Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 10, 1852, Image 4

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    WIIIII Irsozasasai
Ifitillsoibeerikes basins teased the Stone No.l. Bowmen Bloch.
arniorly *templed by Laster, Sennett & Chester. is reed's
ins direct frown Neer York, a lacer and wen selected stock of
Groceries. to which he ro ost cordially Invites the attention of the
tirade in thi. and the misninivz counties. tie Matters bitnrelf ttiax
typeribs experience In the Grocery bnciloess,and tits .3,crior fa
cnittes fur (10.,11 duct fr.oit the importers nod ?it: , o
uteguireni, thercle., F/1% IIIL; the PA,' et,' protita, that he (an ',ell to
the haunt favoring liwo v. oh Owl r rarcitia:
.441 Cheap as ran Le Parekosed of 'its-nor
And as cheap as can be bo Igtit In New York, will to. additlon
of cilienen attended in getting goods to this city. Beier deter-
Wnidto ware his bootee., Zbrejapsiver Virjaelegi a jar. will
notation Meisel( to sett inr,l3:.• the P..• "be can te-rustaitiod
11 1 , dri•g• He w;11 I.* happy a‘,ll ten 14ex:it:At hi. goo& to
those irtto luay Moor litw I. 1.. a call. 11l addittcn to Ida stuck
of Groceries, be rut. :tided a choice stock of
Wines wad Imported and DanAsutie Liquors!
. re neetartination urt.hits he would especially invite the alien
(the or Held keepers and others in the trade. The following wit
comprise a faaltall Or Inv stock. viz
Near °treads. ratici-ILICO at. Cuba Ragan; Powdered,Chlaker
Ceiruuleted. White and Yell.,w Coffee do. Porto 11Liee,,Ar.
redo. & Cuba Mo'nuies. 6. H. syrup. in Uhl. or htid s tr. red To
gunpowder and Wank Teas. Ats chests. balf-cliesk; and papers.
1 114 J4Va; ILO an 1 I.s g,tra Cp.lm ; and Vellow
hieethdirreniin Brands eider-totes loggers, Bah.lits. to whole
loose arid ci-sortel tom - pap. SteTiniento Penlicescee.l4.
. Domestic and Imported tipn..; Peppersauec. Ground Pep
and quarter Boxes% Curiae in lb. and 1-4 ta. papers; P.:M-
P)Orr... N LaMega. I adiPleter Mita. Blest. Lead. Pint) of difierent
ON; Pimento, treadaelei9e. and Fancy doiii i fletined eiephattt
der, in Whole, tuakerm. Linseed and olive .: Mackerel, No.'s
kinds: LJfe, hail and quarter bhls.. Ash. Herring cud
and Whieraints Red Oils; ,several grades: Brandies, ft unt,.ito.
'l. Ittlahela Whiskey . 01,1 Pcrt.M adeira, Claret and Champaign
Wes; London and Philadelphia Porter: together with mom kinds
and styles-of goods kept on the Grocery line. a nd not enuutrated
la 01.- lift, to the inspection erweletthe mead mpeetfully invite
Ur argentine. of pore havers tester.- f.ut log 'lire. been.
Particular attention paid to rating ..,rdees. arid 411 goods war
ranted u represented or the looney relatolod.
„Erie, Sept J.M. •
Shop: New rim - e
lollies: I
T H E Undersigned take this method of thanking the public ka
their former liberal patronage. and also to inform them that
they have lbnueil a partnership under the nahmeol Derby & Moht
t t rd, : r id will carryon the
'in all Its branches. at their new shop In the new filoe k,two doors
west of the Reed House. under /1". P. Stocktoies Jewelry Store.
where they will be happy to.wsit upon all who may favor them
with* tall with the but islets*. They have last received. di
reel from New York. nn entire New SLOCR, anotig w hien may It
Ibuud: Double and Single Barrel lon 111.11 Pieces. trout :di to
WO, *quantal). of Rile harrels. which they are anxious to intake
up and' Warrant. &livid vercu...Ln rap*, Powder,
Idtalti:Lead,Tiasks,the Tllflit 111 tune.. clot Vsmches.l; aux hop,
in fact evey thing necessary to thy full ;.11;••:.zet a :pt 1 , 4,1 l.t.
GURU repaitt.l to ,P.hrr. and when pr.allised. Gaining it, .ti
'and oonuuon Roles. manufactured to order and warranted to
shoot from one to one hundred rode. On hand. A large stock of
Gun Locks, all Kinds, Main Springs, Ttitulders, Cocks, forged
Brien Vius. dog Springs, Bullet Moulds. io short every
thing necessary to build a gun. %Orli are loin fur the accommo
dation Of the trade in thin and the adjoining counties. and will he
gold at nhotesalc or retail, a little cheaper Than _they cab be
bought. efrewbere lu this ea. Please give nun eall before pur
chasing. They are also prgpared to du all kindsufJob d ,trg. tit
their liner linen as tiling :MB setting ekit.•s,ixepairins Locks of all
kinds, furnishing. ihujtg and repdi rine keys, repairing umbrellas
&e.. which will done on short notice, a i d charre ,, reasonable.
Erie.Octuber DCRBir & AIONTIohn.
Park now, a few /loons West ofthe
REED Rowe.
SUER.M.V.t is happy to in% .te , all who t% i-i 1 to,varr.Rulm-
TYPE LIKE:NE4.ES. who are at all particular u hat kind 0!
pictures ilk) base, to his new itrooths %%Inc% have been bo tit en
pressly for the Art. 1.14 10 11/V great wrent of the Art t. nieel
it has been the constant study of al. Worthy of the naine since
the Art wan disco‘ered, to employ and control it in the woozier
best adapted to produce the moot favorable results. Tins result
of this study and of thous:incisor exte:rwients is titta there is not
a respeetati c permanent Gallery in the I where tibi•ter
tures are wade by a CWIIIIIO9 wihduu, and w Ito sots ircan
produce superior pictures by such a v. trl , :tlW proves his ignorance
of the Ait. The nt..'oscriber titers:tore ?iris bra. rto -ay that by his
superior LIGHT, and e tilt an apparatus worth six tones any oth
er in thh. eds, he is en:l , de.! pro , h,ce itielllrl.3 IA lite h canuothe
equelled in this pat tof the r ()awry .and tkleni to etcell .11i) th ing
which can le produced in other or forfeit/Ale hun
dred dollars. He has also a stitendt.l Hoick Worttnic Camera.
with which he take- children orony age! Lt tit be net* un
derstood his piertres e ill not fade if properly 4e7•t. •
N. B.—The •:mceut unproven - teats" way be seen at the above
roam. W. 11. SIIE.R.MAN. '
Erie, Bemt., 1 0, 16,11. 19
Re Zaire roand it! .Ponr.d What i I •
W that f. RrKl:s,"'. • • are• ,'1 Goods
althea . . _ Jew or Ge.thle, this
f:IC of Yvr'.
• Plc 4. Vir:, - . .,111.'s AloCkl
r: • .• ...,,aUuel.t of
Goats, Pants and Vests,
of ite fineo materiaff. of the Ir.t fit. and of the most
imperfor t. urkurar-•tp. nI , h are imld al this e.ta Wish
..) I. 1.1161 will mlke more by bif:, log
11..411W% t4Clf WWI*, ate
that , te.elfier therecan he tictr•ot te , e f r d•--3y 11'03f...oiled Ve+ts
or thlamdat , -, Yaht.. Ituu the, r 'tact. of ready Ninde
is nut Me the oidy Ind hfiti out to a ttrat. Ittiggett and
Sauey Public." to ,et te ß thewacall,torthrtr.tortcf •
Is unsurpassed for variety, Fashion and. above all, Cheapness;
and a/ they have in their enititoy
One of the Best Ontte s is Tows,
Tiber will be ready at'all times to make Garments to tinder. and
rrant them when done. They have Goods trout the finest ra
tifies, to the coerced. no that everyone can be They
lave a large asaortntenlof
Nees es skins Item the ease Quality to the Movies', Hickory
Shin, bandkerc h dd. gloiea, cot kook edit, under eartdeuta. eol
tars. Boreme.togethci with every thing in our hae.. We hare
a general ascortmern of
Ladies resbionable *cods
for the Fall and Winter trat , e. We ,either rum nor
time to enumerate pt 3 les or -to ,anltty, but v. il! Ja.t say LO
Ladle* ineanillki eXlLlutlit for throttm.l, Cr.
anttirthe priers dcn't reit wel4l endeavor to nisi C . ihet.., wt wa•
Nish to sell and are c1..1.--1.• of to be unJerold. Don't toilet
the location, N.,. I, LYt t - 3 • •
rlopt. 143, 1•±151
flawing Tried it, Ire And it Works Well.
B ' tEVING the Posh System the only true ardent of doing
htudnev, the mph. rsigned has adopted It, uud rinds It work.
sell both for biuisetf and custowers, as it ham'enabled
llmo to virela.e his
as e,,rr"nit ) 100- rata .. cOl.. 411, :11;) , IN. It .il be allt to
Tutu 1,4 hi- er iitoutere and the p.,/ , l'e. at r )1.-,;, ,, -7.
price, All in want of stn thing in his lineareervt b
fully luvit.e4 in exautine his ek i;i-ut artruluteulef
Clothing: Cloths and Cassinieree:
Coeshrtiul:3llllack. Blue Blai.k, Brown, Green and Drab Broad
clutits,"anii Catsiuseees of various patterns. Ahmat
Silk. Satin, Worsted & Wollon Vests &
Ali Of vihtelt were purchased in New York for and are
OM offered aseheap, at kart. a• at any otner establisbenent in
Hoe does not deem it neeettory to 1.11 chore who have for eo long
la aeries of years pairorAced 1114:1 that tie continuev . to walmfae-
canneub, as can be round in thi. {WI: hut to new eustoners
hebaauohe.ltalWnlnn.l)li tthalfl U. n ill
They will tango away dissatisfied with either
-ilsods.Workmanihip or,r - riets. -
Outoon itatit always, 4otte , at reasonable priers, and warranted
Abe e Litton warranted, if properly wane up. Cali and see if
*old things have not become new" rni the old stand of the out,
scriber. JAMEIS LYTLF.
Erie, Fiept.2B, F-St. • tie
- -
A GOOD assurtuttni of Carpet Bags and Sasebrla. on hand at
tbe store • f - Et EN N ETT &
_ _
A TINE lot. 'Also, Globrs, Chimneys, just sf.^4`.vkl. and. fur
vale ebeap at STOlneffolll . P ,
Erie,? )et. 4. I' I. RI
RICO Th,nun.tuaek. eat, rizt v o. ve.ti •at iety Riot Bonet
stthon. of 'awed style.. Just f CCCI red by
DlSsoi.t."rioN .:711rste co l otrturrrhip belevoLat•ezikilue be
tiftenn Lw t atm ril•ers. in iiie Moresmt ~ sintra. 14 , 1 1..11
red this ruututt enotent The tautness win be continued
at the old stand by Mr. Lucian Rust.
