Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 03, 1852, Image 3

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    News by Telegraph and U.
By SPEEDII LINE--Office is William' Block.
WAstrutorros. Dec. 30.
The speech of Kossuth at Baltimore. gives olTenee to
both the • Natim'a latonlitlear. sod the Repoblie. sod
they assert that he will meet with reap dittepointasent in
his 04w-title/as at Washington. ./
Henry Clay's letter or resignation le published in the
Louisville Journal. The resignation is to• taw effect
from the close of the preseot eassioo.
PaiLatcLrAtA, Dee. 30—S P. M
Beruam's lifuseem is wrapped is flames. sod (tom
present adpearsnete, the whole building will doubtless
M esaessied,
7 o'clock. P. M.
The blessans is a amiss of fissies, and no hope is en
teataiseid of saving the building.
Joins' Hotel sad the Colombia Hotel are iohnminrut
&ogee. his thought that the ion will be over .$200,-
000. •
Now You, Dec. 29, 2 P. M
The Prometheus reached her dock a little before 9 o'-
clock to-day. in eight days from Ben Juan. with 235 pas
sengers. and $63.000 in gold dust; and $500.000 in the
beads of passeagaire. The Prometheus arrived at San
Jean on the 16th. Ins brings news froM Seta Francis
co to the Ist DeesMber. brought by the steamer fode•
pendent*, Left at San Juan the Brother Jonathan (or
_Chagrin. Nett day sailed in company vritbvhiFallon
for Havana. •
Sai Faasctsco lidaautv.—Bread stalls base had con
eiderable sides. and the market is short stinked of ready
prinis lour.
Provimes remain without material change.
° Domestic sad other dry pads sell at low prices. but the
stook se bead is excessive.
Limber is improvisg
Thu steamship Canada arrived in 'Bostog Harbdr on
Saturday night. The mails could not be seat yesterday
by express, owing le repairs on the Norwich and Wor-
cester Railroad.
The sum total of the sale of tickets for tube iiSiol3 to the
Brooklyn Church, on the occasion of Kossuth's visit is
$5425. This is exclusive of $l,OOO contributed by B✓w
en Jr. Mamie.
Louis Koosoth and suite reached, this city from Phila
lislphia befOre 3 o'cloik yesterday
,ofteruoon, accompa
nied by the Baltimore codmittee ■od gentlemen from
Cailadelphia He was met at the Depot by an immense
crowd of citizens and a train of military and es‘rted with
great enthusiasm up to Baltimore street, thence to his
quarters at the Eutaw Masa. He addressed the citi
zen. at the Maryland Institute which accoinmodatez 5 or
£3OO perigee. It was densely crowded, tickets to the
number of 6000 haring been issued during the day.—
There wu 'moque! camber of outsiders. Koesuth made
his appearance in the Hall soon after eccoutpebied by the
Mayor, Gor. Lbw and others.. He spoke for an hour and
a half. -
On Saturday evening. thirteen new houlies, unoccu
pied, situated iu a part of Roxtutry,:(Appleton Village.)
were set on 6re, and four of than totally destroyed. The
others were more or less damaged. Owned. by the heirs
of the late Samuel Puke. Tha incendiary escaped..
Kossuth arrived here at 11 A. M. He was received
at the cars, by Messrs Shields and Seward of the Seuate
Committee and by Marsha! WOW' of this Metric'. A
large crowd . had assembled. '
Senator Shields br i iefly welcomed him to the Capitol
in a very appropriate speech.
Koa•th in reply expressed great satisfaction at the hen-
Or conferred upon him He was then conducted to
Brown's Hotel, where a large crowd of people had assein
bled.-who received him with enthusiastic cheers. Short-
I) afterwards. he appeared upon the Balcony, and after
bowing his thank.; withdrew to his private apartments.
Load cries were mgde for a Speech, and much- disap
pointment expressed with his non=compliance.
At halt past 11, Mr. Webster, Secretary of State. had
• private interview with him.
At his Hotel, in reply to M.ij French's address on be
half of the Jsekson Democratic Association, he' made at
beautiful speech. He said he was at this disposal of the
President and the Congressional Comnufte
Mr. Clsiy ii somewhat better. but still i
health. it is his intention to deliver his fare
against the doctrine of Intervention, and the att
be made even if he dies on the floor of •the Seel
Hansa—Mr. Carter moved to go into Committee %f
tit) who!o, sod takteup the resoiution to appoint a Com
mittee to introduce &moth to the House.
Various objections were raised. The ayes and noes
were ordered-104 ayes. 50 noes. All other business was
poi aside. and MN. Carter proposed a resolution which
the Chair decided oat of order. Mr. Carter appkaled and
considerable debate took place. After an animated de
bate, the decision of the Chair was reversed. 88 to 80.
Many points of order were raised, debated and dispos
ed of. An intendment was proposed tasitiog Bismuth
within the Bar of tit, House.
Mr. McMullan °fared to amendment eatending an in
vitation tta relented prisoners af the Cuban •xpedt
ton, now in the city--roied oat;
Mr. Brooks stated that he should set sot/ for the res
olution. as it iru inteadsd to be a political oisistplimost.
lie will surprised that Mr. Giddings favored It. when he
knew, if carried out. it would resell is war. He though
Mr. G. was alwiya in favor of peace. ••
Mr. Bailey did not think the passage of th 4 resolution
a dommitta/ to Kaininth's doctrines. - lf it was.•he uld
resist with all his energy, a connection of the Got) ra
iment with the doctrine, for it would be a death bl to
the liberties of the country. The doctrine was use a
sututiooal. Almietiederstinding was evidently imp 1-
ed upon the people's minds, that the Goteruniout. on e.
count of the proceedings already takin. stood surnew ■t
eon:mated to the doctrine. Me should mot however. , al
low this delusion to continue. If under it. European
nations should again rise for freedom and be crushed. it
would be our own fault. •
Mr. Meehan lies opposed to thevesoletion. Th e
i pro
posed compliment was tit)t eves paid to Lafayette.
Mr. Ingersoll hoped the re:sol'l6cm would pass unani
mously. While; residing is Russia. he witnessed ihe
straggle and defeitt of Hungary. Knowing wbut he did
he should be unworthy ot tbe name of an American citizen
rof a seat in Congress, if hi &Wasted to aid in the
passage of the resololisn. •
Mr. (leery favored Its passage, admittiei that it
void/ eot imply to intervention, as he one totally op
pas/1 to that doctrine.
Mr. Stephens of Ga.. vonteeded'Ahat Reamlh mao ex
eluded from the door by the roles of the House.
Mr. Rsatoa!spoke in ita favor. He mould remise
Kossuth simply as the champion of State's Rights. Mr.
Ewing spoke egaiest it.
Mr. Taylor'of 0., obtained the floor, and the Comioit4
tee rose without coming to a einclesion. Adjourned to
f'hday nelC.
BEvaag.—A Whig journal in Chicago, perpetrates
the following, at the expense of Dg r. Fillmore's Ad
ministration, and his Minister at the Court •of St.
/ewe. "Save me from my friend.," should be the
President's exclamation:
"The Turkish embaseador a the -Court of St.
lames, asked Mr. Lawrence if, in case Turkey was
attacked by Aristrix and Russia, fur haring released
Kossuth, be could compromise them one single gun
in and; the,resixonse was a dead silence. The same
inquiry was made of Lurd Palmerston; the reply
was—'You shall base the whole English fleet.'"
NOTICE is hereby given that the en partuenibip hereirdhre
4 eliding between the subscribers was dissolved on Monday.
bet by mutual content. The Books and Accounts of
uu' tun %re retained for collection by Austin Jessup. by wbous
li tdeiSs of the said Arm will be lieut.:fated.
IWII . 641 /Llrtanees render it necessary that the accounts of the Arta
be settled anintediatety; dune vutelsed. tbelefoee. will call
Ind make payment without further notice.
ilarbottweb. Dee. la. HMI. O WEN MAGILL.
B.—The busman wilt be eantiotted at (be aid paid by the
i'Jteer 'Let aa heretofore. Auterm nxievr.
r t , S9r•r.<l, 1431 -7(3*•
B►LTOIORL. Dec. 27
BpsToN, Dec. 29
Vl7lsliam6ros. Deo. 30
very feeble
,t II words
From Buenos AJm _
Letters have been received from Buenos Ayres to
Nov. 3d. Urge= was at Montevideo preparing to
invade Buenos Ayres. His army is said to be 25,-
000 strong and ready to march in - six week-. Ro
ses is making every exertion to meet him. Every
native capable of bearing arms is impressed into the
army. The lower c:asses consequently are badly
disposed towards him. The opinion of the letter
writer is that Rosas will be nv.rthrown. Wool
and hides cannot be brmight to market in the mean
time. They wilt rule high: also flour,
The California Express is agitating the subject
of a railroad between Marysville and r:laerametito,
a drstcnce o: 10miles. A preliminary survey has
been made.
