one of thesi wagons, for the night; lint l ivhen morn ing catie, it found hint so stiffened from the effects of his bruises, and the cold wet air,. that he could scarcely Tore. He nevertheless pert4ted in ta king the saddle, although hewas utterly incapable of getting into it without assistance: lithe mean time General Persifer F. Smith, the- rb of this field, who had been actively and indefatigably -en gagedlall night long, in gaiping the rein df- the er ectly's entren s ched camp, came thundering down up on the astoniahed Mexicans. a little after sunrise, like an Alpine ivalanche. The scene was too' ex citing fur so ardent and enthusiastill temperament as chat . of Gee. Pitmen., and forgetting his physical pains in the exultation of his spirits, tae hurried to join in the punsuit - of the already fiyingfoe. Arriv ed at the town of San Angel, some sik.miles from the field of Contrerai, a halt was directed in order to refresh he troops and prepare them for the great struggle of the day, yet to come, in which hundreds of gallant fellows, now gushed with the morning's victory, were destined to find their neXt repose in the steep of death. The General wad, even now, paying the penalty of hii oter exertion and excite ment in the pars it, and his Aid-de-cansp,-Lieuten ant, now Brevet. Major FiTzostaaur;l'and myself, both urged bitn'to go no farther, as he 'would/ Van • er or later, be forced to-yield to physicist weakness and pain. Alittle further on, and a. the church of Coayocan inhere the Commander-to-Chief habitu ally beld'himself during the battle of Chnrubnsco, we calamity encountered that officer;' r who, having been informed of Gen. PIERCE . A triiefiats of the even . ing before, and seeing the difficulty with which' he kept' the field, kind'y added the weighi of his influ ence and authority to the importunities of Lieutenant FITZGERALD and myself, in order to dissuade Gen. PIERCE from going into action, now ilready cnm , menced. The General, howeter, wasq immoveable in his determination to lead his brigade into the en gagement, and the reasons he offered fur so doing, were too forcible and too consonant with the wrl dierly feelnge of those who suircninded, him, to ad mit of any farther remonstrance or expllstitlation. . From this time I was separated from liiin until the battle ,was over, and cannot, therefore,lspeik of my, own personal knowledge, of what befell him or how he deported' himself in the eter memorable conflict of that day. He accompanied the twrs_it.giments of his brigade, then at hand (the 12th an 15th,) in an Iti operation which had fur its object ' the ming of the enemy's position and the intercepting f his retreat towards the capital, whilst 'I was sett( for the 9th, of New England regimint, which, , other with a section of the Mountain Howit&r, Battery, had previously been postedion one of the oads leading from San Angel to the citg, biyt wat4now ordered to join the brigade. Agreebbly to m' instructions I hurried in this detachment, and arri ed at the po -f- -talon occupied by SHIELD? and PIER les trotipe, at a moment when no little confusion prveiled iii their ranks, owing to a ' galling flank ani reverse fire which they.were then recei% ins front he enemy.— Seeing no one on the ground at Oaf moment, au thorized to give instructions relitive 10 the troops I took the responsinility of posting them; in the Gener -al'a name, perpendicular to the left of Gen. Swamis' line, in order to show front to the enemy`hovortug on our left flank. Having made thuidisposition;of the New England regiment, I remained Kith it un• rill the clOse of the battle. lam this,liintite in these particulars,.in order to show how I c me to be sep tamed from Gen. PlkatCH during the ntire enga ,, e• I pent as well as to explain certain pssages of his ffi _ official report, wide,* might otnerwis, appear onset ({ isfactory. In the meantime, I liar it from sev eral reliable sources, that Gen. I'iERI E was, on the field and MA II as much exposed as ally other man ib it, though unfortunately for hint alp for his com mand, ne-was unable to participate actively in the struggle. Lteut- FITZGF.RALD E than iv. hom a - more gallant soldier and chivalric gentlerntn does not e:• Ist, informed met immediately after the battle, that he was continually by the side of tli4 General'', es. cept w hen carrying hi/Corriere to tie, troop., and that, owing to the difficialtive of the ground ove . which het had to btruecle, (it being 'oft and yield ill". acid cut up by many broad Ind deep ditches, in his then weak and bruised, cundit on, he finally fell, faint and . completely exhausted, within the range of the enemy's musketry on illie one aide, and his cavalry escopetes ou the other:: thus 'showing that, i l f he had intended to avoid the !Dangers of the field, he made a most unfortunate seket inn of a hid ing place; fur the ground on which l.he is amid to have fallen, is a dead level, and was incapable of-af fording the least shelter from the, nrosa-fire which raked nearly every fOut of its surface. • - i, • -So much then fur this fainting fit, over which the enemies of General PIVIICE gloat willi such evident satisfaction,. 'He who could tied itivesich an inci dent, occurring under such circumstances, anY-- thing to the prej'idice of a man's Icoura g e, muss, himself, be I psi coon of the most despicable char's acter. In point fact, the first aid only man in Mexico, that 1 ever heard allude tii this affair, To the disparagement of General Piß gcß , µlli . 0;4 such a person as is here supposed: anti the Er t referenco - it, in this country, which came to my notice, wiy made by the editor or ciirrespondentf"of a contempt ible and _Ecurrilous print, not a thousand miles from your city—one, indeed, so licentious thatit - would be incapable of carrAg with it the leait in fluence in the community in w Neill its vile sheet's find a limited circulation, were it not that its' IoW ' abuse pia ribald, jests find an occasional % chicle, in the columns of more respectable,nr,tt least, more pretending journals. I ' General Nance as is well' kno*n, was selected 'by the General-in-Chief, one of thin commissienees to settle the terms of the'armisticel which was pro 'posed immediately after the battle lor Churui,iiso..• an cvideace of the coufidericeivhicb General Scolir had in his abilities, diplomatic as ell as military. In this connection it may not be (t of place to state that General nattea entered mos. 1 eartily into the measures of the Genera i-in-Chief, (lir the speedy ter • minatioo of the war. Having no ulterior_ objects to gain 11 , • factious and ill-timed k!ipposition (b the views and lets of his commanding officer, he exert : ed himself, like a true patriot and:soldier, to give them the effect intended, whatever might be said as to their expediency.' 