Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 23, 1852, Image 1

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A. P. DIIRIVLNCM., Proilsistors.
frit trttithi othstrueri.
a. P. •LOAN. Editor.
i'm .nhoerthers by thecarrier. at . • . et"
ii nail I. or at the other. rn ddvance, 1,50
L. If not paid in advance, or within three months front dietine
ng• , bing, two dollars 1 , 1 ill be charged.
j a - Allyouonunications Ite pan paid
i Cards not exceeding 1 lines, one 3ear. 13.00
; uare •64 •• 10,011
', d o . Liu. six nninths. LOU .
} do. do. three month.. 3,00
thansormt advertisements. 50 cents persquare, og:fifteen linen ni ,
0 e .1,, f or the no i reeri ion: 25 reins for each subinmisent Insertion.
f t , Vend) a.lverti-er. l id . e th e privilege ore hanging at pleaimre.
n, no iting• are :Mout...Lao °CCU py more than two squares,and is
rAidded to their immediate inieiriese,
d, ertn.einenip DOI tier intbilier &mime. will be Owned till
r e.,,.1 and charged accordingly.
4t -hunker and Reinirer. Ile.der in Watche..Clocke. Jewelry,
1 vu*.-.ii li i .orinuente. Look in¢ r:lat-eit and other-Fancy Goods.
I L Storeonedoor welt of the Reed llon.e'
_____ 17
ARI3I:CKLE & Kfr i P ft
1 11
~., K in Pr) Goodir. Gruceriee, Hardware. Crockery, &C. . No.
3, rem. RI Vale stmt. Prir. Pa. -
A. M. JUDS()N,
[ ,
i i t'rroval Atl...w.—Oitiee on Park Row, between Browne'new
1 it I. t ..n.i Ai.. Reed Humor; up : 4airo,
ras it; Pry 1;,5.),15, Groeerw,.. Liquors of all kinds. Crockery
I Lc. "De ,!.nor . south ut entail Jackson's store, French
G. A N - 1) E
. e J fnient.nch--Ileibc.t of Foreign MrSICanJ
.,c Mere,. maim, wit.rde.ale mud .reuil, No. IU, So. hth St.
n gilltl/,... 1 r rwtter of Rt.lte and Seventh
r;ireo-. 11.-I , lcutre on Eighth Street, between French and
11,1! Ego., Va.
ill I; •
ow, Fr . / i!
& 4,•1 I I kro I.•Im Lwun. & ( . 0 . 4 e'llne (IC.
. -
M. s.INFOTII.I) ,i-..
Deal-ro in Gol.l. ;.ld, M A TO.. Note", Cencicate. or De-.
oge 00 the n roic w al constantly
fo i ,.d.s. • !floe's. l'olle S q uare. I:ric. r
T. ll} UN ST t ART.
Sr "l o cos vs+ I r 'at 1,-Lt /dire. comer of French and Path
sr 0,11 4 ,4 Ile-Ilenca on Foartlt saved..
of t'e; 01.1 A 1,2; he4-ary
R. T. sit & ,SONS.
SA , row:at:fly on Fund a rut! ....tpptv or I.ror , nle., Litptort. Ship
Chao:lvry. Proymoiw, Pr‘ , .twre. 81. e .&e and
R: tad ar cheap an the cher:l,4. No. 1111.Ctscatt..ole Erie.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
lirt,tlutiatrinr. arto awl N•tt, y PVII,OIIP. 110411:ly lands and
c; Mlle lot ellto -1.. W. (Ilia 311tAlter.bustnet. eittrubted to we alma
l,'". )," Promilt a ii.i tr ttlitul Itlela WTI. . .
111 ,- C . tnWrt•l` 4 ' ,r)k On ..,. ,tlr . to ver3. U. Oil., 's
01...14. , .tit tee, '7 non
I-A llt D :V. It I 'fiT.
- - •
01' 40 E"ws , r;Fynd 11.,11..1 , 11ry 11othi.,i;tnretwo.11ardware,
!1... 4 0.)r., flour .. . lk.c.. 41.1 u. 1, WrigisC• 111ocli tot
iwrol Filll and t..91:11.0
1 I LCCIOI 11.1.4?
end Sviltotic*. and Altiauf.leturer of B lank Books and
• Vt rt hue 111 k. tOrlier a the Ih.arimnel arilt•Si‘ttr nt - eft.
f. B. StCh L!\~ -
Ileav lat. and tenet - al Agency and C.llllll.lll.lllollbuaineas. Frank
, in,.
14. at ti m Encluo,, and A tater can Hagdware - reql Vufery
N.R %Rslr. Ant it.. Vi^ca. Iron and trcei n• 3 need l i Qu'e .
e. PR. •
T .
- W. J. F. LIDDLE at t'o.
OIACIIIIIITH.. earrisce and Wagon Ilutklet,. State street, be-
I% Pets wrenth Ar. Elatlth. E- .e. , .
L. STRONG. M.II):. •
47.1 , - a. owe iloor welki of C. EL WrlAt's itore. up vain'.
i- llkii2.T.
J — . L. sTEwART, ___ ~. 1
11111 - 4 R1011 1 .'1..1 n, tiir.. Se yew h' near ea.qafraulstretst.. ' Res.
luden..e, 00 1 4 nv•af rm., one door unfits of Aeventh M.
i/101.):•A I r and Retail dealer in Croeerieg. rroviPionsi Wines.
i•NUOTV. Ftlin. &ie.. &e Corner of French and Falb Suettis,
opprxiir Ow Farmer.' Hotel, Erie. i:
.1011 N Nlc( AN N.
IV+4nLis.t r and Rt•tad 1/..a;er in Fain ily 'Groceries, Crockery
Grawirare, tron,lS ail., Ace., l'iu,o4 Sid.., I:rie, Pa.
f ArrThc hurter prie. 1411.1 fo' “okAntry Produce...rt
' . ' J. (;0.1 I. 11l N(lr.
