Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, June 26, 1852, Image 3

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    News biTelegraph and MIL
- •BY 0•111ILLY'd LIMB. •
DrFLIN 1 SLo9fi'S Book Stprt, No. 9, prima
• Name
There is a growing diseatilfaction among a large pro.
en of the whip of this city at the nomination of SrCdt.
4j tifots are making to held • convention to nominate
it /titer sa an independent candidate.
at :e: - :d the Courier says the platform adopted by
ronven"sn Is only the expression of the • priliciplee of
s Af or ., 3 - of ,ho Corirent:on. and is not binding to the
ehole ship psrtj . ..
Thossaads of the whip will role •for Pierce while
noisy of ihs democrats vi 1 Vote for Webster. if he is
Dominated -
;To m. s pechusetts Webster Oelegalicrit left for Bootle'
thus. Vii. bile of them slated that $.500.000 would be
pledged 1:s the Tennesee men. 'fan indeperldek;ticke.
bo d e d by Webster should be brought forward;
The Olegation will wait till they get to Boston;
they ire to be received in procession; io decide open if/
• -• Cuitie!mr. June 22.
The news orate action of ttre Baitimore Convention
produced an imam) excitement bare. 100 suns were fired
"ad preprat - roue are on foot for I 1 rand ratification meet
- Counsel:s. June 22.
Despatches were received here yesterday P. M pn
cowing noinination o( Scott and Grisham. Ohio
is ail alive with enthnjsiasm at the event.
The Baltimore nominations apisearto give much-e---pt
hfactiou. Cannons were fired on the rceipt — ofthe nests,
sad ottler demoustratioy of joy were oparent.
Matsvit.ur. Kr, June 22
Thenemination of eel% acid Graham caused some
eisappointtnenthere. but the party will generally stick to
- lfctrrurs, Julie 22
Scott and Graham nominations were received here
mingled cheers and hisses
Sr. Louts. June 2?,.
Muctientusiastn prevasis isi thi, city in relation to the
nominsttuus 412 1341illnAre.
The Whigs very', gonctally prom!" their hearty sup
port to the ticket.
The Baltimore tioMivations bare beer( reeiveil. but
'with coustderable coldness.
The nomination of Scott and Graham has caused
much enthuelastn in this cats; and a salute straretilit
hauor of the event:
Scott', nomination is much regretted. though a great
er portion of the Whirparly say they will abide by (4.
The Steamer Northern Indiana put into this port iu
'il.,stiett in eousequeuce of injuries quitetned by a collis
ion with the schtiosier Pl)Moisth at half-past one this A.
11. The .ceilision took place between Mack River
Ltgheaud Cleveland. She struck the Plymouth_ about
rtidship, piercing her nearly through. the coacusaion
was very severe. The captMn and two hands spiung eu
board the steamer. There were ten. persons ou board
of the erase! who escaped iu the small boat and were Is
tea on board thasteamer-destitute of clothing. -The ves
sel weut ddarn how nun...
The accident -is unaccountable. as both vessels' liadi
dints ant at the dine. lt will probably end the excur-i
Cod, or so far; roar its pleasure ea to niduch many to leave
ryr other roues:
Cukaas say Iltskas ti I[l.;3zes.Ttlotl anuouticoine , rt
of the nomination of Gen ./Scott was received heti With
nuoglthrcheers and hisses by the whtge—but the htes , s
predernmated. The Chagrin of 010 friends of Mr. Web
ster iv very great. The streets sr:e'crowded with people
itscussmg the; nomination. in a rather sullen mood
Th. tuft/flung:calls newspaper. in hernlatttg the
nation. added. "State-street Groan,." The .1114 s tare
huirsii up the Scott erg, and the friends of the nominee
hav‘ tired 100 guns OK thp ctimmon. The rejsicinv are
vita Irvin being general or-hearty. •
k ER or THE DLYOCalrt.—.Swlt ' tl t
been received with stanch indignation among the' Web
eter wings ; but there is much satisfaction among the
free enders. The .Democrats are pie.ised, and are Uri.
tag the whigs to fire a salute. offering to pay fur puoutkr.
The riffer hal out been accepted
Wst:trixn - rox. June 21.
Wiihoot notice of any concert of aciton, se%eral thou
sands of our citizens with a flue band of inueic, marched
in procession this evening 'along Pennsylvan i an Mende
to the residence of Grill, Scott. The baud *iyed'.llail
to The Chief." and long and prolonged cheers were, giv
en. Gen'l Scott appeared'and addresse'd the assemblage
as follows : I -
Gentlemen—This is the first political greeting I hare
tier received. This manifestation of your..kmdliess
(Luella my heart deeply. coming as it does from my near
'neighbors and 'friends. My residence in the cnyo'
Washington has been very sgreeJble to myself. This
was laid out uuder the eye and direction'of the itnitiona I
Washington. and I trust the prosperity of the city w.I
eotitioueto advance with the growth of the Citioo. tall it
btreomes every - way worthy of the Unio D. and of him
wlunkaatue it bears.
I trios', gentlemen. that so, long as I shalt continue
among you; the saute frmedly relations wd I be cultivated;
whether I . centilitre tigo4teupy the !mason of a soldier or
shall be elevated to that &Chief Magistrate.
Gentlemen—The high honor which the. Baltimore
eonveinion has - conferred on me over my illustrious ',till
friendly rivals, the Chief Magistrate of /he mit/atty. and
the Seuetary of State—already known to fame, was
wholly unmerited and will be a cause for my making
'till greater efforts to merit the approbation of my country
and of that Convention,
I know that much anztiity and many trials are to be
pared throe* before the, atificatron of the people ;rill
be he ard—whether , it shall confirm the action orthe coo
',Dillon or not, I shill - be satisfied. for I know that it
peal Ls einsferrsd upon s man deserving your
mail support. In 'Chinese: position .1 may be
ihil'c ‘ ontinne to be the great aim of sty life to
my duty to my country.
If -I should be elevated to that disiingaiah •
for sahich I have-been named. I shell seek t;
mySelf so as to merit the confidence which y •
kindly conferred on me in advance.
Gentlemen-;-You find me greatly fatigued e d exhaus
ted. and for the present I can only - thank y , for this
kind .ceogritutation. the first of the kind wh ch I have
ever. received. and bid you all good night. After en - -
thusimtic cheers the procession proceeded to Secreta
ry Graham's where a tarpons, to the patriotic asusie
loud calls, that gentleman appeared and madea neat , ad
LP We looked in at T. W. Mootta's Grocery, Poor
People's Row, the other day. and found him receiving
a very choice- and select stock 'of Fatally Groceries(
Woodeti-Wste. Wines end Ligiers actual in earielY.• i,
sot is quantity to say isohe city. Almost every thiag one
aseits for table et eakisery pa/pesos " Tou."'is 11114 to
ti►e. and that. trek at the holiest firers.. Ilis Mock'
of Pinks. Preserves. Ile are certainly worthy
sr./N.6IJ &gantlet,, end. as the Gazette rewaralts.,ke at
an active. energetic. enterprising business ma*. and
he does not give satisfaction it is. simply hennas" risms*
IN tot:6mA td plea*.
Tr Imams Ore's reasses.—The Sergio Courier
garthapet**bein hassle is Brifehr that GIN. ticciae'
wee"thaterrame of the &ward fatties at, NietiMere. , i
bete ageism the "traray Owe! soap" *ere freely aryl
et We ere told' am Wiry tot $54 that be would 1111*
ry Obit-431 ratite would am wry troesoyliarrie4 l
lad *so that be testa tot gem New York. ferlhel
bets of the more thereat* were emitted; bat the asfj
kitaifordea Oa !Addams. We may be celled ber,kettai l
eie 4 e friends.
SAvAns An. June 2f
PirreaC j ßGll. June 9.2
RICEVIOXD. lune :21
Borrol,,June 4 1
Coscuitn.,ti H . Junr.'2l.
placed tt
d position
I .
coo doct
have . so
CrMra, ilaihnell, a went
logist, is stOiping at the Reei
will lecture an those. spirals/1
exsminstions. We gave ha
with a few trend.. and *ere
delighted *titter fociiitv and
ii i&
eh , rector. 's *chaos ledgf
book," so t as for as *e coi
company iwith us, wits equill
there is soli of our metiers, skepticaliiistNe qoestion, a
visit we tit* to Parlor 'E.' Reed floss/, will dispell it.
IL? E... I GA. Costes a TL-The Erie Gas dont piny has
been orgam i ted, we uuderetand, by electing P. Metcalf.
President. od Beuj Gr int. Eeq Secretary and Treasur
er. Arranemeuts are in progress—a contract for build
ing entire \ato. part of the materiels purchased. and
i i
the litilincel k.t . negotiation—ariterehy the works will be
completed #si*E4ll. Mr Merideth, the Wilder. is already
,here. Mid tba wkiik will be commenced as sodas as possi
ble. 1 i •
a:r i'
lie l vrhigg object tii- r GMI. Pierce—ist.. Els
cede, lie • : 2d.. Because he wee New
aMpOliir ; 'id.. Beeause the Colistitutiun of Negri
Which was framed Before he was born. con.
.lainti a els se excluding t'ailiulic's from Ace : 4th.; Be-'
cause hei the eon of hos father, cad not of his Uyele.
sad StlE. ad Nifty. because he no oppoeirf to Gee. Beau,'
-Nu ITTAIL - pt. ' 9.J4 . 0117;re :hunrtiW bill of guodii
one of der merclis Ulm from al wholesale hous'
in New , ril—ifieTt'nerrisbers of which are all Whi - 7 ..
received „ l
to whichtts-tdcred a pertinent piilittcal postscript. , hich
read thus "What do you thi.,lt of Scott fur President:
—the WHigs have cut their throets this time. Pierce 'hi
our nut President!” •Tble ii *Mother way of bailsiUg
one's fricedist ' ,
a_T''' St K51C.114 .. .0:1 'nib Pt./ass —A.• letter from :64-,
peudetic• • published in the St. Louis ftrirytticnik; statt`e
that the are ai piasettt a vast pumber at cut /grains lott
Ow Plait si, and that muelt SlCkliess prevails auto:rig
them, lie writersitates thrit there is no doulit of the:
disease , tog-cholera. nub he given a lung bat of thviaJ ;
whuie d.ath he has learned. Amung therti sek deuce
Maria FBirch autl.Julsu L. Kini,,Lne Cu., Pa... ajild
Mary: A ',,
Which.. titttler Cu., Pa. 'rheas are the odly
data:* tif parut is residing in this seetion of the couritq: I
, er such a dusty %lane,
thiu the recollection of
be truly mid every Ilihlt
at." lltie can't laugli
I dust hole. Bud as !lei
rrtake to draw select.
tortar.bed. .• Our 41.11-
lia.s.tiings and 40,46
tit the wo Conventious, hove thrown u:ion our heeds'.
we II; a neglected to notice the t. that G. Lourins,
; 1.4 c.
formerly of toe firm of G. Loomis al Co., has opeued an
viten,l, ve• and rich - display of Watches. Silver Wiiie,
Jewel y: and fancy articles, in No.- 4, Brown's Bl i eck;
Mr. 14 hue 'twig enj led an envioble ci reiiiitatiou aii an
accoluudit,ug saleSigien in his hue, and uuw that Wei has
an cave new stock; ptubahlt• the richrt eves bionght
t, Ohl 'mullet; he cannot foil to please. .