1 doubt.not bit General Ikon, - himself, would bear willing testi4iony to thii foci, as it could not hate escaped his whim- • At Molina del Rey, General Narita' rendered good -service in releiving WORTH'S dish/ion after the long and sanguinary conflict maintained by that gallant corps. - His brigade was posted stone miles i•fi', when the action began, but arrited in tin+ to take the place of Worra's troops and bring oft their killed and wounded from under the guns of ,Chapultepee 'arid the fire of the enemy's musketry plosted in *hi wood Mind the mill. His gallant bearing op this ' ocea eion, attracted particular attention: Thus doled the most important portion of the brief military career of him who!ia the 'atibi.ct of thla'communication, he being catifinekto bed from-severe indisposition on the day the battle of Chapultepec and the Garitas--the. last genral en gagement which in the Valley of Steak co. 't Having remained in the capi, 6 al until there was no longer any prospect of a resunintion of hostilities, he left the country, in December. for the United Sister, cud repaired to his hoine in Now Hampshire, where be was welcomed GA the cherished arid favor. itt son of the !.Granite State." • BUILT r. Clays domestic bi ography is much less known than 1114 'political lite, with the movements of which hie eountryinen are Verrerally femilliar, When ° lllr. Clay removed front irginia, where he wits born. to. , Kentiicky, his fu ture residence. he married Lucretia Hart daughter , of Thomas Hart E.g., a prouti nail cilium of Lex.' ington. Another daughter of the same gentleman waLmarried to lion. ,James Brown, of New Orleanj, Minster st Versailles during the of Meier'. Monroe and Adams. Mrs. Clay. who is now in her seventy first year, and in- the enjoyment of good health, has been the mother of eleven chil dren, tour of who died in chidhood. Eliza, a young lady of , anions! Promise. died suddenly, in 1834, while Oa her way to Washington wiih . her father: and almost the same moment, the parents received intelligence of the of another daughter, the wife of Mr. Debacle, of New Orleans, A third daughter, upon whom the fathers affectioneseem to have entered, after the death of the other two. died In 1835: 'like was:married to Mr. James Erwine, of New ()deeps; and her loss was a blow front which Mr. Clay Dever recovered. Of thellve song, the el-, dest, Theodore Wythe Clay has been, since boyhood. an inmate ofa lunatic asay hum. Thomas Hart Clay, born in 1813, resides in Kentucky, Und 4i engaged in.the manufacture of hemp. Henry Clay, Jr., lost Lis life at the battle of Buena Vieta.l James B. Clay • and John M. C4ay the youngest, are nowpractising the prolession.of tbelaw in their native Fltate• Erie tkleektil ERIE, PA.! SATURDAY biIaNING, JULY St. 183 i DEIOCRATIO NOMINATIONS. FOR PR ES! DENt GEN. 124M=ff OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. WILLIAM R. KING° OF ALABAMA FOR CANAL COMMISS., WM. SEARIGHT f Fay; t 7 The 84410 yes that Copt.. Mc- Fayden. forinany years the. popular commander of the steamboat Madison. was drowned hear the pellet \. of Green Bay into Like Michipu , by tkeseramping,of bib boat while fi shing. The pisee wheis this melancholy occurrence took placeas kou en as Death's Doe!.. Copt. M. had been connected with steamboats nu the lakes for the heat thirty ye ire, and was widely known ind respect ed. Two young mein who' were with him ,escaped by sr humming. QT We notiee that J. G. & W. I. MI6 have made ilddition to their establishment. by ocelpying the room Lately occdpied by It+er's flat Store. thus making it oats of . the molt estenitivoestaiblishments in the eity.— Mr. Jackiton, their agent. is one of the cleverest fellows in the city. and we think tiny ono who deals with him once will do so again. Fi+ particulars see advertising • pager. tEr We forgot ; to notice !alit week.•the advent 'among the newapape'ra of the eoutifiy. or —Young's Trisicrford Disputa " It ie issined,iu Ilia nourishing village:of Wa terford.,by Youpg &Lynn../.:8. M. Yonitg, Editor: and is altogether a neat and er et iteble production. Er The Gaulle says We offer the Obserrer to whir subscribers. payable, when Ocolt is elected President. W. beg Mir eocemporary'epardbn. but we °Mir no suet thing. Ws Can't afford:l.lmill thit length of time for our pay; but if any of the folturre.ra 44 Scutt and Graham want it they can be supplied iud Flay for it when Pierce is elect. ed. And that! is not isietUng either. and you know-it. .Suppose we shotild sell th I t chier of the Gezetti a horse. payable whets Louis Napoleon becomes Emperor, or 1 Queen Victoria, blesses nglaud with another Prince. would that be ,a bet that i th er event will take Fibtera— Nut at all! - The fact is he Gazette is more Mee than wise—and not :for the ws t of brains either. bet because it is fearful such an vita albs the means of circulating the Observer among those ho otherwise Would not see it! That's the:secret! .93 The Gazette is at azingly troubled because the %server give! currency t , the ••fire in the rear." dis charged from Whig batted L a upon the wairting fortunes of Gen Scott. jt endear° to whistle op courige by iat tempts to bgrithil their im Fume.. but it will net do—it sees the hand writing upo the wall , and all its ••sapor ing" about an "easy victo ." cannot deceive. Fr The Commtercit!l h Cimsthutiou "costferri g commence and carry Improvements." '%Slion obit. 03 FizzEr.e.—The whi netionly ••fizzle" in their tion meetings—bill Ilter their newspapers. Last cad with a Sourish of true the poet. unlearned Oliscr *lenient kposi Gen. Scot liFeut . eilisens" by one ye vi but this week it "kind - Where is • .1 The whig-papers are a that the enthusiasm a to What it wit'. fok Ilsrriscrii. 61sy and Taylor. in 1111:1, 44 aud '4B; bin where. is he esidenie?' If it could shown. Erie county is the lace Cu ex4ibit tt! Every pol itician who posed tiiroug . and ever .. persou who wit- , messed, those cam; &iglus i Erie mu 4 tiny. kuows full .11 1 that ere this Imo $n .th season there was nothing" thoirglit of. -nothing. 