A. P: DVSZ.IIf A 0 0.; Proprietors. VOLUME 22. Ir 4. Weeltlq (llmertier4' A. P. DURLIN & CO. PROPRIETOS. 4. 1. IL 0111 f. X OFFICE, CORNER STATE ST, AND PUBLIC SQUARE. ERIE. TERMS OF TILE PAPER. Lily rabecribers by the earner. at llfdrAt By wag, at at Wearier., In advance,i on, I .30 IClff' sot paid In advance. or within three months tile time Cifsubaertbins, two dollars will be charged. ' LTAlicommunications wail be post paid. ~ RATES OF (ADVERTISING. -- . au* ot eseeeding I lines, one year. 'VA. •• •• are • , 1(1 • 90 r. , ,do. alit months. 6,0 1 1 do. IdO. three months. , 3.04 Thatudent advertisements, 30 cents perm:mare, of dfltvil lines or 15.., for the diet insertion; ES cents for each subsequent insertion. TrYearly ativertigers have the pfl% siege of changitheat pleasure, but at no time are allowed to oecup) more than two square., are.: to lgi boiled I. 'Apr issandists Iwili.seiw AdValliCtUell /II not having other dace dons, will be inserted 41, lbrbid sad chanted accordingly. 1 : OM I;' D;zfzil 0 I :I DIN ii.o :V4M W. H. KNOWLTON. Watehmaker and Repairer, Dealer in Wate he..Cloek, . Jewelry, Musical I ustrhtnents. Look tng 'Glasses and other Fancy Goods Store one door west of the Reed [louse. .CKLE CEPCEIt. Grocerier, liardn are. Crcekery, ke. No meet. Erie, Pa. A. - 14. JUDSON, Other on Park Row, berweed ; Bron n's new rour.e. ua maim. OY & HAVERSTICK. Deakin! in Dry Gcods, Groceries, Liquors oral( kinds. s ecOckerY one door south of Smith Jackson's store, Hymen street, Erie, ra. eustrrow. G. A N Dit F., Arm of,S. Amin. Offenbach—Depot of Foreisn MUSIC and mu sical Merchandir.e, whole.a!e aud retail. No. 10, So. kb Si. ob. chestnut street, rfoladelyh.a. -a' DR. C BRANDES. pneme tA x and :5, corner of State atul Seventh Streets; Revidetire on Eighth 'Street, between French and ,Illonand. Erie. Pa. T. i - V7 MOORE. D races In Groterks, Liquor-, Land ies, trual One Door below Loomis & Co's State avert. Erie: M. SANFORD Tir. CO:. Dealers in C.o I.l.Biher, Qank Notes, Irrafts. Vent fte.nirs.of Pre - &e. Sight Eachange on the principal cities constaiitly tut Otnef Deatily'ir Block. Public Square. Erie.' _ _ _ _ • T. 7 llEitqN STUART. r'itatos AND Pnysdria , r—larice, corner or French and fifth thav Nom. more. HeAidence on Fourth street. one door eariofthe old Apo th ecary Hall. L. R. T. SfirRIVETT & SO S. Has constantly on hand a fuli .tippll; of Grocerif , , I.l.laorii, Ship I liwrillery. krorp•ions. frodue?. &c.. Lt.; and ,ell. %Visple,alt: ,ur Retail as cheap as the elv.ripe,t. So. 119,, Cheap.ple Erie. WM. ST ANE. Attorney and Gonne°llor at Law.__ Revolutionary. army and Navy fltuttdons. Bounty I.atide and elainia for extra-pay. and all ether tataines entruated to we shall recen• ;macaw and faithful attention. °true in It`riglit'a Block cn crave street, ores 7. IL Fullerton*. tore, . - Fate Oct, 19. LAIRD& RUST Wilnl.6l , ALE•nd Retail Dealcro in Dry Goods,Gaxerirs..llnrdware . Liquors , . Flour.l Fi.h, Salt sce., I,- IVright'd BlGek cor ner of rath and .Sate btrects. as 112n~t tsar, LPirIAM Ira"( LIVER STAFFORD. Booksetier and Bikaner. and Manufacturer of Blank Rook/ and Writing Ink. co et of the Diamond and Sixth ittrem. J. B. NICKLAN. SPECIAL and . general Agency and Vannnia!ina Inr.inebs, r:ank /in, fn. . , A. ~ RUFUS REED, . DEA Mil in EngtiPh. German and America,' Itnr.lwarp.ansi 0....-... m.o. Nall?, Am ,!e. Vices, 1.0, ~. I .•.,i ..o. .t R.-el l!orw I r.• PI i' i — _ . W. 3. EibULE & Co. . 0 ICA ('truce and Wagon Builders. Ptato Street, he ti% reu club Mr. Eighth, Erie. L. ST KONG. M.D. orricr. oni• Pool' west of C. B. Wright's atrO • DOCT. J. L. STE%VA, Orrtea with Dect. A. Bache, Seventh near Sa aidenee. on Sameatras. one door With orSec, CTSIEGEL, Minim/AL' and Retail dealer in Groceries, lororteions. Winee, LaMar'. Friut, Ike.. Ice Corner of French and Filth Streets, ophoeste the Farmers' Hotel. Erie. RiaN - SIaCANN. CrPucret LE and Rrtail Dealer hi Family G.rnerrka, Crockery Glasowarr, Iron. Nall., to , Cheap ente, L:rAlea _Pa. 'Fbolngnest orre e paid for Counu2 Produce : J. GOALDIN G. ir illeicstrarr TAitoe. and Habit Maker—Map. !to. 1 Poor Peoolde Row,(up-olnifil,l3Ver A. & J. B:4%alters' Grocery StOre y suite Street. Erie, Pa. J. W. • WETMORE, T L47V. In Watket±i °Me, on -Seventh Refer.' Erie.ra HEIR CADWELL. roarrajoblier. and Reta I Dealer in Dry Goodii, Croeerie'., Crockery. Glankware, Carrietina. Hardware. 'Dun. Steel. ;Cali+. SplkeA.. ke. Empire Stores Slate Street. tour door+, below f(M-11 . 11 Hotel. Erie. Pa. Alao—Auvgla, % ices, Bellow a, Axle A rms. Sprang's, and a erncral Ynortment of Saddle and Carriage Trinninlnd, S. NIERV _____ _ _ • 1N SMITH. ' ATMON•ET AT LAW and Justice of•the Peaty. and &rot for the Kr) 'Stone Mitual Lae insurance Conapauythifice 3 doors nest of IVnatini oore, Erie. Pa. GEOR(:E.H. CUTLER. Arm*,n, wt. LAW. Gifafd. Erie P011at), Pa. indicetions and busantvo attended to with protronesa and dnintitch. JOSIAH tECObo, Ft.awardine & COMM - 106i - On Merchant, on the Fuld te bock, east of Slate sire c. Coal. Salt. Ytaster and White Fish, constantly for sale: • I: ROSENZWEIG &(70. - Vtruotasate •an R 117•11 HEALFRO in Foreign and Doine- , ir Dry Goods, ready made Clothing. Boots andd, alhoe., &c.. Nu. I tVright's Block. emit street. Erie. WILLITAMgi Sc SVRIGIIT. ti,lrr and Exchange Uroker. Idenler in ROI% of,Ochanl; Orartg. cerilheate% of Depip.te. Gold and ...flyer cam. ace.. e. Mock. corner of Mate-.