Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, March 06, 1852, Image 2

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Political. and
Public Meeting. 1 '
At a very larg e and respectable Meeting of 'the ' r
citizens of the city and County of Erie, assembled at
the Court House on the evening of the 28th Feb.,
1832. Oa motion, P. Sennett was appointed Prea.
ident, Joseph H. lVilliams, John If. Fullerton, %Vll
liam Nicholson, Wm. lloskinson were appointed
Vice Preiidentt, end Charles M. Tibhals and Iselin.
Rosenzweig sAcretaties.
The meeting was addressed at length by Messrs.,
Cutler, Lane, Galbraith, Bobbin. Calighey, King,
Grant, Marshall and Taylor, after which the follow
ing preamble and resolution were adopted:
Whereas the Franklin Canal Compiny has been
engiged in the construction of its railroad for more
than a year_past, and has ezpen led in_ the same a
large sum of money, and the work is advancing ra
pidly toward completion, and whereaslthe said rail
riaillis of the utmost importance amildvanteLse to
the interest, growth and' prosperity of our city an I
county, and without the connection of wh ch the
liunbury and Elie railroad most, if n.t altogether
f 11, be tleatly deltii•ed and the value of its stuck se
e ously . lessened. Therefore,
Resolvid, That itlis meeting is opposed to any le
istation calculated to interfere with the immediate
ompletion of the Franklin Canal Cempany's R tit
Signed by the officers, anti be publish.-
ed cad forwarded to mit members it ffirristm rg:
VERT SirictiLsit.—This case was celled before the
Court Commissioner Bettrick on 'Tricky last, and
on motion of the attorney of the claiteent, Ifr. Cra
ry, the trial was poaponed till the Beth instant.
This is one of ilia most sin4elar instances on rec
ord: Two mothers claiming the same child; and
what adds to the singularity, one is a white women
and the other'an Indian. The great case excit
ing a great deal of ,public interest. rubiic opinion
is diVided. The Majority, however, believe it is the
white woman's child. Fur ourself, we are not de
cided in opinion. The child is as dark as a full In•
_than child sery$ ery nearly: But its features, eyes,
hand*, and .fet, and every other form denote• the
white chiltfoibesides it so resembles the daughter
of Mr. Patrdlge, two years older, that almost every
beholder pronounces them b rotifer and sister., Mr.
and Mrs. Patridge are of quite dark complexion, and
the girt is but little lighter than the clatreed child.
: We visited there whilethey were together, and
but two other individuals in the room. Wts said to
biro, "My hal,,corn3 and shako hart I/ With rue," and
he came and reached out his hand. We lifted him
'on our knee and ask-'.l him if lie y 34 afrai I, and he
shook 'his head.. IVu t hint to turn with his face
tpsr4,4l the window, and he did s,. Ev. , rything we
s'aid to him seemed to be - as readily on le.btood of
by any ordinary child of six years.' An elderly gen
tleman catne into the min, and being so intent on
the child, the co'om sa caorte4y of asking hum to
c.seal. was unthinkingly omitted. The Chid vol
untarily, without a word being" said, carried a chair
and placed it by him so that he coo!d seat himself.
He conversed readily with those who can sneak Me . -
nomonee, they talking English and the child Meno-
Merle° .
. On the other hand, the Indian agent, Mr. Lawe,
a gentleman of the firi.t 'standing, the Catholic Min
ister—ia missionary to Oa Meaum . inee nation—Mr.
PJ eel, Mr: - C ivvvn, and other Italian traders, and
the whole indite') tribe, in-iw vehemently, that it be.-
longa to the Indian woman.. fate i character of the
testimmr, together with tho taw* apprtrance of
of.the child, are orgreat weight.' child says,
when asked why it dm\ sneak English, that his
°lather threaletwil to skin him if -.ha ,English
in a white' inan's houie. It is placed in Sheriff
Cooley's costoday till the trial , subject to the visits
,of both pafties. claiming it., Mrs. Patridge has
befit there, washed it all over, cleaned it 'up thor
oughly, and &easel iyatil says she thinks it is her
child. i
Altozether t it is . a mast singular ,!fair .
contalusno parallel. it is a qu,estion that 'ems
, bard to decide. The. sympathy and the opinion
I to:med outside of the legal role, seemed to favor Mr.
Pattldge. But the law seen to favor the Indians.
The trial will be deeply int 0)50 oz.-031tkoak Dent.
Tan Sits 811111.1141 T z.s.wr!--Capt.
'Chas. Seabury, of the whidesbin Munangabistn i of
New Bedford, in a letter toltis New York Tribune,
dated at sea, February 6:h, declared that he has
captured the fee-serpent. lle was taken in latitude
3 deg. 10 min. south, and longitude 131 deg. 50
min. west, with the harpoon. ,After being struck
with the iron he descended some 6,000 feet, where
the monster remained fifteen hours, but at last came
to the surface and expired. lie was then taken
alongside the vessel, Skinned and cut up, and his
head and bones preserved. The Captain states that
the "serpent'' was of the masculine gender: 103 feet
7 inches in length: 19 feet 1 itch araund the neck:
2t feet 6 inches around the and the lirg
eat part of the b)dy', which appeared a,mewhat dis
tended, 49 feet 11 inches. The head was long and
eat, with ridges; the buries of the lower jaw Ilepa
' rate; the tongue and its -fend Like the head of a
heaet. The tail ran neartv to a 'point, on Ole end
of which was a flat firm cartilage. The 4 k was
black, turning brown - on qt.) sides, then'sellow, and
on the centre of its belly S narrow white streak tw4
thirds of its length: there , was also .entered over
the body dark snots. Oa examining the skin he
found, to his surprise, that, the b Ply wai covered
with blabber like that of the 'ilia's, bit it was on',
4 inches thick. Tae oil Ars clear as water and
burned nearly as fast spirits of turpentine.—
There wera 94 teeth in he jaws, 'very sharp, all
, pointing back, and as hi ge ail the thumb, at the
gum, but firmly set. It had two "sputa holes," and
• breathed "very much lik - a whale,"
lartmerramant Tarn a C ALIF4)IOa 4 .—Nesi For
man's ranch, about ten ilea south of this place, may
tte 114ert daity worting it gloch, with cummenda
hie 'severance ao , len• gv, a trio composed of two
American ladies and a g sideman.' tVhile the grnt
pick" tad shovel', one of the ladies—yr troae costume
is t dress covered With a coat, as near,
we suppose, as st.e can'imitate the fikoiner in tke
mines—carries the dirt to the rocker, where the oth
er lady sits w..rkinz with all the assiduity of an rilit
afiner. We v.ieff
. Ca:ifortfia was Vleii supplied with
such ladies as these, who. instead of harrassinp
their hu.bands aimut "women's right,"and "Turki-h
costumes," would wash as well as rock Ors cradle.
