Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, February 14, 1852, Image 3

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    Fie HI TIM CHICKASAW Ninon. The Fort
smith Herald gives an account of an encounter with
four Seminole-Indians, returning from Texas with
whiskey, to be sold in the Creek aation, and a party
of the Chickasaw Lightliorte, cidered out to stop
the tra ffi c by Col. Harper, fhb Chickasaw agent.--
During the conflict, Cbin-chi-keg, captain of. the
Light Horse, killed three of his onponents with his
knife, after whiCh be was himself shot through the
bead by a Seminole who is yet at large, but a C.rin
al demand has been mad, far him.
A FATA L Sfearriso.—A correspondent of the Gen
ius of Liberty writes that a fatal accident occurred .
at Big*Tunnel, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
The hands working from each end of the tunnel were
;bout meeting, but those from the west imd had ad
vanced-farther than Wad anticipated, and in setting
f,ira blast opened the communication resulting in
the most fetal consequences to the workmen jai the
east end. Out of eleven men, one named Richard
Carter was killod, and eight ottxrs dreadfully, some
mortally wounded. The distance betvfeen them was
hut eight (qt.
Dalrortc tspiiiNana.—The Newark &leonine
makes the following rititerneat l'he Arctic
. r,7ought, some corresptuulence from our Minister at
'curio, which had been inspected to ace if it was
bard for it to pees through Pares . Letters were
covered and dddressed to the Unit&lStates Despatch
office ih London, as is usually dune by our Minis
ters abroad, and the 'seals C 31112 dli broken. Our
minister there, Mr. Lawrence, being made seqtrain
ted with the fact, immediately caused tale cover to
be transmitted to the Sta te Department at Washing
ton, and• the intelligence of the transaction, to the
minister at Turin. The lettere with their covers
torn otr, were also re-enveloped it our Leglatiun
in Great Britain and sent to their destinations in
this country.'?
Perhaps our G ivernment will see fit to asibmit to
his piece of impertinence on the part of -Louis Nit
piton, rerliaps Jipt
(b" 110011.AND'S GERMAN BITTERS. --We would cart
dieetiention of our ;riders to the advertisement of Dr.
Hartland's celebrated German Qitters, prepared by Dr.
CM. Jackson. No. 120 Arch Street Philadelphia. l r n
Cates of I...vercompl sins. Dyspepsia. Disease of the Kid
neys, and all diseases arising from a disordered stomach
:heir power is not excelled. if equalled. by any °tbs.
Lerma - preparation; as the cures sheit, in nmuy cases,
after tile most celebrated physicians bad failed. We can
etinseientiously recommend this medicine, as being what
I, represenied, and urge our seeders who are sintered
ro iirecures bottle, and they will be couvinced of the
truth we assert.
Go the Si nisi. by Rev: John Thompson, Mr. DANICL
FRAILIt, to Miss EINE11.1:41. CLARE. all of Elkcreek.
.0c the 12M inst., Ly the Rev. M. Kuchler, Mr. Win.
ll . olio, of I..tocapter county. nod Mots ADMIX/. Ent, of Fdirview E,ie count~.
' On the 19:11 utet..• iu Le Barad; of influreatiou of the
hags bud crutlpo Maat.atttT LOUISE. youliriq datlitiler
of Perry G. and f.trulee M. Stranshan, aged 2 years and
4 *Soothe.
In vs:mew townshy, on the 2181 oh., Juice Le(ra, ill
7tlth year of h.e age.
.%t its rmtphmee m Washington township, on the 10th
Pno.t.teNratt, ftgei about 73 )eats.
. Un the :1• ult., A:1 Kt K. 111411, &Zed 29 reign; and 8
ou th. sth irtlt.. is Glr4lll township, Mri. Affirms
eousort of Mr. Pater Wright. acid daughter of
Ur. David Sterrett. of :11:Ketto, aged 33 years.
In this city, on the 3d inst., Mr. Fast)Einar Sar i
aged 33 years.
S P C .1 L
t reear.:l it a olr a I,e,‘ orriffitation of NlNilleie at the
Lawire4%tore4,m, •toek 1.1 tklude. al reaii forty thou
i,a)11.1f% Otirrell t, the pliblje at earl for cash
hard 110,4 of tti;• rents S. err purchased last 'carat the height
;:r more. pane. at /ea,t ten per tem lower than they are hew
,arket. curh baeraine were never before offered in Eric and
wAlmu tr ;igni.ll Very soon. Feb. 14, '31,-40 H. cAnvirELL.
1,. ntofore rept:ted the skill and exertions of Ike
vie of nut rountnes. to a degree beyond
• • of o'," Sr.. other malady 10 which the human fatuity' is
b. , h h recri, ea the approbation andlihetal patron.
4..." n,,111% !awn 'Debt members of the Medical Faculty ip
- i"t . ming to abide the truth. and having due re
.v for the ..11fare Of Incif patens, and is in ecers way war
, of We afflicted as A SITCCFMSPtI.. GAPE.
t: tP R tf EDI'. Of this. additional proof will be blind
"' 9 " i•libblib•t. tow inch the attention of Ladies and Traction
" p•• fully inyited.
1 1,.....ifeine has never been introduced by empty puffs and
Th,'""litry . iiiationi, nor is it intended that its present papal ty
•alq t,. ..t.tu,soi by any 6w.dfinif lout irf wersq and the a
' , nab of Ow putA re. The tAIIitILICON is not a ..eure al
unto diq i tpreuly for those coraplatats incidental to there-,"latite female , whether warned or sin stews
' fd.Ony Of the IVonifJ: Ti.vott A tars. or Whites:OM:Mc
.11td. Al 11 - Ln.itATION 01111 C WOWS; lINCIOENTAL ingoaltsb
or Flooding; YAINPeL, SCTPININDED AND fitasucum facarrav-
T A" • w ith atl their aceoutparning evils. (Comm Malt.
rl i‘ , s Miner how peVere, or bow long standing:
Pawph lets ran be had gratis at our Store.
CARTR.R & Stltt)Tileit. Este. Druggivis.
Wholesale said Retail Ageutsi
r•ritlal Depot. a* Broadway, New York- gmall
C ktithP Groceries Ana ruro Wines'aid
•NE) i./JoR PEOPLES Ro f r. sure
T HE ititorilber is now receiving his fail and Winter amply
, Groceries. Wines and Liquors, ( b in. ke. which.
.Tlsi kern purchased at
,reduced priced. ecementicill upon the
to the money market, he in enahked to cell at rates that
kSkillt.Sh the Natives al,d Defy Competition.
8 .0;‘,..c.. take,. pleimtur In calling the attention of *serous
• Thrne donking public to an enumeration of a part of the
, 4•.• e. , ..,11111111p he has in store for them. feeling Mire they hare
IN EQt5 AI.ITY AND eftif:kba lobe .shelled that
, • 1 Ir M their interest to purchase of both Ills - stock emulate
;wit of •
O. and Cuba suaar,l Old Java, gad all Miser Oates,
crushed: granlau d Pine! t green Teas. all kinds.
'ogee sup rd. Tohnceo, smoking and chew ing
%ie.. all quali nes & knob.. plug and pager, all kinds.
h. 7 1 Black and I'lb* Plana: Poo r
Domestic and Pamina litosluei
Lemons, Fop, Prunes, Vutrants„ Pepper; Cloves,
"' "6 ,4. *lace Indigo. Ginger. Cason. Ground Cotfee.
~ , 3 , 1 . Oil[Ve. Cab(liOf Poem "
T Him Herring codfish,
Nts - kAci. Salmon, Whitefish and routs Fancy and
l'uuninon !or float , . Se , Oleb M. London Fortier,
, Glass- ware, Rockingham and Stone
Ware of every &ere ption :
plleo le's-. If hothe beat as
sortment Row.
L , ‘' ,,, Ilfit' of Wines and Liquors his Nock ealbraeess Pale and
1 4 lifand in, St. Croix and Jaumeia Rum, fiebebbisb and Prue
',' , Z' G,i.. crotch. Moisongibe:a It'hirkeys Old raft sad Made
-- 4 ^ :" : 4 :!...0 h lir r and ll y , Te g a ri e . h:s te' a l a l :l ° Z . brr A:: "a
Ckl er ekt i l i g
,:' , 1 , 1) thing etre in hit line. . T. W. 111100111 e.
