Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, July 17, 1852, Image 1

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    A. 1". DUBLIN &CO., rr,op ri•torp.
Frit WeeMt! (Dhstruer.
'B. g. SLOAN. Editor.
ir.lo w it , cribers by the, at . IrS,Ot
p. n ,pll. ~r at the office, in aavanee, ' ' . 1,30
l ,•i i le d paid In advance. or within three months from the t ittie
~,i i ub.cril , ing, two dollars will be charged.
1.:IiAl; etillol6 l lll l CAliour oast be post paid.. • •
jea...4 not ecceeding 4 lin.s, cine 2 year„ *3.00 1
t Ogle IgitfATC 4. •• • 10.00
. du • do. - -Piz months, ; 6.00' . .
• . do. do three months, 3,00
Thit mite', t adi erttiewenta.3ocents per squire, of fifteen lint , : or
i t ", ot the fail merit ion . ti cents for each subsequent insertten o
LA): rail) ad i erttscrs bate the privilege of changing at pleasure;
Su. al no toe are allowed to occupy more than two squaieN mad:.
,r. invited t. airrr intaiedrate baseness:. .
,adi. ertisenienis not having other dir*.ttona. will Le inserted tin
reibig and charged accordingly. , ' I
Grtnt.t. Steamboat Ageoi, office at. B. .1 Roger's Oat store
Flaw :.tro rt Lfse Pa.
Wnet V. and r. tail tlealers in Dry Goods, Carpal, and Dry
Groceries Nu. l Reed, Douse.
-- • - ILLIAAIS & wßiGirr.
.Colketars B,nd Dealers in Gold and : 4 1Iver /join, }mem
rent .17,i icy, Land Warrants and celtiticateir Dcpmrite. Alen
i si,ltit mill- on the principal cities of the Union, and all parts
- of the r ild Country for sale. - parce, Williams' Muck, corner of
an 1 Pubhe Vquare,.
J. G, ----- iivi. I. MILLS.
Isrnareas and Wholesale Dealer* in Groceries. Wines. Liquors,
t. lars.—Aiso, Foreign Fruit. Suits. Pickles and Pickled Gysk.
ter% Lobster... Preserves. and Ileruietricaily Sealed arti:les of
eiery description alwas un hand. No. 3. WtilioUf Block,
Sta , uppoirite Brost New Ilutel. Erie. Va•
• J. l 3 Maas. New York. 'W*. 1. Buffalo.
A tece re int. in their reason. Oysters to shell, from J. %111114 i
Derrt , Net; lurk, is loch will lie sold Wholesale at low price:.
A. C. JAcKsort, Agent. Erie. Pa.
Amas in Clamne.d. Sciwof and 3fiscritaneous Book.r. faint;
Books, r_qarnfrpers. and Pitinter;s Cards, Nu. 9, 15r9wn's new
Ilidck, Erse ra. I
A . f. pt
Omer. at Ms re.ofeliee un Sib Street, two &ours WeAt of the.
Ewseckpal church
Dssuot in Groceries. Prow' it,lolll, %Vmes. t'n Fruit
&c., One Ih ✓ lr below• Loomis*. Co's State street. Erie.
tr. Fancyl)ty Goods. and the Greatest satiety
Ithe City. Cheap,thde, Ene. Pa.
& GRAY. -
Dzaunt in Stalll
of tqly Store i n
la rosiest. Jobbers and retail Dealers an Kei and Dry Groceries
FroSpuniis, Produce. Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Vi'iroden,
IVillow and Stone %Vare, Flour, Fish, Salt. Glass, Nails. Pow
dcr4llic. raps. elfety Fuse. &e., 'tie. Frlnch Street. oppo-
Ore he Reed Gouge. Erie. Pa.
ii. 11.i-Steatu and 4:anal Boats. Vessels, lintels, and Private
Fannin.* suppl ied with any ot the Ip:ivy &rude. will. prompt-
OHS! aII &very Cheap. ' - ;
—r-- 14# M. S. LANE. - •
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
OFF!E over Jackson's store, at linillt-Ease•curner of the Pub
tic. wire. •
Er lel April 6. 1552. t
i' ' l lik -
DOC lOR 81.E111.. Z4z. S 11.2.%V Ait r.
ra.rrisiaa rh).o-.lana and sul;grotis. Office and Residences—
ferenili ar. So ...sitlfaa. St reef/.
01110./fb from 7 to S. A. 3i; Ito 2, an; ft to 7. P. M.
•. gO.Me. X. IL • ' J. L. sthwiikr, r . n.
-- - , -i- •
JOHN 11 - I,F.ARN & CO.
roasr•;anesis ,and enininrs.ron MerChafits, dealer In Coal,
Ito. 4. Fish. and agent fret a daily lane of upper lake Steamers.
Public Dock Erie la.
1 LittoELE & (.36.
Br. .extrirrits,Mbnufaciurerp of Iron Si..!:unt , ont
1143.108, Rc te..l 4 l:lle.'fieswee:l 7 h,a13,1 h. Erie. •
Vatruck Removed to No. 3 Reed 111 , x - h.. Sim , . Street.
ern Exprese chmer al II ticlrx-k. A. M.
Wthiern 114 P M.
0 0.
(/.ate •if the fir,. of J. /learn 6. (.70....)
FORWASDI'4O awl CO LO.IOI. 74iCreilallt. MIMIC DOCk, Erie. Pa.
Dealer in Coal. Flour and Pia.ter. •
rnsarsanrers, produce and Commission •Slerehatini. second Ware.
lion* tart 01 the Public Ridge, %tie Pa.
A 'so—pellets in Coat. Salt. Plaster, i.a.tucro, Fish. Lime:lnd Lune
Slone. I ron, Nal:B.:hoses, Castings, &c.. with ./111411rpro.s
"ed facilities for shippine . eithet by &eau/Wats. Propellers.
Pc hobiters. of by Rail Road
%v. 1.1.-KNowurox.
Vaiehrnaker and Repairer, Healer in IVatl'he.. Clocks. Jewelry.
Alinni•al I morunienv. I.4ookiniGlasPes and other Fancy Lip.rod,
Ftore.otie door weal at the Reed House. 17
DitAira in Dry Go.A.i.Grt,rei.ev. 11.1r,15% are. Croek , rY. &e. No
l'arry 1114.4 k. eintr Erie. l'n. .
A. MT - J - 0 DS 0.14
ATToll'ArT AT LAW —f 'Mee on Perk Row. between Itrownb'new
Ilotet and the Reed 110 i e. uo .tarn.
1)It. C. LIRANDE:.;.
