Political and General /We. AL OF THE STILUESEIF 11111,0 PL overdose. New Peas F►eeue—Ues+gseies it( Louis Noyailsea—hoserrectiess is Sicily. LIMP/ RlO7 AT BOIIIAY. i i liiittraz, Dec. 20. i _ Royal tale Steamer Europe, from Liverpool, De. camber 6 for New York, arrived here this after soon, after a succession of heavy gales, and with the loss of one man overboard. The Canada arrived at Liverpool on the 21 inst. She ezperieneed very rough weather, and bad an arduous passage. The startling news from Paris, received at Liv erpool on the 21 inst.. checked the sotton market, and subsequently an increasing anxiety to realm., gave purchasers an advantage of id per lb. Tbe market fur flour bad been rather active. at an, ad vance of 61 per bbl. for good export, for Indian corn purchasers have advanced 6J per quarter. Sines the sailing of the Niagara, wheat advanced Id per bushel. • 'he provision market has ondergose no material Change. Theairi of Frasee have at -length reached a crisis, d the lung dreaded camp do clot was made if on MOO ay night, the Ist inst. 'the President seiz ed the ios of guvernment--dirsolved ._the Assettl bly—..declared Paris to be in a ante of seige--arrest ed the feeding opponents of his Policy, and appealed to tile people. Preparation* fur this movement were perfected-with constitute skill and secrecy, and ev ery thing was completed before the Assembly or the public had the least idea of the President's inten tions, and an entire new ministry was formed dur ing the night of Monday. • At daylight Tuesday morning, the . President's proclamation was posted throughout the city, in which he ordered the dispersal of the Assembly and the restoration of universal suffrage, also proposing a new system of government and the instant elec tion by the people and by the army; of a President,. to hold office tee years, ,supported by a council of the Mate and hr -two Houses of Legislature, and that pending the election the Executive power shitli terrain in the hands of the President. The election is to take placeiduring the present month. and the n President promises to bow to the will of the people. He says that he has been (coved into his present at titude, and it is certain that Thiers, Changarnier, and other of his opponents had decided to demand his arrest and impeachment on the 3.1 instant, and were almost in the very act of moving in the mat ter, when they themselves and their principal friends were arrested and conveyed to Vincennes. , Whenever members of the Assembly have attemp- Aid to meet officially they have been ordered to dis perse and were arrested if they refused. Two hun dred of the members had been arrested many were • subsequently relmised, but lall.the leader. of the op :position were in prison. i Three hundred of the members . of the Assemblyare said to have given in theiredbesion to the President and telegraphic de spatches from the.4epartmpnts state that the Presi dent's demonstration has been hailed with the ut most enthusiasm, subsequently these reports were contradicted and several barricades were erected in die:riot quarters of Puha; but were spedity broken down. State...-A letter fiont Palermo of the 13th states that an attempt at inirection .in Sicily has, been . made by Baron Ooze , nd other noblemen, with a view to proclaim tho dependence of Sicily and to compel the King:to a icattithe throne of Sicily in favor of his son Francis. - A 'Portion of the iahabi tants of Palermo declared themselves in favor of this project, and the 13th regiment fraternized with them, but by the energy of the authorities the move ment was soon elected and several arrests includ ing some of the officere of the 13th regiment, were made. 1 : Soirrnsafpron, Friday 10 A. M. Arrived Sultan steamer with dates from Smyrna to Nov. Ifith, Malta 14, and tilibialter 19th.— From Gibralter she bring* news of a bombardment of Rabbet and Sake byte French Beet which last ed eight hours, causing! great loss of life to the Moore. The French hive also suffered slightly from the return fire from ;the castle of Rabbet. ft is also reported that:the fleet proceeded to Tangiers fur the purpose of, bombarding that place, and Her Majesty's ship Janus had been despatched to protect British interest at -Tangiers. Seven men were kill ed on board the French Admiral ship. There has been a serious - mussnlman riot at Born , bay.- It was occasioned by the Parsee editor hav ing illustrated Guiz Eraptic, an etching of which is given. The riot lasted about half an. hour, when it was dispersed by the Police. tekleveml persons were ',:sstriously injured and shops we plundered and wo- , . 1 . men violated. No means had been taken to ascer tain the amount of property plundered. The amount is Mated by the police authorities through their or gan the Bomby Times, to `be under one thomiand pounds and by other local papers to have, exceeded .£15,000. • . PAP" Friday`morning—A decree appears, order ing the vote on the 9 0th inst. to be secret instead of public.- There wee rumors of the fighting being , continued; but nothing confirmatory has appeared in ony \ London paperathe latest published accounts state that the insurgents were put down after a se vere struggle. Provincial reports are satisfactory. It is said that Refugees left London for Paris on Thursday evening. It is also stated that the French Govern ment have stopped the transmission of telegraphic despatche r s. Movements of troops were silent and' firm during the day. Barricades have been thrown up in earnest. .- , - At balf-Past 1 o'clock, an immense crowd of about 5,000 troops, moving along the Boullevards,were fired on from the neighboring passages and oses close by. The firing watt returned, answering the insurgents. The combat lasted briskly for upwards _ . of half an hour—cannon chests and musketry at the same time fart down Boullevards, were firing up to 4 o'clock P. , It had nearly - ceased in the neighborhood of the Itoullvards at Tieres, but con ,tinned in other quarters. Complete particulars can not be obtained. Many - passers by were injured, and a gentleman and his daughter are reported killed. 