■ A. p. DUBLIN' 1111. CIO., Proprietors.' VOLUME 23. frit Itirchlqstrutr. I'. DL RUN Sr . CO. PROPRIETORS H. SLOAN, 37ditor. 110 E, CORNER STATE ST. AND PUBLIC SQUARE.. Eit TEMP iiF TUE PAPER. -er,: VP. I,!* die C3flr.er. at sy,ix mv office. to mpance.. • 1.40 1• u. t pn r d iu ad% anee, or Within three months from ;hellos, "r; ; to u dullard sr in b e c h arge d. 11 c y.ifinui,te;lll , oll6.l l ll,l be 1 .0". le r ll . LS OF AD V FIRMING, eriet e.l4lag Miles, one year. sue imo.ire 10.04 , .11 11110111114, 4,00 041: three azionihs, '3,09 ~ ;a u, ;01% crin.lneurte, 39 cents per square. ortifteest lilies or • , hr-i meet hay. 2.1 rents otscrth,n. ha% c the Kr% liege of changing at pleasure. dr? .tlhj ted inuteup) more than !WU agioare,, *ad sr, .rd trrlnerhate beinten. :‘, rt. , mein,l rut lot log other directions, a&U ,be loserted 11; ~• e. hargrainccorth nal BUSINESS DIRECTORY. JOHN KEENAN. „v. :-1 , a110••• - ,31 Ageat, utfice at R.. J. Roger's Hat FicTe ~ • , in I.ne Pa. t.LARK'&' ItiETCALF. ;Ind r , tail dealers an Dry Maids, 41.:ari , cts, and Dry Nu. 1 itlied WRIGHT. — ('QII,C10(..11“i Dealer iii Gold and *Aver coin. uneur ‘loll.), Lipid Warrant. .1 evil ificate• of Depoaite. Also ulk die IA Incanal die* of the Union. aud all 'farts 1,, 4 iij come. ,1 LA...de. 1 iiee,Wtilianw' Bioek, corner of n 1.1 1104 d. P. a. wiunaT: : . J.G. . f. MILLS. 41 , ' an I‘Vllol , .il Deril4irs in Grocerie.. Vides. Liquors. —rho. Foreign Froit.lNotts. Pickles and Piekleil Oys 1.0 , sler-. I'rc-u g s, illitglierliletrlCJlll ated art rtes of t. rgl'-rfiption aiwzi s. on 1144441. %o. J. Willi4tlfs bloc 1., , Brown's New Howl, Erie. P.t ‘l4. Ib. New Yuri.. I Nlit.i.s.Buttalo. or v ,r rr. to -hell. MAU J. G. Mina. .Vie., Idr9 Melt a rll t.e..)1.1 Wll;le.ale at l o w price d . A e. J., KSlVs..Ageiii. Erie. Pa. DURLIN & SLOAN. •• in I+‘ll . an 1 Misreli hOf • iti. , Fie-ry. sod Printer's Card., No. 9, On. • JYYFELL.JONSTON of 1.; ,• • I F, c Ntrr•-t, t a , Ioorge ' • T. MOORE. , — , Vl.l.)lA,W r ltiesi.l..squor.„rar • .r 10. .11 , 13 - C' a ji.ut .Ifly E !I 1 11 N B ('OOK • ,' & Fat.ry Dry Cool-.an,l thr•Grra ,•• /J 1 Ow tit). ::rte. STERRETT 6/., GRAY. and remit Dl.aleta in %Vet at i 4 Dry Croeerieli . ,•. mint Livia( t le 1' • J4411. • - :jt.,tie N-in/.. PO4 - I *;pel. Srlety rti4e. ate., ricc. French Street. oppo ,;1• 11,. Heed LUC'. Pa. and slaxral It4ata, H„ Set*, anti Private . • - Wlth.ahy of the :w% e artick, ith p-rvitipt. tt,.l I,rry Olean - WM. S. LANE. • Attorney snd Couneelloi at Law." !I . ': (A I r).tat-uaii &tore, at Nortli-Labt corner of II rut, . 4-52 li it] 1 - 6 Bt. LASE &S 11. 11. , ir'- 1, .• 1413-t , lini and Surgeons. (Mice an.l kebtdences— . AL r 4.1- 11f I. ;,.o.f. I to,la 7to A. 31; Ito 2, 3114 13 to M. • K. IL 1. L. ST&A% M. D. HEARN & CO. • iatp:.'Nri and Coattnis.tion Merchants, dealer, in (roil, and attent lot a [laity line of upper lake Steamers, , - F.rte l'a. LIDDELL & ~' • Mlllllglefilrero Iron rev.. Ratlistd, •iilsoat ;S r. & r &c., State. bet n•t•est 7ls ansi 7 f.stts, Strtit Erie. .IAIERICAN EXI'ILLSS COMPANY. I ;,F o r Ress.ted to No. 5 Reed Block, State Strci.t. pre- a C at o'ck,ck, A. M. II " JI w.clock.P M. o. n. sesvottn, Agent_ GI.:_TRGE J. MOItTO. (Lists qf.lhe jirm nj .IE. Mara ¢ en.,) add Colnini”ton Merch Public, buck, Erie. ra. r w Co/I. tt fl,t). Fllllll and i'LL.irr: — WALK ER & 'VI lifiALSt.. XV kr ntvn, produe.• nud 4. 0 , 11111ia,x101f Merthatita, iceolid Ware , pi-c Last uf the rubi le 1:n4.f % , ;rie 0-14. Il°flX in roal.Salt.Pl, , ter,Stuee% F 1 ,1). Lime and Lye ,ne, Iron. Nalle.hzovee. ace.. waili utPqr gra., I I.lelluiec lur -1111 , piu by Prow . perl. t. , witers. ur . b) Rail itca:d . Alit w. ii. KxowuroN, it (- hinaker ats:l k. curer. Dealer in ‘Vaig.tie-, Clock*. Jewelry. i t ura. In-Ift/theta.. 1A...A.11g G;aa-ex , alio other Fancy 4.1‘,..) In. (or, ui,nikkA t.t eat of the Reed Ilutise. . 17 ~ ARBUCKLE & KEk'LEU.. •rz :n Pry Goods, Grocer - les:Hard% are, Cro . ektry,&e. No terry Rt.ek,:-tate ~.treet, Erie, .A. NI.,JUDS T ON. T^R , .. - C Ai LAw.--r Mice onl l'ark R. between Brolina'new 1 L., .1.. d the Reed Huu*e, up ,rain. .-DR. C. .ILANDES. • . . ,',.. ..41 a , 1,1 Staoto:- 1 /lTice , cOrner of es tate and Seventh 4 ' • ~ t , Ri,t,ftuce ca Etztith Street, between French and i c 11 , ...,,,,, , 1. I.rs.t, Pa. . • . Al. SAN FO Fl 6 & CO., : i ,r. in Gytd.s,leer. Bank Note*, i.rattv, rertifleatev of Dc- C 1--.1. arc iNett Erelning• ou the l a lac li , al cities constantly i 1.,i ..Jr titt.ce in Beatty's Mock. Public r_Ainiarr. I.rie. • T. 11/.ItON S i U.llt I'. a . L ice Li., WVD PuTzu - t."