‘ , ) !' *.
' , Fourth - of July, 1,64., -.
i The Aunit4reary el lime:14:0o ludelieudehte 011 be
ceiebt,steti in the city eh t ri o uu m.iitia ) Me ath t.lii . t of
-July oat, and tile 00iiiiii.itee atiuuunce the liklutiriug
I- , ).--"----- ---- PROG R A illr fif R
,itirionrive iii tile übuipmg ail toe 15041 in the city wail
he te l uz tor thirty minutes. iccouipuesell b) s salute ut
thaws , gnus. . ,
At4i.ili- past ulna u,clock the procerviou will be fqtned
is c o l. ). tV. .11cLiV,..N I:: au 'Cii#ei ,l/.1•11r114 AlArlii.l" .
1 K iso , C. 3 k .iat.s„.4! W. Caciiiik.r. V. hue.t.o, A.
I 144 ti t Ft, cud liiii4GF. Srstrit.ii as A,ittat.sut /114retse,s.
I iii the lui:uAllig uukr:— 1,
lat—Nblitary, .
217-Itreitien, 1 .
jJ-T.- .its,uult: Order.
4141-1 nt.tertnicat littler of 0.1,1 F.u. w ,. •
541— IS.-tievoirtst ocietorp. ,
6,it—S .ii.s ut , [
- tit —ll isi ii az S.l. CV. feAroperatice aucietr,
i. btoi—iith , k. Lo.b, e i d
t 9lW—tiv,og cud °Loot . Lit,rory itiaciettra.! , •
intii—.ll.4lur, 01..tur. ILL- 41. r si,in Citjg4 .
ji tit—S.4oov ut 17 at :Ina tel 2.
rSit--Serbet cud t.,otaittiatt Councils. _
IStrr—Citizeits Lsetosiri.y.
Th 4, precestaiou Kid be knitted un the south sid e l of d u .
l'illolc Square *lin use r,got rtettog ou.f.eucts S t ,.. t .
t,v 1 ,,„ ( „ r „, e j it 013 1.1/t/Vd , lit).l.ll' fre,,cll' Stree l , s , s..
I . lllld, tip Sate fa the Ui i maiiil. up ift.,icii to Tr u th L.:l.
do,' , Stott Buret to Inn Ea.l PAI it, litilir.t o .1t•hi e ,„, 1 „„:.
wit !, g" ta. ,4i,l be erected tut (tie ut..cuits:siudatt ot j o f ow
citizens. / 1
The meeting will be orp.ittised by M got' Whan ian . at ,
President . •' • . . I
MAT firma Tali.oit. tql vill Reod the I.h . chirtitioo of
1 udeprudence. null C W. will deliver nit QC41.100
r4llllllllr to the oremoott.
The dechon kin of ludepefidenca tt ill be. read bad an
Or..t au delivered bi CAUL Btikioa E,. q ...„ t h e G vrwan
I. trsteeer. , •
Thf Cterl,ronen of the c/ty. itornlittionary Soldier,.
and Se, lect and Corlinnsi Council! et the city will occur
t'e Stlod a till Wig Pret.iderir. Orator and Jteadek.
The CoMmitteo cordiAily t•ts fie all 'citizens 014 he city'
and countt to unit` iu the iestivittes of the tt iv. ,;
In die evening theta will he 4 eptowild dr,io 4 st a rlr ire
AV,teitir a lurch lien lita&.lidatiti by' tip;
Furl. Departuient. . By otd, rof the Cestiatttee.
- Elie, Ju tie 26! 1852 1
N 0 Tic L.
A SPEC! IL ineetuig of the •• Kuidterbeckot•
will hi. 'held uu (ties, Saturday viewing a puactiral attea
danre requiood.
• role. Jun•• 26417: iIEaRGE BURTOV.i R S.
Ifon rt.AND'e C h talt;llitrevaxv.—Thia celebrated' medicine
4oar of the ter } t in the country. 1111.11 it/ lexid MMittteir on-
I v need to t.c katowl. to give it precedence over all nthern now
it Ilse: We have n. its good effects lately. after 111 total Gail
ore of niiiiy other.. This i. it ot. more th an we enn for any
other Jet dtrtne n tthtn our kiaon ledge:renal ne feel it irduLt to
two' l i 11111111 l the hitters to the , notice of our friend.. on
tite to by M. Jackson. Viet
COu lhi litb inqt.. by Rev. J. ll—, Press's-. Mr. F. .1
WuttLt.vir. Mist E'it..Tcy.rul. boat'
• • • ' - - - . ,
On Titorsday morning the Fith inst . by the' Rev Dr.
Lyon. Mr: (7idsor,sii H. FOES. of (31111411*gni. N. Y..
and Wes EsYttsw l'aftwissoir, , of thiii eds.t
Ott the Bth inst., .by th e Iles James - '. Reed. Mr.
Amur t LUtik:lL. of Allegheny tp.. Veningo . Co.. and
'Mies RACHEL E. ALLEN. of Cambridge • tp, 'Crawford
Co.. . •
On the Ist - inst.. hy the Rev. Charles F. Diver. Mr.
JOHN Host. of 311tIlcreek tp„ and Mis /NA ECLLA PUNIC •
NIX, of Waterford tit .
c •• Di El).
, On the 16th inst.. Mr. liviag STRoaa7, of Harbor
creek tp.. aged 90.yeara.
011 the,loth MIL Meal, daieghter of John sod MICE.
be Scott. aged-5
.Ss pan. ,
In this city on_Wednesday the 15th inst.. Mr.- boors
M. Ctis":+t, aged 40 years-and 4 rathe. . 4
IN pursuance with the following Reputation Proposals
will be received at the office of the Mayor ituliil the first
Of July next for furnishing three, hoinelid ttimisand - feet
Of Plank. 'and for grading Stete i Sitslst and Ilayitte the
Elasik : I
Whams, ih the opinion , of the Select and Common
JCinsocil of the City of Erie. it is expedient and necessary
-that Suite Street be laid -with a double track of Plank
!from the foot of the street at the Lake. to 'whet. the
bi,North East nod E ri e Ilkaltroid erase,' the senile. and for
l'ilie purpose of ascertaining the cost aawelfexpeditiug the
planking of State Street therefore
ißestyled, that the Meyor be.direeted to advertise and
receive proposals up us Thursday the first day of Judi'
next. foi furnishing three . hundred thousand feet of Plash
on said Street. *X convenient distances, le bit , - dehveted
by the first day of September nest: the plank lobs three
inches thick nod ten feet in length and to be either
White 'Oak ur Hemlock—bids to be weeeived few loch
kind, the plank' to he paid for in City Wefialite to beris
lured by the fret of March near iii sums not less than-one
Iseindord dollar and that the Mayor also adverdee for the
PM . time dollar and
.4 to revive proposals .for the grading of skid
Street. sad xg the Oink ; tube *II at the time and
is dos maws tomseer as is prwinilvd to pay fee the plauk.
1 ree ahem f• • copy of the Renotution isfopted by the
1,,, Sullies moil Cameos Commit of the Oty of Erie June
'i HA ISM W. H. thesiueas. -Clerk.
Env Arne ill IBA 2t& - .
stators INr•tkas. •
,watios on the estate of Andrew Sherrod;
towsk•hip, Erie county, &rinsed. have
J use by the Roemer or said county. All
or demands against the said "stye, will
use without delay at my residence. is said
Persdris iwiefted aft aoudad to make impolit
e. td. iriltßittirin.l), A ?ft laiftlaller-
• MS.
riv.ito and public.idu-
WM111 1 349 site dried ap9199 wile b.?
Erse Janie 19 1932. , • igTaaarit t Gail
aims . Ow Nice !loner Mrtup just 'tee red on 4:taTli+
akJ tlideit hitte if 1.431-411. ielnette...rr 41.
The Plavithat Heats the World.
flWird Patent Iron Peva double and locale troteld hoard COM
Plows foe sale et the of the atte , -eve , ent 'niche flows
beve been tested and wove swatter - A loans other iv ose. We war
rant theta t tiptoe sattsfnetteu. June 19. 6 easeneet &
VIP.M t few farrets Mess Pork. a Mee aettefr, rim
by tile twArel Jr swatter quaittitg at the atore.ot the wit—ert
l/fes cheap tor June 19'63+6 SF.N? FITT k I ;1
n 1.04 161X[; & DlNG—ft guantiii of nest quality sca-ol;ed
flooring and tthdlng; Alsd. sawed Lath for sale at the tour
Ird of (Ate Jore ill lead 6 BF-4IN LT &
oat t h an Zv.r. s and IL
Seat Oheapetr
X AND Nt tft.l'UN. No, V. Weight's Block. hate jail
d at. 711100.. t endle...,variety of Boots nod Sipe*
aritifnettifet. Mad! or the bvsl.tttatevlals and war
tu toe had hi- surptlised at low {witch, good vit.A.9
Erie June 19 1.4 - 2. 6
' W lLV' '
,feerh from the
vanke.l. -Call. ez ...
'end eteellent wor
Q ().?„ . (2. ... 0n i. i e .t , 1i - , 0. 0, ,, , J t. ...,, ,, ,,e , e , , Jiv0 a n t„ , , 41, r p 5.,..t i te :
k e . . b lit t y. i , 1 y
rat JUue la ISIlt. " sTiiiteErrr & ti,ltArs.
mar emiltANTs, T liir. 21frler..—radu ell 11: tle...iiet 11.1%e
iVi the 'tette) of a n•itilher .f Ole he.t Ina 11.1 We tor 115 a 1 vial.-
iquirent. in the enetern rower of .. killker and thiathr For.r.ellov -
Rl*. eltrader. line. Auer. wakes. NIV and X rut rlawn, etc.. ail of
%bleb hill be euirmleti to the trade a anutheturers pricer.
Erie Jane 19 1-.1.1. , II
a n'?
__ _ar a _ . o a
3.: _
• .
NO. 3 :lifi'V 111..00A"' STATE .1" 'E L T.
lil Av }.... just ire,' and are no; open int a tar two
I J woe It ofit'u ttttt ter Ca ney and tattle DRY GO , ~..
art altitu.rt fay ankle in the Itry,co‘nbottle usually • (
;this mar Theirgoo.n , hrrent Of
,I. r. :Hid tolopletr. en.brtcom... a Ver) kr;nt variety of riclritt,
,eir Toil d flood.. then:allies:tad t ntpn leo , hoer .1101111 ni Crain:PT:in'
I -n. a i' variety of 1-1,11,-s, Mit-res and elliblrejir Morocco
tilmer, ‘fen r (hoiter' , etc. A la Nil and ::eneral areeigtoent or La
shes draw ilotirtetts, Para.olr rte.. rrc!ekerv.Olnef.,ware. Na)nr
by rid. kr.grir pound. 11:1-.1t/;t e. al tee-seral a.u.orowfut &' (1r0..t
tie.. C 0..: all or DM p•aft n( Wine ii n 111 be ' ,old unusually low on
neenninlo.lniila ternis, .MOl.l. kinilli t.,f country produce taken in.. ,
each-Ingo na' gnelif.. .
