Political and general News. P.1:1:4‘11#11)*41:146.4:10:4:1 Four dayr, isle. f.cnra Thp./T: S. mail steamer Cherokee arrive d at New Yorky'onl the let inst.; i?ith intelligence from San Frantisdo to Dec. sth, brought down to Panama by the steamship Guidon Gate. TheCtqlden Gate had 400 passengers and the daigest letter mail ever dis• patcla4d'frntn San Francisco. She also brought two and a quarter millions in treasure. lier passage down was the shortest. ever made, 12 days. and 19 boors fr, , "l port. to nort 1" day. ant 2 hours ruouip , z, time, which is three 1.,a),. less time then an vl pretiuus paste: The el ?Wen Gate was 6. days and 22 ho•irs fr. , m t 4 an Franditcu to Aza;:ixt co, end 6days and 5 hours fr.t.na Acapulco to Pena , ma. Her news was Isiided by the .C.h' erokee at New York, in 26 1:15s I I la.iur. front .in rriticisco— the quickest trip evvrtnade, and that by the Isthmus route, which is ustieh 1,.n.4er then the NlCaralllftP2. The Cherokee'brouelt uowsrdA of i t .. 2, Oiti), 00;1 in duet, of which ..I.7tpti.two was* on freight, The sum of $52:4•40u, by halts 64 Cu:* Espres.s. _ . The minirrg news i.) , a , eat•s• lot; f(w. attrac,tim points. The rams, have fairly cututneoCeJ, `arid" lame cold weather.had recently , been experier,ced in the ntotint'i!ns. The risers ere rising—the Country begins to look fresh and charming. Shortly after the last tail steamer's departure, an expedition of.Frer.ch Iftborers left tL,, port f'.r So nora. They bve:tt peaceably, but artn , .. lied, and intende Ito settle and too-I:. the nilues cf that proT . inttii 7 , wit;) ltermlYaion °I Me : , • Thank ; was celt- 1, t :.olghout the State on the 274, tt,ca and en thusiast/rt..' , The proiperity of yrancisco was never great er nor more eticoura , ...of Than at this time. The pon dition of her finances still continues. to intprovi.— O i n thg Ist; X 15,000 of. the funded debit was paid off at a cost of only 820,240. lin every branch of bu siness, wealth nil : , -ruipenty, her march is "onward abd upwart'." The ttatc of the mar:tete, since the last mail, in- dimes greater act vi:y, collo: Commencement of the raw; 5-nd the culis;.4.ziit Alcalaut horn the Minu s where rain alone ja wanting to render pro ductive vast acres of; miaetial region. Durin'g the week ending D'c. 9.id, po le3s than 3000 tone of aterchandisa wt-re eielivere• on the levee at Sacra mento alone. The inarket,thowes'er, still continues overstocitad with nearly evtry kind org - oods, which the Auctioneers are . daily. forcing oil at priCitel below cost iii New Yorlt. Immense quantities of soars and coiree. are 11,1•. v on sinrS2.e, in bond, andshipboa Fli,nr, which via, ext,n‘cted to ri:a a month since, atilt rain tins nt about the same ire. Al 3. fallnd . Tit'aA..nes. hate beto stilling as 'low as half a cent per pound. California do. at two and Farmer getlCrii:y: have mods a stir profit tins gil34on, but their gua. - 1 .13ve (3r short of th3li E.xpecla!ivaio, • the rienne,a of the so,', nmi Csinsegoentl- : fat, of puce!. Iu the ar ticle of Ifae, 'rich has been lost. It has not been arcitth over $35 ~:uce tic e le,nber last; and nes been as low as $2O, wipe!) does not pay the expense of eating. Arrivals it—and doprtitros Croat Safi• Fianciico, .13,:c. 3: . • . - , . r. 4 11'20.1i ...VI" NEWS F 11.051 CIIILI. IF Taus!—The brig Mal,dt . .•lll, Csp:. it•lsca),S,s, arrived here yes terday from ta:shao, virlence she salted on the 'l7th November. Ibe captain reports tit ten days be tore be :ailed, a French schooner of war arrived front Valparaiso, bringing news that shortly after the sailing of the monthly British steamer, a feltotti lion broke out in th'e city of Valparaiso, whielh w a at first quite formidable. 'rhe vessels of war of dif ferent natioriF, lying in the hart, r, immediately dis embarked all their marine force, for the protection of the custom 4fouse and the property of foreigtf res ident's; that the insurgents were divally at ercuine by e , the government forces, but nut before licdce hun- I dred persons Were killed! This is the.runior—and, except as to the number albin o r e see no cause to doubt it. No leiterp', how ever: have been received in this city L ecitgnipiar one a. a acarce,y averelisitle infiirmation, until the ar "int of the British eteawer on ttio 19th instant.— Ponoina Star. • Tan Dtvistos or Catiroarsra.—The subject, of the d:::ision of the State con:mots to attract atten tion. The dt:a Ca:ifurpian says: I o A:thurigh there tis u, I,sagor to be sore:fended from the failure to district ttfe State, yet it:is not it good milky to, postpone that` uty longer. The next laegialature should see to it, that the. .State is I I into two districts, as soon as they scertain div - t thiruagti the census tables or other source, the tacts as L- iiie uubtber and locality of the poputstion. Be hest,. ' r that our popnlation is destine Ito he ttnabled every flee y,earsta:td , tlie prop Isition is not an extra vagar.t =sae) we shalt, at the expiration of ton years, be t , 1 t 4 to et s filt rri:•..obers, an : tuos will have got.. s t:p•after year, with an en increasing numbrr ' of our z. , izens enitrely uhrsit-•=serited." W•II. WITH THE INDIA.:SS.-411,, itt'telligence from the Southern country, fit ie".pialeat•of the rumors based on surmise, mad d:sested of the use..: atnount of e••:aggeration, is of tt iery startl:ll,l character. - Tea t•ariegus pawc:fal trlbr , f4if I id,xas a!lng the South-eastern border, lon , anost a to be sitsairtcted, bare now given untnistakestne Argue of revolt, and eoimmineut appeareii Lure J.irdsfer truta their cembi • nation that the rancher,,, acre e,., o g to the towns on the sea coast for safetv. . . It appears that Jima Aotol.i), trder wilose con duct the Indi.ans of the (:,, , i1 !;,.. tribe gained a vic tory over the. twetve At. - ier..:lns some titne ago—a victory which has cause ! :he.n to maintufn since then a rather insolent rind nesubardiniste demeanor— had formed coin.ricts *nth miner :tip , . at 3 I . IV is, at lastaccounte, tn,.•,...4 actite, orepar...v !,:- a 4e scant on the toons-u. 6.1.11).:,.:g., t.,..s.',tijstus, aroi Santa Barbara, ot, .;:.! rtitises f. , ..: itit,....13 3 $ inter- Veiling. = • • S; nultaneolts .ran t ' • .. ; -. , e,, :t. r t: : : ,;; ; ,,,f that the yurnits have s_r: 1 ~: t,e ni-itary statism on the Cot, , ra,t,f—ti,,, tic:e not a Jalsetalsrin—and ,that tome iskirmis:tes Lave! already taker/ piece be tween dam aml the handful of wee undercomMand of Lieut. Sweeney. s . They bad hilled fours Americana who we-t , driv jng sheee !roof = • :`l•4ahtis, and sere preparing to march 01 San D. -go. Sir alarming and credible we::: s. &CC9:ln tS reg tr kJ, ihidMr, Warner, who Is= hied for many scare co his rittar,h at Ag nes Calientee, on the road lezdiug to the Colorado, about sixty drilled from San Diego, had lt;ft withitis faerAy /foe the Latter place - . Ur. ‘Viiiiains, whose rear.