Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 31, 1852, Image 1

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    4L. P. DUMAN &CO., Proprietors.
8. P. SLOAN, Editor.
I'its sulswrdiers by the earn... Nat eV*
Ps ilia it. or at theoffier, in oat arise. ' . 1.30
I_l If hot pail In advanee,or within three months from Melanie
barged. or•iihsri
ebing, tSto dollars will he barged. .
Y-1" All eominunle ations mut hel st pall. •
Cards not etteeeditag I hues. one ear.'
me ...ware
d o . do. 1111 N months.
to. 70. three month,. -
ailecrupentents.aiicenti. per square. fi ft een Imes Or
ler.. tor the tir.4 insert ion; %5 cents for each subsequentinsertion.
r ads crti-cre bar e the privilege-oil changing at pleasure,
but at no time are allowed to occupy inure than two ligitres,sistd t.
be /tored to tkeir imeassisaie business.
cririernemts not bar ins other directions, pill Le inserted till
i:t bid and charged accordingly.
:1114 IpD;::-;. 0 I DDI ILO
Miyhtnakor an/ Repairer, Dealer in tVair he, Choke, jewelry,
%Intioal InArknorina. Lonktng Glaors and other Fames (4.4')0
Stow oneduor west of the Reed !louse.
Di .ics in Pry Goods. Groceries. Hardware. Crockery. 240
1. Ferry Block. Stme street. Erie.
. JU
%-r11.11 , n A AT LAn —Other on Park Ron - , between Browns' new
ii.det an 1 the Reed House. tip !dam..
A N D it •
12k•µ( , di. Andre Offenbach—Depot of Foreign MUSIC avid tau
••l,nl Merchainitie• II tioiroale and rrtnil, No. 19. So. sth St.
ab. rhentnut ntren.i. Philadelphia. •
%. ant $t anrott—Other cornet ,of State and Seventh
ge.idefler 'on Etglnat street,' between French and
Itothud, EFIC.
T. W.' MOOR_I,
r Prov 'snap., ,nrq,
I me Door bela.w lAlomi. & 117ato elate mreet. Erie.Fr tut,
- hl.. SANFORD & CO..
GO& clilA et: Dank Notes. Praih, rertinciiies of Dr
fia rtxht thClillike cat the principal cities codianntly
pa b aie In licaity's !Stock, Public Smart% Erie.
r 0•.,.• ••n corner of French nod Fifth
Korted Itr,i.troce on Fourth Wert..
0b...!.,0r rapt vi L'o•ol.I A pothecar)
i “1....,..1 - 111ill Olt hand 3 1.1” ,11101 of Groenries. Lid :nrs. 'h p
lorn:h rv. th.ovnnor., rindoce. 4tr.e. . ice ; and volls IVO•dwste
r ltr •IY r neap as the Chespe-t. SO. IW. (Areal...h . f.rre.
‘L'lli., S. 1..tN1:. •
Attorney d Counsellor at Law.
Relt,luttonare;nymy and tia,y Pe•uwonx, 11,ninly Latol 4 and
for extra- pa;l all ulcer 131.1.1M1C. ClatiNtell to me allall
rf , stuitt fa:thf , ll ionh
it in VcrtgloCc Block on Bum - , latect, over J. If.
(Ore. • Erie. Oct.-19.
OLiCEit smiToitu.
/10.4,..11ef atiti.SLlll , lner, and Mann6rit'ver of 111^:d. n0.,10. and
% ruing ti.k.corniv pr qtr Ilialitoml and tilvh,t•ret.
it PE , I.l.aud general 'Agency and Counmosion tnv l 7ncof. Frank
-I,n; ra.
DeAr is In F.atgltoli.Geranan and American Hard ware and Cutlery
Aiwa, Nau..1.;...111% ale, Icei,lron and r 3 teel No. 3 Reed 110,, 0e
csj - : - .17P71, 1 o DLE & Co
)Ir.r¢rwlrm. Carriner and \VArtift Builders, State Street, -I.e
meet, .etenth & kale. •
• L. ST110N(;.• M. 1). -
one 1 , 60 T %PA Of B. vrt4.44r.
.... rtr r e‘ nI, !lci. A. It rEill, S.Crentit nrir 5..14•161. Wet I. R.
I , S•nre, on Sa,...alrao. Due door uarab crf tieveutir .4.
C. 1.41F.G El.,
and Retail dialer
Prim. .16%. (tinier Of rrCSICII at p l rtht, Streets.,
; (—le :Ile Fara.en.•lfnel. Erie.
- •
k‘llilt/P*4,l r anil Bpi:lH ihealer lu VattstlVlaoreries.Ccockery
111 t'tirap Suirf:rae. ea.
Tf..l,lprile,t prie.• pa id.for Couutry Pt...4410t,
J. (;43AL111N(4
rr• o • • rT,:t..01. an , lllabit Muker—:thop. \o.l Poor PeonleA
Itun. over A. & J. S. ‘Valiqr.. Grueery Store ) ttatc
4T T R. ,EF A T /. AW ,
• Its lV aI I, r*e once. on Seventh Siren+. Kin% ra
Pats rit.l,4•lw, and Retail Dealer Dry Good , . CitOr.riir.,
'roe Frrt, Clam:a are. earpetitta. [lards , are. trUn•
solo Cullom (Marts State Street. four &Jots, _below
Penn Rotel, Erie. ra.
Bei low tr, Nile Arm , . tionnga. and a general
....iorunelit of Saddle and carriage Ttlmulltir•
Ariviliver •r l..vr And .JUPII , e 0( the Pelle.% and agent Ow
the Ice, Ingar . aisee Company—. /Ike :1 door.
C• 14.4 rigL•• (:r/e.
A , T.,rrIET AT LAW. t.card. Erie County. Pa. Collectiono and
otter (. a w n attended to with plyeA, pf A and dimtatch.