'Ake of, but the election. Frie t ii streamed front almost evety house top; inihia•ure poke were run up M every dooriyaid with strips of primed nutton. Worming the leirued and unlearned that there dwelt a whiz:: miuisture politicians of bothsexes, timely tree from thesurveillakoca 10 f the tvet-titse„ shouted their iinlitics, sod hurrahicid for ilarrison, Clay or Ta) lot. as they litirriedto schooLorcitased.the kite. Orie tap of the yturt House-bell, oroue loot of that old tin horn, that pat wont to :summon the isithlul to council. was slam- . Out , to draw:'hundreds toigettisr. Mechanics Mt their. Shops, mevebants their delts, profesaional men their tolli• i erg. and the!fsrauer has pl sr. to mingle in ••haril-cider" ibOW•WOVtg. eir Ashland au „Buena Vista gittheriesge. .I. /, there testy thing siiiiilar . to itchw ,state of public tenting howl Where are Me Scot toles? . -where are the "Lula- ft) 's Lane" Seget—whe 'hunt ••hurrA lur flott" Fran prociatint ittena tatth the Scott debt.? The formed yet;! and why th the wisteria! is I.ekiug. '' 'be oarchattic wyt not leave tits shbp —die t inerehaut Is s other lissiuess—the prlifes- I. i u mei; ma 1 has better erploymaut for his gullet—the fariiinv has fiutilhei cast natio snore b . :: sticking to his ; plow :,than by running to °laical gatherings at the beck . of luierested ••oltichr hail era." And herb is the secret why tke ratification ineetiiii laat week-proved such a no table faijurn: Thew is do euttinsinsnyamong the peo ple Ow. and there , will Out be homafter. The polite cianslmay get warmed uP en loci!! questions by-and-by. but 4 far..! the Presidential question is concerned. tize p r ii m day n **monster meetings." "trenvenilims (lathering.," "au ralleted enikuaissin." is overt. The country is pn.ispprous.i 7 muneY is abundant—every avenue of trade BA ukrishing—even the political croultern are ashamed i n cr ..hard times." and without that cry whigery never did ;'inriir sal °trier irrilll Azsto we ask. where is the e , thnsiism? I Tifei Conmercia iippeorr to be as good at a fib asi at • finite.' For instance. it intimates that in quoting frousiDr. Iymylan4 we dad not "quote correetly"-Ltbat iaetel+d of quoting tins sentence in winos/meets of etits and barbers. and 'all that is necessary for the seenity of elternel commeree.'nmst be one by the pub -1.e.•$ -we "stopped alter the word [butts!" Perhaps. if the Edittir of the Crowitercia/ will exaluiee the mini* allulied to: Joiy Ist, he wilt find he has fibed • little! DT GJVINCIT Ur.—The Whit/ears beaten. The New York Trilisna l with its iiirmense power of brass. can count as probably for Scott only 134 rotes. a majonty be ing 149. To get the 134 it claims - New York. P4unsVl vault. Tennessee. New*Jersoy. Connecticut and North Carolina I I all of which die people. will **probably sis• duct:." The 'Whigs aro beaten. They thus virtually give it up ividesnes. Gen. Scott , pays in his letter is Win. E. Robin. son that his Naar. letter was written under circumstan ces Sr I excitement; and now the New York Timm has itif.COVil , red that .ha didn't write - any inch letter. at and tams is large , het to sustain its amertion! First Gen. 'Scott wrote, jhe letter wader excilmwodi secondly. he didn't Ws.* if at all; thirdly. it was as unexeeptiosable letter, env how. The last or third point will be is the num or rJd July.—Detroit Fres Pram. Thaws is not singalar is this mods of reasselmy. Mr. Fret irissa. Oar asighbor of the Ceassisrcial is down upon es with • similar battery. First. Scott's letter to Reid is hid "own pititimeny"to pool him di Catholic— second top rove him no "native." le • warier litdonbt whether Gen. ttover went* tbe Rim hoer;;' thirk if be!ilid Iced **op posed to ,the et of famipem." This scald is certainly getting tne inert —it coal lane bonier. PIERCE, s not forefi that ela/tse it the upon Congress the power to general system of Internal does, we shall probably hear s are groat for ••fitzles;" they 'fleeting—especially rattfica are notable ••fizalea" among l eek the Coutmercia announ pets. that it would annihilate r. fur having the temerity to proposition to make "intel lee service in the army or na tr gin eout"—r4 a Enthusiasm,. 3003 to create the impression the people fur Scott is egos! e. , arii s tito whip ro atiniato-o i —to riict, du the potitictinis lby works? If so. where Ire newer is plain; they are nut ly are not formed is beams, e 'pen. Scott Weigked ia.his ink dada. Whoa a eaedidate anises bolero the people. se& for the want of a better, plants himself open • platform eons posed of the "lecithins" of his town life, it is no more than fair thews "incidents" should ail be held op for Feb lie •xaminatian. Gen. Scott says. in his letter at molotiol tb• whit nomination, that he .•seas offer no ether pledge or partway. than the Alums incidents of • long public life, now undergoing the severest *itemisation." Geo. Scott e•rtaialy coeld sot have alluded. is•this re mark, to the *incidents" of his military caroir. t for it in not ea • Nader of armies that ke is offered for the luting, of the American people. ile aspires now to be their ci vil head. hepee it must be hi• political "incidents." his civil views to which he invites seretioT, sod which' he iii.hes to kayo in "pledge" for his good b•bati•r. 'And what (asks the Rocbastir Ailpertiser, from which we sow proceed to quote) are thee* views=ih•N "incidents?" Let es examine them a little ii. detail-4er Geo. Scott has courted this examination:-i—lu his celebrated "Astor Howie parlor" letter. he distinctly •aye that •should any considerable iptimber of my fellow conatrydren assign. ine. Of desire to give m•, • prominent position before the public. 1 shell tate time to methodize my views on the (reit questions you have proposed." ' A ceusiderable number •f his fellow countrymen hav ing sastgned the position anticipated, and he basing pro circled to '•methodize his viewi," it now becomes the duty of his countrymen to examine these views. and-see ,whether they will stand the test of a 'severs ezatniaa lion:" ”IiciDENT" Tun VIIIIIT.-GCSI. Seotes views elks Lewd • Distrikutioa. As Bankrupt Low. and As if. 6 Baak. it* a circular letter writtenfrom Washington in Octo ber.lin referring to ths•itreasures of tbe Harris°, wbig Administration. Gen'. Scott says: •!If I bed the honor of a vote on the oceuicia. it would haviir been given in favor of the Land Distribution Bill, the Snultrapt Bill, and the Second bdi fur creating I ris es) Corporation—baying long been, under the conviction thaYin peace Ile in war, oontetit jag anCient, in the na. tare of a Bank of the United States, is not only •neesuiss. ry and Fancier,' but iodispenanble to ilia successful °per alines of v, as well as to tunny of the wants of our commerce and currency. WINTIILLD SCOTT.", here we 41141 not only a corrupt system of laud distri bution advocated, and the abotniastioni of the sortadliug 11.witrupt laW .defended-.-but - we find the Ghost of a kliiloter Bank dineotombrd—the fused. ritnaina of that 11‘1111140 old Nlno,iter which was,straitgled by tha Vigilaace and intripidity of the limo of Now Orleans-4-the veteran" Jackson. - TAE Sateen—Geri. fireatt's rims ea ustardl imhon "neeLfsedersd." 