Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 23, 1852, Image 3

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    News by Tillegratat aid Mail.
By SPEED'S LlNE—Office is Williams' Block.
Wisatserrox. Jan. 19. !
In M. HalseMann's litter to . the President on Friday
last, he inquires whether Mr. Webster in the speech 4
the Kossuth Banquet. spoke es Secretary of State. an
if the views thus expressed. are the views of the U. S.
Government. If they are answered in the affirmative, it
sill be his duty to withdraw from his position as Charge
d'Affaires. and wait the instructions of is Governmedt
l as to the course be shall pursue.
- Mr. Miamian, no an explanation of his departing
from the usual cworse, by addressing the President di
rectly, says that he can have no communication whalers
er. sith Mr. Webster. as a, private individual or
offic I capacity, After his denunciation of the Austrian
Gov rnment. 1 1
Mi. Ilulsernaurt i has been requested prirately,io with.
diali his note, and if he does not do so, he will be pc r
rnitted to retire to some other city. and their await his
instrucGons. 'Mr. Webster, it is said, has not answered,
and will not notice his communication.
After the President received M. Hulsemann's letter, he
rent for him and 'admonished him that ha had no semi !
ments except those exiressed in his Message, and ttigt
the State Department was the proper channel for inquiry
and communication with reference to such matters as
were complained of.
- New Y ' earr. Jan. 20.
I.lst night was one of the coldest of the season.. Ear
this morning. hondrcds crossed on the ice, to Brook
Abouho o'clock. the tide biuke np the ire, and be
tween '2 and 300 were carried away on the floating niec
es. Great alarm is felt, and it is feared many will per-
Nh Many Temsles can be seen on the floating ice, and
it is doubtful: whetherthey can ye taken off.
The (lekorgis arrived this morning. She lip '37 pass
engers. andAransferri 2 ed 360 at Havana to the.Philadellrhis
ter New Orleans. She brings four days later news from
The inauguration of Gov. Bigler, took place this morn•
ing. IL. speech occupies over tyro columns..
J tn. 211
The thermometer et Lowell this morning, stand - at 20
gres below ero.
A letter front Franconia, N. If . save that in Friday
inornin. the spirit gtasallrnarked 3U degrees below z r t,ro.
The me:vary woald have .Inarked 33.
- t - Bret- Jauuary i3-11.:A;
About o'clock Mit n fire 'brae out tie
brick block. corner of Main and Eagle streets. origins •
mg from the saloon iu the Maio`
of the corner bail
ant, under the drng store of P. G. ironed & Co.. fie t
b David Dir. The fire Speedily communicated with
the ding store. in which large quantities of combustibl e
riiteriids were kept. and spread with fe4rful rapidity.
Three brick buildings on Main street. and one on
gle at-eet, were entirely destroyed. Those on Misin SS.
were occupied. on the groom' floors, by P. G. Vi,tight &
Co.. druggists:Miss Young. Milliner. and Eliis W. Pal
mer. grocer. tind in the upper Pto.ries fly milligert, law
yers. &c. The building on Eagle S:. warfi , (!. a prig to
Owing to the rapid spread of the flames Jiut little
property wes got out. and the loss u. ill reach T -2.5.000 or
Tsvo mournful accidents occurred- Aaron ilran. ills
gueriean artist. whojas sitting in an wippi4 chstnher
with the hisAild. was smothered befiwo sssist
annefeould be rendernd., It is supposed he fill" •a:;leep,
and from din rapid spread of the fire. his room filled with
smoke befOre he awake. His - wife sod daughtor, in an
other chamber. were:rescued-. is
Within half an hour steer the discovery of the fi-e.
«lids large crowds of I,iectitiors were around 016 walls
stportion coming outward; and burying sieiveral per-
We regret to stl3 / 4r. Archibald M. C. Smith. agent
Of the Hartford Insurance Co.. was killed. His skull
was N . /attired. and he lingered insensihle. until 4 o'clock
this 'morning, when he'llied. Mr. Smith leaves a wife
and Pil children.
A Dutchmen. name unknown. waa s•riouply injured.
and nevem . ' °Oars alightly..
It is not certainly known but that others Ilia beneath
the ruing, but none 'have yet been fonnA.
Pwris fliers ststa Ntst the p.nbthle Trish of the New
Constitut:on will ho the establishment of an itYritiertal De
moor:ley! The power of the Ex...cativo &sin?, regal in all
but the name
The rumor of the death of Kassuth's molter is contra
limed in England.
There are rumors that Austrian intrigues oeessioned
I i t r resignation of Cord Palmerston.
The Fronds Prem . ' a:pmmente freely on t e changes
p sent and prorpeetiie. ih the English Cali net.
-Notes & CiscvLan.—The ei Oar of this
llotpte says the reduced . stoek of Flour and heat at-this
r.irt, befog estimated:At '2.20,000 bbls 'piths orrner, anJ
1:21.000 Mtarters of tfie latter. has created a better feeling
in the-corn market.
Flour has advanced one shilling per bbl. and there is
decidedly more confidence to day, than hiss. been appar
l iern,onths past. A very singular feature is apparen t
id f 0 corn trade this year, for yvhereas formerly. Eng
land obtained largo inpottea from Ireland, these, are now
dwindling to a mere trifle, and she is making an increased
demand on the United States for both wheat and flour.
V o iresteru Canal flunr is quoted at !Gs n; 21s. Philidel-
VhieL and Baltimore 2ls a •2te 6d—Ohio and Canada 21s
6d a Ws—sonr 17s a ISt per LK
White Wheat Si Gd a 6i 9d—red Ss a Ss Gd per 70 the
White Corn 30s a 31s—yellow 27. Gd..an4l mixed 27s
per . ritiarter, ,
Ole Bull, the Norwegian •ioliaist, is a tiaseittger b)
the Asia.
A meeting of Californians sojourning here, was held
list evening, at the Irving House, to petition Cougreee
to redress the griesinces under which their State labors.
'A committee wee appointed to draw up resolutions for n
general meeting.
A letter from London by the Asia, speaking of the
Prometheus outisgel. says the people of England know
nothing shout the, Mbstintto Kingdom, "nd cure nothing
about it.
Ititas been snowing here all day..snil the slelehing is
excellent. •
During the passage of the ••littion" from Chagres. two
Californians were rubbed of 16 pounds. of gold dust. sal
lied at over $5OOO. which they had accumulated by three
years hard laborin the mines. Two of the waiters were
arrested ou suspicion, but they were discharged. It is
supposed that the robb - ery was committed at Kingston.
The Times says it learns • Custom, House broker has
Committed frauds by forging orders for the delivery of
'hales of goods. ate.. tilitriself—forging the signature of
the Clerk. He has also forged the names of the Collec
tor. Appraiser. Clerks and "all whose names are necesira him to effect his object.. The forgeries have been
practisedi" a long time...and were detected - only by acci
dent. ,The broker hid, made his escapee and is now
beyond reach of the authbrities, who do not know the ex
tent of bis operations. New developements are being
made every day.
A letter hem Paris says: I'l urn happy to say that the
oordial , relarions between France and the U. S., through
Mr hives, our Minister, which for a moment seemed iu
lerrupted, are now resumed in all their-sincerity. A per
too alto wail present last evening at the Palace Elyse.,
le th e recoption of the Diplomatic Corpse, &e., assured
me that Nir..4lltes was present and was wellieceived.'!
Wmitinsa-rosi 3110. 17.
Tii , llulsemson snit' will lead Lit serious vousequou
'et Nothing has been determined as yet. as to the
of noticing it. It is left foe. Secretory Webster to
'Po.e of the subject. It ii sued that this •Goveru
:neat tV:!, I u Ise m a au!' recall or dismiss kin,.
~er scouunts state that the letter requires lib soiwir
. sad i,ie some previous complaints from the 141113)• source
4 rezosituttuitoticed. The position taken by Hulse
mann. is the eases as that whieh Priam 'Oehgrartseaberg
is supposed to have takon on the sobjeet'Of Lord Palmer.
stoo's triply to the address of eitizenea Ireland. rolati
t#7Austria•ltossien interference against Oungarion. Lib
AVasnianros, Jan 20.
.N►.w Jan. 16
(D - LIBERAL—At a nteetinjof the pimento or the
Erie County Mums) Insurance. Compaoy, this week, a
resolution-was passed ensknig en an oast appropriation of
$3O to each of the Fire CJuipOtties of this city. This is
as it should be, and will dye renewed confidence to the
public in Or management f the Commit! .
- •
Istrourssr.—At the Koisoth dinner at. Washington.
Gen. Cass remarked in his speech that fie was i growing
old. whereat all the hues present commenced laughing,
and cridd you hint." When wine is in wit is out.
so it i! said. ' •
DAIVIEL WVlirrtft ' ll friends at Bestoos.': are determined
talorre tus nontinatten for the Vresideney. They have
orgatitrxd cornstsittee. who will shortly:repair in Wash
it•gton for the purpose of enlisting fees and pletli:az to sapeort Neck DAL —Penn sOr Qatari.
If we are nit mistaken, "Dtniel Webster's - friends'
are not the only ,pohliclitus that "are'determtned to force
the nomination". of their flaorite,tyott - people. stolen
rof ow and o' doubt "'nether either toceeed.'
A pood Beginni ng,
The Penssytirenign tells ne that at a' meetin: of the
Committee of three headed. lately appointed to receive
sub,criptious to the stack of the Sunbury and'Erie road,
held, at the bard of l qrsde %toms, In Philadelphia.
twenty gentlemen of die Committee immediately stop
ped forward and subscribed ' .This is a good
beginning,. and from the spirit evinced at the meeting.
we feel sittiafied that no doubt longer need be entertain
ed ofthesuccess of this meet important enterprise both
to our own city sad the whele•CoinenouwMdth. Tho
Committee adjourned to meet again on Thursday - , the
pith inst.
iEr Parryr GOOD.—One of our exehitnges ge7ts oft . a
"goon 'un" on the Forrest trial. au►l the disgraceul let
ter of Col. Forney read before the court. It sajts that.
although Mr. Forrest has failed to prove his wife guilty
of adultery. yet he Intimlf has .been evidently guilty of
Cas THIS Sol—The Ayashingtcin coriesponaent
of the Bothlo Contertartial, wakes the (oliewib g astound
ing statement:
"Now, one of these gentlenten (Kossuth's suite.) for
hating disobeyed so wider, wit 4, it upon &atilt/ray
that J dg nut doubt, taken into the zarrrt :of lingwe‘i Ile
td. acid there whipped with rs coacpktn! 11 thus the. udtrue.