Erie. Ncty . telil
• TALL elm ,tielniiiiiiialiriiiii
m lll e t. i ll pit .o. t ti Vitita
r wit o m
t t . o .‘ tr d La i. t e es ,
~t hat h i l
oo the w ir
0 117- e.
ilsopared with the latest New Vtirk and 1 - hiladell , h l3
ltashlons of Fall and Whites Lionnetts, which she
still Ise ItAppy to sell at the very lowest 'prictt.—
Her stock consists of ot er forty different kinds of
lionaels, ac prices that cannot help but roil the times. Also.
Ribbons sad FM% era, and is (act .a !pietist ~ssorUneut of Milli
n Straws bleached and press - eif in the latest styles. Ail Itinds.of
Cpuntry Produce taken in payment.
f Cotiatry Milliner. stn.pited n ith goods at the lowest mar
ket priers. . .
Erie. Oct. 11 1.531. 1 ?I.
FlBl)—Mbekeril, 1.14.1. I‘lb.firh. Trout. C4114t. for pale
the bht. half ea: or lois 4u.autet. than N-ew here.
Nov. Ili. W.l.BlNplwirdrirr.
Boyfs Sleigh*.
4 W)7.. Steigtul on bawl and for nle thesis t.y
Nov. 211. W. F. RINI)IIt.NfrfIT
jRI un reeeeited b Kassons ta di
st sta.eb,
pairs of lndia Rubber Shoe,. •
•• •••
Ladies Jenny Lind 1400411.
4R Women's Calf Rooters.
it Geues water proof rai(Boota. •
Mao on hand 0.,r sale at 1 tie Warm pu.sible figures. Ladies
Presets Kid el , s. do Kid Twe an. do. Rouble Note buskins. La
drat Goat MeruceoGnitern. do. Laatino do.. will% a twee stock of
children's Gaiter. abuts. Roy- kip Boots 1114 Bootees. &r.
Erie. ficuessibef IL C. M. TIS SAILS. Clona k.
- - -
rr : tr-ars 11
ICi Toes of iliCeref ' ' ; arm Rom Si to
0 , 10 c o. per agnui,lt-cr. still lower by the
56Vairs of Correa: elle I r :t..e nag or poutni p rie W t h a
re Def an , ! se e.
Zrie 1 o, w. F. RI nruIiFCNT .
Too! Taw
2 . of Nit Thee !treat, impertal, Black it lima
it/ Bata Tea Dow epee rod tell's( *ton 371'eta. pee pound to
73 eta. at. Nov. 1310.31. W W. r. INMERN
301 0 12 1i 81 %5. saw ...efts. tiaderme . ht's as low Sir three
. Tobacco li
Anikt••• & 00.. Lirbellibal I Oa; 0. 0400 I Boo's
Cavendish J
T lig a amers Boos we
spiptlng Tobago% Mo.
so. .. Pg *t -'
ZS* noc 1R WM. Ss W. P. SI crirr•
Mott, Flab, Ft
rt -.1•7 nAT is ID GAT OS
f• 1,
S 7 0 ,Fk E ! !
, H I: sJoseriber, having reate.l We stomilerires to call Ow
I, ..1. tkiors A cia t I lA' Haws' ....,.. WriglitAt - of ni u lts sCep,
occupied :is a Jewelry :too,. by mrar. tr... -v..% ..r, , ,,,ita
iattrulioa of the raiz , . i 1. , a."' .' $ hat'',: ttlien the olatollt
, estii.rts tre is now openit,f acids. the conc.itooty ritii rest
:icing a practical Ilsittedroi ma unto. , f. and by the nest work.
pal ir In the eelectleheted Nue, in fluish, style and durability
aslolred they kr bad In the. astern c Ole..
men, and repo at all t i useillnd tiere the lawn lksbions Wm.. 1
to arLY-Nt Co's celebrated state ni New Yotk prier.. and Caps
Maw every styse,,quality and price. Also. a good stork of l
.stitralo Robes. I
fro ,übre rarer !ropes by hotoirakte, fair dealing. to Willi up his I
lin.itic,s, as hi ann.'s act to fleece. Liaise nko pauwaise lilt., but
to make re 4 in hie customers. R. J. ROGERS.
Kr .... :t.1.1... id. 150.31.-‘l.B 1 .
Karp is kfare tha People Aka Eimperes as sof Isis re/maid.
11 k pun reee Vied the Agent* of moor the leers' Iron and
J. Bail Maitoraelaries in the Una . Priers are therefore reduc
ed below anything ever heard of. Farmers lift up your her•dc; a
Harrel of Flour St all purchase meetNailslud hue that it would
a wear atm. We will .01 Bar lro is low as tact.. per pound,
!Mir alt round for Wage:me, Mel jig Sweeda, at Nem. Nails,
amnesia.. as law ar 3/ets. by the keg. ThOsir prices are 10 per
cent below Bud Lilo. Wlieu those nee• can be matched I n Wiry
again. The above ere Or rush. Jum receiving al Wise stock of
Shelf iltirdware.lailleryi 'Junta' e, Buggy 'Frininiinshk. Chain..
A utile , . Vices, Bellnus. itaLl like nice' 'fools of attain.** allow
rates: also Bohr*? Belting.. 11 .CADWELL.
Erie, Sept. 13,1531. I '
itso , R Chin 1411trul Washing Fluid.' fbr washing iu
hard or soft Wet r. Finn! Is Me best prepomtion
known fir welshing conn, linen or woolen cloths. thy removing
guest or tar. for c Irani g tloors
4 Qr pai.d. for destroying led bugs
and other verunia,.lore by J. 11. BUXTON Co.
Aug ID. 13
Liulditad L
3.0 0 ~.A.,`,l!'aiS•dnorKcibirrpirt
1311 acrer nine miles West of E)
acres ore
Celkill 'rain or grazimg rarlit.
res. in Union tow n'iimp,
chord—prices 1100.
100 acre, •Lencrullf totem hip, on the east hank of French
Creek. 0 mileabrMw Waterrn , d—e3 acres cleared, book, barn,
and orchard. prier Bplooo. be.a beautiful farm of bottom
lands and hillside. good for era nor erase. ,
• here. twit miles last of F tie. on Lake Road. good build
ings andurzh rd, and a valuald ?. power for a milt—price VO per
30 acres Fr t. Aenderny land one mile south of irk , on the
r• - . all cleared— price 573 per acre.
. -
odr and N.w
:urnpike roil. . cleared— price 573 per :wry..
Mal aeres of Wild Land, part 6f tract No IWO, in Wane town
ship—price 4730. I
Si acre. of et ild land in Le Roeutr tp—price S 3 per roc re'.
Also, aIA uunal.,er of fu Lots and Out . 'town ots of the 'ta of
Erie. w) , 9 ti.31 KIND-
Veb 26,1411. i 49 L ai, Agent. Erie. Pa.
TAR. Pitch anal Rosin constantly on Void and for sole by
!, Ij. T. N. 'NS.
. ...
1 . ,
7 ILIA A 761 Brw t rry AL SANFORD re this d formed
a couartnerib m
ip as Banker. and Coll tiou and change
Brokers. under ilie fir of J. 6 ANPKIR Ili CO. Mice ill
"BragY'a Sr I." 1 between State and Peatt scree Public
Erle. Jan. an.l j i 18,51. ail
1r ~ 6 3T rpw ER, a superior article, Air sale by I .
.11. June IL : 6 11. S. C .AR K.
ETR.V luer Al.
.18 of Lemon, ICY.% Vanilla, Nutmeg, B X
mond,. each, Celery, Orange Flout, Cochineal shd Neeta-
T tile. for sale by, , D. S. 96ARK.
June V. 1 , 1 1 6
100 8 . 49 s IrT"" received.
T• I VITL ' V e 4v
al SON — to:
Junell, 101 I I 6
------1' 141 • 1
AN applicittion will be matte to the nest Legialatur .of Penn
sylvan for the Inc mien of a Bank. to be ailed the
Erie City Sauk. to be loc al in the City of Brie, E e county.
Pu..„ with a leapital of one 'admit . thousand dollario with the
prJ‘'ileg7 of ncreasing the s me to three 'hundred th4wand dot
la,- and Oat I the individua liability clause will. be losenecl an
the Charier 4 said Bank. j
.1. 11. k'u lettou, J. C . Marshall, Smith acksun,
floury Cott well. C. Iv Tibbals, Guy tuts,
•tleo Kelbasa - Wgs. Kelley. Vralter Chester.
Tholliaa li. :ill, . Jeil 'Galbraith. A. Bee .
l% :I‘l. Gallagher.
Erie re. Jane V, MIL ,
• . I_.____________.
Iltadway'i 33e
A CER , 3I c ht cure for Rh ,
Ili. lecti sof the Spine, '
Nerjousatl lion.. Salt iltn
.kiii slut Gram'ss in the Gol
' c. - I
AT - • lit CO.'S,
S 4 St .. Ready prosife Cnip ita Stares. tid
OW re )eninr. the tart t usil' tine.t .tock of t:00.11.1 an this
1 line eyer offered for + a iu Lae. slier priecisay.e4 an N. York
embraeintaii Um new MAI anal Jewelry just out. Ain one
wishing lo!lairettafe aspic. ad Watch mud chain will hare s siren
rase ot , Prionity for ...Weil, . Nos to be by any ' stns..
tare...alai havens in this St in icy., tl. 11.103011/3 & Cu.
Esie..inne "IL e
ALllioilli/A GOED i
Clnto fitlngs.Begast Plea, i
Of any slple, at
Amor .
TWIN O. NEESE havln Just maimed from New York with •
large, splendid sad c paiwortemeat of honest Goods, Amp,
handsomei Cast colored * Caoonable, huh fr om the looms of
the martuac.iirers, 11:1 eve • e itne.• Europe, Asia, AtOtta and
t, libu,:nt at a areal sa e dice' fur r•ish, and offered to the
othl lc for nearly tit, tr own rice. Call and see- Good* abown
0. t tli, t,relliptners to all, an.
, nedie obliged la buy unless suited.
Alum% 4.l•wek will le u I sing. wool. (vela., and linen. ask ,
t ~i salt astbles. vo>d, of . erg ramie. Scowl Cloths and Ca•si
mere* pleat and wait, ed /' opium. &tome". instertings, collars.
uni.ltistemies. cull', • tk and rattily Ve-tin;.-s. FIIISCI..I.Itic; bluets
pt.sple, it !Plea . •• 'Meet Canton, 'Kited, he.
Erie. :rt. lhi, PC , 1
—...--li . o,l'l, '
.52 K ttli. 4,:: . z . ,.." zir,itc-4 . .0... }r i . ,, ,.:," -!-. A nd N ' r sale
June Ai pim. (All , .T. mr ERECA'T k t 0.1.04
PAIRS ES Woollen s want^d b>>- _ •
_..0 Fite, ric.
L. ite, net. et . C 111
et. tri. •i C. . TICINALM._
Cm.'" i. A et,. —A ll sts les a ii :es Caps, at the lowest raves, at
the heap store in the Ee ti Block. *4
REAOY M All E r'Ll/TIIIIIC • A well selected 'stock of Rea
d Made Clothing, eon he ad at the stoma
1: , ., ,dill. O.