% also ,Ito outskirts, who hag lived there :.r aiaay y Lars, hat! Ilkewise come inter 1., , s Angeles. . • The 'citizens of the latter place were in hourly ap9rehensions of anatrack, and there we re bot a v ult t socuty pounds powder to th 3 who's place. It is elso.meni not tL, least tiigudicArit fact con.. w,th this exiec!ed oclthreak, that the indig. 'station of the savaged appeared to bo excitea solely against the AmeuiLans, and it was even bruited that some nattre Caiifi rnians had given room for suspicion that they were not al•rljetlier free from synTathy With the 1116ot:sin indeed, is the worst cezture ii.r whole, and its devonity to he hoped that tialnre 'developments will preys the rumor to be ground:cc., • SCSDAY 1,1 NEW Yuan.--4t, during the trez-::, th stringer h 'Amid be surprised at the intenie act.vit I -1.-anl eistgidess r%) make money, wh:eli proval. .e• stness men, tut them look at their hand- • t. t, . and danglitete as they sail out to church, ' 1 ur Yooday appa,el, and he will wonder no lon rir. •‘•s*, Uninterrupted stream of e}_'s bon yard-a tie ribbins, embroidered ribeE, a:A costly feathers, bespeak as imperilled extravagance in the families of the in 'destrious many who make up the:great h.icly of the populat.in ofevery Itrge city. The expenses and ostentation! style of this immens - Ctlass-•—both in their dress and-mander one of the most stri king eharacteristieslu our country and our age.-- ,Nowhere else in the World can one-tenth otssgreat a number of is pensively (we it.. not say welt) &re al _ od women he seen in the same time tor compass; as in Broadway on a iSne Sunday morning. When we entered this brilliant procession last Sunday, and remealliellid Mat money was worth two per sent. a month is Wall street, we could not help roughly es titillating *hal the husbands and fathers of New 'rut bestow open their wilts and ihturenste.--N. =I 1. ir• les 2 13 '41,12s 2,03 MB Dostractivi Piro in Jamestown-41nm loss . - About 2 o'clpektbio morning,.... aridity . Jan. 2,ra fire broke out in the Fauay Dry Goods Sture of W. W.. - Com-pton,'formely peeupiedti gelato. Allen k Mari Ace; situated on Main • between Second' end Third streets in this village, rind before it could be subdued, (lett yrtd all of the buildings in the block, with'the ex...i , )1 inn of tort or three ha:f-story .build legs south of Ir. A. Kent's. The building occu pied by Kent, l F,xite kl Davy, Itts4O.Cook. F•sq.s end the south porttion of the Alien Manse Stock, were tired at, the same time.i ' l'he volume of flame was large, ar.d the heat intiinse. eis Owi:4; to t i e stilln oof the air, and prompt ex "ertion, the fire did not c ommunicate to the , +.vooden buildings on the oppos t o side of the Street, Lot they escaped by a Farrow c ante, as the outside appetr ance of soak/ tof them ill show. . . Energetic efforts were made to save the Allen House, but owing to ltemporary - scarcity of water, and the beighlt ot the lildingi the fire .companies .0 ere unab'e to operate upon it to advantage. They however, succeeded ilk' saving the east wing io com paratively a &incl. ccmdition. • The firemen and ciiizens Worked without cessa tion fur tire hourtt. Owing to the long. lines nec essary to conVey livattir to the engines, there was a scarcity of help, ad a ilarge number of ladies cheer fully stepped intri , the yanks and passed pails until the fire was suhdtletl. l Others, l.kegood Samaritans pasaed among th ' laborers with drinks and refresh ments, and rend: ~, i t 'lose acts of kindness and bid to the suff:Ters, filch they know 83 Wt blm to be- ECU A . Their envgy nd usectOriest bnonitl have put to s,..ame some orthw liter gtfr ? ' whl atondliatlessly br and saw the ark lof destruction go on. We aro grail, L4were , tol sy that the number of the lat ter was small. 1 : The following tare ly nicertained amity Mea,rs..A. P, & D Arlin, buildings *beat $15,. Ono, Inqured in tho , Farmers & Alcrnbants' Co. of WeAern Ne. 4 ork,;*1,000; Orleans Co., '1,500; . . _ . Protection Ina, tro.,(Rome,} e 2,000 Penesee Mu tual, $3,000. . ' Nathaniel:Cd- y, tavern furniture, kc., $2,000. losured in the w-&'ork State Nlutosti, $3OO Merles Buil , Merchandise, 81,600. Insured in Genesee Slut al, ,1,500. W. IL Whit ker,t Hata &Caps, $lOO, No in cur:race. W. G. Riss, ance. James Dinn ance. , ' - Junes & Den 1, $4,000. In ured in Waterville luierance Co., •5 1 .',ft, Ai:egany 155.00, Genesee Mu tual, s.3no, hill ziti*ti Mutual , $l,OOO. . W. W. r..n tart, ranee dr Got,ds, loss not as cciL.,l:l:„..' ! 'Ade° 111 . FilftrierS . gr.. Merchants' Co., $' :50'' in ni:.lown Farmehs' Insurance, $5OO, Orleans ili,"v%). ,i • A. !Cent ' MercF4ndise, loss not fir from el,OOO. Limed in Hartford Mutual, 9,004, one-half of bu.ia.- iug iu Genesee Mutual, 91,500. Foote L. Dow, "toves and lisrWare, 91;000. In sured in New York State Protection $l,OOO. E. T. Foote, ha If of building, $4,000, Insured $l,OOO in Chautau4tie Mutual. . . E. L. 'Pinker, Sliloon, loss X4lOO. No Insurance. S. B. Weietat, Saloon,. loss COIL, No Insu rance. , f C• T. Field, OroCeries, less • $3OO. No luau ranee. • Oriel Green, J4 tice'a ofi4e. Books and pipers moAtly awed. ' 1 . Sons of Tempeance. fur iture, kc., $4OO. In sured 9-dOO in the] Allegany okual. Orsel Puok,'Laiv Office. Ho oks and papers laved. h. Nathah Brown,Mterchandibe in storehouse in rear of Field* Lose Iwo. No Insurance. We rret to learn that Mr. Chauncy T. Field, in attem tin: to eurnove a keg of powder from his store, w s very saveiely burned. He succeeded in removin the poWdler, but narrowly escaped with Kis life. i", The tttal loss,ll,a king the estimates given above, figures up to $30.50 of which 920;800- was insur ed.. Some allowance*, we presume;" must be made for the exaggeration Usually 'attendant upon the first estimates of !nes, but at the losscat,it plait, pray 24 which seems to have. beeh peculiarly utifortunate in respect to coadgratidnat ll this sesson.—Jernss- , • • town Journal. I i Cat Wren no Exormo Scax • .—Thepliarlestnn Sltndard says the. mast thri{lin scene or the.sessions of the South Carolina Legislature prat that le the Souse between Mr: Hutson and Culotte! John S. Preston. It arose on the rep.srt: of !the latter upon the Calhoun and But!er mmunientle. Mr. Ilutson oppoied the report, i. time to and remarked th t • t lir was not the build menumente, sin e it. yet remained to be settled whether Mr. Ca hot n's doctrines were, to be tri umphantor dish no d. He intimated that the sup posed decision a tito ne last October elections, if cen stiered s,final, tad placed the State in au attitude to dish( 'or the ietnory of Mr. railhourt, sod that the peo t its of th , t l State were unworthy to erect a in toti!tnent to hi . These remsrks*roused Colonel frestin to an' immediate and thriling reply. Ile said that he regarded the government of that State A as Democratic r epublican, 'and his resting taught nun that, under this farm, the voles of the people, "through their ostituted modern " was not only, the rule at the Sty : , hot. the /toner of the State. In (h:tolii , r 1.1E4 tit t voice had been proc:airued bver the land. . fle 'mho rtiZmatizee its decree is a slan derer (4 his coultry, he who rejects its rule is a u trai t.),,le al'ileserreil a traitor's d m. If there be dis honor in the Stew, which the is not, It is with those Who strivti to give vita ity to an ephemeral etn9 c'r, which lose with the i cis of May, and was b i !elle:fill V% :di the frosts of Oc ber. Most of those 1 1re ‘7ll:;ljoinsei in or wore delude .by this clamor, a I.ist4pd..and pi i-', tic. r.47is a to the sovereign de cree ,which dis . pillwa it. But f there be those who ••' • ' cling„.t. , 1 - 1 s f , plC±, and re willing to take up 0 .