Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, February 14, 1852, Image 2

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    thing tasterial—that the thinglto • kept shove-water is
tio the visible body bat the invisible imiseteriaNty--that
therefore the mode of conveyance should sot be visible
Of tangible. .—that to preserve sue against drawing
It is only necessary to swallow a drop of Crater:and, thus
fortified. the passenger will have nothing to de but to
plunge into the sea and swim fo l r his life.
"Certainly you' would think you had encountered a
very amusing madman. Yet. if there be anything con
clusive in logic. this illustration is not even an exagger
ated exposition of some forms of quackery." -
But I feu those quotations are useless to alter public
opinion: s hies are never co nv inced ° r i m / olio: by arra
anal. lad in this particular. never trill be—
*Tor sure the pleasure 15 great
In Wit' eticated as to Cheat,
. its lookers on *tell most delight
Who least perceive a junket, slight."
Stlll It wes my duty to try, and I Could not rest easy un
til It was All charged.
Meer.' since the rise of medicine. has half • century
passed without the birth of swarms of quack "systems."
sash as plausible u any which now disgrace our country;
and each. u at present. impudently threatening to usurp
the realm of physic. But the gaud old science has ever
soiled with calm contempt upon their puny efforts. and
shaking thein quietly from her skirts to rot in tneriteitob
fili9ll. has moved on, brighter and' more glorious from
the loathsome contact. as pure gold is but burnished in
to greater brilliance by a momentary friction with vile
dint. She is based on Immullible principles, sod, how
ever her disciples may fall sheet, Aar coarse must be ever
eltward and upward.
I cannot more appropriately conclude, thin by • quo
tation from Oliver Wendell Holmes. die Physician, the
Poet: and the ir4ll:
"Health o the art whale glory ti to
Tbe eros fling boon fipt makes it life to ,
Ask nor•t er homet...the rock. where nature Atop
Her aretie lieben,—oast of things;
The gardens. fragrant with (be Orient's balm.
Yrom the low Jassmine to the saw like palm .
Hail her as mistress o'er the distant wales,
Apd yield their trilinte to her wandering slave,.
Wherever, moiwening the ungratefhl soil,
The tear ofeutFering wielies the path of toil.
There in the anguish anis fevered hours,
Qtr gracious Anger points to healingfloweri i
‘Vhere the b et felon steals away to die,
Her soil hand eaves before his closing eye
Where hunted misery finds hii darkest lair:
The miduight taper shows kw kneeling there."
N.S.—h a namber of the copies . Srst printed Dr. Stet•
art's mime was accidentally misprinted "Stsisart," and
11• e words, ••Published by order of the Society," which
aboakl base formed the heading, omitted. ,
The'lake Superior Copper ]lines.
4'rom the Natieual intelligeneer
A new and impotstant businessi has arisen in this
country without hitherto attracting the public at allude to copper mining on Like Supe
rior. The wonderful mineral deposits that have
been discovered have been known to but few, and
scarcely believed v hen seen. One cause of the ig
norance that prevails is doubtless owing to the wild
specultition in stocks that arose upon its first dia
.,' before any legitimate 'efforts were made to
work the mines. As soon as the facts are general
ly dissetninated showhig•tbe profits consequent up
on thejudicious management of the business, we ap
prehend another mania will seize the public mind,
and probably lead to various speculations. No cau
tion will prevent Person, of sanguine temperament,
,Shun season/if prosperity from•embarking in the most
extravagant adventures.
We propoie to give a few facts to show the ad
vantage of a 4udicions pritsecution of this business,
and the value of a portion of the country which a
few years ago was regarded as worthless. The
mine wbich has thus far been the most productive is
called the Boston and Pittsburg mining company.—
Work'was commenced in 1848. A capital of $llO,-
000 was paid in, or about $lB 50, per share on six
thousand shares. In 1849 $60,000 Was divided
among be shareholders; in 1860 $84,000; in 1851
$60,000, sad in 1852 400;000 more will be divided.
In another view, shares which cost $lBl have receiv
ed in back dividends $34, and are worth $lOO in the
The Northwest Mining Company ranks next in
value. , Mining wee here commenced in earnest In
1849. About 080.000 have been paid in. In 1849
the nett proceeds from the sale of copper amounted
to some $5,000, in 1850 to about.s32,ooo; and in
1851 to something over #50,000. This company
owns a large tractof mineral territory, upon which
o valuable veins have been opened, and i number
rof others discovered. The property owned by this
company is of immense value: and magnificent for
tunes Will in a few years doubtless be realized from
The Minnesota Mining Company is located near
the Ontonagon. river, some forty mile westward of
the two preceeding. Immense blocks of pure cop
per are taken from this mine. It commenced in the
autumn of 1848, and has a capital paid in of some
09,0,000, or $3O dollars'on a share—there being bet
3000 shares, They command *l5O in the market.
A large dividend will, we think, be paid from the
earnings this year.
--Our object is merely to direct the attention of
the enterprising to this interesting - region. The
gain reaped from the workings of a successful mine
is frequently five hundred per cent. Shares in the
Boston and Pittsburgh Company, which'cost $lB,-
60, sell for $lOO. In the Minnesota fur $3O the
owner can now receive $l3O. The Nsirthwest
shares will probably increase one handredifier cent,
in value in a year.
A bill for the construetion - of vine' around the
Palls of st. Mary has been reported in the !rouse,
and will probably pass Congress.. This will reduce
the cost of traniportstion. and render the working-of
the mines still more,profitable. Labor is already
falling in price Ito the Lake, and agricultural pro
ducts incressing,Tand consequently the price dimin
ishing. i
Sufficient reasons have been given why public at
%cativo will ere long be directed to the Lake,upe
lief mines.
Doerr:Jon is rna Nsvir.—The bill pissed by the
U: S. Senate, on Tuerday,.for the better discipline
af the Navy, and intended to supply the deficiency
in punishment, experienced from the abolition of
the flogging system, prorides that petty o ffi cers and
Owe below them, in the Navy, miy be punished
for efionees . in either of .the following ways, accord;
tag to the degree of their respective offences:
By diminishing their rations; by restricting their
r diet to bread and water; by imposing extra police
--} and other duties; and in case of theft, in addition to
may of the foregoing, by making good from the wa
ges of the offender the value of the articles stolen,
and obliging the offender to wear Cu. -ten days a
badge with the word thief thereon; by discharge
from eery' , with bad conduct marked-on their di..
charge; by litary consneritent in irons, single or
doable, on read and water; by solitary conflemeat
not over 30 days; by solitary confinment not exceed
ing two months; reduction to inferior ratingv by
bill and chain, not to be wore at Bea; by deprivation
ofliberty,on shore; and by loss of pay not exceeding
- thrft months.