Much dissatisrrction is said to exist among the'
Indiaits in the Mariposa regions, on the i
non compliance with the treaty. ..
Some trouble had also taken place. with the Itt-
distill near Sao /bawd°, which was quieted by the
whites presenting them with cattle, &a.
A letter from Los Angelos, of Nev 23, states that
the Indians from the_ Colerado, Antonio and other
tribes, were about to make a simultaneous attack on
San Diego, Los . Angelus, So-ma Barhri, Ike. Great
apprehensions ere felt. The Citizens' Guards bid
been stationed, and active prepiratione had been ma
tine to give the Indians a Warm reception. '
The U. S. Cutter Lawrence, on bet passage from ;
Monterey to Sao Francisco was driven ashore in
a gale near Point Lobos. Her hull will be a total
loss. •
The Califoynia papers ate congratulating their upon the establishment of a weekly commu
nication with . the Atlantic- States, and are agitating
the question of weekly niails.
The U. S. Sloop of War Vendalis, Capt. W. H.
Gardiner, arrived at flowilUlti on the 25th of Octo
ber. The papers from the southern mining regions
contain favorable mining accounts, and refer to the
immense vier of the rich gold placers lately open
ed up in - Bear Valley, Maraposa county, which is
creating great excitement in the mining
It is of great extent, and is expected to prove a key
to siiil,greater discoveries.
Auotner slight shock of earthquake had•been ex
perienced In San Francisco.
The Republic with 2.50 passengers left San Fran
cisco on the Ist for Panama:
The Iron Interest.
The article which we published ou last Friday in refer
ence to the interests of the country,hira
excited mucn attention. The fact made manliest brthe
official tables of the last consusahow a state of things set
widely iiiirirent front the representations current in the
cetninunny that people are stagreiired et the discrepancj.
Those tableirshowe that upon life whole manufacturing
ea;phal in the United States. the". was in the year littZill is
profit of 43 per cent real:zed oa4 of the prOducts of the
year. if the further fact that' perhaps one-Ical/ of this
capital is invested 111 real estate, (stores, (Iwelling, at.c..)
the 'Literate rents of which will pas about 111 per cent in
terest. If this be considered and added to the profit of
the tunnufactured articles. as it in good faith should bei,
the result will be such as to astoicsn tho whiale coun t }.
We contras that th ough accustomed to loois 'sinewat
suspiciously at the complesiatm ordeeply tutereated par e s.
yet we were ahozether unprepared to. realizi such a rate
of facts imithose presented : - lilt t if the o ffi cial tables' or
the census are true, theilour d uctiocs arc incontrover
We published yesterday an article from in iron MitP4
tit reply to the statestiersts and suggestioui which were
made tu our former notiee of theseisubjects Our corresi
-pendent attempts to ;how how tt is t h at the r..1R1,11 maw.
ufacturer can make iron cheaper than the, Aincrican—
•nd thiuks that under the Present system it is iniNasibic
for the iron men to get along. %Ve have not the sligiits
est Jove for John Bull—and - as we profess to love our °will
country as ardently as any one—and we should be the
last therefore to advocate any measures which would itts
urn to the benefit of the aforesaid John at the sacrifice of
our own interests; but let ns see how the iron interest halt
got along under the present condemned tariffi Lot nri
see whether it has bens withering and wilting under the
baleful influence of 'a system which hes esisted siucci
1846. The official table of the Census of 1850 present
the-following facts:
Toni of Pig Iron,Produced tin the Uniud Slates..
1840. 18Sf-jl.
Penneyivachia. 93.395
All other states.
Total tona.
Add caatiggs 1550.
H tisi7;soo
So then, Ate rictus! production of pig iron alone in 1850:
do,pbled that of 18-tih The piike of American pig iron!
'in 1.46:40 was :1'033 per ton. it.n or Sal per too. Insprov-:
ed means of transportation to aritet and of production:
earl , caused the product td do le et a lower price. -Next
td Penusylvsuie the most rein katde increase is in Ma
!Viand. . 1
This does not look much lie ruin' and dirstruetion.•
And tte it re admitted that iron 'can be made atia profit at,
the present-priees, riod the manufacture of it is shown to
be rapidly lacteal ug, we 'are fed to hope that with a lit
tle more eccitiorny in the management of their concerns. ;
and increasing facilities for transportatiA. we *al) soon ,
moimfarture enough to meet the demandslif the Da
ton and drive John Su! from the iron market swe have
Lulu the field of minim°goods. If th , ra ho any errors
l i t
in these tables, or in t e deductions drawn from them,
Weibel! be glad to have dram corrected, as it as enr.oh
ject to present only legOintitte facts• in connection with
these great questions.—Bialt. Rep. -
• A
THE ERIE (;o'll,ti TY-
RE now in - outing Stores. Shops bother
ABuildings. Household Fortlietre. Merchandise t I - other
priperty zogajust lore and damage by fire—their hum news being
conducted on the mutual plan, making (nth per • it silted a I
member of the Company. and al. ing to e.ieh in p . iortion to the
. - auutit insiired a participation' in -the molds- ' his Fecures to
ail alike fairness and liberality. The) rerogniz Cid acts nf their, i
authorized Agents; to avoid litigation, arrange 'lit/ere:tees ar
bit ra , ion at localities eotivcii.ebt tor 'the ass red; and in all ea.
se. promptly pay up tosses for : which they •eviiie liable. MI
pernoam. therefore. wishing tot:Sect iniur. CP14,011 proper' y
find it foe their interest to consult the gents of this Onsiparly;
whose officers are known. in greferen , e to foreign lkilltPaoleow
of, whom you know little, or, (Is sea kers farad yid No late to
benefit Lligns,) are insolvent.
C. AC Tibbale. Wm. F. Rlndeettecht, i
J.H. Wig fame. ' Smith Jackwaii.
J. C. Marshall, Waliiatn Beaty,
J. 11. Fullerton. J. IL Haynes,
Ilarleyeltterman. George Selikm.
J. D. Clark, • James . Dunlap N. W. Russell.
Smith Jackson, / C. M. Tibhale.
J. H. Fut ferton.' , W.F. Risnlernetkt,
J. C. Marshall.
Smith Jackso . Preset, J. 11. %Valliant,. Treas'r.
a J. Sibley,e'3,,
T 1 5 )..11. Irish, Gen' I Agent. "
Luther A. sun.Au,EN
Savage, si.tinalield; H. K. Irish. Albion. Asa Bai
l: R Pettit. Fairview; Wallace Slur-man. Elkereek;
Staff ad. McKean; W. tineentl 'Waterford,
it door west of Witham**. Wright's Brokers' O ffi ce.
Erie, Dec. Ti,
AI once is hereby given. that the annual *ming of the C *r
ill prantuts of the Ertel:est:later,. wilt be he}rl at the oilier:of
Pa.,' corporation .on Monday the.ltth day of latinarL next, at 7
o'clock, P. M. fb elect oilici.ra fOr the ensuing year, y order of
the Baird of .Managers. . /
Erie, Dee. 21. , .1. C. STEIN qcs. seeret.try
NOTICEi• hereby given. that an electiou for Officers of the
F:rie and North Eaet Rail Road Crouifethil. will be held at
their olSee In the e itr of Erie. on Tuesday the toth day of Janua
ry nett. beiwevn the hoiirs of 10 o'clock. A. M. and o'clock, P.
Erie. Der 22. 11 13 ). J. C. SPENCER
A o K t
Rcoc and ',ma
llet alb J. iI.IIIIItTON gr. Co,
bundre4 Bush. ofiVtitr Beam SOO large
30 Carrot seed.lo4l Marrow fat pens, and '2OO TOllO
- Seed. are wonted for which the Wariest price milkpniii
Erie. Dec. Y 0: 1). S. CLARK.
Will Soon be Ready.
STOCKTON If now receiving Iris Winter Stock of Watt*.
Jewelry and rich ehrolin4l, Presents, whichyr ili be OM , : for
r,srreetion in a day or two. He requeata a eon. • Lwe'aat
Sena se.airy.
AN assortment of itheadtvins anti tinder smelt also. tier' brae.e.
lets and ktoueltes. earirops, cud peps. told thimbles and
'glees, silver cup.. fruit kni‘ro. euiltiren's knives anJ forks. Jell, -
el easi.ets.tard eases. Lockets. &e. at • STOCKTON'S.,
ATCIIES —A few rut. tine tittelpg and eltriumuatie
watches for sale almost at iftwortere prices at
Erie. Dec. $l. STOCKTON'S
VEVER AI. plekauesof Gennau ion. put up t,y runts Onus
expressly fur the Erie Suven.iles. with the injunction
that the must be sold Openly. will be openetl tbr the Holidays by
Erie. Dee. 10 STOCLTON.
cstßismes Timms. .
T DOME kCO.olkrfx the Holidays splendid attractlons.l=
14 Beimlf A privet:mean be found at this establishment. accom
modating lAsli Tome aid P.eket. hitter emi min iug elsewhere. call
in and melees from a fuller assortment than from Douse you read
about in the papers.
