Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, March 06, 1852, Image 1

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s ER v. E R
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AL. P. .DIFSLIN & Qo., Pr o ***** .
Lie Ohstrutr.
N. r. SLOAN. Editor.
the rsrr,rr. at OSP
/.,a d. Or St the office. in advance. 1.30
If not paid In advance.or within three month. from thelitire
,rr IVO lollar. It ill he charged.
j_...'.111 to hnu uhteat.obs Slut lie {bat
rlrds not eleeirifit4 4 hoes, Ore year- 0 3 ,
I In t square Oa 44 1.0.1
do. do. six months, 6.
eft. /to. • three months,
TI an.ient ..hertiwitienic :intents mtsquare. of fifteen tine, of
t the Cr.( ilt.eTl lOn; cents she each mtimemient insertion.
r Yearly advertisers have the port lege of changing at pleasure.
:1, 1: me are falo. to OCCIL It) more titan MO squares. au! ta
os-dr.4 t n f Sets fatined.slc
'veritwii.entstit , i hat it g other directions,. twill i.e iiiserteii till
1.41 charged acreordivOy.
plimot DLAB 0 I:Dciiiiio *4
. • a • f • tie.. Pm%l:4ons. Winev. Vs Fruit.
&c.. tn.r I WU, 11.401 V LOOM iliCo's,State etreetErte.
- EXPRESS COMPA NY. to No,. 3 Reed 13i4cIt. Ftreet.
ertreitrre". - closes at • 114 o'clock, A. N.
%%,nrie Llt o'clock. P M.
- e. e. srArrtittn. Agent.
•I I.•te o t t Ike first of J. //sera 4' C 0.,)
•RNvo in C0MM...4011 MercHie bock, Erie. Pa
• r . 8111, Fish, Flour an.l Illarter
%VAL Ti KER & !IBA t,S
produce and t'ou , nnoseon Merenanta, second Ware
. •
--Au! rhr PuHie Pa.
r. t'oal.ealt. Nam,. Sfarel. F11.11.1.1me and Lime
• I. ; . eaklin7k. &C.. &C.. W1[411111.1 r pami
kir , hiprzn.; claws. by Liteatuboats; Propel/era.
• .r.. Read.
.3. • k C. t .. Tlng
p • • ! R pa rer. treater in iVfitc he.. I`.locits. Jewelry,
• •, ir:lt9, Look inz wakers and other Fautf Good.
r,4 of the Reed H , ...see. 17
Groceries. Hardware. Crockery, Ate. No
I. I , •rr) ttloc k, Mate street..lErie. Pa.
?Tuft'[? 'AV —ntriee on Park Row, between farbtens'new
If t.: lOw liciuse. up .t.tirt.
st , . j of Foreign MUSIC and mn
hole , :111. and Mali, No. IV. to 3tb Sc
uleriA• Ir.` St FA, 'cri-4 ?Ace - cornei of State ant Ele%enth
E.. t titreet, bcOeen Freuta and
1a- SAN Ffilrkie, ere Cu..
• Hera en tle,iee. llama Itionot, limns; Certificates of De
ve• ee,t.ko sht L., elenti.te oti the principal thief' constantly
fen I. eee• ‘oll , ro (II Belet}'n Block. Public *wire. Erie
_ _
n‘a i“—.oll7re. corner of French and Firth
Ifooto. (..r 11 E it'd More. Rooidellell on Fourth street,
(Ad Apothecary Flail.
KA. Efilik.',"ll& soNB..
0.• o•: - oo I• oh h:rpi a full.uppty of Crot!erie•. Liqzor.:„ chip
•' • —. .I • 0.1.1011, Pro Nee. ice .&e •and sell. Wholesale
• r Rl•tatl as rheqh :.sttreitcavest. No. It Cheap...* Kr ie.
Attorney and Counsellor at 74p.
arr., VIS . 3 IV:flinty 1.3th14 nod
tor oft tall other busoore entrusted to the shall
r.c , •••,•Prholl.t * •acht 1.::: Mu! n ueut
• t.ce 1.1...ek on tatate street, over J. 11. F ulieruni•
Erse Oct. ih.
011% k.Ft til'AFF()itl.).
vrtvf at•t.,uaerol.r of 1311,74 11k,oks, and
r ••rc I,lk. , nrner of tl. Diamond and Sll,ll..trert.
J. B.
r. lAL and gten"rol AixoeY ~es, Frank
RUFUS itt:En,
arts m I'ori:.l,,Gertnnn and kruccren lloulwarPou.l eutlery
A'vo. Aantiv. lruo and dteel N 0.3 kerd llouve
I .r tr. Pa.
--- ~ - ` - '`t`v. J F _ LIUUI . f: d Cam. -~
I 4‘ IC .sivis. farm ne anti % T aloa Builders. that! Strret‘ be
two et. "..,e1 , 11% a. Eidlits, Erse. * • . .
L. STRONG. M. D. .
'Tres. me Poore egt of f'. B. Writhes stare. up stairs. •
prier w nth 7),e1. %.'. eleventh near Seesairao larva.. Res
011t,10Or uonL tktzleveutll .t.
C. StiltiLL.
• ! Retail dealer In GrOrefjP4., rTO7IIIIIOIIIII. Wine!.
1 •• • 4. r^. Frith. &e.. kr. Corner of Fircimb and filkb
F. 1111.1. 1 , 1. 110ICi. Elie.
--------- JOll MCCANN. •.,
41. , 1C . Iml Rmntl Dra:,r 111 Fnrotly Crnt-eries , l&ockery
oi.V.II,JP. Iron..Nnin., ice.. t neap nide. f:rae, I'm.
j • !i.• h ;Rh. -t 1•1% , ..n.,id (or Country Prod:. , :r. CT
.. J. (10A IDING,. _
t P.rr ot anti IIiPU Ilttker—Shop. No I Prow People'.
Ft .sp•stairs. over A. Ir. J. S. %Vatter.' Grocery Store state
rrrt, i.rte. Pa.
J W. WE' NI 0 ILE.
