Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, January 03, 1852, Image 1

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    IN a 004 Proprietors.
Crit cstehlit Obstrtier.
N. P. 1111. Olillt o Edit oar.
City subscribers by the earner. at Stele
Hy mail, or at the °Mee. in advent 0,, 450
lag f not paid in adranee, or within three nuxtths from thet hoe
of subscribing. two dollars will be charged..
ETAII communications , wt bcpost paid. . •
Oar& not exceed* 1 hues. one rear. " 03,00
()n¢ square ui ..• 10.110
do. do. air months, IMO
' —do. , , do. three tnonths e 5.00
Thanstent advert isett i riii P. 50 ernts per aqusre. of fifteen linos or
ham An the first 'mien lona 25 cent. fur each siihosquent insertion.
ETYeari y advertisers have the prii deice of changing at pleasure.
but at no time are allou r y Ito occupy Inure than two in tares, sad to
his ilill.ihtli to thew tinseedeate brains/.
larisements nqt ha% int:other directions. will be inserted till
ndeltargednecordansi y..,
Watchmaker and Repairer. treater in Wateheo, Clocks, Jewell'''.
Musical Instruments. Looking linnet and other Fanty Goody.
Store one door west of the Reed House. 17
Dahl,* In Dry Doodi. Grner.ries , Hardware. Croe,keey,,lLe., No
3. Perry Block. Slate street, Erie, Pa. '
_ ___
lILTIT AT L x i --oAfirM M.
j P tj ark pN tetween Droll WS new
'Hotel and the it.t.d Houre e , o u n p etotr.. Row ,
Dratras In Dry Goods. Groceries. Liquors of all kinds. Crocks" ,
Pia one door south of Suitt!" Jackson's store, French
Street; F.rie. Pa.
J. Caner.".. N. D.liserarracx
d7A - N - D , R - E;
Agent of J. &tare OTnitack—Depot of Foreign MI:RIC and inn
meal Merehaticlize, 14 hole.ale and retail, Ito.-18, 80. 6th St.
ab. Cl rout street, rhiladeiphia. , ,
......_______ ,_
Parateras and Suanson—Offlet corner or Nara and seventh
Seen,: Itraiden , o, on Eighth' Street, hempen trench and
Holland, Ede, Po.
T. W. DIOORF., 1 •
- N •
Dir•tasa C'erlex. Provn , ions.Wines.Liquor*,Can dies. Fruit,
Ace.. (ine . Doot below Loomi.& Co'. State 'Oro- Ede.
M. SAN FORD do C 0..; •
Dealers in Cold. silVer. Panic . Noire, Profit*, Clertifieates of rk.-, ice. sight Ere L.‘ T.Ze OP the pane spa' jeitteseoustautly
for SAM . (awe le Beatty'. Fleet*. Public RtlOnre. F.rie.
lasfor .orp Paysit 160i—Ofliee, corne7 of French turd Firth
surmis. over Mope. orb's store. Itr.ideueo On Fourth greet,
'one door easter Vie old Apothecary
H. constantly on haud a full supply of grocerittiquors. ship
Chandlery. Provisions. Produce. to &c.: and.sels Moira*
or - Retail as cheap :lathe cheapest. o. tly,Cbeapsi4e Erie.
W3I. S. LA. E.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Itevolutionaq. army and Navy Petulona. Bounty Lands and
elninis for eyarn-pny.nnd all other bubines entrusted to me shall
Mel% e prontivt and faithful attrtiti;T. •
Odle an Wright'w Block on State eat, over I. H. Fullertian'a
tore. Frrr Oet. IL
ynd Act a it Dralerl. in Dry iloo4o,4:roceries.Tintdarner.
Liquor., Flour. Firh, Fall &c., I. Wright'. Blue': ear
ner of Fah az.vl StAte Otreets.
11.20,1 M AMID.• I rroo tr.?
Bonk-elier and Etatruuer, and Manufacturer of Blank - Books and
%Vritunt Itsk.eorner of the Diamond and Stith street.
Breciar. and general Agency and Cot:minion bussneas. Frank
lin. Pa. '
De AEI ain End iali.Gennan and AniPr lea IllardmarPrind
Alpo, Nally . , Anvil., Vices, Iron and Steel N 0.3 aced Howie;
Erie. Pa.
Carrlnge and liVegOn Dustier., •+rate Street. be
tween rev! nth L E ghth, rne.
Ornoir. one floor wrrt of 17. B ti, :jit's -tore. nn staivg
DOCT . J. 1... S I EWART.
Orrice with Don't. A. Br.rut, Se venth nelr Saturafreq Irmo. Res
sidenee. on Samoa:tee, one door north ot rieventh
Wstryssur tine! Rona defier in Groceries. Provisions, Wines.
Liquors. Fr:u44c.. ate Corner of French and Fifth Streets,
Cippcssite the F rs' Hotel, Elle.
'% - not.ra,% r anti Retail Deafer in ratt.ily Groceries, Crockery
Maffei:are. Iron. Cheap Sit:e, Erie, Pa.
[Ls' The highest prine pa id tor Country Produce..:l
Ms mf-RA wr 'nacos, and Habit Maker—Moon. No.l Poor People's
now. (uP - Ina ler, over A. Jr. J. S. Walters' Grocery emit ) State
Saver, Eag Pa.
.. _
in Walker's Office; nu Seventh Streft; I:6e, Pa
Inroters,Jobter. and Retail Dealer in Dry Good.. Grorerie.,
Crockery, tilassware, Carpeting, Hardware. Iron. Steel. Natl..
Spikes. &c. Empire Stores State Street, four door., below
Brown's Noted, Erie. Pa.
VICPS. Bellow s. Azle Arms. Springa. and a general
assortment of Saddle and Carriage Trimmings.
S. hl-EAVIN'SMIT-11.
ATWILNCT AT Law and Jurtice of the Peace. and Agent for
Me Key Stone Mutual Lae Insurance Company—Office 3 doom
neat or Willem; store, Erie, Pa.
