (1% IlerS
N leaJing Wool nt
card. %% i❑ have it taligni ou Boat
ear;•t•t, ,alit•'.
Millertek 3. !SS/ - 8
*. U for J.trol's corded sh
• o'er t.t lneil the rn st-t
In bur 1110 g tope. that lot.
A:nowt those 'strewn(
.I"ir. attention of the moo:tr.:0
• Moo , I.ew and brantornt
Stockton & The n.eo
kto..n ledge.l to , K.M.PC.. 1,,r •
now i The t‘rotoolho le i/Pq
devp. rich and eloroo,ote to•oe•o
coontnt•ttiess of ois form nhnt
oi.nosetotal ,anzl .Itoracti , e a;1. 0 .1
',lent+ to oiss, one vo ho 11. on the s
soroolne TO a 1.1.r. , e,
e C111.1111:41{ , no. Its met Its tan tm. ,
.1.11 3I.::
I.AII a..ortatent of Ole
Patto. Tnb.. 49tnrn., Bill
Rolltor Vior. Votai• e 1
rd T, , h, l Holler. Sia,ra Purr
et... Me wire., X ‘e Iletvw
irra%t.. eltic . .o to-. etc., eie, to .
Joao. atEl Nal. tippus,
Wastlti• no.l tio
now be foott , l at Erie .1
M .‘jf: r — or t ; rit i . e m e , i4lll
!if titt: NG—A
Floortoil and
her >an! or ID IP
le at
TII K sulterrilere have iti•t re rived at their wand. itainedlatie
ly oppu-tre the Peri) Klock. it I In: a , a tt:l %, ell 1111.14 V lea 04001
(111;11.yrY1141. entfee.t. Tea.. title fs, ‘l".nofe.. Rl(.r and all the
art Or 111111/.11:111) etsibraeed in the oilt Alpo, lati , lol.,[. Fruits, rte.
w ith an assortment 01 Nt,t4 at ~t ('owecli.,l l . rte.,. ytatfee,,,,
them-clef , that their stork. m sarietv awl excellr nee. is net .hr.
intp:etl in titc , e or.IIICV 110111110 r.ce,... 1 I ther,l 1. i, Of the pub
lic itaircti-oze.. Their fletermttlil'lMl ~ to ‘ll/ IPI-5.1111.r cheap for
r. 14. erAdidpr i nor the .• nlttit,le t.t Knee" iof more worth than the
••eltlor pinning." and that tap the* are , benclltteil by tbe.sericfy
par •) stem.
hr,itice of all kind; taken in. change for Grocerien und abet
arit 1e,.. • . -
I! 11 rinse kly lest th•sto...l: nn hint . , lo•eo•nea exhausted in the
11111 a few % weeks. tutu pre ore:. to , . itt.4.t people will 800
Abel %Ts I.nret• able to resit he tetopyttion to buy.
' •I.rie. Jou! 11l 1-30.- .. IA U. 44 & RIRI.F.T.
______ _______
BT. IXF i 24 13 ACTTZ.I I MS.
rplr. untiertiighettheing; inforthe4 th'-it their 111(11e1 at Erie hig
1. - hat a•lt rt iscd. exiistmel a u.l I ,Ifrre,..; toe • lit . their eetetoa
led l'atc.f Stratekt .• , tedle. Pt rrentheuhrr fifiastl. SY-wisp Ala
rhinrs 1111.11.1)111111 It? sonar:oil to t o ; Ink., tt. • blurt) to I ttlinni tht•
riothierm. shoe 111:1111113f 111/efi. and all fob. r. I, iving sew ina or
1 stitching Id he 11011 P that ? e'es
those Patent .mg Nlarbine*-nsay
rt he pore hared from them at thew wri..e. No •!3-. Broad n .ay New
York. w nit 101 l right t 111,0 illls Y:11111 111 C• ii' 1' ointy. We b Ise
not t.. 1.1 thi•l, monopoly of tot or machine% in Tile county to any
role. '1 lie ithshities hut law+ been gre..ily itittorit ed and a new
Prifert . grail , e4 for the rarprareat seta Price of thel%ll
Mach VIC* :i
:111 apparatto complete 1w mitnediate use 8114.
Sea •cc of the tinetitt.tird 1 , 61(.114ns dune by this Machine
tuay Lerma at the t.thee ul tt.b. paper.
11 M. SINGER &. irtl. .
'IS- Itrotolway.N. w York.
ii .r .v 1 - : V E.R. ,
la: nts,
r re ien•
LI it 0e are
u matum
or Ito»!
Dian) I ng4
III). All'
' l.llll . ID 1 . -11 •>m4
Al CI F. 1' L" R
Othe tar
• prohntim.
die Medi
own; "an
At Strarren's Bat Pei
,X 4; ti /1. -old •
AFRE: 4 II .apply of Ito
A al areal ktrvaoe. tll.Ol,
titol tor ,loiresr ' Ado, and Straw Ittlk of all km
Cloth Cape,
ore' kande. beW /../ of la
I. not of :learn, an.l CraratA, 13. 11...-m4,, Glo,
E11:..-eed Traol , log Rag*.
Comm rtto great a tarvely
vertieemeni, •I'all and look
%Welt w 111 N. kept to a I came;
are revesittsied will be c
Julie 6.
Speed t l
HR auheerlhero• in presentTlo truistic that ttwy have C J
GrOeersel. eU. I Itr :11.1.1111
vital Ituplerta^nes and N Khan ;
ems , suabffe.ted In Ag•
trade Ire sling that trlr Farlue
their p7alronage We We in
most e.klenst t e
ply or Ittsplenieuts of all alit
patt , inf.autotat phich Ma)
nr 110 w; Es2le, different nw ,
Urals Rod:. Eatie Shari I
hot st s i de 111
oercete • which we will sell
June 11.411
No. 9 Br ,
it , 11.1. be'keptemordantly of
• • aftwdituent of Crockrry.t:
Iron !atone china. Mushury
and Gilt Rand ehi on: in Girt
Diutng; Tea and Toitet Seim.
A later asnortment in all tie
inglsatn Ware. of the Intend et
GLASS II AR F.—We have
Stock of Was. %Ware 11.116011 TM
elliPP.torttatiarrate all would h
will nave a trw Prtielevorlz•
variety: large rut Glare - 11hisIn
Wiue GlaggeO•
hiera of all arts nad also
e Plated Ware. Tea and
*alma Ware of an Kinrkt the
ne eau be side New
7NTON k RR' 11'11 I.R . gate 'or Fa iretew.wish it:v.ll)6mm
I the Wool rowers of this section of the connlry. and the
pubic in general. that then ba e rented the estihlistrnerit of 1..
U. Johnson, and that they wit Manufacture Wool into Cloth
with. pronippte.s and dispatch. We gladly tender our thanks to
the Fanners and public evnerailv. Mr their veil liberalPain:loam.
while in htb.iness at the Enc i 4fractotyi. Fairview% aid deem it
unnecessary to in Ike pirmto, our old patrons twit to new
eindowseni. we have no ! , esiird i ton in saying that if they will
call on U. with their Wool, II y.shall not go away diaaatianed
w ith theirt:othic or Price..
We will gladly ‘tanrifartitte
on ha rep. or by the yard, n. MY
.CoOtorn Carding nod t'l.oh Ur
ready at Thermo. rippo;nred;
Cheap no any other e.Llt.liam.
market Price in Car,h for ‘Cooll
Glcatd. MRY 13th.
-I— the IPJoar that
Wen's Palen' irocllleuen • •
Pkaat Vor gala at the ewe •
have been teme.tatut prove pal*.
rant then) Waive aratialfaetiort.