Prrr•nlx and .Princes—refice c.,riter of :3:ito and s,%rnth
Skr , .ii.Rrbufence on Eighth :street., beMee r n French and
Erae. Pa.
DatiCt‘ in Gold. sokt. Hank' Notes. PraftP, tertiacates of De
p.-A.O; B,e Stzlit Exchange on the principal cities ronatantly
f,r .tle Office In Hyatt'', Block. Public equnre,_ Ene._
PlllNlrla , —(iffice, - eorner of French and Fifth
cr Wm , Koch Kstore. Residence on Fourth street.
' , l'd iw oh! Apothecary
•H'd SlAvincr, and Manufacturer of Blank Books and
i‘ of the. Diamond- and Stith street '
••.1* o' 1 ~z loo. . .GPrlitari and Anietican'llarllienu•anl Cutlery
liou and Sued No. 3 Reed Howie
, L. S'I'RONG'. M. U. ..
1 .rri , a, Que Lit.or vi est of C. B. Wright's store, up stairs.
' C. SIEGE L. - , -:.
WIV , I11•1P ..mi Retail dealer to Groceriett. Plovisinns, Wines,
- 1 .1 , 140. f rat. acc.-, he 'Corner of French and Fifth,Streets.
uporite the Farmers' Hotel, Erie: ,
In'lVa:ker's (Mier, on Sic•venth Street, Eric, Pa
- - - - - -
Itrnlrrras..l)l.bers. and Retail Dealer to D t r Cro.rrir.,
l'ipekert. Glassware. Calpellitgi Hardware, Iron, Steel. Naiis
m. arc. Empire Stores Smits Orrect. (our doors. belt,
Urv~ ti's Iluiet, Lnr, PR.
Also—Ant dr, Vices, Rellow Axle Arma, Springat, and a gener .
artnient Saitdle and Carriage 110.
Alriv, i ty AT LAW and Justice *of the Peace. and Agent for
qteltryt Stone Mutual Life Insurance Company—Omee 3 doqrs
tte , .oldt Wright: •.ore. Erie. Pa. 1
ATln/IllEt Al LAW, Girard, Erie County. Pa. Cotlettions and
Bthewfmsmess attended to with promptness and' donate h.
_ _
!i n 2 >L Coutnitssion'Nlerchant. on the Public Dock, gist of
: 4 tatt
fit. P ah • PIaPIP, and White Fish, constantly for 011ie.
' I.'ItOSENZWEId — & Co.
Ir wmP,..TE•l.4tl Rs raIt,DEALMRI in FOlViall and Domestic Dry
( ;001., ready matur-Ciotruns. Bouts and Shoes, Alec., No.
Vt +Whi.Hloelt. state street. EV".
• AlAitt3HA-1.1. & VINCENT.
Ar " 4" " F414-01:fice up SIAM in Tammany Hall building
Loth' oi the Prothonotary's office. Erie.
ArroMfy AT I.....r— C. B. Wright's
iitritnee one door west of State street. on the Diamond.
TittnALs, & HAYES.
erAt IR. in Pry C.04 - xls, Dry Grixeeles, Crockery. Hardware. Age
Nk, • Brown's New hotel.
Dw .I, wain, Dry Goods, Groceries, Haidware, Queens Ware. Lime.
lipt, Sa ill. Ice.. 121. Cheapside. Erie, Pa.
---,----- -
w , 1 W I LLFAAI RI BL - E — T. '
t...NrciT Moira Upholster. and Undertakery corner or State and
...i._Mti,tl, meets.. L:rie- • .
C,, ,I. Forwarding, Produce and COlOMison Nierehantstdealery
.44 loan.• and fine salt. Coal, Fluter, Shingtes, Ice. Fubttcduck,
itr,4r of the bridge. Erie.
find RCABT-E-R l
'detaiealers in Drugs, Medkeine .PllllOl.ll. Ws,
b) -units Gums, , No. i. Reed House. Erie.
FasiensA ILI Merchant Tailor. on the public equate., &few jaws
tits.( of SLAW irtreet. Erm.
Wuni.ts E., soon arrazi. dealers in Drsn. Medicines. Dye
Groe , ries, Alr.e.-No. 5. Reed House. Erie.
Resident Dentist; Ogee and dwelling in the
. Beebe Block. on the East side of 'the Public
Square.. Erie. Teeth Mooned on Goad Plate.
%GS& from one to an cedar sett. Cartons teeth filled
gun pure gold. and •estored to health and ureftdmets. Tarsi
• With instruinenta and Dent like so as to leave Om of
c* , i‘otol Curia/Eh Ali Work kurented. '
P • • . "
••. . . .
• .. .
. . i .
, . . .
. -
i .
, . R
i .........
...... .
.... ...
. .
. r
. .'
............. _ __. _
and Plistellaug.
_On the shp cof a dim and misty sea. I I
With a ttroad green field before him.-
Idish thrm, in the early morn,;
With blue sky hanging o'er him '
1 And his hart leaped forth tp the glad green earth
Like a fOuntaiti to freedom springing.
r For blossoming trees waved there in - the iireette.
i And birdie in thy boughs were singing. . •
r - I
I But al voirel from behind frII on his ear,.
h i
el ,
“Thotigl bright the nu I !thine o'er thee, ,
15h. child ! beware or t lnrking snare . .
• That Ii in the path he re thee;” -
Timm' the mh went fort .tu the fi eld of Life. _
• I
• With ah gh sour s firm ndeavor.
And (hu t % arning wort, n the morning heard.
'.. In bis be • ed ever 1
rt wat treasu
• i
rent's! werrieorle—lnd (44
On he cite of n •we;l
And the W . .pray or
Was top% 1 111 the will
The rnorn +.i• nvn—nnrl
At Ihettt,ilie,ht hour no
ilh : its shitwittot dint t
Anti the Sri of Lifr beh
Wit he lookitl not Inek—h
On the misty sea heron ,
Por he Ittul if the .tin of
HPaven'titarlten 9till
&he gliedl itha c le tr,
Tilfthe ntliat grew an at
And ti horet in awd, tD
In tic spiot'ibitth don.
al Wea
ness .and
t after Ibrea
omentm th
fast,. 0118 fit
• Times fur
my a'
fur a
of th
tentimi. ' T
le salary iv
bgellelor, a h i
most please
the pariah' ,
tit a:Write.
qclosing 'etc
wrote. et*
Mr. T
v iwt;k:,
he retu po
ieed tit til l
the recto
st t ipulAted
tea, and in;
and e~quei
he trai of
vents it is
e ,-I , eqt l 4 . I f owl to bo
. 1, me himpet breakfits
,I. and,hii iet•!:ption tar
okra ogat4r bul for a
rench IwindJws 0,4 le
shrub,are a l oud flower
ted a ;OK. jp•t ilium.
tha ^
th, spluk. I us
kcittnot. even n
:4sociate her j 131.11
Sbe was i
uplic ty;
.11,4 .•L
life. a i
ned e'
of he
bit thfficif.t. to
le, and, ili the pr,
siserphly in the en
par4r" any naaqua
.t , o-bud bieduty 4
pr pf , .ifectli . :
aka. of tirigli
IL biought to
of the r . iis
lace o the holy es'
•il's ey
a fkil
. deed
the r
It 'tau
b a ts
that h
I /wade , '
, vlifie
in r.