N B -The first Express will bring the tee* Jewelry and Fanny
articles ever seen in Hrie. Opposite Brown's new .Hold. i t tate
street. Erie Dee. le 4
Tivorn !toad for Rale or Moat.
THE well known and valuable Tavorn Stand situate in
Ea;te tulle south of Er ie,known as the ..1 , 101.
meek (joust." ts °Abed for H ILE or RENT. tosserslon
given on the first of April. For terms and °Ow particulars en
qu eof the subscriber near the prem loos .
Dee 20, 1831 —lO2 JEMETK MOH cirt
DlETEll6l.—Failaa. Vormicilla. Tapioca. sa go, liarlar
ley. Oat NUM. Arrow Root, 1/.lce. 4e.. Re, by
Erie.. Dee.l3 1931-31. CARTSR t• BROTHEL
AESO---.lost received.,lS pine* 46, yard* of i;lgiot Muo
De /AIM% coal style.. C. M. TISBAIAL
Arteaber e.
THE .nnterninned. having he
zoine s.ents for this ln,aluz.hie
'Medicine. would revere tfully
invite the atkiition of the •f.
dieted OS de- grit. f ing_i/Wer , *
?ha ha. its use Where.
!vet tott.Anted. and it trituiy
idaptlivm to the eon- of th••
istre..i,,g discuses for which
is offered.
Ttliq C.tTTIOGICON is In
t: rJr Ole VT:W . :A icli
d.reJtefl(llCd,Olt• all.:
,k,tlocd to lecOlue identlf.ed
:th stud b.iptiiness
This d•vOrliticti is basal up
t'ie fact that 1 it n dl cure
110 a tflall , 4, l ols Of a CLIs.
4' very pr.:talent dneascs.
ranzez.i] COTIP'LILINTS.
and et loch have hey tclore rest-led the rkill and ex shoos of the
n t
mon ro
nemplirtied VIII tent.- of all rounttire.lfs a Ppm beyond
that ca altuast eee.y oilier ina'r. , ll trott:eh the hu an family le
heir. It W., a:rero::, 1, , , t t ~1 t..,- a pprobat,..n. and liberal patron.
aw, , ,f tort it. ,1:1, prollitnent nternherri or the Medical Faculty in
the Una,lest-tt.,... V. .11tutr to abide the truth. and Int %Inn due te
rad leg the ...eiltare 0+ tin ,r n3tients, and I. in mery way u or
thyi the eonlidence of the a fflicted as A tilTer.S.l 4 l'L. SAFE.
and rlllf:Ar R t:MEOV. of it..,. additional proof ill be foand
in the pamphlet. fo n bieb the 111Leill10i. of Ladles id-Prattion
err is re.peetfully int ;toil.
Thii. medicine ha- net er been Introduced by entrity puffs and
Interepteretstattuo.. Ht.,' IF it I ittteded that Its prevent popularity
shall he oustatncil by 4:11 itiedibtto but ITS merit, and the appro.:
lotion of the public. 'FL, r.II'IIIOLICON 1, , not in “rure all.'
but If Intended ot
expressly fax slope eapiat ate hie ide sal to the re
opeetible fentatc,erhyther married or fingte—Pat nor l'rtzt.
or falling of the litOttlie. FLOM %Lat.. or Whiter; t! oNrCitt4 , l- 1.
NATION Ann Alterßenoir or Tilt W 01119; iNrIDFNTAI. ILEMOIIIIII
AO r • Or 1140 , 11na; , PAI‘rct . SC I' Para.!' 0 /o.AlRltilt T. Alt MIC4I,IItV
ATI.),. SEC , Until ail Meer accompatultiat evtlo. (earater except
ed. )na 111.11reir Mit: r.-sore, or hoer lona stunting.
far P.nuti.likta ran be Ind gr 01$ at our Store. '
CARTER & itßortir-rt. Erie. Druggists.
• W bulesale and Retail Agents.
Central Depot. ;It7. Broadway. New York. , 6in3l
2 . - - - 00 25
,111.. 4 ‘I.T.)Lial received and for sate by
NOV. :O. lesl. W. F. ftmoramucrie.
3l'uNtil Jobe McFarland & Co's tine eateralus, lin sate by the
Iti box at manufacturer's twice,
RAISINS, Cur aids. fit Mace. Nutmegs, Cloves * Cinna
mon, rel , lo. Slrce.. Mustard. chocolate. Cocoa. Baker's
Brown. and a fruit &Jaen of those taltillible VE.lst Powders, eou
ssalols onband und fin sale by W. F. anwEßNceirr.
Nov. 19. Corner Pf3tia and State-$t
• I IGIIT. LIGHT.—Ten tarrelal approved No I Winter Strained
I—al La.rd Oil. anal three barrel+ illeneheal Winter Strained Ede
pliant Oil; also Cauiphene. Pine Oil and Hu rn ieg fluid for vale by
/ No 3 Reed Howe.J. U. DCRTOP: A. Cu.
1[1" -• ARRIgONSOff.I:3IIIIAN INK—a lot or this eclehratc4 ruk
jutt received by J. 11. IWitTON
ZOOO Almanacs for LT for gralV."B"l!ilitgilbYtrnr:ot.
•• ee ridated nerfliniery. hair off are . ettd,rae.
ina cstraet• Gar the hat:eke/chief, Pomade °, Behr" ail. Sha.
ri fl er . ..mi. frthej. Soap.. Tooth Pare. and Altana:me foreapP
ed hande; alPhlatilv perfumed nut! %sat I alitrd leg
Rflf. Dee. 1.1141-Jt .1 11. BURTON & Co.
ALARUE assoitmeatof hatvat and Mvl4lans, just received
lat IVlll.l,lNu'ri .Mu Pie More. •
Erie, dee. 11. till,
(TM tti ULU R I q.—A rrumll lut of Cratiberric - s
•oby • D. re. CLARk.
good G r apes oo hand arid:tor
pate I.y Pre 111. 141. "D. tl CLARK..
this i, done tm_Tati.c they It ere to tog to affi.Sl the Cu
/I. haws to ul•trll their hadeveiidence: and as usual mune are
pteaaed a tt,le ot'te ' rs are displeased, but the only *ay xe WNW
to p.eareatl tu
And et, I.4ite6pt large and stellpelected stock of
,Wt.teri ndl make up toorder on the 'honest notice and in 'Le
la-Moult .1 le kyle. Gentlemen Mat le; rhea ini t ivire,i tor
any tuanuent can depend on having It when promised, and if not
satierted they will iiiDt be ablied away.
Deady Made Clothing. '
w•-• have tia•,o mid continue lo make a very superior lot of
Ren.l) M. de cloihin:, which we can recontmend to those in
it ant, ll ln,' ite our friends and the public to cull and ex
amine iknel.L. ['wt." and Make., mad to I hmie net Judges we say
M n.c alone .onie ire to Judge fur you, and we ktiow you will be
ramified 14.1 t w e !Live the
Mist Goods hi the City! •
This We boast of ind svite coinpariscin Also, a nice lot of
and Fancy harts. Ora WProl add Undershirts. **spenders,
an.l Sine Is errivats. Which tte bought very low, and n it
sell rs cheap as the cheapest. ,
lt't nould return' our thanks to the Public for past rayon., and
be plea.el an see all our old customers and as many new one* as
can make it convenient to ain.e us ci call at No NJ House.
JOHN M. JUS4'ICE. Pracucal Tailor.
Erie Rept. 13, 1 4 41.
AM nor: receiving my Fall stock of heavy and -helfliardwart
consirtii,g,lii part of mitt, steel. nod Dad- of alt soars, Anvils.
vices. Smith's Briton r, springs, Asir aims, 'qr.,. hub and LISA
baud'. mht e atit, caStinv oral! description...crowbars, dirt Maks,
13831100 arid, hod'. eci1.1,:•;; trace; hattert an.l tack chains, zinc,
pig lead. hooks amid hiner.s , hooks, and etc .. strap hinges. ! Elie
hinge. and Intches,lbrass kettles. porcrla in keit lesand sailer mit,
wHI, crosscut. cart alai.. rip, hand, panel, hack, aad tenon atm.: ,
wood fault and frames; Rama and Simmons' aimed axes and
ad z es, mini/nous% epltine'. Weed's and Young's ehoniiialt a Nell
Slllllllo[l4' hand masa and hate bets ; Burton's adzes, rye hauirsers,
augur., a tigU r Its, it tdad.ol4's Mrs and rasps: bench, umiak. sal
bit and corn lea ntrinea. plows. *Wile and single plane Mita; SSW'
Oast. augur and claret handles. bevels, try so u iris, spoke shaves. ,
holln cars. w au aus es. Rurson's rt4lllng Ind 111111,1* chisels, sand
paper. bed screws and castor.. Matto/any and black walnut
Knot. round. *I woe and Chain bolts. wrought and ea.{ WO,
screw., lock?, latches. pocket and table
, nuncios knit es. snarlers. brass, brit,
licit lake 'ikc.,Bte.