N NR , M A NTT AMOR, aq.lll.ahit Al a ker—r;liop. No.l Poor People's
R... lui.4tairp. o%er A. £.J. S. %Valte rs' Grocery Store ) State
1 1 mrret, Erie. I. _
... 4 T'7' 0 RIM E Y .4 T L 4 W,
1 •
lu Walker'. r ofiee, WI Seventh Street, Erie. Pi r
?Smart %Jobber, and Retail I lenler in Dry Goods Groceries,
V'' , .. ,l '.er). i ;la. , * are. Carlieli mi. ilardu are. iron, Steel, 'Nails,
liivia,... ice. liiiiiii re Stores State etttti, four duOrs, below
tirs.v. o'. Hot I'a.
/,:.,—:liti‘ il.. Vices, lichen . .., Ante Arms, Spri nas, and a general
yosurunciit of Saddle and Carr lase 'Pi limning...
S. hik:RVIN 6JIITIi.
kranityry A T LAW a nd .111..tice of the Pearl., and Anent for
the Key Stone Mutual Taft Ittauranee quittpauy-7011See 3 doors
tit Wright.' blow, Erie, Pa.
• . , GEORGE li. CUTLER.
A I f;TV/IIIIET At LAI%, 4:tfard, Erie COUllty. Pa. Coilretions and
ulitider haalaCl. atirtiOril to with prouilothets and ihmitch.
F xwardlna k CoustilliMion Merchant, on the Public Dock, raft of
State siren.
Co*.l Salt, I'la.ler and White Fish. constantly for sale.
Mitot.t@ea-r-M.b, tn Forem,n mot Domestic Dry
ready mime' Clothing. Mix+ ugyd clod. ate.. No.
tt rigfit'm Mork. State street. Erie.
13.,.,k,r and Etch:m.4e Broker. Dealer In BOW of Eradiate..
..Hrmftm: certificate...l Depomite,;(toltl and *liver coin. &m.. Ate
W t it tatem'ltioek. corner of State-mt.. andrublie Square.
- - ---
A st tr at --4 niiic up stairs In Timusiany [tall building
111 P P roU oin,tat)'s utter. Erie,
1 1TTop %IN •Art 4 Cornill.l.oß AT I. to —(Mire oTer C. E. Wrieht'll
villfruiCe one door West of state street, on the Piiriond,
Unur ,;, )ry c.f.x.14. Dry Groeenes, _Crockery, Haidiiare. ke..
I 11 , 4 '1.,..11,414.01:rie.
bbllTli JACKSON.
Da. Law in I Iry Goals, C roeerwn.llardware.llueenn Ware. Lime,
Jn . Cheapsvlt' Erie. Pa.
mciolk riAndater. and Undertakrr. carpet of WiLle and
Pe, Crle.
EDWIN J. KEL:4O-&-to
litsrlit•l F o r% n t d, fil i, produce and Colnenonna Merchants:dealers
and tine nnit, Coal. Mutes'. glitussienAtx• Public dock}
• • ..,c ut Lae bridge, Fate.
iViii:li" Eli — & COOL ,
GIVEI4I. Furarrnl lop Cernsu.rrem awl, ProsNee Merchant/13n-
_owl Ware-tomer, erat of Ille PUI,i IC 13n I 1 r.,,e.
(47Loi,Mts & Co.'
n " , rite in Watcher. Jevret4y. Skiver. German Oliver. naked and
- . Ilr.l w t.. 4Vare Cutter) .. it and Fancy Goals, Lltatestreet,
r..l> 6 1 . 1 ,,,„mm e the Eagle hotel. Km.
G. t.w,a..... ' T. M. Ara-nr
A ItTER - 1111.( Tll
Yt'e..Tee e and Reta al ,lealere in Drum., Meliielnts..Paints,
fee , No. 6, R et`li
Merchant 'EaAar. on the public square, a few doorit
s•-st of `tale street, Erie.
WIMILVII.I V. ANT RITAII. brairr to Grorpries. irTortilioviii, Ship
hattith•rt.. .rr. & ISltw:k;
PAV.WI4II• XV Stant W.l- 4 Kite al hr. Tealdtate on SOVento Wert,
QIN Nile the Mei Oodt.l. t liurch; Cur. • '
11 W ei
L., •NO RITAIi Druz., Med te me+, Dye emirs.
he. No. S. Reg ,1 I loo.r. Lrie
I)R.. 0. L. ELLl(rerf,
Resident Getitt-t.trnhccand dwelling in the
, Beebe Block, un the, Last tide of the Public
elii—s-Va. "' Square. Erie. Twill inserted on Gold Plate ,
from one to an entire wit. t'Jnous teeth titled
'" 1 " and re.tored to health and usefulness. Teeth
•=t a WI t n.trumrut-.tad Denutlee roar to lease thew of a
4 rb •••• A work warranted.
riErriat Zafferlll7lll24 ranain S ll .
Tvi arrival of-t.;roceriev, direct from New 'York. I have
.••, recd •cd and bave now Upen fro aniipeetion the bitten
and dry family Grueeries i %Vine. and Ediuors. Nub,
—.den and Willutv Ware. Dye Siulfii itc...erer brought
L I, ..irket, which Witt velr'sr - whOlevale or marl far below
I ,
Orsenk. and 1 want It perfeetly krwon by all : that I aso trot
by ve any bou in ti y.
nsell ran:inl examine be-
V-Zit Gaut of pith k. *tate-it.
1 •
i i., , • \ W , .
T . H. E
, J J
- .-1.1i:R,1 lt
E •
poetrti anh . Maellimq.
NY soil%
..-......--....--. _-....—,,..—..
[cannot nilike him:dead! ,
His fair sunabiny ui rnd
Is ever bounding round rawly chair;
Yet when my ey ' now dim
With tears, I tutu` o him :
The vision vanishes—he i not there!
! I walk my pailoi oar,
And, through the n door, I .
'I hear a Modell on the c her stairl
. l'm pumping tow d the WI: .• . .
To gm vl the boy It I.
Ant then bethink me thatt be is not there:
t. I thread Me crow imam. 1 '
• A satebe t.
d lad I
With the same beams ig e and cokiredhalr;
• And, ailie's tuna rig hy.•
Follow him a ith iy eye, ,
Scarcely believing ttutt--Le is not there -
know his face isillid
Under the ecem I 4;
Closed are his eyes; cold Is his Ibredead Sir;
My hand that Ma ble felt: .
O'er it in pray erknelt;
Yet my whispers II tl he is not them!
. i ,
I cannot it•t e hi dead!
• When paoaing by is bed,
So long watched over a i tiVparental Caret
•-•• ,
My spirit and My - , -
seek it inquiringly..