'At 6 o'clock the fir ing at the Boullevards DO Italinnes bad almost ceased. A light iri the streets lasted from midday till 5 o'clock in the evening. . ' The trucipis returned to th eir barracks. The bar rieades at' Fauburg St. ris; St.' Martin and the - -- Boullevardi, near the Bas ile, bad been destroyed, when the troops retired. -The Herald and Chronic/. Correspondents state that Gen. Castilian, at , sone, and Gen. Engler, bad declared against the Government—but this is denied. . Strasburg ant ßheims are also stated to have ris en. Some doubts are entertained of Geo. Mignon. The Slily News states that Gen. Newmoyer is snatching from the north with four regiments. The - Times says that from this province we learn that an attempt at/cxieitte of Drayer was energetically itsuppressed. ccounts from-the departments in gen eral were sausfactirtv. . Imamate IN TOR I.7es or Cosa.—Tilt Pottsville 'liners' Journal furnishes some interesting statistics of the anthiatite coal trade for the year now draw ing to its elose. Duriog s the whale year it has bees sent to market and consumed as fast as it could be produced from! the mines, the increased demand amounting to about a million and a quarter of tons over that of 1850. he aggregate sent to market at the end of the yea will amount to a out four millions five hundred th naiad tons. Tb increas ed sales of ibis, over atid bove the, tots amount sold last year, will amount more than tko Segre gate ages in any one year f the comm encement of the trade in 1820, down to year 1844, and Ito\ 200,000 tons over and above the tal amount seat to market in the fi rst thirteen years the trade.— It is stated that present appearances I icite an in crease for 1852, of at least one million lons over ow above the consumption of the year I 1. Oar mil PAVAN Tllll SAYS Cots.—A lid name d Lyman, of Chester, aged l 3 years, last seek in com pany %Mt his playmates, entered a mill where st u b. war' is ground, and amused himself by pushing in the ears of corn. Not content with this, be watch ed the opportunity when the utilises bask was turn ed. (te Impress the flavor of the meat, we esppase,i thrust appertaining to the mill, Into the hopper. .Poor Pose “`are one long, lingering look behind." and went thro;gh, accompanied by the lad's thumb and a finger or two.—Pre. Rena art. • in°?OTiara/It tliveiree woes t waged' lass. sad 'wife, 4 now being tried iu New York ORIIA 111W11. CAL Items by tie Daniel Webster. Several rtabbitig cues have occurred within the past week, in our city: in all but owe of them. Span iards or Mexican have been concerned. The Vig ilance Committee arrested one of the parties, bet the courts are mOiheiting--excepeiu a few instan ces—each a dispusi ion to,put down crime, that he 11 Was delivered all ost iminedistely up to the legally constituted auth rities.i The public attention has been engaged ft the past three or four days with Gall h er, case of Gall her, charged with the murder of Pollock some to the since, which has been on trial before the Distri t Court. Llst es eni ng the Tory, after having n out - twenty-one hours, returned with a verdict man-slaughter. The punishment has not, as yet, n fitted; A company . , yling themselves the Moulmein Lake Water CA p ony, whose primrose is to supply San Francisco nth fresh water, have opened their books fort e h sale of shares. . Upwards of two thou sand shareslhaveialready been taken; the tootl num ber is ten thousand, and the capital $300,000 The papers pi still filled with accounts from dif ferent: section/ the State, of outrages and mar dere. , The Ji Id California* published, on - the 15th, intelligence fru Marysville of seventeen murders which had been tommittet in that vicinity within the past ((Air or ive days, and of themprieing of the Vigilance Committee. The other up-river and mountain paperei contain accounts also of various murders, which we have copied in full from day to day. Nor are southern coast counties entirely gni!. et in this respect. Among other outrages, a report will be found in iour columns of a bloody affray in the city of- os 4ingelos, Which resulted in the death of some ten or twelve Indians. Fame one Mmes.—Our accounts froM the north ern mining regions, from those at least which bor derl on t - coast, and are not embraced in the great Sacrame .o valley, are sieve( so full or so accurate as from t other seething of the mining districts.—o The num rof persons engaged in extracting the precious tale Is but small, as compared with that 1: 1 in eitlier e ramento or San Joaquin districts, while the 'pla • have not, as a general thing, paid near as well, • the Indians are far more trouble some, being f 'more -athletic, more determined and . ore warlike. The latest accounts from this sec tionlit of t country , however,, received within the . past wee here been much more favorable than fur many mo the past, and miners are represented as 1 1 making from $ t 118 nl . per day, on an avenge, while some few are cl an front $l6 to $5O. If these acco st ti a relisble—and we see no hlrrea son-to doubt t r cor Ness —the miners in that section are doin Is well he the average throughoot the State. It oat be remembered, too, that in the Trinity and Klamath mines, the old system of wash ing by the rockdr and pan is atilt adhered to• ' and there can be no Idoubt that when the more m oderntstern e l le improvements are intr need, the tipper coast dis trict will prove a sour of great wealth to the State. Before mining can be p fly carried° there, how ever, it will be absolutely necessary to ke some permanent arras jetneni by which Indian h standee will be avoided - In the Sbast al and Upper Butte districts. the mi ners are doingell. We know, in fact, of no iii , .. k tion of the State in which labor seems to be mo generally or steadily rewarded. The field, however, has so far been Imerelyl skimmed over, and there is plenty of room for thoultands of other workmen, and a year a l that for years to come. New discoveries of gold, in local one before deemed barren, are being r. corded every y, and there is every reason to be lieve that wheq the pressure from the lower coun ties drives a greater body of the miners into these districts . , they Will' be found folly as rich as those in the vicinity of the Yuba ;and Feather rivers. Throughout the Nevada, Colesi, Yuba, and El Dorado districti, , a large portion of the miners are engaged in erec ting their winter tenements, or in throwing up dirt in the gluchea and ravines, which 'will be washed Out when the rain comes on. The accounte,from ill parts of these distncts are, not withstanding the numbers thus engaged, the result of whose labor isi;of court*, not yet apparent, highly