GOOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLI OO drone:ries and rare Wines alid O. 7,, PLOD PEOPLES' ROW. STATZ S 4 . 111111111asieenber is now reeeiviug bis Fall and Winitt mpptg .1 et Groceries. Wines and Liquors. Oils, risk its, which, Mete( bees purchased at reduced prices. cormegnent 4Pciel the passaribi the money market, he is enabled to sell at rates that Astonish the Natives arid Defy Conipetition. Ys therefore lakes pleasure In calling the attention of a generous main and drinking public to an enumeration of l a Part of the •fasay good things he bas in store for them. kel!itg sure they hare let to EXAMINE QUALITY AND pa ICES to be satisfied that It will be to their interest to purchase Of him. His stock consists ta pm, NET AND DRY GROCERIES: P Rico, N. 0. amid Cuba taw, Old/ay:4 and all whet Ctr eet . Pig cradled. 'notated Black Br. Greet' Teat. Itollattdo. sad fo. Tobacco. smoking and chewing Illabotaaa. tot & trAltda. B plug and paper, all buds. ice. No. 7 Citron; Siegel'. Black and Yepoer Snuff, , 1 llbenestemand I . ItVAIVII Cigars. issins. Lersities, Piga. Prune.. Currants. Pepper. Cloves. Maim. Mae,. Indigo, Ginger. Qum. Ground Coffee. Irlspr ese sine, Olive. Caen( al d Sperm Oils; Herring emillah. kerel. Salmon. Whitefish and Trout: Fancy and Common bar Soap. Scotch Ale. London Porto; Ofitsa-ia are. Rockingham and Stone , Ware orevery decri piton ; r Alec the best as- People 8 ' Wntinent Row. OF CANDIES IN THE CITY. • • la the line of Wines and Liquors his crock embraees Pale and Dart Brandies, 81. Croix and Jamacia Rum. Setwidasi and Pine Apple Gin. scotch. 31onongahela Whiskey; Old Portend %fade. na Wlse.'Seberry. Malaga. Red Port. Clartet and thainpalen Wales; Also. Brandy Peaches and Cheryl., together with all- NO* every thing else in his line . . M. *war:. Erie, Feb. 21. Wl. li liboldon's Wstorprod Polish, for SOU •,and smogs. ATKESII supply jinn received at Warren's No. Wright's Mock. This article is attracting the most unirinal mhui ration where it has Leen temed We can produce testimony of the highest reputation and are confident of tours if )4u will but give It a fair trial. It surpasses ant thing ever before offered to the world. It gives a brilliant polish. and is misceptible of oil, r - sad not only keeps out water but preserves the !ember and keeps It from cracking. Ladies. commend it very, highly for Kid and morocco shoes and Rubhers„ adding to a brilliant lustre transit . in of not soiling the-whitest linen. ft is calla) applied aud lasts osier than any other blacking. Try It Erie, March t 3, 1e31:-41 I. H. WARRE:4. Agent. To the Zak abitants of liarboreresh,fieforth Zest, Greenfield and all others in Stria bounty. TAKE NOTICE!! wm.ll. RINDERN win' of Erie and A. F. Jones of Harbor. creek have purchased the entire mock of goods of Messrs. King andArown at Moorheadville in liarhorereck and Emend to continue 'the mercantile business in all its branch at the old 'undo( King and arCIWU. under the name of • • RINDERNECHT k AON1ES!!1 In addition to our prevent Stock we will receive to . a few days by Railroad from New York all styler of frry Goods. Groreries. Crockery, Glass ware. Inc n, Steele. Nails, Dye Stuffs. Liquors and everything generally kept in a Grocery and Dry Geed Otore in anyplace. Our Motto shalt be to sell cheaper er Man the cheapest e merle the citizens of lte above named townsh•pe to call and examine our stock and prices and if we cannotsbow them as large a stock of goods as some in Erie we Can show thew a good assortment of everything and at prices that cannot i.e heat. Wanted in exchange Oar goods. thnib. Huuir,Eggs. Potatoes, Oata,Corn, Flour. Beans, dried A pp:cs and Pencil - 7i. Pork, Hams, itte.l tlkireh T r , 1119' WAY STJVANGE,R!! 1. ”Bec tire the Shadow ere thetlu het/Ince fads." /h13111:1414, the Dagnerretan At s WOULD respectfully infomi the I adies and Gentlemen of Erie. and vicinity that he mill continues his rooms over the Erie Dank. Tor the purpose of delineating the human rage divine by means draw beautiful art of the naguerrotype in the latest and most approved style. lie offeri to produce the likgnesa of any ,person favoring hint with a slitting vt bleb shall he pronounced by competent jadges. auperior to the work of any other Artist what ewer. Ilbr strength. beauty. end life-like appearance. Daguerreotype. 0 what cielight To gage upon its works of tight; , . Ilow high the polish. pure the tone, - • And every face IP nature's own pure never Art with all its skill. , The soul with such delight could 6,11 , ,. pis !Venire being flied by the cyanide ore arnEettiet ingre dients df has own preparation. can never fa cusl byl exposure to air and light Those who wish perfect Likenesses, will please call a; Ens rooms over flit Erie Bank, and examine isplecimens.- 011Sca hours from $ o'clock. A . M. to 3 P. M in all states of the womb . Erie, l'eh, 11, 1131. tflo Valnablo Mlodical Work. . APOPULAR Cyelopsibis ,Ifesfrea D ime t cei A6diri.e, com prising every recent improvement in I 'cal; knowledge; with a plain account of Medicines in continue use.; Ity Kenn latita.lM. D. to %filth lit prefixed by the Popular Treat upon A natorns. Physiology. Surgery. Dieu:tuts and the Management of the trick. designed Alf general use This work is highly recommended by all our best read had reg ular physicians:and may nowbe had at a reduced price at Erie Mar-h G. DURI.IN & Doo /01.-tore. AUGER. Saw. plane, aud chi•el handles. at No 3 Reed Douse. March 13. BUFFALO AIYVERTISEMENT SAVE TOUR DI oNzlit 'Ryan, Etiessicip E.44atislissent far the sae el' PI:TINOS FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. DOMESTIC . D ;Faso( DR•Y GOO , • . Andli Him" F.rnicatair ..tHicies 4 1, Tossaread Hail, 118 MAIN S 119 V 11. BISHOP. having ihe•paelbus Roolns in Town lr • • send fir le of the slot e goods., is prepared with a new and splendid assortment. unsurpassed by any estab lishment in this e sty. tuber in quality. beauty. variety. Ot Cheap. nes& 110 is prepared to supply dteauiboattl, Hotels or "'fleece Families with every article in his line, at New York City prices. - In my store will be found new and elegant 'designs in Velvet 'Tapestry. Tapestry , Bru.seir, three ply ingrain and other carpets; floor Oil Cloths. all widths, from 2 , t0 24 feet; Canton matting. 'splendid Damask and Lace ('urta ins, Corn ices, and ill other Dra pery, Trimmings. Linen and Cotton ttheeting, Curled flair, Sea. Urns and Straw Mattrestes, and every article in the s Uphoistry line. ; In the Dry Coeditline I have a full and complete assortment, • and haviog tad many years experience in the purchasise of Dry Goods : I can otr-r . my stock to purchasers S - itti full conedence that u cannot be ndersold by any house either in or out of New York City. I respeeibilly acuireit a call from all purchasers. My goods will still times be exhibited cheerfully. - I have in my employ an experienced carpet Matter and Cobol starer: wbo will use his utmost exertions to `ire entire satisfact iou to my customers. W. B. BISHOP:218 Main street, March 47. 