•t. andirdblic Square MARSHALL 1: VLNCENT, A ii.Alor7s,tr I,An - -Office up stair,' in Tannuanyliall building lll , rt ute rontbonotary'o office, Erie.' AIITARAY - WHALiA),I. AT . ..11 , 1 4 1Y ANT Cot 74111ELIAIR AT LAW...-4.lfflee °CC' C. U. Wtteht's St. 4,A-14:r:wee one door west of Stair street, on the Diron,pwl, _ _____ ___ ._.,__ _-...... C . M. TiBBALS . DKA LEI in Dry Goods. Dry Groceries, Croc el". Hardware, Ace.; No. (11. Cheap..l,le. Erie. • - , 3MITII JACKSQ. , DE. lA. a iii Dry Goods. Grourrieo. Hardwire, queens Ware. lame, INr.. Nails. ke.. 121, rtwaosi4e, Erie. Pa. t:+• ,, IT ICEtt 1:1 , 11I/N4Cl. and Codertaker. corner of State and nth Arens. Erie. I.IJWIN J. KELSO•& CO. C•y e r For% ■rd nit. Produce and Connuiron Mere hn atm:dealers ,ar••e and tine .att. Coal, rlairter, tab, ogles, rk.c. Publie dock, .r ode of the bridge, Erie. I+‘'A t 1 - c k . G.ra,a•L Forwarding, (Annul-awn and Nolure :Kerchanta;Sec ,l,l Warr-lapu.e east of the Public Brat*. Ent. .._ _ G. LOOMIS & Co. 0a ~ k *, i n w att he,. j r v, r iry, :4,fver, German Silver. Ma ted,nild Itr I Linn 1 a Ware Futter), Ititinary and Fane) Gooda.Staw.treeL, nrlri!, oplannte the Eagle Bowl, Erie. la. 1.4,4.12. T. M. Ilya-rya CARTER &,BROTHEti, Won! IS AI i and Retail dealers to "trues. Itediellse Pants. 0 16 . I '). - st , dl . o Glass. ke . No. 6, Reed I iOUPe. Erie. JAMES LYTLE. Y.-xfo.trit u 114i•re hanfta dor, oa the rablle sure, it few doors 1 , 1t,t ul tgair - vtrrtit, Erie. 11 S. CLAR.Ie. • re...tor •an RETAIL Bealor in CroNceries: Irrovisions, ship it...Ater) ,Ftone-w are, &c. &e ., Plo. 6 , Donnell Block. Erie. 0. 1): SPAFFO R D. heater in Law. Medical. two! liiit.seenarteotas 'Books stationary Ink. &c. mate 01., fu.tr door:. below Or Public square. S. ' DICKER' SO - • PillPlt /AK • at s.mos—Orrice at nth reamte.nee 011 &Wealth street, aI IMUd ir LLe .ltieUsAl:st (*buret', Erse. JOHN II; BURTON ltr, CO. ,1, ..1.21 •ND Rim ALL denlt.r. i Drur. Me.ltetues. Dye Stuffs. t. ,. .. - cnes, ice, No. 5, Reediltouse. Ene. DR. O. L. ELLIOTT. soßoßesident Leaflet, Office and dwelling IA the Beebe Block. On the 1.20.1 ,told of the Public, Square, Erie. Teeth It 114•11141 011 Gold Rate. from one to ad entire sett. Carlotta teeth filled an!, Lure Gold, and restored to health an osettllnees. Teeth ,',.,tried with itigtruutenta and Dentiflee so is to leave them of a pellurid clearness. All work warranted. P ' AVIIER Kepi Ride, Deer and Btosidog Powder, jtu "Cel , N and fir'44. by the keg or legs quaraity, by . taw. July t 6. R. T. Brszarrr & Som. 00 BAGS Dairy Salt, oa butd and axle at Noe. XI. ' W. r. iitiNDERNECHT. . * . • . • .... '..' - • , „ ~ . , . _ • ~ •,• • . . . . ~. _ . . . , . • , . ... ' I . . ... . ~ ~, • . . , . . , 1 , . . . . . . . • , . . . I r .4.. • . • $ I . $ • • I '• .. 1 i . - •. . . H. B. HAVELITALIC Brie Verhiti Ohsetvet. A POEM: L::r iv. - .7.l.ec , frr Prcx:cit.ty, ro Slit ►ATtQN or THE ERIE OBSERVER. 11=1110 Tun Nsw Ifitsn comer. the Quilts:l ends; Once more the Carrier greets. his friends ; And sere be is that if they knurl The labor which be must go Before his puuled brain can makl The rhyme he asks those friends They'd hand him .out • sill A ;;iris of punch. and." ad Poor Pegasus iii getting old Apolles Croaa—the musea c Without their aid-a simple Can snake no rhyme how.'- And,.if he'd try to speak A sneer would earl each nt Who though himself could iMust crit.cias the poor type And what to say in this 11 Excepting the " Star . .Span „:. Appears an then source of i To one wh surely has his, The past y ar shows. of coarse . gisst changes. ^ From heart affaireto kitchen ranges; Fires have ' sppened. peoples .married. Engagemen "flattered." loves.oxiscirried. Births bale ccurred.'lnd ,deaths beside. ". adlis. Parties. Dances: onei sleigh ride. Turtles illye suffered.ileee been staffed.. • 1 s / Venison paten. donkeys p . ed. %Ve:ve got a Rail Road. ity Charter. , A Mayor than any other arter ; Two Councils to control a ch other. Like young John Dawdle nd his Brother. Planks have De mi laid for Grayson' Beneath the country's i spre ding trees. While in the City's contra street The mud attack, eacb p er'sleet., All for his good—for .lire e know We learn by suffering her below, Societies have not been a Just now the " Bachelors Who furnish food for tent Aud for the small-talk subject Matter. The Medicos too, try to tea h' us, Bait who will hear their crifss-grained Speeches? 1 We'd rather die hen let them bother Our heads with. II their well-,meant pother,. Our Christmas P eseuts too are flinty, Oft from some u human Nancy And left in baskets at oar door-posts ; Perhaps to make some infantile roast. • Beyond the town, our country vast. Claims countless wondefe in thelisit. - First Jenny, with her silver voice. 1 Caused all who listenea!to seseiee.i 1 , Then Catharine flay.. I!IIIIIP taw MY illir .144. maim tnousanas bless the sense of:hearing.. The Black Swan also (Close your os eyeb _,b./ And use cologne.) m sweetly cries. Then Lola Mantes so kind. Seeks too, some Yanks gold .to Clad. And last, Kossuth. the neat. the good. Willing for truth to shod his blood, , • Comes, as a Patriot. mjsking speecbei. To get us to try Russian "„breaches,l" To give men, arms, arid eke Some "tie." And tell the Bear "Yon can'ticoma ln." And how, my friends. I'll stop my:dilty.' Whea for my purie you show ' t em . ! Pity. Pit spare all patriotic flee. 1 i Nor 'trill , again my loosened Lyre} Nor Nor yet une word shall come ffont!use Of Freedom. Plymouth. Boston' Tea, : ' , l'ior yet of that old British Limp. . Who has so many years been dying. . The "Stars and Stripes, long may they wavuelie Will not compel your bard to. wive.. E'en the Bsld Eagle's self may, fly Unhindered in the azure sky_; No •• Bird of Freedom "—'• Bird of Jova Shall make pie into stanzas rove. And jest to stop my vapid pen. I wish you now, seri once ■gain. j. A Harry New YE R, and may you Find many friends, like We, as trim • All that . I ask for this great boon,. Is " Quarter," " Quarter "—very poen, And ;hen in leaving you, no terrier, We'll prove your humble friend, - The Cerriezl FRA.NGC.