encouraging. Laborers com Mend from six to eight dollars per day,kind are not over plenty at that, • while ,pasty of them) holding claims are realizing as much as an ounceper del, steadily, IWO many, much more. It is in this section of the country that min ing is carried an in the Meet 11.111iOnliglie 11111”tieri and the ingenuity which characterizes the American, is apparent jn the various contrivances fur sengNis bor, and onsblieg the miner to.wash oat greaterand greater quantities of earth. This - is undoubtedly the most produCtive section of the state. Calaitteras county still maintains the reputation which it acquired early in the history of gold bear• ing in California, as a very productive region. The neighbOrbood of Itlokelumne Hill, the great centre for coyote diggini in this part of the state, seems to be aerich s* ever; and it is said that not less than three thoustinidl miners are congregated within a cir cle of, a few ,miles, around its base. From the Stocton slope, k is calculated that over $3,000,000 have been taken since the ground was first opened, and it shows no symptomi of giving out. The co yote diggings are here carried on very extensively, and as usually, pa 7 remarkably well. The diggins in Ifuolotnne and Mariposa counties kayo not prayed so encouraging as at our last. Foos onis Iterzedoa.—We learn from the Marys• sills Herald of yesterday, that the bodies of three murdered men were foend•a 'few days since, near the public road on,lFloncut Creek. The murders are supposed to have been committed by four Mexicans, • who were previously suspected of similar outrages at Bidwell's 113 r.; The murdered men had been dragged from the road by rialtas: An, armed party Gum Bidwell's Bar had gone in pursuit, sod the Sheriff of Yuba criunty and a posse from Marysville went to Seuorien smp where the murderers were supposed-to hate taken refuge. On approaching the camp the party were fled upon, the Sheriff, Mr. Buchanan receiving 'a shot in the back near the spine, which it is feared will prove mortal. Great excitement prevailed in Marysville, and patties were leaving for the scene of the difficulty. A postcript in the Herald says that six other bodies had been found near the pltice where the first three were dis covered. 11 We have doubt but that the affair is ' greatly exaggerated, t, indeed, it is not wholly a tabrica t*m. That fur Mexicans would or could have kill • et nine Antericarti, at one time is very . improbable —and that they I should have killed them all, at different times, and yet at the same piece, is more improbable still. The names (lithe three men test discovered, are girlie es blather, Jeokinsuo, add. Gardner. t 1 - tmoutirts.—lii mat be Witt, a recently returned from Cali bim a piece of the cnriferona . the size of a man's fist. .On k was brought out fur g:hibit lon Sccidentially dropped upon the Near the centre of the mass, ily - imbedded in the gnaws and nil • - A NUT FO / TM* 1 of this town, who!it font's, brought with quartz rock, of abou Thanksgiving day, to a friend, when ,it fhor, and split open was discovered, 4 . 1 slightly corrode 4 a six-penny nail. lit r,. a perfect head. By what period was it s quartsi flow ea' of the nail could Its I more of American h konw.—Spriar . iron nsil, of the size of a l iras entirely straight, and had whom was this nail Wade? At ' anted in the yet ancrystalized it in Califeruial. If the head k, we should know something story than we are ever likely to Reproliam. A illisicsm DslKu the "code of &mug" the extreme. The recent ease in thit and it was agreed tO parties started out ne wales, and fought k one was found deiad, knife, in some trees murderer" walked th molested. —Tim manner of redress by among sfesicaus is bloody is an Francisco Herald relates a ity. Two 'Mexicans quarreled settle by 'Mortal enmilitt. The cc mesnied by friends or wit y moonlight. TM next day Mr.ibly cut and gashed by a y' placee, and Iris "honorable te streets of Sid "rancisco on- Mnangt.ocia!—.T. N. Y. Daily Troes tens of a fanatical Abolitions t in that city, famous fur his love and sympathy for the "poor negro," whose wife last week presented 'him with a fine. bouncing baby, the color of Which is something like a storm cloud in the tropies.} The doubting parent was pox sled how such a thing could have happened, but be thinks its was the remelt of sympathy! 801 9 - 1101 s—We learn that Mr. Z. Dickinson, black ssaithol resident of Warren, Pa., about 6 teem* this 160torday, Dee. 1114 afternoon, est his direst front est; to ear and died instantly. Lis teas Mow ie the kitchen, aid wea old ewer bilk studio, up and loolrin In t lobilaralaos he did this hor rid deed, Ha has Air yearessted strangely, and it is prolsahle that i nity may tore bens the cause. Erie I.ll . teltlt! Obserutr. =ME ERIE. PA SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER Y 7. ISM Important News edit Week. We have important news this week from all parts of the world. aot incepting the "reef of mankhod." From F England. Calt!Ornis. my Washington. the ac. counts are all entities; sad what is more, all this ic giv en to ear readers in advance of the lumbering Pheladsi. pbta wooklies.which so many of mar country friend' think are cheaper aid better than the OWsner. By the by. the niaa that thinks his Comity paper I. toe dear at $1 . 30 per year.. was in tows day before Christmas. He saw one of sir slips. containing the DOW, of the burning of the Capitol at Waskinron. and be said be knew something was going to happen **CV'sl before he came to town, for his dog "Bose" meet dolefully the Right be fore; besides his old woman dropped the salt-celler on 'the floor and spelt the sale. He went home billy convinced that. that although the Magnetic Telegraph is "some" to got news quick. his dog "Bose" is seiner—heace ho can't afford to pay $1 SO for a paper **that's got so many pea ky advertimusets in it." especially when nigger-head to-' bacco is 12i eta, • pound. and corn whiskey 23. Death of Hon. Joel R. Poinoett The death of this diathiguished Statesman is announ ced is the papets.. He died at Stateshirg. S. C.. on Fri day. the 12th inst.. of consumption of the leap. He we° in the 73J year of his age. Few of the public men of this eouatry exhibited a life So checkered with shifting &cense. stirring ad...tares, and varied positions. as Mr. Pittastrrr. , In early life. he passed some years in travers ing many commies of Europe, and finally penetrated far into the 'ulterior of Asia, at a time when such au adven ture was much =OM peril**s and romantic than it is now. Subsequently be took a leading part in settling the diplomatic relations of the United States with the new republics of South America and with Me.tiee. On the t i slectioi of Mr. Van Bareirt,llis Presidency, be was a - pointed Secretary of war.