,irtrir .l .
[V , WA NTl:l3,poot Mary 114tter, for which tbe higher! . • r• ,
ket prier win:a:ill time% be p . . 4.1
'Erie June IS Ir. 1 .
Land Pox -W. s[y‘---- --:- ,
J o
•rilE vutioerilier tine two farm* n vet, Hod; edit:o4v tor titrni (Jr ;
8 Cyrnitig initixiorsi ninletnive tient toliiritket: sett timbered.
watered find ndapied hi pi( pr --1 ninny, ko.irniis and grace: per-
sonic desiring to iii.ike. ' torn ions hi:o.l.ller call liefore-tlie
t..a11e,! iv guue. 'I t Jeui iit spiall place conlittlinig titiout
V and the tidies-lib to 1 ac rliiiiire or i e ., -
Cii,li pas4- - ror Rimini) , laud ‘ arra, tii or loenfeil by me
Wekt-ttkingfitid, Erie Co.,Ta .s.lny Ifiih Viisl. in
_I GILBERT itt-Ro___ .
. . , .
1'1111r: friends Goods re mica m r ridnioeivlied of the t
IL clic:log..l. now opening qt No I Hrati n'n 81,frek,
Went,. reenNviul. tinily .ititl6 ' l4l of dre-v g l ir,,b..'nf Ail
l'arasuls. !Mack Silk.. Curtain iMm.,ll 0. etc.. etc.:nod selling fir
iir.ce. 0411 Use .411141 , re 1 , 0 , 1:1.111 for. ..1% cello , ago
in N. V.. this fact can he demonstrated to .in one a uJi rt
Jiiiie Illth lal. ! & ll iky •
t 1,1. RiGIIT!nif,L RIGIIT!!
Great citetneat at the •Cheap Cash Store.
sl.%y 4:0();)-4,—.tnotlier large lavoice,of splendid i
ellell II , a
lid itasnci•-.
I..,ees lad t.itaste... tart col/we. ran .Irnfic wenn& graham
dried _aI:. MAW` Ureate,t VIII ret as Coil, collars.' aver.
ACP. es ('lionw-citre. 1.. t's . R and Braid. etc..etc:.
Crane 411.1 Siradillit Shawls. Lace Lace Gloves and mins I
Kid Gloves.l.rsle Gwyn.. RitiMais 111011 P Hosiery, Timi.egoorl.l
art V.alf),lllA as Ito.) art. dr.L, ratite. he sold v. ty be
low the averace. eau celvaiam bovine g 1, 1 , great Mir-
gain... nail at all time , aSI thid the greatr-i % artetv innrfn at
Kr,e Jane 1 - 5`2-11. B. COOK'S.
. _
M. Li) A I'IN.R UM - Mt Nlr I.)K.NTI - iLbSTI.-e• on
ilia .01,111 .I.le Ili 111 , 1/131[101141 liN - C dOOrPCTSII9I - !
VP! 1: , 11.! 11.1614. •I`rtrep reaa•onal.le..atul 011 whir* ,
.... 1 . Eli« June ID lES!..
dil W4 l )
' - -- —-- ''''' - ------ --- -- 6
rtztoEire, AiiitivAt.- : .
FRESH Cr A 0 C- Fißir.s.
THE ittileir rider. [litre joifil received nt their .teem. itenuAtate
tv ottitte.ter the P.rr IllAlicir. a large awl well selected otoek •
of 4:roeeries. CAdfer... Trio: eingarr. Rice and nit, the
article. n.nnll% eonbrace,) in tile 1..1 Also, 1.p100r.. Friar.. e.te
with an ae•ornient of Motel and Confection au... rl ttferesig
tbene•ell,ei ,- Illattlterr stuck. t. tai arty an I eaeelfr nee, is lit .iir
pi-se 1 in the cite, the% IO tereive a t ttweal *Unit , (11111.• 'Mi.-
Ile rthl ,,, eye. 'These deternintaJ ton to it) do bustrie.% 'cheep tot
rash, emt-stieruett the •• tiumf,tr ..kprace" of more mink than thy
.. .flow .it Ming." am/that al paitter are beuetalcd by the ,
pay , )•trica 1
l'r Alice of all kin fi. taken n exchange for G /ore r.cs bill othcr 1
1.7..11,11iiek1y lest the !Flock im han I beeotnro e‘hau.ted in the
lipop of n few wee:.." Our inter. ire ...n lo , Om people will fine'
u'Okkri/tiliterrilke' ''' "'" IC - 1.,1A iit Iv &Et ftff.rf.
_ _ ____
OILS. di A.& i. o NAT. a ItEsam -
I .".
(I[llo NriNERAi, PAINT,
:3 0
2. ti v .k . f it ß i l il i, o . :. m.,,,o l . 4) ,ery oil. l'rice 75 rt.; per
ist aokit of vareeet 1 , 17P+.
ill It 'trete boilod !mint oil. l .
Sime Gallon. do do do
in ca,kso of various Pitt... , .to tin do do '
3511 Barrel. Tanner. , oil. Various kind.. and qualifier, fa no 35
milli rent- per c'ilion.l ,
1. - Ae 11: ill° ,in e toks of vii oij 111 At": VOrIOU M'
triads and quat -
l i.
. ~
il ter. love 33 v . , :VI cent.' p r yrtl'o a.
311. T. .n..t.,111.1 %V Crease. o , f in n‘') g‘ltritc.. and , OarPe Mae Idnery.
in II Iffelrt or ert•litl, of ..11ycult..1-1” icy MI it red. Price 6 eta. 1
per poun.l. lin I
I; I Tons ILThio ioreal patht, in rZtre:ll at the lowest market I
price i , r ,
)14 il ilg erY 0;4 warranty! not to 0,14 in the roliert weather,
an I cott.i.lere.l I. 01 , ...t. !..111.,! II 10 I , ioeft.t (111 :
Rada NW!I oti, elpi..l, VI LI Mt.!! 11.1, ett.a.r him for white.
I r t 3 , tiC.M , l anti% toreiN!ill.! !i/%4Q - I, ; ~,,.., „row n!..1,e !honed
ante cf.:awl my motto to. " Swan profit, awl. yitch reu.rotr."
U. 1' IriPSll.
53 Inner Sirirt, , sot Orr ee .P. ori ,v st 4 - 1 7etr y
New York, 3nne IP 1-.5.! 1 . .4.!.6 .
a. •
4111 1 Nrrig 6 =AC'EIIIES.
h F r
T "„ci, ia","%hr•r:,','1,"e,!:";:',....,1,1}„"':,'::.'te,'„1-. l :rapt,l",',e„ . f„'yfew„":, ic: - ,.,:,!;7,: •
~..,, Patera :..tratcht :teed 4e l'erpeurdurear artier,. ....vorip, Nat.
isu.S:a es 1.- tottart t.. x. uni rule to A. 1.,. take the It'tetl3 1..) Inform the
.-i.nnter.. -11 , e toltostactqler , ..t:.l all otht , r• ha , mo.; .e,‘ tog or
otitehnte to he ~: ate Chit A I I,aeTA P 11001 Sewing M.trltmes Illy ,
he ottrehrteet,llrotot thent.itt !their Wrier. No 25^' itro.idu ay- Nee
York. U. tan r nest to nail the ...lute in Foie rotitlt% 11', 1 1 , 1 .
not ..1,1 111.111.i10p0l 01 li.i•ir ititrlliliea in Fitt C....17111y to Itti). ,
1•, The Marna*. Owe t .1.•:‘ IserNetrlll) IMINOW•IIIIIIII n 111 ,
PAW./ gra lt «.,1 fur Ow Funirsuurem xis. Pir
r'e of the Machismo Wall
all a t tparatn. complete t'‘'h .11.3ti•dia e tie 6113.
Speconeus cif flue n..etituoel !11 do t.g dult.te lty this Mae nine
may he Selll at this °Slice of trite. paver.
I.' M FI NGER & ro
25- ItrGadway Ni %% y Lak t
June 19 If-52 '2,01
. _
10..t1 04%4 — : Tliorturn ttkirtilet•
popt:f tr it (h heal Weetie lat che
9 lifltS% Le! :Sew 11.40. •nt.. .7,1 4 1
intifrd tl.ine'•ame Jll4. ts 1.11•111. r.:
%VIP )r.r. 14 %I• ate 1.11 and roll re
34 emv r d -e l Sine On $ I & GkAl.7O.
7 n
- nu, I,e , ithe4 , e , I
C. f , er I:!ere,a •
OT Three , Iv i
AtO of Petroleum a Mr pet:re/1. flu.l
llilll4 there nollilbe equal 19 it for IS iii
114 Vl , u; tuna m o baud tuul e‘peeltug uto , thitig le. Ilia lb le•
;hoot ,ork bnt 1'0.11, , 1 let rttreue. at ;111 • Irttut It.. out% lest ipa
• 'tate. la Mout Itty trorettr4a t% hen itrer.el upon. wlrrh quitesar
pri•ert tor. I therefore tla , eve:il.l,llt , iu itt erheotty. to furat
lewd. au4 n 111 intrn , ture It 1,, t hr„ •
Very reNree 141 II). elLe- ' HARVEY MANS
..lasl veep fait n . thrton & GAIIIeIIII
Omit & Ott:Mier. Erie: J. A. While. Girard; W. 11. Town.enj.
.r3prinirtietd; R Ptifer, WestSpringtirefth J. t Inete I !rum.:
Gerllll.ll. Etletthorn T. IJ ohettte.SEKe.tat P. F. Jud.or., Water
J We hinter. F-41rY ienv n lid I , ) etc propri. kr. Y. M. K . I I R
j:ine 18.1831 ItR Cattil 111-Ito. +eventh M.. PlROtire,h..
- •
CE .4 PER 11 e ER !
At 'mi l lwork's Sat Cap and ruimisidng Moro.
Xi). 8 Brown's Block, •Slale sire( f.
sueptY or thrive beautifnl 'tie:est m 'tarsi to fre
%. at gte:il 14.4 min.. A bilr. Will , Beat rr+, vi•r) ti, Maud ....o
ur.' for summer Also new sales of Kussu.h. Pa nairta.
leaf and straw, Hats of all kinds and Prices. 'l'm,' c a w sty le, ut
Cloth Caps. , .
Of all kinds,
new st)itis of srkurts nod Conar..; the latest pa
tents of Araris and Cravats. very rich and Iscao•tful rnl
Handkerchiefs. Hosierl4 Carpet: Patent Leather a. , 4
piul.w e ed Tr vet i tug Hosier ,
Waite,... 'Trunks. Umbrellas and
noes. !to great n varlet) rallteul he on dutimernied If an ..11
vertisetnent. . Call and look at them and rententLer utv mune.
vihtsli will lie kept in ca-e; t;oods that ain't as
they are repTesented dl he exchanged ur the money refunded.
June B. • J. H., V%',l RR
Spied the Plow !I
ouhseriber., In Presenting this Nortie , ..tblhe nubile. lAN
I to remark that they ili.tve connected with their large stmt. of.