Rstutosa Orsarsuertusrs.—eTtle Clei eland Plain--
dialei gives en account of an attempt to throw off
the train on the C. C. k. C. R. R. by placing I.
huge phle across ilte track. The obstruction ap
peared farce ennueli to have thrown off the entire
train. The probable to sermnces are artful to
think of. Fresh traclts, were found diverging from
ths spot to the left. The Conductor with the En
gineer and several oihep, followed up the trail , and
in.& little one story lioti.a quarter of a mite from
the road, found a felloW - ish , n.e boots precisely toted
the said tracks. A resposible .person was left •to
watch him, and the train proceeded in safety to Ga
tan, where proper measeres were taken tobring the
supposed scoundrel to justice.
Tux NEW 2iluattox Csetrat..—.l writ-r ih
. the
National Intelligeticer'States that Brigham Young
and his associates bin welt sal i stied, that upon a
fair representation of fa is to government by the, re
turned joslva, the .civi 'authority of ,the territory
would be withdrawn frt m their control, they halo
with their usual cunning, located the capitol in one
of the most nut-of-the-way,incon . venient, and sare
districts to be,fotind wiihin, the limits of the Tl'erri
tory,with the view not;ottly to exp4se the officers
who might be Scut thete to Indian
,hostilitio% hot
to remove them so fas:frum Salt,Ltke City as to
prevent their taking cognitartce of Crimes and offen
cee there, over Whtch the church claims to exercise
exclusive jurisdiction., itecent letters , froof Salt
Lake City &limit:me thsse Si the reasons for the act.
Ittmms Ce.x.ra RA I I.lto ‘ll Chicago Tri •
bane announces that all of the Chicago branch- of
- -
o he Illinois Central Railroad is to be contract
in a few days:, and' also the . branch from Peru
o Cairo, es soon-as the lettings can be ravertised.
The company lisinegetiated the sale of 81.000.000
of its bonds at par:in New-York, which the Tribune
says nil' be su ffi cient. in connection with its pi
%ate credit, even should no more . bonds be sold, to
complete the entire wcrk. At will be recollected
that Congress donated•sbout 4,730.00 acres of pub
lic lands for the construction or this important road,
- and the Ciorernment still Wain, upwards of 3,000,-
030 of seres in the same district. The lands dona
ted have been selected, and are recognized as der,,:
tell to the railroad enterprise at the Land Orti:e,
eras News.
(grit tkie
We learn tliat Dr. Fr
city, for the purpose of
Anatomy. Physiology.
these sciences in all the
marked success, and sr
realize the good opinio ,
amnia (rout the finite
comas among es. Ilia
ooe, Mill tie tbia'evenio
;grated br bias.
The 62rteir eection
ia a cdinp!fite w
Iced their Mayor: Bar
Anon; the seeco
who is elected Alderms
usually two or three ha
Courier says the battle
raocrats dress .114./a
T A Caasoa.—Tl
city. very uncerimoniu
tali. Mr. Jait. S. M. Y
•n 1 A. W. Caughey.
of that eatahhohnloot•
of those who have had ;
the concern ere ars no
calmer's' as wary mate
—equal. it is supposed
read of. lie 'threatens,
blast before aunty we
ylailtp perpetrators o
bile ingratitude."
By th• (alloying le
C l ottoty. recently on ni
littler. Li Preside
Inn be seen that En
011:n1'0,090 to this g
Door•S;r:—W rho
our aboisoto from
make • commis*,
and Erie Itvitread C.
We are convinced
itillread will be of v
The arguments in
unanswerable. The
our approval.
Wie therefore romp ,
to sit'havrtbe foe the C
wand Dollars. !min
commits this sires ,
der the seal of the e•
are prometiux the be
have no doubt that
To Dtniel: L. *tie
As the Commies
they have, ere this,
County and the city
ay for ft500).000.
will be $lOO,OOO m.
which will make*.
ty well for Erie!
The following. la
shows how the sate
of the road.
D. 1.. Miller, Jr.
road: Sar;:,-.4, o a ts
Loelahowoo for and
boropzli of twi.nty
or ow, hundred :I
Erin Railroad.Cogn
Fur the autliserip
17 Among the
and Fousequouily
•`sleepy borough."
a hosing*. stood
wood (oratory,, d
diy passe, tint w.I
gird to renting, a.
vacant atoms; thel
sines. cotntnEoceo.
, we see thn
piny his passed •
stated in one of •
helmd tho feet
stead ready to to
commence tie w,
shall noon bd en-
ID" The baseni
led by its rnedsci'
is concerned, it c
weeld answer its
tieing the failure
agree open a Se e l f
(areas ••assetubl
Kris." Wj ran
do so from vein)
to be convent
terrace and went
mated the electitil
1)-ia % %%6 fact. tdi
cm in the too/
terooon, while tf
Wu-room, tir 0,
witltnat anyorg,
fteve, agreal up
wiirds; for. to
ender its preent
tract ita Er,16011(
aT Oppoeiti.:
lam—and w. g:
We have the S
sod now we ar
wlio!!" An 11
powerl. is soon
an Exposiyor •
loin It tliati lad)
of rani under
all her 11:OstenA
Lis Tho FrUdddia Crassr :r ou tes to us solargod to I
mammoth prize. acid otherwi improved typographically.
It could - Rot *rll he improv d as a maxi-riper. though
isjoiltticti at Is sadly out at t e elbow.
IJ Col. John . Ilaretor late of the Detroit Pres
Press. has been elected Matey of Detroit by'nemly 630
majority. Lail year the whir , carried that city h) about
300. -This makes up for Sulraltt, hostiles CaL 11. is sus
girths best fellows ut the Poitimmtsr State.
QT' The 111MT.le "QICGIS Irdy." has recently donned
'a new dress. bat its practical are still very bud. The
other 4ayi, it stole our article be "Flogging in the Navy."
body asfi breeches. without as much as saying. thank
you!,. ThiS"Qiteen" must _lsere better manners: or it
will be c eluded from den's* society.
U 1 The Fredonia Ceasei, is oat for Horse, Greely,
of the Trilotne. ie the whit candidate for Governor of
New:York. !forint/timid Oaks a bird of an Executive.
EL?" C; tutus. louses.—'A bill has pissed the Hoofs
of Reprettent.tirjes'of this' State. gilds% - authority to
Coen. ed Comae:in Plea to change Om names of per
son., 14 providai tbat the palm designated shall Aare
the power to eltatigo PIMPS spots the parment of $lO, of
whititt saws $2 abia:l go os ths prothoaotary. and tbe .8
is the Stow. and after dodldsaree la wads. the Comet
shall ate its publication for foot, somsoosise weeks. ho
two uesispepers pablosited a th • county nt itsw.reeitloot.
or persouharing his name 'so changed.
It (I)listritpr.
