Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 31, 1852, Image 3

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    'News by Telegrigh and Mail.
Or SPEED'S LINE--OfSce in Williams' Block
The Court and Jory were in attendance - at 10i o'clock
t his morning. The Foreman, in answer to the Clerk.
s td that the Jury had agreed. The Deal-verdict was
thee (mead and read, u follows:
"The Airy find tbatiMr. Forrest is guilty of adultery
...that -atj t s a reeickMt of New York and out of Peon -
t ylvania—that Mrs.,Forrest is entirely iunomut—thet
She is entitled .0 a divorce from Mr. Forrest, and that
t he shell be allowed $3300 a year. alimony:"
The Counsel on boil' sides, and Mr awl Mrs Forrrst.
There ares.much excitement among the rpectatozs. but
tile verdict is considered a righteous one.
Officer Stelens arrested Daniel W. Townsend; Ime
['resident of the Bowery Bank, charging hint with oh
taming VOW from S. W. B. & A. -Stiles, sssk Genii
t:. S. Alatliews—.ssoo ftnni ClieettFr Driggs, and: vat'.
'Lus otha-r-sums from usher citizens. islmm it is
lie, iu 'the leer IS-13. induced to become etockhnlsra in
* Manufacturing eitablishment. called the Caton
r aucett 'Manufacturing Co., 63 & 6.i Centre street.
ass con , lucted by A., tV. Metcalf. who failed in 1e1.7,
*ad :a the following year Commenced bot.itiess by t re aid
ar Mr Townsaud, who, it appsers, put in a capltsl of
44.1,00. drawn from the Bank of which ho was theO'ree
iient, to the name of Metcalf & Co, It has sineej bceu
sseertamed -by the etockholders, 'the coacera Wee
mortgaged for $6.5,000, when Towusend persuadedi them
I •
tirentbark in the teltierpriee.
• I
BALii.llonr, J 313. 20.
The Washingtol correspondent of Cie Sou s..yit pn
'vs;e accounts front Hungary give the most frightful re
ports of the increasing poverty and crime. One third. of
t he population are starving, and the rest unwilling to
,cork• with the benetWof their labor accruing to a tyrin
,incil foreign Government.
- WAsimicoroN. Jan. tIG.
Mr. Clal's helikh is better and be now Ifkoks forwold
,confidently, to resuming his plaeo in the &net& us a
'hart vain
The Southerners now talk,of dropping General 'Scott
-Is a Compromise candidate. fur the riesithiney. on the
;mond thit he wlll not be able to call out the atrenl;tli
...! the ?;9rtkerti portion o the party.
It is understood that MM. It:It/tore hes no ohl.ction
slietever. that the Whig Co vention s vhould preeent 110111 e
... '
.4:her name than hie own. ,le secs heAllows hog itatile ' The ••:tlerning Herald" aopposes the
to bo t.ed for the puipoSe of preventing any thetractfon :N°""ndY• Moister to ri ' n e r •-"° lef t
n: the party. • , cut at the l'i:vy Council to he held at
'the vets in the Vireinto Legislature on the oecoSion ' it " '" 1 " 1 ' ' .
•.1 Senator punter's re•election, stood for Ili:utter 1::11 ' The ••Doliy News" copies, a etet•meri
fee al; others ar, • 1
.4 ' .
burgh paper, to the of eet.that the Turki
• • - titiv Cii.FaNs. Jan ?6 I+'s addressed a note to the English Gat rnment. pro.
sat he shoul
, ts.titig against 'he return of Kossuth to :E Ilk d
I'Sisi legislature te-day - elected G. P. Beis . is;tuiss whi t !,
P..seratststi had been granted on eons:Mims ,
i... :... riessar.?!., in place of Mr. Dovi , .
i take up his reeilence in the United Suites: and the re:s
-' Four free nvgrevs sic Galveston. have. Wee° convicted
i toration of , friendly . relations beta eers Tu'riey
The relic:l4*f :hi: Dahlos ega iliatieh Mint show the end Aus
of sa st:,-:ispt io lan:rate a slave.
trio. residers it necessary that these eonditiete should Le
rulfilled. - , • \‘).
-eiesp:a of po'd dolt :he past Lear. to have beou t53'7 , 9.0f;
are without str?
, i r.l,4CF.—Polifienl affairs 131 f og impor
:l iit,.e7ll 44'211,600 were Cron) California- t
The schannri Midas. raparta ltnin
Is!iar , b•d by a Bra7.illian cruse , which fir a shot tteri.,,s
aer ',tun, and nverha.Clo.l her papers.-
.Nt.w Yob: - .. Jan T.
Motions Were made in the !rtupertor Court thn., mor
ning, 31r. Vau Buren. Counsel for Mr. Vorret. to
•t-tar proceedings to enable hint to prepare a bill uf
• Mr. o:Conter„.tu'belialf of Mrs. Forrkin. move 4 that
he pi dginent, be given ou the verdict of the Jury.
i n the marriage centract, and that the Court pier up
on thetattoo). and fix the acme at $3OOll per -year.
-T-he 'mart adlournei the hearing of both motion un
til Saturday.
. ,
It is said that the preprietnra of the Collins Lillie of
ticarneiv. intend to scull the Ba!tic. Capt. Comstock, on
a trip up the Putoalac, as soon as S.tvigatioin opens:
! • •
Loc. treoti r. Jan.
I:4rAL Accirouri.—About half part Itcnir this eil'ter
twee. arman by the name of IL B. Cuwmiuge, (1,41;1er
le of Springfield. Mai... while wwking, on the Itailrod
bridge crosaing di/ canal a little below the ',As; Was
killed by a falling truck used for laving. plank on the
Bridge Ile was corking on the lower curd. The
true% falling trim the upper. knoeked him kW.
Jr Baclon;lhant St•cretary of the Attlee:can
!..,:leation at Me'tice, aTi Mr. Sioctim. the Agintt of the
Tre..anttry ft/Tartu:en% were at la-t Ottco. at S •1:4
I'. ttutitnng the C;lrditier.::sitn.
111!- tno cd!vr., Mr. JohnEton of thr Richmond Whir.,
1.)1.,,• I of the I:4s:timer. who left the city
Lair to 1 lensburgh, to fight a. duel. For a ion".
Crno pa..t, they have indulged in editorial quarrels ariiret
-et ertty. i
Three Clerks in the Sixth Auditor's °d ice. hare been:
The Presidei.t has 'nominated Leonard W. JeroMn of '
\, r: York; to be Comml et Trie-ite, and John T. Nish.
.e lie Marshal of the Northern Dietriet of New Yorki
Pie L Supreme Chart has decidad the east; of; the
S.Ald Ulf Pennsylvania vs. the Wheeling and Belmont
Bri,"ge Co.. in favor of the former party. The decree of
Court is that the Bridge shall be removed or so ele
bated so that schotniers or other vessel, cell pass.'
SESsTrt.—The Senate Wall occupied with the motion
icir print extra copies of- - Capt. Latimer's rase—lost. ,
ihn2sr..—The Hoods was engaged in a rat:ailing dis,
cusszon relat,ve to Vedette pnauug.
Ilraturn At I'VE —Pliny ment.ons the cars of
visa of high reek; who havinz expired Poine tune, is it
a is tseught, was placed upon the funeral pile ill,.
.• e- Col flames revived h.m, but-he pe - rislted , before.
friei.d• could rescue him The great stistomist. Ve
vs!•ti., had the nn-peakable niisfortuue to iiontnience the
e n of a limit; liody, apparently deed. Less Sin
was the fste, of the /Vibe Provost, who toll- in' so
a:' , •o:i.etie fir, Lot Lecnirered his consciousu, tate
the scalpel. Preparstionit. were tnede to On.
1 :1 1 11 the body of Cardinalliotnaglia. The operhtor had
s - sredy penetrated into the chest when the heart was
to beet. Returning partially . to his' senses, he had
]?,rent strength to push away the knife, gut the lung
was mortally wouuded. fu one of our jnortsals is record
(L the strangely interesting case of the Rev. Mr. Ten.
',eat. of New 'Jersey. who lay three. days in . his shroud,
l'iil was saved from interment almost by a miracle. We
: . .a . a collection be Brerher of no less than fifty-two ca
sks of persons buried alive; four dissected preinaturel
''hr-three who 'recovered after being coutiaed and
strecty : two falsely considered dearlL
trr Tut Tine DACTRINE.—The :ew York ,slon says:
ft very simple reason may be given for the opposition of
the rffieirs of the navy to the abolition of flogging—their
despotism is not so perfect without the lash. These are
also a few Captains - of merchant vessels who' would !fa
von the continuance of the" lash. as ono of poor Jocik's
'luxuries." for the reason, yet the merchant 'ter/
r:ce has not sufferedby the abolition of flogging. liWta
ranee* have not increased, passers become more length
ened, or insubordination at sea more frequent. since the
escipline of the lash Was abolished. The Naval &Beers
alio cannot maintain subordinatin in th,Mr vessels by
seme other means than the use of the lash, are not pro- ,
Petty qualified for their profession and position. Aufho
my that can only be maintained by a barbarous punish
meat-such as a humane man %%mild not, for any copsi
u,,ElJo,. inflict upon a brute animal, shoullspot exist
1.. t the whole Naval system be reirolut.ouized, rather than
1 arc thflaw a the lash re-enacted,_
A Itßlll us THIC LEGISLATI,TRIVO notice that
1 . -'ore the commencement of business in the Senite
.t New York, on Monday last, the prayer t which is
~ sually offered, was made by Rabbi %Vise, the min
.ter of the Jewish Synagogue in Albany. ,Rabbi
Wise is a German by birth', and is one of the mint
ta; , ented of the Hebrew Clergy; in this,,country.—
4isr it info have great force. lima an Biked with
, atingulatied ability.—X. Y. Erprets.
The America's news confirms th
burning Grille new steatuer Anniell.
