Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, April 24, 1852, Image 2

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    M? 2
Political and General News.
The 6ne new steamer, Sierra Nev?de , Captain J.
D'. Wilson of froward k Sun's Stnpire City Line,
arrived yesteaday afternoon, from Aspin
wall, Navy Bay, via Kingston, Jamaica, with two
handred and eighty pissengers, and about $lOO,O OO
in gold dust.
Tlitt Sierra. Nevada sailed from Nary Bay on the
fith' inst., at 6 o'clock, P. x., arrived at Kingston in
sixtyi hours,. and left the latter port fur Now York
on tht morning of the 10th..
There were no passengers on the Isthmus bound
foe sad the competition between the
steamers has reduced the rates of fare very much on
the other side.
The Winfield Scott which arrived on the Si,
brought advice. from Chili and Valparaiso to the
20th of March. •
An American whale ship, name not stated, - was
seized by the convicts, at the Gallipago, Islands. and
captain and crew murdered. The convicts then pro
ceeded towards Guayaquil, with intention of oppo
sing Flores. On the way, they fell in with two
ielooners belonging to Flores, and murdered all on
board, including the nephew and son-ie-law of Gem
Flores.. On one of these vessels they cut the throats
of 23 men from ear to ear.
of whale ship was
afterwards taken possesshieel by a Swedish frigate
the convicts pl acei ti• stone, and the vessel anchor
ed in the Gitaykleil river.
Th e exie wrion of Gen. Flores, it was believed
world ' wove a failure, though great excitement pre
ettArat Guayaquil.
The railroad on the !infante continues in excel"-
lent order, and is spokin of highly. It has been
opened so as to cut off forty miles of river travel.
CAL:roams Leretw i riloca.—By this arrival we
have dates from California to the 20th Mare'i, on
which day the steamer Tennessee . saileJ from
San Francisco. There is nothing important in the
The abundance of rain has given an intpetus to
mining operations, and it is thought that the loss of
property *ill /be'mure than counterbalanced by the
advantages gained from a sufficient supply of water.
The effect wilt be , very' beneficial to agriculture.
A large extent of the finest land, parched by the
lent drought, was too hard for cultivatioir; now it
will. yield readily to the plow, and sate from ruin
many a farmer. In some place., where peed was
put into the ground, the rain may prove injurious.
( A duel was fought at Centre Cosa (nit the oppo
elite side of the bay front San Francisco.) in the 17th
Morph between Hon. David C. Broderick, formerly
Y., and Judge J. Caleb Smith, son of "Extra-
Billy" Smith of Virginia. Mr. Smith had published
a latter denouncing his antagonist as n liar, a scoun
drel, and blackguard. Hence the duel.
The weapons used were Colt's navy revolv'ers;
distance twelve paces, the word bring given at the
first fire, and the subsequent shots taken at ratr'orn.
theft party fired six rounds, J-idge get ring
the first fire. After the fir.,t. exchange, Mr. Broder
ick's pistol gnt out of order and would not revolie,
bat by using Inth hand.. remedied the evil, and con
tinued firing. Olio of Mr. Sniiitiv shot struck Mr.
Broderick in the right side, cutting away. the fob
chaib, and breaking his watch. A part o f the ball
week him ne,ar the grout, but did nu: inflict . a se
rious. wou •
. .
This was 01 , ..nnlyshnt that :nal i. fr. ct, lodge gmith
declared himself stiziAe-J, and the parties left the
ground. Each of the combatants WWI sccompan.iedl
by a large number of his friends. The pipers say
VW affair "ass conducted with the strictest Order
iteldecorum." ,
,Broderick, it wll be remembered: is * leading r\o
-1 tical aspirant, and one of the defeated candidatei
t r the U. S. miate. ,By the Constitution of Ceii
rnis, both parties are disfranchised, in consequence s
, f their partieipation in the duet. Of course this ,
occurrence ends Mr. ll.'s po i !itical life for. the presl
ent—:another argument probably in favor of the pro- ,
posed Constitutional Convention.
. There seems; to be a good deal of excitement 'in
relation to the bill pending in the Legislature ma
king binding c pntracts fur Chinese or Cooley labor
ers. The mealure has' excited considerable oppo-•
sition, - and several public meetings have been held,
at which resolutions were passed remonstrating
against its {matins.
An affray took place at Diamond Springs, in which
J. IL, Boss gas severely but not dangerously groun
ded. Ile was shot by a hotel-keeper with a pistol,
the bald pa.sing through the righs breast and lodg
tag in the arm.
At TWist's riot, on the South Folk of !fib Yuba
n man need James ,Stewart, from the state of
Pennsylvania, was drowned.
. The intellince from the minim districts is of
the most env, raging characterr Up to the Al of
!larch, the privailkg dry weather retarded mate
s ially l'the operations of the miners. Discontent
was general„and very many who bad hopelully la
bored for two years in throwing up immense piles
of golden earth in the dry diggings, -becoming dis
couraged with the apparently gloomy prospects bi
lore them, were disposing of their .interests at an
rininense sacrifice, and returning, to their home' in
the Atlantic Suttee,
The recent heavy rains, however, changed their
circumstances decidly, arid they are now reaping
the rich fruits, of their persevering labors. Not on
ly have they a present plentiful supoly of water,
bat the henry showers on the mountains, promise
an abundance for some time to come.
Tti4 Shasta Courier sayi_all those places that
were deserted for the want of water and now occu
pied, are yielding a r;ch return to,the miner fur his
• It is probable thet.during - This inanthithe yield of
gold in the vidiuity of Shasta, will be Noel to that
of the previous two-months. The fact that the min
ers are no* all well supplied with water, is already
agreeably fiat in erery.citannel of trade.
!►t Parks Bar, the miners are doing well. La
bar is in demand at fIS per day, that being the rtd
ng prite.
At Long Bar diggings which have ,been suttpos
ed to be exhausted, aro biing reworked, and from
e4 - to $6 per day -is paid to laborers, The spme
state of affairs rules at Ousley's Bar.
The news from Nevada, Grass Valley, -Rough
and Ready, and the surrounding c4untry, represents
ro~perous condition of again.
t ittikelumne 11111, it is estimated that • over
100,0 . 00 hive been taken out 'inc.?. the voting
At eorrs4 Hill, new diggings have been found,
v.:,ich are cry rich..