285.1 V-1.
. a ter prooi K 2.ll7lCoaree DOOM, hot h
men'e and ince slam, the hest aesortnient ut the city. A pod
areortmeot of ladies!, gents' and children,: F' es at
Erie. Nov. 1. BNII
beVI at.Ortnif•lit Of Ladies ter., SI 'Jen tid7.
WAlking Sh oes. and a varlet% or cheat, ►Mee
for sale cheat , Ay S. JACKSON..
DENTIST, from loncexperienee, is prepared to execute Ern
i/ tal work in a superior style. Teeth tilted by him no. war
ranted to retain their tilling. and prerent the progress ofdeerty.
Whole and rat sett!! 01 Artificial Teeth on enameled Gold Plate.
thus pre, ent Melinnatural nepearanee which cold has in the
mouth- Partieulaeuttei ton pail to operations for harelip and
artificial palate. 1.4. B. wtihes it di-tinctis understood that ht
is permametkil) meaked in Erie, and hopes. from strict attentiOn
to tku.loe.i. 10 rater and recent. a share cf Eatroua;,e.
with Ur . 3„ Hughes Block, Eric.
Oct, L •
,asset Opened tit No.l larrightii Block s Center
, of litotte and lifth Streets.
Wit ERE the au craws is now receiving
Meted stock f Mats, raps and Furs: To which Ise incites
,the attenuon of the wople of Erie and its vicinity. Ile flatters
.hbaself that from h lung practlcal experience in Manulhccur ins
goods in hi. line. at d his superior faciliiie. for obtaining the re
cy best goods direct from the Importers and llsinumetitrers. there
by sax lag the itiblie 's profit.. that he can sell a. cheap. if not
'Cheaper than any inter evtablishment in vic,icru renu•ylvania.
Having iletettniiirol ha make this city his residence. he has taken
great pains in theseection of his gcods to make his ineortment
complete, compris hig every
'and of the very he* Materials and Workmanship'. Among lies
'ehode may be round an assort Weill orrery line double extra %foie
skin lints. Ettra floe and fine extra !Moleskin Mats. A brawl
; ful sty le of Hat designed expressly' fcr litong Men. fashionable
-in all the eastern eines. Also, Jenny.l.lo&, Itungarian., Pala Al
to, and the Gold Diggers. .
With over Folly di rent styles of raps. The original pattern
of Warren's %inter loth Cap. now .o fashionable throughout trie
ehuntry. Also. 811 Phisb. new rtylesi. Fine Fre;:eh Priori. very
ehe.iii A great to icy of Itnisand Cape f tore hildren. Togeth
et with an noworin at of Trunk,. ladies urs and itulfalo Robes.
all of wilieli n ill I sold very Cheap (or Cash. All goods war
riti.ted na repiesen .mr the money refutreel.
Erie, Oet..--3nl 24. J I'S II WARREN.
77iftevi.Att SA% 6.—A good flifWlrttliPllt of Cirttilar - iaws for
1.../ Mit cheap, - -- About nindrills. Also. Muley and
gammon Mill i Cut, Rand an Woad tniwa. akrauts
which elm nut SENNETT at CO.
Clt.1 . 1"011 iloldets. by
- FA t ct. Not CARTER & &WITHER.
I)& LANES, Isured all styles mad qualitiesstot sale
cheap by Smira JACKSON
lAMA 1. . Alpareis. Plain. Viewed, Plaid.
. Stripe, fie ' Florynee Silks of all colors. at
Er in, N nem' S. JACKSON'S.
_ _Anneces, thibet Cluilis, I hlenna ait ,rli.
Fat ilk
It N ---- f f _ ~ II k ‘ . 4 4 . ,! a
. y r A :er T . T l :m7:iiy a i t n id - F ' ; f ax . s rl ee i as . ,;ur iller vi t it u e i rtrel, e i . a i lte: h t . n r s l i ' ;.
ket price will he isa id by Jiillik C, DllEilk:.
Erie. ent.t.9u..e.11. 'Guilt)
rrllEnndersienelhaving removed his Ta'lor in: &debt isinnent
W 1 the rooms di eetlt over A. &J. R. %Vatter. Urperty et,::( . .
tale) 0&1/1):‘ , t1 , y Illionipeon and Grant. and oriptho le ftrunti's
Jinel. would it:bold his friends and Ow friendly public Onera fly
that he still lives In iat.tordafice with the Divine cooluottld. ••ny
the tit eat of his War." and respectfully solicits a continuance of
the patronage so ill rally ettended beretokre. Idat instkist re
ceived the Fancied trwiret Fashions. he I. wepared to tut and
make any mud evil rirtneut in his line in a style not to he sit,-
pantedbete or else bet*. Alm, Navpi and Military Clothing
made to onler,, 4
IX Cain ny done promptly, and with care. for other, ro make
up. I SOWN 0021.DINM.
Erie. OeL 24. I*.
• . I 24.
0111 and ifilveri Leaf b
Erie. Nov. 1 i VARtfll k 1120740:11.
1 500 Y A RCN madder colored Lauteanter C Mittman*. at one
'billing int(' yard at C. M. rta'ailar.
November S.
silg "ir A Ind hoodoos.* A infkiCa Imaires. Mack and lob:med.
iJ Arm goods br Si cents per lath at ,
November 9. 1 , .
„TA PAN WANE 4.lust reeeired another ka ernremay for .41-
bon/. at ftsfeht ices. ItIIFIII3 REED.
JUST RECEIVED, at the Bookstore of the antoerther. 00 the
Di" you d, a 'l inty of School and Vitseettaneous Bonin; alto
Affrtal‘and other Beets appropriate to the Hottldnya.
Erie, Dee. 13. teen • 0 STAFFORD.
M tnlaßigit ; leWt.—Noer optaing,a very e• C. - lota to
line and allitaf arise, ludlaa. Mamie and lionlielt
Stria.. the beet in WIN, tot sale et LOOM. It Ctrs.
&ie. Dee. 13 '3l-31.
M35 - 1-"1-NT!I
—Braas Curtain Hands and Pim..
sAels 41 varsous c Lra. Rnlia. Enda
trereni kinds, at No. 3 Reftl flouPe
Itl - 1 , 116 REEL)
1.14 e. Salk and Gloseg. PIC
Pic Nit Cent," Kid, Cabll
- Childtell'ii Cao , lnners and
H. JACK:4IN. ,
ilk awl tVurtce,l ['tut tt, ott
, ly Haul. Also, a good a!sortmenttJ
•hcap9yi JACr.SON.
in NE 0 - 11 AL .
li - •••••_.:_!..r.........••...tarT0urg00migiam0n.m....•••••••=1
' . • : OF CON:SUMPTION!! 1
T l:r o Ze . Ir ti C a ir lit nn
asd: Kure Roarserwvo
ConeolbKWa i nrarta r e Th . ma t tr i p b inlay i
oae tivol i tzt fifletkin g . ihr r ehiwi li .
ed i i i ‘ . oae
wiwas• oft
' OoNSIUMPTr 1 .oN.
TlMlllri STAIIIM ' r • : SYMPTOMS.:
• wo I riexT t Cough, pile in the berast,aide, head, liiiik.?;lats. and limbs. itt•
CI•NaViIP Trost., 1 &amities. soreness. and tiepin, la * throat. freer. difficult
'fa Blue NV:a:Teta. _ J cud quick laaaaing, expoctoralioo tfrikelt, Welt sad frith.
'zoom') Brim 1 - • - - SYNIPTOMSi
ethirßmEn COstiveneW, srinnedie cough, violent fecti, lifght, morning. and
C ON SIIMPTIOSt. . atid•daf sweats, hectic flush in ate fara, and cheeks. humbug
In rad rappers. J
hem in the prams of the hands and .0161 of the fret, rojoectsta
: .Y • two goal. copies; ail streaked alai id.•4l.
112 RUCULAR frinrebem ditnitabhed fever. cough. and !morning sweats. great
Corest,* rTzoit. had lbecec‘sellf dell/ ItY, frequent fainting flu!, alright &lima.
In Yellow ' Wrappers.
and swelling of* ert remit IPP.
• ,
Ti) THE ArtILIC CELL ty 'be appearance in Tkoeoioilloo of :Vodka'. Syruscww le a new Era, in Mtvlreint.freau It. Dowell)*
and direct oppostpon to the ,014 i
' A13111:0111 MID TWOCINIMITINT . 02Iz name= gyingori,
While its sueress. prep-trim] in this manner. (thrh Dottie rontaintm: a ditrerent piettaration.) is curio( Lie.'efifereal skim which
charbrietiz, coosaospfsmi. haslablished the /4 cleave frierkof the fin ra bitilfer b.very dtage Of Pultanutity Consumption.