'Among the accompanying provisions, qualifying
and explaining these rutiahmenti, is one that en
area to those who have served 20 years in the Na
ay, with good conduct throughout, a place in the
javat Assylum.for life, with half par.
The Naval Committee state that they have other
measures in preparation for the improvemeet and
farther discipline of the Navy.
Dusan:4. Case or .11A:rsr.sFurrrsa —Yesterday,
dm wife of James RCMP, formerly a police officer,
end several times arraiened before the,Recorder's
Court, bed a difficulty in the twesenee rj tier hus
band, with a person in Brooklyn. The man bad at
tempted to commit violence on h er p.m,. Si,.
went to her husband, whe is said to bare been in
toxicated, sad took frep his pocket a pistol, with
which she shot the dMding individual through the
bean. He died instantly. At last accounts hi m
R. wee under examination before a jitstice la Brook
lyn. She will, doubtless, be acquitted, on account
of the aggravated nature of the crime attempted to
be perpetrated.—St. Loris Union.
lie • 80111.11.01V1D lloast ;7 4l friend of oars, who
wee a-few miles is the c airy yesterday,-tortes
the followisc—A mile o so from the city beast a
he, on horseback, erYinf with the cold. *Why
don't you EN down sod lead the horse!' said nor
fr;eo.l; "thee, the way to keep s - artn." We a
b borryed borrn and 111 ride him if I (reeve!"
brie tllethlii (Maim.
ir7 Oar first page is occupied this week by au salinea
delivered before the Erie Cosuty ModicalSosietys by. Dr.
J. H. Stuart, It is published by request of the Society;
sod, we may add, paid - fee.
ET We aro ladybird to Geo. Hoodoo and Coro.
Stockisio. lathe &Aug. a ilea. C. g Canis and
Means. Walker. Kelso. .4/ Blare, for Coogroesionel
and Legislative favors.
t. rr To-day is Valentine's. wbsii. icawdiliff to •
unse.bonored enatosa. every mut has • Ott buy a kin
letter. instead of writing one. and send to Mew bee in
LT We cell the etteotion of our readers to as adver
tisement of Mr. E. A.m... dasserreelyphtt. to be found
in another column. Mr. E. profuse. to understand his
business, and solicits esamitartioo of bra specimen..
ILT bars epos oar table the first number of a sew
German paper published is this city by E. Beheaffier.—
It is Whig in politics. mid makes • respectable appear
ance. How it reads. oar Gsrniin friends can Ilene tell
—at least we cannot. We pressure. however. it is brim
full of modern wbiggsry dose op in German. .
DX The travel through Erie eases the opening of the
Railroad is truly satesishiag. The Erie and North Eist
cars carry up sod down hum two le three hundred daily;
and there is no doubt this' number will bs Masi* M
urmured as atom as the read from Dunkirk is lieffslo is
finished. which event will take place abist the stlif of
the present mouth. •
117 The papers throsghost this State ate ssesimesely
in favor of printing the lawn. bat °moo the proposider
'of publishing in ow journal. Every toiletry paper 40.
remade the right of printing the laws referring to their ill.
cality. a claim which is jest and Tease • able.
IX Oar Meadville friends are doing to kayo a Kearath
meeting , . We hope they will hare a good tine. sad sub•
'cribs liberally to; the Hysterias fittosbeg; after which
they will so doubt feel - better. -
LT A Naw &num atsts.—lt was proposed in die
Legislature of New Jereiy. to week. to make policies of
insurance-receivable by the State astborities ea banking
capital. end that 14,16 be issued foe eircelatioa so that ba
sis. Should this Patent sum
.. pieww:p' a be carried out is the
form of • leer. it iV the intention of certain parties to ap
ply for on sot astisorilting Ole Um of bask, notes Set:arid
by lottery policies.
We are often a s ked, "what is Congress deisg?".--
In reply we have levariably said, '•nothing." That body
her been in seesit♦n between ten and twelve weeks, do:
. ring which one Jil* and three resolutions have been pas
sed. ' Both parties 'will irubably follow the old curse.
namely. do butlittle business "iota after the Presidential
nominations haveibeen made. -
Er we learn. by private advice@ front Meadville. that
the Democratic County Meeting held on Tuesday eve
ning instrnmed it, delegates to the Ch of March Conven
tion for Mr. Buchanan. after s herd struggle t •
U W. hoar n great many *liquifies in regard to the
prospect of gettiiiilessages to CaWorlds. Upon this
point. the N. Y. rriksine says that it is (di., worse the.
idle, to visit that pity with to idea of engaging a passage
by steam across to Isthmus to California. All the vie:
Dols (both Pasant and . Nieeragua) are 1.5 up to Apvik,
and those for tat month are rapidly Stag up. Either
engage your passi:ige 'rooks boforeband or take psir pas
sage around the Born or over the Sierra—there is ho
help for
87 The Camas represents the prospects of the Li
y e dley railroad ai daily brightenisg.. We hope it is
It soy.. ** 14 . 40 . 1 .- C.—o spol aermillimme mallimleiativ e sualt.
iced the roma from North East in the diroetios ofJamtia
.town to be sonviseed of its entire practicability. •
shall sot be surprised to hear. in the lapse of a few dal •
that defiedte arrangemests have boon 'loads to ran Ow
.oilcan six foot Outgo to Erie by the Jamestown MOW "
B? Gorse o Lasts____
La Dr. nat. oft •
Episcopal Church of this city. has accepted a cell to
d yak of • Church in Charleston. Mass.
TT Elder Or Hydee paper in lowa. defied. the
Mormon system .f plurality of wives: The Morisse
law allow. it, sad the Elder deems it se sic.