..vuuld zLths infortited; but 1 hlte heard it morn
iriuree. the least like!) to be Wrong or to misrepresent the
If thib is so. ice think the police will hive tfihr tengitt
Kossutit's doctrine of "intervention," and evp-tu bet cecn
the of pressed and usurper.
from t*e Wigertuaris Democratic Um
rue following notice of Winehell we
naintirr of the Syracuse Star. 1113 do
wan ha s who has like power over the
Lie,. and ran get los enittuenance into et
;:inteoque shairs and expreesions as the cu
tee delineator. tai Motic.—Escrybody kni
and everybody got.ri to 'hear, tee,-and Mug
Uus same every bbily is certain when lie,i
start fur boehleahlies„ that they
than to Ihught•Jr, td.sp:te of
thr . t crwuot pulp it if they sili; and if tit
any:so churlish as to be angry at thenisel
exciting their risibles, why,-he will also Ia
of tlae.r chronic ill-nature. arid elevate lb
to His own standard of 'good Itoulor. Au
natural manner. without anydriSg or part o
alt easy, perfect finished; ail idifiitity being
cliel!. and you see the purnproti# jd1.140, th_O
Nei., the eccentric. ironical council oat the o
loafer times: with extreme poviertF and rec
ted and blended to one; the blendetteelti. l
odd bachelor; the old wondering at the el
whit.h by the way, origineted'breula the el
the numerous oilier clinracters. all depict
they had always existed in that shape; and
you laugh at their oddity. While you, st't
their misfortunes; and you loge ell idea of a
cu seemed in thi., fur the perfectido no
or his deliutiattous complete the delusion, an
listener and looker on; at thrtuost woude
ors une-man pos er.
SRme dozen roan ago. a large company •
wean assembled in the,diuing rood' of the
tel, to dt•cutAt the merits of our worthy and v.
, chantp.iizno and other wines. Winchell avi
Id,. of tie bloods of that day, as now. 'Phi
Van Patten. Brewster, Warren
other choice spirits among the forty or fifty
• It sb happened the! a phvs bun, (well stn wit iii our
city.) was called out, which crested a vac° I but for a
moment. as Winchell stepped into his place immediate
ly. and ea iinitat«d him in voice and innunti. that a num
ber roll,d'upoti the floor, ovorpoisered exces.ise
llaagl ter. n}id Bromley, who was present. Ira to be carri
ed out ottlie room., Kilo lind_bri go to bed, oil n physi.
man was s l at tier by his anxious friends, an the affair
wits taking it Tery reirious tort), much to th of
' the gre-t itelinent tr himself—but tlie riot had ty,
yet reached its •'oltaniatum," for v the ver physician
whose -. tationbad caused such a breakan , p, or break
down of the party, having been ah.ent tern orarily. re
torted, and was übltered up to our host-patie t. who was
now king upon a sofa!, hia face turned tows s the wall.
and both hands clasped to ins eides, when "t le doctor,"
vgnq announced' fry, Of; servant.
Ru-t was in the act of rimog fpm his recta bent posi
tion+ in order to recc.Ve tit* , visitor as well .a
end put the best feed lie could upon ",the m.tter; when
ioodting up he beheld. instead of his' family physician,
the identical reality, a mere imitation of winch had been
productive of such painful consequences way went
our worthy landiord again into the meet horri ale spasm%
covering his face and yellinz "Carry him off, tutu him
out, d—u him, or I'll sue him for murder!"
Dethocratie Delegate Meetings for Erie County
To he hold on SATURDAY the 314 t. inst. the la..t
Setorday in this month, at the usual place of elec.
t i.in4 at 4 o'clock P. M.. and half-poet 6 o'clock in
the several Boroughs of the same day. -
LP See notice of Democratic County Committee.
117 1100FLA;D'S GlLRll{ANBirrzns.—We is l old cal l .
the attention of our resole is to the iadvertiseme i
t of Dr.
lloofland's celebr a ted German B here, prepare by r.
C. NI. Jackson. No. 120 arch street Pitil lt hie In
cases of Liver compl tint. Dyspepsia. Disesie o e Kid
nett. cud al; debases arising. train's disordered itomaol.
their power is not excelled. if eghalled. hy noy other
known preparation, as the cures attest. in instjy cases ,
after the most celebrated physicians had fad ii IWe can
couxcieritiouely recommend this medicine. an being what
it is represented, and urge our t•eadorls wbe are afflicted
to procure a bottle. 'and they will be Couvieced oN the
truth we assert. ...L
i .
___ _ --- - - -, • -- ,-- 1 it
Ou Sunday the' 'Hilt inst.. br the Rev. M . Lean. Mr.
JAMIL* K IRNIF.T. of Craw find•rCountY. and l'Alias M. J.
MoL•cancia, of Mc Keen township. 1
On the acme day. by thesanne. Mr. Thor 1 NlCLivcst •
LIN li.i . of Crawford County, and Miss :JuAALCiALL'A.•
mum. of this city. • ' ,
On Monday last. bs the pansy,. Mr. Jens IS cLinnitua,
of McKean. and Miss Sara i• Llitasn. i luf II rberreett.
On WAnestiny the 2let inst.. by the re., D. %V.
VOlllO. alt . C. K. MurcuLt.t., and Midi E. tl.. DArrosr,
all of G rd.
t • i
On the 211 inst.. in St. P.ttrick's, qurch. i i by Rev. J.
F. Dean mi:
. I'a La and Mrs. Mawr F adne.
On the 19th inst. by the came, Mr. PA lIICia UAW/
and Miss CATIILRISE hi'llir•lit. an I;(Citiff(i. ,
On the 7th inst. by th 4 same. Mr. !Join% etrrrota and
Mto lioxon• GALLAGHLR. all of this ici:y. i
On the Gthinet. by the same. Mr.' Caant.aiGnatoss
and 511*e. ANsaJ•gr. CeiLT. all of blilleredk.
Oa the Ist fast. by the same. Mr. Jcari Monne. and
Dilute blittaGlaT BittaxA,s3 of this cite.
Oa tho lath inst.. in Ilarborerrek.: of habituation of
the Lungs. Al.ll/11APArus A. agedp months aod IS days;
and on the 19th. AR.IIEDA Slavvies. aged 3 snottth4 . and
16 .dits; both infant daughters of Phillip D . and garish
P. Hryant.
On the 10th inst.. in Fairview. Gtostez,B. Neat. in
the Zhu: year of his ge. j
, :
On the 19th inst.. its thii city. after , a lingering Melees.
Jammu, son of Geirr e Seaga, Eirri . aged 3$ years.
On the 10th inst.. In Edinboro. hiri,.Ests.s H...eoa
•ert of Rey: E. C. Rogers. aged 37 years llroatis and 7
A CARD. c I .
The subscritier , on behalf of the several' Piro Compa
nies+ of Erie. would return their thank. to T ontaa G.
Colt, Esq., Mayor of the city. for the very s tent lid
rendered to extending the use
.ot, his pants l'S the pur
pose of hauling their Engines. ea the *cession of theists
fire. . - B. T. NELSON. ,
Erie. Jea. 22," lea Chief Engines,.
The Subscribers would availthintseleei of tbis meth
od of, reteraling their grateful thanks to the members of
the several Ptrs Cenapenies of Erie. ae4 chimes rear
ally., for tile+. very 'env, and efficient eXectioaa to Baylor
their properly from destruction by fire on Saturday morn
ing. Jena. 11, 18.52 A RBUCK LE: & K EPLER.
C auto Vtken new-Pion ••Nltieretk Mill," I am
H now AVIN
•e.nlyt., do 111 the en.nom gr, v. hut 1... r Inc old r. 14 .,
wre and a- osaoy t0 , ,0• n: arty tbuo.e to come. All rinding ant ,
is hen and warra
w .11 keep mint ,nlly a 0000 nrevery 1111:ele in Iny'lint
OI bu. weft.. t.spcenelly n qunnl ago tr wl,ith they ,In , I 1) rm.
Cum. t t not -0 :n.nr1,...1c,,, t!,e No cur,' c.hirce made
rat 4.•llvering,llour to nny pint 01 the city. 4011 N ELLIOT.
Erie. Jan ;A 1 allereek
Public Xgeoting.
A7.4l , otine or the oil .zoo. of I'rata furd.andl Erie counties a it!
Ire held al cattthrittre. Crawfurd count). et. Monday the 101
ht tale into cuto.t.terattott the prolortets iuf a.k tite I •
trilobite to erre( a nen county out of I.,triti of Crawford nd
Erse 'foamier.; The Cl$11$5•111.1 of Waterford Ltoronalt and tow *hip
bane ptedaed Hs toutwertpt tett. tuetnet the nrctio.a ft , 1.11t+$1• .u4! .1
5550..5•50,1515,1 %Vawrfuriel 14-k ti $1
rtvl the co .13 .
Januiry 61;.
---- - - - ,
Scpviior Br.rlcyJNtalt. /
t. to H Hi•Htatmfrre tilted I,'"-t, ,node , y Mr I rh
ji An 1:11111/11111711 of twenty t, Alsr•rtrisrr in the hylnioa
1•51$1111e1, Cu 4111.5.115.1 lot coin the Mall All 'art lawn: ut the -
Erie, Jan. If . 1,42.—Za. A.
_ . _
t , • • , tt.e 1;1..1111 raft. 1,a: •,lttne.l Oln pear urn rl Ste 1 , 5 1 Cc ft his
reta , livtie( usi Hilt rt . hl,t or. 5. e..,t - rd hie,slllh
Erie An. Lir tt - . tV'CI l 1.1. J, se•Tr.N. %I
• W. 0. n nat . .
,mt• Iv tr,r,l: e‘l cry. I hat ; hi , IrY the%
, t
e n't or n" 8,1 .1 , lt , e" , "re rn" , t 4 ,of Patera n II OW.
ot-.. 4 . and atilt nowt r of sport prlr t
will hi nlie at :lye acutlyfaction gruerally ei ber as a fat u.r or
Ptea4peall at my 0144 at the Vanal SMI,IO hear abet outlet
Ipik of thr l r.b Extetit.wu Calm% had Judge ltir yout,elvt:st.
Jait. 1, Ise!
0 r .
iiit r k
IT i v thi'l Aix% 1.1r , 1.t.t II of 1 . ...111111111 & Ita t.
.T r their rut irri in ck of Genniti. and will continue the . 11ereat.;ii.
1111n.1....-n al tat, old bland oselaptc-.11i) Ow., n a len dap. 1.1 I
halm gat .4 adoortusent of (Pp /OS. V. ig;TIL n if he o rr e ",i . to Lee (ne at fair mlf's. Y./tlf patrOstage I. reqwe folly solicited.
Erie. i.ill. 10 I .'.i2--th.t. 1111 N B. 4.70 4. .6.
PI )1 1 1.1 an t Nnt eiil all.' Ilm.tuek Var01..5. N.. - „ L
- taw. Not. I. r,tRTEW & ußoTil ER;
Fl.'. d,Aels Jar.. of Nice I'ICLIev-41.• ion:titer for t...te i.y
/I Nov. •..tq. %V. r. RUNOEFIND'iI r.
I 1 0 Itlll.S. e.mcnne lour ir tor ea ie ht '-
N.V.:ea. -. W. r.RINDERNEctIT.
