Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 03, 1852, Image 2

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    Mtteal and General News.
Preach Nevi—lei:idea% &o.
From the very Interesting Paris correspondence
dike New York Courier 4. Enquirer, written by
one who had excellent opportunities of observing the
progrese of events, we make a brief extract:
Arcioad all the public buildings, in all open spa
see, at many corners of streets, were Masses of in
frustry -cavalry principally on the Boulevards; ar
tillery posted in commanding situations; the bridg
es eompletely enveloped, and 5 or 6000 men guard
log the Chamber of Deputies. The troops were in
a sort of semi bivouac; many with their arms piled,
taking breakfast, which their own kits or knapsack',
or the busy, gay hearted vivandieres supplied them.
The sly gibe pasted among them, .ludicrous repar
tee, fan leaking of various kinds, but all in a sUb
-460 Leine; not a word about politics; no mention of
the President, no.iasult to the people. In one in
stance a riotous crowd, shouting and singing, came
down a narrow ationt near the Palais lloyile, they
seemed to intend rn•••chief of some kind, • A.coupte
iMplatoons closed their rooks; an officer went for
ward and said a few words, only to receive for an an
min' a blow or a push that brought him o 6 his knees.
lesumtly the line shouldered arms, took aim, but be•
Sleuths word fire, the crowd retrograde:l in-quick
olden and were out of sigbt. Jo passing through
chi Rue de Bouragien near the /lute' des Invalidev,
* feet a party of et ht or nine polic'emen, With cock
ed-bats and swords, conducting a prisoner. He was
a tall, elderly man, with the air of a gentleman, and
walking at ease between two, while the roheri pro-
Weird and followed close in couple.. Seddekly the
oeptive precipitated himself with desperate force on
hie tight hand man; bis long arms swayed in the
air, sot as if striking blows, but as if catching' at
something. In a moment he seemed to have an en
emy fixed on every th - trincbes of his body, and 'one
lagging custodian, finding every other part occupi
ed, leaned on the ground to take possession of a kg.
Ha struggled violently, po'• ring out, in- a shriekinu
voice, very foul abuse on hi oppressors, allite, the
expression of his face was Ii . that of an enraged
tiger. The official only, repli • 'n words, and to this
erect:, --"Mail Monsieur, c eat a nom de la toil"
They aUteapted to make him wa , but he would
not. He-bit, he ecratchedonti roi: end cursed in
such a way, that I was nigh losing .dignation fur
his wrongs in horror at' his wickedn- s. At last
one took from his pocket a roll of inn.• thing, like
What is used for saddle girths, and holdin • blip firm
ly in their multitudinous grasp, they pro eded to
wind it round him, as surgeons wrap a f ctured
limb, beginning at the ankle and ending at th eck,
ellitlarit soon he seemed to hove no arms, and • sly
one leg. They then shouldered and carried him If
like a cotpse; but his tongue they failed to I.:mate •
I-asks,: a hystander who it was, and received for an
swer "c'est le General Rideau!" Throughout the
day ihe principal, shops in pll the streets s ere clos
ed; not so much from apprehension of n:jury; per
haps, as because master. and men wished to attend
poblinevents. Some time after noon I encuentered
the President on horseback, surrounded by a numer
ous stair, preceded and followed by strong bodies of
cities:niers. It is plain that he has but little bold
on the affections of the people—net so much even,
as so useful a pis slier might be expected_ to pos
sess. Not a cry was heard by me having personal
reference to himself,—no vies .Yepoieon—no 'fee
is Presideet--no approbation—no enthusiasm in his
'favor. The only cry was tire /a itipubliquel and
this, but a short time since, was considered anything
but faiorabie to him, and I believe it has not since
absurd its character. He was booing god similing
is all sides, in true McSycopliant style. •"il cruet
' sloe ce wit lui," remarked one; "Ni son- uncle non
plus," said another. In a short time I repaired to
Minister'S house, and found there two-thirds I think,
of all this Americans at present in Paris. The col,
teal is certainly complete, though its • immediate
results are not yet uncertain. St. Arnaub, the new
Minister of . War, is said to have been the prominent
' cause of the stroke. tie is esteemed to know noth
ing about politics, and to care less, and to be with
ore patriotism. His country is the army, and sol
diers the only branch of the human family he deems
L.rthy of consideration. He feels and hal expres- ,
sed great rivalry of Caysignac and.Cbangarnier, and
a strop, desire to show them that there are other
generals who know hew to wield the French army
as well as themselves. Doubtless, on occasions he
will use his power with energy. The President, it
is said has been for some time casting about for sod
~r nis kind, sod now tbiuks himself secure of being
Emperor for life. This result, at least in its com
plete fulfillment, is perhaps doubtful. France/ is
governed by the army. There is no principle; no
virtue, no loyalty fur the past, nor regard forthe !e
-lute, of vigor sudlcient to usurp its plop& But
from tbe mere went of something to oppose• it, it is
like, shortly to fall into division itself. it serves.the
Pree:deot now because he is the head ofthe State,
bet it would serve any other head jolt as willingly;
or any master, in short, that will feed it: -
Scams AT TUB BARICADa.—The correipondeut
of the London Times gives the following account of i
the fighting at the "monster" barricade of the Rue
St. Denis, on Thursday the 4th.
It was the 72J regiment of the line that advanced '
first to the "monster" barricade of the Rue St. Den
is. They had detachments of lancers at thei front
and on their flanks; and were supported in the rear
by two battalions of Pendarmerto Mobile fro foot,
and two re l i.ments.of cu.rassers and' dragoons. As
they reaches a ong that part of the Bruterard hat
ions between R.:o Lepelletier i.o - the left, anti the
Rue Favart on the f . gilt, they advanced guard of
hump was fired on - bi "Insurgents" who had estab
lisbedithentseiv es—by force no doubt—in the high
est apartments of the houses on both aides. You
may judge of their rage as they were unable to use
their most formidabble weapons, and their pistols
produced but =ail effect.' Several carried carbines,
and with them they did some execution. • '
Willa was poWerless in the cavalry was,fhowev
er, amply made up for by the infantry draith up in
line on both itiooks, From the end of the Boulevard .