Er' Tan Coxtmirr Yirr."—At Campbellsville. Ky.. ----
ing one of theses nights. of which the reads'. as
probably beard. a i r emu wet frown u death while p
ing in bed with t o companies.. •
to Loot Orr.i-Coonterfeit Bili. ef the dementia a
of $29. on the Buie Bank et Indiana. have be.. pet i to
circuited*. is thatlikati. .- The ceusterfoits are well It ‘ i
,ecated. and well old...dated to deceive. mod are es
Branches at New ttlbaay and Indianapolis! • I •
Karts er Tot.L,ros. lBs2.—Tbs Camel Commies; , ti=
era of Peaveylvanis hays published their Toll Sheet !for
this year 1852. It l differs bat little from that idlest y .
eseept is the talk Of toll charged upon emigrant n-'
pre. These are ii be charged at the rats of $2
from Philadelphia, to Pittsburgh, or lees than *so- 'rd
of a cent per mile} while the cars cosiroyieg thew" to
pus to/Cfres. Tide will afford inducements for • "-
greats to pass though Pessaylvania. sod still fa sr
West, instead of oarapyiog the large useettled tree is
the western part ad i 184,8ta1.. Other passengers w he
charged two costa per mile; as beretofiwo.
1J PENNS 141 Liciartarvits.--Lest week • ill
was reported in the Hoare of Iteprwealatioes. te w
the basks of the State to haws small sous. aid ' to
permit the small *ease( beaks out of the Statile • -
late is Pee asyleasia„ A bill-was aim reported to •
• free banking system; sad a residua's adopted in f
of the coustrectiou ror; ship cola arosed the Fel of
St. Mary's by olio' general goversiewat. Also, for
the inearporaties of the Erie City Bask. la die 12
es motion or Mr. Mordent's. doi •eopplegoolat to di act
iscorperatieg thel Meadville aid Yleckservide sad
MesieDle and Breksastrsw Omsk read sompsoisa. so
takes up, rend twice, and pawed finally: Mr. Fades
iotrodseed • bill to authorize the Cad* of Erie to
row money, with'irbiat alma' s raw aeart hoes*. •
;bill incorporating die Girard and Csesewsge plash
company was read Ossify sad peesolf.,
CT I' Nirriess is the title of stew mouthiy s
morons journal. fall of fanny wield este. pm is
New York. It ioof this form of the Looters. but a
taiss lei.' as many lines. Prbilehed by T.-W. g,
Nassau Street. ;
117 A Cauu.cee Kosires.—Ao odder dews Saab ya
be never dotted as i hid *ace is his life. sad that is
a fight with a osteripiaity.
t - 7
17 Must Mosaurr..--The Sews el liaise kr
mused to lead off is morality aid piety. The secemis ef
her ••fiquer law" has 'aspired her fon& saiwaliete with
• determination to go' ahead. A law is sore Wan the
legislative of the State.4eSiatisg • See epos any pram
who shall keep bowlisi alleys. Wlfierd or card midge t for
the purpose of hire, as 4 autherisieg magistrates to dew
oath of a ei • • that ho. tp t
search warms* epee Olio
lieves that met tables tiro kept. If the ate are hawed
they ore to he "suppeere4" destroyed. and s pears;
for Geed. ,
U' A Soariusuca Cam we Gaansusis.—A rkh bier
sloe of New hewer 'noisily died. leaving by will arena
bluets.. of heal wan, tersely • five thaineaad dollars each.
t o ladies criers be bad addiessetl. bet *be had iejeetati
bins. Ile said that they bud allerwaria grown to be a*
ugly that he end/ not be inglaieatly gnitafal.
• If/Ames to I ..naeou.alion.;Tlmi . peat queue, in
tba Now Tack legialatiesa tor a wen* or on past. local!.
od duo **Hard Pan and 4niclt upoOstise Ouloale
of eloquence and riven of int .havo Mend. hes die *4 4 m
pan and (ICA .and." aro delootallito nuateriol.
Ifemes. Inaba sad Galbreith's Statement.
This iikmanteat. published low last. was handed In
at se late an hoar a so utterly prettied* any &once of its
conamte--heneu. it went to our readers "with all Ile im
perfeetions ea its head." That each thieve are laseveid•
able eemotisnes, every ace at all einiesiated with the rou
tine of a printing Mike. is well aware. Editors and prin
ters are neither Joshes* or atagie.iests. They have no
power to eoutatead the ear sad mesa to steed still sad
he obeyed; randier ma they. with a wit Pre" , ch••E•
invocation. set type to flying from thOr bottev.'er an
Editor's ideas tallow bile oil hem as inverted bottle.--
This will actsaat. if linked we are scansamble. (1) to
those who have made themselves so extremely :enhappy
because we did net Wafer se the weeMee is head list week.
Dam of the Wet implement. salmi the many wapies
sant positions an Editor le ormetiaw placed is. is that in
which he is compelled to differ with his political and per
? Meal irked*. sad arose" ibis damns* enter into a die
.clamiect of feels. and the relate' Maria( of these facts.
span the position he and they wimpy before their politi
cal brethren.. This. ia s Mum" is oar position sow i■
regard to the two gentlemea who eacapied a Palon of
our paper last week le an attempt to phew that they were
badly Wedged by the gentlemen composing the Demo
cratic county convention which assembled la this city
het week. That they should feel implement aftrr being
thwarted in a darling wehosacti—ii schemi.for the mimes.
of which they have so mireinittiner labored, we certain
ly de not weeder at; bet when we take inter consideration
the cool cad carafe* elmrecierisiics of the complainants.
we cortege!) am amazed at the step they have takes. Of
whet de they complain? Their &st is is the following
”Before the seeetiag of year coaveation, or the sece
de. of the members which misread it. this State bad
spoken sad the voice of the majority of the party. as ex
prosodist comity commodore. the remit of which was
already knows. tbroeshoot the Slats. ire ejesilisotant of
.hick had ems asfeissily avoided by As organ of as jow
ly ia this erne, '
It is sot easy to see the relevancy of the aloe?. te the
quietism at issue. but se it has foam: a place in the mea
tless. italics sod - all, we feel booed to notice it. And we
shall do so by denyin the whole thing in tow—We say
"this State bad" not "spokes,:' torahs cannot speak un
til the 4th of March. County conventions may have
''.peke.," bet how they spoke. is many roma, is still
• dispated point. Berke meaty. for instance, is claimed
by both the Buckman and Asti-Bachinan men. So
with other counties that have sleeted deleiates. tout have
not instructed. The delegates from Philadelphia meaty
were aot appoisted until after our convention.and it instill
a disputed question whether they are inigacted for Closer
Buchanan. Every body knows that - Philadelphia county,
with her fourteen delegates. bas an important bearing on
the question. To say, then, that the **State had spoken,"
seder such circunstances. is it little stretch of imagine
ties. we apprehead; one which is only equalled , by the.
novel complaint against the **party organ" for "carefully
avoiding" to publish that which only existed io the brain
of the complainants. But i matters Me whether Mr.