10 IntLti Tanner's flit; a t w i
.4d in for *ale cheap by •
- Soots and Shoos • eaper than Ever..
WILCOX AND NORTON. No. Y Wright'. mock. have Jana
rece i ve d an a !Wort ellidiera %alio) of Boots cod Skirl
freih horn the manufacturer. made of the hew materials and war-
ranted. Call. examine and be surprised at low prices, good Muck
and excellent work: Erie lune IS left. , •
riIfiFFEIG.-01.l Gov't. Java. Rio Lap/tyro. Si. Domingo fend
V Mocha Cothe, enn he rottnd at June *O. 11110011
MERCHANTS. tAK F. Ntryli7E.--eadwelik.granes h are
the agency of a number Of the best, inanufacturiais este
tishments In the eastern slammed et the* and So/tbs. Forks, -
els. evades. Hoes, Axes. Rakes. Mill add X Cut:laws, ete, ny
%bleb will be supplied to the trade at manufacturers prig
Erie June It lan.
Selling of at Omit I • .
WH. veovirtmor. ber. c lgesiroir• of closing .is proses*
• business. offers to sell 1 els large mod sole did *nom
ment of Goods at criat--consisti of Melts. Wale and Jewel
-11. riADOI and other lestsleal ' Instruments, • lag Glows
Lamps, Breast& Ware and a great rariefy of • - keel arti
cles. Zrie Junta/ tree 7
N TS &all tied, sole or J. oitW. I. MOB.
NO. 3, Will Block, tat. h.
erdl he .rnade in the Lelia
et. genets! AOrmbly, ibr the
the Erie City Bast to he 10.
• tat of Two Hundred l'hou
AimC. Beebe
Georg.. Ke:lbsi
guy I 00ints
Prroley Arbuckle
Thor. blaorbesed,n
W. A. Drown.
rarer. be l.alu•.
; 1* lanes. all obilet lee Awl
an fee Pole cheep al
Sierra JAczomes
util.ll Calabria I:ingtianisjitsl
11 stare.
eyesy abate and quality just
J. SW ligN rri.
wad shartiop just ►etNved et
J. dwErArm.
and beautiful anlele ju•t re-
: .1. N. Beirroy rt Co.
ye Flour for sale by the bill,-
re , rovingil,iihe• await Kant
a heavy .gxkM Inan.Steel.
;. Malable Camingo. Carriage
k and Diew. lhm.e Shoe... rag..
.-- -,iii.'—' —7---
. a Ca ."
: d work. it ii, raid. ttaA met with
6 ut it fr ont} trifling when eo n•
'did Ilan. now' ottbred by R. 3.
t Cry rawed by 11w would he
. and lii. hat and eap 0101 P 10
;lig & Coa u:d rldint where
tato and Caps extant. It I. 140
j hum a call.
itted for extra pay. or washed
'John IVsne.e. r. gt 17111aoP; to
Jay Died re teemed die next. or
CYRUS RV. 1 , .
.1. , 11t4 JOWY IT.
II ;II I 01/4
.10 di DOI It PIANOS.
di!.lit IP re.pretf ON invited lel
-iniirat..fioW 1,11 I 11116i1I(.11 tit
olr is by,..pnpresslonal 'wen. ne
to-ajanct loser till oilier Pianos
ittir, of thlp new In% eillioll are
it., lii , tritint .li•licacito 4n4irie
goutintkii u ith its oillu 4 nrti or
newt.. nom ~tirr wring. tti:Nre
vent Printing a choice a , d de-
Ur It. qualities find* e.ity am
01) tri•tr,t I,y camp: ft
tin icrws Is rc Lg../
rim or
r . nu , Steak Masslo,
u,hl•r. I m Slltn'r•u , r.. F.,u _
11np?TI••A+. ih.o 1 . 1145. hi 1.
Keelen , . Ito'.hy lartnd
y Lrazhi pl Ail II I K
c lirtpwleeNew 11.teI 'tate 4., rte.. rte .
tie 31 W IRE'S.
Alai- cif a. awl ia
.llllle 26 '52-7.
!unfits' of 11r:1 pi:110y sciloolged
awed I.atli, I,•r /he *mu
-6 SF.N. I.ll' ter:CO,
IP and Tarnishing Stara
lock. SLite
.111/11611 ‘lole.ktui eats to I•csoL:
lost. It. assts. rrry ridi and caw
yler ni PL1p,41.1 I. PaiUt-
Is 4ml prices. Twu iew rll les or
arr. and erillaro; the latest pet
% ery rich an.l Ireaw•tint style,;
e, l'arp,l. ratel,t Leather aod
6 :like.. Trunks. Umbrellas ,and
minim Le all enumerated In an ad
/t them and rethember my motto.
. All Goods that' don't yr( tie as
-banged or the tnot.ey t.. funded.
.1. 11. it'AIZR
e Plow 11
ng thi. Mortice In the public; h e r
/marled with their lahte sloe* of
o:at or .V2rieultuntl an i [tomcat-
. 11re rapidly increasing
ba• orifice.' 111 , 10 engage in the
will he itsLtureil to lavor tis with
onstini ti/rreigniiiilenee w ith the
and rilwas have a full sup
. 01. the beg and tito,l appro‘ed
found the follow ititt different .ty les
[ben., with fir withoiit Wheel atilt
Litaiti• or Double Mould
1.11. * iVer PIC , U s, (thud ser a .
I the lowest (10..ilde rates.
et,RIC k t.T R.
FOrfUeril D. 2 , k .
own's flock.
hind. la large and well aeleeled
:IPM Ware eomprwing Winne.
'are. Light Blue %are. ram) %Vline
'very thing to make out complete
pl WARE!
varieties, also Yellow and Rock
no Invitation In Paying that out
pIPPNI by any thin ride the Atlantic
almost inliampihle , however a e
king Glaspep of every sire and
i , Vase,. eettery 1/ lobe s , Sorraw,
I , nonades. I weauters, and Tura-
Ginn, by the bhi. '
ifee Sett.. Cweore Ike•, film Br'.
NOVI, will be told for cash as low
' York.
CA vwv*.L& Br vrtirrr
.tha and Flannels of alp Wadi,
Customers way ;wean.
int!. done ottiphow notice, and
le writ do alt work as soo4ind as
nt. We will rite the highest
ate the World. •
,ble and smile mould hoard Com
' the e.ll.etiters. Thom Plows
for runny Otter In use . WO war.
June ON- eattnorre & CO.
3 1411's tar and soon La
4 PTgasrr & Glatt. ,
1MM1L11,011=2 1 1.6.1111' IIgfAXII,BIIIIIIIIIIM
rrisenus a NATIO have removed la No. I /hewn's'
ir and are aow opening Use mine. cheapest and beet sle. ll4 l7 l t l at
staple and - fasieji Lye.* Goods that ever taint from New T eri,
Boston or Philadelphia.
These Goods consist in part of Bareger. Poplins, Surge de
Leine.. Muslin de La ines. f:galleys. Lawns. filtattbarns„
etc .-ete . and in snort eomprietate every - thing in the way of Press
thmAis. These Goods were'ts...alit for Cash and of Auetinit at
gat saids.and will be sold correspoirdingly low. All we want to
lints etnese facts is that the Lu l ing pnidic will call and conspare
prices and sleeks, • TlttliAlS k 11Al k4.