—The iutelliconco chi how this in-fated country, and which, of Decetnber !art, allows that a Com Pitt been elected. the National Aisembl tiiNly of its members imprisotsed sad avowedly and openly overthrown. supreme d.ctator and arbiter of life a • has with mock regard the the right of s , ; vote to to taken, on the 20th alt. on t perpetuating the chief Linagiaterial p. hands. The peoples will vote oo this. directed how to vote by 200.000 troops was . a French statesman who was the 'i doubtful curium. that -Involutions never go backwards.`] The present'Leue is a point against him. On the of December there was emuresistance to the powert the nserpeir and coin. bloods ed. betas last the calmness of despotism existed, and it ' iglu in mockery as well al il l , in truth be *aid that "Order 'gat in Par ii." •is theirs no overseeing. power to emit the tyrant to the earth. 4 , . pwiTc.... A:6 STATUA R Y Ddsmormo.--tesidel the books lost by the buining of tho ConOressiona Library, a number of superior paintings, hanging} aroOnd the library walls ad between the alcoves, were included iii the destr tion—Stuart's painting' of the five Presidents; In o ginal portraitof Colum bus; an original portrait of eyton Randolph; a par-, trait'of Bolivar; a portrait of aron Rteuben, by Pyne,l an Englistrartist of merit; one of run de Kalb; one of Cortez; and one of Judge . ll son, of Mary= laud, presented to the library by 4 e family, were among them. Between eleven and welve hundred bronze medals of the' Vattarnaro ex tinge, some of them more than ten centuries old, nd exceedingly perfect, and amongst' the valuabl destroyed, Among the statuary burnt and ren' red - worthless, is the statute of Jefferson; an Apoll in bronze by Mills; a superior bronze lilteness of ashington; • bust of GErn.‘Tarlor by an Italian , tie ; a bust of Layayette by David. 11 4 Nsw MIMICO.—The following a the statistics of Ne* Mexico; Dwelling housea . n the territory, 13,453; families, 13,602; white male , 31,706; white females, 29,782: colored males, 14;•colored females. 3; total population 61,605. :Deaths during the year, 1,157; Farms in cultivatinn, ; 76o; manufac turing establishments producing an ulkily,jsoo and upwards, 20. • . CT r It is animated that there werb i one se 511111 four hundred and sistrsight tarlays ascmfitatsd i these,. eral States on last Thsoltsgiiring Day.l . ) I to take, flirter," ' barter. " Vet " i thing fellow' - be bellow. =I o ao better. EMII e manlier. ad Bawler. " if. g o, .satire, h' we have leen at late so tho Dth o \revolution has duspariad. a,ad the ConstiltatTo-u outs Napoleon is d property. Ile Trage, ordered a e propositiott of wen is his oa u bat they will bei ander arias, It uthor of the now] , SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10,185, Coneegoer-•oce of the Erie Observer LETTER PRO% Nity YORK. SEW Yulti, December 30, 1851 Me. Eorron:—We are in the midst of the holidays and need hardly to say that par city le One scene of jolli fication from morning till night. Everybody Is seeking to be as happy is be eau. and if we may judge from the torturous footpetbs of many of the istepandthe'hunsber of the "bricks" evidently deposited in many of their bate. we should say that everybody hu been tolerabir ego costal. New Year's Day, you imnat know, however. is OWIf im- Portant Festival Day.' Christman, we keep np in a res. peethilly joyous sort nianner, and we generally have panthnonies„ New plays, and new means of public Moues meat gotten up for the juveniles about that time. But on New Year's Day, iivery one is expected to visit every lady with whom he deigns to keep' up an acquaintance daring the ensaiiig year, and every lady is boned to stay in. the horse. in order to receive the gentlemen who may call and introdues their friends, sod thus obtain a per fect register of all whom she may consider her made ac quaintances for the time. It is an odd custom, botare rigidly mainteia it. The next day is Ladies' Day, and then the fair sex take their tarn out and visit all their la dy acquaintances. Next Thurdsay promises, on this ac count. to be a very lively period. We wish it could be attended with lens drinking and we are glad to see that many lad:es set out now, nothing but coffee instead of wine for their beaux. This habit of drinking hetilthil. custom much 'smote honored in the breach than the ob servance." Kossuth is now in Baltimore, bat in his speeches are tefegraphed to the e re's* here . and keep up an excrement . , This with the great fire in Philadelphia on Sunday, by which $lOO.OOO in property was destroy ed. and'the great fire here, On Saturday, in which as much more was waited, keeps nit quite in. a state of fe verisli agitation, Ati Forest divorce case, new on trial here, has taken nmense huld upon the public mind. Both . eljles ! contrived to blacken each other's characterW tually. and it is likely that the jury in consequespe, not.. be ahlo to agree. We shall be surprised. baw dl it ends here. There has en en mach ill-feel :Rendered by the, trial and its Ithy details,Ter they 1 filthy, that is not unlike," a number of private woo ill be added to the disturbance before the matter settled. One thing is clear. They made a dis place of Mr. Forrest's home whomever he was t. and whatever may be said ha hives of Mi.. F. it dent that tbe gentleman who visited her ruined her and debadched her owe female servant iolltar awn . Shockinehusiness. • oy Land his had i misfortune. She received mows ay of her mother death. and is in consequence at distress. She soft sir to Swedes immediately, speeds or 'Adler abandotts tall her concerts, al one was announced for to.uight. She appeared 1-sal yesterday in team, and gave ap all her saga.