ArroarrT •r LAW, Girard, Erie County, la. Coneetions and
other business attended to with promptness and Abrader'.
Forwarding &Commission Merchant, on the Public Dock, cut of
State street. .
Coat, !Salt. Plaster and White Fish. constantly for sale. •
1. R SEnWEIG &Co
WIIIOLEIALS •VD DCAL.CIIII inFOreiim and Domestic Dry
Goods, ready mace 'clothing, Boots and Shoes, &c., No. 4
Wright's Block. Stine Rtreet. Erie.
Banker and Exchange Broker.. Dealer in Bilk of Exchange
Matte, certilicattl.of Depoeite. Gold and ailver coin, Ice.. to
Office. Williams , Mock. corner of Pate-at., andiruhfie Square.
ATTOItIFTII IT w—ollice up stain in Tanainauy Mal building
north 0111/C Prothonotary's (Ace. Erie.
ATTOILIMT •PID COVIdgL/All AT LA W—Offite over C. B. Wright's
store, erttratke one door west of State street, on the Diamond,
Erie. .
7 - C. M. TIBDALS.
Dram in Dry Goode, Dry Groceries, Crockery; 'Hardware, to..
No. 111. etfespinle. Erie. "f"
DlLltil in Dry goals, groceries, Dan!ware. Queens Ware, Lime.
Iron,ails, &e., 121. ebeapiide, Erie. Pa.
c.sisrr MAW ljpbolater, and Undertaker, corner of State and
seventh meets. Erie.
G . Forw•ardtng, Produce and Connuiaon Merchants:deatera
in coarse and fine salt, Coal, Mater. Sit ingies, ke.?ubilladoek,
Relit Si* of inktridge, Erie.
Seim.i Forwardift. Cocasr.riou and Pmduee Merciantaiiiee•
cud Warrhousi east of the eublae Bridge, Erie.
-G. LOOMIS at Co. •
Da. Lies in Watches. Jewelry. Paver. German Silrrr, Plated and
Britannia Ware Cutlery. Military Parley Gooda..9taleaueet.
nearly ovpoeitc the Eagle Hotel, Erie.
B. moats. • T. M. A twria
- -
WunispAidi and Retail dealer' , in Mu"la, Matte Int.. haste. 0111. i.
I)) e-PlUtrO, Glass. ttrx , 43. 6,144 i d
,t lloa. Erie._
- -
Farnioiliat.a MeretiailiTailoiroa the public. wow% a few down
- wart of Stair stmi4 Erie. -.
. ; Li. $. CLARK. • •
INuourar.Lt •an ariALL fooler in GrOceries. Vrorteio4s. Ship
Chandlery. dione-liare.rac. am. No. a. Sound) Stock. One.
0. I.).—Sk•AFFORD.
Beale , in Law. Medical, schuoraincellancous Books stationary
Ink. lee. Wale it.. kin daors be ow the Public square.
ri•Ir•••• Ett - totes—Otlice at his residence on &Tenth street.
opposite the Methodist Church, Eric.
Et/ LT VIE RETAIL doalve in Drugs, Medicines. Dye ewe.
croeerleo. ke. No. S. Reed Howse. F..r.e.
Resident Dentist; Mee and dwelling in the
Reete Block, on We Eag side of the riddle
. Square. Erie. Teeth- inserted on Gold lelaw.
G o** frosu one to ansiaire sett. Carlow, teeth Oiled
. 11 ‘ Gold, and restored to health mid mentions. Teeth
with mstruilieut, and Detainee so as to lease them of a
clearness. All work warranted.
.-104 Rep Ride. Deer and Blasting rawderi
retTed an . d for sale tetbe keg Of qualial
Erie, ec hay R. T. ItNI
Sams sY. ra I Sou.
500 BAGS airy Lit, on band and Ow salt al
Nov. 20. w. r.
T .
_ E
,i . .
, .. .
- •
.• .
. , .
~,,,.•. ~.._.
4 ,.,
-1 ,
Patin] anal Aliotrhal.
Paint dream-like velem of the mix MO Past •
Whisper the lessees ordeparted 'pest •
Each gathering treasured wisdoM tomb the last
A long witeessiOn of erperiencad maim
They Meal upon the statesman as to skm.,
And chasm in Fancy's ear theii warping =abet;
When opt. thought unceasing vigil keeps,
Trimming her taper While the Body
3 ,
Tbey bid him !Mien to the tales they
'Or nations perish'd and ftnbalited in! story; j
flow I my rotting they were scaptiatlattil
Like some proad oak whilom the Awbses glory.
Sepulchral ruins crumble whereo mam
Ofbusy streets onee rang with:tiles OuturpotiOnt
Where sculptured palace:in bygone days .
Were korged with spoils of caorper'd mink and ocean
For Famidn rent the female., robe of peace.'
And. partici childneo,of a cowmen mother.
Bade featly and toying aoneord tense
To link the !mina he *tweed from each ether.
Buck is the burthen ottbose solemn Dotes •
Thatlseue frets the bemated gravel efitatioos;
Where, spread by Time, ato I agabadow floats.
O'er spirits preaebiog from ibeir rutted stations.'
ffeseekoli Ninth
Ost flue enamor morning, as 1 was riding with a
friend through a handsome village in lbo cent part, of
New York, and admiring the beauties he.pointed out to
me with all the pride of the "Oldest inhabitant," my; at
tention was attracted by an aged couple, dressed in deep
mourning, who were walking slowly down.a chided 'm
enu% in front of one of the Most beautifal MO:lances in
the place.
The feeble steps of the old lady, who Sei ned heavily'
upon the arm of her companion, nd the expression of
deep and lasting sorrow which possessed her thin and
pallid features, contrasted frith the film trend, and stern.
solemn aspect oithe old min, awoke diyouriesity, and 1
inquired if there was not some domestic hilitory of liter
est connected with the venerable epuple.