Buchanan had or bad sot a f•elear majority." in a felt
csoventioa. already chosen. We have yet tokens that
we ars .under soy obligations to fill oar columns with the
speculations of the Penneelisnims. Democratic Mau or
Pittsburgh Pest, in regard to the complexion of the 4th
of Much minventiiii.
The next point we are called spire to notice. lea table
Showing how many Declasses. aid how easy anti-Be
chases delegates wars choose in this county. and as the
table gives by them last week was somewhat erroneriesk
we propose to comet it. The following is the actual
••rseult in the Hyena &that@ when meetings were
For Bachanaa. Opposod to Buchanan.
hiliUcreelt. 2 Erie, West Ward, 2
North &willow:ugh. 2 Harhomeek. 2
Greeabetd. • 2 North East township. 2
Wausbnig. 2 Green. 2
Waterford berosigh. 9 Waterford township. 2
bleKean. 1 Girard borough. 2
-Girard township. 2 Elk Crook. - 2
4,de Moro.
13 Mashing tea.
rgaws4 •
• Bpriagfield. 2
Showing that. from "the several districts where me r
ings were held." and from which thereertas co diamite
sents.there was a- clear majority against r. Buchanan
,(teal Bet from this ate inset subtract the delegate
from McKean.' set premat. bet Misrepresented by his
aillegue. and the two delegates from C _ t,t who did
set arrive until jut as the C flea coucludod its la
bels. This leaves ID ti 14. the vote of the anti-Buchan
as delegate. from McKean being given by his college.
for Mr. Bochanaa. Thea titers were the two disputed
seats from the East Wald. Allow ibis admission orate
Beehanas delegates from that ward. and Messrs. Whet-,
loa sad Galbraith woold still have bees la a minority of
Jet "is the several diarists where meatier wore held."
-Mewls'. at mice. that the admission of delegates from
"Amity. Wayne. Vesting° sad Fairview." had no *feet
see wafer the ether is determining the final remit. Dot,
even had tits admission of theme delegates had any is:
down* there was nothing unfair hi it, for it cannot be
denied that those from Venting* and Amity were idutit.
ted as the (deeds of Mr. Besbasaii. while those (rum
Ways* sad rearview were admitted es the friends of
Gee. Houston. That the delegate from Vessogo. who,
it is said, "would have voted for Mr. Buchanan." was
"smog the Greed Jsry" sad "compelled to leave the
convesties," is se fault of the opponents of Mr. Beam. ,
an—neither is it their fash.thataftor the Buchanan men
procured timattendance of the Amity delegate, they could
set sae him.
And this brings us lathe consideratioa of the correct.
now of the policy of nannies' all to sows is Ws Coven.
tie. who shimatsty frosW be 'admitted, whether they
were apfwinted dentin., bat without credentials. or
whether they were chimes of the Winship. sarepreirent
ed. before the contested nate from Ede wen disposed of
Oar oppeaents complan of this proceeding en the part of
the convestios; but let us lon at its history • little sad
see how the matter wade. The delegates had aet fair
ly got into the reem.before Mr. Teller. a Backman mu.
and Meseta. Whallen and Galbraith's spokesman. mov
ed that S. F. Warner. of Bpringilelf. be. sot wily tem
pony. bet pennant Chairman. This wee earried.esd
the business of the coseestin proceeded Upon
editor the roll of townships. it appeared that the gwitle
mas lischasan mss had made Preddest. had no en
desenote. though he claimed le be • regebtrly elected del
egate. Of this. however. the eeseesties bad so mesas
'of knowing-4mm As stood. to all hunts and purposes.
is the sante'eategwy. so far as the coseention knew. with
Woes gestlemen admitted from "Volute. Amity.
Ways* and Fairview." of which Whales & Ce. com
plain. Now. it is plain to be sees. we think. that if the
role cemplaised of had tot been adopted. the Coons
ties would have hen sompelled to dissolve, and ts-or
raise; Uses. if the., was say thing wrong in the ad
missive of the delegates from the townships complained
of before the cosuistell mats from the East Ward were
disposed of. our Buchanan hind. have only to thank
their own 'reedits.. in *neatens( to seism • presid
leg 'Mow whom "kenos effnualliprecheded the adop
tion of any ether nurse thea the ono of which Messrs.
W.' sad G. complain.
Of ***tin of the twinkle of the Banana and ad.
missies of the sod- 8410b11111114 delegates frem •the East
Ward. we 4e ow, of nun. purpose w ester NW a
lengthy dissuades. We hen already One that, lithe
}lnehasas delegates had hen admitted, the heal rink
could not havirbsen different We may. however. vor
that we thought. and still thick. there wee a/sir sad de
cided erpressioa of the Ireettle of that ward agaiest Mr.
Bananas. sad it weltered little, la equity, whether that
uptown°s was meads weer the same of **Rinsed an."
••Jahn Doe." Sr stet the sasses of the iieleipt ins admit
ted. Se plait was this that some. si ienst. of the Be.
ensile delegetredeellsod I. vow whoa the wenn of
•admiesion wipe taws. The Conwesties, we pre.
nut. land mess doe inestlew as i.e that "ea N he
&Mei( bif the Mere of equity rather than unyielding
teiehaWiditles. been a ussiseity decided again she ad
enines of Whalles sad his cases. That they will he
sastained in this by di tight tblakisg eats. ws law n
la conclusion. we understated that Messrs. Mallen
and Galbraith 'stead I. seated the seats ef the delegates
elected by the Comity eenviatiee; but epos what (mead
in not se easy seen. Certainly. the State Convestios has
no right is go behind** proceedings slew County Cos-
Testiest. aid say whit would have beset Heeled delegates.
bad set the ciresonstasees eemplakted of. by this lowa.
hots. takes pines. Had the Meads of Mr. Itechasan.
when Messrs. Whistles and Ttlobale ware included. wit%-
drawa mad organised another convention. then Messrs.
Ofhalbe and Galbraith might have bad as muss for
claiming mats at Horriaberg. But they did sot do this.