Erie. April Kt hield. We. I Brown'. Mock. ' 30
r*lgg,ALo& IdAX ES No tkowno Block are nuw receiving a
I large and carefully ii;leeted stock of*taple and fancy dry goods
[bought eolith a eery R•er day - . at the-koweet auction prices.]
comprising all the VaTIOUR +11) lel and deigns of fashionable .suite.
vier dregs good&sucti as retinae Cloths. puiiit and figured water
ed ear , ses,ydrilld and pi it.:rages. printed Jaconet and Lawns;
Silk abd Linen Graiwr luth.plAtil and lipired Silk and Linea. and
Silk and Cotton Puprun, 113(aze ik. Linos. Nl:isliti de Lams.
French rail Enegthat t.istighrtu.a Ace.. Ice , at price. to per, eeint
below any goat+ now odeted In this city.
Erie May I Wit. St.
Dissolution of rartust ship. .
Is heut.y Risen that the to I.r:inner-hip heretofore
smilisistitir under-the drne t.i ley it Itaulnotit,uf Fairview,
Cloth Manufwnirers. I. Ulm My dissolved by 131U111141
All having unsertied accounts with tn. late firm. wlllire the.o
- of making on intmeautte settlement. with Samuel ll.iley
at the tstaidtsliment.
Ira`rs tew. June Se. 1831
The etihneribrr takes ibis opportunity of infbrming the Farm
ers and public generally. that he will eontrhue to manufiteture
roles. c. men and flannels of all kinds a ml onal.ties,
or by the lard, and exchange cloth for WOW. au terms thak can
not be beat by any other esltabllohment The auliscribee tenders
hia Mankato the patrons of the late:lnn, and aosures them !hat
he will Make every vlTort td merit a coati tinance of their Agnes.
and similes all Wool grits, ers to give him a trial. lieir.o coandetit
that he can Nitre en, or satisfaction. troika* to terms and goods .
Curious carding and dieting' dune to suit ettitormrs.
K. 11--Mr. R. Gaul* will lase in Wool. hi hi.. Starch rac.:
tory. corner of Itridiki Rued and dtaie sou,. and supply the
headset cloth that wry be tiestre4
Land ?or Bale &c. •
ontseriler has tyro farina- .ell„ nosh ell;ihly located for
forming pusrpoons atoi tonveniemt to marks t; well 'inhered.
wairml and adapted in proper ponsona to traits and grain.; per.
BOOS deotr,sist so ko.,ltelasa4 locatiOn* tutu better tall hefbre the
ensure so aum.. t 'or of them is • assail plate containing abosil
:Maud 11w t u ber 110 in Ito acres nom. or lent.
ca.!. pald for nossnst loud or torated by sod.
West Sptinglleld, Erie Co., Pa.. May Ilkh ! tfl
sr UR friends ofebeno Goals are ouee more admori4mil of the
a .theaPltuird 4 now °Wrong nt No fltottro's 111,416.
Wean- retest log daily supplies of die.* stirrdr.. of el 'kinds:
P.inanolo.. Black Silks. curtain Muslin. etc.. etc.. and crllinit for
lei. price. than ilirlaute goods were bougln for. thiee wriclotago
in N.\.. this Viet can be itemotntrateil th any one hy a call rl.
)ittie 10th tf.51.. , il ' 'JIDDA 1.1 4 & UAW Eil
ALL R.1(;IIT! ALL RI611T.:! ;-
Great t Zeitc.raent , at the Cheap. Cash More.
Al v)g . Nt.tV Gin 111:4.—Another Inge invoice of atdefidid
„TR die.. good., such b-a mood Silks. 11411%111.. and liaraws.
I,,e r .:n w ityri i ii . 4... k . nil colors:1;A chess nu-1 Afaiiietirro.. 'tooi
deter! goo 0 .1 in the gri•ale4t.y ar lei y.sneli as Colt., Collar. C urler.
sI 1.. C: Ilillifs'. Ribbons and. Hraid. c. etc.. Tn
i t
Crape and stira,t.ll le rclidu 1.. 1.-iee VerlA. I.acel Glos ern nu m Rut.
KO Cioce•.lo.l. Giotto. Rib's:ins mode flosiery. Thriclrondrr
nee varour , as they are desirable. will will be wild - pain irr ty I c
low the aver.tite. laden tan rely uptai buyinggoodsat great bar
gain.. and nt all tines will Pad the greatest vanity of goods at
Erie June 19 I-41--0. JOIIN C. Cu.1)04.
RF.1.9 Mactiii.cri Oil. Price' :3 cts. pc4 vdon.
3 (.. n TIAII
~ t'inn pillcais " Do do
lo casks of v.triwic ilium. do do du'; do
too MI rtel• valid ui I. do 33 do, do
3:,1311;alloin , do do du
In eaake of %admix widtev. do do 'doi do
3.0 Itlftelv Tanner. oil. Various kinds add outdiiies,luna 33
n•lito ern'. per
13..0 Gallup., In c.pts of ratio n% sizes ; Nnriou- kinds Ind !pal
-31! emu , i.or aati Otl.
31 1 To"* =l'm". lot heavy atin in tv.n. and ronnie Machinery,
in hatte:. pt casks, otany evuo.terey required. Priie 6 cPu.
per pp.spil. 1.
13. Tutp. Ohio tuiuet4l paint. in Lancia at the k,weet market
31• 41 fierti Oil. Warranted not ehlfl In the eradent treather .
nq ..
and eoisi•etered lw those moms it eqoat in Sperm Ili!.
t3.•lei P. 1./ Pllllll 1 , 1 Li 11.4:11 OS. other time for While.
r I gm elm •t.,otty rtT el I r...m supplies 45( tke rihoje mauled
artie es, and my motto is. profits aspd quick rerurne.'•
It. V. IN
- 36 Wirer Street,(sliter tie thong et !i04411 •
New York, hole 19 I:NU. •LMi Kkr 'YORK.
• .11,02/11.
‘,l a ere• h' w prepared IP r 1.4 th4-rwllwrirria 4161 1 -igaa
Y rotats hir any would imp ' to he whinnied ruin the
danker, of Ib Itetnetnhe► - the watt that locked his
horn after his* we was stark's. sod do not watt unit: tour house
or 'barn seta& stt hke tefore yo set rods 10 your butkitugs. A
wurd to thes, ise is sulliticut. '
N. 11.—. th nr.lei • front a di.t-,n , t 7.4 actually aOcitelt, to—
Rode and pninp.dt a kulevalt .
March 13, k . • IfJJ
B,icK. Col' &And %Mite Kid Gloves. Long Atilt Nlitts. Pie Die
Mins and tflotti. White..lllsek and l'ord Silk Givers. Kni
sewed white rtn d colored BIM do. Lisle thread, and con m Cloves
olsvery variety fit Ittay J.
ri 'WRNS ••• Thermometer churor Joel received. TAI. Churn
i'. considered the bra in erre —Romer made by it tt 4 II t•c. ye I
tower thrill that produced tle any oilier: For sale by
Art II IL lE3* 49 • CLARK & Melf,A TER.
211 IT. I r iA4olsl II Il t ~
the e
& K.Olllll fe..141 , 11!Illy 11+
t 1 Lens of Erie, and vicitsehr tt. want ..I,rftsfreand
Iltn.toti Rum r and Ile Nic I 'racket". llart and l'itnt ste..
to Call or II k their orders. [they trill alwa)., fin I uc at
Mine. aid ready t.t nail on our friends nod sell tfsitii a.. good
and at I.un i , fln ca.) Le I olglit Al an)' , es
t it li•lnt af, , o•:r e ete'am 'fakery. junctioti:of llk &
(dn.) Streets. Buffalo. New . york. 40
_ .