•Thille is, indeed,' replied my friend. You recall to
my mind one of the most singular incidinge—the most
startling tragedy, in short—which our goodly village ev
er witnessed.
'The old and sorrow-stricken ettnpla.' pursued my
friend. 'may be seen twice of three timls a week—often
er, when the weather is Spe l t —walking down the avenue
in just such a manner—warm' any faster, never any silly
'You see them now gettinte into the carriage which has
just rolled up to the emit. They will ride I mile, when
the eats age will step, end they will walk through anoth
er gate, which is iron, hanging between polite of iron, all
black as ebony. They will enter a frreetj field," where
the birds sing sweetly these fine summers mornings; a
lonely field, however, where there are no deMllings, above
emend, yet where there are a groat many "nhabitants—
the rich and peer Intermingled, and resits an tb• stmt
level, about four feet beneath the sod.
'This aged couple are gfing to visit the grave of their
only chid. ; I I
*lt was a eon. I will tell you his history, if you will
'This old man was ones the most e terprleing, the
boldest and most resolute mania the viein4. tliit name
is Colonel Si—. Yon have heard of hit+, s'or he
'distinguished himself inl the last war. People tile: to say
be was made of iron.. Yet he has. one of the 'mist op
right and !en crone hearts in the would. '
'The old lady I remember ae a Indy of gret4 beauty,
not more than twenty years ago, *hen she sties about
forty. Besides, she was gaits sii - celebrated fe her gen
tleness and benevolence, as weal the Col. for isliron will.
She hid a soft affectionate he, which shoal bens&
it r
ciently on all, until its warmth , as eoneentrat • d in an
only child. ;
'He was a wild, handsome. Tiasaionste boy. generous
at times. but oftener tyrannica' and willful. We were
schoolmates, and we alrity; plated together until he was
sent away to an academy. herC mai intimacy ceased. I
saw him rarely afterwOrds. nit: wring been . expelled
from college for striking a prof ~. ; in a 'fit of passion- t i
he returned to his father's bonsai.,
'Morgan. in hie childhood, hid been indulged and ca
ressed by his fond mother, earthy:hie father treated with
endue seventy. The Col. loved the boy, bet he believ
ed In the necusity of dislplinsi to curb his passions. while
Mrs. : H.. weeping over the dither's 'stern treatment of
her darling.'endeavored to make up for it in indulgence.
Thus the boy grew ] up to fear his father, and to feel a
contempt for the authority of his mother.
"Well. on Morgan's returnrival college in disgrace. he
wee so changed that you Woubl hardly have known him;
not so much in pets - ono( appearance. for he. was ;still
handsome. but in hid maters. All need say is, bOhad
earned the reputation of ing the most reckless andldis
sipated fellow do college:!
, 'Col. H.*** terribly aura ' ed at the diegrace hie
eon bad brought upon bi If and family. He ire
him with greater &verity ever. refusing to gratif
bye of pleasure by furnishing him with Nodal. and
jetting him to the moat rigid disipline. The result
the father and son had a terrible quarrel . , in which
latter. boldly facing the thnndei, of the Colonel's
proied himself to have inherited his iron will, if no
nobleness of eharaeter
'That vety day. Morgan left hisitither's holies aad
op his residence al the hetet, to the great distress of
IL. who front that r tirnii never saw s happy dsy.
events occurred twelve years tie.
*I don't know that the young man ever entered the
house bot once afterwar except to wee his moths in
the absence of the Cot. fe ed obtain the funds she .ed
to rpm for hint out a r own allowance. 1
•Mergan wished to nbrend. But to travel warty ex
teusively. required in coe y than ;Mrs. H. had at her
command. and all ber. ger to lands the Colonel to
rant a supply for the pail Were in vain. Elbe alight
as well have asked the Nato sever cap its riches. , En
raged at the innocent ofber piilication. Morgan deter
mined to see his father hi f. und by some means pro
cure the amount he was h i
resolved to bars.
, Learaing. one day. thet the dol. bed received • large
sum of money. from thb nal. of some' land, Morgan tits%
it a Las opportunity to make a descent upon the paternal
parse, and tuteardingiv called on the old gentleman lie
fore he had bad time to use the money. or deposits it in
the bank. . .
'A domestic in the ramify. who admitted Morgan, rs
lams that tbs Col. was is his study. and there weassu4dban
die of bills on hii desk when the young as e .
, The Colonel's countenance never d as he( look
ed op. and sair bis sou baron him; and hen he coke.
hireroracams Wet cold and hard. as 11' his throat had
bees of marble.
1 i
"What is your %mines. ula' 1 i
; .
llsegan rmarsod his haws alma leik with at u•
Ilischise pm, s• ho, roplioi. I
"lame to prefer a claw' ! :
• :I - .
'At thn Nord claim. the Col. unwed. Matadi:l nothiog.
'I desire tottovel,' pursued Maisie, as if ktrhad bps
talkie: to so ogee/. 'lt can be no advantaffs' to you to
ictotkntp In night of year, 7300 r, which is shut artisst too.
and within the oder of your garde= and orchards. which
looted enjoy. Yen will not refine. then. 1 hope.' to
Apply me with Node. that will enable me to sec soots
thin of the world. end IP establish myself abroad.'
"11 this is all your basin's.' said the Cal. in a deep. ,
Wee. 'the sooner you to the bettor:' and taking the bun•
to of bill., be leaked it up is the disk with a 6rin
, 1 thought you bad more judgment than to comic to me
malaash a fool's errand. I So, what you knew it was ha
peeejble to *hula by pie ding. you hoped to diaw from
'belt, the impudence ois claiurl Cie. I !ay. boy: not
dotlarOf cry mousy shailgo into your bands. histil you
have submitted to my authority. which you have se late
ly despised.'