----,-- I L "
t orwar,i,ng dr. Commumon Merchant, on the Public Dock, card of
Fuur an r.
coal, Salt. Pirt.ter and White F1141.,00.41.1111111V for I.lle.
ti . 11101.•••LIC n RETAIL DEALvitii in Foreign nod Domnitie Dry
Gornto. read) ..niaae n 4011114 Boon and Shoe. Le, $O. 4
WrilthrP Block, titate interl, Erie.
Ranker and FArtiantre Broker. 'Dealer in !BIN of E,,,,, 0r .”
itrattP. tertitirniti•of 11ep0,111.,, Gold and ether coin. ece.,, fr.e
1 Ilirler.Wll,llllls . Dluck. eorner,of Prate-at.. andfPohlie Atilare
A TTOR•VVP T LAW--Infire up stair.. in Tammany llnll Intilding
'lords °fine Prothormar)'. Erie.
A TTIIIVICT AND CorN•E'LLOR •T I.lll.l—(nhirebrer Wrielier
ire, eistrauwe one door west of &ate scree n on the fhariond,
1441 VI 111 hry Coal.. )ry Grocertes.Croe kery. Ist
Nu. 111, Chratoide. Enc.
Dr 4r in Dry Goods, Grocertes. lisdd wart. Queens Ware.l6 mc,
Iron. Nails, ie., 111, Chryseradit, Erie, Pa.
c.nporr Myra Uphoinnet, and Undertaker, corner of State and
v,ento *greets', Krir.
. , E DWIN J.kELSO'& 'CO.
C.,...tAt. Forwarding. Produce and Coininnson Merchants:dealer.
0 ronr. , e . and Inie salt, Coal, Plaster, Shingles, am. Publw, duel,
%( , ,i ~.Ir, of thebridge, Erie.
ski, in Watches, Jen cley. Saer. I:erinan 'Silver. !law and
Hr :In:4a Wire cutlery. Military aim) Fumy Goods,, Slia Le streets
nearly umanuite the Eagle Hose, Erie.
L., los,alo. M.
rs..l r and Retail dealers in Drugs. Medrelna .Paints, Pa*.
Ill' - et 4 Ul' • Gram, A. Bed illosoe. Eric.
P minion %att. Mere,hantTaider,oii the public *imam, a few doors
uf Stour Street. Elie.
ri'.nnt7/u.a •tin a u. Dealer in Groceries, Vrovisions, Ship
fler) .ttwo-w Isr. i ..No. [bawl! Block. Erie.
PH11( IVI ♦ao Sraitionsi—ritseir his residence on Seventh street.
opissiite the Methodist Church. e. ' -
JO/IN 11. BUR .1N dc. CO.
1 1:sou:sat-I Alrolt sTAIr .leatervin Ilnrgs.. etlieince. Dye 41416,
if;rorerim Sir. No. 3. JR Hid, Mouse. Erie.
Resident betitistt (Anew. and - trw na in the
Beebe liloek. on the East side of Public
Ifs. Square, Erie. Teeth inserted on Gut, late.
• all r t^ , t , tO 311 C 111 nre sett. Carious teeth ed
, 'tie pure Gold, and r, ed to tivalth and usefulness. Tee
awed with instruments ah.l !remitter so as to leave them of a
'weld clearness. All work %nuanced.
. ._
• , ,
LATE! THAN 2011111111111 I :
T AT i t i trl774l l .af Groceries, direct iron, New York. I have
I a pot received and bate now open for ineneetton the larreet
~,- *,,,t v. yt and dry f..nuly Grocer ws.Wrnes and Lupton. Nails.
W.,,,den and Willow Ware,"Dye Stutra &e., ever brourtht
• o.• iiiiirktr, xx Inch IV/ 111 sell it WIIOIC+2IC or retail far below
, •:no r pr.- 1 , . and I want it perfectly known I.y all. that law not
.. t., iiiiierliold by on) house in thisesty, Call and esantine he
.. pnr....lia•:tig eadrlidiere. MY. HINIICINVAIIT.
t tt e N,. .21. 1 .. t . A.• VI Corner of fifth & State-st.
1) 1 111.1.1P SCIIIKFPF.LIN fit Co'spureCoel Liver M. anew
.• . 0) just received and warranted pure and sweet by
. J. H. BURTON & Co.
__ _ .
, Li 1 ER PAPER. ruled and plain. robbreap, note pi.per, let
ter and note envelopes. transparent and fancy wafers, ...I-
R "at' ice. J. IF BURTON & bb.
- -
•and Cradles.
T,,,JSE tit want of the theve n amed art te les espp dagodsa
wnn •ntfiF W. F. ROIDERNECIfi.II
3t" !t McFarland lc Co's fine Salealue. tbr sale by doe
box at manuticrutW. iwtres•
. . . . . .
; •
•1-. . . •
. 1 .
THE, . : !: •
- :_.
. .
• . .
- ' - . ', ~
. l . .
* .
, .
One evening in the autumn of the year 1812, seven
persons, including myseif, ware sitting and Tatting iu •
state of hilarious gayety in front of Senor Arguelles's
couutry-house, a mils or so oat of Santiago e Cuba, in
the Eastern Intendencia of the Queetimf the Antilles. and
once its chief capital, when an accident occurred that es
effectually put SO extinguisher upon the noisy mirth as if
a bomb-shell had suddenly exploded at contract. But first
a brief account of those seven persons, and the cause
of their being so assembled, will be teceneary. .