Henreid. thought comer:that—de Is not there!
When at the coo grey break
Of day. from ale? I wake t
With my brat breathing lute morning air, ;
,My SOUil goes up ail. joy. '
0 1
To II ,u, nho gar my kiy;
Then eetni:, the sad ulna it that—he is dot there!
When at the i1.1)4 - ealtu close,
Before we .erk repose,
Igo with his another, effini,* up our prayiit.
Whatc'er I way Itc saTutes
! ..
I ain, in ppirii;l,4aYing ;
For our Lo g 's spirit. tholirtio is not. there! ,
.Not ihercl—Wilee•lhen• is tie?
The brut t u.-e 4 to see
Was but the /11XE% rUt he u-.d to weak,
The gate. that ttor: dothyress
?'tun that otfeasidress.
1, but tits ivardrolv locked.—tte is not theire:
Ile lives:-1n all
, the past
Ile lives ; * nor, to4lie last,
Of seeing him again v. ill ll evpair; I I
In dreaws I see 41 11101 V. .
And un Ina anger b oje.
I see it written, wrii.3a *hart pee me 71124. E .."
Tea. we all live to :,okl! ,
FATIlti, thy eLateni roil
So help us, thine aillictedones n bear. !!
. ,
That in nthe stun t lauil.• ;1
i 1
Meeting at thy [l7lll.llond,
'Twill he our heaven to aid that—he iivrtiettit'
PEEP 47'.1 OLD S 11E.4147;
From, th. Nes Irrk Lirlciassa
•Whew: what a
Bell. as he atairme'd his feet and brushed the snow from
hit overcoat in the hall, and then Bung wider open the
door of a snug, cozy little parter in his comfortable farm
i - i
house. , ,
Within, a cheerfu l ! ,
wood ifire was burning and the
fllckeying light caste bright lutitrelon the quhintly carve d .
old-fsalkioned chairs and tablee—danced open the lofty
ceiling. 'and scattered • shower of golden bhe me on the
sunny ringlets of fair Lilly A 41,; who heft! Lllen fast
asleep in Uncle Ilarry•trarailidhair.
e7Whevr!, what a storm, I'say. Lilly! Lilly! Lilly:-
wherwars you? Asleep? hey! A fine welcome, this,
for l a hungry old man; for es 1 lire. tea is not ready.
Come. Lilly. wake up," and Uncle Harry rubbed his
chilled fingers. acrcnis 'Lilly's Nee, which caused her to
jump from her chair.; and opea her bluliyes with as
1 - . il
.-Whi u , have I been_ aeleer c i.ja i nd can it heitix e'clocktr,
she exclaimed, as the old cl in the hall; chimed out
the hour; ••atid I. declare it islanowing fasti-tclh! Why,
bow could 1 be so earelesi este fall asleep When I am in
such a hurry to finish my tattoureti and Where in the
world can Nancy bet" and away Lilly fityr to the kitch
en to summon the good old llonsekeeper. Whose move
meets were somewhat dilatory. ,
A few moments sufficed fo Lilly to spread the snowy
cloth; and certainly no tea-t hie ever. looked ore in
vial than did the one to w
4 101 Uncle iiikrOrew his
There was delicious whitit bre4td, mouided by• the
snowy fingers of Lilly, who plided herself Much tapes bier
skull cookery; preserves made under heir inspection.
and we do not know how mapy niceties which tempted
the appetite, but we do knew! . that the tea an emitted a
savory odor. apparently very iigreeable - to pus olfactory
organs of Uncle Harry, as Ii passed his clip to Lilly to
be re-filled. ' .1
Reader, mine, should you: chance to 14 a cold water
man or maiden. we rut 'nimbly beg your pardon. for
thus unceremoniously intruding to your no ice • lover of
that fragrant herb so Wiraorre4 byour good ld Puritanic
graudsires and grandmothe bat alas! so oired by some
v ie
of their degenerate descender we wet of, e must hum
bly beg your pardon; but then Uncle Hitt dill love tea,
sad we will not disguise the Fact.
Now lie eat, slowly sipping ts tea—clo se '
ly the while—a mischievone ite play i ng
sews of his mouth—whose oyes were beet
ed gaze Upon bey plate; but it was evident
merits that bet thoughts were t neither upon
it. conteutsjor Thiele Harry ..resenily burs
laugh. exclaiming. "there L Hy, that will 1
cretin and sugar out one's Fir • 'die not Intl
I see large lumps of butter fl bag about I
your tea. 1 think it is time =
thoughts. And th i tt how stm t gy 'pulite o
ed quinces. whic I love so. lien. I 'eee y. ,
all the good things on your aide of t o tab !i
"Alt. L. how I pity pos Ntd itotists
Lid, wife you will stoke him Itte of these od
Clare you'll surfit hint one *eel'. and it
nest." and again Uncle flertburst 'Man
which lout the blood flying al t o fair Liii
then ••Uncle Harry was sag a •daas old
girls &std. thit Lally found alai - pos.4le to
him. although s very pereeptlble pout was
as he again reiterated. •'Plwr sod; I
Lilly could stand ii'ao toner. "1 doe!
wants your pity:" she pass °rudely °sof
ere too provoking:"
"Ah!" persisted her tor Mentor. "but i et is the very
F r
roues why he aught to h elk: Because ein 'waiting
int* the fire with his oyes i • open., does hol shOW that
he will amigo burned." l nd Uncle Harry heaved a
deep sigh--a very Asirrt-Ait ab one would hure thought.
had they net caught a glint if the very roguish twin
kle in his deep bins eye. y-the-way. headily. Uncle
Harry bad a Uwe eye—and know of nlothitig Mats o
wigwam as a charus-tbat. hi us as a tie • the aged—
as-a warm, snarly beam f lak the eye. *h . . %bough old
in yurs. betokes'tisat the Isiart; speaking through its 4- .
ry glance. is yet 'punt-and fresh uin its esrlynpring
time. . ,
••Coate now. Lilly, dear," he eoatinned, I•acknow.
ledge. like a candid. nedeibln girl that Yea are. that no
eoudition in life can be preferable to that of a jolly old
But Lilly only persisted in shaking her pretty little
head vsith an incredulous air, to the infinite amusement
onlreher uncle, whb sipped his tea with a smile °reedit's
r oil his lips. • _
J"Ah, well," said he at length, "it always kits been so.
aid it'always will be. that the young will never take the
advice of the old. Now, if 1 were i■ Ned , a place— ."
heft he palsied. fur Lilly's eyes were bent upon him with
an earnest, appealing look. mete asked. "What would
do, Uncle Reny?" ,
"Well." he continued; "were I very much bewitched.
rhaps i m ig:it—/ migke—commit matrimony. Bat
hen I rather think that I should not resign myself to
such a fate, without I had struggled ,pretty bard to free
myself from trefetters "
"Ah. thee." said Lilly. laughing. "1 am to conclude
that yes - never wore bewitched by any pretty girl. else you
.had yieldeti to her. allure.. Uncle Harry, why were - you
an ebilacketer?"