-ii - c which *ace he coating' until the cities of that Administration. Here he was principally' distinguished for introducing the Flying Ar tillery fete the army. Since that time he has lived in re tirement, thodgh occasionally taking pert, through the press, In the discussion of leading Oldie questions. . CET Quite 4 rtsble awn he already boos sohlari bed in New Yorlreid elsewhere towards the 1111111rUiPal "lose." proposed by Kossuth, ind as the fools are not all deed yet, we presume it will be enormously increased.— Now our privets opinion ie . that those who have mosey to girl away, or "Wan" cal such doubtfel sienrity, would exhibit their christianity to much better advantage. ,sod their sense too. for that matter, by appropriating their surplus cash I. a fend for the hungry. As Jobs Ras delph said to the lady who issiicited bias to giro to the Greeks. the Hsugarians are at our own doors; end they not few sot hard to SW. We have as &obi that . Phil gopher Greeley. wise is estintatiodely 'displayed as li vim contributed use thee:ond delkus to the "Han- Vida a." could find say quantity of kaagriwithia a stone's row of his own deer s whew/mild bless him all the days his life. for a tenth. sr oven a lawadreik of this $l,OOO. \A i r i ld the Cashier or Presides: . ol.sionto Blink in Chapin:a ti , who fieerishes in a letter eentaiaing lot ty, another $l.OOO ** ' 1 uadoebtedly could dissever plen ty of obj-ms of chart -saye, el alisalute wset—within speaking distamm of Idismarble-faced Bank. Bet why complain—ens but the way,of_the world. Ills fasbieim \ We to give to Hungary. but te die latagry 1 Since Me above was written. s find is the New York Mirror the following just comae :spina this subjeci: "While we approvingly bear this ink of geld and ail- Ter flowing from thousands of hands 1 o • fund, to beat beck the Bossism Bear from his fea t nations; the Northern Bear, 5000 miles away from es. Nan the slopes of the Ural and the seam of the Dos. gri and gray. end coutemptuus of our power, in the plentted of his for and steel—let us leek .to • trimmer, Fuld. km .1..... more terrible Northern near, howling in our ear) cars, and slaving the peace and joy of thossandi of hom in Our runlet. LT. i unlock at the Wintry-Bear: This It • monster. grim and shaggy. with frost sad Me. and tern ble in his roar of fierce biting winds. if bayonets and cannon cannot reach this Boar, money can. Money— but a pittance of the sum pouring into the Hungarian coffers, can smite back this terrible fee from the homes and haunts of 'boogied*. The poor, the sick, the dyilk, who have, alas! no fitting homes, sou friends, hot food, nor raiment. "Let us think of it. boasting christians, philanthropists and humanitarians; whetherwe have no duty. stern and imperious. in regard to oar shivering, Tutoring end dy nag fellows within the shadow of oar own homes. Is there no cry, "its God's name help us!" . from the lanes end garrets. and lomat places of this crest city T Be. hold on every side the Empire of poverty and tnieforteee, made doubly awful by the presence of Winter. Is Ane mia half se terrible to her meanest serf, as this Bear to ten thotimod of our brothers and our sisters. who are freezing and starving in this free land? Give! give to smite the far•off Russian if yes will=but remember. God and humanity call us, as ebrketiane sad men, to give brat to the suffering at our own doors. Winter is a des pot to the poor: and holy writ tolls us that they who pro vide aot first for their own are wOree time inlideb " U 7 Du cis TUC H• 011011" 011 Tin LAIC. —The managers of the New York and Erie itailreed. and the baker's dozen of people who lice at Daakirk. h a ve contended that the Harbor there is the ' , best" os the South shore of the Lake. Notwithstanding this boast. the severe • weather of the put week, as we leant from the Fredonia Censor. has proved unfortunate Is the shipping there. The brig Wed:bridge, leaded with railroad iron; on Wednesday, drifted from her anchorage lad brought up on a reef sear the breakwater. di Big of distress was kept flying from the vessel for thirty-six hours., bet ,he three steamers in the harbor were neither of them in a situation to go to her relief. A pono" of the crew. in attempting to coin! as w, a boat wire caught in the lee. and With difficulty reused by the aid of spar ty from Fredonia, who succeeded in reachieg them by laying planks apes the ie.. All got of safely. The brig was bewail for Menus. The brig Sew. partly loaded with railroad iron. also sank along side of tits wharf, where she wen lying.: The eteensers Atalanta. Michi gan and Ohio. sefrertid considerably in their wheels. guards. &c.. And alt this is the "best harbor" os the Lake! Vice is kessingf • IT Ova firsva Fuctscis—Tbe Ateditor Gesend of this State has published • statesseat of the receipts sad sspeudiferre of the State for the year eliding Nov. Wt. from which it appears that the State flasecse are le as improvise coaditise. The rosettem from all mums for the focal year reached $4.570493. which is 0194,964 more than was received last year. The expeaditeres for 1 • same time were $4,780.667, which is $411.614 mot thee Use expeditors. in 1849-A The *saes is - Treasury is $547.979. 117 rINDIDINIty INS MI PAST. AND BWCIIITY troy Tllll Foroast."