U the
tug. th
in Agnes
re s% /1 '
e. the
't and h
idtai be
evon amide
or of a 'heat
rfumc of th.
And, f
, f mind arid
the ii
g of N
turf, antr
witted gent
t t•
4 1,
ever • • line a
1 L
t me n)
ble 1 comb;
the 414-
her taco , to oven•
ee. that breathed
n thhi I yras great
atinn't.f Pare *tido,
reltor 111041. has
not pe l rhapirhava been uo unit
alibi respect
, to the near prosp
child, as he was tie moment tt
siding at the hroakfasi-table. hi
••'Ve shall.havti gay doings ,
ry inortfy." he ea d. "Next , Jl
with the blessing tof God. be AI
day "
..NVedding dao"
• rejoitr the rector. t
ini some flows which M
andiplace4 on th table. "Y.
ulna settled that Agnes o
ly libillOCk to Mr.' Arbuthnot.'
•'"Mr. Arbuthnot of Ehn Pa
. i
. 't i t groat mat+ jilt tint, in 1
replied 'lllr. Toey. with a
of my exclamat ion. "And in
ert Abuthnot is it oung man-
as well as devotedly attached t;
ti. t., prove in ever* respect a h. i
thy;of her; and that, from the
Ilpapa must be esteemed high p
* I
pan, and qo
, ure grand's°.
tied,see him or
estimate of his fu
(minify seen a lini
r looking y
ertainly on
frnore genie
twenty-six; and
kindly spirit, of a
eorhe within my
°trial lotte
riecret the ti
•nly et Elm
prize its the matr
They were me
del wsakep,t not
hood. but throng,
And, strangely e
;out "our" p
oufot—lti le
the kind
another instance
feftitale eommun
high " w
ual ono. n
*ea a perfectly
KO high world!
position w
cijoioni's side
I ke. mouths.
bothnot wit
I l y ones whie
's cooptetta
lather drew
of. "1 sho
The days, we
Mr. and Mrs. A
dark but transit 4
over the husband
shOuld became a
and more spoke
Mr . . Arbuthnot,
,oet day. in
s. "nor lode
I seized and
I of amps*
duty Wan
it under
owseer hit
Lion of the teeter
graV-hesded ma
band's bu i ld. tea
nevertheless. as i
innfulnese of die
duty in ail 0'1414
the will of God.:
• It wee of conk decided th
sae ehoted be intratted to a
by, the wife of &miller living
tory. wiwongaged for , thai
sees thearrarati;aad bar as
one ironing goseipptarg over
ether that 1 forget, tem op.
Ald mat!'flood
nerlll. ;
hit FC,kirOr
j hr gloriims noon
find him.
i ncireheg
mi him ! •
eyl was 8t1:t1
I! re wrrr gong
139 o'er Nth
.r proton,
l aighier day
'37, an ad
t and fixed
morning i
curnte, ea l tig
sl sufficient! r.
I, II all Soin'i.t
knew. one
which the
wns so entire
y satisfied,
.r two pub-
a positive e
action to one
It thu• he
, paned chat
mixed up.
ome deirrbe
y present pur
ors to ro.
Stool portly
between tisk and see
n the mothisig after my
mut !mat friendly. We
didiptes; When one of
rom the bieakfast room
den. gently opened and
I afterwards Learned.
ii term armost uncon-
1, ir. the glow ing ownimer
from that seasouof you.h
oilitt...{lth Me, with old•
grand-dairgfiter. Aloe,
k at Beauty through °th
in iiistaado, I feel that'l
avor to stainrupon this
idea of the fresh
. ).oung girl. I will
'remold {tend, Wreathed
hair. undulating with
ny mind Rapharl's halo
11—with this diffeience.
and resignation of tha
Townley a sparkling of
the heat and glare of a
re. irresistibly, Suggested
morning—of a cloudless
r higher charm than fee
-1 sweetnesei of disposition.
'simper, was•••d
accent of tits
'rough lips t+stle . oul? to
ly struck t,Y so remarka
!•mentii; and Chia, I think,
e perceived. Vr he might
ediately eonimuninativa
cts of hie !d4lipid* gran
young lady, after pro
Mr Tyrrel, at the recto
under three weeks will,
nee Townley', wedding
1 . ruing toWards and mien
, Townley bad brought in
.it hal been for opine
that day be united ha ho-
at worldly point of view?"
I leisient senile at the lone
cis hatter than that. Roh
-I,' a high Ind noble nature.
Agnes. fie will I doubt
amid delierving and wor.
ps of a doting old grand.
aims. You will se• him
to agreed in- the rectoyoa
1 -in-la'arj I bait, not'ire
wig man. fiie age We.
of a more honorable and
emper than' he has never
'He .had drawn ■ great
Vagreed upon; and the
'ark. aril) in its neighbor
rich. as elementl holiday.
t I have never met with
it was held by our entire
.11 ine-lot;r, that the match
withstand:Mr that wealth
re entirely on the briar.-
lof wedded life dew over
out a cloud. save a few,
I saw now and then flit
ea as the time when he
ear, and came to be More
Id not etirsiv• her." said
ply to a elisamis Observa
d desire tondo SO." The
warmly p d the hot
r• filled his eyes; yet didlie.
utter grave word: on the
tircutnalancee, and the
,7of patient sohntission to
t the expected heir or heir
t-coree. end e Mrs. Deo
. et very fir from the rec.
Toe. I bad frequently
se the Neter sad I Imre
r tee. es eves eibjeet or
"A likely person." I remarked ; "Iteilthy, very Pod
looking. and one might make oath s a tree-hearted eau
tare. Bat there is withal a timidity, a frightedneise in
her mannerwhich, if I may hazard a perhaps uncharita
ble conjecture, speaks ill for that smart husband ahem."
"You have hit the mark precisely. my dear sir. Den
by is a sorry fellow, sod a domestic .tyrast to boot.—
b ilis-wife. who Is really s good. but meek-hearted per
souc lived with us once. How old -do yen suppose her
to be?" •
• ..Five•and-twenty, perhaps."