N. Nil' R Pio( .01114 resprcifti!ly inftwro kir. friend,'
and the tangle z•nrroliy that he ha• toe Alen Noirelf
at the flu :nand of, Middlotma
-MurPh) . the Park
R. witii,a large r nal hettet Zl•mAlttielitOl Till
prr and 9hrei Irt,rl %Vare„ mi'aef , trr.4 of ihr trot iron. and of
lewd at the auort rea-onakle rate-. la hoteraie or rel4ll. pt . hto oil
hnnd el•vve. of all inters and t enn-wirriel with reiet
roe/. to tio.ritiittepri and rohveriirltre. and ef the wort
.eriai. Abs.) 3t0% 114 e rid ' , Plow. awl an 71. ,, 0fti/selil
•• J.4l' 4 Pr If' .4 RE .
• .
Wh:efi I:inf./1f is nnrxerle.l, If ecrinted. in this e
titlG past. (Ada 011.4.4 :kb., I' itv-e vat- ot inery nig ion con.
V. 1 1 ,11% nil 11111 d.. It.trictitinrd to porsot the !.opines With ,•nenty
Etillifultteiii , . and to -pare no CtrAi to tender t.all4.llC{loll. he to recilve .1 raced a I iberal I.lto re of public patrionage.
Er K.. r I n 7.11.. • - 31.
Park row, a few - dOor• Wait of the
al= 11017IM.
MERMAN is harm) to invite ail VCIIO wish .HAGIIERREtI
ta TYPE LIKEN &sclEsS. who are at all particular what kind ix.
pictures the k hat e, to his new Samoans which have been built 's
ere/41y for the Kn. kIsHIT is the areat arrnt of the Arti*t. and
it lit , been the constaist,foitily of ali worthy of the name since
the Alt was disco% ered. In employ' and control at in the in:inner
best adapted to produce 'Lite most fi*orable results. The result
of this study mut of ihotishnds of experiments is that there Is not
a rriipcolah-e permanent Gallery in the t.l States where the pie
re.* ar e m a de liy'a rommon window. and he who,simi i he ran
prodOca superb ir pictures by sue h a wiadoti iirdres his s glinra nee
ul the Art. The 'Wow riber therefore hem , Irate to sat that b) pus
superior LIGHT. add with an apparatus worth Aix lit - moony oth
er in this city, be is rnabied to pro Mee pictures al hieteca nom be.
rowelled in Sit* part i otolie eonotry and oth•re to excell ony thing
%%inch can he produced its oil's.' moon* Erie. or forkitone bun
dler ilpl!.irs. Ile ha* alm a splendid Quick Wuri in* camera.
with which he takes e liddtra of any age,t Lei it hetlistinetl) un
derstood his pie:twee %%tit obi Role if ProlmrlY
N. Il.—The "recent ittitmot etueuta" may' he eetzn at the abort.
roomy{ W. it SHERMAN'
Erie :lent. IS
HJ .% it Firiii. would reiqweifidly inform the antitie- that he
. ha. just opened his new Brass Foundry. and as prepared to
vulvae all orders ho work in his Ittic with promptness and des.
paten. - .
ilis oceitpin embracer the manitf ieture and rePairing of
ma.. work On Stearn nail Fere engine.. earttnge all tinning
Niouutings. Huh hands gir Carriages mud , Duct:ie.. Meer Pump.
and Sushi Fountains. Iretxorred Engines. surve., inn and Musical
finitrmrsetito. titling" keys and the manufacture Of Gudie on box
es for all kinds of nissehmery. sogethim with almost ev i rry varety
of work la the softer metair. sueh a. giidin2 a ohm. . ifp oi.
'rominufactures triennia Silver, Copper, Dell metal, Dux n . ictal
Block tin. Sie...te.. s t
Cash paid ',Revery kind of old metal, iron excepted. '
Eric May b leSt. ,
--- Pat-mars il - 74 Illackanies' rintnals
OF FITTSRURGII. oire ewqese Third and lentitkdeld• r
and with Thontint•• 4; Gr./xi. 11a. In. Park, Rote. Erie. •
PRitiCIP.%I. OFFICES—Free. Pa. Wheeling. Va., cm phis.
Term.. St. Louis. :Ho.. and Chtimeo Wine .
- Gkiaranty Capital 100,000. H
TlllB isms AssocurCon of Fanners. Meth:oaks. 'Pik/Amen
mut others, Firmed Aw the mutual bete tit of each other in
. ease o r m ek low of occident. By she payment Or e fulldwltig_am
'mai deposits. you hetnme a I..tte Wolter, and • ttl he entitled to
a weekly benefit during life. should you he di Lied by disemie or
accident from attending to your ordinary bu ties.or ix upt.tiuri.
All alto join this Aseocistrun are etitiCeil a tote at he elect.
ion of ufbeeni. and to participate I.n Ilse p u of the As iain.
s t .
It is ritabilsbed on a safemrims,ni pennaiten x, being ba ki
th mutt
at and benevolent*, as designs. and milt the heist.* riles tou
ghy.* kn . it- security. ;
Tinily NO Moir or laannags en 1
TABLE Of 11.4TFA NO. J— "
Those drawing Fat the first
week's riekness by paying :
Si ',eclair draw 'Slyer WV
.4". , 4' 1.1
. ••
•• . •
AO Part TRAM OP mil '
Thor nor drateing*rthellnd
week'. sir ktrePo. by gni.r ing ;
1 . ~ eg per 'env draw 41J.011 per w'k
a •• 4.30 "
4 •• 0.11 "
5 " - 7.0 " •
~ • t • •• 9.73 .. '
7 •• 7 " 7 " ' MAIO ' "
9 " .r• Isl 33 Adatjaakin F¢ will be
9 r charged the firer yearornd mart
10 - 111 " be paid at the time or
• 190 9 PPlleatron• and ii e fiat
, ; • year's deposit within= data.
ingidiat• , *ma :--tialunei F. Black. Esq.. Jaime, Ruled,
Rag. T . • • Alexander.-Caq., rh R. Itartie•oir, Midland . and
Prop, . of the Daily Wheeling Timm and Gazette,
eel Rtferancits,,lllon. Mom. Ilanroan. Geo. e, MOWN.
'law Winter, 1.., R Living•ten• John Monte, Ron H.W. WI.-
HO Rea. J: Orniih, Manion !teat, Melvin- Reat3 ;411. Reath,
.. 4 lifertnettee *-111: Croat. Ran. James Tboneratin, Wa. C.
•-• rig. U.P. tßoan • and tWis. 'A'.. GathraitlL Bps. '
r/ IF' t'ICIERS:
D. W. Beatueosit.: Pres4Plit. W. W. Wilma. Vice ?resident.:
D. Brown. tieeretary. Win. M. Wilms. Treasurer. A. J.
Childs. A. D. Christie. L.A.beMasrers. !Nasser l'atursittee.
Erie lady 3 IM i
11:7 A-nts waaled
i 00 irmid"".loo74Ver' also
1%1%5:X21Z d F FG
f impale by OTKIRETT e JAY
THE bee and elleaport lot of Qirea aad Mark Tea to this city.
easi be Bunt pi tee romp store o: T. W. MOOR E.
Erie Josef" lan. 7 Opposite w Merl awe M.
sale cheat. at June Id IEII-7. - • 111,2731E11
, Niger Itra Is JIM * Grocery 2.1a0.
I tLarif ales 'and emosit profit....