A 1.81).—.T.nd rerrlt 0 I, LI piece., 'Pe yardol4.;hiiiirrell.o , lin
it De La I net. good I.tyle-. - li. 11. Ttratall.:3.
?incemt,r ...!
To Or kokoitrlde Jmtteex , t," the Cw,r! Ql4-Irler—.st....;iol;
rr Ilaas of ifir. 11 - 3r,il cut h” city of
r.rie in • r.IIFI coma) re•peetrally fr:)r, itiA I, s%
provi4t4l t, tltt;li 341.• 30.1111:041,, , ‘v...... nee- sor lo.i . .:Ltue RIO
pm:parrs awl Ira% el. I's al thy hOttse 11 1 1 W
pled tiv 111 ,11.1 - Ward.. He theft fr.,. 111.4, the 6.nR.,a1,1,
Coil it to crap R Heri.e ke.11;07 alto or taverti.
ar. in 4) trtf,lo,l, w II! CS Li . play, ie. 1'.11.1.1^'.
- Erie, Dee. ttlt,
We, !Ito I ZerlM of raid Wart: a in whir
the at.s c n•coCuiwel lint It MS Ctlllo t.l 4404,1 54 1,10.14. th. Ct.tttO
11141 F. Iraz4s, the 4:1g4 c :410 tvA lit.
ternAernott•..izl.! 1r A t•I; itrov tilt,' v. lilt ruwnEe nil e
eett/ftir ihr Am of oliAngers nlul It.itatzll r.l, atat that
E ,Ol inn .it 1 , n 1 . 41 / fltt 1111.1 r aceou"hottition.
.s.gred.—,soteeno, fnatoto. 1.11. 12,, W. 11a1Ay. in. D. Rid..
.1, Abet's. 1ri1„%.%%; aller Jam, J. Itande•noarotal,
J. IVall,nan,o, C. 11. ‘Vroglat. tViii. Deafly, S .lacksuat A. I g
:It :Ai.
1. ike 1i.p.r.1.1c the rhe (lw( I f f ti etre gf
okras Ceteal f .
Till: rent ten of Snag Itavneoondua ttio townioit,:gtr,revalehl,
41 weresnall, terperthalfo Filol‘eill that k Mil
I',, .111 f! I .-e rums. and eon, eihencLos tior a:kitting and the
.fbe astral...tens and Ira, tiers. at ft:o I.otre he mow
"CCIA j r, Ist s. n 1 toasaorta.p fie theretbre 1. - rtya the Honorable
wart ti) ./1.11.111 keepang 411 1111101 . t.alrra., and lie
9.3 11 .17 , er as it. hut 5 home!: lora% &c.
t:ro.eulfeld. Jin. 17.
. Lt e, the unti.ltrogned goitre...of Greenfield itikvaship. ' ill Which
Ow e taterdioned taver a IS to he keld • do certifl that the alas,.
i'ttlitusirr IS of good repute lux honer°. and tenusetan-e and that
tie or 14 ..1: i•rcAti.ied If/lit.. Mum 111:1 the
nee.n.inoud.aaluil of strange!. and travelers and further that rail
tat era a> heet.tiary lot ittOlUlllud..lll...ll 01
-4. t.
find in ft Into
.ut beficee the
useloa of-hie
h a variety of
.debrated Yen-
ws Wincheli.
i at hint; for
, she, or they
will pa}..aud
re should be
ea or him for
gh them out ,
r dispositions
all this :n a
10 , 1 of Win
her id.•: Clip
teviness uni•
sc•rvant; thu
pliant; (a,uti
!Mont.) and
d as though
pathise With
rrniinic being
n;ton•sit the
fill genus of
..• 4 .sed —Jo4II I I Kerrey, A. Durum, S. Ilenande-
Fat .1. Addoio.. Daniel lemon. l td. Cimino. Rohr
enUolburn Charle. Morerm. J hn Werlge. Abel
11't C.rrwo, Ori I t.. Jllll.Oll
Tr Me IlLovrat* Jadges tAit Curer[ I( q t - idi;iet — Suaddini.
rriiii.retition of Lyncin 'Ruby...At to ketp 1 , 41. , !it• House of
I•.iterl oubleut al. Ina da Land in the Iloruo4:i of tVausbu,g,
frc tine ce.a. 1.. it• JrIINS.4I..
bV.att,IIIIIg, Jan-. S. lire.
%Ve, the iin , leisiened citi ens of the Darrel:di of Wattrt.ori in
.. , 410 et rlify that the above it 14 lc 'tat is• of good repute
tut honesty -and trusyraii e. and rs writ provldtd with house
man' and convenience+ f r the lodging and aeconvoodmion of
-traugers and Ira Oen., au , 'hit an ion 1I necessary to af
t-oiling slate the 'nubile. t ( ntgoed )
J. T. E......t%0rti5, B. F. To n. 11 - ut. d. ' Davi., E. ROOS , . D. C.
I.W. F. P. it W.:Nil...lei C9.> St, 11. C.
11. 11 ('h idee. H. 14kLeau. Henry
3 iti.
is, the lionorable tlie Jodrell oif the Casa if otenerei firm:ter .sEe
stone of Ins Pence in mad fur the edam!, of Lilt, y 3. es -
THE retltion or C. J Ptrinahan. °rine town it concord. eson
tv of Erie. re-p'etf illy stir Went that be has prey dial littie;ett woh
the n. r) areollll.lo4lllloll%frre traseler, •ind citheis.knal asks
pnir Honor.: 'arrant huun liCe.lope w ket,i, *tavern' and hou+r ul
p p.Lr nteriant
Jau.9. £" 4. G. J. .¢.PR I t.-111.1.V.
The will-Cr/herr. of Coneord towniqp, are nell at
ti /la pied woh H. J. etra tia ha n, the a baVe ;Mt tOnber. and recom
mend 1.111. as a Macs of good repalatiLW for honesty and +Moiety t
that he is well lire:S.4.A will, house INKAU and.idahles convenie.
for the accommodation of travelers, &c.. anal racoinmend hun a.
a auttable per-on to keep a putdie himse of entermanment and
tavera. .
/al (Tivil.j—Alansah Neter. l'ernei. Itetea, K. w r hher.
Timm. ('iteintn. Sa.nts,•l It a) a. I 'At C. Brown, N. P
Proton. A. J. IV's, le.t•fin•lit Grey, butt Laney, Betinagel
t •
.1 Wilt+. ttt.lrt, 3:33
our citizens
racuso Flu •
tem' host's
s there. the
rs ts. s Gust'
Groeu. sod
rei.ent. •
10 the llorof.eble Court of fintirter ...tars di Arse 4 'q.t.,.
Tfill Pctitsva of rids I itsitiste.w s vt ilw esti of Criestsivald
0 , 141111). reepeedni., re preets•l.. 11 1 ar la - 1. 11 prut id, . 1 Ulla
j e ar,.,e roon, 2.4 C0..,' iiit..Cl-e , fa me 1.t1:.:t n 4 all fire.../111ti1t,J.11,./11
of flfaLtt:f . T. In.'. ilf.:1•CII•f .. .11 ate le .uee Ise 111 - sve Ltessissess 11l 111..
01, I, 11. r 114 rays 11c slier• lure pr.i)e. ibrifiltiriorable C. 01.11
to gums toes a Sleeves, ti kccia ts• a public inn or tavern, and be,
a• in .L.ty 1, a ill pray. 6.e
Erie. Jan 11,
,Istsist F. DuTLINGER
We s the , eribefe. c s :llZe.• S . I:: V...: ea.t nand tst t^c cosy of
Fete, in %, !Lett the mtesvc still or tateress pr - ordlo I r Iseclowsl en
rtnis ? ..ed
I. I be kept. do ern ery th,st Fete' Mal Inrr, the s'Ol'a Op
pbcat,t. s•sst f,WIIt repute rue Irtsse-ty nod icto:ese;sser,:lll,/ Is Ne;.l
lITUVI'I , d %slit) tlIJII•If• nom and erali ,, r , ietic , - !will, to Ign,g and
arc.;:nnmotaiwn 01 1.7 . 1 . 111 , ', Tr . ..i11,1 Ir:lVl . ler.. 7111 d that olieli at, /a a or
talent la flerr , ,ary 10 arCele.iloLili• lb.• pil ive a:.l entertim
•tetison , re ittd teas. r!c'es.
(:•ssecesto-11 Cadlt ell, M. Mayor. E. A Peptic!!. F Schlott
dec 1,,,,. r. 11 . y . it,„,„..,,,,,,,,,, K. e• sti• t I sit siw.Wili icon t.cogel s „Ice., Is
: 4 .'3ety. C. Itr.itlLle.i.%l to. I,aile. J. Tung, W. Wa,nwf, %Ili
- _ . __l _— _
money Dovrnt
' l v E . :
r .- . ~ , ! %; ;y a .r. n ,. ..: , i , r . / t i .r .i fe ,, e , :n:::a • ! ..:i
- 1 3 1 , 11; ~,%. e , it t i r ty: is t h •
?t r t . A. i l .. n i :1 ‘
r t i el
at On esaissnr: AIM ors eict calk rte rel. I)) . the ten e t s.e As 'stub , '
Cr.' ,Jan Is Its ':e.t..-71.:5. C111 . 11 . .N. pe ItROTII Ed
- LW V Wclvseen (amino Issesionley issi - das :4sl aced it ts II be
1„, Slier to gllie .U 111.1.011011 II issav fclsvl It
Eric, Jam. Ittilt '.53.—.'5. sllt.l'o4l: 4 4"'et Nisw nook StO9r.
, ..uuterrea lb lel,ra and e.ssit it
1 ..17.q. r tv 4:, e, Jai,. Pi s '52-15. tel..A.Ni.s()..V.t. few Riot ~
i TT I'NGA R V aid KOor alb or an Amerleali ‘pospirdl C,' vs.
1 j.. 1 I Ise 11,14: Ids's, lissvuldtisso 1) key It. I' ••. ft 0.11. ferrule
ai Erse, JanPi, '52.--.:1, - ,, (, I'S V1..)4}.",.\• .t . ~,, 1h,,,A, ..,,,,,
:tact Easley:lnv f.r the Kull. la" flookolilig
Pak' at Erie. Jan. la, 'N\l:O/ .
111 'FT. Mar:N.lf }ea; !ha - anima...Art:l4W laal.Eu
‘vl‘,iva, nl Ere...hi). 14k, '."4-31. (}ll4 N1:44
I 1 it.altll.h.lll;ll:chkiwitlllsne"A•liiiis:2lll:outgreli:rll:•ll.:7l, and
ir. Jan In. '.41 —l5l. in•oi•s Nrw Bonk Si , Ar
Dl.tßY'e in Veal nTioy at
Erie.. Jan. IP, '5.!--3.3. Cir.V.VISO VS• Conk
CA I i:r l'orket Bata, in gron %aria iv .Some 4. 10 w a. I .Irillap‘
\.-T at Erie. Ann . la, ISUN'I
twit or tile Walk by tlemati plte at
ITE AS /C. 111, 4.1UNN151.)?41.
flii,Ti;f2l64 Noten , sn't . l4tap f.