"Sig year" more than that. She has i um of the
nom. of Harper by a former marriage. whc is in hi.
*mitt', year. Anne wasn't a Widow long. aby will
cau g ht by her good looks, and she by the bai Of well
"provided hoMe. Unless. however , her has lid gives
up his corn speculations, she will not. - 1 think, .bate that
flita,C;loll-get." . .
*. orn speculations! Sorely Denby has no means ad.
equate to indulgence in such a game as that?'"
".Not he. flat about two years age he bought, on
credit, I believe, a considerable quantity of wheat 'and
1 prices happening telly suddenly up Just thee, he made
a !rage_ profit. This haisiquiie turned hie head, which,
by the by 'yes never, as Cockneys say. quite rightly
scre+rtul on:" The announcement of • visitorinterrupt
ed anything further the rector: might have had to say.
and I soon afterwards went home. -
. 'A sad accident occurred about a month subeequeqt t l o
the foregoing conversation. The rector'wes out ndirkg
upon a usually quiet horse. which all at ones took it into
his cad to shy at a scarecrow it must have seen a score
llnf mei. and thereby threw its rider. Help was forte.
_nl Rat Wet hand, andithe reverend gentlemen wig instant.
lv nveyed home, when it was found that hislleft th)gh
"we broken. Thanks, however, to his temperate habits,
ft' was not prObable that the lusty. winter of his life would
be shortened by what had happened. Unfortunately the
accident threatened to have evil consequences in another
quarter.. Inarediatelyiitter it occurred. one Mathews, a
1) 4 14 thick bi6ded lout of a butcher, rode furiously off . to
Lli ' Park with the news. .. Mrs. Arbothaot. who . daily
lon ed- to hd con fi ned, was walking with her husband
uposx . the lanin in front of the house. when the great bur
y hjlockhead rode up and blurted out that the rector had
seh'throw4from his horse, and it was feared killed !
The shock of such an announcement was of course
, •whelmint. Altisr hours afterwards, Mrs. Arbuth•
gave birth to a healthy male child': but the young
t i licir's life assailed by fever, was (or many days utter.
leipaired of—for weeks held to tremble so evenly in
bilance,; that the slighteit adverse c.ircumstancee
i , ,
in a m om ent
turn the scale deathward. At length
black hOrizon that seemed to encompass ns so hope.
!y, lighteried, and afforded the lover.liusband a glimpse
lhope of his vanished and well ni g h despaired of Etteu.
• promise was fulfilled. I was in the librai, with Mr
I l uthnot, awaiting the physician's morning report, very
lonely expected at the rector, when Dr. Lindley en
.Ll the apartment in evidently a chderful mood.
You have been
.'causelessly alarmed." he said.-;-
ere is no fear_Whatever; of a relapse. Weakness
remains, and:titat,we shall slowly, perhaps. but eer-
mot i
ly d
the 1
the y
11,. remove.' -
gleam of lightning 'seined to Rash over Mt. Arbeth
eipressive countenance. 11levied be God !" he
Add how," he added: "shell we manage
i acting the child, She asks for it incessantly."
ree .
r. Arbuthnut'e intent sou. 1 sliouldytate. had been
consigned inimedistely after Its birth to the Care of Mrs.
134riby. who had herself horn confined ; also with a he
aboat a fortnight previously gearlatins being preset nt
in die neighborhood; Mrs. Denby was hurried away ith
the two childt s su to-a place near .Bath. almost befo e she
wee atife to\bs \ ltr- the-journey. Mi. Arbuthnot ad not
left his is ife*r en Hour. and consequently he only.seen
him 'child fort few minutes just after t was bdra
.% With respect to
am of opinion that
or tiwu. Bar Moth,
think We rit,iy venni
ui,aq“eart, ag4t,
*hill point provian
sevz,rul wa)s; I to ch
gooo news.
l'he next day bat
ant' 'pinta. *. Dr. Li
hie than we hod ant.
ma row worming.
...... "
The poi._ ...nmistakable
kneck unterrupted/him. " The nurse," he added. "is
early attentive si4l punctual. She writes almost every
da}i." A sere ut entered with a salver heaped with let
tere. Mr. A uthnot tossed them over eagerly. land *fix
ing one. of i glancing at the poet-mark. tole it eagerly
ien, muttering as he did so--"ltis not the usual hand
riting,; bnt from ker. no doubt."
i• Merciiut God :" I impulsively exclaimed. as I sad
qidy lifted my eyes to his. " What is the matter 'l"
rilortal pallor had spread over Mr. Arbathnot's before
mateefeatures, and he was glaring at the letter in his
pd as if a basilisk' had auddenliconfrAnted him. Au
lier moment, and the muscles if his frame apiteared to
Ve way suddenly. and he dropped heavily into:the easy
air from sv bleb- he had risen m take the lettere: • 1, was
iably alarmed; and first loosening his neckerchief. for
iiriiimrd choking. I saidl-." Let me cell some one ;"
il I turned to reach the bell; when he instantly seised
arms. 'and held ine . with a grip (dire°. " No-;-no—
!"—he hoarsely gasped. •• Water—Ater I" iThere
wits , fortunately some ori a side-table. I handed it to him.
an he drank eagerly. It appeered to revive hint a little.
li, thrust the crumpled letter into his pocket. and said.rn
bile, quick whisper_ .. There is ;onto one wining
NVt a - word.,teniember—liot a word !" At. the game
time. he wheeled his chair half • round, so tbat his back
shlowld be towards the servant we heard approaching.
I am sent. sir." said Mrs. Arbuthnike maid. "to
if the posit has arrived."
Yes . 4 ' replied Mr. Arbuthnot. with wonderful mas
of his voice. " Ted your mistress 1 shall be with
almost immediately. and that—her settis Oita
ea Mr. Tyrrel." he continued. as soon as the
Was out of hearing. " there is. I think:a liqueur stand
of the side-board In the large dining-room. Would
you have the kindness to ipriug itrto me; tbiobserred—
mind that—unobserved by say Dos 7"
I did as - he requested; and the instant I placed the h
queur frame before him, he seised the brandy carer, and
drank With fierce eagerness. "For goodness sake." I
eaclainied. •. consider what yea are about. Mr. Arbuth
not ; yen will-make yourself ill."
I" Nat; no." he answered, after finishing his draught.
