• ' s l3lircalas Wholesale sad •" f • and fruiter Guads Mau% nt 111114711644 lOW prices, • at No. I. Reed Horse. AViNG taken 'Wearier uf the permute in the money mar- Rae, together a Ith the consequent anxiety of city dealers to dialrowaOf inereWand Pe. and hat , ing to,uallt gnat, t (liana's at folio sow ha/ is two Weis the manufacturer.' ' , Dee I say boldly that I will sea u , any articles at lower prices than were paid in New York four weeks ago. Sonir urty be tnerrdnloo.—to anclt "and therein of tulnki Dd." I nand a.. naikinand.eeFßsour selves. The prtmfa are —,tacked the compilers thwk end hie. There ton la ill find De Lam e. from at rent.. upwards: Alpateas as lon as 121 cent, per yard; Call'e." thnl all will principal milli, in proooun ,ce cheap enough: from the the United.Statee of alutotai I ullnite v,ricty of deArt and quaiit ) , the low price of which in at uln n the traria of any Oiled ptirtot epteridld Silk Vetter. , for eloikt. and !Swatting. of vari ous w itftikDnino Goods in tkueral fur both tallies and Gentle men arethere in rich prufusiou. - cAlteigre, too, tat draw t.ra ire& even from the lips of old maids—in short a stuck so Cum pteto and m client , as to distance In both these respects, any and an ottih in Owe ei.y. rall round. then:tom you who %ant goods. 4114 } (A/Audi have than at rates that mill induce you to cdtue again. J. U. CLARK Erie. flovetutrer 15, 1.r.31. 81.71 r ilEit'S SAWS and Knives at Er le. Oct. 4.5. if:l_ Sih OLN ander heat b VI Erie. Nov. 1 Beenize.--com, SO ITT and Metal Brou7e. by Etie, Nov. 1. ONEITER Jr. BROTHER P,III.LETS and Pallet Kowa*, (.4.laa Slalomed Mullets. by Erie, Nov. I. CARTER & BROTHER, NNW .11,80IN5IBALE ZROCER STORE, ' AT N 0.7. ROYVELL RLOCK: ERIE. PA. f, tUE subsciiker having leased the Store No. 7, Donnell Block, ilbriuerly occupied by Lester,Seimett k Chester, is receiv ing direct from New York,a la . nte and well selected stock of Groceries, to which he most cord Lilly invites the attention of the trade in this and the adoming codnues. be Salters himself that from hie esperienee la the Grocery Misi nes.: and tits wpeclor fa. e nto m b s . °mai mug Goods direct front thy Importers and.lflan uricturers. thereby ss mg the Jobbers' profits, that he can se ll to the Akmcbanto &coring hint with Whir patrotingejloods Is Chimp 04 tips he Purchased West of Acre-York, AM Ile Cheap as can be bought to New York, with the addition or enPelle: {attended in nettling goods to this city. Being deter mined to make his MIS; nemvi ill cordite himself to selling by the Package. irdie eau br sitsta bird luso 'doiuga Be will be happy at all times to ethibit his goods to those eke okay favor him with a call. Ili addition to his stuck of Gracerieihibe ha, added a c twice stock of 'Wham and Imported and Domestic Liquors: to aneramittatiou of which he would especially int its the aura lioll Of Hotel keeper. and others In the trade. The follow ing wit comprise a portion of his rum k. lir. t NO Orleans. !'ono-Rico As Cuba Sugars; Pow ilered.Cnished. Granadated, While awl Yellow Coffee do. Pun° Rico, Musco vado, A. ( j abs, Molasses. S. 11. Sy nip , in Mil. or hint ; 01.1 Hymen Ganpew-der Sad Slack Teas, HI chests. flair-chews and Caddies i Old Java. Rio at I.aguira Coffee i Virginia usaisufaietured To baceo,ditTerciit B nds • Anderson's loose elseiying. and Putters , also loose and assorteisize pap. Smoking ; Black and yeito n SMUT . ; Domestic and Imported Havana Seams: RaiellllP. On whole half and quarter Bytes; Currants. Fig,-, Pimento Pepper, Cassia, Cloves. Nutmeg., Indigo, pure Ginger: Pepper Faure, Ground Pep per; Pimento. Cassia and Coffee in lb. and 1-I lb_ papers; Pow der, pat whole, half. and quarter keit*. Shot. Lead. Nuts of different khaki: Mir- I Pale. Eicelsior, and galley So4p; Refined Elephant and Whale Oil ; Sperm, Linseed and Ohre do.: Mackerel, No.'s 1.11, 3, in whole. hail and quarter libls.. Codfish. Sewing and White t)shi Paints and Oils: several grades Brandies. Rum, Gin, 1 Moniiingahela Whiskey. Old Port. Madeira, Cla rat and Chain kinds WINS; Landow and Philadelphia Portrri together with moat kinds and 'styles of goods kept in the Grocery line, and not enumerated in this list, to the inspection of which he would mime tinily invite the idtention of purchasers hefiwe buy ing elsewhere. Particular attentiou pantz o nlliug orders, and all r im ods w an ated as r test or Me - ney refunded. . Erie. Sept .—lu. J. II; SMITH. New Shop! • ew ?inn! New Goods and New • evil Prices!!! Tundersigned take this riser hod of thanking the public kr their former liberal patronage. and also to ilifoflll them that they have fanned a partnership under the ilalUeofDerby gr. Mon t kinf, and well carry on the GIJtISMITIIING BUSINESS In all its branches, at their newl.hop in the new Bloc k. tw odours west Oft* Reed House, under IL P. Stoeltion's Jewelry Store, where they with be happy tow air upon all who may favor them with 4 call with the Ada is tuna. They have just received. di rect Seim New Kurt, an entire New Stork, among which may 14" found; Double and Single Barrel Fowling Pieces, from Illi :at to righa, a quantity of Rilie Barrels. which they are anxious to make u and Warrant. Revolvers. Pistols, Percussion Caps. Powder. 8 'Figiokii. the nicest in tow a, Stan Punches. Game Rags, in het ever thing accessary to the full equipment of a sp ortsman. Cuts repaired to order, and done when promised. Gaining twist and common Rifles. manufactured to order and warranted to shoot from one tootle litiwireil rods. On hand. A large stock of Gun Locks, all Kinds. Main Springs. TumMers, Cocks, Barged rkieh Pine, dog Springs, Bullet Mould., &c., &e.. in short every thing necessary to build a gun, which are kept fur the accommo dation of Si topic* 141 this and the adjoining Bounties. and will be mold at whole sale or retail , a little cheaper than they can be bought here in this city. Please give u* a call berme pur chasing. hey are 3140 prepared to do all kinds ofJollbing. in their line, such as filing and setting:4:ms, repairing locks of all kinds. fbruishine, fitting and repairing keys, repairing umbrellas lite,which will he dilute on ' notice, ' , fart and charges reasonable. Erie. October it. iQSI.-.1.2 DERBY Jr. MONTFOBIi. • - ' ERIE DAGUERREAN GALLERY, ,Park Now, a few doors West ofth• :i:,•,.~:1.i, 11 ' Ugit WAS ill happy to invite all who wish DAGURRREO- k. 3 TYPE LIKE:WEAVES. who are at all particular what kind et peewee they have, to his new Rroonis whit h have been built ex pend, bribe . I.ld Iv t great !went of the Antn, and it hart been the Art. cconstan t study o f e all worthy of the name owes the - Art was duicot ered. to so u tot and control it ea the latauner hest adapted handp the nio.t favorable results. The remit of this study of chotiaanils of experiments is that there is not respeetab e pennant 01 Gallery in the U dunes where the pie. tures are made by a G 06111441 window. and be who says he can mate* superior roc tore,. by such a window prover hi. Ignorance OW An. The subscriber therefore heirs leave may thSt by his tarpetior LIGHT, and with en apparata, worth six times any otb er lo this city. he is enabled to produce pietures which cannot be equelted In thin part of the country. and offers to excel% any thing which can he produced in other rooms in Erie. or forleit one hun dred dollars. He has also a splendid tkiiick Wonting Omen, owlth which he takes children of any age! Iset it bedertinctly un his pictures will not fair if properly kept. -The "recent unpruveluents - way Werra at the above W. 11. 811E1131AR. m il t0n, ..... ,1tL.....i. ii.. pie. Rept, le, . SURE ._ . ! EUREKA ! ! • We Rave Patna it Pound What I I W HY. Unit I. 11. 