A bill nor Columbia, about four miles from the
celebrated Senora Mines, .was lately prospected
and a rich rein struck. time short Peace of time ev
ery claim was staked oft and the miners are now
undermining the hill. Sonic lucky hauls haveheen
A leimp of gold-bearing (plasm weighing 48 lbs.,
was taken from the gates lodgeband burnt in the
furnace of a blacksinith's shop. It yielded, et en by
rdis imperfect process of extraction, 2ilbs. of pure
A lump of gold has been taken out of the Wyan
dote dry diggings since the late rains, whlCb weigh
ed *497 .
Iris estimated by experienced miner/ that there
cannot have been leas than $2041,000 worth'isT_gold
dust %imbed out in and around Moquelnman Hill
.thltt tti.e last two weeks.
1:. the vicini:y of Moginelumns tlAl the gainers
are is dome pieces sveraginad e5O a day efface L.
rein, so ii it said.
In the neighborhood of French Gulch a ennipany
of se‘ en tneti,4truck a lead in ravine diggings, front
%h,ch in fire working days they took out over .40,-
Coo. The gold wss very coarse. After having
taken out this amount they abandoned thedinitiga;
ti.en, other pubes hare gone i.t, end ire aow
it' , 50 ceuis a pan for their labor. "
CHIDIR arn Cutosioroax.-- ! The trial of Geo. A.
Ilt rlti&•ey for en assault with. knife on Michas' E.
liemlv, with intent to kill, was concluded last eve
'Ow:, in the Mitnicipsl Court. The defence was
that the assault was committed while the defendant
was laboring under WS influence of cblernforet, and
therefore he was not accountable. Dr. James was
cawed to - testify In the general effect of chloroform
un the aysteto. iiidge Wells in charging the; Jury
Ntated that when u;,lier an agent of ibis nature or
intoxicatiug spirit• wore taken voluntarily, as it sp.
neared in this rase; the perS”“ ad to be adjudged
just as guilty a any crime committed, as though bet
131.10 Pubstsuce - Leen ' , slid. The jury returned
• ‘eird i et of guilty. but reconstuended the prisoner su
the rnerc.y ::,e Err.
Ljito Shore Railroad.
Vie amount of flimsiness thus lir daliaon_the Lake
Skew Railroad, *tending from Buffalo to Erie, ep
-cmsie the most ainagnine estimate, of Its sueress.!..
Simi idea of *trainees h is destieed to performs
may be gathered rum the published statement of its
receipts fur the *nth r.f Msecb, which sk as fol
lows: Buffalo StAtate Railroad--Passengers, $l4-
571 25; freight, Mail, express, Lc., 97,711) 23; total,
922,300 48. Erie lc, North East Road—Passett
geri, $5,722 76: freight, &c.,
$l,OOO 66; total; $6 ;
723 42. Total receipts on both roads, for passen
geri and freight, 929,03 90, or en average of near
ly 41,000 per day. This it should be considered
was before a dingle lake port wail open, and sixty
two mites of mud hetween Erie and Centerville had
to baaccomplialby stages. Since th e navigation
has opened from rie, the receipts hare laTely in
creased, the receiptiron the Buffalo and State Line
is one day, fortmah-engers . alone, we learn,
memidei $1,1130, and 1,0.16 passengers palsied
over the Erie it North East Resdon Thursday last,
and the footings for April will probably greatly ex
ceed those of the previous month. When it is con
sidered that the ohly means of public conveyance
between Buffalo aml the great west, previous to the
completion of these lines, during the winter months,
was furnished by the Ohio Stage ComPany's coach
es, which could not accommodate one-twentieth part
of the travel .now 'pouring over these iron avenues,
a better illustrativo will not be minted of the truth
of the aphorism that "railroads make business."—
With former facilities for transportation, probably
little increase if any over previous )'ears would have
been observed in the amount of business going over
this route during the same period ? This principle
will hold true to an indefinite extent, fur while in
crease of facilities fur trausportation brings with it
increase of husineir, the latter reacts iipm the for
mer, demanding sti)l further accommodation to-keep
pace with its wawa.
At the inception,of the State Line Road, doubts
were by some eittekained of the project as a paying
investment, and itiubsequently the bare possibility of
the construction] of a parallel waft created in the
minis of some who had taken stock feelings of the
liveliest terror. iNte have seen the effect of this an
ticipation in theichange which wa t s brotig'it about
in the line of the , present road, by which near half a
million dollars who alcrifieed bY itediiecturs fur the
/rake of evoiding;suld.h a Contingenet. The success
of, the road thui fST, however, must hare removed
the doubts of the, 6/.la-mentioned class, and the same
cause, we think,imilst operate to dispose the pubic
mind much more' fajorably I owards the construction
of anothei line. If the BATA) Et State i.jne Road,
which .has beer in full operation' but about two
months, under circumstances not the most favorable,
is already paying 21 per cent. upon its capital stock,
is there a valid ireeson why a parallel line which
should obviate th'e disadvantages orthe former route
should nut prure a paying investment? A candid
investigation of khe subject, ere 'believe, will show
that it will. t'
The present amoupt of business upon the Lake
Shore route is no{ criterion of what it is destined to
be hereafter. The gigantic railway system of the
West is as yet scarcely commenced. Must of the
routes now designed; or in progress will be tributary
to the - Lake Shore route. Tne whole travel and
commerce of thetal!ey of the Mississippi, as far
South as Kentucky, is destined to be turned toward
the Lakes and theliceitls the Atlahtib seaboard. The
cotton tied tobaceP planters of the eolith are awaken
ing to the adva:4aglis of sending "their crops to- a
market by the nOrthern route and receiving their
goods by the same channel; instead of, heretofore,
shipping via Nev Orient:is. Ohio,' Indiana, Wis
consin Illinois, are ektending their lines of railway
with unclarnpled VaPidity, to all of, which the Lake
Shore route will he ak a tunnel connecting with the
eastern cities. T,he lknowledge that a !safe and ea
sy method of trsnilitl is at all times available through
out the winter molottit will induce thrsands to trav
el who would otherivise forego the journey. from a
dread of the fatigue, and perils which have been
previously encountered. We Might adduce much
more in favor of the, project, but oUr space will not
oerroit. Our objelit iY merely to incite to reflection
and investigation.i—Predoxia Crnsbr,
As Exa,stet.Thliroa! Vous(' Mes.--In a relent
speech in New l'Ork,! Governor Briggs intimated
that the United Stater Minister to Great Britian,
' , has, at this moment,3ll the pocket of his vest, the
scissors with whie`hi years agog bel.'ntl the coaster,
h. cut tape, late, CARO, and ultber articles;" and
added, "I would prefer, wearing this emblem of his toil, to eKin the sword worn by •the 'lran
i I
Duke.' "
INcaeASIS or ant} Llke or Ormat —A correspond
ent writes to the lewd York EneniWg Post as fol
00ne idea suggests in one Of yoisr articles is en
titled to far greater w fight than a person lush* had
-not given particular attention to the subject might
supts,se. I refer to the use of opium as a stintu
!anti The extent to Which this is Firseticed by peo
pleresteemed temperate, even in Isis - country,' is
probably one thonsand : tlmes greate , than is gener
ally believed. This May at first seem a very ex
travagant statement; but a good dell of
tiotuf this subject lies t led me to this conclusion."