Tt: reoritt6Tol,tl respeetilitly give Notke to their ends*-
mete tied lriendd, that they are maw nzeiving Rout Ana
hand,. et the iftwest cede ',Heed. consisting of the beitessor
anent in Fite, compriaing in part ".upvrinr t )1.1 and Young
roa. hyrwzoken:.' e w.loue , black, aii.l rmieliong Teas, East Stamm.
crushed. granulated. powdered. and Stut.r.'s relined coffee Yu
; ltew Orfeanr , Porto Rae°, rtlaveovatid and Havana e , ipthn•
of every quality, by the Mid. LW or ewt. aluch will tee rend at
priera that defies competation: Eiw. Java and Lagnita cotter of
the hem quality, t4turiti'v refuted Yyrup, lErighola cur
rants. pmcklea , and in short every bung utuallo kept in a general
foruiohine prawke.n store. MI are invited to edi out clwapmde
and exatuine for themselves. eTERSL:Tr & GRAY.
strnaonsve purer - .
Doers, Sash. Blinds, Dressed Fluorine. Siriiscr. Skiegfes,
hiarldiar number, Aails. taut,. 4 - c.. 4c
r] APING enlarged our buthiinEs and proeuird the latest inp•
provernents in the mmt perfected kinds of Maclainely• for
the mantifocutre of f100r.., du and 'thud.. and also r nitai:ed the'
moat competent Mechanics. we intend keeping on band ilid ma
king to order 'every anicle in that line. Wr have &boon baud
(and intend enlarging ow *nue k.) bekeral hundred tliouvand feet
of Lumber; evanosting of clear Pine. Poplar, WA itewood.
Imr,oak and Ash, Neasoned nod iu process of sca.unitig, so as to
insure the ditialulity of nit work Persons who contemplate
building will End it both convenient and adC'antageous to call on
as we inbtatt to nwrt the reacunalde wants and wndlew in this
line of the improving part of the community.
CARTER /a BROTUER. No. 6 Reed House. ,
Ilmodier Yard Planing Mill and Factory. on Eleventh cirect,'
rail of Vincent !lc II imrod's Furnace. • Erie June S 6 1-3.1-7.
droceriesl Groceriemilt
0i EBEL& KELSEY have Opened at No. IWeighea Block a yeti
ill extensive assortment of IJI-oceties .4 every kind and quality
and lona mi they cell them at their present low priers. Mete wo
Nnrigeeegn,ta any necessity for evusity Merchants or others. to go
Vithceartern!cturw for their inspploas. for they can purchase of
them at such law miter as will enable diem to save the time and
limner they would necessarily expend 00114 to ,Ncw York and
back. say nothing of the wiring in tra twisita a lion ahirtf ts ilvt'ff
as malt profit. We hope in oftlerin ft.( the tr,t Its of the above
you will call rind examine our duook a ad prier*. I tit 11,41'1 eel ditto
the virorseshnin recollect the name and nuisiber,diegel t Keheyi
No.. WilZhre Ilkoek Plate riven rase Pa.
P. P. e hove sofe agaucv fir she . rale of Iftpith do Blayw'h
nrd'• U. B. liagle pelf operating Winn, !ne of .he inost uselbl in
stinks's* oldie age It has Isere, beea equaled and cannot be ex-
Ii to warranted to hr jinn shat it I . - recommended.-
IVa.hes alt null in Sall'aua 'lard auter'as to .uft.
Pale Jane dB
ildniisittratoes Notice..
P.TTERA of adminiintat son on the estate of Andrew Pberrod.
late of Washinairm township. t te co dere:mat, have
been this day! granted to me by the He:voter of raid roomy. All
eerents have,. fielaiunt - or dentaniN n4aiti; , t the raid estat e s, IV Ili
matte them known to me witimuidelay at my remtlence. its Patti
tirwmibiii...l9.l all persons Indebted arc notated to make imm
:s edi
ate twowim e. M. GllEENFlELD;Admanistrator.
ailtinton. June 110 'Kid. GIG
GicAlftli, Ilroeent,. l'i.ll.les. Ptekeletl II) etere, lob-mere. For
eity,ti Fnilt and Note., J. G. th. W. I )11t.1.4. 11e,,:t IVil.
"le. Itt'iick , opposite Itrowti'e New Hotel. t:rie,: P.a.. hate
Port oj,elliNl*New Konhlothrneet. when. they are prep:per; to .ell
nit At lICICV li it Oleic-lineal the Lent-14 Price.. rtt 1% holey-ale atid
Retail.. 'rite Stock-Colts:ate 1p part of the Crllow so: articles, to
MI • i i •
Wines. . ,1 Oranges, Pre.ertilltl Fruits, - 111erearonirt,
Lepton., ! Iteirenie. Verlaine illy - Sardine".
rivers, 1 Ftze, Plato Pickier , . Aoetiov KV,
Porter,i. khivitis. St 01 Pie k'em. l"at.-ups.
Ale, : Note, • Pickled o)eters. Corrittite.'
Cuter, tnerory, 11:1.1e.1 lArb•tere. Ile Oreent.
Cordial',. .n,... Piet.tett chit... euri.ort. rot Absinths,
It4l/.3 KE r Hl' TIIE R 4 R REL .
ALSO—leg. Sugar. illotT.e. %lot:iv:re.. Totrieeo. Rice. Ground,
Stier., eihorectiohory by the Dos. r.otin th-eeit. rreektre by the
Itarrei, no/ sonny other ?melee too numerous to !await ton. -
. . . ..
• impoßTto i.,'IGARS.-11'e import our own Cigars:atilt ran
sell better citin'ity of Cianr..nt the same prices than any hom4; in
the eity. nitre suit rtitisuitie Wines. laipwrs ot eyerydeseritr
11011COOMalttly on bawl.. f.: Sale: Wholesale at low Gliaa. Al
so—flottleditV ibes a nd Liquors for Medicinal or, other purposes
on bawl by ,the lk,zen or, Single Vol ti, n luck are pure.
ArIENCt £(112 R6 - PT.41.0 ALE'-3lutr.toi and Gilman &
Ilarion'a Air. for 5...1e by the barrel. at 11111f:110 Prier...l.llin:
transportatlon. Also—reeei% mg ih Obi? Se.a.op (iy.ters it,
9.11.•11. Kra and ('an. from .1 G. Slllls & CO . Of New York, for
Sate Whr.l4.lste at 'Low ?ricer.
.1. G. 31a.t...5. New Vutk. - .W. I. M1LL...U.0%10.
j • ° A. C. JACKS 4 IN. Agent. Erse. ra.
14. B. if l , R. 1... Simon floats, mit :tie ratni:ier and Ilealent.gen
realty slam Aril watt alt a TliCiea in our hew, at (haat', prjmes._
lin..n.,s row rity and purrouii.ling country rrsneelfully *alit,
'TH. and the pt dge ouri.el res that all ..:90.1s cloth be as recow
meoded. .;
• :fie. .1111:Iy 2.3, 1P.11.. ' 2
I oCKS,..Ir, LATllljd.—Ftont door Incks' , u Ms night kers;
I .a Al.atire and De.ol I.ocks. Knob and Lock Latches for
sate clic:ll4r than ever uCeted in this
_place by
June 3. G. 3ELI)F.N ik SON.
21 - )r h „. i: q t t s e i m , ~,,,,, ,,. ., :jr ,r ,t iE. , ;. ;r i , : ,,„ : ;, , c:
8 it . :1, , ii 5 h 0 ,: i n 6 , , , , , ,,1:, , , , ,4gu ta r ti :; i :11:
cheap at 7 11% F. RiN.:*axLcirr.