''.,, Nov. 4), 1631. U
("'1.141 Cured and ATOffer KlVed by caning !„__i S mitt___illei o 2 l l. l
' l b 4 W Y.Dig his cheap Waier proof Kip and wane 1... P........
" "a " 4 ”. , U , .“ the 'bria nrroriment the rtty.' A pod
, 'n. , "nt of lathe:rote and chitdrens'Ro Become " , . hns 1. . SNIT JACKSOWS.
Sk \ ' lira's e - ei:I.I.F.ArCA '1 I) RE:APESN -- aye - 4 7 . - 671al -
"is%) n 1. I -111 GUNNISUSII
TUC' I/ ilden.pre4„ tzarina* . -
Aie agents for thin
ledteine, would respettflilly
ivite the attention of the af
teted to the gratifying sweets
eat has attended its nec ttbere
et n gnawed! and ite-hapny
I:4,14110D to the elite of the
nure*iiine discover! for which
n. odered. '
This CATiMILICON is to
uth one of the greatest inedi
ii discoveries of the Age, and
destined to Become identified
ith the health and happiest."
This declaration is based
.1 the fact that it will - cure
fore than nine tenths of a elan
' very prevalent diseasee.
too n as
Or ivx Oomansetomots or Eats Ciiincer Fos
ris riuk 1151.
• Its sompluittee with kw, the Comixtissinivers
af the Comity of Erie , make the 1011/wing ex
hibit of tee Receipts and Expendttores of said
County ,for the year A. D. le l sl. to which is
annexed a Statement of the Dapitentes Of County
and State Taxes levied on eiclktowaship sad
berongh in the Coosty fnr si.d y r: altin • State.
mead oldie Outstanding ih:hts doe as
tors Report of January WE
Ann. eererd of Co ll ectors 1049, trinalY $360 i4
•• • .6 . *6 " Siete oil er. d I%
.# 11150, rumeer v i r 43o 12
•• •• .•• .. emo . 9 85
.6 • II •' 1851, em. 1,330 89
11. •• •I " St. ea per..l 505 VI
.. a Otis'. M. Sierran aim A. 114414
- - !er'a old met. 1 I 43 611
i. •• 'imerreed !sierra am mom o j N 25
•' "his. Skinsen Clerk ol Sense
on forfeit Reconnizeinees
, I 451 73
a I P. E. Barton Sherif rim Omni
mad feta I 1637 IS
" "E.W. M. Blaine ire kiwis el,
hr. Skimmer on ./idamment I 100 OS
a ii M. W. Carghty lin). in imlll •
- far Ames and-fees ; -- 4$ el
4r. le of Comnimmiwesith Ireing 5 poi.
gent an wale taxes istsi, fir
advanced . in 7$
• •• I'. Pratt Gar sale otttray 393
24,939 4/
Awl. paid /aim Iluniteslate Trommesie
for bill due him ss pet •Auditors
Report /ea. I. 1851 44 O
"- paid FrA. IN'lutyre assiessor of
'Wayne township year 11351 11l IRS
Amt. paid Jobs Esigley 11 00
L w ay i "1100
" " Floret Boyd 10 SO
reEL. 4
Amt. paid for Coal and Woodier Jail, •
Court Hoof" and Cement 0416E6 1011 45
Amt. paid P. Warren, M. Goodwin sod
others for trrt.scribing Dapliestes fee
Collectors Ste. 34 RI
Amt. paid Thos. H. Sill, Posture. like. 670
Amt. paid F. Schneider Box of Candles
for Courts and Curlers officp,• 4 43
Amt. paid Mr. Lewis, Clock for Cowers
A m t. paid P. Warren and Miters for '
'fraascribufg Duplicates Go' Asseesors
and Disiribating. 2$ 00
Amt. piiid A. King Traterirer cemerrylag
State funds to Pitisbrog. . - 17 00
Ain't paid A. Scott for Water Limo, 06
do T. Parkinson, Liicks for Jail, 1 70
do E. G. lineeland;iorfisroace
stove etc., ' ••
do • J.Cahoos,for shirde trees, et ~ 14 OS
do C. le4rWif, tor dOor cap, 7 OS
do G.A. Bennett, for pump etc., 57 88
do Vincent, Himrod& ~ for
iron pipe, ; 27 3$
do Wnt. Hoekinson; d others
for gradinglo for jail, 28 3$
do N. Marphey, eoppet pipe, 11 95
do Joba S. Ball, fuvllocks, 25 44
do -M. Henry,. for stone lot well, 29 SO
' di G. W. Brecht's, unveil ag
expetities to Pittrib'org, 27 73
•do .I°ll Hill, isa contract for
taer w.4k, . 837 50
do oskinsoo do Englehart, on •
- concise', -; 1965 28
do , W.. 1. F. Liddle, iron work
for fence, etc. 25 SO
tlo A. King, freight on Locks, 950
do J. Commin e. for painting, 122 $0
do i.lirown, for teaeksTaithing. 27 50
Bo S. Lots, surveying and stet-
ring grade. ' 200
itle S. Stewart. eovd buckets, 19 60
410 A. J. Kelso, for Plank, ,1 12
Ain't paid 3. H. Fullerton and others.
for clothing for prisoners. 124 SS
dq T.Dillon fur ironing do 19.13
do P. E. liartew, lehereff. for
bearding prisoners, .tht et
do 11 u ble yond others,for repair
ing jail, ' 40 117
de Beebe & Strosg, as pbysi.
than for prisoners, 15 bo
..„ .
Am't paid Joeeph Cooper, - for (leek for
TtessureOs office, 8
[MKT mousse..
Ain't 'mid S L. Forster, not yeses nI•
try superintending court
' house, 15 110
40 Sondry perm's, for repsirs. 34 ill ,
PGIII7IIIO. 49 1:11
Anet paid for publishing annukl statt... 1
meal, Sheritra prociamii- 1
tioa of getters'. election,
advertising and Wink work, 114 ;1
Am't paid S. L Forster, k*, holding
Post-Mortenlotilitsuitioos, 214
do H. A. Hills, do do 42-40
do Simeon-Chian, do do 16 0
• culled star.: L 273 97
Am't paid Commissioner's aid Alai.
toes t;tetk, MO 00
il k
*mit paid James Skinner. ~ Prs
thosoterrarid Cle Draw
. , several Comte, ; is' tees
for issuing ir ea i res. mini-
ly i pg. Jurors and Poems- .
13 1 00 pay, Coorttioce.ll l -
ry kit' sad for ream/lag
elemlos reioram ; , 111 96
Ain't paid sundry persona for L bridge
Lad road views,' ; 41 58
-de JiCkalFee and A.goawairili.
for lumber pet lemma,
'bridge ia Astaiyi q . 67 00
de H. 111'1,paii, kir lambert per
co. bridge at Waltsbarg. 94 ii
4. J.ll, Souse sod Wm. Sao
' bore, for bsikling comity ;
bridge at Wataiberg, • 990 00
do 3. E. &T. retitle**, for '
lumber sad repairs ma Gi
rard bridge,43 30
r/e Sherman & Porter, ?visit
lag Co. bridge is Glee
sot. 26 82
STATIOatIT., 4$ 31
♦n't paid 0. El,allord Jr. othina rjt
paper, ink, Moak ,
books; dm., fin llama's
alfier sad Courts; , 100'.M}
Ain't paid G. W. Breeht,l9 days os
Comity Comtnissioaet, no 60
Ant% paid Siena** Stewart, 88; dayi as
Csuaiy Commissioaer, 132 00
Ain't do Theo. Doan Jr., 06 day
as County Comm!sonnies, 122 00
do Rodney Cole, 18 days as
• -County Commiesioaer, 27 00
gam •,...imglo
usvosnati isxritt 406 MI
Ain't tas tetitaded to Sceptics Stunts
of rairView, la WWI °IOU ,
Pool Noel .
' Directors of the Poor. Ite
tinisitios in fell. • A 504 Co
COORT Vitale AID sir assns.
Ain't pikl E. A. Lytle. Crier for Coon. 96 50
do P. &met, Tip Steve. ' ' BD, 75
• . D. lion. do 77' 30
do A. E. 'White, do 54 30
Anal paid Derail Attormy Gemini.
Sherif, Clerk of Qs.