They remained and acted mail the convention adjourned.
dumb) , sandiening. so far as acts tan sanction. thepro
esedinp of the convention in general. and the election of
Mown- GASIIIII aid Saltsman in particular. Nay. mere.
they endeavead to histruct those patients' for Mr. Be
chateau. failing is which they remained and participated
is the *hoodoo of Conferees to choose.' with Crawford. a
senatorial delegate. A. well might some gentlemen.
whose names were never mentioned in the C hon.
contest the seats of sash conferees. as for gents. Whist
les and Galbraith to contest the ;sets of Mears. Jacks's
and Ilskanete. Bet we waste words upon a proposition
that all can see it a glance is simpli preposterous.
rr Wrist ALL TEL GOLD Gob ro.--f3ince the dis
overy of the California gold region. stye a writer opou
the subject, the immense secessions to the currency of
the cosstry through this medians are familiar to
;Tee years .lace the sight of a gold ado was comparative
ly • rarity. and now die *ilia of them is by no means
wonderfel. however mach the possession of them may
lbe with many of us. The pleidifehiess of the yellow
metal. however. is net yet solliciest to reduce its value
in the estimation of the saving sad careful among us.
Iwho are as certain to hoard it in their chest tills. and
stocking legs as ever. even in the days of its utmost
scarcity. The fuming classes particularly. whole avo
cations de not permit of their keeping the tun 6 the ups
and downs of tbe paper currency, are well aware of the
pereniment value of gold, and look eller it with the great
est care. Thousands of perilous of all classes, too, who
would sever be at the trouble 'of laying by a bank bill,
will "salt down" in the safest recesses of their home
steeds. that which is the chief representative of vales the
, world ever. This will in a great measure account for
1 tits disappearanc• of gold from circulation gaits as truly
as the ••drain" which Europe is making upon our coffers.
A quarter eagle hire and another there, all through this
Vast country soon inmost@ to a sum in the aggregate
which would sensibly affect the currency of any nauen,
if withdrawn from its circulation. This single feet af
fords as ready o 'Wittiest of the emus of tba decrease of
the gold currency. as that which is eel often given by the
alarmists of the present day.
Sunbury and Erie Railroad.
The prospects of the early commencement of ibis great
work are daily brightening. Tbe bill. Meowing euantierrl
and ainalcipal eorporatioss to subscribe to the capital •
stock. has passed Ike Hoses u - reported by the fries&
of the road; and in the Senate the objectionable feature
engis upon it by some of its enemies has been streek
off. se probably passed as it came from,
the !louse
are thi lt is understood that immediately upon its be- i
soloist& law. Philadelphia city will subscribe two mil
lionsls Mhos. and this subscriptioit will be followed up,
by ra • some. of from one to Are hundred theosamd by
The so rel counties through which it passes. ' Indeed,
so Battering are the prospects of the *megrim/. that it is
understood the President of the company has &termini's!,
should the bill pass se it came from the Home. to per a
large force on-the mai early-in April for the parpoes of •
locating the work. and preparaing it for letting.
Removal of Goy. Young.
It ii said President Fillmore has determined to remove
Brigham Yeteg. .frem the Governorship of the terr:tory
of Utah. In remarking epee this, the Editor of the Cie-
WC courier soya ho bad a , conversation with Judge
Beeches. one of the expelled Judgovand he found him a
goottement m mere mew iressintine obi my
awe. who discharged the duties of his office, so long es
he was permitted to do ,so, erediteLly to himself and to
the preeminent. Be residers:muds thoroughly the pub
lic and privets history of Brighten Young and other
prominent persona in the territory. Illi•hes seen the
practical working of their religious and domestic affair
end es b• is qualified to give an intelligent espoeiticnVof
it. his statements may be regarded es true. lie' says
that we can scarcely Conceive the stets of society that
eziststhroughout the territory. The unbridled lie-sisit
and lieettioussem terming through the whole population.
from the hoary sinners of fourscore dowtito the very chil
dren, is sickening to think off. Girls of twelve and (cur
test are without the least ceremony 'taken into the house
hold of the Governor. and become mothers tamest before
they cease to be egiddree.. Even in the plaice dedicated
to Untie religious worship. levity. *Weedily and profanity
are things of constant oteorresce. end are iedelged' in to
a degree that almost staggers, belief. The statement,
generally published, that Pow. Young bad been sees pa
rading the streets of his capital in au omnibus with twelve
of his wises, each bearing iii infant it. her arms, is de
clafed to be literally true. and there is no reason to doubt
the fact.
ET A GRAM Misnorasscarsmos.—The Crawford
pesiocrat, in notstiag the fact that our County Conven
tion instrected its delegates for Gen. Hdusain, says:
t-This resit% was produced by the convention refusing
to admit Messrs. WhaHoe sod C. M. 'Abbate. who weirs
fairly elected delegates front the East Ward of Erie. af
ter first packing the Convention by choosing delegates
from among the spectators for four townships which had
failed to sleet! With all this trickily. the anemic! of
Mr. Becheetto succeeded in their design by only a-tri
lling majority.
Ibis is grossly false! The Coniention was no more
"pecked" than any similarConvoution which has mem,
bled for the last eight or ten years. In a minority
County like Erie it is almost impassible to get delegates
elected and in attendance. from ions. of the remote
lograshirs, and it bee been customary so supply such de
ficiency by admitting-persons from nurspresented town
ship who might be peewit. Is this esje, there was '
occasion for each proceeding than any Similar gathering
tea base attended for several yearn lipoid's. as we base
stated is another article. the attendance of the admitted
dolOgstee from two townships. of lhet four aerepre
vented, was procured by the Mende of Mr. Buchanan.—
Again. our good matured friend. Gee. Wballon, wise
is n perfect martyr le the cense of the t• sage of Wheat
land." has boss weekieg night sad day (Ur several menthe
to carry the county for his favorite; awl if desire wee any
"pecking" going ea. we do sot knee* of say person
mole likely to held his ewe i..uch a bssieess, or to re=
sor t to it. than he. W. presume the Disasenst will make
Jarss.—Aa imposing United Bastes squadron is
to Sisit Jspi neat ea MOW. SO hoe already boos sasses
cod. Bowe of the journals - of Hello* are wrist the
Govirantent of that. country to Warn the Emperor of
Japan to open his diastry to tbi trade of the world; pay
think the abolition gibe sawsirpoly whir* Hollsod sew
enjoys of trusdiag with Japan. would bel a bestir to her
sod all the world. sopeeiaily the Uniteif Owes.