IV.t,'t Office, Seventh Street. Ette, Pa
4-4,41 , Tf Ft.Joh!..t, and RM'tail Denivr in Dry Goods. ilnver,e•
4 • ker), I:lz.eaU are. C...rpeti; F. Ilatiht are. It. u, ST. I ,4:1,1 ,
:Lt., at.. r 14.4011, r-tvres•Siafe Street. (Our da,rr, below
Itrora Ws Ilotr:„ rip. I's.
4:•, r , . Ace' Arm.. 9 ,, I a cesle al
•••• rt:,•:•• ni.1 4 0.11r 111.41C•Irf;a! 0 "Tr. , 1.1 ,, Ittt!..
11.11.1 IN•111111. •
noluvry 1.4%•• .1%0 I.o.lice of 04: t for
11 , . fir % Nlta.t.ll 141•• :raqce Cunivaai—O:fwe doors
I , rlV; K: , .re, Err'. ?a. - • • -
1.411 , 111 t AT I.A.w.thrard. Coe County. Pa. froll(Tt Hans and
•:r , 11.11141e0 auendcd w w lf,b nrOlUpt nel•et .6114 th,natch.
k.CLOG G. ,
• Can,4,:,...i011 31erchant. ell the r.iolic flock, east 01
,•. - t. M u d 117ht1 , F:.h.contiantly fpr Aale.
1. R 4 ,ISENZW & Co. - •
•• • ••i R. :All LIL•I4R.S FOlO-1:411 LI n.l Illowestie Dry
• • . ,I) 11,-V:1, floote and Shoes. L - e.. O. 4
• $ I. ',el., SIZIe Alive?. Erie.
• 1 :Awn Ilenkr in Milo ot Exchnn , :e
• 4,( Depn-ite. Gold Itud.ilvor enj,.
tt .1 , *buck. currier of eitiode-4.. au VI/bile Square.
La Ufl 14:4319 sit Tammany Ilan building
trushunutary's °thee. Erse.
sn Col LLiat LAw—Ofriee oser C.. B. Mien',
•••• , ..e...r.ttanee oat door west of State street, on the Marlow!,
•• t , r). Goode. Dry Groceries. Crockery. Ilaidware. ha!,
'l4 a 'nide. rriet.
8)111'11 .L.PI('II:4()N,.
TI C.) Itm•d+,l:rederp+.flarel:rnre.queCai:«are, Liure
Ent.; r 3.
11.1 i .1.1j1
• o.cra rnhokter o and Undertaker. earner of State and
”.i. wren,.
-- _
..+. % • Fon% :vaszni.l . roduce 4:1.1 C ninui.on Merchants tdcaler4
• . ~.,, Ind tin0t...114 Con lo.tasteroihingles, Ir.e. Public dock.
is ,••.• dof thr !fridge. Erie. • • .
- r• , G. LOOMIS & Co. .
• a. +n Watt . hos Jewelry; silver. Cerullo Silver. Meted all&
e- • o• nin ‘Vari Paler/. Military and Faue,y %clods, Stale street/
•.• at:, upposate the Eagle Hotel, Erie. !
1.4 n -, 111/1. • - 4 .1 " . M. AORTIC ?..
CARTER & J3RO REl4; . '
11 , ,Aut and Retail dealers in Drnsig. aledicias
tutri. Glass. &C.. So. 41. Reed House, Eitc. '
0u1.,%111LR Merchant Thilor.on the puolic 'guar e.. a fen. gaol
of eta' , surci. Erie, -
D. S. ''LARN.
...1, SALE ♦ND RiTill r 'if • C:i•IP, l•roviso)rts.
dliry,Sione-ware,ke. d‘c . 5.1! •u.O II :..
- S. InC 0).
• • NAICOPCtatiIA . . I ,O I eC a t rerideeeeon Seventh street.
„ <Toe U e Meibotitit Church. Erie.
ARD &Menlo Druet, edieDies. Dye StllFg.'
• .rt,crute.. Ate. Reed Hoube. taw.
UK. 0. L LIAO' IT.
Reh.kkin Idenustt-0111c • and dwelling is the
5X 1 5,16 Bertettlock. uo the Ea t side t th e Public
1 / 4 . .1. Square. Eric. Teeth i tied on Gold Flaw.
from (mete/ an entire sett. Cartons teeth filled
r.dld. and restored to health and tutellaldess. Teeth
, inttruntientai and Detainee ito as to leave them of
— .. l ,P . ainess. All tenth warranted.
I l. fl' Ea I 'APl:it:ruled - and ptsiti.Fuolscsii. Nolo paper. let
• '•t1 , •,1 note en tnelopes,t tran•parent and Arley waive', Let
-" a, 4e. J. 11 bURTON k 41%..
n . r . lirpitonsiqui cradle&
--- ill want of Tbt itneq• nuncio articles ewe nod a Ind SI
' , arm it W RINDERNECtiTIi
"potful nit 311istellang.
"I'm boon l foe the gra re: l ' laid an aipd - aa.
With a feeble seep and a hollow tone;
"lb the battle of line I've bag kept the ea ,
My comrades hare Ibllea—tat lighting koe"`
While yet lie was speaking, an unseen dirt .
ii ,
Waj flung by the'mere Hiss archer, De h:
It pie rc ed the old man through his reoolu heart.
And "I'm lighting alone:" was his late t breath
"I'm bound an the Itrare,Y said a noble
Wnts a beetle dust' on Lis burn tug e
While the wintry Winds winch know tal
A chilly bed for his fawn bespeak.
When the Nut had Bed. sad the laughing
Her carpet amen o'er the earth' had
The sweetest Sowers that Lore could bri
' Distilled their balm o'er kir low bid
...rut bound for the grave:" said a web! ;
With it s infant dewsoCatet melted awa .
"1 never shall feel youth's frenzy wild.
I shall not Use to ha old and gray!"
And as fever raged, and aside it turned.
Its eye half-closed—then died Its I qihti
To the socket its candle had suddenly bin
Like a young star quenched by a tease
'•t'm !mum!' fur the grave:" salt! a lisping
Wisoim tiemghts were toikl in her angel
•'I must haute away where a brighter sun
Neer lodes Itrf4ce trout the Gulden hi
She had caught the wag or the;r tniustrels,
And, though unfledged were her +pint I
The Dors divine bore her gently there.