—Oifice. corner of Frelticls and Fifth I b tw , -.,.,,e . f . -- N10,...,. Koch r store. SestdOuce ou Fourth street. tier o,MOr e tot Vie till Apothecary li all. . _...... _.... ! ' OLI% Lit tit'AFFOl4.l); P Ouko lier and St./Nol'ler. and Manutdeturtrr of Blank Books and IP Ft none, 1141, corner 01 the Diamond an Stith street. C • ' . RUFUS ItEellj .. J ~.; IR ,ii i'mz:o4l, German and American Hardt% areaml Cutlery. ti.'. N.iils. Aiivils, Vices, Iron and' Steel N 0.3 Reed House; • Erie. 1.3 , . L. S ?M. 11.- • poor v.eit of C. o.lVri store. up stairs • I -- C. SIEGEL, rine Retail dealer to blroceries._Provisions, lawr. l• trot, &c., &c' Corner of Proud!' and Filth Streets. ttie ruiner's , Hotel. Erie. J. W. ii.*ErmukE.'• T 1. 0 &NE:I AT LAM, In lin/kers Ottiee..oti d eath Street. Erie, Pa _ _ CADWELL Jr. BENNEtr. - . `lP„lobbers. aud•itetail (*filets in Dry Good*. araceries, a re., l'arpri ing. liarowafr, Iron. etre', ti Me. Empire Storer s lat! Street, four doors. below Isolrl, lair, Pa. %fl , tWWI% % sees, ' if. Axle Arms. Splines. and %general of Saddle and I. 4rriage Ttfiumlngs. ti. MERVIN SMIIII. :11.111N!V Air Li W end Ju'glee of the Peace. and Agent for Mutual Lite Insurance Couspody—Othee 3 doors t ot 11 Oents tune.. Erie. Pa. • F GEOItGE. H. CUTLk;ft. 161 r a rd; 'Erie County, Pa. • EuUerAions.dad atteistrad to with protopttiew and dratrated. Jt.%.1 All K • , . ••• 0.24, Coll4lll24ll.llMerthalli, On the Vublie Dock, rain ol • I 1J White Fish; eoinriantlyforsale., • I. It()SENZWEIG ,Ot Co. Dk.o.i.ii in Foreign and Domralle jury C9Utlllll4 Boots and ender, ace-. No- I • ln9ek, rstate ettert, Erie. NIARSHALL & VINCENT, • 'I" L"V -0111 Ce 11 1 1 -etillre Tiuudiauy Hall building l'iilionetarf a other, Erie: tiit.liltAY %VHALLOY, • 5e11.0911 eT I.AVV-01iiee0Vet'e. • .1001'14eel 01 Slate street. on• the lhariond, • 'fl1:1(.1.143, & HAVE:4. Dry iiroceries; Crockery. Hardware. are • 7 SNIITH JACKSON. , t:,,,,cerier, Hardware, Queens Ware, Lime. • • .. 121. I licail..idr. Erie; Pa. • . . I . V% IT..LIAIVI iilliLE'r. • , i. ~ t Minister, and Underuiker, torner or Slate and • .., • •Itrfvt, Erie. ~ k 1 - El/W IN J. KELSO & CO. I r " `llti I no war4inti. l'nod nee and Continisow Merehantsidtalera "'. 'OIH and tine salt. Omit. Plaster, Shingles. ice. Publle?deek, -Te e. Met MP Witittl. En! JOHN H. AURTON ar, do. ‘s HOLES* AND Ityrait. dealers in Drugs; Medieleas., Dye Sleds. '_r r nw . t e. Dee 4 Duume. Erie. 'L. ELLIOTT. DR. -' Resident Dentist; tithee and dwelling In the 4.7 Beebe Block, 'an the East aid* of the Public 'Square. Erte.S Teeth insetted on Gold Plate. a. from one to an entire sett. Carious teeth ailed vireiGold, and restored a) health and nmelLinesa. Teeth iguana:ems and Detaitiee so ate to leave they of tc !cameo. All work - wafranted. - 1 . .. . • ~, • • . 4 . • .. . . ..... • .. •• f . :' ". i, . , T .:7 , , 1 • 1 . • . i 1 . . - . , , 1 .• . , t • . _ • __ • _ • _______--------,-,. -........- • £3.00 1=111! tiefril LE I nil OTH,ER'S Aiy inothiir's voice! liow often Creep. ea nee on my lonely hairs,• Like beatings sent od wtulicif olPep. IlOr dery upoit the iniconinitour !low+. aiiight forgrt her inciting pro)er White ple:a4ure's phhies fly; DuCin the plat uhbruieu Her gentle tenni toile And years of sin and manhood Heel . And leave we at my goothetea knee. The hook of manic, arid the print , Of beauty on the whispering sea, • Give still to rue some lineament of what I have been taught to be. My heart is harder, and , perhaps . My manliness low drunk up 4arii„ Arid theres.a mildew in the lapse • Of a.few miserable years— But mimic's book is open yet, , • With all,tuy mother's lessons Blot.. I have been out at ever t ide, • Beheath a m.)4ii'ight 6by ofepribg. r i ' When earth was gargodiel (Ilse a bride. And night had on her silvel wing— • •• When burgling hods And diamohil grass , And waters leaping to the light. And all that makes the putties pass , %Vali wilder fleetness thrulig'd the When all was beauty., lieu have 1, Wdili friends on whom day love r ittng.• Like myrrh on wingslof Araby. ttired.up where eveoing's tamp ti hang: • „ And when the lieictionv vim there. !lung over me itv gdhten chain. My uiottier'e voice ea6la4ii the nil.. -. Li.ks the beit droppktig of the iaiu: And rea.tidg -ow. • The +pith a a heinied knee, L Irve Loured her deep And fervAnf prayer That our eternity [night be To rre to heav'n—late *tars nt'inght And tread a Uing.p.ah of UAL Fnini the Motg..ll • THEVACKWOOIDSMENI uosc, the earl) aettlers of the etruiral , dlstrtets of 0. 