17 rlit'SlekAtid APi'RUV OF IT. because it is baseil upon correct Physhdogical and Patholhgteai pc/Penile,. lb Pahije
approve mrit, 6ecanse It is awn a Wiwi, mid because they *blow from old eviserienet . thinking preparation wiU ip.4 cure the She..
stages or Cinsuivia.a.' rlessurdishhe. ihsafpeutied. and 4,, raced h,f,smsl opprere.,, of (1, because its principle* hold but a teaseo
able Mope, d' when he nuto Astilalta Srnacatas, his hoist at reaalised.
, , .-
and wet row Donis. his expectoration. difir.c WI and haiiitbil , becomes free and easy MS C.erek swan i•clo war, the iadesiesi, etek
ling in bis el,.intiatiiation, plaits in his breast, side. beeddisac k. joints. and limbs are removed. ' "
and uses the second hotee. Isis fever leaves him, hi, dialled./ slumbers become Mee/ and refreshing. hp night pweata vani.h his ex •
pectoratioif. copietts and bloodyossomes a healthy appears re. and at length .11.,appeat.. hei bowels because teiguldr, his appetite.
returns, therush in his cheek disappears , the battling heat lin the palms of his hands, an,l soles of Ins feel, ii(e lei( lid longer, his ,
cough now: eases. He reamers is wall. 1
' .
and uses the third bottle, his Di AT* trradually, his Weak bowels become sarcpg, hie conch and lather had symptoms diaap
pea-. (refuel dighition beet:aims siOn,... and a i rcprai,. his stntnabh wavers arts proper Mlle.end creates ucw, rich. itthl nourishing tilts:id
bin streumbeturns, his wasted„li is clothed with Mesh. 103 LIFE 1$ SA V EL?! and he is
rata bottle of Nitialre Syriac** has thee yptom of the ikage fbr which it I. intended printed In front of the wrapper. whereby
every invalid knowing his own sb. intoningan polite for hinutelf ,LrWillt.:lll.loTME Ilk: *WU I REs,p, conn q ueffily no min
a ke tan OCeUr in selecting ITTIaI 4: PRUPE.II MED RINI 4:,Jel, :
tri.Ree Pamphlet in possesslotn of the Editor of this Pala*, csantaining Dr. l'iitittill's rathology of Consumption. Lectures on the
tilrue lure and Illa.• of the Manila Langs. and , ertifientes of CURES Lb Prerared only by IDr. libualt. Int cum' and
rroprielor- • larriCils Si per Dottie. , .
. !
DR. KM. 1-I.VDOP, its, Clonal Sired, opczst_letheSl .f eele H . . ;
nese. Phila. .ggetil for the ro p rtelor ßemoved ßroved front Soul 4 rt ih, I_%treet. • , Iy3l
ill '
. c _
Oleos tho . trask for
AN SMITH, No, 3, 'Clicapsidc!! 1 .1. , , ; '
iivtr.) hap on hand theLargratltork of G004..1n his tinr.apv t ,
of rered 111 this market. whirls vete purcha.e.l fur 12 At{H Ili
the Eastern Cl.',.ii or mailtifarnitea by himself: by which he is
ell:11.1'1.d to sell them so low that people do ray tory meat have stfoi
by the Custom !louse without paying dirty. _ Well, *,hat itithr)
%%ere susugg,ted, so that thr uvular can buy I '
Illoaut;fol Silk Unto for 111.50:
notr.lio Robes fur Rei SO Mesteen Rats for 31t eclat.. 041 ell
other rood. at !ike low prices.. For proof of which, all lllterekt
ed eat] earl and examine ibr thettieelvek . • ' (
irnott't forget the Ogee, Stiutth'e Cheep Mit Rtore, :*.fo. 3.
Che.ip•ide• .
trite? okethher 8.1E41. "A;
A T thi.offne itntnediattly. Tivv Tons of BAN on 'lobed 1100
rms. HIT. a.
.1)0" virtue of an order of the Oriihnn.' Court r.f the eoant of
A) Erie will bef.o:4l 41. public Vendle en the premises, oil 't ws
day the :Init. day of .11111111ry next, commencing at riiien'tlock P.
N. All the right.: it'e, and interest of John 'poet., • . Thohia.
Tort ey. Edn ant 1 or: key 4 Phil I p 'Xucke...and rttacicitte Ttieltoy.
minor children and heir. qrch)inng 'Dickey, late of the ton n•
ship of Girard fa said couitiv, ileesased, of in are! in the fon VI
III:, pireeat:,l panel of lobirsitaat:. in lire Ins n.hip of Gir trrY
aforesaid, :land devribed and hounded a. fbilow., to to harm ed
r.cutb by laud of Daniel Sayre, nn', Ili^ cast by land of Atven Rot , -
1116011 k. 01-:a..rti. un tin: Whit' by' land.: of Osborn. nod lon
the we-t by lands of - Darker rind einyre. Cebtainine nfiJut
tliirty•three ac re. oflan4. !taringrhereon a Dwell it; Douse, b rn
arc,, mid about twenty-four acres Improreff .
• TfltMs Op sALK.—Otte-sixth on the eonfirmation of sale.
and the balance in tit e equal anridal initahnenta thereafter With
interest annually on then hole suiin unpaid with cacti in.:talus:int,
secured by judipuant. Bond, and ntotteage upon She pre.lwri.
Girard, Decemlier6. le.Sl' I
. i Sto r e ,
Just received at ANarre s Hat & Fur
r t iRErT from the Impotter, a 1 trat. and brintifid assortniornt '
1-/ of Indies Furs ,, i in pan e` 'ast prime Swans
Hon n.'Ston. -, Marvin. Siberian squirrel. Ft.''' Oiartill. 'mt. Rol - :
al Cronin. Rork Martin. Russia liair. Mar.( .I.vtix. Pure White ;
Coney. Blue , Black Frciiehl and B lick English do. ' Russia Mar-
tin, swat. dun 0 'l'm tutu Ma, Castunete Wool. Til e above'lise, of
Furs are all fresh and new-hnd wEinted prime and pevfect.aind ,
all who n ish a good set or Furs r the coming winteit can Mr,
them of Warren at a bargain. • A , a fi ne smart:swin gof GCsat
For Gloves and Mufflers, Mick tilyves and Mittens. More Rod's- l
lo Robes of the best qualityi wool robes of Indian tan Which Will ~
ne.t become hard when wet, Reurember a cold winter ps miming
on, and POW is the time to prepare for it. •Experience has mutht ;
us all that comfort and
en ure llealth is oral more than gold. A I w
enure of tile same sort of dime very line therm Sill, M ;
ush Cara
tell—now a thetime nu want t n.l give 3ou fin narnins— j
come before they are all gdue. Remember the place. Warrell'e
Ilm and Fur.tore,tio. 1, Wrightli Block. -
NOTWC.—The notes a il boo Recount* of the tatc'fictri of,
Laird dr. Bust, ore in idy hands. All persons knowing trier- i
selves indebted to the raid Slim, either by note or book account.
are requested triton and make inlediatesettlettient with me.; or i
the Sallie will be kit with the proi r °Meer kw collectiim. I
Erse, Nov. 29. 1541. ' WILSON LAlllb l i.
To Lome far a term of Tears.
TllEstitiseriber oirers to Itase fir len years. several building.
Lou, situated on Fide atreet, ietween eth and 9th strects.,llll
the city of Erie. These lota are to pi des trade situaUtaa for shop., ;
Po..e••ieni will be given inituediately:
Nov. d 9, L+3ll. 1 I.rrlA'N RUSTI '
• ,
Watcho‘ an4l Jewelry. ,
i . .
JUST RP:VI:WEI) l.). Emotes., Some pailtages of Watches trod
tieh Juwelry at ST. n'lcl'ON'O. %she. tb.inkflal for the v4fry•
I hheril trade he has had. dettros, tolen) to hit friends end the ph , '
herthnt he Is making very hstelosot e ono..ions for the watotel of
the ectranunity do.rnog the npproae ont,ll , alidays. He etpretel to
visit Sew York in a few dd)P , an upon hi. mitten, promises; to'
ethdolt the largest. best. and e al t-4 stork o f kith Jenelty.
‘Valehe.. Silver bare, el kr, / l e_
m eser opened in Erie. Ile
%ould soy to all. don't pun lase tit ll be onis. Why not select
)our beauti fu l Christmas 'fts fr ut a full laciekt His word] is
pledged—try It. A good aaltottinent slow on hand very low, it
Nov. ls. orrovicroN.o;
T 1
lIE artikal of this ratri•t in this country Is likely lobe atten
ded with great enthusittsm soil jelflit mtetings on the part
of the American people, and why dot his has been a lab devoted
to his country, to the cause of liberty—to the elevation of Ma
countrymen—therefore heeantiotlttui be dear to the Arnertehn.
pcs.,pic, alter to all that ten d s to el ate. to improve and to better.