• Three were American merchants—Southerners and
smart traders. extensively connected with thecommerce
of the Colombian Archipelago. and desligtiing to sail en
the morrow, wind end weather perinithig, in the bark
Neptune—Starkey, ma,ster and part owner—far-Morant
Bay, Jamaica; one was a lieutenant in
' the Spanish ar
tillery. and nephew of our host; another was a M. Du
pont, &young 'and rich creole, of mingled French and
Spanish parnuture, and the reputed suitor for the hand: '
of Donlan Autouis. the Jaughtlll 'wail vote never; or 3.,
nor Arguelles, and withal it gracefUl and charming mai;
- den of eighteen—a rigs 0119 lit that 'precocious chine; the ,
sixth guest eras Captain Starkey, of the Neptune, a gee-1
Unmanly, fine-luoking Eughh seaman of about thirty:
years of age; the seventh an I last was myself, at that,
time a mere youngster, and b k.just recovered iron's a,
severe fit of sickness which twelveonth previnutily
had necessitated my removal rom Jamaica to the util:
more temperate and equable !imam of Cuba. albeit the
two islands are only distant ab at five depute hone each , !
other. 1 was one of Captain tarkeyt's passengers, and',
so was Senor Arguellss , who ad buSiness t4.reind up in•
Kingatoa. lie was Ito be sect; panied by Senora Arguel
les? Antonia , the young haute ant, and ili. Dupont. The
Neptune had brought a cargo of sundries , consisting of
hardware, cottons, Otc.. to Cu a, Soil was returning about ‘
half laden with goods. Amo gat these . belonging to the
American merchants, were at nurbber ofibarrels of gott
ai- 7idlea, a"'
Let uk now be up and doing. -
Let us work while it is to-day:
soon the shades of night shall gather
O'erour dim, receding way.
Ere the silver cord is broken.
And our feeble life iso'er.
Let us work to-day in entnest.
For to-day shall come "more.
Our kw years are swiftly pas Ping. • '
And one hearts aremowln
Voices of the ages tell us.
Ll* has lab4on manifold.
Hem to each of us is given
Work on torah's wide harvest plain
Work that we to-day twist finials,
For to-day comes not
Gird thee tbr thy task, my brother.
Firmly meet the toil and strife:.
It is dcath to sleep orwayer
On the battle-Acid of life.
Raise thy faint and erring brother.
Guide hint In the pathotrighti
Let thy kindness cheer the weary.
Gbard the frieridlesa in thy might:
Lik is not the time roe alusaber„
Sate and danger war the roast.
Men yet dwell in am and darkuers,
In the vineyard of thy Gal.
* Lift thy voice to wandering 'norm's,
Speak thc truth that 01 may hear;
Nobly combat wrpng and error:
Firm to purport, without frar.•
God is o'er thee! Truth is mighty— •
Finh and lore are wondrous riroug;
Bongs of triumph wait On labor.
All high deeds to her belong.
Nature works' True life Is action: •
nrealter, wield this god-like VON et;
Liveaud act to-day in earnest.
• Act and live thy little how.
powder, that had proved nosaleablti in Cutts, and which,
it ni thought, might find a satisfactory market in Jamii-:
ea.' There was excellent cabin-accommodation on board;
Captain Starkey'. vessel, se as the weather was finee
and the passage promised to ' a brief as'well as plow :
ant one—the wind having alai ad to the northwest, with:
the intention, it.seemed, of emu:tiling tir for some :
time—we were all, as 1 have stag, in ex diagly good:
humor, and dismtuing the ihtendird trip, Cubin, Amer-:
ican and European politics, kind , die comparative merits'
of French and Spanish wit* 14d Havana and Alaba-
ma cigars, with infinite glee nd gusto.
The evening, too, was d licicusly bright and
The breeze, pronounced by I ordain Starkey to be rising
to a five or six knot one at -a, only stifficienitly stirre4 ,
the rich and odorous Vegetatl
,n of the infleys, stretching,
far away beneath na, gently t fan the heated faces of the'
paity with it. grateful per mei, and slightly ripple thtr
windincrivers, rivulets. rat er.t Which everywhere io 7
tersect and irrigate the lake.. mkt wbich werei now
tering with the myriad splen ors'of the inteusely-lastroue
stars that cisdem a peahen n ght. pearly: all the . guesto t
had drunk very freely of • evi e—iqo I much so, indeed:
but the talk, in French, whi h all could speak tolerably.;
did not Kokos the calm Kier. of the scene, tilt some timsi
titer Senora Arguelles and .r daughter hid left us. The ,
Senor, lj.bould state. was. 11 detailed in team by bet=
siness which it was Decease' • be should dispose of pre%
vials to embarking for Jam :ea. not CO , away," said :::nera 4rgnelles, addressing,'
Captain j3tarkey, as she ros: from her seat, ••till. I seei
you again. When you are ;it leieure , ring the sonnel
enohe table. and a servant sill inform ms. I. wish tei ,
speak further with you re . tire to the' cabin arrange 4
meets," • ' •
' Captain Starkey bowed. had.never. I thonght; see
Ankonia smile so sweetly; ' nd the two ladies left as. EE
do not precisely remember' ow it came about. ar whit ,
first led to it; but it wan not i t cry long before we were al
conscious that the couversson had anurne d a disagree
able tone. It struck me th t possibly M. Dupont did noti
i li
like the expression of Ante ia's face as she curtsied hi
Captain Starkey.. The a er-unpleasantness did not' .
holvever. arise. ostensibly,prom tat cause. The exim4
mender f the Neptune ha agreed to take Demersl ffeel
colored f mites - to Jamaieit. whore the seryices - of the re
wh were to bp expert at sugar enitivatiepl
hdd been engaged at much Iligher wages than could tin
olitainedin Cuba. The At4iesu gentlemen had prevl.l
_ .sroly a drily
ly—tte fact is, they were both flustered with wise anal
• 1
passion. and scarcely know what they said or did—M.
Dupont applied an epithet to the Queen sof England.
which instantly brought a glass of wine fell in his face
from the hand of Captain Starkey. They were all in in
instant on their feet. Mid apparently sobered, or nearly
so. by the unfortunate ismarkof the wonhy tonialt.,
Captain Starkey was the first to speak. Hie flushed
angry features paled suddenly to an almost deathly white.
apd he stammered out: "I beg your pardon. M. Dupont.
it was wrung—very wrong in me to do so. though not
"Pardon! Mille tomeerres!" shonted Dupont. who
wee capering about In en avenger of rage, and whipiolt
his face with his handkerchief. "Yes. a ballet through
your bead shill pardon you—nothing less!"