• 'Morgan'. eyes 11ash l od lire. The domestic. who
watched him from the dpor. declared she thought from
the grinding of his teethi and the clenching of his list%
that he was going to strike hie father. .
'Withest giving way to his passion, howeier. tLe
young man turned upon his beet. passed out of the door.
and topping to speak to his disteeSsed mother.
Mounted his horse, and rod* off to the hotel.
shim U. flew to her husband, and claspiik her hands
i■ agony, prayed that he would call the young man back.
speak to him no longer in a store and:chilling tone, bet
kindlyand fatherly, and effect a reconciliatiett.
'My Crod!';marmered the Colonel. passionately. 'am
Ito be trampled open by my own son? Am I to•stoop
'and he to triumph? When he cokes to me with an air
of independaoce. which is insupportable, am Ito bend to
hOi and beg.'
"No! no!' sobbed the wretched woman; not that. But
speak to him kindly. Usaperstiasion—gentleness—'
. 6 1;Vith-a sow! persuasion! you wrong my patience.'
ha exclaimed is a husky voice. 'Leave me'
'No more words passed between the parents of the un•
happy youth: but dring the remainder of the day. the
mother was keenly dietressed, and' the stern father was
ill at ease.
'Tn. latter passed i sleepless night. He 'paced the
Illoor until late, with his brows contracted and his lips
• compressed; then retired, and lay for tie° hours. Midi*
I tiding on souse subject which excited his brain. Mrs. H.
was likewise awake. knew too well what the subject was.
'Considerably past midnight. the Colonel arose,
'ls any thing the matter?' asked the wife.
"I don't know.' replied the Colonel. I thought 1 hear.
a sound in the lower part of the house. in the direr ' •
of the study. It may be only a cat that has got in there;
bin I will goiand see.'
"I heard something myself.' said Mrs. IV'llut I
thought it was outside.' '
*The Colonel had - beard more. or understood better
than his wife. At all events, he bad n 4nspielon efeate
.—his allusion to them having been ' ode to !scold alar
ming her. Ile remembered that th re was alum °rum.
nay in . his gloat. and probably suspected a robber;.
'Going noiselessly dew!' stains: and opening the door of
the study with a steady bituhe heard the same noise
much loader than before. i o stepped cautiously into
the room. It was a el fight` night; and turning his
eyes to the window, frnm which the noise appeared to
proceed. he discovered a dim shadow moving in the cur
'At that toomitat the noise oessod. The Colonel stood
motionless, in a. corner of the room. nagt T00001111111D•
es& when rciChing a heavy sword which nog against
the wall, I,e slowly drew it from its scabbard.
The ?colonel then stationed himself near the window:
but no/sormor had he done so. than the grating noise
cz‘d again. After a abort silence he heard another.
s nd. like the breaking; and immediately tiler.
the curtain was moved aside by an invisible hand.
. 'The darkness, the loneliness of the chamber, and the
mystery'of the dim shadow' on the curtain. would have
shaken the nerves of any man of lose coolness and cour
age than the Colonel. Determined to take the robber.
dead or alive, he calmly waited for him to enter the room.
But presently. to hie dismay, he heard footstepreoming
down stairs, Some domestic, or oat-door laborer, had
evidently heard the sounds. and was comhig to learn
their drigin. 'Perceiving that this most frighten "way
the robber, the Colonel was revolving in his mind What
be should do to effect his object. when the hand that had
moved, the curtain became visible. It was groping along
the window•frame, for the Spring. Rapid as the 'light-
Mos, yet noiselessly -and unseen, the old broad-sword
swept, over the Colonel's head, and struck deep into the
wood- ark of the window. ! There was a stifled cry—a
beery fall—and the curtain lawept back to its place.
'Ruching to the window, !the Colonel threw It open.
and looked out. Ile could See nothing. bowies*, owing
to the darkness; and ehattiaz ft again he haAessed to'
procure a light. . .
''As he burst Jute the hall, a laborer, by the . name of
lones, who slept in the house, appeared at the foot of
the stairs. I
'Good God! Cokasel, is that your cried Jones. who
lippeareci agitated With terror. What is the Matter?'
.Give me the Jight.' said Col. H—.
Ho Worded hik hand. As the light shone upon
Jenes, who most have been terribly frightened, saw that
it was covered with blood. Starting back. he dropped
the lamp. which wee broken to pieces on the floor.
'The Colonel cursed his weak nerves, and hastened up
stairs for the lamp in his ehamber. m bire. hear.
tag strange sounds.. and alarmed br the protracted ab
sence of her husband had already arisen and strait a
light. As the Colonel took it from her. hand, she saw
the blood on his arm, and uttered a cry of horror.
"ft is nothing," said the Colonel. "A robber !was
climbing is at the window, and 1 have scratched bilis."
'He catered the study, followed by Jones, who shud
dered at the scene which met his eyes. There was blood
on the curtain, on the wiadon, ea the Colonel's chair.
which stood near it. and on the ceiling. Across the
desk where the Colonel had placed it, lay the WADY/-
sword. stained with Wood.
'Something on the carpet. soder the window. attrtict
ed the eye of Jones. He stooplel to pick it up. and itar
tad back with • suppressed cry: It was a human hand:
"The Colonel picked it op. aid held it by the Vele./
fingers. It was still w*m, and , trinpiog Wood. It had
been cot off just at the atrial;
.Buddenty the Colonel tamed pale. Wrapping the
'Member in his handkerchief he seised the light. and
rushed up stairs.
'For heaven's sake.' be cried. with strange agitation.
'tell me if you khow this! It tel no time to stand upon .
ceremony. Look!' I
: L ind totally regardleas of the efeet the Ikrrid 'sight
might have en his wife, the Colonel f i n his agitation.
threw aside the folds Of his handkerchief. add' revealed
the hand.