— En . .
tJ in In. (;I , ,Nltzt s nook AlOte intkßo,
El part Welsh ip herfinfror ise heiween i t he telb4eti*ro
I tinder the name Of Walker & e001‘,1.3. th..l di y !woo until
'ell,' do-Orel. The h.r.tne..q. of .hr en.inern petll,l l 11.
P. Walker. who wit here•liter e.pit,nue t hr run. arditi7 4al
t1,1,111r6s as U,WIL 14 ft.. Eh;
4; Jan. J. It. '1(t). • 1
tllls , -/
1I S 5014.7 . 1 . 1(1 N. •
and C. J. Alttlrl`tiSL, Pooneee in Le
J *tam , of J. (learn Sc. C.,.6a. r Ih.. ddv.r.. - AvyJeoparttiermi.
1,3- I atm.*. Thr 11.3.41 u ail be 5t..:11.41 ..t .44.1.1411 by!,
liter our of the lah• urm. 3 41 11,i II 1.).4.11N..
I . ..rte. J . 1-:,2-3.1. C 1.4 ott..; r. J. 3111RTUN
A • - 211113 t" it;
ra 0 itaa.
N l ll,reby fit.. nmpm ai ere of Administration hate
hmm ?Jo ntr , l thr s M.-Wier, on 01. r-rite of 'hark. k
law Of Gre , ll I:ris roam r, &re med. An pm , co,
the' Clow. toarkted 10 02.11 Eigate. cur trhureted th in ike lunar j.
ate p mlt.r tit and all tier,otio liav tog r , lcuma aztioi4
arr I'm - me:4e.! to prearnt them dilly nut:mime ite.l' fur actilemeo.
BUNN ET, (op. aeid 'fertile a low'Ve
phiSTER. PLASTER—MO tone of tine round and *hit
.1 I aomr: In btl.. or boxes, for sale at a loner rate than int
before offered in tho marker.
one thonoand good Flour ItarteL4 wanted 11. r which en , th la
herrn id. 1 TOWNER It KELLEY:
Jsn, 9, Kn.— Ul . , i Mirth Street.
_ . ______
• DIO110717 1 *;ON,
TIIE Firm of Lon ti At Srott. to it to downlved by artiti.l and the books are lit the i , mi Ot Win. I. :tea
for ertilf , etion. I. R. I.4tWftli,
E. le, 1411. 7. IS IL-1: U . W ..:L. 14 . ...:4) 1.1%
jt: hare rererred, opened. and are pellina a ehoiee
of Sew Rook+. Call and esanaiine-while I hry are mine tx
e )ou we lon late. , J . 113,GCSMISON
3.--31 So. P. Park Row.
LR'S celebrated Hamburg Cbeeivp.—algo Jame
Itarle's Dairy Chose, fur sale by the quaatlty ot paund
N0v.29. w- M.
ti: 1 1 nlit,333:o—f. hundredl: tit -c ru i tat ' - pr i
thy freed. are Wanted for which ate hipcst price wine paid Ity
Ere, Dee . 10; 1131. 'D. CLARk
ARKER'S READKKR.--Noil. E 1. 1,4, And sale
the .kiskaar singlecopy at GUN .
SlOl DEWS SPELLERS "A.'41./ REA ERR mar to had at
rate. /an. 3. Mil. GEKIALIWK'S
01.4 . 114111 TUE TRACT.:::
Owasso 1 Chemise 3
scum , • , sE E L t 7 the dar. en at
Jim, Jan. 3 . GUNI4 MON'S.
• 1 C tYis
T H er:Zr.ttr:r. ':ifati?ra, h
,r,":"otaL2=7 . lT.
, • ' rx*sir BTACZ - gYMPT( ) M8 . -
, INCIPICNT Cough, pals lo the Arrant. side. Arad. back. Jp ,, ..1.. ati.7tii, ..
' aONO II DIP TIO N ~ i damation. issitene , r, andlicklims Jr the thriat, fever, ettigeau ,
i In Blue Wrappers. ; i. I and quick breathing. srpectorati. *
s .41.1dt, *AI, altar frailly.
- . SY3II'TOMS. ,
. 1113.00 .0 7 Nfr n
, 13 E . ,
c ' ostieraess: spasmodic cough, viLleut lever. night. mortsint. and
' lIMPTION Mid day sweats. Write Slush in the face , and cheek ., burning
, - •
heal in the 1 1 1 17 00 of the 1130 , 11 and sole; of the let l..rierlara:
lil Pak Wfppprrs. ) tam easy, espiless, old streaked with Vim!.
- valif.3) STAGE . SYMPTON!S. • ~
11171tERI'ULAK 1 DlarriKea. diminished fever. couch. at•fl fneroitur .west. . crobt;
. a 0 N phl7 m P r 0 N,
, and increasing dehrlity, frefolesfl tainting tits, slight Jeltrusii.•
761041 . 1;00 , - tVelit•p Tr elf , .
- .arid sacristy; of die esti'. noires.
. ehie or cambia:lt, on
• -
Ti, Tit t: A r f - 1 ,1(• r 9); r r The appearance in These Ricitaes e t , lull . 4ters Syr/acme= ma new Era, 1:1 Medicine; frJos it. meetly - trod an I ['fie the null
and direct oforPOsittoif War r':iif
' ' 4 :II ive Jai' urt ..,%. pt AB ri
cry star . Indeed tiler
tvi„!,. 0. ~,,eee,.. preteAmd HI thie nr - fonor. (rer'n Bottle f ' o . ll AnYfllft*difi rem preparauon.) ia rioria.y Ike dirrrsiol tilertii a (itch .
eha r.frllfri re Uff,ndifau.f..if. tear established do. H ricrac 7,17771011 the Curaillity.e IN.. ry castle UI 7 . 110000 , 171 , Con ..rfopthin. - - : ed g I'3'l ' ll l''nqth Dori` r r PHYSIt'I aNs A iti.R.f iv': or iV, tweini. , it is bawl/Otani - correct Playaiuhariea! mot patied,,, , tiesl prti. - tples. ' 711) Pwl.tir 11)11 VA , 1(1nge 7,,, 1. alf S 'ci l
.rpr„,,, pt.*, heeling, it p. 7 earliwni URN', and beesnwe they klifow fo - fus ,nJ et;erienef • that nor prepar.ilsoli will e. , .7 role the these permit us to if•thlifqj a`l
.:epee of . I"eserfurtphea, life ovirr,•e. dinaptiwicird. AA .ft-eoftrard hkeft:ffid forprorfs rid, hteauf-e ft. I rinef}les hut wit a (tartill- ' t
Mit 7 .V. 0 Ould p7”,.efit ;
,hi, ffig . ., It lien be J7ro :too/ford S?rrldtram, 118,atieres are rendlied.
ll' 'II fl I S f X, rII E FIR :I!: r .ti 7 1 .1 (1 F: 0I . C 0.1%5 . 1 7 .11 PT I o.l'
, -
i - refer farther inquiry
. rood. will scar. i,.. 14
Rini uses the Field ilser:r. its expectoration. did:cult and nainatt. becomes free and easy His Cragh soya gait stn. Mr Kfo - nefi, litli. , i r esises u awl tuud,,,,,d,
!un4 ," his itsojat , indaui.ltiou, pain iu Inv Area.(, bide. lici t. hack. Intuits, and louts , art removed.
' :, ,‘ I . I F 111 IS IN 'l' .IE SECOND STAGE ,
and lases the second bank , , hie lever , him. hid ellStlirl.;. Slumb..ra tt , C4utte. sweet told resr,,i,iiie, 1.., night swear, Tan i,h his es- I o t ae arate j xi
14%107014,11, cupr o us altditg df. assumes a swanky appears( e. 00,1 at I , ltvtli tio•sii ,. ;,..or,s. M. 7401 , 1, bre , Aise rp:l , llar; 70, , :17717et, , 11 ~.13 , ,i,u , s t.. ik,,, r _4
, 1 From tire Proll
((lotus, the Ittudi an h,s ept k disappears, the muting heal a 11w palms, tit hr. hand ., and so[cs of iliii let - 1, are J'elt fed lung ( ., I:i01, ~„ q w 10.,.. or Jar; ...i
-- I
cough &tali , ceases, Ile revar ii ' alai is a all. - , •
els-mica' enti.twit er,/
I i' ' 111 IS IN T : II BTII I R D STAGE, • relief of laryneial Ind
~ to use. the third lottle. , hi thartinra entdua t' cc.i.e. , ht e It elk lon el.. becomes , ' r , .. rig , hes frii1711111,! other Ind .Ite r tetoon.•lll , 4m- 1 lt*'" ; " rinr ChntV." r:
{Pt% feel ie slob Aqui lseian r strone and v0,.,,rni0 , . his iit,,trineh,recosers its ',raper tone. arid creates new. rich. and nouri.hing blood use It a* )vit think ~r,
Ins .trength rennn., hi, Ova Led body Is clotneu ugh Mesh. / /a , L /FE 11i :..4 i-t 7): unit he us
1 1 1 .1
, Sy n c..... 1.. tipsily inotoms of tile singe for a bi...ti if 1.1.
1 Wendell ;limed it, frail of Ihe rapper , wher,.by
I/ uWil symplUtllts.C.sll)ll:e (Of bilow.l...rtrllll:ll 001"1 * .LE ILA; RI.L11:111 ES. rl, C(11110•74111•1141y 110 lun
1. .r - r'rti: UR( telllt MEttleINE../ - r , . I
,se.sin of ilk! Eilltor of this Pats, . containins It.. Nutiall's I'athnlosy of Vnine.iiitit ion. Leet , trer on the
, a
of the Iluinau Limes, and cell [testes of CU/f L:A. 'Li Prenated wily by Dr. bitittall. linehtor and
$1 per Bottle. I . 1
• •
`'. P, 17.5, ehentut . 4, :treet, opposite Me, S'lnte Mose, 1 ',Phila. .I,eil f for Ike Proprietor.
Re moved from 6 '!:otath Fifth
:Street.: . 1c 31
Clear tke track for
-i , .
•, : li . l* - -Nill'il r'No Chc ftpside!!