Line. The Amazon, under command
sailed from Boutlisimptun, with male
the flai inst.. When two days eat, an
south of West-Scylla Island. she was
fire, The flames burst oat at asiirsrl
mg of the 4th, and in ten minutes
the flames tiiread", the sh;ri was rotor
sub . :erptently buy,urd to the water's ed
era exploded, and the hull Immediate
By this terrible disaster. 41 passer
officers and crew are known to have
Simmons and his four chief officers.
Elliot Warbortou, the celebrated anti
rent mad the Cross," were among Or
of Ilie passitaigers, from the appalling
the flames spread, were either burn
their births. As soon as every effort t
lied failed, the boats were attempted
et ,t.g to the consternation which pre
a eevera(e rush was made for them
cot.:11 be got well into the water. tl
along side of the steamer, and every ii
Two other bonts'were successfully lai
passengers and 32 seamen succeedei
tht , burning reek. - I
iThey were shortly picked op . one fen) , t!y alt English,
add the other by • Dutch vessel, eitd iafely landed at
Plynaouth and Brest. She 'was • new iniimagatticent
steamer and very richly furnished. Thetas is inimense.
The origin of there fel/Hall/ a mysteril
Tne day previous to the departure j f :tli steamer
America. intelligence had reached Livelpool if the total
loss of the New York Brig Colirnibio. Clint: urran, on
the 7th hist. off the Irish court. meal: Itaterf rd. Two
cabin and two steerage passsmkersi togethr ith eight
of the ere w. - perished. and Capt. Currant his o cers, apj
the remainder ot the passengers and craw needed in
reaching the shore. . i
Esoit•o.—The London "Times," 6ekiiig of the
report relative to a change in the Minc , s4y. says "we
vete the fact as wo believe it to ti•4—that the at
; tempts to etTect a partial Clllllll/20 in - thalltfloistrt: by the
' subltstution of two or three new ruenrl44, fur pihers of
the present Ministry, whr; would retire, here nut led to
any result. It seems therefore, the determination of
lard John Russell, to meet Parliament wilbout'any ma
terial ali4i-siiiiii ill'the Ministry." t
NEW Yana. Jen QS
411:". n;s,,
tatter. The feeling against -the M inistr yi is breortting
stranger every day •nd it is thoukht a d:vvarolinn must
inevitably take place before the meet tig or pat liement.—
The Times however. silos that Mat ern ate not )n a very
perpleiing condition end it fir possib c that the Ministry
may I,l44eCePd in weathering out the storm. On the oth
er hand it is said that Ow Peelists aro uniting their etrength
with the mends of Lord Palmerston end by their combi.
ned-effo-ts the Premier will be compelled to 'iris way.
The nee:mute froniCape of Good !lope are of a very
usiontibfaetors• nature. .
An engagement bad 1.4441 place betWerii the natives
and the English (reaps. ill whith the latter werb defeat.
ed with a Ices or avverwl - olScers end several hundred
4 , ,
men. . . .
Extensive operations were making nn the pert of the
trucps to retrieve their disaster, but titey had not real:h
ed in any satiafactery . On the contrary: in soma
blight akirmishes, the natives were again vietorioun. '.
Futscr..—Pritnee vottiuttea quiet,! The priimulgition
of the new ronstitation haa'iteett deferred for ten days.—
; The President continues to meet .widi decided approha
, tion from all ciaFves. I
A report - has arisen'that , a misun4eretanding had oc-
curred between the Englosh Enstrassinlor, Lord Norman
dy. and 1.-m;s Napoleon. witich 3 had resulted itt the form
er declaring hie intention to take a I formal kale of the
French Government. This report caused a decline at I
the Bourse, ',tat afflirs soou relied and at the quse. the I
ruarhet was firm.
Gt ILMAN am without niWelt alteration. 'rite
project of Louia Napoleon to annex iportion oil Germa
ny ig looked upon with great (Lavas and it is I thought
that shotild ho attempt to put it into execution dial a wir
would follow.
s i s t ._
' lU . Laes.—The Sunday Globe itieversibut jest when
t sacs the people of the cities make atupendouslass es; of
titer:tsetse-a, to vain efforts o praise foreigners. to run if
ter every imp a rtatio n , a to.apo tlle appeara!nee end
manners or disunguished men holm! abroad. IWe en
hrtclied the Worse% from F, any Esiillor's carrtige , and
made apses of ouisehres, nd draweie of hurthe're. We
(caviled and toasted Merry - it. and het goes back i to Eng.
tend 'and writes us down *es. W celebrated the re•
volution tit Francs. and it iurna ou 'that revolittions do
sametitness . go backward+, Sad it is 'o greet sbakos of a
democrat?, after all. We e4e.nded a l our mean in hear
,ng Jenny Laud, the niglitAligale , si g her "Bail Suni,"
• ii: •I tow we are engaged' iu givin public reoceptgiiis,
iiamittets. and raising money to , talented fpret er ,
who knowinz our dimpo , .tlitu for sh le. and ha* readily
we are humbuged, comes amon ins to stir Op ?ends,.
_ -
prirsch a new kind of democracy to people rho have
pprticod tt sines the revolution ael Wved by only forefa.
thPre, have himsr:f feasted and to Ced, traysliSd from
ono end of the country to the other, st his sanity may
be grstoied at our expense. Vert - we area i saises of a
!ong growth , and we will i not hide t a length 4f,our ears.
Democratic Delegate lee
To be held on SATURDAY th 131st, inst: the lam.
.t. , :aturday in this month; at the al place'of elee
ti os at 4 o'clock I'. :ti:. and hallopast 6 o ' clock in
the several Borough., ot , the sambdly;
Sce.nutice of Democratic eptinty Coinmiltee.
State Register states that a man bras recently ; pick
ed thp'im that city so nearly frozen as to make his re
covery almost an impossibility, and aditit;.,..Letit than
a sere of years ago, this debased ;man wais.a thrifty
citizen, fortunate in his dentestic relations rind all
tot business pursuits, acidliasking in tire surishinikof
prosper.ty, 'with a bright. prospect for `tNe future
Alining in his path. No ite is a b,, irgaf an d ka r, i ,
.elf-exiled from his nrtzp happy home, degraded al
most to the level of 4 the brire, ruined beyond 're
demption,lost beyond reclaim:"
Tam Finn rtNo l'Aason.—Bnither Brow flow, the
pugnacious whig clergyman of Tennetsee. who fur
a number of years conducted a v. hig p per in 'that
State, makes the fo:hvring reply to • ttthrust7 of
one of his - ••exchanges" that "Use- parsbn is so 'Wile
to discontent, and so determine Ito Labe things hil
own way, that be would fight with the angels in Hea
ven. "I expect to go tolleacen when I die,but ry hether
I create any kliseurd' there or not, depends upon af
firmative answers to the following questions. Will
there be any Senatorial. elections? Will the nomi
nation of candidates take place in caucus? And if
so, will any faction try to cast any mire votes than
it is entitled tol, In either case I wilt , raise a row •'
But those with whom I am at war in the world,
!Iced fears of being Involved,as they are not
likely to get there."
07 It costs the tieopld of the United Sines 6f
4een millions of dollars a year for newsps no and
ether periodicals, and these newspapers an period
icals, are as essential to their, safety and h ppiness
si the -roofs over their heada..and more so an this
aims► and navy whichitost twice tts much.
• ,
, •
U. tbooe lodeboed Io me by 001 e or book account brill we
tl , coos by eallls* aid Minos the some 14 the lot 13( Match
orrY as I mull and MU hate ay payiv-rriowosbet tbio;—the Ist
call., Jaw 21.--17bi11471i JACKVA
statement of
f th. Mot ladat
(Coot Simmons.
Mar* flow 900616 -
IF: snbre r I 1,44 in 11 . (111/ receiving New Good, by Radio:a. rind
Ar-'willheeveryweek tlewiiiwr T 1 e ere de&
red in call aud examtue M.N.& 211.1164,--iM S. .1.4,11:K5.1N.
nd pasiwneers. on
RWIER SHOE — A full aatorfrneutppo'rveived by
Jan I. J H. Fl'Ll.ejs TOI4.
_ _ LOT S.
as is csAsten roil nivrirrni,errn:
satire fifer& Lots be City tf tenth, k said ea Treats
I.:r innef Jarurob4
F. 'Fru.: ce. ihe F.rte Academy a 111 tell at Tublie pale. on
• ThUfnla) the leth of Morel. neat. at the Court Illou r .e in raid
rity.thot .le:treble and e Mork, eituated between Fourth
:tad Path. etimudi and m) rile greet*. in 33 mitntli falono. each .0:.! a nom 41 feet and 3 ouches, a ith a nenthe.: sJitteet...
an tit the ft . 3l, a draft of which any he .ran at 'the Office of
the Secretar) '
about 110 miles
I .ipctiveted to Lear
hoar in the mem-
, , 1
;ftei. op rapidly did
tely rutted. Shia
i ge. telreu her 'hod
, sunk.
en and S 9 of the
.prishi d Captain
tbd Surgeon. and
or of ••The
sdfferers. Many
apkility With *Filch
1111 d or suffocated in
soloist cluslanses
o be launched. bat
veiled ot . i all tides,•
and before they
Toono..—Ote-fuuttli of the amount at the execution nil the died.
, the balance sii ttt city)t ar.. Ilk let ("I to be 111 IPIII. kl
Feell led hy imagnseut Want and 11601filtalt... rotenone n *ill he re
gutted to pay the now of four dollor• opott each ottativ e por •
r elltlVel/
in addition to the nevetal n Idd by ttorso. udeover the
eapetune of deed*, L. 4.11.10, Ibtßig .cent .t ~ I T tv r
.GI:OXUS,: .4 LION. p
1111.4tonv Witt! coo. Seeretory. 4 , itt. 21. 1 ,1 ,1 2.--.17
NOTI ? "
I, 'TM: accounts doe Die la.eliotyne d C:012 T
K. T. Sterrett. nt he net
' ^. tied benne the Int day of Ipril nett, or eo-t. It 111 Idd waif ,
lint. fan. 21,41 • R. T. 8 rt.
