Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 20, 1851, Image 2

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    Political and General News.
From Washington.
Correspoudeuerof we N. Y. Daily
The President had a recepticiu this morning,
which was welt attended. Tt.c day was fine, and
he and the cabinet appeared to be in good api4 its .
They hive notiot through with the Cuban affair
and alt its consequences yet. Thou g h the British
subjects who were sent to Spain ameng the follow
era of Lapel have been already returned, there' a nu
certainty that onr men will be. Sone carrpositive
ly state that the Queen's Government will be sari,-
. tied with the pr.ipositions and explanations of the
ailecretary of the State. •
But the case of Joni S.Tintssusia assumes an as•
peat of mare importance than that of auy.uf the
prisoner.. Lie, without rev t i4ence of ha‘.llg
emiamitted any, oireofe iiga.o,t the Cuban Gov.!. n
rostni. t•i he cruelly sacrificed,
because he is 4LI Guizers, und because he
interfered in behalf of the `American pristmiTri.
Thit this harsh treayneut is OCCll,ioriCd by the
fact that he is an Am lf lest: and was sus! acted of
sympathizing with the re Julian, is not taite
Conirriodore Sty cktnn ulTered a resolutinn to
day, calling f,.:r infoimat ion as to the charges against
Tunssazz,, and the proceedings against him, with a
view to see whether he had been as ttit,ch wronged
as was supposed.
. But it will turn out that this GoVernment tins no
information on the subject, none indeed upon which
they can act, except by asking for Thra-her, clem
ency and mercy, al fur the prisoners of the I.:4pez
Twaisasua was hurried off to Spain in' a vessel
apeOielly chartered for that purpose, and for the rea
son that an energetic appeal ioa Ids behalf was es•
peeled from the United States Goveriusent,threugh
tbirhew Consul, Mr. Sliarkie. '
The Cuban authorities, it is believe:l and stated
by Americans in-Havana, do not tilsh nor intend.
that Mr. Thrasher shall come back to the Vatted'
States, because his energy mfght be detoted with
much ardor to revenge for injhries and Vittlittnities l i
tbst'he has su4ggd.
Mr. Websterns'sent ins4ctions to Mr. Bar
vingerbur.Minister in Spain: to procure Tnnssu
glea release, if possible. He has also applied for a
copy of the regord of the proaeainge against him,
so as to be ibi.e to. determine ( whether titer° is
ground for an interpesition in , h favor by this Got ern-
-If there is no ground for th
persuasion should tail, then
in a very bad way.i,
Remsentationst hire bee
tiqs. cement in favor of
friends and they may bate a
Judging from the constitu
on Nan Affairs, of the two
dist steam projects would be ery bucce6Eful.
• Two of them—one fur a li.e of mail steaMeri to
qalway, and another fur a ti e fr.un 'Cahforwt t t o
China, were eubmitred, and r•ferred to Dr. GWitt . tl
Committee in the S6nate to- y. • X. V.
A WHOLE FixtLY Possw:im.—YeAerdav morm
i servant girl in the employ of Eli-ha
'slanted Nancy Farrell, was +tepee(' and brought he•
tore hii Honor the Mayor, charged with murder—
by the administration of Within the last
five weeks, the family; of Mr. Forrest have
town seized with a sudden sickness at the stomach
—and three of them, the tvif' and t n clii.dren, aged
respectively two and eight 'p'ear , , have suddenly
died. Mr. Forrest and oldest sun, .%thu were also
,Ist one tine considered rn a critical ci.Plition, have
partially recovered. •The last of the three died day
before yesterday. when the physician requested
permission to hold a post mortem exainination, it
being his opinion thnt.the child %vv. , poisoned. The
resif' of the examiiiationi has not b e en . made publte.
it ha s' ts been as^; !that on Tuesday last the
servant , girl, Sane./ Farrell. pqrchated arsenic at
T. Salter's Apothecary, on Broadway, for the pur-.
pose 113 6113 Statel of kt,li iz rats,. It i 4 PUripoSeti
that the poison was admiot.stered thr.nigh some of
the food of which the fdroilyipartSok. iMr.. Forrest
residss.on High street, neartCollard.• Nancy Far.