1p order to introdaeo Gen. Scott's Methodical views en lists sabject. it is necessary to reply a porticos, of the "Mdignalior" letter which ha wrote in 18411— - 'Fired with indignation (said' Gen. Scott) two friends eat'down with me, in my parlor at the Astor Home. (Nov.. 1810) to draw up an addresse s designed to rally a• APHricau party. The day after the election 1 set ont for the South. end ha+. never know. precisely. why our appeal was not published. Probably the election of Gen. Harrison ren dmed the . pubhcation at that i time unnecessary. in' th•e opinion' of soy two friends. now hesitate between extending the period of reel. deuce before ustaralisetion and a total repeal of all sets ofirongress on the Subject—my mind inclines to thelstter. Concurring fully iu the principles of the Philadelphia ninveinent. I should prefer ,assuming the name of Amer ican repeklicsas. as in New York. or democratic Amer icans. as I should respyctrully suggest. - Wishing success to the great work (of organising Native American party) which you atid• other patriots bane set on. foot. Lremain 'with high respect, your fel loar-citisen." ' •• Winnings.° Som." . But the hrsty manner fo which this letter was written. did not allow time fully_to "methodize" and elaborate his view's. Consequently he does that same. ir. ixtense. in • eommumicetten to the Ne•ionill Intelligencer. In this deliberately considered essay. Gen. Scott advocates the passage of a leer providing— ;••That no alien irritiing in the United States after Six menthe from tile passage of this act, shall ever acquire th'e right to vote, except M the manner hereinafter pre set,ibed. for any elector of President or Vice President,-of tit Unita i States' for say essosseboa at the Rouse of Rap. re r einatives of the some; for any Gn7erisor l member of L.gaslature., Judge of any Cirri of Record. or Sher. in our State or Territory of the United Stale*. or for Rik' Mayor,' Intendent, President. Alderman. Assistant Alderman, or Common Councilman of any city. borough or incorporated town or Cling% in any of the said Staten or their Territories. or within the District of Colombia." :The only condition on which such aliens shall ever be allowed the right to vote, according to this Scott scheme * lsl, that they shall serve two year* in the army of the tinited States or during a war—a new kind of consCript }stem. • • Gen. Scott further declarers. in elucidation and defame* or thu scheme of his. thit he thinks we are liberal enough. when, in providing for America we'-leavo the door of admivaion open to the children of foreigner's... Dow abroad. who may hereafter be born here, without ing their fathers to corn* and help to govern us. We. who ,lone have any right to think on the subject. claim that we-can best govern ourselves. and the better ch got. dromeut, in the meantime, so much the better f or the for eigners who may hereafter coma among N, GOfor their American born ehlkiren." These are roma of the prominent views—these thel'iin- Cideutr" in the life of General Scott. which we imitable 1 is en earnest of what he would attempt to do. where he invested with authority of Chief Magistrate of this,Ra- Public. It is in vain to any that he now tries to trim his sails to the popular breeze—that he is now willing to tyke hack 'end repudiate the, well-known incidents of a long life— !lis opinions, his settled convietons have been sanhoid trd in his writings, and he must stand or fall by them; he Shea referred us to them as the only pledge which he can give of his future course—and we ask our readers to judge . winnow. they are such sentiments end views es the Amer. I iCI4II people 'wish to Fen carried out in this enlightened are Goy. Bigler—Senator Broadhead. In au article_►elaung to the interests of Pennsylvania. the fUrsur. printed et Wilksberre. Luzerne county. thus truly speaks: • "lt is the fortune of Pennsylvania. at the prenena mo ment..,to possess an Executive who is acqeiring • high , ohmmeter so a stalwart and steady defender of the rights of the people: lo is equally her pride that in the Senate of the United Statee.'she is represented by a Democratic Senator who adorns and honors her character by a stea dy sod unyielding devotion to the principles which her career has illustrated Front bosh. thee. mieriei. her people derive substantial protection and edmiatage, which they are enlightened iud intelligent enorgb to oppose,- ate. When her vote shell be cast fpr the De mocYatic nominee for President. she will have aided to place i■ the highest position in-the Nation. an Exeeetive composed of the same incorraprible elemeate. whose pride and glo ry it wattle to aid its vindicating and maintaining OM same principles °gestic. and Pound Government.' ET &Katie ONIS FRIVADL—Some ef the whir pa pers hate a trier way of *readies is the earns of diAt candidate. Gen. Scott. • The Buffets Comment's& list slalom. the other day in noticing the repeal of tles"howee stead law" of Ilboois. says; "The ddiem packed against it was similar to that which isistedegsiast dead rapt Lair. The popular voice imperiessidy sad shawl enanieramsly demanded its repeal. and it was painful; off•ctyd. It does nut require n very long tiro• for ilts 'people to materiels that innovation is set escessarily.ine. proveinent; and when isatarestral dsmagagnits food Lisa astray. they speedily retrace their steps." Whe, were the "interested demagogues." Pay. that "lead them tw enty:" when the "Bankrupt Law" spinet which such "eiltein was excited," was passed? Tie . "tritth,4o his. tory" would most probably point to the men now mo s t eathasisstie is the advocacy of Glen. Octal; 'end he him selflias desisted. in one of the pages of his "model let ter writer." their . . ••If I had had the honor el a vote *a. Ilte eaWashus. it weald have hewn given in favor of the Land Diewsbatiets bill. Ike lialsknipt dill, sad t h e second bill for creatively a Rseal earpioration—having tong beam ander a convieticia that, in peace., as ia war, something efliciaat. in the as. ten of • bank of thy Milted Bum. is net only ••aticoe• eery aad proper." bet iudispeosable la the sacemfal *panties* of the treasury, an well as to inlay id the wants of oar eounineree and currency." Query--did the Commercial mesa la treat epos the General's ear's. in the above thrust et Bietereeted des• sews" wits lied the "psisplo astray" to sopped of laws whist which such **odium" attaches as 040 '4,111 Iheillitept Lee," If it did. wit call *A booking sass Meth, with s iresavaiee! • • ity\r Inc e* rs 71eib Ci Conufst lOW Obseiver. R PRO* CALIFOIRIIIA. tinwares. hum: 1 4. 1851. Ms. Earroa : wa• on • very pleasant moreing. about the 10tIr, month. that, with jest iisoegh ho bbes. forats emote. American travels *khan busi ness) we made ear. from the dust sod care. of the city. sad squeezing . er slender pereen into the Strome Stage-Coach. be ra led out of lowan before six In she nooraing.- and were (bib along three/It the eak groves open It. high•Wity to t seines.; We were *tied at the em-skirts of the Ci by tee additioual teaches. booed fee the semi psis!. wits its miss eel tie "ilis.ides." besides lake as many l'.was safe to carry above Oat. There an eine at I. 