Ah, Lilly. you touched s tender chord then; for Uncle
Harr?'" hand trembled strangely u he lifted a spooofal
of tea tp hip month, and an unwentonmoistare rp . rang to
his eye; but he only dropped the spoon, - esclait tint.
"why. Lilly, how hot this tea is: 1 declare - I have Scald
ed met"
Yee. Lilly had touched a tender chord; and the meal
ended in sile - nee, for Uncle Harry's heart was filled with
memories of the pest.
An hour later, Lilly set at the table, bony with her
worsted work. liar fingers flew rapidly. lied the now
ere rose quickly upon the canvass beneath her needle;
bat it was evident her thourrN were not there. A midi.
.11y...brain, hoping smile ro.eved upon her:lipe, like
bright-winged bird among Lho flowers,afrd.• tender light
gleamed from the dilated fur her heart was away
with her ebsent lover—Ned k :don.
• In one mouth from that .evo was Lilly to -plight her
faith where she hid loh since given her love..
The pOet hatti said, "the po.irse of true love never did
run smooth." but fur once be erred: for Lilly was belov
ed by one well worthy of her, and hoes had seek been a
sunny sky. cloudless. serene; and her life'. barque glid
ed gently onward, whereutorms Dever came. and wild
winds never blew. .
m l i n
• Uncle Harry sat leaning beck In hie ea -chair. look
ing very comfortable. with his simpered eat resting on
the fender, and the ruddy fire-light glee g on' hie hare
and hearty cheeks and silver hair. ' I
Lilly had placed eide him upon the table, his specta
cles and the newspapers; but contrary to his astral cus
tom, the glasses were unused—the papers surettd.
Even hie old favorite, the pipe—and Uncle Hirrry still
oliseg to that old pipe with, a wonderful tensoity.lregard
less alike of the boasted charms of "fragrant Havoc's" or
luxurious meerschaum—even that old favorite had lost
its wanted power to soothe. end lay quite unregerdeabe
tween hil thumb and finger. . I
No graceful wreath of smoke. curling upward. wreath
did his air liki a silvery veil--rao eradslaw aaiddiszi of aka
head etokened (hit ever and anon the old man was wen
deri in Dr , Mmland; he was wide awake now add his
eye was fondly bent on the young girl who sat beside him:
and thus he gazed until a tear started from its depths and
coursed down his cheek. Brushing it away, Uncle Har
ry spoke— • ,
"Lilly,"—and she slightly started. as hie voice broke
alike the silence and her reveries---” Lilly. you asked me
'little While is go why I was an old bachelor, Shall 11.11
you story •e my early years?",
Lilly •thre sksj,la her work. and,stating herself on a
tow stool ut hir uncite'r feet, leaned her head upon hid
knee. c uing her hair fill like a rippling shower of gold
over 1. r Rhotildera, tali • he gazed tenderly on kw and
slowiy,fiusedihis ism' across his brow, as if to dispel
some disagreeable, memory that hid lingered there, It
was thus that he spoke:— ,
V rot.r.) ns IR 'RS '5 sr OR!.
I was twenty-ORa fears of age when I fufished the ju
nior year of y coarse in Y---- University.
With a mi d end body alike enfeehled4)y intense men
tal applicati i and long confinement in,callege, I gladly
accepted the invitation of my friend and classmate, Freak
Waters, wh insisted on my spending the long vacation
succeeding e summer term at his house, in the interior
rNlssineh oats. It wave lonely village whither we
ent, em timed in lovely mountains, and watered by
1 ...
1 the gently oiling Connecticut.
1 And he . away from books, end the ceaseless round
of college sties, how swiftly sped this hours in quiet com
munion ith the beauties of Nature. We passed whole
days-out tinning in the thick Woods or fishing in the
blue riv ; and by these pursuits.; varied by the healthy
esercie on a large farm, me health was completely es
tablish . Be the days spelt swiftly Dowsed. until one
half of or allotted vacation had vanished as a dream.
An carsion and pie-nic in thil mountain woods had
long b a talked of among the young people of tbeivil
lege, a d needed only the enterprising spirit of Frank to
it. He, as cheif manager, enlisted me in his
(service and so we immediately busied ottreelveq with all
the a mare preparations. . .
llt w on a beautiful morning in the early_ autumn
time, that a merry party of gay young men and rosy
checked maideue assembled at the ••Mansion Howse,"
from which V. were to start -for the grove, about five
milts distant. '
, -
d old iacle Harry
y eyeing Lih:
boat the car-
"What merry shoals ring out on the pure morning air.
a's one after another *towed themselves awayin the huge
hay•raeks. trimmed with wreaths of evergreen and fresh
oalkleaves,woven for the occasion; and how merry was
the ary. ••Ilere's room for jest one mord" when the cart
wail already filled to overflowing, At length all were
ready• end on we went, past orchards bending beneath
golden fluit, and fields waving with nodding_ grain, bf
fragrant hedges and warni uplands, ahem the white mist
hong overhead like fleecy clouds, until we entered the
dim and solemn, and aromatic pine-woods. •
an 'abstract-
her mpors.
the 0.4 nor
into a bean,'
do. Pourini
d.' bat whe
ke islands
r. wandering
thcte, meters
(Jude Harry's voice grew yet more distinct as he pro
ceeded. while Lilly's eyes were turned to his with eager
interest speaking from ever ; ;lance.