11 1 4 F.NZWElit & Co. are r•r-Iliue alt Carlo in their line cheaper than ap holy, Jew or Gentile. Gam vide of New 1 - uric. Call al .. Pro. 4,. Wright's Block! and examine their great assortment of . Costs, rants and Vests, of the Rue. 4 matetials, of the test fit, mid of the most superior worktnanshiti, which We sold at this establish• rv-it so cheapthut a man will make more by bu)ing thin going without. In short their articles are • SOLD AT SUCH REDUCED PRICES that hereafter there can be no ere use for firefly Coats wallet! Vest IA or dilapidated Pants. But their stock of Ready NORIO Clothing 11 not the the only initiceinent held out to a ••Fat. Ragged aad Sauey Public" to git e them a Call, fur their stock of CLOTHS, C.ISSLVERES rESTLYGS, ohsurpargol for arirty. Fashion WI. above all. Cheapness; and as they here in ukir employ Oho of the Best Cutts s in Town, They will be ready at all times to make Gartnents in order, and warrant them when done. They have tioorhi from thefts's. fa brics to the coarsest, so that every doe can be {oiled. They bare a large assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, such as Shirts from the finest Quality to the (harvest Hickory Shirt. handkerchiefs. glover. sock'. ecarfv.smihr, garments. col lars. 00e0a1S. together with every thing in out lane. We have a general assortment of Ladles laishiyble Goods for the Fall and Winter trade. Ve hone neither room nor dime to enumerate ely les or rpe orquatity, but n ill oat say to Ladfen haeall and exaw t tie for thetureires. IT IS NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. and tribe prices don't nun we'll endeavor to mas'e them. for we wish town and are determined not tobe,modevoold. Don't forret tbb location. No. 4, Wrgttt'r Block. Me. sel4. 10. MI-• 111 , , ___ ____._ S i as __. ____ _ _ WALL AND ACTICAAMIZIST. - - VI is. H. 8. WARD would say to the Ladies that by their la,. STA Mal patronage heirtolbre extended to her. she la now pre -110 Cg i ou w s i g i f I ff h allt i n t (. i w nte l r .° Lo il n 4 n n e d tts r . b n " : 4ei te h i t: will be happy to4ell nt the very' lowest priers.— lier stock Consists of over furl) different kinds of Rannetsott prices that cannot help but suit the times. Also, Ribbons and Flowers, and in fart a general assortment of Mini navy. &taws barbel:led mud presseil in the Infest ft)lee. All kinds of apoory Produce taken in porinetit. Ihnollllllttli DIMWIT/ supplied with goods at the lowest prat. irieen. • • • ritie.Oet. 11 la3l. td. RICH mantilla Meek $3llll 1160. 3 grent variety of lick Bonet Ribbon. alsiess styles Just received by 11.-0 A RBCCKE & _ _ MARBLE BOARDS, superior Freneir4by _— Erie, Rm. 1. CARTER & sarynten. VIRCULA RSA WS.—A rod rutirirta!eu . t I,:lrc uIs4 . ESStS for sok ebeep. with or without Handrilk. Aleo. Muley and Clainson Mill saw•, CIVPIi rut, Maud and WOnil et rate. which eannot fail in olenee. SENNETT 4 Cu. CUR r.ul4 Canalu Dia& and Pier, Gina* Ping, Cord an 4 Tupelo or vaginae colors. Rolle. Enda nod tack Panda& RUFUS REED. STRAW ID,DOPIE,--Eonnete and Hare. 1 Rood aaaortinent Just reeeised and foe sale at N0.:3 Perry Mork. April 111, 1 041. ARDUCKLE 4 KET. 1114reur 111Triags Bank. WE Male E *ldiot out aPA I.OIt,fITOVE Foldirm Donn std Mara* tbe Woof %el or Wood. Itirlosed;fal oppen , - die, and alaerfarl hirkl have thrown the oil SIIC ofektre Nkomo tanatotal darken geol. htie the auwart . ffuel oceolwary to supply prover to he the' moot eeolsoutical thine Or the build ever invented. and entiflee it to the contkienee of the public we a Ma "tiara Boot. oddob Mill ea the innol antent return kw Invested. . SC:Oft:TT Erie. November 13.1E0. - 6" — ToMia "land ltr:t'o'eitie .I — iTe LP get br bot at iisanua: Nrc ,.. X•r. W. F. R ififirEINECHT. Arent. Ziln Librium& u b msber. lINARTIAIt satorlif t a sta.. nki at thew Maine Mill and u m b er yaw, ou Ii th rtr, east Of ta it. Furnace. a wapiti „,or ma■ g rin d Pine and Wh.ic Wood Luather. Moral awl AMAIN. floorlag, warta lard sit per tor to arty aorkedbyland, lighters Will are motley by ',suitor tbrir Stark at thisestablish- MM. Whet! ft can in furnished planed at a superior asoor te r. and MOW into any shape desired. Cash laid fbr ?lambs and Clear Pine. t9e.,llllay it. 0141. 76 - sittb ::teaShoo rindiapS JU. 11.31.i.ERTON hits in sown and (Avg Ibr Pale • aides Spanish Sole Leather Slanytner " Upper dopes Jersey rile/lona, Country , French , Nash and Panty lifornalo. " Linings and Binding', " " • ^ " Brim , I &ninsi....l and Patent Lestiber. A Boo! Weis. Cr bops, and every ariieleof Shona* neeleoola niardlt it. Anew , ' S. B rrrrot Rikt A A,lg Rt'Ft'B RF.EIrB CARTER & BROTHER itUreill REF:ll'li. 13 • A;af lor a*, •sr zo, STORE! 7. (lie More on park Ron, two d o o r . e n t &AV r Exthatille 4 ttl.Cc. lately occolortl aim tilOte bv Mr. : 4 10ekt011. &totes to call lite a isennost she citizens of Et le to Ili, muck 01 nom & Gips winch he is 1110 W opening, dit.tel from l-la• tern anula clomp. ;sinew a ',tactical Hailer and hat log ode's the 1/141014 omit in We iteleeituu of the ,e tloodt, the coditanitity may res arvthed they arc inade of tirik waterline, and by the t.n.t wed.- w! %%ill be warranted vitt:it in finish, style and durability to any that edit. be had in the etern clues. Gentlemen en,. at all tinier find here the latest filshtot s Wns. 11. Ceelie C 4 1 . 1, celebrated Hits at New York prices. and raps of almost every at)le, qualify 'aud price. Also. a Rood stock. of Outran Itches, , The glibber it*, hopes by honorable, fa tr deal in& la build up him burinevp, as Air nita in not to fleece those whop:wooly' , hi.... but 1 , ) Tel table cognomen'. I K. J I.:rte.:aria. IS, 1@31.-11 SAVE TIME I SAYE MONEY ! INTO 1.4110113 • vvILSOIPB Chinese Lrasfral Washing Plaid. Ow washing in hard or soft Water. 'this Fluid is the bss preparation known kw washing cotton, lioen.or woolen eloths.ikor rennw inn grrrse or tar. for cleaning floors or point. for destroying bed hugs and other vermin, 10f abe by. J .H. BURTUN 111 CO. Aug 43. _1 Laud and;Lots for Salo. 800 • ,vitlis in Eloouthdld [(Wash ip,llone rest elea red.biiil diogs and orebard—price 11111 Ar This id an excellent gratine farm. tadi acres nine mile" west Of Erie. in Fairview aowsahip, 100 acres cleared, buildings and Ore hard—priee pet! acre; an ex cellent grain or grazing farm, 77 acres in Union township, 43 acres cleared, buOdings and or chard—price SKINK Ina acres Is Lamle lortnship. on the east bitak of French Creek. I miles , below WaterfOrd-riti aCres cleated. Wave. lan,, and prehard, price $lllOO. This is a beautiful fatal of Whom lands and hillside. good kir grain or grass. 70 acres two miles MO of Erie. on Lake Rond, rood build ing. andoethard.aad a valuable power Mr a mil/twice 00 per acre. NO acres Erie Academy land, one mile south Of Erie. On the Turnpike road, alt deiced— price 473 ner atre., 8110 arrev of Wild Laud, pallor truck No TOM Ili Wayne town s Nip—prier CSC 914 C MOW' wild land in Le Boeufftp— priie #3 per sere. Also, a large number of In LAM and Out Loss of the town of raw, ,WlLthiN KING. Feb SC 1 , Q31. _{9__ . Land Agent. Erie. Pa. ITIAR. Pitch and Spelt' eonolantly on hand anirkir sale by it{) K. T, SAL EONS. • COVAIVIVIZELIMIk. 111.711.1.1 AM BI ATTY & M. SAN FOR Itrye ibis day formed ■ e . ° l l s= e t ri ts i e ll i;r as so n OTT:6 7 .Zlig l itD ' lNT ,. . ' rizr: Flea ty.. Binek." between elate and reach Inrects. Public t4nun re. Cm, Jau. Jan I. tem. . i nil maw TALL 0003:19. Toil N C. 111.:EllE having just returned from New York p ith a .1 la splendid and cheap assortment of hoot* Goods, strong hatidisuue, last colored and iashiouable. fresh from the looms of the manufacturers, in et ery clime, Europe. Aims, Africa and America. bought at a great sacrifice for cash. and offered to the public for nearly their own price Call and von. Goode shown nI ih promptness to all. and none obliged to Nis unless suited. Anions his stock VI ill tie bend silk. wool. cotton and linen. silk and satins Dress Goods of every variety. liroadCloths and Carel mere*, plain and watered Pontius. edgings, lingertingo, collar', utidervleetres, cuffs, silk and satin Vesting.. Fringes, blue, black purple, white and outlawed, Canton, netted. ate. Erie. Sept. 10. Ifil. Sml9 si) KERS Kentucky, Ilk Ponder, just ter :crud Re sale by 4 the half, quarter, or whole Kea by June tl. IE4I. II) R. t.wreitierr & Boris. 3000 lA ORR Viroollea Rocks Wanted by , Erie,Oct.ll.l,„ C. M. TIORALS. OKI'S. iKkll3.—All girls, and sizes Cam atike lowest rates, at the cheap store in the ttennett Block. I IN REA ifICIIIiitiECIATfIiIIIG .-,kuielli ;selected stock of Rea dy Made Clothing, eau be Round at the stoma Erie. Oct. SS. ISIIRNETT lk. CO. - - 1300T8 Ir. SUOMI, in great variety, at the gear More Os the .1.3 tieunett Block.*l Iran 1 Zrosii ! Icon i ! lam now receiving as lame and well assorted stock of Iron as J. eon be *sand went of Albany. It was bOuglat entirely kw Cask, and will be 'old for the sassiest prices that defy cosapett tion. Also, a large stock of Nails and *pikes, at unusually low figures. 