—lt seems the President has asked of the Brit ish government ea explanat‘o of the bete outrage open the Amariess sag. Js the ease of the Prometheus. The whole affair Is sufficiently explained by the facts them selves. as stated IN the letter of Captaim Churchill. sod those which are contained in the history of former outrages. It ie abut time we ask as apology for the past. and security kr the future. It would seem from the President's message 'that no reties whatever has been ta ken of sober *strops. which have been siinjast towards Nicaragua as they were insulting to se. The systole of aeries Kiiimith. seii wearies the lib set 40( his by ”d•Poististis." fuel "conemittem" front Beerown. Owl Hollow. sad ether towns of aqua/ hew tame. teatimes w be followed with pevemming emir. Cooritor. W e r)kil that tier Beale Meade hove take's the mew 'sty mesimmis Kbeletill" after the weever wad farm of •-leestowe, Owl Hollow. sad other towns of equal- importunes." ID" The Byrnes*, Star outgo that the Abolition Coo. emotion' whisk moody mot is **laity. enosiwad to miss .18.0111) So defray the orporao of trial of lie *geese Maid at Or low United Rates Dinteiot Coif'. is Real.; few the mese or the Nikki lorry: SUM* weuW porchaot the freedoms of twelve 'lonic...J. "Kossuth sad Ametisaa Non latorvoation." Whim se much le said in the newonapere sheet Xes- , soh. his desires, mad his wishes, eon cannot. no visitor i bow much be may theirs, refrain from linking the ab surd doctrinal the dietaries ef the subject bee been the means of drawing mt. Korainh says*e has come to this eeentri open a mission. What that! oriesioe is we God I shadowed forth. pretty enteattively, hi his speeches; bat for fear he would mot be aaderatood he has authorized the New York prem to/explain' more defieitely his designs in general. and what be expects from the United States in particular. In the first place, he asks for the "sinews of war"—viz/nioney. He will be thankful for all sum, either *dimmed as a coitribution. or no • 'Lam." from one dollar up, Having replenished hit exhaiested coffees. he risen itseareli—the New York papers have it,"sim • y".—asks that England and tinerimieball unite is affir- 1 ming the polity that "every nation shall have the right to make and alter ill political lostitutims to suit its Own condition and convenience. and that the two notions (Enihted and America) !hall net only respect bet cause to be respected their dioctrine, so as to prevent Rossi.' from again marching her armies into Hungary." No body can deny that this is an extremely "modest" regent --especially se far as England is &marmot We think we see Knead seimeding to it. and I thee the Irish na tion turning round and telling patrietiC. honest John Bull that as "every aeries has the right tit, make and alter its political institutions to,suit acme condition and annul epee," they will be "either martial"( it, sure." And as the United States has affirmed tie same thing. of course, she Boost back op her amenities diplomacy and furnish the •';hieetto of war"and the ince to compel her partner In the compact. England, to ndhere to it. Then. when we have gut through with compelling England to 'respect this, doctrine,' we can find •titib, ready manufac tured to . oar band, in compelling Russiale "I wopect" it in rept, to Poland. And this. Koseuth tells uin one of his spileches. is not io contravention of the long es; tablishea principle of this_ peerages t of non-interven. non in foreign wars. And we find. 41 item. wbo fairly termed black in the face when mounting up the coat of the Mexican war—a war we were. flreed hate to redress our grievances and maintain oar natio* honor—actual ly cooneelling and urging the adoption of this system of foreign polity. These ,men would dory to-day is em broiling mariewernment in • homolial : war , with the del potism of Europe. though it it not nosily years since they demounted the patriots of Texas as $ band of free-hoot ers, unfit to he recognized as • natidn.• It is at long wince too—pot Belong but what it can be very distioetly recollected byl the "oldest inhabitant"—that they told us in Congress and out, through the Bolimas of their pres ses. and from the stamp, that a war their country was then engaged in was an "unholy. God-althered war," and hoped the enemy would melees+ them who fought it to hoWitrildo grins! Now. *meteor, there same gen tlemen are amass to forte the government into the po i , sitioa of mobilo' every attempted revolution in Europe a commie cesme—of making this nation a veritable Dee ..Quizot. ready to firgh for ever? body that sobs us. Weald not ibis be the affect. if Cangreas and the Ezecr.tive were to adept Ktiewath's interprstatioa laver policy of non-in- terveationt Certainly! If England and the United Staten were to unite is a declaration, at this, time, against Rus sian intervintiho in the stairs Of Austria, it would be -regarded se a virile.' invitation to the people of Hosiery tore-epos at truce the revolutionary ball, with a promise to ittend betwpos them and the &Midi" of Russia. Such • declaration would be viewed by Aertria se a 'natio istermeddliog with her internal affairs, and therektie a violation of the very ,principle os which England cad United that's base their !nettle interpose at all. Such a declaration. moreover, would. in effect. make England mud the United States take the lags*, is the meditated Hungarian revolution; and having , laken the initiative. air above stated—having virtually in ited Hungary to re volt, and told o tter as plain as diphimacy can tell her, that if she will do so we will "see liter mt." we would be unworthy a place armor the civilized nations of the earth if we would break the compatot. It is clear then that neither the government nor tha people of this coon " A u* ••ft ly •• with psopriely skit Koeseth any such assurances of assistance as he demaiode, even if they bad the disposttion to do so. Ile is riot the rtpreseatative'cif any government, a jaws or 418(24. or of any govern ent. is etas. even. The imernthent of this country could not therefore with propriety, treat with a party, not co o t rind by any competent authority. upon the weighty matte in relstiois to which Koseethasertereee. ' What ever ini lobe the intention of the grivernment in relation to its con in the event of a revival of the struggle for Hungarian i ependeisee, it could not, if it consulted its own digoily, gi any pledge. is racemes, as to what it will do; and stiov \ d\all, it could Dot, we apprehend. de port from its long estioklished priaciplin of non-intertea lion, even to please•Kommth,"or seehre the ;miles of his body-guard, - the EditerieNiternity:tof New York. IT newts Jaanemerws.-Wo Were fro= the Jaws - lino Journal that • fire 's drat village annum day morning of last week which essamed a wooden beadiest *weed by Meters. A. F. !YAWL oar Maio between First mad flossed streets. They were se copied on the first floor by Mows, & 'Arnold as a Boot and Elhio sew, W. G: BONN Boot • Shale stem; R. V. Cunningham. end aA. tlAreeciss Cabinet Ware Room, and ea &al wend "taw Sy F - Citizen Priming Establiebnaekt 7 Nose of the , • e• on the first floor suffered mush lose. Moir elects be wholly ronweed witbost mesh damage; neither was ai of these Wend. Nearly aU the =Stanek' el the Cilia= *Mee were removed, bet of mow in a bad condign's. Mr. Fletcher wee endured Is dm Geeeme Mete= for $3OO aid $3OO is the Wateriille Protection. The Messrs, Allen have suffered a lees of oboetssoo.