SING, MARCH 6. 1852
on Anatomy.
noir.. of New York, is now in OUT
elivering • coarse of Lectures on
c. The Di. has lectured upon
principal chiles of the Union with
have no dank he will more than
ws have formed of his attain
ng testimonials with Which . he
ant iectore, which will be a Clem
The time and place to be des-
Irter 1243ti0n.
n Buffalo, en Tuel; fly last, re.
ig e:ctory.,that patty haring e
on. and a timjurity er the wan
wlrigi, tit Ir. J. C. 11.irrteen.
in the--471:Jvrard, where there is
• dred tletnneltatte majority: This
as holly contested, but the De
them. '
e Coradierlst Adecraser. of this
ly Chenge4 heads on Monday
t nag having hoes ejsded from.
q isijsctsil ilito the Editorial chair
Irbil istedits7operanJi of this fest
3 weight of their finzeni span
advised. an we Sr. net slate it
ally. The . etiied swears terribly
. to that " ar
y id Flanders." we
to have ono her estehlilhatent is
gr. and thed he premisosjhat the
this wars will gaffer fOr their
000 Suliscribed.
r !maths commtaioaere of Erie
(visit to Phif*delphia. to Daniel L.
of the Re ry and Erie Road, it
county hui seined her pledge
at and int taut enterprise:
PIIk!LADIFL It, Feb. 21. 1852.
• just reeei ed year letter, daring
on official beisieses. asking us to
ptioa thesteek of the Sunbury
npany. ' -
r let the coelettisetion of the proposed
importallee to the county of Erie,
, nor of a suliocription see consider
Air= •od ti4daums esuested tabor
ad to year letter at Gad. agrooing
linty of Elio,; Two Modred Thom
iately oa mutts, Ws wtll eon
nut. and Poniard to you a copy no
only. We Cirri that HI doing so. we
isteresisl oar eonst)taente, and
he stock *prone a profitable in-
We lire yoar,frieede, _
• 81111Z01 STlLitlirt •
Tues. Doss. Jr..
Rovicr I;mA. '
Commiloiosero of Erie County.
Jr., PresidOut floobors sod- Erie
Rldroad Compau
nen hairs, retuned. we presume
doomed their pledge. and that Erie
stand epos the books of the tempe
r' have eve" coofidence that there
I re subscribed here by our celeste,.
1.000 for Erie oesety alone. Pret-
ich we find ens aim ' , schnaps,
prise is looked open along the line
Loci( Feb. 23. 1852
President Elbebery end Erie Rail
, as this day ! takes by the citisena of
against a entwatiption by the said
ou•aorl dollime, and by the county
onsatid doll4ie to the Sunbury sod
any. which resulted as follows:
on 102 Against subseriptaqn 8
best evidenthat Erie is improving.
longer entit dto the opppalletion of
lis the fact that there is not at present
cont. There never was such a de
. • .
ening' and shops as now. Scamaly a
are not asked for information in re
d we do beli4e that if there were fitly
would all be filled ere the summer bu-
the kilt eherttrinithe Erie Gas Com :
•th breathes and become a law. It ie
ow city eoteiriporaries, and we have
I -
entioned ottibrwise that gentlemen
e neeeliry atnoent of "dock and
rk. We pr tune. therefore. that we
nil of the Penitsylcaniaa is only eqoal
y. When thit fete of Mr. Buchanan
unot tell the !truth, even if the truth
purposes belle: Fur instance. in no
f this confect of Erie and Crawford to
*lariat deleir tr, it elates that our Con
by thentsehrits and elected a citizen of
not quote the pentanes exactly, for we
ry, but the irnpreasien evidently Watt
led io, that vrA withdrew from the Con.
.i into anotifer room and there consult).
in of Mr. Lovi:Ly. N or, so far from this
le Conferee, film Erie remained in sea
the Cenferer i s had occupied all the af.
• Crawford a;ouferees withdiew to the
to, we do nit know which, and there,
nisation at all' as we have reason to be.
n their man lcArthur. Bit we waste
zoom i
justice ''from the Peitarryitesiart.
Imbecile merger:lent, would be to ex
ice; theref.rn(vre have no idea it will rot.
n is the life of trade—thet is on old ex
eto it is goini to !is , the hie or floosie.—
edi - sh Nightiegele. end the fleck Swan..
to have thri , 7Wild Owl—toti:who too
dies wormin,'said 4o posses; great vocal
o make a debt ai 140Cniigt. The Adri
vi: ut,derstaud there is in Ott--
in Michiran.'who will *eau take the field
to title of t tr4Pl Owl.' who can hoot down
IT rirockiroslgnrit!"
Harping on TO Danghter."
The Crawford Deforest is still harping on the **Ob
server." '•Senatorial relegate." and the equip end do
legs of the Crawford county Contents* The towable 1
appears to be that the Observer uses not please the con .
fames tiny Mere than it pleases Ihs Demecret. This is
unfortunate, very; bet'stilt we de not see any remedy:
We have been using the quill long enough to ascertain
that wad can't please every body; add we have seen enough
of mankin4 to know that there aria not two who under
stand matters just esectly alike, especially where it is
their interest not to so anderstaud—hens we were pre
pared fur the disapprobation of the political satellites who
revoke around, what the Easton Argus very naughtily
called, the "Crawford county whiskey inspector." But
to the specific point that does not please the aistocmts of
the Crawford Democracy. We said last week. that
Crawford eernatse,—not her conferees—claimed the right
to instruct the delegate from this senatorial district over
the heads of the Democracy of Erie. Title the Demo.
trot dames on the enervation of its friends, the Ceuta
roes. Now. we have not the leant doubt the.said_coufe.
reel are as honest as circumstances will admit in this da
me; nevertheless we think those gentlemen are a littl e
too fast, and if they have the capacity to solve 'may the
mathematical problem of how many blue bums it takes
to make five, we can chew it.' In a tomnsintieatirs
which ePpeared in the Democrat and in the Sentinel last
week, aver the names of the Crawford . Couferees, we fled
the following pertinent admission:
Mr. Derickson replied , that th Democracy of Craw..
ford not only rbriased the Wog et the present dine , but
they ass ciatiousi the right, ig • otdance with lung os
tahltshed custout, of dew:stating/heir choice sf a man.—
Tins *ghost dune at thew recent costa/ wanting, haring t
those.' Bras..V.Ar'kur with great unanimity, and the
Confereekof Crawford sow asked As concurrence of their
Erie colleagues as a right aad as an ant of Justico.
Thai. we take it.i,Mesers. rkmocrist. Derickson. Coul
ter and Tinny. is a pretty strong admission of part of our
assertion; audio prove the scab of it we have bat to re
fer, in connection therewith, to the'resenner of "designs.
ling your choice of a man" "at the recent county meet
ing" We rearmost's& says the county meeting, Wm.
McArthur. "with instructions to support Den. James
Duchanasifor President." Crawford county "not only
charms the delegate at the present time" bat "she also 1
claims the right of designating the atan;".therefora„ 'aye
Derieksoc, Coulter and Tinny, lie nomiaste Wm. Mc-
Arthur; alul Win. 'McArthur. as will be seen above, is
already - instructed for Mr. Buchanan. Now, if this dues
not demonstrate, as plain as a pike-staff. that "Crawford"
not only claimed the delegate, but also the preposternits
right of instructing him over the beads of the Democra.
ey of Erie," then there is no meaning io words or no
truth is acts. fleas it will be seen, that if the Crawford j
"coot topsider they .have been misrepresented by i
' the Erie Observer," they are very in-consider-ate nom. I
The fact is. we said nothing about them at all—we said I I
Crawford aunty! If they. are Crawford comity-A-or if
they considered themselves the embodiment of Crawford I
county sentiment in the Conferees meeting—then. senor. '
ding to the-resolutions of the meeting that delegated to
them their. power., in- conjunction with their own state- I
sant, one assertion was correct.