Pewee. or Istangstsposi.--A yeti.. since, Elijah
Barnes, of Penn. Julie:ll a rattlesnake in his field,
,without any irljory to himself, sod immediately after
pint nn his sons waistcoat, both being of one color.
lie returned to his house, sod on attempting tobut
ton his waistenst, be fnund to his astonishment it
was much to mill. His imaginati , Mwas brought
to a high pitch. and heliiistsinly conceived the idea
that be had been imperceptibly baten:by the snake
sad was thus swollen from its 'poison. He grew
suddenly very it) and took to his Iled.• The family
in great alarm aditconfiusion, summoned three phys
icians, and the usualiremedies were prescribed and
administered': The Patient, however, grew worse
tand worse every minute, until at length his son
csme home with his, lather's waistcoat shingling
about hit.. The mystery was soon Unfolded, and
the patiant being retie% 'ed from imaginsry apprehen
'ions, dismissed his phfsicians and was restored to
hes Ith._
stated the other day that a bill had pasted the lower
House of the Pennsylvinis Legislature for abolish
ing capital punishment In that State. This is nut
exactly correct. Tile Plowing are the provisions
of the bill:
"ft providn that hereafter no warrant fu r the exe
-cation of any convict by hanging shall be issued
within one year after the sentence of death shod
hare been pulsed: inn that, after that period, if . no
circumstances shall hate come to light to render
dotibtful the c urectuesst of thp jury ire the mater,
the Governor shall then issue his warrant for such
execution. Upon the rcittdition'of a verdict of 'fruit
y of 'murder in the firstidegree.against any person
charged therewith in shy court of this Common
wealth, it shall be lawful for the jury to recommend
the person convicted oil murder in the first d;gree,
to the mercy of the near!, whom the jury so co viet
ing shalt recommend shill be sentenced:to undergo
an imprisonment in one Of the State penitentiaries,
and to be kept in separate or solitary confinement at
labor for. a period of uotjlesa than lifteeh nor more
r 4
than fifty years."
A itsittsatooe Rlicit.4-The tribe Id Caruso., of
Brasil, have long hair, hOf coded, rising from the
bead a foot, and so tang 10 that combing Is out,of
the question. These initural perukes are round,
prodigious and °gip—regular ,woolty heitils.‘ Some
barber misdionaries'shoulfl be sent out to this race
of barbarians.
Nowa Doti.—The' incident below, related by
the Madison thinner, is lttiwarsbleati4e Ur the indi
vidual mentioned and io Wan named
Smith wlni lees at ANON+, Is., was one of the
1,41'04.44e:1$ - blown up by the erplosion of the steam
er Redstone. Escaping °ablated, he swam ashore
and procured some kind or waier craft, with - which
he boarded the burning Wreck three time", rescuing
from tire and water, fire females and three males;
after which be returned tie fourth time but found
!nobody on board. Acts lur, self-forgetful heroism
[like these are too rare to be homed by unnoticed. •
cc?. The Itostun Postpi , les -the weather a sly
dig after the following , fashions_
t.F A am roa Aintt..'—..Now clear the snow
from your but-beds, shovels walks from the house to
the highway, make path!! &with* caul* toga:aited
hike the air and browse. and prepare the seed, and
torte-foe planting in in care ef a faverside
charge in the weather. 1
(Frit `ttleelitti otligeruer.
WM. SEARIGIIT Of Fayette County.
Notice to Business Mow
A custom has basil infrodnet;4l here. and it has been
practiced ontillibes bacons* an anoeyearat. fee tM Edl :
tors agf the several papers, te notice Editorially the busi
ness of their cumenten. It was first give* ',Mahood)"
and without solicitstioa. aod - it has been nonthmed setil
maw what was as first extended as • raver by the Editor
to hie esstraers. Is claimed by. the csatetner as a right.
Ws have 'of ered this jest as long as we can, 'sad now
we give pahliti notice that hereafter. whom melt orifices
are solicited. we'ehall give thorn, but we shall maks a
chary for the seriics jest as a lawyer dries for a plea
for • client. An ;Editorial notice. if it Iv of my benefit
whatever, is Worthipaying for. If it is of so beeefit, it is not
required. This Mine plain that no ems an object—be=
aides it is nothing {more than even handed justice. lf we
purchase from anti of our dry good denteriadrem for oar
lady, it never semis Ida head to threw is a pair of pan
taloons feu as. 1t we purchase a half barrel of setar at
a grocery. we oe4r get a chest of tei threw* in--if we
did th,ers might be: some justice in requiring es to adver
tise for $lO per yetr. aid throw $5 or $lO worth of Ed
itorial notices is.
117 The Ciaege evidently in a corner, for it is row
ing purist. It so4eringly says we are "remarkable for
publishing the truth." Perhaps we Cr., but if se. we have
yet to be cornered !it s falsehood. given upon "reliable
authOrity;" which, "reliable authority" Is translated to
t_ .
mean "no one in articular and every body is general."
When we are can ht in such a corner, we will be "re
markable" enough to‘hold our longue.
-- ......_____. .
Tr We can't say "winter lingers in the lap of Spring.';
bet w e-can say th Spring not only lingers. but lays fist
down in the mud. 0, such streets! such streets ! !
ELT We Editor hf the Franklin Advocate and Jounce/
is respectfolly infoimed that the remark it attributes to
us, under the head!of "Classic" in his last, is incorrect.
We expressed no such determination; and the Editor of
the Journal lain do well to procure a pair of leather epee
tides to orusiment his leather head.
- Er Butter took a most 51311CCOUIltlibi• fumble fast week
—tint into the mud—but from 25 cents a pound down to
Mots. We doubt much arbether it will bring more, than
12acur now.
13" cluontons --.. he bill to provide for the publication
of the laws of the S to in the newspapers, has been de
feated . 13 the Hoot This is glorious: The State is
too poor to pay. an besides our giave legislators think,
"wherikignoranc• la bliss, 'tie folly to be Wise."