'see leaving and arriving deity at Stolikten. it'll with Sa cramento city. and pebito in Om soothers mines Them coashei at. usually well filled, and yield tou as • crags twenty mato a Anil. fee, *eels pesseager. The ; • . brydges. ferries. eta , . ete.l of Cataleptic are ill the res t of private enterprise. tbo public - befog guile too slow a teem for the people is wait upon. Soso,' bee Nearly dee silt 'from Strieltboit. and is distant about seventy nines. The read Was Smooth. the hems spirited. the air soft and bath oy. sad ati:enneyances save; the crowded state of the coach and ea irriiauble inclination to sleep without any earthly cheitee of gratifying At Dosing in • star-coach certainly has the effect of facilitating so cial isteriOurse: for instincts as we pitched! into a cepa close vest whose idieeratiy tweeted to be winrts seining. besides making quite a reuse with a very ejqestisk little Wheel. and interreptint the perusal ol t 'irltat looked to us very meets like a love.leiter. But now Stark the dif. Preece Owe elevate did. I bleis the ladies) the ',Dilemma never forgave us, while }Witte contrary we beeointavery good friends with the afiiresaid bonnet. Dor road lay over • level prairie. earpetsd• at preeeog with green grass and wild flowers, and bearing a growth of oak timber sail:is:it for a shade and et , net thick enough in prevent ei earrings frdni passing through in 283 i direction... Thai eontinued for tvreniyLfive miles.— The topography then - changed. the timber - eased entire ly. the road wooed around and over grassy hills, which as we advanced beeped mere Abrupt. sou? rising higher and hiigher, they were lost in the pine clad.but sterile spurs of the Sierra Nevada. Car aaaaa of teams and !rains of packed mules were constantly passing us.— Nooses of entenainmeett Invited the traveler to refresh ment and 'repose at Intervale Of two or three miles. We dialed at Knight'. ferry. on! the Stancelan river, forty miles - from Stockton. Here we saw the that iadieation Of. the miner. The bloke' and bars of this river have all_been worked and the 4 reckiii" and "Al t ai:Toots" were seen about the ferry. at: present litid aside until the high *steno produced by the melting of the!snows• in the mountain, shall have subsided. The digger Indians have a genntity of land set apart for them here by the eommis eionersoind form quite a colony. A goverement contrite. ter issues to them daily rations of fresh beelTand they revs in all the luxury oflllth vermin and ..illidolence; their mod hovels and raw-hide tents were scitlered along the fiver bank and clastereadabtrut over the billet quite too loll'to won you inset tbain occesionallt loafing. about • among the mines. *where they manage to pick op enough of the truck to supply them with the luzairrel a pair of raw-hide ht.ots or a limp., of mean "whiek'ey. They are certainly the lowest of nll in the scale of Humanity; with_ smatamateteet ' , atria fur Minnibsts, their grlatest delight is in the mastication of a .12sh of netritious.,kootit or • good jet toisSe. 11.dding a•Mowd of these creat;ures, that were lying about the tavern:gazing in stopidWonder open the (rarebit's good-bye. We crossed the rtrer. flits the road at one, dives into the spies of the; motintaiiM, and be comes more difficult; will, Seas moot posleris we were ye t obliged to 'relieve 'hens by short walks Up the sides of the motttaitis. flu l ge black rocks stolid by the road side, great pine trees east their shidoW lacroas - our path* while jutting heights frowned upon as fiont all sides.— Sewed miles travel bresght usi to the confines Of the inin• in ggroun d, or a•r isigigings, and we coel l d see the white watts of the tents upiln the distant The valleys closed in to the width of a wagon road an many places. the little streams earrle ploding along. dark with mud. whereat the sulky rastl•'was sure the're was mining where that water came from," ' Occasionally dirt thrown up. or a deeipit. would mark the labors of some 'Meer os bin prospecting tour. Now and then patches of wood marked idiom claims. with _notices written on pieees or paper, acting forth the pro tension, of the parties mot the eye; at length we strived at Wood's creek. !stream that takes its rise in the mountains &Wive Sondra. and is crossed by the road for the first time, about ten miles from the town. Its bed, has yielded. many a poor fellow a pile, and although worked is many parts over Mid Over. commie" to yield to the industrious a rich reward, Touts and cables were scat tered about promiscuously. and their occupants were seen plying the pick andi 'above' . most matiessingly along the stream and its immediate 'banks. The hearty son. burnt tellers. rested a nirm ant from their toilsome la .bore, and indulged. inla little idle curiosity as we passed by, then as if regretiog tits precious moment forever lost they wiled this dirt nit. the ••hing-tom" with redoubled vigor. The prooesi Of miniug. in the Placer or Surface diggins is qoitesimplo. A claim usually consists of from thirty to one boodre4 feet 'square. depending upon the lewd established in the different leeahuea. Troughs hooted by boards modem- a stream of water of some teeny cubic inches. iron, ten to Instil yards; this is called the sluice; et the lower extremity of thie is the lone-tomorhich is but a cootionatios of the sluice, save that at the teriniaatieo of the teat it is spread out to the bromith of three feet; timed op like the front part of a •led and has a bottom couipeesd of sheet tree perforated with boles about the site Of • five sent piece. The dirt is & I st cast into the sluice. where the water ruhillig upon at icon brings it to the consistency of mod. then carries it dow n into the teas. where it is stirred about with the hoe Judd it is therughly.diseolved. sad the smiles separ ated; from the My sad cast out; the clay then is this li quid, state passes through these hole* in the bottom and si received to e broad shill.