Groeeriew an eXtvltlPlrei aim)rtaitclit of Agrieulturit an I Horticul
tural Implements 'llrhince. The rapidly increasing inter.
ests itinotfe , ted nt Arscatture. has induced ti to engn f o in the
trade treating that the Farmers tvllt be induced to lavor off o lin
their podronage. Welare in constant cornespoittlettet With the
most extensive Maoufactittere. and 'hail nlw a) a have a full map
ply of Itoi.lementi of ali kinds of the he-t and wort approl of
palt runs. among which may be found the following ditferent s
of MOW; ddreretit nun& n, with or wltho,it iVile#l au
!stars ILA Earle ~..u•h* ;quit pener: ft ding or lM•ible 'Would
-Hoard Mows: Sub-soil Side 11.11. t.r Swave4 !Ott Board :le la ,
pent, rte.. which oc. Will sell at the lowest pos;Mle rates. .
J.lne 6„ is.:t.sax Arester
Formerly D. *. Cm ; k.
• • , ra'av x a AL -
DR. R. FAUI.K: O .I.K coal tours the praetice of 'Medicine atm,
reetett-tt his rather Dr P. Faalkner_ t when ce - ,
taaiou feqUifri.. t il
ilde as his esidener corner of rteach and
Eissht Erie Paj
Jusies. 4 3tai.
zuwiv-zamot corrlN wAszsatoour.
TOR undersigned Won ihis melba* of inforini,4 the CIIIMUIF
of Ertenitil vicinity. that tic has eatahlirtied a
In this City, for the tiarpow of furnishing those who are la un
firrtunate ns to need tbit Olen of an Undertaker with the of Per
*unity of selection a CI 'FINN in ace° dance with their MEANS
OR TASTE. Mid, ais it is his inten ion to keep all sizes of dif
*lent style.' and prices. be would Pa to the public that they can
Iv accommodated witA anything in his lineal) one bares notice.
it and Carriancefiimished if required.
Atop en Stade IStreel. icrioarn Strata end riri.
Erie May tr:M. ' A L1.F.14 A. A la.
A. A. C.•woubj also rir that ilt eoneiretion with the &Oat
Norma. that of Pattern Making will he carried on io all its
variant INanches.
GIRARD: W(X)l4}..N' FA jtY !
10071 Cat fIJ FifililEAS 4ND JIPOr 0-OWERS,
Tilt tßlr'rtix BR( OH Ell et., late of Fatrverw.wish to tubs=
the Wool groweis of this section of the county,. awl the
Stile in arum!. that they-have rented the estahlishnient or 1..
U. Johuson. and thin they adi .Alauuskiettar Wool iota tlloth
with promptness and dispatch. Vire and?"' r e pder our thanks to
lbe F*rmere and palate, uyeealty. for 'heat It laralpaironase,
while in business net the Earle ratios'', Fairview; aid deism it
Unnecessary to make pr•IITYIIIe9 to owe old patron, but to pew
cut/touters, we have me lieshation is saying that rf they will
dall on us with their Wool, they shall not im away dismantled
With their Goods or Prices. t
We will gladly Manufacture Oaths and Flannels of all kind l
on Aare,. or by the yard. as our Customers may purekur.
Custom Carding and.ntoth luessine. done on short notbee, and
mull at the lune Minotaur& We will do all work as roodavolps
Cheap as any other establbdintest. We -will give the bighasi
=Whet Pries in Cash RN Wool.
Girad, - Illay MI6 Int
• " Ors&mei court Sale: ,
- 1 ' - IlMillfflitille"111111611
B virtue oCa aOf dal Uf Mt sUrPhm c i l :C.Jurt Of the County Oftricr F 771 E ...Wollt 6.8.-r-A t the twassdkeupsersi bosom
11 wilt he sold at MIMIC Festive. the pi - Onuses, on dattirday Whokmate and litriaiL The 'lilac Mem hare on ham
the pith day ot July Olen coaldueneingai Is 'Alm aA. NI.. the teal- extiordwitaesdeliseitt of brilliant rigs woalcir, rb dal
lowing, deresibru piece aud_parcel in Land 0 111011le di the Tosser on variety , and WARKAPITIne, gonsugasig of oge mow'
.alp at CUlabeata. (.'ugly of Lem. and described and hounded as tides:
hdkiss a. ti a d round dun no North by a line. Grim Rat a I 3 wlfro`• 4 oekel• - • 11 Ow*.
post on al 11.11eadv ate mail. thence %Vert and about ten Sect Pinnh ii gram Ruiyat, ('Midges , fait 210 Li SAM illaelit.
•41he dare ling house whvrtin Me said .tutu, king trained at the . LW rt•oss'Plu tVbevis and alefullll,,
.411111 C of his death. to the La- , lit eup k . .. u .i.,. * n e t , kris , alt. Vertical tVlseels. Miner, dm - vents. Triangle.,
on the Lag ii by the , Meadi r raid :1.
, .nali ti .11. of Wititapi Woe Lial.ts.ll4 tidal Lights. Gras.. 11011110etil, Yana. Ike..
elactiveusati and Francis R4111(1411, 1A 0/111) 14111 Aof Franco hal"- All of which will Le aid at the hilisufactosese loiresi prices.
dal). supposed to contain afoul ta ...e 'riot L.orj Arm has, mejliere. 1 -anor
on the Juliet Alla. a C air Facisdy, , Du ,tali„ 1101.11e,Uut lannes.; r , IN boat, best Fire Cntekers-NO 1,
rut: ; :km u EurpoMee, ftstra No. I. 1
,The abovedescrstied and belongs to the evince of Au or King. ! 'Amble 'leaders. lhsible Fire Crackers, Pulling Crackers. Chi•
. tate of' 'nsineaut tow p. &reared.; mull' is finely situated nest ;am UM key , . lilmank Or Jostle. &c..lke.
tit enter:attired villa oh A noon. iiimilY Improved with a rich ; N. It - --4-'lllel 414(1 t0wn5...1144661 with -Firthildtioa Fire Works
,nun u ell adapted so vain. erase. fruit i.e. 'I, be Juliet Mills ta ' lied Colored rifts. of every dew r iptiOn. at tote Ithort.,-1, amwe.
situated on i durable stream. and 19 one of the must eieible bust- I i7' Prices as low aa,any establishment west of acw York. or
die-a toe awns in the roil, try. , Ino sale. . - ' F. G. licriate• ik Co.,
ThikAlt.F7::-.1.1ae Mort:loh the confirntation of sale. rind the bat- 1. 1.„ tie Main-st., :dor. -Lelow Patthiu Dank
*nee in four equal anifilal i 1101411.101.11111 with; 'meters on the whom auttrath. May filth: 1.9.3 S - 'I '
balanorannually %tilt each instalment ha lie secured try .tadgateualx - rorittEN WARE_ Tutu, Pails, Chorus. Keeler,, Weill
600 l an 1 Atonga-je of sue - Ilisarus A. lino. ``V` Rol di. Mop shocks, Hollins Pins. Betio P. intsand Ladles.
Saurr•Slll . l.. 1i.V40.• Faucets ao.lFa great intiluy other satsuma. call and we. Whole.
Albidn lu4e Pil ti. 3.1. 3 - Allow Ili , g, dee. F ate or l i ma . , 14. W. F.. littniwaiecirt
__-__ _.
i,• Gue.insi oixesitaii , alaYv• -
BA 11Nliq AND -JENNY I,IN D Cl-IAIIIS. - CI_ENTg: .. "4 , 10* - - "lair Hoer . 2
_____ _____-
me, by the dozes of piliele pair at
. 4.4 1 -' !ad .Irrired shred from Ills City el New Fork. . 1.-A The New York Cash tame. .1. SIVE.E'S EY.
_,. , - .
% i-t tat'. Hiol splendid ..ssorunesse of C.IAIRs. ebindetiiii or ! pou IC --11 1 Barrels of cool Mess Pork for sate at their spire
--:-k et CO .ital./ and style. and df the I siert farltionii. conidistet-'1 lime 3. daavrrY at Ca my. ' i
-- -
ell liy the mist CetelitillOll:a.lkisi ..andl.ieltire'ro, nide!, ilie tut, i FI.0()RING! FI,OORING! . i
scriber lemur peepaYtist meet' at Grea•er Barn 'no tliiin Wall e) el' 1 ,..„.
cdrcrot to this eonmerrirty behme. ileserssrued not whew:pei. 1 C\S II Will be paid by the .411 . 11lieriSe.r. fit...any qoantiry of Pop- , I
Le 14 non piepased to co mpeie u ith all competition. and osiers ' tar or Whitewood Fioorinr. on delft er) at their Mill On i
inducements that cannot he lound, itil, any other op4tilishauesit in ' t liev , emtt " m eg* it we" tie eur r evi i r "wed. full i 1 inrlir°
•1.11.8. en). an ;I. , mist lie and in add itidu in pus rifoeb of eastern I I;'"e;`.. like breadth at both curie, and in widths of 6.7 or b
n urn, he lia, a large diidn Wilda in Ind diva sodnurreture , enthra- tve,_dr_e• .. c sorsa & 11110Tni a. - t
eing Ochres . pit all sixes. milks, chairs, chil - ductot run&ing chairs, .'"e• MAY tit len*
. -...-^------1.-*-----..
liblid in tart every 0111/4 111 The chin lure. tat) TIIE l't BLIC! I
'Jere Ladies anal Gent morn of
; kirk. am( .'tinily az invited to ; rrij E
robseriber returns his iltiokir 0..14 eery liberal paten •
call and esausine. ,whe.r.; tlyry"Will rail; greater lia galas. mote 1 I nap e hos owed upon low in his business. and he l4ll
beautiful Mork ant a I sr,teemicirtitielst at the OM 74 dilsati t 4ii . , , h o pes .
anted Wieland! lu Ini-drios. iolnetil a einitirrildi Of the same. ;
' , nu the pa-tic in central that he has psi cr. I
*--, an I t. stow -reeMv Mg the larrest a-sort. i
ilyiGineetier, Fist,. rye i'Littin7diptorrn, I
cod and Willow Ware ever Inotirlit to l
rail sell whnlorale or retail-as cheap as
no oat.excepted. Please tint; ai:.4 Ml' /
piste busing rlvewheie.
Canter of Mb & Stmost. \I
!, 1 •r,
qnd spier t.!
raisin to
ire ,a variety of IValnbt , of filtrofeot Lecapentients, both ROA
and IliVet, um! the latest rty le of Chains. i•feals. nod Keys to usratc A ,
foirt•fher with the most Rodin...noble Jewelry, rotiAstitig of fine , -
goid aliaistt d. ril'iy, pearl and ' , runs Ytnzer 14 inza,, rule and pearl i Ju n e 3 .
rr 0 ,,e.., e , .0 1 ; Lori n 'admits, ltractleak... &c. Al,O. Gold Lockets, I 1/I.FI'.IIAI ALE -McitisCs,
gout anal barer I•estplla.aolti Pens, des-ern and le.j •IpoOhs. Sugar A./ and half tatte. for , o4te by
Toftza owl etwo , 3lw, Napkin itnimii and rerlittOttief. an assort; Jut.e 5. 1 ' No
har t of rich Plated 11 - are. Urns. Ted Sett.. INtritee, t*orke„ ! e lI I A K es
. 1, 3 ili e ip
Ste, i., 1. Vitt,. a'aniFeelicks, and a variet
yOf raw') nod 1 I -
.G. 6r: iv. • I Min.
d ri Guard..p•Guard.... 1..01s funAtal 4111.1.art1.1111entalt (. luekeot all p. • .Lam .1. .