•1- i SENNETT Ak CO.
p y r , /flllZ , k. ,
a l x. ll l 4 k iEll;lu Frea vtety, at the sew store in t the
f 4 iron 1 1 Ir 1 fak 2 ironl 11
l am nts receiving as,larptt a . well swotted stock of Iron as
Iran . (dead west "cc Alba i . It was bought entirely for
risk and will be sold Cut the ea eat prices that defy compel.-
cum. Alai,* large stock tif Nat / and Spikes. at mm 10,44 tow
arrus REED. •
figures. 1 - 1
f:rie. Sept. 27. IN t, No.ll—Reed Haus*.
- 7 7-7 14412 ."— r• liegliat ::
1 AM npw receiving a dinner wick of Sneers. which have just
I been Purchased at yet) lawures in New York tor casib, and
w ill be sod provurt ionahl y low r cash or ready pay.
la alto leceivinst a torte so ly of Teas. Coffees. /dolasses,
Sp... k
.-. Ate.. e. I illl Ih. lle a enlion fl those wishing ro pur
ctinw a 1,40 ..ay I diyfil. I can od ' as good inducements as, auy
hone iriltliii.cit). l JOUN'C. BEENE.
• Erie.1.....9 1 .1.7.51 r ' 6all
i Itt.S. tiyoacainue, Ergot au Crwon. ---
7"" . .. . _ CARTER'S
D BE. DM FOR SILVER. We pay a premium In GOLD
1 - for I name Ilallli.diaea and, Ive Francs.
ErietJuste N.
! WOOD W1 1 411.11/TrIZI 1
Pc tlauhse fiber wishes to miltchase3oo cords of Hemlock
ai. 1 other so ft wood deli , ...lied at his Aslier sad Limekiln
cot r French and Oth Street',., - S. JACKSON.
Brusical Ovaderny.
TlltYliinti.aie will be openediu a few days at I,:s 'primp. 4
..loors east Oahe Erie Bash, as soon as the names of Fifty
stihscrilfres are ateined. Terms-86 for one peown, 11119 for
familimicootaitima sit 1 er"noscper year. invariably in advanee.
Five 1e4.111s will he siren everyi flaturilry, either of xi hich per
tots may attend, Dour. of stud)(from, A. M. toll. from 19 to 13.
from I Ir. M. to 3, from 4to 6. fabot I et ening to 9, The ladies
may select one of these lessons r themselves, thus enabling all
to wend wiihoit iticonveniene . Tens unparalled low price ot
tuition larings taste:cacti with the reach of all. The hears'
" e all . 2 . 4ceopieti to the follow' cuauner.-First. rocall etoreis,
tilt lecturers oa et cry t ug connected with music. flits
tory of Music. including the est.' , of musical 111111filef11)—third,
rusitmehts of ming!. with eft ' amnia on the Week board.-M On
all illeqplDClll—lbUrl.ll; naCted Wile. with atm:soma, mem on
the Melo.linn - All Persons siting tosubserite, will find me,
at the hove named rtug. W3l: WILLING}
Erie }
Oct. 40-131. I
----------- . tell
AGI.NER AI. asso went ofirreekery and Glassware may he
I` nil at the nor of . i 23 seNsET rls Ci 11.
eittilLY 11A.Skilta r aile at e new . tort in the Sennett Meek,
I 1..., Ltort. 1e..-2.3 , 4 , FENNETT k 441.
A L.tPACA, tic Lt Ls, 1:11. ats, Calicos. a ter' - general
L/ sortnicut for trie s 23. G. BLIAJAN 4 sun•
VimiereiGe., 5 , 3 d iiii.c a Yarn. iraii7et - i - Virr.p whitep 01 colored. ' G SELDEN lk. SON.
AX cr3.--.7 Cones) tsi rect.' II and for sale by ...
Irk'. IP.-23 G. SELIIEN k EON.
-A... .r.:1.-A. Ciiiitkiiilllkt refeiTred directifrinu Me insumfactu
r r. - ID „ G. SELDEN lif. BUN.
1 Spa • Itingbonsi. Wig. Curbs, 'punt&
IIVll?iG "menthe rinse. of Mapes ct. lebrated British Rem..
y bested Muse reniuyalbd a None tipsy's' from my Dome.
I WI purchased the exclosirevight of compounding. using. and
*Olin this unparalleled medarline in the lowa of Ilartiorcreek,
Erie CWllly, l / 4 Pa. The public are therefore informed that I eau
prepaied 10 apply this medicine to all Horses afflicted w its Spa
ying. et intone*. Curbs N' indeed*. Spit nut &e.. brunet( to int at
WesNrotle. and that when properly applied it haii 'lever failed
10 affect a cure. JOLIN SENN E3'7' . .
Wcatcy 'Pte. October 11. 141, telt
OR Tri•witap and Bottom" at . tACILSON'S.
;Ap11124. 2
IN.FOX GOUPC.- - JUSlrertived at Ike new store in the Bennett
t; a purest asesomeut of Dry Goods. groceries. crack
' cry. aria are, ROM. k ~,1 Shoes, ee., ee., which will he Sold
e he- kw .c..-li or prod..:, Call and see.
Oc . 19. 201. .
L SENN R 77 & CO.
01 AMES* SNOV M.0.-A new supply of Amer .fflootets at the
•' eheap wore I. the Sennett Block. RENNETT & CO.
Oa le. MIL
.--.-•,_....._ . - -
P ix . rt.4.-.., good eimlaisrit received and u, weir cheap at
tict. 18.041. 'SENN ii 7 7 ea t.:O.
U . alt
Wee.. reteleArt.v—A lame mabumeeat of starearlis. air elm
awed ' I Ilardattes Virmineire Ragas Props,
2% , - St SENS err a co.
rvoa stee destruction, at worm. They coataia ab calomel ar
"villar arid OKs *UN a 1 .k Isere is an airra of any 22%eltflOWI 'Spred'
icirEtCTESS AND 301 N MS , Trea)Lat —A my peeve I ale
sElillf Fa"' &al ! et.. mad ire at aner Y attraetsve in the ^i c. Plenohnn 10 theta` e, atm
i rue In their Operation. Childrca cal Lima with manta idity. Few
hammiest. kw Haft bale . bekna any beeirieellberd up Mho plaee. sale by J. U. HUSTON & Co.,
el P.—il C picymaryc & ?pm, 1 Ede. Aug I . _ ( 1f) No. 5. Itre-d HOW,
*LIMO IN 00412.1
Ir. Salt and Plisien at ibe large Ware Dome
Willie Bridge, rlie Doeli,Erie. Pa.
ts for Balch
.wasbip.looaerra eleared.huil
e 31000. This I. an cuellent
10; in Fatrfiea' township, 100
rd—riee Va." Peraere; an ex-
acres eleateJ. buildings and or-
ally Relief fo
UVltlsist, Sore throat. Sprain•. Ai%
mimetic. Tic Don:tumor, and all
in. Ring Worm. trupiiona of the
iarh. For sale 'vy
soursetured 10 order at short nolke.
7 t G. LOOMIS& Co.'s
QU piErim x IU I LISHED: I
Tzur cora p 625 CENTIS COPT,
lOU CM11X1161.411111.
- F IR. LA CROIX'S P.arvAra
cAL TINATI•I4 entitled. d
iew o Marreage--a Popular
remise on the secret infirintrien of
loth and utaturity. ariqng
.1,-e,04 w 10th .ele , .n ,th up
r anis of 125 colored and 1.1.i10 I itho
nphs ‘l,‘,lci'gra, tuV. takt , ltalttig t hg
,natoins. rhyfoology, nod Dianot-A of
zo,tr.l Orr,ris. their .truentrr,,,
td furctioro. and the vartoun to-
Mein by ~t 4 )
altL vice:At:A lace tion, cause..
an4l baneful effect.' of Vent
dmafeA, together With pintos direct •
,oto , (or the perfect cum of eyphdis,
left, strictures. athowrrwry.
iensive practical otncrrat ions on Hee
‘octurnal aemt3ai Culisstotb., or con
, s attendant sympathies. The whole
inn-grated by striking mows front Dr. .I,a Croit's pri.,ate praPt lee.
The reproduetit e organ, of females illustrated. Menstntaiinti.
Irregularity. of the enure sapprr.,,..n of the Menses,
and theirre
! , 3* M. ii. I.a rtutt, , Gra..l.4at, of the 'Ale4leal
pantneutof Ilia hturthPrvi th i irertiity - --.llen.ber of the lio•pual
Vro,rimines. farts—L'erreo.ondent of Rt. hawed eletoc,l
of Medicine, and tuetut , er of the Medical .teciet),&e.
In 14j. kw* the nature of every private disease is minutely di
serthed, with their iyldpiOTlMl, and how to distinguish one froth
anctli-r—n lilt receipts for the remedies. their management. Ike.,
to obtain language. ft entiates every tine to voeeesarully and pri
vately treat has cave, (thereby avuadins the importtiosa daily
praet WO by guar k • on the ignorant.) or to Judgelf properly treat
ed. luniig men who have peen unk'rtunnte in euntracting dis
ease. {vet loos to placing theutselt en ender the care of any d ictot
au In .tter what his pretensions may be. gel a copy of this truly
useful work Inst. as it exposes the utekery and iniportUre prac
ticed by do tees , who advertise to cure private ducanes on the
puldie newspapers. h old by the author. who may be consulted
uyuu aoy of the diseases of which it trcats Any person sen.imp
IS cents enclosed a letter (nest paid) will receive onecopy in this
book by mitt, or tire copies for 81. Address Dr. M.A. La Crete.
or box P. U . . Buffalo. 1. V. MAO for sale by the author.
No. 30. Deaver et; P. I... Gilbert. under the Museum. Albany. N .H.
rallina of thelVomb, Conorrlura or Whiter, trLstructed, Execs
sive. irretudar lar painful Menses. Dropsy of ihe Womb.
Dr. La Croix is utleu called upon led young and ItittOCent innate*
who hate had their health injured for years by mils and nostrums
purchased from celebrated female imposters. under the false pre
tence of effecting cures—those medicine+ in liiDCItCII eases Or
twenty bate iiilurous isfVee t upon the constitution, without pro
ducing thw desired e ffeet .or any sign* of it. Ladies motto w isk tor
medicines, the efficacy of Khaeh has been tested in thousands of
cases, and never fluted to ef..ot speedy cures V 4 itluaut any had re
sults. will use none but
Dr. De Laaey's 114rauele Periodical Pills,
vshich are tho monk of the eimithined knowledge and experienee
of souse of Inc ulefeet and most distinguished pht wino.: of Eu
rope, and have bee,: used by femub embracing most of the gen
tility and nobility of France for the last t 3 years. TO eulogise
their t!rtutr wuold nut mid to their merits. TM' emy precaution
necessary to be observed is. ladies should not take them if they
have reason to believe that they are in certain situations (Ow par
ticulars of which n ill be mentioned in the wrappers lieminpan
ma each ,Liot.) though always safe and healthy. so gently, 7 et - so
active nye they.