Jerked. according to the then notions of Cuban socie
ty: no other altensative save the duello appeared possible.
Lieutenant Arguelles returned with' a cue of pistols
" Let as proceed." he said in a quick whisper, "to the*
grove yonder; we shall be there' free from interruption."
He took Dapont's SM. and both turned to move off. As
they did so, Mr. Desmond. the elder.of the American
gentlemen, stepped towards Captain Starkey. who witH
recovered calmnees, and with hie arms folded. wu stand
ing by the table, and said: "I em not entirely. my rued
sir; stranger to these drake. and if I can be of service
eh lr
"Thank you, Mr. Desmond." replied the Englislicap
tain: "but I abaft not require your assieteeed.. Lieutenr
ant Arguelles, you may as well remain. ISW no duel
list, and shall not fight M. Dupont.",
"What does he say?" exclaimed the limitenant, gaz
ing with stupid bewilderment round the circle. "Not
The Anglcr-Savon blood, I saw, Bushed as hotly 'an the
veins of the Americans as it dad in mine at this exhibi.
lion of the white feather by one of our race. "Not fight,'
Captain Starkey!" said 'Mr. Desmond, with graie ear
- estnese, after a painful pause; "you, whose Darnels ie
the at of the British royal navy, say this! You joust be
am p • tly sericnsel am opposed to duelling.;up
on principle."
"A coward. Imo. .rinciple!" fairly screamed Depiant,
with mockitag fury, an , t the same
,lime shaking hie
clenched fist at the English. .. ,
_Thai degrading epithet stung a . a serpent. A gleam
of fierce passion broke oat of Cap in 'Starkey's dark
eyes • and he made a step towarais Dimon .ut resolutely
checked himself..
"Well, it must be bore'. I was.wrong to o , you
personal violence, although view impertinence certa
d al rebuke. Still. I repeat, I will not fight with
••13ut you shall give nee friend eatiefaetion!" exclaim-
oil Lieutenant Arguelles, who was as much excited as
Dupont; ”or by heaven 1 will petit Yon as a dastaid, set
only throughout this island, bat Jamaica!"'
Captain Starkey. for an ammo to, this mepace , coolly
rang the somata. and desired th Mare who answered it
to inform Senora Arguelles that
and wished to see her.
"The brave Englishman itrainintto place himself en
der the protection of your aunt's pettieciate. Alphonse!"
shouted Dupont, with triumphant mockery. • -
"I almost doubt whether Mr. Starkey I. en English.
man." exclaimed Mr. Desmond, who, as wen aeries two
friends, was getting pretty much incensed; "hut, at all
events. as my father and mother were bora and raised
in the old country, if you presume to insinuate that'!—
Senora Arguelles at this moment approached, and the
irate American with some difficulty" restrained himseilf.
The lady appeared surprised at the strange aspect of the
company she had so lately left. She however, at the
request of the captain. Instantly led the way into the
house, leaving the rest of her visitere, as the French say,
Ideates ie. - r
Ten mi tutes afterwards, we
i f,
wereinforened that Cap
tain Stark y had left the hones , after impressing upon
Sonora A gu.ilas that the - :c:aptone would sail the next
morning tkcisely'at nine o'clock. , A renewed torrent
of rage, contempt and scorn broke forth at this annore
meet. and a duel at one time seemed inevitable bet een
Lieutenant Arguelles and Mr: Desniond, the last tu rned
gentleman manifesting great anxiety to shoot somebody
or other in 'vindication of his Anglo-Saxon lineage.
This. however, was overruled, and the party broke up
in-angry disorder.
, We were all aboard by the• appointed timeon the fol
lowing morning. Captain Starkey received vs with civ
il indifference, and 1 noticed thht the elaborate sneers
which sat opott.the countenance of Dupont and the lieu
tenant did not appear l in :he slightest degree to ruffle or
affect him; but the averted eye and ticornful air, of Don
na Antonia, as she passed with Senora Argnellai to
wards the cabin, drawing her mantilla tightly arottnd her
as she swept by, as if2-tio I perhaps wrongfully interpret
ed the action—it would be soiled by contact with a pal
troon, visibly leached him—only. however. for a few
brief moments. Tile expression of pain quickly vanish
ed, and his countenance was as cold and Otero as before.
There was, albeit, it wai soon found, :a limit to this, it
seemed, contemptous forbearan ce. out approached
him, gave his thought audible expwession,7ailtinaing,,
loud enough for several of the crew to hear. and looking
steadily in the captain's face.."Leche!" lie would have
turned away, but was arrested try a grip of steel.
"Ecowia. monsieur." said Captaiti Starkey:
sally. I hold for nothing whatever ydu may say; but I am
Captain and king in this ship. and I will permit no one
to beard me beforelhe crew. and thereby lessen my au
thority over them. Do you preenme again tol° so. and
will pat you in solitary confinement, perhaps in iron..
till we arrive at Jamaica." He then threvi off his star
tied aeditei„ and walked forward.
The pasiengere. colored u well u white. -were all on
board; the bows of the ship fell slowly off, and we were
in a faw moment' running before tire wind. though beta
faint one. for Point Merest.
No one could be many Deers elk board the Neptune
without being folly iritisfied that, heiever deficient in du
elling courage her captain might be. he was a thorough
leaden, end that his erew—about st dozes of as fine fel- when his glance ch+eed to light upon 're. as I leased. 1
logs se I have ever seen—were under the most perfect , dumb with terror. st behind him, against the vessel's'
diticipline and eoniniaad. The service of-the vessel was bulwarks. - .
carried on as noiselessly and regularly as on board a ship "Ilold on a moment!" he cried. ••fliere is a young
' of war; and a sense of coufidence, i that should a tempest star whose weight.4lll not hart yen;"
tl; +I he fairly lifted
or other sea peril overtake us. every reliance might be :me over, and droppid me gently into a boat, whisper
placed in the professional skill and energy of C..ptsin , ing as he did so: Remember me. Ned. o thy father and
Starkey, was soon openly or taeitlye acknowledged by all 4 , mother, *build I no see them again."