- She is a itom.l.wontan. AO i , have If will ever int e' were Mae 1 On: gust' &bal. is et` sist • I parts! yeste in gr • and thou at re meat IE famous or intansons bolo Monts: made bar first co at the Broadway theatre last evening. Tick- eta livers sold. at auction, in imitation of Jenny Lfid. but onlY, $1 75 wet% bid, though it was telegraphed all over the country :bat from $8 to #l5 were riven for amteth sea It wifrog...a, • HOAX. we =UM' you. re holt was about two-thirds full and olio was much ap pleased when abe first appaisred. but as she is ,a poet dancer and by no means handsome, and all her claims to plc attraction rest on her immoral conduct with the king to Bavaria, and others, she wash also hissed. and . 605141 the curtain fell without her ezciteing any uncom mon sensation afterwards. It is surprising that a decent theatre @holed engage such a nittoriona female as a 'star' and tiro Its place into a sort of modet-artiste exhibition. Ruttier has-it that t,barlotto Cashman. the great Amer ican actress. suddenly died yeaterday.` They say she fin' a noodle in her foot, mortification took plane, andker leg was ordered to be ainpututed. She refused. can green ensued anirdeeth followed. It may b. true, but it may not. Wq hare nothing else interesting to-day. Your's SCRIM EMI Letter from Gen. Case. 11 . The following letter from Gen. Cars, to thi Committee otlutritatiou to the Muoicipal Dinner. giviinl by the Cor poratiOn of New York to Kossuth, on Thursday evening, wall be read with interest, by hia Lienda in every section of the Vountrc: WAIIIIS4TON CITY. • ?. Wcducmlny. Dec. 3, 1851. thank you for remembering me among those to bu invited to the public dinucr to be given by the Comnion Council of New York to. Louis Kossuth, the champion of Hungarian Independouce, and regret that nty_chiturs here will prevent we from beiug present at that interesting occasion. Um, though absent, 1 partici-, pate in the feeling which has led the commercial metro polis of our country to do honor to itself. by thus do.ug honor to the man and the cause so dear to every lover of human freedom tiirough thu world. Glorious has been the career, and bright will be the fame of-the Hungarian Patriot and Statesman. The struggle of his country to break the iron yoke of Austrian despotisitii was oue of the noblest efforts ever made by an oppressed pebple to recover their lost liberty. It was marked, by the most heroic services and 'maces, and ain.d all its vicissitudes of success and du , sster. it commanded the respect of thd world, and_found its support in the breast of the whole Hungarian ,people. And valor and patriotism would have been crowned with their just reward. the establish ment ofa free Government, hod not the right of natio:ls, and the best feelings of our nature been outraged by the interposition of Husain, and liberty fell before the union and The crusade of the Cossack and the Plandeur. And now the world-renowned exile is corning sowing as. The expairiated leader is seeking refuge in the New World from the injustice and oppreaalou of the Old. At once'the charripiou'and the representative of a glorious cause—the cause of Human freedom—he hes a right to our esteem lied atrectien, and such tuanifeatations of pop ular favor as will convince both the oppressor and the eppreued that wherever a nation is struggling for free dom, the hearts, and hopes of the A-nencan people are with it in the e' . May the laud of Washington ever be the asylum of the exiled patriot. who, lame fortunate than Washington;but like ham devoted 'to his country is doomed to abandon it. and to seek safety among stran ger*, from the vengeance -of orWirer/ power. And in this spirit may the great Rr public welcome her guest. and testify her respect fur him. and her hope that he may ere long return to his-beloved Hungary. to enjoy the lade of a free and happy people. I ain, gentlemen, with great respedt. Your obedient servant, Littists Cass. A Bit of Ad vice for Childre t— o. "You were made to be kind." says Horace Mann. "geueroutpand mignaainions. If there is a boy in the school that has a club-foot, don't let him know that you ever saw it !Ithaca is a poor boy, with ragged clothes. don't talk about rags when he is in hearing. Iftitere is a lame poy. assign him some part_ of the game which dogs hot require running. If there is • hungry one, give kite part of your dinner. If there is a dull onto, help him to get his lessons. if there is • bright one, be not euvi= our of him; for done boy is proud of his talent, and an' othPr is envious adieux. there are two great wrongs, and no moil talents thaq before. If a larger or *ganger boy has injured you, and is sorry for it, forgive him. sad re quest the teacher not to punish him. All the school will otr eh by their countenances bow mach better it is than to t l lave a great foss." - ____ . rx "Wig you clasp my cloak. girl" asked • youtig la dy of a gentleman who was to accompany bar bona from • party. '•Yoe. sad its contents." replied bs. putting his arm •round k•i waist. rlf 4 .oso beadred width, dopes is tin pries paid by Marne peisperes from New 'tort to iiko rroutiooo. rir 0 X, VT AUD. A iCI Front Peterson's Illegszlne. for PinualY. sot "HAGAR AID-IIIIINAEL."