Where now with the ntdtent anesthesia:iv
I •I' al bound fur the grate: whet I hasten to he:"
Is tht war:lung song of theold and you'll;
•'l'tn 1.0411,1 for the grave.'• is Ilumanit)'sjery—
IV th the Ll:ll4llrings of iife as the aothein runt
"Ho: tunas to the gravel" as Wades dread
Flare fi•a ou roan felt tly: blight of sin;
•'Vontrubes of life eieb.vaiar fur nay pall:-
To the grate to the grave: 1 must. bony
growers Lateriarr
. D.E S T.I N Y
••There are wove thanes an heaven anti
Tian are dreamt of in thy phao..iley "—1
•.3treaau are, tu)n; yet lii CIUI Quer. )ea
tht l eret.u..ll,ly. 1 a Jt be >qttared by this
•• 10w now , even io quietly moy one ea
plague."—Twcc►!r Stag?.
About fifteen years ego the plague vs • intently is
the Levant. Among other plates, the ell). of Smyrna
suffered much from this scouege, which i knowtOo the
natives of Anaduli by the name of the Ye mourjit. But
heavy as the visitation undoubtedly was ,Snlyri • may
still be considered es. perhaps, sornewhiat favored by
Destiny, since, looking to certain Cousulai Bills of Mor
tality, the Angel of Death seems at the tis in litigation
to have passed in a rather more merciful oed over the
mieudering banks of the Metes, along I e Nile in the
south, or the Golden iforn in the north. ireh as to have
already declared, Smyrna suffered much. 'very umeb.
The vvi!d and eatetts:se flat.: and lowlimn ground—
situate to the eastward of Winliniti Point and seareoly
indeed, above the level of the waters Of the little bay
which here , in military phrase. "turns thei Hank" of the
north and extreme end of the ses•froot of die city, became
very soon after the first outburst of , 'La! t reats" studded
with the tattered and unhappy tents of Cut "compsotois•
ed; " and, moreover, the city hospitals, especially that of
St. Raw: rapidly filled to overflowing. i
J 4
The Franke, ever strict believers, as a body, in the 05,1
racy of Q tine, shut up their trembliag families is
MIA and Bournabal.'and even hurriedly& formed a cor
don sanilarira round the former of the.. T illa g es; while
within the town of Smyrna itself, in its wide-spread net ,
work of narrow streets, almost every Eureqman merchant
donned for his daily rounds an anti-contagions oilskin
Svercoat; and bore also in his hand a trusty and permis
sive iron-shod bludgion, to • lead off" thi4ewith not tin•
ly the dangerous approach of the trickles leose.robed .
Sons of the Hat, even the demist kiusmea and friends.
and acquaintanie, at the very respeetfil distance of
arm's length. **Touch me not" was the &turnable order
of the day; and "the plague is contagious," a phraire in
rill Christian mouths, except, perhaps..the.medieos, who
•were of course most widely divided in their professional
opinions on the subject. Dr. Retard, a gallant French-a .
men, carried the (*trine of non.eontaglon to such an
extent as bravely itl immure himself altogether With the
patients in one of the Plague Hospitals, many of whom
e had the ineffable satisfaction of rescuing from the jaws
of'death. In Smyrna he for some time diuntleselysteini
his ground unharmed, and subeeqnently, on redeivlng
' pratiOr proceeded with a like benovelent purpose fo
Constanihkople—the city of ilia Sultan-awhere we Un
fortunately lost eight of him.
There is one quarter of Smyrna that is tolerably visit
known to travelers in the East by the name of Telex
Tows. ,Here the contradictory symptoms and medici.
pal precautions of the Franks and their Hakim/ere; at
the period of our story. openly held in contempt and Jig
regaided. Ilere everything seeinNi left unreservedly to
I Fate. to 1 .. 011ir or to Xismed. Here the kluslidea, seen
in the Rag Bazar, bought' and sold. - and ate and 'drank.
and prayed and slept, and then prayed, and bought. 'end
sold again. day after day, and week after week, sii if the
plague Were altogether a Stilton. and Death had no do
minion! over mortal man. If any of the ahopa in the
tckarskeal became vacant, from -their tenant bei,ng., us
1, predestined, taken away by the terminator of delights and
the separation of companions. some Aloe or Omar resign
edly at core took to the very carpet, or, to be woes else
! rect perliai ir, stepped into the very slices of the .Abilad
Mu-taphe or Mehemet: and thus, till all trades were
more than decimated, business of any kind was sCaicCly
• for a single day interrupted. Numerous fresh ignores
were. meanwhile, constantly being dog in the treks
slim:tad cemeiriev. and the hired reciter, of the Beian
seemed, to most observers. more than usually active,, as
well es hoarse sod hatelty in their vocation; yet. +with
standing these speaking signs, and thk frequeatikosi of
mar familiar faces in'avery public bMint and ikiit4ite
resErt, them was still no panic. save; au we have 'Weedy
I said, among the ; Pranks. . ,
I ^, lll
To 11150 a common English , pfirsife, no one, heisting
mere;y at the conduct of the Turks,; would have 4re4vit
that the pique was at work within the' city of SMytna.
Dr. snit, co re say 1
.Ay a; we are dreamers all in some 'seise; atilt fe hive
let dreamt as Seism of Smyrus is repealed to ha dens
at this sad period of the plum. Listen! Buz Lila
Seism • the slipper-seller, tenanted i Shop'or bikini inthe
Papoudj B4zasr, and possessed a private residencc in
Turk Town, at the top of the steep hill "itt thoeietiti of
the Jew's cemetery. , i
'When seated one morning in,thi—Bauer. with his
tempting wares around him. his imenediate neighbor,
Mimed. observed that hie friend's cocnisassee wan cilli
trary to its meal appearance for years put. e
sad, sod his beset evidently contramMl., He rem ber
ed also, at the some mmaiont. that for same days Salim
had been freqnsetly absetit from his 4r4iias, and b be
fo re going eirey, unaeelentablyl neglected tne
ones to throw ths protective net user his untratchod
goods. And his stock of red. wbuc • yoliow. blue. and
block ;Napa* was by no weans the least valuable in
the bazaar, ono indeed tarring great temptation to the
dishonest. So. *kitties his own resmon a lade mor.• to
the front. and there eourfortstarrecnming his legs. Alu
rsdslowly turned his turbaned bead far enough to bring
his single, grey eyo—firr Muted had lost ills other by
ophthalmia --to hear full upon the contittnauce and on•
eslobed beard of Sehm. -
• ••ilesur.hakl look here." cried Muted; upon 14 hie la Se•
list raised hie head, and ceased comm. at the beads oldie
faith or rosary behappened at the moment to be pas
wog through his feverish fingers.