Then are *ewer two other matters we are celled epee
to notice. and then we will torn the matter over without
farther comment. The Democrat soy. t h e "Crawford
Conferees only claimed the, right to idea the Dele
gate. and expressly declared, that if the Erie Conferees
would iota with them for Mr. McArthur, they would not
ask for iniarnetiona"You don't Say so!—w liberal!
especially when Mr. McArthur was already inspected as
strong as language could do It. Again, the Democrat
says, we, as a delegate "declared we 'Paid vote for no
man as a delegate whom we did not know to be opposed
to Mr." Buchanan for the Presideuey; thereby arrogating
to himself the right of dictating to Lbw DeMocracy of
Crawford county.", Well, nuw, what an arrogant chap
we've got to be, to be sure! Almost as much so as am
"Aid to the G ." or a militia Major. Bet seri
ously. we made no each declaration; on the contrary. we
repeatedly said we would vote for McArtherehoerfelly If
they would vote fora solatian withdrawing the Waimea.
lions hb was empe d doerd with. and arr. mammy,.
we take it. is aBo sum men! There are *se or two
other misrepresentations in the Democrat bet Irs pass
them over. •
The ihnsicrat, in conclusion. thinks that if we• had .
looked into the last,-leabasi or Democrat. of that place.
(both of which we received before oar paper)ras publish
ed.) we would hive been 'advised' of the stobsennent
proceedings of the Ciawford Conferees. Why, blew
year simple soul, Cefoncl. we have long Igoeo ceased to
pet nay reliance upon the statements of either the Dem
ocrat or the &Rhea
QT Nzvi SEIATUR iritou • CALleoasiA.—No political
news hes been received from the-Pacific State that has
pleased as more, than the election of Col. J. B.,
formerly of Ohio, to the United States Senate hoist Cali
fornia. Col Weller is emphatically the best abased MM.
ocrat we know of, and hence his election is a thing to
rejoice over. Ile served very creditably in the lower
lions, of Congress from Ohio—he behaved very gallant
ly-in the Mexican war—he made a most csittal run for
Governor in Ohio. in 18 id, sad as the head of ties Mex
ican Boundary Commission. he was subjected to the
moat vindictive persecution by the harpies that hung
around the Cabinet of Gen t 'tailor. [laving ••come up ,
tinder greet tribulation." we have no doubt he will make
a most excellent Senator.
••31,ts'six 4/11T7 TO MOW '—The coroner of
Philadelphia held and Inquest on Monday night last. up
on the body of an neknowti colored• man, who bad died
from small pox by the road side. Ile Was without shoed
sod very scantily clad, and had beau wandering aboit
for several days previous, insane From the . effects of tho
fever, but the fear of contagion had prevented the
bore from of him say relief. Like the Leper of
old, he was shut out from the sympathy or charity of
kind, and finally. perished by the road side!
WT About thirty women wen baptised en Sunday alrr
barman in the North River, at the foot of Twenty.ninth
street New York. There were several hundred person.
pre.ent to witness the ceremony. The baptised wen
led into the water Bp to their waists. altheugh the ice watt
floating on every side at them. They must have strong
faith. *a think.
QT theta, iiiiwkius desired w become 'load for the
fished," in Now York last week, and so she jumped from
one of the Willmmstierg ferry boat. into the - muddy wa
ters of - the F.tist }LIM. Some people who were watch
ing her. I'i'.hed her out, and she was taken homy, where
she promised "to bide hi? time" patiently.
Altar/ Mt NKVIP Nana.—Wkigery has been beaten as
the Whig" party, the ••Union" party, and anw the N.
0. /14/frina speaks of the ••Constitutional Union Whig
party of the, Siete of Louisiana." This last_diaguise
w,Il prove them no better than before, and the N. 0. Cos-
tier inquires if all our political parties aro not constite
none,. U so why speak of the Constitutional Union
Whig party? Jost as though all parties tura not eonsti-
OtiDtlol. The Whigs are ever fond of pompous Damao.
They now have•stretched themselves out into the Con
stitutional Whig party.
DJ' How iv WA* PAW/11.--Ose *fear exchanges twig.
in relAting the origin of the! famous Mains Liquor Law,
that it passed the Lower Ilduse of the Maine Legiidattire
with the cOufident expectation that it wisaid Ow defected
r t
it) the Senate. As the members he Serial* did not
like the ides of sweating the res 'bitty of detessing
the bill, they passed it , for the Cloverleaf to vets. rhea,
it woe brought to Governer Hubbard. he appreseed ihW
indignation at their telly is pussies melt a bill; ',l
ifts. "If they want th‘biil. let theta liaise IL" be pot Isis
official signature to IL sad ii because tbe timid
17' Pre have Ate Mimes /Ismer for Month. It is s
flea member. replete with matters of Interest to the mute
to whose benefit it is expressly devoted.
rrWs sea lb potations hays bees pretreated is i r •ths
&nete by bit. Coirprer for tisso . coootrattion or a dry rissals
at this paint. Wa hope the move irtli riveted. bat icy,
tumidly expect it will at present.
"The Mode for 01110
If ' Aare is as ovil free waisis. weAw4 , llrat the Auer.
'sou l republic caw evar tabs say thing detriment, say.
the Columbia Star, that esti le the omptin for oflicv.--
WhSevar can carry thi-vsM Oa tees.* by a elope*,
cry if poverty or a pitiable appall for
i liospathy, at mos
imagines himself fit be Goversor. Imager candkive
a despicallie gauss of trading off the voiirof his township
(rtwida. always. lovirlhniess. HIM he can carry that
vote) in a satisfy normalities no es ta bey for litasseff
sorrier delegatai to memo cramb;of favor, at once
thinks nature predestined him 10 be a qmgressums. He
who can talk soft aeneesse for five minister) upon no sob
jectlat on, feels himself inspired to be !a United Stoma
,Eksator; and every fellow who can almost calculate the
tell*pos b,berrel of whiskey thinks it We his Missies es
earth to hs Canal Commissioner—whether the people ars
willing or not.
Ti;. scramble for office gets to be re' h disreputable
business by this evil. that tt is bat vow seldom a vase of
any character will engage in it. It is aft best • very pre.
carious and slavish business, m a d t h e # enit iit of polities
Los means of livelihood destroys many more men than
it tasked. It introduces men into assaiiatMed and be.b7
its which bet too often hate an 'takingaster and danger.
oats resole. It begets a spirit of adventUroie recklessness
which goes very far to amhorenhie stability and [inflect's
of character. And. finally. the highest prizes is the dei
perste game are positions of temptation;, endplates where
a thousand greedy parasites swarm *resod. to !rem , out
lift with annoying petitions for Two Presidents
of vigorous whom this,kind d kerbing
wits a new treatment. sank to the grave nadir, the logic.
lion of each a life.