& nine arrival of Kossuth annot hailed with grraterjoy th n
t eon the arrival In this Cit of rli " re's Patent. straight nee dle,'
perpendicular action clewing kl;•liine. This innehine is rips
t !fled to work miracles athltentsse great revolution lit the cloth
, ing busiiii,,s, This ta 4 , II i 171 a is the, most important and useful iu
, vention of the age. It bar been %Med a sufficient length of time
to be thoroughly tested upuh a greit varit ty of wort, and in all
' eases is fully approved. II esecutru in the most perfeet and s4t-
I Ist:Kim) , manner. the work of the ',follow tog cLcurations. vta----
Tallors.hoot. shoe and gait r man•facturers. harness and saddle
ma kerg. shirt makers, l'i makers, Carriage i rammer,. cap nee.
kers and bat Winkle, dre muskegs, stecktuet manulacturets.
.glove tankers, costumers, carpet bmanufac titters. truss makers
whip makers and upholslera An may also be most pro fi t:Oily
used is making sods and awnin s. beds and matrasses, burse
collars, oiled clothing. bat king Lot no, and map and c hart bind
„,. Mg. and indeed rot any oilier par where stitching by head
has been required. This nintlitue„ which is about twelve ine hies
square. and weigh,s 83 pounds. is ompaet. ornamental in 1011.
1 ,,e,
durable In all its isms; not liable i get out of order , and is en I-
ly adjusted and operated. It will form the labor of from five
to ten persons. depending on the k i nd of work and tik Olaf the o
I -
eratot. 'Fite bes kind of Tuilot's nstom work can be each
with it in the best manner: and 111 making caps.god most r
articles to which it is adapted. int Mork is far superior to thud
done by hand. The Machine it ill be constantly on ExhibitiOu
and for sate at No. i. 4 :•)M1111hF , lot Fire hange, French street. where
all persons interested are invited lb call, nod may be assured f
receiving abundant evidence and perfect ocular demonstrationf
the great utility and value of this invention. Those WlSki g
to purchase clothing, are hereby tudified that I can sell theirs
cheaper clothing. made in the mos: durable manner, and with
live times as much stitching on na thin manufactured all by hand.
A garment, which, in the ordinary war it would take a workman
all day to stitch, can, by ilr. help of the machine. be stitched in
i half amhour, and done in a manner far supptor to that done by
hand. Therefore, by the aid of this machine I am enabled to
make heater work, and at Ike saniellineeheaper work than Or*
who msnufneture clothing in the. ordinary way. To he eon
• i need. gip e us a call, when the moat skeptical can be cured of his
skeptieism. and the unbeliever's doubts mot to the, foot winds,
anti all sent on their way 'sluicing that clothing can be mantifatt ,
tured so crimp, sit durable and so beautiful. as can be done by
elingerfp Patent dewing Machine. ' MOetE KO('ll, 1
,No.:, Commercial Fachauga, French street. !
Erie. Nov. 49. 1 1 451.—ifV9 , '
• _,_. T __
GOOD Ni 47
Cheap Groceri Pure Wines and liquor".
TnE aubscriher Is now reeelring his Vol! and Whiter supply
of Groceries. Wines and Liquins, Oil*, nab, &e. which.
halting been purchased at , redirecd prices. consequent upon the
pleasure in the money market, hi• is enabled to sell at rates that
Astonish the Natives ind Defy Competitio . ,
lie therefore takei pleasure in calling the atteatioa of a rine nb i
eating and drinisibc politic to an entimerotion of n part 'lir ! NEW ARRAN :E.NIENTS.
many wood tin rum be has in store to them. tett ing sure the hare ~,
hut to EX AMIN ft QUALITY AND PRICES to tie oatio that I A Tact that Z Wish to 'have anourn•
it will he to their inter( ot tO purchase of him. ills stoe tunas& ' ST C)CK T 4 I N ha"rmhired to hi. he* . " MP . O M "Perk S ou ."
in putt of i s two ikons emit of Bmwtio corn rahabict is sow !mica tilled
: WET AND DRY GROCERIF e 1 with its choice a seiected stock of
Pyr ico.x. 0 cn4 (..,ba ,rugal i trid Java, and ail her "sheer,, ; etueka., Watehea. Jewelry,
.P•ileer %Vary , .
Puiyertvid. crushed. granlan . d Black & Goren ea.. ad Lind, P. ilvtr Plated and Gen 2 Ml l , ` ,l ' cr Warr. :. Syn . 4 iwolv, ht•letil
and Coffee smeary. 'fohiscro. sint 7 Vog end ene A. . Imittunieuto:Latabo. Look inti ( ia,es.4lr .&c .?J can be round
Molasses, all qualities & kinds. plug nut p r. oh kn.& weetof New Vora. no rinorike ..••.1 , 14t• in;.) :..-ieimi and Oen-
A ire. / Outten. I hate. itni(wd. ri Irn.ltit A. tirsortinent, who of you will
No 7
• .9- Citron: rtatch.
Shirk and Yellow 11 Poor not cell and wrf. Or:, I No time thi , Wee. tr enumerate What
Is not on the i'd AIL
rvt S.' tuay be room iu am second and third
Domestic stud l'avatia Cu , , lotto. E
Lemons. Figs. erunes.Currani I TT It F.V.UR 'NG drinr. to Vie hest mnner. Pamlico's, mitten
. Unitises. Mate. Indic°. Sinset• , lion aRI tw given to W:uches by an ea oetleaced %comas.
Pepper mice, Enke. Castor a. d Sr , At the sign nett* blanunntli 'Watch., PlAx - rratr.
Mackerel. Sallow. WblletlsP' Erkt Sept 18. 1831. i• .1.,
Common tairecter% see
Waal-ware, Rod
Ware iireao
People's Ail
In tt4 line of Wines
Bark Brandies, et.ry
Apple Gin. &mit.
ria Wine. Petwry
Wines; Also. IV
111014 every 'Mr
Erie. Nov."
. ... Hasler*.
t Pepper. Cloves.
r ' WI. Ground Cahn%
.d nn Oils; Herring rodikih r
...JO , and Trost: Faney and
• Ale. London Porter,
: nahatu ■ nd Stone
J ry deeription; •
I the best as-
cid Lirors hir rt• :..: enihrseeri - Pale and
.r Ix and aturtnia Ivi..t. Itebeidarn and Line
- onongaheda Whisk. : . OM Port and Made•
..y M alaga. Red Port. idisrret and arampaign
d dy Peaches sum! Cheats. tosether with altt
7 0
dn .
l eire Bsl. in Ma line. T. W. ltOult ia le. :
250 1 1ei... hom
91;: e 1 . 1;14and Empire Nlt te re r l r f e u e : Shall
to 99. / C. 11111. MAILS, Mops ide.
No bey P.
T vart gr.stitt aT l zire l A u lk s t e lk assonasen i :: alb
ceii t asmt lee. W. SIWOU ibe VZCIrr
/ Cotner of Ith arid Sum at. ,
LrA VDU: been appointed itgeot foi two Of itte
Manutitctollerol in the world. I 110 e (het day treeirerirtoo of
rrw mid PI Weil it ell enable. toe to turobehouy
quAintity of the atave etudes to the trade or thh , section at New
V ork I II CAIIAWLI.!...
Enc . . , Nor. S.
(IV !off \M Ale FERRIER w_ - ,n1 , 1 re-i , e , t.,ny int:gm their
%,..)1 - friend. awlithe public. generally Pleat they have rente,l the
iil °
e I f t ' r i , a l i e , t e l l 1% l e o/ t i , e ;!:?; e jo rPt , r . e, G •t ° . 3 ‘ l ‘ ‘ . l l l l e u i• l ei 7h e ll ; c o 'l i ' ll I :,:? ` f. '" ,u „°" at a n a
r, les re AY to etecute all order. eotruided arthem with neatnews
a dolupoielt. The n t er i ty o h ur,,,.,,.i.., a l'filter le too well
kiiown tti require any ptetfite• rot tht.ttitie,and ti,t, y wouldoMy say
Ulm he Ix oU suiteritnemi trial braneh IA thy' im.ine,... Ferrier
athro , mheoniprattriyely a btrnr•Tt 0, Weil know n 20 ail who tar, e
etioplo} el him. it . he a droll raie - workinan. with We., rtualitiea
liOna they hope t ait e entire .ai:.faCilion CO IMAM who may fa
vor them wail theirwork; they will My particular attention to
theeuttong and um lama of all , it les Of Boy a tratments. 1 ,4 branch
heretofore too touch neglected by ;he ttat: c 111 Ulla eity.) as. they
will he in the reeeopt of the itemilitt fa Ilion. from the 1:a-t. they
w ill be enabled to keep pace with et oft' nett Mode of ittoprore•
nicrans they COale Oat. Nasal an.l :Ili:nary garments made to
o rot .r. , i '
:_,- Calling done with care for otheils to wake up, an.l &Mir
when Drummed. at the itaull F ief,. ;
4 ant Trllltl,.. 4 , 11•. IlltATI(n.