••Trade is bad this moroist. 0 &dim: these ussaint
ed Franks are beSoming either peer or miserly.. They
buy not dipper as they were wont to do. May the inks
of their feet be blistered, and—"
= print
:•Yeesish, yeersiek!" interrupted Salim. "Be mild, 0
Matadi The sone of the Frank are Dot misers; they
are at dines good eCIIIIOIIIIIIIIII, but now their beers are ell
dried op with fear. as mina own is with sorrow."
"Mai; Aerial God is compossioeatel", cried blared.
"Why should the infidels fear?"
"Year Rai God? Al lafiders Korkarivaisen? Yes, yes,
Mired, I know you fear Allah. , And the Franks—"
"Tim Frank." aid Monad. "fear dee* They do-
Sent our bonus. They By 'hi their villages. They say
Sather is •susceptible.' Can the plague, then.lie hid in
it slipper? Dahl What foolish word is Dow's° often on
their tongues —.Oslo-Ana, °idealisms.' •Contagion, eau -
Legion ' Allah Kerins! god is fotryouisiouste.
the Franke, 1 repeat are becoming either cowardly or
miserly. 0 '
Salim shook his head. for be had many friends among
the Franks.
" .
a Luta.
“The plague is among as.” resumed Mitred; ••but
God is great! You are al,re. and lam afire, and, y
the Beard of . the Prophet, is the whole bazaar. even a
two moalts. riot a &sea p vend jags have departed for t e
'Garden Paradise."
••The host papoodjeo. 0. Marad." said Salim. irn
proosivily. ••wtll certainly bo the friend who now ad-
dresses you."
••What Words are those" cried the astonished timed;
'•why should you diet A.d bow tad the decree of fats
be knows to yon?" •
ou in:"
"1 feel that 1 *ball very wen die." rejoined Bohm;
"and I will presently convey to you the grounds of Any
presentiment. Bat 1 fear not death." -
"As the Franks do," murmured Mulid."
"Sons of thew fear it mach; certainty. many of their
'ironer' dried up with - apprehension; but - is there not
cause? Perhaps they fear'-death here, since their sons
and their daughters and their wives are diluent even a
thousand leagues from their own nation and earl) home."
"Never mind the Franks."' laculated klurad, "1 like
them not. for they slew my two - brothers at Navaria.—
But tell me. 0 Sell's. wby yhrs should be the first to as-
Bend to the doortinf.Paradise/ What thins is flint:—
What thoughts are them? Is your head • Karim/am, a
:brainless isterinelont Skitiffiesk! cheer ali! why shostd
you diet"
"It is my deitiny." answered Pelim; "and 1 bow to
fate: I have had • dottakOt drins.
"From the 'destiny there is no escape." replied Mu
ted. sad the Prophet has declared that dreams ate true
"Asa my dram I will now relate to you." returned
The single grey eye of Mitred twinkled in its socket.
bat be tongue remained silent.
••lon have heard," resumed BeliM. "that the Kha
lil*. (than be referred to hie wife.) together with an in
font, died r iest week of the Plague—Allah', will be done.
Well, my whole household. the Masan and myself coo:
sisted bet or seven goals. Some thirteen nights ago
dreampt that AZIRAIL cam* to my abode. and that ex
actly seven dead bodies were carried out or my house.
each cowered with i kr oa pall. and I suddenly awoke with
terror and tribulation. There were as I bite said, but
just seven souls nadir my roof."
"Of whoa) you hays lost two," interrupted Mared
"God is etunpassionate, and the rest may bo spaced to
"No." continued Sebin. mournfully. "the dream is
already almost literally fulfilled.. Si* hate already been
taken by the Plague, / ems tAe screntii!"
Murad•s'fsee tightened with 'astonishment, and great
was his anitet)• for his friend. a
"I' related my dream this morning to Asir. our oppo
site MeighbOr. who is now angrily addressing that ill !
looking Arab. seemingly half asleep on the mostabah be
fore the shop. end obstructing the approach of cis - tam
ers. I have now told you. 0 Iluntd. and—"
hlurad,was about to make some observatioo. but Bohm
interrupted him.
"With your permission." continued 'he. let me first
finish my narration. I thiinght at one time. yesterday,
of purchasing a 'black slave or two at the market just be
hind this icharsee; so that by thus adding to the number
of my household. the seventh death might perchance fall
upon a slave. and not upon myself."
"Destiny is not to be defeated by a dodge."- exclaimed
Muted; "but said. the dream may not literality be fulfil
led. Yee 'may trot escape. You may have, indeed.
inistaksp the number. seven for six., Remember, 0
Selim: it once 'pleased Allah to try•Eybob. The blow
that has fallen epee you is heavy. Bot you are jet a
live. God- is ail powerful; like .E; onb, you may fi.mrish
again. Skadhesk. cheer, up:" • ..
"I expect nothing but speedy death." replied Salim;
"I bare locked op my house. and strolling down to the
bazaar. through the force of habit. I find myself here. I
know not bow* or why. for my heart is indeed contract
ed and I have me deOre to buy or gen "
Muted rejoined not, but allowed bits friend to proceed
undisturbed. .
••I feel : that to but a slave." resumed Selim. after a
pause "is. wrong and creel. and I yield net le the temp-
••Aro you mite atone io your booso?" inquirea Mu=
tad, •
"1 am," eneworedJim; ••and shall remolds Der trait.
ing in Allah, whether lam to leveler expire. Bat If, 0
Mitred. 1 am to, d►e, 1 fee) 1 limy do so even tbia very
night. And I know that beyond a day or two there Is
so escape for met':
"Bankslosnal" ejunistedlisrad.' ••W's shall see.—
What is written. is written."