"ill seitins scarcely' stronger than water. Bet I—l am
better now. It was a sudden-spasm of the heart; that'.
all. The latter." he :added, after a long and painful
pause, which he I thought. with a kind of sae
picien--." the letterjou saw me open just now. conies
friont a relative. an sent, who le ill, very - ill, sad wishes
so see Me blatantly. You understand 7"
1 1 did undirstaad, or at least 1 feared that I did too well.
ij however. bowed acquieicenee : sad he presently ref*
from his chair, and strode about the apartment iu .great
agitation. until his wife's bed-room bell rang. 'He then
h opped aathlasiy abaft. shoal! barest!, and looked ins
plosly at tlie reflection of his Wired and varying cum
ulous* WIWI" magnifirmat chimney glass.
" I do istleek. I think=er; at least shall not. in a
diarkened der.' mere set et dip way—that is.
mere a • Uses one might. than sae oust appear
Lindley. "1
ie it in a day
roes Kell. I
present. fur
ctor with the
s, in exuber
moors favors
ad I start toe
Ind the chritt
after hearing of the dangerous illness of—of—an aunt ?"
"Yes, yes; much better. much better.f I am gild! to
bear you say so. That was . nii wires bell. She is ens
ions, no doubt, to see you.
He left thiapartment; wairgoos perhain ten inienteai
and when he returned. was a thobghtlesit nervous than
before. I raw toga. "Give my respects;" he said. "to
Ilya good rector; and as an especial ravels." ho added.
with emphasis. "let me ask of you nat l 's'' , mention to a
living soul that you saw me so unmannetas rwas jest
noW—that I swallowed brandy. It would appear so
strange, so weak. so ridiculous."
1 premised net to do so, and almost immediately left
the blouse. very painfully affected. His ebn was, I con
cluded, either dead or dying, and be was thus bewilder•
idly Casting about for miaow of kespintthe terrible, per
haps fatal tidings from hie wife. I allerwisrds heard that
be left Elm Park is a posichaise, about twu hours afieol
came away. sitattended by waingly servant!
lie was gone three clear days Inly, at th i s and of which
le retired With :Airs. Denby eon—in florin
health, too; and stisof the finest bathes 'stilts au—about
nine weeks old—L4 had ever seen. Thul vanished the
air draw• Doubunt Castle and Giant Despair which I
laid so hastily eonjered up? The canals assigned by Mr
Arbtithnot for the agitation I had witnessed, was doubt
less the true one: amP.yet. and tho thought 'haunted me
fqw months. 'years afterwards, lie opened tiuly,ona letter
that' mornisig, sad had sent a message tai his wife that
the child was well
Mr. Danby rem
was Weaned, and
rewarded. Year i
Mr. and Mee. Arb
no oue; therefore;
love of the debt'
promising boy. Ii
no one else, for it'
strange defect c
in Mr. Arbuthnot,
affection for their
have I remarked.
au dspression,ef
tt P tilt
hein was dismissed ver
fler year rolled away vel
thuot any additional I
maid feel surprised at tli
ted mother for her haul
ut that which did astonil
gamed that I alone not
isracter which began - till
Ills was positively jealo
own child! Many an
hen• bethought himse
tense pain Sikh from h .
ore than usually ferret;
-e's gushiuz lave for he
ether a 111) rte. ry to me.l
le to dwell upon the soh
d sway without bringq
rties involved in this
nine-brings ordinarily ;in his tritin.-- 7 ,
thnot was a healthy. tall. Gee looking
is great-ziandpapa.theirector.though
any actual. phyeicalot mental infir
• time of life when the anno'cittc--
d bevel is broked. or thii silver ailed is
be quick and saddeni, but scarcely
p had gem, Well. too, #ith the nurse;
er husband; well, at 'liras% after a
ninth° miller must IsTe made gi,cd
i wife for her care of lit le Arbuthnot,
enteel house near the; thilf, alsr al 5
se. Rept. it was said. ai capitalWileC
seined. by his clever ipeculatious in
he ordinary busine s s a' the mill was
lected. He had no children of his
'latently lekett. with inoehnordiality,
no lad, now ilium 19 years of age.—
the boy's motherjsrhetlreaded !pave
on should contract the i evil. disiolnte
•in•law. Latterly. she had become
to proenie the lad a permanent situ'.
I this Mr. Arbuthnot bad promised
at the earliest opportune y.
re on the 16th of Qetober. 19-16. Mr.
iporarily absent in Ireland", where he
reperty and was making personal in-
I ced of the potato rot. colt long before I
ornint's post had bro glit a letter la
;;Aligenye that he shoo d each horn.
that very evening; land as thejectory was on the direct
road to Elm Park. end her husband would he sure to pail
up there. Mrs. A r i hnot came with her son:to pass the
afternoon there. a in-some *fight degree anticipate her
huilband's arrival. I . • ,
site eyes. at any
of the young nio
born! Ji was'alto!
RI plosaible forebo
• Nine years pass!
alcltange to the p
cept thou which
Young Robert A rb
lad,of his age; slid I
Dot rag undo
d reached
moot that the gold,
loosed. may lode
onstpccted. Thi
Mrs. Deobv, and
fealties': The aye
use of the gift to hi:
for he had buih a I
rods a valuable boil
and all this. as it
cora and flour. for
atsiout entirely de '
own. bathe had ail
to bin step-son. a
Thls greatly grieve i
41 ;hinge that her
lhatrits of his lathe,
.estram•ly sOlitituts
titian abroad and
shoOtd bet effected
Thus stood mare' I
possessed a large p
gaiiies as to the ex
announced. The
his wife, with the i
About three rec!.ck, a chief clerk 'of one!orthe faun
toa batiks rode up n a little gig to the rectory. end ask
ed to see the Rev. Ir. Truley, on pressing 11 . 111/ impor
tant business. He was ushered into the library, where
the; rector and I et the moment busily engaged.—
The clerk said he; ad.bean to Elie rark, but but finding
either Mr. - Arhuth of or his lady there, lid hid thought
that perhaps theev. lisruley might boil able to pro
tioenee upon ;the g trainee."' of a cheque Icor t.C.300, pur
porting to be drawl on the Taunton bank, by Mr. Abuth
not; and which Denby, the miller, had obtained cash for
at Bath. He further added, that the bank hail refused
payment, glad deta nod the cheque, helloing it 'to be a
forgery. . .