Swim' is asd wit ii i
Comma meta - its 00
Jamisnii :
Ain't psi Traverse Jaws is sort el' ,
, Common PI sad QM,.
39 1
ter Illesoios •
do Grand Jut* ; *ln .
e .
• • TOW 01; autorsoss. 11111 K 111
Ain't paid Coos 'es fire
sinks ' •
• of '). sad s g otifyisg - 1
' . elected. - ' 010 40
do ' miss bards, inattiog re. t
'arms, sad 'mesas« , of i ..
' Assessors, 3 P I IM
essiscat.. Emmy,
Ambit ski liwerveval Ineedite Smite iir I
MAN.; General Melees ea
tbe 9111Tersdoy IN Qet. NISI. Mil 441
cower/aims' iteurris. •
A. 11.1
psi Corte to tookins return to
Court of Sessions tad sties-
• dance out mow. 169 DI
atoorntourst's COVIRICL.
Anet pal/ J. B. Johason, Esq., Iy. oat. 50 00
OH 11111111nr. 1
Anil OW P. E. Durum, EM. 'Sheti lt
far coureyia, coo vices Jo resey.
Do summon's/ Jaren, 253 73
Ind Uti
Aosecussoaat. fortm.
Ain't peid Erie Co. Agried. dooiety. 73
.T.W TOW %SNIP. MO till
Am', psid emeilry person• iier for riper.
in, vied estaiiiishias Tp. loon, ST 50
List 'of 'Amestersjar ik4 per - 1653, is Erie Co.
Districts. Assentors. Pay.
no Ward, Erie, Charles W Cahoon, 1138 00
West Ward, do James Hosiorts.-o, 38 00
Mtlicreeh, John Feria. 38 ar
Harbeeeterkr Norman Grialn, 14,00
Fairview(, . Joseph Kalteffer, ; 26 00
Girard Tp., , Sanford Slater, k 30 (KI
Girard Her-, Theodore Armee, BSO
Hpring6eld, Geroge Ferguson, 31 f 3
North East Tp., Palmer Pi-ice, , 37 25
North East SOT, A. E. Halt. IS pit
Greenfield, ' Jacob W. Drown,' 19 00
Venango, Wm. 11. Armstrong, 24 25
Vattsbutg, Joseph Logan, 12 fto
Amity, Wm. P. Rathbun, IS 0 I
• Ways*, Wm. C. Steadmsti, 25 (10
Concord: John McCrory, 26 00
Uatog, y - Ebenezer Sterreroar 24 25
Le Siteuir, ' Jacob Sharp, 27 00
Watterfeed Tp., Besjsmio Skienee, 27 00
Wafetleo Bor., Isaac 11. Whit., 12,00
thernes, John C. Graham, 30 00
McKee., R. T. Sterrett, 19 MI
Weeltinitss, David Ghee*, 27 6S
Edinboro, S.C. Gerrish, 12 00
Franklin. Francis 'Factry, 16 00
Elkereskr , Myron It Cole, 3.1 80
Cooseaut, {Pelham Loomis, 30.00
ttt 11171104.
ononwealth, being
,)roan of Pooh es
*Pined ea taxes (at 1851, 0111
County rata. and levies in fall
lor e said year, excepting State, tax
on linnet tell - Lands, 10,41.9 4T
Anet of State ax on elegy. of °coops
tion,ollcet,carriages, Watchea,Att 537 if
$93 18
Total ain't of Stale tax paid, 10,937 015
Total amount of disbursements inels-
ding am's of State tax collected -
and paid over to the Com'ith, 94;489 08
Do suet cub is nese'', Jon. I, '52, 430 33
$24,930 - 41
Ners.--.The esommiseiese and allowance. to
Collector, on their duplicate., settled daring the
• year, ■re not embriseed in the foregoing state
"meat, Swanned' as they were neither received
into, ur paid out of the Trisseery, but are as fel
lows, (isteledieg abatements_ for errors.) to wit:
Ase*s lost tax allowed Cense. y. 1849 $3 90
Do de de 1851 41.45cCe. 451 93
Po d o do 1651 a. ea pore 16 15
De fees de do 1851.. dtee.llsl 49
Do de do de 1851 con per". 27 09
Ala% eslweeratiane allowed M. W.Ceugh
ay, Cwt. on fines and lee. not collect- •
able, ' 56 00
Arai exoneration. alletwetfillhersif Pitmen
oe Gees and fees not eelleolable, 318 IA
, Of balances oatenadiag Jet. Ist, 1859, sayer
• Aeditor's Room
Bal. trouts nemesia loads 1848 s. dr. es. 39 49
I* "do •do 1850 do 834 IS
Do de do 1851 a• 751 64
Asa Prate ll a a r Gl i l ltr er $l6 52
Asset Oates, do 1848 31/ 51
D. E. Lord, Menet, 1849 II 71
Daniel Bishop, Wombat", 1854 3XI
- , W. P. Horton, Union, 47 05
!P. S. Wooley, Orator. do - 70 GI
George Boassell e llarbo;orsek, 1851 • 166 . 06
Alamo Batt," North East. .da • 324 39
Beery Dossier, Le &waif, do 53 24
°II irons Drury. G turd Bor. do 35 59
Thom marked • have paid is fall shwa what.
Ain't dee Iron E. W. M Blsi.e, - Reiner Sheriff
a fines and fees, 203 11
Do Win E. McNair, in snit, 3u3 77
Do P. - E. Barton, Sherifffines
feet in his hands kir collection, 1,283 11
Of the.amosst of Duplicates of Cosoty, Poor and
Stole taxes tinted oft each of • tbe respeciove
Towel*fps shd florovtglis is the County of
Erie, beiss 30 coals County sod Poor, sad 30
onto Suit, tax on every $lllO pith* raliatos
fordo. year 1831.
' 4 H • f.i 4 i 1
~ , P t Pt 1$ a
. o ;
1, 3 3 • i :
I 2 ?
, s- 13 It i
at e -
4 I •11 -
1..... f. ; : i %!
I . I
... po. . , 0 ..d.
• lig 1- s I 'i
last W. Icie, M. Illayeet, 3,318 IS 2183 08 aea le od
Wept W. do 7. IkeleaW, 2104 29 154 75 14 so Z 75
7411148686, • R. e. Daviion.l.los 02 1:r0
Ilszbeeereek. nee. Doinell 1,243 46 76
,N. MEM Tp.. Maur Mutt. 1,114 90 8 IMI 1 ort -
N. Bast. 1406, Mary Kum, , 215 es sso 300
0ree4664, J.W. 10646, $4287 ...
1 etadago, Jobs 6480,1, Mri 62
Wattaburg, U. MeLesa. 117 16 4ft 160
Midi', 11.18. Haldirlo,* 308 SO by
Wayoe. Lest. Perkin; 474 17
Comeord, Jae. lboirell, Z'2 47 75
taloa, Jobs Uri}, 450 63 • .
Le Area, Merv' TliewLer. 510 43 76
111der**11 to. D. Odium, 610 01
Do bee. M. S. Vincent, 360 69 2160 974
Greece, . Lod= Phew; 931 10 ,
McKean, NesJ. C. Wood, 100 21
Weeblagtou, J. C. Realer, en 23
74110 been, 11. C. Gerrieb, 00 67
IlnoBllo, Judah Gardaer,24l 72
ia ,keeeek Jao. Philip". 606 1$
C 0446440, J.A.Wltibegtes,o2l 61 27$
Ileirrivir, R. huopeli. 1.21113 545
Girard tp., U. Deebett, , 1.31229 240 200
Do bet., 11. Devi, WIl I 0 14 10 724
bpdadlidid, C. S. 311Uer, 1,314 68 700 3 Sty
Aset.of County las, which isolates fees for eol.
leering lost tax sod annealed lands, $11,183 33
)• Aso% at Poor las levied by svneisilloo
of Directors of the Poor, . 1,500 00
Ats't of Mote tae levied, 12,130 18
We, the andetbignee, Commissioners of Erne
Coast .do conity that the foregoing statensent
is a lull exhibit of the Reeipterid Expeadstares
of said Comity far the year. A. D. 1051.