1e:W.. 7 0C lit store below Swan street. SAVE YOUR MONEY. °ICA ni f iPfnri ePL3lli*Ncoa, C o.. IMPORTERS AND )01:1St:Rol. 144 Rireadirey„ I Dwir South of Liberty Stied. NEW roer. HAVE now on hand. ind will be reeeiv tog daily th rough Our season. New Galas. direct from the European manufactur, en, and cosi tectioss, rd. fashiosseble, faal, Silk Nalswery Our stock of Rice /fibbers. caul pc iscs every variety of the latest and moot beatiti hal des vls troporred. Many of 'our roods are usantintetured eapreesly to our order, - from our own designs and patents. and stand unrivaled. We (d -ist/et oufgood, fur sett Cashott loser prices than any credit House in America ear afford. All purchasers will find it grea4 to abeirinterma to reserve a giortion of their money and make selections from our great ear teiX of rue clamp punts. Ribbons nen for iktnnetts. Caps. Ra-his and - Be its. Bonnet Sills. Satins, Crapes, Limes. and Tarkions. iMbroidcries.Col tars, ChemtsetV, Capes, Berthas. Habits, Sleeves, Cuffs. - goes, and inserting,. Embroidered Re% ,ere. Lice, Old Cambric Illandlterchiets Blonds. Illusions. and Embroidered Laces for Caps. Embroidered Laces for 'bawls. Mantillas. and Veils. Bonitos. Mechlen. Valene woes. and Brussels Laces Eingitsb and Wove Thread, emyrne, Lisle Thread, and Cotton Laces. Kid. Lisle Thread. Silk. and Sewing ellk, Gloves, and Mitts. French And American Artificial non eft. French Lace. Lei Joh. A merkan, end 'when, titres Bonnets and Trimmings. Marc& l7leSt Egolt TURT received .y D. rB. DentßY. at ihoc. on the Reed 111 Gave Row. giro!b supply of stock. consistingof Shot Guns, &e.. which he wel sell cheap for es.h. Shot Guns 'Worded at Aram 112 SO to WO earn, Rides of all de.ermttoorotaanufae tuned .heap fur cash or ready pay. 115 r All Jobbing done promptly and neatly. at mock:internee. Ern. March al, 1532. NO. 173 MAIN STREET. BUFFALO., el111)111TON 43U0OZMIXT ST•EIt.Z. ic•ubbertbers have oostietlnu Mai nestreet Buffalo,. (nest door t o Hollister le C 0 ..) au cumuli re..ortiociit of China, Giat•e, anii - Eartheu Ware, Alan. Solar Lamps for of or burning fluid. Cirrindolee. rem- MOO and silver-plated -Castors, silver-plated and Britannia Cutire Pots, Sugars and Creams. plated :toxins, Ports.. Cake Ras c, Tea Tray*, Table Cutlery and' a complete tuumrinteul of Fret ch. Chink aid Oxman Vases, They import their Crockery and China direct Biim the menu heaurera, which will eaable them to sell at the barest New York prices. They Inauld particularly iniitelthe attention othlierehanto. sod all others wishing to purchase, to pee them a call, and !lamina their goo& Sod prices before purchasing. a.-15 F.. C. BROWN ar Blaney wanted for the Cause of loberty. THE Undersigned wishes lo free biome( from his Creditors and not having the motley to do it. he therefore asks all those that know themselves endebkol to him to call and pay their respective dues od or before the LIM of April nest or cost. must be made. a certificate will in all eases be given Air the amount received. Erie March 1111 ISM-45. WM. F. RIM DER N REcciab BY EXPRESS. _ _ _ _• Gr. R. boos' New Noe!" A Story wlibout a Name." • " Self Deception. or the Flsseno sit a Hinton II eart"—by Mn. Ewe. "Kossuth stud hie Generals." Also-Bartain's Graham's and Coders Mairatities for Ann'. at March tr. 1.5.31. J. B. GUNNISON & Co.. New Boni Shore. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. T HAVE taken WM. P.-HAVE:I. Into eo-partriMehitt with me la the blerehantile Business. The:Monter wilt be ettadueted bervalbee ender the Om of Tsbbals It Hayes Erle. blurb. 3. Mit _ C. 31: TIEHAI.I3. • N. B.—All part:me knowing Meat/elms ladebtaltaime by Note Or Madam. will please make immediate settlemeitt as it is post. wily smseemary tohave my old bummer" closed up. 'A word to Ole wise Is stilSereaa March {,C. lIL, 'MBA L.B. TO TIEN P0N1.14. H AVING this day admitted as a partner. Mr. A. J. MLLES . (who has been. for the pan eight yeam.-in „the, extensive Masubeturing and Importing House of Messrs h teams. Good win & Co.. New York,) the business will be coatis:died nailer the ofSTOCKTON k. FCLLER, at the old stead, second door mist af Brown's New Hotel. Park Rm. Than lathier past Swore, I hope you will bestow the same literal pommy! on the near Mn. assuring you that all that is Nimble shall Ms done to give satisfaction to m) castanets. Erie. klatch I. 1839,—.43. / 11. P. STOCKTON. Plow Take MBE erhsc fiber. haying purenand the entire sunk or rl'..cee Ele•ofi. Zuntnerly, viii continue the losi ties' at the oly' nand Under the pane awl firma of A 4t. J. B. 106 'AI:raide r Tbed Intend not to be uudenoLlts any other eMall:shineut, • d will he happy to watt on all who way favor then with a eaill with the prawn pleasure. *step. ti wa LTIt Erie Sept_ 0. VALUABLE HiLiPEEreit . FOR iliA LE rrith subscribe, colltwoh Ate, and a bespin. the property I. where be rendre, aliawil wiles from Erie. It metals. bora Is to . n he erected thereon • Wades hetory, with the ,. M tad filagree; • Steam hew MW, with Marta eery Mtge two story Dwriliog limit, • good Ikon. fire. iTomo Howes, end a yore. owl. ma PICIIrti orchard. grapollipet. lift lard Is of • good quality. ail eli•red and no the. he fang . at loto Limo, t , mmotou to *e puboallbee Go the prow MAN oft WmSt. ru r•to, Feb. SI, Mi. et) tr. ... crane liCrii /Mai& OVUM. seriOLD PERI 03 WATER CURE. is snouted about • mile north oft city of Buffalo. at the celeurnted rad Springs, (hem %henna At Irv, its nautr,) and at the tenniaus c.! theism of It Imo ihuseri ow Mato Street. It bes been iii ufreation about eighteen months. and the Itieeefil which hasattendeH the treatment ut patients bag surpassed the incausangueue expectations of its proprietor.. ewes have been performed. which to the patients themrelves. to tWir friends, and 1. to the public, ha • seemed a little Winn of miraculous. The pro prietors do hot w •h to encourage those who have been declining in health fir yea ; with Instantaneous restoration. but fret en tirely safe in say lei that water treatment will cure all that can be cured by any other monism. and will succeed In many caws where other measures have Ailed, and will cure in less time and more eornfortable to the patient, and all-things considered at ninth less expense. 'Ttie diet is such as Is adapted to inealids. and itymnastic ere,• cities suited to the physical cond aline of each patient, and i 0 no cent amusements such as have a tendency to invivrate the eon stituelon are rodulady pursued. The InStilutkin is new, commodious. and pleasantly situated. theannoundingscenery bra Jtiful.and all things tending, to Health and comfort tlceept.iLle. and DO pions will be spared to reader our gueot. ebeei , Lland contented. ',bite receiving all the advan tages of niedital aid and Water appliances. . 1 1. Phattuek. M. D. has the Medial charge. assisted by J. H. Tilden. Si. li.. and In. 3.1., Aeointi, ag resident physician, and Deetreint M. M. To lur ' nit . i Poor .ECOMMENDAT lONS. Eats. ra.. N0v.13 IPSt K. Maddock. is a practical Arcbitecuand ire engaged Withal business. during w loch oral large and coolly buildlap Wirebeer ladduck to all persons who may he entre um: that he will. as heretofore, promptly rgement be may make.' W. Taunt J. M. Fullerton James fl Dunlap Jubn P. Vincent John 11. Welker • C. Mestparren F. Waters. M o zfr 907 r CIF eant I,l*. Bever:es a cbclor. 'apott cf French %." Slick/4a Lady's Voyage around the World, Webster* Quar to Dictionary ,Harpers Grahams and Knickerbocker Magazines for March, Ft:4 ' ost Divorce Case and more of those choice Blank Books at J. B. GUNNISON Jr. Co'S Eric, March NI 1535. New Bookstore. 50 Bags of Cikee - tor .sate by the bag or posiiiiiiit — Piices iha e•n'tbelbe beat. Call and see. Erse Nov. 21,-31. 48 W. F. EINDERNECIIT. THE Ladies - I;in find vet.* *levant black Brocade chanarable 1 alike. cheap ai Feb. la. 'U. .1. H. FULLERTON'S. CARYE 7 I — ' IVAR? M oak at J. B. COOK'S. • March 13 'tea S Tea 11 - 25 Chests. of Old & %Wag 111sui. i Black & Hysion Skin Tea now open sini selling wow 37g els. Per pound-to N0v.24,41., In W. F. RUN ItIERNECIFI"S. AFEW do Jars of Nice Plektes—tilro tfair - dioes for rote by Nov. IS. ' W. F. RINIPERNECHT. 200 1181.3. trA LT. just received and for sale by • N0v.19. IESI. W. F. Rialivasiceirr _ _ D Currants, Citron, brace. Niamey.. Gloves. Comm it moo, ; Pepper. Elpiee. Mustard. CllOCUlalt. Cocoa. baker's Broina. said a few dozen of those infallible Yeast Powders. eon- Stint ty on band and for sale by W. F. RINDIRII.N wiry: N0v.19. Corner n T /46 and SLawat 3 TONd.John McFarland &Ana's hoe daleralus, for sale by the the boa It manufacturer's prices. • Nov. le. • .W. F. RINDF.IO4IF.CHT. Agent. Tobacco !I - . - room Anderson & Co.. Liehenthal dr Co.. C. !thou & Bon's ...I Chewhie and Smoking Tobacco. by the pounder paper. Aliso Cavendish Tobacco from 114 ets. to three shillingsi per pound by Erie Nov. 21. 