••• dint '.l C.illioon and But rto give thm new t • ,' aeiither et4tha nor! pazr,ut' t0;.:.,r the Slete.cen b • lr,)lit,r,rit. to'.4inct to a the ell . 'l'.llits Co :. F. on tio uedito maintaii, that the v c ce of the people is the power,laud rulesincl hbaor of he State. lle :Tulle ti ith electrifyiq taircpt, his I ,ge manly fordo shit- Wog ...Wit iinuttpriito feeling,'and his.untiva!led el rettCri giving zt tiower to his l worde which cannot be made Opriciable., There Was, there could be, no• re:)ly glade to hint tt ova ' clnar:thst h.: had cirri e.l the pelings and j. Jgme tof tke Mouse, and that tautitsland sneers wore silt iced. ' :. III . , t i t A I 0111T01118' TL' RA Ilt/LVALRIt nos remarksii* feats of testudinal ever !tenni of, aTi one well deservin on reloard, hes recently come to our In stay, 18411, Nraster Charles 11.1 / of I.) 4el AfelctMr, Msg.. of this tow .mon &Potted to tli in a small pool n. I the id Farm t uuse,•about two me and a third of M mile l from the rivet, c hem . lla%oi,ilout li is name and t shot 11 1 - „ ilte a oil at. t 9 droppe,l it i:..1, (ire t ...i;iige, Idimaksce of full ftior) coo. e of the ri eill fi,,:n the place i 1 .-. (bun ;1 4 • I ...I* Ing Melc! er Laing at ti ,- E.-..!.1 sine •„ found th re the identical tcrtl' 1 -taken From it t In yet rs before, beari the marks whi h he had made, Isla! litno'hed re de ...Itithm I ~< distinct originally. 1 T at OW auimal IlLul ed In findink it way for four intlea,, rent,- nubs ittist nding all the Amnia I cr, and a;,. liis a third of a mile bY whizhiwas c i f •rzh Woods, back to I we regard at 0 !'.leec. - : that even th i has hien derid •from- classic days f time 1 , r mettle two steps backward is hies cd with some faculties elcs' on—±frekrlN • Litter. Stsitoso or ted th#t a short Ridge; sunk, lj thund4r, leavi trivet the Sid miles in a pare in tbe dense ti. I :o l4 a n chd d 7 d ton ree i a largest size we which hal pro , iiiti s t (Mm their i The finnidatits ouppopeti to hl of Property. e haws, as we have carefe- lot* and Shoes, $lOO. iosur , Tailor ahop, sap. No iosur- - One of the I taiVel that we to be placed, nowledge. hleicher, a on , found a horn ;ar the ruins of las from town, acid brought it e date lip.lll the the river from Iniies, by the n hick it was T. DT It few days which ho had g upon its shell ugh of 'vow, than they sere have succeed , :Most the cur tied of the tic and, a part of iv+ old haant~ s s turtle, whWt p to the present to one forward, ly aka) to rea- t ex:sessuu Mous t me since, a,porti A noise resembt ts.—it is sta n of Walden's nit deep tone! he timber that ing [ about two e t4,pi 'Pbe gap thoni sixty orit re is- the ear* rich trees of the normous reeks, for ages, wog ad lain bareju itais meted Is a huge gap in f tile ridge, eaten E.l direction with lb! .er appeared to be ilia', and the Eisen Down depth,-in tumid up, and ly lain coneeeled irnitive bedding. Whitt* the new (trim - wain. . I frlit illetlll4 Ohotruer. 1 ERIE. PA. SATURDAY moitsiNa JANUARY 10; 1050 Cotukty C9nvention. The Democratic electors of the county of Erin am re quested to meet it their several places of holding elec trons. oo Saturday the 31st day of January, inst.. at four o'clock. P. M. ia the several townships. and at half•pitt eh( o'clock. P. M. in the severs/ Boroughs and the Wards of the city of Erie. to appoint two Delegates front muds Election District to represent said District in a County Convention to assemble to the city of Erie on Meader the 9d day of February next to appoint two Del egates to represent this county iu the Ilmriaburg l'en. Temkin on the 4tl day of March next to nominate an Electoral Tickettso appoint Delegates to the Democratic National Convention, to nominate a candidate fur Ca nal Commissioner, and to appoint three conferees tomet7t like conferees appointed by Crawford county to select a Sensorial delegate to repmeaut this District pi the raid II arrislmr: Convention-- SMITH JACKSON, ) , C. M. TIBBALS, rt • WM A. GALBRAITH. t "' eniccildic . ik. S. BRAWLEY, 41 01111 " Y .... - .. F. W. MILLER, .a.turintittee. 1. R. TAYLOR, i • Erie, January 3, /84 Er We (earn that tLe Post Office at West SI itlereek in this County, has been re-established. and L:ls. ;ffilau2, dean). Esq. appointed Post Master.. A New Presidential Ticket• The Deinecracy of Wayne county. Ohio. recently held a meeting et Wooster, at which resolutions, were adopted. declaring that General Saud. Houstoni l tf Tex as. was their choice for Preside:344V Col. Davi !Todd. for Vice President. In obedience to thi• expressien. the Wayne Coudty Detpoerst has raised the names ;eif the distinguiohed gentlemen mentioned. to the heat) of its editorial nein Inns. Mr The Boston Duly Time has raised tti the head of its editorial toolutnue the following ticket; for President, Stephen A. A Douglas, of Illinois: fur Vice President, R. M. T. Hooter. of V.rginia. aubjoct to the decision of the Democratic National \ Conventioa • The Democratic National Convention . The Washiugion Union of Saturday contain, the pro ceedings of.the••Democratio National Committee," Con sisting of one from each State, which met in Washing ton City on. the Ist inst., fur the purpose of fining the time for lhilding the next Democratic National Convert two; to 'uuminate candidates /or President and Vice Pres• idiot. M. 6! clinaidurabta , con4u:tu and a full inter- change ur acnt;ratr.ts, a resolution vitr•t adopted, recoil,- moulding BaltiMore as the place. and Thursday, the firs! day cf . Joue, 1b52, as the titan for holding the Dcmocrat its National Convention. B. F. liata.rer,E.sq.. of Masa achissetta. was chairman of the committee, and ;Wm. F. Ritchie, of V. and R. U. Stanton, - of Ky.. wire Sec- , rotaries. The Year 1852. p ' . 