Ts Prtee jt pet bat. they can be tranmiitued by Mail toany
wirtuf the Union.
Dr. La Croix invites all the afflicted, however hopelere their
ease Ina) appbar, or whateser their disease may be, or however
many physicians or remedies they have tried, to put kis knowl
edge and skill to the test in an esalutuat ion of the ease—it will
cost them nothing. lie protuiws to every ease be trestle perma
nent aud tailieat cure for tile.
I' The LlPpeneary IS so arranged that the person so calling
will see no one hut the doctor himself, who is in constant alien
danee in his private rooms, ready and willing to render ' t hane
all who way irivelinn a call. Hundreds of cen.dentss voluntari
ly elven 01 curs. some of which are most astonishing ewes on
retort. are tor inspection at the Dispensary, all which are by
Reutewher6l Lloyd Awl. up Mains, sign of OW Gainer Head,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Buffalo, March e. 1251. • lyl3
• Brie Livery Stable. '
, S t u h l t ib l e i rs vi t -a , uld
T", E . i-, I.:tnT?vfie r th eb
pubs !e s
their old fid cretz a t u e e st e . near u Third.
where Iforsea and 'Waage' o all description may be found at
all tune: ready for Ye, and antes to NM the tinieh. Plearr gut e
unit all. ' MARTIN a. Baicas.
Erie. June'll. PSI. M.
Nat:iota' Series of Standard School Books.
rap, 1 etti4rns in Arithmetic, chi Arithmetic. Univesity.
Arittinietie.itiementary Algebra, ElencentartGeoniceri, Practical
Bourdon* Algebra. Leneadre Med.asetrY. ftrverint. Ans.
Cnuatemy, Calcultut.,Llew.rtinive Cinennetry, INhadeis, 15440nn.
Ice. •
Parker's /Peen ile PhilowpnY. .
do. 'rat i4411011$ an Satund Philosophy. .
do. hoot Companions of Nat. Philosophy.
Oluic's.Eiwent; of Drawilig.
Norr Pirtnentt ; Geology, -
Ilantitton' M am a . tire( Physiology,
Reid and fa an'. 1.:11...Mit try and Electricity.
Mc Intire' Astronomy and Globes.
Willard . sPehool 111.1ory. .
- do. ;United States and Historical Charts,
do. Vuiversal History and Temple ornate. and Historic
_ t;ue.
; Scitace aJ the M id agrisk Lad/rants
Clark's Sew EteritAt Grammar,
Parker's ftb,trrle.o rtrador,
I , Vatt'a,ilenprut eilieni Oi the mind.
Er.L.ll 'no:WARY WORE
litotthentba Little liipealicr. American linaarier. aeliool Dia
loaned, Kingsle , • Juveulle Choir. Wiwi] and dherarood's../ebool
Songs nd Hyssei Book.
,Fulor. and Eastman's System ofPentwasmbip and Boot-Keep-
Mg. with strophic Charts sod Key.
The .Lose list of boots have been pnegared Irish pante'
ular reference to the educational improvement of our country.
Teachers and friends of education are respect:tally requested to
examine these works la reference to their merits and t4eirspec iai
adaptation to the public schools and higher Univers:ties of our
country. Mot sale wholesale and retail, by
Agent for A. B. Barnes. &Co.
May 21.-2
The .mbecriher would infOrm his friends and 11*
puhlicseneralls that he a ill continue the TIN. COP.
run 41.11 4411EP:r IRON BUM N MB at the old Aarl , l
former'• kept by Mtdd don dr. Milt Plag.all il msPc , ' lllll-
lY his ins a contionotont i. f the p.i riansgc hitherto extended to th e
constrii. 'I have im.- en hand l f
ie turves! stuck ur Tin, Coppet
aisis nheet Iron Wine qtrei.-1 of New Vora, Those wishing to put-
CIUIPC IA ^ . 'it, 40 oil W esll on me hook buying elsewhere, as I
am le, ...lid 1., ..el i cheaper than the c beeriest.
Waving nosi. - .1 hind the Moft Couti.:igTOVF. in the wale, (the
Eaten. ilot.Air) in hie% needs no puffing ind will .bow fur Itself.—
I will warrant it to anyone w ishing to purchase. Also.3tlo doz
en Milk Pans, °fall sizes, cheap Vats and Boilers, Sisal nii.Stral
net Pails, Carat Boat Lathys and pumps, Coffee Puts. Tea Pots
and Boilers Lani,us, washtowls, cake pans. pails. blowhorns,
dippers. skimmers, teakettles. boilers, steamers. hue kets. oil cans,
lampfliters, piens mi. tunthlerdrai ners,spittOons.tronks. dish pens
'del, quasi. gallon non Wit rnlitln Menstire., funnels, graters. Ice'
Also a good assortment of !Vit.-VS WARE. consisting of cake
buss.. trunks, deol tioxec .piituoist. 103 and coffee csnmsterl.
Mitt disties. dust pani. lard and tit lahil.-. candle sue s-.. fluwer
hoar.. ic..y cups and pails, rattle boxe ,, , ; Whistles, applebutter ket
tle., bra.. LeUIPs, store pipes and elboa s. ate.
Flisioting and Gutters promptly attended to. All kind of steam
work made mid reirtired at the shortest notice. .
TIM —A t i., t tuns thousand I. of aid Copper.lar.sSand
Pewter t•e ulkeu in exchange for Tin sad Copper Ware.
hlereha mid :Ahem would do troll to give in. a tall at the old
stand of Middleton gs Murphy, two dam east of Brown's Howl,
Erni. March 13. 1431.-14 ' N. MURPHY.
XXI" 30031111.
CALL in and see if there has not been a real gesturer ti3u
at the corner of French and 6th streets. where the subscriber
will be on band at all times ready to Inquire after the faith of his
enotoluers, (still believing. as he eitwesses himself, that every
luau bar a right to his own &opinion.) and also to show them the
best stock of Nitseellsnetion,
Itchool.Books and Tangly Bibles,
ever Montan to thi• Owe bli.o. on hand a splendid assortment
orflllnk Honks of bas own manufacture. 111, arrtuted to be of paliC
of the hest quality. all orwhith will be stOd low for cash or clean
Per alro•
Pa li. S. oo band 1.1 barrel. of Cider VJoegor. pirouettes' quality
to be exchanged fur rag:. cr Cash.
Bonding done to order on abort notice.
Expected shortly a large lot oc CAtriatrnaa Books and Animate
Erie. ?toe 21.
t 01.1vElt grArroln.
l'Altilti/W4t • PLIINENT.. -
DP request ui some e numbers oft Quincy Agri-
LP cultural if.Qe lety. the subscrlber brought on and oats for oak
the following:articles.
Emery & Ca's. lthrire Power tend Threehhig Machthe.
Sub-soil Plows -
Cure Planter.. ann Seed Drink
i.cig Powers fur churning. dri ing grind stones. Ste..
Curnstasa cutter and crushere,
Hay mid Sint* Cotten , .
&news improved coaumemlig awl theme:meter churn com
bined, Ili teeth Garden Rakes., My Pork., improved still Scythe
Saving made ananrinents fur the Ayeney of the above. to
gether vittliall articles in Agricultural Machinery end Farming
lund -nip. I can furnishiat Wholeselie or Retail, Ott the same
terms as the nunicifacturers, adding uansportation, and as all ar
ticles we Warranted, the attention of Parrnenrend Others is so
. . 11. 8. MARIE.
Erie may 10, 1151 . State street. doors north of SulletlOn'a.
- _
Gila acted Lumber.
riArrk.R & BROTHER hare on hand at their Planing Mill
••-• and Limiter yard. on 11th St., east of the rUtAISCe. a quanit•
ty.of Kiln dried Pine and While Wood Lumber. Planed and
Mooched Flooring. warranted superior to any worked by band.
Midden= writ pave money by baying West Obock at thiaesabliah•
inept, where it can be furnk.heti pinned in a superior manner.
113SVC4 lOW any shape desired. Cash paid Re Flooring and
Clear Pine.
• ie. Ma y-11. tell. 3
Lea r and Mos Findings
JII. FULLERTeIIt bi an in stare and otters ex sale, .
•• I.les flpannh Bole Leather
• ..Blaiighter " '•Varier
t dozen Jewel . Calfsk ins,
r cousins
• t act and Fancy Morocco,
minas and Binding.
r .. !mains.
t. Enamelled and Mitred Leather.
At-o--Lasts. Boot Trees, Crimps, and ewers +unclear Shoenta
ker"t oda laardkit. August I.
za: ronlialli.
AVALUABLE W rower anil Saw Mill. at the North slope
o ftltsetnmmit.inlh at tbrd county,on the Erte Extension Ca •
nal, surruuuded by the finest Umber in the county, and a good to
cation for a ltrAtt. hill!, will be iold at a great bargain. LOM-
B FIRM CAN Al. BON lad lath be takes in payment.
fteitt. i 9. 1! , 31. M. R. LOWRY.
• 11. Starch 1
JT B. YTH CO'S COrn and Whoa: Starch on hand In
• large q • ntlti tbr Rale at Pita York w &Aquae cub price,
mkr. from •::: y Merchants proanpiy Shed.
ie• .1 . C. M.TIBBALB . CheaMfde.
EXTRACTS.—Prerion & Iderrilre roma of Lemon and
*yr sole by R. T. STERRETT & SON.
framistialls Ihmarbiai up pr
m millagi t est Sirriiim
fag et
Inuit per amid] hindelClothlag at JA KOCHI'S Clothing
1)Mo/a in the Steed House. who takes whin Ploten and pret ay
much all of the lag Currency afloat, and sells , mrJaffa cheap at
that. they d 0 say. Any thing toe a brisk trade—i all campaign
twis t be opened. and that at once. Jacob Yoeh has en Pam'
cular pains to sleet Cloths. Camimerea. Vesting*. riuniPr.
mod Gentlemen'. Furnishing lam,dr. of all descriptions. of the
best, woman:active and approsed styles—goods that can • fail
to please a correct taste and command the adrntrauon of ye • o
men of sound discriminating Judgment. Where's the Use •
croaking up our gmais—they a iii speak for thernmeivee Only call
and see and tent them. and you shall it =ay inced beyond a ca
thai no er , es can I e Nuild to this us any tither city or WIND
that the Win shiner upon. that Is it cmuusend themselves to rot,
tastes and porkets with such irresistaMe inliiicnee as ours. Call
and see, an/ you wilt believe JAI,OII
cu t e. oct. tl .-10 N 0.7 limed lion m.
ii. 144... iie...a.iitery are prepared to pay (:Atilt tor ohs' qisiaiity
of Wane-woe., Lumber, viz: 1 and 4-4 Hoards; 44.24.3 and
4 inch ?lanai:Commit 11. 6,7, ,-.., 9, 11, It and It Inches agnate,
and 3by 4 4teantl lag. Aids (011ie following Oka/leas. l}. Je.1.4.