•No innoreace. Q3' The New Year Mirror sultiens that Madame Toehisea—late Jaen°. about whops a great deal of syum= pithy was expended. and suutll-beer laudation iedulged in ageing the newspapers last ..moor—who sane on front Washittespo with Mr. 'Focht:tea. ea the arms! of Kossuth. did set rentals load is tbn city. for the roues. is is said. that M. Kenneth's petty *ere not aware of her being a great Heagarian Itereinsi—Grest antatry: V' Shakespeare, though one of dal most tarpons of m en. Was a groat hinter. Ho.wao often known to dis pute with a shopkeeper for kelt en hear ow tM matter of • peony. Ho gives Hotspur credit fora podia' of his ownilieposition. when he makes say.m 'would ca vil oa OW sloth part of a 'talc"— s . There, are • groat many illhakesPeares mow; at beam sol) fir NI Wog “groat higglersl' cOnstitute them. And what hivery singular the moment' they step into a prim tin office they commence to act the character oat, sad' “caril on the ninth part of. hair."! gy The mass spirit whisk prompted the reception of Gen. Cam' letter to the Chicago Harbor and River cos motion with biome bosun of Ito briefness. semi few y e ars ago. his recently embibited !wolf is New York. A t the dinner given by .. .lines" to Kenneth the mites day. the loam of the Hos. Rasta Webster. the *ether of tbo Honeelman letter. erne received with hitsse by them is attendants, It is well the world is aware that tho press of Now York maebtatts all OM talent awl pod b rea ding of the .sorry. she we abSuld be inclined to the belief that this dinner was 07011 ay a set .f blsskgsards. QT Thor. is • good deal of eousidation, if ems is capa ble of being consolod. iw the remit* lass szehanp. ilutt people who are blessed with health. strength tad pots.. toes, shoeld sever repine at Winne. even if their pock arscrainpot: row and than. Instead of looking op with easy. you shield look- down with gratitnds.— F or eve.* dein bettor off than you ars. thorn ors ten thoositid that ors votes. Q Damning to Tssacesas . --it bill is before the Teosersee Leeielebtre. which segwites the eurser of a ohm, who Swim to etsisoipaut w. to fins *se at the disposal of the Circuit Court i feed sulkiest to tram per* dm skto te Ards% esti sapper, Me Ws Nissan a we be noshes th at sessatryt ettil eits• this Wag &us by the imam. es by say aegis ear{ free. tbeJadge is Is away tbe Giewerwer. wbe edp , imaisibusly seed Wit le seise seaport to be traitipsdei. - 17 Orarenah w hem story poetise sposilrif weather; 1% the t Aber irsperieweil irl imy yeas. ImpOrilla' to Odd*" of tits Sookint War. We boars the appliestioe of Thad. Slovene Are Lied Weersat hoe been rejected by the proper serwertboa the following grounds: let. Soldiers of the Buckshot war pre net entitled to pensions or warrants. 2d. Thaddeus .having deserted al the most critical mo meat of the war, would not be entitled to 11 wettest if the provsediag objection were net Tab& It is *apposed that no more applicatioes will be made from the heroes of that rime memorable straggle. We clip the above from the Peensykreeklik which it is to be feared is an official document. If Our fears are well foundmi. we will deeply regret the unjust decision of the department, as we were about preparing the papers to procure • warrant and pension for Thos. H. Borrow.. Joseph Rilner's Ex-Secretary, seethe editor of the Lan easterias, the notorious anti- Bachauan loortilla. Bar rows played • coospimmas part in the &Owlet war— was one of the principal officers in the ranks of the user pees army. and if any one engaged in that struggle de serves reward ler bold sad reckless darieig, he is the man. We want to see the distiegisished Ex-Secretory rewarded, and if the Buckshot heroes are•raled oat, we I hope the present administration will manifest their high appreciation - of his services by awarding hisirk leather ' medal.— Waik. Eraminer. The wit of some editors is excruciating. as the shove furnishes abundant evidence. There is seisethine also, in the mans they adapt to further the interest of their party. that. if it is slot as laughable as their wit, it is still very effective in wreathing With smiles the sountenan- Ms of the whip; and the demi is Reelable coos iu point. Years goes by Thomas H. Borrows was an anti-moon. and with the advent of that party into power by the elec tion of Jas. Rituer l Governor. become Secretary, of the Comenonwealth. That he msy have committed some political ;ins !nobody - doubts: bat whim hi 1844 it was estisoisced byl the Lancaster &trait:mow. edited by John W. Forney, now Clerk of the House of Representatives at Wasitegton, that Jos. Ritner's distinguished Secreta ry. had semi out from among the Whigs, and was using his powerful pea for "Polk. Dallas and Tens." one oni venial shout of welcome went op from the democratic peen of the State. He was bailed as a valuable acqui sition to oarranks Mee, arid his example commended to others seine eminently worthy of following. Since then be has ..obtrusively punned the 'venturer of his way; be has sot mixed Mach in polities. at least to appearance has mot.' fir we do lot remember of baring Men his name sasiitionsi in connection therewith, except When *ceased. is paragraphs likiithe above, of editing theibuscatsteriaft Now, whatever may be the merits or (salts of that paper, it is not now our magma to discuss. We May, however, say that m far from its being liable to - the charge of "gu errilla." a more =insistent democratic sheet is not open ourembiep list. Neither is there any evidence that Thomas H. Barrows is its editor.. The {tames of two geotlii.nen alipea in its columns as Editors. one of whom. at, least. is! well known to the press of she Bee, 1 and the sounasy which exists betweeWtho different members of oar own fraternity ought to shield them from the imputation cowshed In the above, that they or. the lets paw of some one else. Bat this is not the point we object to so mach. Yf. object to the Examin er's article. becanse it in so litany words tells all re cruits frost the whig ranks thaws den's want them. n less they beliorreio the