• Poissoeier to beyond the rue Taitbout and the Cafe
de Paris, from which, as well es from the Cafe de
Aagiais and the Morison Doree, at the corner of the
Rho Lotfiti-?., it is stated that shuts were fired upon
thee. Th., ,firs began at the fewer end of the Boul
evard Puiuoniere,and con inued, Without ceasing
.for an instant. on oth sides f the street from one
extremity of the line to the her. It was au appal
/iog sight; and in a few m nutes the eye beheld
nothing but two walls of flame, in the centre of
which was the 72d Regiment, with its Colonel and
Liecursant-enlonel at the head, musing onwards
towards the barricades. The 711 delivered no shut
till they reached within some pace" of the Porte St.
and then they stool m to face with 'the
11111011120 US barricatles---ail I eA , c-sci netrY on
be% sides. The C4 , lJnel and his Isieutenant Colo
nel advanced on horseback.
The latter took °lib's chake,"fixel it on his iswors's
point, held it up end weycd it in 'beak., calling on
hi men to advance—au invitation which was Su
perfluous. The tater in the very act of cheering
on his men, received ',bullet in his heart—his bead
crepped to his saddle, and hie body fell lifeless to
' ti earth. The• Colonel, stilt cheering on his men
, received a bullet ib the thigh, but still keptins seat,
and .vas still at the bead of his men, who were drop
ping beside him. They delivered one mutilenoua
volley--charged with the biyonet and dislodged the
inellrgeMe. The barricade was soon won; 130 "in
-inirgents" were either shot down or bayonetted on
the defences, and about as many more taken on the
ether side never lived to return. While all this
wasgoing on the fire from both sides of the barri
cade continued uninterrupted, and was responded to
the two lints. The assailants, however, fled by
the side streets immediately sifter the liking of the
barricade of the Porte St. Denis aid thi sweeping
of the lateral stittts; while, as I bare already men
- aiooed, cannon was brought to play_ point blank en
those houses where the insurgents seemed to have
established themselves.
Several of those houses were of modern construc
tion, sad bad terraces in front. Three artillery men
were killed at their guns. The walls were perfora
ted through and through, and the windows on the
other side of the passage completely destroyed ow .
ing to the reverberation. The storm of grape was
'as thick as bail, sad no one dared to show Meisel(
at the window. Grope continued to be poured in
epos the “insurgent." wherever they were fovea
established in houses; and it is to its rapid and dead
ly erect that we ewe the extinction of the most for
midable part of the resistance. Yoe may judge of
the execution done, when you learn that the mutant
fired point bleak at these houses, and scarcely n a
distance of 30 yard.. In every place in fact, where
He resietsooe was acreesteaceJ is abuses, 'Wavy
shuts was used, ', The st en earned the illetrieetle !n
par de charts, and so rapidly that thg elnaurgeets"
had no time to retreat behind their i ekond herrleedet
but were all bayonetted,
During the afar *hich took place in the rue de
Clury. several persons totally unconnected with the
insurrection lost their lives, in coasequenee• of •
butcher's boy having cried out, kitty. Is Republique!
• tuts Napoleon!" as a detachment of lancers and in
, fautry Bred and the lancers charged. The boy es
caped unhurt, and several persons standing at their
shop doors were wounded. A wholesale cotton
chant, who went up to a, garret to see what was
pitying. was shot through the b d. Another, a
,tperchant, whO Was in the et °frying or
ders to his amcierge to shut the gams, was wound
ed by a Pincer. who singly pursued the mnb into a
court yard. Four Nativist Guards were slot dead
by the Chasse crs de Vinitennes.
• From Washington.
-C4rresponJetiee of the New York pally Thum
WAstrourroct Dec. 24,1861.
The .Library cf o:lngress was utterly destroyed
by fire this morning. The kill itself is in black and
smoking ruins; volumes of smoke are still, at three
P. M., pouring front the windows and roof of the
edifice. Not a book nor picture—absolutely nothing
of the collection was saved.
The fire was discovered just. before eight o'clock
1 this morning, by ne of the Police guard. It could
at that time have een easily subdued. bailthere been'
water at hand in he building; a small reservoir near
the building was roan up., Water was not got till
the library was Wrapped in dames. The morning
was intensely cold. ! Water :was poured orufusely
into the Library, bY hose laid across the Rotunda,
after the damage we's done, and the ruin complete.
The Library. as every one knows, was the pride
and ornament of the Capitol. It was the most agree
-able lounging-plice for.visitors and strangers te the
city; its tors, evati though, It be but temporary, will
be a great public! inconvenience. I suppose that
most of the books Of value can be replaced, many of
them, however, valued from associations connected
with. them. Mr. Gales estimates the loss of the li
brary in money at 5200,000, anJ the cost of repairs
to the edifice at *MOM :he Congress library
was destroyed by the 'Brt•ist. when they burnt the
Capitol, in Angust, 1814. The library was partial
ly injured by 6re in the year 1827. Thiti Sre is said
to have originated from defective flues.
Mr. Allen F. Owen, late Consul at Havant, is
soon to visit this city. He has proclaimed war
against President Fillmore, and threatens touzpose
him to public censure for having recalled him. lie
says he was the best Count the United States could
hare bad, and that he done as much,for the prison
! ers as any 'moan did—only that what he did was in
secret. It was so secret, by the way, that no Amer
'can resident ever found it out.
Ile ssysTfitardier was guilty, and ought to have
b: . garroted; that he had a narrow escape from his
just .eserts. 'Americans resident in Cube bear wit
ness .et Owen, after learning that Thrasher had
compla ed Of his neglect of the prisetiors, openly
and re. - tedly threatened that revenge,,but is no '
yet satirfi .. The Captain General Of Cuba, in e
letter to : . Calderon, states that' the Atne 'An
residents w- • of, the opinion that Thrash was
1 1
deeply impl'ca din the revolutiotiary movement,—
1 understa th I , is authority for this stement
was Mr. 0 en a • the small clique a ad him[ at
Morton's. It is al— well krnen, and an be peov
' ed, that 0 n suite • sed Thrasher' appeal to his
own Goiter ment,! the. • h he had / firomised to ;all
Thrashersrienda to.t trait itoind finally declar
ed to him at Its lead sea •4i by Prometheus:—
He did not tend it s . X. Y.