:11.1 •ttcll.3l. • 2
IV 11.1.tilt' W.'.(l ttitt. if I:tl.l.lre War ‘.. tVtlluw Cradles and
• tt.'itueip obmaive.a.d.•44l4l.ohoieelmbir by. -
May ±1..4-2 W. F. itivosasecur.
- - --
I AI it 1:44 flue Shoes , nn7l6loter Routs, on every vrtiisti. of new
1 I st%len at Mn!. I 111-32. 31 TIBIIALS in fIAYI;S.
1 i•.tstf:er 2.000 yards Msdder , cainfeJ prints fit' n 4 c mt. per
1. yard -4.01(0A litatiranted :It
Erie MI I 153 t. 51 TIIIILVES. ir. HAVEO.
. .. ,
1 cASK E-luit pis. Niustin VeLions al to of 1 I::tatisonfe st , le:
grit. tktay I a-st. Al TllsitAl.r3 L. lidrc.4.
1 CASE ' : rochreo prints 13.14.0 y s. al 0 illi. per. yard, altn
Ale,ininek ptyle at 5 els.. colored fast Men rock.
Erie M. 5 I 1-31. SI Tlitlii \I. k. 111.1e1P.S.
llCA:3l , llrititeil..l%.ll.. from 11/11 121 Cis colon' warrni,led.
Erie !11 , 0t 1 1t.51. 31 TittuAus & HANEaI.
e - yinc . l . o. ( - omit 1 la!1 I t0.e.,111 Ow dozen
or •iTziPl; , llr; 1
1.. i the Sew York ra,daSture. J. rqVI.EN EV .
I _3OK K .---4 u Raffei ofgoorl3/css Pork lair .iiestlbeir nvre
' :lime :1. ' SENntrr Mc GuJor.
t. I.() ()liiN G : F I. OU R I N G !
Ctrill 4 - 11 he paid by the Air any quat:tity of
lar of Wit te•voed Flooring. on deliver) at their Mill On
Llc%entn;,,treet. It most rurrrelly tan full Ii inches
thick. a iike breadth at In,th ends, and lit si With , of 8. 7 or f
inches. t c• & aau ut a.
Kric. Mhy
IJ[/A(' 910 , 4 nod --- ertutr ill I. der. and. a
ti•wl bocca of that 'loath:o , le east Powder t at.). pore
.doutile refits, d Pearl:ft& for 'lnking bei4 family Lread without
iotd4bias ail. ,lp rl cakes, roll, tote.. also„ superiof Corn
Starch CO utak;
.112 pthitillig+. eta.tanic pies. etc .
relined Lida line fur vitak.m: eta iw, ete , for .ale
by lErie Julie l- i+ri cry & I,lttar.
1,, in t !EN. Will W an lititoar Ware. of e et) po-stble des
V Cr' lion. f ,r sale wholei 4 ale or ratail. at
Erie Jia e l••• 52. 3 &
ill A 1.A,G.% M. K. and Cluster Rasins. whole. half and gamete
I t I 1.04 a, also, seetreoilieit satin,. Lt the Keg or rein at •
quite , S ST MUTT AL
80 0 bu t ik a l se N a io tS r . a — ai l i n a sl rt ere la iv w e. c l i i
t i y . Et u n e re a r a s, wove with-
. -
iti , It 11*Trs'
Erie Jlil , e 12 1-.31. 5 . No. I Brown'. /Hoek
T)LE Aril Elt Pheetilive and shirtirias---3-1.1-e.l-1.5 1. Itti
Li and 111-4. bleat:tied abetting.. trout 61 to 13 cents per y •'
Erie June 12 1:-32. 3 Tian tire Jr. 111
Eally 3rorwarding and couunissiOn -• 1
Erie to Now "irorlr-i
their I. l F 4 ' lt i lti - eld i t l i ' l ii ll F „ " t r te w r er ; l :y w g a .,: li k i tt i filTrr t. " 4 lP „Tt i ll eP tli t i o d l ft e t " : ,
itriefert to ship by this !me. N. ,JJ. R e a ~ inletataiti for
Orange ediinty N. V. n ill devote his personal • iention in
.o('.,ii kind,. or prodoceentrusfed to the care . the e..ninliste l iew.
and will 'make quicker retunis that, any at. house in the city.
0. Ii SPA • toll), Erie,
R. 2J. ilk 'l.Eli, North E3t4.
Erlei+ 111532. , -
5 A r ui..
rl'o 110(41. REF ri vs.—A 2,1._ das cot cut o• roller). mine
lag kaiies, plated silt c-, “CrUi. silt or, Wm:Iola and Irtat
table andien spoons. coat. tuills; %mile irons brass and porce
lain Kettles. porcelain and line. once' pans. collet. aud tea eat,-
islets. bralss.i too. brittania an.' titan candlesticks. name jigacri.
suulleri and tra)s. tea waiter , tea tells e.g. ele.. at
Erie June 11 1-31. 5 R1117:5 R EEtrA.
1 - ,
WiNtlow 811 WK..* -Jon - received by the subscribers a
(penally of tl't aid r Abide*, tUr iety &patterns and prices
Erie Ja e 1432. .7 U. firt.nve kr. SON.
—_ _ •,:tt
4 g, Br N:Eill sll per' . r sweet rawatultali 'rollaect, fdr salt law by
../ t bblor at hit frees Id cent. to 13 tenni per lb. Also,
rotoktior,rtewili aeafal ,ita To'neco of every brand t and Ca
gab. riiiaing iron $ a t, Sit Aver tht.weaud, for sate by
Erie tell , . . erixaEtr & GRAY
4 .1
AO .r
411 P 4141E411ml to Wm IL Knowlitin moot moke imtne
Myporm Or he. tt 111 Le underthe ofeessity or—
e 111 I-Si. 7
A LL rifp
I dente
' SOT-It:M.
r- - -
. eritineinterert of the under•igned in the Earl. w . .. 11,,
Fin.hiry. .n F•iirt iew tp., t.rie• Cfrit/1 V. it - I . being obi one , 0 /1
• bled WV non of the ..ime, io °tiered for Pale. Cal tCll;o4.lnAhli•
MP., 'Fee Factory I. large gold in good condition, n ith abun
tianee'of *wet and machinery. •
For iertif• or information inquire of the subtteriber al or neat
the Foe tc , •—
Fa irrie ,
,Julie -M 192 A. 7111 MARK 1111'.14 RKAIINInNT
S rhARS of militia& for sale ar Mr Pt rhE' $ hrocerY Mon%
Jobe • ' it3l-7 sipposite hrn Wll' P New Muer.
I - ARIL:et passed I.IIWIIII and Jammer&. so me as los
49 9 as ars pewee per yard. Also: a few more of these
cheap Ginkbarns. Erie June 115 '324. TIBIAI II at hares.
~...„R...14 elos ! cs. Crank. and Roller...of various ame , 'lnd p ,
.4 t mg 140ffi,6rtriem are sof 1 as row 'as tire - shillings r
sett— theichemp hardware §tore No. 3 Reed home.
Erie pule '33 1e33. • 7 RL'FI7: I I R111:11.
• stilrlber offers kir sale a valuable firm, known as' the
Tait Farm." situate PU theltownshin °Monti East. Mimi.
one wile from Neelet's Mills. on the Lakeidiore. The larm con
tains about 110 sere,. 1104 under improvement ; having erected
e7= a good Farm Havre. flame, and other out-ho r ses; lso.
a heating orchard of the hest fruit in the county. A Itojetli
it is otiri of tbe asst desirable farms in theorem's. Fly furth
er particulars, terms, &c. apply to the sithseriber at Neeley's
! 3011 N W. bIeLANC.