A I"l'LN'l'lo2\ ALL.
n i.tr4INFI hari ng ~,,tord ncron v t... n ith us, re here
h.l ow toml Witt ate naafi to tall4nee)tott Rooks lei It Na Mile
tleln and making as fen, costa as posailde \
,All kinds 4 4 rcwittry
Produce n ill be ta boil itt taly went of &lox.
Erre. Jim. 21 —37 it 7' P. rE .0:77 4dsoNs.
Teas from 3 to 4 Shillings . per 116
yAm- now aellina au eteeliesat artieleof Tea fur 3 Ic 4 abating..
L per 1t,.. %a wth sta. Nune nee.l lin n libidll Hi,. levirti t te.
Jan. V. Mt —37 T. %V M(RIR E. law St. . _ ___
• roltAt • s`o.--111nthara and An.lersdn's Smoking' wad eben -
a an; Tob4ccu. Walk up, all ye who —use tie weed.'
Jaii."24 —37. 7'. M . .Ml/010/1/:. Pia 7. POW' Pttlpla . ll Row.
fr-- +
' • LICLIIIOII 11. ,
it.‘vr. on !on toldhe beat wmortitient of Loptom ii f ,
Otis lily. lfrom 11)e teat Coloiates Jun ti to i rent Whiskey.
Jan 11 1- , 31 —37. 7'. W. MOORE, dime fit.. '
t-y were swamped
nal in thrill
itched. ■nd thus 9
id escaping from
Ft tit nie tt , the b't or dozen. going fat al-MOOR'S Orono '34. I - 31 — 3 7. Grocery Store. State 14
SPA .A R 3 —Soo.kerr CHU find at my e.tahlistonent, 110 , eht4egt
and C , 1epe1..4 Seg.. fll to the eat). NAL Imported and}mention.
pan .9). 1!:.7.3 -47. . T. ll' .II()OHF:.
* •
-- ------- -
t A oNtri.irre asrottinert orGlnss Ware ha. J..... been 0 124;."d
-A Mt ir.Rfrrl rhea t! Grocery 'store. Jan. SI tr. 31.. r.
. . _.
RI Slr.h V KS At I'h:itLEit of et co description. (oriole at
P. Jan di. 1-.11. - :. 11(Kitit'd.
_._ _. ...
V All the, arttrlea ran he (nun I at No 7. Poor Pcoo.e's Roo.
4. r.vd and :v. , Iteary aa the nest. Jan. 111 lu.ll-311. lilt/RE.
._ -
ettlll.MR LIS'S TI ii 0 —An mile.. ‘arlety ol lltulten'a To)..
N..../ ran I.r. (whet at T. I.V. Moute'..iitate St.', tr.S4 —l7
Q.. 1. 1 It ISCI "IT enough 1.1 fee , l a milt dude for tili,ir. for Sale
L by the b. I.‘r IL at Mt It tlairt 2 Itteeery. .11111 11 —l7
Ti' r nnhnerther thankful fur 11:,1 fat ,!enirtne a row in
tenure ante name. in the in.. 4 pl,te 11110 Mit r that
those whet lAA , rh“n. would ••tt alk up to the raetasn's omen mud
wale r Detritus thin int.itation Atli he sudle Int without ftirtlier
tremors. inn 11. 1.51 -:r; . w- moult E.
.F.,RIE SCALE W..O'l2.KST — "
InneVritTgr Se 111100E1
D r.crn 11.1' inform all ienions
It wanting tic./LES • that they continue
to tuanufiketure Day, Platform and Cotmter
Scales of various sizes and drafts. of the
most approved Fairbank's Patterns; all of
nitwit are warranted Cast Steel' bearings,
and ritual to any nuns nt use.
They also keep on hand StactiOn Pumps,
, flJieil to Wells or Cisterns, I,end Pipe.
Door and Trunk Keys. Kell flanging and
most kinds of IVtattestutth Jobbing dour at
thou ,nop. No tnt. French street. IL A. BENNETT,
Erie. Jrn. 21, less._ 17. J. BROOKO.
the Alorquie of
'tt/ii, oil be pre.-
Ittisor oil the
.t fr9n) 11
r the it ndcrsigncrl, have tarn nrntp 11..nnett lc Smola , ' Plat
li and t minter Sr ate. fora minder of veer., and hair ne he.-
itatiun in pronouncing them a superior artieie to amine% IS lime.
Henry Cada. ell. Hardware Merehant,
Sennett & irun Foamier.,
11. S. Fay. Erie l'ily bills,
Perkins k tteiden. Kev.tone Paper Miiia,
Vincent. Nimrod ifk. t'n.. Iron Founders.,
Lowry & Aron. Vaal Nerel ,4l ""•
Tonuer & KbUcy, renal
01.11 All
ri A%l\l: ;lam taken pnare•csion of "Nlitiovek .M 01.," I nen
11 fle)% ready to do all the euototta grind:tit! far my uld
met,. and ar many more ne may choose toe All pint:long dram:
when 1',01111.,1 and warranted:
I will keep constottlya good supply Diet err arfkle in my line
re Mmes m. Especially It quantity. of Boor a hteh ihry do say a
Esiri. but not so usirked on the barrel. No citra chary made
Ad drltrertuittour in any pan el the city. it JUN ELI A IOT.
Erirja unary. 17. 1% , .1r2.--10 M
. Millcreekiills.
--- - -- . _
, lapel jar Barley Malt. ~.
Eil;Al;to any manufactured Kam. nrideliv Mr. 1. Butterfield,
All Englishman of IWirlitY 'rant rio•rerwr in the malting
business, on bandana for 'sale at the 312 ti and Warehouse of the
:min* racer.
Esje Jan. 17,, 032.-311.
--.--,..! 7 . A., I.
intendina to wside tor .oine time in Eric has
a frrllliird the praistiee of Me& ire and tlutitirryi °thee at his
tcot•h•rire on tkit St.. two dnorp wept or thr Ern woLial Church.
En.. J3ll I P., W rOV %TELL JurINSTUN.
wom) ss r to horse owners that he hat Shea ,
erm of nearly the entire race of patent remedies
for horses, and • ith a number of }ears prattler
n ill fr able to gave satisfaction generally either as a rimer or
rt. Please call at my o ffi ce at Om Canal 'Ptah!. near the outlet
lock f the Extension Canal. and judge for ,)o • .....
Jan t. 1.-at —ISII
T !FINE thi4 dat phut ;wed of 11'4.'4. Cotn:don & Haver-lick
I illeirentlor tool w.:l column. tlor Alcre.vddr
Iln-tlic.f at the old stand ocenini .11; to. In a fro ria%91% , 114
cowl n. u .nro n eol nl II( qlB, which n ill 1r ut!ried to the
at fair rate, lour 1 , dingy 14 re-pectfuil% wIo tied.
Ere IO , JOIIN Mut
P . il'lli and ii ultra and Ma.tiek Vigna.h. by
Erie. .4 . 4 vv. I. • i CARTER lir. 11114)TIII:R.
A - PEN' ‘l , /.,n .14/..01 I' go kioa-31.0 !NI: d,iii•• for wk 4'
N0v.19. W. F. JUN OliitNF 4 'llT.
1 10 Uk1 , 1 , -: .. .4 . uperfine Flour tur IT:e by
k 1,40-7ubt heel'.,). 13 yoetcr, ue yard-of -hiding;St:Ate
li. Ile latinrA. good 61 ) Ivo. 4 l'. M. 11118.1 LS.
Money Down:
wr. ,,r ff i i , l . l , p n w . l i tzs u t i f , a i prier a n n o ra l %h fo d r , T r u ,o ci n tiLahn ii iicar i t i ol , el
at our Planine .I dl on c ;event!. rtreet by the lirot ~f Frio. ry
1.rie..1. , 11 1..i1l '5l-41 ‘ cARTER k BROTIIEIi.
n('V Web-tere 'quarto litethuttar) utitthri.teett and it n ill be
II sure to etre Wit tPfaction It nine 10101.1 at
k.rie. Jon huh '3l--11 4:l' NNE...N . ... New Rua Front.
NT, KW Counterfeit DeteiUrtl and rum chart. .at
i I Erie. man In. '5l-41. Gt. VVA LI.P S .New Ilea Sure.
H i .
IRY and Noet.olh Of an A IIICIIC:111 e lio..ition ot th e
lite 11411 , 27 , 01 i Ret W1111 1 )11 1.% Rev B. F Tent), D. fn rate
at .Erse. Jan 10. 'at G .1 /51).1 .s New Beak More
,N ami I:;:tuTtont Illankr, for the rttolt , of flotAreping
(Or rale at Erie; Jan. ID, '5l-35.
111 re, Butt l'aquet.D.wutswnie. Whit; laud. En
t elotwo, nt Jll,l. iu, .;e1 N NISoN'S. .
_ _ _ •
I 1 I NA un.ll.r n tgetl. Ite)err. and Bent, or'
tnethqd 11,x,kr for the Plano Forte 1 - o . e stale al
l'ne. Jan In, *N.I-15 CV% N IN'S New Book Store.
DI:IRV:I in prat twirl) si
Erne, inn. 10,'34-33. GUN:V/501'$ Snr Book Ptare
6.", l'ocket Bibles in greai vainly mime an low an 4 4ntlings
at Ern:, lin. 10 ,' 34—i3. Wil'iNietON'S
3, (OL:i' DieLor the Whnlc by Herman Melville Go pale at •
A Erie. Jan. Iti. '32-23. i:UNNISON'S.
C tntpFßS Smelt) in Own) Gwolt
t o. 4;t•N; f S4l d Nrw Rook Store Park Wow
\lc 'l4 SPELLERS 11 the dtat n
Erre. Jan. 3. GUNNISON'S
for Erie County
All now receiving ay Pitt stock of heavy and Shelf Hariln air
.Consisting in part of iron. steel. anal nails of nil sixes, Anvils.
vices. Smith's Bellows. spring.. Axle arms, brass hub and 'Mod
hands. inaleable castings of all Joann id ions. c Towbars, dirt 'deka,
mattocks, grub hoes, coil, tog. trace, halter, and tack chilli... zinc.