193 ,
3 and 4 lite s Cbt try and all kinds of thippius lutuber„ The
subret der. sit make contracts for any utouut of Um above te"n•
tioacd Lain to be delivered the c mama season. TN else foot
111 the moo deasrable length u, base Luideber 'aawrel.
Erie. N0v.30,1633. GEO. 6E1.44E 1 6 6.140 N.
1 Tll2lT --- niibritrignift t
Or 1 At Nem , 4 lork Cr.ltertion 4 a•r e a Mint.
CwriT 'TING a !ante anti elluice vatiely of new TunirA,
Chants. ;Anthems, Mounts cit. from 'the tn,t Foreign and
American cutii,,a-era, with all the old tnorii in common inn., to
gether with te tune lalt elementztry course,simplihed and adipterl
to ih.r.spaciOrs ..d Leg; anent. The 14 hole; , oatpriilng the n. 0,4
comete eotlectiou of sacred music ever uhliobed. tbr sale at
the Boolstore of , O. STAFFORD.
Erie, Nov Ml, IStin, I • nth
r filTAßeilL:4 - iiinteit purity. with
rr fulldime ticus for making Pthiblitip,euwartiA. ike.. for male by
F.rie, Jmntictry ie. 1.41, JOHN MeCANN.
AITI.ELIII!INIAR3.INpnvinsdia of hi. Jter.”‘t in the
SI I abeve eotablishment, and in the buvane,..t.: Mart to & Pet.
%na. to tto mot% Pe Woo, %be but , tneet.P ill bOral in be eondue teR by
the eilbscr iber•Mnder the name of Perkins & Sel den, who wll I Nettle
all ;Account/I of the late firm. Oct 19.
11171 , Cs L. Ykli.ll4s. lANaIL 111:140SX,
SOA P.—A lareelotro ( ouperior Hard eoap , for family use dfroin
an F.artern Manufactory for vale at ca tern priers by the Box.
A supply will at ail t user liC kept on land. mad dealers and flunk)
hr. will do well to call and examine finalities and priervi for
vale on erpolignuieut by F B. 0. HULBERT.
Erie May 4. 1 IESO , ~ 51
woos. wairr --
41 karlmwereek Waylex Fatiory, Stna4 ro of Ike Brialy Rea.
proprietors, having made couei ruble improvement In
1 their machinery apd water-works, re now enabled w run
their Factory all through the Summer, and having a,quantity of
tioths.Causimeres,Plannelthflummer TWeeds. Shawls. Blanket*
and Sheets, also Satinettraff different colors and qualities, to ex
change ior Wool, at Ili Ilia. of wool per yard of cloth ar ;rood as
the wool will make. We invite all al r old customers, and as
onit i t
many new ones as eau make it carve icor, to cite ue a call.
'We continue to full dye and dm*. d lre cloth, and manufac
ture Wool et our wine, rate.i. Alio, Car ins done on short notice
and in the best manner. Water Proof t oth for over coat*, of otir
OWII manufacture, kept on hand to ezeblinge for Wool.
R!wpr..9, CABS, tk. Co.,
Ilarborereck, )lay 31
STRirIV Llonnets and Matt a good assortment Jt T ut
receiaed and fur sale at N 0.3 rem. kick.
••• •
AVJOULD inform the public that be intends to pay partieuior
V V attention ‘72 , Veter ,l 3' edgiery to all its various liranch6.
111*On:trees is iil be reasonable. Meant call and see. °thee
the t'aual Stable. near the outlet Lock of the Ezteninou canal.
Erie. Jan. 4. 1931.
.- 7 --,
A 'Pint Rate Tract of WWI for Bale.
TH"'IIARA Tract. ortract N0.3T7 In McKean townsti.
adjotning the south lane of attn.:reek ton itshi m
p. and cotta
in Ile nerss This to one of the I' ' f ril be. i tracts of land 111 r
wheat or otherlataiii, in the comity of Erie. It Is wall tilithereil,
etcerdingly well 0 aiered, and situated Only seven miles from the
city of Erie. and will he mold In whole or in parts to suit purefitt
:ter, , Its unite,. and Is.CIIIIQII mole it * vcty inviting situatiOu
Mt the tree ItOtt of a &tenni saw and. I
AIM,. lOU town lots in Eric. Also, DO half Sere ICI. at from S i r
to whin each: I.ring a sill...division ot Etta out - lots No. .550 a il
WI, all for sale hy I - WILsON Is ING,
July It 11 , 31. . tfe i Land agent. Ern.. Pa.
... —__
.T 3341 JEW'S *Aar! .
In Erie's lair l'av at the Store of the le.}, ,
Is kept everything cheap, pretty and newt
To le convinced nhtt Vbf., say ,is, really true
(Jae us a", alt, lien yotill tieV , .r say lip.
'Silks, figured. plain and eatin dechettei4
Alparcas. ilerinoes and Muslin de Lubin,
Mulls, Cambric+ and splendidly embroidered robes,
Wrought to Ilguru the most beautiful; various In modes. ~
yncei 4 stiet, uaderstee., es, Itelts,eollara and Cuffs,
Together nab it large assortment of fancy laugh s _ .
A large and splendid lot of Day State 311*W Ig— .
Ladle? Ite're happy to receive all of }tut ealls. -
We have Dress lio.sds of all colors, blue' scarlet alit! I , TOWn.
Ac pretty and thelp as min to' had in the town;
An ass Orlineril of Poplins, plain. changeable; watered and plaid,
Far prettier and cheaper titan any Where else In the city, can
be had. L -
We have a tine lot of licwiery and gloves—agents ,
We have Lawns and Laces, both doled and plain,
With fueertings and Edgings, (....%.mbric. Cotton and Lisle' s IStyle.
Which cannot he etcalied in beauty° patterns. cheapness and
We would also notice our importation' er Wine. , (Rine.
"Ilw pure juice of the grape. grown oe the sunny Lanka of the
Free trout all drug* and poisonous diesltione eau its excellence know until it he tries.
We vronfdadvise our friends or pc et c4grace to pnriake..
Not merely 105 a beverar. but for the+ take."
For which Fake it in good and eert., iu'q can go you no lta'un.
In Its purity cotwirit im chief and great charm.
To 'take quick ...slew or rtrlall prOntp..l4e certainty are witting. r .
1:a111te our neighbors we wait not for big model and the adow
The nimble d: nee principle to oors--by It we abide—
Hy it our iamb we &ell and Ict them Side.
No* I do not want this emionunity to ire taken by eierprige.
Of to think I ant try inn to pull wool Over their eyes;
Or that I ion at all inclined to be funtiY.
In saying I sell good. very cheap for the money.
Erie. Sept.'" 1831. - M. LOCH.
Olrodas to the Ladles and Clealthasim
AIiONCI the thousand Inventions d*at are daily being brought
briber the public in this age of improvement. one more, and
notlbele.tst. has made its appearance, designed expresaly for
ywr benefit. lu inteaktueing to you I
Navin!. been auk spied the Premium at/nthe New York sad ttfieh
eat State Fairy of Lein; the teat article offered air the restoratudt
of the flair and to keep it 1-rim ,rdi. o le ill Prove to
Sou Inure satisfactor y than hundreds Of certificates trout I...evens
you.never heard of, living away Sown cast. Tay tt. andynd,:ell2r
yourselves. There ii to inimibus aberit this; but it is an article
that is every day used by hundreds of amities, to their entire sa
tisfaction. There is nothing in its composition that Is in the
least injurious to the betel on the eary, it will kaveyourbair
in a healthy state, and effectuallytteshoys dandruff; leaving the
hair. under its application, always r '
drevied In any stele. It is invaluable for its beautifying and in
vigorating qualities, 'Moaning to the hair the fragrance of the
mint delightful dowers. For the (Witt it is unequaled. Try' it,
Lathe. and Gentlemen, and if )tiu find it answers your egneeta-
Ilona, the proprietor aould to happy to receive your patronage
and amiStanee in introdueing it to your friends.
Foe Gy;pepsin. Gout, libeutnatisin, glum. Cholera, cookie
Mortara, Nervous and Birk Headache , Stamm. Nausea. &c,
The great advantage of the Fluid spate'. or rwoesee of ,larnal -
cal Ginger is. that in a very concentrated form. it contains all the
above principles. without any of the inert matter, which nukes
it much more agrecalile to the Noma( 1. and at the same time
theme palatable. Try a single bottle of and if not satiedie?.
WI Agents are autisorisni to return ti money in every instance.
Gruenfront Dealers supplied at the suet discount. by a‘bireaa
lug THomAs ar. REST, New York.
.0- Carter & Brother, flrugisu, Erie: liku2l
(Int:WINO GUM for tale by lb" bioliebeap by
F.iie. Sept. O. • 11. RCRTON it CO.
OLD Ob io ttgittey-30 Larrelf JulA tee m of by
1 LAIRD 41t
szurzzar , .
T N great variety lit Loomis ar Ct. a`s,etnhrsie rag Ladies starts
.I, O w ns, Iltesod Pius, Finger Rings; Pencils and POW. La tea'
Cuff Pins . Bracelets. and other desirable articles, all warra ited
as represented. Call in—no charge for shoving 7 ' June*.
FrAISH/NO D4Y zramistitn.—peCELSlOß .p.a.mitx
• , .. IOA. V / i
BY which a large washing eau be done in one-third less drue.
1,1 trouble and eapeuse than with attv other Soaps kuowul. It
San be used with soft or hard Water. Bold or warm. Will regtove
Grease. Faint, Tar, Ink or stains from Roods srithout the kart
hoary either to the roods of the bonds. Pot .410 by d
Erie. June 11. 1.13 . ' CASTER é BROTHMR.
PUBErd NOT [CE. l i
rrl If E Stockholders of this Bank sire home that the) hue d to
J. apply to the nest Leval:llnm for a renewal of the Charter,
with the sante Capital, and with It present title, location and
privileles. By order of the Board ofißlereiors.
Erie. Ana. 10. MI: 50115 41 II'SPARREN, Cashier
Meer Tall a Winter Goode from /Wetting i
111 A V Eiew returned from New York and Philadelphia with
the large* stock of
, -
that I have ever offered in Erie. bought timidly for Cobh, and at
Cash Aucdoas, at pried that must defy all competition.
:/tlO Boy State Scowls,. plain and plaid. ad 30 to eta; also. a
very large nation:amid of square Woolkm Shawls from igt 30 to
ercc be Shawls from 51 to 510. a pub nearly double the price.
plain black and drab Thibet Ohms le, With silk or wormed fringe.
Iron. Ir 3 ifs 67 '
Dross Goods "front Auction."
French Merinues. silk and wool French Cashmere.. silk warp
and cotton warn Aimee., Tilt warp 4usires. cbansable Coburg*.
nice std ha. at km. per yard. real Ainnea Lower fur Its Oct; a►so, a
pill assortment of De Larne. ystuch 1 still sell for L., is. 211. Is.