111:FUA REED. rie. :cert. 27: IQ It—Reed House Sagas Sugars I 1 AM now receiving a lame stock 'of Anitars, srhieh have just 1. been purchased at very low figures in New' York for casb,and Will be mid proportsanably low for cash or read) , Pay- I ant also receiving a large supply of Teris.Caißers. Molasses. Spices, fee.. kw. I Invite the attention of thin imbibing to pot chase and say I think I can oar as good traducements as any house in this city. Jetllla C. BEERY.' Erie, Sept VI, 1031. , 411•111 wOO% Ergot and Crototi, at lJ r AIITF2II DREMITTM FOR SILVIII.—Wepay • Premium In GOLD br Danner. Half Pollan and Five Francs. Erie. Jape 14. M. tiAPWIRD t M. WOOD W•111/TDDI TIIE subscriber wishes to purchase amm or d s of llscoloelt hod other .of mood delivered at Ins Ashery sod LIM!' kilo carper of Etroeb and lkb Streets. 8. JACKSON . Sept. ... ' 19. -.. _ . acadourv.. Tins institute will be opened in a few days at his rooms. 4 doors cart of tbe Erie Ranh'. as soon as the sautes of Piny subscribers arc Monist-4. .Ternis—gli for one peewit'. Silt for faintliescomaining six persons, per year, InYarlablt In advance. rive lemons Will be given every Naturdry, either of w hien pu pits salty attend. Hours of study from 7A.i. to ft, from 1010 10. from IP. 04. 10 3, from Ito 6, frutu 7 evening to 0, The ladies may select one of these lessons for themselves. thus enabling all to attend without Inconvenience. This unparalled low -price of tuition b o rings instruction within the reach of all. The hours will be occupied in the following tuaneet..—lf lest. vocal exercis es—second, lecture* on every thing eonneeted with music, (his tory of murk.. including the liens of noisiest mattenr)—third. rudiments of wwic, with explanations on the black board, or on an instumemt—fourth, sacred tallste, with accompanyinent on the Mekalinn.— All persons wishing tosubeeribe. will end me, at the ghost named rooms. ' Wit. WILLING. Erie, Get. 1 4 1k11. ffYl A GEN F.R M. a‘rortoteat of Crockery ao.l Olasoaare tray be I& found al the *tore of 93 SENNET r & c* E riogN 11.1SIKETzt fur valeta Use new talreln the Sennett Mock. li , tan. IS. -93 11 4 1 , 1 NETT & CO. A I.AYAC.9. Lie fame*, thelltauntottal 4*.„ n very general XL sortment for mete by 13 fl;',. SEI.ININ & SON• SIitINTING:9 I . Red Ticks, Poitou Yarns ettrpe t Worp. white and colored. 13 G. SELDEfif At SON. ' " _ A . _3. dozen just received and kw ' vale by • Oct. 18.-13 O. BELDEN & SON. . A X KLL 4 .—& large k.l. Jun feta red dime trout the mat:facto .C3. ref. ST G. eftI.DEN &. SON. Spaying. Ringtoones, Wisdsa 11, Curbs. Splints. Er AVf NG seen the Viritieff of Mapes ea lebrated British Lem. edy tested in the rensivat of • Bone Bpav in front my Horse. have purchased the etelusivelight of compounding. using, and selling this Unparalleled medicine in the town of Ilarhorcreek. Erie county. fa,' The public are therefore inforrne t that I ant prepared to apply this medicine to all Horses aillicied with Elva sins. It Ingliones.CAnb• Windgells. Bpi into ike., brought to ine at ‘Veiileysille, and that when properly applied it has never failed to affect a cure. JOHN HENN WIT., Westerille. October IL lesl. I-NS/A.4 Tempi - logs and Buttons at JACKSON'S. LJ Apiilll. EW GOODIA.—Jirst received at air Pew ,tote In the SennettN 810ek,4 general assortment of thy Goods. groceries. eroek cry. Hardware, Rows nod Shoes. tr.. ke., which will be told chei p for cosh or produ:.e. Cail and pee.- Ott 19. 4 / 1 651. Et EN TirrT kr. CO. Clissiworre sad °rockery. ALARGE assortment of rrsekery seer Glassware, jest reeelv which will be seid-as cheap warty in this istatitet, at be Saerry Sept. ll—le _ _ Aft OW. 14 EW GOOPN.— J' meeiviog at No. 5. Petry Block. .LTJ. a general assortment of ' , ALL and WHITES. Mating, which added loom former mock. will maatde w Iwgive harghtos to all who may hivor as with atoll Nov IS, I€4l, ARBITCKLE & lane prieen, at • Z 1 NoFrEE new tyte of *are and Bptee4llo, a wiprtior mile* at SI SENNETT &IN". A RIPENfEke API N ER O. TI —A very general vs- OCWrineSt.. ANN* such below soy Wore offered ha thrs place. Oet BEI.DRN & SUN. RECEIVE'', Pit the Botikutore of the rutweriter, On the .J PlAmond. a moldy of School and Miacellaneous Books; oho Annuals and other Books appropriate to the Hollirtneu. Erie, Dee. 13.1:31. 0 SPA EFORD. lotof VTo- .1.11.1 lino and Guitar *Wings. Balk a ~ nt,* and &With Bylines the belt in to a, for sale it LOOMBiIk Co's. :.rte, flee. 13'31-31. AMA Cloth. Gala riiiid;::lo — pacens, Plain. Pigured., Plaid. W Stripe. es% Silks, and norcuee lillka of all colon, a t. NOVellibet 1. , Acgool4l4. 376-- -- YARDS handsome Maraca Loattea„ black awl tolo4 flne roar Ibr ticener pet yardis _I Ovembee M. . C. N. TIBRAJAr. iir7vi4 * A a i . ..=iii,4 retched asl3 — r for e ipri•voinir-Jei fiat. at Relate prices. RUFUS REED. 150 nn Y ARMS madder colored Laucavter Goorh November P. ants. at cow _ per )ard at C. 3i. TISBALS'. L i__ ADILW Kid.thiShineve i !Aide. silk and Cotton Gloves. Pie Pike Mins. shon and lons Pie Noe Gkoves, Gents' Kid. Cash es inere.filk. Li.le a Berlin Gloves. Children's Crs ashase and Lisle do.. for se y 8. JACK owl. N W ARRANGEMENTS. OTOrtTact that I wish to him ri is has removed io his new sore. (5 1 = 1 , - Bow." LI Iwo donni 0351 of B rown's corner,) which ts noir being filled *-111 1 a. choice a .elected .took of . _ Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Wore, Pilier Plated and German Silver Ware. Panty Gocds. !dm l ent Instruments:l.:taus.. Looking Glasser. 4c.. a.c .r, can lend steno( New York. (no mistake oath/anoint.) Ladle,. and Gen drawn:ll have. indeed. a Miuttlul assontaacat. who of you wilt not call and are 'brut! No time this week sn entinicraW. ichat I. ^won dOor." may tc lbuud iu the second and third tons. U.RFPAIRIMOKone. ia the best natumrr. Panirntaratten lion r. itt he ;tern to Watches hyan e) perienced worknus a. At the sitna of the Illautnioth Watch. STOCKTON. Eriet/Sept 90, te.U. 19. ; Who PhoilArts. ARTISTS . BBC:MU of all kinds, alsocolinra in tubes, by Erie. W.A. 1. CARTER.k. BROTHER. M AKCIHy Burnet of Vanilla. Sines Almond, Rase and Lew AN Ont also, ROI" Waleeand tine Salad Oil. Bee la. J. H. strivroN /lc Co. NWV I.llillitir".,-dolat and 0333103pept. I.tibditsig sod 11111likend ,_ 0 1 1 111. 1 14111113 33.111311 I.3ntrrits; also, Vi'ocks. tAhani l"""ic • N"w 'O O OOl4l al Deo. 13'31-31. LOOMIS &aro. O V. ii. ;Ousts ft On. • OER tom Ana Race met., roils.. Publi.bets of ew ports Arca/wet, by dAlle a LOAN. to be completed to lliasoodkly perm ?Ile above work I. eksi so uK*4 the aright... not only Mom am A ity latcrepted in building.% but all who &vire the d- catt.g d Linen Merino. OM & and 1.1.10 e c 4 op 91 1. Mo. roweeMem a/lota setae oft to our country. and wink Weal vale 0 , Aimed mi DeLatr.e. endanteres of the intent 14)&41 on the ellah their Mote and auraoloisuee grime"( b Acetone. The h raffle .y,tri u . by „zi t 18AllarrCKILE & Kt:PLEA. oonner in which-it IP prepared and etabellitriOd. re a Si., --- - - -- - Utalbcf.l urtkautent.for the lima itia-rcgap, ultite it't acII III 2IC deli- 1 kxess 11 ANIII.F.II ran he ha I rue St 00 Fie it nt the (heal' aethrthr give thihr Ilighe-I Per ,- I:rfli i.tioe. / rt ' 111r,th . i... syn o. ... N 1, R.-tallow!, Hill R Ern•.. ... ._ Nag. 14. 2nd 3 naa moth for +Ott eft • I- pR 11 4 i I'S_ I glood ~t ott4r.Of rtr,"llVO 4.1,1 fOr ....ft rfre4 it 4t r rirc --Al teal. per pi. Lithe• jeOtr•ez V. a: t?‘,4 4 . 1 , .-1 f.,od t5l lid 1., 1.51. D E N": 1:1 T 41r. el% A PERFECT SAFEGUARD AGAINST QUACK ERY 1 THE CHEAPEST ROOK ErER POREVCRED ' 111110 E ONLY wt t 'F.N7'd A COPY. OR PIPE COPIES row,. OM DOLLAR ! FI R. Ls CROIX'S PIM aTs Illkni• .1./ , or. Tat,Titis. entitled, • ph:, . 