Pl 4 lead. hooks staid hinges. books and ever. strap tumor., a ate
lunges and laithes, brass kttiles., porcelain kettles and nee pus,
mail. comment, circular, rip. band. panel, bark. aad tenon sin •.
dnd saws•and frames: Barton and Simmons' Mond axe. anal
adrea. smononsr.roilins.. Weed's and Young's chopping aces.
&Moans' hand afes and hatchets ;Burton's ad re 4. eye hammers.
aiWittp. sync NUN Ibtrotvore• Mir, and ra•ps ; bench.matth. race
tali and cornier planes. plows. double and single plane taws; saw'
plane. rviwir 'id ehi•el Immlles. bevels. tr) squares...puke vitas eta,
hollow .burs, ariages, Barman's framing am* firmer eh iselsomaid
Parer. bed serene and castor.. lliahotrany and Mack w 311.1
r and, snaare. and chain Wit.. Wrought and east bulls.
bra Is. fhostiing , nail.. nen' va,.. locks. latches. pocket and fable
el lery. sei,Mrs and shears. mincing kiii%ol,llliallieti:traso, Ma
tt ‘ia. Iron ; I nd ;Naar, candlesticks d.c...k.c.
'are, Oct 1.. It REED.
rof ar•rp too o.iffp, t:tie roomy. decease.J. All
re/IN!. rn ` h•btrd to said Estate. are lennestnit to wake
lue,ltalesitt and all persons having claims atnut►t. iraid eftair
• frq n•ned to present then. duly autheownis4 Oar sctaem•nt
:reen..lin. i0.1 , 1—'6435. CATO %JILIN K 391 AW.
goNN 'ap, Amon and Tairette kibhom, a lair". aiPorillient
,t N. JACKriON'zi-
nt. NTER. PLASTF.II---3610 Was 044ine craned and wlnt.•
ria•trr. ni Id.l n. Mer•. tin sale at • lola er talc than net
beforr - offecell its Ult.. mattes.
Otte thouaand goo./ now nArrela • anunl for walk+ 'Nish will
le pao.l. TUVC Eit K 1.11. E V .
Jan. 9, 1.r.341.-3441 Alit' ',Orel.
VET V have rreeireJ, opewr I. aa d 'are setting a etioice *etre s Ira
v of New Nook.. Call oaf clamour. ik bile ;key are gain "e"
fare you We oo lire. J. B. BUNNIBriN al. vt).
Erie. Jan. 3.-41 • No. 0. Park tow.
=------ _...... _
. ._ ..
, Chem: Cilhooreci !I
AK. MILLEIVA relebrated ebeerie.....34.0 lame.
. Bayle'a Dairy IPbetwe, for sale br the quantiti or'poood by
Nor. 311
. W F. ItIN OF.* N F.CHIT.
w — ANttip iil' lii.iii4idief tir *l4lieri iiii
.-- . s hundred • tr. no. large
mag i c 30 co t seed. lail Barrow Bit prim, ,said se Timo
thy Seed. are me ON witielklae MOM price writhe paid V 1
Erie. Dee; get Ital. U.K. CLACK.
muffLEA'S READEXP.— Non. t i S. 3. a, and - 3. Ibr wee by
.r the &snot aingle.eopy at GDNXIBOB'S.
.1:~~ :~+ yy.
' A 'minis' tratrix !Voice.
(J ilewby given that letters of A .:Iti in i-tration lii e
been grant.] the otitis" Wier, on thee-tate of Patrick Stria.
NIP - r . . ,
OF CONSU'mpTioNlt. ; -••-
. .
NEW muffing 'AND r , N EDF N EIiEDIIFNM 1114.9ipg ANT , uccrj ,4 .
N U T T . A I. 1... •S ; S Y It t A Cjj M..
T n er ' , '" . r"
,thr,..V. cll d i ' =„T“ h r "". .u n Zt l" lua. " IT i .li s l it i MILT: 7b . m".8 : 111111 see. 81 :17t y‘ - ''4 l li era .l uniL "la.-141'5: In.- a . tutacd Oue of the 11V46.1
Iral Ur - •
1 • r
Irt, ST STAG]. , 11 • SVIIPTOMS. . -.
imirir.NT . 1.1
i r•ouch. min in the iter44. Fsle. braid, I.act, jointo t una tient.. ,n-
CONSUMPTION'. 1 l• lianutilun. oontebent. and in-Unsnap the thi.unt, fever. dirk. ult
• 17 blue Wrappitri. i 1.1 ' a tuj q uirk breulhing. eiliecler stale tit. ma i v li ptl, mut frothy,
I ,
11/100ND /TAW. li ;.• stmrrciss. ' ~
cusn IL MED - r ' ;1 eoptitothesr. spagnsodle euu h 1 Meat fever, N a ha. magnums % at
- - - -
CoNstratrirsolt: ; mid - day sweat * *, hectic 114 sh in r ite face, and cheek...if:nal:og
. i
1 twat in the pale, of hlw hunts a* soles of the feet. raper:wa
ft Ptak Wrapproi. 4 1 : li !sox an". repairs. SAW glirltalls‘ tirollaimi. ,
r -
' IP Egli D lIIT AGS
' Ii ;
S. ; 1
/ -Tl'llV.Rirh: t. 4 ll
- i lltarrhira. dimirditril finer, earl mid •mornleve. 'went.. etch!
CIONIIIIMIPTION.I 1 and ancrearnal delality, (rripiedd fantasia Tits, slight deltruiii.
In Vellum trappers. ?h . std swelling of the, eitteinities. i
Ti' TIM A rruirTlF:l). 17 The appearae.:e in Three Irwthi. ..f Soutar. .Syramiscas se a neve kfra,*ii Medicine.. from ivi no% :di)
and (them opts:same to 11w oh!
I . 1
ADEMD AND niacorturrfarT Ow= sOrriart inrriirst; , 1
While its 'mere..., prriared 111, thi a bliantn'r. (I:3 , 1. 'tile Man Ilnin.! a dilferrnt prephrhtiogi.)•ia. err„ i • far .I%fihrea4 ages whirl!'
char:gleam. rnaani•Pfie., has esightirheil Om Wei., c trociA,,l 4t. i 'dr:sl.ll Bty a f fr.% ft y Stage of Tutu. wry Cow/inapt inn.
TT PIIVSIVIANIS APPRiIITh: OF IT. bream* it • tinsel iitsin cornet Pltysinlogieal sail r i kn a t seat ps i ,. t . gi p, rys e
opprwrc of at, heent&i. , .1 10 OVIalli•■ sewer, and /weans they Anna! from if rinerri4.lBq' . that Err preparolp,i i a. i ii s ,g cure d i g a i r s
stages of Cansaisisition. Thesedgeriass.sfisappeiaril. n.l il wen...aged farm-lid aprf4,l44 tcf a, Ift woe 11,0 petne,l9l Mold put a rta., o p.
al4 Thlm, and when lie sus Aultalts Sgrainue, his I tiles are re.ialized. i
. . i
IF HE IS IX THE 'IRST .STAGE 01..' r,'O.I•SIIMP 'lo,x•'
and uses the First Bans, h,. eapectorat ion, ditheult *painful {wrong.* frer and edsy //is Chard sus gas iss/4 the I.oTCuots. 1,,c •
ling in his throat. intlaulation, pain in his breast..). .head. Meek, joints, and 1 . 1,0.. 13 ep sma x ,.,i,
• ..
and uses the at rood bottle , hi. fever leaves him. his toughed abilsibeen become mires* and nefreenine , b ni*hl *Wrists vanish bps isii
peetoration. minium; and bloody. resumes • healthystlipearanee. kind at teit••tli a...0p...ar5. to, liuu el. rrOnne r(Vidar, /11. apvet de
returns, the gush In a cheek duialipeariss Ule amullillit beat In Ike Puma of Ms haii.6.amll *Meteor b feet, sire fek no lung r, his
cough nutseeltites, lie ccccc caromed is ea/. I / 1
• IF HE IS I I N rillg 'TIIIRD'INT-AGF:.-! •
and %loss the tlittd bottle. bin Diurbora gradually red-re. hi. wen I. boards become idioms. bis etriugh amid other badoymp(ona• 116
pea . , tlythir dirrot km hyllitn,s minim and •i a gons. fis sniniarti rtenvers Ms prisms sone. and eiestes nets , flea.. .41d limit ;ohms 1.1 - I
his strength mania, his %hatted body is thinned Vlltili ilk 41. ltl. 1.111: f S ......411.1!' .1.4 Ite 4. 'I
'• ' I
R. ES T 0 ~.1 EI) IT (). II E Act. T 11. t ,
, 1
E.,,h Irsdr of ;Vatter. Sirelansin bas the el niptotais.of the star , l'ig. winch it 1. intim , yt .4 named liiiainh
ant of ibs. wr-wpgr...ver..Liv
ever) invalid knowing his own aymptoms. eat! judgeifor Imusell rwmen lIITT TLikl t: 81,41 ta l i. . • y eniseirity nu min
akr eat, occur in swiveling I_TTIIE reorEa 3IED etPl EJ I t
tare Pamphlet iii pmmem ion of the F:dltor ol 515.. raper, amt-',mina lir. "/ uni*ll* Pat oh ogv al uliontuagn fn, Ler tunnel. I**
Structure and uses of the Ituinan Lung., And ceristlig4les of CURES 34 Preladvd, only lir. Naig.;l:.l.e.easoa a,,i,1
Proprietor. T.D(Price.lll per Dottie. i
DR. W.V. ELVDOP, 175, Cliensol Sir et, epposilt As Slob; IL•ose, Phi:... dierk for Me Praprietoi. 1
from_Restorai 6 iVeetk Fifth Stirert.
F . 1)30
---- -\ 1
• •
" • • ..