11, ~ - 1 ;
.;X 111 , fri. , .00 halt.: thel.:b . ;:e-t stock of Good.. In lets line.. si r',
• . i on-rei in 0:44 111.1irk . t. tt inert a err pi, rcti,,- ,, 1 Jro c. 40.4 I ti, :
Ow (.., ,, lerit ego-. or la: il:.,etured ht blanch: Cy whir 1, le I. •
'' . . 1 . 4,1 b. t-ehl there ire 1 , , th at 1,1_1.14, do ray OW) must bat at,t
ht ll
she I'0.71:1.7to0 it
-e a , out p.,) me ' , ialy. Well, what if hey
‘ 1
,t l re •ttidg4lt; I, .) thhet thin peot le r an 1,,,/ l
1 Ilea utifal-ililk Nate for $1,501 -
11.1tral , Robes 1.,r ..1: SO Ile:lean Hats for OU reolg. our all
Caner :u..1, at I iWr i. Ir. re.. For pruot or which , ill int #,...,,..
ell es. rail and ,011111,171 f er thetnoefreff.
r : frlheC cd th
t forge p,, emitlis Cheap Hat Store. N 0.3,
ebe rpoier. ,
Erie Noveneser , 4.1..51.1
bott!e of :what'll
v.t.ry aut :did kilo% ing
a ktra4l , ,ettlf m NACCt$t
t 4 et Pamphlet 111
1 1 4 ;
i 4u
c e
• =V 002aPtAILINT,
JAUNDICE. ulsr cifitoNte
Vous DEin Fry. DISEASE!
k`,7 a>> .
. ._
. e••.. eau
' ail V ram,' • ut , .., ..
DOL. l/ Fl. Wit .411. i ..X•Cil,
•t 1. 11.• if • 0,..T11. t I WIl. 111 , 6 tr.O •
•r1'.,.. in. g., .. • o.llla.a..ota,lovaig firtn.
A. aaa a s or ra. .11/%11%, .1, 1i • . 11, AT., -
11 , 1 i %, plaut*l rue r AID. FL it. oil %Vilt/11?' ill WII.
STOMA , 4. 2 , 01.4. 1.1111.1.1 2 110%6. e 151.1%. OR rl CTI - EPO4I s.T
Tat PIT or Illir MIMI 014 'l/11 , 11111•113 Or 7IIC Ili
. #l,. II:16JY , /OM
1,11,.. Li. ItuLaaralasw. L.:Tamarac. AT `flIE U.**. ' Tiliaa -
, . ISO a. aaa flasll W 11.,.% 1%1 • hem* roarer', Wu
• M.... 1 VI•1011, 1:I07. 'O4 %Vial? sariir.. TIIII
1i. 4 .0.1T. Faryrit A‘li 111 - 1.1. PAIN IV Till : •
Ile.n. Ihrrit• - •trar a or Palthern•-
Troll. li. I I.OIVNILSWEW 71111
. - ear. , ,,,,a, EYEA,PAIN •
11 Tor Stet.; i ,
1 Ili•er. lather W. Savage, S
: ,
1 , 11.1„ Lives. &c.. Et naaw.a.. Ft.a.ww.i or Ur.vr, Brits; rr 1,411.11, Luther t ;.,, „i t i t v .,,,,..
rt.i..11. CO•raTtOrl I Yta.,sr. or lIVII. 551, tiar....r Dar/traitors Or e l ..,,,pr r. st a ll-„,i. M
L 41.1•41., can he wall) Ir.itrd by • . .
DR. I.I()OFLAND ' S I • 1 '11 1211!"_ ° ' ___ .L _ __l
-t, , • I (;00i) NEI
CELE/IR:1TE!) i GE i1.V.1.V 111 T7' k. lort•_:. ' '
cheap Grocat:iesii
Piar*P....... 01.
D. C. M. JACKSON , •
.NO 7. pi.,)R
1 I -- r . lir. ~aa wr HI, rl, ni
AT TIIE GEItAIAN' 311:DICINE STORE,{ t I 0rGr,.. ,, •r0 win
ti..lriti.ll.,(lii ;arena...di
4 1,
120, Arch 8 oat, Philadelphia, ' - i 1 fir ,-.r.". IT in ;he money t ' l
Their :alma,. we'll. lit. 4b, seas., ea sae crrelied—kt 41.44
; Astonish the'lCa,
by Sag carter prepirallitill oil i a !.laded Waage eta Ma rasa and ,
reap !AM /P
oiler/Ada m
payoPa etandfatatd. fie therefore mike. I.lrlll
TheNP II in. ra are n orally OW attention of ,nvn lola. rea.e., g
.' entitle and dr Ink tug I',
zry .i t ,rule. p. a., r r eitherina ofillienwei 01 We LI% er Ain! I, •••../ r , nasty rood thhare In• ha
rra it la it; the ritie.t ',areal% 100M1 i IW in it Ciliil•Clia 401 ..r. • !..t. to J•X A MIN 1:t11.: e
Let aria of the digerti%e Grgauy, they are iv o that, safe, CCT Wu and it will 1... t. ~ their aII ae all
plea-roL i i • In part of
P. R aro, N. fr.'nod l'a,
.I .
'hitt . fried. e1m.1 1, 49. J
:net , and Coder .port.. '
-,, I. Nola-p••. ail illirl,itt '.
..AO AiMb .. ImairiV.l443laD. .
Prom the ••Boitoii Be
The editor said, nee. 22ud—
P►. Celebrated (;erunasttees for the Cure of I
-.Chr - - or Netrous (Minh!
Jaundice. loyapepria, —ironic or setvo..- -
twrs It tim id the popular medicines ut the .tay, 'I
Bitters h.tte tin trseel by tintuttauttet. and a latend at once
says he has hu,Lrlt reel pvcil an effectual aril pertutPliriit eul
I.tver romp!.l at front the ate of (tn. - num-4. We are etlflVl
OW. in the liar of throe linters, the piltient constantly
summit wet, visor--0 fact eulthy of rreat consideration.
a t• phi -nn w ta.le nail ',Melt. and fall be used by perauna
the blast attic:Ale staunch.. Watt, •afel , , Under Oily 'felt qttout
,We are front I.sta:fie:ice, auto bs the adlicteil i it. a 4
their use. 1
"S` oreslVElrKt e. " one of the bent Literary ripen
sold. A.
..1)R. O . SII;IRMA*; Barrtns. manufactured by r.
too, reehiiithrieie the too-1 1,(011.
kr , Of rt.ol au ..rttete otttetett elfteae‘ ist re
n eak urr.. A• su•hro the Cis , . wr tt4J4:ll 111.11.
nit tin 3 17 , tn0,. 094 031. pate thellt..l,#.. ...I, wt.
sons 4,,r,J...!ni eu,,,t.tutionf will Lind vat,
0,4 ,o their In .tlth, kt.ow yerlence the
, t It 14455 n eal.
• Miißtl
Tft i f ...Philo I G.t/• tic:' the best foto lyi Get
per to the , tates. The e itiir se). of
l)R, Ili top.t,AND•ts tiERNI.tX BITTERS.
"It is ...1.1.w that iVereeotionend w hat are-termed Pat.let
111 , Cotaidence triJ ostrol.rige 41 OM' fr:VcrP: 0,,11
fnre et hen we reenitonatitl Dr. lkotlonti's G0111;111C
11 to l U .Iset net!), under-W(4 tied we are nut opt...a"tter of
Irmo. that Ate intn.s.,l ;that lur a brief prriAdtitid
Afro tn.!, tiler they It duo. , their too hy nee of wi.elurf, I
a int aritle tuna eSt:lbil.lirg, 115145. 1412Z.J. 210 WI.10.•
Incl hear; 014 b.• 135,14"
E 5 IJenn• upon f, idenee lias been received (like the fo
from all eurtiuti• Union. the last three 1 car, and 111+t
c't le-I'ltntr.% In 5 14 there to , re of it turd t
pole nee ul for r, trolar.ili)sie woe of oadelnloa. titan ail
hustron.- r1Ait1.d....1; Wet th n ean eleily M e...taltltshed.:pu
1 ) Prot - in:ft: l M a scimiiirie preparation vi ill mart with thPlt •
Etat - ,
approi - al when plet.ettted even in dile form. ttx.
Thar this nied.c me urn mire Liter I'o...plaint and
ti Tilyl7
d. ~..ja , i p l i . I : F: iiie -inn, ri
Ili) oiir e ran nin.l atter using it as dirk-ctol. It acts et... sin Obi . 'Pe 1..1 -orik .et II;
up. 1, M.. synn.vii and iii,r; it i. preterauie In eal.uoel in al •
b the alfc' ,l w ')r me i.,-)c 4uev dwaae -thrldartisimmediate. It ie, , ,tLirarri -Mr Ar ilect is immediate. TN" r'ln. le ;Mtn this err., Poolnell get Aolot boo. Too
to festialCS, or nitwits. with n.•,Safety and i rcli Jae lam one. lament at any l 11 0,1 a in 7 I , 1 0 , ... ni. , ! 11 ,
'BE . .V Ali. E (J r couN rEI(FKITs. , , ry 14444 yomJ4. dire, t Unit
lit Parlil the .1! Inn', in
This melte Inc has attained that high shot natter which'is 11 ee el - o h„ it; oo on‘
;;;;;or ~
rary Mr all • ineetetnes to Mtn iit to ll.4Licr counteraatt rt. to poi H . ,„.7 4 e, ~,,,„,',' „ ,,1 „, ~,, B,uricll7. „ art .clea at the nets of the hers 01 WON: a tin an • in- .hasp pa ins tit it, ,,,, ..,,,
Potently dee, ove,?. • comp:etc, emit prising et
Look well la thc marks oof As Gamine : t '
They haven.. %rotten signature of C. M. JAVASI.IN omo ti L VARIE'IIY OF
n rao o or, nail, In.. ..... (ion r. to the Wale, w.thcsf watch Mr ars .snag! Ike very beod MI ,
sper.onia. . goods mat lo loom, a n
Fur -ale 1t'h,1 ,,, ,1e and Befall Mem I • I skin 11314. Extra Mu. a
it ch NA Vti httattrlNG STORE. A . . 'lfni sells. "flint Msorned
:No 1...9) A /eh .41 eel. one ilnin !Winn SIXIII , l'iiiIrlilt:0111.11,1 and .n all stieenstern colic,.
by reillicttiitilc dealers generr , i) ;Woo l :bolt the &mitt), • le, and tile Go'd It , r.;:r
, ; ' FULL A
To enroblc MI of trivplidir to enjoy the advantm WO 'a ( Wit. With 01 er rutty differmi
great reetorat it e ',Astra. . . lair Viirreti's WI rtirr Cloth
Single Rattle 75 Cer.ts, 1 1 . country. Also. Silk 11.4
dr M
Also for ..3'e. hr rno+
ar!. 1... T. !Vivre.. s.Erie, PP.; I.4ntp- cheap A great tat telt .
.on St. Colt, 'tle - it.ran I:orncrs. Pa.; anal J. Cottle, sVattillaul, Fa, ".with an 4 "`" '''l
J ii i . 2.1.<a-A i . al. of %theft VI ill he rola
- _ _ _ . ___.__ .._ _----..- - __-_-;-..2;__- '. ranted as reCresentel. or
' C833i1.1" IIItit,DIATILEI:C,F3TOR.I3. : 1 Erie. net,e3.--3.401.