1251. W. F. RIN DERN ECHT. HATS, -4 CAPS AND FTTRSFOICTIERICELLI 011 Clear the track for SMITH, No, 3, Cheapside!! HO has on band theLareest doe k of Goods, is his line. ester offeted in this market, which were purchased for CASH .. the Caned. ruses, or manufactured by himself; by which enabled tol•ell them so tont thpt people do say they must • ve ROI by the Cullom House withdut paying duly. Well, w tif they were smuggled. so that the people can buy Beautiful Ilk Hata for -0! Buffalo Robes for $1 SO. :Mexicali Ha .r. SO cents, and all other gooila at like low ottani. For . ..f of `which. all Interest ed can carload examine fol . then, es. reDoiefforiet the plaice, = ith's Cheap Hat Store . , No. S. Cheapside. Noveratier 8,1,31 Yg TICII PILE Subset' nvendind to reside for M wane time in Erie: has A 'resumed practise of Medicine and Surgery: offlre at his residence • • hat., two doors west of the Episcopal Church. Erie an AY. '5l-tf3S. W. poy Ji )11 VaTit'.4l% GEN/At A I. a*Durtilielll Of efuelliefy and I: nu .w ate may be tarnal the 'tore of ' SENN ET I &or. lisystons rapor 3111111 s, ERIC. Pd. 3:113131,1'Nft at 11112.1.DX111 RIR. I:WIRT MARVIN tinny," diniinseti ot Aercrt in the IUI aboreestablishineni. and in the bitriurval.. Marvin & Per kins. to Samuel Belden. the hint nem, vi ill berm , trr be conducted by the au nactibers.under the name of Perkins & Belden. who wall.ettle all accounts of the late Ina. ()re tio. • aorto SalltlML SELMA. 250 DAY STATE and Empire Suite Woolen Long ffharrls just =wed by Eeriou'il fa'.t ile.pateh. rrirep from fi SO ite. c •rinnit Q If ovembe r P. Spairins, itingbones. Windgalls. Curbs. Splints. HAVINti veto the eirture Of Majoeietlehytted Btiti.h Rein.• edi tinted in the removal of a BonelSvaeiii from me Hume. I have purchaied the exclusive right of cOmpounding 4 using. and selling this unparalleled medicine, in the town of liarburereek. Uric county. Pa. Tli palate are thereibre Informed that I am prepared w apply this medicine to all librses afflicted w lib spa. viga. Bingbones. forint Witigalls. Nit idts &c.. brought to me at WeAty%.lll. and that when properly - applied it Aeverfolled to affect a cure. j JOHN BENNETT. Wesley 'Me, Oetobee U. 1e.511 flfl s.. „Toptils on , . CORNER of - Fourth not; Rate streets. !voila., Publishers of the Model Architect. by SAklUlta. SLOAN. to be completed in Y 4 monthly ;pan. The *hove work is 4esigned to meet ate wishes. nor only of those directly interested in buildulys. Inn all who desire tl.r. saueement of this Dohfeatt in our country. and wish' r cuh &vote their taste dud acqualniante with arehlterture. The handsome manner in iwhich ii in prepareit. and enthelltshed, !renders it a tasters! °minutia for the mowing-moon while as accurate theli- DentiOnl pre it the highta practical sante. - Nos. 41. and 3 nod ready fur delivery. Price-40 cents per. !nuniaer. Address, as above. post paid. 01 Anwericasi Lifer suaL —owl— 4urnace Ocruspani, CAPITAL $400.004. / WORPOR.ATED 111 TOM LEOlit, Tr* OP PCIINISTLV&ICIA... CHARTER PERPO.TUA L. Office with the Erie Co. Mulualilliseuranets Compare. TlllB Company inane. Pours ice at Tarp/ dfletrasses Ritles.J4ial Stork Bass, and at Marcel Raksi which for 4111/00 areas kittens: Age. Tstal ASai.eace. .14iwt ...lock. Mutual. 20 811 litt •14 70 $l7 70 23 13 30 i 17 00 Ye 46 30 13 40 / HI V 60 13 011 33 17 90 ~ 96 27 50 40 HEALTH INS 'RANCE DEPARTMENT. Rattkrocier 50 run 61 es. ,Orgy SO aid under GO. , , Fer year far. per wee . s Per year for per wick. li2 1 40 , I#2 no 1 #3 50 $ll5 00 3OD 300 373 . 300 4 00 400 '4 00 400 406 3 00n 25 - SOO 6 08 400 , 1 752 400 On the deems,. of a, pertain Instr.& 11101 win he Dant as a tone ral allowance. pro. ide.t death was not tht result °faunae or im morality. An expense fro 0(4) SO 111 ad noon to the above will be changed the first year, which intuit Le paid at the time of ma aingapplaration. ti. H. IRISH, Igeol. Dr. J. L. errirsax. afrdical E.VOoiZell• F:rie. Jan. el, trs2 —3n.41 W.:O. 33RALfIr. ' i v‘ 4.1131.111 -ay to horse o tiere that he hal the es ert I of orarly the entire .iee of ;talent remedies for horses. and with a timber of ;ears practice Will Le able to give satisfaction general y either as a farrier or' Suirron.l Ear Freese tall at my office at the Canal Atable near the outlet lock.of the Erie Extension Canal, and Judge for yourselves. Jan. 3, 1P31.—1y31 ____ __i_—.. r•nmg iron 114ILp. T"E stiliseriber offers tor. sale nit' valuable rarm containing 121 aeries. situated in the township tlf North East. 34 miles (rout the 4mm at North East V tillage. Said farm 11.2 ISO acres of lent and the whole under fence. with two never failing stream 4f water running through it The buildings area new Crewe Holum. eakulated for a dairy house; one barn 33 by 44; 2 Barns** by 36; bite Bbed converted into stabling 70 feet long; one Cant Barn and one C14.110' 311111 26 by 3& There are two good Or chards on the premises, and a road d... li a iing through the centre. whieb squid make it convenient AA farms. Terms of sole one fourth in hand and the remain eri mein semi-no nue! pay , menu with Interest pa. able enuuailti: For further particulars enquire of the subseritere. A. 0. PULLER. at Erie. or A. 11 1 , HAY:SEA. North East. Also—several desirable building Lots near the deprnat Erie. cheap on time; enquire of i 1 A. B. FULLER 'Erie. Fei le 1832 —UIO . . I Lan and Leta for Sale. 300 Ant La• in Il d loosonend to% Itu acres eleared.ht3ll - and wenard—nrice 112000. Thls is an excellent 'razing rosu • 130 acre• nine miles west of Er M. in Fairview township, 100 acreseleared, buildings and orchard—price NV per acre; an er• eeneolSrain or grazing farm 77 acres fn Union township. 43 acres cleared. buildings and or chard—price 01400. lOU acres in Wilma township, on the east bank of French Creek. miles below Waterford-45 acres cleared, house'. barn. and orchard • prive innoo. This is a beautiful farin of bottom lands and hill side, good-for grainer grass. ' id acres two Miles east of, Erie. on Lake load, good build ings andorchard.aad a valuable power for a mill—price IWO per acre. 30 sereg Erie Aeadetny land, one mile south of Erie, on the Turnpike lona. ail cleared— price SU per acre. 300 me resof Wild Land, wog tract Pio Watl, in Wayne town sh imr-pricell73o. IN af-rali of wild land in Le Soeuttp—price $3 per at re. Also. a large number of Ii Lots and Out Lou of the town of Igrie., WILSON KING. Feb 0111,1a31. 11 ' ; Land AgenwErie. Fa NaS & Co. have reeiived this day, Pilvee Plated and LI ;nolo ng and Throat Porks,lBponas, beautihtl patterns Napkin kings, Fickle rocks. Fruit knives. splendid Bracelets and other Jewelry, nearly opposite Brbwo•a Near lintel, State ea. Erie. March 1, MM. FLAG SHIP LAWR Or RAND. or made to order in any style of Gold and Silver Moon ti nc. Canc. or this old telly of alirebefr greatness and sio rl• Cage. Feb 141. 'Si —a. U. lAfOllllB & CU. G 01.1) PlMS.—Received by Express a !arts and well aeleeted asseirtcrent of BaifleV Pens in Gold and Silver Cases, embra emir bin Visited Stater , . Commercial and Ladies Pen. all warrant ed for via macaw. A lane assortment orother makers Pens. very cheap in mire. at ' G. LOOMIS h. Cm PS. Erie. Feb It. int —45. • Plate Street. .NlEilTWAteilS—dust received by express. six boxes inky'. dad Silfree Lever and Cylinder ib what. self Led for Tile* Keepers,' and will be sold to Cram them up, by the case. at Whole tale prices. Call and see them. Opposite Drowe's Plea Hetet Erie. jaw. 31. '33.—.115. G. LOOMIS es CO. /ORS S. WALTERS 17 rl l OlOl 'o.