*)1, forgery!" eliclairnesi the reciter, alter merely glan
cing at the do - cument. '1!!io question tha it is. arid a
tell clumsily executed one. too. - Besides Mr. Arbuth
not is not yet_ returned from Ireland." I
. This was sufficiaut; and the messenger, with many
apelogies-for his intrusion. withdrew, and imitened back
to Taunton. Weissere still talking over t l hiq sad afriir.
ahhough some holm had elapsed niece. the clerk's de
'perture—iu Fact, sorties had been brought in, and we
• ;
were every amine t expecting Mr. lArbettinot—wheln
the sound of alio - at • tisty.gallop was b'ail approneb
ing. and presentl the pile and haggard ace of Danhy
il i
shot by the winds at which
-the rector an tityself wem
mending. Thig to bell was rung almooll immediately
afterwards, and b t a brief internal passed before "Mr.
Denby" was cone need to be in waiting.) The servant
had hardly gained the passime with leave to show him
Mh when the imp tient visitor rushed riSdely into the
room. iii a state o great, and it seemed istrgry mite-
meat. ' I .
-r• What, sir. is t e meaning of this ill nienoered intru
sion?" demanded he reeler:, sternly. , ;
"You hay* pr pounced the cheque rpi:ill away al
Bath to bi l a forg ry; and the officers are.l.l:am told, al
ready at my beets. Mr. Arbuthnot, isafortetietely. isnot
at house, and I a come. therefore to eiret libeller with'
"Sheltsr with is; sir!" exclaimed the,ledignant tee
ter. moving, as h spoke. towards the belli-- 1 1 '"Out el my
house you shall g this lament."
.The fellow 'pia d hie hand upon the reretend gentle
man's arm, and I oked with his bloodshet eyes keenly
in his fees. I ;
Danbr—•'don't for the s l ake of yourself
S.I warn you; or, if yon the phrase
• sake of Me and wirial.M
Your wife. whom) 0 1 base so long
age through her fears f or bee sou. has
hat chain. James Ha per sailed Iwo
rtginout4 to Bornay.' I Sent her the.
, 1
, .
good sof" cried Danbi with an orre-.
Istai. "Why, then . But no
ily, come. Mrs. Arbuthnot aid liar
She wi'l. , ;l Imo*. ated;lail for me.
toourtslgo the germio• ; No °Chichi's-
••Don•t!•• said
and yours! Don'
batter. don't. for
"Tours, fellow
held in cruel bon
at last shake? off
day. ego frotit P
news two hours a
"Ha! Is that i
pressible start of
matter: hers.lse
son. Allis right!
and, if aced be.
baud's cheque.'
The follow's i
I was about to
.apirtmeat, whets
**Held! ea* tTe
"That Li prop
hone* was beeorttieg t+bearable. and
ie. end *set hint forpibly Gan the
, foetid et wheels wad heard outside.
eat." he tried. with Senn, vehement*.
•ty the Deters. I mei be brief. thee,
and to the ;yarrow. Pray. madam. do not leave the room
for your own sake. •As for you. young Cr. I summand
to remain!"
"What: tipbat_ does he mean?" excileimee Mn. Ar
buthnot, bewilderedly. and at the same time clasping her
son—whe gazed on'Dinby whit kindled eyes, end engry
boyish defiance—tightly to her
,side.. Did the man's
strange words give form and significenos re firma 'dark.
ishatlowy; indistinct doubt that had previously haunted
her 'at times' I judged so. The rector appeared simi
larly confused and shaken, and had sunk tieiveless and
terrified upon a sofa. .
"You glass clisitly; I see, at what I hairs to say," re
sumed Denby, with a nsahenant sneer. "Well, hear it,•
then, once far all, and then if you will give me up to the
officers. Some rears ago," he continued, coldly and
steadily—"sone years ago: a-woman—a ours. was Macs
'ed in charge of two infant children; one of them was her
own, the other was the son of rich, proud parents. The
wnnian's husband wee a .gat-, jelly fellew, who much
preferred apendintrenev to earning it, and just then it
happened that he ems more than suitrllly hard u'. Qae '
afternoon on visiting his wife, who had removed to a dis
tance. he rimudthat the rich man's child had sickened
of the small-pea. and that there was no chance of its re- .
cover!. •Alettor.centaining the sad news was on a table,
which he, thelhnsVand, took the liberty to open end rend.
After some.reflervion, eaggested bY"= - wltat• he had heard
of the lady-motheir's,state of mind, lie re-copied the let
ter, for the purpose of embeilving . in it a g e rm an su :res .
tiort. That letter was duly posted, and the next day
brought th i alfficst in a state of distraction; but
his chief aittt a meerinit terror, wee lest the Motherof the :
already dead infant should hear, in her then precarious
state. of what had hsprinsd. The tidings . he was sure
would kill her. _'eiiiiig this, the conning husband of
the nurse, suggested that for the present. his—the can.
nine one's—c old m 7 ght be take7n to the lady is tier own,
and that the truth be revealed when "ho was strong
enough to hoer it. The rich man - fell into the artrudtrap,
and that which the huslyied of the nurse had speculated
upon, carnet to even heytind his hopes. The lady
grew is idolize her fancied child—she has, fortunately
had-no other—and now I think it would realty kill her
to part with him. The rich man could not field it in his
It-art to undeceive his wife. Every year it becalms time
diffichlt, more impossible to do so; end very.. gener,:tisly
I must say,hts•he paid in p4ree fur the forbee ranee of
the nurse's hushsnil. Well, now then, to 1211111 up: ihe
nurse was Mrs. Dsoby: the rich , weak hq.h toil; Mr.
Arbuthnot; -the substituted c ild— that h oo d sotoci bey
tie allele. and
0 onthtpiatic
..OM6. nobly
hm. though
iced it, wee a
divelop itself
a of his ‘eife's
worry a time
f unobserved.
sue, expres
mandes‘ cation
first and only
hud I as much
rrunvb,. ex-
my on!"
' A wild scream from Mrs Arfeithnet broke the dread
'Renee which had aceompanied this friihtful revelation.
echoed by en agonised cry. half tenderness, half rag..
from her husband. who had entered the room unobserv
ed. and now clasped her passionately in his arm!. The
carriage wheels we had heard were his lit was long
before I Could recall wait calmness the tomulf l . t.M.rer, and
confusion of that scene. Mr. Arbuthnot strove to bear
his wife froM the apartmeht. but she cl 9ulJ not he forc
ed away, and kept imnloriqz with frentziedf vehemence
that Robert—that her boy should not be taken from km'.
"I have no wislfto` do so..far from it."' said Danby,
with gleeful exultation. .r•Onlv folks nicest be reasonable
and not threaten their friend, with the hulks
" Give him an% thin !" broke in • the u . nhappy lady.
••0 Robert ! Robert :" she added with a renewed burst
of hysterical vier. •• hos, could you deceive me so?".