No 3, Wit flu itai {Moc k 1 .
Gino flow 6'1'25 to A gn. nll id which will be gull 00 cheap 2. p.,• a - -'
Fri.!. 'n.
t-tirmlfrl'i awl a /iti le cheaper fur ready pay. Tfie nttelit nal of ' B iiAN I a .1:111. b.i iTiiL
the tursuei emulate:o; oft:. Loomis and tlw piddle gefarrapy is an- I grade* amt pricy*, w juet
t tied to tilt.; 11 /lig:. • June 5 2 ! far sale lota at
N l.el'S of art icinds Curbing ht - JG. & IV. 1 Mole. ! . -, _
__ No. :t
_ _
' No. 3. Walitains of k, F.rar, l'a. I I Dit • Ii 1.1 . :: ,. .he kli;4 - f i ter.. Lor
PIZ SU a. - Lo-azt, •
---- - 1 .14•I'V • ~ :11.• 1.,V t • ri 1.1) t
, .o. fr e i xor Ile
~,, A. i 1.. ..,.., ii. cN D. cLuT tl iEtt. _ I Ailir.e. Whrtc au'd colored Huse. in a great Yarsett..,
LI 111) 2t.-41 J Ssa - ti\
WT. It:eau:W*oy. Wawa best aadl Fatkat sereiN. I%eir I ark. l
I:1:N FL1.311 - .N'S Furnishing Goods of Ow latest, sty lee coneuni. , A en, rat ri,-,.riii.e ii of Siiellff;i4n ~r.-I , r sob I.y
;,.t It'll, I. Nt 1)..11. Mmt. t ty, yylukte inn t Chiljah't. t.,:kttli- ' -1-1- • 4 il - :!), t i EloOli &S 1 ni..,..
i t-,. re.....0.......e. , 0.0 0 .............„ . ......:ep. a. ie.wier.-r- - - ir evrik - a - ar. 1. - ^vrilalt:t 4 .-Yrcnit doer torkti { night Ite , e.
rtl Aidi , ;.i ;I. L. arid I:ll4t.lef kitt.ina, et hole„: half anti.tplarter a 1 5 . ‘l''•ilfrP Rel" , ,i n 'I. 1 1 ed'l Lielie, Ntinli and 1.a. ,1- I.atches for
.1.13 boleti. aft.o, scral.ros Kr g it.w.i us. by the likk or retail at iiale rho:aril than tef oSercd au lbw One , . lay
• Jane 11. , - - r. BT *sierras. C1a.10,•6. June./. G..:1 -,; &..4 . 1N•
Sl , :ii:;:rior ..we;ILI . i A oti 0 i,iiT4t;TUec7i,-.;;;;1ici.,,..r. c ENTS Silt l'e 'eel Ilana;berctilef. fair Ink; collars
..:31' In, ref( cravat q3s, kt the New YOrlt elsh store. -- .
45 !!:::',.',..,,i, .t . t 1•4•1•• fat (owl 11 cants 013 routs per tab. it beii.
'wok 1111;!;,111.Yq.4. .C2(211112 'r,,',.i.'C'J Of every , brand ; natal ce- . 1 , I 11 '" e • L ' ne 3 11.3.1:- .. i• - J. If IVEI:Nt.
gar , r toting (ff.'' , 8•3 fo erll.l(e . q• triad-a - ill, for sale by ~ a i - IK Mc. 50 l'..k . earl', yory rife/. if alsitio:: at.ritai, t ri na'illia,
I:rie JIM" It 1-51% 3 R - rtlattETT &Ga IT hol 5, .f 'III vier.,' lilac nail whole Bate. of R a iiiin.a. ' for sale
-----'-'*; ikit• '- f l oair r • id - a ' eh e nn at
'VI aLt , ' ,. .t . ir o r t itt ..g utt f y( t Ti a ll i tC i a n t i lt ., . l:l .l a l i. tr i,e t kt. l e t ... a r o:
1.0 .
,:e, :
. 1 .
, A 1„,
1.32. ' 1 11". F. itistataxkcirr.
• 1.
donl.le retlaii•al: reall4A for nuking kr et fain' y bread without 1 . A X"' • ll.l.filr IV:it:It:0:S, Eno.; re r itts. WTI:.O..ZICt,i t t ie.,,alid
ina,k ~,..rba,aul.,:dia. short cakes, rull...cte,..ale . superior Corn ~ VI IVirdetv chairs or clialdr. rt. fur 1k:Or II:,
I..arCII fir tunklini puddings. cuetjyrdi.,p . :e, , . etc , aleo, l'aolue. A 512) 11.-2, - 1 . . IV. I' Railcanaciar.
rallied Golatir e for tudkin2 ;rex*. lip '
s. tfrtui - i fes. etc , for ...ate l , '. --..-- ---- • ' --------- - ---, ---' • ' • '
L II thl. R 'elk I a.ll Turk. Hanoi. 0 ii, 15fro. ptutrer , legz..
Ay, 144. June ft le32_ !3 . rel.. s'itie ti, Gitati. I '-' ''' - •
_ I. ......_!. -_, ..,__ 1. - Pota'oes couetuialy oar hand anal fir safe 4ft, , p it. the
Xi/ - 0011 E. . IVISS aw an , l a stone tvare. cf elery r-0,,,,,,c- ~...0,- ; chenpo.t. - , W. F. Rs' MOUT.
V Crit.ttOil. I' ,r rale 14 hules,ll4-4fr rant,. at Slay?!, 1.-32. .! 9
F., ie .1 low It :ell. • 3 I ltlitlit - er I &
Ratty I • _ __-_l_-__ _ -
_ . ,_.
- . _ • I Ali fhlk` Sli• - .1. and Gaiter foot.. in ever!
I T W -A---- " -- 1 4 ---
- -
71:g t• %vit . l'l. 1'..1N . - et, .• rcceit t a ointlitity ot tty , • 1.4 rt , Ic. at Ital. I tes2. 31 Tllllls'
L-II %Lure article. V. finch lane I /To , prvffutt ace,o In I,:it.f.a 'clop; 1. , . - i , ~i , , . .
' WO tkar.'• Vl:adder colored 4,-
fetal t• , - , 1 1 eilael tor to I call as a painit 1.4,11 In Itolitt LI I I -";',-- o ', - * I '
--:or. VI a rt.tetl ;it •
•1 ar,ii :all e y .11. fillC:ie,••• of iilE11•11. %hole st , card duce taut crated : , l '''' ..-
ilt it r-I It .1 I. : Jane 12 l•-"...1. . S Cy atia & Scorn. it. I .:rl'' May / /*- 5 -• ~ Si TIDO MS & 1i..1 V I ES.
• ; - --
NOTICE.' : -- . 1 CASE I.3litiy.tia.l.lturlin I/el.:akar at I. of a Ilvallsozne 00 le.
! 1 Erie Mav I 1 , 3-2 31 • 11118,41.14, [LAVES.
sC lA. per.4llll kinot irtr thrillatelres indelttr.lllo tic by io'c car 1 - --• ----1 --- ------ -- ---- - ' --1 - - -
/10 . (beak Aerovant. anima au Ike immediate lanynicait or cost. wit., I 4.114 "' I . " cl " Pn I" l ."''' / 3 • 1431 Y '• "' 9 C' s- Iller yard. S;K"
L' I.l4j.etinnit.ttety ha Are, - special 'UntraCts le/Ceti/N1... . 31r anoick •iyleai ff. no.. eqlored fa-1-1. n Tr' , t,
Krit•. ititte :12 lele!. S C., M. THIIAL./. i Eric M ii„ 1.1-3•2 31 T 11112.11 18, 11.1 ''E?
' li rk uar7-I;ritri .
Bti 0 , ot 1, , ,, i,., .. i. 5.,.. : .. i . ; , ,, ,,,,. ; , , ,,.. 74 , 0 , z „ .. , , , , ,, k:
i a . rt. ,, t. r e. la uve n Un- Ce r Sl C. l: 4 ' ; ' - " r1 1 -4 1.' ; " "'°l 3 F l 10
1.24 T;;;13 e t c '. qc it.t . rr....
• i Tilt% 1..411, II sVes., ' _ __ .
FE and
1 10 tA KEGS blasting pa - wider: also 4:1
_Kepi 1" re and re.;
Erie Ju e ll* 1731. 3 No 1111roa a's !Mock. ; 1 1I It Gle powder, 3JU.1.14d percolation caps:Stall 163 lang.ettot
filepTit.,Ni ti.ttlf!..ilTOlJiNO S ti, 2ll:Trtatt) 4 I,rintj ;at#o,,:q;4- , r2roale l'Y ' , STI:Rif LTT &Gg AV
I_, °red are , I %Via ~ a do . Vt . tokisig, Bailout: 11:fading , . -. .1 il RIII.S Tanner's a ht; also la bids lar!ana 11.111,10. "ring RaS
-111. 1 /imp 12 1431 , .. 5 TO" %, 0 4 , 1 4%. I. 1 0 4 In for !RIC cheap by• 4 evremiskre & Geer.
- D Li..4'11 lilt Itllleellints :Ind .Ittettrot.-.3- 1.7 -S. 4- 4. a ata
..t.. 4. . .
C.IRPETS! CkRPETS!! CARPff, . 4 . ; :!!!
Li :...1 10-4,,..rd.5ivruu,..4. icou. to to 215ierta a. leer y.ard.
4 rat. June .Vi Ivy . 3 1 , 0 t .,, ,,. .,, it ii. , , ,,.. , ,... l; %A l ' I'. are now receit asta a stork Of V 2.0141 weird' of 2 . 7nrpet•.
_ . , - i Ihtleare.. Matt iligs.Flooret ail cloths, Rieu4.t Itnon harpers
NI /ILA NATII.N N &•! !.i ) Cli,il - (1()IVS. t /se.. &c, We a or; sell at good three ply cari-ef, liotoole,llslar
pally l'Ottrarsiin,7 Mid Coniaritoritm 2,4h0 from I t 9 " 1 " P -1 " 1 """ Per 3 fird. 1'1273111 warmth-1 nfl ywnel front isido
Bak Initrn au tvatlaa rkal tilling. led Is. t'bilon Ail Wool 02.ure.2. , a
*trio to Now York. - i 1 26.1. Mpaing. 1' 1.2., Maoing 5-1 1-alli . i..r y ;Lt. boil pirilitt
'a IRI 1 f AN - F- a:id Farsper4 yr hihiss, n to .3-iiil Pro !in., to Newt liar a.O cloth :ten& vet, herlvy.Deuntinee 4 . 4 . '.I u. ta 4n 11 , .
ill 1
.irk. turn 111114 Outtet. LW . leoultrt .i . te r .tk II nasal it to ; Erie 1!:,t - 1 1-32. 51 • TihuAl , & IIAY CS
heir anti rell to .tart' I) this - -- -- --- --.----;., -,---- • • -.----,---
1 . %SI: ol 1,. 11 do e.e(lell t.thttitatti. per, Inc l h1..1 e.l.{OlP. or
eatt , .!.. ruttier) N. V. wallalreine lift PetsfetollatleiillUil Ia the sale It. la. Can: I I-1 , •Si 'nap 4.4 & HAVES.