G. W. Coirta. Clerk. Co. Cowers. •
' Conanissioner's Office,
Erie. Jan .1, 1853. ,
We, the undersigned Authiont of the Comity
of Er ie having met together at the office of the
Comity Commimionets of said County on the let
Moodily to January, A. U Ifts2, and haring care
fully csamined sad compared the accounts and
vouchers of the Cietninissiouers and TICOPMfrf oft
Erie County aforesaid, for the year A D. 1851.•
do report that we find them correct. and that we'
find a Waren of cash is t Treasary of four Umt
ata! sad fifty dollars and thirty-three cents, wad
of Rood ads of thirty-three dollars owl 'wren
cents: afro. a lase* doisiandisig doe the Coon
ey from the sere mama rewatiored, of Gm,
thoarand oaf bawd and simy-three dollars
and eighty-six cents, w • antouat includes the
halsesim of State , tax one. • ed OM •OSebfej
lauds •
Giver seder oar heads and steals t s • day of
Jaarsory, A. D. itit&l.
3. L. WAY.
rLAvEt. HOT D.(1..
RAWL REEDER, [l. a 1
Co. ifestirwr tr.
nll2lllllT.tton lost experience. Is prepreil to encase Den
a, ad wort is • •sperkw style. Teri'. WI by Mom
issOsil is weals Moir Olissrs sad
_proem tio pewees decay.
Mobs awl pat few Of Tor vs esasseled Gob& Ilema
tM.olossisisoMte sossaissi spossesses •ritick pit ••• • mg
uses*. INettleSdat •Aes•tio* paid m operations es lafa Itp sad
sidled pews. Dr. D. wishoi it dies by soiersasse Oro he
Is 1110 booed Is &ie. sad lopes. from mkt 11411111 tied
I•l4•Ps.lit merit mod reams. a Oboe at Yousisaipt. !Mee
wills Dr. Illassell. Ito 3. Itegises )Meta, iris.
Si 0
Aefnteuili' PtY
allowed A. King,
, by Os*
with the appro.
on $12.988 34.
J., Warrants re
and csacelled by
MI 14
• p
Ala i leamonmest 9FlMlusura beautiful VabaurAnetbru
rd. arid fbr We ea tbat Simra, No. egagb Meet
keit, Feb. 7, Net tatap boob
reit rielaircativr.
CPT 'waived at the the chomp Rook !War. Pim.% State Iltreat.
Th. taternmioctal. Ilarryeen, Graltanl'n, Gcnie)'• and Oar
iadn's .11upaimeelkor February.
Este. Fah. 7
If thar• is a Sailor, _
ofi ayan
DO Ana rat read ("oho ' . Ili and rqp,re." "I and and
l ilV Lee." ••Iteelt and P , •
-aim and tioitoto." their 0.0 dad
them all at the cheap Book , No. d. dram :never
Erie. Yr+. 7. WK. ' GURU . % & It! 01,V
-- - - -----, --- --- -
T..c . .4 , ,,,,„... of tbe.C44 IVorld." by Ilet heck ..:Crical Lite,
by Lien, Lynch; The I lid Gaud or !lit oicon." by Deadly:
.. Dn'ithi brut by Daylight... ha Mimi enevveldo: • elnyerndolt."
by Alice tarry: and .test cd.'llt Marten." eellebrased wont,. m
antra's' with every thing dew or intermema in the literary brie, at
the ebrap Boot stare. 10. 11-dtato EltreTt
Erie. Vet. 7, IPA OrlifilW k fG.OAN.
N F: 11 , S C 11- 0 0 i.
r ii 0 0 K E
A am 4.lsffirtit oftlehoorikroliv all kiudv.inst received
11. at the cheats lharit dude, So 3. SW &rem
Erie. Pi•b• 1. 1 Dt: aI.IX & EWAN.
• rot Oa Seas of the orate Tale.
t 4 j E CEA IV n a. I raw li." and .lirclaild'a tVekotrie to the Ewan
-1 err." two inleremitia wort. ma Irelhati. km received and
lot vale at she cheat , Wok *ore. tick. 3, P 1 . 11 . 14 / 1 1"1.
Erie, v.. 7, INN. but LIN & si.oAN.
CwITN has received a lbw Ibsen or literla. & Co..' Ta•hions
6 3 %kW itiprliorigui of is3.l. Alva a herb siipidy of Komaiih rad
Magyar Hata; Gentlemen call and examine. Erie. Pei,. a,- P.
Per • 'airy* - ilt.
IQ CPERIOS. Cloth Envelope*. lan, and malt. rylterrely for
10 renient haporuant,doeumento through- mall*. Mn,a Notorial
wafers.aad a very superior artirle of EArilPh band-laid Cali rig.
per flar vale at the Cheap Balk Store. o.3.Staie Street.
Ene. Feb 7. lea. 1 DOWN & SLOAN.
- • -- -- • - • ?or
rill: irony Lind Glee Back. r} collect Lyre. Baton ttreloden. n
1 Fireaide flannony. and du. Dulcimer. ADo Jewell'. Na lon
al Violin, Flute, Plutina, and Iterordeon Teacher*. h.gether silk
Ilurlon'a Comic Soppier. and a senora! assortment ,or Ni.Vl)
Mel.liev. for sale at the Cheap Book Stole. Su 3. State tlimet.
Erie Prh, 7. 1 ,, 31. --3111. DURUM &SWAN.
!or those Studying , l i rsiseli. --
- nrnitll4 French Dietionnm 01Iendord s a New Method of
learulag to nod and writ French, NOIPIeS French thaw
ma v. Vit. de Wadhhotton., Mod several other French reading Notate.
fur tale at the Cheap look 'Sam No. s, Plate Ntwei.
Feb. 7. !dal. , DVIL.IN & lOWA N.
T EFIVY LIND pens. Jenny I.lnti raper, Jenny Mod Letter
ruhters. and Jenny Lind Sealing Was. awl Wafers. Oar sate
at lees than Jenny kind Prices. at timeliest. Book Saw, Na. 3.
State Street, ittlit.l3l k sum N.
661 83
iwr Lsa
ow i te
oI) yto usy I 7 gads. that know ibenweiven Indebtrd to
-me that necessity e Is we to any. that all witstaadint etc.
comfit. must Le nettled up; y the Orator March. all neglecting to
attend Min warning. will it* needled in doe'time, let k please or
displease. MONI:r r ren:o7. HAVE, or I must ekre up nay
bar Mess, for I cannot nag my debts, unless my customers do the
Jaime. no Le warned in time. This means all awl acerpm none.,
Erie. lan. 7, Ifilit.-39. JOHN M JITSTICIE.
OTICE is hereby gi win. that Letters or Adminkteation haSe
il been granted to the Holseribera. 00 the estate of Richard 0.
nallte*l. deceased. All persons indebted SO told estate. will please
make immediate pay t. and Mote having claims against the
ollue. Will Preneal them, roperly authenticated for wittement. ,
DE .IA III'I.IIIOLT. AM1 .,. ,... N •N
W. • Co iimmorar.
• -.
• Yale, Feb. 7. pa, %au.
Sarah for xo. 2. Writhro Block
rviiE .
subscribers, ay A t.uts kg the A rrilorri. hare kaltra the
I shore atone fur a dart time to til.fg*C of n law and welt da
turte,l stork of
con.istm g oil Vernet, 11erluaer of erery calor aid quality. Muslin
de Lines front I shilling per yard up. learaugetta Cloths. splen
did nuomnenr. dress Bake Mack add colored. of every rryle.
Shawl," of e, cry dere rialtha.aoate splendid Wog Shawl,. Alps('
Car from 10 earns* yard ap. Table Warm. Napalm,. ' , leached
awl blown Cottons, Flanniels. Dederick.. Caileoes worth It rte.
selling Mr 64, Iloriery mat:lures, and every article usually Item
1 4
in a y Good Stare.
T Omens of Erie and its vieiniirane invited to tall and rit
ual r weeks nit pricer. as Vitale Masi be dinwried of re
bre tln of March. Rita% t the place—No. R. Wright's
Erie. Jan. 3,4 last —444 i Areal* fro 44114/1181141.
TA K k, N ti T I C E ----- .
AI.I. those indebted to Me by note or book account will gave
toms by coiling and *tam/ the fame by Ike Mt of March
hem. as 11 wage sad sill have my pay;—remember this-the Mir
Cell. Jag, 21.-3 t , ' 811771 JACKSON.