1 1 Undeethis head the Philadelphia Bulled* eery appro. priately remarks that when the news of the French coup &dot reached Prussia, a high military officer remarked, "what has happened, and what is to happen. is not the end, but the beginning of an unknown something, t per haps great enough to shake tne And it is with yuchen overture that the curtain draws up on 1852. Never, probably. since modern Uivifixation began. did a year. apparently so momentous, enter upon the stage. If, as is the general opinion, Lonisi Napoleon seeks to rule by !emir; if the elections are to be declared in his l f*Uor. as is also asserted. no matter hove l they may .gz; and if his usurpation is discovered to be lily a part. ste is further asserted will be discovered, of au organized Filet between him, the Czar and Austria, to enslave the entire contihent. and. in case England remonstrated. to !iteipt i r !rt bridle her—then, so sure as there is a heaven which Greet Britain will openly take the side-if the tied. tile, and which will recall the days foretold Id, "spots the earth the distress o f nations, with perplex y; the sea • add the waves roaring." . Should such a straggle occur, this eitontty will trot softer Cogiand to fight the battle alone, In 'eying this, we assert a fact, which it would be abatirei to nns. An 1 , our 'animosities against Great Britain wo Id be forgetien in A bunt of generous sympathy, whi b w i ould not be cooled even by the knowledge that' she es partly Cclm- batting for self-existence.• A whirlwind f pepular •mo. Von would decide the question. next Oc her e . reptilian oiNehat prudence or precedents might read. Air the possibility of such 11, Crisis is not remote. a aturelly re gard the New Year Sidi momentous c nee n. It may decide the destinies of tho United Stat for' rummies tc! come. It may torn a fresh leaf in the rld, history.— We may be standing to-day upon the th h'd of a cycle as t a in human sivilization, as weighty t . 1 ilia began remote, a the Pharciabs„ which Manahan ga ri biith to,which followed the decline of. !tome. Far be ii frous, fallible mortals as we are, to assert this positively; b t the "signs of the thnes" appear to indicate it; and roe gnizing. as it we fully do, and as all must, the mighty, yet: i hitherlo bat hulf-teveleped 'Mesita' of this country, we re afreid to say that this might not be the destiny mark d nut ,for it by Protidenee. • ' . , We meat watch and wait. We must all.' ndividually as well is a nett" seek to know our duitv inithis matter, and, knowing it. act. And of this we stay be sure; that, whatever may be the course of events ibroati, the popu lar mind here will be profoundly agitated 1852, by the 0/union whether it is best (or the inteiests of free dom that we-shall interim:el in bshalf'of snOring !redone in .Europe,. or, abanduning Europe to absolutism. conte:.; ourbelves with y reserving a refuge for liberty Arnersca. That thought will be the great 'thought of th'year. And si the deciiiou upon that thought, whatever ch decision may ho, will ultimately invulre results to shi pe the des -tiny of Europe for the next thousand years. ',I So that, in whetevor aspect we regard it. 1852 is big +lt moman• tons events. - • Marine Disasters for 1851.4 1 The nufFslo Courier of the sth inst. nautilus a list in! detail of the number of casualties whit h bims immured upon the Litres for the put year. icgether 4ith the'esti- mated :48 of life and property, of which tits following is' the footing np : - • , , . Total amennt of property lost in 1831. $730, 537 Total number of lives lost, ' 1: 79 The aintitiat of lullaby steam vessels has beiln. 1147.3'25 Do do sail ' do do ti, .13;2 1 .21 Do • do British do do j; 106.7401 Do do Amer'n do 4e . 623;797 The proportion of loss on Lake Ontario. is , 310.551, Do do do Erie." 1 '477.805 i I Do ' do do -Horan. ,i 23.000 j Do do do ' Michigan, '19.875 Do do do Superior. j j . 39,390 j Two hundred slid sistrthres accidents •kei recorded.' tarty-four of winch occurrqd in April. sizty 'four in May, Oft) -Six on the jfiritt der) twelve in June, Mine in loin, fteenjp August. thirtp'four to kleptcmher,.thirty-tbret October. ftliyone in November, and' van in Do mbar„ Fore stieumers. (not incladiag di Meyflower) tree propellers led thirty-sevea sail vests* hate gnus 1 uLof esistettee entirely.• Lim of Property. 1, Life. $420.512 ) 55 • 368.171 34 5515.626 i 395 ' 730.537 it 79 • ..:..--1.... ' Total (4 years.) $*074.146 . 563 These figures show en enorrisens loss. noDsely of prop- Vrty. but of human hfs, and perhaps some if il, at loud. is the result of carelessness_ tie otter heed ales ott the pun of those owning veseebt and etu either by keeping them miming se late in the or by send ing them out when it is Gush for sessile to be eat.— These statistics ars generally used as atm ,iirgeasents is levee of Government beildieg op HMls' 'along the Lakes. but whoa it is lean that dm greater "live etas siderite beam ea Lake Erie. which in wail lied with geed harbors, tits fault taut mat with m , and ewe •r orvissele themselves. is a great de ' see cant 5. a 'etralsorsd le the waist 'rot peen I. rot ra damn of daa t iar etas the 011110.111416 . 184 i. 1839. 1850. 1851. LETTER 'PROMS IL O,OItAIDE. Correepo kideoce of the late vibaerl'er• PARII43.,MLXICO. September 28.1851. Dcaa FRANII:-14ev4ig resistedthe California Si. . eiternent for upwartlsottwo yeara (ali en s victim to the bind brew. cud ai O now an r. for I / that promised laud:, r - My vagebotdoratare got the advantage of ma about the llth must.. whoa: rotated from Itie Grand • City in company wiilt a calcite of old Erieie boys. but heifers I crossed the river one of them give oat in consequence Of ; being top heavy and loosing his saddle Bags. 1 have made my way thanifsr with my reraliaing friend. J. J. C. of whom (may tell you more at aim, futons time, as ho_is something of!' character. I hcheve that 110.1ra before described the route over which I em now trlveling, and. the Incidents aimed up to thin piece are rather ore tame nature. Ido not find the country essentially different fronit what it was at, the period I refer to. :We passed Moa teray at the WEI° of their Fa it, and although the rain w as pouring down in /eaaantly and had .been rot five dayil‘previons, we found every body bueribuyittg. seihng autl gambling: Fiom what I mild gather (rein the marchaets. com merce was on a very contracted scale, beiag principally confined to the hunters and loafers in the plaza. It take, j i, an earthquake to move the equinint ti of the latter nam ed gentlemen , for though the ,tre e - were running tor rents of water the shirtlaw meets ere at their "morel" Wainer and mugs. As we pellucid into ,M 0 mountains we found every crevice and gorge gushing forth its tor rent of water; calmed& come damping from 'dime cloud capped heights. till th• cranks fairly mired in their might. and surging among the rucks deqed all attempts at ti ocr passage, en we took to the bills. If it rains there "till yet" same fellow must have a contract fpr en ark or Monterey is lost. L began to think that the famous rel ay season had set In, but after plodding along for about twenty miles. we found that we had got ahead