'Mrs. 11=--- started back with homer. Bat in an in
dent. um l aut deadly pals. she beat eagerly forward. g 4.•
ed a ;newest at the hanci i i sad with a shriek. fall lifeless
to the doer.
'The Colossi rsabod ea!, sad met Jesse Go the Maim.
'Raise no alarm.' be laid. i• • husky. rapid tone
'Go ••d •eddb my 1.,0ra•; •ad brag him to the door.
•M can as low bad dimprihrod. 44 Colvul wait
led to am if be esidd4lMover bow ef iya Waist. Tb.r.
--- - .
as nothing left but blood which had gushed out i \ the
grass like rain. The robber was gone.
'Mounting his horse. and again charging ones to Wane
no one. the Colonel rode to the hotel.
'After thundering at the door for 'soros inint4s, be
succeeded In bringing a-waiter. who admitted hitn4star,
ing in stupid wonder, to see young Morgan'e father ar•
rive at inch a time, and with so.ghsstly a face.
Morgan withial' demanded the Colonel.
• 1 think be is. 1 saw him his. In the erening.' i was
the reply. •Shail Igo W i p and see?'
'Show me to his roost.' said the Colonel, striding in=
to the hall.
'The waiter proceeded him up stairs. Tittering a:sep•
preased•greao he leaked around. The colouoro hand
was premed, upon his brow, and his eye was fixed 'sport
a dark spot on the floor. It wee a drop ef.blood!
'What is that?' asked the wailer. ;
• "Go On! go on!' muttered the Cofonel. in so solvate
and hook; a voice, that had about the same effects as •
sharp bayonet. in sondiog the waiter forward. 1
'They- reached the door of Morgen's-roorn. The;Col
nel wrung the kneb with his iron hand, bat thelittek did
not yield. Then with his fist he thsodered on the tpen
I - ,
'No sound came from within. . t ,
"He is not in.' suggested the wailer.
'With a rapid movement. the Colonel held
I e lamp'
to the key-hole. The Point of the key wits vi . ;The
,01, /
door was locked from the inside.
“Leave acme:seeded the' colonel. ‘arnior 4 the
*Then playing his month near the door. he sald. Idol ,
gee! lam alone—let me in. Ic your father j that
speaks!' . !
'At that moment. a sharp c acursion. like the eePort
of a pistol. sounded within t e room. Then some heavy
body fell to the door. ' i
'The Colonel stagger against the banister : anld the
waiter. who was wat Mg from below, ran up. crying
murder, thinking we n abet. ,
'Hush!' said 14 Colonel. is a Balm voice. staudieg
erect. se pale's' d ea th. before the waiter. Go ter as
axe or a bar./ This door' mast be broken open.'
Ala a few moments the lock was forced. and the Colo
nel. fol ed by the landlord and others. rushed into .the
room. There was a human body extended on the lour.
irk' was covered' with blood. ' E
'Horror!' ejaculated the waiter. 'He has cut eft hi.
iight band!' .
i •
"And blown out his brains!' added the landlord.
'The Colonel lookedet the ghastly. distorted face. It
was that of his only eon. He was a corpse!
'This is the story 1 promised you.' continued my friend.
'There is Mill more to say. 'Evnrybody.thought thy ca
lamity would kill MM. H-o—,; but you see her sow, a
feeble. sorrow-stricken woman who never leavel her
own room, except to visit the grXve of the suicide.
'The Colonel is a different men. Since the tragedy.
he has never been seen to smile/ He stands like a inith
ered oak, dry and stiff, yet strog i4 his decay.' •
We rode to the' burying grou d. _ We would have/em
tared, and looked at the tombstone of the erring youth;
but I shrank from disturbing tke contemplation of the
mourners. •
Mrs. H—... was bending °ler the marble slab / and
shedding team which ran down her thin fee* like ; rain.
Colonel steal near liwunini. hia.atMeioldA 4..h0
"oboe; ami his cold gray eyes Axed on the grave wit h a'
look of speechless grief. We kilt them alone with tlib
This very p*
ly prying into
force than is at. . .
troubles and contentions which distract soCiety arise ifront
neglecting this great fact. Those who are as busy look
ing at the faults of otiiere, have no time to correct Itheir
own, and wrongi grow into reel magnitude anger their
very noses, while they are lamntiag over distant 'riffs
which do noveirect •or concern' hem. How much!bet
ter would the world be. if elm Individual were to set
about a strict examination of hi own conduct, and test
tt by the seine rigid principles which he epplies tt the
conduct of others: Hew much more free from abuses
would be that community, which has as diligently smireh
ed out its own evils, and was as ;zealous to correct them,
as it is those which it imagines do exist a hundred or: . two
miles off. That philantlfropy m at be a 'purees, motels
which overlooks things claimin its notice immediately
aretzd it, to sue obiscts only wo try of its attention When
afar off. If each individual atifl community were tilo try
the experiment. and look at home, we think that ne mat
ter how great their moral and religious reputation, there
!would be fitted some deficiency that might be eorretited,
some wrong whiCh vied - be remedied; andthes Vigilance
now exercised in fruition efforts to accomplish a doubtfull
good, would partake ors practical 'character from which
effects the most beneficial to society would fellow. 1 .