It is a mistaken ambition to believe; that political 'mi.
nonce alone is fame. Every pursuit 41 me Is alike hen
enable and •alike eminent. Science.! literature and art
are wide epee fields for,tlie labor of tits brightest genius
sad the attainment Of the highest hon Ors. Demagogues
are conning flatterers to get political tools for their dirty
work, and ars very Profess in promisee. They can dis
cover a rich hidden talent in each of Omit. parasites. sad
praise ever. while they find profit. !Deny. too mini a
confiding dupe has learned this gamed in the experience
of a tiankrupted fortune and ruined :character; and la
mented over his fully and indiscretiorain j.overty•and dis
• ET A Ww. Ost —A writer in the i t em:lon Daily New*
shows hie intims•e arqimintance with the United States
by calling ••Phd■delphia the capital of a eliie state."
holds the inhabitants as ••aontherneraj" and says that ••to
mini with theta on the subject of slavery is impose►ble."
The schoolmaster cannot be abroad in England.
_• _
Er We is. that the Ratrato pepere call oar city Ike
4tindepeedest Borough of Erie." Gentlemen, this won't
do! W. are a ray. We've a Mayor. eia select tad twelve
common councilmen,. We've crailre f sd. and the prospect
of half-a•dozeu ••more of the Came eert,"—we've pisak
roads. sod more making; we'vit ateistri boat 'runaera. , atid
roamed runners. and star runner,: fast horses sad fast
mos. gamblers. loafers end dandies: laud last, though not
feast. Kosestii heft. feathire and al!. Gentlemen. you
mast make the amend. kmatirsiile! .We ere a city.
U CAPITA!: COSVICTION roa ARIII4N.—At a late term
,r the , Circuit Court in Geoesec..l New York. liiner
Weldon was convicted of arson in the first degree.—
• was indicted for setting fire' to il dwelling-house in
*naval,. lie was sentenced to be!hung on the 9th of
: pril next. He confessed his gash ead implicated a man
mod Johnston as an accomplice. ',Several finis occ‘3l
- in Dawiville. in the month of December. 1850. whidh
Were supposed to be-caused by this incendiary. . .
, _ _,.....
- .lE:eTrz Ltst Ines .—: k lady in the Boston Trans
cript, after writing most eloquently en-the trials of boast,-
jumping. arising from bad servants. suggests • plen for,
the establishment of a "School for Cooks." This is the,
last Yankee Notion; sod from our own experience, we
rire net prepared to say it is not a E* one.
17 TheWeet Chester Repseacmi treys the Dentocra•
et of the eimintry are rapidly becemilg satiafied that Geo.
Boat be the whig candidate for the Presidency. and
That it Witt tats err beat hi.Yos .aJ th . .
time of the tinataiars h.gteariaz t o ind.oate . v e ry plainly
that that roan is the Fiero of San iveinto--whoes life.
Jaeltatio chazacter. devoted patrioinini. and noble deeds.
t. .
wool rally around him in soverwoeianiog numbers, the
manes of the people. "
II3" Those who do mot advertise. land there are• many
business men even in this enlightened age who say tt is
money thrown away, ctunot employ a few momenta bet
ter tis
an is reading thfolkiwingt ,
•` t New Oriente a men who had but recently com
menced business found;his creditorierather too prompt in
urging the payment of:their little , ltills. "Whet is the
matfett" he at length asked. "Do y a fear met "'Yes."
was;the hesitating reply of a modest dun. "Fear nie!"
he eliminated. ••on what grounds? Hu any one said I
am tiot,honestf" "...`Cs. ne." replied the ether; "bat"
--”Bu{ what. sir?" "Why, to beicandid with yea, we
have no confidence in your businecapacity, seeing yea
doe of advertise." The man itum diately made sunne l .
contracts with three papers . and is ow in excellent cre
dit. and prospering fineily."
ET A '•celebrated Itoisiaa Causal" has truly said that
many men who have bet precious little brains and no
pains. rise it the world. by a/mil lag to every station,
however high. while many really g tied mid able men. are
scarcely ever heard el; on account of their modesty. Im
pudence goes • great ways in Cf.. ,etorld. •
- QT Iltsvrteo Daiostos.—The Oiseitta Chief. printed at
Clinton. Weida co. N. Y. mays that • family in that place.
the members of which have been Persuaded by the tap
pings. has been completely broken t iep—a mother has left
her young children siek and oncarCd for, and taken up
her board, and report says her bath, with one of the mas
culine spirits. Reports further Mt that this male rapper,
in order to make room for his neighbor's wife. bee dis
caided his own, giving her a written discharge. which he
calls a bill of divorce, and that thtiugh she still remains
in his family, it is in the eharecteal or a servant, and not
as a wife. r.
QT The Levis/ills Journal spanks of Mr. Clay as •
••riclim of locofoeo slanders." Clay himself thinks
he is this victim of Whlgerp • which, since the coalition •
has elected Harrison clod Taylor te the Presidency; and
Tyler and Fillmore to'th• Vice Presidency. The whigs
of Kiontecky have just nominal Fillmore for another
QT Soma of our exchanges teas us that it has been
ascertained from the Official reacolf;ls at Ilarriabargh. that
Qv Johnson pardoned daring the last seventeen days of
his administration, firty•three cOnvicts-confined in the
cells of the Eastern and Western penitentiaries for crimes
of every grade, embracing murdelrers. Incendiaries, bur.
glen. counterfeiters, thieves. cornmittery of rape. &c.—
One man, arrested Wt larceny 4 believe. was pardoned
before he was tried! •
ET The Pie* York; correspon4nt of the Pertneglesttion
sa y, the Webster stock has gone op fifty per cent with
in the past few days: The Fillnitoce tut Scott ••bnlla''
and "bears,"" have been ..cornered" a little, and unless
they do something to tifEegi the mierations of the God-like,
there is every,probability that 114 will win the day. The
tone of the whiX Nees is stronglY Sisrshrteldian. There
is fun ahead, if the wonlly.headecau only be brought up
to "face the"
iT The Butler H : cro111 payillte true eiterrt pf Butler
Editors getting office; Is by thelii "noting for s Pentocratic
Inca and *measures uChler all ci*intatauces." Perhaps.
bet we are rather inclined to ll+ belief thet the secret is
rather more is their playing toady to would•be-great
men. and pairing the Pesuarylegaigis and kindred sheets.
than is the charactsi of their rotes.
Er They give atilt 'paper massy hunt names i• Wis
comes. The hilsidiries Argos ;spooks of ••Richmond's
inVispesieible rod deg. /lee pap and sick meaey paper
• WI sad•, obligation. to Goa. tioaatima. Bona
teraßroaditaatt.'Coaipar lad Wade. sad oar rashers at
HardOm" for Coolpertitotal4d Logi*lath* Paver•.
indtanaAteate haaOreaanoi a bill to parthasa
sand in Africa. te leihieh the ne‘reee in that State are to
be rest.