• -
Tye As*: intivion.— , After
he re:
l • received r__ —meg 1...
__ ___ r .i 'this evening, of which you are
the Chairman. , .
"After the ire inaccurate report published in the
,newspapers;, bea ng the signature of yourself and
,cohets, and the t ry gross in Hamilton
square on the 48 Is inst., I gni acre that I should fail
an self-respect w re I to have a private conference
-with any body o men (however respectable) whz
fseve already pro ounced themselves hostile to me.
Young ke., _ W. It. Puiturs, Patentee.
Alfred Carson DN."
The Commits• , in publishing this letter, append
to it a stamen of the result of the experiment at
tiatnilton-aquae in which they prove conclusively
that the insinua ions .made •by Mr. P. are totally
Unfounded, and hat be had every opportunity affor-
Jed him, had hebein disposed to make his experi
ment in good faith. The Committee,,whora Mr. P.
denonneNl as hiking publishbd a false report, is com
posed of ,Ilfre.l Carson, Chief Engineer of the Fire
Department; 7, iphar Mills, President of the Fi re
Department; It. B. Colombo, of the Astor house;
Alichaei Eichal!, John P. Lacour, and Moses°. Al
len, Assistaiit Engineers in thi. Fire Department.
This Committee seas eminently gnitli§ed to judge
of the merits of the Annihilator, and all of them were
exceedingly aniions for the success of the experi 7
ment. From what they witnessed, and from the ex
planation given by Mr. Phillips, they made up their
minds, and -frankly stated their opinions, and the
Patentee will find our citizens disposed to place im
plicit reliance on the statement they have made. If
be has suffered therefrom, it is because his inven
tion -does not: meet the public expectation—does not
do the work for which it was designed, and is not to
be relied upon.
`THE PIaaTH BBLt.Axfs Mosey.—ln the year
1717 the famous pirate Bellamy and his Ifleet were
wrecked on the back'side of Cape Cod, opposite the
village of Wellfleet. The relics of his vessels may
be distinctly seen - on thle"outer bar" during a lot
course of tides, and occasionally small sums of Rif
ver arid copper money of the reign of W lliam and
Mary; are found along the opposite the wreck
after the contioasoce of a few , day( of a hard easter
le storm. A friend recently returned from the. Cape
where tie resided during the.two last sonimers, has
soown us some skeimens of the ptrate'a supposed
treasure Whicn he was so fortunate as to obtain
from persons living nre , ..-c ti, tack, and who Ilnd re
cently !Wad them. These coins are t'al in number,
and are what ij celled "cob money," being of silver,
irregular in shape end weighing severally. 95 grains'
and 32 grains, Troy weight. Tne larger one is
about as big as a cent, nearer square than round, and
by the test of nitricacid is believed to be of about
the same fineness as the old Spanish pistateens.—
The other is a thin remnant of the original coin; It
is, however, quite bright, and of pure silver. They
are bn undoul.tedlylSpanish pieces—the dates not
being distieguishablut the stamping is distinct,
and on one side resemlttes very nearly tne stemp of
the old pivtareecs. 'Oterit coins aro supposed by
dome to have been buffed in the sand bluffs, and to
roll thence as thee are undermined by. theieurf in the
storms. Bit this theory is,incurrett, because they
are never timid excepting jut at high water mirk,
in the santridges sage by the great ator&e, no un
der the WO lands.•-•Beekcr Hill Aar'
&arca , Lovats QUICILLT DIMS, 0r.,-The
Nashville 4inerieva gives an account of A. recent at
tempt at a konawkw watch is that city, , The young
lady, after descending to the arms of her lover, by
means of a rope-ladJer, from her bed-room window,
1.4 n
was in the ' tof starting from the paternal mansion,
when the fr nt door burbt open, and nut rushed the
father, and ether , and the balance of the children,
with fund ' derbies, masculine and feminine, ail in
diskattille. , The father stormed and the mother en
treated; bah the lover only presented a pistol and the
Miss declited her intention to stick to him. The
father thetii:proposed to let them marry at home,
which the Inver assented to, that the business should
be done up 'without waiting for daylight. This hav
ibir, been agreed to, a minister was aroused from hie
member., end got to the scene of operations. Ile
goon fairly noosed the young ones, and all parties re-,
tired to Olaf eliambers once more. The American
adds, that the rope-10de remained hanging at the
ypang lady's window until morning, ent,ne farts
otiompt ties - toads to catipd.
t • '
iem, I
4ote fc
seen b
brie Steitt4 ithrentr.
SATURDAY SK1111:419121 JANUARY 3, 1952
County Convention.
Thy Democratic electors of the county of Erie are re=
queotsd to aura at their several pianos of holding elec.
ilea*. OR Saturday the 31st day of Jarsasty. inst.. at four
o'clock. P. bl• in !Assayers' townships; and at bar-past.
ail o'clock, P. M. in the beyond Bwonghs and the
Wards of the city of Erie. to appoint two Delegates - frogs
each Election District to represent said District in a
County Cwosatiat to assemble to itho city of Foie on
Monday the 2d day of nobiliary next Fo yppoiat two Del
states to represent this county in the Atonable's! Con
senting on the 4th day of March nest to nominate au
Electoral Ticket, to appoint Delegates to the Degisieratia
National Convention. to netnivats a candidate for Ca
nal Coentaissioner, and to appoint three conferees to most
like gooferees appointed by Crawford Wenuty to silent
Benalarinl delegate to topmast this District in tbe se!d
Harrisburg. Convention
C. M. THIBAI.I3. r n_ •
. R. B. BRAWLEY. C mo
F. W. MILLER. owlitantee.
• 1. R. TAYLOR.