- 1T TI ►OTOIOt OF **DOZ► ATIORATOS."...7IIOI! I. IT was a miserable garret. black with age sad damp. A mean bedstead. a mi l itary chair. sad as old hilt. trunk. mutilated the entire garniture of the apartment. The wind howled withoMpt. and the rain drove throngh the broken paitert.- for it w`rot a stormy: night is altaann: yet no fire was in the mesa, though two persons sceaPied it. . 1 I , And one was a soother. WA pale mad feeble. (Aar au infant bat four **aka .Id. The lint was thinly clad in a light summer deeps, bat• ill calculated for the night or,season. Yet she seemed to have forgotten her own sufferings in concern for those of her boy, who was cryingwith cold and hanger. ( “Iftesh, baby. deer,” sang the miserable parent4arnid. 'er tents, pressing him closer to bet bosom. as Ow SO rocking on the edge ,of the bed; "the wind Mow*. lb. rata beats, but mother will protoct her darling. Them little one., sleep." she continued. as the babe coated ib plaint. "Better times 'may come for,both of us, te-mor rim. and then you shall cry no more with cold and hue ter." As if antjared by hot voice tits infant Tradeoff!' sank into a quiet slumber, which the mother Watched With a sad tendernesi inezresseibly pathetic to ass. Her eyes beamed not with the joy with which a wife looks On her sleeping Wale; for love was mingled with agony; the boy was the child of shame. Yet net wholly sinful had .bleit poor Ellen Waken.— Porn to _better days, she'hitd been Compelled by an early orphanage. to seek hut livelihood in a great eity; and what the perils and privations of that destiny are need not be told. But against long days of ex/wasting toil; against nights of fevered sleep, or listless witehrulnee: against cold, aiekpeu. and. worse than all, utter friend looniest', ahe had borne up until, In an evil time, abates made her acquainted with a young lawyer. far abo!re her own station in life. Howard Staitley, alas! had many idle hours pn his hands that winter. and Ellen had a anseeptible heart.— The result may be guessed. • It is an old tale. Had the poor girl had a parental home, or a mother to warn her, or brothers sad sisters to love, she would not with all her poverty, have fallen. It was the yearning of a desolate heart for affection, the in stinct of her sex to poor oat-its treasures , of tenderness somewhere, that led her to ruin. She beguiled herself, as thousands bane done before and since, with tit+, hope that her betrayer loved her too well to abandon he r, i and that. in tge and, he wonhl give her wealth Ind sta tion by marriage. Bat Howard Stanley dared not do this, even if lie had' wished. His lamily-wan *Canby and expected him to wed a wealthy bride. It ha come also of an cad Barites stock, and having namberedlmany eminent fathern in the church:was proud of its traditional propriety. To have betrayed his crime, or married hit pinnate, victim, would alike have made him an alien and outcast from hishotne. But he did wish to marry Ellen.: He was ambitions. and Wigan already . . . odd led biro ut to take an interest in the un protected orphan. He pitied per, indeed. "hot." as -he said to his conscience, "it was too late now to moralize." To extricate himself from his dilemmi. he sailed for Eu rope. resolved never to see Ellen again'. but concealing this intention. and telling her he weal on isaperatilre ha. • linese. When the coneequences of her weakness becaine ap-. parent. the terrible expiation of Ellen began. She wu driven from her lodgings. she lwu deprived of heti work. How elm subsisted she could scarcely berselltell. l The miserable garret, where we find her, bed been h r last refuge; there her. child was born; end there; she n w am penniless. 1 . , Yet she had endured all with comparative iterprity, for she attributed it entirely to her lover's shoetree.— ..When he returns from Europe." she would sei 'o her selfAL "he will ackneWledge his son and wavy' m ; and then how happy, oh! how happy we shall be.'" she would strain her infant to her bottom With/tears.' 1 • With these hopes she had watched the arrival +r eve ry packet. end, at last, bad been biessad with eeehig her lover's name among the list ofPasee / mgers. Withi a a few hoursa letter, blotted with teuri was despatched. con- taiuing the narrative 9f her anti - flings and imploripg the father's blessing oii their bobs: • ' I For the answer to this missive. sri.ich had heel writ ten the day before. Ellen was now waiting. Her Impel; were not , as bright as tidy bad been , for her lover's de lay wee nusiccountibly. . . 1 • Suddenly the littc,h of the garret door was lifted; The poor girl started her feet with a beating heart, i;xpect int to behold h lover. But ! only a Op-ailed errant started her '• 1 ° "Here's ir lett or, marm , as was left with the mis threes," said the utruder. "There's no answer.T ' The l,od h we t back to Ellen's heart, and Dile stood stony and speech ess, holding the enclosure. till he ser vant had .isappe red. Then, with • eonvedsivillmove mem o turned, deposited her sleeping child obits bed, aa t raw ing near to the chair olt which burned her sot • ry ;allow. candle, broke the seal. i I • Fur w moment s she gazed on the letter. withotli open ing it. her feetdres working convulsively; but fiaally, with what secure a desperate effort. she unfolded the sheet. Severaltank notes, as she did it. fluttered to the ground. .' 