A friend oC ours frain the South (says the Knickirfioek
sr.) menfione.: the other day a funeral sermon which
he heard in North Carolina not long since, that set} our
emaciate Owl a-winking. Parson S—. a rather ec
centric cfieractenipres called upon to "preach the funer
al" of a hard case named Rams, whieh he did in the fel
lowipg unique style: "My beloved brethera and 'astern:
of oar dear departed brother' Rano would 1-wanted some
body;Ao come here and tell lies about him, and make him
out a boner man than he was, he would'nt a-chose' nu
to "preach •his funeral." No. my brethern, he wanted
to be held up as a hernia' and a shiain' light to warn you
from the error of your ways. He kept horses, and he
'ruled 'em; he kept chickens. Ind he feu% 'em; he kept
women, and there sits hie widow who can prove it. (The
widow sat directly in front of the pulpit, and here gave
an affirmatory nod.) Oar dear departed brother hid
many, weenie' was when be broke his leg, bet be ,still
,went on in the error of his ways. The second wartaio'
was When his sea Pets hung himself in jail; and th•last
and greatest warnin' of all was when he died Aimed - II
The preacher enlarged eon these topics until he had sunk
ficurn se low that his hearers began to doubt whether he
should ever succeed in getting him up again, sad. es Is
natal 7in "funerals," lauding him safely In
bison*. This was the object of the second part of, the
sermon. -which started off thus: "My brethern,
be - great muscles, grist miracles in Ifeaten. And' the
first meraqle will be e that many you expect to fed there
yon tilers. The people that go round with
long faca4 makia' long prayers, wool be there; and! the
irecoadmeraele will be. that many yam dou'vexpect to
bad there, as perhaps mare won't expect tofiad ear char
departed brother'll see there: and Om great
est sweets will be e to tiad yeewsekas tberer
A Lrrrtz rani. Tbo sword of th• warrior was /ra
kes down to bright's; it bad sot base bag oat of is.o.
Tho rust was rubbed off. bat than were spota,that would
not go..—thoy were of Wood. took advattajgo of
the Ant. breath of air to move a Unto fartber off. `•Tbou
art right.' said tho sword. !•,I ark a bad ne ig h bor...
fear righ t .'
mot." replied the pen. ••1 am more powerful
than lboa - art. bat lova mot thy sochUy.“ ••1 alderman.
Mo." said the sword: "And 1 perpetrate." auswerod
the pia; "'bore an thi o siotorios. if I retard thous set?
Eas, who!. has ask um day b•—.l* the Wu of tHr•
tra IS of seed satusly yeas.
k is tortisirsitaa t>N sword.
" The Greatest Miracle."
Correrpoleknee t the Et. tout. Itepith!lean.
Ppm, Sept. 11. 1851.
A few days .go appesired hi the list or deaths ins mer
iting paper th, name off Widow Coalesce. row took
amiss of - thialmple aasimacesnant. aad fewer still knew
the iscidetste of the basultifal life 'that had just closed.
em sore your ?widens Will be its/wasted is the abort
sketch I am going to give that!, sad which has bees
furnished me pretty reinCh by . an !amine nt physician, wbe
knew the excellent Widow, and, indeed, closed her eyes
when they had looked their last upon earth.
Constance was the ditiighter of a brave of f icer. killed et
the opening of Nypoleim's Italian campaign. Left alone
at the ego of eeveateen, without any support but her
courage. her beauty, and her virtue, she became the vs
vendisve of her father's 'egiinenf, the , 76th ofthe line.—
For thelvenellt of those of ear Headers who may hot be
inifdrmed nu the subject, i will ekplain that a vivandiere
is a woman who followia regiment; sometimes on foot.
and sometimes in a little . : .and siellsliquor to the soldiers.
fihe always has en han too, *supply of little define
cies for the sick. and roil* of linen, and an assortment of
balsams and salves for she wounded. lithe is almost at.
ways a brave, noble beaited woman - . braving fatlgnis and
diffieulties. dangers, sod eves death Unit, with equal
courage and cheerfolnene. Thn vireadiere Is. indeed,
the province of the Frenah soldici, Oa the march the,*
is always a place in her part for the poor fellow overcome
with fatigne,:,ind credit for 'him whose parse is empty.—
In the battle,lamid the Sail of balls the first to raise a fall
en comrade, the dna t• close his bleeding wounds, and
drag him to a plane of safety, It in always she. always the
vivadiers. i 1
The dress of the vivindiere 6, generally; red panta
loons. a short blue cloth skirt. b,rdered with red, end a
tight fitting jacket, similar to the uniform ciliate her rag
intent. cad a little 'unitary hit. Cdorasd. 4 with the tri.col
wed eoeksdis, let jettitlY on the odds of her bead.* Agrees
her sheeldere is swamis little birrel full of the soldier's
consolation, and her large pockeis arc filled with a goodly
number airman glaaw.
But to return to Constance. _I She could not long re
'meta in the situation olivivaudiire, dispensing excellent
liquor and sweet smiles with ego i st liberality, without at
tracting attention. One day the young girl eat down to
coact the enmber ofheditdorers; and. after throwing out
those who did not explain thernsiilves clearly enough up.
on the marriage point, she foandlthat there rernaio&d ten.
Constance was in a quaedry. forishe liked them all, and
shaddeied at the idea of wounding the feeling, of,anv of
them. Pressed at lasi tomak a choke, she secretly
gave each one a rendeivons in Pie same place. nod for
the same hoer. 'Not on, failed; i but, to the credit of the
We've girl let it be said4net oriel of lime soldier,, in ac
cepting this melding. diehen °red her with a suspicion un
wiiihy of her pure life.l lloweier. upon finding them
selves together to the number of ten, aft enb-officers of
the earns corps, and netierthelese all rivals, the astonish.
went of thee, men made the horwon black with tempests;
already looks of defianite were passing between them,
"You have bleu faithful," seta she to the Nide:vow
"I thank you-for it, slob; let thre be no nonsenes, no
caluetery. no perfidity brnong as. Besides you are my .
only friends. and it is flan you - stone Oat I wish to take
amidow AO. %a No yam Wme whltwima me
doelsratioas of love! 1:1?Itoy it he grill! Ia that true?"
"Yes!" loudly answered the ton lovers.
"And you all really Wish to marry met" added she,
with a roguish smile; -i4 that Waal"
"Yes!" was spin the grave and resolute answer.