" I have been punished. Aznes." he •:itswered in a
!Milky voice.. •lor my well intending but criMinaFw..ak
nevi ; cruelly punished by the ever preseitt ceitscims
nen that this discovery muJit one day or tither be shrilly
made.. What do you want 1" he alter a while added.
with recoverintv firmness. addressing Denby.
The ecknowledzentent of thelittle bit of piper in dis
pute, of course ; sad, sly a genuine 0:10 to the same
" Yes. r . sclaintsd Mrs. Arbuthnnt.. still wildly
sobbing, and holding the terrified bey strained in her em.
brace. as if she feared he might be wrenched from her
by force. " Anything --Rey him anything !"
. 1 0 this moment. chair;lug to leek towards tho doer of
the apartment. I saw that it was partiallr.opemed, and
that Elanhy's wife was listening there. What might that
mean? But what of helpful . mitilthiug in stmts.& case
could it have?
"Be it so" reid Mr. Arbuthnot nonthinzly. • ..-Ploby
call to-morrow at tho Park' Arad now,torgone at once."
"I was thinking." resumed the rascal. with swelling
audacity. "that we might as well at the same time count ,
te seine permanent arringement npou black and white.
But never mind. 1 can always pat tlie. - 7sc l rew unlevi,
indeed. you get tired of the young gentle Man, and'in that
Case. Idoubt not, he will prove ri ; dutiful and affectionate
sou 4h, devil! whit do you here.; B. gone, or I'll
murder you! 'Begone do
.you hear?"
His wife had entered, and ailently confronted'him.
"Your threats. evil mum" replied the woman. cmietiv.
"have no terrors for me innw. My squ is beyond your
reach. Oh. Mrs., Arbuthnot." she added, turning to
wards and addresing that Indy, "believe not"—
. Her husband s relic at her.with the hound of ak
titer. "Silence ! tio limo. er I'll straugle—'
own utterance wan ariested by the fierce grasp of
Arbuthnot. who relied hien i by the throat, sad l
him to the ferther end of the room. "Speak on.
man• and quick: quick'. What have you tonao"
•."That your soh. dearest lady" she answered. tl
log' herself at Itilir. Arhuthuot's feet.•*is as Only
own child Meyer son burlier woman!"
...That' shout of
tritimph seems nove.l
now as I write, to wring in my ears! /fag that tit
man's words wars words of truth,. hot 1 eould it!
distinctly: the roam whirled round, and the lights d i
befure - Any eyes. knit I could hear threngh All the..c ,
lug ecOtimy of the mothe; and the fury at the baffled
sellhe letter." continued Mr*. Denby. “ishic!
husband found and "opened, would have infurm;;.
sir, of the . ..scatty approaching death of imy
that yours had been carefully kept Impend the rea
contagion. 'The letter you received was Written w
my knowledge or consent. .True it is, that terry.
my husband's threats. and in seine measure reenact
the wicked iniposititi by knowing thet,alier all. th
child would be in his right place. I afterwards len
self to panb)'s evil purposes. But I Chiefly fear
my son, whom I fully believed he would not
. have
pled to make away with in revelnge for ary exposi
profitable fraud. I have sinned: I can hardly
forgiven, but I hays now told the sacred truth."
Ail this was uttered by the repentant woman.
the time it was almost wholly unheard by these M
termed in the statement. They only eistniirell
that they were saved—that the child was theirs i
truth. Great, abundant. but for the moment. but
lag joy! : Mr. Arbuthnet=his beautiful young wit
true boy could she fora moment have doubt
he was her own true boy! you might .have rera
thought through ail her teem thickly as they fell:
aged and half sinned rector. whilst let Mrs. Denb ,
epeaking.-were **claiming, sobbingka each otharalarms.
ay. and praising God. too. with btoken voles' and
bereot werds at may be. but certainly with fervent. pi
ous. grateful hearts.
When we bad time to look about as. It was found that
Ow felon bad disappeared—escaped. - It, was well. per
it•Pg.that he had; better. that ha has not twin kosra of
since. •
Si 50 A Yvan, i 4 Adva4co.
Minufaotore of
A correspondent of an E log 4
tlif..Minufactories at Waterbury:
11i4 Tour White or grandfather
insuluttes nut marked • Mae rbu
knife. and ace I( •• ‘Vaterhury" is
Tura over a largo at:mot. or a
soon yellow button. int' Wsts l
around its margin. loot at yo
ittei—hooka and eyes,and see t
as they poll hard at each other
cane, the bitty in your horse's! M
him with, the wets, trimming.
lock of your trunk, and all the u
metallic civilisation. comfort. an
ware used or seen hailing from
think of a five-story brick bu
ground than Greenfield Common
tight`machinery, costing any whe
thousand dollars, with fifty men
;wrier buddes! Go to soother.
from a thirty-horse engine, and
crashing, as if bO.OOO - trip-hainm
Rocky 51ountains,.and you fiad s
q'titting out those sitpenny pie See
of the handles of cheop,kinves an
other concern hissing and ens
worth or machines that pall in
turn out the eye., used in the wo
nothing vivo. And so you inky
to another, till you break down
the urlhous eo profi'ahly invuetod
nothin: at all ; and come back to
"Scuvilt Houle." for refreetun
.7 Scovirl" is an excollibnt
bclievisie well kept, fur I obtain,
the Chambermaid, dit.ectinz her
attar hiving put in a long splcia
Thisia a beautiful vil!ale. and in
takes rank next to (lreit BArriri
is of a dMreut kind. It looks Ii
Slaving far
lye pity. the 171111 who wears .
taccomulatian of riches, which,
-have lost the capacity to enj3y.
end of hip labors, a guest at 'his
appetite for its dainties. The
oithin,g reirsvos but the Tees..
of his heait have 'been choked by
avarice, and they cannot be , resa
head of hie entusiasin is sealed:
o nature and in art with an eye Li ,
ter-of-fact is the only pabulum
the elastic spring of irryulse is L
istanze is gone.
- Are wealth and position an eq.
li•not the mullion:1;m. who Ina
c misertble baiukropt?
little to chone ciu . the icuire of w
vidual who re•klosslyluanders i
along w fo"nd aurora: tnce, a
who denies himself the wholeve
in order to swell that trea4ure wt ,
t ug proClsos of BCr4pirig Up. h. h
-spend. and`toi sottish to give a*
The only rational way to live. ,
joyment—a streak of fit and a il
nothing like a streaky life ;
Lion. thinkfulnerre. lore. jullity
'who slaves for riches, 1 . 11 Ate a
who took the trouble of we, i
din rutthar SPoilich at Tf,titoa, r
May it please your llaiter,
au anecdote of • celebrated divji
greet learning and virtue. Ile
clerical duties otie Meitner by t
He went iuto a country church
ore Sabbath morning, and hea.
men. In coming froui the chi
him treble a brother oettie-Miuis
He received the rector's couries 1
the very edifyiug ierinou he It!
that it must hare beau tire maul
" 0, no," said the rector, '• we
idly. Chi Friday arternoon and
duced this dtscourso." t
Or. South ; it tools` nia three
•• lour name is n.t Dr. South 1" said the
rector. "It is • sir." sun! Dr. •• Then." 484
the rector. •• I have only to arty I 'am not ashamed
to preltch Dr. South's .ormon•iianywhere."