Q How TO Ger iv Onricit.--111 Wet ~sty
diet taus hew !LEN an saw yet every Jest slaws'
snits to. We thigh we have direesvirett the pressen.
and we are a iprOd stied I. and,' for S palest; indeed.
we think we 'Meld wars diets Mt May proplasia
ths eoestry and se hew peer Mews'. IN 10 ear wawa&
We hive noticed idna every fellow Moe hoe paltdielted a
Detneeratie paper is %Ow County he the lest right
year/. inetteeded. goner er later. ta *Mae fete
IMMO osasiottablib petite berth; awl. etastiegireas this
WeN•knewn folk we arrive at the ieetritaide treeellieiwa
that there is bete 'talismanic Fewer aseneeted wrath die
ribuesttea of • paper in Better. Harrah. thew. kr Bet
kr. ye that as lietsgry far din and is saishismaut.
IT CM , . Marti. wits I. a isWidess he baldest. INOS
We is Wweest,ig Ceaul. Mao, ea tea 12th iirmisai.
her. 1782. and was amosseissady sistpilhai 'WS aid Oa
the 13tth dar of Om.* last.
Er We Intim Isat Gov. itglor he. appointed eel
Jamas M. Swan. et Indiana. one of his Alai. with the
malt of Levi. Cekraiel. We wonder iftkis IYiM a mie
take. We told the 'Governor at the Reading Coevention
that all the "rewash" we asked was this same appoint
ment. We alwayelhad a very strong taste fee military.
balsams hew the people never foann if mt. hence we
have never had Lobate, to display oar "prowess in ar•
mor bright." Well, it is just oor lack. for
“We never *ad a "loco of foetid.
Particularly large and whir.
That yr/vent/sure to 411 upon the floor.
And alas on tbe buttered aide."
,And here's a feliolc thee stole Oaf title. eirspean and all.
Sorely our military [talents; Idle the roes. "were born to
blush women."
_ .
azr Doe'? Lute It.—The Pitmbarg Pest does not like
Guy. Iligleet appkintinent of Hon. Wm. ft: Garvin,
Fluor Inspector of4larti city. It says .Mr. Garvin is a
ecmparativs stranger to the Post and its friends—be "is
neither a miller or j admire' and It, the Post. does not
*.bo2litivii that he Isla judge of Flour." This may all be
true, bat yet we mutant help thinking the Post, in error
in one partienlar—its want of knowledge of Mr. Garvin.
If oar memory is old treacherous the Post Made Mr. G.'s
acquaintance 1160'4 a year si:nes in a newspaper contra.
verity. which resulted, as most each things do. in the
Post losing its tairgoer. And hero. perhaps, is the waive
of the Poses dislike of the appointment.
C 3 The Editor Of the Reading OssAU' threatens one
of his office loafers , with a p•essestioa for petty larceny
for stealing a New! York Trains. We should eall that
petty larceny add 90 mistake!
27 Lola 14nutsilliut been performing in Philadelphia
for the benefit of the firemen. Lola is determined to
make herself papubitameng the "b'hoys.° it appears.
TT The Qesea of Spain is se delighted at becoming is
°rather. that she 14.4 cod her intention of °wrens
lig her family. and hu forbidden hi, subjects to _take
the customary oath of allegiance to the brat princess. 1 1 / 1
she "hopes to presbnt tha nation with . a son shortly."
03' Goac TO Roper.—The Swedish Nightingale ham
gone to roost; at least we suppose she has. as we see it
ncoirdee that she Was married the other day in Boston jo
Mr. Otto Goldatijr. the pianist.. ,
£7 Dr. Caaper.iof Berlin. is beyond cavil an tiCcons
plisbed man and a perfect gentleman. HeAirmntani
caws the mineable (act that the mortality - among bache
lors from the age 4f 20 to 45 yeari b 27 per cent, while
among married men of the same eis ( it is only 18 per
cent. Our bacheler euterriporary of the Gazelle Shook]
take Warning of this fact. and secure Wes an agreeable
prolonger of bfe.ait a wife. at ones.
Er We Dee It stated in one of 6er - o:Change* that in a
new edition of. the regulations of the Port 9ffice, about
to be putilielied, that is every case where
the writer urn lettir chposes to protect it from the chance
of being opened al the Department, and destroyed u a
dead letter, he Ca) do so:by prepaying the young.. and
writing legibly ooithe sealed side the words *•to he pre. :
saved" in which case it will be rescued from the liability
of being committed to the flames. and its seal will remain
Er SLIMED Mpg Riqns.—Several weeks ago a fel
lowin Dauphin c4aoty wail shot while engaged in sisal
ing his aitiglabor•4 turkeys; and. altbouph pretty severely
werndid. was coOntitted to jail to answer for larceny.
t week he weeLput upon trial and. in addition to the
of shok wu found guilty and sentenced to three
months imprisoninent.
Er Alava Asti Ktccsx4.—We bare about made up
any mind never toiiinnounee the death of a notable again
until we see his funeral sermon. Last week we dispo-
Mid of Janus G. 01111141[7. Esq.. the Abolition candidate
lei President in 11E04. Open the authority of the New
York Tribune. This week we are pleased to
that Mr. Dirneyib alive and kicking. and is net any near
er death's door than Horace Greeley himself.
UP Wendell lips says "sre liv under a govern
ment of men—ai d morning nearsmi'pers.” This. then.
is why ear goveresneut is the brit in the world.
ID — Ajaptelissaai of tall tiwathy, rye and Oats, were len
at our dim. last weak. the product of the fares of James
,/olterson..of Dreeli. These immune's/ are a little abaci
soy thing we over saw. the Timothy being over six feet.
_As oats six or eight inches higher, and the rya a foot
above them all. t hlr. J. tells us they were Dot cul!ed; but
as iv into specimen of the whole field. Green against
the world.
g 7 Charles Dickens. is Os. last number of Houselfai
Words. says thatitho watchword of France is no longer
:.Liberty. Emtalitiy assa Frateruity." bet ••Libetty,
fly. Fraternity acid Masketry!”.
Ansnrr Lswannal AND DAVID Toro.—The
Tremble, 0. Democrat, has an article in. reference
to the want of *publican manner, which character
ize too many otibur foreign officials, which we sum
mend to the attention of the reader. The difference
between Mr. L4witanca and Mr. Tom is that al
ways IQ be found between the aristocracy of money
and the simplicity and frankness of Democracy.