"Very well" replied renstanhe; in a tender and play-
Nil tone, "you are all alike. it sl i me! Ilowevz i r b . I can
inIT marry one. and ype Gave , al: equal rights to my
gratitude; and what is eatitude le lore in.the heart of her
whom you call Coustenie the Virtuous."
re incieiditive
mi. has more
at •mount of
"Yoe. my brilliant qitartermaster, you lowed me the
first—that *worth a good Mark , for cos. You, my val
orous adjutant. twenty-five year{ and the - cross of honor,
that would tempt a clutches!. if Ikm not mistaken. You.
my Yhang sergeant. brats and gallant. you saved me
from the hands of the Austrians—my honor owes you
something for that. Yoi, head the file of the god Mars.
could Yen be overlookedf superbkirum-major, whose sev
en fort remind me of the chureb steeple of my native vit.
The soldiers all laughed at these joyous sallies of the
young-girl. who. after 't i ering thus passed in review the
titles of all her prstemiarits. "Yoe see it is hippos
-eible to choose. for I do lot wish to be a subject of discord
between TOG. But I will do better." she hastened to add;
"the war. is about to begin; the little corporal has sworn
that before the end of the monthihe will enter Vishnu.—
It is then at Vienna thit I will become the wife of him
who.lloring the campaign, shall have performed the meet
brilliant action. My hand. my'life, the Ditty treasure of
the poor orphan. shall &gong to itino without division.—
Let all to whom this decision is acceptable toach that,"
sad she held out her little white; hand.
At these chivalrous w l hrds a thunder of applause burst
forth; tends ware shaketOill around, and the cork-S sprung
from the bottles.which bad beerrbrought for the ocesslen.
They drat:it:ea glory and to love, Icfnceforth insperable.
At Vienna • the soldiers opce more anted. and then sep
Two months after this scene the grand army made its
triomphal entry into the napitol of Austria: but the sev , :
enty-six had paid with blood its prodigies of valor.e
young quarteimaster , one of the ten levers of Coas t ;
had both legs carried aw a y: but.; in falling beneath the
eyes. acid almost in the arms of the beant a l vifandiere ,
he had cried: "Of the niiiet lover! who min for thee.
eight will be more to be pitied the I. for they will live."
These eimple words. coMprishila whole drama of love.
did net escape the notice of the young girl. She saw
him safely of the field aedicarrief to the hospital.l
A few days after that I table tor eleven persons was
spread in a little restaarant ono of the fauboargs of Vi;
snot. Faithful to her engagement. Constance, more
beautiful thee ever. fro" a secret sadness, whitt veiled
her regard. had invited her lorsie to meet her there.—
She was the first to arrive, and to salute. with a tsar and
a regret the unomnplied Pion, ofthe brother fa erns' who
had fallen in battle. %%Atlee the rest were assembled,
they went ever, together.ithe epitiodee of the campaign—
io short. yet so glorious-4nd
. 014 diseasied their hopes
Wad the rights of earth use to faunae sad rewards. fouled%
thus hopeCto raise Itimseilf in thei eyes of the young girl.
Bat spirit was wanting to the Scene. Constance had
loot her gaiety; her repartees. generally so lively.lo jovial.
and se quick. languished. and were gives slowly and with
difficulty. At last came; the &amt. Without waiting
for,the orders to adeak. Ciinstaoce. after hiving filled her
glass, arnere—"Brothers.9 said she. "you aro all young
and brilliant officers of he ratan! Listen fer the last
- uses. sod without interruption le the vivandierit o! the
76th. Let as speak with open hearts; what would be
for you. with the title of Wile. the toor unedneated young
girt? As obstacle to year fortoiel more than this a hu
miliation and a remorse. ; I hurrieeen my mother weep.
'and I remember it. Thii hand.: which you have done
me thi honor to seek. I give it to hint who will have
used of it to sustaia him. 'ftad perhaps to earn his bread!
The choke of coustaace is yet an homage to the fritter.
sky of arms. for it fizes lawn' upon the most Iterations('
among you;' lit us drink to mar Poor mottle ' eestesds.
ezmodod on the, bed of gun. at the hospice of Visas.
shots lOM eras to got myself up , to die a Sister of
$1 if/ A TIOAR, is AA
Chink!. or to leave it r the wife of the wi
istl ,
She put her glass to her lips. but be ing leeneeth the
weight of her amotione—for is thie is Ilmeidecree else
was pronouncing an eternal separatien 1 m this regiment
she loved so eell--ehe fell fainting la her - cheir. Set u
single voice protested spinet her noble derails's—oohs
alone replied tuber. When she recevered berecteseseee.
nese, she fated her nisi lovers. thtir hayostela on their
shinsldenr, reedy to conduct her to thelstepitall Anived
the. she placed herself by the bedside f the Invalid 00.
die; and renewed the vow she had,matie et She nateei:
mot. Teo days afterwards a letter widethe *meter
seal was platted in the bands of the ex-Vinod/ens of the
76th. He of the eagle-eye, whet knew ; hew la ladled
sad reward every virtue, endowed the yeenggldititli ea
'annuity qf 1,500 franca. reversion to berichildirts; "Ow'
said the letter, "you deserve to be a re ,i t
Five months later Constance left the ospital the wile
of the nantilated . quartermaster; end ti ring ihe eleven
years they lived together she never h cause to regret
the choice oho had mad*. lief ancient vets elleasmase
to see her. and though they bad became °Scar& sad had
nearly air married rich wives and lies in Misty. they
apent mail' a pleasant hour In the vie diere 4 v cottage.
The nine became, each in his turn,
nine children of whom Constancy
mother. At last her haabanll died. •
lain breath: then. one aftenithe ether.
sad away also. Two dieid lighting f •
Three. two daughters and a soy were
fal rail;cted accident, which occurred
ago. and witbin, two years afterw
mother buried her other four. and wee -,
°a ike earth. Bat her uohle courage d".'
Shb turned her thoughts to God. aid
`dohs to the poor and sick. It wee prim .!
soldisre that she exercised the most g • •
lest few years her little hoops is the fan
tre had become a verftable private m
Here many a poor soldier. without p
money, came to receive the motherly
r of widow Coostance. She preserved a
the lat;t. and died as beautiful as she
her little annuity to her ••ehildraa."
the French army.
