S. W. Sr CO.. rroVri•tors. VOLUME 22. etielA anier. A. P. MALI` & CO. PROPRIETORS. B. F. SL OAFt. L y t o r. • OFFICE, CORNER STATE ST. AND PUBLIC SQUARE, ERIE. TERYIP OF 111 C PAPER. • Ctty subscribers by the carrier, at OWN Ity mail, or at the office, in titlVtitleet 1 . 1 10 171( not paid ltiadvance.or within thiremoniba from lifetime of ontserabing, two dallies wilt be charged. Ira All cowmen teatientio WIWI be pow pald. RAVES OW ADVERTISING. Cards not everoling i liner, one year. #lOOl pat square r " " MN do. do. hit months. do. do. three months. SAP 'Maarten! advertnententa„ SO cent, pereqtpre. of titien !int. , ' or test, for the Ctn.! nieertioot VS reels ibraach subsequent luteertion. .1;:r Yearly ad, eftivers have the privilege of changing at pleaoure, but at no tine areallowetl to occupy wore than to u opiates, mad to be touted to tier namidiate bas two. Artitertioctuci,ti not has tne,othei direction.. will be inserted lilt forbid and charged accordingly. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. W. H. KNOWLTON. Watehmaker and Repairer. Dealer in Wate he.. Clocks, Jewelry, Maces I Instruments, Look ing Glasses and other Faney Good•. Store otie door weal Of the Reed House. , )17 ARBUCKLE & KEPLER. pc.orle in Pry GaAs, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. fie. No ft 3, Icfry Blurt. Brute street, F.rie. Pa. r --- A. Sf, JLTDSO.N. ArrossLT •T I..R' —ottice on Park Ron, between Brown's new Mitel and the Beet) House, up -mire. COMPTO,N&THANERSTICK. Drat Fll.ll in Dry Goods, Groterifll. Liquors of all kinds, ("rockery &e., 0110 dour south of Sui eta Jackson's slore,, Franck %met. Erie, Pa. 3. Colin Wt.. _ G. A N D • E. A r m, of 1. — A - Adre Offenbach—Depot of Corriere MUSIC and mu skrat Merelistlize, wholesale and retail, No. 19, tilo..sth ab chestnut street, l'hilatlelptun. _ • _ BRANDER Fairrui.% auk) Suitarov--4nrice corner of State and - Aerenth. }1,,.. , 1enre on Eighth t?treet. between French and Manna, rue. Pa. , W()cit Restst iti',Groceries. Provi.ione,Wines.Lieptorg,Candics„ Fruil. ( Pi* llonr below Loon »s Yr. CY P orate street, Erie. M. SANFORD & CO.. Dealers I,n Gold. tall,Pt. Bank Noire. Mans. Certigentes Of Da' t,4r. et;Tht Esc haneP on the principal cities constantly fur sale. inner in ficatty•ii Block. Public 5.1 4 ,12te• Erie_ r t T. HERON STUART. ~D ftry.trivi—Ottiee, corner of Freneb and Fifth streets, over Moir! lioch's store. Residence on Fourth street, one door east of I'm old Apothecary Hail. '. R. T. sTERiLETT & SONS. isis constantly' on bawl a 611 ruiply of Groceries. hiqaprr. ship Chandlery. Prot Produce. Eke.. Ike.: and sells Wholesale or Retail a. cheap as the cheapest. No. lle.Cheapride Erie. WM. S. LANE, 1., Attorney and oounsellorat Law. Beeol'lnkonary. . ann,, and Navy rt.IIAiOVIS. Ronnie Lands - and