But v.hy do I linger---c..mained he. It is •of bar. of
sweet Annie Grey, that I Y .lld 1110111 k • Lilly, how can
I delMribe to yOU the light of !ter violet eye, the dimpled
cheek. and the wavea of the , ;:nay hair? . I have often
thought th it they ware 'string. Ii like yours. Lilly.
/t sorry tit.
I dale. 1 de
rve him the
h..arty laugh,
;'a face; but
" ; ae the
et angry with
n her cFerry
ity him f"
believe Ned
It was then that I first met went Annie Gray: Frank
and Invierlf were both at first struck by bar exceed
ing loveliness. and quiet lads -like deportment; and we
esgc rly 'blight an introdoetion.
mod( "You
Her manner was calm and subdued—rite different
from the noisy group around her; and I half suspected
that she had thus early known sorrow. else had the spir
its not been checked in their joyous outpourings; and
wbat I learned of her history from Carrie Morton—her
intimate fridad—who had persuaded het to join oar party.
contrined ma in the opinion I had !brined:
Carrie told me that Annie's father had been a thriving
merchant is but had failed through the villains'
Of his agents; and now had come ; With bet : a pittance of
his krone to end his fife 'away from thane lobo had known
him only in his prospering; days. With Ida wastak bad
vanished Ms aft. 11. sunk ador the blow: and thollilaVl
finis Telcolilting merchant d become changed to a
weak, querulous invalid. Ann his only child. bars
his cipriciossa petulencsl with pate and Insalinasa.
iune* woad and caressed as ah bud bees in her
happier days. ;Ind anon bearing his frelfitprepining with
the meekness of as angel. "And Ido believe." said
Carrie, who was enthusiastic is her friend's praise. "Ida
believe if there aver was an ingot on earth, Annie Gray
is oils! e smiled. as we'rejoined the party frouorchich
we had separated for a moment."
What I , h ad beard of Miss Gray only rendered me more
anxious to,seek her acquaintance and 1 bad bat just ea•
gaged bee as my partner for the day. when Frank GLUM
where we were amp:ling. and' repeating the question 1
bad just asked her. was informed that she was already
engaged to Mr. Bell. He cast spot: su9 a look, which
then I could not . fathom, but which rose before my Mem
ory in after day* like an evil vision. bit his lip with:vex
ation, cud walked away.
Lilly. that Was to me a happy. happy day.
•We rambled apart from the others. down by the river
bank', and sat , upon mossy - knolls beneath the megnifi
c►nt old trees. and 4 wove hergarlands of.gorgeons flow
ers. while she sapg to me snatches nf sweet ballade, in a
voice more musical than the birds.
And there i• those old woods. ;done with the birds and
Bowers. we bedatne (Sr better acquainted With each oth
er than do those who meet night after 'bight is the crowd
'ed drawing room or the brilliant Falcon.
la sweet Annie Gray I recognised the embodimeat of
my bOyieh dreame—dreame, too, which the opening years
of manhood had nut dispelled, The ideal gave piece I.
the real,
I saw no mere-of Frank Waters that day. until it era
nin a . when 1. sought him latent left the cottage of Amide.
Ile sat alone in his room. 1 addressed • few words to
him regarding the events of the day. but he seemed dia.
nclinud t converse, only ans i wering my questions ab
ruptly, and nut knowing to what to attribUte his unison.
ted mood, 1 left him for my owe apattment..
A word here wrth reeard to Frank. During our _Snit
two years at college we hid been room•metea ea we were
ielaas-mater; and a similarity of taetes and' pursaits
ted a sort of student sympathy between us; but for the
:pr,l year we had not !hared ,the same roottoqiltltough we
were frequently together. •=t
Vile were both orphans. having control Over our owe
time, and at that time over our own tortunetioshich were
not inconsiderable. Frank was a- younger an
oat). one. ' •
"But Uncle Harry, you could not have been en only
ched. I thought my father was yourbrother!" said Lil
ly, hastily interrupting him.
"You shall know all soon. Lilly." Wilk Uncle llarq's
reply, as he continued. Frank and lat school-were reck
oned intimate friends, hot it was not coin reality. although
we were much together.
Eli, w as one of those, natures so common among men;
e l
ge rots* to at' inferior, • e they could `
well affix • to
be enerous—rourtebus to their equals, where it was
th r policy to'be coal/Leona but am unto him who da red
to rival himt sat afterwards learned to my bitter surreal.
Fit wai affable and gentlemanly'outwardly, o'ut at heart
a vilisio! . :Yet do not think that I know him that. well
dtesi. Alt. not Far better would it have been forme—,
far t&uor for my id lized. Annie—cOuld we have then
read' ht• character. us is 'raw ht. Muter yeses to,
reveal such deeply- led villainy, as none,•save a trai
tor to his friend. co Id have been guilty of. But lo a my
• ,
My stay at drew to a close; but I had impro•
red every opportunity to sed Annie. ON what long,
long walks we had in those deep woods, and what hap
py hotirs I spent at the cottage. and when we parted. it
wr.s as plighted lovers. Annie's father 'unitedl; I
sought his consent, and said, "yea, yes, Annieia ',good
girl. She desery” to La happy,"
Ah. Lill.. how sweet IS "Love's "Young Dreard;" but
Lilly Deeded not :o be reminded of it thus by Uncle Ear
!T. for her eyes were bent on Lis ° with a dreamy eirpress
ion, soft as a haty sky. She was revelling Alen in its
sweet, enchanting light.
Ireturned to college with new incentives for apples
tien to books; yet eamly did torn from abstrut.o study
and ejs,esic theme pore over long letters from my Annie
—letters. which, to my wearied soul were as- refreihing
as the! desert opting to the fainting traveller.
Even Frank for a whiff, seemed kis be as much as-ever
my friend, but it was only seemingly, as I afterwards
found.. We were both 'acknowledged by our classmates
as candidetei for the highest college honors, and each was
striving to win theM.
Frank had set his heart delivering the'Valedietory,
and so had I. Had he o w ed it to me like a man. 1
should have honored him for it. but he ever denied it,
saying that he cared not for paltry college honors; while
to the next. Person Ina -rnet. be said. "Bell thinks to (ho
tline, me in this rave, bat he'll haws to try pretty hard.
I'm thinking. lie's *conceited fellow. but I'll teach him
tow to cope -with me."