of the re gion of , th e flood. The revolutionil apoke e of in my last did not west loose as poen as 1 'peke of, but Pm satisfi ed it is coming. that'party basin enlisted man, expend ed money. dec. ft is ell noneense however to spenk of a retaliation in a couotry where the balot-boa should remedy all Antal -1 cal evil, and I dislike to see any of any countrymen "- gaged in it Many believe it to be 'nothing bat a mer cantile:peculation. We are ••finrid•a-ground" bete 'in consequence of-the Indians and robbers that laved the roadnhead ans. ' ' ' 1 A party of Americana wets attacked last eeening and three badly wounded about•three iieagues from this place. by a party of Indians.. Another Party were badly used by some robbers We await here, fur mono company. We hale a tight time of it, but are in hopes to see day -light yet. More anon : t 4.0 M EGO." Railroad Melting. ) • A large and respectable meeting was held at the Court House in Erie. January 7th, IS* The following oft errs were on motion appointed: President--C. M. Reed; VieelPresidents-40bn Gal. braith. Jet .es Miles; BennetarieS—Wm. A. Galbraith. M. W. C s 4 A , On moti n. a conimitteieonsisking of Benjamin Omni. J. A. Elliot. AL B. Lowry. Wm(. Kelley. and Mt ray Whallon wore appointed to rope/ resolution/ for the con sideration of the meeting. , I ~ - During the absence of du cordmittes the tneatintras ably and eloquently addressed by Hon. .Jamee Tbomp- El ie committee then Perm. ig ft/ which were unanimeusly adopted. Whereas the trade and trivet 'cif the great ke to and from the rapidly increasing and improving W t, are be coming iticas aCto astonish the rboldest calcal ion. and ere now equal to the whole foreign contme is of the United States, and it is increasing beyond any assurable estimate, and whereas the hartope at our city, ie, is the safest, most capacious. and presents greater a vantages than ear other on the entire line of the great lakes., And whereas the Sunbury and Erie Rail Road, passing with its entire line- through a rich Mineral, mid agricultural; bat so far neglected portion of thls State, and possessing , tween the Lanes and the Atlantic, and celc h uliti to promote the interets cif our Metropolis, our own env of Erie as well as the whole Ettate.tand is therefore the great project' of Improvement to which our omit* energies should be suitedly and promptl y directed; Therefore. Resolved. "Phut is meeting urgently re comtnend to the citizens of thisnity and county to make immediate seho.criptions to the attack of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company. and copperate with their fellow citizens is Philadelphia and along the mats of said road; to such an amount as will warrant the Company in pot- . tine the work under contract at'an early day. fiesofeett, That this meeting recommend the immedi ate passage of i 4 law authorising the city of Philadelphia. and the city of Erie and several counties and such other corporations as may be willing ;tido so to subscribe stock in the said company. and also t o authorise the payment of interest on subscriptions pai4.to be charged to the coat of construction and all. other legislation desired - by said company necessary to advance r its interests and promote the speedy completion of the wpck according to • its origi nal design, connecting Philadelphia with the kaftan of Erie. Ruolreel,l That in as mai as the adoption of the Gauge Law of last session , an adherence to its provis ions is or t this t importance in view of the interest of great Penn 11111111, tine of Ra4rosi) and for the interests of this city ind battier, ibis meeting urge a strict corn pianos will its pnifisioos. correspondence of the tire Observer. • Ma. Ent4sa:- . -1 writerin the last Observer, who ap pears rindef : the signature of tEdenhoro." has thought proper to airmail the Character end motives of those who are engaged in the projects of [forming new counties oat of parts of "Eris. Crawford. Warren and Mercer" coup. tire. ft is obvious that "Edou l itorou is either Ignorant of Ole men whom he assails and , orb grounds tetitu which they urge their claims, or be jadgos them by the sordid and selfish motives which thrall in itiiiown bosom. moment's reflection might have saved him from the egre gious blunder be committed ni,hou he wetted that the people of the new counties wail find that their "lazes will be greatly increased." But Without noticing this writer further, permit me, Mr. Editori, to state some ofj.he rea sons why the formation of a new cortnty out of parts or, Crawford and Erie, with Watlerford as the county seat. Os desired by the people of tht section of the coautY.— And : ht. The convenience of the citizens in this seethin of the country would be-greatly lacconitnodatod. This of itself is a sufficient reason why' their request should be granted. The counties in this Part of the State were mi. ginally hid out large. owing td the thiuiess of the popu lation. liutOri the population increases and the people feel themselves able to bear thO expenses of new 'county oraan:zatious their desires sh g 7 s ald he granted.- This is a principle upon which -our Le Wore has affrays' acted, a nd it is a righteous, a. democratic principle. In the pre rent county organizations the Citizens of the South-ifsat nod Santh-west parts of Erie clonn4- have to travel a dis til:nee of some forty or more Miles: to reach the county lieut. Oa thel weelts'ef isoldinig - Court, they molt either travel on the Sabbath, or lysve home on Saturday in or der to reach the place eft usidege in proper time. Thm irpe may be said in regard to the citizens of the North-. esat and Yorth-weet of Crawford county. Now. suppose ' the county beet was witbio tech a distance that they coeld leave bow- on Monday morning and return on the evening on which they might i finish their business. how much would they save both hil labor and money? Why, air, in five years they .wonld el r ve enough to put up coon ty buildings necessary-to a se .county. But the attire deuce upon.Conria is a small !matter. Frequently in the COOtde of the year bars they .