U]" There is nntioabtedly "more truth than poetry"
this spring in the following epigram we find filitiag
about in our eichadges: •
Theifirst bird of Spring
Arteropted to airagal
But ere lie had rounded a oote,
Ile deli from the limb—
,a dead bird Nu him—
The music bad friz from his thr rat.
Honor to Whom Honor is Due.
We find the followinz in the last Gazette, and copy it
for the purpose of coil-acting the isrers it contains:
A bill bail 'passed both brancheiff th e Legislators!. and
become law. prescribing the cloth: of voting th.thsreleo•
lion of Officers and Directors of the Eno and‘North East
Railroad Company. Mr. Walker hail a proviso insestod
fixing the Gauge Law beyond cootiageacy or etasies.--
We shall publish the bill hereafter.
The reader will perceive that this is another attempt
is manofeeure capital for the sinking fortis*. of out
astiatlis (1118aisatru , _ .mores 111110
the lams manufactory is 'composed entirely of fiction.+
Ttsii bill. offer which Cie Gazette cackle. like a young
pullet over it. first egg. so far trout being the w et
Mr. IValketi, ur the proviso being his work. on
In en entkely different direction. The bill itsel was
written in this city, and first pcosented to the Hasse. All
which Walker is wet a member. for considetation.—
Whes reed it was not deemed by the members from
Philadelphia, satisfactory or explicit ou the su4ect
of the Gauge, and on motion of Mr. Hart, friina tam city.
postponed. IVben called op again. on motion of Mr.
Goasler,-of tits same locality, the "proviso fitt:usg the
G tugs Law !Oland conlingency or evasion„"was added,
and sa this shape it passed the House. and then the Sen
ate. Thus to the watchful care of Philadelphia, and not
Mi. Walker, do we owe what is considered so important
by the.Gaxedie. With this explanation, the Jastkdaw will
not make 'Much from so shallow an attempt to swell on
borrowed plumage. - •
Er This only thing plenty in mashie& just now is ma
pfo sugar and auncriageabla girls. What a awed roptisc
tiou.—Erie abutter.
CD"')Ve suppose both are valued by the pound in that
poodle boron& Give'aa the current prices ut the sugar
and the lasses.—•Fredoaiw Censor.
Eight emits a pound for sugar. arid to such marriagea
ble hechehirs as he of the Censor. tbis "lasses" an be
had fur the asking.
Iteter there Uu, ia occasion for "bloomers." it
has been this spring. Such lots of mud, and such street
crossints for wo are biossed : with. haanever been equalled
is this "wide wicked World." except-in Darkirk tad To
ledo. •
813 Our trued of the Basle "Rough Norm"- is mis
taken in milling the Cazsits. of this city. ••a well con
domed 'When at $1 50 per year. in advance."
It is a very "Well conducted teeskly." published at that
price. '
Er' Oar Whig (needs have • glorious Prospect before
them. Fillmore won't go down with the North. the South
won't swallow Scott, while Webster. as John - Rsodolph
said of Clay, ' , shines and stinks, and stinks and shines
like a rotten mackerel by moonlight." from one slattern'.
4; of the Onion to the other. Which will have the honor
of being defeated, under these circumstances, is a Prob
lems easier started than answered, .
Er Oa% Dr OUT exchanges sap. *.one relations with
Mexico are decidedly topleaaanX." Vudoulitedly --poor
'relations" arisEenerally so.
IT The Editor of the Clarion Denser& cone most pi
teously upoe his subeeribens to brie, him nase ••lumber
to build an office fence." What the degas be waists an
*Nance ion," fet. Wesel is to keep kis devil la to' nigh ts
we can't imagine.
ET Greeley his a daily:artiele oa tba Coaascticat eke
ttou—headed ••iihat , did ill/7 Why 31.31:10 setae /id it.
10"Aa IsenMar.—/i little Meident took place et the
Hutchinson concert oe Friday evening last week. wor
thy of ti.apeoeit *fa Crulksbank. and the pen of a Dick
ens. The Band were performing the ••11hip on Fire.,"
and when one of the performers throw his voles. like is
Ventriloquist ic . to a distant*. sod Ma err of ?e! ere"
same swelling up fruin the streets. Ono stew won-knows
cithirne, whoe thoughts undoubtedly were far removed
from throcente around. end engaged Is the familier eve
ry-isyhskelaties of the value of ammo and lets. and
other sublunary and combnatablo modem was obserod
to out sad listen. andtbon. at the cry was repeated.
bounded from his sot and with het is band. and coat
tail ha an ma s k with his body. took • • ••diku sheet dew
the aisle of the Church for the door. Ho gained It with
out autievAtiou; bale he disappeared dime Ik. Otto
&bottommost! (blur of WI live hundred Peoplo, and a l .
'ammo that reigned supremo without. folly revealog to
him the het that its had bin regularly sold.
GP It Is said Lola Host: *hipped a Boats* "lamp.
Nitta" tits eallet sight. at Lb. thaw* is that City. Ho
pitsiatod 4 *Wog ofdts pas whoa 4114 wasted It oh
Sad seasetion!tty.ilatt slapped his Aga
Panaylnitia vs. Now York.
We pcblioh 'another Mem* so article from the FM;
deals Cows. Meth, to tbe Lake ahem Railroad. show.
beg that that read Imo Odd. sines Its epeeist. addle rate
ofeeme 22 per cost. ea its cost. This is no mesa in•
vestment of molter. weed* it; mid while we rejoice that
the emerprise is franght with such satisfactory results;
we 'cannot refrai• from directiog the attention of the
friends of the Setubal and Erie project. and of Penney!.
oasis's Jolene*. to the beeriag such Gists ought tallow
epos their Wien. We all profess to be deeply anxious
for the early completion of the Banbury road: We all
say, and say correctly. that it lea truly Pe uniqlvania pro
lone—diet; if 'built. It most be bulk with Penns) Innis
capital, and by Pennsylvania enterprise! It should there
hoe hove dm.festering oars of Posneyivasis legiefatioc.'
tad receive the sympathy sod support lot every loyal eit
her' of the State. If any advantages loan bs secured to
it by legislation. it oerteinly ought to be extemietli If i
stock can be made more valeablos if i early coacmorac•-
moat and completion een he reedited
of Ali others. *sett to trios to any areir Whereby sash
result is alined st. ear bowl_ approval: Now. it must
be seen at • glaCca thstth• - coesectiog lick between the
greet system of woofers roads. *Weis ipioad oat all over
the seat likor the roots of • tree. *ad ibis "Lake Shore
rostA..wirideb. withoot that lick. new pays Siper seat.