'ra. to Stalte, k w.ere tAo won, whom . we shall Ile-igueite y t 10 , 111111qeS of' r 0.% ter St:r.ton ; and Peregrine Paivauo :' fie - ortner %%as ii nqtive of Pettut.yli-act.i. rite Idler Lail-, d 1 on, Wales.: Saxton ?woe; liiiiidlo,aged. tai.ible 1.4- ig flatt —tall and athletri.—and pu.se.e,sed of al Itargel a hate of the tild'f• of huntipt kin/111.4e en., probai'il). ev e r' Mai to tlie lot °four man: ilisifataii! cotiststvd.of limit Iqeknil wife— st, amiable clorttertNrt or linam.:l; 401 , eior 0(1 e;ons nd dauglters. . Though u'ot awe thit ieS.ixioo w s in muflt better circumstances awl the to .tss o .Wet.teru pnitirsuia. lie could t i oi oitly , i t of a goodly portion oi stuck of tlie usual desepptioit I,;by farmers; but had! nearly rt.tltou.and dolfars iti and Silver; A very rich 11.1.1 d•li his brother etui -1 ; and of ,course, they treated 'liiin CNIZEJ coirespond ug reepeet: . . toneera ialt;re. generany 'peaking ; bora honest t i ste.o. withal very ,ponr.r order le secure the landi ou %kelt • d front the grasp orthe avaricien4. east tore had t 0 pay thu most exorbitant io ns ad vanced c die at by 'nap, ineipkd, heart (pera of whom weir pl A ri.frs of the me whets of the church. w liFitlorshipp-1 e'but.deviled, tits ernatures.) 1 he western Or Ing e frogs IT of fitent , IT qti:itt ru laud *penal • r ton the Nu er capdaluns. tr• te.tt 15 4 c1. 11 d heir Crento sent. aud even yl.e.tuts whom Sas:tali was able to grati —withoat interest—ves Peregr:ue Pow lit,or. Though poises td of as trr,scabl or fili) pt itiong the CM= If=l t• miter as soy of hie CSnalsti'sit ancestry. in the multi o ell tens con•tacred a iery good membe.r t f rurtrlc ft was mach - tiotte4 aducate# than the inhjerity of 1111 et liborsitilticit was \ kolnetiting JO hi; Istsr; Wes mon [rout unttoitai preju . .l). (excein: . niteu unwed) that ./.1d country folks Coll3 l '^' , ."'" • • - bleesed with a prett u iut dry humor, and a r:th whin be was ever 11 rs. In short he was .0 eh terms of ;nth:lacy di week was`selito.i perirri , Asige of visits betweeit ng more than s ,coanq ts other exulted betwee,l werm-hearted en ard the 'eldest doughterl esuty. with hp . ? end cheeks el - the deep •Pt red. and b' e. ; black as." creation." . Although Cupid n d such marked att;utiou to 'Jubilee, S4zton'e elde t , on, and norm, the oill4; daughter of Powell. as Ito th. :guide , jing umn.ed.aulthe had not totally Oegireted den It z li admired Fiera, but his iidinirmioti was so Taint a th a. certain nondet.cript kind of (et-ling. / between ye - la B tion knd fear , that. lill.Sir Walter Itlfiegh. tia;drea - l e to make civet:tares to his queen. Poor Josh go r ason !tad he for fearing the sue. of an.bpen i Oar • nto his mistress, for not only was he deaf-as ad. st. bat ha was a eery poor scholar. Floraiin a uion to her personal charms. which were of a hgh rl was well edaceted. and tolerably accomplished f irl in her spfieie of life. - Puweil either was. or farms I ined( descillided from one of the summit Nu r kes : ells. a i nd gloried in his ancestry as none but in 0' .._, astillian; or pirchance, • genuine son of the uin 1, fliers. know how to glory. No erandei, this. th arty the whole of his income should be laviebei on iildren's educati . , ,‘ ' i Flora. howeve in eciteir none of her father'. pr" .d vanity: she nti sive pitied the isolsmereit ra..t 11 ! °nod hail but she was from•despiaing•thetri.• hi as no faagionable boarding school or straight ire ..matiou ; her knowledge, and the prociples whi l ocerned her conduct. bad been imbibed from an acne dished and pious.widow lady, who had undertaken ition of • half dozen' irls, 'mote to beguile the •tedi f her lonesome hours. than 'from necessity, and ado 4 common sonic one of the ca;dival studies in mixture college. • 04N Though Flora felt no particular regard for young 8 on. handsome. manly and generous _ hearted a. he 1 uestionably_was. she alvrays treated him with kinds ay even with sisterly familiarity. She had 'no en i ions of the nature of his sentiments far her. for alth til ha had, on various occasionry observed certain lith ymptorne of embarrassmeot about him, she.had attrism• ed them to his been sensibility with , regard to hie I lik (murmur Wes. or want of hearing. Flora's extra kind , nem en each occasiene. like Captain Bragg' . extra gripe at the battle of fluenajisli. did , wonderful eurculfhn it finned the flame with the Misch; littlA god b kindled. en peasant. in the youth's heart. and signed.t. rAestb warrant of another inapteut deer. as will be true 'Silly explained in it. place. .:' • • -• The farms of bastes and Pofwellloure separated or esch4ther by atimek. which daring's, tiota of the• or was dry. ?heir dwellluif bodies ' Wen it alia l a 1 I ' Scat r 1 . 