1 • i- -
l on boarJ. The weather throughout happily continued , There was now °sly the small boat. capable of safely
fine., but the wind was light and variable, to that for sty- ; containing bat eight persons; and how. it was whispered
oral days after we hod sighted the Mee mountains of Ja- , amongst us—how, is addition to the two seamen already
make, we scarcely appeared to -diminish the distance , in her, can she take iff Lieutenant Arguillas. - M. Dewitt,
: between them and us. At last the breeze again blew the remaining colonid man. the four seamen. and Capt.
steadily from the northwest • and we gradually neared Starkey? They wire. however. all speedily embarked
Point Morant. We passed it. and ;opened up the bay at , except theeCadais. ',
. -
about 2 o'clock in the morning, when the voyage might I 'tan she hear ariethert" he asked. and although his
.. said to be over. This ware great relief. to the cabia., voice was firm as seer. his euntenaseet. I noticed. wits
passengers—far beyond the ordinary plealiere to laud- , ashy pale. yet':full ever of onswervhag resolution. 1
1 folk of escaping from the tedium of confinement os ship- "Ws missy' and ill. sir. -since it's you; bat we are
board. There was a constraint in the behaviour of ev- , dangerously o?ercreirded now, especially with you ugsy
err body that was exceedingly unpleasant. The captain cutworm serresmio round us."
presided at table with freeslig civility; the conversation. i "Stay one demon t •
I cannot limit the drip whilst thus".
if such it might be nailed-. was usually restricted to moo- 1 a living soul its el." He stepped; hastily forward,
°syllabi's.; and we were all very heartily glad that we i and presently reappeared at th,e gaagwiy with the still
had saws our lad dieser is 'the Septette. When we i senseless body oft lieuenatit's serving its his instil.
doubled Point Modisteall the paassagera. incept nayeeK i and dropped it our side fate thie blast. Thorn wee,
were is bed. and a quarter of an bout afterearileCaptaia a ers of led bet it woo of so stall. The boats
= whey west below. and was soon boy, I understood. repo the sett i t was east hits the water. !1 1 1oLtr
Iwith papers in his cabin pull for your livest"l- The oars, frogs the iodate& of soli-
ur 0 N 01. a. 411
For my part. I was to excited to sleep. and I ratio.
ued to pees the deck fore-and aft with Hawkins. the first
mate, whose watch it was. eagerly observant sordid lights
on the well kaolin shore. that ! had left so wiry months
before with but faint hopes of ever **Wag it spits. A.
I thus gazed landward, • bright gleam, as of raitotels
moonlight. shot across the dark sea. and tenting quickly
round. I saw that it was caused by a tall jet of name shoot
ing up the Main hatchway, which two seamen, for some
purpose or other, had at' the' moment partially opened
In my still weak state, the terror ofthe sight—for the re
collection-of the barrels of•pawdev oa board. flashed in.
'tautly across my mind—for several Momenta complete.
ly stunned tie; and but that licaoght instinctively at the
rattling% I should have fallen Prostrate on the deeds. A
wild outcry of "Fire! Are!"—the most fearful cry that
eau be heard at sea—mingled with and heightened the
dizzy ringing In my brain. and 1 was barely sufficieuily
Conscious to discern; amidst the runnings to and fro• sad
the incoherent excitamatioas of the crew, the sinewy,
athletic figure of the eaptaii leap ups as it were, from
the companion-ladder to the deck. and with his trratipti"
voice commended immediate silence, instantly followed
by the order to batten down the blazing hatchway.. This.
with his own aseistasiee.rwas promptly effected, and then
he disappeared down the forecastle.
The two or three minutes he leas gone—it could scarce.
ly have been more than that—seemed interminable; and
so completely did it appear to be recognised that our fate
must depend/upon his judgment and vigor, that not a
word was,•Poken. nor a finger. - I think, moved, t ll he
reappear d, already scorched and blackened with the fire.
end &egging up what seemed a' dead body in his arms.
He threw his burden on the deck. and passing swiftly to
where Ilawkias istood.eaid in a law, hurried whisper, but
vendible to me, ••anit down and rouse the passengers and
bring my pistols from the cabin locker'. Quiek! enter
laity hangs on the loss of a moment." Then tumid" , to
the startled but attentive martini. he said is a rapid but
firm voice—" Yea know, men . that I would nit on
any occasion. or ter any motive derive yea. Listen.
then. attentively. Von drunken brute—he is LieohJeant
Arguelles's septantJ—has fired with his candle the spirits
he was stealing. and the whole is a mass of fire which it
is useless to waste one precious momeat in attempting to
A cry of rage and terror burst keit the crew, and 'hey
! sprang impulsively, towards the boats. but the captain's
authoritative voice at once antestei; their steps. "Hear
me out, will you? Hurry and confusion will destroly us
all. bat with courage and steadiness every soul on board
may be saved before the flames eau reach the powdejr.—
A rememlper." he added, as he took the pistol. prom
Haw ' and cocked one of them e **that l will sedd a
bolt - 1 • - •0 who ifieobe , id l eel&
aim. New,"
It wits marvellous
confident and comrnan - i
th( -- Th. 'id
the men. Je pallid awl 1.. - ..,rizedtbens gave,
place to energetic resolution. an m an incredibly wort
space of time the boats were in the ter. "Well dine.l
my'fine fellows! There is plenty of time. I again repeat.
FaugoGyou"—end he named them—"rensain with Wie.
Three others jump into each of the large boats, two into
0h........ ....0 ............I basal men round to the landwakc kis
of the ship. A matt would swamp the booty, au?'
shall be able to keep only the gangwiy clear.t!;
The passengers were by this time rushing upon deck
half clad. and in a slate of the wildest terror, for they, all
knew then was a 10Tri quantity of gunpowder on boird.