K.Ers, CAP \AND FURS FOR no 1111.1011 I ! 1 110• 1 / 1 711ZIO• pr's vr. .:, •
t ,
H A. 1,. ..... llpp.iiter I nite;otillor Pot o nil It, t•lirrill Ah,,,llit
Cheer the track for r
mi....:04.1.4.-.. ,mitre world, I 'air 4$ " ...I If
kik‘S , I 1 •. . . ..... tt rec -iv...1 ono iii
mi litt ;, N o, 3, Cher side.. , pen , and tapititsea ass s less a tu. ii 5i,,v,...... , .... „,,„ ~ ~,,,,..t,,
1 .eintil it t •il rilw oust . iiirlte.e. tu lli, i,i • .%
I.,:sw•ints. t • 11.
1 /MA ).e ves, . it i 51 , %V . P1:1 1
NUM/ has on hand theLargrst stock i of Goode. in his tine. es, r t. ,... . ' -1. 'l*
V offered in this market • which were purchased ft r CA.II us ' pals • ; . • 3 . ' I
the Eaatern eitkett, or inanutaetored by houselit by a hick he 4 'r iiiN ell I r.i I (,I.N-I.N • ;
~,,,,14,.., w seining/. e 0 ion? Unit people do say they mom base gut um tr ilis vr .....„, v ,....: L..- '
I'Y the l'ioacmi Iloto=e %%iiom pay - ig dim. %Tell.* hat if they `""' mainOllll 90111":111.111r
••..... .• ., ,
acre sniugated, so that the peutile ritil I,,iy j A RV now Daten.., mpg, ,‘„ ~,,....,., i , ~, ~,.1.,i,
Beautiful Silk Bata for 51,501 eiciirme.. ti•••...-ti .1,1 El, 'OW r. 1, 1" r• 1 o•• . r ~1 ~..d.
'bail , ' Roles fur SO SO. Mesoean lists for /0 rents, .red alp I .:: i i , P ;:.. i- i ' ..,i''' ' ,, nun"
4 iii te r L t
1 " it
" i iii.
i i'
other goody al like low price.. Fur proot of a hick, all Interest , . iii
'4li.ili 111"" ' "i
'Li' 'i . i , iiii ,' "'pi.- " . i." e i ,
, iiseirsher of we it mammy. ami fl:di I , ' • •••• 1..1.•••1. , ' , "•t , s.• t .
ell can call and etaitione for themselves..
JU.l.4iat 1,....1,1 1.1111.1 .411 NS In 'ln.. •r .i ' . • e
re - Don't knave the place. Smith's Cheep Hat Stare , No 3L l i I I '" 4 I " ' run. "' 1.,
, ail mime Monello Mu, Whettl 11, lion • ,... e.• 4 •.. tr... ;• Or .i•
-,• , aithlffileiryllr4.lo4 lo :1%0.1 111 401414.•.• •.:ILer 11144:14 lt.••• 1.9. SO-
Ene hos ettilief ii , „Ital." . ,
---,___- '
, rarrzit cionzrzAirry,' . ers promptly amid up bosses h.( .4 111 It b
.11..1 I revs... • lia! le • ,
per• Otto. terettire. wtki ate in rtFrelii..• 11 41. ; its .1/ pr. ..4•7‘ a,
JAUNDICE. I)YSPEPSIA. CIIRONIC OR NER and 1111 lot mete i , S , res. 10 e1.M..111t the A. e ,I. - of too ;.,p.,,,ia...4t,
VOUS DERII.ITY. DISEASES OF a 11104 . tseieers ar t- kni,,t iii. it ' prel.o.-1 , , 0 , lk• ..!,, t /ni , t..1 , 1.
TIIE KIDNEYS, .of a ~.114:.•-• 1...1.1b ilte.., or, ,s 1 miony J. lit Aged van LDS late I.
. . . kiwi: limo.) .110111.41%.-411.. t . i
•Nit ALI. • .
11111...11.1. Ail-- lsla 1„1.71 ult..
. -
surs Plug • Insult-,, ,,
..,, C. M. Til•half. . . 'Win: F Rid I raccht. '
Death Li, Mt out l tont CO_ ,
t, ' • .1.11 tVeliatirs, k : :;11.,01 te•ii,aiii.. . •
semi as C.J•STIP•Tiott, !Imam ni - .1, 4'. Marshall. r'l' /i. I 11( . .n. Belly y.
Pins , . it Ll.TbSill Olt BLOOD TO TUE MAIL . J. It' Etitterntit. ( t
- 3 11..1Pai , ii. '
Arnim or rmt iironsi it. liii:lllifi, 116. i II- 1 'llif 1., libt•nliii. / 1:.^011•• 1.0. W., .
. 1
it 11,11. Disgu st nil FOOD. IFI,LI.M. Oil Oft Wiloirt 1. 1 our J.ll. Clark, i JAINI. , itt. Mild+ N.lll. Burt II
STOILLCII. IN•Lit EIIWrICATSONIC • Si•IIING os ritlTtltisu aT Api.riel.7 . ll/1: CI ,it q rrri.E. .
Dtrviet LT Rata rum°. FLOTTIRSITO AT TILE /11,,•1111. I Dahl- I Smith Jarkeoli. t r. SI. 71 .td ,- ,1-,
LW SASSATiuss Is //AT IS • taillt./ Pwoltas..lll 14- . . J. I. ruiterkie. _ i_ IV. C kinderiireht.
noes or Venom, Dots of Watts await. suit i . • i i, .I,C. MaNalli. *.
• 1
Shaul. Peirce tan DULL pals In TOM t • OFFICI:11rt. • ,
Ili sit. Den, 16. tit tor l'FlUtrIA4- • I Fain i /a: Aeon; Pres't. •i J H tallti min, '
71 0 1 9 I FlOolin •11.11 , OF TUE' •
, 11, J. Sibley. Scc t y. I 0.10. Iri.h Gen' I .Italit. ' 1
04111 row Er isi,Paral . . . • I.
, I
IT Tits Sins, PCB tr:I:4TS. j
, , .
' e
Luther W Savrige.Springheldt 11. N. Irish; Alban. Asa Rai
-4;ltai K. -
lIMPT, LIVID,. 11c.C.. 91.:DD1 • irt.rativa or ItifyT,nt Into I , rl tles. Girard: R Petra. Fairs o iv; tVati , et• Sherman. Elkeri c:1;
Email. Coriartav lat AelistailS or /ISM AIM GROUT DAPAtowlitti 0 ~.,„,..„,. 1.. , iri4 i g, e a . meg.,,iii, se.. t ti,eimi. 5% iterto , d.
armors, can be Mketually eure,a),ky - , .1 OM - enrol t lOur west Of m Willia Irri,!lit'• r00k,.. • r i trPr•••, -
, Utirtair
ss. : 1 1 Et ,e. Der. .....i. P-31.
I;CW/1) NEIA 8 Felt hill.: PEl)i'lrE!
cheap creceries and pure wales
and Liquors.
AU ay . .ya,,adaß I. ja,;( ap LI: cl , /Ica tat'. 57'.17 V a7l
DR. C. M. JACKSON, - . ,
..-r II F sfil•periSer is now , rerets ing Ilia Pall and It'i liter sal ply
AT THE GERSIAN MEDICINE STORE. 4 , I "(Groceries. Wilier. arid Lifiwies. 011 s, ri.o-. ite. ‘,1., , ,h.
. h.' int teen purchased at restored i pricea , conpequept upon Hie
Mills *rah Street, Phihadelphili, preasure in Mr none; market. he idenabled to sell at rates dial .
T/kir power seer the whore eliohose; ii set exesUsil-if evened A on i,k t h e Natives aid 1),,c,,i,,,.mi0iti0n.
kg wry stars preparative is the L'artad Mateo sells acres mirk, iii 7 ''' , a t.....y N.,, ,
wawa, caw after skittle/ phymeace amdfaifet . Ile therefore taken pleasure in call ipg the attention or ta g• heroin ,
These Bittemare worthy the attention Of Miranda. Possessing eating MO drinking public to an ertuinerafi• at .1 a pt. rt of lie,
great virtues in the rectification of - dive:om of the Liner and lesser many pixel i Mega Its ban iii rime fo theta t reeling sure they have
41ands.etere hang the eroideearching powers In weakiwssi and at, ND to EXAMIN!. QUALITY AN PRII, Eel to In' •ill`•ied ttiit
teems... of the digestive organs, they , are withal... M k ., certain ang it will be tU theirii it tent st to purc ha •of hen. 11 is blue/. eunsullo
ei1.........., i i W KS'!'
part of ,
Y ' ItOblinitt FA •
. From the ' , Boston Roe: * '', P R tem N. G. rind Colin sugar.- I (tidily, aunt an (teem,
other coffe.
' The editor said. Ike. 42nd-, i Putverized. crushed. gitablatt ..1 Bieck et Green Teitt..atl kind..
Do. Roillanats
,Celebreted Grralaur Rilters for the cure or . Lire}' and Cotter sugar". -,
TV are.; • lung .inil clam log
Complanit, Jaunitiee , Dyspepsia.. Chronic . or Nersoue Debility. ii, 31olataws. ail qua hies & kinds. I One and paper, all kinds.
deservedly one of the most popular medicines of the day. 'fleet ' Rice 4 •
Bitters have been used by thousands , and a friend at our elbon W.. PI • Citron. Starch ,
says he haphowell reeetted alt eiketual and permanent cure , LIB. 41 s
Black and Ter Snail: Poor
laver Complaint trom the use of this remedy'. We are emirate , I ' tromest.c and Pavan. Clears. H:1•111,,
that, in die use of these Bider. , - the patient eousta tidy gain I Lemons. Figs; I t ruties.Curtants, Pepper. norm.. ,
strength and vigor-a tact worthy 01 great consideration. They I Nutmeg. Mace, Indigo, GI inter. ("mils. Ili r I ( * ogle. •
are pleasant in taste nail smell, and can he used by persons a gib' Pepper saner. (litre. Cartor ai It Herrin I in,. Herring rodhsli,
lbe Most il , licate PLOM.CII. Nitilsaiety. Under any ellelllilWalirei i - Mackerel. ,v;tltmot, Whiten-4 and Trout: Fairy and
/We ill` speaking from txperience, wad to the alltictial we tuts ise. . IL4) 222222 ,ft, 5.11.111. ..,:,,Ch Ur, Lindt.l. Porter, 1, •
their u.e. • . I 1 Glatt..-stare. Roe, in._ tint, nr.d Ft, ne
_"Si. o re. Warat.r," one of the test i.ilefrary papers.publiahed ' - %Yaw Of every • r lot tont . " .
sai I. An..t.1.5-Al-utla birt as- _ It 0 ...."