2 ` i az& •apart. Besides being a good fanna,:Sortou wu , haulm, and apost-asch a pennon of hi. tinso as span from th • dor of ida IOWn, is killiag Sr 'glom. Wldalnilliinadodibooo mimes. Panty aster -11ssatod. This. pro . was attributed 14 wait of skin ip tha us of a MU. As ita was paasiounl I 1 3thrritnn. lIMI _SATURDAY -AIORNEW, JULY 24, 18526 ly fond of venison. it was uo unusual thing fur the young 4sitoin. for reasons other than those of common-14re. neigh l tiorty regard, to take him a deer. . it was ou 111' Moat delightful morning, io the 4 autumn after his arrival in Illiouis. that Saaton, wi his hay thrown'otor his shoulder ; and his little sou.% r. reit, by Iris side. sallied forth in quest of suclegatui ss Providence might throw is his sexy. lie had not Frew citadel more thao a quaker of a mile, before Pus sues.. Lion Was drawn towards tale sound of ,a on a tree. a short distance in advance. It was a &insu lar eireniusteines. certainly, for lie was still on his 4so grounds. Whis the trespasser was. he was pureedlo imagine. llevinick..ned his peer, and soon the individual to he Powell. Baston.though aurprisel to are his frion4filiing one of his trees ir,itliont haying Apprised him of his attention. was not illII J least irrita ted, but an unlucky whim suddenly urgin lC g I 111 l to enjoy a httle Merriment at a friends expense, he undated 'his longs to their. utmost _capacity . , aod in clear. stentorian tours that made the forest ring, vocilerated : I ' tl '• :IL George was an I:B34ll,tanati. and dearly roast brtl r Tatrei %sae a IVe;e:ith.,:i aure be wae c thief," iie,arse itcerrupeti by a.strrant or a trll true" the iVelehasau. that c,wplete, y i , aralartl him.. •• ii.h. fou . uu ! 8 1 . T 4t it; V. hat-- Ingt—ts Itars that sir•rl" L 1141!o. Perry is that you What's Ishii. inky friend 7". •• 111;nt was that swu were pinging Limit me. sir-rtl" " About 3,u1 . .Natbittg 'bout t mt. my Maud. )(Au r mime 11 aut St. TA:y. rtrty here's 'my hapti my' Irttmd."- • . . " Tore( : pat ! nava ii pit. sir ! . Your rascally inlaid's tunas „tyro:takeout tor Hie. s.r-r I 'lnane of §t. Total a thief—a Coe( did )00 tai . . Mr. Samoa ti I. tme inform . ~ . you. sar, /nal el.lte the I:lea:ion of Van. World. uo 0, 4 1 or tether diehonnr..ble eharac•ei has never dared to Intrp the name of Pow a. air r-r r- # ••1 Wheys you, nay friend, I beheve you. 1 know lou are an hotootabM man; its hocarable as the-great - rig Llevrelho Ap-1 forget his name—that you hate °Oen told aneya..ea desceqed from. 1 went no harm. whatif w en, by the ell:) . Perils )uu ' heard joet DOW. Tilly only It ‘l.l.etled to, come into nay het: Jowl spout out of toy mouth before I could stop -them. Ihre's In . ) baud Tad boot Piny; Live 11 , 1 your-fives." - . - '• 'fake l them 'Oleo, shad welcoine. sit-r :" screamed PoWell, as he 'wined a blow at Somotes face. This. hoeever. the latter named. Liirazed at being, Alta (.Jed.-ro.vell triteJ lai, nxe, and nook! d i ,uhth a., s' a have ilia le unlaced 'twat of the Peun-ylvAniaii,,lnid cr. that ind.eaualhl eoelnela and gran: b,:d.l) s:Frugal as a him. ..S.:eing the info: mated !idle V. e .cl.ni en bent 4p uti.chief, Saxtpptii.larnied him ; ail Caen cntelaing hint up in his arms. held hint there:The a moitee is a ilea. (us Powell . made She a - t violent etEn a' tit dvienanii hip- . ielf ;at the saut e tine. yelling, vi loop:tig. cursing aitad screaming like a &Tented ProoLlt r loLiv. 'Sax ton, hattilog r akilit his mode of tredinictit, test: lof coif ang the an man's luVer, leaded to aggravate it. released hint, merely tab-erving as lie did ;0...C0nt0 Puvrell,sou nave and and .ttone eno4,li. lam a: - the cod of any row, WOW; 1 want you to he.hsva y0are011.! ' ....."31f. Sestoni" said Powell. "the (evil hes mode yeu a . largnr luau. twat I a . m. and endue eilyou: with greater brute force titan 1 PogAes 4 ; 1 betag a into.. and taut it brute. sir-r: but if VOl3 False Van 5it5511.94 pr , teneto . :s to the character of a shenticul.m, op wat% refuse- to give Inc a MA - Action for the gross -mannerin wli.ch you have irsu:7ed. sleddece I and belied tne.'sir-r! There i , n't ionela of me, I n,n,ra sa, sir; but what there is, is I; ue Anc. , ...lit Laitish, sir-r! Its, El s.r-! 