"Thonsfors. l conjure re. by ',knob." continosd, So
list, •'that you, Azis, and Atib, cite lade tailor, visit my
bosun about tbo Maw of lbo first prayers tomorrow
"To-morrow morning?" interrupted Merest Couloir-
"Ycs to-morrow morning." repeated Salim. "and the
neat morning. mud the following morning also. if nines
sary. • Rattle the door-ring once or twice. sed.„if I an
seer not. break your way in. that it may b, die-01'mq'
whether Ibe thew sheen dead- It the latter: then. 0
_ilisrad. you menses that I am Property washed and bu•
lied; artfriend. lam now adono—mloas---eleatr. I bare
no household to pert/awns last oiSces."
Here. stitwithetandisg the resignations to the dimes of
Ps:madmen; for which the Omanilees are. with issue*.
so esiebrand. a few hands, Wars coined dewe IM
checks of &inn. At this neatest. Asia. wielding sp a
few !minty caries With the isosltiag wind "Pensoesk."
drove away the Arab from his totestebsk, as ens it him
SATURDAY MORNIM';, 1111411 6, 1552,
-*ON W A RD ..A.l
n ell KU ixu cut. Lowers, a portly Bia-bashes, or infantry.
colonel. -was ponsPansly approaching. apparently to make
a purchase: and then Morid. after throwing a calm.'
gNoce at the retreating, yawning son of Ishmael, speki
the iollorri eg words of comfort to Salim:
"I will not O'nty (timid. to render yoit . theaertica
)oa require, and 1 will take care that Atib a nd Acia ac•
conipauy am" • •
"Push eerviee urill.ensors recasapaise ia lisavele" .
said Salim.
"My duty to a fellow Muslim. and especially to ODO of
my owit unttf. must Dot ba neglected." replied Mend.
•'The reward is with Allots."
"1 have broexht my grave-ilothes." continued &Um:
"you will bud theta in a box ib the wardrobe of the went
is wtich 1 eleep.".
Some farther conversation entered 'between the two
friends, and then Selim rose and said, I must no* 'yeah
to Axis., as tile Dm- &ashes has left him; and 'cell also on
Aida the tailor. ' By the holy mantle of illoaharnmad.
Aub is the oily man in the city to whom—even for a ge•
rte—l am a bordilu, a debtor."
"Then fortunate is year star," exclaimed Mond.
"I milt pay Atilt, to-day," resumed Selim. "that ao
reflection may be cast on my memory. Atib is an ho
nest man, and with him l'shall also deposit my rasfail.
utv wilt, which, bat for the blood-relationship between
as, I should have confided to thee. 0 Mend "
And here. Selim, taking leave, fastened Sp his shop
and departed. - blared remained in the bazaar, but. for
this day. the Franks certainly deserved the bad cheesdier
given to them by the one-eyed papoudjee. They bought
no - slippers.
A few heats passed away, and about sunset SeNni at
tended prayer. at an adjacent moAne, and then entered
his own so'itary abode in Turk Town : i'fo cheeritsg
sound greeted his approach, the Keenan, and her prat
tog ell:ldre.n were now alike in the cold •grave, and the
Osrnaulee's bean though nearly bursting still prompted
hint to bow, without repining. to the will of Allah. I
slowly he pained on to his chamber, where. Lakin a
mattress frorn•the cupboard _or yosrk in which it as
kept, (he spread it on the floor, carefully placed ther ti .
the necesssry beb-clothes; *miasma sank down. not' to
+leeobut to meet Ida apparently inevitable fete.,
Tini night wore on—the agitated mind of Seliin ti.
stinctiVely surveyed his past life—the folks* in the wa
wood ,r rziwnenced youth committed—the °peon's:titles
for charity even recently neglected—the hasty words ; of
angst• from time to.-tune addressed to his slaves— lee
lukewarm zeal with which he had occasion a lly her rn . d.
ed. the stranger—the now clearly-apparent selfisheivis
that often unwittingly had actuated his mutivei—all, 'all
passed before "the mind's eye" of Solna rapidly. dis
tinctly. and forcibly; heart and head aid memory seem.
ed to acquire supernatural powers of recollection—Bind
many. therefore, were the prayers for partlon that nOw
passed the lips of the sell-accusing kluiselmso. !
And yet. Salim—compared with his fellows--wssot
a bad man: Let ua proceed. I
At midnight the luting moon threw , bat a faint li lot
upon the city, and iude fi nable shadows played along he
4. 11
walla of Se li m's ode:. The poor. fellow had for ho es
inoniestarily expected his dissolution. that "sod es
wrench froni all we know." At list he happened to t re
his eyes towards the door-curtain. sad near to this he
fatteduji be perceived a tall Agora: sternly regarding MO!
it wet IV: - 111Villielilirrestity Ittors'his very - tire--wtotir:
In a few wen/mots the Acura ghdod neater to the bell
Belint alerted op itt en agony of . ••Wato .tier
rn.,c?" were the only words he could titter. and a cold
sweet burst forth on bia broW.
"Ho pilenti" slowly exclaimed a hollow voice.. "1 ixat
Ammar.. lux Asura or Wain:"
"My destiny is then fulfilled:" Murmured 'Sslirrl. hie
knees knocking together, and his teetlschattering. Yet.
in this dreadful ausaunit tha * leasaaa of the Siotinab du!
not depart from him. lie religiously pronounced
profession of faith: "1 testify there is no Deity
bat Allah: and that Maihamraed ia . God•s' Apostle. Tu
God we belong. sad to God we most return." Having
made this profession. Belies-sulk into *swoon.
On partially recovering his settees, and now testing
certain ha was *bon to die, be hastily paned the wadded
quilt over his bead. expecting •every moment to be i bis
last. and every echo of the wind to be the footstep of 411 s.
Some time elapsed. yet Selim still lived. though all' tis
strength bad lung plastid away. Why did Azrael hjol
tote to give the fatal blow? A thought struck Sell!
Had the Angel of Death mercifully departed? B !be
removed not the quill from his face, fearful to et the
gore of the fell destroyer. Had Ansel posee• on the
Hebrew enslutfle, (*slay a predeetined aunt • r of belitt
les' usurers? Had ho altocetteer,, or only fr It while left
Selina And when would he return? 4 the azontof
'suspense! the indiscribable horror .uf t t dread patt.el in
the tide of life, when et its very height of glorinui- Quad.
the sparithrig stream delays for_a short space that fatal
turn which marks the commencing ebb, the downwitrd.
s!ow but certain, aver-locressing current rustling to jibe
Sea of Death! Selim swooned again. Is he dendl•l
The night passed sway; the day dawned; the call to
first prayers resounded from the noinbrit-ts; and—but
ate these?