.U 1 stow rcet;.:4 ing nil.
,rall stock of heavy and shelf H Irdtt :ore OE*. IS
t COnsisl in?, in part 4 %run, steel, and halls if all sties, Alit ds,
~.e....S.,ith' - i:,ll,l,.:rprittg.. 13:e ' a rise-, I.ra-r hub iitl,l iiiirl F I r , r y A NI F. 'ti l l I, C .1 i
t.aikd.., utak able canons- Mall Miser itaiuns.erresliars. dirt picks. i A NI) all this is done tidcao., air i
• inatore.k.., gzzi 4 flue s, roll. log. ;rare, baiter, and tack chains, lir, . II taus to olithin Meg i tide; i. tide
id.: lid, hook:* and burrs. ho '.
hooks a.l ryes. strap hir.g4e. .ile 'pleased is hula utbers are displeased
h u.,,, , . :hot laicher., bra,i !,eti les, ;.orerlrin kottb, and .aulr Iv.. IA y .'
mill, cr00....1, e areifor, rip. hand, I,,thrt. back. a .11 Woos ;,-; 1.• tad A I. I. A T J t:
wood. lase arid (rani,: Parion and Sununu.
brow! mai.; nil' And cmine his large Intl
arl.u.s..sliniurais'..Culliine • Wird . .. 31141 1 iinnier Clinii log aes; '
Simi: .' non band au.. 01111 liatelorl.; ; Porton'. s'lu'e .., eye 1,3,, Cl.lll'llB, CASSINI EllEti
a ilk, r., Wien,. inns, Itotrntorieri tiler , and imps : heneti, some 11. nil,- Which, I kr, di ~,,,ke u p lu urem ."
bit and tarn lee ',la rtes, 1400.. double and single plane hitt, mac wort frslipiu.ible ,111 le, tri....llcrin
plot.. augur and chi.el II males. level-.try sipilres.stroke Chairs,' ant, garment cal, depend n. host me
hollow augurs, gummy, Burson's franhafgaind firmer Cliterls, a lid swished they will 53 4 hi' f ,,,ae r f - 4,, I: .
paper. Bred strews and raptor.. mahogany and black aral tilt'
Knot., round, minor,, and chain bulls. wrought mid rasp ha 1..... . Ready Dade
hrlide. ninehiall hail.. Itretv,. lucks. latches. pocket an 11. .ie - We' h ave nn hand and t ototteme II
cutter:4 , ket,•••444 and ...hear.. mitiCiita knivex, snuffers. tifilit. 6 ot- litcn.../! , Ill'It • ,t .l.. OltstPto. 1 tile! Om' I
n ta. iron :....I. ir ripa candlesticks Accofite• ' want. and 0 , It , nd ttoolle lur friends
lltic,itri I-. Itt'rUft R :t: afloat , ttomt., l'rters and , Make: an
I „ ii .
ci ,
:thwr. , lirui .-- w i s. 1 , 10,0,. ,--- .l _
a. bring Mona Soul e one lo Judge for )1
It inum Pepper. Fiore, Miltlatil, C ante, C0C.0.3.
, r " r "
*-• ffat".'ind that "e have the
ftronia, ar i d a few dottoi of those infall Ire Yeast row le '. c...- Bast Goods ill
1 stantl) oil hand aria fin sale by W, F. RlbillirAtNE.l,llT, , l'hit, we Lonst or died 44, Ile cola pa
Nov. 29. Corner of alb and fkate-ist 'lll. - line:lmi rant y stirt.. th,,,,,,,
Clll', Litiff',- Ten i.arreist I/wrote4 Sulii i iiit;r St r. --1- i OA Storks and Pamir e.rat at.. whirls hi
Lard (Or. and three barrels 111491;0'rd Winter Strained tie- . it'll an cheap as the Cheapest'.
pliant limit 31.41 I 'ampliene„ Pine Oil anti Burning fluid fnr •••• , ''hY beltVilee:elltdoTeuort ou ou r , t , h ,i a l o r m , ...t o o n t , m ma P 3 0 n t: 1 iie ,,,. fc; n r ,,, 1 . g1 15 ..t u f . a.z0 c r 1 5......-m n i", , l,
No .7. 5r....1 House. I 4•J. H. BLICIIIN -..... era
eau make tt eouclegteat to give us r esil aj No S. kr ..1 iiouo.c.
j_lp IR RI:-/ eSsiert ti.rliiillAN INK-a kg orthia ememamm 31,414 JUAN 31., I.7:_er ICE. Practical Ta i ) or..
1. .1 ILIA teresS,./ hy J. 11. 11111(l'ON gr. co .: Erm orot. t 3. ISS'i • Mt
• - . . . ,
_ _...,
X e BAZINB he litirtiteti 1 erfinn 1, Inot ollalkc & are,,, einhrti 1 1
9000 Matauacs for Mt Ibr g rapi i irti: u l t s i t . r . : N onlvt: t al l
li , L'r i'i , -.. s in.; estraet• Ito the bandicr're 1.51;1'011mile°. Beat. oil „TM, I.
8• fl ing at Cost. ! • sting Cream. Psney Scapa. Tooth P te. awl Amaiklia'e lb, eapt4.
y wool.) re.pertfulty call the'attention of the public to dee dll- •ed Rands; all highly peritoued and artatited by ' ,
I poriant -Fact." that I 21tilOW seltm.: off my .'tusk of I ' Ural. Dee •IS 153141 I - J. 11. fii;OToN at ('O.
• DRY 1700 n s fißfier,RlCs. M.IRIP wARR. cßoOrr:qr, " 1
1 .
Aid a “IFte Dior" if ihi (Tatars Faitiort ia Ili: shape IFitim NUTICL I. herell wviin that Letters of Adnunistration .tai
. 6;4 I.4ipsiro, it Cart. 1 , heap granted to the autos rot on the eskite of E. I' line!,-
....: ter
Thir n•Aire 1.. not all gammon as is the emir with m - tti)4of toe • decen6ed • 131 ' 01 ""borr,"ig town-hip, Therefore all th.. , ..e
kind - Min may he relied upon.' as I hate drie l f . l l lll 4 sacil lA r k ( i l7 ,....., ,,., ;d in ai t' b o. '" ,,m in ,.: , he t;
4 . ll o.o.e " ia li k i a n %
, n4y e l t4 n i f n. % a i ri l l P l, lrn' in e thc hnt i t u ct o, lnt w a;' ,l
helve sprit),
Erie. Jan : 3. 1.51 • ~ i Na. I. %v ivo ,. 0 1 ,,,,, k , present them, properly authenticat e "! for s et t le nocut.
Ir 11 r A io:I.ER 13.Ark•F•N,
A i LARGE aseortn.eaTOTilsoor and .11414,41au5, just repe l 1 I 4,IICILIEL BJUKCS. •
.0121 WM, Wlt.ll.lNt,t'3 Slome store. - ' 1 Ilathorerrek, Jan, 9. Pat -643 15 .; Adlutniotrabant.
3:rte.-dee. 13. 11531. "
S.inttS.. U Erne. Jan. 3. ' f . - ° GU 4 N 1R0N.14.
L i D kliStiN? it; want of ti;i&iliglir%:;iiuldC Ti itt i------ -
...meat- ~. -- ______ _,....._. --
D i l i . , lumtPEß's. inttinitatlial, Krirlkerhhrker, 81041tarpod, Gra
! 1.1 bacs'o. thtttues and odey's illa;atlnes, received nausea. :
Win.. and fbr sale at ' . GrltlrlsoN . s.
, 04 of i
~., ._4 4_ _____
gi 00 LS. IsAl.T.j4st reteivisearad Ibr sale Ite •
-11,41, .stor. ss, its, , vv P. Ittnersaaccur. i
111111: beet .o..orunent LialienTh — Ganers.lpy., Jenny
1. ries, Buskins, Wilk{ n; dhurs.an4 a %as icia of Cann
as Aate cheap by P. JACK.
t* *9 and llnYleCilve. Ble nod 'armed Plinio. oil
eiri" Roma :mil /Ited4 B. ; Also. birrina sierriri
ladies' Muth lb.' wale very eters. by B. JAC '
ifis of a Baehgor. re Gleanmpa, r'-+'r'
"Ma floonef. I IC. / any bad -
i 1 prom Life cart kd fiat Caret". CpCXXISO
UMPT 1. • 0 !! • • -
kiln'''theThea_ U."i .
"""14411° 1! I n e,1 = n c i at g O!
r 7 l . 4i'. :e u : ll ia , • each
II 0 211 71 . TItI DI G lt r. 47 .
H A VINI.; i... , 1) avoluint,,,i rueibt fur 4wu of. 111. I/4%9.4a Fl , ro,
Anflotririorte.ti , the No)11.1. i hate illo. , 4i.1) r..tri ~ •::a , B , I
rt• %, Mid. t:e3lllll , Ji MI, 1e . ...40.1.1i r. ill enable ~.i.• t , / LitttiAl au}
, j.lapilt% of list aln:A.: An:c:e.t...111 , 0 Trade uI Ott. ,rrtuat “t \n.
}oil; ',rect.,., • li t.' %IAVE.I.L.
I.rie. l'ildv. ,?." , • t -
TII E ; F. it I L Ct) I.' NT l'
j !
k RF. tem. in.ur mg Dr, ells ng I I owes, ruse*, ellope and nth/ r
t P I Uoithltrta,.. Hooey iota l'urt Hort . Men:hail/1 GA, and uulit,
property agatitrt hoe and .1 ttortge IA tire.-thrir burgle,. t;anc
erit,,lDetel on the ttD4ont plan,,lDAlng earn 11; T,li IttNtat,ll /
Illeilthrf of 1110 I'ontirmy, a iDI liitint: to earl, in prdportiDo to the
UnlOtll/4 atl.ored a pardicipot Dm in the prong*. Thin reeuree to
. ahihke f orne•• mint liberntlty. They recucttire tla , actsol ihrtr
authorized Agent.: to ii 50 1 ,1 tit og ttlt,n.arratlitt• ttill..retters be ar
, hilrgtion:at loonlitieeratlLen,ett or tin n • erd: nod in aft en
iPe* liroinlttlY 'MI UR Irir• for iamb they beelnste Italic. AII
Derpone. therefitre. wt ea .r. tlDun 0.
AII ranee poo l/ •,1 W i tt
rind ii tor their inter -t to COI, At the It.t t.t. t , I lA.* Compernt..,
who.e offtrere are kw wit, to I •D•reDee In tore gut Clatt-,,,,t,i /. ...,
G . II
horn yu.i kii/Ily lit It. or, (0 ',way Aar. f,44,44i .4 tu.. lot. hl
• hca.ft ttierre,),arc Doh! rat. 1
I'. M. Til.):114,
J.ll. %%Tirana
J. riffiertoll.
J. D. Clark, Jar
••• EXCL.:
J I 1 l'ul,crion.