* bin with partitions where the gold settles to the bottom end the water passes off. end ',performs the emits service to amine neighboring ma chine. Two men els work 000 of lb see teas. but five is cesilidered akW ehinplimest. It is the meet approved nit,* of working our is; vogue, tit. pas 'and rockerkev ing'keee cast aside, hod is oaltseen in the hands of the kleMcao and Chinaman. le were pow width' theconfines of she Plaurs..and evens *pewee of andeetryeesnaid directly toadies to the mining interest: Tip. carpenter was at whale rivalries or ' D at hla. the sluice amour the blacksmith performed the I same olio* to the stick and meeker. and if we met a sari it war usually at work regimens( soave fellowetools asdi•Vans." Mee - missed sue path or sere sees straying ever the kills with pink ood pan. en voyages of die. *every. I. many places the (retire Jets of the .comitry feinted to have beets turned op by them busman moles. .teeth was staked off -, into ckime. Ms. en. were seen at work In 'the ravines and gulches wherever the eye wan dered; tree the moestaips showed where theybad-fiess pirneed for the gold l imning quarts. Mid parcelled trot by tiiii;bnegry aspirants fee wealth. Ationi four mites from , tbe City (for &margin a city) ire .buicieti into the little town of "Camp Bun." Coutprisieg some forty strostireis There were several Mores open. use spacious barroom and billiard-ealioe. lawyers oaks. a 'Amer shop. fee, leitrule, bakeries. botcher shops. MO elleys, a dance beihre. sod &Oohing pious is ationditece. The place is huddled together mine compecdy. Invitee- sot mere Ikea eight feet of a strut.: • bike aU miming towns it spring up le a day. and ielbnlit without regard to order. ether Masi sub as ousesity or the ceovesiminte of the nuttiest may have suggested. Its shoat a fee Sin& of the rest of ;the' phases; preseatieg making of Worse( to the ob server coleus yes any rank as stick dirty gamma walls mid beeps of empty betties. Quite it somber of little places are built wiling' the circuit of a Mile or two •f bearing such high Needing title* as Tertian. George- WW2. Jamestown Qite.. dra. But a Unshed number of memos ass awe work is these dry Maisie ea atlases of the search, of teeter. and seametpeady ups* embryo sides ere at this tilde slither dull. end will seating* es, !MOM' teloY sue+ sees in t *Ansi till will be lib sad animalism maim. The imeemismieme• wisher ham mutt of water. is Wag feet remedied by the semarsoltse of small (resale. WA smelly by cornpashros which cmi the water ,ter lb. distant placers. rermetimse traverelag twenty or thirty miles. Tb.y firm a swarm if roves's% often greater and always wore certain than the mines; each laborer who receives hie 'applies from that source. paving a tribute I. the company of from one to two. and a-half dealers per day. • We arrived is Sonora about Ave' is the *Toeing. It is built is a strew pp is the hills. end numbers &beet fifteen Jteradred isimbitanes.' Tha bosses are built upon ewe principal - street. which twists and tiaras in a style that would shock the taste of • Philadelphiaa. . It was origi nally a camp Chile misers. !Me the 'Americans have replaced their teats by weiden bni)dispoionse of which are quits meat. and • ("irk of esterprim has (reasserted to this point. in the firmness of the imeautios. all the cos violence,. lesariee. as well se the vices of our Atlantic cities. . Every foot of grimed about the place has been dog ever. and the miners are sow making encroach ments upon 'the streets and houses. If a workman 'raise a lead passing muter a boom. he rants the house ' follows up his fortes's. A lucky_ fellow took out a while we weir there. from ena'of the hosses.vals wards of Memos hundred dollars. and we under. had Marked out their claims all over the town. `Jock} fire might occotoplieo they would have workitt the ground where the houses •their interests are subservient to thine small renrpecte has be for gardeMs. ve-iardi hq'd follow his lead. if i in the last slumbers of his 'Milted 1 1 • 1 • r • father. • About four miles tetras , is is the town of Colombia. of -Sonora. Billiards. bjects of einem/Mews. / owes to be imansed.— As n lea closes in the b'hoye fio4 eriowde to the gree t t menus." whilst • I illusions pro t e same pass- I we bow iciOitY of Yorktawa. Our first 'Mort wee with the pan. en we obtaiaed. for oar first day's laborLabout twenty-five ce cheal. 8d at Si stood the, hoping that. am opportunit, no* stand. All of the ••mi Ger. ai 'BOWL or Ogren 11 ffl doing so be Mom riesling th# importance the . whiskey apd gambling form th and truth to tell nearly strerybody saloons to " fret the tiger" or " bock toot • few iocreaswtheir wealth by opt doted by Meese of the refracted rays of tl ing through the vet glasa of a brandy bottle. The more effectually to satisfy my coriosi6 leached for titres days with some misers is .tlio in dust-. and,* eery dors 404.. Of course this ”would'al pay." so we' went shares in theists% and broke down on the first stretch-154w the track ,beforis the dialler hour. 'Twas no field for a laity man, sad we can assure the un initiated that it's no childs play !for an industricins• one. being about on • par with camellia( or carrying the hod. The miners are coustantly'in 4he water. and if -dig cli mate wiSm not the bestio the world no 'mats could bear up undqr it more than six months without a brokescon titstion. We amused ourselves going about among the miners. palming them with regiird to their fortunes. son corning which they are general:l:i as close as the grave. and when questioned eirdeavorly various pious little ar tifices. commonly •Itoown as Us:. to lead you astray.— Should their claim pay - well. they feel it incumbent upon them to grumble excessively at their ill lucki they ores expose a sample - of the meager gains of the previous dere laborrin proof of their antertiuns. But the sharpest piece of fiusucieriug that we briard of among these Muse ' phisticated gentlemen is a process known as salting. their 4aint fur sale. _ This consists in scattering dust plenti fully over some particular part of an unprofitable claim. mad thee re rl by shaaise leading the traitsated •• lam ar rival" to prospectidthat particular spot; if the bait takes. AG vendors pocket . a smart price and chuckle over their dexterity in doisg the green one. - • This gold is usually found is the galas: or seams of this minintains, where the water; rushing in from the hills a mild naturally form itself into a mania' stream; here it As loured often from tb'e surfacirdown 3 or 4 feet. to a particular strata in thi eluvial Soil; again it Wooly found ire particular layers lit the earth. and that after diging to a considerable depth.: At a camp called Poverty Hill they sunk shahs to the depth of from thirty to forty feel before arriving at the desired layer. but if lackey - they usually found a perfect, pile to compensate for their in. dustry. Iguana mishit is coldacted in - the hale and valleys, the only difference being that the claims in the valleys. though usually the richest. soon run nut; a mine of this class was diSeavered near our tent which paid from ems to three hundred dollars to the pea full. The mind cannot cumpreheud the extent of the min eral *raids of Califorais. livery shovel fall - of dirt throughout an extols' 'of country covering hundreds .' miles of, mountains and valleys. contains gold is either large or infinitely small particles. There is. no exhaust. ing it; the resource is inftaits. • Gsbriel will probably startle them from their labors nitro he sabot's the last call.'