Idespised such_ meanness; and shortly afterwards I
met him, and toad him that I considered such language
as what hardly one would expect from one who profess
ed to he a friend. For a - moment he equivocated, but I
passionately exclaimed that I scorned his threats as I did
Kim who utterred the*, and - turning away. left him. .
1 left him, little thinking that I hadl Browsed his visit
passions; little knowing that from that hasty speech of
mine. I should afterwards reap sr bitter harvest.
He inwardly swore revenge against ape then; bet he
most have possessed the disposition of a fiend, else he
would not have blasted my happiness firever. "a"
Shortly afterwards I received a letter frem'Annis—a
cool, carefully wordid letter, so different from the prey'.
AO' effusions of her worm. loving bean, that I knew not
what to think.
I hastened to reply. reqaesting an explanation. and
again wee my heart racked with indefinable ream lest I
had by some means lost her love; yet strange to say. I
never once suspected treechery, never once f ovected but
that Annie was the author e the letter. Again I wrote to
her, reiterating my vows of love.and cenjoring her to deal
faithfully with,me; 'lnd in a few days I broke the seal ors
letter, which should either remove all my doubt and anx
iety. or blight tnY hopes forier. fill, it was a cruel.
el blow; and the sunlight of happiness was shut out from
my soul. forever. as 1 then thought. '
Now Annie informed me that circumstances rendered
it necessary for her to say that-she considered our en
gagement as having been too hastily forme' — upon too
slight an acquaintance — that she had been Interested in
me, it was true s end this feeling had been- mistaken for
love, bet that recent events had revealed to' her the mi
ters of her feelings, &c., aed'elosed by wishing all ties
between us dissolved; adding that she should ever re
gard me as a friend, since we Could never be more then,
that to each ether.
Lilly, ill hopes died within me thee!
Hem. forward. I mocked at the words—true brie; 1'
scorned those who treasured woman`• affection as a ho•
ly thing; my laugh rang the' limdinit when among my'
gay Companions. and my steps were the mast buoyant.
though my heart was 'chid/ with Intense agony all the ,
Alai. that I was thus hasty is believing: Wield
had saaght A. *ea; bat pad.. said. ••Clo sot to M r.
bumble sot thyself Apia to woman; lA. tram
past &Jingo of the haaa.", •
Here Ikea Sashed with ladigastia, at this iss.ll
---_—_— - -
putation. but Uncle Harry smile. such a sad, mournful
a ilti. that she again leined her , gad confidingly 6pon
ti a huge, as he continued:
•.1 graduated with the highest I °Dors, amid the pldn
dits of friends. and 'Yen the admiration of envious ri
slide: but what cared I fur triumph new?—for fame?—to
Me. success was but a bitter mockery. sine the boon of
love was denied me.
••Prisods crowded around. congratulating me upon
one of.rny *happiest efforts,* as my termed it. Mai,
they, little knew that the i Paled ctory Poem so much
lauded and attmired. was twine when my he'd was
4'4 nigh brealriag:
**rinita.Frank Waters gar* and a cordial grasp of th'e'
hind. while - wurde of courtesy fell from his lips. Ilieriai
tired no ill-will against , him. &nil readily accepted his
gpod Whams and congratulation. glad that we were friend
again. . . .. ,
••The villain: A smile was stpim his lips. but I knew
not that it was a nibekini. fiendish smile, at the wised
hO knew I was reoffering! And se we parted.
"A brilliant future lay t before me, at least my friend,
eeid so. I was young, wealthy, and they said I was tiP
anted. They wished me to huh my attention to the
I.stsr, prophesying for ms a bright career; but all to no
purpose._ _
"Hoy was dead; ambition's ;Voice was hushed: the
future had no charms fot me," — I grew morose and taci.
tem: Withdrew from society; ref'ing all insaatione to
Mingle With the young and gay, d ying. •Why slinuld
f i go with them? They are happyut joy is not fur me:"
"Nearly two years had passed. ,111 he la one day in glanl,
cling over a newspaper. I I read theimarriago of Annie.—:
flames Morton. brother } ,of the 'Esrrie Morton' shorn I'
told you was her intimate friend, od who spoke warmly
i l ts bei favor. was her hu l aband.
"But what cared I, • bid I no
t was nothing to me th 4 soothed
that I reasoned': I remember ac i
sari. and a sudden shock as tho
blow, when I was conscious of w
1 "But I rallied my strength age
that I would comply with the oft
friends. who,' 'wishing me to dr
ergbd me to turn my attention I
hut it was b t for a moment that I
"Injttri'ho4o said. "Go, win
Ilhern: then perhape litre will repel
irnored and ester Med by other.:'
Main here:' and to her voice 1 I
eluded life which 1141 hire, iii m]
my sires haddwelt, accorded far b
feelings, than would the bustle, al
Pursuing fame. i
"It was about thrOs years *her
business !ed me to dm village oi
Sethi. where I first rriert her,
'•flow every scent am] every
ine of Ilse past: I rile by tho, •
W 6 had Ufa on the morning of di
Frank 1 euquireri, and learned
eminently aucbeasfol ab
woods. where I had
ales: how char 4
r;bauk, ad
'cent tri
through t
lad happy heil
tlowu by the green
the shade or
wept across my soul. lle
Bearer to me than hie; words Ufa
and had been broken. alt. her! tigl
(rose within me as I mentally reel
".At the villap inn, Li enco,rod for all my cl'i .couain
'twice., except Annie. Of her I spoke not. 1 cools
Speak of her when they would tell me that she was hap ‘z ,
Ipy as the: wife of 'another. I was inforMed by the gar
intone landlord. the f t Carrie blorton was the wife of a far-
Inter in the neighborhood. and I f r uit an irresietable desire
Ito see her. I foupd-Isey but lita
!laughing girl o five years befu
!hair was tinged with a deeper i
quirod' a matronly dignity that w'
She received me cordially, Ppi
;qualetance during my IWiel . soj , i
I thought it very strenge, neveri
'I was dying to her but one V
lobeo never once referred to her.