11,464. sir.rl None your bass •botn, mookrel 11001-Saxon greed, nor ant of 3our pi c zeo ly, Chi,kesate .takbi luilian.,.ither, Mr. ro a ler S k x too . So. sir. I rPpf. it. it. if toil aril not cutc.ird, as you arc a rand alit a bur, air, you will give me the antisfaCtion tine front one a'le ntlem tltroaother. six: The motto or,niv great provoitur I.l.welho Ap GA y e'er .1p Mere dith, Wa s ••.Y•wity tar itn , tane to which my great-gr4a , lfsther rdaci that uf ''Scippct pandas... Mr. Saxton, You under:4,lnd Me, sir." Thouzlt n..) way albed to the ert;rafru. Sexton's d Inkier was up, and ti very readily agreed to give Puwellnfl the satt,•far , iutt liP destted. It uas forthwith winner, that the bitt.geraitts s!to•ild. f repair. the urxt moruine, at or luzfore do!.l , glit, to that part of the f. feat where-the road between theti d eothrt.74 . was inters( ctrti by the creek, which was thin dry. Every advantvge which '.God and nature" gave them might freely be'used: and they were at bberty to blaze a* by' with their titles, at, each other, as long • hi they f fiCtrased, or until iheir wounded honor was heeled. Hy the death of both body and soul, of either or both combatants. These-arraegmnenta having been made. the late he- • friends 'se/iterated for their respective homes. 0.8 thet way. Simon cautioned his son Warren. to beinhin t with vird ttiwhat had just transpired. Before even. 1 ing tte p t hierille in the beat po-sitile girder. and care fully load....and'primed it. after which, it was consigned to the rack o r the outer door. I Saxton—eo from being a coward as Powell had as serted; was aw bra e a matt as ever bore his Maker'. im- I age. Ile was not • Aid to meet death in any legal mon- ner. but he had alwa considered duelling as Billy and ermine in the highest , erre; end to deprive • fellow', creature of that life which nansted from the Must High. and which no ether pos'er c old bestow. was what. he Pied-Owe:4i felt assured. he , cop • never bring himself to i r Unfortunately. hnwe er, like to. many other nominal 'Christians. Saxton ould dictate we for otl;ers; and' it when his morel cm. 'ge was put to tb test, it failed:— a when called upon to !ramie' his pracep . 10.—es him , .elf expressed st--could'ilt come it." It the present age. whed religion lies doffed her ram and is . ..n no den - (air of Seeding her lutettea to a gross. or • a Ite. but • walks securely in be silver slippers. how very a is it i for'llso thousand of hie wealthy and fashionable disci. es. h Whet are nattered bread east over the land to follow - her data I Item whed trials beset thenr—vehen mailed iv- 1 e es. not to seal theiV faith with their blood—bathimply to forgive some real !or imaginary injery—to follow the 1 iiixample of ',Lair mie4. their/cooly. their forgiving Lord it and Alaster. end to reform kapd far seil—how many do iirelrot Pee. whir., like Boman' are afraid to do their duty; itod like him are willng to st4ti their hopsoof salvation. io gratify their. pridy. their !tetrad and their ridiCulous i; lotions of bettor r 1- 1 let us return hi the-narrative; Sexton and his con it Ocience bad a terrible time of it that eight. for he was a le ipriessor of religiou4 bat about one or two **Climb of that aerial moral*, that 'Wight seal his doom throigh eternity. I- he bad settled dowelinto the conviction that his case Was I- is hard one. It wosild be hard to fight a Eliot—hard to s. kill a brother s or to bobilled kiraself—very hard to limo ; hey his God. and dare his displeastOo; bat it would be id 'mach harder...it wasid be issposs4Us to live under the is Sdiqm of cowardice. Better to couinansurder. or to be abet. sad to be toribeinted through the endless ages of ,eternity. Amato be 'rated at and siigniatiaed for , im :brio( yeah. though 'a crown of glory. with felicity rood lir As pewit of man swim to cenceive..shoult at the d of! it *Wilms*. be his reward; so fight he most. and tbe would. to 1 It baying been ofrahge4 that Josh oboald go to mill the !hill•wing day. Owings's' moo sot bio who to work to bent i ldropme pelmet f. *well's dos/hum Not being able Ito atesehto ga asy 'nit meltable for bat. bo nonalinkod. at I leroi, be wend Ike family a down- it world gratify i f h‘ol Whir. and ii Ilia lb* epiertungly of a iota Akb 1 \ re - ON1;17 AR D.A/ with Flora. Na sooner had the labors of the day ceased. than Josh stlently took down the rifle, and•beut his steps I towrrde a evil:4l'4dt Lick Which was much resorted to by deer. at irghts. fie was unsdecresfut, 'however; he had seen but one deer, and that he had fired at and mis sed. This haying happened on his retain home. the gun was repl,Ced in its raell without being reloaded. Saxton burin slept but iridirereutly, arose an hour before daylight. Hastily dreseiug himself, he swallowed a horn, took down his gun. and 141 the houSe. 