Would make qt. Sanitary sad Erie railroad stock the beet
stock is lb. market. Divert this feeder from a road that
already pile 22 per cont. to the Banbury recd. and that
project would ne longer be a 'medics pipper, bet would. is
a short time. become I "fixed fact." ' It would at ears
have vitality. sad imam. a thing of if•-•-• reality. Plow
Poonsylvania has the power to inject, this life blood, this
vital spark. into die veins of the inanimits carcass of her
cwn child. Shall she do itt—or shall she let it flow ea
and increase the 22 per cent. now earned by the child if
our neighbor, New York, to 44 per seat. A. Pennsyl•
vitalise's. deeply anxious for the growth and prosperity of
the State=:-as friends of the Sunbury and Erie railroad—
we say nutiesitatittey Pennsylvania ought to take ease of
her own obild first, ought to provido foe her own how se
hold. before she is gramme lo Now7York. or New York
companies. The twenty-five miles of railroad between
Erie and tb• Ohio line, If the Power to construct it be
conferred upon the Sonbur,v, road. will give fo that roed
an abiding control over nisch of the trade and travel of the
west—it will place in the hands Of a corporation essen
tially Pennsylvanian fish power to`nompite euccessfully el
Otis poiel. with her more powertaf rival, Now York.
Again, it cannot be deojed thht if ibis disposition of
of the railroad between Erie and the Ohio boo is not
made, that rand will sooner or later fall into the hands,
and be subject to the Centrist, of New York interests.—
Now, Why should we allow this when we can prevent it?
Have New York companies been so titan:el txwards this
place that we must nerds sacrifice the interests of our
own roads to benefit them? nave we become such prac
tical followers of the holy maxim, '•if thy aeigebor smite
thee upon one cheek. tarn thou the other also," that we
will now, after having been subject to all the abuse which
our idheranee to the Gangs Law has drawn down upon
us, tern a Sold shoulder upon the Sunbury. the child of
our own - begitting? and take to our entbrees our * enemies?
For one, we are not prepared (or this. We have nut for
goileni neither shall we soon forget, that these New York
corporations have been ill;ng, and ars now tr3.llg. to
force us to cite them a cootinuoui gangs from Buffaio
to Cleveland. We have not forgotten that for this pur
pose they have iutroduced into their min Stato• foreign
gauge, differing in width from any they ever bemused,
and have pertinaciously adhered to the policy. of running
it. We hale not forgeten that the N.Yerle and Erie road
catered into a solemn compact with citizens of this
place to extend their road here, sod then with out cause,
not only refused to carry ontyieir contract. but sought
to force us into the position of playing "second fiddle" to
Dunkirk and Buffalo, These facts are all pertinent to
the issue now before oni citizens, for that issue is Arun
elderraiii re. Nee York. It we refuse to give our sane
'Con to the Supplement now before the Legislature. gat
'ug to the Seabory road the right to coestran t the link be-.
tweitn this and il.e Ohio line, we declare for ,New Itark
oo.s.aroor wort corporations, and against oar own State.
tied our own corporatioas. V. say to 'Philadelphia in .
plain terms, we do not wish a connection with you, unless
it is in such a way as to prevent your eonlipeting SUCCIIIig•
fu:ly with tour great rival. New• course
and we lose—possibly fur ester, and certeinly help delay
for a year. the Sunbury road. Rej , ct it. aid dreier° for
the suppientsm to its charter now be the Legislature,
and we place ourselves in the position, we have so long
sought to arrive at, We hold the key in,our own hands
to the 'west; and the New York and Erie railroad, and
the /New York Central road with their different width of
trucks will be compelled, by pore necessity. to maks
Elietheir ternsinem.--Id come hers and ciunpete with the
Sunbury for a portion of thin business that Will corns poet.
jag into our harbor on Ike one bind. and over the rail
road from the weal on tbsrother.
Again . , neer tan deny that with thts western road in
the hands of t he Sunbury company, their mock would
become the 11/100 valuable;of any in the market. Now,.
is it not to the interest of Erie that this should be sof
'lndividually sod corporately we have subscribed to this
stock nearly w million of defiles, and if it heconses neces
sary, we ought to subscribe as much more. Will any
onwpretend to say that it is not to the intermit of us ail.
individually and corporately, that this etock be made as
weldable as possible. Would Erie ceenty have so twerib
ed to this stock if she heck supposed that it weed not
be a paying stock? By no means. Will Eoti county
Withdraw her stock now when it is pro ed to make it
more valuable ? It cannot birposaihitia m Witt the city do
it? Oar city council an too good Inasineas min fur such
an act. They are too careful of the pecilniary interests
of their constitnentsto be guilty of such W piece of fivan
els) folly! What, withdraw the city sod county sub
scription because the stock will be mere valuable? But
it is useless to argue this question—it is so palpably plain
that he who is not swayed by interest cannot hat see that
the passage of the supplement now before the Legials
tire, and the transfer of the western rived to,the Sunbury
company, Is fir the best interest of all concerned, indivi
dually and corporately. ,
Au ounce of Fed, is. * pound if Theory
The opponents of the supplement to the 'lechery road
here been so bard pressed fir orgornents against it that
they. have been compelled to deny the virile of a canny
,or pep. and resort to the declaration that the Sonority
Potd, even with a change of gauge .i this, point, would
Unveil, - terminate at Cleveland. 'Now, we propose to
refute this by facts and The New York and
Erie road terminates at Dunkirk, bat it owns a portion of
the r oad from there west. Will any :nen pretend to say
I that the fact of the New York and Erie wooing the road
least or a particle of it, bee Injured Dunkirk—that she
has pot grown jest es vapidly as eke wesid. had this read
Wet entirely in the bands of an •Indepoodrint company?
Now the of the Sunbury reed will be at Erie
just exactly as the New York and Erie is at Dunkirk.—
The Sunbury and Erie *Melva the read west. end bones
will stand 'precisely the same relation te'Erie that the
New York sad Erie dims to Deakirk. Again. the New
York central roads terminate at Sersio. but they own
a porde* of the reed Yrs* Betfale - to the State line. cud
hooch 'moralist to thelegio at our oppeueets. our Bar
fide frioode ought to hare oppisad their building that
m i d biomes it would virtually terinimaie the great' ew
York Central reed at Eire es' Clayelaid. Now 'these
Eases are precisely sionear te the one under discussion hi
E r i e . flay Isere bees tried, cod eir fict from Danitlrk
being killed, or Beale tieing rnisod, u our opponents
say Erie will he. the Snot has came up from a WPM hod.
die to an iscopertastrand rapidly inclinable town, while
the ether re isecresisg in wealth and
pkid ie the blowy of the west. Erie possesses 'deacon
fall On, both of them. said iannictsevailly se ewer Die
kirk, me far as harbor facilities are caneereeri. Why
then shashl we fear reecho which the fectsime hays al
luded terror* are moray imminery.