!more, was the ktranerei eapr .on
when in ryply td question., ilif,
Imarriea: adding that ••f th aid I
1 lor." She hastily wait'*ed the e
! •
Ito her. t
Just at this mineot My atte - ution was arrested by two
!children, apparently of ,the same age; who burst into the
!room, frolicking in all rho glee of innocent childhdnd.-
I.• Your children, I presume," said I, eildree,ing Carrie,
taking a fair hairdd girl upon my knee, anireart4sing her
as t. spoke, 1 e •
••This is mine," patting the 4ad of a fine little boy;
'the other is my "loca l ' ' You • know Annie Greg, her
mother," said ihe after, a slight pause. clad a serpent
stung. meit coUld not hove started quicker than I 'did
1 -
I had been carreseing the child of the very woman
who had proved an 6.14 to int.: yet I found strength to
speak add faintly ge.sped. ••And•Annie, isetia hem') 7"
"I trust an." was the reply in a sad voice. ••Poor
she suffered h4e keenly enough. but has it length. Rune
where sorrow never coulee'. • Oh, it was unki.nd. it was
eruel‘of you to . treat poor Annie so:" add tho tears ran
down her cheeks..
it Bashed 'Poi me in a moment with overwhelming
force! Annie was dead!
••slow! wha(mean 'on?" cried 1. .•1 wnkind? 1 cruel?
Yon wrong me., indeed. Did not Annie pr . ove false to
me?" 1 almoit ahrieked, 'dreading. yet wildly an=ions
to hear her say that Annie had been innocent; for such
her words iu ply.
'•Can it be pOseible that yOuhavelienn deeeibod7" said
she. Annie toyed you Ai she did her ecru soul. ••Sut
she *corned met she wed another!. and I pointed to the
little child • its a way that malt have torrilied it for it rata
*creaming to its aunt and hid its face in her lap.
"Ah, there bee been a sad wrong dune you both blest(,
Listen to me a moment, and I will tell you all," was h er
reply, and ti:alibi spoke:
"Annie and bad nb secrets from each other: and she
told cite that when yoiii ink you pligitted your taii r ti . .—
She told the with i smite, while the of ll'appme.b
deuced ip her eyes that she had surrendered her happi•
ness to year keeping. Aye, if ever man was beloved,
you were beloved by Annie." •
••Ocie day she eatne to Me. and 1. saw she haebeen
weeping. 1 enquired the minim. when she laid before
me a,letter so different from the one preceeding it, that
she knew not how to regard if. There was nothing writ
ten which in itself was i ,calculated to wound rifle feelings,
but there was locking the depth of tenderness which had
ever characterised yout prerieue.cotoutunications,"
"I advised her to take no notice of it. bat ,to write:as
she had ever done. She did so; but whisia she Caine to
awl afterwards with another epistle, still more forms) than
the first. I knew not what to advise her."
r About this time, Frank Waiters wrote to a friend,
and casually remarked that he hoped 'Alms Gray was
sot isterristed in Bell.! for it was evid - ent he eared nods
jag far her. as report said he was engaged to a very
beastifal and arialthy iady."
••This was iwasedintely told of, and soon Canto to Au
aip's ears, Poor. pair Annie She heat her bead in
aagaisb, for bar droasi of lord was smashed. What bit-
ter tears she shod as she
?mess sheihad formed. t!
Oh: LiIN. I could har
to listen with Any degree;
orCatrie. How I lunged
had'aercred all my hapri;
that Waters had buen'thei
ing to come for Annie
She continued: Annie wrote to yon,once agai
ing that ahe rive you up; and eine , - it was *vide.'
cared not for her, no loeii of hers should ever fel -r
although Remit her maul a b,tter tear
Fler attentilso and tim•
her father, who had beet
though many would glad
led all advances se) ing ti
side her wont. My la
Annie,. yet always eouc •
sr love Was her's. ,
He "sell extremely
heolth; and not . dartng
to Annie; until after mu
told his long concealed
his wife.' Even thee 1
consented, had she not y
Cr. wholwished twee her
he died) and so she gavei
knots all I have sntryred
901 love as I have to c4l
They sere married.
my brother had ,hut just
the destroyer came mute
blessing his Annie, who
wife: emoothitig hie pill.l
!net. She was now Libmi ,l
ing diell after her
by, and her *dells grew
know lies to be fi;sel
won her: It we's thus
.nfusea iiugiaig in my
_h stunned by s heavy
i tai I read. ,
sniumer'd eveuiiie'rhe
Leer la3t words wvrd `•sl
I knew all pow. I w 1.7
that Annie Ivol been :re
ly eevereuce, and sowql
ba to we as my own. I
pray God I never
in; and th.-n I iihotrrht
repeated wishes
tv mr,frodi
u prof.atioltal pstiloaits;.
Lifiv„eieiteen year.; I
though my yvnri ntinit.e
a ,,. th© prime of
oureelf-a name among
t that she refused one
' while ree+on said irp
igteed, for the dual se •
ancestral ho 131e,uhere
tter with my ernueJed
d cares, and toil.while
iiiy time.
Sorrow he. Nikerel
!et I am younr; again wl
I again live over the pas
love light of other days.
Four wither: , 4nd dc
au old Incii4lor?
new 11.irr!'s voice
ternncl; wliite f,,11y
fair arms, rifriut his :ire::
chock. and nett left
Annie's m sTrisze, that
C—, in,31./.;ezehu:
I:jort served to remind
lanoion house.' where
at brief and happy'day.
that hewn. ida south
b a ph sicion. I drove
been before with a light
ad dow I - wand. red
Id lingered ions beneath
6: ea. for Alder thoughts
had listened to word,
ere bat idly pledged.
better feeling
iewed th mit.
Half en hour aftorwitr
the tears falling fast upo
ivory, which she held In
••Sweet mother. why •
thy ch:ld is only too h 3
fat in hilence aad deep
bachelor ,
An Irmltiman, whr:se.
r l lt nU the Way to who
17st as far asTortsmouti
a point nor i fer ttktent fr
•-ro be Otte:net!. H
bont4; heel: of
gave up t • ides of 'alit
There were p ty of
the landini. Ittn,l • be,'
or sorb en emicy made
changed from the gay
e; although her sunny
!roam. and she had 1;c
-•• quite wifeLke. •
' , ke of our pleasant ac
rn but n'tho'.
•• nee reverted to Annie.
•ord regardtng her, yet
What pttztlrd ma bull
her countcoance wore,
I rmed her I was still un-
We and die an old bach•
i l •rtj...ct; is if unpleasant
doar."'s ‘:
ful Cr.,rt—"CiTtain. dr
Hie to •Vors,n,u !1?"