The instant the boats tauclied the starboard side Of 'the
bark. the men. whin as well as.chlored. forced their way,
with frenzied eirgerdess before the women and children
—careless. apparently. who* they sacrificed; so that they
might thornielves lekp to the shelter of the/ fromithe
fiery volcano raging beneath their feet. Captain Shark
ey, aided by the for* athletic seamen he had selected] for i
the duty, hurled the fiercely back.
"(lack, back:" hg shouted. "We ninst bare funeral
order here—first jhd women and childrko, next thalekl
men. Hand k
Sono Ovi Arenellu along: next the young
lady i her daughter; quick!"- I -
As Donna Anton. more dead than klive. was atioeit
to be lifted into the boat. a gush of flamd burst up throigh
the main hatchway With the roar of an; explosion: • ;tu
multuous cry burst from the frenzied' passenger', and
they jostled each other with frightful violence in their
efforts to reach the 1 gangway. Dupont. fenced his Wray
through the lane oi: 'seamen with the ebergy of a mid
man. and pressed ad soddenly upon Ansonia that, bet tor
the Ernest exertion lrf the captain ' s hedenleen strengh,
she Most have beerilprecipitated into thb water.
•!Elack e unmanlypestardt.beck, dog!]' roared CirPtiain
SharkeY, terribly e xcited by the ladra danger: and a
moment after. seizing Dapont fiercely Ihy the collar.',he
added: "or, if you Wilf, look`there but far a moment'
and he pointed with phis pistof-hand to the fro. orsev ril:
sharks plainly iisibie in the glaring light , . but a ;w
yards' distance fromlthe ship. "Alen."l h adiled..'llet
whoever press.. for Ward out of it ten' into the Wa
- i
"Ay. ay, sir:" wa r the pr mpt briniest response.
Thnterrible menince islets tprtid order; the col
ored women and children wore next anti:waked, and the
boat appeared full. 1 . 1
'wu about to team
"Poll off." was thi Order; "you are deep enough for
A ery, faint as the tt lwaskt - f n child, &role in the bOsti r —
It was beard and an erstodli.: , 1
”Stay one mome t: pass silent Senora Arguellas.. l --
Now, then. off With on. end be emert!" l ,
The next boat wits quickly loaded: the colored lads
and men, all but one. and the three Amieric ans,Wentit;
her. 1 1
"Yoe. are a noble/: again Ilow," wild Mr. Drond, pansio l l;
an instant, and cat s
Int at the "mil l ' I
was bot a fool to"--1 -1 1
"Pus on," war, llo.reply; "dame is too liras to bandy
compliments." 1 • I ,
Tho order to 'hub off had panted tl+ captains' lips.
s urly Eau w.. rye me, ana t seldom miss
tour work—steadily, and with
observe the inibiene Nis bold,
bearing and words hadripen
' , r that bed seize&tbemiiav
preservation; instantly fell into the water., and theboat
sprang of. !Captain Starkey, now that all except him
self Were; clear of the horning ship, gazed etagerly with
his eyes shaded with his. bend in the direction of the
photo. Presently he hailed the, headniost boat. .• We
must have been seen;from the shore long ago, and pilot
boats ought to be coming out. though I don't see any.—
If you meet' one. bid, him be iinart; there may be a
chance yin." All this scene, this long agony, which has
taken me so many' words to depict very imperfectly from
my own recollection, and these of others, only lasted. I
was afterwards assured by Mr. Desmond. eight minutes,
from the embarkation of Senora Arguelles till the last
boat left the ill-fated Neptuue r
Never shell I forget the (deltas! sublimity of the epee
tact. presented 'by:that flaming ship, the sole object, save
ourselves. diecenoable -"whist the vast and heaving dark
newt, if I may; use the term, of the night and ocean. coup
led as it wu ;with - the dreadful thought that the heroic
man to wfwee fircrinsaa and presence of 'mind we all owed
our pasty. was inevitably doomed to perish. We had
not rowed more than a couple of hundred yards; when
the Games, leaping op everywhere through the detk,
reaching the trigging and the few sails set, presenting s o
eo plate outline of the bark and her tracery of masts and
ya , drawn in lines of fire! Capt. Sterkey not to ,
th away . the chance he spoke of. had goue out to the
en. of the bowsprit. havinir first let the jib and foresail go
by t e run• and Was fora brief 'pc* safe from the flames;
but hat Wee this but a 'prolongation of the bitterness of
T e boats continued to inc the distance between
them and the, bluing ship, amidst a dead silence, broken
only .7 the measured dip of the oars: and many an eye
was mlirned with intense anxiety shoreward, with the hope
of descrying the expected pilot. At length a distinct had
—and 1 felt my heart atop beating at the sound—was
beard ahead. tastily respende.: to by the seamen's throat.,
and pretend, afterwards •"wiftly-propelled pilet.boat
shot oat of the thick•ditrkneis ahead, almost immediately
followed by 'bother.' •
"'What ship is that?" cried a man standing its tfe
bows of !fie first boat. .
"The Nep tine, !nut that is Captain Starkey on the
bowsprit!" . • 0 , /
I sprang eaigerip my fact, and with all the force 1
could exert, ota. ..1. d ---" hundred pounds for the first
boat that rea es Vie ship!"
'''Thai's yo ng Mr. Main:eating's-face land voice!"
exclaimed thit !Oren oat pilot t "Hurrah, then. for the
prize!" and spay bo ;It sped with eager vigor. -but una
ware, certainly, of the peril of the task: In a minute or
so another shere-boat Came up, but after - asking a few
questions, sod seeing how matters stood, remained, and
lightened us as portion of our living cargo. We' were
•I 1 three too deep iu,the water, tho small boat perilously
so. . , .