—Ullewhal's and Asdeeson't 11. • leg and Mow 141140bace0. Walk ell. ell WWI, “rse ale weed." TOL Ite. MM. MOOR?, Y.. Pww Peeptee JWe re arlrlreee Ms. Flhattock k Tilden, V. 9, lay Beal,) Mum Buret. Buffalo, N. Y. ead. 34n 13 51. SERODUCK. - .Nu 1. Park Roa•, Erie. Pa. Are))leresu *CW[l4loll4 wade out on reagoaiidtle term& tLZI titLs* 141 SPRING GOODS. CE CANES DR.. Jil .4 R CH/8 I' -irsoz.salcols. T Ft F. undersigned. hay ing be erune ogling Fur this ini.aln Iliedieinc. would frOpeCth,tic 'newe the attention of the a inert' to the gratifying success hat has attended iu use where :ever introduced. and its happy edaot..ton to the cure of the distressing diseases for Which it is offered. This CATHOLICON is in !nob one of the greatest omit,- eal discoveries of the Age. awl is deqincd to become identified with the health and happiness of FEN A LEIS. This dee to ion i. !sewed up on the fact that it will cure more than minetenths of a etas. of very pteraleut diseases. nnowo as 4: a; al jalirirgLlNTllla a ildwh ic h base be.t More resined the n ain and egenWilsi Of thr inmt accompli.hed l' An/ of all COOr.riCE.t) degree heyi,ad that of almost .•ry other malady to the human flintily ir heir. It has already recent ed the app:ohation and liberal ;Anon• age of iez% many pmni uncut members of the Medical Faculty in the Vit Red Setts... willing to abide the truth. and hat jug due re. !ford fur the wrli tare no their patients. and la iu esery way ‘ , O ,- thy 11w confidence of I. ',Mimed as A IttIYt2CFNSVUL. SAFE. and CIIF.AP Rt.MEDV. (Kilos. additional proof wall be found in throat:inlet. to which the attentioe of Ladles and Fraction era ID nespectrolly invited. 'Plus medicine bar never been introduced by empty pelf, and misrepresentations. nor is It intended that its present popularity shall he sort:lined by any medium but ite menu, and the appro bation of the public.. The CATHOLICON he not a .eure all; hut Is intended expressly for those complaints Incidental to there 'gettable female wlvether married or singIe—rROLAEREN UTERI. Or falling of the Womb: FLUOR Amor cot Whitewij,Reoxic satins AND ULCERATION or tine WORN: Inc isarPrat. MU. or Flooding; PAINFUL. trUPPIeIdieD•NDIRRATICLARMENETRIN ATIO , , &e with ail their ac.eoutpavning evils. (Caner, me t a, e. 1.) tau matter how severe, or how long standing. fir rtiaphiella can be had gratis at our Store. • CARTER .Ik. BROTHER, Eric. Pruggirta, ,Wholesale and Retail Agent'. Central Depot.3llB Broadway. New York. t 6m31 - A PERFECT SAFEGITARI) AGAINST QUACKERY. THZ CHEAPEST BOOK E VER PUBLISHED! PRICE ONI.Y 5 CENTS A COPY. -- "wsi corns roit Oh Z aca.t.we )11 La CROIX'S Pailiace Muet cat entitled, A Pilot trdi View of Idarttagea popular Ilse on the secret tpirMitres of th and waturity, arising from gen diseases in both sewn. with up 'di of 125 colored aud plain litho ,hs and enravinp, illustration tbe dom). Physiology, and Diseases of ;exual orga n s, their strutiums. and functions, midair various to tes in them by solitary excesses and -inks lion. CaU.4 .l . monis and baneful clients of Vent:- d i-eases. together with plain duec- IP for the perfect cure or Noddle.. .ny no 'water what- his preteusions fulY be. get a copy of II" truly useful work first', an it exposes the trickery and. INC osture prac ticed by quacks. who advertise to curt private diseaees in the public newspaper.. Sold by the author. who may be consulted upon any or the of which a treat. Any person sending 13 cents enclosed a letter (post paid) will receive one copy 01 thoi book by mail, or five copies for 81. Address . Dr M. 11.1.4 1. or box DlOti. P. o..lltitLdo, 4 . Y. Also for wile by the a .' N 0.36. Beaver at; I'. 1. Gtlbert, tinder the Museum, Albany .T. FCNIA LC CDS/PLAINT. Palling of the Wood,. blostorrhota or Whites, ted. es. at VP. it rtitib r or painful Dropsy of the Womb. Dr. La Croix Dollen called upon by yon ng and innocent kaiaks who havehad their health injured be years by NOW and nostrum. purchased trOM eelebrtted female importers, under the false pre tence of etTeeting cuses—those medicines in nineteen eases of twenty have an injurour effeet upon the ecalvatitut otr. w idiom pro due ing the desired effect,or any steno of it 1.1.1ws who wish for medicines, the rificary,of which ha. been tested In thOunauda of eases, arid never failed toclTect speedy cures without any bad re sults. wit! one turtle tint Dr.De Zianey's r'easele Periodical Ville, which are the result of the combined knowledge and experience of borne of the Mom and most distinguished physicians of Bu rnie. and have been used by female, embracing most of the gen tility and nobility of France for the last IS years. To eukmtne their virtu •• would not add to their merits. The only preeatillon pertain . ' ryto he ohaervid is, ladies should not take them if they haverration Ir/believe that theyare in certain situations (the par• t leubirn of which's% ill be mentioned in the wrappers 'Recommit ingench hot,) though`alway. safe and healthy, so gently,) et so active. re they. pa J s hr r Parei ta, box. • they can be transmitted by mail loamy . Dr. La Croix invites all the alllieted, however hopeless their ease may appear, or ts It:never their disease may Le, or however many ph) sir tang or remedies they have tried, to p'il his know l edge and skill to the leer in an examination of the case--It rill cost t hem nothing lie promisee to every ease be mats • perma nent and radteal cure for life. 2:r The Dispensary is re arranged that .the peton socilting, will see no one Mn the .toetor'hlosself. who is In constant atten dance in his private looms, ready and willing to-render relief to all who may give hits a call. Hundreds of certificates voluntari ly xisen OrCUfell. sane of which are most moooishing eases on record, are for inspection at the Dispensary, all which are by his medicines. Remember.. LlJed street; up stairs. sign of Old Galea's Ilead. Buffalo. N. Y. W Buffalo. Mareh d. IEII. !yin 1150 VOMIT. nlll. lII*NTER forfeit S3O. if fulling to cure any ease o dtsen-e tlytt may come under his rare. no matter how long standing or whir o Elan& It OE2 are invited to No Private Room., nrth rtY,SFlNTlistreet. Philadelphis.witholit Iherof interrupt 10(1 by other patients. Strangers and others who ave been unfortunate in the seleet ton of a physician are invi to call. Thooe who have injured themselves by solitary • ars aloo 'miter! ob sit Rirt.rrr.—The agieted would do well to reflect behare *lion no their health. happoncos, and in many eases their liver. lb the ham , ' of ploy sic to its. ignorant Of this .lasoe of male die. It is certainly Impossible for one man to understand all the ills the Montan family are MI hject to. every reallef table physic tau boohoo peculiar branch, in which he is more successful than his brother proiessors, and Mihail he devotes moot of his tome and study. Yr/Altar Pasertr o. exclusively devoied. to the study and treat ment of diseases of the weival organs. together with .tileem up on the hotly. throat, nose or tem , . pains in the bead or hones. trier eur int rheumatism. oarretutee. era vet. irretrularittes.disearie aril. big from ()ottani eseeroiv of impurities tof the blood, *hereby the codotatiotion has limonite enfeebleil.enablestltt Poch:sit° offer speedy relief to all whet mat place tbennietres under his care. Phirodeiphaa. May 3. init. ty3l ON THE CASH SYSTEM. , Slaving Triod'it, lad It Works Wilt. neLl LYING the Cash Swett, the Only true system Or doing I? business. the undersigned hes adopted it. and Inds it work. Well both for himseffand customers. as it has Molded him to purchase his FALL AND WINTER STOCK - at eatrrernly low rases. consequently be will be able to furnish his et, moment and the public at eisirespendi se priers. All in want ofxav thins in ins hoe are nrspet. fully Invited te examine htselegAnt aaiortment of Clothing! Cloths and Consolienorns! Consivtioe of Black. Blue Black. Brown. Green and Drab Broad- Cloths, and,Ca' saseneres of various patterns Aiwa: • filk i llatta,Wdestod tit lirollea OMs 111.4estisel All of which were purchased in New York Ibr awl are now offered air drop. at least, as at any other establishment in town He does not deem It ne-monry to tell theme who lobe for oolong a series of years patronised atm that Ise continue" to manufac ture all FASHIONABLEIAND NEAT FITTING Garments as ran be Sound in this market; but to new castanets he has no hesitation in aayind that if they will CALL AND SEE pos. TUENNIELVEIf. They will riot go away dirsatisSed with either Goo as. Workmanship er.Pric••• Custom work always &meet reasonable pricei.awd warranted. Also euttina warranted. if properly mac up. Call and see if "old thiup have not become new" at tie alistaud of the sub. writer. JAMES LYTLE. Erie. Sept. ill. 1831. Etiasical Aaniany. grime Institute will be opened ID a few daystat his rooms. 