Several persons entered the aphriment. They liow
spread on the floor a bed. whereon appeared the fornO •
a hoof:on body. inetionleis as a Corp... 11.41 cowered With
a quilt. The first was Meted. Cow earns to redeem his
pre ID ill• made le the ba - saar.
"The dreim is! indeed fulfilled." thought Morelli
himself. "yet bokkntOuss, yet' let us sae: we are 'airy.
'tis scarcely day. it is pcasible life may not be extinct.
and if I cone but in time to close my poorfriend's fifes
the Freakish fear of contagion shall find no imitators in
Allured. the Papoujest. loshalloh: Selina shall ,notillso
quite deserted in the hour - of death!" !
Atib, the little tailor. and Axis sow came forwei-d.
whext Alutai stooped down. cud in a voice trembling
with em-tion, slowly uttered the simple word "S,- i •
"0 Ansel! 0 thou Angel of Death!" cried a taut
woke immediately from the bed, "at length thou art re
turned! I. Solim a true and faithful Muslim, am thor
oughly reeigned to my fate. -Keep me no longer in ens
pease, but do thine office quickly. 0 Auld. Aerael,i us
my last words, I..testify there is no Deity bet
And ('testify that Monhommed ik God's Apostle."
"Assad!" "hosted Muted. in astonishment. and jepk
log the quilt away from Seltue• Countenance. t•Aznuti!'l
'Why should you address me me Axreetr What an. I tot
alureel. your friend Nur:id, the. one-rv,d Papouilysi.
Meeks to diet enreed retoollk: now
break, open yoer .yea, and look up. suns ere aro rul.
ye. bet trietulo."
monk you. 0 llama." rop:iod Sel.m. gradually re
eogoisang hb friend•• eoite. ••bat k the &lona of iltp
"'mkt. ow BUS •IRK Tall MOUT."
"Tou - bovo had but osuUhor dreams." nueoted Mo
'lie." ?slag Sel;a4 sew 'petting .0 eyes : , gltin
let ate antes' pie. Avec+ Ity best het* Azrael ltaa
preeeemeed the dread ettinetotte, soil I aspect his laity,-
diet* retort."
Aub. the little limiter. or terry. Vitro evinced eoesidera-
No nor oimooso. because fidgety, a•d throw • fondly*
glues, at the door curtain. so U ettpeetin Assad to onto
his appeara•e• inttlivritis from bahi•d it.
••iotioto *ski is wondering, • vritioperod Moved to
Anis. *sit Annie! Me beat hem htt•r emit Sam he 'yet
The hula tailor hers rotansed to hod, sad noorisg his
tongue with some ditistelty, owing to the fearful dryness
of his smooth. !otiturrd to ,sak (whe t had a/ pun
opened his eyes, bat 'tie prostrate.) .4rtio else hod kid
him n visit duriuj the night, or who had attended upon
"Khios gurfasiiiir" exclahned Behan: "no eat at all
And how could they. for the deer of nir boos" wee feet
' ened2 1 gave yow.periniestoe to break in. as you dolibt
lege have done, for if you rattled the door-ring. I heard
you not,"
"The door !missed!" . exclaimed the ludo tailor;
"Break in! why,, we found the door open: We raided
ne doer-ring."
"To Ansel." replied Bruhn, "deem, perhaps, ere no
obstruction. Bolts sod bani ate but Rimer cobwebs to
the Angel of Death. The door may have opened it his
approneh "
"The Sheilah& knew more about that than I do." eon
tinned the persevering mike; "but pray, then, as you
eay no one halt hoes nribeeir, who to the man we saw
down in the coert-yardlict now? /s be • iew Kapoad -
jce. • now doer-keeper
"1 am alone ialey hoese4 have no Kapoudias," cried
Seim; "bet Avael, at this iseAy dawn. may have made
himself visible to yea ai until as\o me. 0 you good
Meshing. i know-of no men In the -ottli and if imp door
was unlatched when you entered..A el mit himself
have opened it when he thisimight visite me."
On hearing these word. the little tailor r bed from the
But Beiim, coa6deut that the inevitable Asrael was
about to return. re sumed kiaj prayers aloud, in stbieh his
two friends joined
Settrietil they were s'achid by the return of the'tailor,
"By the Beard of the Prophet," exclaimed he. on rush
ing into the room; "the' nalliti 1 saw iu tile court. and
thought to he your Keperedjrie, and asleep on the ground
when we passed in, is a Cartile!"
''SVOrpllo:" echoed Muriel and Aria in a breath.
.'Yea, a corpse." repeated, the tailor; "and on turning
him over, I found ben mthl his cloak several things.
besides thie money, this bak of iqahilk.t, and this dead
.n.).Act! -a corpse!" exclaimed the hitherto sinking and
bewildered Salim. "A malt dealt in the couru) ard:"
cried he, sprinzing npwright in the bed.
"As dead. sis Sulymen th i p Maznificent!" cries! the
sleazy little hilor, ••u defunct as 111ajj4 Sekiesh."
God be praised: miaowed Sehni. leaping into ]
the middle of the Boer. "awl be praised! as the fellow
is dead -Nhoever he is. HE .makes the 'ICI/011th of my
dream, aid not I. Azrael has taken hits, and out me."
But herein aitl3oa eleartt change came over Selines
countenance, alai he, in a trentor. exclaimed: , •Yet, Az
net did addreas met how is this? Basest dead, and 1
Aud the dream -r-4-"
lu soother instant Selim toshed as rapidly (limn to the
court•rard as the little tinlor'luid done. Ilis three friends
followed him, asioanaed at the strength and 4iitiotv of a
man bet a few moments befOre barging on dissolution.—
They. round hint gszing sternly at the corpse.
"The Pa./weak!" exelsorded Settee. •H earl oorohlie
it GIL toil fellow is a Otter. the bag of beshhks, these
other monies, are mine. Het tuts this aught beets plus•
dering my house."