Hat hove trek July i I. tf 3 Agent.
EArcli - Pr. AvDr.R.3—Pueton. atextira. tanker's, and hour
duo "%least Pdwder, for *ale at MO Grocery.
Erie Juan ief IbYY7. Oppoeitc Brown's Near Hotel nate at.
11.4.F.N1 Pi►BK-A far barrels kleva Pork. a nice an lett.. !brute
ILa by thl barrel or ainaller i quatitily. at the snore of she robre rs
ben, ebeaplor clots. June 111 'M-411. tiEN rrir (v.
1 8
30 0 t i t: f il e 6 .
8 teeeivM
Or: t q
.1: 141 1,`, ,7".:1f a i r "
Erie Juni. 111 P&L • STEKRIEWir. GRAI"S.
ri A ail Paid frn , *bead by
V June 7
'rim Mises to purr hare Orocerift. Wooden and Wilkne Ware.
I Wine. and Liquors. oils, Soap. Candles. risti. candle..
Fruit ke..;is at Grcirery Story.
- Erie Jut* to ISSIt- Opposite Brown'' , " try nowt Stale St.
Ihmiataor Goods still Cowan
OuR liuyer has been at his post fur several dais Past hiring In
guilt. owl the goods are daily arriving. twinging with thew
the evidence In the price of every snit le. that in buyijig for
Cash Xlzalusively as We to,
We eau self le ill undersell.
Gentionienitilbetratle may borlewpiromeerend =the leer Pre
tenalortatu yelling cheap kr but it is of no avail. the a tem we
are on will prevail; let facts confirm* to speak for tkamadvea that
the plate to boy eheap goods is at No I Reed House.
Ladies and Ceuta without commit,* time in coping •liFi
irk felts embraced in our stock. weeny is brief we hate all the re
quisites. The Goods and the prints will please. are lower than
ewe Illerehosie an paying to the City for the sure. which will
st course please you, JurA IS4. CLAIN k MZYVALF.
__-- :c ~_._ _.~
Seelt f p leat
trim epos': sawF tioobsit
NO. rzzar ILOCAL" STATIC An/L.5-r. ••
HAY R. pet received nail are ROW °whit)! a large and oleadt4
Muck of .eueisurai rimy and Staple DRY .64./Olatloluthrsa
iue almost every article to the Dry State line malty broatbt
Um market. 1 heir aim:maim of
is roll and eoii4ele, lag very .VT.2 t variety of deb and
uplc:l,ltd t.;e0.1.4, the itz, laps and varieties (Co tedietiallat/OURNWatie.
41-o, a areal variety of Lathes. Mitres aid Chtldeetfo Morocco
ighoer, Utica Gaiter, ete. A large and geperul aavonutesst of La
dle. t 4 trnr, Itotistetts, Yarft•ols rte. , Crockery, Glassware, Matta
by the kcg or pound, Hardware., n peocrot atootUttent of Grote
ries- ete.: all or an• part of lb illaCb will be; Wid wave:4l4oly low Go
+mews:simulating teruw, Moat blade of curacy produce takes is
exch. - Inge for goodv.
WANTED,goori Diary Butter,Yer ‘rliieb the hltibettallia•
ket price will at all tunes be tvad.
ErfeJune 111 it4sl. , I
I Jr.! Armed dared free as yri Nor York.
ALARGE and splendid assortment f sissies, consisting t t
every variety and style. midair tbe I test fashmns. roast, act
ed by the most celebrated Eastern *luau Curers. vi hieb the sob—
Se fiber is now prepared to well at Greta e Baryons than meter
otlert dto that) Cuilinilltiity belle. Di terl itiel WA 10 be o'.idnne.
he li non prepared to compete a lilt al eollipletilMl..ana Caen
ivelueeineuts that cannot be found in ant other establishmegt IN
flits city. and ii i hoot he audit' ailditnin to his stock of elniteral
work. he has a large assortment ot his oWn manufacture. edNets
cilia Schee. of all *ram fables. eilairs. ch ildren'. rt thing ch . airs,
and to fact every Simi in the chair litte.
The Iwdies ikiiii Gent'emen of Erie`aed *itonity are invited to
tall and e Where tht v win nod greater bargaios. Inuit
twautiful a turf and a larger Assortment at the Old blond titaness
be found In aki) other establishment in this city-. can't:A elate%
ine and bee .lid telieve that the old situ d is the plata Sro great
bargains. J. W. AYRES.
tc and Eighth Sheets. 8
tactually and oil tbeasart
hi left. L
N4rtheast corner of SI
N. IL—All , kind,ufitepuiritmlione P
e asonable It In Erie Jun
. .
.• Al F. •Cll A N T I L O i a..
no Maili , Slresl. (3,Dr.ri Stall a ,14ermaies,) alio,
Ni It. 11. - vina opened an extesioivet G ~irri.s slam' CIAXIIIIIXO
/11 and Ft: ..butsu LirrAnli.unnert. nt the nbiair Mule, it ii,
his actermin4tion In pay ese;upive rine woo to the
CU,STOM,BU '% ,1 . BS 8 .
re i j
From the fritronage n hic b he Ras al y etrieril , from telt*.
; men, Mr! H.lrelt•assiureit that th m eof doling toarat•
ne.+; t hien he hsir ndbpuM. d and will giee
el tire wB-faction to all ho devirir to
hare their gani,entii tit de up la I
CootrrAsTr In wit. - t
nni . ezioity, 0
• MATI 611.,
• Mit. 13. Mr. r LTIII , •
Will al a ays he in atiewlanee to wait n Ce.tomers, and take
outer, in crutletnan wii•bitut a genteel t and a farbionable pr.
went wade plain highest at) le.
• Gentleintoes rtuxlis CI - oods.
, . of tin. tate4 9tylee, comma, tly oil hand.
,TOL'77IS' u 1 CHILDREN'S CLOTHING made te aellar . riti '
1 June 1.11292. 1
__ _ lg.
ir -
P. 4. .
.- • -- * - c.7.•''' AI i -,...---:
.... . . .
. ,
i 1 .:: -..1 t..,e ., ii i , .__ L ---,......, :: 2.• , • -,. . t . ~;,..
- br' iii i' l `? A 1 • iitttviA ORAL
-.J..: ..4.,,..., BHONOHITIS,
. .
ffhi,s remedy W offered to the co:nal:laity wittrthe eonft4enee
we feel in an article which' seklow ils to realize the happies
effects that eau be desired. so t% cis the rich/ of tts web/I
nes& and ye numerous Ike eases of i s cures, that almost every
ammo oft r country abounds in rte. one, publicly known, whe
have Lova r ,tdre.l from alarming au' ,aveu desperate • diseases
of the to [lgo, ,1 Its use. When one tried, its superiority Oyer
every other - medicine of its kind, is oo apparent to escape ob.
nervation, what antidote to employ fs
"Inoue affections of the pulumanary c
to our climate. And notonly in tt
the lumps. but for the milder carietiec
&e., and for Children it in the
tine that , ati be obtained. Isiodimil
Ours who buiere gored nemitT K ill.
Ilead the opinion of the kallcai it
recognized its lilt' 113flOtis teTtiOtii , u
cutest—cacti and all ps increliaate
but C tuir.ieter—as the ol.'est ait
caters in Nie,fietne With nit Jos.
,aut,ject of w hints we rpeak. If
jo,:ga s s,s i s of Cat:erletice, rte
Iv? !h.! undcr•lelie'l. Willntewl!e
long toted w ith.A)cr'st'llt:rry
l!elt-f that it is t:,c. l•est most e .
t y Votl. pi lilt, r%INr offered to ire.