W. I.'S. lid anti 3a. 'Also. f cases.
SAM yard, Madded colored Prints. whir b have beretotbre been
wild at Mid I will now otter fur ltd. an i puarantrre the ears per
fret', fast.- Alm, a handsome won nt of Sc. lOc. and Lijc.
?rads, sksJes and Colors warranted.
, Domestic Cioods!
'i 4 1 1 heavy uutdear..hed Sheri' nit at 64, liner unbleached Sheet
dir• at 74 and irdi, bleached Nlll 11l no and Sheeting., lark/. tal Al
tad awl 124 per yard, Irish Linen. tram its Gd to :s per 1
is arra 'lied pure linen, Linen Da iiini , k Table Cloths. bleached and
itaiirached Table Linen. Unmask Napkins or all qualities:
Broad Outlay. I.'s asuneres. &shamus 41131 all wool Twee*. from
Auciniii.niiil will be .4.1 at a necklet' *laughter. Cool black
I,road Cloth. 2-4 id* lbr 8 4 2 Per yard; * brown green and drab
from el tot SO per yard; all ii 001 7%t 1 for lifty neva. Cass.-
were.. trap reventy livecents to one Bar, *Alarm Gfty cents.
black doeskin Ciwrilin-res, non 111 SI to 1111 per yard.
Erie. Oct. 11. C. M. TIBBALB.
—.--.... -
Sfirktileuei and salmi" bleach . id
Inn brown, Drills, Tick- -
lam Marine Stripes. *warner with. cotton yarn.. earpet
ii rap ani wicking. shut which is 111 to sold cheap as the cheap
em. li) llb I A BUCTLE la KEPLER.
Tsub/writhe!. have juse real from New York witk's
L large asircitunent of . , i .
Walt and lirtnter Goods,
which were purchased within a New days past Re Mai sad ow
ing to the guest pule in the wee" inaskta st a pest sacrifice to
the Intponers sad ineaufactnerrs. We are peeparedi tove the
potato the benelheitous purchases at a swat/ &draftee. They do
not boast u(*he quality or She cheapness. hut woodd seoaa
pathos °rituality and prices, and are satisfied none wi ll seaway
dissatisfied.GEO. BELDEN & BON.
Erie. txt . 1, MM. t
Keystone Paper Mills,
F.RIF. Pi. •
il? TIRE ice itir4c-rostxre s PRICES
5i.,.. ALL Ma. M.
TpE :.heron Iron Co. base taken a store is town. where they
Mend beeping a fhll 'ripply • r Ili the different kinds and si
zes of tree they snake, and al.° a of ispime alleoruneat of Nana.
• lesson, who base used the Nall. landlhy • 'Us Company do INA
need to be told that none better are loads atU Least or elsewhere.
Erse. dept. d.-1T
Please i t Take !Teti ;s.
rp t 'oboe Wien hat.' od purehe MA the entire Work of Grog*
111.11orJ. 71. • , will commit!_• the bovines+ lig ale old
land Under 11 nr.o of A. Sr. J. El WALT me. They
Itend not to he • -t Iti any other etubliohment, Dad
hapity to ar who tuay favvt thew with - a call with
itrt Rant WiLTlrill.
e pt. 6. 17,
the r
1 .
.S 0 rdRIPE T.
n. a tic . 0.. if hitting to tore any ease o
thiesse tha may tome ...Art his sate, no matter bow long
siandtog or arniet, . I:vrni-a st ATe invited to his Private
-Roping. dn. North s &rem. Pisiledeiphis. sr ithout *aro(
interruption by other 1 • tient*. dtrangeri and others who have
been oulortuitoic :a the lectiOn of a physician are invited to
call. Those who hare in • d thenisegYes by aolliary vice are
also invited.
Rasa—The a , feted would do well to reflect
before 17ustiogth , ,r bealu.. happi 11. and in many cases their
;li v er., in t'•.rh n•' <ut rtilyitl ,, .111 g. i :rant Of ibis ilium; of mala
dies. It is Italia, iii) for on man to understand all the
ills the !town, f .ir, respectable physician
hashl—;recut tar branch. to which bi• n in.. successful than his
brother prodswort, and Loam! be devotes • or big how 44,1
y kyr. or mil vet yrdeVni.4,lo Olt udy slid treat
went of dwisses of the ovmns , together w Meeting.-
tote throat, a c me or ;e, in the beador MCP.
cUrialrbeuudiii.m. ictUren. eget. IrrtdUlaritie., di se
ing,from youthfuresee,es or 1,-, .-",ties of the blood. n Irby i
the constitution has become miteci led.enables du, Intetor to der
voids rst,ef Lt) nil n _ay place thennoelt es under hie care.
Phitadopbta. May 3. I-tI. 1%31
pin - LA:pt.:L.I , IIIA Mi.DICAL Clvi ate:
North Weot iCornor of T,4l,id aka( -.Streets, betret* Sprree
' and Anc Pl,alade!para.
FIFTEEN Yr, %RS ot cue., e and uninterrupted practice
rpent math. et”, .17a% e retateted Ir K. the moot exiven and
suCeemolUl llroCttlaUuer far at.rl near. tn the treatment of all disea
ses of a pm, ate nature renton,,, afflicted with ulcer. on thebody,
throat, or legs, pains in the header bones. mereureal rheumatism
*me tures. gr.tvel, disease artstex from !. outran' excesses or itnpu
riUe,lot the blood, tot hereby the constitution has become enfeebled
are all wale,: e. ith emcee: s.
lie who place , han*elf under the care Of Pr. IG may rrligiuus
ty confide 111 ill: liouor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon
his skill 'is ',clan.
NoTlCE.—Young Meo who have injured
theruseivi* by a certain praetted indulged In—a hattlifirequently
leurnsdlinin roinpaniOna or at school—the edema or v. hie h
arsmightii, fell. ecru when asleep. and dt4truy kith 'mind and
1O1).,lioold apply Hunted , atriy. Weakness and eat.stitutinnal
debtlity.l.Jßs eiitrity, physical laFfilitule nod general
pro,..tration. irratal.ility and oh nervous affections, indigestion,
shiggoi or the liser. and every dpearwe in any way connect ,
Cd w itti !be s tir...el . ..alive functions enrcd:and full vigor rest‘red.
KEAD.! lOCTIf AND M.41H(101).
This Book lust por.hpbed ti tilled with' useful information, nn
the indium ies and dieea.esocthegcnetativcorgans. It address
es at.clf alike to Track, 'Yuri Sr ..d,aad Old Age, and slit;tald be read
by all. The rduato..e advice and hupressiye warnine it gives.
,will prevent ).-irs of and suffering. and rare annually
Thdusands of L 1..., Talent., by reading it, will learn how to
prevent the de..trt!.....1.0 of their children.
e.• A rensittane • of l 5 Cent., enclosed in a letter, a ditrensed to
Dr. KIKKKLIN, N . W. Curlier of Third and Union gtrevts, he
tweet* t‘prtice and Pi Thdadelphia. will ettsure a boot, under
etiveltdie. pet return until•
' Person. at a distance suo.l ajldr•lia Dr. K. by letter, enclosing
a tee, and i e cured at, home.
ra , kagc: • r Pre,turrus, 4-e.. forwarded. l v s"tid
a retnittanec, 4 .1:e front basrags ar C.'nnosetg.
Book -*criers., V r w. Agent-. I.e.dt . trs. rant a.sers, awl all others
unplittd w 1;11 ire .'eve ism% .tt very low rate,. 1%10
..131E. - 1: IrAo xi E o i 1 2 tr ir E .
1-t I I
„ J.! iv . s
r.!. 0. : curry .lescr apo I
G. U. Pet
I. arm al -I that path tan this C ountry T" • • ' ' - tiY 00.01)0 ,
i l i likely to be worn- 1
ded u .a:. great en ahusa .ha ;mot ,toyft.l greetings on the part 1 --
or the Aar 0., an t.e.,,,i,. , an wht. nor kw has been a 1412 devoted I 00 , BAGS 0,116 Stlltl o
to has, eor,,i.try, ati the eats at I.tertt I—to the eteyanon of Ms r - --- - .
coh.u. , , at eio--11.e•efore be Ate.tit bap be dear to the Airco If all
people, alat eto all altat teals ha 2..1et ate, to improve and to better. .
.CAM INT T o iII As it ,
But the asswatt o f K,,,,,m1a nalupt he hided myth greater J ot than
Ears the r.rtat al in this tat y .if SittgetCs Patent: straight needle. i Fl A ., :t ai l , -;' . n . 1 . 1 , 1 , 1 1 1 , a n l
a a o , , e .. ry a ct t, te
perpermaca.lar acamai aetitsag Machine. This machine lii der-
tine.! IC, t 4 cirk miracle. an. ' mbar a great ret Manson In the cloth. , y.,11, ld I\ il -i% ~- r .e 1,,,,1. or I
. •
tug Maine. ••• This macho, to the moat important and useful an - • %• %i ‘. 1 , 4 ad ihalaty as , i
vbsattou et the age. it lao • loccskused a stathemna length of ti th e 1 'nor:date thew action with
'Alpe thuroughty nuted tvr a a great variety orwork, atm) in all a are such as cannot fail moat ! ,
C.Ytiea it , I a't , apr -hst J. I executes in lbe most perfect and sat- I
'official') •. . a r.•-r, tale vt• - " - a CI the following occoipattoas, Y.,. 1
lb &Tar
TllEsnia-sraberi., tor
Tailors. is-4, • ' ase and ca. r manufacturers. harness`nud tuatara-
Ime than max a-tad ....K.-fit, Cur - A a.aakers,Carriage %flamers:nap ma- ,O =. .
kir -, ae.: .aat Land,•rs,Nre maker*, atocktnet manufacturers, Y itl . " l .•Sl"re' ra'loroe".Mue
glove tual.ers. cu•stmottns.c ri et 1 , 4 Manufacturers, truss makers IV a r,y..., s h a . % 11,11....k,r,,
whip makers am! uplyintste s And nity :also
most prolatall.), i !, 101 " , :liii'n'IYY 1,1 wdY , out
used in Inatome Fait* and awnings.
and thatrasseaa. horse ' -'!"'l'Y'Yol• Jul!' 27 . 1- In.
collar., eitc.! cluthinz, sac t ug bottoms, aud map aml chart t ta..t- l UN N.t2Te.. Rth's,in.. -' ,., 0 1. - ratti
ing, trod indeed fot any ti t r purpose where stotehoug by haa.d i
iota been mint red. 1 111 , , letiite, It hlell IA about meta.. ,n , h , -, 1 -- .t. - -- -- - - -I-
A kri I:P.'S cil:R.ll.l 7.4
square, an I weighs G.; peas afs..,ss compact, ornaniestal an farm, , T,,..„....,.,, :ma- tor sale by ;
durable in all Let part:. la !table to get, out of order, a,-,1 p. Ca.-, 1
I'vadinyted mut onerattal It , u ill perform the labor et frets tsar ( Vsloa sa,llY.ti Ilyilit V,..r car,
'to leuineryous, /lg., aufaare pa the kind of ;tuck and skiatur the up- . V./ Imermatiant and Reinitt
erata.r., • The best kind 0! Tailor' work can iw ete^u.. tled . It uhou- daseaser.
fin, the test its. :ter. m
and in making Can-. and at wa
1 E. .Nu e.e.
articles to maim!) ata,.,a
~ a da pled. Ile void. an f•tr tut Cr tot tan that I --
(10n114 . ha :d. 'the Vachon u all be constaeitt nu Ilt!.1!.:yy• n 'and ocialea• N0.2.r ilmanYre :at Etc hange. i'zi. iv: h ,tree.. v Pete
All perry nit thts,c , ..d.'.lnre tin areal to call. and may he 2.iiilit,i 01
• atm nd .aa t evidence ~a,l perfect ocul..T OrrOal..,trOtino of
-the -ram et lit)* and value of nazi Invention. Tboseatishing
era -chase etothehg, are betel.) notified that 1 can sell theta
tat cloth:a:, made in the most durable manner, antl. with
6, e i I Meg• as much attic hang on H that manufactured all by hand.