_ ,- The 'same variety of nationality is found here. that I have heretofore described as prevailing is Bin Frantic. co. Over all time however the 'Yankee towers in all his native energy. ruffianism and impudence. Nothing short of the sluice and long-hint will do him, end-if he capitol make from eight to twenty dollars per day he considers himself badly used and breaks for'di t with more color. It is bet little eis for a Mexican or Asiatic to strike a rich lead fur he seen fink himself dispossessed and some American reaping his rich harvest: meantime his rights are being adjudicated in seise very slow court. where coils are proportionably high. Ah we're a glorious people. and so salightens4 and Arias/Rai:ad.- It costs the miner from five to eight 'dollars per week for board. they live in every comfort ; are now well sup plied with vegitables by the traders. and occasionally yea meet a newsboy, peddling throogh the mines "the papers by the last steamer." Now and' then a senorretta and hit bees, are seen dashing thrUlogh the hills on horse. Welt. and an air of fashion prevails. that eon wipald not look for. . - - Yours truly • • OMEGO." BT 9oev. Asusa Scurf !—The Whig press. great end small. are is perfect fever of spprehonsion for fear the Democrats wills.; something disparaging of Geo. Scot',• forgetting that if they did it would be nu 'IOW than jolt retaliation for their Is *natant sneers and vitopinition of Geo.. Pierce. Bet they iseedriot make themselves no 'happy—the Democracy Will 'pot abuse Gen. Soon!—' They leave the abase of candidates to Whits; this, how ever. will net prevent them from telling the truth of Gen. Scott asiCexasainiag his protentioni and qualifications for the Fresh:loamy. epos ill proper anodes's. At least. we for ***shall de se - fally sad fearlessly. We shall always call things by their right names; that is a way we have; and as Gen. Scott is not only witheut experience I. civil affairs, but wholly without the plain good some to be use. fat in Ewseative dirties. we shall be ready to say so. We doe% ears a whit for whip whirling shoat abuse of . the Hen•'—sot aw • it. When - Gen. Scott is entitled to credit we will not withhold it; hat it is worse than Don geese to expect his political 'opponents to overlook his weakness for the sake of satisfying a 'easetimenierts as somptioa of lefallability en the part of outs of the most fal lible and vulnerable men in the. country. The whip called him in derision Foss and Feathers—we sail him see of the ethical men in the world—but an excellent General. and we hive do idea of Winkle( that he is "any thing else." - cr If tbs fact !bat Scott did mot fight a Joel makes as many friends for bins as Mr. Clay earned stailinies by lighting ova; tbs Gonsral is pretty suns °CO/Kano. Times wlle abandoned Clay on any each ground. are now, for the same reason. bound to support Scott. Will they do it?—Nets York Times; Apo. but than are two "if." i■ tiro *war. Mr. Mau. ••If" (lea. Berm had not fiught two duels before hie "re, religiose" aad "patriotic" samples pretested hie accept. tug Jackson's challeage—"if." he had not forget these semi "religious" sad "pittriotie" acrapele semi thus. years alter and challenged Glow. Chases after be bad ta. tea as •ath net to !AM. sr be engaged la a dual for a publicatioa of were than a year the% we ackasw; leap "tbwe wire absedenad Clay*. aav each gratini." would have good mason to admire Scott. Bat those twe "ifs" are ismer nroantable: IT Pima's adulates to Moline del Rey wae ewtaiely jut about the slowest marabiog we ever bead of is ell our livec—Lowitioale Joureat. I 11811011 up km s distaies of tit Piero.. mitike • % W jade. *kids madded rid sod and repiiity.—Beef', Ripport ••43es. • ;Joey, Ida owed oe. 4 .1. a Emit ow. -Nary usu." tbisrefeto be is set it foc rreoldeat, li st a is lot the cia. maws arrived at either through the New. iota of resale or history. This very - easinsare Greeoral should be au argument is support of his claims. sad in defence of his qualificatioas for the high iil4. r e , which be has bees usmod.—Coatioservedd. , What says Heavy Clay. the mos the patios sem , mstarne, to this kind of doctrine. Hist bias: •••It ekeni. Ines of all impralioria. and proud of the opperisnity . free and anreiWeined - intercourse with all my fellow. est . inns, if it woke physically possible. and competible Wi t h my official deities. I world visit eery ilksts. es to m e'' , town and ha lot. address wary ism is Ske Union, Ne d entreat them. b y their Wee a lessets7. by Omit love g liberty. for th sake of themselves sad their pos ter i ty ,. in the mime f their venerated samistors. in the east of the human f iii, deeply isterseted fa the .hrifilamet g the trust twitted to their hands.-by all the po s t e ery witielvw• ha e won—by all that awaits as err e aiitma..... if wears trod sod faithful ie graptsde to litst *be h em hitherto se nigoally blessed so—to pause—sohmety paces—and tutterisPlate the precipice whieh . yawas be. for. net lf . lliadsed . ws fiase incurred the Divise i fi i . pleasure. sail it be necessary to chisuiee this peopt awita the red of hie rengeseetr. I woad hesibly preetr e i e self before His. sod implore-big serep. TO TIIIT int Ta. ToMID LAND I WITU WAR. WITU rssrusecn. Warn resi n . WITH SOOOOl OTUICa ?Woo ' OULITAIIT &CU, Oft WIND MID 111111DLR611 ISTMUSIAISI Mt ■ERR lIILLTAILTIM 1101/111."..../1611ly Clay. 117 Noit* Casiottea. Too!—We really did replie, that the noutiottion of Graham for the Vice Pr.sid taii WMild have ;secured North Carolina for Scott, bet run, /we begin tti behave that even the "old North State. la ' r eboot to re p diatn the "military candidate." TIM Wil mington C swami and the Asheville News, Isidmg -whir pope no published iii the eastern 'sad the other is the wentru part of North 'Carolina—are out is IM most decid . terms against the "military" candsdate.—. The Com ercial which was spies' Scott before tli s meeting of he whig Contention. is ezetediegly Mem. The News Micass** Nomination of Gin Scott thee: I; of his orriainatioa forOilre a sold chili .p. party hate._ troy had hoped that /Vows **The es oo the erhi . . __ I bonitos*. end their disapper stamen sled du. ', its manifest. Some of the oldest and reset members of the potty doctors day spa LI set but steed aloof from Ow cosmos oblately." would be t trio were substantial support Au 117 Nii Med. but :rat ituser. Tool—When Gen. &MO Ina am concoded bins New Jirsey. bet we de set we will ba compelled to add her toe to the a column. there are many whirs leaving the :andidate" and enlisting under the homier a , King. " The Editor of ill. Rahway (N. I.) .in referring to the numerous secessions of trde whip" to the Piers, and King nomina -1 that "among the number is, Lewis Grower. ewark. • gentleman of great inflaesee. art Ws ad who in limes past stumped Me State fir arty with great success. Mr. G. says that he e for Scott. bat goes ja heart and soot for the measures and the election of Pierce aad E l :CM Pierce a Rod an Ilan. adds' MICE speaker. the wring cannot v etomprem King." cr TIOUILIED.