1 But she took ne notice of them, for she was already devouring the words, as if, having once begun. she would . , know the Worst as sou s as possible. We will not quote the letter. Howard Stanley, hough he bad almost forgotten Ellen, felt keen remorse oiread ing her pathetic narrative. His first impulse was! to see her, but, as among ether maxims to which be had been educated, be had been taught never to act is a mitten of Ceiling, until he had slept on it. he deferred • dhcision till the nest day. The result was a letter, is which he annomiced as tenderly is possible, that he , could .never see his victim again. He conallided by enelosingis con siderable earn of money which he bad obtained, di I st day, •at great sacrifices to himself. When Ellen had finished this irpistio, she sat, ter sev eral minutes, like one bewildered. A single. fell blow had shattered into ruins the edifice of her foie, of leer rep utatiOn. and of her hopes for her chiltivand. as yet. she could scarcely realize the life-long disa.ter. Hier fist thoughts were of her boy. -"He does not say a word of baby," she trituteted, at last. "He cares a little for rue, but none for darling."— And at this thought she burst iota a Good of tears. ' "Oh! preeions, precious treasure," abs continued, hymeeically, snatching it to her breast:and waking it with her, con vulsive embraces, "he east, you os: be dooms you to shame. Better for both of es," she cried, with a "wades gnat of despair. "if we had not been born." The babe. frightened. berm te monad partly teresiothe it. partly impelled by the teaderisess of ber soul, thel moth er pined the room. sow addressing terms of ender:mat to her child, tow vesting her despair, and now bitterly maniac ber ewe past folly and the selfish erseltyl of. iter betrayer. Gradually her demeanor became Outwit fran tic. . • • “1/ttenert“ aim maid. at krt. pealing been the shah; and spends; the notes that lay en the lon, “Hi eases vaLLZT Fun." &e. me mosey as s salve for my wrongs:" Aad, banstiwg la te a laugh of bitter inlay. she continued. "Mails I was suffering bodily messy. shame end 'Jemmies. sad all for him, he was ploaeure seeking in Eerope, forgetful of me; acid now he madame money to restore to me MY virtue and to give my boy an honorable name. God come him." she cried. 'stamping her foot. her eyes dashing aria' Mid dies sad almost maniacal fury. "I will have node Obis mosey. I will die is the streets looser." And she his sed the weeds between her clenched teeth. Alf at 'once else seamed to bay, formed e resolution. for her features. bat now working convulsively. Atlecame rigid with an Jude:ible firmness. Sho placed her babe silent!) ea the bed. sad, unmindful of its screams, gath ered up the bank Dotes. re-enclosed them, and loft the room. ;She was goes loss than five minutes. and when she relented. that rigid look was on bee faci; but pow it bad settled iota i frightful calm, that imggaieted Irresisti bly the ;idea of insanity. 91to edirsimed ■t ones to her leant. however. took it up, soothed it with caresses. offered it what meagre ens. tontines ] she had, and, as It needed to her boson; croon ed tt to sleep with nursery rhymes. Bat !boa the infant slumbered she returned to her wrlange, only ber words were like those of one erased. 1 "1 have sent the money back. baby," she said, es she softly laid the child on theled. •'and now we have not a cent ip t`te wide, wide world. We owe rent here which we cannot pay either." She started up 604/leafy, foeshe had, at first. sat-down on i the bedside, and continued speaking brokenly and at intervals. "But the storm outside is fitter for you. and me both, baby. Yins won't mind the rain with mother, evil you? We will go forth The world casts us out. You have no borne now but your mother's bosom. Yon are Ishmael and lam Ha 'gar," laughing bitterly; oh: how sad was that Grazed 'laugh. "Come, let as go, Nay. We have staid 4 too long already." { . AU the while that she hid been speaking, since the rose front 'the bed-side, her preparations for departure had been going 00. Opening her trunk, ithe had removed her scanty wardrobe, which she proceed4d to tie up in a handkerchief. She then took down her faded cloak and bonnet from the wall. and, put them on, still speaking, after thin, and with her larrt words, ,she gathered her child tenderly under her cloak, extinguished the candle, and noiselessly descending the stairs. left thehouse un detected. On the door steps. ontsdie, she paused a moment look ing up at the black sky. from which the rain was pouring pitiously. And then clasping her child closer to her. went on her way sad was soon lost in the gloom. .Five and twenty years bed parsed. It was the evening after a general election ih the state of The contest had been dues and mu, for a Brea principle had been involved io the gunge/toughing lust indeed than'the meccas or failure of one of the mighty moral reforms Of the age. All day the result had bung in•sespense. bat 'efficient returns had now come in. to reader it certain.that the candidate in favor of the move . meet had been cheese governor. For once the usually saber population forgot its deco rum. Bonfires were lighted sulks streets; the