Zap sai Abaaarock -Beanolast Toirperanse
Society. ,
Among the may societies. of this' Elociety•begettior
age, the formation of none has pleased as more that the
"Rarp anal Effirmarack Dessroteat Temperance Manuety..•
rosantly organised la this city. W. say it bas pleased
es. became. it is composed of those. and its, gleld of labor
is among them, to which very little 'attention is devoted
by the thosigand anal one other societies. already in ezie.
Nose for the asneliansties of asattitiort. The Society we
speak of was organised last week. tad from the following
list of officers. as well as the - name. the reader -will at
once see its field of operation is to among that long os
glectad class—this Sone of the Green Isle.
Pruideat..-1 . W. Dumas.
Prpridsigt.—Jor. thamasi,
Secrettry.L.Jostat Finale R
Tre4SUre r Para ma 114cEsmic.
Irarlaus. , —Pataicm Motorail. ROW,. STLIWAIU).
HUlParde... NMI, &LUCA SI.
That the public mat, rutty nudentand the aims Ind
objects oldie "Harp and Shamrocit."ese publish. at the
request of the &icier, the athiress of its fiat Kesideut;
ou taking the chair:
G,carcsuss:—llefure I enter
_upon the duties of Pre..
lithos °Meer of this Associattud. permit in. to leader to
you my sincere thanks ra tits airy firatarials regard you
bar. evinced for me in electing me your first President;
thul confidlog to my guarchaushm the *emery and ad.
vaucennent of our iuNat society.
This, token ofyour. esteem. gentlemen- becomes the
more prominent when fees before me to many others
whose capability and talents so far transcend ani ?prelim
"" in which I in"; ...Mtge, as to completely over=
shale lo.! °memo the most glowing aspirations which
nay vi.uity may prompt or ambition mill forth.
But the advencemeat of a society like this depend" not
so much upon superior talents• as it dues upon exertion
and perseverance. No, gentlemen. exertion and perse
ireranceinnst be our motto—we must allotted ourselves,
eolleutively and individually, sod, we must persevertstoh
in our exertion—we must use every fair and honorable
means to promote the general good. for this, and this on the true object of true benevolence, and of unfeign
ed philanihrophy. We must be watchful that oor con
duct abroad lie of each a chewier as to bring no scan
-dal on the society, and that our general demeanor be such
as to secure respect from the good and virtuous, while it
renders harmless the malevolence and malignity of the
poison breathing slanderef. Sy such a course we are
stirs to prosper. and I sin full in the confidence that on
your part there will be tin lack of duty.
Our beginning is indeed fairfair as the morning sun
bursting from the eastern horizon—absorbing in his
golden creams , the dewy shrouds of the sleeping- wale
and es his rays become 'troupe .and more refulgent the
nearer he approaches his noontide glory, so, too shall
we, I' trow. become stronger mid more convictions es
we proves* in Temperance. Virtue, loral.ty. Yes.
our beginningiis fair, and when years shall have rolled
Over ns, may, the “Ilarp and Shamrock" *till continue to
flourish. unblighted by internal discord and unscathed by
external prejbdiCes—May harmony and courtesy be the
presiding voices of its members—and may tie who
cares for the young raven and the shorn limb, protect
and defend us elf from the burning temptations of the
evil spirit of intemperance.
Allow me, Gentlemen, to congratulate you on poor
choice of my brother officers; theselectiontis indeed goott,
and shows on your part, discrimination and judgment.-L-'
I Gad the society been four times its present numbe4 yore
could not have chosen better, 'and with such a board, and
sour own ardor to aid and promote thi general good. I
trust and hope that the confidence you have placed in me,
in calling the to preside over year affairs. shall iscit be
abused. '
fa conclusion. let me endeavor to impress upon yotie
mind. the nues,sity of maintaining toward each other
respect and good will. theeorurnon courtesies of liti4 as
well u mutual interest*. di-mand from all men a recipro
cal interchange of civility and respect. Ivive much more
then should this refined and eleintiingpeling be cherish
ed by you whose interests are hire common and -equal—
ay.. more than all by you whose firuitopulses of sitors's
loveliness 11:,ve been drawn froiis the 041110 iinchantiztg,
bewitching scene/ y with whieh the bas so lavishly adorn
edit your eller beloved, and oft 1 reamed of dative Isle.
I beseech you. t en. by the etncmbrince of those ear
ly scenes and earl loves -by thost3 still green spots "on
memery's waste" tfi,promote and cherish this feeling of
good will. Respett 'wreaths. and others will re•rct
you also—.be as you ought to b 44 and as your vett-nature
1 ..
prompts von-to be that is. noble. generous. and magnan
imous; despise th • petty b:ekerings, those bitiefis‘ dis
seneiono which h ire Wen the curse of our unhappy fa
therland. and let is have the proud satisfaction ofliftow
ing to thou who may wish the downfalj of oar aociety
that "atuited tee etiertd" and, united we mean to atiind,
Accept again. gentlemen, my thanks for your nartial
ity. and may the now infant "Mil) and Sharnrodk" be
come the e,.naplettou• representative nr Ireland's Twine,
and fraland'a glory its the infant City of Erie.
Tr A fepolreeme over the Muss line the otht r night
that Louie Napole4t, Prince President of the .7 roncis
Republic; had met his death by the hand of an assist.
bat no such report ,ached
as in our regular Ts graph
New Advertisements.
rptif: undersigned ha.. with jay to himself and no do it to the
-1. gratification Dints mi.:darner* bid farewell to that " k since"
and thrown toth his stores annum.. which he has Iltiell pin the
most ulattinticent 4m/ costly style. rivaling is beauty apdisplealor
any *tote west of Atint t*e and where in a kew day, ar "di he exhib•
twill one of the nio,t fashionable and rieM•td, stock of a ever
exhibited Wi this mantet add which a ill be suld at a vet low fig
um, just to ebriaten the new store.
Erie, March It. in. 11.-42 1411/M. , 1 ()CIL
, IlitOKL: into tt T cnevonro of the subscrib living
in tfarisarewelli townahip near tlestev- T. ern. on
the Sid Mt., a amsfsdeed red weer, with a bite aput
in its Eire, anti no artitleial mut. Rupp. ed to be
aisan lour years old. `Whoever owns mid sleet is eateJ to
Call prove property pat cliarg., and. take it away.
March O. 1.-4. rm Vt. .%I %RV WTl*strisf.
A Book for ?arguers. ;
tit WALKS and iratt•of an American Farmer in taland,"
V being No. 3, of Putnam', Semi-Monthly Etb ary. Just
received at the Chemi Boob store, No. S. Plate Street
Foie. March G.l-.4. DURLJN gt. fklf)AN.
Slags I flags I : nags I I I "
AA NV ttitimi,ty of rag , . tertowd at the rhr-tp , 110.3 k love. No
Statile mreet. il.nehl . DUMAN 4r. 1111.ONN.
Npurpetanee s re.ohltion of' the Boar4lot Dtsec
bra of the Clisettauque C, Mutual Iteonra nee thgennanY-
Notiee is hese+) Coen that an a , festnent I r is been wolf. of aims
per real. upon all premium noes of the Corwin) , in finee on the
do of n klary. 1 , :e1.3,1,1 that inewhellt thereof art rt!ltiireti to
pay thett ai..tenos;enth to it.lamost Han. Tleaxater. at Hiss °dice to
the t Made of Freston la. on the 25441 day of Mar next.
as Vt. F . $. I:',D kVA Rini. Seer,
A Valaiblearodical Work.