"Se'ven dallarA. it: th
••Sivin do!l,2ref^iirr
det;r, t barn% the hill'
.....011 never mind the
eener for three 4 1 0 11 , ,,,,,
tint i.. heti) the lend.
nuked ipgine
pnt another cpw-tiou,
"Awl iet. ;lel%
sixtryoun,is cif fre,zitt
.`t'lleltorvt you but
w•cic'ts toot—+•o
1.10'11" S:1 Rt.,
A prnpa: , itioti norl
calinv one of thi hand;
"stowed 'l . lrerkifly nerNy
to , on th o fro.Ot
hundred and silty
Pat kept snug until 1
of 35G toiles—lLa qg
ottl3"- a 114 minute. at
There be paid his frei•
WY. and a... neit .11 erti
the trice-path or the 'co:
13,./timore A:Au:a:mi. •
.This morning. as
bre..kfast at the celToe ;
reading GaHaulm's d
next table addren,ing, t
this fellow G dignsui
that he passed for an !
per on the tthla. he
which t;•e prograintnn
paper had given him. •
up with the instroclio
was a chsracter, l ear
talked moat ed.(th;;ly
enough to be he ad nt
been to London 1114
I come' on purmse to
84." 1 ••and hot
lobnion Romel" •
et the Greek Slavel"
that where she were r
emu: mean mei, but
idea of tneannt,i :ha
drove up to a 11 7 .15 e
. the laridturd far a tent
Ilia lioti.e to the shed,
sniff hitnse!f, and the
Meanwhile, the °woe
water and soap, and a
thoroughly, wiped hi
lad down his cent an
1 ...I say?" saia tha I
fore yon co"
i .weit. peenz it's y
I reply. and back be w,
"Yell don't bee in t,
Isaid the tavern keepe
..No." was the rep!
1 • ly. awl: as yea treated
patronise too stain!'
Sl5O 45-731/L
It o in Advance!
old ma of tfietvitudons
at here wrecked foreve
• re=train myself su'
!el tootiTsilre to the n
to it-arch out tho Ertoust
lass, for ;t was
: svide
author of those letters p
, wits now wholly long
felling for some time:
y hive won . her, yet sh I
at her dutli eras to rera
'tiler Jam4ll had alvray
led his pusion. thiukiag.
nisihre. never: . oujoyin
.p r k nr o.hyr than as
iihs had e'opoed,. he o
e and boiight her 'to
not th,ok•Anuie woe'.
eldetl to the n ii.hes of h
in a cotutorable home
Jill-ors her hind, stv, ling *
.0,1 if you can he cont.e
r you, it is ;oars."
e ch.kl was Oven the...
egn 1 to taste happiness
mtnoued him a way.
.1 a
tad eve( been to him
.t 7. uttei . tmai,tering
vtith herchild,
mirtily.c. A few mon
and her eyes dint.a
sett awns lam the 7.6
amc lute in Heaven"'
c, ;I :I id thnnk
. I wit
elm in•..G ruf.a nrd, alts•
tavo necer tetill Waters,
Inre n a•vay since tit
ni taare !ban dq man
t l t ud au old man—old
l ' • hair nni fu'rrawad my
'eat 1.: iZ , ..111 , 0a :s'ou.
: nr in your eye.: I : , ee a
.lined I :A you that Ann'
.11 vranlor now Lily. tha
as kt . choked
t. red, not. bet arose, won
eld , his tear-b
• she'sat in hur own run
a small miniature Oat .1
her euie and the Mur .
nit 'thou go unfortunate.
)7" A•irl below in the
bought, rude Harry.
Trei.; - ht
node werm vit'aer low; hiul
lint. end wa• ht 3 4fli.'• l
thence to proc...ed tic, c.
to Ow kat r p.r.i..., Idler
siitt4 Wont hi. tots. liiiooi
pa;r of 0 . .1 Otoes quite'4 ,
..,11a , 1k . . mare" any
puro;,7. ant! bin
;rn • : 1.2!;. , IL;;;;11...t•4 at
)7' on beard . 4
yog chaos
! sivto ,clur!'sis!
f tltht UM."
tA`;^ rnn as ade
if A;ork your p
I w o t!,t,
s u.i th's
wit 1,11 you tare a. hand
e iir-!:es rents for thsit
%est s 3e,t. the
tn:Fr mr as
1 ,1, a,e,l
, he Lt -tee to h
11c h Ad --Ind entered t
-t-- "(tax, /.:sintln teell,lll
re-tcho.l rde:priluth. It 4,
lit:it‘ if ir <-t!i' but twice,
time. dunez the whole . 1
ht et !..eve•lty•fivr ernts,
it!, hip bund',e,trlmpieg
11 for 11,3 de in
49 . :Cpun'
rr,nan at Paris.
e were ia;si e very corn
01.1:11 s.,f our hotel, encl ai
'l'.y pallet. 1 founds pereoni
le, in xneaal twang, "Sire'
tell:o,k s t rop?" I iseanr•
ut,rnrity„ L'ying down
pathetic ‘lly de--t riiesl the
-for the eigiit•,ecinz of vest
for tact d‘y. - Finding
J oe the conversation;
Ito all tle as h e el , 1
she very nI. I enqulred
teitS. •• I reeknu I %air •
:en the Cry , .4411 ralaen."
chd•yeu I" 6.0 h, 1, 1
And pray, sir, chat du yu
“There, un'te:;• stranger; 1
c :flop; rr ra drat: /Ad
' , hoard a 7, , cat'nyt•ky !peer
none that Fare w mote
(def.' A to
no,iihun tavern. and cool
worth o: hay! The landl
ad let the poor frani.':of
41'81 the waT.on with
of the horns c filled kw % •
ter w.:0;:t. 1 ; !4;4
!self dr% n "npan-elcan l
Fier —We hire
Jtord, won't yon tat.% • •
li. I don't
t,ll:id lock s duck.
:eso patt4, I bee vO. •tl
1...*1 don't buL Igo Uy •
we so 1 4i• 4040 : 111
I 'ho•
/red s
• der
1 ina
ii . Pat
E . one
d for
! .Ttable
at; the
got. b
'd him
ta pa
; hy.
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