-resort to the county-seat to attend to basieese transacting. Is it not therufnrc un reasonable to ask them to crtitme to travel over this twig di stance when an arra gement can be effected by which they will not bitve half:the.distance to travel; and they themselves desire it? The convenience `of the chi sops therefore would Ise greati i 'accommodated. i4'would at be a greatsavies in the M r er their expensesotliin t whir and money. and it is a wend democratic p rinciple that the. wishes of the people ohookl be granted. I . " 9tl. T he mass which are atkw laidUn the people in ibis 'venom of the county will lee sisatly diminished. At this preosatoniooset it Is proposed to built' e'new Court Home ant! °them in Erie that will 6ost from $4O pl. 00,000, 1 aOl otoasetee 1 ar Wane ..are wee War a/14W to secure eyeet five the • . this wisper. utbacia l isolations followia, log this county to herr° 1 thousand dollars to cont . suenas the noir bighting. Now. We. the one-fourth of tide sum wield pot tap all the buil:hop that are retioniite fer the new county of Lelxeuff. Bet this is Nieman in titer. +Who does not know that the expenses Of oar Pour lion/what. been gradually_ for years,, and that the grea t proportion of the paupers haveibeen furnished bp the city of Erie and towns along the Like chore? And who cannot see that in pro portion as Ere grows a s a city and the' i public improve ments are coinpteted that are to pees through that place. the comber of paupers must greatly increase. until the expense ofaupporting the pauper, of Erie and the LAke shore becomes a heavy burden upon the county. such as is now the ctse, io Eris county in New . York, and Ails etity in 'PeOnsylvanis. Td lio dismerubered, therefore from Erie epitnty is to pt clear of this constantly increas ing burden of taxation. , But still (Silber, sir. who does not know that the num ber- or our' Courts have been gradually *metering for years? And di ii as the poputatiiM 1.,4 - ..:0 increases the number of our Comte must al.o increase until, gain Pitts burgh. Buffalo, and other grortiJg epos, there is" Court the whole year round. - The !people of the county will have to aid. hod that materially, in defraying the expen• tee of these Fdorte. Now to the proposed new county of Lebartiff four weeks of Court in tha year would do all the business required, and a contpnrativill, small expense would pros for all the poor they would have iu their bounds. I view of these facts therefore, will any sane inan say the' the people of the new county will increa,c their taxes fiy dismemberment? No sir, the people of the South pert of Erie:coun'y know tl.eir interests,l and they know roll well that by securing's new county otgaa4 Widen they; will get clear of a heavy burden of taxation, and free themselves of a heavier buiden hereafter. Even admitting that they would be to a hitting expense to put op new cogoty but igs, what that compared with the present and prospecti4o expenses of Erie eorinty: . The people therefore in this section of the county desires new county bectiuse their I conveniences will 'not only be ac commodated but their expenses will besilso curtailed. 3d. Thelinterests Of the county will be promoted. It will neceasiarily crelii • market at the county seat. A large anoint of trod that it now seet in a southerly di rection. will the' '.c. iwought to Waterford and eventual ly deposited in V., t Who cannot see thet if a new coun ty be tak e ' out at pAl•ta of Erie. Crawford and Warren e large qn..t :ty of luaitser will be deprited in th e new county se and sent duwo the Allegheny - river? But make the ounty interestsP those people lie in a direc tion toward Erie. and they will bring their , trade with them; anti ultimatelyirt wit' n7l its lauding pleas in the city of Erie. In this/ re , tit-t. .he people of E i -iir are as Much couherned et ay. ottiFrh There are othor reasons for which wa would Site the organization of a new coun ty, but w will rewire them for another occisioo. • I AN ATI:ILFORD. Inauguration of Gov. Bigler. ' ' This ceremony *ill take place at Harrisborg on Tees dai the qlst of this mouth, when front the preparations that are t eing made, not ouly at the Capitol, but in many of the adScout counties, we presume it will be a briliia t affair., e Philade:lphia Argus states that several c - ponies hk e sit niGed their intentioak to be present sod . 7 join in tli itersde, ainong which are the two crank coin panies,tha Monroe tlearde and the Jackson A'rtilitrista froin thafticity. The former coinp.any. which is eon'. mended by Col. Smell, has eaten& 1 "an , invitation - to young trier' to joictittern for the ezeurs.ort; and from the i t hdicatieins manifested at this time, the?' will go with run ranks. Several other companies front the Philidelphia divisioni have also made preparatl'oii to be present on the occesion. so that Harrisburg *ill have once mere all the "pomp and circumstances/of glorious war." which has been silent sines the mertioratile events known as the Buckshot 'dram. r--- ~ . i - _,e. .__,.._________ Canal I.ettingr in New York. The Erie Canal Board hare been .reculiarly unfortu nate in!' their late letting.; haring fst!ed - IQ please an, body, except perhaps those to whom the contracts have been ateardait- n ••• •" 4 democrats are down on them fitrr their gross and palpable iejust;ce tit the matter. The willies had a major ity , in the Board:', and upon these rests the respomnbility of this a& KOOSPIE VID Tlta Eiolli6 Or iSstutat.—lt is under stood that Kossuth has consentedtp grace with his pre sence tihe fzatival to he prepared by the Jackson Demo cratic /I.sSociation at Washington. in hopor of the battle of Neu! Orleans, on the Eith.of -Ninety. should his 'an t. —tits not call him from the city h-fore that period. C 233 . , , i Thetentacky &motor. - . Th•i new U. S. Senator for Kentucky is ,the re nowned Thompson, who, in making a very philan thropic speech at Lexington, dorlog the summer, ' inveighed fiercely against the 'evil:, 1 - ..1 w iskey drink- ! iog, While at the same tim he had ahi - pitcher be-' fore.tiim, out of the conte is lie freTt ntly helped himseilf with much gusto, rid which T m Marshall gagged -at, after bringing I a silepieioushose in close ro pxitnity, for it was Blied •Ith the &wildest kind of "Red eye ' i This is the man o' wbi u the r,, -'tie et Mr.'Un derteend has fallen. Ito.: althiy.3 , i Mr. Underwood himself has worn 'but a very area:: pattern of a man-„ tle, ohe capable of co‘erilig only the m et diminu• tire limbs, th tit is one yet, it wilr be too loose to tit , hompsoo, Who [is, unpiesto‘nably, the tveakeist an whom Keit - Kim/iv .ter honored .-- j ith a seat in th north end of the capitol.., The Lestugton Statism * eftggits Whig.its soimpathies to the great Whig. p rty who have. been ?so humbled in the duet, but sac /i 14. of these spasmodic struggles w hiCh I.: ine the expir ing agonies of if great party. "In s he sys of its pride of power. the whig party wool no more law/- elected to theUuited States Senate uch a man as Thoripsoo than th.-: would have o.le ted the veritae ble Col. Pluck. r.r.i.;, of the i1:.2 . list of distin- i guished names, tlic Crittendetise . t' e Dixon., the -HartJens, the Helms, the Prestens, t a Devises, the Mar-Shills, the Robertson., am! tithe p and then come I n dow to such a 'choice as Jack Tennyson ! ' l . ! Well, as whiggery'did so pearly for c a ts ladle in electing Thompson, they now have, a good opportu nity i:ifiered to vindicate their' ancient greatness by-. electing a colleague for this same gentleman. The , ' telegraph advises us that Mr. Clay had resigned his seat jn the Senate! Who will it be? Who can it he? Who should it be, Ah, there's the rob! After passing by all the *linguine., the ignelieet, the statesmanship, the dignity, ti.ii expiirience, the chivalrrof the state to pieklefJohn 'lli:Jr:wain, the perplexing question is now l precipitatrd apon them by•by the unexpected resigniition of Henry Clay, who. ot idl.Kentucky, is smailllcuot.gli to -make a tit colleague for the Sena tor? , By a!! means should-they tetaintain the Ken tuck . spirit—then 'why not, choose Thompson's pitcher? Honor the fall of the' "old Bourbon" by the higbest dignities to old .