Erie. January 3. 1852. ,
We Orel there Is net apology doe to the readers lit the
Observer for any omission this week. for by mangling to
the proper department they will see that since we +joked
their doors last Sue/lay. PEATir has visited Um; and t a k.
en our only Boy. On Ssturd iv night health sat apprirently
upon his brow. and whea•he laid his rosy cheek mime his
pillow. and bid us and ours good-night. no one c mai have
Imagined that ere'the Sabbath's sun rose. be would be
writhing in the certain embrace of the destroyer. But so
it was; and New Year's day. to which he was looking for
ward with each bright auticipationaolow him bond to his
last resting place beside the two that had gone ibefors
him. To those friends who have clattered around us in
this host of our greatest 'Schou; and who. though they
could up heal , hive poured the brim of kindness and
&yam*, upon 60r bereaved heart, we desire to return
our war gratitude. They-have taught us the 'mean
ing of word nutting: and should it ever be their pro
vince.again, VI many of them have. to pass through a
similar trouble. may they find those to minister. to them
us they have 10 es.
• • teen Hundred and Fifty Two.
In th luggage of toe soldier in the old play, With a
slight teratioU, we may devoutly exclaim, •!%iru have
see the beginning of this year, pray Gad it's may
seb the end ou't." We will not innss on the piss% its
cycle is accomplished.' ured what therein has been doh*
will retrials so forever.' 1 What of good has baits accom
plished will bring to its authors consolation, which will
travel With them, side by side sod shine along alai, path
way a light, that will grow brighter sad brighter auto the
perfect day.. To the authors of Evil. there is left still a
chatietforconsolation lit genuine repentance, the prom
ised fruit of which is full forgieness. Let them try this
oniiezpedient. and resolve to do Salter in Eiglitasa Hine.
stredeAd FIN noel -
But who can anticipate what, id thelgreat wotld. of
general interest to mankind will take place within the
Breit' of this year? If' we mistake not the irignsl i f o the
Itimen, and appearance of things. it is destined to en
epoch la the history of the world. When we look emus
the Ocoee' we can, without the aid of fancy, behold the
old world. standing in lent and fearful anticipation, and
awaiting the approach o a crisis near at hand and !nevi-
Lahti, winch must doom 'forever its usurpations over the
rights of man. All may not be accomplished within one
year, bat the "begtoning of the end" is at hand. This,
in our opinion. is the year-in which the contest for lib.
erty will begin in earnest vii Germany. Italy, Prussia and
France. It is no longer prophesy 10 inticipaie such a
struggle. It is only nesersary to regard cause end effect:
to kr sarnrod of It. Pb. 11.• imam powilhoololog
issioin for the last three hundred years. It has at last
ived at a point of strength that tyrants can ne longer
con . I it. It has aroused the benumbed instinct of man
into •e, sod infused into him a desire for raoosiess
This ire is the offsparng of Knowledge. and Knowl
edge is , or. All these elements are at work. The
fires are be . lug ;and' unable to occupy in the light, the
position oeco • .d in dark and barbarous periods long gene
by, a change-to Iland radical suited to luau as he tinniest
follow. Whale t e literary. artistical and mechanical
world is changing a d daily iniprotriug, will mankind be
contest to stand still • the political world? To believe
this possible, would be • deny tendencies as cartaia as
that light shines from the en. or that the laws of gravita
tion eaist. The great pow , of the north, Russia, is not
insensible of this; already is he arming and preparing
for the struggle. not to aid the .•rit of progress, but, if
possible. to eatiaguials it in blo. • The republicans in
Germany and Italy are organizing i whines. Hinge
re. ill-fated Hungary, will be in the Id again; 'France
has mach to reform. The iffinities of nation ere too
strongly drawn towards freedom to cab •'t to the semi
despotism that rules them. Ruins mast ree herself
from MO domination of French arms In sh• . all ,Eu
rope-gives most uniittetaii“h!.. signs of a great
To' vs.. happy people o f America. thrice happy d se
cure moor rights. what a spitetscle will not these t up
prissintl• The aspiration of every heart will be for a i
vine blessing on the efforts of man every where for free
dom, ,We think munch will be developed in a short .time
to shove that oar anticipations are not , fanciful . Consti
tutional freedom mast follow intelligence. It woold re
quire a newCisinese wall.high enough; and thick enough.
to exclude every ray of the political light now Olen/Ma
ting the weld, to SITS its antiquated dynasties from being
overthrown. -It:will co Ine, and it cannot COORS too soon:
and we behave it will take place iu Dghteen Hundred
and Fifty-two.
In our owe peaceful century too. the year 1852,wi1l be
an important cycle Before its cod. the signs of the times
we think portend a revolution. Peacefel it will be. and
"bloodless" too. bat potent enough. The '•barren scep
tre". now iu the hands of our opponents. the fruit or
an accidental ascendency, i 3 destined to be “wreitched
ti: envoi' - bf an "unkind hen& no heir of theirs' enc.
ceedini." Into:her words, we are determined to elect a
democratic President this year. What democrat may be
ultimately settled upon to restore the ship of state to its
true moorings is not yet settled. There is plenty of ad
mirable material to select from. This duty is yet to be
. performed, and it will be well performed. The choice
will fail upon the man who deserves most—is the most
capable and hottest, and the Mostaiailable withal. No
matter what his geographical locality may be. poly let bit
public positiolt be right—then )go ahead; and go ahead of
all competition he will. Now;readar you have tier anti.
cipation in, geeeml way; preserve our paper during 1852.
for of course you take it, and if at the 'end of the year pig
6ad as wrong. 'and, are tired of it, we will take it back
again att 'the same price it cost yon. Wishing yon hee~th
and happiness daring all the year to come, for the pros=
cot we bid you adios. .