"1 kniw tho Pasaven countenancei7evelaim
ed Aziz. "This is the very Arab who was dozitig uni my
mats/Alai in brumgr/seterasy. wheal ow og,..a,ma.
suited "
••Ah:" added blared; ••and he must then :have heels
foigntng sleep. and thus overheard Selma relate his dream
to me."
• •stud, worse than all," r4 : iined Salim: s , n of
a dog, (may his father be burnt!) must have eritered my
chamber fur &Under, anti, sexing my state. has passed
himself of as AZytitt., TIMANGLI. of DEATH!' What a
brain I mpst have: not to have discovered the trick."
"Well, atoll events," cried the little tailor; 4he dream
is now oat—seven were to die, and seven are dead. &-
kin is now eighth in the house, and inshalleh. he will
he .eved "
And Seim was Nare4. sad far aught we know to the
contrary, yet occupies • shop in the shppet-ti.r.sar at
la the just published memoirs of Margaret Faller Ge
sell. we find semis curies* perimeters relative to her pre
rations for the voyage. on which she was to perish.—
t is related that the'state-rooms were taken, the trunks
packed, the preparations finished, and they ,were just
leaving Florence. when the letters came, which, had they
I reached a week earlier. would probably have induced
Ithem to remain in Italy. But ..lie had already by letter
appointed a rendezvous for the scattered members of her
family in July; and she would not break her engagement
with the commander of the barque. It wits deitmed that
they were to sail—to sail io the Elizabeth—to rail then.
And even in the hour of parting, cloud,. wheats tops were
golden in the sunsiiine, whose base was gloomy on the
waters. beckoned them onward. ••lieWare of the see,"
had been a singular prophecy, given to Ovsoli when a
boy, by. a fortune• teller. and this was the first ship he tied
ever set his foot ou. More than extraordinary apprehen
sions of r,sk. too, h'orered before Margaiet. "1 am ab•
surd;)' fearful." she' writes, ”and various omens have
coniteued to give me a dark feeling. I am become ii -
deed is miserable m ward. for the sake of Angelina. (hei
child.) I fear heat and cold, far biting poverty. I hope
1 shall not be forced to be is brave for him, as I have
been for myself; and if I succeed'to rear him, he s ill he
neither a weak nor a: bad man. But I love him too mach :
In casts of mishap, however, I shall perish with my hus
band sad my child, and we may be transferred•to some
happier state."' And agai n; ••I feel porreedy w.:ling to
stay My. three score years 'arid tau, if it be thought I need
so mach tuitiou from this planet; but Wt.:cols tome i that
my future upon earth will soon close. It may he terribl
trying. but it will not be so very long. now. God nih
transplant the root, if he wish,. to re arnt into fru'it- bear
ing." And fivally, :,*-I. have a rogue eJtpeciation of sorne
crisis—l know not what. But it has long iseentell. that
in the year 1659. I should stand ona P i iateau in the as
cent of life. where I should be allowed to panao for a
while, and takemore clear and commanding views than
ever before. Yet my life proceeds as regularly as the
fate of a Greek tragedy. and I ran but accept, the pages
is they turn." 7 .
TVIPERANCE QvratEC—The Boston C'arpct Bag
rrouitt4ike to he informed by Colonel Ephraim Larkin
Snow, the ai-oct'e of temperance•. rnd I •the man o
struck B fly Pateraon," whether, under the Skint lea, a
man is atlow,tl to scar hi. arm in a sling an Make mer
ic the London l'enti. to fed soap tie baia. to com
municate with the roprong apuil.s. to adm+aueter•••a dro,:
or coin Cori" to a suffering file nd, to pundit h•a neighbor*.
head, to purchase earned hear. to bap his staern s y's diva
to est gam cherrks. or to heat the rpirit•stirrini drama
Hmtaann AND Friona.—A teamster, name Roland
Smorti, reaidiag on liciuble street, near- Millcreek,
titetl very suddenly on Thursday last. Circumstan
ce, have transpired which lead to thr itioricion
that he wee poisoned by those nearest to Mtn by the
ties of blood and marriage. Oa Saturday, officers
Allen sod Hardee took into custody Nancy Brown,.
wife, and Mr. ikowo, son of the deceased, oo a war
mm charging them with having committed this ter
rible crime, and committed them to jail ,to await
their examination before the Mayon A mist-mor
lent eraminatitio will be held on the b)11.6r the de
mod, whisk is new deposited in the Tasit.--Cin.
SI 50 AlrZlAlt, in Adv.
She Would, and She Would.
Ws find the following aceonnt ors sin
trinittniat in a late English paper. the Oxfo
. A lady anti gent:storm alighted at the Thr
tel. and engaged spartmenta. the gemlerna
notated to the landinrd•that he was about t
•o the lady, and wished.the ceremony to tett
follavenn morning. With thin view. the b
tained a marrilge lieenle,and it was arena
ceremony /Mould take tilzice in St. Martin
the morning, and at the appointed time the
sexton and bell-ringer. were in attendant*
man came from London to officiate as fath
casion, and to give the fair bride to her fort
but the lady who wit to egad es briderna.d
ed by. illness from fulf.:Ung her part of the c
This diffeulty, which at first appeared i
Ws, was soon removedaer . ¢ Idindboarted •
found, rosily and willing to lend her aid in
ung the happiness which appeared to be
and,:with light heart+ sad happy faces.. the
tripped• trout the hotel to the church, which.
tiered. was the very ne4 doer, and which ei
it is thought, has rendered that we'd-boown
ted for wedding parties,,and so popular to
come to Oxford lobe united in the silken
Oa thi s isecs.sion, however. although the
short, a "great change same o'er the spirit ol
of the young lady who was to sustain the pri
actor. for. on reaching the church door. ohs
and to the IS-f oni,h'inent'of theparty, and of
particular. fled down High street. Away wet
groom and father. and.. away west the clerk ,
ringers. in partait of the fair one. but she ,
doubled about In such an extraordinary mail
clock struck twelve before she was capture
the time elapsed for the ( performance of the
Mafers., however. were ultimately arran
was agreed that the wedding should take ph
morning (Saturday.) Accordingly the rector,
ton and ringers were again at their posts at th
time, and once more the bridal party start
short way to church; but on reaching the ei
lady once more faltered, once more started,
more escaped; notwithstanding the bridegr
clerk. sexton I.nd ringed were agaia at he
continued so until the t luck again struck twe
would have thought flirt this was carrying t
for, and would have abandoned IS despair
at Are conclest ofa fair one so fickle, bat th
that 'lain', ',eart sever won a (air lady." an
pressed his auit., In this he was successful.