•Rtql-eye:" .) 1 1 T in a GREAT FIRn 41 ri:.I,ADELYMA .—The re- Mai s of two bodioA ;Aye at found among the ru in. f dr.:destructive fire at rhiladeiptia, on , Satur day ;set, which leaves no room to doubt - that Mr. Ila:eyi a lawyer, and Mr. Balser, a policenian, met a fierAdeath. , The two firemen who were' suppos. ed t have lost their lives, hive been found 1 al.vo and wel . . • - A portion of the edit t ,- ,n. of the Carrier's Address" of dm "Lager," was destroyed, together with an elelant embei.shmetit which cost S M. The total cos of the Addresi was $lOOO, Their Address lastcyttey wits ready for delivery wil•tt 'the fire cm curved in the 'Ledger" office, , -id all the copies wee& destroy ed. 1 Nearly 90,000 Tettera remaining in Blood's des patahoffme, were destroyed. These were the ac curt!nlation of six :mart, and were supposed to con tain large sums l a mon?g. , 'in MAINS LIQUOR Law.—The Boston Post publishes the following -Telegrafl.fc desperebes: AsoTose Ltquoo Satztraa ts Nertino.—Port la* Dec. 31—Another five barrels of liquOr were sei_erd on board the steamer St: Lawrence, to-day. '.{lame Lope Law inISIMPHANT t. ElAr.ats.-- Abbot two thousand jraPone of -Yankee Rum end a balls pipe of brandy was spilled in the sewer, on the corner of Main and Milltown streets, at noon, oni,Toesday, to presence of e toultitnde of persons fitt both sides 'ollie - river. It is now lonising' ie ss ream toward the river. .; . HOOFLAND'II %ULNA, B/TTlllil t —We Woold cell thi attention of our readers to the advortiserriant of Dr. ffeef• tonal; celebratrtni•Gerrn an Baters.! proparedit Dr. 1: M . Jackrion. No*. 112 a .1k rel . et `et, frirtindel f •th a. In cases c.f Llooi complaint. Dyspepsia. Dori tie et the Kidney,. ; ; ,',l all diseases ar,Oing from a 11.sord e-ed sionnattli, 1...1e,r pc ri • er fs not excelled. If equalled. by any tether known p ro , peralion, ue the Cure attest, ill Miley mists. e f t " „ the moat celebrator! physicians hove aded. W e can coroci outionoly recommend this t!ted, • e.,ais being what ir t is represented, it d urge. our ad,, who are afflicted t o procure a bo•III , and th ey all , • eouvtaccd of the Lath We assert. , 4 I IA In Green, o Imr. Mr. G. the 3let u . llama, en net.. by- lb. Harborcree Ou the.lat ft. Hurt. of of Slillereek. 'On the alet /heir Hon and On the 29t nitre, nal MI (In the 3lst Miss tilt , br th 14ies Lvov bY the e NI. A PA t l y the" On the sth Groene tp., A inst., 4f.se rd 27 rain ale, 01:i`o. • it place ; mg. ittic4,D .id tt of ult.; la' C of Mr. E. 1 , quoo of his et.; Mr. TH lu Monroe formerly of t 1 Of Cunau, WILLIAN see' On the 29t TEUPLIC WI r! At the rem day the 3th_ i of hut ego. i .12 g 3 6334 ;, i .a hi, lit . to thi4 cit Ward: 1u M'Kea' about 55 yen' Iu Girard.l sou. Jabez aged 85 yea Ia Allegh. ult., !Irs. M 1 year as her 11. t r!t" ig . Mr ti 3 thou !, Craw ford co, ,r.,-John I of Waterfg tqwbabs, . rite of former! ' N 01 her ie Lending I.e prz t 1.,.. a ;. s t.. ~..,) d.i. U, Iv 1135. [ - - - - - - *E - o ,e :l f - 1 - 0 . ly an glit.‘ :•• ri 01 ...alltlven.l 10 ' 'li“ on le% WI '5 ' 't... , 4 3410 i. Ire sa slilete-M% 91:1 ' 1 .5 71,..1 Ile IC tor. • . 1i.1.'33-35. , V 1.1,1 1i......1% 21,-:....,.. V.:%citt . It., •;el-A.:, i 'rEr re•uwr..t fraidvtice Eale, Jau. lAit r, ,7 1: or loi4 1 4: our rt.... Eri., Jan EUY •ure to g. Erie. Juu dekT }.W rou Er ;; rtie,Ja: 1 - 4 7 %1/ . 111`• FF. B 0 ‘umpro ' 111**...) Ilrr nu • It!, IC f II •• • he, /...4 J liirtitaitt. Lt IT e..) it if, Self tealtr.4, rit i fir, /tit.. I V I Bcct. her the 10, '52 —2.1 ' oi. it 1..;:0•t0n1Ar..1, lA.:. la - . )0, ,u kmnt Vtid.L.t Ftn , ; • • at 1,. grcat lit. tit A.\ Nes- Lo,._ h. t i •tr; K. . • I. Cne. Jim I.‘ G IITP . . - 1 • • .• " - rt. or ths Wrs:th I•, l ikrsit in .tIs.:11, ire I,ss ~., . .I' , s:—ti I . • ttl" \ Nt•:.ll`, : a ~., Not r.- a:, r .e ;• fin.. at • rst; 11 '.t \ :' , .. 4 ;5:r. si Ntql" 800% St:re Pe a i,,..,. •.. _ . . . ..... I li 1s S. (:) L 417 T-1 0... N . netan,y; hrrrtvfon. 1•i;-t.sssr Lc; it t—s,:s:se a st ter, ens the tsatt.t.. f IVell.er AV..•Co...it, ha. 0.1.... a ., I,: t a.,, .... ." t. 1 n.., h :.h.,•:.., ar Rs. cot.caru t‘.:: s r• ,, ,tr ,1 , t• , %.t.•.• ~...1 I .It.trt,ie c....,r,..a..r. t's. 4.•, - .1. 1 t...,110, t-11..i.1a is , I , l , W 11.F.1.R. . 1. 1 - ,ltt—,:s:a. J. 13 1:1M)h, S 111 S' 3T - ET _c) ~ . t 1 rf • T ut. r "er :II • •,I) 1) V.... 4, ottutt,-.) 4 ,1: tt, Ja 1 WIN tIP ti.. it•Lt VA RN ;Ault , MOPTO•i. fl tt • .1, L 1.1: % . 5•• ••I.A.M. .Si • r • I' I,t`,l;ti.• lEEE A Ministratrix IVoticn . is herrl)). -glee tt ii.t Ir., re , 4 ' ''reduced the s .t,er zr NT , rtt;ll i tyriq ho* of Gr t ad.`ot • I 16 let 1 _.,. . . ... . - . .. , 1 .II inurnsintp. li'flc. , 1 ~ 1 -.1„1.. ~.., : • %." ~. :k. 131.114 rd 10 .:11 - .. 1:• . 1. . ,:.• i , ‘ll .: .: . . • .1%. ~... I lit 111/d rtlt 1...r0,..,:ut 1..tvi ,. .; , 7 .1i.10 • •.- ,- ' ' -........ t,..,1 to Imp...wilt tileltLi OW} ....t:be..1,, , ...., . i • -.. ..i,. at 411. lo t ••• ...1.1.1. : • 1.11 l. 16: - ..tV. - t. T.l . rli i I'l' r;r Y.-.1-SIC ii,•:::.1,.-... , , . ' , s'' , "• - t' i•• • I..r•huiiii,:q.; PV/1, - .5. al. WiItICLI > I- : r , ~.. \, I. bKk. J '.I . W.*. P. 'ri F.N . . ~,,,, Wr ght's J.kal 9. CiVNIA'I. MILLS.. Pl. cf rE. E.1.+0 e‘c! ,•re.f ii .• &as ! t I, ..1 ll3:JP!+sra ra..l n _ Tuu Lit & Sixth ,iriket. tce re oft 4Jile tta , be pant. Jan, 9, = DrOBOLVTION. • ..1{ !tett •y 1, 4 Nltt t; tltt.ll , l ••!ve I t.y muttraV ;•tn. On, tk,As are in the ra:Se , ,aal, 11 . ,,g rrl. F 44 • N. H. I¢ r %{ RIV; 'n 7, ani.-1:15 e-tyrr T"' c ir le .1 I , AIINIIISISTRATOII,V Nuclei:: , [ M It: ii, Lere!.% sire i etiat 1.. tiers of .•.,Itoit!:(ration Pave 13 aranteJ d 1.0 c s 11. re t,t,ur -c , 1 ,, ,,. Co, ,t.e. of 1•,: P. /Lack.) 1 a: ~,. IN, r.; 11-,H.. ,r—r c t 4.1 ..% ~.. ,:. rli/nore alt tilt:L.4 CO ale .:11.! 1.-14:, 111 aw.. IA 1 • 1, ...; ; ,- .1,r Ina 't. 1111111., ik , ll. ..c.,118.•-e 'hal larZ Ci I.' .- :._ .. .it 1... b... lilt, Wii ICl:....teite:l Loll f ltir.:Catt' ' ' , '..“." ‘et 1 . i !if: 'lt 7./ . R F:-.4C it'll. '-i R:ICI "Ll ' ift-':::l',,(;.;tc,ru: Wort LEI bet. dtierl :r? :4•4: !tie I!. tvsetAt. t Jan_ 9, 1 OE ..f the Court q te.a,u . r :..oron, Lru ly. r C.n., , r lie): tI 1 N.:l to Loel i ek 1110,11 e ...,tl3l a 614 luau In 012 IS, 04a, at '.V 1LL. : •,, 4 4. • • .L. 1t.U131..Y . ,u.N. . tio.lorsigned e i lit'n 7 L - 1 the Bor3qgb of Waushr: In ity, do ceitsfy 111. t the Obrive applicant l• cf r,o , t te;. , hc oy and truiveraoct 4,,,1 in well pro% idrd tr, oh t.c...x.