APOPULAR Creleyardta ANtlern Dassestte eom•
preting every rezent striaroreurtut to medical knowledge;
grub a gamin lee um of Ate.lieines in common ti-e. By Krrro
At U. To 'Mitch it pretiard by :tie 1. Ipior. Popofat
Treatisea upon Anatomy. Physiol. .Purgery. flatlet and the
klnnintement ~r iletoirited for general
TM.. work 1...4 zhly rye," n•nentle.l Ay *Hour boo zeal an.l res•
ular physielanyani may 110%, he hid a; a rt.J4**./ Pn'ese at
Erie :ikir 11.' RLI at pct u', %%Vs. Rook et,ite.
r ',Ayr; taKen 1.1. - ‘l, P. II VVE•r, into ea-partnership with in.
1 la We 'llerehantate haviriese will be conducted
berealler sitt.ler the firm a. 4 PibWlat Ilayea.
Erie; Marell.3., C. M. T 168.41.8.
N. 11.-4- Alt persons kno-ring thesaiselres 'ltl lel in aie by Nola
or AeColltit. will nteise rivet,. i,rtmed3.lln ort1:010 , 11, SO it t• 100111-
ively necessary tt e tat old immures dosed up. A word to
he wise Is *utile t it. .M.treh 6. '3l--fit. C. M. 'MIRA LPL
T 2 , uzir Is xii. it) .
T_TA l s - pm this day admitted as a ;nattier. Mr. A. J . FI'LLEIIt,
I/ (who has been. to ttie ti.i4 el.* )earl. in the extensive
Manuf twain:, an I ho;mrtioe illott.e of .Me.sts Nietiol.. Good?
win & Co.. New York.) the business o ill he continued under tbe
firm hfSTin!KrON 4 1171.1.1.:R. at the Mil 011114. IletOrpf door
east tit Brown's New hotel. Park Row. Thtti kfn Ik* P 3 .1 favors,
I hope yon will4,iestow the same Ith6ral potrooagit un the new
firm. assuring roll VI it all tiru is possible shall lie done to give
sati,ketion to my r.l.l.ll.larta.
Erie, ahreti 1:1Q52.-11 H. P. sTocrrox
Lo o .Nltd & Co. have rer..itred this day. Pilrer Plated and
Main ()mine and Destu Fork., rt.po. transiful pattern
Napkin Rings. Porky, Fruit Kniceo. splendid Bracelets
And other Jen elry.,iienrly opposite Brown's New Ilene. Htate
Frye. Mnreh 4.1P31. 43.
If I S S 0 IL. U T I - 0 N .
co•partnet■dip heretofore existbng between - D. D. Derby
1 and A. Afonf4rt. under the name and dtyle of Derby sod
Monfort. is this day dispoiced by mutual consent. The hooks
notes and accounts of the Win are In the hands of P. 11. herby
LC collection. P. R. PF.R PT.
Erie, March 4. A. MONPUILT.
THE Gunsoutbmg busing,. in all its branehem will be contin
ued at ?he obi stand, by the ouhisertber. who will Le happy to wait
upon the OM customers id' the late fitua,nud such new ones as
may favor loin with a call.
Ene. 141nreh O. 113. t. triz. 0: B. OFIRBY.
Aa..Ast sltrctrti
I.w Lino for California.
gime Splendid 1,400 Pow, eoppered sod Copper
fastened New Clipper Ship.
Will will front het pier llla, 3 I:aet k i err on Saturday, the Tid
t klay
- or March, for passelowni wily.
This ship is eel stofy new, and is dard for Passendem in the
most C01111140 , 60ta HI inner. The bent ~si decks is 113 feet long
and 4il fret wide. and the whole is Surd sip as a salbon.
Stale Suomi*. • !C'-"i0 Berths. 8140.
Passenger. going by this ship wilt. oiler the 11th of March. be
permitted to go on board, arid will be free from 'rkpenses until
they arrive at San Franeiseo: The proprietor of this ship roun
dest'y exPeetste po nom post to pott in he days. as she will not
take soy freight except small tuts or parsengeno. It will 14 re.
membered that all ships going from here have been very heavily
laden, which makes a vast differenee in then sailing time.
Elva accommodations have been sluedl , :br the equveniertet
of illes. An ever . ieneed Gunmen wil l on Ward, who with
attend the passengers without chary,.
air' Another vessel of the same class win fl,llow about the
l3sh of April, For passage apply to
th Ji Ih. APA t;MITII 13 ?tont Su. New-York.
News by Teleiroh and 1114
DI SPEED'S LINE r OTIce iA Williams' Moe
Nitw Yetis. March 4.-3 P. M . ••
Arrival of the St amen America.
F llALtrax, Minch 4.
(Liverpool Saturday p.
The steamer America to
February 21. t., arrived hem
The piaci* feesre of th,
Val ielhe resignation to the
The resignation of the
anexpecad aad had created
No new Cabinet hod boos
tore as to whets the Queen
The ovrofrotellrroooo
rally, presents on restore of
The !Traublin" left Cow
, and brings 55 passengers.
Goods, and $19.4000 is ipe
I, Fiver at Mark Lane no Malty the same lo : ar h im
qnotaticos Cotton market fi ve add prices firm. L m .
.., tem
r by this steamer quote a reline Of Id to 11 ott p as ,
..4 wheat, sad ,6.1 on -flout' Curnd d 6,1
a Tante With
i brisk demaud.
The "Attic" arrived at Llverpour, after the eifilpa i .
sago of 9 Jim and 18 bottn.j
Esotosn.—Tbe Daily ••:"liine",ltints that moat
movement may be expected' by the 22J of F bruoey.-:
I Grave have been given to the various Ge ' rale to be
prepirod. Lord John Russet brought for and Me ease-
I, sore to provide for the lisitooal Defence on use lids,—
ilt, is propose to add to the Army 'One .000 men. oboes
wi many to have been soot t the Cape trooper the hoe,
and to enrol for Maisie. on 'fifth of q tin nom is this
Great Britain, betweert the of 1 and 23, and these
between 20 and 21. in all a cee tag years. They ere
to be liable only for 14 or 'day . the first year, sod for
il4 days each succeeding ye . ln ease of iiissatoa. thee
I Can be called upon Id se beyond the bmits of th.
'country. In the large :To ,the Police an ti be tram'
ed fur military service.
The measure is not to sp
of Commons, Lord Palma
! opposed it, and Mr. Coble
i ly to pass. without strong o
The Garorntnent has co
of the Irish newspapers for
Amorists from Australia
rocreseed an hundred fold.
moose qoantities and the
FIWCIL.—Trade in Pari
loot was rapidly spreading.
and ether Cominential Stai
continued to be made.
A Circular from M. Ds:
fees, has been issued. app
which the Police will be ex
ing elections of Members.
meat bi the side orwhich
_edict would appear as the
nified Deapotisin.