The Densocrut!says:
lion: David Todd arrived at Soutbannon t eve
ning previous to the day on which the great orld's
Exhib:tion closed. A number being in 13' compa
ny who were anxious toget a glimpse • the exhi
bition, he assured them that be -cold. onciou',tedly
have their wishes gratified, throu • he i ntcrven len
of Mr. Lawren c e, the American mister, as ;,arsons
could only gain' admittance t nest t!ay thr.,ugh
sumelinch Intervention. 1.. ”ediately upon land
ing, he took a lab and pas -d off to the residence of
Mr. Lawrence. There .e encountered a servant
bedizened with 'ill, the,. ;ummery that is generally
worn by the sersants, of the English nobility. lie
told the servant' he wished to see Mr. Lawrence;
the answer Willi that he could not be admitted. He
then requested !Dint to take to Mr. Lawrence his
card. Theseryant declined doing this.. Said Mr.
Todd: • •
"You see thal..l'arn rank with him, and it
is of the utmoet importance that I should see him."
"It is inapossible; my orders are peremptory. I
a.• forbidden admitting any one or receiving a card,
re between the hours of 19 and 9 o'clock, P. M..
on pain of losing IMy situation, which would be a
sore deprivation, as I have a large family to sup
port," was the response.
• "But if be discharges you, I will take you into
my service," answered Todd.
The servant was obdurate, and Mr. Todd was ne
cessitated to turn opon t his heel. He then went to
the Brazilian minister, with whom be was asquaint
ed,.aod bad thelzior he asked cheerfully granted.
A day or two after, Mr Lawrence and Mr. Todd
meeting, the former was very profuse in his proffers
of attention, at* professed to be exceedingly sorry
that be could do nothing for him. Mr. Todd gave
him his
.views ,as to lie coodct, in his proverbial
blast manger,! winding ,up
,with the declaration
tilst be shoeld,lat least, have sense enough to re
ceive cards at ell hoer., red appoint some time at
which es eediewe weld be had.
Bach is the soeduct that sham:twists the Amer
ica. klinisuer * the Court of Great Britain..
A , Vestianirsi. M• Transcript: I Mei Ili
islLowirg, in your paper of Saturday:
"it is soul that as soon Si spring opens, the Pres-
Wrist will supersede Goy. Brigham Young by &com
petent sad irsgerolis man."
1 know not r hat Mr. Fillmore'. standard of a vig
orous man mai be; nor eau I -imagine where be is
like!y to find. a:superior to this Brigham Yarn.—
The last I bt•ril of hue, he was giving guile,. of
his wires in si•,. la his Usoribus, fourteen of
whom had bribiPm.—Brisren Trawarript
11merst. AtiliVLT.—The Messes Oieereer states
that seven tarots hare been committed for heating
and nattering a faintly of a Mr. Place. of - Waterloo,
One of them wiled a young women, Mr. Meet
oldest daughter, and commenced choking her, at
tempting to throw her on a bed. Thi s l a r imou ,
conduct roused the inmates of the home and they
endeavored to defend themselves, when t he 111CirOtf
commenced a general assault. After beating all
the Aikier members of the family mail they were
seesekma. and throwing the yens, ones into the
mum, (hey fitally decamped. The members of the
family gradually recovered their erases, bet wen f
in be shockingly bruised, and some of them
oat with knirev, ,o that their clothes . were com
pletely saturated aitb blood.
News by Telegra
We harm from Pavia that a
naming the various Chiefs of •
imams. &c.. of the National Go
hour denies the statomeot mad
that the Presidsut has addr
rnunicatiooo to the Pope e or say
rope. It declares that nothink
tie.. were passed between t
Lebloroiug Herald says that the
ste with the Moisten, tic
f Minister of State, to whi!h
Accounts from Mexico to I
local insllll7tCalllllB had ocean !
psi down by the goteranienl. I
and • worsts of President A
represents the conntry lobe in
and that it had barely escape •
consequence of the national d _`
Justice McLean has deliver
,n the Wheeling Brigde ease.
obstruction to the naiigation o,
Steles. and that these °blame
rights to navigation in theta, Iv
slitotiooal. Chief Jostles Ira . 1
sewtril trot:p.(li* decision of th
trary opinion. ,
The atnintiament aubmittin
of the Sunbury ; end Brio Rail
pk. bas been street oat in tit
Ez-Goreroor Steele 1 4 NIP
e loog letter on the subject of
He takes ■ decided weed
soy such law io New Ham
Henry Wells. convicted at
has been sentenced to be hoe
'scatted the sentence with a
Private letter:, by the Ear ~
news of a brisk and advanein •
Liverpool. Floor dealers he r,
I of a dollar per bbl, advisee.
will be obliged to import Bre •
dealers are sauguiue that Bon
The Steamship City of Ma
this morning. haring been de
sulothon Bear has been co
cion of being concerned in
man. -He was offering ape..
those contained in the boy's •
company. had razors and fin
his escape. -
. The Sontiary and Erie Rai r
as it curie from the House.
A resolution is pending In 1111
Hangars all die anus of the " t
her independence has been
A mils or $4.000,0® mastic;
go and Mobile Railroad CofWP
i I
Now York and Boston capita •
resolved to proeoed with the iii!
The ease Of Otto Granzig
tenee of death. is helot private!
tress. Margrretts, still deities'
statement attributed to her, O .
thing about the poison adinit44
fasinsiorov, Feb. 10.
tapes the occasion of the
_medal occupies slow •
istelli g esetr He
t most gratifying ineideat
nor ever will have a•;
Os regards and receives
.1 dehip. and eonclades as
higher ad Ron holy
i t ea es, which ea• unerriag
wellisvha actions elation; to
6ward With composure and eons
be aequittid. having never bee■
discharge of My public duties by any
Mr. Clay's speech yiestertlii
"presentation of the great geld
quarter of a column of this mon
esteemed the 'presentation with!
is his life. as he has not Deis,
pablie patronage to diapifuse
it swan emertation_from gore fri
folkirs:••lahall soon appelar
tribunal than any of the eail
ly judge of the inotiveir,
that tribunal I look
deuce, that al
prompted in th)
mean, aordii
purpose, e
glory of/
or selfish ends, e been soima trd by soy
iirr than to proolotelhe hooor, prosperity sad
or comm#o j
eNv Adver
Trsr RECEIVED. by'Evreo; 4
S. State Streel, aladser supply
work—•• Dream Lik."/ Mao. • few'
pithy:* Call axe • bee the rut
Er,,. Feb. 11, 1 - .-111.