1 . .togirJl View of Maumee—a popiihr reati-e Oil the scent infirmities of ,truth and tumoral , . atisiog Iron, gem tot dfrrn-evi iii t, Ili stiles. It lilt lip. .arils of colored and plans iithin raploi nod engin% logs, silo-Iran lig the Datum , Physiology. and iliSeDeestif ,e ekndial Organs. their etrieelitres, ties nod functions. and the var tons In tries pr3dWeal In them by solitary tabors. COf crises and infivtion. causes. ',tortoni. and baneful effects of %rent ml iii , raees,logi ther as ith plain duet - loos fir the perfect [Lire of syphilis._ iteel. btrielLirem, to . wittiest istere•eg. ideiviive praetiral observations on Set , nocturnal seminal entissione. or con -1 its attendant sympathies. The whole illustrated by striking Cases from Dr. La Croix. private pra^tice. The reproductive organs of females illustrated. Menstrantion. irrqpilarity or theemire 'oppression of the Menses, and their re- i niedies by NI. B. La rrOi V. M. P , Graduate of tie" Medical De- 'tormentor the !lonisers, Cioversity—Metiiher of the Hospital ties Yeneriennes. Pans—Corresponded of the Reformed School 1 of Medicine. and member of the Medical Society, Ste Re. IMITTION. . In this hook the oatmeal every private disease is minutely de- embed. with their symptoms, and bow to distinguish one from another—with receipts for the Mooches. their manager/wet. ar.c.. In obtain language. It eutiales every one to success ugly and pri vately treat his case. (thereby avoiding the impositions daily praesteed by quacks of/ the itinerant.) or to judge irproperly treat ed. Young men who have peen unfortunate In contracting dis ease. previous to placing themselves under the cateof any doctor no matter what his pretensions may lie. get a copy of this intly %wend work flat, as it exposes the trickery and Inii‘Osture prac ticed by quacks, who advertise to cure private diseases in the public newspapers. Sold by the author. who may be consulted upon any of the diseases of which it treats Any person sending 4.3 cents enclosed a letter (post paid) will receive one copy 01 this book by mail, or five copies for RI. Aailres Dr. M. B. LaCroix, or box 1090.-P. 0,. Buffalo. N. Y. Also for sale by the author, No. 36, Beaver st; P. 1.. Gilbert: under the Nluseuna, Albany; N.Y. FEMALE COMPLAINT. Palling of the Womb, Conorditra or Whites. °Unfurled, Execs. sive.lrregular or painful Nletwes, Dropsy of the Womb. Dr. LaCroix is often called upon by young and iunoceutkmales is ho have had their health injured for years by pills and nostrums purchased from celebrwed female imposters, node' the false pre tence of effecting cures—those medicines in nineteen Uteri of twenty haVean iii,lurous etTect upon the comfit' ii Joe. w itliout pro due ing the desired edect,or any signs of it. I.ailies who iwisli for usedicinee, the efficaey of n ?inch has been tested in thousands of easel, and never retied to effect speedy cures without any bad re sults, wilt use none but Dr.!). Laney% Female Periodical ring, which are the result of the combined knowledge and experience of rime of tic oldest and most distinguished physicians of Eu rope. and have been used by fetnnles embracing most of the gen- I slid)* and nobility of France for the last Id veers. To eulogise their virtues would not add to their merits. The only precativipn , necessary to be obverse., IN, ladies should not take them if tili.,* I have reason to believe that they are in certain situations (the par- I tient:we of which will be mentioned in the wrappers accomprip ing each hot.) though always sale and healthy, io gently. jet so active are they. T-T Prier 5 i per box. they tan be transmitted by mail to any pa rtof the Union. Dr. La Croix invites all • the afflicted. however hopeless their_ ease may appear, or whatever their disuse may be. Of however many physicians or remedies they have tried, to put his knowl edge and skill to the lest in an elimination of time ease—it will cost them nothing. Ile promises la every case be treats a perlna nent and radical cure for life. IT The I ii , pensary is -o arranged that the person so tolling will see no one host the doctor himself. who is in constant :Wen .•danee in Ids private moms, ready anti willing to render relief to I all It ho may give Mora call. Hundreds of eerttileatett voimitari: ly given of cores, some of which are most astonishing eases on record. ate for inspection at the Dispensary, all which are by his medic hwe. Remember6l Lloyd street, up stairs, sign of Old tialea's Read, 111Uffal0. N.V. Buffalo. March P. 1101. - lytt TilF. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY • !NISI! R. AN Oil CI Oar PAN T, . (of Philadelphia,) ARE now doi et businese on the Mutual plari.givapirthe insiared a participation in tbe prohtsof theCompa ty beyond the premium paid. n7salriltliciutl sabill- Riskaopotr the Lakes and Canal insured on the moat forgeable lemma. Lomeli will bei iberallyand promptly adjusted. Fire risks on tnerchandixe.bti 'upend other peaperty,i glows ereountry, for n limited teem &Heady. , - DIR inTee. • Jcweeti II• Real. • Pun" C. thin& Edmond A. cinder Theoph Hos Paulding. John C. Davis, U. donee Brooke. Nolen Buchan, John Garrett, John B. Penrose. Hugh Craig. • Samuel Edward,. George Sere''', Henry Law reduce David . Stacey Edward Darlington. Charles Relict, ramie Davis, J. D. Johnson. William Powell, IVillialn Hay. . John S. Newlin, . Ur. S. Thome*, Dr. R. M.llustoo, John Seller. Jr. Spencer Me Ilva lie. lAichardit. Newbould. Set ,y; Wm. Martin Peril 13' Apptication can he wade to .1. XELLOGG,Erie Ageatri Erie, Feb. le, ISIS. IbilliWoosis, Dye OW% Palate, Sic. TDE bodesisigned offer-tbr pale on Mere' terms Des freest,. of all the dlffetrut kinds. of their own manufacture. and war• ranted equal to any manufactured. via: . Log-wood, ; Red-wood, Cam-wood, 'leper 'Mien-wood. 'rustic, . Green I:bony; -Red Sanders, Extrar tof ',opt oCod, Nit's-wood : Brasil-wood, Peach-wood. Its r.st ood, t.. it,. j 4 rani Together it opt a general a merrinaltigt fr i gt............................... Paints. 4-c., e. Merchant,' and Mallitfae tomere supplied. PERTZ. TOWNSEND as rill. Marche. iiksi.—ly No. as; %Vetter stir. N. y 1 NAILS AND DIA/N. Ar TIM AI.4III44CTUREIVS PRICE'S', I PilllE tithe n Iron Co s".r . e have N f it .t e S e f as e 31. tore in town, where they' A. intendkeeping a full snotty of ill the different kinds and,sii :es of iron icy mate, •nd amen reap! -te assortment of Mils. Persons ho have used the Rath radial t lir rompany,rlo tot need to be Id that none better art wait 101 •rast or eiseW here.. tithe n Sept. 6.-17 X.ZIONVXNCI Clit ABAI/41 lc ' Bettie - de would respecttlilly' hilbern their 4.31 friend!. and the nubile generally that they 'have rented 11w shop lately twcupled by iolint:oabling in Ree d ' s Mock, opprndre i the Bonnet Block, repair Street. where titer win be rotted al all tint... rend t to ri , e Me all orders entrusted's° them with IlVailif , lF and dispat I. The merit. of Graham as a Cutter it too well known to iiire any putting attlit• mtge.:old tees lrouldonly say tam he Sr I superintend that bumph of thl busoisess. Ferrier although e tupararively a surange.o. well known to all who have ii eintillited iin, to I. a neat rate workman. With these qualifica tions they tope to give entire wiCsfaction to those who may fa vor thein •Ith their pork: they will pay particular attention to the e num and atak'ng °fall styles or Bora garments. (a branch hesetoLirekoo ninth reelected by the Inane in this city.) as they will be sa t t e receipt uPrilie monthly fashions from the Fort , they a tit le ei , bled to keep pace with et ery new mode of improve meat lathey coineclut. Masai and Militaty ganuenti hamlet° order.i / 'LI (hitting done to lilt cave for others to make up. kid done when peothised. at the usual prices. - JOU% rmustaa. Jolla AAAAA S. , - Efte;N:llVettaref I. 141. gS 1 Erie Livery Stable. . .yer... 111 subscribers would 'arbor) the public ...,-..„ .11. that 'bey nil I conthine the Livery Moaners • ^ 1- • • •'.. at their old stand on Pone threet, near Third. where II . set and Carriages of all description may be found at all limes / ready &r usc, and prices to suit the times. Pknse et we pea call. ; • MARTIN & BRlGrka. Eric. Ante Id. 1..11. In. oxits.sir irisraiss Ts sc sitar. /§looThe !Weenier would inform his friends and the piddle generally that lie will continue the TIN. COP PER and SR Era IRON RUSIN Eflasat tine oldlstan.l , formerly kept by Middleton & Nlurphy.an d respigetful iv tin itch a coirtinuahon ofthe patronage hitherto extended to the concern} I hate now on hand the largest stock of Tin, Copper and t3hqt Iron Ware weal of New York. Those wishing to par ttime wAttld do well to call on me before buying elsewhere. all am houad to sell cheaper than the cheapen. Baring now on hand the best (M)OK WPM F. lathe •Utte. (the Eagle Hlta-Air) which needy no nidlingand will Allow for itself -- I will warrant it to any one sopa ing to purchase. Alpo. NM doz en SI ille Pans. ofall WA . " , Cheap Vats and Boilers. Boa i ns. Ihra i ner en Is, Canal Boat Lamt• and pumps, Coffee Pots, 'Yen pots and Boilers Lamer.. washbowl., cake pans. pods, blowhonis, dippers/ skimmers. teakettles, boiler., steamers, buckets, oil cane, tareptillgts.pierwas. tuariderdniiners, grotto:sus. trunks. dish pans pint, oda rt, gal ion and hal firalkot measures, funnels. teroterroite• Also a good assortment of JAPAN WARE. consisting of ea ke Lutes, spoke. deed boxes, spittoon!. tea and toffee canniners, fruit dishes, dun pans, lard And oil lamps: candle sticks, Sou et' boxer, toy cups Vol pails, rattle boxes, a Minden, applebutter ket tles, brass kettle, , stove pipes and ethos r. ke. Spouting and Gutters-promptly attended to. All kind of Meant workinaile and repaired at the attortest Tani< e. W ANT EL.