•• Int.ll , t s Crithian Dermas , manisTaetared by Dr. 3acki People ' s - portmesit Ws
litte, are now recommend( il by route obibe most prominent mini , I).F CANDII.:S 1:4 TI I 1: CITY. I
Is es of the foully ~ an tune Csicif notch eltiedes en cases of rental' ' ~,...I . ~__ ~
1ii . ..0 . f. tire of
s t% tent and laettersi I, is - -byek mot rare- , pale and 1
%%calmer.: As such it , the ease. ap a quid ails are all mothers lb ..
...donna with-,
a,,, , Aiio.
.., ,,, ,iie ,, ,, , u 5,,,,,
~c i.. ,,,..„ p m Dark I.rnisdre... I Trait .1 ad J on:tits Ruin, F. lo Mam and Pin e
...41..filebititated CollAiltAl,tlas s t
ill)tl fin d these llittiae ad...auntie. A PP I " (..,• • ''‘ACli. N lol . o ” , ii•ils ,,, N I h ' 4l, ; l', ' 1•1 rorl affil iitll 'i i, - ' ' l
ri %Vole. Se berry, Reil putt, Clor ret and II tinny:l4oi ;
0,,, , to their I•eatili. as she knots ' from tbaericiice the salutary - Cli-
Vl Hie,. Also. Draftily Pi - when and Cherris; ioseitter a it, *ll-'1
lect they. base uptdi e oaks ystems." . : most every thing hlseill hi. fine, 1 'r. sv. Mut ilit E. I
'lll tit k i ." LVIDENCE. I Erie. Nov. VI. 1 4 41.
TIP. "Philadelphia Saturday Gaulle." the best fatuity newspat i-
_ . 1
si lite
per i Untied StateS. The Mink ea).Ur WARREN'S' NEW lIAI' STORE ! !
* Just Opened at 7110. 1 Wright's Block. Corner
"It is schlonidhat We rei`Oillnleltil Vi hal are termed Piltellt Medil.
comp. to the cutthdence mid patronage of our leaden"; and there!. ' - of state and rifta Streets.
run. %kiwi. w.. re - osionand tic lloufland'a German It ittert.a ea islillF.llll . l the raiser, her is now ee Se.i
, vtita a hove and nett ••••
is to be di-lumpy understood that we aremut ape:Attie of the art.* ' T T levied stock of Hats. Capp and furs: To .bleb he ins des
der attention ut the people ia Erie :did Its s leili lay. Ile flatters
Dump of the day, that are 1101,4.41 aboutfor a brierpertoil anti - thee ,
1 self that front his long practicatespernmee ill Maumee turiaa
foreotten atter they hair dune their guilty rice of mischief. litif,olf
a nimbi one long established: answers:lllY pruned. and which l,a Mends it. Ins line. and his siiiwVior gie i i its,. for obiaiiitim the ve- ,
wet the bean) amigos al of ale faculty itself," . i, ry be-t goods direct from the Importers and afamitarturers, thew
Es silence upon et advice has heen reverted (like the foregoing) , by Pal , ' iiitl the Jobber's pinks. that the Cali sell as cheer,. II 111,1
el/raper Ilia.. any other ',WWI-111101h I , ~ ..,,, 14.,,,, ) 1,,,,„,
from allsections of the Union. the tart three y cars, and the etrotigr
est testimony in tis favor. us, that there is unde of it used in in Her flit &teatime.' 10 wake this c ;VCt his resektice. he line liken,
practice of the ri ;Tatar Pity stciatir of Philadelphia. (hats all uda•t great panto ill ihe .ofer non of tits 'texts to unlike his a•trottimatt
Mauritius etriabitit•dt a fact thar,kati easily be ertabl 'shed. and f lull. Culaftli lc , rOloPre'llie C; ery • ' .
ly twat Iva Olaf a scientific prei•tratturi Will meet %int their qui,a VAUI RI'Y Or TIIE ,LfATF.ST STYLES,
approval tt heir presented eVen tit Into lUrtit. and of the eery be -t Mat,', al. t tot Win liviati•l i•• Sawa Ins
i fliat this medicine a ill cure Liter Complaint And D ) lipci.ii
. 1 . t , i0,,,..1 a -.? , . " i • . g
~., one can doubt idler using it as 411(1•CW.1. Lae t. Pper tie:,ll,
.T i k w iu i ;!: i t I : i i i .,, l .'" a ' i " ll ,. '" I
. 1 ., ti, i s e ,' ,, , rid ' ul ' ic el"a Mole
upon, , . . . r , a line and tine i•It ( sia . ptslll Mho. A Leanit
the stomach and liver; It is ',referable to calomel In AU tal•
hem &maks - the elfeet ...immediate. They em le administered in.
ii .t )r oh
"e"gli" "1".."-'y i t"' 1 ("1
Men ' fdshmuatik
in all tar. eas:...rit-C Wee,. itiso, Ji . 111) to ...l. li,iitgar I an, I , :l'U Al
to lentalev. or inginits.w.ili sada) and reliable heneth it :Illy tittle ~,, au .' tht . ~.1.1 Dirv ,,,,,.
- BEWARE OF (r()UN'I'EtiFEI'I'S. • • -
. Ft'll. ANI) IVO6I, liAT,S! I
This /nein - hie banana Ined that high character a Inch to nee
wry Mr all men - mine. to `anal" lii wince Ceuttlerfeiters to pre ' With over Forty dideri et .tyhts i3O,l'ap. Tile original pattern
forth +purloin. a rtic its at the risk of the Irvexof those who are iii of tVarreit's winter e l •ali rap. nog i•to fa-I• tonal.k. I iiroughoto ilfe
. nocently di real ed. country. Al-41. Si 14. thil.h. t,ew .11 ~. I ine fusee I. 1"...i.1i. set,
Look well to the mar/a of the Genuine cheap A great sari. Ii of Dabs :mil 4, ..1 ,- tor child,. n.•- ii i i, •" , l'
er a tilt RI, assOrtnient IA Fr 111. to. I11,1„•- ea.: alit! BMW.. ti °tax.
They bast . the written so/native of C. 31..lAt'licli IN upon id
all of vs Inch a ill la. .old art)Cliegi , for Cash. All goods gar
rapper, and his tame blown its the bottle, rettlawel whack they sr
, muted oil lePrearaled , or the money" reloaded.
. . .
• Env. Oct. ti.--3ued I. . , Joll ?I II SVAIIIIFiN.
Fur sale Wholesale :mil Befall althe , , a_..„_,-..-_ _ __ _
No PIO Arch sheet, one door below Sixth, Philadelphia, it'ni
by respectable dealers generally
.throughouldhe country. A t • , s •
I'' AND all this is done pecan -e they were trying to arkii-t the Cn-
P RIC ES REDUCED, . halm to obtain their sailependesieet mud as usual spine are
To enable all elapses of tnvelids to enjoy the advautages of their • pleaded %slide others arellispleasedi but the only way a e know
great restorative powers. i l to pleare all is to \i
Single Bottle 75 Cents.. ,
, 1 •
Also for rare by Carter & Brother. Dmigls - a, Erie. Pa., Liimpl- , '
And examine lilt large anilm I 3 releeird stock or
nuts 4. God. MelCeau Comets. Pa,; and J. Collis, 'd, aterfard, Pi ',
CI.A)THS, CA1... ,, 51M EREti.. - A N D : VESTING:4 . .
Jan. li. INVIL-3i
i -* Which he will Make up border polite shortest notice and in 1110
lO assortment of Car - pet Bags and Satchels, ou ha - n - 41 - A" most fashionable style.' Geialemeh ledving their nwasures for
store of SENN/71T & Co. 1 any garment can depend on haViintrst a hen proutteed, and If nut
Is • -- 1 rationed they will not be alked to tr.kc it away. .
AFINE: tot Also, Globes, Chimneys, just reeraved. and f 4 i Reedy 'made iClo thing. ,
sale cheap at STOCKTON'S I Wc hare on hand and continue to niakem •cry superior lot of
Erie. oci. 4.1[41." • - •
ill i Ready Made Clothing. which ar• feat. reevinitaelid to those it•
1 3 1.4H-Macke ' reCtit i liad,WhitetiSlt,TrUfit. Ornitish: for sole h Wald, and would invite our frienda and the piddle to rail had ex
the MC half bbl. ur less quantity, cheaper than elsewhere. . amine Good.. Prices and Make; and to i hire not pular* a r nay
Nov. IS. . • %V. F. RIN DER h ECIIT. ._ ' Ming along someone to judge for yut h and at k, on you stall he
_ ti
_1 .astted that 11.0 have the
Sugars! ' Outran; !I . I" • Best Goods i4tho.City!
1;, Tons of different qualities of Sugar now felling from 3; to Tio., we boast O land ti lie comp, ,sou .aleo. a . nice lot 01
Ar ID eta. per poand. at retail and prices SIM loner hy the %%line:old Fancy Shins, Drawers pad t i nders:into, Suspender,.
package N0v.V.1. - 31. VS VI F. RI NDER N ECIIIT. ; Stocks and Sirx - k Cravats, width ale botii.du very low, and a 111
I i Bag., in Coffe il
e 101 rale by ie bag or pound at prices the " ill 111 ' th ' i di ^ a ' the elmin D eg . i.
its V can't be he beat. Call and ate, i We would return oar thanks to lie Palate fbr pa.' favor., AM'
Erie Sim - t..1.-3i. Its w., F. RINDEENEorp . I be pleased torte all 001 old eilsiii'iitl.• and "ai ilea , " J‘rAVf/it'•":11.
--.----`•---- - -•-•----•- --- - -----------1 can snake it eoiiv , ell lent It. then. I call at Nn t , ,, R. ..! i ••,...e.