Ifrutn now teilgp 01 it
nc-k, cordially totnit.pnit it to
he s t asiimtenee. and with the firsts
tries( re' ief all in tl,e Use can st.
. s, uw, EIOIAND• k Co.., 7kl
at. 11 11, itaugfir , Mar
II s HARK • O. at Co.:Chart
nn A. IT .e!asa. pirtrint Midi!
- • •- - ri I K
sups. ,
ill. Pe
in Fra'
'en nrr
Wk. Ar
re.s. M. ritrira.Sneattunh.•Ga.
WADE, IiCK.IIII,IV, & Co.. rineinn.
. Ia roreign Co
Corr( & Co.. Valparaiso. C
F. M. I tinttliri & Cu.. Vera Cruz.'
Flow It Ag. l 0.. Buruca. Nriae
S. Pro err ik. Co.. flalitax. N0%3
T. tV & Si. Johns. Se
C .445 & (u.. Etu Jatieir
W i ,
eattl e alltPleed exrept that humid i
0rg....eel by C. dyer. Arterie
Kitt. ill Eric ti) IL Burma &4.
Town At. C .; in Gfr IA by J. A. Mt
o from
1.6.1:1:"9 Mt )111..1.. A ell !TOM'
porminr work 'has been eeeived
R , 1 9 n•x ew Hotel. The pent rot
invited hi the *none June 16 e..1::-6!
Thar:nom 71
mllll4 (horn we ecnisider the
he yellower than that produced
churni or by Ullaimil.l.efie churn.
and ul..i j ha , a.ia Hilly. If the Ci
tree of heistwhatplatedin the ebiur
the theruMmeter plaeNd lit the end. sa
Wiifila it Will Plana above. and too col
water. as may be. by mean of A MD
wall produce the temperature recui
Jun 5.
TO THE p u
•Eligimhiseriber return. his - lb:inks
hate i.e. owed upon him in . his
street attention to husine:is to merit
rte ttoubl also inform the public in
turned from New York, and is now r
milt id - nut and dry family groceries
3% Me.. 11;lass. Wood and Wil
Ito. mart et. which he will sill wild
the et.rape,rt for i7ash, no one exec
inality and prteestef,:re
Eric. y
DRIF:Trz--Fro" a Cents per ) ard up
1. Ma) i 9 —3
Iron. Euei.b, Capt. Americ i
rIR. S. C. ILIROW'SELI., thankful
I 1 tended to him by tho enizenr of
4nc that he is pertnitiently located in
here he may be found at all times re•
in the lie.t matamr. lie will.
sort/Hem of ',rout/ stock for the :weak:
ihe etnintry. ate invited to e,
_ - • Warren's Wiwi* - Sash,
11IL Warren having discontinued the slash Wildness in Erie..
41 has dispuswd of his entire' sto/ consisting of over eve
that:amid lights (Oakum arid sash, to ea ter Ir. Brother. who now
ufer fur sale the same. together n ith every an tele In this has al
the regular rates. These It are all 'filled with either Trencher
hest American Glass. Erie inire 91 IBM 7
56 dEGS !fails, al lases glass a ' l
pure white lead ground to oil. N
June 3. 1r1.33
lirt I'l.M & JUIN Lit Ttit . q.S,
Cls at
whiiTeTand eofored rick
L A het "1 1 4 4 11 % ac
rk Cash du are.
June •J'7
Dop 1.1 Ns. NI talc Tian, Livens .
lb I AIN at the New York lebab t.lowe
Jaime S.
URANCICS. Lemon*, rigs, Prusicr, II
algrapr oil baud.'
June S.
CisAir & Iltrrrit r
lyik KEY. S Baiting Powder by the g
UFFALO ALE —Moffat - a,
II and half Gbh'. for sale by
June & • fro. 3, 1011
Wil IS by the bbl, at 14 pert;
June S.
BRA DV, Gin. Rum. Pon. Mailer la
emin and prices. Now just reeei
for ...lie low at
June 5.
Pickled Oysters. Lob.len4 Cleno p.f omaaa re.
aervae fur tale by the biz or Guide by J. G.& W. I, MI 1,.
ACMES While and colored Uwe, 'Al . !' great irrietw i t in
311.1 i
A poem samorureat of Shelf liardair
1 . elne Bilk Pocket flaudkciehlefs
ts, silk eraTatsas. at the Ns* Yon'
Erie June 3 11311*-4,
, n. T. II
ror esc Curt of
COVORS, opLris;
the 4otitessing and dea
pus, is bleb are Ineithre
formidable attacks upon
of Cab:s, Carat's, jtoarae
Icasantest and safest Medi
y atxmaid be widow it. and
Cerst:nneo. nhl will be
Touut/y •where they are lo•
1 r Ow ern ei4ar and of the
I moot extetioivelVhote.4lo
ricure uolinsiwe .on the
there - h. 4ny vaiue 14 the
Ilrossist.. hating teen Kw herrn,- certify our
irttuni ininedy for Pullout/a
-1 merman, People. And we
3 tr , mnsn3son. poi ostensive
IT affliciel as worthy sheit
u‘ !moo tMt It wilt do kW
on. lintl
, t0nA3:11.7
Murky - .
;eorgla. •
ney Ivan ia..
i. liclaware.
. Penu.ylvaula.
tun, D. C. r
icigeo, Onliforni.i.*
11. Ohio.
ex ico.. ' .
retiadd. , •
v littininvick.
Brnzil. •
'.. cif' well; no stronger proof
1 its effects upon mar.
• l CArinia /..well. Maw:
1..; in 'North F.ast by B. C..
let and by Druggirts ere
- ty26-3rut
Thirteen ntunhers of tics
the thestp Boukpture,
'pr bniltlern and Where are
Churn. ,
But ter made from It will
Zany other, while that nom
k a 'II he uniformly whiter,
• is not at the proper de. ", 14 sseh .nsay be ki Owliby
iix -two deturets. [if suo
• helo 4 -apply en lo or hot
et belt, the eb•tia,'whielt
h :. For an eby
. - •
B' L I C !
for the very II I
iriness. and pes by patro
eontinufnee Of t same.
neral that he figs st re.
riving the largest a rt. '.
ku.h. , ye Snag. Lig a.
ow Ware ever brought
ale, or retail as cheap as ,
*rd. Please cell 34.11 see
t !vett here.
r of 3th Si slate-st.
to NI cents, of
- 2icroirrr & co's. /
IOW:. found. square am!
& Opting Preet for *MOP
r the libeiil patronage es
,:rie hod Jeinatk. would
It old sta idon etate St,.
;.y ID exec te Dental wo , k
[ tto keep n hand an as
, nodation (Dentists nous
1 , 11. lune 3. - 4
III) keg* No Lgap awl
ash• by
STsaarrs & CIAT
he 0 11 .1 e so bow them
it , .11-*•11
age* and all wool Da
_ _
1,,. m. Candies hi the km
J. 0+ & vv. I. MOIL
limns Meek. Este. re.
No. 3, %V
I me • •• a. as* by
W. Nuts,
skok, eride, Pa.
No. 3, W
Bartaa's Ale la *Cdr.
J. G. & W. I. Mina.
Harm, Block ErEe.
G . & W. I.
lin ••• dtoek. Brie. Pa.
No 3, Wi
ly Wise/ of all
eases Claret Moe
No. 3. W ill fa MO Bloat. Ctle. ►f.
;re Mt dale br
' Own
..n stoie.