A gartueart, whiz h. in the ordinary way it would take a workman
alt day to stitch. can, by the help of the machine, he ata n
eled .
half an hour, and fie in a manner far superior to that done by
Laud. Therefote.,bl the sad of thia Ittarchine I am enabled to
make better work, and at the same tittle cheaper work than those
who manufacture clothing in the ordiniary way. To be con
sitieed, give us a call, when the most skeptical can be cured ot his
skepticism, anal the unbeliever's doubts net to the four wind+,
and eh an-a • • way remic a it; that el thing can be titatsufac
tared ...ea r tura'ole and SO bealltl I. as eau be done by
statager's f'- ey;z M achine. , 31051.15 KO4ll, •
• 1 2, l'onsurretal Exchange, French Street:
- . —tfolt !
I? T 1170 1.•
A wee' rigour/.. /0 . cf 7'iond crvni bw Priestessi
"WE invite the. .1 ileit .1 ( the atilietedi and the-Public
to the eel ." • thiien). "l'he caw
ma} be mien by any person who way be takepucal in relation, to
the facts here Bei • • A. NI. RILL
••! had heetiatricted for several }ears with a **rebel's of both
epee, which continued to Increase until tlepteinber, lea. the in
-it Mat tune baying involved the whole lining won
brine of both eien. and ended in the dap:Wien( thick film which
wholly Cestruyed my sight. L had an operation performed. and
the Intel:nese removed, which soon returned and left mein as had,
c , ,nilition berm,. At this:woof the complaint I made ap
ptic.ition le 'lie moo eminent medical men, who in
-63T11k.a. Inc tardl '.II I Y eve. ia. never get well.' .At this, time 1
, •3111(1 n • ft .ingue•li ant By , the ;drive of some friends
I c a:.inienceal the 1.1,t of the Vetroleunii. both internally and local
ly. nudes - which nay eyes have Minnie& daily mite/ the present.
nine, and I luau recovered my sight entirely . .11y general heat.:.
w > %,,:, improved lay the ratroinuta, and I nttribute the
rcen;rai of sight .- its use, lei:lade:a %o. Second
in Mi. city. stud it 11l I,ylvii•py to give any iniormailon in relation
lu cc...e. • 11.11. I.."
. . .
Aut.,rrs flat Lam Corns.—J. 11. Barton & Co. General Agents
H- Cart,r & efolll.lf. Erie: Jam - A. White, Girard • W 11. Tun n
' send; Springfield: R. IV*
West 'l3pritiatieid: Joni, 1'11r1, , . AI-
, t M
on; It. I. Grrrish, Ede. ro; T. V. rheitiv. .Whlraii; I'. C.
Judson. Ww
.iriord; Johi. 1. etoter, Fain few, and by t h e proprie
tor. S. M. KIPR.
3mM—it . 4, 31 fain, Seventh ft.. Pittsburgh,
___ _ %o_.
WIANGk OF T 1110E:Ar
and Ll 4, Lill! Railroad, con noting with first class straniers.on
hake Ern•. the Coliniinas and Cliananstl.
Clcveltual and Pttn"l..ugn and tiandusky and Cinctnuati Ra
rondo. and "Leathers on t. • Inn) and MistassiPPi Oiverinand tUe
Ohio. Indiana and Penusyt +sofa canals.
- Ist. Mornitig 6 A. M.
In Morning Mail Troia PI 10 A. M.
3d. Aeeornm•wi•ttion (.1 class) at 1 30 P.M. •
Ith. P.vening Kspress Train at 3 P. 31,
3tlt. Express rattle Freight at 3 A. M.
6th. Way-Freight 211 ts, M.
Fare from Ituukirk to New York, ti DO. •
N. 11.—The 3 o'clock P. M. Train Will leave on Sundays and
rot on Saturday P.
Second Claus Floweneers taken on the Ateomnicidation Train
at 4 o'elcie 4, P. M. Fare through to New York, $3
This Company I= prepared to transport Live Stock and freight
of all kinds to and trout New York.
Particular ntlehihm, paid tr stock. ;rite gunge of this Road
bring 6 feet wide gives this route great advantages of er oil whet
Rad rOads to the transportation of stock.
HEBER SiIiVIER, Agent. - C. MINOT. etttp't.
Dunkirk,-Nqvetuber S, leo!. 4013-4.
mrEw suarva.L.
WR:Gill"'S !MOCK!:
TVS?received a fresh rupidv of Bu ff alo Robes. from the Amer
Fur Cutapttny. wworiauised in quality or beauty. winch
win be sold at the ion e.t cashrieeu. ranging, from 1. up to the
very hest No- neludine .bc.Extra No. 1, Indian Tanned whole
Calf Robes. Thts ttittetr 1. the best of the kind to be found in t
the country, tufo 1t...,1ce...rud by the Indiana,. render,. the pelt left
and durable, a tit not :technic hard and iditT after being
The puldlie at. tit: lied w call and exuutLnehia beautiful assort-i
went of Rub, t,
• I
Also, Ilaulzt ever,. variety which veil/ Devoid from t 1 up to the{
Double Eit,e.:ae. bicleskin. Caps of every elvle and quality.--;
Silk Plush Ife 4150. Mohair $l, Seelett 2 t hailing* Cheap,l
cheaper. cbespest. Keane door below Cadwell's.
Erie. Novmet•er LS, [231. J H.
Tlf F: ILL cribt... .. r acts ' a General Land Aiene analLandßrokert
for Lrm ,s in Ene +Limy. Pa. Several arms, of 30 to 34
races, oral , te,i. by good porcharem if offered cheap. -
Erie. Fri, 12S, 1-51 . .-42. WILSON KING I
iti II ELF HARDWARL.--A rood assortment just Ince:vane a lb
00 N ,, a. Pei rollocts. by la ARBUCKLE & KEPLER. 1
MR and ;nen plirMiruMopitus. Merino, plain and
loured HeLatt.s, t'ashitteres of the latest Mien on the multi
rystern, by IS AHRL'CKIA: & ICEPLF.R.•
TUE ntbscrlber is now receiving his 'Fall and iVinter Stock oil
Geods. eonsiding ”1 - 63rehtlet and domestic dry veils, har d
ware. groceries. wet and ury. crockern, naffs. &c., wbiai will
be sold as unprecedented w prices. fbr ready pay. ant wish to(
do huntsmen the ready pay system in Mute. Call and exeunt*
price- , qr.! ;t!ttc. , .. and p.m will be satisfied as to both •
A XL-4 ,11.1N0t..z 1 ).-..: be had for It MI com b at the cheats
?I Hardware Store. No. 3. Reed House.
Citsurrerare - and Crockery. i
/I. A LANCE' assortmer t °terse kery aryl Glassware, Just reeeicl
erloshish will be sold as cheap as any in this market. atNol
3. Petty llkch , —Eric Sept. 13.—is [
BAY OTATESUAIV LC:The place to purchase @bawds ehes
is at N 0.5 ebeapside, Ow. s ELDEN Ir. BUN.q
Erie* pet. 4.131. ll_ i .'
BUTTER and Cheese Tryrrs, at RU/Us 1111EIr8
Brie. Aug. II l3
3000 Y
2p of G tee
m a ‘ n . g l t its at i bx
- Um
1 Itlllll AND 17,11DPNL
Dlasiagitill sad Luasb•slr•rdi
Oa Z.Leselide Sr. reef .1' TroarA, /Ms,
frAiwrza dt IIIfOTUF.I having purchased oue or wo nt ,'
LNG off GROVING MACH INES, as well as the rete s ,„ ei at
gor liking the mine in this county, are now prepared to 4'1.. 8 4.
ber iii any of the above forms for all who may teeth to tato, th
ar em
itlb oi call. The facility with et Inch they can Mess least, tiai .
bk . thew to poi the price so tow, which a ith the super 1 0 , 0 , 0 ,
the .. o ,kosoughtp, offer
) strong antliacemenit to posse earpeewe
and all others *lto ma be in want of dretted Lula th _ ya
them tit 1,30 t a cell and be
into the motto, t h ewo , c ,
Thorium; dressed by this Machine is fully ,u iii .i 10 that
4 ;;*
by hand, hoth in the entoothnee. of the SI/ tlaC e. and 01 01 , 010 , 4 o f , be
oiags, while it liar the ado Jtitareof being of unifcrw 0,14
lathes, and lay
Mud *A idth the rut] re length ur the :Ward, te , ,n,ring 00 (In 0 o r
1,,i7411.g to ~ rtnis the surface even, a litovi bi ,„ .: 11 11,_
lc Ult. ttuuiber 01 Nowell in a Jay ilniitiiieu In it ii . . 0 7/
ha 4 he can earswl drestied by hand. The math i rye it au
ed 'pat theyu Mims lumber any,widtb up to imi
ihir 7 - 31 , ,ri,ovdeicac,ahee.Li:LAs sAi'ws in 0 . ,„...„, — , 0n ha
wit the above, with which they T•ii lip anat.,. to any width 0 ,
thinknees desired. Also. a very' super i or TrRNING LATIE.
enal.linetbem to do any kind of liming reg 1 ct by neon
peuiers, Cabinet Makers, Swam ROMs. etc, 1
They are afar, preparing to, awl amend Y 1 u. ; on bug son .
stahil a supply of Lumber, edpitially Wh a 0 4 k 00n .... ,
aidfog and Clear Pine: i CARTL
N 31
sse,arch 2e. Ital. as systuTa ir.
f 1711.N1:1
111 2 A o'. 0 0 INIIP A Nit,
{ (of Phibuinipkia,.)
RE now doing baseness on
i Sf m n u g t w
arn . ti , in , ihe in
ty li o p aue pi rmum tb t poit cttheCoapan y. withiiali.
Iwha ttontheLakerandfllotureloatabenor favonmeor,.tA.cswiiii.ibberaitpronpti,dj:urelrefiOl••ffterChandoto.hlii Invand ntber p ro pera,.anww.oreoitar),fura laurlid term Pe unisnily.
Jata r c ii ii i ,C E . o ( 'and, Edmond A. nud e;
ph Li. Peal.