Smith Pre.
R. J. S . itley. sec') ,
I ; !
'pe.e 1
Ol ' lntl4 •
• oili , I,ettweiu.
li{} I Nuthwg, Alac,'. It
41h repp..r aucr. 011%tl. 4:
31.3 c krrrl,
Comutou• I4r S
1 I Elise. .1. al
ek People's
()F EA:
41.11 e
the title Dr %Via,
p, 4 nark Cr.
'r 2.^oteti,
y et- nn ICme. Selierry. Mal
, Wine. M.°. Itratiily -
lsie‘iir,} lim!
ie •
• v •
Ivry illiiiliteillto lb.
are I,llh. -1.• .1 It roil ii,
••re. the Or till. i% ill I
e-a Cr e. Nov IP, 1-.)I
on •• Loast
1,1.G1 TIE %I. r
tiu• city el l.rie. la
inCt i•ree--.,, I. ri ail Le
:•.i. 1-,11
1114 t
Just Cperopd at
miaml• ,i......inca
Ea 2
Wm F R cht
Ge,yr2, W 66n ,
fir, N. W. IN,. II
1 :I, e,.
1 - V. F. Eg,
p. DI
t \t v}
tit FW
J. U %Vlll,.irn .Trea
U. It. 1 r eti 1
tr+l , l7Geld
Kral!: VI
nt IS iili
11. N: inch. Albloft,
Wai.lce S!.. man, ilkeretl.
nr Sc %V lit WO, ern Irce.
I 11,.11cr 'Xi. 1-.11.
i J k:()PLE.
o Winos and Liquors.
800 ,
and En
1%111 :*.t1.1 Wtrorr
turf. Fl-h. V 10.195. roo,,wient ttron t 1..•
k ..nalded to of II at cur, that
d I)efy Competition.
1118 the attention 012 ketierott..
..00,11,41100101 n 1•1111 01 the
'of 00,0, t, tit Irtlfe tht.y hove
'hit Pl:let:4 to he
L.g. 44 hon. , 111 steel chttst-t..
L ROC mkt ES :
r n rrc. t
' r and
at r
!Tk,t ho
Lives a
ore in eal
ate to all
111 •?
I.ll'A A
Si Itt iNTC
311141. d
/Id lab .1, alai all attpor
tfack dr..l;refin Tea.. all 1,111.:0,
ba, na•ai en, wmg
plug and p. 11.1 r. all ku .at•.
i. Cittosl.
elk n” I Vc
41.41 Vas
r 1111,..
../1.0. 1.111
...tor a d
• u 1 ;., ••0•4111
Poi e% et I
low ennfr,
t I . 'gird.
Sprrnt 4./11,ei kletr2ll4c...ftioll.
. It 1:3 , 1 ranc).aivj
Al.', London Vtater,
wbard and Now '
111` I i.l
awl Jlll
1 1011 gal.
lg.. Kr
'cach e.
hi* line.
' Till:: CITY,
r, t v,,k {,lo , riti•••••. rale and
~r,a It ... , . ht.:claw all , i-rillo
Witi-kr%•. 4 f.l Port 3ml 11:,4•.e.
l'ur , . 41:91 t owl elianq.., iv)
• ,1 l'ltt•rtiA; to2ribler i ttli all
, • T. w. 310011 E.
. I o .3.1
I, +it!! hait
it '
n% Yu,
I rut.
It a al•
h the rnt
acco,ot, bf the late firm u(
. Al: ;..r.tytto. kTanrctn g them
,l or f ovtio or tro6k neerrin
,tICT•t K hit tttt, cr
•rufli•er :or" oo!!. ctom.
or`: 'of Vears.
for a
/ 0 •.4
r tt•t! 7.enro.
-01)1.4 9tl ptr,,m4,
1:61 V.s; RL'.•C
o. 1 *richt's 83ock. Corner
and "fth Streets. •
e. Hoe h .np n %vv. and %Nell
(11 . 41".. 1o AS hich Ile , 1 , %.10"'
lc of F. , in int it. eicintt. Ile natter*
c .;Qr,rt..ce In Niamitarturill.
• .1,1Pr; ,, 1 . t , 1 , 0 , for Of:111"ml the le
t! In.po 111,1W , nntnetnrer., tha
/111, 411.1 T 14 C 111 tell a• chr.ti , . ft not
t It in 44,11,,,
h e ro.ri,iet,,P. he has taki
t.i its cx,l," to make Ills a,s.gluteta
IssInols1;•! Atssoss.s. 11. E
144110(.11i rt es s r 110.111Acextrss
Id sine e• a . hurl lirtio. A isr• 11/10
elpresssal ter smise ‘14,11, Issehirsesils'e
Also, ..Isrlsy Lille!, II in:olmm, va;.., A -
• 1 ;
Dll - 4. !.
I The rsti:•;, .11 reltirrts
rals • nem .o I t•-hsestinl.le tl.r,szlsunt 11. e
411. 14, I ,a' rreti , ll,i . lll.:,. era
lot c
Furs and it,..1r,00 Ruhr.,
11 I/t Ail .4,..)vt1f war-
or 11,, , 0 iti
Trtii ~4
%.7 . 1 1'(
(he MOIR'
3!IN II IVA R R 17N:
- TO "DDATII. 7-- •
Were (0 1.1 et Cu.
, lee: run,r are
but: Gre Wily Tray we klivw
mderied idiv A of
Lr Al ihdi,e and in the
tel tug limit', Itni/WlT"et If I
n Le n proinis4:4, and it lit
t• 11.11,‘“Y.
• hiaki• a %err Pi Der int t (If
eau, meoluttietttl to theme +1
and the pohtte 10 (.411 311.1 , X•
Ito ik-,.0 nbt wt-..t)
awl we. tow 3 vet 14.•
- trio City: •
ttiri A 1 . ,. a nice 3ot 'of
.14 1 . 11.4 ,4 1tirt.. Stispr “.lep t .
c bon4rit %ery tou,. and %vat
Gs at 111 tO7lOl
4t - 71.! '`TTTt°I
0 -
4r , 4
..,t4., •
.bD ; .
I tt
: o "''
t . .V "T Si i A 6
.4; ill: 1 4C
ji , -,je' fete
ir Ur a 1.... ( urc •ir
. 11 0.11.1113P.NW. S , 33R0N1
111 " 1460 PING-COUG.R,
ASTllref dl ind . COA 3 II/V1
rum-u. Among the di.e.u...i e . Selmer
grealitpl 1.3 Larlit it tte 1 . 0 bI. VV . .. f.. -lifeir
I111.•. , l. vvl ek..,111e , , , . 4 t't.. ter.:' of I. octavo "
. ti, ,, . named Of more re4l value tom trtkitul • that
or(iretutetry to the I: 11:111 .% rt. A TIM trial
; out the: br.:-.le.euatr ', h tr. pt.e...n Le)ood a d,
I Pl:olT.ssoß
FEssolt or
&c . Y CO
, rA hoot art ir!
P ren.s..ty lot n
Npy, 113,,,11 7,,
an 176:1r111 , 11 , :i Grit,
Frizi or.e of
I t : Dr. J. r. :1 • vr.
ir , di,:, i• ttatpt:
#eseur elxres, I ant ri,n
: did
' I ,Innriao.l P. cml,ll
repure , " by J. C.
Sot 4 11l l'Ale 1
TOllO do 1 1 ....; to t;lr.
11,111,1 r.
D R.
r r.
v T.,
t..,r 1 1 r t', • v. •
oh. or
;on tl'
111 01•111ttt!t.t. 4l 'tr. 41
est's id n.1.14,011111', t
• 1
1111,. pl , r4,lll,tlloss,
4tr - 01 tr ..14t ,11 , •• t.) .
61 - t .
tql li ittrt•ildr , :
Ispertal fi'l,l.l:o !Wet
or I tiill.•: t,t W t, •11..
Arsr,,,r..l`l4.llng: PUS
ATM", k.O . Will, Pllll
vq) 1,3 - .4,
i'cnt•il Pr;
7' ..!4, lley,
cf c•tv l'••••
thPy atc w , 11 pr.,,,1 , • ,, t
1 , 047111 , a , aryl are.llia'.,
11,44' ISA% . )rt.l , 11 2 I.'
OW It. CoUrl to
Or t7tt TO.
Crse. Jatt 10. 2-12
IV , Vv.
lc.) ,` , 111%
aro Of :VOW; rwptlT tor i
wolt ro
thi tr
Iza.rd —J..
` B
r.l Gr.O. W.
iu ?Syr.
Tel t Nt ilomer7Vg
prw o k 1
ulr.l.l;atolts I f
11h1;ke Llk. flot , 1. 1.1
pra,d 1101$1,.1;
pul.ll.:pris vr I
rne. 17.7.01.
3V4.. t'n •
nib JR•
l.> re Lep', .1... e.:1.1. i
.:1 t re , ./. .. r• t,..
N, I tli h ..... ri,,tii ~. le
41110 r of -freezers :In.
'll, nee..........n tr., neer,.
ttn.,11,1 , e1f,r4.
( ~ . ...! n e,( —NI. .t'•l. r . 1 tote- 7..^-, , .1.•. J. ~
i11arn.,..... II li. 11,c....e1:, %.
,Gera.tht. :In.).
MeCattn, 'll•lrrty u 1: b. lon. Jour) le Ilan arat.q.
:::: e • c.,....... .1 h•I'l• . -r : 11.. 2' r,1....? i .
.4; 14.4 e I•ung.; .. t i :‘ t , if ,aj . 4,4.4: ter• ej
rlllrEtetsiuie of‘Clur.r: - S. Freed:, of the 11'er•
I ~.., of t . / ,r, re-11dr; :tile CI Neef.:11.111311 lit' lli
a Ito 1...,....e. 99. in .iii t Curl ...pi. Lei, IA Ow arc!.
!' .: /II: .r..a• ,t tr .v.. 1 . ,.. .t* t..... 11.11...• c X.,: the Rai
iii ..)i /r. ii: Ile tie r...t.1e 1 , 1,,, 11,e /7Qiitirtallir
h ri. ;
im I.c,ii, ler k. 4 1.444 g a i . .' , ...: a , r , T I , Cr.
I.:r le, .14p. e. I-L::. .C1L11.11.L. , 1 2
'We : Ilse •Ili:Sert.e.f.... r ..,11.• i.f is- ti.,...t v..,14 : f
ET,C. II NA hie It we ~ t ... i. i re,. t rot... 'erener•l( i
i.e 1... I. It r• rr,•. .•, ,h r 't...-', .. re
,IV.: Cl,. the 3:4. i
of g ~i i l rrintlet n h.. ..v.l) mitt teetrerr. 4e, - a n.! ii.
..., .la t,., , ,,e root., at, I 0 , i ....on net, ~ , I. Ow 1...jg,n4 .