N HANSI. or made to order ii
hlloootiorkCaoes of this otd rt
ry. Erie. Feb 14.'32 —4ll.
G.N£ l .—lteceivett by Ea
anion t of Bailey Pens in
eine his aired States. Commercial
N for ale Moodie. A large brio
cheap in price. at
Er*: Feb 11. 1521.-49.
Tilts WAY 13'17* - ANGER!!
"Secure the Shadow eve Mc Substance &ie."
• 11. ABEIX.L e the Daterreiaxi Artist
1,1170113LD respectfully inform the dies and Gentlemen of Erie.
VII and vicinity that he still cornrows hi. room over the Erie
Beek. Air the purpose of delineating the Inman face divise Ay
means of the beautifui art of the Thiguerrotype in the latest and
most approved style. He offers m. produce the likeness of any
person favoring him with a sitting Mhielishall be pronounced by
competent Judges, superior to the wdrk of any other Artist what
ever, for strength, beauty, and life-lite appearance.
Daguerreotype, 0 what' delight
- To gaze upon its work* of light;
• How high the polish, mire the
And every face is nature, own; /
Sure never Art with all its skill,
The soul with such delight could Alt.
His Picture being Axed by the cyanide of gold and other owe
dienui of his own preparation, can never fade out by es pownw to
air and light- Those abo wish perthet Likeneeses wNI please
call at his rooms over the Eric Banlkorod examine specimens.—
°See hours from P o'clock. A. M. 03 3 P. 14 in all 'males of Ow
weather. Erie. Feb. 14. 1.331. tfall
PAR= 10 St •AZ.Z. •
Tine subacriber oilers sate bialvaluable Farm containing
SU berm, sittudetrin the towasefip of North East. 3 miles
from the depot at North San village.; Said Dina ban Ns acres of
improvement and the wii.le under "knee. with Iwo never Easing
streams of water rennin; through, it The built:limp are a new
Same Muse. ealenlated fur • dairy ;house; one barn at by M; 2
Barns I/by MP one Shed concerted to stabling NI lbet hoar one
Corn Barn and one Cider Mill 16 of 31. There are two good or
chard• on the pertains, and a road Tanning throne* the centre.
which would make it convenient by two farms. , 1 Terms of salt
One 'Minn in hand and the remainder in eight seal-annual pay
melon' with 'Merest payable annuli ly. For farther particulall
enquire of the subacrabers. A. B PCLLEN. at Erie. or'
A: H. HAYNES. North Eau
Also— several desirable building Lou near the depot at 1... e,
cheap on time; enquire of A B. rtILLSI4
Erie. Feb. 14, 11901—Swill
T RAVE %h as day purcl pied of. • ra. Compton & flarenntra
their entire stock of Goode. to ill continue the Itleriantoe
BUillleve at the obi stead oteuppe t ;l them. In a few de? , I ' , el
Mare a good sonseunent of GOO which wdl be offered to dot
peirase er liar rates. Youa • is reopetttfully solicited.
Erie, Jags. l• 19311-311. JONX D. COOK
NEW auOi - 67
N r.W am/ oplendsd (GabN
of all seyhes sod flukey. wit
Awed rase* Rosa last aft pekes
.81e. nod if .osallVis will as.
Feb. It. WIC_
31[Nrinmit.1 1 .11:1 1 /:t.
tn'. Lace Collar, and CU '
Yet. ar
at LNO.
S+Tl 1i EMS. frocuts 64 to it
Fru, I I. —4l
.at fcrt pale chew
Gleveil "warm
TICKING and corm:
r.e 34.
Regain atioro-41. mod asatmlluseat Re Lades. 3Com 3 "
Cleats. kat reeeivrdaud for alde at toe Cheap .tore of
Erie. reh. 14. Islt.-441. 1 IIMPI IL COOK I _
ip Lulus Vesunr*Taill CaiiiLigiOes jUllit frefiTid at the ( 1 0 OP
‘- 1 *Gee of Feb. 11. 2 31.--le. . JOHN it. 000 Ki
BILOA U Nbortissi. cation Yarn:Alum. Waildlas. for mile al the
Cheap Cash nottof '33-1/S. JOHN I. (Wk.
BLEACH 10) Goode a Mc
at kow VIIIII at . P,
ciAirtlll and Miusit4g•
ebeap ca.h 11111011. C
Erie, Feb. 14, 1124.--4/4.
h and Rai,
Losoost. Jen. U.
di eroo boo boon iemeg
(*lions. Captains. Ad
neds of Paris. The Mee
hy some of the Journals
. private politiem m a .
the sovereign s of Ea.
plat uncial eenaninsiee-
Governments. The
, • dent' will comment
' "Owly Focal (de.
Gassabtattee has been
♦lUttrcros, Feb. 8.
241. h. "tats that MT nal
bit they were m ist*
°aroma has usesib s ..
* was received, whisk
er'y disturbed condities,
war with England is
I VastllNGTos. Feb. 7
the opinion of the Court •
he opiuieu is that it is au
he "sten of the Coiled
•cs violated the ceramist
tars; aid that it anima.
eyt and Justice 114ifeldir•
O l oart. and read • tea-
I t
•laisaaaa. Pa. Feb. 9.
eubseriptioso to the steak
• aid.
to a vote of the lie*-
: genets, 11 to 7:
j i \Naw Yosi. Feb. 9.
iishmeal of
BA LTlaoar.F,b9.
Sishiogloa of hilliog slop
or the 23d of April. Ito\
deal of coniposure.
Borrow, Feb. 9
bitie confirmed the
mind for Br/quintals at
• old their stock, at to
tiers state thaataato
sad that Eighth
• not !inched the op
aster, readied the City'
ed three weeks by• tk•
itted to prison on snspi
. order of the boy Leh
les for sale. similar te
Another man, in his
his possession, but maths
Ametsitioto-, Feb. 10.
bill pesied the pelisse
cam :gall. Feb. 10. '
Ohio Ligiolatort to loas
e. to be rotoroed after
N;w Yong, Feb. 10.
kw bonds of the Cities-
;.y, was wade to•day, Is
t o,. The Company has
!straeticia of the Road
is now. !whir the see
, tuvestigated. Hia
! /1 at she,strer wads A*
that she seer kasw say
sod by Greozig to his
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