214 this was quite a customary thing , of course it excited noses.pition. On approach ng the butte-field, ho made use df the utmost caution, lest his adverwy tuight have got I the Start Of him, and should take him by surprise., He succeeded, huiceeer, in reaching a certain ,stub, W low trunk, of e I age oak.,that had been taki:n ofl %bout barely feet above the ground. lie had marked tnis tree the previous day. it was completely shrouded in grape vines of lexuriant growth. Having ascertained that he was not obeerved. Saxton bemired his rifle en his . person, and dextereuely a-eroded, by the vines to the top of the . stub. 'rite descent into the interior, was swirly etTeeted Iby the aid of O.IIC of the etouteet vines. AtuMt three or ' four feet above the base of the tree, a hole had been cut unite time previously, to aid some 11111nd: 1 111 hie search . for the critter or rermiet which wary sespricted of beieg . secreted there. .This aperture served as: au- excellent portaltote Ifor S )(WWII artillery; accordingly, its muzzle was proirtided through it. -In I this tasked battery, he patiently awaited the appearance of the enemy. During e hour that eue - ceeded, he and Ms cense iene:edmil another ilarmve—.,l4 he himself termed :it—in which the goad Sivirit partially prev - ailed Hie cobeluelon was; that he would net take the life of Powell. He alas con -scions of his owe B'lll,g-hit akin as it merkemen„ and though it he could merely send the bell thiough . sume part of Cie. IVelehnmit'e 'dress, of even leech him gent ly üblat skvoi:.s &ally put, the 'desired and Alight be he. compl.shed. Compromiser to slier° the ettosion of 11U• 1114111 blood, can be as well made iu- a hollow tree, as in Ceegreevind with much less clamor. No sooner hal oar "Vern made. the inagnetnimous re. seise, than peeping through his port hole. Ito ob - serred die thin figure ukPerry .einerge from the forest. and -glide swiftly to rtisej e stone•about the sizerefon ordinary barrel that reared it-el .- above the now dry . creek, behind a !rich IM ru.ironc. d hire self. S exton's, first intpulse was to bleze..iway et kin., bat it ass checked by the good spirit. Torre rwas not'sullicient light toririti:e him to iiiiitinga;sli the precise mark he wished to strike. Dry. light 'soon nitde its appearattee, and the eight of Perry . ' lieu& cautioti•ly raised ebovb the roil:, tips followed by a sharp crack—no, click of Sextets's. title. Down went the head behind the rack. 4p/ticker than 4f is bill from the PerineylearrieM's gun had passed throe,* it. There war no danger of anyouch catesirUphe taking place very soon. for not only eras Sexton's rifle as empty Its Josh hail kit it the previous night. lint, in all probability, it a ould re. main eo until lii• return hornet for in his beete to be ear. ly at the bath,'-fired, lie had overlooked his nuiccui.:ton. and the theught was not Irk.. to occur to hint. of trying to supply- himself front the Wels h man's Magezine. Nu sooner,diti he'uf this bolluw-tree discover tile dilemma in which - he found bin:weir, than a council of war iriss railed. tifter-dr. d•litcratissas ton mach argourept . i it vv** inztrt-' i toothily resolreji that as the-impression made en the ene my' by, the first click, airs favorable. to coutieue el:eking until he should be" compelledato evacuate she fort or: to capittilete. . . The arritiel on the bvttle field of a third party, sudden- I). C4l4lied a sweasinu of lio-lilies. The new •eorner Weir 34s'1. on Lis w,.) to will, IX hen he ensile up to the stab' 'hat eoneea'ed his Sather, and yaw the profive:on of grape* by uliielt it Wirq covered, the 'thought struck him that e wagon livid of krnr;i4 would be a• bettor Ilirecut for hie itukirtea than nothing et all; pu (uttering a Mitt, and itlwip. ing Out, he set to work to ke.ir aw ty the vnes from the stub, With %%Dinh-lie al.cri i ty. ,Jo duii.g 0 iii„ he tii flock' ily. votter pulled away or broke the % inetu hie!) is fa ther had lowered hini-elf into the. wee. Jta,ne, i gam thirty the per.ostage eudenvured to m