4 J. doors east of use Erie ItarsK, as soon as tie names of Fifty subseribers are (Abutted. Terms—Hl liar one person, $l4 for fatnillesconta Using six persons, per year, invariably in advance. Five lemons will be given every Saturdry, either of which pu pils may attend. Hours of study frorn.7 A. Hs to f, Ham 1a to ids (trim 1 P. ht. to 3. from 4to 6, from 7 evening to 9, The ladies may select ono of these lesSons themselves. thus enabling all to attend without oseonvenienie. This napitralled low prier of tuition brings instruction within the reach of all. The hours Mill be occupied in the Mowing maneeri—First vocal exereis esseconds lectures on every thing connected With music, (his tory of music s including the news of ninsieal maiteno—siiird, rudiments of inns rith explanatious ow the black board. or on an isistuulent—kourth;-sacred music, with aceompan)ment on the btelodion All persons wishing tosubseribe s will dud me, at the above named rooms. w r it. tVILLING. Erie Oct 4.1151 t. • • Oil ALARGE *atonement of Pianos and Melodieni, jun received at WM. WILLING'S Iluaie Store. Ene. dee. 13. IaSL Ifil lif, LIGWI —Teu barrelal mirrored Idol Maier Strained t.ard Oil. and three barrels Bleached Wilder (Brained Ele phant OIl: Moo irrampbecie. Pine Oil and Runsivg fluid Ita wte by Nos Reed Honer. S. H. BURT( 01 A Co. H ARRIS° Ito COLUMBIAN INlE—a lot of tichteriviirstiviink just received by J. 1E1.101.71T0N &Co. MI for gratuitous distribution, u J. N. BII&TON lc co's, M and Bore Clips. [...ilk and Mooed Plusb, lhi dlo Rou:h and Ready Ham Also, a food assortment at ladies' bistro fur sale very cheap by 8 JACO.I3OB. ET. Cap. Sonia ■nd 'Cairene Itibbona.'s large a..orunen • b . JACNL+UN'd. - hF I.I I I:NTEA. Nam and Fivired all stplaiialiti....arsaTe I them, bY SINITiI JACKSON _ _ IA PAI4 WAR F. —Jts.t rem veal another kat exprewly for Jae Mier. at 14.19 prices. au rus REED, LI PA N ISH FANIII--A new and beautlftil style Ibr Pawn% Am )wt opened at Jan. 3I.—ML G. LOOMIS 4k. C 044. V BAZINS celebrated perfasiery. bait oil ie.. Ate., cobra log ectract• for tbelmodkercblet, Pomaded. /kits on. 'ins Cream. Tsui Soap. Tooth Paste. abc! Amanthee Orr pp ed sand.; all highly peffiumed sad warranted br 1161-31 • J. 11. IttliTo• 6C6 ritlM Raspbery and Lr.ttr. a QUA'S l 7 a ktr eaglets. Mao. Ist. J. H. 1113 Co. RAZORJA—A Ara mut 'Way CIA be head tile, Pro X, ',1,-10. Q. CO* MEV XIIM JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA CONIIMI . CHEONIC OR NER VOUS DEBILITY. DIRF.ASES OF THE KIDNEYS. MID •LL P 177111131 , aIIY 7110311 • 011,0 t• 2101171 Lt CA deft os COMPTIPATALI. LIMA*. TiLIAL rrIAAPIONI OR BLOOD TO TUE HMI 111. Aes otos or oat Hrossorm • N•coto. H soar- WILT. DIOOMA rut Poop. FULL/KIO OR wgll2lt IVO Tommii. &WI EILATT AMMO. 151%111110 OA FI UTTRZIIIO AT TIE FIT or too Iliortoca..wim otos or rim HEAT/. HOULIAD all DUPTICOLT litioraiso • Ftcrromilso or Tilt HURT. COGAZ.. .111 111.16•TIONA OMAN II • LTIOO memoir.. DIJI• PITAO Or Volum Don oa Woos strum roc OTINT. FIVER AND DOLL Tall II TOO Hoop. Ihirmaroor or Proertao , ITOII. Yr L 1.1) W vizor Or TUB SWAN • pa Eires,Pais .= II Tor BIDE • B•es• Cfrerr, Liam. &c.. SUDDEN neafirip or Mawr, flvainsa lM TES FILIOILICONIITADT NOD Or EVIL AND GREAT DIIIMIENMuIt Or Brum", can be effectually cured by DR. HOOFLA ND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS. • - se OR. C. M. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE. 2/10. Arch Street. Phibsdelplda, Tkeirpoorrr over Os shoos diseases is ost exreassi—if sgadlydr ky say *Our preparation hi the Chula .Ntates v lks cares attest, fa we oases of Is.skLlfal plysfasis karktaiisit. Three Minim are worthy the attention of loyalids. Possessing great virtues is the rectifies, ion of diseases of tne Liver and lesser, gignds, exercising the moot searching powers in weakness and at ketioos of the digestive organs, they are withal. safe. Certain and pleasant READ AND BE CONVINCED, Prom the "Boston Bm.” • The editor said. Dec. "nint— . Dr. ilaedalues Celebrated Gemara Bitters or the cure of Liver Complaint. Jaundice, Dyypeippia. Chronic or Nervous Debility. is devertedly one of the mail popular medirines,of the day, Them Diners have been weed by thusisands. and a friend at our elbow says he has hiunelt receive,* an• effeetual and permanentcure of Liver Complaint Aron/ the use of this remedy, We are coat ineed that, in the tile of the.e Bitters., the patient constantly gains strength andrigor—a fart wonky of great consideration. They ~, trout. of the day. that are obised about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have dole theiryualty race of ainiettlef.buipf • medicine tong established; Universally prized. and wbacb has wet the !seamy approval of the faculty itself:: _ . . Evidence upon evidence pas been received (like the foregoing) from all sections of Ibe Union. the last three years. and the strong est testimony in tie favor. 0. Wit there . is more of it used in the practice of the rrgular Phyticians of Philadelphia. than all other nostrums combined; a fact that can easily be established. and Nl .ly praying that a scieatille preparation will wee; with their quiet approval when presented even in this form. That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia no one can doubt sae, using it as directed. I i sets spec sticany upon the stomach and liver: it to prefernbie to calomel in all int lieu &mews - the edict I.instuediate. heyean he administered to Females, or infants. with safety and re iable hearth at any wale. BEWARE OP COEN' ERFEITS. • This medicine hiaatta ined that high character which is nee"- :vary for all ntertsetnes to attain to induce counterfeiters to put • forth spurious articles at the risk of the lives °ribose who are in nocently deceived. Look well to As narks of the Genuine. They have the Written signature of M. JACKOnN upon the IS rapper. and hti tame blown in the boilte, withers , lia.k awe nee *trim. for ,ale Wholesale and tletall aid* GERMAN MEDICINE' STORE . . No. PM Arch street. une, door below r MA. Philadelphia. and by respectable deniers generally throughout the country. PRICES R ED UCED. To eatable an claws ef indatide w enjoy the advantapi of their vest rewaratise powers. ainglie pow. 75 Mutt& Also for rile by Caner Ai Rrotbcr, Throttles. Erie. Pa.; Laprp sow It Gee: Me Keno Corners. Pa.; nod 0. Cu nig , Waterfbrd. Pa. ' Jan. P.