—A trout luny thousand lbs. of old Cepper.Beass and Pewter, will he taken to exchange for 'noon.) Copper Wok.. liferdh aut. and others would do well to give me a call at theold itandof Middleton dr. Murphy, two doors east of Brown's hotel, Erie; March IS, lea(.--4-1 N. AillifirlfY. l of nnibreis.. allWm; and , SEll X Irl'T St. CO. C it i vr in and see if t ere h a as not been s a real Resurrection at the corner of French and 6th streets. -where the subscriber will Won hand at all times ready to inquire after the faith of his customers, (still believing. as lie ctpresses bilinireic. that every man lines right to his own &opinion.) and also fu show, thew the Lest stpek of Miscellaneous, School-Books and runny Bibles. ever Wrought to this pinee. Also, on hand a splendid assortment of 11latik hooks of kw uu n inanufaeture. a attained to he of ItilPer of tbeibest quality, all ofwhich will be sold low for cash or Clrall Parser! roam. On hand 13 barrels of Cider rinepr. ofetcellent quality to be iktchanged for rasa cr Cash. Bin done to order os short notice. Es ted shortly a large lut of Christina, Books Sad Annuals. ie. Voy. 41. OLIVER 13PAFFOR11.. _ _ B y request of some or the iieinners ot the uric County A i rnltural floe irtv. the sakieriber brought oa and oars sate the tohow ins int tele,. Emery t (WY. Hone Pourer and Threshing Mae htne • flob-soit flows. Corn Planters ann Seed Drills. • f r og Powell' for churning. driving yield Moues, e.. trothoollk cutter and emitters, clay and Straw Cutter*. P.oteri's improred romp:easing and the inborn eon idned, to teeth Garden Rakes, Hay For op/owed still Herb!' 1160111141. ae. 'lariat made arrangements fig Arentv of the *hove. to 'ether with an anieley in kerieilliti Machinery and Partin Mt Implinirots, I can faintish at Whofeyele or *elan, oa the maw terms as the manurat.turees. rind transportation. sad as sit 'Li twin; are 'warranted, tlw attr hotted farmers and ahem In so lir i.e11.• D. 8. CLARK. Etienne 11, lan. E r street. 2 doorainonh of rullerloo's• 11/AVE • prarral deseriptios, Val out, to cuumernte, - tbnn any one In, Nov. a IRE L 3 1 1 I 2 OCICS larygrou , ortmeot of fi Day mai 30 Hoot Gothic- Alnnut.Tudoi and other atvle of flocks. for altnoat nottnny. tot oveired at Erie. fere. 18 '3l-31 LOOMIS /a Oa's. -OtiCll ent to eLli. rtm of Wooden Ware. , ,Mnts of nil re NOtIOUP, all of which wollltl he too ledr ,it every thin In this line I will veil cheaper iv city. W, IP. RIM DEIN trltT, Corner of sth &view. fro "TRAPTPeirt.::-Tbe hitiarat rash arms a ill io ibr Sapping FURS, at Wiurrn'a Fur Store. So. 1, :Block. J. H. WAIRILPI. l. 1445 L-34 Ibis OURIMAZININ JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA. CREW= NER VOUS 'DEBILITY. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS. • ' LAO ALL DULA •111- VINO FROM A otNoo- DeaLD Li AN OR 5'77.1. 41 N. firen Al INWARD rit.k s. FcLLIvA , Ag Loo & Talk / 11 ‘AilO• Act &ITV ut Tor STOO WO. Ma rata. Orval , DINACNT rol row>. Yvt.i.maae on wiloiri IN 7 mit STONIACK, Ltoult Eau( TATRA". P 1111714 OR PI urrtailm AT Tat riT ow Tim or TUN MAD, flriale• AND /J/lInCLAT liera - rnpit.. Fr rtioNivo AT Ties MEANT, Ir/eDAN. IVO AVARATions RIIVYI IN • Luxe rostrais, Inicr• OP more, 1/..Ts DR Wras iniVAIA NHL SMUT, Yin AA AND PULL PAIN It TM MUD. DIIICINVeI OP PANAMA • 1104, YaLcoivorAs or Till ' SC% Axe tv Il 1 - 011 ems. !Sacs. CUM, LIMNS. 91100 RN eff MEAT, IDORNINO IN TON FLNAN. CONSTMIT !MAGIRIMY Dr EV= ♦ae GRANT LINPIWAINI or . Brim eau be elfictuaNy clued by • DR. HOOFLAND'S' CELEBRATED GERMAN' BITTERN. I. DR. C. M. JACKSON, - AT TOE GERMAN MEDICINE'STORE. • INN ' Arc* Stripe% Plabidolpiday Their parer weer the seems /UMW/ is mil exedieft—il by any sane pripsranisra h WI flailed Mates as ats cures sissy emote after thitalut physiessu Thee Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues to the rictiticatiou of d messes of the LiVtf and WWII ;lands, eime mg the most ...catching towers In weakness and of• fee tions of theihgestive they are witaal,aafir,cartala sud READ AND RE CONVINCED. From the "Roams Rae." The editor said. [lee. Wad— Dr. ilawfiesees Celebrate/ Germs. Boirrs for the rum of I.hrie Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Chronic or Neivous Debility.. is deservedly one of the most popular medicinesthe day,- These,. Hitters have been used by thousands. and a f riend at our elbow says he has himself received an effectual and permanent rum of LI k'ef Couiplai lit from the use of this remedy. We areceavilieed that. in the use of these Bitters, the pattenCeoutdautly Lipid mm4;ol and v worthy of great coosidrtion. They are pleasant in taste quid smell, and can be used b persona with the most delicate stomachs wish *seq. under altrl eimeseenoe":, We arc Focaktug from Laperteuee, and to the *Matted we advise - lbw use. **Scores W ," onto( the best !dietary, papers published. said. Aug. 43 .Iht. 'Worms WS Garin Davey. um nu faetured by Ur. Jae k - son, are now recommended by NOW of t h e halt protulucht thew bers of the faculty as an article of much efficacif in cases of female weakness. As such is the ease, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle. and thus save themselves much sickness. Per sons of debil Witted constitutions will end these tines Ovnntar oat so their health. as we know from eiperience the salutary ef fect they have upon wadi it)sieuis " MORE EVIDENCE. The ..Ph iladelplith Saturday Gazette." the Gest uevrvpa per to the United &Mei. The editor 'Oyu Of - DR. 1100FGA11D'S GERMAN IDTTEIAS "it is seldom that we recommend what ate revised "item Medi cines, to the confidence owl patronage of our readers; end there fore when we recommend tar lloolbrufr German Bitters we Wish it to be distinctly understood that ne are not speaking of (bettor arum% of the day. that are noised shout for a brief period and then forgotten after they have dorm their guilty raare of mischief. but:of a medicine bug established. universally priitedi and which has met the hearty approval of the faculty itself.' Evidence upon evidence has been received (like the fiwrgoing) from all section: , of she Union. the last three years. and the strong est temituony in its favor, is, that there Id more of it used in the melte! of tbc regular Physic fans of Philadelphia. than all other nostrums combined; a fact that can en-ily be entail lobed. a ittl;fill ly proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval when presented even in Mrs form. Thatibis medicine will cure Liver Complaint. and It, spekosia no one can doubt Mkt using it as directed. It acts rpecifithillt upon the rtoingeb and liver; it is preferable to calomel lu 614 161- issue 'Lwow -Ilkeffeet is immediate. They can be admiaistered I to fentales.arlntants : w.th safety and rylarible benefit at nny time BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS This medic ine has nun died that high character n hiek is like,. nary for alt met:mutes to attain to indocq counterfeiter:: 10 pit Oarth•eputioua artreletat the risk 01 the liven of thine who atie tu tnicently deceived. Look well to the asatrks of Gam's. Tey`have the written aaptature of C. DI. JACKSON upoh the wiapper,.and his some blown itithe bottle. sraient winch lily are aparivirs. For 'tile Wholetate and Retail atthe CSKiaIAiIF.DII7IIIIIII sToR No. ISt Arch street. one door below Sixth. and by respectable dealtragenetrally throughout the country.. P RIC E 8 REDUCE D, To coal:lead claw of invalida to etuoy the advantages of their great mu:native powers. Magi. Aloft]. 75 Cent.. • Alvo for tare by Caner* Brother, - Orticypvte. Erii% Pa.: Kamp von & Goff. McKean Corners. Pa,: and J. Canis, Wittenbah, Pa , . Jan. Y. 1:01.-31 4 Tremendous Smashing. and Crashing and airiar ing of Bauksl STAND FROM , UND''F.R!!i• B". your Ready MaileClotbing at J.lOOB thilhe l4ore in the Ree I House. who takes skin plasters and city touch alio( for Rag riurrenty ndoat, and sells salsa! c cap at that. tbey d o Pray. Any thing for a brisk it:int—the relent ra tan must he opened. and that at WIPP. Jacob Koch has takt ',arti cular pains to , ieleetCloihs, cause metes. Veetiriph Trim and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goofs. of all descriptions, of the vuo•t.itirnetive and swooned o.tleo--goods that cannot toil .. nilsire lodullOrati..n fr•lide me,, M wound itolgineol, Warm', lOC In, of coasting uponriwgs—tmyw ill speak foe theu..44% es Otly rail an ler and feel tionk. and )ou shalt Le convinced beton a ea , il,4ltst no Roods can be found in this or any tether e sty o , town MAI the no dimes upon, that t6itl eoitingisd then ves b y astes•nd pockets with such irresistable influent as win.. Calf and ire. PIN you will believe. JA('( II KO( R. Eric. Oct. .