A Negro Sermon.
The•disconrse from which tlso anise
keq. was actuilly preached in !the Ip'
Ohio, some rostra ago. , The aphis of
vino, who wall a colored gentlensan,
sincere and humble Christian. Crohav
Judge Harper to whom he refers,
He was, we helieve, at that time.
15th Judicial Circuit of the Court of Co
since represented thi, District lisCon
are not mistaken, thepresent Repress°
was present at the delivery of the
brought in by the preacher, by way of
lain position, then anttthera taken by
Pantie , . •
"My dear Irene asd bredren.'' (sa id
soul ob de brick man is as dear im de
de white men." ;;
-.Now yea al! se* Judge ls4r
on his geld-beaded case—you sis to.
gars, and a bier,. fine man he toe
&wine Ao make a We oimparintmer
Judge some fine townie' pat hie !basin
goes to markat G. lway • p:... .ii
nice fat piece ob mutton. an' trots off
s'pose de Jadge would stop to trinire w
was ob a whim sheep or ob a bract' site
ob do kind—if do motion was nit an'
de same to de Judge—he would t sten
sheep bad white wool or bract inoL
"Weil, jes se it is. my kens. sf id
tsr. He siues not atop to ax *Shier
white maker a brack
wid straight bar, or kivered with oil
Ha will ax, will be, 'ls (fit a gOold a.
Massa will say—•Eoter into dejoy o
doWn on (le same bench avid de istita
a perfect 'quality.' "—Decaluz .
.. A Fox's ilevi
The Rev. 3. Murray, in his sieirk of
following story: 1 .
• :
`An old and respectable man of the coaniir of Mont
gomery, Eric& freqiently to relate's"! • iscdisle et a ish'-
curnsiance which he saw. In 'lgo youth be resided es
the banks of the Hudson river. ) One dilly be i weal to a
bay on the river in order to shoot ducks or wild pow—
When he came to the river be saw six Om bopped
shore. lie difterinined to wait fpr them to ePprenak the
shore. While sitting there, he 'paw a fox eolioa doora to
the shore cud stauit sometime M observe tbeireses. At
length he turned and went into the wised; aild cause out
with a very large bunch of men in his mouth. Bo
then entered the water very silently, s al himself, sad
then keeping the moss above the wate isiuunslf Callellei•
ed, he floated among the geess. i Bud illy ens of thins
was drawn under he water,`a.nd the foxlipusred en
shon:zrith a goose pu his back. j Ile ad the bask
ii .
and rid • hole., Made by the insane sr • Woe.—
This hole he cleaned, placed in the g " . tad coy
'red it over with leaves. The feix then left, and when
gone, the banter unburied the gene, min the hole.
and resolved to await the issais. : .. 1
In about half an boar the fez ?I wi anistbir he
company. They went directly ,to the p where the
Eawe bad been buried, and thrill, out . The
g4e• could not be fused. Thiy s in each
other for some time, when suddenly t hut ats
tacked "theother most farionaly as if ad by this trick
of his friend. Daring the baulabe tLb both.'
, .
Too Good to be
A friend of "Prelates the followin
good one. •
A traveler. whom we afterward* ku
a village inn, after a hard days' travc
tired,, requested a room to sloop In, bit
they were entirely full, and it was
accommodate him—that his wits bad
fa, and himself oa the loon but:that
his wife - could do for him. The geed
applied to. said there wu ens nom
copy. moilded he would agree to the
enter the room late. in the dark, and le
morning. to avoid scandal. as the roo
a lady. This he agreed to. :About 2 •
an awful wise was beard i■ the h
the traveler. was • found tumbling hie OM head down
stairs. On oaf laadlord's arvirrlug at th spot. and eatpti
flog what the matter was. that:Meek,. attallated. Isms
as be was able to speak. "Oh Lord. the areissra's dears
, •1 know Mal." said the landlord, "WI hosr!dill pssint4
it oat"
• Meantime huistasrac. ar,u D im aes. why.
there is that Bill 'Thompeso. he's the m ausaissaa I mew
bean: pa. Bill was • constable there. • ibilisse wines
I lived. Why. doe': yea be mt oisseellee
against am for a Mlle matter of roes sad levied eft
thy old womaa's dash., axed ono to dries, Nis,
up for him. I told him to eatsh °am himself: sad his
abased 'am round and round dm' sad nary dew
he'd catch a dock. he'd sot dorm sod %DUO O s
and charge .d. e.
-fatber to tbfo
site #6, biggy
at beir eriablde
ee ebiOres pas
their dosatry.+
filled bi a &iod
ine twfdve y
the seforteatite
HUI kftildolo
1 sot forsake her,
gave her seam
ipatly tams, the
I. ssd }ruble the
uents, ;Gin& or
eare4e i t i Zeteed
bee • le
ed pi i nP ie U-
N of, &urine,
wi teread di
ed a
rem bar
but die
rem bar well.
it .jedp eftio
• moelPleae—bee
sad ie. if to
tire. •Tb• ledge
. mom. sad wee
1 isatittiar a ar
ea. Bat le Abe
I. prLelwr. 4 mde
• &Beal eb
Ws t
the ad o. sag-
Vir sew. be
't. Sipiteida do,
it au 'III ars Oa
~..4 0 k Auk' a
arid it. ' 'De lea
ledder!dat mattes
apt !ie. gala'
at. it *add Wall
to as wider de
r Hebertly
soul 'leap Is as
bead is Llter :
age if ipe\la
Liord. aa' set
ettee *Mesita
• 1 /4 TecY
the kaadled said
or. es
644 es the es.
w 4 1 .4 see wine
=. btu,
might se
. edition. viz: te
1) it *any la lb.
waa scampi's' d by
'els* that sight.
oil oar friook