-IKet. —34 G lt 2 if G . Ai t Tito would rexpeeinilly informtheir 'l l AM dr. r friends and the nubile generally that they have rented the shop lately oeeopievt by John Goalding tit need's Block. opromte the Nonni!, Block. State l4treet, where they will be found at all limes ready to eteedie all orders entrusted to them with neat Dees and dispatch. The merits of Graham ka a Outer is too well known toroquireanYpoangatthistiml. and they would only any tnat he ail! superintend that branch of the busmen. Per•ier although ehinparavively a stronger is well known to all who have employed WM, to he a tir,t rate workman. With these qualifica tion, they bane to rive entire aat!araetion to atom who may fa got them with their works they will pour particular attention to lbe cults iig and mak ng ofall Styles of !toygarmenta. (al - womb ea er, roeu VII !t T. MD rtty• •• iliM 4 ifrti;:irrPeespt of the monthly faahions from the E..t, they will he enabled to keep pare with every new, mode of improve mentos they come out. Naval and Military garments made to ord?r. IJ rutting done with elite itir Whets to 'evoke up. and done wht n pmmined. at the imp! ;mem await IMILIIIMR. „ June 1111•111• Pf. Erie. November I. 13I.: THE DELAW ARE MUTUAL SAFETY Ulf 1147UANCIII CO PANT, (of Pkilluielphia,) ARE now doing biminetwon the Mutual plan.glving t he Insured 0. panic' ipation intbe profltsof the Company. withoutl iabili- I) beyopd the premium paid. Risks upon the 'Aloes a oil ('anal Insured on the Most favorable terms. -Lome* will beliberallyand promptly adjusted. Fire risks cm lugs and otherproperty,i Lou Oreouutry, for a limited term pernumemly. DIRRCTORS; Joseph H. Seal. James C. Hand, Edmond A. ouder Theophi his Paulding. John C. Davis. H. Jones Brooke. Robert Burton, John Garrett, • John.B. Penrose, Hugh Craig, Samuel Edwards., George Semi!, Henry Lawrence David B. Buteey Edward Darlington. Charles Kelley, Isaac R. Davis, J. G. Johnson ' William Folwell, William Hay. John . Hewns', Dr. &Thomas. Dr. R. M. Haistod. Jobn eller .Jr Spencer Rkhardi. Wewbould.SKJ; Wm. Marti° Prea't 11:1' Application eon he amide to Erie.reb. 10. *Oll. NAILS AND lON. • -AT THE 11LINUF4ICTURER - S PRICES _ Stwra S. SW* .51. THE haroa Iron Cb. have taken a Store in town. where they intend keeptny *lull snooty of ill (he dltTerent Rinds and st en of woo they make, and woo a ev tap we aw.oertnent of ?fade Pertworti who have need the Nash 1141111 b) - 116 Company do not need to be told that none better are nada still Taylor elsewhere. Erie. dein - POWIIL • f IF.STIST. from lona it exp *lll erience. In M prepared to execute Den mi work in a nuperkir style. Teeth filled by him are war mutt d to retain their tilling, andprevent the proven ofdecay. Wrdie and part netts of Artificial Teetti on enameled Gold Mate. their preventing the unnatural apnennulte which gold his in the mouth. l'ortictilar atterikm paid to opeeations fbr harelip and artificial palate. Dr. N. winters it dr.tinet4 understood that h. in permanently located in Erie. and htpen. from strict attentesu to Rusin...n.oo merit and receive a n are of Patronage. ("Mee with Dr. Itus.ell. No 3. Hughes Dkielli Oct. 19.-23 JVsT reeetieditrilve cal cap Hardware Store. a toll assotuu•ut ./ of Aleebanies Tools. Is: Beoph Mom 11e501.4. Bevels Use- Ws. Rabid'''. plow., Malik Mims, @Atilt LeVels. blared 13. IR I.:PUS REED. ZsZOSIIMING , RODS. WE are e'. prepared to Put up• the Premium Rods [and .Potosi for nay' who would like to be protected from the dineera of the Remember the man that kicked his tam atter bts horse was Stolen. and dd poi watt until your house or barn gets a stroke before you it rods to your buildings. A word to Sloe wise is witbeieut. LIDDWJiL N. B.— All orders from a distance iionetually attended to.— Rods and points at wboksak. March 13. I. 114.4 • Copartnerthip. CHARLP.S METCALF has this da associated with we as co partner. and the bunsipess. wilt hentrlhrth be conducted under the dm of-Clark & Id eidisif at No. 1 Need House. Woe. March 13, 1392.-3 t II IT All interested take sauce. I wish every account on my hookseosed promptly ; and AO this mid I will for a few weeks give my personal amnia° to H. a ft er IS hien some other tosaanees my have to be adopted for the settlement of my past bli fi nem J. D. CLARK. • NEW GOLDS. JH. FULLERTON Vati returned liar New Tort and la re • eeiving a full stock bf Spring goods which will be sold for Ready Pay at *slow prices as can be *mod in this city. March V IN& i t ost iMlS tor sale by. I. n. FULLIALTON. CARPETS! CARPETS!! At No. 1 Reed Non e& E ate now receiving quantities Of the moat desirail ales V V of Carpeting fresh how the ntaaufacturiee. 1 buying Will And a full astruirunent of all qualities, from super rouseells down tom coatroom cotton, at the corner store. Pr' are &NOD y low. WO In and f.ft for yourselves. SY NEW G(mullte of all kinds are pouring . ;Adieu and Gents be on the alert for bargains. Erie, March V, ltl 3i --4 1 a. CLAR & METCALF. _____ SPLENDID In oftietanes Fiala a 4 Figured can be had as cheap as the cheapest Feb. 11. . Ft. FULLMITO/I. Sri i is _ ODIII. NOW and splendid rods jUot r eived thin day. equal to any liana ewer received in Cdr. re-and as to pricer. they arc positively lower than any yet erect die rale and I will cantantse to sell R oods at Such rates r. will induce those that want new goods, to buy. Call and , all roods warranted as represented, ot the storey refunded. • Spring dr pnod of all kinds, Light sil do Black' do Sa tin I,ln recto and Carlin . Kowa and Sprigs re Cal low French Worked Collar. White goods. of every description , Shwas. Kid.Cotion and Silk / Plitt Lace Mktg, long and abort Ladle, walking Shoes Slipper* " Oaken Children's Sams of an Made Straw loners • “ee br Nines .• Li& Wk eltawts, let 04. n rasey eaceinteree. Vesting. Coarse; glover. kids tad Elea. ger pow GeeleLlete WAIL *ie. API MIS EAT O ' "- J-1 0,- EA ULR nee Ronne Re, every wan la as Ine slew -I ea baud it Wear lard or beet. Mein 17 ISM. J. IL TVUDIIIIITON. THE .GREAT SECR NU T T rrHE Cure At Coughs. 031de, Sore Thi 1 Ciskei, Ckpulltised„ sod Tube:col, ►rats OP • In Pink Wrappel • - 13111IRD lIIT TUBERCUL/ CONITIIIRP , In leelknir Wral TO THE APIPLICTED. CP The I and direct Opposition to the old ABSIMD While Its success, prepared In this ma/ Charactersie Csmsrmplirl. hes estahli 17 PHYSICIANS APPROVE OF appears .(u. because it'is 110111 , 11.00 Ni stages of Corsarataptura. Thesufesirst. able Hers. Cud when he uses Anthill's IF HE IS and use, the First Malls, his espector: Hag in his tbrlat, indanwon. pain t. .:no, I LIE IS IN THE . SECaND STAG and Diet the aecond bottle.Jrifi fever leaves him, his disturbed slumbers become sheet and tchnitiog, preuxation. copious au 4; ood).assutues a healthy appearance. and at length disappears, his LuwA returns, He timth in lugcheek disiteeet?., the burning heat in the patina of his hands, and soles tough new ce! , tryi a nursers and is veil. IF HE IS IN THE THIRD STAGE and uses third bottle. his Dtarrh.ea gradually ceases. his weak bowels become sirens. hi, cough A pear f. .seldigestion heroines strong and vigorous. his stomach woven' Its proper tone. and e t - eat , ti tits mlgth Moira., his wasted body is doused hitb throb. WS Li/ EIS S d f'2:D.' and be II RESTORED- TO HEALTH. Each Mille o(Norlalts Sri:isms. has the symptoms of the stage for which it is Intended piinted in every invalid know ins his ow i meson's, can judge for htinself I.7.WHICH BOWLE lIE REQuiR ke can occur in selecung TSPTIIIE PROPER MEDICI% ILLI. crj=,,flee Pamphlet in possession of the Editor 01 this Paper, containing Dr. Mitten's Pathology of I. 4 trucuire and uses of the Human Lungs, and ccrtidcates of CURES. KyPrepneed only Proprietor. 17Price. per Bottle. • DR. W.V. LINDOP; 175, Cientot Street, opposite the State Anise, Phila. .1 Restored from 26 Sowth Fifth Street. THE sulmerihers would inform the public that they still continue the Lovery Dun ners at their old nand on State Street, near Third. where Romp. and Carriages of all description may he found at all timer ready for use. and prices 10 it the tines. Plea.egive um' call. MARTIN & BRIGGS. Erie. J De 11. t l3. TA - 111.14 IN GI intrLtrpagTs. B Y req ue„, 0, wine of the members or t e rte county Agri cultural Society. the subscriber brought on and °dilator salt the tollorringarileles. . .. Hay and Straw Cutter,. Euteryailliproved comp:caving and thermometer churn com bined, IS teeth Garden Rakes, Hay Fork., improved still Scythe stoney. ke. Raving made arrangements for the Agency of the above, to 'ether with all arttcles in Ar,ricultitral Machinery end Farming impliments, I can furnish at Who/mete or Retail, on the mow terms as tbemanutaeturers, adding transportation. and as al/ ar ticles are warranted, the attention of Farmer) and others is so- lie sled Erie may 10.1931. State tweet. 2 doors berth of Fullerton's NIA" GOODS. I.E sublic r Hers are now receiving a large and splendid Stork of Fill and %Venter I:uods. consisting Or Dr) ('.Dods, G roceri cp. Hardware, Crifickery. Show, &e. lu thip ptoek may be found almoot every variety of Ladies Dress Goods. Cloths. Catsstuemr, Vesting*. ke. They invite their old customers and persons gen erally 'Mending to purchare goods to their line to call and en mine their stock before purelrising elsewhere. a. they feel con- Adept prices and qualities will giveentire 118114Mtion. Lrie. net. 23.