We acknowledge the receipt from oar friend. Raw. V I
J. Findley. of Wilted:Wit of a Bee fat Vitt'''. for Anil
New Year's dinner. Thwegip circumstances ocearriiltcs
mar ths..ajnyment of the gift. the kindness is as deeply
appreciated as though oar dwelling had be ►a a he... of
feasting instead of a lame of nsorrn'ing. •
Tim Norte EAST AUL Vats RAM Reaa.--The
coatothres.wer• to be bent ea New Year's day. Tkey
did sot toms.. Whoa will they be bre? I. it a bliffer-
It. advent ease. that nobody ems tell Mims It k to tio
place? Speak comfort. male* thiamin episk It. -
Flan Derr or .CoNews —Comptes should at elm
repeal the Ste coat unpaid grist* skew, a ee logger
ohoishi be united epee which the postage is impala.
Not ea* in twenty Wets apes psoisp h sepia
is ink.. 'ma tin Pont Wis..
Nvery nee nuppbsos dud a Me *it bgpi in a dossing
lettint 'Ws* telinnst to it& it vet. '
On. ZING= sat Sask. root*.
A muerte? Oa pretty spicy chancier has emomed in
the Senate of the Gaited States bemuse these two gen-
demon. hour opinion it ended rather In the diatom&
tun of the Mississippi champiin. The latter had intro
duced. on the first day of thus present session, a unties of
resolutions approving of the compromise measures of the
last Congress. and seemed desirous to Snake thins the
platform of a party organization. Geo. Houston disap
proved of the resehitions and their *ems, very wisely
reaseeiag, that if they were to become, the platform of
sue party. they would be opposed. in all probability by
its opponent, thus creating a wider ditratinee of opinion,
en accountof party feelings, i i regard td them than new
exists. He was right in this. Let them stand es gene
nl stand. open their !steads's*, with
the constitution and institutions of the +Gatti. Patriot
ism hes Gerry where aseetiosed the annegement is re.
rialto thi vexed nutter, and the country wants repose
me the isbj t. It was therefore. is ooh opinion, an un
necessary. ugatery. and aselessuimente to epee anew
the divers ea and discord so rebseily and so happily
adjusted. enator Foote had bees 1/S1 4 2 011110 Y *ode's"
titanic sus Used in Mississippi. agaiiset, the eallifiens
who disc ved of his support of the compromise tau
sues. and is election to the office of 4 30111 Thar of that
State. wean sanetioe that needed no Unatorial endorse=
meet erns, propriety of his centre and the concerned
of his constituents therein. He is - • givattied patriotic,
mere bet in resewing the 'agitation of this question he
is wrong. and we are pleased that a iflonthine senates
has had the &mous tasay so. and boldly give 19s rea.
sons therefor, as did Gen, Houston. Let es have quiet
en the solfeet. It was not gaits agtesable to seesaw
Foote, thit Gen. Houston-could say, that be wee the only
&althorn Sumter in that body that had voted fur oath*
conspromine measures. He the full ?Vent.
the spirit'of 'compromise that war so lobly exhibited by
the Northern Democracy on thatlryingociiasion. *tale
it required! great fitmnerja.en theiepOrt ie. vote for car.
tarn ordain* measum, it required as much on the part
of Gas. Eliasion, as a Southern men, no Cote for the abo
lition of the slave trade is the District 14 C:011,0314'. This
it. did, and this did very few of his *nether's associates.
This set shows the men in his true dhsracter. firm and
fearless whether in the camp Of in di* senate. Senator
Foots might well have remembered. and conceded to him,
that if hi ;was not a better. he was an elder-soldier.
and, spared some' personalities indrged- In by bim,
which alrieys serve to show that be w o loess his temper
feels that he has him his cease.
Important Cases in Court,
•We leans that the case of the exceptions to the report
of the appraisers of damages an the Frilnklia Canal Cunt
pany's Suilroad. horetofore filed * wss determined this
week; befoXi his honor JUROR Kane cif the 18th District.
holding thiS Court in this County, In ithe place of Judge
Galbraith-.' The decision was in favOr of the Company.
and removes the last obstacle to italautire right of way
as far west as the roadie at retest ti nder contract. . -
Counsel for the exception. esern sasuaLL 4 BAR..
srrr. For the Company. Hon. ci, . !CHURCH. of !'}sad
villa and,Hea. /suss Twoxrsos, of this city.
The Erie and Edinboro Plank *clad case was also
heard before Judge Knox. The quetaion involved was,
whether • general grant to the Coaipany to construct a
plank road from Erie to Edinboro. la distance of, about .
twenty topes. by such route as the Stockholders should,
deem most practicable and advantaghous. would anthor-:
its the company to occupy a townsfiip road. ii did not:
seem to tie denied in the argainent.thst the legislature had;
the' right to authorize the Company to do so by distinct- -
1y saying so, but it' was earnestly cautended that by an
unrestrinted and genera! grant - to Select such route as
they might deem most practicable, istsch right wee n'oil
conferred. It }seemed to us laymen! that a grant medal
within the constitutional power of the legislature ehould:
be consid ered equally potent to coufdr i right as ofie of a
special stare. where nothing existed to restrain. in thei
least such grant. Bet it appearsi the matter was nail
quite so Clear. at least so thought tb• counsel against the
Company. for he bad much' to say DS .the subject. Eli.:
'jab Bstsiiiit. Esq. was counsel foi! Complainant's, and
!rtieurs.Thumpson as. '.9.0 r eis woro! rousse I for the com
pany. The decision of the Court is to be filed ie a few
days. . ,
The ammo( the coolest/id electior4 Parley vu. Skinner,
or who shall be Prothonotary. was ttie before the court,
bat is net yet decided. . It bad begirt determided by the
court betretefore. that +operate tite*. voted along with
the slip lickitt in use in this county; was illegal. Testi
moo, rows .
takert on this pOint wh'ich showed that Mr.'