- convPittowees for 11 lod:iug and at eutnn ~., i , .1. tf and tral - Orrb , and t he much au and is t0xe5...7.0 .., a:- .te the 1.4'011e. ' ( thrtsd;.) if4sytwtit.. G. 1 . . Town:. Vni. S. Dar,... r r, .v.. P (.. I. W. Vail. V.1) 7 .11114 SatitueLt..7v 1, .. - 1' P. ~..2:.5, + I re o , 1 1. 31. - Lenil, llrury.englitin.,:,. , i I -52,3125 , , * . . arrable as Jiifies gti.e Cotiri — ii? .t.,W;,4 ‘.e.a;1 ,7: .!•;;. 'lke l'eskt. La drar flr tie totally .1 i ra. 1.e,nt. , 1, ;to ' . etman of G.. 1 litrannt.r.n. of Om our; , :CL:.. , .:,!., ^owl. re.sweiful,;) ft4.-.vetlt ittLt be !re. 1,01 ~..' , .t I, 1. •• k! r 1 ...try accoutauW LIVE , , I•Jr :Lai f 'ma .14 I ,na.... , ,r +•i% . 0t , .. to grant Imo a litCll%l2 , h..) kerrp a tat et:: z::,: :•• ..g. a tertainoielt( . ..l k.: sand .1. .It.n. O. 1....,..12. ke Thin; i ent t r exorable JetrigOo - ICI bylua 14111 went 1t Lid tag. Jan 5. tai We. th l said rut' for t.uii I'ool4 .1111 alraugtr J. T. 1 V of C To the tiowa , ttuwt. nil. ty or I: ttte tree )oar 110 , p•Odic e Clm oj The a rhaerihers • till:. n• Pf•CORP9T , i lOWnftiip, ;,:, sell z.'• qua.ittet n. hit U. J. Slr.i alLi 0, the a'...,%epetitiOnCr..,, ,, : n't , ,- t.ressirst hit a. a man of 1401 ft ptitliliJ ,, for laniesip !•; , . , ,l ~....; Kt:. th3.1.,,he $ will pro% ided , n,ith twu,.e P. 0113 :Ind ria!,l,. rt i , cr , f ,, (Or the . ecoininG•latiOn 4 if tr.tveli rO, h..: - .. , aunt recon.s.s.s.sl rid'. as an a natqc potion to liti a pul.he ii„use ~f esat :la in , , :I, ars.: tavern. . • ('Nigatad.)..--Alansun noire. Franc- ti Pate,. C E. %Veldt - , ThonissiCheltnn. tnianii.• Iliqs, (i.r.. i 11..1. ii. • Itr it 0, !. r Dron n. lA. J Willard, Jpitothain 4,irey. At.ner L.' t.. . 11, ^• aP , .1. Darla.; Antik - sw Hays. John ,ifeCray - _ 3:35 • ~ _ To ant ilararabtr earreif . 1 4narter :.•e5...•..us ‘,,f Prie C•issip' TlLE}Pettttun of Fidel 'NU inget, 01 ,:i" ;it , . , 1 I • n. , , i.• sal' county, I resreetfully repiresent•, that hi, i. n 01 i to% 6 , 1. t vi ,, h Nouse room and ronveni nee+ fur the lotlei.i: a nd Thor oilliniT'..ii , C B Of attntilisers , mat Kits rig .- at the house he is, i• ..,,n,:.e, in ibr east naid. in .w.ii,l city. lie Share:are pras, ssirs Ils.ss,sratste tun 1.. grantllllin a license In ;keep, lig a puhtie inn or ta , s :s.• :.s. i L." as is du y.bouttri, Will pray, ae Erie, 4an a, 1,31 • F. DC 17 / NciER We. the auliserilsers. t.itizens of the earl st-at•l - , t " '' ''' Erie, in which the aloe inn au tavern. pray e d to it cr , le , 0 m i u, propored to he kept , doe wry , that Fidel butipiser. tora , or ~• plicarit.it, sof good repute or honesty and ietupetat. , ... 3i.c ,sitt" Ohl , ided with home and eouventences for tr. ~...,11.: 8 . 4 acti.aarnisatzt s san a etranglerniend travelers. and 11,:il .•',, '•, ' _.„,' ''', r , tavern iis mice:vary to iaceClincriodate the putlrc .i•-,. c;:iel , ... stranger,' and traveler,.' • . (Sif I. Cadtre(l. V. Mater. E. 4 1 1,, , tic. , 1 r ''' . f . .."• delker, I. F. Rea... Unlit , K. Con-ta , Nine.lV,l.• s c. , r • l• it.: 3 enaiy, All ander. W rn. Lana, 3. 'Nur.. NV. Wa.,-,. r. - 4 ' , ). Z.,/, .licA Cora ur Cora qf gitorter bsastaas..9 . i.. ,,, "" 4 4 111 E rtitrau of Charles .4.. French, of ili.• 'I% r•••• I% ,r i ' '`l lell ot Er , e.resocetbdli.' rt presents that (.. i, t.•' ~ - I a nit' t.J...e. , too!, ton! Foto en relief, 101 tic ado 1.. 1 .:. .`, ..ranged, and tekeejets, kt thelsouse eath.d the Ra,i I, ,J Vr , si in said s'ty. fie thereliate pray. Ott Ilona:at le c , I 1 '• 4 ' . hint a license-for keeping is public inn or Or• era ' Erie. il an. ts 11631. • al* 111.Ez; S, FRI 'COI .., We. rite subscriher4, l iiirizens of the we.t it v,l. el On" `''' Erie, int which the t.!.ort. Inn preyed to belirei--1 ,- '. ' ,':,;,; he kept,', du ceruSty that d''ltatlest3; :tench. the . 1 . ' • . ' " -.•• of !oaf Yepute for hone.ty and telnperanrr. and ~, ' • • '''" with house snout itudetansentectecit Wt the tc,30:1••': on' 2: "•• It i : •dation Of sinne..ri.• and travtl-rs, and (trot 5,.r . , , , ,1., , , ,s , bnry to Itecnntuonate th. public. (.Stgaed ‘ , :, A. Kihiti Chas. 8. %Vr cht . S. eolith, A. l'ars,,,, J . . , 11 , slier. insestitali Nia:ier.Ssulth Jackson. 3. 11. %%0. , • ,•• \ ' Gialavilyr. A. Fr, i. A' ‘Valtrts, T. %V. moor— _..._— To I.fte I losora6lo V.ii.., t 4.9l..tretrptiosons of f'r : 4 '. ' • , T"r'' Petition of Jols s i Gable. in the east ti ai i i "•• , Erie. In said Clltiday, fesKClffair rcprow,,t• /••• , .:, i provided w ith honk. rei.'ol) an'd routtruence. for i• :,......:' , t • ~, aces tuonation 04trangereand travelers. at iiie I, .- • 'i•':-„,'", as tit 1.01.. e Howl; in the et.it ayagJ In bald c t" • l'•" '''' s ..'s pray tae llonorable Cintrt to gr ani •liiin a •lirevia• i , se,? . : - t f i. public tan or tAVetn; and he, as in ditty bounit. n .:i id* , ri . 'Ent, jan.9, 1931. 1 ' I itiAN ii.tD" We* the stasteribers. Rimini of Use erint ward. eily , ": ,r. " r , which she above inn 'Je t liner'', prayed to e lie. iiiiiia .. Pl'-',, f to be kap*. do certify thar John tidbie. 14es:bole a.•:•ildt 4 „ - j,,,t good repute fin bonhary and tetupenatte. and .."'" L o ws.- with house lOU.. and,couvellictacestbr th e 'oasis.: .." a ' r ' ta ws clarion Of otranvis atid.travefers.and that 'such au tun id , ..1. . e ., Is weeeirsary to accohubridate th e publignand Ctittrtaiu An. and traveler.. , le, r . (Sireo — Mi Mr4ei.r. iainc• Kennedy. Jotei h wull ;,,,., Burnbatn, H. U. Ilist niiick.') , .. rierauld. Joe , •B Crf 4 B, o o. McCann, Mums,' IN ' lion . jag cm's. inter. John ; .rt Ernst cloth. Nth. - 111 , res. Vt ni F Psi Correia EE `ED. 't. 13) Mrs : Re the ke s r, G , IV. Cleave- ET ttuttriat B , c - rna al,, James F Read, Jr, Mit.ll,l)at Ala Cucacm, K. J So , l't , -, Mr. q tvit , :+cr. f tn. a, I a • Gt• Po. Mr. Gr Per. Ali 'Ci• LII : bAfi Di ,/..i.. Re Ile, • ho 0. Mr. H. 13'411 sad .1-:ne. • copsort of Joni Bre, if I oil/ f i des 4 4 ath .14:i, uh.. Mr. ELI Woc E ,, r 13,1;.: u i t a * il Y. :: 711, :tr reek tp. 20)0 11.1 rt. t.ged 2.10 ) ran. _ 1.11.4ak.: 't: :NIP. CHLuL A I . Ttimpi e azed !2 teens. • to:11 , v:a M.:l:reek, onlMor, / 1. Wliii.Er, in t!ie 20th year st., 1' A. consottof riat, LY31.01 Bud C 313 T.L. et the r,'Ns:deu CLARIs.m. arc( her la ;o 1i131G117, 0:y, on the `27ot rob. in the 48In d, u 3 the CGUrill • 11l pie for ,ro.e 'owr) f•" 1- Lor and ry ~•,„ Itol flit E;• :•^t„ V-..11,111N5110, y noitrn:, r fn euo, for Tl,Ctlty Itrr 1,4 3fing. ' , matt or lirtrro,A..f 1411 ett ,, I t-y t!:r lirrt t [ . ..in mit & raf " II LP. o rn.~ ~ -~ I~ et3ottztty unatapigect It 1 1 / 1 .11 Le iLad at GU% . 4 111 :3 Sett: rp,•• am! ef,:mchi-r, I3h ~ IIL ME ~n : 1••..,0.q.r. r, EOM (11.t.:1;1..1. rP:: , _ _ 7 ---. C.J. .!TIZA.I.IiI4.Y