church I . organised to mare o t o,manston o tto successfulcan-. didate. At more than one evening Denies. clervirnen fervently returned thinks fur the victory. which, as they phrased. "bad been vouchsafed over that old dragon, Satan." It wars a sumptuous dwelling before which the proces sion halted. Part of the front was semi!eircular. and in this portion was the drawierronin, at one window of which / the newly elected governor appeared. He was a man ofmajeatic pert and benign countenance, in age, about Shy, but carrying his years !timelessly. A cer tain aristocratic air was imparted to him by the elaborate niesity of his dress; but this in no degree detracted from. but rather increased his imposing appearance. He bow ed with dignity. yet affability. as cheer rising after cheer welcomed his appearance at the window. " His heart beat high as he stood there. The scene,' in deed, as beheld from that point, was calculated to stir the dullest Irotrom. Opposite fe his window stretched the public park, and th!s, as well as the avenue kbove ,and below, was crowded densely wtth harem, beings, the vast concourse extending out of sight into the dine ob. scanty. The torches flaring among the trees; the por table transparencies glittering like Chinese lanterns all over the crowd; the thousand. thousand eager upturned faces; and, high above all, the moon sailing through the autumn clouds, her calm Majest• contrasting so strikingly with the excitement of the throng:—alt this was a spec tacle which even the most uncont?erned could not have gazed on without emotion. But the heart of the candidate swelled with profounder feedings than the mere piCtunique creature. He had en• torcd into the coutest, heart and soul, not frees personal ambition; but because he believed the path of duty was plain before him.• In hie election, therefore, he Saw the triumph of a great prarzyl?. the beginning, be believed l of it new era in legislation. His bosom beat high, there fore, and when the herzeing subsided. ho proceeded to address the vast concourse in a strain of (hit loftiest elo quence. His words seemed litterally on fire; his imagina tion glowed like that of a prophet; and the abettors of ex isting wrong trembled as they listened. to dendnedatione that made them seem devils even to themselves. At last the crowd tiled Mr; the cheering . died away; and the pests departed from the princely mansion. Start not, dear reader, vihon we tell yod that the new governor was the Hon, Howard Stanley, whom you and we knew, in a private station, Eire rind twenty yearsago. - Five and twenty years is a long period. -It hid chang. si the Wiriness, idle lawyer into the middle aged states man. It had altered the thoughtless young mad into A Amber, earnest, and even conscientious citizen. And yet the change was less great than it seemed.— Howard Stanley was still substantially the same as he was five and twenty years ago: it was outward appearan! ces that hod altered. more than theigner. fle had been kind hearted when young. and be was scarcely any kiud er now; and he had been even then of strict principles. in meet particulars. In one thing, indeed. wo have seen him criminal. base; bat it had been less hie fault than that of thetcoiiventional morality in which he tad bleu brought up. • ' Let nate back over those fire and twenty years. ,Oa the morning after Ellen's disappsuance. he had receiv ed the haft notes she so 'scornfully returned; and again. for a sunniest. be contemplated seeking an interview. Bat, as lodfsest.-cooler refliction taught him not to do this. He dared not merry her, for that wcsld be to pro claim his trims. and though brave in all things else.. be had not the courage to face the socisl ban which' it would bring upon him. If kiudliaose was one quality he pos sessed. indesibility was another. The , firat had ' partly calmed hie error: the last. be was resolved. should re, hove hinted its consoqiteneee. • She spurns me: well it is het own fault.".was hie coseledieg soliloquy. ••101,11 will she not allow isto is awdet burl 1 pity her, sod would help her, 111 could,— • list it would mover do to marry her; it would ruin me: bo ids& neither could 1 be happy under the cireassetas eeL', He made oemet inquiries. boirovev, be to her fain.— fronvtbo night she had received his letter. ale bad entirely insappileved. At that lho [eland she bad esaimitted suicide, and. fee soothe after. when the dud • 0100 AL TZAR, is Lay IPhIBER iaz of a drowsed body, was eunoaacod i tiw itturepw. yet*. he trembled lest it should be berm (tradually this terror and remora.. for it , Wia both. wore uE. Hs sow bellaved,sh• Bin be dared not presoak's inquiries for her publicly: lest bl= be as de tected. He w compelled. therefore. toa keastetwe though; for yams. his heart thrilled at dos, to 'perms. lit all this period did be feel no . years boy? Alas! none. To t mother.. with . love is itistiactive, this may meat ism& • and Stanley bad heard the plate - never even seen its beautiful his. eyes; grown up between him cod it. If he • spring at all, It was with mortification for, ger toward it; but, in truth. he. did not w it; and tried to banish it from his memory Oh! blind human soul, that could toil schemes of philanthropy. yet neglect its • blood, nor think it wrong. (COTISUICJD saxr weal.] The First Falsehood. Never shall 1 forget the , first falsehood dest sou. The wealth of our first wen lavished iiathat boy; and how great was 1 found that the purity and innocence of departed, and he had told his first untruth eidered an epccb in his life; and laying took the child upon my knee. while mildl but in strong language, I explained to him, and cowardice of a lie, and the great sin ted against bed and man. He was astl allowed to associate with any one for a lo ,1 Hi. little heart was almost breaking end that it was for his eternal welfare. 