Pettey had received of this kind of velum sortie eight hun
dred. while Mr. Skinner bad oubt received
httodre4 and forty votes of the earn* sort. lied there
been au hing else is the case, this Would, soder the 4de
cision o the court herepifore made, have effeetually used
Pp our BPerablis cotemporary But he is not easily 'de;
molisheri. It was made to appear told's court at the pros.'
eat milli g. that sines the last hearing en the ease. liked
bees d' oared that the thirty-thres signers% the com
plaint. , at being the number required by the Act of the
Lassa' y. before say proce , dior trould be had on the
subject. did net in fact sign the complaint. That some
otMr. gerley's Whig friends carried! round a blank paper
oe a roller and got the signatures oh that. which Was at
terward• 'matched to the complaint. The testilliolly ta
ken on this point is rich. and we mightimy varied. Sours
of the witnesses swear that there was • abort - writing on
the papeewhen they signed. mar or,twe say it was report
ed to them that it•was merely a process to cermet au in
formality in the election. but Sot to change the result.—
while oaken ewe& right up to the mark. that there was no
itincitto the paper when the rill , was signed, id that
`aim the Obiert sr.. .- - - '
••,‘ 'Dann Con TO Jenenerr."—A /edge iu Obio,
recently decided os ailehei* Coirs case that the cooed
titan Stitt* Vaited States was natbiadiagn that State.
The gaieties arose ea the .4. of the coneutatioe
which 'reetinee tegitives keen j tins to bedelivered op.
His How discharged-the prison r. saying, thm.Ohio had
not puged any law adoptieg the !coostitetion or the Uni
ted Suttee. bet that it was est so fr ith Penesylvania—she
was boadrOhio was net«.Drelit The Judge sheeki
mown to Swath Carotin, The doctrine of peaceful
i p e cesease weeld be 'en& losetatte4 by 11111011 4 8111 acqatai
lien. Hi boats chile. •
17-The Trelwhrof ttie Fords fiseeveleat Society
acknowledges the receipt et s2s 00. the sett proceeds of
a concert by Mr.. Was. Willing lass his pupils' 'Also.
from the Associate Reform Church. $ll 112; and dealt:
Wombs= several Wields** agievillint is * l s 3$ is
ErNever has the *eel holism of Peaseylvesie has.
ser;re sod hoorettro time et the psomeat etoweet;
the of the east votriee_ of tkii State embeds._this
yrs?. the Iser see at her minim of NNW
Cotimpoi4stet at its Zeit Observe"
Ma. Iforront-4 have been moth unlined of late sit
the 'forts enema politleiuts and others who expect to
derive either persolerfor.pelitical advantage from their
efforts to dismember' Eris. Crawford. Warren. arid MOP
car counties and therefrom to manufacture one or more
new counties. One project is to make a now county from
puts of Crawford and Mercer comities wi th the 'county
soot at Hsristown oisoine other place of which we are
not now infistmedt smother protium is to nvales-• 'sew
4:aunty from pares idi Erie l aud Crawford comities with
'the shintownut Witarfofd: last but not blot a project
t 4 take four tlownshiits from Erie. four townships from
Warren. und six towasbipi from Crawford. sod form a
oteiw county with the espitsl at Ai kinsville. If counts- -
Wilting is die tp any 4 the is to this last. By •
"Ireful exasniitation'of the,whole matter and the persons
tioncertied therein. we find that the project is formed and
Urged on by Politleiensi whet expect to riot on thp spoils
cif office tithe expense of their l o ss for:stmte fell*w-eiti
mes.'or those who eir.l,ect the tome* , Mist will b at their
iiwn doors, aid that their farms will no much enhanced
iw valise. iid' they therefore make these projectalsteppinx
Stones to wealth and power. The additional taxation that
trill be impoied open the - citizens for tneyorposa of twee
big comity building* iod other contingent exposes* am.
*smeary upon'ths organixatitin of anew municipiality will
be of Willing Importance to those who Ii at the county
rat compared with the increased value their property
end the probsbility ',walling the gnomic/pal offices in the
pew county. Bet When the people of the new county
1 tome to balance Ibis profit and loss -accosting they will
1 Ond the latter greedy in the preposderaitae. Their tax-
Us will be greatly increased while there is not the most
1 remote probabil . .., iiif any increase is value to their farms
except to • very few in the immediate vicinity of the
iMat. and thereby ir few will be bancilled it the expense
of themanyi Wei op* the citizens iu the proposed new
dotiss will carrifit y'consider the "whole matter before
they give thOir coUnitenauc and influence to the dismem
bermeat of the promo municipal division" of this portion
of the commanwealill. nil iltat our Senators and Repre
sentatives will look v.-..'1 , 3 . .I) 3 matter before they venture
to increase thivtaxes of tilt, c,lizens by the uncalled for
divisions of those couutie-. , EDENBOKO.
Death of Marshal flotdt
• Marshal %mit. Whose illueos was reported coy recent
arrival., died at Si, Armand, hie native pima on the 26th
of November. In his demise. Fresco loses one of the
greatest of those great men, whose glory was absorbed
and appropriated so largely by the Emperor Napoleon.
There were, perhaps, uo.yery distinguishable traits about
Souk to eoliths hint mulch rats.; , s ouly due tea fair.
Well-balanced character; a general aptitude for all posit
dons and emergencies; and an equability. of personal
traits, that Continued to keep him in the ferward rank
of his maim'', a. , a reliable. serviceable mans-There w 9
nothing dazzling or meteoric about him. Asa soldier he
had eons of the fire of Murat; as a statesman none of
the versatility or general acquirements of Thiers or Gni
zot; bat possess/It anTmient of each of those attributes,
and of the many Oilers of far practical - value, to
make his pOlific4l' career as able. not a brilliant one.
His services ss Mloister of Mar and President of the
Council oflaisistors. nailer Louie Philippe...slimed the
sterliag hosesty. Snansu„ discretion of the sok:ier-sistos
man. a s
QT BILLLISONTAINIC AND lentss• Rstutesno—The
anneal election of the officers of this read took place at
1110efotitaitie oa the 10th. James H. Goodman was
sleeted President.. and W. M. Roberts. Chief Engineer.