tke his von iedeible of the mtsrilarf lie wee perpPintliug. Josh knew nof lung 91 ti,.: stab. of ulT,ors Ili 1114 kilip'S (-thick but having filled ilk uaggon. he jumped into it, end drove away at e fornmv rute..tileruntriy etngtng and 14111.40nig in the ex- , . ytHr.iiice of hi. ja%; ! • Soon alter Josh had disappeared. the clouds, which Itad\thrwateund rain. commenced pouriugidown a heavy deluge; an.l, as a natural cousequeuce, the creel; began,; retpulty.tu fill. Poor P..rry found his iituidiort becoming every moment, not wily tuerealingly anc i iiiirirtable. but ; Critical iu the estivate. Iltrhai t.) do ho knew out.. If (so remintred where he was Gve Minutes longer. he nimit inevitably be drowned 'or swept away by the torrent.— There was little lime left.for deliberation., Ali death was certain if he did nut ins,sintly evacuate hie fort, and there was a chance—lion ever remote, that Saxion:rititt nu.* Mtn if he Greif, lie promptly concludeit.lo eh indult the poet and retreat as fast nspussalule PrevWpsly to taking tid e ete p, if ieeere v,. r , he once more adlitucied his head. is order to encl.,' tor to ascertain the taiteri+liJuts 'of Sat,. ton. -A click from that individual's gun Monotone, ney :follows:l.and shoe gave him the desired linformetion.— But Perry. ini.te id of dodging...as lie had Previously done, boldly imod hit ground. At that instant l hie eye v on the port-hole in the tree; with the 4iflei protruding from - it. "iTo . soosier wow this-discovery made. •Iliao, lii4 *hot gun to h.s shoulder. he, levelled it en I binged away. The &lechery of the goal was immedi ately followed -by sometliiiig between a scream nod n groan frorn the tree. Perry thought it . 4 cry of mortal ?tinny, but tamest env oilier person Would have constru ed it diflerentlr.• !lad Perry's .blood been of thti t right temperature—bad he been as collected to Old Rough and Read) himself. and had he fallen djliberate stun at the port hole. or - tit Sexton within it. he Would not have missed them: bit as it we., the fluid in-his veins had pint to zero, while his brain was on Orel—and his cold both had given him such an ague fit. that he atioOk like - SetiskAnnerican earthquake,. and hisjteeth chat•ired Is . castaftenr. Na weeder then, that imiteed of lodging Its-.-for his flan was charged with three' br fours is S on's body. ho had missed the eupre tree. by al !Attest tw4uty feet. However, he now km:tarred his **laded k'Ditor. and felt perfectly satisfied. An soon silts fonani_lt timed f once morei on lesine•firpts. he faced about; ,ad a voice of real einsotion. theigh in an almost unknown jargon, hailed Saxton: ' **Hi. Pow. f-f-foliky!", , I **Hallo!" • - • • "Wha-wha-what's thel \ matter.' 'Fowl-owl-Oily? have Ukllt you. Fowl!. my teae \ f-f-friont!" "Pin pretty pod on: that's \mar-comets' Tali. 1 mos Pens!" "Mc tearitear friend: 'Cua you, ever` foredo feel— I'm quite satisfied. now.Towl-owl-avel-iwlyl "Are you! Well—so am I. But 1 egeoll/feel much More se. if yes would come over and OM ono O. Ruhr of your help—l'm in pretty mach of 41,4,1 / telt you." ••PY St. Ta.ta-vit: that 1 will. myyind. mien if I f• 11.4.4...pahawl (I can't get the t— ,Mt word eitt.)-144. free•fre—itreeze .7 So saylng. / sii trying le lay. Perry dashed his goo to the ground/white hcleostidired late the creek. which with the / ntaost difficalty; saccerd In oromiust. The hand.- of the two fiiendssoon met through the 'port ho t ; and wore squeezed and shaken with noted geed /lilt. Fern's en:4 inquiries wSrs, moo eatisfacterilyinewered. As he keeled ho het ssensided Sia#ll. that person thought peeper grotto sada-, arise him./ 'Ha showed a 'Cu ea his (64 which he had received in gluing into the stub. and permitted Per ) ry to infer that it hod been inflicted by him. Iu spite of the sitilent ague by which the Watchman lasi shaken. he gaire Taut to the most extrsvegaut mirth st:the truly art Itseard 'predicament in which he found .his late Mortal foe, but now bosom friend. By•Saston's adtricie,he lost no time in getting to that . indicidnaPe honse,i eend• jug second sort..Elij.th. to his assistance. *Mt by enlarg ing the hole in the tree, soon sal his father al,lii.tperti. t : liilien the friend's met at &mous , the fanolytwere iu. formed. with certain modifications 'Jibe whole affair. and the innocent !muffed that the cause of the quariel was i bee tree.