Erie. Naten.ber I. Iksl.
- ,
. ..._—_.
. , ,
, . ,
, 1
1 1' l'''' ''
._ _,.. ...__ „,,,
j If ,
ti .„.„
',ll_ g. - _ fairk / ICA .-._... , . I
.! -
_E re --;
; .-__
_.F -- T
' F ---- q=t- , ..?7 -7- •4
That Ilan is still Rollint.
WE; :rere elving daily, (b% ateli I i ne.) rrom
Cadwell, n ho 1. nun ah: .tnd n h,t n tll rema in ut the
Citim , of lior.tnn, New V0rk.411.1 P ilic winding
up of the fall mule, the greatert %mit t% of the riohr.t 102. Ir.. and
all kind/. of Dreg. sad thrwierrie G•arrle that were e% er exlilhitea
at one 'tore rti any city; and the warm...fore:loll. are iLo hiw to
mration. Many of (hens will be stml at one bait what it cost to
make them. ato ninth for tile ••rrreat regulator." the %.eirtpot an
Bunk. liowerrr it's an ill wind that blows , notody good—ntat i•
the ma nalnit ureer lots is the FELllllCedgritu t how is the time to
to lay up touch goods.
and the k:ru• Raiirnad.eonner tin, with firr , i ethos oteltiners on
lake I.:dia. the H ithigtn. Cleveland, Columbus and Cineionati,
Eleveiand'and Pittsburgh and Sandusky and (7ineitionO Rail
roads, and strainer* on Ow Ohio and bhastesiypt riretitoijd the
Ohio. Indians and Penn,ylvanin canals.
ILLA*E rt. Vlgrla rnturws
Ist. Morning Express Train:at 6 A. M.
W. Morning M.itt Train at 40 A. M. ••
.Id. Accommodation ( etas%) at I 30:.P. M.
4th. Eveding Express Tra in at 3 P. M.
6th. Express Cattle Freight at:) A. M.
6th. Way Frrixhr at 143 A. 31.
Fare from Pookirkta New York. is 09.
N. 11.—The 3 o'clock P. M. Train will leave en Suudayt and
Lot on Paturda) s.
second Class Passengerriaken on the Accommodation-Train
at 14 o'clock. P. At. Fare through to New York. 663 DO.
Thi.4 Cumpany is prepared to transport Live alitock and Priett
of all kinds to and from New York.
Pan teular attention paid tc stock. The page of;thlttißoatl
being 6 feel w hie gi tea thji route ereat advantages over 0404 ber
Railroads in the I ranntottatiou ttt ntuek.
HEBER S(4l;lER„lrtent.
Dunkirk. November A, PM.
Passago from and Mum,.
Britain and:
Now Tork rind Li ,
PCBs )N+ w•t.h inrtosend fur
Ireland. can ntaay time in
with the asih..efi hers. who hart
tiro houses In Great Britain. a
ratr...,!111.111 for the oceotnutodat l
lea. For the'prornpt ezecu' ion •
Ler h the n.lvaittage of has ing
of the splendid New Ships, corn
. Packets. salting Twice a month
year. In all eases when those t
money will be refunded. w thou .01qt t ion .
For sate In sums to mot. rillieh will be•ra.hcd by arty of the
Ranks, and in Ibe prinelpitiMovrttsilironzhout England, Ireland.
'Scotland and IlVales. BARNET, 'HOARES & rb.. Bankers,
;London. and JAMES Steil ENRY, Merchant. Liverpool,
!APPLY rot oa APPIItYtI. rose rain,
er KITH JACKSON, Agent. Erie. Pa.
Or lo JOHN MeilleßAE4.3lt Old t+ltp,•Cor. of Sooth-st N. Y.
, •
Messrs. PH. & rime New }LE', Lord. Do.. Ciller PAM
! York Clo . neer 1,. & 11. C. Co. Hones
J, K'.
& "; To k alits. Co lo '. . Jan: i t: ie. d. Ear. Emi
-1 Lew & Prise , do. neer It. & 411, C. CO. Car
lton M Ntierusab, New- . looodole. Penn.• .N. Y I Means. G. H. &A. 1.7..1Awt0n,
Hilen A. Smith. Elp..Beereta- Albany City. N. Y.
t ry ItudeonCanal I L10n..1. 8 Yost, Pottstown. ra.
.0. Y if In
ONN ET, Cap, Satin and Tatreat7Tildions. a large nsmortment
nt S. J NM:4ONT.
TIME best abrorime tit of bresa Citorn and alherTriinintegs In
1 ;fleetly can be found at JACKSON'S.
r •
poppr and Nut 01! and Slaqick I.h, by
'CAA. C ETI.It R 611.011116. R .
rg% l l; dozen Jilid ut Nice Field !w Sardmea Of — Vire - 4
It Nov. 29.• • HI. P. RINUHRNECIIT.
1 1 0 No t . I : 111IP4r6" Fleur
Cheese! Manse !
AK. MILLER'S celebrated Hamburg Cherar—al.o James
. Racier Nary Mahe, On rate b the quantill of pound by
Notice tin •/l.
T HAVE a general awortineat oodrn Ware. Mali of all
J. dtverlption. Valance Notion*. all of a bath would be too led'.
CM 10 enumerate. but rem thing In ibis line 1 will
than any owe in thin city. W. F. RIR DER RECNT '
Nov. 10. Cower of Inh state nw
irriorry skIC tfPllze of at Wal Art k l i rea ls
C. 111 I NOT. Supt
_ i .'`!', lapS I '-'
a. -
f il
..4 ,
- -- -
~ •-•. A
- t 2 -... , • _ ,
' alaßlitY rEcTom
For the Care or
Itoaasztrzsa, ER'
Anteing the trun trit dist:mettles
Creation W ftottat rte! t bis ~toss of
meta. sod even pro' g the term of ht
be 'tuned of more r 1 !aide to monk'
ofehantstry to the 1 ealiog Art. Av;
out this broad count y. box proven bed
eine or Combination awdie i nes yet
trot and cure the nu row varieties;
Wye halm, swept
cry year. Indeed tb
edy bar at length twe
IMO dangerous aarei
permit us to publish a
but we would_ present
refer farther inouky
weed. willnlways be el
tieulars. and indirpon
From the Prof
"James F. Ayer-1
m'y own CCM' of deep
chewiest eonttitutton
relief or to ryntrint an
to superior character
use it as you thiut on
U no* abondatu
good which can
iota of the lung'.
woportion of
ttx Ibllowt no opi
• tbe circular wl
toped to furn Joh
bit ;woof Of
ktssor of A,
vt.ted Rn;uebiti
that It la an ult.
bmnehlal AilFienl
earl to orany
theieldely eels
tat. imam%
PecToß a r• an id
in the Motet-is
ordi,erices it Ir li
. I. INN.
. rfeelilent of t
ecToRAL with w.
• hg..
he •Crst Physi
dean the ("Amite
Plefue of the Inr.t anie .
the remedy for • e burl
New Ha% en. . No
has used 4he VRTIV
an Intlau,allen of the!
From one of
C. Alter. Low.
vow l'amt.m P. c rot.
tnedicine fur polmanot
severe calm lam eon
ease. .(the Inner . that
invarianly reeol.t
et:insider it muds the 1
• Ne.peett.
Prepere4 6y J. C.
Sold in Enc. h ) .1 11
Town at Co.; ill (iif3r
• Sl.—Dear iiir:,l
1 In my practic.e.
, complaint.. F
weed it will tow
Itiart. put to defiaL
, tut itt. use in can.* ,
' _t swirly kuown fin th, ___
y yours. • I. el. COE .11. M. .1).
P Wit, I.:adieu, Clieptig ./. _,..:11. akiffill.
ittainn & Co.. in North liamt by B. C.
by I. Wkil,e; anti by Druggist, ore.
a roc•riti•. i
VIVI: are now receii
' del, eon<idtlll
du Runt, biu, %1
rial Tee: Tto,, Candle
If-h. Ita , ktrelo W
IPonitneo Cotlir. e;nna
"arts of faintly protein
we wul rcll as e'reap a.
produce 134 en In cacti,'
Et le. Nor. I. 1731.-1
UP Eric. Nov 1.
P.11.1..F.T4+ and Paliei
Lri , •."; , .m. 1.
, Ing our Pall awl Winters kof Cruee.
f Loaf. Lump. Pulverised d Muse's*.
Iw. nod Brandy. Green. B 7 k atuP hope
1, tlil. Peper Sauce. Soup, ' ndler, and tivh. anJ I. / Gls tiosibs Rio aid OR.
win, homes. &Closes. kopetbar:or lib all
kept in a Grueery Otore. *ldle%
the eke:ape:4 for ready pay. Ali kinds Olf
.ligc for (100 ts
A . k. J. R. WALTERS.