Th• Editor of thl Philad•lghia iffas itsisbee "1111
the mold bad bat ••• asoath. so be mold ; klaa it" If
••atl - th• wield" was empesed of potty ersik f we raid*
6tret gloving a Mad fa cultelf. •
'llire Bid.. ti s alietim:"
Se says the Gazette in its ettetaipt to *gee from
f latmoey ersopporting last year • *position toot
tend the Susquehanna and Erie Railroad to the Ohio
lino. and opposing now the same pritilqpi being gtwos
to the Sunbury toad; though, in all eendet - swe cahoot awe
that it kas soethieded in showing any other sidii to ibis
quirstioo than the one exhibited last week. ludeed.wo de
not understand tie Gazette, in its article this week,
dray's' that it approved . of the bill than—it only alms
that / t never approired of it in "broad and de • ed" ternao.
la other words, it merely gave the me re a passive ap
proved. We are willing the Ga- s should hare the ben
efit of this crawl out. bat insist on first reciting a few
sentences from its cuWirmis bearing upon the issue. The
bifl drat appristriii Om Editorial columns of the GessW.
*loaded "le indicate eriginaliey, and wine ,introdocod to
th *der'' notice Editorially, with directions to give it
"a careful perusal;" and the declaration,' in i subsemeeht
paragraph. that "it forms s solemn assertion of State
ifftstli and sbnaGl, at least, paeans operatics vital
ity." Moat persons would naturally conclude that.undor
such circumstances.. the Editor approved of the project;
especially as in no part of his ioirodoction to the bill. or
his subsequent remarks upon ha character, did Its ex
press one word of disapprobatiop of any of its provisions.
We certainly were lad to this conclueioa. sad, we were
strengthened in our convictions *bets we found, some
two or three week' after, a paragraph copied into the Ga
zette's editorial columue. from the Chalon Democrat,
which, after stating ithat the "Susquehanna and Eria
Railroad Company" bad been chartered, mays that "it is
under tho latter charter that we expect the ondertak•
Mg to go op." This paragraph was copied in a way that
plainly indic.ited an eudersement of its language. Again,
some four weeks later, we find an Editorial article, head
ed in stifle; face," "Saspakenanis maid Erie Rail
road." which opetvid thus: " We are gratified to ..saa a
disposition the Philadelphia papers, as well
as the papers alongitha contehtelated route, to agitate dais
importent projact." l W hat "important project"? Why
the Sesqnetionnt and Erie railroad; and the Gaziithe was
"gratified"—bigbly so! And it coma:med. "Our friend
of the Clinton (Luck Haven) Democrat promises to do
nod entice in the way of drawing attention to, and. ex
, .-
1 Citing interest in st; sad we counzsin and •rrt.scn ear
cocoas." Now, what was thin, "course." Om Gineite
"commends and apprises" so emphatically? We do
not know that we can aoswee the question better than by
cooing the article itipelt. 'hien' it as.
Tuesday last the President of the old Railroad Company
along with some of the Directors repaired to Farranda.
will.. sad, re we hare bees 'stormed. unlisted Lye wiles,
of ilia road, saw that a row clods were levelled 'and
shingle stuck in, on which was ••writ" the eternal proc
lamation to the world of the planting of this "I.ttle acorn"
from which "tall oaks" most grow—and tiara the Prem.
dent fell hack on Padadelphia.
••7 he Duke of York numbed up the hilt
W.ltt In ice ten thowtand men.
And turn numbed down agniu." . -
The object ul t r ue sudden movement was to save their
Charter. which would have expired on the let of June. if
no psrt of the walk had been began by.that time. It is
a "spasm" of Philadelphia specolatore, we very much
fear. Fur fifteen sears that old Company hits done noth
ing—oncedhey had to get their breath prolonged by act
of Assentli: —and now when they won't make the road
theme e lr e s, they are trying to prevent anybody else from
',hiking it. ,1s we belly. some goad friends of the road
have been iii/peSt'd upon b 3 slie.plans ancrprejecte of this'
Company, we deem it our duty to undeceive them.
It will be remembered that the old U. S. Batik owned
stock in the Sunbury and Erie Railroad to a coneiders-
We• iinount; that the bank failed and the stack was
bought up by speentaters fora Jere gong. The owners
of this 'tack mutt cling to tine old charter, as ender it
Mal' will have a good share in theeroed without investing
any capitt•f. Don't every-body—.even • blind mane—see
a hat a clog this is to the construction of the road.
The Legislature °Hest winter sew it cud chartered a
new Company with privileges end inducements under
which we believe the route will be finisred. But we
must adhere to the new Charter It• will cutlet New
York, Ohio and Baltimore Capital. But Philadelphia
we. opposed to ii, bought it in the Legialature—arld has
not given up the battle ye& The busmen men of Phil
adelphia 'Nay be sr.earnest when they pretend friend
ship for this great improvement—but we ratherthink her
brokers are at work. When has Philadelphia aver taror•
Fed aw iettgreomel abtow= owe river med iwi earnwe Is -wet
- New York capital huilducihe rsitread up LecomingT. Is
not Baltimore cepital building the road front Harrisburg
to W.liirimsport.
.sow, we want to know drat thu ij lilt an endorse
:lie:it and am:royal of the "Smodebanna and Erie Rad
road" b.hi in all its mall': and ;hat. too, at thetxpenee
of Coe Banbury charter. It d dares •:les milt adhere to
the mew charter." and the Gazette is '"gratTled to see",
such a "disposition evinced." and “commende and sp.
plaudit it." Bat. continues the Gazette, it the close of
the article from which we have quoted. beaded "Salve
hanpa and Erie Railroad." "Put the ball in motion, i n
good earnest"—what ball? Why the Susquehanna and
Erie Railroad ball—" Thai is."it adds. "upon a Sem ba
sia"--"and then." when upon! the "basis" of the Sus
qgehaltne charter. "let it roll on." But. says the Gazette
eons. the Beettaohanna and Erie railroad charter war aei
"iropracti9bility." sad our grave Senator, Mr. Walkerl
procured its passage"through the force of circa mstancers."