11?1"x l h w in° a rnB r e d 724e 1 P / Re a reni C r l rc‘4 : l ninn ik:: 24
tio Johnson..
'1 .oplalutrauldialr. inhr
it h i Burton. John
11,tich 'mfg. nano
Minty I. r% renee Davi
t'narlei-11 ey, leas
Vqlliatu rot - :". 1 , WII an 8. Newlin,
8. Thrnuar. Dr. la deller,Jr.
p, et
I Richard'i. Nt t. Marna Prea't
Application can be _.
rit., El•h, 10, 1540. GQ,Erie Alert.
X.134611170011!;-. OS, iie --- . .-
! It tulnit'.l:l=ll°ltiftE'cirr ring tryr Wes*, ct
lifacture. and Aar
r riled equil to any maw,
. g-wood, Red-wriod,
lirPer ?i , s'a-lkool
.ttract of Leir‘Lud,
Bar • A nod.
tafs,..Dyere Drip,
re .npnin.d.
isE,iii k. cc,.
tier item C , N. Y
ttr .. i Vrasl:--
;41/ittit!R and - Tea Sots. hlht Nita., kt:,
.nullber,: alio. CONI %ant rl of Ch,,.
me lOU st figures by l t'. N.l I 88A1.6
a ii lEWAIIe-s --•----
, lIE PITTSBURGH:ST(IE has !leen reync%r•! (rem Xi. I,
IVriehr., Bleck, to thelra ie LI/11441.) en French qrstt.(rp•
north of I'. M. ribtah... pore tvt:erit.imoi ~,,..,,,,
te.keep a full annortmentof Gr eriena Pro% nown•un A:lndia.,
UK 'ale. at w holewale and Rct 'at a i , ad, ante niers cost.
Erie. March 15.1 , 31. 1 . .1 %I CANN
I.lgliti. for sale by the Bo i ot aing44;eve, a bor.. our.!, t,
rts leo, and some Tery e F. isrt an lon .a. s 1 3,,,,
1 Jul) 3.
-. .7, C. 1.041‘14. k.(,...
ALKLSw snuxs.-
• Jety
Banjul:A. Fafrp,
I'RBIER' 3TOUt.B'in l E
%VAGONS pi ;
V June la.
f .,
i , ISe ag,4rtmentuf ()cur. 31),? M.
trat•lrd to MI the order. of P,
iswituol. Iv Itti ever) an term ttr:
1 1 1 7ahletbesnicuiprit , lir ,
,Ormlnatrie eerratuty. 'rhea tents
little ,
li reasonable perms's.
on Wood. •
1%11 VI NI:
) , 1-4 ei‘fo, by
r.i , rs t;tl',l •
J. Lair l .'l:atrnc. , ruln
tur th9s, lag in the aette
June tel. 1 . 1-31 '
WARRANTS for Su and
• • rood is ever) respect. •
Ene, June It
SWEEDIdfi LEECHES. , fine lot jubt teeetved t 14prtto.
and yrill be Item cons'- '"and by
Erie, Sept. 6. ' H. BURTON 4101).
TllEitibberibcts are„
Fall Gook. ccipaisi
been celectrd with can
Ficri,c give tIC a call.
tereivr .1 by Jut
URSljii! LAM
IN in Mewl& room
Erie, Sept. G.
!nd n;
FOR 7,2111T0111111 . , '
T"'proprietor. W. 11. KNOWI.Ttrs., lust rentrned has
the fitopire city. With the largest. cheapest and twit afIOTI
!Mgt or *JEwtLRY AND FANCY 00006
ever before imported from that city west of Dunkirk, all of wart
are now ready fur inspectiod. Du the first &or, No. 1, may te
found a large assortment of Id and Silver Watches, *Cold cart
and rob Vila ins. Keys and ii. Finger Reap of es ery drat rip.
pull, Breast inn s man fon t 41 sizes. Cuff pins and brariirs.
Gold. Pilver„ and German ail thraables.aold and pert
*tett l o n an I guard Him tisi eys, are. Having made an:ali
ments with the manufacture at the east% flarnsch a supply fl•
era week flesh from the nU b. be will be able to Pariah tans
ar : :cies cheaper ttinn any oil r establishment west of the !min
nun of the New York and .Elrie Railroad ' Also, on hand, a.
a holesale or retajl, any ouaukDy of LOoking Wanes, Bra la CIOCU
and ocher
at. 1 timepieces'.
iteMr.,TIVITA - 512NTP.— bas piano 'brim melodeons. bill
viols, guitars. violins, bantambourines, clansmen,. flair.
flageolets, fi fes. aceordeonst% SOW and raniphene Mops, sad
gerondols, earns globes, ebi ' era IMO Mirka, ant et and Retinas
silver table and teaspOona.gar and salt scoops. ballet knives.
Cirri rat.--LA very tine act Cle Of Penknives of the mon e Sells.
ted makers. Razor. and Raz straps, scissors and shears. GiPd.
silver, and German Wirer a d steel spectacles.
Berms sons Wsac.—Tea els, castors, and candlestiolts.
MIK ict.j.AKCOUs.—China (loses. Pane y Roses. 'Plated and bras ,
snuffers and trays, steel batii 'Said purse clasps, 'hair rotas. 1‘ . '0 , 7
do.. steel peas, card cases4siti nu cards and envelopes, gamma.
boards, dominoes. chess ii wallets and pocket bents, Mina
and forks, lam-servers. lice. f
All of which will be showo to his visitets at am time betwera
the hours off , A M. and 6Pr 111.„ free gratis, and a ,malt fee JO
ly .‘ ill be taken from those Nib° may wish to take 0014 c of nog
articles Wale with thew. • , 1
TT Said Palace is located an the ground formerly occupied if
said Knots hon, one door we of the Reed Mow.
Erie. Sept. 6.-17 i
/ , rr
A ',ARC; E assontnent j
ougartk col' armaus kind
Perry Mali by , le
TarHE subscribers are no'
of Fall and Winter G..
t duare,Croekery. J.: . .
almost every variety °II*. .
Vesting,. /se. They invil
erally I.ilendine to piarcha•
nil II &their stock betbre pa
fident pricesmid giralitieti T .
Erie. () err 25 . -24 ' 1
I' , ANN EMS' trIL..-023 41 I,
and for sale by the bbl. •
Erie, Oct. 31, ASI
lJ Forks, ?Sutter Knives, ,
warranted of the fineness o
June fki„
11,TeN terin 11 ,: d on rc o n wi litt r e:dj po tu u t p
Feb. SI Is3l.
d Threaded Table and Tea Spat,.
K. Of OUT owu mandfacture, sm.;
Dollar., Engraved good a) b!
Uld COunir on themov J.,rora
bititY. PIAISFORI) & I'o,
Beau'' , Mot Era. I's
...4 .1.Z.L1N2111 Y.
Air Rs et le is n ow ipening a large and
meta of Millinery G. • . winch w•rdl be iold 'obi - Aeneas!
retail at the lORAI .sices. liar static etabracco
the fullosi
RlBa."B—Rich t Ile* Pit style. Kati . . 'alai /IF
and R diens. in rhort very style (bateau la called far.
8 itTI NO—All colors and prices.' • ' #1"
SI LKS-01 every ileac ripsaiin. for trtating &maw. I,l " nf
vet Cloaks. Jice .
811 .1C1'ELVET3--Blae),, broyru. blue,gfeen, remit". for
cello as' Regalia. . kc.
F LOW ERN—Plumes. Tr
El/Gil:GS—Clack Lace
ilerslerver.eheatirelt., ha
edzone. and itiaeet toile.
„„.' 4 very Tarr a.oortment. cuff% or''
`erehiefs. etabroidlred :Ld
r _
Ill'• II bile. IlAdieF VI hit! and colored,
libott.great tuner}..
, • I- qualtty.
led ?Nage. Buttons. G.mr6."'
III) CIA ) ‘'ES--4:entle
drat qut 111) . Thur. long an
ill All colons.
mo - As
tat Rri!bons. &e.
style. •
Satin and Velvet, a( the issrsi stria
Sostiett eleaued and;bilaied CD '4l
IInItIKEII 4 --Straw,
constantly on baud. IStra
shortest notice.
ICI lode (Islam vo vr i sock.. Manttk-
IM. ltiWtAet lireding T Ne" ltL
Rol •• Bens, Elamir% •
emu* to mention. AU* At
• ilitelod9d to,
Cloak Tri emnioss, ready
las. A c., Paacy Haskets. C.
Tidy Cooon Tapes, Hooka
17 .t 1 . Bne prompts ,a o r n uel u7 oi
Mlle. Sept. 27. Ivit.__
Erie, 4e4 IS .
*nee loet Et redueej poleep, al
i BENS rti & co._
. itartkit or be n
And liMck Ttai.
"t.. elExtmorT I co
TAB' — tiLik3.--71 super
tor fele at the cheap •
Jla of Mulibel *kr sale e •
Erte, tke.
G. UN MI6 dr. b....
.ht--A latwe a.. , ,r11//en ' Acit
MR". 4' for bidet cb.
e• I.+ H MIS & Co's
',- 11 11 1:14...r h%
H. FUI.I.ERI - 40:
*1 I; El
.111 tor I y
D. .C 1 IRK
41.4.1 i fax" lot 1.41 . 1 p I
R. T. rq.katiri:rr t sr,Ns
R. T k.FoNs
od Bouse.
10.;i1,1 to t•s , •eitte ?II o^.!ets 41.
,1 1:j4% tor. lastid.rt; ~, 1,7,, 01 r
)cier): :soc,ettev' :i.:.:1•,13L,1,,t
c . laiscliargeb tuaerair.
k.ELDEN & Fr,S
:01NT,11EHT —Jura receited +y
- , J. HI BURTON kill.
,14A.Glit'gr.—ror fever al,,` %got.
a Fever., and the aarioel a:ras
1 , 0 . J. 11:1111iTckla Co.,
Whnlesare and Remit Apar/.
.4" st}le.etlineroor ant hqtr
J 111
inform Itutt ito-r
I<tile, and Ztr•• 1L
R. T. 61 . R T :t. S.)
1, • . vrisamiwrs:
nen., each. ran ntootto.l to 1 e
pee at the eielsaisoe (Are of
.0 Ong.
,4 large stock of StiOner s sh'.
usual varieties, übff% ltrr
sold as low as ene sw at
T— A la! of AI. m cd
ery convemeot and usatial aructe
rery, for sale by
J. H BriTozi en
Grocarics . ,
arriti•tng; eOnsmt:rie Ore Offer, t
syrup, rte .rte., to
j - 04110D S. •
, riving a Mese and splendid Stott
nousiming or Dry Goods. G 'mem%
Ike. In this stock may be fosse
Dress Goods; Clothe, Cab.inives•
• •it old eustntnem and per•onsgen •
I good . in thelyline to ea!l and ex.
asing elsen here, a- they frei
• .1 gistem int sat:slat I A 112.
JAMES iictati>
anlierr u:
at. Moe. Paso aad ail Q uay I
tbe ebeypeot by ,
tiE.NETT &