. Teal Tesil if lIIN 31..11. i tTICE, Practical Ta:lin.
25 Chests. of Old & Voting flys... , ittliief int. Black k !Tyson E r, . Sept 13, Isal. I, I
Skin Tea now OINCLI and selling Iron, 3:4 cm. per pound i• A sl.S.Soi urran li. ttl ttttt t Sea e, • Meg., I bui , t, t 1..11.1-
R l ' . ' t •--- .------' ' --
1. c ts. at Nev. 32.-31. 3 14 IY. P. RINDERN lEt'lff'S. , mo o. reinter. Spier. alustar : f i. .c...d.ite. Cocoa. Raker . .
11.1 1 ILASSE... now selling at Rinderntritt's as low as three I Drama. and Itew down of thing i I title ti'gra.l I t t?•‘.te• , .. C •-
ITI s hillings per gallon , ' shuttle on baud and for sale by IS', F. RIN-liffßN Ertl P..
Erit• Nov. L, 1t . .' , 1 V - ' ' L
Non'. ill. 1 iSsiner of:hit:met $1..11. et
Tobacco I! T WAIT, LIGIIT.-Tesh. el:, item. ed No 1 W inter Strained
, 1.4. „....-,i, ,
..ari, tr... Dud twee • 71 . i. PTIC abed IV title.. :grained Ele , -
TORN Attiletron & CO . Lieletithal k ro., G. Shop St Ronla
el Chess ina anti Smokina Totute,co , by the . pound or paper. also , 1.115 'n ("114 also Caliph , c,ii v ir and Du g fluid kir i.le hy
C , / aFeltitish Trilineeo from ear . to three shillings per pound by .Ko 3 Reed Hoare, - J. )1. BE - k Cu.
Erie Nor .32., IS3I. 3 . .• , W.F. RINDE.RNECIEE 4
. •i TT ARRISONS • .1 • 11111.1 N 13 lii , -. ior the-Celt-11..1, 0 ink
n k LANES , Plain arid Figured alt styles and qualities ter reit LI just Meet by 1 J. 11. IiCRTON ar Co.
3 0 " cheap by • SMITiI JACKS , IN Ituanaes for If:kJhit grabo itres;ift.triiiiii ma,' at -
- -
Groceries.-- --
. - -00
Presh I . . J. It. Itlll'etiN e,11. 0 ., •
- -- --
Vi t t: are now receiving oor Fall and %Pinter !WWI. of Grued- Wiling at;tost. ' • • • '
v rt....consisting of oaf. Immo. Pulverised and Mures* , r "mild respectfully call the *Venison of Ili' addle to the an- .
rin Suva r, R , Gin, Wine. and brandy, Green. Black and fume. 1 portant "Eitel." that I fin lIOW 'fell . ta.: Ulf t i a.c.k t
sin .o
Dal Teat Tove.Carlter. ltd. Peper Sauce. Soup, Candle...mot '
B 'o4lolh Mat - keret. W hdefish. and . g Ole flanks: Rio and el ' DRY GOODS, GROCE RIF: S, 4.4 RI) Fl" ARE. CROCKEsi,
Illisminso Coffee, Cinnamon. Nutmeg. & Cloves: together wit 1 , GLASS WARE,. ROOT _ , a All SIIOE3 411 1 Frv, ad.
sort* orient illy grOCerleri usually kept to a Grocery Store. ieh 4a a "Wee Drop" of IL. Cesiseri (,•••fort maw alai( of Irian*
we win sell as etteop as the cheapest fOr ready pay. All ads of
, i • sad Dickers, act Coet.
modiste taken in excite nge for Goods ~
i i This notice is hot all gammon ash. the ease with many th
Erie. Nor. I. 11431.-0 A. &J. S. Vl'. .TEAS. i' g 1 •he
int . tint may irked upon, 111.4 I h ave de leilleirWil to eh, 1
-_ ___ __ . .... _ ----..
113111MOVAL. ,' before Wring. LUCIAN Rl'
• I
rrllnuo.lerstssed having removed hie Tall g &anal irbr u iT t i ; e_ •" J a n. ' !•• 1914 No. I. tVright's n •
.I.• Ibthe roan. directly over A. &3. S. W ten: Grocery it
lately occupied try Thou:omit and Grant. d opposite Bohan' i •11.taita..111aliiec
Dote*. would ,atone his friends and the witrilly public genitall y !
that he Still lists in accordance with the Divine command, "By '
the sweat of hi. brow." and relipecttifity vet is it. a continuance at
the patronage .o liberally exteugted. amatory.. Having just re 1 .
eirilvd the ranted WI r.Ver ro ions. he. is prepared to cut and '
make any and every Igariglein Iliblit line In a style not to be 11411 p I
passed Isere or ediewbere; ha. Nays! sat Military piannell
male roomer.
Cr honors dome PGY. and *ire earn, ibr Neer, le nrati
up• .Juilly CH/AWING. I
Lite, Oct. ti. gm. , , •
121 R
ALARGE ruieOrtisiesi of
0. WM. WIILING'S Music 8 re.
Erie. dre. 13. 1831. •
1H F. Lest assortment o. laden. 4:3 - Iters,
JL Ties, Buskins, Walking S rinJ a vanei) of 'data,'
or sate cheaP bY P. JACK o'
P. 14 'nand Hoye-Caps. eilk and Worsted Plush. Oil
CAM, Bonet and Ready Halt Also. 'gond soon of
ladies' Nil& be ale very eheap hyi P. 'Atlas° .1
R E L E z i rm a 0 c . 34 -
~, t h . Li ia w y
Dream taprOird-thst Eip;cos. GU:INV:n.I(I
Fart „ the are of
_&.‘, Baorici
11 Arilve0Placl-couctu, Cr
ilt ST*IVLA asa4 04:ilig4trjliE
Armor; Itte nails • roue diu.nret lea 1 1 .1.e...,,, e , h.
cr.t...tioa Et 1...e.r1it O. it • IJ ‘ , ..1 .4.1 of life—din..
Ment, and even proluu.l the term of n wan exis
t.e a tat , •I , i its ire r - t 1 ~ .tlat t its al 104 aid. titan 3
rife • !.t mid k ‘,-.., 002 . 11,0.u:7 art. A tiaottrial of
nut th.• fir4 , act erm•drt . ita.. trrot,.o heiond ii flea
Cl:trot cornMnation of Medic . inea ytt ,krtown, en
taut and cure the ninsiCrou• vat:mica of puintona
lave ladkert ..tue4t fr.mi our tonl‘t thruwands an
ery year. In.leed there I. mut al.tintlant reatiOn
edy 'Jaunt le: eih been found %thief, can be reli ,
mirt danr.eront atr-etion• of t)te lenge. Onr afte
permit i to (tiara b.h oar proportion of the duffs e
but me u oidd pr.-. lit the r. , •:-, ~,, 4 mun,...taf
refiir Rani+ i liquify Sr , the caetAar at 11iCti the A'
tried, will alu it. !.. - pl• ..el t r run tab free. wher
Molar.. sail is. ....;rlialde proof of these rtettl.
Frolti Ol'
le rolvssor of Afftherst 9
Caletrate3 P 110711313302 ... • •
• •Janter. C. A ver—teir I hate rims? your CAE"
int uut it 1it...0f 71. , e;.-seatt..l lir4lllCll.l pr. aud .un
el...tura! ee: , ...thut ..,,,, that it Li- an 3 a irabla e.
relief of larynu, it and hometbal didin tittles. If
it....neted elm rat. , r. , •311.t•C ut any #eta lee, )cal
um it as 3 4u futile ef,iser. 1,
lartVA ILI! Ill'I"Cli
' ' r ..t.J:II the wi d ely elilehrateh
pnon::iso'n SII,LIMAN. M. D.. I.
ac . ' VALK t (ALEGI:, lIIILJIIIIM 07 Tile
' tabb. rim.. AID 1 , 111. N rifle &KILT
.1 deem the Cartier ip.,..-,-4*.1 net admirable e •
.. me of 111. 7. .1,
11 all tel, M
in the M orria ethra.
it...p..111,ft Gtr a eta.. of•lt.t , anr• it Is Intended 11.
Pie, U4114.11,1'1 ;Nos . I. 11•4*.
It t MR :PI rfltAt 04, l'reat.!eitt ef the 'it. C.
t0n..11....1 the 1111•411% l'it T..11a1. wittnwomlcrfut a
...ts ut tiar lunge.
Froth one of the first Plii•ic;ans i
it Ara. Me...
Dr. J. t' A ier, towel! —Dear Sir. lam now r
%,,,, t 'n• rat P ,10,1 i I ,t, niv practice. and oref
medal' .ne arriputtimn• ~ r•..1 , Trent Mute
~i. .•• .., t., I .ur .-, a • . .r ,i it ult% rare,
~ . .5., 1 14 . 11.•,•••, 1`t.,1 bli. e ..II ur .lellat.e...all o'
1 '..,,,,, i t - •,...Air.t. :i i I', ..-, in ra., of col
cl.ta I Are it 1. a.:l. tine t••• -t r• - ale t l,Litovrts for that ,
• , ..1t...,..e.t..n.. ‘ , ..4t... I. S tl."81
Pt a rea/ Ay i C. iir P . . P act tal Cleeriri I
•"1.1.4 , 1 1.111., hi J II illitom & Cu.: in Sort
. 1 -. ... n e... r i.. ~, t•if .r•I: :. J A Wi..tei awl by
.1,.," i ,
• ; i. -.IrARCHISP
vriertmla CATZIOL
Lti •••• res.sted the skill and
Ti•••I -ht.! -IN..- UP a .l countries. to
.1'.111.0.1 •t. r • li.• rID I uluthieti the h
It to Illelpprulation au.f
t.I t c•t '1..11. •...ael.P ffilelti.e•notif the Medi
the l'rut al Soo olio; to ..ide the truth. and,
.1 , 1 En . tat' At Il..tfe- , tiv•ir 1.111.1:iat, anal to Ipt
ihy tar rntitelyticc ' lto.. ntiv`led A sl - Ci:F
nod Lill:A!' REM LOY. U 1 thit,a 141th:only
in IN , pai.qitinth ui Ladle
i• si Int ard.