We presume it was "through the force of circumstances"
that the Gazette endorsed it last year, and was "highly
gratified to see • disposition evinced to agitate that im
portant project." It is "through the force of eircum-
Mincing." too. we presume. that it is driven' now to mol
lify itillf„ and denounce the very project it has commen
ded. "Force of circumstances" is all-powerful with the
Gazette. It forces it to bark when Walker barks—to
sneeze when Walker sneezes; and to "wire in and wire
oat" until its best friends cannot tell—
"Whether the oninks" that snakes the tract
In ring Bona? *reaming back."
Bat the Gazette rtys the Susquehanna bill was en Him
practicable" scheme—that it bears the stamp of imprac
ttealnlity upon its fees; therefore, although it gives. upon
, ci
its face the ght to extend to the Ohio line, it in reality
was for th purpose of prevenling that very thing. This,
as we land land. is the drift of its argument. Let us
see 'where • will land the Gazette. Last year it was
"gratified to see a disposition evinced by the-Philadelphia
mere. as well as the papers along the contemplated
route to agitate" the "Susquehanna and Erie Railroad"
project—that is. it war "gratified" to see a thing that hid
"affixed tolit the stamp of impracticability" agitate& and
that; tee. at the expense of the Sunbury road. Last year
it "commended and applauded the come" of the Clin
ton Democrat in an article Which deelsree the movement
made:te save the Sunbury charter to be a "spasm of Phil
adelphia speculators," and therefore "we most adhere
to the New charter," the "gamut/hat/cm mod Erie" char
ter,wbich has"affixed to it the stamp of imprecticability."
Truly, the "force of circumstances" has drove the Q •
offs into a very small corner; and If we were in its pl • b
WO should Consider it a vent uncomfortable nun le
thnold Lady's eels, "force •of circumstances," pre
sume, has" rendered It canoe, and it is as easy • , such a
poeition as cut of it, and there we leave in
What is "Reliable Ruth I"
This has always been a vexed goes 'on. but the lest
'pazetis solves it to a . demonstratio . Last week it
told as it bed been "informed. open retiatrio Wistaeri y.
that a gentleman of this city. prominently coonseted with
the Avakint Canal Railroad. di/ca l led on • meat occa
sion that lithe bill now before the legislature preposiag
the extension of the Saabs? , wad Erie Railroad interest
to the Ohio Buie Line. should be successful. the Water
Lets at the DOckintendint to be set apart for the use of
the Sattbary Read. roodld sot Nt heeded." Every bwly
wondered who tips 7gentlemsn Proinisestly connected
with the Franklin canal Company" could be; sod Wetly
sought from the !Miters of the Gazette fa isolation of ths
salutary. They' pointed to M. B. Lary. Fog. That
gentleman ea upon them and asked for dila "reliable
autberity." nd here it is.
“The *Wiry had gone the muds of the Omit Ore the
epees ofieveral days. useeatradieted. sad we teak it ip
and published it epee the authority of** ens its panics
/sr twM awry &wig *general."
fiJe. "se ea. is pirtioular mid every body in general."
st•liattle authority." its - the opinion st the gesstes,—
. • se* really glud this ilsesties' Is Mask kr now when
ear cateirperary soaks& a stetenseot tspint ** rehab!'
isissiositr,•• we shall knew jest hew mach credence is
place it pea L.
", linen Dieters : . - - 'who abet te e *.
"Th a t Tab, light itt thlt.• market hoo,e" firoimutoi,
therCommacial, ha speakiog of the 'propositme is " t
the Sunbury Company:oe !•ight to build the road to n ao
cel t i o lips , in ordar4 rnahe [a point ag.niust it old yorA.
dies the pri,c r Mind. soya!: "i Alfred Kelley of ck, s ,
lase serrate as Attorney mid Advocate for the tri,,,,,,a.,,,,
hail/ oven the -father of th binding. auk fins b•osi:
it to the notice of oar Le gi lelure•" Tito Gawk. ; ,, i
toomos. aayat a ..saaaaaa" wait! before th a La italott,
last Hamar. oontwilopllaest Vie ra-orgaumttioo of tile
Sonb'ory and Eris Corn Y with the Ecoaa aa or
chartered rights to the Ohio ifs." When grave d0c.0..,
!ilia these, dmagre• who eh 11 decid e ?
1 the new firms which hare
we Doges thee of Clark &
we. The Samar maud lin of
e consdeoce of eti treeing
in• the mercainde hatless*
ni t ' while Ilia parfoer has
me buckles". From this
1 ' perience, are art aura oar
r store everything detirahl,
look a ea rsorary look eve r
found they were ep to tlm
verythiog to please the ev e
r I VOII3IIO was there. whits
obt forgot. Their price,
[away the moat economical.
[ re this establishment a tail.
ind 'all we hart astld,'"' as
tr Paw kosits7LAmOr
bola, organised this Eipriyir
Metcalf. No. I. Reed Hot
this Arm has long anjoyed , t
public, having been engage(
Isere for a limber' of ye
sans& experience in the
combination of taste and e
fashionable(' will find at •the
la the Dry Goode W
t heir stock the other day, eqj
times in every department ;
and adorn the miter maw
the practical and useful, wen
too, are sash as cannot fait to •
If any doubkthis. let them qi
sod we are certain they will
true as preachin," 1 •
ST We should judge by
iagtoo Telegrejult, au ilidepei
ton stock is oa the rise in that
culation. Washingtou city,,
..s. s jAcIATO!"—This vas• was very often presets.
csd is all ON public places I thus city sword's, after
Mr. Maxisom's speech had en delivered Wait don
it mean? Ma• Jacinto: Weat elm it signify in couote
thus with dial speech? 'San llacinto! We du not koala
*ay one oli that came, nor 0n .7 piece so eail.d on th. t ,4.
of Texas. Sea Jacinto! The swords are on every maids :
had as peoPle latter them it is with a loollatksie.fsr:o;;,pienir.atiorav:
lisfactioa—let proud tri - Imort coal to tbsi
excited by the tali/talc
The words! of the grit
to be es poirirrfel as thf and a n.
.w sprtng
has welled up in the p re their tattles Arta
been born away upon llt 5413 ilIC:':',11
be the cry;lwbatever • , leasiog to the ear
and honeri hle for its
'iury and
iii and real
At a IsrA
Erie the foil
Erie Reiir
and eounty+
tug west fel
in the opens
State of Put
sign and a
power over)
it away froti
11. and Eriei
New York
bury and El
to the - O hio
ten Gauge'
Wanner as
bury end Ea
the Tinsitionj
end provide{
patty make
depots. mi t e
i 0 7110 Z pre
The irum
ad a of th
•nd wher
in ikeeity of Erie
.0 of this meeting
nut koala, theiebti
gel interests Iron
'the direction of Ira ;
1 Peunsylvania's
over the New Yo
nd liosioa.- Ther'
That we are in fa,
ift radioed the e& tat
lee. Provided at b.