• All the boys who were capable of lusin k; an ii axe were ilispatchild to th' forest to cat down the tree and bring home the hone :while Emma and Roes very jtiy fully undertook the Is k of going iu (vest of Perry's 'wife and ilsughter. Netder did a happier group Inset around a western hearth. than those who were assem bled iu Smston'acommudious and comfortable 10. house that day. The whi.key stew. and the song and the laugh - went aund. and the hands of the friends were once more squvezeri. and eternal friendthip pledged between thou. while a perfectly setisfactory understanding existed be tateek the younger mambas of the families; ttax:on and Powell. during a long and useful tenth', were pat terns of the truly eitirtsiian virtues of forbearerice end lace. They kid the lappiness of tieeinz tlit4r families hritnzht into closer al! - ince with each 006,, by the ou• ion of, young Perry arid Flora.-aud 'lush. (whose deaf steam wee' radically cured by and old lathers medicine Amin) and Emilia: and at the present day their grand chi!drim fiirm a band of the most enterprising. %moons and happy eit Zeus of our Frairie State. • '.\ tee tree, when 411.coviireti in the wormhh 6'.1• CA 1 . ) a con thhere‘l a tan tut 1,64 e t ttlp, !rid .1. Inc practice et prevail.* in . 104:1111C pontos.* of Ilweins, 114 I 01110SAVt! iteltll Si Val; tli:s Fame.— Vt hat do c: , tl reatly live upon? The answer Will be various enough. The Gaucho, who in the wild pampas of Buenas retie managing his wild hotsy with incredible dexterity, throws a lease. or bolas. lir catch the ostrich, the guanaco, or the wild: bull, con snmewdaity ten or twelve pounds of meal, end regards it as a high oast day when in tiny hacienda, lie gains a ear etc in the ahal e oft morsel or puntpkin; The word bread dues not exn4 in his evcalmia• - y • The Irishman, no One other hand. regales hiniaelf in carele/1 mirth on his "potwoes and poilit,'' r a day-of p'ainiul labor, hr who cannot help, in.:king a j.i.e eceu of the &wino he gives to leis scamy 5/Cal Ia a attange idea to hits, bud ba I. happy sudeed, if four times a year. he can odd a I.e:- ring to inelli.4lll We mealy tubers 'l'llo limiter ul 1 1 .16 prai r n. la , s Inn Lullir'o with sur, boV,et, and ne .10.14, lot icieai‘ed liuuep, ruabte 1: between two hot p.tonee, is to him the greatest of delie..cira. Aleanwhile. the in lus 'rheas Chinese evirrresee nimket hit care'ul,Ty fattened rate, delicately arranged - upon white 'lnks, certain to find a good castoiner am..ug the- epicures of Pekin; and in I,is Lot, Smoky hut , I. buried b •neath the 8110 AP and the tirt-enlander c, ninnies his fat, which he has jn-t caved, rejoicing at er the coatly prize, from a ed whal6. hire the blq.ek slave parks the augar-cane, and eats ,his bromine; there the' African merchant , tills his 'wallet with sweet dates, his sale sustenance in a lout' desert journey; and there the Siamese crams tinned( witha imanlity of nee from whien a European would shrink appalled. And 'Wheiesoever over: the whole in :latitted earth we.uppreeehand demand hospitality:, in al most litt!ir Spot a -, lX:rent-kial or Iwj is is•t be fore us, and tl:e , I.read" eilTered in UC&tlier form. A D . 1.7111 St RM. 5.:-1 he fultooing admirable prudtict twit, d• lircrered . hefote a comvatty ol vi luilleer i, Nold:ersi 41ra mg our revv:utaulary e/ U;i: ie, upon the ettialof gait% •••tat - li to g'oriyue %vat." was LskiClik4. Li trai.iiipire liras a ill' Licit:etc.!, stryi:gth amt ra,urage: Aline fraud , . veu first Sou cooled 11,i.c, you pour, ar.d °OW. literals. tun i 8 WOW; Oita 1,.u; 4o:ten ou tour unicorns. and dem rite son 'Ake a dviige ou a livg'i pack; now, 11 ' 4110 friends p., tite dell ton dil. a matt ts a man it We tiv rugger vs my „ thurah. Vett Tusid writ out to fight Gdlish, he duli notaig yid him but one slitig; now don't mistake we, mine ft-leads, it was but a ruin 'Log; nen not a gin shag; no. nor a mint voter sling; no, it wae•ssaling mate wit a hickory stick'. Nux, ven . c.i“liuh den is tavid,cout tog, he •,ss. ••you lade Letup severalty!. dors eau coma. to light mel Twill give 5 t•tt to the pitti.o( the &It, and the peasta of the air?" Ttivid Rept', ••Goltah. Golialt, the race is not always mit the aim ill. nor is: the battle mit the othrellgt and a Mall is a man d'ie's no plgger as my thuitib.'!. Su 'Neill he fixes a Citrons in his s'iling,-and he drtiws it at Gpialt. ant, knocke s hint rite.un the sorehead, and dam Tarid takes Gylialt's't i waft, and cute oil' his l e nd—iiiiJ den till•tlie petty caaln coined out and•streoed flowers in line way. and 'tuna. I*•Stiul is a cruet man, for lie has kilt d"u