I A. P. DI/IMM & 00.. proprietors. VOLUME 22. curie 1.1 Varner. A. P. DURLIN & CO. PROPRIETORS. 33. P. •LOAN. adito l. OFFICE. CORNER STATE ST. AND PUBLIC SQCARE. ERIE. TERM or THE PAPER. City inabaeribers by the carrier. at ' ritiat II) wail. or at the °dice. in advance.ll.3o tTlf.not paid In advance.or within three.months front the tune Oudot-Mang. two dollar. will be charged. Lim! communication, mut he pow paid. ' RATES OF ADK'ERTISING. . Cards not exceeding 4 hues, on 'ear. . 113,00 One square 64 WI 10400 do. do. six months, 1,00 do. do. 'three months, UR Thansient ad% erthemen is. 30 cents per square. of fifteen lines or Seas, for the first insertion: 13 cents for each sutra...went Insertion. LT Truitt atherti.en, hate the pr Iv 'lege of changing at pleasure, but at no time are allots ed to okeupy wore than two squares, mad is as luisasst I. them smstedi ate Kam... Advertisements not bat ing other dircetious, will be i usertedrill forbid and charged accordingly. . BUSINESS ' DIRECTORY. JOHN HEARN magi•ant