lowing nica.ding (Sunday) was fixed for the
At the apjointod hour, ten o'clock, the re 1
seaton and linger; were once more in attehd i
tied in their own minds that this; being the th
time of asking. would be' decie4e. In cons
some delay, however, they lied their epiagivi
soctor repaired to the hotel and obtained a
with theibrida„ from whom he found that she
ed to fulfil her Part of the ceremony, the
she had eloped from the residence of her me
co-sent she 111 , 1 not obtained. The rector con ;
to be a sufficient reason for her refusal, and d
der any circumstances., even if built parties w i
ts, wiliness tase ceremony.. It was agreed th
body should remain under the paternal ear , 01
hostess of the Three Cope Hotel; and in th
the rector promised to write to the young la
fur her conaeut, and if it wore übtained, he .1
unite the younz couple. limn irmend thou'
vet, efier the rector had left, and was engal
Sunday inintetration, the young lady resolved
this trouble, and, without waiting to lute lei
took her departure with her laser in a gig,
since been heard of in this locality, or any at
are swim of. Tilts is sl,o confirme.l by an
meet which sppeared in the papers ,of the
a herein a reward of £,lO is offered for the
of Thotuas _Cowell, butcher, of 22 Conduit
diugten, who, it states, eloped. on th a f...qd of
last, With Miss` Mary Ann Lew ih, a minor,
ward in Chancery, from her mother'* house
lie L'aniru, S Wales, and illegally 0.1
cense for their marriage at Oxford. asniCh t
Heyward Col refused to act upon. The
possesses great personal attraction., apd w
considerable property. No tidings - have .
either tho brae or bro.' igroom,
"The Old Xan."
No eieression that we are aminsinted wit'
harshly' ou our a tr as that of "The OIJ Mai
Mlle/ from the lips of a son speakin g of his
parson whltsti,tualty uses tho expression, i
tunate.Wit low characters or he does not f
spect and deference due from a son to a part
cuss it I. ir •:is but a joke and means
so. at were batter nut - to j , ,st upna the subj
some exprersion that does mean something..
"Old us lin" is u•ed as a term of reproach.
word. and a lonzaboo to scare bad children .
manner mad ex,iregaes a sort of contempt. of
Tnero sta sever d stages to be gone thr
••tli. old m ti" is b - oaglit on. Pa, piEt,
have had their day. As ilia young ente:l'la
d of tohaeco in the corner of his
14 , 111 ohm, and replies with a Cu
'men by shout ha is interrogsi
're old man.'
cigar or T./
his zone
to the gent'
ruY)a•J% but
Young c
atLI (tuba.,
ops that freqit4ot oyster collars,
wipe-shops, who eau smoke
dies' twist" without malting
.k thr i ce gloms of champai.l
Wk. of .4.1r3 mad"-who • •
we, c lc era
Vie oprigq
th , l'r e on
We hse •'
their troth•,
• MAW often'
ger, what •
they place •
y ern.
I ago head tli,se game charges
•rs M the woman!" True.
0, yet it shows as plainly es any
.soposrthay hale hunt. and L.
pon their parents' loco and qua
Tan r.
ST Tenth r.--Mr. Walsh, the
of the N. Y. Journal of
ful(aw ink. pe'ssage (rum the
quwes th
of Paris. it contains tho fi
elicited by our disposition
resent tne
Europe, t at we nave met with:
'Vhe n't serious attention ii due fr
were to %hat hns passed at
g ircoen
ntneut of the Uoite3 States,
ratio psisilus that' rule dyer
policy of George Washington.
The G.,ve l
ha I)2111 , 3 I
a itself to the interests of tra
ger rest r
dreams of exercising an luau
Ration, b
hies: Any measure taken at
stria at. the Att•r r ean capita{,
It; a:4 the game] Austria
a quarrel and coneera of the.
tapes 11 po
•ay of A
entered, n
the cdrn
be absurd preen/unit of t/
`a bees .strodsesd lute the oso'
, proposes to plass habitual dr*
I s. to regard to be rear:agents •
i heir family strum as :oat whale)
I •
r: es e-d
611 h
ail i. whit
gams post
pony ud
rues to '2
1 4 -
1 - 1
r MTV; ohs
, Journal:
0 COPS 1/0.
be married •
pare on d...
• .groom eb
ed thit th•
CfluMb M
tear. clerk.
A pestle•
on the oc•
es treys:lt.
eithre was
ithin reseht
.ride) plity
it reutem-
u nutance.
hotel se oo•
• aples who
• ndi of ma-
istw7ee Was
the dreamt"
Opal bhar
slipped Z
ler suitor in
,C the bride
sexton and
lodged and
per that the
I. and then
ed. and it
pa the next
Clerk. sex
d on their
ranee. tho
and one,
in, father.
heels. tad
es. Meer
to joke too
y attvurt
**min fah
once more
44 the NI-
tor. clerk.
• nee, omit
rd and last
. mead that
:yr. whose-
Asted this
- willing.
the youn.t
the worthy
•s masher
dertook to
his, hors
ed in his
save bias
ye of him.
d has net
I ,
er taat 'we
21st last.
reef.' Pad -I
1 •
sge 18, 4
at th Not,:
,ttie • li
'. R .W.
elan lady.
1 mgved to
a . lad of
hen it
r. A
at ro
la ex
, p It
d ago
1101 of by
•ud}iu tho
doolt ears;
ugh hero .
land rguherr
I ,ly rAlis -his!
. awl
e h r .
• Doti
d of
' ere if •
growl of
o regulate
I •
,•nipelled by
1' his abin-
It Lao lon-
e Oa nevi-
nceon Ea
ust bfk con-
e, 'bqt at
Id !World,
I . e ef.Loaisi
, laprearia tia
Ift their pfero
I'o4 hilirag•