-21 iIINIFS HUGHES k CO-PAUTNETUIBM. (X7III.LIAIIt BEATTY it M. SANFORD have this day Rented TV a copartnerabin as Banker: and Collection and Eacbanr Stoker". under the firm of M. 'A (FORD & CO. Office in wßea-ry's !Nock," between *rate and Peach streets, Public Square. • Erie. Jan. Jan 1. 1.31. • all ONE'Vn remitted to the Old Country on (be snort favorable tenacv.on oar rerponsibility. M. PANYtIAU & Feb. It4l. Beat)'. Block Erie Pa i ?rash Graeari•as I :Tarsi IciVPate now receiving our Fall and Winter *seek of faro... , ,- viiir- 4 -t ries. eonsi ling of Loa ( . I.unip. Pulverised and Muieave- , r „„ e „,,,„ I f _ en y, h ave ' , de l da elonear. Rum, Cat, wine. and lira edv, Green. Rlaek and runic- .. , ,ce....,:usK.iettitourr 1.,r and n ?sal lea; To) s, Canaiiiii.shl. Leper Sillier, I 4 OUp, l'andles. and iier of a pri•itte nialore. Pecs n... Co 'fish. Mankerel., Wh:iefir h. and 4. 4 cos fla•kt.; 12 to alto i‘i. ' i ac nn i, o r legs, pain. ,n the head Dammam eniTee.ClonarniNn. lantraeis. &Cloves. lorruher with All su,rtilre.. prat et, th,,,.....,,,, r sorts of fatally gra:crier usually kepi in a Gr..ieery Store. which ritiviird the hk.10,1. where') theco we a ill Sell as clean a.. thee Inel:test The ready pay. All kinds of ' am animated adb ei,eee.. e . . produce taken in etc ha nkc for Goods l Ile alto place. hintbelf tp , der I Erie. Nov. I. 1e.31.-23 A. &J. R. WALTERS: 51 :1 cosi 14 Ile in his honor as a gcnti , Penn oak's s..d and Planter. • . ins *ail i.a a phyliterni. TAtiii Psi'' , LIAR. NoT2 ,- / - r51e.41.11 Mow ta, I , sll—as ......./„........os. YIPHIS MACHINE Operates elTia:lv well otiAll kinds. of land. line`""""''') a certain praelnire A and lama iltueet by e mains in coinaet with rocks. roots, ; learned from us .1 toitina it ion- Or &c. It N ill Are nightly felt. even Si:Tele a• 4 I,ITHa n roll Oint e aid! all IrreFular phaprd field.. , , ... . . without planting. may part twice user. %% all, a raring of from ben w fifteen per cent. in labor. it will, with two horses. plant from htto 12 acre. per dq of wheat, oats. hartry. and other small grain . mad a nth one man and horse it wall readily plant from Id total/Acres per day of Indian corn, be an* Pc.4l. Ike. It wilt rd've frontal, 3 pecks °lensed per mere. and yield trout IS io M 1 per teat I more Ulan the broad rant needing. by dintritanting the grain uoi- I form. Many desired depth. and leaving a ridge of earth between the aver , . the ran. of the young plants are protected attiring 1 Use winter by the action of the frost and rain mouldering the cant. upon them instead of being thrown out and exposed as in broad cant. On this atm:want the *lock an ntronzer and lees Warm to mildew. and in not an tiabfr to injury by the ay. ark. ...., }'nearer l 4 frequently preietated ht ram from Itarroria nag in bin grain atter it 1 is sown. Which harrowing an needless in seeding with, than ma chine, as it completer the work at once. the first premiums have been au alied iti this valuable machine by the New York and Philadelphia Agricultural 4 oCietes. Machines anti tights Can be had on application to Gideon alwaynee Pittsburgh. Pa I will givelltall for what wM•at this mach Inc will gain in — yielitin planting Arty acre+. I caution the puhllc again4t infringing p en my patent, under the penalty of the law made and provided. The anbeerlber thankful for past favors. respectfully solicits a continuation of public Palroliage. Letters post paid anal address- I ed m GIDEON 14WAY N E. Pittsburgh. Pa, wall Meet prompt at - 1 tention. t ar Agents wanted to canvass. - ... I - ALDO: . 1 IrEaranten's Call ''''' li MANISA AND llitnsetNo Mairsos. Than machine for which Use great medal was awarded at the World's Pair, as warranted to east one and a fourth acres of glans lof an kinds, per h.uir • and do it. work as•well and an clone to the ground cat raw. i laud an ordinary IWOWIDA t and it will cm 1 One and I half acres of of wheat or other small grain per hour. and I will save threwlbort •of wheat reatieted by ordinary cradling... b For further particulars. adders'. post paid. 1 GIIJEON DWAYNE. Piuntiorgh. Pa. I March 13.1833. , 4w41 I .k KELLOGG,Erie Agent. I NaW WROLESAL3f • 3ROCI E R Y S.T 0 R AT $O. 7. RO.v.NRI.L BLOCK. ERIE. Pe.. ri HE subscriber having leased the Store No 7. Norwich Meek,' ttlnerly occupied by Lester. evanett & Chester. is receiv ing direct from New York. a large and well releeted alma o r Groceries, to which be moot cordially invites the attention of the trade in this and (be adjoining countievo Ile flattery histwelf that from his experirnee in Met:merry husine.ia. and his Interior la• e Hat les for okay nine Goods direst from the IMporters and *ln a ufacturen; thereb) .11 , 11 , 4 the Johle-- - 'Ant hr J. D. CLARK iwo. L. tom =0 i FIZST ST • INCIPIEW lo Blue Wnipi "MOO SUP CONFIRMEI °SNITS"! Erie Livery •table. Emery dr. Horse Power and Threshing Bdatti;Oe Plows. - Corn Plalllerd latlfl Seed. Drills, I'o( Powers roc churning. driving grindstones, Cornstalk cutter and crushers, , ['macular attentinu paid to filling order,. * and all goods ler. noted as reprrrented or the money refunded. Erie, Sept 110.—19. J. M. SMITH. T D Or 14e lrew Evrir C,ltect.on of Sacred Mame. CONSTITUTING a large and choice variety of new Tittles. Chants, A ntlanne. Motetts. etc.. from the best Foreign and American composers. with all the old tunes la common use.-to 'ether with a ermeiseelementary course.sionpl i fled and adapted to the capacities of hettidbets. The whole comprising the most complete coileetson of sacred music ever published. for sale at the Bookstore of O. SPAFTORD. Erie. Nov 30. MO. Pri9 ERIE DAGUERREAN GALLERY, Pails now. a few doors West of the REED 1101711111. SIIERNIAN Is hippy to invite all who wish DACIrEItR Eft- TYPE LIKEN k:riciElt, who are at all particular what kind o' pictures they have, lo his new R rOO4l/11 w hie h have been built ex prwly the Art. Lt. - arr is the great agent of the Artis4 and it hee been the constant study of alm worthy of the name attire the Art was discovered, to employ and control It la the manger beat adapted to produce the most favorable, results. The result ofthisstudv and of thousands of experiments is that there is not a respectab e permanent Gallery In the tr Slates where the pie lures are wade by a common window, and be turbo ria,• he can produce superior pictures by sue h a window proves his ignorance aid* Art. The subscriber therefore begs leave to say that by his superior LifalT. and with an apparatus north sis time any oth er in this city. be is enabled to produce pictures which cannot be *quelled in this part of the country , and otters to eseell any thins which emt be produm ed in other rooms ma Erie. or foreman? bun dled dollars. lie has also a splendid Quick Working ra meta, with which be takes children army age! Let it bedroll/miry tut derstood his pictures w ill not Pado if propetly kept. “reeesit improvement," any be ream at the abate Nam. W. litlithf AN. Erie. Sept, 1e.1951. I. Bey liesayi at tbe atedwaleseete of Meek I ltUftb e ef EU. left , With rc iniftWthiotit - beteg. at ' 11131/TNI RBZD'I. Mah Mk THE CRYSTAL PAX vzs THE proprietor. W. It. KNOLI L the Empire city, with the la meth cf JEWELRY A ever before imported from that CI are now ready for inspection. I found a large assortment of Gold and Fol. Chains. Keys and seats, t nun. Btellil pin. or all sons and Gold. Sitter, acid German silver I I steel fob and guard- chains, Keyi menu with the dlilliOVlC linen at ' rrk week fresh from the mint. hi articles cheaper than any other nun of the New York and Erie wholesale or retail. any quantity/ and other timepieces. Musicm. ISsiat•itr.ves.