. • Mos* Mr," Goods.
rill II g subsisriber Is sow Seselving New Goods by litemosl. and
J- wink. every week dieing the whder. The public Ire des •
led to earl and examine them Jan. it„ 18.12. —B7 8 SACKsu
RUBBER 8110E8-4 1 1 fdII asao ;linens joss rerei I , Pd by-
Sam 111. J. FULL ETON.
Lola mum Post anrawnezirrn
As satire Block of Leta is tb Cdy Eri. to hi fetid as Terms
T HE Teusees of the Erie Academy will yell at Public Pale. on
.....;13115111,44111146111611att5. %earth
and !WM. Chemist and lllyiftle strews. in 3d robot% prone. each
Males a boat of al fret and S inetwo, within depth of Isti,mith
en Alley in the rear, a draft or which may be wen at the edicts of
the Pee friary.
Tortxs.--surne-Iturth of the amount at the exorcism of the decd.
the balance in twenty years. Interest P) be paid normally. to be
metered by judgmeht bond and mortgage. Purchasers will be re.
ousted 10 pay therm' of four dollars upon Path aubdor robots pug•
rimed in addition to the several Sums bid by-thetit, to corer the
*Wow of &ed., boathiyarrtirtree and survey
fiI:OROX I LYON. President.
bireaa,r WIIA I lAN Wte
. Lary. Jae. 4f, Ibtri.—S7
przur aoaDs, 'ran" saws.
WeE ba% e lava receiving this were than New York • line
srioeit of tires. Good,, Silks. Rho who, blanket. Glove. ita.
to . fur vale at law pewee. U. CriUWEL.L.
January V. 1tc11..--ki
W11E111:A1 1 my is ife Bally bar left tio) be., end Ward without
just eassor oe provotatt m. thin es thstelbre to fbrbid all
preen, harboring or trusting her on my xecoodst, es 1 will ply
au debts of her controrting loner this dale.
Veining*. Jaw ilk itiss.—.l7i ELIAS WILEIER.
- son Tina GUIRIMEIIIII3t.
noßr sissnsuEs. now se es,. so *CIO. and a new anr;olll2en
JL of Merry Andrew. Fenny Elader. Eagle. and Orem Minnie
tear& all warranted lo hare fire . 4 110frers" in a pack. fw wales
the cheap Soak Wore. No. 1 , State Offert•
Ja l 4S l, olt—w.,urß & SLOAN.
rommuirr Z0W03111413 O&M!
A PelI. an., impartial report of the Porfetrißiratee Cate.Biat
and far salt. at Gee cheap Boob Store. ramie Street
Price 110 cent v. Jan. 31 MALIN at SLOAN.
Artt boa of Booint that have conk through by eleani.eontaln.
lint 'Melia Id Jet" **ea allow Barn." a beautiful copy of **Shakes'
pear." "Old Carmine linen," "Odeon." "Alpine Singer,'
Sc. Jan. 31,'31-3d. J. B. GUNNISON & eq.
NWATCH k34-Juitt received by exprems , sit bone, IT
did tsilver Lever and Cylinder Ilk nether. tete ted far Time
Keeper". sad will he mold so elate Mem np. by the CAW% at Whole
to rePO. Call mad see thew. Opporise Drown' New Hoot
irie, len. 21,«U.-4.4. G. LO MIS & CO.
SPANISH 1 , AN5.....A new win besutaftel elyieftnlrattirs. he,
jaw& opened at Jain. 201,—.V. G O
RAZORS—A Ant Ale qumtlity tau Rated at
Elie Jan 31,'32.-8. (:. LOOM 18 k cons
StBI4NINII AND JEWEl.RY.—lllanathetured by the
antarrihers in Erie.Bilver Ware is irrinit variety. Also. Cal
iltirnia Gobi Dna Rings. Illfram Pins. Wiwi Mains and
Chawy on elan wake. Energy Jag done is the bent nutniter.
Et*. Jars. 31. '3ll, 2. U . l..o)lld il CO.
- -
DEMONS having unsettled aeconnia with us, am bete
-1 by omitted that we wIA to tialante oar hook , ' with as toile
delay and makitig as libw coots as passible. Ail kinds ot * Country
Preeluer will be mann in payment cif *lca.
Erie. Jan. ill-37 • it- T. STELRETT Ir SONS.
Teas frogs 3 to f Wailltap per ri.
T AM now welling an 'svelter! artieleofTea Plf 3 & 4abillings
3. per lb.. worth six Nyne need do without tbiw beverage.
Jan. IL 1 , 451 . -37. T. W. Molter... State St.
1 1 0ACCO.—LtIlenthare mid Ahdereon'e Stook log and 01,4.
lo P g Taboos°. Walk up. eh ye who "net Ike weed."
Jan. *4.-37. 7'. W. 1111X)Rt. Peer Peeptes
Fleas* Take Molise. •
rrIIE sabre ritxrs having pasehared the retire stork of Grace
L tier ofJ. Zimaterty, wilt continue the bfltil.ol4 , n t the
wand under the name and firm of A. &J. $ WA LT end _
oniend notto he Underpaid by any other enaLlishment, it
he intatefila wail on all who may thcor theta with a Call
the pleasure.
sears - fro WA GTE itS.
Erie. Sept. a.
Clear the track for ' 6
SOO rOuravr.
DHUSTES will forfeit 1130, if tailing to earn any cave o SMITII; No, 3, Clicapsidc!!
direarne that may come ander his care, no statue how lOng
standing or afflicAlof. EITUOO 1.11,11 are Incited to his Private ; W i t t i r ) , li r e d"r n d, ha ,". 4 L h r j, l „. ( 4 7. " .h t ir w k ere °t pu r. Vl:,;,, ed in I t't i r i t i . ne ar i I:
Roomar: lf "•NOnb NEVENTH kkesir rhillsirlPhia•Wid"ul erMer • liie F.:intern c own. or inaismfacared by hurnorlt: by which 1w I.
interruption by other P alienh '' Mrangerb and °the " wb ° have ' enabled to 101 l them sO low' that people Amoy Met. most have yor
been unfOrtanate in tbe refection of a physician are bashed to• hy ope ' , mom i fm „ w „ h 4 w my ips duly . , Nell, what le they •
rail. Thaw* with:tiara injured the tnaelree by nniabV7 lice irk • werepinuggied. so that the people mew buy ; i
also invited. I
11.11•0 AND itTylmr-r. .-The afflicted would do well uo Wirer ' liksantiftil Ohlk Rate for MAO! I
before trawling their health. happanene. and is 110111,7 CON. their' 11110 . 0/0 110000 11:10 in 30. bleak-an 1110.1• kor Se cent.. and sfi I
lin". in I.birbendb of Pltrtile lan.. ignorant of Nap, of nada- othrugood e at like low pilaw. For proof of at hien, tilt intereive
dies. It t! , certainty impasible for one man to andevaand all the al tail call and examine for themrel. es 1 I
lib the/wanton faintly are fahiret to. Every respectable physician ; relson't forget ftw place. dimah's Clicap hat Store. NO. 3. I
hash.. previa, branch. in which lie n, wore boatman' than kis car,i,..
, we.
brothel professors, and to Ihat he decides wont of bis lime and , Erie NOseaaer tt,141. 0
study. 1A WM)) assoninent ofCarpti Sap and Satchels, on band m
'Mitigator PlllleTWlP,P2tlUoiTrlydeValed 10 the mod,' and treat .11t. the otore of Srxx ETD & flll.
meat of diereses of the pea uai organs. together a tin like's up- ,
, 4,; s Q. If 0 II 116 7.
on the body, i Mon t, none or Ulm pains In the Isparta hoses, leer
curialrheninallon. rumour.. gravel. irremdatitwv.., dweawe artr. T 11 AVE on buntline heat a...alumna of I.lwwws la this city.
titS nova youthful eseasen or imprint ors of the Wood, w hereby 1 1 from 11w beet nignires down to Iti cent Markey.
the eoustitution has become enfeebled. enables ti. Doctor so offer . Jam ft 1.33 -3?. T. N NOOSR. Prate et.
void/ nail( io all who mn r plate 121C014.1% es ender his est*. ,
Pallaileiplsia, May a. Init. 1)34 mins l
C a l' b ri ' e l rittlet 4 1:1;111 for sale by the lato 3 cl7 l p i lar nivrox k
. 1205
sale by the but or dozen. going Mac at lil(MMl'd cheep
a Irk lOU -.M. Grocery Sam date 141.