The new press laws ha
detail.. bot it is said that tit
ly suppress rill liberty. 0
dealt with solely by the Po
The delay in the Nock;
to bite been coated solelyl
It is noir said that actin
that isfised (or Feb 223.
be taken by the Troops at
Arreite conlinned to
crowded. In . the vorzous
isle wore arlei mot
,Nothing farther has° tra,
Or;eaus property. The ock
Bete that the D,tcree of co
or that the Preiident will.:
The Decree is publishe
b 3 celebrated If afc'.e, CI
SwivitaLamo.—it is it:
has desigits.airsinst Belli
upon Switzerland, which
elle has therefore soligii
The alarm created by the
was very great. The Fro
the sokirersion of the CI.I
and the strict surveillance
Government had resolve.'
Cot. Jefferson D.ivis
certain statements made
Fiete. before the' tat ter
F's statement before he 11
tor of secession—an ann.
statement thafhe had •
sionista as the i•ilitary to
,The whir members of 1
nominated Gen. Smut
and Philadel
holding the Whig Natio
Cr v ints was rife in this
poisoned, another burn
Mi. Collins has given
fatkiily. both House, of I
sena. to visit the ••Baltic
beautiful veisel. A VIII
on the occasion.
Judge Allen of 'Moos.
been:soot for ifio ph)
Belroheissel. dela
this O. M.. prooottogiug
of 'Mormon revolution.
log. grosiog onto( the
OT '•A .Fsium-RATY. I
) lattellignicer Coo.;
n3entary (1) to • daub•
!•The Doctor pulls • t
int attended -with the
p. Mrs. Myra Car
tones and nineteen yes
completely failed in th•l
Serah, Gather, t!
death or the child of Mr'
it Needles sod pine, has
•eat of fear tears is t
The members of the
scription to the stock o
are requested lb meet
evening March fith at
dance is pasticutarly d
of the following pen* •
William A.'Galbeaith
.Jehiel Towner
Charles M. ...Tibbetts'
Presley Arbackle
C. B Vincent
John W. Days.
Smith Jackson
James M Sterrett
Clark MeSparren
Prescat Metcalf
S. W. Keefer •
C Seigle. •
Wilma Kier;
M. W. Canghey,
Daniel G. Lanclea.
James Skinner,
' o 43 llll R in 8
f igin. S ua nA L '
re ot . erten n(
Coant r .tk• on fer•iiined a;`l r nt• - ••
in the of W3leffo(.l
h day of Apt.l nett t o.clort t' V
Petty mirk. a I.( (tam trprt
t i' rand (\inns rt (v..3,14 14 . 00 '
Inning at a on the Last Woe!
the Maeastan Grant ran ese trud';
I.rnn. thence North one
)1. Menet West nuieti five Por''''
ofrieneh emelt. thence F•nth
to the Afaraviso I:rant she p;:•ct "
Pournere.. mote Of ICIMI ntt p ,t446
nitwit is inipeoved and tared
"I Red Pal hare.
, e Anna) no conrynamion on. 0 ,
' at Ittlnalhoents with:annual Nye,
nd and wripp on pimpo•
LLTY hENDAII.. Irtee4v4
of ()we Kr ,/a,l
-- MOTIer. Is hereby pi in
Orphan"s Cotirt of ' rir
to public pale on the or
nforrsaid. on Friday the a
th • following described:
of land sithale in Water •
and described as follows
Of French Creek. thence
and thirty-four porches
eighteen perches to a 11 ••
to a chestnut on the HMI
log th, hrwich afraid C.
beginning containing el
330 aeres of land,* tie r
a Rood ikettard. a &VIII
Ttams-or BALs —0),
balance In time equal a i r
biting secured by judgme t
March, 6,-3141.
t oleo.
1. Ficiinitial mews by l
this sirs
assfail Miaiatry in England.
1 11 Ministry was sh e ll
• mast intense eanteoeat
wased.ataa all was son*.
I ask! call to ber aaantantte,
from the eantiaeat tatty=
Ncw Yong. ICirelk
a' et 1 A. M. o b•
veluabl• wiry 04 FVOCKII
• ly to 14eland. In the noose
ton te4ored it. Mr. Home
ridiculed it. It is net lite.
minced praserattor luny
represiont dH Gold fewer as
Gold had been band ID IM.
was.4epreafecl si discos•
In Italy, Belgium, Austna
s, pretiarations sgaiust war.
Origin!. to the various Prio
r hung ihein of the manner ill
ected to act et the approach
-1 the Chanaher. It is a docti:
Russiaa ski4ir or a Clnoese
'Turbot of eo hottest and dig-
s jet been pubhshed in
y, startle such as to etrectail.
i erites eotneutted. Are to be
iltioo - of the Empire is now
by the opposition of Russia
preperations for • coop Wart,
TE i imitative, it it said, *cute
rtede. •nd the Prisons were
ets 6( clemency, the
spired is the matter of the
eliniets however, do not i.e•
i milieu will not be repealen.
6 . seer)a hie intention,.
ordering that so day shell
pt the Emperor . * birth•dar.
stated that Lows Nspateori
tu. tad has wade dimmed*
he cannot comply with. sad
l e /stereo/twits of England
reateuing attitude of France,
nett )linister had ,deinawied
and- .0 other Arooiatioss,
the newspapers. Tice Poise
ci stand upon the 4elenaive.
_ BaLtirtupu. Marsh I.
published • letter rental
ith respect to him by Gea.
abs Senate. Ile *airs dlr.
the Senate, that he was an ia
aceinent as sla.i denies ,as the
•designated by several ince..
, er in case of 6111 war.: ~)
a Delaware Legislature have
: Preaideut; and recommead
ia. ait the time and place el
Ihnt.Aticisnim. March I
'itryosterday; 000 IVIIIII woo
ilia vitriol and two MOO *tab-
Wasannotew. Marti 1.,
vitations to the Penindent sad
brims wad many private 'ani
on Tuesday tad inspect that
ontertehernent will be gives
very I.?w. Ma family hr
labs diapsur of his lifo.
to from Ouiti. publishes %Card
• news by the "Prometheus."
il:fabricauou or alisuuLterstauct-
L isir of list Autumn.
uttca."--The Biool%l Int 0
Jei than a paragraph compli
4 •
that•eitr: ,
b elegantly—the operation be
exorsasaa pain ienaginabk."
aines:iftse spending two tor
lo establish her claims. 'be
touvicted of cousin: tb.
of Lancaster. by v. 4
ft sooteneeli to as in:lrma.
i• mmittee appointed to take Itlb.
to Soobory and Erie Ile.!irsil
he Reading Room on rietriiir
•*elock. r. ad roe/cunt sow
'rod. The etantaltV'S '''''".3l
D. S. Clark.
• William F. Rimirrasakih
• William S [An..
Wm. M. Gillmghkr,
Hon. Jaraes Niles.
Witham Dunn,
Rodney Cole,
Simeon Stoner* .
Gi. J. Scranahath '
John Martin.
Charles C. &mi.
Samuel lialehins.
King. Cows,
john C. Smyth,
P. G. Strannhin•