THE P Posttest:inv.—The steamer Pampero
diet conveyed thip fiflibasters on their lest expedition
aceinst Cuba, hail been eendetnoed onder both charges,
and a decree *ill be issued for the sale of the • esseleist
pnblle suctiqn. at Jacksonville, r
ET The 'Newspapers of ths United States souther 2,-
800. of which 2.000 ire published in the free or North
ern States; 850 :Whig papers are published in the cone
try. 750 Diernocrafas. 70 Free Soil or Aati-Slarery. 20
Agriculturil, 40 !Temperance. 230 Religions, awl 870
Neutral lad Mit‘cellatteotte. Now. York State numbers
443 Palm"; Po 0,3 1• Y Ivamire.lB; Ohio 300; Maaaschassua
Gen. Sam Houston.
BS a police from the ketone committee of the- Young
Men's Aseeciatina, it will he seen that Gen. Sam Hous
ton, the Hero of Teemi. and the Statesman whose geni
us has been an ornament to7th e hills bf legislation and a
**bananasl bles.:iig to h s cnontrv. is to deliver the first
lecture before the:n , lor. sti on on t,•. first of January .
Our citiseas wile be gratified by this an
nouncement. amiss en should they b.' prevented from at
tending the lecture. will flack in hundreds to pay their
respects to the .kcro. Gen. Houston Is pee of the few
men in this world wh. bear the gentile!e stamp of ..014
Hickory,' and Math as a civilian' and a military leader is
dummying' of the admiration and respict of the public. lei
the halls of Legislawn and otrAtia. Sold of ,battle he
proved himself the true etiempionol liberty, the friend of
the rights, honor and hall:rpm of the country.
Few moo of the pr.sent day are Mors worthy of the
!attention of thk • Texan flare. His strange
end clieguc red ex: hes u peculiar interest in Oaf minds.
whilehis manly bt;urinz. and resolute. hlunt determina
tion esdeir hilt strongly to a free people. He will
main among us hat for a brief period, bit we trust his
friends sod admirers will bete as opportunity of taking
him by the bend. Those who have' 00000 seen him will
have the privilege. now so rare. of beholding one who in
form aod l principle is "every inch a man."—Buf. Rep.
efr MOANCRICT SUICIDL —We 'regret to learn that
Mr. Jeremiah V. Sturgeon, of Fairview township, com
mitted suicide by shooNting himself through the heart on
'Monday morning. His wife. bearing the report of a gib
in Our stb.h',.. immediately repaired thither and found
him stratz'.:lg is the agonies of death. Mental derange.
went, occasioned by pacaniary emberraesment, is sup
posed to have instigated the oommissfowof the rub act.
Mr. Stuegeon was a highly respectablet and much es•
teemed citizens. His family congestions are among the
most reputable in the County. He was about 35 years
Old, and:leaves Li a nd foarchildrea. -
A Co'roner's Inr,n •s!. held before David H. Chapman,
Esq.. reported, io c-.-11:.-tion with the suicide, intbstatt
tially as,above aimed Gazelle. -
A fire broke out in t i Til apps: apartment of Mr
er's cabinet Shop uninediaOly behind the "Perry tick."
about 5 o'clock ou Monday afternoor; but throu h the
prompt and s effintire exertions'of a number of 'tisane
was.arreated before mesh damage had been don. From ,
the ninctint of combustible material close by. the , fire.l
had A fairly got ouder way. would hare doubtless' dot
troyedu laige amount of property. - Too great care can
not be exercised by those wn^ '•svo charge of Cabinet
shops and simile., establishint.sta.---Garstra.
A NALL Liwrinis oe Gm—Harry Messer. of thi
caret bilp it. sad it staid for old ileum and aid
wbblkey. It in as to be ton sober se um drunk, tsr,
sow know • rabid timid aliMODene• man who o w ut
iatsmperats in soot* we\t Ober, and we hare one ie.
Foes, at lesat. - o(aary ir t in • very saber pe r .
; • •
tendante of members is eery
wilt probably come lip.
Erie4Jus. it, lat.
o n ;
WE hdire received, ripened
•of New IkKokia Cail
fare >au ale too latq. •
Erse J. 3.-34
tbe dozen or aiNk cop, a
GLASS W4RE, 8 0 0 1.
Arndt it "Wet Drop" of tha
anti Li
This hake is not all gamut ,
kind, but may he relied upon.,
belbre spews.
Erie, Jan. 3, ISM
VVould pay to horse own
enure cure of patent
ber ofyears practice will be
either as a farrier or dune° ,
,E a r Please can sit my odic
lock of ilieck:rie Exteu.iou Ca
Jan. 3, 1831.—ty31
Wyss •
• Damp Li
►mCtt .14 Co
Am:wry or TH
sr R N. •Duocrr roa F • •
groxacit. dors LaUCT43
ono or Vision;
then r, FUVINAIL
/IWO, th.ri
Trot. Ylg
Ceara, Lune, kc.. Septa.
Onlan. eau be efibetuaily
DR. 1-1
•• DR. C.
12/3, Lich
Their parer ores' as skip'
if say oker perpatmlion is
sum, awes wfis►akful
Tiifte bitters art ,Ikortily
great virtues in tree' iectiticat
glands, exert. is ing'the mot'
teCtIOUs cf the dissmit , e orgl
The editor said. Dec. 21k
Dr. Headanars Cinsbrat
.Coniplatut, Jaundice. Uys
deetsedly unto( the most
llluers nave been used by
says be bag Mimed' revels
Liver Complaint tram the
to the me of these
strength and Visol . --, fact
late pleasant to tail. and
Imost delicate 'women ,
IWe are speaking from W , •
'!heir use.
`'exure's Ksaaa.l" boe
mtd. Aug.—./A 4
-Da. Boorssite's Discus
son. are now reeointuended
bets of the fsesity as an a - '
weakness. As awls is the
obtain a bottle. aqd thus
sons ofdebtittased Warms%
ous to their health, as we
Feet they have upon weak
The 4biladelphia Batt;
per in the United thaws.