-- - - ..
-- , S - SAAller.-SllnOkern can lind at lftre.labi lantana. thee te
All "N-liell RilijA- " Mal " ias " I " al°n°chi°lrnalic papa - 1 and ettel_test design Is the ay. kali Imported and American.
Um. by CARTER it BROTHER . 1
4 .135.114.. ISSIL-47. 'T. ff. /MOORE.
GliAolB WAitEi •
LOWLY:TM asiortaairo off:boo Ware is last been opeard
at MlOOl6ll cap grocery Story. .lam. Ii thin--311.
3000 YARDS Of Ginglraws 4,4 received aid! fur .ale by
Pepc C. M. MAMA+.
Dt.' WT.II( & PII.OA N
th• LI
C A urvoN.
JrIXX X. WALlttli.
Sittig SCALE taroass.
mina& II11061•26
• - R, woodn rl TAM:j. " iiii they it :coati
o sonansonetssn• Any. Pholboo arid Cunanne
4ea'en of VIII io , lll •Ises aid drafts. of in.
,40 .4•Isyroves1 Pasrbarslt's !etym.. all vi
thi•h rn warr innn) 17 , 4•1 141Prg bearins.
teal etionl or nn i ot,. In 4Pe.
They aln k. sls on hnna nurtion
stile.' to We :• or C;rlern., ; i
11 1 .)f mud T•••.s•sk Kr , • Rril Ilsonging u. d
muds of tV i I —mint Joil•hinst dower
Omit Kn. NI. Fm.elt area. C % einovt:Tr.
Brie. J.. n, 41, reat —17•1,401.)1:14.
a Ecom 34t:A Vp.vs
We. the litltteraitont. hive Leen twinli n. nue ( ' 4 nr a o l4 ' P l "'
fano 'oil turf eeale• for a ler of %min.. meg has e ua her
inne iii prtineuurleor them a .tiptikor article to a • taw to use;
Ileary 1r.t44%ve11. 011.11 Ware orcitakt,
SenaNt & Cu.. I rtus fouti, .
11. P. Fa). I rie elly Mote.
l'efl.lur & &Went ik krymotte PaVer Min..
Vinerat. Ilisaml en.. Iron Foossaletp. -
' A wry /a *vas. Om /14archaet..
Tuwnet k NNW; Canal MM...
— slaw noosirliii - WWOlifeliii
t Npity (11• EN !NG at Orr strap Honk Ross. No. 3, rdatn Sunni.
I I.N oppotlllrograt's Near Wind, tur-Warrst and 11,4 sleeted i t
assortment I Wheel and 111-rettahrosal Ilucdt.. and strammary,
l ever ittfortut t, this tuarlrt.' 11 r hot r'ntlisur thi• wart to sum
, literate. but Would pimply pity. iv,. lune, great dent that t• mut'.
1 it lilt* that i• not no Imre. tom all tint is jtssi ntlitis to trirtvore the
;wind 01 the awed, ea leanest* ••yetrug idtla from to shens."
Jan. 31, 012 —Sti. 11,1111.1 41 & $l. l llA7d.
,A Vrltlf ?INF: Ad tIRTVItntT of Irismen amt r.nsllnh Plig•
mr. Rift nud onus It. nil« I and uartiled. j sat reessard, awl
twee coming., at the e lir3fi Ow , . Otart. Mo. 3. bla , r issues.
, Jan. 31, 1.31.—11 d 1111111.11 N dik. storms.
- ran I' XXI LA 1311111.•
IkVERT Per arrommem of and aod Sown oer.. and
trry our snuck of Effort' plain sad Enrhipeed card. to
In them. Jon received. to areorrossodate ti., Ladtes. f..t arc clar..rr
;look Vtore. No. S. state iStreet
' 30. 1F.Y1—.10.,
i - itltsrl;4ll, NIArKEItt.I-.. 5A1.110,4 ',AND W111TEF1419. 7 -
9,J AU there Wirier eau te ( int #t "19.7. row SimeW• Rue,
pouf and M. Chen a■ the b•A. An. TV. IKII —4ll. moon
(0l )111.1 BISCUIT enough to feed, a taultiiude Sot a tear. AK
17 by tbe box or lb at Itietttlagla Grorew. Jlo. al.-37
W` A N 1' F t 1 .
gator rare thankful for tutu favoed. and depirlitz a aunt in
stanee of **Paine. would apk in the Moat 0 01 . W laaaart that
dione wbo owe him. would **wails up to the eapta on'm office and
partobt.. He frusta, this istritailos will be italbeint without Wilber
er.i.g. Jam reVi--71 , T. W. MucIRE.
oir2op v
irirE neeitisitte due the late buuor ui • • SterrelL mast e •
tled Wore the let day of April Peat. or eons will he made.
Erie. Jan, 11,-7; R. T.. 5TR1111.77.
110.111 - 311TaIllfla 711311 W.
11AVINt: heeti appointed oleo( tite trio of the lataett Shpwl
Matiotitconwe la the world. t have trim day received:OM or
ttew and Leautifol et) tee. which will enable we to famish nay
quantity of the above titmice to the tradelot lbw Pee Soo at New
york II C ADVS . ELI—
Ent. Kor.e.
ciemArii - asesoleimialitaaa
I Am Itoi seeriving 1.4 Fall aide k of henry and •helf Hardware
eamshnin, in pan or iron. Keel. and itail• or all .ties,
amen. Sunth'• Bellows.spthuse Axle lim , . brats hub end sand
hand., amilkitlde canine' °fall Stecriptions.crowbar•, dirt pick.",
mattocks. trut. hoes, cotl.hat. trate, halter] and tack chains, sine,
pig lead, books and hinges. hooks and etc+. strap billet. Pk
tones and bras. ken lc* porerlattikettles and Kilter awns.
01/1. crop eat. circular. rin. hand, panel. hack. and tenon own.:
1,00 , t saws and (iantrio, Barton and Blardhons• I,rahil aces and
Oars. Simmons'. l'olltine. Weed's and Iltonne• chrn,ping a vta;
Aiming)? hand ate, and lantehrt. i Borto4 . .D.17.1...."1.11011110.C11,
guying , . augur Mtn.. lidos...we. riles and rail.. ; belie h, match, rat.
MI anti twister ptailep, plan •. and mock plane lonic saw
plafte. aura arrrielliAriaravOrs. born.. try. rsoaret. spoke shares.
hollow sitcom. guar.. Wimp', framing wad firmer en ad
paper, Into screw. alid cantor,. maliociray and black walnut
Knobs. round, square. and.chain holt,. Wrought and cast hull*,
ling* finishing nadir, screw., loam. pocket gad table
euttely. season , and s hear.. mincing Itaiwro.sllUUClll, brass, Ant
onin, iron and jam( candlesticks
Krie.liet 13. 11.71.0
,1114ntiadstatTiz 111111ce.
11VOTICF: is hetet., given ti nt purrs o • theiniwation Iu
.t heen granted the sutweriber, on the estate of Palate% dila*.
ate of Green township. got county. used. All fersom..
iberelbee. indebted to paid Dente. nee requettled to wake immedi
ate payupeatz and all pennant having chitin; swim said efthle,
ate renamed 10 present theta duly nuthentiented fix settlement
Green. n. in, '3i —•11(33. earrilAßlPf SHAW,
Bor, N LT. cap. Patio awlLTalkas Albtaper. &taw assoriusent
at• 0. JACKSO!eaI.
1131.411TE11i. PLASTEII--3/01' toes Pne around and' white
NI bbl.. or hates, lkor rale at Pi lota rate than ewer
hAldre offPrrd in thin inarket.
tont tnotorasolgooJ flour Bartel. want"; Par which earls 16111
be paid. TUVVPIER &
Jan, P, 1831.--9ni.15 • Piton nowt,
WE Mee received. en and are selOog a choke selection
of Kew Make. Callatid examine While they are going le-
Rue vou are too late. J. S. GUPIMIIION Ik CU.
irk - Jan.3.-34 o. f. Park Mow. -
Obeese 11
AY. 110.1 SIVA - celebrated HarlihuMChtemi=ahlo James
. Ilnyte's Dairy Cheese. for sale by' the r" Pound l 7
Plow. 111. XV. F 4 I N otits teltT.
beans. $1 Carrot seed. DM Marrow fbt peas. and IMO Tinte
d' y Reed. armwaaled for which the highertl price trillbe paid by
Dee. sa teal. t D. N. CLARK
aton•T Dewol
W 8 will p an eitire prier In cash for 'Xwnney ilionmeo.l iret
Or lent or renamed Flooring. broad or narrow. If delicered
at an Planing Mill on eleventh - 'peel by the 11no of February
Erie. Jan. lath '3l-33. CARTF.I". & 1111koTHER.