infallibility of a certain Presiden tial aspirant. It sells them that no matter how th vote they are at all timee liable to be twitted of th former political acts; and it is a sure way of keep' our party "conveniently small." and in the end •ag it smaller, if persisted in. It is true Thomas H. B wows once act ed with the Federal porty, bat if all tortes are tree be is not the ealy "distiogaiabed Ex- tary" in Looms ter count* who is liable to the eerie charge. Bat enough of this—we think now the lees of a politicise for once belonging to an opposite party, but we do think a good deal lees of those 'who show their wit by twitting them of it; and gibers ors any "leather medals" to be awarded they are the chafe that aught to hare them. 03‘ We feel a pride is recording the feet. that while the biay:Flower was drifting about the lake at the mer cy of the ;waves. sod dually went ashore. the ATLANTIre belonging to the same line, but commanded by one of our Erie boys, Capt. D. H. Mamba, and which was out is the same storm, was safely taken iota part at Cleve land. There ars few better officers. in an-emergeney like the Storm lest weak, or more gentlemanly compan ions in the cabin. than Mac,. sto4 we are pleased to see our brethren of the prom speak of him as he deserves.— The Cleveland Plaiiideoler of Wednesday, has the fol lowing account of the last trip oldie Adantic. the pres ent season ; 'This bully boat. Capt. McMidi,. left Buffalo on Mon day,si at 1 o'clock. P. M. for tit' port and Detroit. It spewed en leavitig. and blew ale after being a abort tune out., The mold was inteu . and ice clung to the boat wherever the water touched I. These& ran so high the boat did not atop here. but put for Detroit. She met Me near Point as Pelee and streamed her way through setae twenty miles. wbea it was found impossible to pro ceed farther. Everythiug was frozen but the water in the boilers. The cabin boys, cooks and all hands were cal led oat. With cleavers, carving knives and handspike* to keep bee clear froas ice. TO, Captain and mate froze their emir. and the others suffered much. At last she pat about for this port toil arrived last night about 6 o'clock. a perfect Tess of ice. , IT The rush of travel Flint and West. through Erie. la truly astonishing. and gives as earnest of what will be done whin the finks couneeting the Western with the Easter's railroads are filled sp. We were in hopes to base Maid the 'pert of the iron horse ere this, but the intense Mild of the past week or ten days bag delayed the completion of Ma road. We are is bops.. though we know Nothing definite, that before another week the thing will be aocompliehed. and the care sad locomotive among, • 4 FOVMDLING..-00 Christmas evening, while the family (Rev. Geo. A. Lyon. of this city. were gathered around t ocial hearth. some person, or persona. came to tholloor a d rung the bell. and upon of of the fami ly going to mu or it. In fauna. deposited upon the step. a basket tootaini , an infant. It I. a boy. apparently about a Month old. With it was a aotarequ . tido( that it should beiaamed••Lo Rowley." It is noodles§ to say the little answer was to it in and properly Prod for. , Er A Mead remarked tt were two thiap be thought bad-faced whieler aid the so think too. H. re we hare mails born the Ekat are km • hind. ' QT This community an of legal hire shortly. "PM the Gafet# who proved to t as(/; if nobody else. that thoi Gangs_ ialpr. iatimmes is through the wrieseliasail. of the cies. ' and give his opinion at length **whoa mat ters cool down." Shades of Shlckstoos 'sad Ekeity. what • mistake the pimple of this Jedichd district ants when they elected dui present incumbent Jades. instead of "Publics." "Then is many $ me been to blush ea sees." ' CT Tim "Eestorrigit." a Whig - paper published at Eaton in this State. publishes a ••summary' of the President's Message. in order to make room for •'some of the proceedings-of the reception or Gov. Hoseutli." We tall that complimentary to President Fillmore. very ! Rama's') Boana—Ths Inds for the WON 7 per out Noweace Ronde of the Clevelaed. Pintail& and &Mabel!' Rail Road wide *peeled Wednes day &florists". is the city of Now York. There were of fers for nearly $3100.080 of Bead.- The MS Rends ad vertised dor sale wire awarded at as swine rats of 11511 per eent.' 17 We hays epos Der table• tits Jammu, soetber of the ••Gesesseo termer." the first of the sew vo:soe. The Fanner her always been woe of the best arid cheap est Agricetiteral papers in the eoestry. mid withal' the most ancessafel. Each camber missies 40 para. sad is afforded at 50 eta. a year single sebscribers--3 copies for 1111. or 8 for $3. Cr We errs that oar illoadvillo kisser its takieg sane to were the bosh, of ON Pittsburgh sad Ergo reffroad titteregib ! their fleerisldeir sitlege.—that is, we ID resume, when it is Witt. LZTTZIS PRO RIZZO° torrespossinteo of the Erie Observer, b. * 3 4 0 xioo.•Oct. 27, 1851, - Ma. Eritrea :—!laving aide good my arrival at fle e point. 1 buten to inform Toil of the fact, as well s e * give yoga such other items of isforniation as I may m e . eeive of ieterest to year readers.; It is no small sedum. king for three persons to travel through this iodis e ra gas. an d I eon ** we haven qaite formula) is e s . caping unscathed she damage tkiat hate enciroced s t —. • We had seemly gotten beyo Me mice et tha i•c eass. ches" and "Navajos." before we met the cholera , whirl has ,recently been very es eking this road. I ga y mention, in eonasetima i witb • gar difficulties, the extre me seastienies of eatlitleg. Per two days wir could Otem nothing bet i wears suppl of roUtieg - ears, git i t i m es and boiled pumpkiis . My Marks refer, of ce ,, N , is vi iie the road between ;title skied Durango, ohms **,, point we left on the 15th in 1.1 and arrived hen s o t h i , 234 lust ; making , : th e • gif over the nomataies is nine days. The ijad is h worse than I conceived it could be., Jest think of Ira cling through the mum et these leftyUggenta4ne. • die ace OrOlie hundr e d sa d an . 'enty-five miles, over a simpl epw-path. Tree, is sum places it is sodficiamtly mar •di being woro m the reele to the depth of horse and r* er4'', This path, Lin the owl dasgennts plums. 