1 co. .1 my child for the first-time without a kiss." 1 I next saw my darling; he was asleep in I but oh! what team I could have shed wh the first sin that had entered into hie h Ou the second night after this occurrei over mychild and talking to him before "My precious chid, have you asked God for the falsehood you told yesterday?" "Yes, mama; I forgot it when 1 said m asked him after I was in bed," Anzio , the child's feelings Were, I asked him wh Putting his little arms around my neck, flee close down to his, ho whispered, • GOOIpIIBIS, forgive me for the story I t• The° 1 asked. "And so you think be has lie readily answered, "Yes, mamma, 1 f My tears of sorrow were turned Into child had sinned and helm forgiven. Hal Bret voluntary prayer, and he felt that it Some time after, while at plan; I noticed advertently about to mierepre l eout som e stantly checking biraself, he remained si time; and 1 saw that my leaven was seed bad 'taken root, for it wu.sown ape.: Going Up. We have never beerd of so easy, and a method as that contitined in a sketch ft the Timer; which gives an aCcount of Joe ascep,attsi t i2iithe following *strut, by tilers was of a dreasTirorP:PN.:4lL7.l tousorn bu coat, and the ilarin'est.. kind chars; tied this time he had en a pair orb. ea, with straps under the boots. Well, II I ie. to hint or the prospects 'next day, all • thought the little feller was growls' anew tdiekivered that the buckskin breeches. II as a young rooster,in - a spring ruin. wiii smoke and draw up kinder, and Wur a lift ox the ground..." "Brother Joe,' says I. "you'ro a gni& NI '"Brother Tim,t; see be. "1 ain't dein . / "And ho scrunched down mitey hard. I no use; for More long be was t matter feet in the air:" "Merciful Powers?" iuterrapted thaw %Brother Joe!" Sez I. "l'in here:" sez he. "Catlhrhold or the top or that black j "Talk," Sez brotaer Ype. "aud•he so and grabbed the saplin." But it warnt old woman. pull believe me. it give trey at the row. and afore he'd got it jist split out'n the ground, as easy is spring radish." , "Brother Joe!"irez I again. . !Win." sez he. "Cot you: straps!" sez I, fur I seed chance.l "Talk!!" sez brother Joe. "thought repreocisful.at me. fur broachin'ench'• apparen4consideri a' awhile, be cut w ani. 'twilit' over sideways made • rip left boot. Them we! a considerable d fur a second or two, then a emit] sorter I i load of cord wood had drok down, and knowed the fotbor leg shot up Lke..and 'the last thing I. seed of brother Joe. ha !Asa fonr-:poked wheei dried reward Household. Deftniti Hume—the place where, children haw and married men resort when they have //eep themselves. It - We—the woman wito is expected tol ant moans. and sew on buttons before th, Baby—the thing on , account of which never go to the opera, consequentlg no. now hat. . Dinner—the meal which in expecte. readiness whenever the master of th home to eat it. whether at twelve or hal irnskint.dairy—the time when a wo brnorn at a thievish doe, or say ..1 wont thought cress. Trousers—the disputed territory. MT A cobbler has located at Spalda attention with the following address ...Surgery performed upon old boots and of fret. mating good the lop. binding t log tho wOodett. Altering the oonsfitNi • lug the body w th new sole's. No Colo u dries gratis on,th • ' _- IT There is a man jn Philadelphia has anything to fit him. Io p bryeeheft, he always takes the biggest t tba money. • 3 rrflUt as GOOD.—”My oilman frit An been aoartivr.'" yell die is • ti OM% hke to tank apart. bat you vent dace. long as it sever var. ELLOUT Corrmusoe.—The tollowi! inlet we find timing like lkw,if upon 111 **The American Constitution.—Like dross rocking stones reared by the Drni gec of a child might vibrate to its tett of an army could out move from its thin is se nicely .poisoi that It memo to briath of melon. yetAso firmly hosed affectioas of the pimple. that the wildait and fanaticism break °Twit is vaitt.'#:. ° :• a ` Bat dot bia abilik bad holy tier bad t of kis AIN meal' soil esi . to dusk - of enOrely, a a thaassad ws flesh sat • View el affect/at 1/1115 • y gridwksa bilkilmiod had That I oes k aside. I wad th• moeaaaaa bad await- Iligait sad sat gth of thas..— Ibad. I ail telt sot- ban lift • sight whet ids little bed; 1, thought of el. as . l loaned slept. said, • torero yea He aitswersd. prayers, bat I to know what be kid said. ddrailogsy pkase. • d Ye7 e rday." lorgive via?" a • 1 as if bas." of jly. My I• ad o nod his I was la bet is- I =lli. hiag. ent FE i~ il;Ki Darker i• Watch • wY talk= vaddia I all. tW eh Y Wilt to Joe ELI ' eles.'• warn't or • Mesa Til !if . ad over w. fur. OV • mall biro to • bighorr =i /lie lest QST too eje th hf the 10 *4 mortar bat wter jacknifo. is ow his eracklin' I wagon ' thing I e as 11% f o tatted Y g RE their nowt • Wll . llllly. re rdee to porch Y co " mot ,d owe with at r aboule" hay* a in exact happens Res. to be haus throw • t Wise ca w y , ; attraeta bite shop; T addict I a. heal aappart• g. as maid. hoes, • bre 0, as, most i diet he boots et o get for. gl • Jog ham 1 seldom to be se d how i g vat LIM 13 =I E 2 no et wh ERI rkt Pith% ear eoastlas. 1,4011 '"'l the lamotp sad ,ids