B 1.11( Wetuters Morino liteuonary unatirbtged and it trill be
sure to Fire pationietion It may Irbald lit • •
Erie. Jan. lath 1.11-3 s. GURICIrltrIll'S Sew Ogok Peon,.
. .
NT EMT Coullterreitlkueror. and ruin --
II Erie. Jon. 111,*1.1-11, /.I.Y S 0.10 S New "OA Slone.
CNGARY and Ramon or so Awerf anrslnrj.fon of air.
11l late Ilueienrian Revolution by Rev. R. P. Tefl9. 1). for sale
at &team.. la. G(;.%.% /3 the r k fire 14ok !rep o
11'1.11 )1; and Ea.:at:ins itlattk.. the tank/ of Flookomlog
Prw at Frir, ian, le. ill NM 184 1.11;*8
Boil' eel( se:l:king: stk, laid. 11E:s
-vrever. at. 4:r inn, to. '.H-3.. GE N NISON'S.
WiNTKRs abridged +and unabridged. otters—and &moues
uwttiod llcnka for tbb Piano Pone tor WI.. II
Erb.. Jan. In. `3l--33.
1.) Erie, jun . t0.'39-3.. GtV.V.V/503'11 C• 4 Slay.
(1 . 11.1 a roaltet niblea in great variety eaa lour air 4 abilliap
L-A - at Fate. Jan. 111."74-45. 00NYttetraN•is.
MI 01W DieL or the Whale by llama Mary Ole Pry itale at
...TB Erie. Jou. ID, '32-3.1. GUNN IriONlll.
Girimo Novel!, ini•li•p that, at
VI Pale. Jail. 11. GUSSIBuNrer New Ikek Store Park Now.
Ai the acaiii at JV
Jan. 3. • 1 GUN'? ISON'S.
Soposiqr Barley - • t.
VQUAL to any manothemtml East. mad by Mr. Hotterfield.
aa Phial ishman of tweedy years in the malting
busintim oa hand and M pale at the Malt aod Warehouse oldie
Erie. Jan. 17. A. XING.
E tintwerilict inlehdithr to reside tor'reOne tithe In Fail'. Ivo
resoured the practice of Medicine owl Fluttery: other it hie
resihruce ow nth et.. two doors Merl of the Lliirennni Church.
XI ie. Jun. to. '52.4f33. W. rtiVNTELl.lOlljarl'ON.
Wol7l.lllsav to hone owners that helms the s -
ern of nesirty the entire race of twist remedies
fur horses. and with a nul4ber of yews praritiee
will he to give sat Istertiou generally either is A farrier or
Bontrvii•. • / -
. re" riease earl at my °glee at the Canal fttable neat- the 013 Oct
loch of the Km Extrusion Canal. and joihr liar
Jan. 3, IF3l.—ty 3 l ' ~ .
f WIT and Nut U and I](Mick Vunid~ by
Cite. Nov. I- I CANTI R & rinerrrtEß.
110 BIM*. tWleriasinow flow s_ale ,. nri
so.. IL Kit f Ilrattgefir
Al - .4o—Just ieveired:l3 piece+, iso yor • of 4pitliog
De Leine% Rood sitYle.• b C. M. TIMBALS.
November N.
016331L31 THIS T 11440311. 2 .11
LTAVIISA retrin totem pom.e-idon of ••M team /Clip." I em
Now ready to do all the COMM grinding ibr my-old custo
mers ands. many more a• may clueing° crape. All grinding dose
when tnouniaed eon warranted.
will keep ettettuanti y a good .apply amity ortkle in my line
01 buriner. E•pee tally a quantity of flour *bleb tbey do my i•
rxtrit. but not in marked on the barrel. 1114 elan chary Made
• deliverint knit in any.part of We tit/. i 31/111 4 1 ELLIOT.
Erie. Jantior). )4111e reek Mina.
AVINE lot. Also.GSobif*. Obtainers. jet erteivo4. Am, fur
male eforPip nt irrIX:ICTOS'S
Me. Oct. 4. I:41. 111
REV owns at ifiCX. 4EB a miry dew dr:lei, Oulu* et
hut. W. IRK IOMB.
'HI 67111 TOM—An ',Mel .Tarimof Chbillres'a Toys
r eon be Owed at T. W. lktirea. State Sti Jan. SI.
RAY PTATIC sod alibi re auto Ilirrtain — Lotsollboort•
• ULF Jost rceeired by z itailote. Ora dirrettleb. Priteattosort
NC. M. TregALS. Ctieallaide•
atobet •
foe enol efireasostie
w witch,* lOr wale atom et ilitrottele iwg" "
Zak, twee. Ilk OIOCSTOWS
;!• . yr
I, • - - • 7 w
For t!•••• ( nre of
uritgarx2rozvotrair, °zoo,
ASTHMA sad 00165173111.1112031
A urtrit Vie. n im 'row ilSienveric. ac i-nre has madelllloll
h 4.
ceelttsu.ta fed w
ii•• a a • h i•t 114 of life—inase SO jler
moot, and laven prO(0 , 1: tie term of fluorin exhumer, totat• NW
tr• t$ 'melts( in ire real situ,. i, itruiltind. than this honer
ofrhetsiistry to the ilea lug At t. A emit triad eke thiwe=.
oait this broad country, ha• proven beron I a Jou! I *M$ so
etio•or COmbifmrien of anodic/nee !et bootee. can to MS COW
trot and erne the nuttier. ass eariei lei of pulmonary dinesie
hare ia;then a swept rive OW midst thouoandiatid . er
ery year. Indeed thee, to hOW abundant reason to believes
ed.! by at lentil' brew foetid ertriek tan be relied on is e the
mon &memos affletlons of the hums. Our space. Isere NM
permit us to publishes, proporUonof the ewes eiftesea . by eely
but we wad.' pratwur the katkawine otai!tktne of eoslnent len out
rice Am inquiry Amber iuiry te the circular which the Arnie be No
med. will always be plinsed to Itarniih free, wherein WM' per.
iteulais, avid indisputable proof of these ructik.
From the Professor of Amherst College,
11:41elorste3 rnorzosion mina .
”Jaorte, V. Ayer—Sir I lyive kored your Cakaar
Q1 , 1:111 ease of derp-.entni Brunch it is, and am Eltlygled
chemical conotitatitui. that it to an iv/Mira/de eortipousid br
ref iel trlaryneial and bronebiul difficulties. If my akin
tot mit•eriitr character. can be of mix set Tice, you ate li •
u.e it as yen think s immer.
From tbe wiikly cerebrated
&C.. VALE COLLLGIC, /1101111611 or TIM LIT MIST.
MW. FOIL. •SD scicignew reciansa OW
..1 deem the flitutat Poeroas I. an admirable ettasposkion
some of the lest articles in the )(Melia Medics. sod a vet.
live renreilyfor a e hp. ofdrceases it is intended to ewe.
New Haven. r t . Nov. 1.11r49.
jdn)fla ?ATP IWON. President of theS. C. Senate. sts falt
has used the ill PILVTONAL with wooderM stwersa,
no itiflattlatioll of the loop.
From one of the first Physicians in
Soca. Sle.. April IS.
Dr. 1,1". Ayer, Lowell.—dear Sir: lam now tostotabtlyNtag
your i'llirltlMParroll•t. hi tot practice. and pre der it toes,IMM
medic. ine for polonium y coined a into. From observation of namay
severe eases. I ant rout ineed,it ill cure emutha colds. aart.dta.
eases pf the lune% that have ling to defiance all other vemedllal
I iovarlanly recrommen.tito ir. f in caw., of cos s uoltios.
eocuides itasioeh the best tense ly /roman for that disease.
' , Vesper gully yours. S. S. CUSIIIIIAIN. 111.
Prepared iy J. C. .44.. Prod:nal Camilla Leval. amsfil.
Paid is Erie b)J it. Burton & (o.; In Nimik East Itipy.