—Such viols, guitars, VICIIIIIII., banjoes, natteoleta. fifes, accordeons, gerondols. extra globes, ehMiney t silver table and teaspoons, sugar erri.cit..—A . 14 ry tine aratelr ter! makers. Razor. and Razor ,t mod German sdier arid .t W.ia.—.Tea het.. Altars LLA ism Caw, snuffer. and trap., .tc•rl bag. and • do.. meet pens. ran! n•ior boards. dolniones. ` ebess men. . and torki. ten-sc rrs. &e. IMMOMI All of winch will he ' , hovel) the hours of 6A, MI. wail P :11 IT ,1:11 tne taken from II•ove who artilts home wilh IJ Said Pal Lee Is located or, t I aid Knin lion. one do,r a em Ene.SePt• 6.-11 BM ItrigTaving • 127' • od. TllEsubseriLei is prepare. to • (tine all order. in h line. Drawlnt and elngr. a' r Landscape-. v. , . r of Hotelcs i torea.Faetorier.3laanner • Societies' Seals. Businea Cards, Show„see.. I ordersattendedto without del :charges moderate Fredonia. July V. 1E46. M. S. PETTIT Z. A 11/ 1- 11 N --- 0 rrllr subset iner nets as .euerat Lana Arent andLan . dFtroket / for Lands in Erie tints , . Pa, several sirens, of Pu to 30 Mfr.. wanted, by rood urehasers. if offered clican Erie, Feb. 21 , , le3l. ILSON KING VALUABLE VATER sPO‘VEIt AND SAW LL Fort BALE. A YALU/ LE Wilier PoWer and Fan Mil Lat the North slope El of the 'Crawford county .on the Erie Extension Ca. IPURrORTICIPCI by the finest timber w the eount,. and wood is eatiarn fof a Grist Mill, ndl br sold at a great bargain. LUM ,.BER o CANAL BONltti will be taken in payment. Se . TS. ie.% ft. LOWRY _ . OF TIME. 21CIXF TOUR *ND Z1;121 SULELIIO4ID. NEW ROCTE To NEW YORK . 30111 CITY, VE4,131. RI:IRK and the Erie Railroad. ionneeriog with first class steaseer• on Lake Erie, the Michigan, Cleveland, Columbus and l'lnconlan. Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Sandusky and Cincinnati Rai:- roads, and steamers on the Ohio and Mississippi riveril;and die Ohio. Indiana and Pennsylvania canals. TRAIN! i.r•t I , UNKIKIC •11 IroI.LOWS. . hod). • old mud, iii.tireiiiateis ... ak i co. and c .listnitimi:l debility. loos or muscular eneroy..nti , trat la.sitiide and e-neral yiruoralion. irritnti i lit) at/ an . email! aer ( VI I CU I I. in i i i .r..t,,n, sliiagiolinetut tit the liver. and est.") th , rate /n any way coi , fleet ed with the proevetst,ve funftion- ettrell. and full t'lip , r reocrcd. READ ! 1 . 01; Iff AND N.11V11()()D. A TIGOROUS LIEF OR PREMATURE DEATH. MN - KELLY ON Sf;l, '-PIIESERIATION. ,ONLY 25 CE_Vr4W. This Book 'Pill publi•lied is t I eil at liO useful itifyrmalion.rn the Infirmities and /I isea•es of tt, ut . pe4azireorg3ns Ii address es ilYelfalike to moath. Malrhatid. Ali 0144... and should I• read by all. The valuable ads ice an impressive ,nariiing it giro., will preventyears of misery and sutTering. and •a, e annually Thousand. of 'Ayes. Parents, by mailing It. will learn POW all prevent the destruction orthetr children. , . ~• A remittance of 'VS cents, eitirdoseil in a letter, addre•se s Dr. K INK EltIN. N. 'W. Corner Third and• l'n ion Suer . be tween Spruce and Pine. Ph iladcl ibia, will ensure a tookAnder envelope. per return mail. . / Persons at a distance may ad , dress Dr. li by letter. enclosing a fee, and he-cured at home. / P•ckages of Afedlnnes. Threctidrmi Jr.. , form ari(ed. by a Milt/It/It ee. and put np ...Cure (rn4u Delneee , ;(Csolcrab Book-yellers. New, Agent.. Pelt flanva rs , and all Mho, u milled ii oh the al.ove work al y low rves . 410. Ist. Morning /litres. Traiii . a 6 A. M. Yd. Morning Mail Train at 10 A.-Mt 3d. Accommodation (o ela! , ,) at I :10 P, 4th. Eh/ening Express Train at 3 P. M. Sth. Express Cattle Freigh i t at 3 A. M. 6th. Way Freight at 443 M. Fare floor Punk irk to New York. se 00. N. 11.—The 3 o'clock P. M. Tram a ill leave on Sundays and 1.01 on Saturdays. eteconstelasi Passengers take ato'clock. P. M. Poe alma This Company is prepared to of all kinds to and from New V Panieniar allefilloll paid to fi,mgeli feet wide olives - this rou Railroads in the trautportation DE:DER SQUIER, - Agent. Dunkirk, tioreniber E., !MI. WOOL • • JUMPIIMD. - flarbarereek Woolen ;'Sosiii She Doefale - Road T"E proprietors. having made cOnsideralde itopro,entrat their machinery and waterfworks, are now enabled to run their Factory alt thrOtigh the summer. and basing a quantlit sf Cloths . 7am 'mews. Fl a n nets, u nmi.r Tnreifs,.SA a w R I a “ 1011 and Sheets: also Satineits of - different colors and nu:Attic.. to "" chimer for Wool. al lbs of a,s per / yard of cloth ar fool as the wool will make. We incite Won. old rmionirrs , an, as ny new ones as can make n enticement. to rorr or a tail. 'a continue to flan dye and die+ PAidine,t,e r loth. and miaow lure Wool at our usual rates.' A so. Carding done on ..hurt ochre and in the hest manher„Writer, Proof Cloth for mrr coats. ofoac own manufacture, kepktm Amnia° rsrharire for IVoi., RHODES. 3 CASS, k. Co. ll:whore,Pek. Mni. 3t I) G dy Made Clothing, tau be f Ent , . Ott. U. ERIE S2AL , . 131171111rTir - Ditoollll REAPE., rt- , V inform all rertork , ' , n w a .. , r thrg S:ttfl.F!.. that they corneae ..a.. - ' i n n w'artur, liar. Platiorin aud Contact ...,..l.en of %Wiwi. sae, :Ind diets. of the • intostiippret ed Fa ithank't Phttetruir, all of .5........ which are warranted rapt Sled bearing'. and equal to an t now ,n inc They al akten up II Ind suction Pump.. 'lllll/ nutted to ;Weil. ~, c..tern-. lead Pipe. ' ---- Dour and rank Ike's. Beti flanging and '`...," !Wirt kind of 11'u. ream ih Jott`ting done at their shop, N0..101. French a t. C. A BENNETT. Erie. JAO. 24. 10.3C.1 —417. J BROOKS. • RFC:OI6IMB 447•10 vs. We. the undersigned, have :,rieg Bennett & Brooks RlK aim and Counter Attars , fora n tither of te,irn. and hare iio hte itnuon in pronouncing thew a all i perlor arise let° 500 now to cle• Henry Ca well. Hardware Merchant. t fletwiett & Co_ Iron FOolldee. , IL g. rasi rile City Mills. Perkins & Belden. Keyrtone Taper Mills, Vincent. Ittateal tiara.. Iron rounders. Lowry & - nit. Col MCfCh.O44 ' ' Towner Kelley. Canal Milt*. 3111• - • - ti,44 - 50 CASES of rasters ataountetant. offered at ant" bestirs aay oaken bribe r,lyr. Apo a MI 'impartment of of" stake ea usual. 'Match V: 1,401!. .1.41 1 fp n f^ht swea/s vanish Iffa U. beeoule regular, hi, appri.te to legit, ate felt no lortgat, las nd otiviy hail symptoms dips. w. rich, anJ nourishing Slow from a the wrapper, whereby eonvetitieutly no mw. rottnutnot on. I.Pt tures on the by lit. N uttail, Inventor and int for the Proprietor. • ' le3l i ACE NOW OPEN lITO as: LT, N, ha. )0.1 returned Pon I. chew,' and Its! D FANCY GOODS (1, w r.t Of Dunkirk' 411 nhot t ch ,n the first Row, Mai. ntl) ' nd Soh c r %5.1„1,1., (old %la rd Firtiger. Ring% of el .1) rjr..r.r, Cull Inn, .11111 +tar I )11111141.. CUM 1 .1, 1'1 , and N•ra. Re. lia% rue made 'Trail... the Pn.l to furro•hra .uppl) et. t,e ant. to turn these • ta hb rbu,e,n w 1 •t or Um vrylp Railroad Al , o, on hand. at (Locking Gia,4-.CrabsClotto s piano f. trte:uder,n.. tava amhourttle, etarinnet, flute, a Cdfll plow lamp., and an , : irk,, t.ther and German tinter l'et.kairt,oi tile 1110 st celetta p., •rost.Ss a:A ?hears. Gold. I I !ter 1.. r .r r, ^.r,l ralP,Ktlrkll, FIFIV. re 11.,ses 1•13 t r ,. nal:lran i..• -.. - .la•ya. la T e 01141.. troy • , all, and (.I,lptupes.gatilmte I,rti and 1. , ..1iet Look,, knives t• ahr time .rts - ran Irea grat,•,aad a PIMP. fee on • u to %Clue of oa,d rtuqn , !folorrrly occupie , 1u 11,1,1 Ilouee Dr K. the tau,. ',rent ~ni r,l.llfle.trin'ller,ll I •'l , ll 1.1% ph 1,;••••rt• rot 1!;! , :•c•th, hoer , . ntercureal rho, ma t •It •ri !outfit rti r•scrt,-- •rr; u .titutton has become eafert•lti tare of Dr. X may WI °lr an, coutidenil rel) upct, our•• .17rArt nho Aare tniunni •idufeett nf—a habit Irenuent:• at -chvol—ihrrA•rt.-ot %.,,ch kt. and, -, y Toth wind and on the Aerotnmodat-on Tra,s , to New York, 85 IMt nsport Live Stock and Frriglit .rk. 'rock. 't'ne pane of this jai/ great advantages at tr id! other f stock. . . C. MIN T. tierl. —A wei arirrted stock oflßn and at the at( rr SENNETT & CR E WORKS