—.41 Ro. 7, Reed F,otise . . -- WM riteIMMI 1 Or PI. Nr• Dt Yerk Cmfisctum ef , Serrrd Muir. 1 ' CONSTITI *TI NG • large aud choice variety Of new I7'unes. Chants. Anthems. Mowing, etc.. from the best Forelirn Ad American composers. with an the old times in common use. to gether with a imaciseeleinentury course.shoplitied and adapted to the copse dies of beginners. * The whole comprising t to most complete collection of sacred musk tier published, for salt at the Bookstore of . - 1 U. etI'AFFUR It. Erie. Nos 311„ ISSa,nll pl. is I.VERISE COR N rerd RC/I—e d mn em o n ics pm ty. full directions for making Putid.ap.'{Custatile.ke.. ft r sa Fri.-. January 1 ,,, . 11. a$ 1 JOHN Stet AN Keystone Paper 1113/Is, ERIE. PA. ' • rEsszzzle & spzaast- R.61.1111J MARVIN dintosed bat Ate tin .1 , I above e.tablishittent, and in the twitteeta`. Morel t & I kin v.. to ennottel :settlen i ill^ bt.inro• a illihereasav bee inett ttle I , lltweriber..imder the n %Me of rerkint & win -in , all account- ,- f the late flint. rig 1., rtt xl me. WOOL WANVIED. • At ffaraarcreel slwtws. soldh of the Wahl Rani".l rr piropririrtfo, havlng , eottAiderable ituptO% ement in 1. their tratchiceery and water-works. are now enabled to run their lracoory all *broom!, the smunocriand having a oh:talky of tioths.Caseimercs.Flannelso.Slosnoliter Tweeds. 81111,1'1N Blankets and Sheetanhoo &dinette OrdinWrilt Ciakm and rittailtfes. to ex- Manor for Wool, at It lbs. of wool pet yard of cloth Drool as the wool wilt make. We incite al. *or old custom ors, RIM as many new ores as can make it convenient. to give ae a ear We continue loran dye and dress domestic elolh, and'inanot•- lure Wool at our Irma! rates. Also. COIN ins dolmas snort nc and in-the hest 10111111/Cf. Water rroorelloth Har over eons, own manufacture, kept on hand to eachanee the Wo ol litHODed, C lk. Flarborerrek, May 3f 'Tun JIM'S i tAllar: In Erie's lair City at the Stare of the irer. Is kept everythise cheap. Prett y cad Pew; To he copy i need what we say is really true Give us a call, then you'll never .ay no. ..• Silks, figured, plain and Satin decision's,. Altuiceas, Merinos and Minim de Labia. Mulls, Cambric. and splendidly esihrbidered robes, Wrought in figures the most besutibil, various in Ilk Lace Capes, E iidersleevce, Belts, Cotters and Cuffs, Together with a large assortment of fancy stuffs, A large and splendid lot of Day State Shawls— Ladies we're happy to receive all or your calls . We have Dress Goods of ail eolon. - bi,ne , -- As pretty and cheap as can he bad I , An assortment of ropily,. plaits, ebr Far prettier and cheaper than any be bad. . . We bave a One lot of 'Dottier, and groves—y_. We have Lawns and Laces, both dotted/and plait. Wkh Insminip and ithigino, Cambric , "Eotion and L. Which cannot be excelled in beaut A - patterns. thaws. We would also notice our impo ion of Wine. II P The pure ike of the grape ,it on-the sunny 'Aoki o l i Free from all drugs and poiso dyes— None eau its excellence kit until it he tries. 1 We would advise our free of its excellence to partke. Mu Not merely its a hewer. , hilt for the "stomach's ke," For which sake it is and certainty can do you poising , . In Its purity 1.011,1 its chief and grealeharia.. I ~ To make quick pra.E4 Par small profit!. we certainty a willing. Unlike our se idiots we wait tiottivr big profits d the slow shitlinw The minbleirfxpenee principle is ours—by it we di e By it ourgoods we sell and let than alide. - Now 1 f not want this - community io be taken by x irprise. Or t think I nth trying to pull wool over their ey 1 Or',l I I am at all unriined to be fanny, , • saying I sell goods wry cheap Of the money. j Erie. Dept. en. IP3I. s4 EOM AVI:M E:SH ATAMA-111e place to puirhose D o Bls at N 0.3 ebeapndc. ' CEO. VELD! Erie, Ort.-4.1831. mat variely at LOOM & C embraei ea Laddsad Gents etialita. Smart Pin". ringer Rugs. Nattily aad Pena. Lathe.' cuir Piss, Bracelet... aud other deniable ankles, all warranted as represented. Call in—no charge for showing. 7 Jane .0. - QtlfilETlNGii and shir ts art, bleaC bed ;innbranli, Mitt, i'lei -Ip, Marine Snipe,. ninfifer mgrs. town puma, carpet warp and ncking. all of which at in be *obi cheap as the cheap en, by IN AIiBCCIKLIS Ir, KEPLER . Oysters: °years!! Oysteslll 'FIRE mtborritet will have florins the winter. a constant supply of Presto Ba/hanorr t tyltere. ft., sale by the 3an. renwns ha want will plerwe wee haw stall. D. tr. CLA RK. t:rie. Nov. It —2O No. t NOnnell Block .ISTILES.--i.."040f e 4 Castile., a beeutttul awonmen t by P Erie. Nov 1. CARTIRN h BairrtiEß. V'll V Pre,.ly F OR foliele - unton of ert a M bl qins. Itt iS t i rtasts Jenknnei or mercury in any brut or any deleterious inaredirnts phase-ai er, sea meat awe autontive to 'be eye. pieasant to the taste, any wore in &belt operation. Children eat them with arearar•idlty. Foe bate by J. LI . BURTON & Erie. *fur I Pio. S. geed Howe. M°LASSES, now wiling al .I.VI shallow pPi ' , Won Erie Nov. Pei IP resit Or,oe•ri•s. Virasae now Thineinint am rid; and WUler stank or Crate rk.. coneindiatof Loaf. Loop Puivelined and Ntveava da Mow Gin Wine. nod brandy, Creel'. inset 1,0 liupe tint Teal TayiroCiurllies. Oil. repel' Li ve. Sow G affi ng . and oo4tlsin, Wiarkerel, Whiteenit , and é. dasaat 1110), and at. Domingo Coffee, Cinnamon, Matards. Clove% Solleibilk with all .o, tt , Orfautily gmeerie. !pun Ur kepi 1,1 a Graerry nine[. which c a.li ~ell;, t. e'se , e n. the eltcape,t int read) pay. . Illnt d . 01 vraltsee taken in esehange for G(0 0 11 ri,o..N I. 1..31.- EITM frllr. nit r ipieM 1...rA li LIO Or TO TICE and duent ==l cbaracterl. rr PM' /*prowl gr Magee or C' able live urea it th and toes h._„ _ - - pectoration, copiers and hriody.2.l .o.t^ appearance. .eild at length disappears, Ins btu returns; the flush in his Check this ...rmeig heat in the pattus of bin baud., aud cough now ceases; Hs reargers sad 11 Yeti, IF. llrl r s IN'T.ITEIIITIRD ST G and uses the third; bottle. h.- !)..•.cc,4. gr y rra•cy, his. weak bowels become strong. • eon ft•eliie dun ^n became. .trot and vicurplin.bhistousacii recovers its toper tone, d ermil r s sprearlt feturga, hid wasted bully la taxied 11 sat aleph. 1114 LIFE 11 . S.if'iii [44iila tie IN •RES-TORED TO HEA' ' I.TI-1 Each bottle 0 14:tparto gynaerna ha. Lae sysiptortui of the stage for which it fa Wttenged proarii every oseatull k •ing Ithi own ayinpsousa. can judge trizir hisarelf rlVVillell BOTTLE HE EEtill s he can occur in;Peleetitig rfTIIIE PROPER BilEilleritt...r.j o.Plee PanipMet in pcmgovion all* Editor of thus Paper, containing 10, NuttalPis Path(/' Ettruepirel nod um, of the Human Lung+, and certincates of CURES Lrprepared t Proprietor. 1-rPrscei. II per Bottle. , - - , DR. WM. LLN'DO P, I'ls, Ciurtul Streetl,oppoailelfre Male Howse, Philp I Removed Alm 26 Sychtit Fifth Sired.' ____ i _ _— .4NII.:VAL or zoiestrilit. - 7! cnketam 4 Cooli assortment of Di mite, arrival or this patriot tut aw country is likely to be atten- , .6. ',led with great enthusiasm and soy fill grectimp on the • part ft nig blue, while and mull n est b o( the A inerican rorovle, and why not ' his bas been a life devoted ware, for sale at the Io to tits country. to the moue of liberty —to the elevat Mu of Ins , ------ __ _ _ _ countrymen—thrrefore he cannot but lie dear to the Ameriean • it 11 - Peonle, alive to tat that tends to elevate. to improve nod to letter. Fr BE r IrEttill:RG HI STO But the arrival df Knaputh cannot be hailed a ith greater Joy than 1 ty fig h t ... nip, k . to t h e Ir can the :writ al In this telly of Singer's Patent, straight sic/ult. .h,or north of C. M. Tititials. , perpendicular coon dewing Machine. This machine i.i des- to keep a full asaorteuent of ti tuned to weak ndraClei and canes a great re‘0111(108 in the (loin for 411 e, at Wholesale and Ret lug business. This machine is Os most ininortant and useful in- Erie, ma rc h 13, tssi. vention of the gge. it hat been used a sulk sent length of time ct.0rx. , ,, ,. itr pee . the ... l eY IR to be thoroughly tested upon a great variety of work. and in all and es, some v erye styllie muses is fully approved. It exceutes in the most perfeet an , d sat- i,, 5.0. isfactory wanner, tlltt anti, of the a follogring oecupations. viz.