Ton n Cu.; Girarddif J. A. Whine; and h 9 Prowlam
Aym all thia is done arnanor tan.s were trying In anunitgan
harts to bhtnin indepru.:.•lten; and a weal werw=
;demand windy others arc displea,ed. but We only way wit
to please all ht to
And examine trig large and we'd 'elected Mork of
Which he real make up loordrr on the shortest notice awl is Wit
aaoat rarbion-tble .t) ie. Gebtlemen leaving Weir weilimpfm 10*
any [vine.' can depend on Lariat it when lao med. arid if
natiotted they will 12121 be naked to it away.
sway nazis Clothing.
We hare on hand and radium to matte • very sitivrefor
"Ready Made nothing. which. we can reeolutseint so
It ant, and would inane oat ft lends and the puhlie to tall sad!
asinine inoodo. Prices and Make: and to those not judges we ,
brittle *tong 'owe one to fur you, and a e twair you we
tatiefted that we have the
• Best Goods in the Oityl
This we toast of anJ mu. comparison Able. • mice lee
Whivenud Faulty Shirts. Drawers awl L'ftdersbina.
Stocks and Stock ('ravata, which we bought very low, sad
sell as cheap as the chc.,pest.
We would return our thanks to the Publie hor pat WI"
be pleased to see all our old customers and as was i mew
can make it Conrcoient to give us a call at h, lterth
Erie Srpt. la, MIL
Sul Opened at Ilta. I Wright% •
of State and Fifth Streets.
Tx" it ER E the sallow 'tier is hoer retching a large and well
VI , lee fed stuck allot.. Caps and Fars! To which he lei
the attention of the people of Erie and its . Mist
himself that front ht. long practical experience I.
goods in his tine, and his superior facilities foe abtainingehe
rg best goods direct from the importers and filsuielaelneers.
hosisviaatheJiohliees porallut. thin be earn nail as cheep. Af
ebeapertnaa arty other estabitstuneol in western NNW?)
tinning detettunted to make this city his lit...ideate. be bee
rem' rem. in theseketion of his goods to make his
COmprastag every
:trader the very Leet 31asenala and Workaranakip! A
pod. way be round a o tery gee lamb* ulna '
skin Hata. Mira bne and fine extra Moleatra Saw A
4sl 1)1e 0(1111 designed ccpresely sor Icroug Wu. •
iu ail the canteen a iUn. Alto. Jenny Lind., Butripteille. •
to.aod the Gold lily:ere.
'over Forty drabirot sty*. of rapm. The on Mal
or Warren's Illat.fetath t 'sp. now so leshimahle
couniry. Aloo.Pilk Plush. ew miles. Fine Smock Pinch.
chomp A ;real variety of Wait and Caps tor childeeo. T.
Crrow oth nit armortirwmt of Trunk*. ladies Sum sotßutiJs ;
all of w Inch vt eft l.e rnhl very Cheap kir Cush. An 'pods
ranted as /Cpleatlitrd. Clf the money refunded.
Erie. C1et,14.--aual._ 101111 11. WARR A I
AR" Mom insuring boeiling Comes. Stored. Shames and
holdings. lloiochal.l Surnitore. Jlerehandise sad
properti against loss and damage by Are—thew Wainer
cooluctrd on the mutual plan, making each perms i
meralwrof the Company. and pving W emir in proggotios
motaiht insured a paitietparion in the modal. Thia semi
ail alike lleitnean and bbetaboy. They recognise she ammo, '
authortibd Agents; to avoid titian:too. arrange difirtromem
hi trot iod at localities convenient for she asausedi and is al
promaptir joy up looses for which they become
rirmoos.ithenrfore. wishing to cdoet insoiranee upon
rind it ilt.r their at/renew a, Consult the Agents of =lr"' •
whom Once& are knows. la preference to &crime Com • r
or whom' you know lluk. or. (as band dent/mad ma U.
arsailrl thrai.) are insult stmt.
r. M. Tilibaht. Win. P. R io4rmoe
J. 111Winutina. Smith Jaekam
J. CI Marshall. William Remy.
J. U. Felienon. 3.11. Illaysker.
narks, Sherman. George &Odes.
J. Clark, Jamey TY. Dunlap If. W. Rommett
Pietilla Jackman. C. M. Titilsalm.
J. 1E Fullerton, W. S. Rindemiccild.
J. C. Marshall.
Smith Jackson. Perri. I. H. Wittlilms.Tieso
P.. J. Sibley. Seel. D.7o6l4lAere
Lathes W. Savatre.Spriaidteld; H. N. Irish, AI Ion; Ass
0114, ritsirdt R Pettit. Fairview; {Tanner Shertnia. Ratko
Spencer S. Staff..trd.Mckekint W. 11. Vincent. Wateribrdi
Once • rat door west of & Wriehem Illrolkdbe
up stabs Eric.pad• V.l
TOHN oderoon & Liebenthal & E. &holt tit
Ohe in: awl trurokiug l'o'haero, by the poundi or pope,.
Earouttiah Tobacco trout Ist eta. to three rhilliao per
Erie 13 .9J, 1141. W. F. &ODOR
11..IXErt. Plain and Figured ill styleo and ontalilies for
J cheap by
WAITLE IRttllel, of diSerent hind/. at NcTired
I die, Oet.ol , 1:11
33 IMOVAL.: •
fling u4.lersigned bac ine removed bis ToiloringemaiN
tottot rooms directly over A. & FL Walters' Grocery
lately recopied by Thompson and Grant. and opposite X
Hotel. woiild Inform his friends and the friendly ptiblic rise
that beam lives in necordanec with the Pidine command.
the mirealnf his brow." and reepeetfolly sot Id its a mint Mums
the Palrertate oo liberally extended heretofore. liatriogJoo
eelved fled Pollan/I Winter Foobeeis. lie i. prepared to mot
make an y,and CCITT garment in tow in a style not to be
named bete or eloowoene. Also, Naval and Military e
made to caider.
Er Culling done promptly. and with care. for other, to 0
Erie. (kt. It. test.
AS. Yeternro.
vette'', Mace. Nutmegs. Closes, VF
~on. yrmer. *We. Mnsiant, Cboentaw, Corms. Hal
OTOMIt. sad a few downy of those infallible Yeast Powdenc ,
staany onftand and Ow sale by W. F. immunizer
Cones of kb and Rai
L11:111* LAGIIT.—Ten hamlet mproced 1 Winter Sten
-LI Lard Oil—and three barrels Bleached Winter Strained
013 M 0-0 Csnapbenr. Noe Oil and Butniog dub! formilip
No 3 KOH Moire. J. 11. BURTOII kl.
ITARItidOPIS fount ada;;lnbraind ink
pet hreffed by J. IL Bliilo3l
__ —__ ._
9#ooo Almanacs fro RN for gra) . .r . iptsil l ij r trAttlat.
i 11 -T_l ____-
il fling at eflottO
Iwent] letreetfall) call Ow athmtion 01 the ottbrie lo At, -
portant ••Iract," that I am now selling °troy seek of
PRY CantlS. GROC'ERIES. 114R1 ;lune, twerp/tr.
Gi..ths Of 4lktE, R00T.% AND 5110 . 1*, 111.11r1. ae...1
tai s ...Irma Prep" •f ths Craitsre C.aarf , intik isAvirmf Naomi
tai Ligtoove. at
TM, mit lee la not alt hammy Rs to snow "nth motor • • Ws toll he retied upos, or I hare dforetotsfe as • *IP
beittee *Mins. ; I.I:CiAN NU .
Vole. ha-3. Urn Xs. I.llWfaaltes k.
1, 11 44,1-01aCtueret, kilial-A.M.n.mos. rrouc,, (1).144. for 11,
the W. half bbi. tor 1(401 4wm. 4 Y. th en ' r *apt
Nov.** W.T RICNN • •
Angara 1 Swift 11
12 Tail. or aareeerit wastifirig e( Negev
Is gee per retail and
• tar. Nov. 21.41. lei
--4 ,17 - of (Soiree tat tee by ,tha a V ewa't tor be beat. Call me .
Elm Now '!l W
Tea 1 lees
25 mesa.. IM k Telma Hypo.,
Sitio Tee sew ogee eel - sewn
T 1.1. . at lig en .1%41. IP Vr •
ir — lNCrotiiilii. - 07
Nem OK