Mt was eominitted to the mayor. fur an ex
anitiation on Monday' mor g next at 10 o'cloelc...
Cis. Coss. Dec. b. •
LATE AND rtlttEaTl.N(i vi IT TO JArl,:g.--ive
find in our Colifortris tie• an intereiting account of
a recent visit to Jspan; %vhich appears. In be some
what of au improvement on the singular and jealou
non-intercourdefolicy of that people, though the •
are intll sufficieutly eilligted in that nay:
"Tbe brig Rose, Capt. Anderson, on her recent
trip from,S.ngapore to San Francisco, was disabled
and compelled to make fur the nearest port, which,
proved to be a village called Nipaliing, in Japan,
with d population of 25,000. it id betieved this is
tee first time a foreign vessel e%)er entered the port,
and no sooner had Capt. Anderson dropped anchor
than his vessel Wei surrounded by three hundred
Japanes boats, nhol.ept constant guard around him
untilitis departure. lie was, after some difficulty,
allowed-to go i n yon EliortN and was escorted by
sixty men (h.-Gogh the principal, street: All the
places of bosiness was cludel, although Capt. A.,
when he neared the port, saw no PAlenl4l.'e morket
house o, an, and an animated appeared to:be
going on. Het was, Iff..l' I,,intly, and furift-hed
with.sixty aeon t-, repair t .;•-- -I. although. i•• tole
fiereenaine.i, three or' t .r addition il po:
lice were -.n 7.1; iining islaiid.f They
appeared to St. t , j,,ceti at his &Tortii re ."
TRIMIBLE COMM IN NOLA NA ..17.,t1e Ilthzpqr
Journal gives uslhe full min:t parictilars:V
. keonrad Suit, whose death restitted sniWiiy, it
is now ascertained by c4illei,ce,. leadiii.r to t'.e disin
terment and examination of the body, 6111 n was
. the victim of his own wife's wickedness.. The body
born the marks of blows, aratlio stomach lad poison
in it." .
' A neighboi named John llopkit;e whose intimacy
at; &lee house bad been suspected, arrived there be
fore Soli dieJ; he was seen giving something in a
spools to Suit, who made every ,effort to reject it.—
Hopkins had previously told the neighbors that he
bad a powerful poison fur dogs and j wolves, which
would kill a man if rubbed upon ANthe time
of Stiles death, Napkin's ts ire was very ill and ex
pected to die. Since that time she has recovered
partially, and Ilapkiii's has gonerazy. One of the
children told a neighbor the day`befote its father's
death, that they were going to have a funeral at their
house that week, and when asked to explain. said
that its mother said that father would die and be
buried this week, Mrs. Solt aisn told a brother of
Ault's, that she intended to kill Suit beforej,he snow
' came. .
After the filial burial, Mrs. Suit sold off the things
and left. She was heard of five or six miles above
Pmts' kiss.—This is the singular name of a
singular man, and one of the wit distingttislicd , of
the Hungarian Generals who were taiga' prisoners
end executed by the Austrians in the late war.—
Tlie following notice of him, is condensed from en
interesting account of Hungarian Generals, publish
e,l in a foreign journal: - •
• Fattest Kiss was a wealthy proprietor, owning
twenty-three villages, and was a man of. exciseive,
perettnakefrgance as well si chisel& courage. He
regularlfiene his linen all the way from Hungary
to Paris to be washed, and was. in similar respects,
a D'Orsey as well as a Bayard. His coolness in
danger was remarkable; and it is told of him that on
one day, within reach of an Austrian Battery, ma ,
Meg an observation, be ordered his servant to bring
him a cup of chocolate. A shut took it from ,his
hand and killed his horse. ' , Clumsy rascals!" said
Mis t "they have upset my lireakfast." When ta
ken oat with three others to lie shot, be was superb
ly dressed. The o rer was given to fire, and his
companions fell, *bile he sto,Al untouched. 4•You
bum forgotten mei avid Kiss to his usual tune of
voles, The Corporal of the plattoon stepped up'and
Sled, and the kat: striking him in 'the forehead, he
fell dead without* stouggie.