... - 1i....,111i:' , 11'.111.1:.'f• Tit. :IT is ~..., r..., a n d it, • I •iwl t 11l
...•": 1 , , ~ , ,,Oli. .1....• 0.. pill.tle. r ~ .„,,,I)'
.1 1..1..,:,1:ii..- 5: s% .1..;%:. e. :: ,i , .1.. \. l'nr.oet
Ai 'lir t, i.ittyi, 41, M V ; et'. i ..,L :,..0%...,.‘. J. u. r, mi
(i n n . 2 1 %. :.-c,:,. A I'.. it re, 'l. 11 .7 . 7'.! kae.-
r 'r • tke
t flr prtnit n of fo•vei
in said
pg ., PA it /.101/.,e
aertllllll)9lintLen 0t1.11%11
VICIPtOtr twat the 11
ur r i..n, 2 ll juibir Ilstl
Erie. !J. 1- J.!. 'll.l - IVI 4 I\e:
Iltrt tr1,21!3i ill the %Yard i
Kr iee in it 11.ctt du. atilt • Stlli 14,C... p ra}+rt 1 , ,./
I rot..medic. 14J krill, Cp.
atott • me tc.ant. i. W z awl
atid IS 'ft ell iti•Ji. Led to and c" , at - ctlt
lodging arnt .41 i I P 4.1 icaYc
such an 111:1 IS ••• 1110 tlotj.utrttr.
r, 1,. it . tit. 1 . 1..1..14..grr,•110,
11. tlretstw , an. Jr It. Th.... I. hod.. Jolt.
P.ll. 1.• Cc : !I I: 11.... : I.r ri. I W.:1„.1.1
zrtowrir t xx.
I: •1 fit {l.l :!...‘r .t! t•rrt r... inC.ll
VV1...d0 out r:;11.01o. of Art,•s•o
Ott prC6ll - ttir air tthitattital 111.trzt•An.
s‘ , stti. 1 .- 711:5:ar ti u. 41.14 to up,
•ttifielc.{ palate. Pr. U. IA it
i. pert...tura:ly 1.. e aid . u ECM. 'mot hop
IJ 1., 55 55,,,( 0 5" 413, 1 / 5 4 '4...etre a Arai
it .01 1t.% 11n...01, No 3. 11.10 e. '
( If )t.11:1 1'.a...! ...Id .11. b. .) bak.E.4 t., r,
1.../ an 1 1'...1.1.4. 1.,• IVate.r pruu: Ail
~.•,I*. :0. 1 !....., - -,,,-, t. LCII •, —,141e1.k
a^,, , rtiut r I C.! 1.1.11,..... geat i s` a .3.1 hadzraii' ____ _ _
INte, N.,. I. ..-
SMITH .1.1,i
4,-,'" i 1 It.l 1' r' I'.A T I '.' nu .1 Km r if•_. tiLate Woolen
....,,Jl) ju , t tecrilet: t• itc•loul , favt de.palep. I'
to e-. c. NI. riuttAt.s,
N.,vember ". •
N11F,.7 ATI7REs.—.t k ;..wt• ~, h... .1,...: 1 _...J •
w ~-,r,tt fur salt, ....4 AI tinrc.A . ter: pro-r. , a
.I;; a., it. ~ . .1.1. '' .t.I rt.)
QE% 1..1t A I. 1,4eki,... ,
I 7 boki..eiretrrev,ly I,
dill Ole hrit,t ta , ihoi,: 0 ,
F.rie. th.r.l4-
• • wracil
• UsT Ili:,
rici, a
11k,rtal smote h-1,34
l yr ri suuttnit
Yor% ro r‘
eshiltut Inc ktri.....1.14 , 1;
: 4 ,tv r wstr, I,
we :111.1 .;) 1 , 3
i ts.. .iLlt6l l
Dick .
Gu t te r :y. l,—A r;41; . ; ( 1
,* 11,011 P
Kati mute in thin
arr. al,. 'ettJay
, istenee. none C*fl
"`, , ,oantributiois
.t kig ssrta...d w o..
utt that no :stem
f cs kri.);rn.
cn 'so surly too
-3 ry *mow whkft
iol tlWAftttd!•CP
to bC.eve a mu
t eean•to cure the
• zip here 'w 111 not
1.4t1 our u I L thousand-
non a:nulaui erarol
whlch rel
Is on, of the lungs, Our
ii)prepOrtwn the tures
tie opinions O.
it, the circular which the
P.onsed to fatri7ol free. w
futile proof of these facts.
i t.:ssor of Arulicrst
'2.0111:1113021. mT
fit I yOur
led • m I
rl•at rant Ira! hi
bronelti .1 /1,11;ew:-Ies.
to oh any r•-r 3 ice, 3
Jeered by lame.
ieceilneut men. mad
%gents hekkw lift
re_9u are full par-
College, the
• ,
trotn IT.
,ufopourd toe the
tny opinion as to
'1 ate at liberty 11
'OCg. L. D
EDWARD nr•rci
n, wtdr•!t•
Li M N. M D. L
L,68. NEMSIII2 OF roil
`I RICA 75 V renorr.
r.c-rox,, or, i:dnurallr
• it, the Ninteril ITr Itra,
; it it tutentlett
. l're,trientitf
r.•tt tr. it it:l wtAtteriu
L. D.. MO
ut. nat. •
tll-1 ur
".4mtrosiiion thnn
ntl:t a very elfec
i o cure."
exatr, states ho
sutcrue, to Vue
he firit-
• n Maine.
etaonnuly acing
I,fcr st to any other
' nation of deny
totds. and dile
.her remedies
. nau min son. and
.'C,,. Me
.—npar Sir I noi elowl
los - tire, and p
Fr , tow!
ir.rit it •,1 rote e , Jogli'
hi., i• all
t 0.• r. n Of C.
Ivo, 3, km.", 11 tur leu
).nu.,' I. t 4
rurr, r•wr;r , :i Csrotutr
lt)trt , in No ,
br J and I
AT4 n.
1/.otrefl. Nave.
11 . 1.1 an hy It. (1.
y Druggists eve
.il .1 R C 111 S ►
ane,t haring be
t his I nveMWlde
Id respeetfUlly
91 ton of the al-
td'yttr: sweet*
ed its nie 'there
, and its haT ri r
1 the care of
wev for wbie
7 , r+i j.) thelll
la? 113iattPra
.. I' 1i1171.4tC
,'.. , ; , t tl.-11 15,
. :: . •-la.•:•.:4
I! en, rctl.
'll ~, Cvr
•+•11t : •,‘: rAth
• .1111 , ...,111
i ill th - !Ira
1 l'l:Al.t LEST
T:11 , 1 , •^1.,r:
a 1.... !Art I
• 01.1.1,,,
lILfcO •b In
, greatest wadi,-
cd the Age s and
er.9lllf idensided
di and happiness-
lion I. bared up-,
%.11 curt .
-lentl..ol a eliuni
• o rim r Les
~ exert,6n + of tI4
I• a drr.,tee beeoeill,
uulau tantilx no
4 ii:er-4 pietrbn
, len I Faculty - Ili
ha% IV! doe ri—
et.wy Waif trOr- '
F 4 ll' L' Al'i,..,
.J(0111 be foisnd
3 dud Protuou-;
0.44). a
1 •,ITIP I. :v.
' tit A :I•;Z A
;of ionni Of
the 1.a.1
lirtl I It /1 I
It hal* it 14 p
I^. I it . 1 111,
I 11411 I
I X Ili MG
I or 111:11
II %I Jr 1111111
IrlllEllllltr. 14 , II
le I DAND lilt
yerQlllll4 V e% Os.
hWAN lullT 6114, I
ad Cr Ms It 4.0" 11,11
•I ; ftCra 111 , R. }
1% 4.70r•,^ • , os and
mpty mem esJ
t 001:anty
and air apprn
Went2t 4) there
.LArst * 1:7 , P311.
at llkmman-
(Came, eitepl.
ie. Prwsp-ti.
.1.211 Arent,
cp ai Of ‘ll4l .
I bp Wevt Ward
nnoresentr that
a velem. 'at. Or
YeS.lft• pray to
nit pulAir hut
, I'SV24 11. W.
1. 4. Pr
4.1i.1 , 11.1,11%. rl"-rr , Th:1
triet., r•+•Ta an I coin
• :O. Vet
%VA C., .1 ',eel:, I._
tt . W.lll
lr,re.ard. in
N: to be kept.
. re. appliCant*.
1 ate *eft
-13 ir,
;WI r
•rs I:,
r hit
c!rr• I 151:si. /210 i. I
r, ti
U. 21 s'
'r . 03 Imo 4;
- tt
J r, • c (
.:••• t•It! I - t tt, vt .
J ,•t .• . 4 I' s•
I 'Oar city of
tt,kt 1K i 1 Wtit
PAiratts awl
Itwr ►no, t ,
I irthentim«
aevriag a
t I ray. 10e..
I I.••• 0.1 :ILA, • 1 Lice,/ •
, f: , •• 4 11l ) . 01 •
• ...U. 1.. lM !wet
.1 , ,1111!...1 1.., 'tkv .i.o%t.
:-.s, t Li :., l' - 1.•, ... attl - 1
i n
rfs r-r I. • .
..., ',:tn,t 1 .
~ kl , r4.tiiiti •' P.1( . .i Ri I
!di, (LC 1,. ..1c .11.4 eut,
're Court quart&
r,e unen•
ll', •t:r.o eLf .F.,2
. re.pettt'ult, rei.reri,rustr t
IL rood quit% eut..uc for
Lti r 4
rr (Titan rniat
t r.».1 up by 1
1 . •••• ith
;', u,tl Oj enr4.l for the , I.'
cs it — Jewelry. , I
who, !bant.ll4l
JIM tip .1! to ht. /moot.
• pr.,vi.tono for
' 4 .1'0 ‘11. , n tilt. return
' , tuck of it
1.• . ir*er opened. I
• 1.44 until tkv. lorroi• Ur:
Own .1 11111 tot,ck,
rriortnaeut WV. on Iwnd
.68 ilriypts op 1
Ea I=l
r t',, a Erip, ......
.42 i, pr.pair.l
Er 4ic.Unt, re ct
tit provided
,I arronineu- ,
a or tavern
02 SIT
Vh if+r
tard'of the
I/ provided
Jolla ltall of
,r 0.- lielot,
kal 10 rigid
I. It 1:141(11.
• 'heel*, of
tin puoed tu
apphtanl ittt
n us oete.,
ns. Win. U.
I Ward. trio
, +stile is well
1 -kmigitig awl
it Ward.
he how
,L Ward. lie
N Imet,e for
the Cm of
heermed Hp
Itwain?. the
41 TEITI I !
1 I Walters.
revile flee
isr are war-
4.0 °Glee*,
(J 14 !taw
III( Shawls
revi Alm $1
. J 1 side.
'ti i~ai~
melte" 4e
.• the yea/
aJ the pea
er air
rosters to
► 1112 i
Ml /Witt
word Id