Laws of this Coro
hik it wall advanci
;lie Railroad, will at
lef Erie as the ter
that the Satilburc
4110 city of Erie the
ine shops, tar h
J ts „
WALTER 1 . ...1V5TE,
oomis, j
0. If. Ir
TV. It'.
Li The e i
do and'aiib'
more egsinsti
t he organi
rushing into
before then*
• citement brooders
hideous for some
the Sunbury and
ion of the meetin
he Court House s.
101 time el - opening
cora. actually bet•
Chii:rman rhos h•
isiselnied bla isms
plating the of
ligltted.• Di!
mail at *imp
030U1 of a co
of the hitter u
The whole
males on resole
ponent. of 0.. me
ours! of procedur
txtrsine, anJ to Ill)
turbulent CilltraeZer
bearing in 01.
the noisy arid
:ee the- resllatien
hate filleoiVerl
la most emphatic re
the course taken,
, journment , had be
eat of Mr. Galbra
Itagaani a
ized after an a
ad the amend
°limns that
associated wit
.—lt will bo seep'
CAnwrzu n , of CO
bun in hieestensiv
B Mr. E. A. B asrrr. This Bow
joyed an env" ble reputation for
proprietor, an the extent 01. his pi
nese. bat w e l l •rn that ander thi
new impetus ill be given in the
are' now recei ing the largest.*
this Market largo indeed that 1
Smeary to in ease, their room
rented di. sto room in Brown's N
their prowl:Mt anions place of bui
op in • short time with Crocker,
What indacemienta are there lor4
go to `New Tort when they cais I
want at the Empini filtoresi - asil the
he new firm a trial.
3:7'Preeident Fillmore', hitter
or part of it. is #tildished. It - vet
Pacific. eminenlly so; but ye these
toeless generally. for they h vs an o'
The brat all seia„The send is only
action displays it. :
07 We have • a i receiving
Notes" - very regal until within a•
e,►et, it 'hu "ki •or girt *out."
rr A Et ra..—On Thursday I
woman c • e off one of the boats ,
Dock, a went into Berrytnan:s
been ' there but a few minutes be,
delis red- of a fine bouncing boy,
ch d, we understand, am doing well
WY Buffalo is still joined relief ii
Hive there are those sangiaine *nogg!
hien longer than the first of August.
New Advertis
in Staple it Farley Dry Goods.
of en) Store In the City. Cheap Suit.
het W
.77 a
ever broi
'it are invi
and prim'
SW* -lit,
Erie, April et
ComPANY.—A special meet*, of the
ilsubury and Elbe Railroad epsirmar s
day of May. A. D. Mit at It ttelock. A.
Front street. t no stairs.) Pirilacie piala, wb
1.0 the C.taiter ta tit be submitted. .
- • D. 1... NIP
Ca Alf) Diont.s. See', and Trca 'r. •
April 21. 1'22.
vit male attic provisions dr Ow Ael •
I. ad tiny o A. A. WU. ineorpornit
Association, the undersigned. 'Conitniaril
Mt. will open book+ for rulnicriptloinis so tII
Corporation nt the Reading loons In Erie
day o f Siny next. at 10 o'clock A. kt.. of Mai
Raman James Lytle. Jame* llopkingea.
H. Williams. iehlei Towner. O. 11:11.o4. VI
Y.Blarrett. Wilson Laird, James noespix
T. Neiman.
Rrie. Apra 21. MI. _
rivir Subscriber having resiicseed
DOolks "OS S. M. Smith Esq.
Erie. A s YJ, ItSl.
LAMM lot eta Paper hithee•
.11. the%tepid newest designs. which Ihe o •
tele et
April it, NFL
N. H. liar*/ Style of Honsetu litas be
Arta $4.-
'e rollout: from the WWI
Ideut paper, that the Hots
tempo of Presidential ape
or Oil CIU/1.14 of
Von wai adopted
the Sunbury and
lauve to (Alf 10 . /1 , 1
the road extend•
the Ohio State line Pl:en:d
e rented and held in the
preventAg other and for.
er;teisittz a thainnerans
e and travPl:•nd turning
at filhwa3 the Swn!.
-ra dreads to r chi ctt: es if,
fore. •
or of retails an the Snn•
ul of the route Irons E.
done. atihteet to the ew•
nonwealtn, and la Buck
tho interests of I%e Sal
-1 the earns gl'no 111. k Ti 11.14
• loot off` that great work,
nd Erie Railroatr. m .
liniment location 1 . , , r
OPell and freight wars
11,ES MILES, Neil.
Vice Vres'ts
'who have beets 'mica;
ewe past with their els
is stipple - mew, secured
' on allonday higth
mo forty man and no's(
pottage here, trod nom.;
e the house hres halt
r ored by :tivi"eiarr eit,
itration the sattinuti‘
!'ors corn?osedOnttrelv
Ure 13 •1t1e5:.,16
was coarse i;:d ore?.
c:l.z •us d•etzu.ird rrth
left btfere the lrotc was
of Mr. Its'bbti; staid
the rnectin re-orgia
dechired anti ildept
rth, which is i:sien
y our advertising
.Empire Stores, hss
tnerc3talle bestow.
'a has heretofore ea•
the enterpr,si of this
' e Emperor of Japan.
frieadty, of course l.
tate papers are tal
- ide and inside face.
Ito be looked at when
,o ''Rough
I • Burs
•ak; lett
' bat hail
rly. how-
become of
he Public
he hsd net
was safely ,
i a you
ring at
on she
oer and
It we be-
to thiu
it will not
the GlValtst rawly
t. Mar the berm and
ut of WALL rArEft
market. Purchasers
and examine quaint' .
Brawn's New Howl.
alit to th
td w cal
,r al NO,
fluxkholders or the
ll he held on the MA
M., at No. MI South
t the Idle supipitmen%
I •
reaorriblr reseE the
the •• Er City Hall
nen, n ,wed In !aid
enpsial mock °furl
of ThrsdaY the sth
stay •
Joseph ClaTt J.
Arbuckle. 30 1 .
u.Euitb Jacksoll. 8.
•urgh. bar ,4t his
d Borderida. AU of
at great 1111011. mt.
.dat J. COOKII•