— " Ta glory, Mot. eiline and gaiter manure entrees. became and 'addl. vAT JEICI.N6 , .5 Tit.' A S.— matzem, AM makers, rorset makers, Carriage t rinonetrio. ea ri ma- i •"" 2 fay S. • • e kers and hat binders, dress maker,, stockinet manbfacturers, ---,,-- St rAIIN $ li t 1. 4. 1 1r; - skive makers, Costumers. carpet bag manufacturers, truer makers , . whip makers and upholsters And may also be. most profitably , 4.r.,- m ( liatlJoes. Ninthly, Pi used in makthe sails and awninvi. beds and inatrnsses. horse at E , collar., oiled riolhnip`hacking buttOine, and mai awlebati- blu'l• g - WARILIit'S 'COOLS and ing. and indeed fop any other purpose where stitehiug by hand , a ~,, has been revitied. Tit:. machine, winch is about twr Ire inches' i ILT 11.1.4)15 . 15..14.;0.,,,,5 ZOf square, and weighs 4.) pounds. is compact, ornamental in form. .., Junl2l. durable it, albits patio. ;imitable to get out of order, 6101 n. car, ly'ailjurfedsnd operated., 1 u ill nerthrtn the Libor Pf from Ate i-sflurßseo, every de.crip,i to ten persfansi depending on tlk kited of svoth.and Ail ..i the op- t....„ June Yl l orator. The hest k did of l'ailim's custom work can L., executed- w i th w i n um lest nianiwr. Wild 111 making cane. and most Older 9 00 000 11: - " Pie lintel's to %twit it 1.4 adapted. its work is tar impel iot to that cs.' ( 6 I __. dmie by (rand; The Machine a ill le etdodantly On Exhibition 50() p,. Ib+ Ilan) ealt mut thr crile aq,:o.th.Coininereial Elehatilte. French Atert.o here all persona interested are invited total!. and tiny be formed or - t receiving ata.iiitatifevidenceand petkeeocular demonstration of! CARTER the great utility an.! %aloe of this invention. Thosea islithe No: 6,: to purchase clothing, are hereby notified that I can sell them IAyE on Mind a very ex cheaper clothing. made in the snout durable manner, raid ls nth g g 1 wines, so that they are !tares all ouch stitching on as that WalitibeilirPitatt by Bard clans of whaler, fireboat. or A r ent, Which, in the ordinary way it would take a arnica:an I.rle, and. j.i,cli quality, a. 1 all t iny. 'actor It, ran. ht the help of the machine, be stitched in calculate their aeons a Alt half an hour; and done in a mairrier far superior to that aoric by art ouch as cannot fail to sit hand. Therefore, by the aid of this machine am eliabled to— make better Work, Mid at the same time cheaper work than tholei Enitraml alto inanut . 3(ture 'cluthing in the ordinary way. To heron- TilEsidiscriberis 1., vinceil. give us neatt. whcnthe tuost akeptical can be eured of his line. Drawing ant skeptictsm. and the unbeliever's tkdaMs east to the four winds. Illutels.Sieren Factorier.a and all rent dit their way rejoicing thatchabing Calk be suannfac- ; Card., Show Rills, Itc..Bce: Lured no cheap, sit durable and so beautiful, an can tie done by (y e d er „ a i ten d e d to within Singer'', Patent Sewing Machine. MOSES. KA PCB. _Fredosia. July r, mis. • No.l, COntittelit tat Riehanr, Iroise' Street. 13 - oNNETl2l,ltibbons, Arl Erie, Nor.ltill. /5.11.--tea i _..— .1 Pr !1W AND 171131Xi17L-• _ _ ....__ . . nrvANNER'S DEICIII Plant nit will and Lumber lard. , A railroad and for salel i On Eleventh St. East se Preset. Fri*. I I Ita...avull's INDIAN Cl IN ARTER ,t & ratoT iir.& having purchased one of WOO T) 1 A.-7 Intermlttant and Ran V WoRTII's 11) 1 1 ROVED IAI'ENT PLANING, TONGUE of Milieus diseases. Mt; and tilii tV IN 4 i )IAL:II IN lI'S. as Well as the etrissit, ctn. kt Erie. Aug. 2. fill for um rag the saute pi this coulay, are now prepared to ilressl , i-i. c iA mrHEN I: 1,,, k M VS... lAlef lit ;HIV of the abuse forms for all who mat ~.e s. iii t o f a , ur it ,, , o , , ~,e, just rc,,e,ved by a nil a call. ; The far ility with which they.can dress littither .• 11, We. tr,,,, lei nut the price so low, winos aro, the superior ell 01 3111111121 CAN the worlotia.li... tilli•niltnnf inducements to llotwe rarP , oterr r , IV A R R ANT• 9 fn r ' 4) a l and all rubl es . w lio may be 111 want of dressed handier to give good in every respect them at lea t a tall and einmine into On: tauter niem•clx es. , - Lrie, June 14. Flooring dresseikly tilts Niue hive is fully eunal In that tires.ed , „,, ~,.,,„„ by liand.l , lh in tilliiiiioOllttleso of the surface, and closesrss oftlie s•- - -, ; - : , 7 ,. ~... . 0,...., . 0 ~. it has the ailv anta_e attiring of wok ruethicknese ''"" w ' '' t. '" and width du. enure length of the hoard. requiring no n0a., ) ,,, Jr • Kl;e• Sept. 6. leveling tot bring, the surface even, hence a carpenter %inlay ,' double the nonit.er of Frei:ars in a ila) elre..ed in ilti• mar hone 1 that he rail of that dressed by hand. The marthrue is an construct ftd that they can dress I matter auy a ball upto 22 i ocher, and any thickness up tag niches. They abto haVe el RCI'LAR SAWS in operation in Connection i. ',' , alcove, with which they can rip,liiinher to any , width or THE 1,.. :•, - .testraf. Also• a very imperiol TERN INC: LAl'll F., en -, „ -,.t in todo any kind ofturning required by, House Car- go , , I. ' iaiiiet 31akers,Strain Bonts,ele. rrIIIE i c 7' t%. Y Mao preparing to. rind attend keeping 00h7,. ii eon- L lii ' lb innial, n ..psily of imitiber, especlally Whi a,, ood liclorii c and , , '."'h , t 'Y • , ling a Clear fins . CAM TI.R a, DR oTtIER, c% ' • Erie. Litch '1.2.1-.11. _ ' . ANli i: or"riblE., . NEW rtil AND mans 8A.72.110AD shall' RouTe TO NEW YORK a.. - i led Agigirgab , CITY. 0-74 DifkKIRK ... P e t - and the Bile BedrOad. connecting with first cliss air De "el by Lake Etta. the glchig in, Cleveland, Volomtmil and C n Mlle t'leveland and Plit.blirgh unit Sandusky and CI ii IS. made. and .itealnerii on the 0 Soo and Mt iiipi r" V y• Ohio.lU4irtn3 and Pennst Ivunia canals. ' Tanll,l IVA% F D1 , 41(11lIC as rola . vs• I st.l Morning Express Train al 6 A. ,t Id 131nri4iig Nla i I Train at le A. AI. ad:Accommodation (*) chino) at 1 1 / 3 0 I', M. 40 . 11, Kven ingf.xpress Train at 6 P. Al. E=C!li our I of ME 2333 13 ESI hi . ; as km as three A. 4J. WALTERS DR. KINBELIN. Nora Ifitsl Cormier of Third swii rat . ••• e belt/fern Sprats ala•Nne Streets, P' FIFTEEN TEARS of extensit rupted practice twin in this city. have mute , .101 eXpert sod successful prectitioner far and •,'. , mfor all disea- , ors of a pit% ate nature. l'ers‘uts. i. , „ rs on thebody, throat. or legs. pains In the held or bones. no rc weal rhea/nation strictures, arrive , . disease arising irom youthiul riCegatOT ham,- ritiesoPthe blood. %thereby the constitutum has become enfeebled , are all treated with success. ' He who places himself under the rare of Dr. K. may confide in his honor as a gentleman. pndcouthleutly rely upon his skill as a physician. . . TAiii PARTICVIAIR NOTICE.YOUnig Men who have, injured themselves by a certain practice Odulgeil in-a habit frequently learn f rom evil companions or at school-the effects of which are ni ghtly frit, even when asleep. and destroy both mind and I body. shouid'apply immediately. Weakness and cons tttttt ional debility, bra or muscular energy. physical laisitude and general • prostration. irritability and all nervous affections. indigestion. 'la c Atillii, sloggishnevi of the ther. and every disease in an!, way connect- ts ed w GB the procreative fit netiOnr e ured. and Minicar restored. mentor *II i nej READ 1 YOUTH AND MANHOOD. ID redid at the I die following: A UWOkOUS LIFE OR PREMATURE DEATH.; RIBBONS--1 IfINKELIN ON SELF-PI:ESERrATION. , and velvet /Mons. in , ON!.)' 25 CENTS, MATINS—AiI roin t r blilloolc Plot published is filled with useful Information. en 1 1611 • K141-44 e"tr ..! the angina ii ies and disc:vies of the gent ra a ive °ran ie.. It address- ve t3t2r ki;ktAit.-rs ea avowal the to Emile, Ilerriood. sad Old Ace. ands' - mid lie rend ' Yellows' 1 1 ,,,,,. 1 . . t by alt.. The vatualde advice and impressive warning it gives. ...„,,, L ,..;_ „ lit. will pievent 3enrs of niiisery and suffering. and sate annually ; i- c iwa7- 41 . 1 .,.., Thousand. of Lives. Parente. by reading it, iAill learn how to i ''' prevent the desterlei tun of their ch difteu. 1 EMBROIDEIIVI •.• A remittance of 24 vents, enclosed in a letter, addressed to d erP let""*. °KM''e itlnst and insenio Dr. KINK I:LIN. N. W. Corner of Third and Union Streets. be s i ed ul tweeti Renter. and Pine. Philadelphia, will clime a book, under I , fing ni g i t„, l ,,, , , v , T,„ . ; easel*. per frill rn mail. . DOPIERV.