, _
vvr a...I:Het:A limnxv, bv '
:i.i - s - t — sTt.:TavrSi:iftliaTlll:4ltilleii.ti , y_
3—M,tert.ol for Monartskinitie Tali:
Al A 11( tx
_a. No 1..
Ps-sides, a beautiful issaruneat by
"DAS : 6I.ES. —OoIoTC
1_ Erie. Nov. 1.
or,—Julitleceavi log at So. 3.l'erry dkiet r
ent of MU and WINTER GOODS.
stock, iraU ellitole w 1011Pre bargains
ÜBE It LW tiUtl
1 a general ne.oru
vklw2h added to am fort,
to atl a:10 tai) favor u with a call.
Nov 1.1. itil. AREUCKLC & EPLR.
A ft L) WI 11 OUR Cl7B ER .
'rill: linden:len ed. tb. .kful forts:? patronageCite/de to there
f.Jra tongtunnber o years. bey leave to atinou nee. for tee btu
eat cf itit^rested. tat they artt Lc under re:loured oblise
:ll.. man) as will 3ine qtvard and adjust their'' , sembear
of Januar v at • Those ho prefer - pen/Await* pear
afP•r that time, nylvt not wuplain of paying eau for **WOW....
Remember. Lieu pr a never pay debts. Perseus birrieg
clams azatrist the nim. i. X•OCIWIll Of T. M. Amais. Will please
pte.ent tlsein fur va) went. LOOM Pi eat.
taw, November P.!l.
mew Bank.
tyhnve jrirt got oat it FARM tri, ter r oVe, writli F. 4
and su:tednt the ure tdCool or Wood. Its
WIC(' ;11 , 1 ckverftel light have Wrown the olds:re of
min wtal darlattolli. 114 e the moll empire t find •
eupp:v It. proves tt to te Um 1110F1 eColltoWleSki thin
ever tuvetticd, and entales it to Ile eotairleuee of th g
1(004 Sflldail Beak, whisb will emit the moot and
fuel tin e-ted. SVC%
Era. November IS. 1.31.
it si yr - , 11,IVAL.
er trAitaiLv• Y. H.IT AND FUR STO RE, ,r
r vV. I. •
lc Ri WIT' S BLOCK! l , Y
TU.,7 received a fresh subtly of Bu ff alo Robes. I'M/la the Amer.
J scan Far l'untiiany. unsurpassed in quality orl i aty. widea
will tc. Kohl at the lowest each prices, ranging from
83 4 to the
No- very beat I. including the tissue No.'l, Indian Tan wheie
IL:alf RoMm. This article is the hest of the 4intl to be Mend in
the coutoiry, and Leong cutest by the Indiana, rendervitbe pellsolt
and 'ilitral le. and a ill not become Itardind .tiff alter being wet.
The public art invited to call and etamine hbo hentaiful amen
mega of Rotas.. \ •
Also, Mt. ofereryvailets which will beg* tiomel abet the
limit le Lava-line Alotenkin. Caps of etery Ingle anW quality,—
Suit Pinch for 81 SO, alletincr el. Seeten.a *killings. Cheap.
elieaper. cheapest , . ealiLitid see nue door belt)! L7adrell's.
Erre, tiovem....r t 3. 1 411. 1 Li. AN Atli WM
Hargains:Whulesale aadlitatitiL •
f4ll and Winter Goods selling at incredible fir Priedil.
at No. 1, Reed House.,
H AYING taken advantage of the pregiorein the Imo 'mar
krt. together with he consequent 'inkjet of eity ilea
iltspose.of merchandise, tid having bought q nth's.% of goods lit -
from tau half to ta • s the manufacturers price.' I say badly\
that I a ill-cell niatti a te lly at tower paleesahan wirere paid in •
New York tour
I rks . Nome may be leferedulons—to such
"and the seat of :inking," I would say walk in a nd,jee for your•
seises. The fa arc t stacked up - on the eounteithiek and
high. There on will dtid De LAMP!. from Ai cen ts , upwards;
Myatt*. al Mao as Itlicents per yard; Canireef . that all will
pronounce bcdp enouga; Nita% Lt. (rein the prinelhal mills Ire
the Uni•a elates of alluSsi Infinite variety of circler, and quality,
the low . we of which brings them within the ee- - ' annoy a... -
puree; plendid Silk Velvets fbr Cloaks ani
oils a f dths. farm Goods On General for both
sue .re there in rich prafircioa.
A R PETS. too. that; draw. graters even
• ids—in short a stock in complete and an .
n both these respects, any and all others to ti
therefore. fbn a ho wantcoodr, and you that
that a ill lattice )ou to come again.
Lrie, November IS, 1.31.
------ rstitztozastriat
A waif rink:Mtn/Ws taw rf neat 11/issitsest ea
WE in% ite the ahem ion of the atilieted at .
V V-
al'). to the CettiGrato of Wm. Hall. of
may lie suet, by. any iiersoil is ho may i.e ski
the fact. here s'et forth.
••II had been 'afflicted for several years with
eyes, which continued t , increase unhl Oeptes
Astrintation either time laving involved the
braise of boils e) es, end :red la the &matt
wholly destroyed ply al. L. I had an operai
the thickness removed, at hieh soon returned:
a eonditioh as lefore. -- At this suige of the goi
pheation to several oft most eminent the,'
formed me that 'my ey w etted never eel NI I
COUILI 1101 diatintrulatish object. fly the ad ,
I commented the use of Petroleum, both
IT. under which my e) have itnproved da
time, and I have recove d n.) a!ghtentirely.
was Veil' muck ilti/TO by the Petroleum,
m in
maturation of toy stil Its use, -- f reside:
in this City. and will be pry to give any It
to my ease. W
Aararrip ens kits enc. .-3. it. Hui ton '
Carter & Crothar. Krim ernes A. Whim. 4
send, Sirius:l,lth R. ter. West Spring
Man; H. M. igerrish. I.: i bore; 'l'. L. Ow
Juthion, Waterford; Joh Webster, Fairvieir.
Canal Basin. Bev
- ITC; "14 51 i5 - I ; Tiiri
JJ tr ie. ne t.
a Kull if at
avails and
Lem uaule•larti
W. F.
• Willow •
Tnose in mut or the
*OftlllleTt al
r •ried, direet fr,
ve now open for
If Croeeties, W it
. K Wart. Dye St
iii *eU at wirolesa
it periettly know,
use in tin. rm. I
W. F.
T ATE:3T arrival Of"
jna flTelVed and Is.
Flock °fart i!..1 dry flit)
Ctase. Wooden and
to 'llia Marl .% e. hick I
former prfeca. and I wan
ht be underso:d by any h ,
fare purrharqng cloy v. he
Erie Nov:
raters!: Op.
Ice during the 'sitar. _
piers. for sale tfg the rant Persons in
a call. D: O. MARL. -
Nn. 6 Shnnell Black
MHZOX?' trill h.
I. of Fresh &Canton (
nut tt ill plea.e fir^ lit
i'ne, Nov. Si-261
I f i rt.r. , l of .1 Li.* and 3 , i
her Ark of Mocks, for at
tire. II 51-31 • Lflol
and I. r .vryttene btatirliug
la , tiertic Ohio. W ICke. (
t ' , CC ivzi -31. LOOl
CLA ) 1 'KS.—.I tante
A lafflif. awl •
j.:st reroi%••••1 Al Erie.
Nt.'S leldillT-:;c1.•
Lamp. and Ilan
nit*. Ske . now iv ...etyma
OHMS at Co.
itnee rime% Mila., Pul
%MUM SLOAN. to be
A. s.
CORNIRE of Fauna an
Model Architect, by ;
St uurnaily parts.
. The above work is deal
those direr tly interested t
runeenrent LAW ambles'
their tasar and aequain ia
reamer in which at is pn
tristrfi.l oniantem &w the
neat ionv ei we it the aline
'Nos. and 3 slow re:
irStee--3U cents per nun
pUrEitip rum: IiFT2OI & pure Cori Live
-sup i y received tlnd warranted pure and
Dee. Su. J. ti. hoe
.ed to meet the whit**. izeti only or
111 bratithip. MI who etre the riut
tt in our ,141Intry. ant{ with to: i tchiest*
her with architecture. he handsel,*
an 1 etithellish^if. mitten it a
e irohJre-rootu. while it, et.tratt dlli
praetitwl V , 111 , 3e.
hir 'ifeterery.
r. A.olresa as above.
and plats. rool•enp. •
trzu.p4reiutJ NU
arta faneyb
. II
Lter an+, nom env . • •
fill wax. lie.
Gffireie ibr lt
cough/. co..
of an unwind kle64
ale - % tom wsurt
L Lessee. Mews • •
014 by Vie. 13 'lll
4ing Doors
dist 141,011. f.
tome gums
gar the kind
public u •
t return Mr
& CO.
to r' °Wok
. mating.
11111 k Co's.
iuhket of tbs.,
ml4,lmel is