"It Is seldom that we rev
eines, to the confidence a
fore when we necctinniand
it to bedistmetly 'under*
Ulnas ofthe day, that are
forgotten afterthey have
a medicine long establi
met the hearty approval i•
Evidence upon evidene
from all sections of the Un
eat tekimony to tta &Tor. '
practice of the ri fuller Phy,
nostrums combined; a rae
I) proving that a se triadic,
approval when presented
That this tweilltatne Will:
no one can doubt anal u
upon the stomach and
how thatasca - the area% la
to females, or infanta. tit.
l oop.
This medicine Oat vats
eery lig all ineciemes t.:
teeth spurious artielesat
socently deceived.
Look well to '
They have the whim
wrapper', and has rue • I
vonews. ' I
For sale Wholesale a •
No. 120 Arab 'Ogees, o
by ropenibie dealers
To enable all dams of i
enati nesioratis e pore 11
Also for sale by Comer
coat Got. Melimos Ca
Jeu s. ieet.-44
To she lieharaWe Jetekret
TilE petition or klsin
said county, respect!
with house room and ea
modatiwi of strangers am
by 'Alvin Gibbs in said Bd
bleCourtto grant bun a I
and he. as in duty bound
We. the su bscribers, e
Paul, in which the above
he kept, do certify that A
repute for honesty --
house toOui and cc
gees and travelers,
their aceotornodae
IVaterford. Ja w
Siiphll4-1. Hari
$ Vincent, H. 111
dens, 8. B. Ben
B=ORE jaw the
ship. ou the If
thereabouts. one t
two as i tiag or Num
The wkw has
bite of, a dog. 17
thane" sad take
Wow.. Vic'
curable, u Otanueo• of on
std ate vetting a' , holee plertioa
caatuiue While they are gum; be.,
. J. 13. CUN,1111,0!. ,
No b, Park Row
47a. 1. x %, 4. uuA J. fur *ale Ly
I AND S'HOES. WM. pct. -
re Comfort ;a Me eAeve Waft
S. al Cosi.
OA lithe ease with nrny cl the
I hare detenn I to
LUCIA itl'sf
No. I. Wrklf. Glatt.
Itaac be has the snret of nearly ea
bell for bOri*l, and with a null
, ie vi give satisfaction generally
the Canal Stable oear the outlet
and judge for yourseh es.
A. CHlluNie OR NE4.
of t Age
-11 rq.up,
• It , ItttI'ONLAIM,
rtu,ki toy. I Int aita
tt BLOOD To ram Haan.
. FCILLNItiI 01 ••• EI6JT 14 1 Sir
.144, *1! , ONO ITT/AIM. AT
11111110 lor TII HEAD, itt RPM D• 311
Cllll4ll AT TUN 1144111, 1:111.01.
11 • Lil 46 1/1/1•
• Oil W SSD ORTullft. Int •
ao 1.1:41. ?•rl, IS •
EXT . ! of PC1111.10•• .
.o , Kx:us or You
•rz SILT.
! • ..oc,
'l.,rourr litaT.ltvisti t , Tll2
011' •MI,GUAT 41
tell by
et, Philatalphia,
tans aa iiptecutiul-1/ e 1t
Jlatee at tha cures .utut.
▪ • !mg fialkt
attention of Inrahas. Poeselaing
•it of a I.Mses of the Liver and lem , ct
• aching powers to weakness and af
, the) are n 3111.1,16cetuan and
BE co* iscen,
From ate “Bcaltal Rec."
ri craw Mum for the cure of !Ant
ii.Chroam or :Setvoua Uttalay, al
; • Inc Memo; of the 4l). -1 am
7 I.l4nda, and a friesfd at our Ow"
lan'effeetuel and perulatiebt ewe of
agate remedy. We are coot voted
a, the tamest constant)) pea
• thYll great eoarideratiou Tee!
II ant can be used by yt fy.u. na
tilt salkig.. under any eueueuteons.
.ience, mid to the leafleted we sera
the best Literary papers publated.
IBtrytakenanufactaredb) Dr. Jack
, T *me of the ruo.t prowsneng mew.
te , ot.itsuel4 akar> to c.xa uPtemaiir
lite would ',hoe, ail owthers to
theme's es much ',ldioms. Pei
.no will 6ud these little , . IIIiVaLIU4C .
ow from espeneacc the salMary, cH
y Gazette." the best family oarspa•
he editor .4)• of -
...mend what are termed fatentMedr.
1 1 , pa loo tronage of our teaJers; and theft
llland's German Bitterawe wit
that we are hot speaking of thews
• 'red about for • brief period and then
I their guilty race of au ireh ief. ballot
, . uflivelkally ,priord, and which by
• e faculty 'oaf."
!has been meets ed (like 'De foregoing )
•D. the lasttlare)cars, airs thr
that there is more of it used In the
icians of Tbila.l"lpliaa, than all other
that C4O C4141~ 1w establittied.and fat
equation will meet a Ith their quiet
en to Hoe fora.
cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepia
• it as diteCted. it acts spa. dually
I it is preferable to ealo,ael in ea hi
mediate. They can be 'mini:metered
mkt) , and reliable benefit at any use.
that high ebtraeter 111,6. • moo
attain to induce counter :tor , w
risk of the tires dtho• e olio art it,
• • marks of theentuuter
(nature of C. bl.-JACK:- - 0S pro lh"
wee to the bottle. wittiest meal Ilty err
door below Stith, POiladelphis. 01l
; Ily throughout the cc:.uttr•
Ide 141e007 the siyantages of Oa
Settle 15
Brothel. shuirgitots, Dor
f's.; and J. Curti', tt alert*. h.
the Caen k,
Whs. of sbe Borough of Waterford. 11
ally ts, that he I. non-tenrs. ini
sentences Ifor the taiga's ' er e i Hl
d travelers. at the house now oevsple.
. He therefore prays tUr
cense Ix teem og a pabite ,nn attirig.
will ever pray, &c, I,‘•
Wens of We Borough Of iV3terfOrd Off"
otioned lun or tavern +s i rtoparsdp
y in Gibbs the above al pheantide, oaf 1 0 7.
W' Wt.