-.Ati Persons at a distance May address Dr. K. by letter. enclosing t DR ' TRIMMI a fee.mud be cured at home. rat*aires of 3lelsciaes, Ihrerriass. 4-c.f./warded, by *ending i lett i lL it .... ‘s tmn :,! A t e i ...4 .l a retain:time, and put up secure from Dismaes Sr aisimils. ' BON NI FTS-Ittra Bolt., etters, News Ascots. Pedlars. enrlVrielieril. and all others „,,,,,._„1 -„ ~ ~ , unn I led xi tilt the above work at very _low rates. 11)10 `"••••ml , on °Pm.' . _. _ —_-- _ . shorten notice.' ; , • li , Ii- LAND AO3IIIOY , lloak Tr i turn inesi ready made CI oak.. Vri%V_ T. , ,,;,,,5, rioltE subscriber AEU as a General tumuli Agent II nlll.and !broker ' in". &v.. Vanes. Basket S. Combs. Crotelier.:%7: Ei,.,,, . 1 . for panda in 1 ;"e county. Pa. firs eral arms, of fiu to 30 Tidy Cotton Taper,filookii %nil Errs. Pro "t ri ..,„ 0 , saves, waisted. by amid porch:n/or, if ottered cheap. many other articles{ too numerous , to ii.sutid • •'" Erie, Feb. IP. leill.-14, wthsoN KING . Goods and Bonnets aptly attended to - t Sept - 'A. I , . QIIELP If ARDWARE,A good assoriment Just reecti nitit l ........_ ' lillff% %. L, NO. S. Ferry Block, by lb A RBECBI.I.I Ir. KEPLE . ' r Elle ti ut-F.,. murk S.-. 1 ebulce ltd. at rt , [need er " tn ., k i Eric. Oct, --, - - - - - WANTED -All kinds of Grain. Butter rind Cheese, Purk.elo- ~..- -, i,.;.,,, f r iri -- , - -,-- ----- - 77 - 7 vet. Timothy and Flaa med.* , fit which the lai•beirt mars I '''''''' ' ""' ket price will be ;mid by .101124 U. WERE. flint and all / Kriel ,tiep.lo.vit3t. i or int, nt the ; t a ra iiri o ri ttit, uir c . irtcic . of lifi74 : 1 ; s 11. 1 1 1_ 00, : i '.; ,l ' : Sault I WiIIIES J- - 111 - 04 - is - , - Ha Ir. nat. Slow. ! , riltaacil Merinos, Cashweres, Tbibet utot a hv i „ . ( % li t r , le K a w ns m c . l s iath . 1 , ..-- i .r at si g e f . R oc rtzlie ta n . Mr 1 le cheap as the c h e ant i.. l it ii ts.mlit_ ~, VALUABLE WATER POWER AND kind , of Lin ors on hand and Mtn sett th , ...4,irc F• 1ND t, n,'„,,`,..• SKILL PON PALM. I ces. Call and see d A VA LUABLE, Writer Pow er and Raw MitLal the Korth slope , Tiow.e. I _--- - • ---ii - SAcif - 1 1 nr i l 0 TAVERN IRKPERB.-I hale a fall SOClfirpr .. 2 ::c,, LA 011ie rhanitnii,in (stair ford eotimy.on the Erie Extension Ca- I nal.latrtnotinded by the itlnett timber in die connty, and a good Sus 1 ;AB astortmeni Beca llint iitl a. ii nd oo ' ll 'i nd S O WC : " t ee;".ltriclull: Z;S : lo; ! '"L' brc; ration : or a Grist Mill y will he told at a great barytnii. LUM- i mis and , Booc . ( "Ropy. tu ff pine . r.. ~,,,.. BEI MCA% iki. WINANS will be taken in payment. ay.& .41,, liil I . . - . eLassisets. card ea**. Lockets, ''' .__ --- c i I -^ , Starch :1 - 111aicl — k : I I M a lt. LOWRY .. ) Macs. oilier c u ps. ruit kniver..c e ntl a d i ren's kniT irr e oc a". k ryi P, irixTßArrs - .:- From, AL 31erl ;11 , r‘! m ei r_ ..1 . . t. ... T I. SMYTH & VI VS Corn rind 1 1 heat Stareh nn hand in , jr, v ‘ ,„ 0 1 2 , r or i, le.i,„, gt ,T.si I' Ell It " sil • laree coal:Wit , . ior .ale at :New li ork n Indeyale cosh prices . p-- ' .1,1111. Y HIM. 4 oilers front I 'clt 1r y Nlcrethints iinniiiilY lutist. }site, Jul! , 7a, C. M. Tipp Al.s, Clientoide ' Erie, Jan :1j G received NLiittiEtt L. ip the pick Erie. Serir I. oprietot / Empire c, of JEW before impon e now read) (of tound a lame ass( and rob Chains. lion. Breast pins Gold. Silver, and Neel fob and gnat - wredts with the ni Ayers on , cry weft 1 ,,,,,b f r . • nei mint i. ;, fl iciey'enenger 1 tna ti !, 4 ":,„ 1- nus of the New ivers.auo b. , : wholesale orretan and other t tmePi , i MCIIICAL. INsTal [llOll4 pilafs, vf ageoleta, fifes, net.. , gefondols. cairn globe , . ', silver table Nod leaspoo CrTLERY.—A very fln Ailed ms,kets. Razors cud silver, and cermaN sit a IIItITTAVNIA WAIN.. Train f NIICELLANIDOrII.—Ch Tn"" snuffers and trays. rice ' d 0.,, steel pens, card ea boards, dominoes, e and. Nifty. tea-servers, All of whieh will be the hours off A - . M. a , 'ly •vill be taken from 't I''';'' ' articles home with t -'• tix Said Palace is - , said Know Iton. one d Erie. Sept. 4.-13 'might t Rood 1 of her A'LA 11G E assort' • sugars of various s E! , Perry /oet by 'FfIHE aubierilers rir .I. of Fan and Wime Hardware. Crockery. Maid* every variety . Vesnagra, Svc. They erallyliatendatir to mine , ibeir *toe k hero 6dest prices and opal Erie, nci. 23.-24 rp - i - ,*(kkir oft.. J*l Ibr sale by t Eriel Oct. 23, IE3I. QII.VER GOODS. la Forks. Butter fin warranted of the tin June 2Q. tot cre reffillte. let131•.011 oar Feb. ,al4, thei.i his Pl• Ip °.l gil rjar. h . aw ,c 1 n n, tydre fell no _ngtr. Lr I - ant Wher had wynantants,fiaap neur,,neh, and nourtattingbinnd to frowt of the wrapper. wberrty IRE, L 1 cQnlequratly io rm. of Copsompt,on, tretures oa Ibe ly by 1)r. Nuitall, latento and ilient for the Proprietor. ly3l - GLASS W AS, ug awl Tra,Peis. light blue. Ran ry; also; a good I arwtt of Ciar. H . P. by C. M. TIRBAI.S WV-AU. E has been remeltrvi frout_No me huilduog on French grf 'berg the Pubsetilmf gill .6111, age, etiesand n 011.41. On Wpd abd • It, nt a small advance at,(Ar J. WITANN xor angle one, a lar;r DU to u pre price, a• !car a,. 81 #l,l G. bi if.KA ar.eotlßP PI for , LIU )311S k. T.: 4 —A !aria. a•o•orrtotni of Cu or. ke forinj,ri," VW, (?II fur •Me 11,1. LI.F.BTON c• ly vattLi) kyr .atel:i (TA ink lOU kitsalc ty U. P. eLA cuk,leti cap", tor ty VI, T. vT ERR 1:71 lc SUSS pa - le l br, t.STF.RRETT 4 FO.Vg AIL ARO TII4R, • Souse. av•ts•ez”ei•mentiglhrielmrlltro enabled to fill the order. nl rht., no ICII , OI, Vi It, 1.% CM' In th, • •t• ehui.le the m1491)7(111 reax+011:11.1," rorta 3 , belf lerao I 111 reaqenab!eiv.r-on.. • . on Wood. repared 1,3 rcerilir nil order. k,. ETl4ravin¢ Lander:l'4.v, bintr) , Sucirties' $42,11.. 140.)b. drigy,eitarge*nto,Teratr. N. S. rra-nr :10e1.114,&e., at PELDEX & Fl Y OISITNIENT..--Jti:irree;;T y J. 111111 . tit•N k 11". ILAGet`GE—For hvirrand Ittant'Feters, and the varrott, feria, H. Et•RTON M==2 A rit* at t•ttpc rto ani aoF $1 J 11. CRTuN tt o. • MID WMI M 4.14 arr.- ear? uar,perrdivi q tr for aa'e auto ru nt:ectl , er of M Ott, a. (74. =1 fil'itTi.N & 11 —A lot of ithto tr t t TER R. EVITHI R lent and ustnil ar,t ft by ' IRCRTO3 &11. NOW OPEN I II! ilaa ;Ind rettri. , ! fc • !eapr"t aid be.i INCY GOODI f Ilunrk. :01 of Soo No I •• r Wairirr,GrA ' :,na.uf terry el , wir 'unpin/ aid braee 4 e .zuld pear d. and Pt. Placing made armor to furnah a mippreo be able to furnish tam men! west 14 Atom , ad Also, ea %aid, IgGbaires.trarillorli fake, arteloirox..` elarmnro.f.'. c ituipbenrialoPr. 0 4 bfinneys and wicks, *liver and Geru,:• .'agar and salt KOOry. butter kr. , - article of Penkn Pre* of t raAr *trope, se hoofs an,l*Aears, (*.k. r aad steel apeelaelles. • ea W. , , castor., and ean.± . l,or a c ases, Panty Rolm. Plated and flr• tsar. and purer clasps, hair comb+. , vOialng cards and envelop,. sa. • tarp, VI 41Ieta and rocket hoot,. U" C. In ,' . • to to% voilem at ally time Deis , ' • II . M., free gnats, and a matt Of • tom who may o IA to tale some* 0 r ascii on the ground formerly occupier. I I r *tit of the Need Roan. Groeszies. nt itisi arriving. consisting of rare. in!, ir in molasses, syrup, eie . me., at So - '• 3 ARBUCKLE /r. I: rru:s Fs, 11100111 L uoilv:reer ari,p 'Ain large and splendid two Goads. consisting or Dry (hods, f. men' 7.' ill• te. In this stork :nal 1 , tt.t. rLa lei nil" Codds; Cloths. rao,lre"‘ rivite their old customers and neront t' rehase goods in their line to eill am!" e purchasing elsewhere, as they ATI r; * ! Uri It ill give entire sat istact ins /AMES rtucttfe h. C' / im. andGa llot gallon.s o( pee Tanner.' 011 trr , ' b L. B. CI Alb loin and Threaded Table am! Tea ' %-es; ete. of our own mannfat oar, !.; of Dollars, Engraved in e"ed • 7 G. 1,0,01141 0 • •nhduf. N. SANFOEIw I Eenu'aßir,AP,r-_ • ow openirs a law an ' y (Pods, which will he told a., •-•'''' • est prkes. Her stork eadda:g• eli tett plaid. newest style. pearl, o PhOTteTerr stele that can be caae‘i 10 a and lames. . ription, for tnaking plucks /4014 u. blue, green, IrC3fif ( es, Tabs. arches. Late, Lnee Vcily. • oil:wry.* very Warr. 3.vonnlral.n a' kWY. handkerchiefs, etubroo!erewl . . intlenten'lt whim. lari•rs II lute J AI ra .11f and *bort. great %ar , t t}. °lore. beat quality. 'GS.—Ncite4 Fnu, . BultOt,•. every , • Bilk. Patin at,tl Vet% rt. Gf etraw Hamlett c1e.40c!au.1..;•,,1 aa !o , a . QI 14,31. lIME