Tho.niv ; !oar Ile , et 14 , 1) introluced by
reid,..ciit«t lot r, rot it at in toted that Its It
shall he "Aid.; gare•l I) at,) Dlr.:01111 IMP 111 merit
pu. I.t. l'.l"tiiiii.l l* (iN is nt
jooliiiet! et pre.R..! fur those l(Ill14.13P111. II
frlpele licther married 4./f
cr fnl'ing of i! e Wong.; Yu oft At et li.or Whites .
31•11 0 1 ...curt-rift., riot tat WianS; Ist Inn
Ann. Of mg: PLtarLL. at rries•to
VIM., ice with all 0.41 neCOM:n.Vnink CVOS.
Cl,) n 1 iirsierhow , re, ur how long standin
nu. Pell3ll grata. at Wif: , s,lte.
CAW! 13L & FIROTICEit. 1:
MeJIe.IIIIe and
rentrni term York.
- Bnowzrsai.,
ENTIST. Iron lenge.perience. tr iggparett
1 tat nork 111 a :air errg T , (Ati lined
rataelt to retaso thea nt.g , 2l rtnentithe p
Wpo l ,le .and port reit+ rt l'reth on ennwl
;41... pro% l`f I,:: .• 10.101 1 . , II pi. : ! He
11111.1Ita I:1 10 Operrltt , Ufttl
:Ittlr.r Ilt palate Dr. It. %, :It-tate:l;y 111 r
I. permatierlLL located Til atlif 110IPI`P. I[ollll
TO 10,1 1, , 1t t . a otiari of Ca
‘, gill Ur rT. Itt,?oJ, thoWaer Erie.
(let, •
• • • !
.„,! cd cartinr. nt
nil! elp•np Woi,r pr(V)i 6.p nrd
I :t..4 , 11.111"111, in till
agr4;,1111.-111 a.: 13r1it.,. • eltlltiret, Ruhtr,
N.ur. I. tz‘l
a Xit 11.% V vrt: l'im.!re State Vogl
',Le/ fß:ei , t .1 I,4lteklui.%. I,t.t lc h.
t• - • C. M. T11213A
Tft I Cii Le —A tell' extra rime
%n•:•cilq. 1 - vr s.ric .111110,4 al tutportett prig
1 tn.% We. 111,
I QEVERA .d rlt•it.itt - T
o;:i; t up
Inett-r If expre"-1v t.,r the I:rte his MICA, M. II
that Me to o-t Le wit c !lea p, will be opened for t
I . Ern., 111,!....1ti.'
_xiiiiicts—nl4l6ll"--ei.thrir. '
. T I 'l , l' EF.UI IVI.II Lt. Est .r• .. t0e..0 unckagra f W reties and'
.1 f.•h Jet•el , at Srl'cit't•TetN'4. %%kn. Ohm 1 fir the very
:tlAr.d trade help. Irv!. dr-ire. to tqty to Aortic dr n the pub
, t .-. ~ , ,-. I ;I , I. 11l C... Ipr try) l'51."11filf • protNiolli Of I • want, of
1 illecelhhielllil} 1,t4..4 the .. I pr.l.l , lfitt.i lielloda) ll exPectstO
, , -il N.'. V.. 1, iit “ 1 "v• ti.?". nt. , l upon his ret ru;p MU,. to
, Iltt; , tt the LI rze.t, 14 tt. and chi at eft flOek GI le. Jewelry. ;
N.,, kt‘ t ist r hare. i'l,:t... kr.. ewer opet in • it, He
u. -, 41 I r , ” 10 n't. don't i or. lt,te .4[llolm return'. Wti not select
• 1 , 310 tint Chi I 'AIM, r , Inn" Porn a. full "toe I II 'word is
D I, 4 1 , d—tr) t.. A goo.ta.fintitient nt.tty Ott Ilan vet low, at
_ . .
r 1 1ZA1.1.1: 4 —A p),,,,l 4,11145 I felt-ice Grapes o Itti _
1, 3 r.lie hs . • fh . t• ill. 1-31• .B. LA,
V 1t.17.:NS rt:t, I pelf Intett. intiiifil & •. Art "ernblrate
-N. •'t l,3, t i. , .Lc •I.a.lo:l...rritief.Putuad , I le 0i1.1310-
%1•, fNIt
l'fn.rat.'N - 5.,1, , -.1%.,111 l'hee. alnl•Arn 9h furcuPlN
eel hand, all 1.,:b1v t.eittutted and 14 art 3111 rd by i
Rrb", the. i.t I-3141 J. II B RTON & Co.
•17. e
i+ len'l• t , iVCII that I,etters of Mtn
i Orel giann• Ito the •e!....e rk I. , rs on the calm
n... deerslt
..1. !lir of II;kr1 ovrrek ton n..ani.. 'll
ilm'e , te.l fu :he - . .1 *e
-t ,•., in any v. ay AVM OP,
,fit. tr.1 . .1.1,11. .111.te;c 4 a . ti% 1112 t . .: - .1;711 , again!ti astSil, pr ,petl} authe:Alcuteil (dr f.Cllielfle
. - - 1:111:111 - ..Z1LI
. -
. flarl,oteseek, .Tan. 9. 1 , f.5.—Ct3.5 A
. .
PElls , i'ls in'i ant of tine StaLionary should C.
rtie. Jan. 3. r;
H., itrlllo4. intern:lt - fulfil. IZniedierhoeker,
hana' , . ';' , .aran', and / 40.141's diarkzints, r
ami for , ale :t5 I • 1 ,
200 ..,...4 !SALT, jun rtirt4dd and Ihr rod
Nov tdd, I - 31. W F
10 A ST forst' mifert i!olv obcyst.
V rip. JAL. a.
oricr.—Tde noted and tAk.k
1.1 i•n!rd As. Run. or. th hass.l4.; AI: per Non
N. Ire* sissleticti to• the 1.41.1 tiros. rill by note
ore refine:lrd lota II and fake vu.neJta Ic wale
Uses:lnm , win 1, .01 the lor...l4rinilcer for c
Ere. Nov. W: 1 , 11. WI I
To X.easo ford torm of IV
To rl,l" 14r ten years,
.1 ..,1.41 On PA Pl/1 a •
r Cry.. ' re 4 •lebtroble Pit
t, ell i 1111111(
_ .
f -1 1 M 1 RI )P. 4 .-11.,..r.11 anrl.4.mon
eot,vllo, uldS. kr, J. H. Et
saving Tried it. Wo Sad It Wo
Spaem t,Le only true
the wader-yal4 d n D. adilded it.
fht hintoelf ant! cost:mem. It bas enabled
!. hint to p,trclia-c hie •
at tv.kt .. ,-Itec,e , merouceitly ill be:able to
t ...!t c . the public eneteninsn.llng
1 veer,. AI! 13 want nrant, thl Drier h line are respet•
to: t, I.TVII , Ii e% I tome hie eterarit,a .cluck{ of
-a Clothing: Clotho mode
I 'on Ittinxof Black. Buie Black. Brown. C.rcert
.-tutu,, and Caarieueres of v.:Eh:Ala ritterta.. Al
aillc,Catin, Worsted es. • Woilen lir• •
411 of which were pure, rr.l ott York to
now otrered asehealt, ica.4.nt atsl other •
10 , 41 . 1 A
Ile Iff/e4 no deem it neer...lry tots thcn.e
awr i e , o f Ts r un:mon...l to a that beret:inn
tote - t•
Crirtact.l 4 catt I t'oan.! its Mtn tottithet; halt
he hne Doke...lli inn in nk, tag that It they will'
They o ill not to ao al .I,extittitied , w ith either
Go o d,s liirarkansiniship or
Ctelosu*ork slimly' done at reasouahle prices
Also euttins warranted. of properly nude lip
”old things hare pot because new al the stir
re riher. ' .1.!"
crie. Seri. M.
made In 'this
ax Its enjoy
" rocs can
. virtues ttrttr•
t that no meta.
$ 1 , 0 INlreiy COIN ,
g. dtsense which
thortrands ee
• beliirreia rem
oa toe ire• the'
e here 111 not
ted temise.
name! Nand
ciao be Isa
ias+ /AN pat-
Iv.P.rtniAL in
Ati*Vdron, Ill rn
br Me
',mini new
ateafli 710
cit. L. D.
tA Y.
:tr. 111 .
17.$ Of
noted ten M
to cue
unma y whit
it Oa yrnber
nrition rmarly
rolls; 4 41s•
r rrt ifs.
nniM n, and .
i-r 1
' n ef 1 lass.
:awl; H. C.
truig etervi•-
, are
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h 1l lInP 411.:”efte.
Inp7ilrAf 10 i
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un the Wet th
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ery pre,
:4 happy
1 of the
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ce, and
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ill Cure
I• chits
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t IL
• rails
a deaf , '
e al
1,:1 1 1 I
•• eldiy IA
due rot
a, MIN..
be trind
- •n t
. Array
to nrwo
ore WI;
to the rt .•
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it I XFI4.
k•til. ,
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Id Mate,
sae fu the
by and
led ,
or b
'bat be
Wien% lon
. take
Nu • •
A ir K
ae kmon's
1 .oh both
1 A rod
g Shawls
s (total!
njunet son
t and 4 1
ni motion tiave
' of E. P. Back.
Tefore all those
*.e make imme
the same. will
it at •
erred most 4%
orsix y +Paolo
the lale Qrm of
knowioz them
, r book qmsknit.
entwitil we. of
n't L.4lan.
ars. '
, ver.l(buildina
kkh Were". le
Ot 14111, fur shops.
tratiliful SSW
' RTON r CO. •
ry,trm of aw n
fillik it work,'
od Drab Broad-
& Vestine
CABIL - and ate
• tablishnient is
for.° lois
aka winufae-
a „
ant ursorsatel t
Catl awd ore IC
s.d ofthesali.l
• " /AUX. i