Some years ago a "colored brutlier," ice believe front;
Liberia, aypeared in this well -recommended, a i nd
an appointment was made fur liink . to prCach in the vestry
of the First Baptist Church in ravening. Considera
ble interest wee manifested 11111ini; as:toe good people .
expected to obtain some interesting lnformalion !cinching
the prt4pects of African colonititimi. After the prof:m
-ina:l servicesrthe reverend arose 'and deliv
vertiatim,.Dr. Wayland's:sermon on the dignity of
tti• Missionary E sterpri,e. The only ;variations,from
the original delivery was in contain gestures and intone
lions, which it is believed Dr. ‘Vayland did no; employ..
—Pretufenee Journal.
f fly;
Trig Logos IgLANDS
two eruall, rocky, milady, stem.
the northern rim/it or Peru —ot
the shore, the other seventy o
nothing for the stistauanCa of
I ,
trees, and not swan water, fur
j rced
Thaueoaly inhabitant' are ■ea
ocigratiutt they have 'be'
probably. The,eeals resort tO
number, for roue/uteri' and ri
ground—.he ruck we mean
acre; they appear to be 6 •
that Crow the Wahl of Valle
have rpade it a vesting and ro
late been discovered that ther
piano, that have been
since Noah's flood. The qu
even then at the famou# Cis
iihich has bean estimated. an
SC re •
g hie
to be
THE iirstirmaties Its.ron t —Toe sou of Ju4tice An
thony; of Utica. for whom a hit for info. motion hoe la. co
i for several weeks adveriosed in the
. 4:ias. •11.46 returned
!'to his parents. lie has bewail to New York. eniladriphos.
&X. flit. writhe genius (says the Uttes Go:efts.) is 011•
iv nine years of ago, and that ii the third or - rituals of hilli
expeditions. He awls off without preparation. -- rands
or baggage. as the hunior prompts hum. mid alai 111 l tends
I himself to the good &roc and kinduee* of conductors. -
lieu)l beepers sod ethers. bt his. handsome and 1416lit
gent appearance sod gran d ntiust. In fact. ell his wtati
i seem to be attended to b. th 'art who hecoMe inte•oned,
in hum. On his tiro last eledition• he took the pitman
; Lion to travel under an ass ined name. to osesoe all y
emb meat from the parental advertising. tie iron,
exemplary child- in every respect save this iticcirr!gibie
1 disposition to rove —Alboy ;Atlas. •
. ,
at •t
!at in
lacier ;
I. that
Ea' Whits Mrs. Potter wits plitylay Juliet at Philedell;
phis. and just when she had exelsioned. ••Clh! cruel poi,-
Poo:" a tat!, lean. burnt. sandy-hatred isedicil 'minden*
in the stage bolt, deeply erbiierbed in the.seehealittnit
dawn hie hat on his head with a conettie4tre. Afore.
ening out in a voice ot thunder at the seine timer:--Keep
him up.
. Lfse . /.—Ell run an4feta the stomach pump!"
paper Idol writes ?.
Itlmwa :
pair of oifl•Ritded
y?"' Open_yourjAck..
not cut into the lalade.
11 - Inodarn gilded, c
burr" can bo •spell:d
r arifa'a=.l.
am Lrrio "W.terbor}"
here's ttvi epd of•our
uth, the t ool you curry
f your umbrs.lll, Its
thauk.bie !ado bits of
ornam;,at, Ahat ever
" Walrrbury." Ouly
Wing, coyering more
all kill of Isonar and
a fruni.twenty to fifty -
ud 6,4 mate.tir sirs.
Iwhera ataa:lu, putra oil
i oU !mar. a rearing auto
-re wore pounding the
Out /nett very bo.y -in
irorrtli.t up the 'rni!ti
,d forks. Therm is on.
ping. with its tt.1.0,9
ng cols of oar. nod
d and horst
o iroen one great
title, •mix-mant let
iu trilnufacturing jes4
he 'new and well hod:.
nt and quiet.. The
and I ha♦e ree..ort to
lid an execution Igainst
provide a cLonhed •
plea for that purposo
my unpoetre judgment.
Lost. though its !scout:.
wealthy totrn
iit enerzi , g in the
ho: tell
le fiat. ot tip)
wn renal, wikitout kr
a of hie ie wn•ted, ntui
lia warts
itlta ipexarale •if,r , ' of
citat4d. Tae futry , i'n
ho talks at al; :t,huitga
calculation; h4: : 1 t!int- '
Mind en(' Te'eti ou
Ireton: to !hope lOws'
evirod tvox!lh at. Fuck
in our . op•nion, their is
dont between t . ,tto in4t
hos mono y as he gars
ad tha fd:se economist
.rne. enjoyment.? of life,
ich;:et thi the harden-
4 become ma mean le
IS to mit labor with en.
mak of lean. There is
.not mixtur4 of ezer-
nd repote, The maq
To . nor reotralo C. 14
hun for a better pea
. .
ills.ter, in hie great la:
Ilted th 3 following, an-
climber having heard
t. Dr. - South-:-:a neap or
rollover] himself' orho
Toth: ratlier
the north of Enigma!
tna rector read la ber,
ch, the rector anveited
ry, and opoka to hito.—
lac and 'hauled hint for
d preached, auggesting ,
t of a goad deal of labor,
turn mr - these
&lards! nioniina I proi
at posbible.
,Sir 1" said
•eeks to writs :Lint very
'elands called Lobos, are
islets in the Pac , fie, on
about twenty mdse from
eighty. TheLoduce
aiher man or/beast, no
does not roin on thins.
sad sea birds. •in wlios•
erns thousanils of years.
Itho,outer island .fu great
OVe. We hive' seen the
ovorCd with them by the
thick as autumnal leaves
brava." The birds. 100.1
!sting plate, and it.has oft
i aro immense deposits of .
:ulttin'g. it may be, ever!
Intity is said toba creator 1
och* lsland. near . Crnit.
consideralilyover eetinia
ons of toes. which. ut $3O
.000. • f