Great God?, the terrible suspense we all felt whilst this
was going forward' s I can scarcely beari, even now, to
think about it. I shat my eyes, and listened with breath.
less palpitating excitemeut, fo the explosion, that should
end all. It eamel—.at least. I thought it did—And I
'pearl e:onvalsively to my feet. So sensitive was my ;
brain, pertly. po doubt. from recent sickness aw well as •
fright, that Thad mistaken the sudden shout otitis; boat's
crew fisr the dreaded catastrophe. The bowsprit, from
the end of which a tope was dangling. was empty! and
both pilots. mide %sue, douht:e•e ; of the danger, were
ulling with die eagerness of fearfront the ship. The
eh ring among os was renewed again and egain, dar
ing w hi I continued to gaze with artested breath:end
fascinate. taro at the flaTning vessel and fleeing pilot
boats. Sod ily aP) rainid of flames shot up from the
hold of the ship, !lowed by a deafening roar. I fell, or
was knocked clown, A know not which: the boat rocked
as if caught in a.'fierceext came the hiss and splash
of numerou• heavy Bodies Ming from a' great height
into the water; add risen the fthoding glare and stunning
uproar mere succeded by a soundless silence and a thick
darkness, in which no man could ern his neighbor.
The stillness Urns broken by a loud, c erful hail from
one of the pilat-boatri; we recognized the 'ce, and the
simultaneous and finking shout which burst at us as..
awed the gallant seamen of our o*u safety, and how ex
ultingly we *all rejoiced itt his. Half an hour afterwards
we were safely landed. and as the ship and cargo h
been specially insured. the only ultimate evil result of
this fearful passage in the lives of the passengers an d
crew of the Neptune, was a heavy loss to the underwri-
l'l ITO
. A piece of plate. nt the suggestion of Mr. Desmond
and his friends. was subscribed for and presented to Cap
tain Starkey Oa public dinner given at Kingston in his
honor—a ciicutostauce that many there will remember.
In his speech on' returning thanks for the compliiiitot
paid him. he explained his motive for resolutely declin
ing to fight a duel with M. Dupont, half-a-dozen vers
ions of which had got into the newspapers.
"I was very early left an orphan," he said, "and was
very tenderly reared by a maternal aunt, Mrs.
(Ile mentioned!' name with which hundreds of newspa
per readers itt England must be still familiar.) "Her
husband—as many here may be aware—felt in, allnel in
the second month of wedlock. Mt aunt continued to
livedejectly on till I had passed my nineteenth Year; and
SO vivid an impression did the patient sorrow of her life
make on me—so thoroughly did I learn to loathe and de
test the barbarous practice that consigned her to a pre
mature grave,{ that it scarcely required the solesmn pr
its she ebtaintd from me, as the last sigh trembled on
her lips, to make me : resblve never. under any circum
stances, to fight a duel. As to my behavior during the
unfortunate comfiagrktiort of the Neptune, which my
friend Mr. Desmond has spoken of so illatteringlY, 'can
only say that I did no more than my simple duty in ,the
matter. - Both he and I belong to a maritime race, one
of whose moat peremptory maxima it is that the captain
must he the last man to . nuit or
,give up his ship. Be.
sides. I most have been the veriest dastard alive to' have
go - ailed in the presence ofof— i -that is. in the preience
or—cirenmstances which—in point of fact—that is—."
Here Captain Starkey blushed and boggled redly: he
was evidently no orator: but whether it was the sly sig
nificance of Senor' lias's countenance. 'just
then.happt ned to be turned towards him, or the glance
he threw at the miller", where Sennett -Arguelles's grave
placidity apd Donna Antonia's bright eyes and blushing
cheeks encountered fiim, that en completely put him out.
I cannot say; but - he continued to stammer painfully, al
though the company , cheerad and laughed with great ve
hemence and nneoninion good humor, in order to give
'him time. He could not recover himself; and after
floundering alstmet•through a few more unintelligible sent
eNCeP, set down, evidently very
. hot and uncomfortable.
though amidst a little hurricane of hearty cheers and hi
larious laughter.
I have bat p few more worth' to say. Captain Star
key, haa been king settled at Halrans; and I)onua Antonia
haja.beea jest as tong Mrs. Starkey. Three little Star
key. have to my knowledge already come to town. and
the captain M altoget(ter a rich and prosperous man; bet
though apparently permanently domiciled in • foreign
country. he is, I am quite satisfied. ae true an English
man; and is Ipyal a subject of queen gictnria. u when
be threw the slam of+ wine in the Cuban creolea face.—
I don't knots ir hat his become of Dupont': and., to tell
-the truth. I don't much care. Lieut. Arguelles bee at.
Weed the rank of antler: at lent. I supports he meet be
the Major Akimbo' officially reported to be eligisay
wouaded is the Limon woodman. And loileoi am pret
ty tell, now, -thank you:
$1 •A A Till Alt, in Advs
etol!ti k litarvel'a "Dream Life
• • •!Dettibladge!"
"Dear Clarence:"
ud you pass your arm how, cinch , 1
I I that yielding, gricdful figure; and fold he l
l sow, with the swift and blessed assuran
fullest, and noblest dream of love to won!
• • • What a glow there is in the
warmth yet—yet it does not oppress you; wh I ,
yet it is not too coot. The birds sing mire ,
yourse:f watching to 'see what new sougst
be;—they are only the old robins and th'
what a new melody is in their throat's!
The clouds hang gorgeous shapes in the
they could hardly ever have fashioned before
was never so green, the butter-cups were n!
ty: there never was such a life in the lea,
as if the jnyougneas iu you, gave a throb to
losiie every thing green and buoyant.
Faces too are changed: men look pleasa
air& all charming children; even babies !roe
lovable. The street beggar at your door
grown intria Miliaria., and is one of thp m •
hero., of modera r timee. Your mind is in
ferment: -you glide ihrough your toil—dirshi:
ides •of passion—life a ship 'in the sea.
daunts you; there is;a kind of buoyancy ins) •
rocks over danger ori doubt, uses waves lav
Smoothly over sunken rocks. ,
You grow urrusbailly amiable and kind;
est in search of friends: you shake hands wit
bay, as if he were your second cousin. Y
the stout washerwoman; and give her a
change, and imliat upon her keyping it; an•
merry at tho recollection of it. You tap ye
on the shoulder very firmiliarly, and tell him
itel fellow, and,don't allow him to. whip 11' .
eept when driven to' the post office. You e
to take a glass of beer with you, upon som •
ring. You drink to .the health of his wife.
has no wife;—wherriupon you think trim a
Lie man: , and give him a dollar by way ofc•
You think ail the editorials in the month'
remarkably well written, whether upon you
on the other. You think tile stock market
cheerful look o —evee with Erie—of whit
large holder—down •to seventy•five. You
you never admired Mrs. Ilemensbefore, or
any of the rest.