Oa ....I,ll,taitteLtit Op:Niter efq;cp.feti pi tie rare of itar aelatitualirawril. • . _ ! - _ 1 -.'__
and ~....ilite gaitcker returns than ..11) oilier tioute r la i n liar coy. ' Sig 000 or o.vaxwo Arco tuarrorztvii - oos.
11. H I se..wrua 11, ir. r, I r i • r iiiim Ls & HAVES No 1 Browne mock are 'acne re-crating a
, .
! _ . IL V. , 1113 41V LEI'. North - Eaet, 1 i
.# ,tfzelf.'icar. f,:ll .ele--te4 , to - cf: 01-lull, all I ',fa nr t dr% a . .., ..
Et ie Jan/ 121'11. . 5
.' Artists. ' ' cbotight Wlllllll a %cry few Bats at the lowwd mu vrwe..l
t .
_Fire Iro , `”& eke. ar:-.1 1 1 ' , 0 0 4 a , or if• T
nert 4 able tatlery • mine. - coi4priejiatralt MeV:161)11,4 , 10o , awl &pl. - g hl
as of fieonal.le !own
,. ma btu e., yldnetl6lller.l.etn.strt sir% 2r. Britianyt and hula . Illf • , 11 . 1 - :. 1t...01'1..11e Aa. rf-r-i no l'l , ,tbs. Onto and am figured
1 ...p ,earls.water
-10,1e .ttilt• a .m. curte earls. wattle ittttitt fir Ir. 1• 4 1 d purer , cal 115i-gi. r , plaid an 1 1114111 BlI8.11 . :. • printed laeonct Mel (Act n+: l
lain bout. . ;tureen in tioil a bird sauce pan., roder.alid tr., ( alt- I SIM 0,1 , 1 Linen Gra., cloth. Team anal fraiirril Callgarail I.inen. an,:
ietere. Ilarit. Iron. brstaanl4' and j.stiiiii candleetteke,pastryiggers a Allk and I'orfolf rup'tp.t.. Bargee,. de I..atta*.. tHirlin de Lain*.
...utter. au ,
ti trays - , tin A aftifra.l a bells CF- etc.,.. al, I French:and lialeln.ll ilingtvita tar, .4,c,. a t •price s 2;) per. Cen t
bate Julia* Ptl- 1 12. . _ . RI , r• t,s it • rp,b , z 4. i I,rlOtt
. p 06 gnp f
!Sit.ll. new °tiered Ili 11:,‘ til l.
• • - -- • - • --- 7 • 1 11
Li It vt: you seen atto-e (*GMT 04.ters , that are setting l'irc (five , Fr-a- rni
a 2 laoltir at Nu 3 Need tiouoe June 123. R - ut 1.. Ri. Fn.
Cta t ruin ,•21111e Fisk,-Greets t t
.1 on coupianwyou 111
. ten 0I
L /lowa & or'
log IVorrif a: f ar Frew 1. 4
do'n r) ir ..
s. . dolitu I
art 14.011.1 . ii,11.4 . 0 dii 1 ettrdv. l fork., v. loch
.. a ill be 1if.,14 ili 11A1d8 t1,11.,11 I
for Cash al Mdnulacturer:s price. ; air°, a hate lot of ;Oaths, 1
rakes and U. +Jo.; Stones at
Erie Julie 12 ln-,t2. - a - RUFVS REM'S.
AN1A:41 , 11%4G ttlititi'l,as:S; t - .4willeia g Pr i c e Medal was
ate artled lay she roopi.itteeof arl Nallon'ti tif Ow Vt'ortrpriiir I
for sale al the stare of Jo nie 1 '32.1. reeN,NETT &CO
•ro IR' flail:R:4.-A iluantity f Mew - lock Joi s t and 2.3catarag.
5 .1,•r• ...Cr ii the store of - ill iiii. .11. '3l 3:!' .t 1 iliviTt dot 0. ,
do do du 'do
dv 33 do do
...1 1 1
AIT t;R -:-I..ei.ltes anal:el ienietesGaiteriul :pouf 5,, - .% les
%....1 at the store of • June 11 Si. 3 etc" s - c ;:%''
, What is the attamaatl
1%.' in 0 i .A ,, J4 I ' OAI }; - N ti %V !!\
',I'll:II:111;NT? Why. f'adkrell rats just ornerier, againVl
L' funk trimmer sfpn risit.atid I verify heA fere he has broliglit , q
with• hilt half of the conets 01 Or East. nag goodness. at such
. prices it twos* induce,. one to iliiink they ware ciren to hem. It
you belie w
e e they are sell i rit yard in:l,le 1.4 retings by the piece
at titer/. IS pee 3 are], II:ha elleitliegleito at 1 % e eistas. cal icues at
Sch.. eel I's as fast as :t rack, as OW as I p hl IU cents for. lasi
week; er len goods nTsit: price Rush Matting" for floord at to
centsef, r %not:he:Pitiful iloorvil l'luths at 3U cents per ysird. as
rood as hp heen nellimu at 73 .iits, sell splendid Itru-sets, Tap.
estry. Ihr ply and super •lllCelii4n carpets I nes er saw before.. at
all no to t rof prieepo thill n hen I pushed my way still further into
the crTw. . such .11.Zzling spiel (14r from such a multitude of ;kb
dress ars -of evert color. au hhen to look , ai the prices. I %as
coull le, swamped : I th On Is did notlrequirr anyitas.that
nse r •
mui lett' tse mpeo . trip. .ty
there 1- ski much talk an, ut Illikke good*. 1 lowed ifood Mack
Mantibs as bow as el. Frendh !Gingham* in Is per yard. Linen
Gindotar at 1., mud such beautiful French work , kit !tawnier
(biers. l.pidersleeves. collar!, at numb lower prier, than
ever sawlbefore. 1 might well atop liere.'for I rauuot think of
the nainTk of one epatter of ilk. kith sifk goods 1 raw. lingo and
Fee fur uraelf. It will requhrlialf a day to erunine their as
sortment, hair wore good up stairs. or in hose. or.trua ks
than tenyl other 'Pore her. in towns lion t mind the crowd—push
your 14 a in, and youli find very gentlemanly clerks to show )ou
ryrryilik 'oil enquire fur.
Erie l lie It. s CADWE4,II. t ligNSEll`,.
Fr. ,enoreofthoseelieaP Parasols at
:li Erie June h tell. S' G. rtELDEN t 1 1 0111.
A IN and Ehroideied towas sell
1 M in
- ./utie 12 lest • S 0. eiiLtsitill is PON.
P • i
OPLINSand leAregatle DeLtit
ael at
Jamie 12• ' 1-,3a''• 3 ' ; C. 13ELLIEN & BON.
..._..- _; ____
Tint) tailectinp tittlniarge. i'otton Bailing carton ran anti ear
JL/ an terap at Jane it le.n. S 43.:141E,1.DEN & SM.
50(10 DE 0%4 Nnof all Mountie* Pet reteltriel. Al o. any
tiluantr(y of Chewhi and aftiOtifigiOhatto for sale
low at No 3. Williams tdoek: . 4
EldoradO or Adeeniures in the Pnth of Empi-e, by 0 Taylor.
The Adirondack or I.Ne in dl W00d . .. by I. T, Mildly.
The Eleinents of Moral Science. by F. WaYlind. D. D. ",- .
The Mimeos of Foliiical Economy.
- •
Maileiii. A tale of Auvermse. by infla Drehtnatrh.
14ernoi of Mary Lyon. by E. Iliteheoek. l, 1.. 0. ± .
ftrareht dr. Hall or Hentoriet. a madly. by b. Crayon. . -
TRIP* 40 Traveller. ..
The Iltiase of the Seven Gsbees. N. Nawlfrorer. "
The &carrel Lerief A ecernmee. "
,Rejeeted Addrewee. by Darner and James omitiY. - .. .
Challillllslll4 Monier Charm*. by Marts J Mignon&
eivalieis of Vnatand, by Henry 1,5 - liertreit. . .
Dore! Moe Rolinrion, by hro. r., Kennelly.
Wonean's Fr iendehip. by (Irked Viiiiithr.
Greenwood Leaves. first Mid lireOnd eerie".
Braces Ilnertary. Whipple's umpire,. .
History Or New York. from beftimilMt of the worldlo thhelad of
the (Mitch Dimwit , . by D. Itniekerhoeker.
Tales and Traditions of lininntry. by Thema lettlatk7. and libr
. sale cheap, at the Ntw Look IStore of , t
J. a. bosoms & co .
-Mar iiqt.-2 -- , No 9 rat* 9,919.
RA re. Silk. BursP 1 11 1 1 1 4•4 01 mod Ow 1111 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 11 of
•C doenititioir e t * I. tit' .p•iimpe•.l
t 1417r.rit4.
Prirgr rr &
erdi round
ekt. Americas:* eyes ,
tpankfu' tiherW rom.r.r as
[' u zri of,trje ti‘J
(id 431011,11. "lair
it' %Oil , rte4Sy 1.3 ale; ate ()rm.; Wiirk
her.. Ite wilt Abrir lip au haw( ,iii
the ar (rum
rI air i Wtall: halor L.
tZses rarer e7 L it - a
NPUtta to oil. fur •••• , f b' •
riotatr r :ens .T.
Titni m 14.. - ce to Item
I . ;ON P.EXI:II . •
Seciva as all %colc - •
J. sw gEN
off hiawn ait.firtludiaus.
MLisic Stur.y.
~106Ceiry zo , l
J & ,
No taws Ithek. i litte. ?a.
fbite... - Can , hee by the box
.1_ & " i. MO , .
No n. Irilhatos lHlxk
r or rl iqr .1 re••
h) the LI 11 -s , ;. \‘;. ;ID hi . :•
NC ,. 3, Ill:luaus Irr.e, Pa.
".11auon's & [ Ca rion';- 1 , Ale 14. i;
, J. 4.; IV 1.
Lrtlhatu 111ee4t; e. Pa,
NI ! are
• /WS
I. irk.ti. I.Sa.teria ^ an i Iu M ii. mi all
refeci% 1..1W asc.. Claret %Vote '
J G. &
Nu. Willlasua PI Env. Fa.
box nr hoick- by J. 1 & %%.. I Nl.ll.
I • rt.
Itei ‘ t
, ENC ),
~pa,LtltOu. f 4
keg and I'a a.
Lo • ,
J. li. M.LLi. c%v
N. 0. lintel., st'anl Boa
snviteil slitb art)
front and Awn) • II
it'd. and we p 1 elge %
star"? 4 -11.
_ _
I )GEKI L$ Bakiug
41.1, - rt e t 1-7 por
- 3 - 3mTnAoninrir.treir ESCZTDA ENT:
► ‘1..:41 At II AY KS tave remoi.e,l lo No If Ilfown'o ltlc''l.
11. rpol.orr 09,W owning thr nrlerxt , elwaveg Oro, bewf n.f , r kof
a..,1 Nov) I)rev. , iivrt ever Came retie Nees:
Morton or l'
TheAe good. ecn..nt to part zi . f . Rareree, rOptinF. flatcar Cy
Intim.. :kln.litt jei La ,sten.l:tralevg. I.awitn. Gingham*. Prints.
ete..ele . Nod" in -,,ort r plipri- me es erything 410 w waypf I•tre.t..
Cgooi. Three Goo11)/t were lyvtgitt far and at Atieljen ;at
Bann tn.. and n 111. ',e eyl.l,foAre4 ; pontltnaly lon•- All ne %ant to
prove these far i% is that, the 1)14 trig. puLtie•Av•ll 4;111 and entnpare
Mires hint morkr. - rimsmT. /c HAY t. 1 4. •
Erie. APrtt 21. 1&3 2 It 10. I ltrolvier A nek ,an
• ______
30 0 men pi (lr,,,l'larkn's 44:itent se)tiws Imo swam. pazi rp
e,•lve.! I , y C' Sill”-cr.: , er Tlie4 Styilles it estatho nre
tin tvrr.all% apprm t•tl atm auper;or to any in 'gate. nint n e n 041.:
refer to tln•e win find Mein tam tear
Thetir , Spritho retaittili i, of a story. A mart in
dication. and attiring the iiirctatora %trio a YarAye whu turned
Loom' and 1..- au to cry. Ile watt a•keit what, war
Ti ,
e retitled ifiatlirtioil:l,l apt kittprot e upot, it. tie iiatut• may he.
r, id of the Prlnthr, lur
r%R . G J . Ft tX. of New Yurk City, has located eetn:ineally
in the elle of Eric. for the treatment an.l eare Diwn-es of
the Eye. in all their entwines arid stages.'_ aseened and
teen in active practieefor several yeas' id, the! vat low. driiar I
went. of the 'science of %Irene itie..he Vane* hlnieetf that all
diereses admitting of cure, tansy be aceotaiplitshed on de , hie
It crritawas —Prof. Most and' Facnlty of New York; Prof.
Marsh nod Faculty of Albany Medical CidlcTe; Dr. Leach, Lye
infirmarF. l'ilea N . . •
t oflee with Dr.Brownnell; ftto. 3. Flushes' [poet
I:rte, lane 3. I 4.
fuer rceMtbM at kVarreit's Flat and ?uninviting tore. the
emulate,. St) le of 11.adies Riding Mats. a kaaeltfill all Icle of the
raehe.t beaver. Ladmi ate invited to call and 1.60 k I them.
June 3. .101131111. WARR EN.
New Iltra is Om Grocery game.
Matto , •Larza. Sales •aiismolit Profits."
. 1r ,,1 E altmittarrialtS respectfully give Notice to their mita
-4 mem - Intl friend"*, that they are reCeiving fenn first
bands, at the lowert east' prices. ffinri;diln: It& the hest assor
mem in En e. conirirrsiteg
. In part Superior iMt and Young Hy
eop. tiyeore•ii in, titifeiftg. Mack. and snuchong teas. East tkiston,
trashed. granulated. powdered. and etuares "dined /Ore! , en
gars: New threat's Porto Bien, Mitscovado a 4 Nataita 4 ugars
of ever, quality. by the hlid. bbtot etft. Irk it will be poll at
prices that *lies tonipet ilium Rio. Java and haguira rollie of
the teat totathyt Molaaety. Stuarts refined Syrup. Englith eur
rants, pickles, and in abort ever} thing nsuallio kept in a general
furnishing provision store All are Inv hied to call On elleap.ide
and etnniine for themselves. errEsuomr lic GRAY. •
llttssy Olean&
STRAY RS Born the sedweriber on the int of last rrro cows.
one a yellow Brindle Cow. with crooked horns'. oOe horn the
!bp shell s oft and supposed to hai e a calf by gm. tium. The
other a snail yellow row. waists' horns ulcer artificial
marts. Whoever will lease word at this °Bite ntam said.Codrs
will he revranted.
Erie, lune ly Itai. RB3dONO RITREL.
Assortment of
BOOTS..841()1 . 3 8 A NI) GAITERS!
F e . 1. 4 6“, fireiroh., Mom. Rsy'sotad Chiiths.
Ntrites.rsazzi AND ItSIT
EWES A COVOIIILN., Ito I Timers Meet, eleapside wood
Bilbao the Astrlieit and Gentlemen of Britt mid its
and country Merchants, hnt they 0re...00W prepared to supply
them with I splendid article of the suet faidormahie, s ,,sdiew
Gentlemen's. Mimeo. Boy and l3sildrerell at Ms. Shoes .arril
Gaiters. of every violets* of sole and rotor-- rehulevale and retail.
which cannot he surpassed for neatness of Workmaimbi p and du.
MMHG'. Which they will sell on reswipplile terms. Call and ex.
amine out stock Mr yonmelves. Erie June It 1e.33. 3r 3 .
WRE di penny Pr nuiand I no Gingisms, Jost received,
ane r 'vegan/ yards of those 111, Madder Prints. colors war.
natal PerkellY $/M yards. paphe Gingkoes t 111
per yard. . Jane 112 & , Tt&imila it Has . s.
`rill .1 re a mt
r el . :re (1 tut ...ilk.
84. N , IN •
F 'q,
•Gca. SF.I PEN &
for ITac Curb of
cotrans, COLDS,
This resucd) is offered to the ccsain tnuy Wish the cantaden4c
we feel in an article which seldom. sails to realize the happiest
effect. that can I.e desired. So ;et 1.14 . Ileii Cr itli *LlSCrUi
nes. arid ,u isusacrots, , the case‘ of 11s cut s, thpi altrOiteverf
set tiOu of the co.intry ;.boun,t, periunt, publicly kunten, who
have 'wet' ro-toreJ troll ahutoing rtnsl ece4 dessiicrait disetpots
of the by it.. mire: WhiNt incc tried, its super:airily brev
every other tuedic lite of its kind. Is too apti4rent to euenp. , pb
.ervution, %t hat •tutilute to employ fc.r• the I,llitre:suing and dan-,
serous attectioni of the pulasolutry, ;agar's, which are incident
to our climate. Aud not o n ly In the. forinidabte attack+ , upon
the tuns, but 'for the wilder varieties of C I,lB,C:one's, Hoarse.
mess, &r.. and firr Children kW the plensa test and safest meat
ewe that - . an be obtained. hlo faintly s Id be uithorn it, and
iliore nho hate neverot
Read the opinion of the lkilifotv ing Cc Reinert, ho' will ho
recognized 111 the various recritstirui cunt fry tibere they are le
calc4—each anti alk at merchants of the i rst class and of tho
Institut character—as tbeonteut and mos extensive I% hdlevale
I.esiteni mi Mrdistnewhith nit 'Orrin e untnutteit on the
subject of Which wt , rpeak: If there is any value in dill
Judgment of experience. see
'.Ve the tindetsi i ined. • Wholcsole 'Dm ii'
totiOtch.i.iiiited:t% ith Ayer'', ellerry Puerto:
beiret that it is the best nud Most etiectiin
r) Complaint. ever offered to. the Miter' , ,
~teiiid. front our kno ledge 6fib , eornpe i
otefolne.,s, tvr.ltallyOuticild it to the'a ••
leo. confidence. and • ti tth the tlrtti cony..
their relief a,ir inag.l7diel.le can do. .
Ilk, I Awl . k:i...t • D. h CO.. BOston, .
R.. F-91 & I'i rt. LT. N . ,iin n I itiurP. 51arylatt .
1... n le Ilim.utitt; llangur. Maine.
11 .o. ti...4..itit.Ant. lc Co.. charlerto.
)trod S. I, ititAvii.l Niro!, hlichilan.
'l'. 11 Ste it.t.t.ori it, Louis.% we. Kent' •
. !WU WA I TOY, $l. I.ol2jA g Masao
Tin °Dolts A. or, Burlington; e'er
11♦ t I(1•1.. 41.. AUZIPVI, If; 41
ill V O. Jwc, mon. New
J. NI Tuatrivtlik, Piibuturgh. Penns)
CL.RK & CO .CIIIRZIO, 11:111014., -
E. E. G .v. Eurlinctutt. Iwa.
M. I. r,. to., & tatri. No olk, Virgin
Eu.vzito Ilat •uitt LW, Wili 'ttaton. 4 l
JUNI GII.BAJIT & CO., Phan , Ina. 7
7.. IL & %V 11. 611.‘1,01. W.ll. ueion
J Wilton az Co., Sew ()Henn. I.a.
C. r Rielii4l,,,, & CO., Sat: Prat et.
Len I.& ,R R.*. Tan:dowse, Florida. -
R. R. p es...ot. Knoxville. Tenneeree
1::111•14 , 4. & IN: p. Little Rock, Ark.
Pint .:. :', t • r z- C.) . teXintloll. Mi
N. 11. 1,,R ki.1,., I:TeI,R.MOII.TeaRR.
Ctit,4 141 R. JR . , Vritvetettec. E. 1.
Jo. al. I i RM. R. Savannah. Ga.
IN ,b).. Ki - K1.n.1.,. 4h,c4., Cincinnati
la Pot et Co
J'. i; r V;l" k C 4 .), V.l . 4larae•o. Chit
I'. i. Inle, i,. Co . Vera Cruz. 3
rR • n Kr, •.• .... I u , Iltrota. NI. wnr
14, rte.: -, ,,, r & 1 . 0 . Halifax, Nova Set
1". v%'zi lI.R & SO V. 1 4 1 Johns, New
C I:. ::•11Nw &Co , Rio lancLro; E
wt.) -urn aezurnnec. and frees sin
rut le ati,l.teed . , except that hertnotf .n.
Prep•red'by J. e. Ayer, l',uriteal
C. ,1 at Cite lq .1 H. Burton & Co,;
_ .....
Town k. Co:; iti . Girard by J. A. Whit
0 13
,11t2 1 '. Groceries. I'v kles, Prole
l. r rg,i Fruit and Nuts. J. t;, dr. %
hone. ftt.a.k. npoovitl. !yowl'''. Ne
J. f. , o,,er'ed a li ,, w I:"t3Win:),),ent. Wu.
4.1 Art.c les in their lineal tie" Lon'..
tte'alt. ' Th, Soel,Conviotv in 1.... a. 0
tr,t, 4
~.. Orlo:r 4 . Pre-erred Folits, Maecattnta,.
la') I , rv, ' TA-ttia:up, Verina , II v , 6w/dines,
4 I *ig , n, Fro', ,' 6 Plain Po Me., Anchovies.
l''',rter. .Ral,inv; Alt',l Pic le4. . ilatatantpf.,
Ve. N , Osti, rit*lll.l . ( y,tert.. curr.ilits.
I*.der.,,, l'ue la. rica" . l..ll !,•uctr.. Dc-tiorni.
I 'ord 'al:, Paws; Pie 1. 4 ,4 lei, , I Clini.,i. isAlw Olt*,
as sir 4 A: a; }" it 3 . 7' %X B A 12REL.
q. Ai j(j_...1,.. ) . :4.2, d rir. Coffer. 'ltolaqsel, Tobacco. Rice. Ground
'' , by the no!, rzola itoctut. Crackers by Use
rel. Oat 'lmo'.l other'ArPe'es iza,• utiler,.',.. to iiwnt t , n.
PnRTF.I) ell: llt: 4 .—‘‘'e ii:ipar4 our own (Tor... and can
writ I ter qualliv of I', 17, at Ibe ~,i,e prices c,an auy lithurea it
the co) ‘ l'ure nip! iltouli.i. %Vines,
.I.npaur- of ever‘•dese rip
..,,, 1.....,,.,1 % ~I 1 hand. fa- Sale" Waolevate nt :on' rates: • Al
„—ilvitle, tVin4, and kiluar. for '!ftedicilt” or other purpoirtal
oil it:t.ri Itv,i kh.V.Ptt or San2le bone which are purer.
AGENC 1 >A ftl F.1.1r0 .4Lil.: —moinag and flihrefn Sr.
iltArtott's Ale. • wale - b) the harrtil. at Buffalo frire.RAdiur:
I,.vo—mcciving . ine• ili. ir o.vters la
from J G. Mill!" As .Co ,of Neve . `gork, fb:.
..11r,c... I ~
"NA.* lllTAltial
oinGE& 41" & LELS tart! Pt::
k 77) cxtt n-tc,
evrt lktodglit fo tin. plaix. and %ill
chromr#, at Wltnlf..atr or krtait , at •
aturk totoprt des all article. bekmgr
part of
Sugars of ovary Vai
Rifnl.l,l4 syrupy;
inifie-A•av'reav of every kind, price
Jil% Lagl,lira. Rio. Pert Rico. a
tiaeco in.all attain,* and at all prie
(Ida. St • • Turpentine. whit* Le
Veuetian Red; f*afliar,fe.4t7hron
.Cc. We luso Isaverthe I'
ed Liquor ever brought to this ma;
con‘teding of mtard, rognine..
roan and American to
Port 1% me, Malaga. filailaira.
1MO:VON - 0J ILE t, ,A . 4. 1 1 D r 7
centanntry on 114-.1 rti the itatrtsl
n;:kr, q CUII.Ia Itt SI/ ppl cf 1..0
I•l*o4lco.4.lners of C
ance, nre invited to call an.lexat
l'r.pturr tece.‘ eti in Exchat
I:rip. I nv 13. 1-32.
rhlrn el/116141e( lrmome
tttl 1
I be yolk:ewer than that product
tile churning by atmoopherte eh
mid also le-. to tptantity, If th
give of limn Nihon phiced in the e
the thermometer Man NJ at the ed.
arta it N'Ai I t-t tutl above, and t.
aler, att117 . 32e. by -Mena< Of a
N produr to temperature rei
. 2,' • .
Al'crAilitv FLOI:la a arranin.l. (o. I., Grua 41c7
I 7 I Srforte kr It.ifilby . Gtr. J. 1r 11)N,
Erie. l'a.. April 11. l'ift. 19 rublic Do^k .
. IV KW YORK e c t S 11 STORE! j .
New o•ods. ' .. •
rirllE rubscrilier liar 1'1,4 opc •d. a. Agetk fo.- one gf, rot(l.iru
-1/- PA 11 43, 1 , er. in tie roost. on itn., DiaAinid to
ritiiti oswyo by Mrs. War, I. t!irce doorsrn.t Art is ErW , ..-
it•ink. a • .a:.:Prustupnexii of ilrur.ritul rods Df Pr re* r -
nem,• any beretofnee offered in tni. inarkm. . Itirixt, _lt emmi--
re:. alt the varieties found iu Dry Comfettarll„xkineteir. or quail,
tier spinal V. every mom.. and t rtes peroriutiodated 10 trey
purxe: snot. far example. as Gil dram., mart/mm.l CIA Catifxnr. at
tl riA per yard: Part... 1t...t . terimat. at II rentfullapantols.
. . ... ._ ... _
' 18
Turkish Sal in. at $ 2.1. Crape
prire4: a gnorl article of Iri*h I.
I'uctain I/raper,
Ilarplketekiefr: Cruhrbidered l'„ ,
VI kite yrkrN. cheap .. k:
Tiesac of vatunto colors, Bc..
an elegari.l arricfc.,l4llll rood I
and flack &: •K Ifanrlkerehrefs.
New , will ire reeerve
TlK...rtilr;crrher inviter au ca.
enpfhlient that he canhbi Ire en
inlhe cily. The bustuor
prlnetple purely.
Erie, May
_ -
nut crtt CR
W ILI. he kept comanittly ofi
• • momrt men* of Croekery.t; ;
iron Atone Chitin. hbilbury.l% i
and Coh Pawl china; in fact ,
'Dining, 'Yea amid l'efrei Relit , .
, COM if ) N if' 4Rr ! , • . ,r
A large APsoftmetit in oil i voriciies,also YeNow aril Rock
ingham Wore-of the loiml :Lzt; en. .
GLASS WARE.—We hoc no benitation tin saying that'pllc
esnek of Giant Ware In UMW' 11116 P by any Nitride the Ationti?'
erne". to eionaerate oil wool.' be ainte.t,liiipojelible: however 14e
, 'II 2,,e a f e w , nici t c,,„ mg „pog fig Gia . M.P44l of every, 1 , 17 P and
vaiiety: large cut Wang Di . times. celleyy lio.hee. Rogow..
ztait i o; o l,l,4... wi n e Gi0,...:0 I,e; widen, Decanters. and Till.
biers; of MI pill; Roil .izeo, at ' . CI /4 by the ivx: ,
s=tave l'ialeil Wore. Tea am! cow e Semi. Conlon.. &c., aim Uri.
mono Wm* of all Kinds; th oho eig 11l be apld for cash its low
:as can he bmiglit i.litivide Se ' Y k.
r Slay 'ff.—t2 CAbwit.t.t. Bewsirre.
maidzito tts• R )1.7T
and the Erie Railroad. corm
bake &ie. theAtrefilahn, 191
030 e% Mord and Prtnibrirgli an
roach. and itengte rt. oh the t.
Ofita. Indiana and Petnriyrk
YaAlaal.l:A VV.
Ist, Morning Eipreini
lid Morning Mail 'rra
3d..tfcomu C
4th. EverfingFAiirepri
SUt Fapre•as I:•ttie
6th. Way Preiah: at I
Fare from I hinirtilt in Neu
M.o.—The .s . t'clodic P. IV
co on Patur4aye.
Setond clap" Palmeri'Lin. I
al 14 o'clbe k, P. M. hate tt
This Company is prepare
or all kilfdl 16 and (MU Ne
Particular attenti Pak
being 6 feet wide pl ,e. this r
Railroad. in the irrunipuria
Dunkirk. Noteinheir tE, It
_ .
tj AMS and tlttott
1.4 our own meld an 4
c.beap fig cash. E Jut
ans. baring been for
NI. hereby eertifynur
remedy for Putnam'.
an People. And we
ttan ostensive
feted a■ worthy their
tiou t!tat it n ill do roi
liu.rl van is
D. e.
o, C%tifotuis
x %co.
lin /a
ar„ti •
I.ntu, t.o stroorr proof
,4 X .cc upori trial. •
kcusist L•relf. Mass.
Nro;oi Law: b r B. 0.
and by 1), - ecisre ore
Oystets, I.obsters. PIS
. 1 N 141.1.4. Sn. 3 *.*.
H"tel. Erie. Ca. have
Mil are lariart‘Sio Pell
PrMet., at Whp'.4ale and
the f ilvau E artachti,
W 1 M:u.t.l.l.bnlo.
A. e. , i irti"( N. Acet.t, Ff.,. Pa.
. prt%:ri . l'an:l'ljt, a tta Denlurs.g.Cra
vi lir how, Bli
, at tral., prlci,..,.
II / 11,1 cotinicy re.w.c•filllN rulif •
1,f.,1.411 ;.:uu , l4 .h. 111,14.. t• re emu'
1 444 4 at Co. 4 Wright'.
onatt... , j ichffice
1.11 to wi..atitit s t•i >u it our -
.tnti.i.hi ugly tow• prier.?
g to flit: tra , `N?.otigic.olg att.
and Quality. •
•-t India and New th:Sani
ndriunljty, old Governnient.
fir- nuini~ eidinev.
Inftl. alnl Lin4ml
i dry find in ad. Red Lend.
•see.rhrome I.amp
iderr arriortment of Almon ,
fret. driver froth the Import -
ale and American Brandies.
, Pure Juice and innuitation
=Fraud. %%* !life and rlarct
l}railes-rtidt"motts LT the
r. hind 4' 1.:11
I:1 ow Cittenrit auti.acquaint
use pur Stuck.
fur ilieods.
• •
• r Churn.. • • •
r ftllutwr wade iron, :t
by ar t y other, u tt,le that trou.
I no 41 'II he unit . ..dimly& %%Liter.
rrnram io not at the oratu , r
urn. which In:1y Ire Ittn,u it ty
i.soF plot) Ivo 4.egrr.s.
COlti below.; apply Co II or ho:
I'Pra nel below the churn. Winch
tot . For :ale bv ,
el tit k.
Sh.twhi. new /111 deirerria
lien. at 34 rents 4VoGI Be LA
. Boiled Muslin. Embroititre I
t'n•ter.leve.i, I,tnekand
brodered Mourning I :11clertilet es,
c. 'Also. Bloomer Urn
men Ilantikerehier., at leo ew .
So eels.
try/ kitty 'reek.
witt3iton olooAs and pciees,
arfry similar estahli- h.
will he conducted turn !lip its•ta
wee Eltoile. _
INI,NG PIRE I' in vt j:
hand. n large, and well *elected
a** Ware Ake.. erimpritiing
Marc. Lisht flue Ware. also %% hite
*en thing to male out complete
ol.' T 1 M E . -
1• ) NEW 110ttg
'l4 Ultbilitlt. ' i
•ctio4owiih tifil clan noilie's an:
veinn.t, Columbus and elliOnnati.
I 80 iiduoky and Cineinnaii Lill
hio *nit Missisidpp E reverr, and Mt
- niaienurilv.
1 '' • /
MP( TRIC Al Fol.l.oi4'' .
mitt nt II .1,„ M . /
• in Rif 10 A. At.
lelmi.) al I :la P, 31: -,
raiii at SP. M. . /
elehs al 3A. E. .. •
1 M• ...
Volk. opl 00.
.ir in will leave 0 SiSi...vinyl and
. , .
itftii on the Areonttoodation Train
rough to Newwl6' rk. 113. et_
V) Irt no pOtt e Ise &Welt adineiglit
York. . .
to ttork.r"ffst gunge ertfir*oi4
. to yea 'advantages over ott other
ion et Nock. . -
C. MIX T. 000.
nice ku.of Ilium and Shamble's of
turOis. Roy sale by tbe-aolocaikery
IS test-G, - BP.. NZIT t fAft