1 1s amerce y wide enough for a Mari e mole. and the leaf deviatie from it.be it but a few rick. es, and down you fire dens. Upon the rocks, admen,* feet or more. Oil! it's l itively frightfel! For them days we could scarcely our melee, the reed %wig quite too steep and aura . The males were Asa forced to leep up and dowi rue or four feet at a jump. whilsi we folkowe4 ( a ft er sr as oar - tired limbs weald permit. Our golds for we 're forted to have eas,yere me big, most. breeze-colored I. dressed a la Adam, who trotted along &bend of se .n km. making mere child's 7 play of est labor. The Ml four days from of 'some neek-breaking pas .ant road, being through a to spreading oaks. with no so game. and the finest 'rase. succeeds three days ever tk slope. Wild. pietureown a these steep heights arose ; leaping. as %were; from thal were soon lost is .he dark eulogist!y we would get • eland, and then bY a hupdri into the second heats.. I al in their primeekl,/ grand just as ...When frya ellissOlv I The Eartlteame r isbosiA stutitet ' .'And tight ewe se Thetw/lest day/ 'we wet tow,anges that iszteed its no traveling in tim bad' alley, ow path cliibowere with gay flows:cc, The se climare warm, cigar -can cultivated on the bills, wrath, and everything bet country of the bulb. No some dilcpidatrd villar mere, and fasilee. At mighty Pacific broke ape mime of an old-time sou its gay shops, its twelve or ; ware-rooms, stored with kat, broke, open our train , city in the distance. with deinentc. and the tall leaves in verdant freshen Then ii, too, the nest I /kith old Ocean lashing i I hag rocks, and il half di It's a singular cirinsit I was quite : otruck with a is." indicating that far as my own feelings same predicament that I self in the Capihd of the rising's, he exclaimed, offarristers there are t change. I lire hi the gr der the protecting folds sense tells ins that this heard any foreigper, no ed in thcoountrY, speak est terms of disgpst. - idiot in-the couptry th late vicioriell. They It "vandal enemies;" and the feeling. with'interes Th( goad deal sat o'clock, P. M. to elect °Medi', fed the ensuing year. y order of the Booed of Managers. , Erie, Dec. TI. I J C SPENCER. EkrerotarPi ERIE AND NOR NOTICE b hereby give Erie and Monte East weir diet Ia the OW et H sit iF : AST ROAD: ~tb an election for Officers of tne d Compaq. will he held at I n e T e r e tr ic tte g ni d d:t , o e fJa: i ni J. C. 1111;INCE11.eke'y , 13NEEIM DI'S• Nollfl. is hereby arav elating between the Dee. tal. ISM. by mutual the arm are mauled Ste - the debts of the slid Brat GO re nominees reader at stall be amulet' assatedintel and mike payment wi Hastorereelt. Dee. 10. ' N. 8 —Thy ba•Wws w aub•er,Mer s kerma:we Hayti:weird'. t 12; I STR A • RoKE into the ex D Alp. on the lalth of thereabouts. one , of whi wo opting or- matinee 9 The Barrow has a part of bite of a doe. The ow charges and take them a Ifeaatteo. Dee. V. IMI. read&ouireriber is Veneer:. laws- Iwo Hoe. to a year* ld. at ^. 6 t l Harlow. the other a Sott . Sec ow • Boar. the other a Nov,' the ltft ear of. dose pribitety by WI r ta ; !squealed to prole properrfqs7 1'• • MAL - RICE. Al:eTls. THE ER LE COUNTY 11117 1 ZIT1,L 231lit:MANOR 001111 TAXI ARE now insuring , HOOKS, Stores. flacons 084 111611 Raindrop. liOuse Furniture. Merchandise and atior property Minn toga and Jammer by Ore—their buipaew beire Conducted on the muted plat, matins each permit, 'Dossed a taelpber or the Company, giving to each in proportwe led amount tenured orpaniel mon in the moths. Thu returns 10 allaliketbirnegsandltbe lily. They reeonnize Me acts of :bre authorized Attar to avOld I itlgatioo, arrange diderenceo bloat ion at loco ties convenient toe the assured; and in Mien nes promptly pay up loses Ibr!wkleh they become liable persons. therefore, ortshro ro gto let insurance upon pprrir 01 ' 11 find IL for their 'Merest to consult the Agents of rim Cosprodo whose officers are knozlo, In 'prekrortee to !brew Cogitator s . of whom you itirow liule or, tee many Use fogad ant MU t *mull radm,) are ingot I. IA EICTOItB Wm. P. it Hider:WM.. Smith Jukoms. ; Wiuias Beaty, J. U. Hayfom. „, OMR Belden. auishiP IL W. Rime'. • Ayr eomxrerse_ C. x. TiMmht. W. r. ilsderaecla. . x. ?shall. opflcg&a. J. IL Williams”. Tress% lu. M. , 1 111- GICSITS. dz H. N. Irish. Maio.; An Plr • 1w; Wallace tialeroaa • lallosnea; eau; W. N. Viacem. 111 r amidb4 W Rims a WH Vie IR" UMW Wx9 , Wt. xst C. W. Tibbale y JAI. nuns. J. C. Mandril. J. S. Fullerton, Markey Sherman. J. D. Clark, .J. Smith hellos. J. H. rittillitalh easith Jackson. Pres% 1. J. Sages. dicey. • Loewe W. Morage. • Um Guard; i remil6 ! O perm IP. Modbut. gee Snit dolt keri up main,. Et. ogo, nit! tie szcspaos ages, it an eittentely phis ' si of stately piswisd kw !• sr-growth—p!stsiy of sate; I growing , kossitsp. The le stew najtos of the Pantie : Eerystack span suck , her es. Cascades cans skis,, nd crossing oar path. booms . far below. Oc t •we the reefs of Mime fted I d zig-zaps, we were legend moos old imeaniaial time, or they tower isle the slice, =I tii, void of Form re be Isght, .. ming from the storm workiag our way out of tie he to , the kink of Ow us— some creek, snow is sea d in wild vines sod fostepoed • 1 became estromely rick , this and the ieopieal (runs .en cactus arose in his thorny sued that we were us the low and then we pasiod through hi former siis of Spanish eom• length thp folks soar of the par wassiest senses, hko the ind at last this I nn. ray with fifteen thousand wale, its liege erehandizt, and its busy ser• . looking attach lA* a 3doorish its white walb and square bat lot tr i te spreading its shadow) / . high above the flat roofs.— I I tle (bdt no very secure) barber. elf kid, foam against tbe beet en sale j vessels ri ding at anchor. and fOgii in a strange city. sad !small sign at the ”Hotel de Par-, glish Irew spoken there." So ere enlace/tied. I'm much in the I 'Pat" as when be lowed Wan . and surrounded by Pa u F nocenity. ••shat a beep I cannot appreciate the inion"and feel myself lea rood banner. My better , elusion. nor . have 1 *Tyr to what class he belong e people but is the strong as scarcely a foreign res- DOI feel a Oration, i• our and *peak Of as as their 4 Lord, I, kir one, rotors 021 T 3 IMS 11l '' i our t did 0 OS by I,l' crccri t the ee-partee•sb,p herewebre 'brew wee .Itoolti‘l oo'Nuaday. . The Bout. and Accountant • a by Auetia heieup. by "rhos liquidated. ty that the accounts of der fies indebted, therefore, Will call • WWI. AUSTIN JESSIT. -OWE N MAGIII be • ' maimed et the aid gaud b! the AUSIIN Jpett EfTkAYS!!