-It troubles the whip amazingly be. cease we miler to seed the Observer to whig sisbncribers' and trost herd until Geo. Pierce is elected Presideat.— The Fre onia Comer trials over }t: and its es-laborer. the Gezifte, cries out that it is abe any:cautions whip not to sobscnbe on each conditions for fear of the law against fretting. Now this is sheik. haiitiog. A man bus ,a:i Undoubted right to sell his property oa oat telosbe to ham i mind —,he may agree to s wait nail] thi day Ore earrection. if he pleases: or. what- is about the-mem thing. oritilGeo. Scott is elected . President! We dew choose 4 wait that length Of time! We only stipulate to wait until November. when Gen. Pierce will be elected. 117 The anion * Olive B►etrch.. • religiose SOPer. is announcing the nomination of Scott. gave it as its epic. ion that the Whig party would give -him a eordial_anp. port. the last number, however. the Editor repots, and sirs: -- ••We re seriously inclined to think um shall3havis to change or opinion. formerly exprtsed. that dm party would u animousk fall into the ra s. and try to *loci GrneraiScoit. From present sign ; North and Beath. digitise 'on is increasing instead of tint, • L 0 S T. - • bag PiAlt Street to Rasters' 014 by — A GOLD ARMLET. with the dam • dances name engraved ea the nundr. 4 paid lat its return-In •Docroa Wool). FM dr,raet shove Slate. TUAT'CIOW. from the subscriber on the ed taw. -ow. about 7 years old. giving milli. had mark. Whoever elves informaleai *here she may he rimed at this offt,e will be rewarded. • Erie. July 11. *Mt DEN td MeCARTH T. I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Z-NN7 141/gA 47ffa . NIM will he received unlit August INA at I" o'clock PA.4 I.4at at.. office of the Akron Branch of the Cleveland and Pitubugh Railroad Co in Miliershurgh. for executing the gra ding. earthwork and masonry on the line of their 'tad fponi the point of intersection with the Ohio kind Pennsylvania Radntad to Millersburg—a distance of 21 miles. The *ape. muffles and spec ifkations may be exattiia}4 at tke Engineer's office in Millersburg, on and atter August Pik, *llea ag.i? inlhonation relating to the work may he *blamed Rom as lengantrr in charge of the work. SIMON ?EAKINS. Preet. July tbleM3— M. CH A PIN. R EMDEN? A TlET—Otkrerw the south side of Ow Dllnmend the &ors nasal the Erie Bank. Price, reasonable. sad tU wort warranted Erie June If INN. NOTION: persons who are in arrears to the Trustees of Erie Mad ly for Rents, are notified that payment muss be made if ty, or they wilt be proceeded opium by count of law By order of the Board, . • July 21. to e; media UM lor 631 BOILER BOTTOMd —Tbe Bollareflbt es. banal arntagemenui orltlfthe maatrfaeturens elf Copper Bot toms. • re prepared to furnish the= 10 the trade at Buffalo prier!. Tinnera and dealers are reapeethally hurled to call :Ad amnia quattqt and prices, and we assure them they will not 110 away di-eati tied. SINEETT It 00. Erie July 2i. fRS3 11AVE COSTS. • Pattsbas knowing themselves indebted to the subscribers ei- Metz Note or Book Account. are requested to tall and set tle Mu mei,' or corm will ne made without respect of pesos. operin contracts only excepted. Krie July St. •l svmarr a. CO. RAGIIII RAGS!! * fiNTED at J. D. Guituirou iNe Phew Illooksore. Itrie. July 11. WANTIIDI ON irks die tha Offire, two toorif good bay—oho IS cord, of poobi wood for which the highest isarbet priee will be pad. at have either Oftbeaboite articles Wigs diem akar Jiily ' , You t Sri Loo out for Bargains!. Dry goods at Cost!! rit i ;Subscribers respectfully live notice to their enssouners: arid public. that in order to wake room for a tarp aad Wes did mew of fall Goods, they will thous this date sell th eir wan rilresssoods at cost. stick as Preach Jaconett lawns aid osusli silSa yards Berate de Lain... Boanetbs. Parasols. Lisa wire with Ittain and Elf d Bermes and • variety of ether r o i c i m isiat ivy unusually low priers. All those in want of Lin are invited so call at the Sew York Store. No.* loglaer" Slue State street. Erie. . Erie July 11. ISM. - MEIIICK dr. DAVIS. Livery maul Saba Stable, 'rat subscribers having bought out the imetest of B. G. Pew silos. is their establishment oa Eight spinet between Pow and French. would give notice that they are wow flatly mid at ply wipplied with homes, ano different varieties of carriages. the v 4, best deecriptiou. Their stock hi almost eatarely nnd seqiienUy of the ant raw character. Public pauoslP is relpecthilly invited. - Ferrous wishing to purchase horses will Soil a IWI *apply for that purpose coastaatiy oa band. A. F. xotrinsp. Erie. July 'lt. PM. E. T. DINCAPth :Brit ilt•e•iv•dt. AT the Buffalo Furailure .tote. a splendid astiortmetil elf, Mahogana Chaim. Matt:asses, owl, vlikatt I will li eu per dent cheaper than the cheapest. N.A. Alt Furniture ftous this house is warmest 'Er3e. July. JOIN WWII- Times, liztiestil•d FOR SEALED PROPOSALS. 1 11 pursttinee with the *Slowing Itesolution;Proptissis will be received at the office of the Mayor until the lest of July Dell fur furnishing three hundred thousand ftetolf Plank. for 9 041811 State street and laying the Plank: • Were... In the oni won of the Select and Commie Camino ( the city of Erie. it is expedient that State street be laid yak I double nub of Plank (torn the tot of the street at the ladie.-m' where the North East and Erie Railroa I drosses the sank. awl for the purpose of aeertai ring the cost as well as expediting LW planking of State suet t. therefore Rrhsterial. That the Mayor be directed to adinewise and arts* miaow, Is up ux Thursday, the first day of July next. stir turista tag three hundred thousand feet of Plank on said street. at call hen WM distanees. to he delivered by the Out day of tleprembe near: the plank to be three inches thick and ten feet in lege and be either White Oak or hemlock—bids to be received du eackkind. the plank to be paid for in city vrarrentato be uln a . , bribe first of March next in sums not less than ore bundled ligs" lam and.that the Mayor also advertise tor the same time Deis. proposals for grading of said street. and bay lair Ore Pran k: to be paid at the tune and maw saute manner as is Pru Pow" pay Ow the plank. Mill* AY INNIA UAW. leaver. Tle above Is a eillay of the Resolution, adepted b the &Kt and Common Councils of Me eity of Erie June 14ik. IMS. Elle, June 19, 1 W. is. daissmAs. • ibrioulogreioluUsos was passed by dos city. Sosseds se :or the select sad emotes oeeneue. that *sling ale ' slog bids tor fornislilos Plank Ibr, and do roan do use sir be esteoded to the lot/ of Atwell NM. E it; July If. W. H. Itemees, deo. ' • ertisements. 1.9. 11 . 1.TrIrN, trawl:it?: