11 A. P. DIM 11l &CO., Proprietoris. MIME '23. Eric asetver. ~: A. P. DURLIN & CO. PROPRIETORS; D..l'. IL OAN. Editor. • OFFICE, CORNER STATE BT. AND PUBLIC SQUARE. ERIE. • TERN'S OF THE PAPE& • City 1111blor r tiers liy he Ca f fief. at eta 6 , n u, or at the office. in ativanee, 1..500 paid in avance.or within three moots from thetisue too dollars will be charged - L]AII communications Rossi he postpaid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. exceeding 1 lines, one year. .3. 4 0 Vic wpiare 10.1 M do. do: six months, 6,66 do. do. three mouths, 3.00 ertiwwvi t0..10 cents per square, of fifteen lines or l e ardier the first irnert ion: •Li entity; each suireckintatt insertion. , rari, adtrru-er.ha%rthel rtegeorehaagmgatpbasure. &Li 31 Le uric are anon rd to oceu lore titan two squares, lAd lr herr iriffiliertlerii in IVe 4 nd Dry Groceries yr, Pro Foreign nod IDomeilic Fruit. Wooden. IV Slone Ware, Flu Fie Sall. Gins*. Naafi., Pow eapti. ifety Lc. French etreet. oppo •‘, nrrn rner.e. iG.Yt. Pa 6. Trotels. rrtrate fam,ll.•• fW , V 11 4 .41 wiskany of theaboveameles prompt- IV-i• r) IN r SI. S. LANE .Attorney and Calms°lror at Law. , 0% orJack•O's !Lure, at.liorth-East dossier of die Pub: =BE 1 , 51. IP R . I I/US S I'I%NY ART. Pi1%146'71 mr aid Sqrgeous. (Ate and Residences— ' ~,,;!1 6r. r. .s strcils. ,-111 7 to t, A. %1; I to 2, 6fid 6 to 7 . P. M. R. s, ,' n 1.. J. L.. srxw•kr. lc v. JOIIN 111-11 IN & CO. ' • ttrw,, amt l'oln:nie..l.ln Merchant., i:ealee in Coal, n. k agr•ut 1.. a a it illy true of upper lake Steanteri, . I.r 14 , rii. K, t. ra. - • I DDELL & Co. Minot:lett:ter,. of Pence. Foriniboal r 6 and E4h. den•etr. F:rie. -- A.II4.RICAN EXPItESS CONIVANY. I )rt,. t ReutioiNt4l4.) No. 5 Recti Sfate?treirt. ch.*, v .,1,x1c, A. M. Vt. •ti'rn R c ork. P N. • 0, n rrArtottitt, Agent. — GE011.01: J. MORTON. i • (Fate ~.f (At firm of .7. Hearn a• r.., .) F ; .a • ca n ,: Voitinii.o.ton Nlerctoni. Pu! , ilc Ow k. Eric. Pa. k.r. : 31; Coal. 0 dt. Foal, Bluer and Ma.iiter. 1- . lit. dear Carl. do not 'ay soil " niarmored ~ - WALKER. & TillilA LS. . . I,ms. reprnschfuly. ..• lam sure inv father loves yle.'• FIA •Kni,G. pi , p4w, and VO•nosig;i011 Metehanill. second Ware , " .. %Vhc. then, does he rent hi.. 'connent to out: anion il AO.I. East of 04 Public liridge.",trie Pa. A .-11eliceF to Coal.S.lll.l . ll.lct.Sturco. P.141.1.1mr and Lieu' upon each a ridiculous. unmeaning condition 1" replied --me, iron. gad.. Stove.. Ca.tings. Acc..&c . with sin'igna , .... ' 0.4 angrily ' •• What motives can he halm . 1 After al. ' fae:live. fog •Iripping either by ilitatuboauo, Propellers. clioonerii or l, Rail RA.11.1. " \ i.. lowing ay to4roar up together front the ',cradle- in imeN , ....i.sqr_a. L. M. TIIIIII i c.f. ' i intimacy; ktowing my circumstances, so i well. and even deniroon. - an' • told my mother. of 'reit - as united ; 11•.• 11. h. NOII,TON. -'o-akt4 rind Repiirer, Ilea:cr to %Vote Chhek% Jewelry. Islstrurrieut.ll.-14g.kin2 G,asees and o ther F..ney Goods !hute , roe .tor woo Of the Riot House. IT I ARBUCRLE. KEPLER. , r., I F . ) C(X)IQ. Grocerier. NalrOWAft;CCOCkety. ire. No I oek. state 1441. rate. Pa. M. JU tiSON. I. AV —Orltre on l'nrk Bow. between nrowns'new hke of. -nom • •Ar x