Yon give • pleasant curl to your fingers,
ter along the ..treet.l and say—but not so
overheard—" She is'mitte—she is mine:"
You wonder k FrVnk ever loved Nelly on
as you love Madge?. You feel quite cure
You can hardly conceive how it is that M
been seized-before oqw. b2l semis of enarno ,
borne Mt like . the Sabina women in Bomi
You chuckle , over our future. likes boy vit',
• guinea, in groping for sixpences Yoa
marriage serviee—thit.king of the time w
take her hand , and dip the ring e ter fi nge
lifter the clergyman÷”for richer for poo
—for worse!" A great deal of w roc there
it. you think:
.. •
Through nil. your;heart cleaves to that s
the beloved Madge. As light cleaves to day.
leap with a bound. ind,the months only gro
you approach that 4y which is to rialto
There are no floweiS rare enough to mak",
her; diamonds are too dim fur her to %ie •
—And after mar: rage. , the weeks a
than before: you wonder why on earth al/ th
in the world do not rush tumuttously to the
!obit upon'them all as a traveled num will 100
conceited Dutch boor. who has never bee
limits of his cabbartgarden. Married men
tary. you regard as fellow voyagers;:and too'
wives—ugly as they maybe—as better than
You blush a little' at first telling yotirb
"your wife" would like; sou bargain with
sugars and teas. and irrouder if he knows
married man? You practice your new way
your office - boy: you , tell him that your wife
home :o dinner; and tire astonished that he •
hear you say it!
at wonder if the people in the =nib ,
(Ind you are just married; and if the
you baud to him. is "Tor 'sal
dur name upon the hotel bool
ence ,-,=- andadyi" and coma Nickles 100
derin; if anybo dy lee had noticed it—and i
it looks remarkably well. , Von cannot help 1
every third man 3cn me in the hall. wishe
aed your gift';—nor do you, kink it 'very sin
wish it.
'• jut wh
a arisha
Your home, when. it is eaten.,
bet—l:pie', small—with everything.
lag more than she Wishes. The sun
happiest.rtsiblo way: —the piano is the
in the world; —the library is stocked to a
ladge, that blessed .wire, is there—sdornini
life to it r4l. To think even of her possible
suffering itia class with the internal tortures
So, a year or more wean off. of mingled I
visiting atid traveling. A new hope abd
home—there is a child there.
—What a joy to be ti father! What n-1
crowd the eye with tears. and make the hen.,
What a genevolacica : radiates from you tower'
—towards the physiejan—towards everybod
holiness , and sauctity l of love grows upon yo
tiOn to that wife of your bosom—the ms,
The excess of joy leanly almost to blur
harmineen which attach you to heaven. .Y
joined, as you were never joined before, t;
family of Man., Your name end blood
nor do yon once think, ( what father can?)
will live lionoratdrand well:
With Wll3l, a new Lir you , walk the streets!.
• triumph yon speak' in your letter to Netly
tim - il)!" Who, dial has not felt it, knows
be "a man of famil%!" • ee
How weak new, seem all the imaginal»
gle hie; whit bare, dry skeletons of the
mailed? You pity the poor fellows who
and children—from riot soul; you count •
empty smiles, put onto corer the lack that'
There is masonry among fathers that
nothing of. You compassionate them deepl j
them worthy objects of some etraritable •!!
Would cheerfully buy tracts for them, if the
read them.--tracts oq marriage and
—And thou the bop"—seek a boy'.
There wan a time when you thought all .1
ahkr:—alikel Is Four bey hke anything.'
wonderful fellow that It., r Wu there ever
or even read of. like that bah):
There was a time when ) on thought it re'
fathers to talk about their ihildren; bet it
at all aboard now. You think. ea the eon
old,frieeds who need to sap with you at the'
be delighted to know bon; your baby ie gett'
how much he measeres round the calf of the
pay you a 'visit. you 'are quite s
euni they are
ate Frank. and you hold the little squirsai
[CoNCLUDLID ns IRE rornin re
ked. afound
to your po
• . tfilit yipur
I a! What
-1;* you eateh
they eau
rao plea-
It seems
ature. that
t deserviog
gam. spu
r o difficulty
I r soul,tbat
calmly sad
are earo-
your Once
joke l wlth
Ming over
van quit,
r hackman
e is k cap
horses, et
a ask Wes
chilly e•e
Is says ha s
ry miasma-
page, a re
side or up
hos. I very
you are a
sailer will
torblard, or
you itana
cid aa•to be
ne ,
X 23
ge ha not
men. and
o bas fogad
d over the
o yoga will
and repolat
for bettor
ill be about
et inns of
he weeks
i aquae* for
pearls are
ver short..
One* mat
Altar; •Tow
void the
F . n the eon.
upon their
che;r whit
i grocer Cot
ate a
f tOk upon
• zpets you
not \SUM
know that
iver Iralows
and wife?"
I s as Tar
t at it • won
t iloat
inking that
he posses
-1.1 in itlo to
it should
pad both
it ib , th,
etest toned
rin; -.and
hoin. 7 r '"
S ligh as
. . °Oen
, ; tobli!—
. the agree
What •
old dew-
r of your
stories of
d aro now
the great
Ili after you:
that it
With whit
-.f "sour
t it is—to
f your sin.
May for
e wives
smiles ea
is them...,
hey know
you think
stiou; you
i would but
bioi moth
except the
} . litti seen.
aloud for
not am=
1 . fiat yap
lab. would
on. and
! If they
Wagony to
g fellow is