ruin Ntcauuao►.—Aeeoonts from iiicaraugua
•tats that a good deal a( excitement exists there be
muse of the /wrap ori the PremeAnfe. and hopes
an euiewalsed that the ocaurreoce will lead to some
positive ection on the part of oar Government, which
will settle thantuvotion of sorereigaty of that coun
try. Vanderbilt, howirrer, is said to receive uni
versal' aciedemeetioi for refusing to pay charges
which an *mead upos and admitted IT all met
alloid stmosoes visiting shit port of Son Aran de Mc
' Erre.
MOINESOTA POLMCIAN.,—When this territory
was organised, Aaron Goodrich, of .Tennesee, was
appointed Chief Justice, Mr. Goodrich forru6rly
resided in Buffalo, a clerk ir. a foundry, iiil4l was at
one time an Alderman from the First
. Ward. lie
was a young gentleman of ordinary talents—impet
uous and reckless in his temperament. He Was,
while Alclerdermirn, Indicted , for an assanit with at
tempt to kill—haunt; eiaered the store of Mr. Ray
nor and attacked him with a deadly weapon. Sub
sequently he removed to the north part of Michigan
where he figured als President or Caphier of • wild
, cat bank. The next that was heard of him was his
arointment to the impiirtant office of Chief Justice
of Minnesotalitt.oppiiiiitnient which every one who
knew him regaided as "not tit to. be made." He
was removed about two months since fur conduct
h.s station—and Jerome Fuller, IE-q.,
of this city, oppointeil to acecei him. We learn
that Judge Goodrich, ,halvever, has concluded that
the lirlident'had no power to, remove him, and a
vows los determination to hold his courts as usual, ,
,entirely the order lot toe removal .
The Court is , composed of.three Judges, and it. has
not trantpirefl whethet the other two will recognize
I.Goodric!) or Puller r. 3 tkc Chief Justice. On the
flaw are like.y to hai.e alivriy time hi :Jig
' llCS4tit•—. 7 llbriny Ntlite Register.
Taacc.or KcaTtost,--TiterLnuisvil Cos r -.
ler, of Friday, gkes 11 1 ;e particulars uf.a sed lion
and ret env, affair in that State, about three miles
from Niihulasvine, Jc.%lB,:nine county:
Mr. Ben. Furd;.e carpenter, on his return from a
short absence, was inftirnted by his daughter that en
itnower intimacy bsd existed fur some months be
t een Mr. Grorge Frazier, a constable, residing id
the neighborhood, and Mrs. Ford. immediately on
hearing this; Furd, ?maddened to desperation, took
&two his ride and went to Frazier's reridepce. Ile
called him out, and when Frazier made has appear
ance, h • leveled his rode and shot. Fratier drop
ped dew t before the trigger was pulled, and escaped
the ball, bat hi, MI, a lad of some I twelve years,
uhn wa. immediately behind him, receiced it in him
shoulder{ which was badly shattered and broken.—
F rd lin keliatelv gavq himqelf up, and on trial was
eld to ail in the tutu of $3OO. Pablic opinion
seemv.ll favor him stri)ngly, and the only regret
was tha the seducer wa4 r:.4 the i.ufferer. The la
dy ie nisi very respectable and wealthy family with•
hem she is now staying.
GEOLOGY IN Prxx.ivt.v.txt.,4lle State geolog
ical Purvey of Pennsylvania has been prosecuted in
tile Southern Anthracite Basin, since the month of
July lath b u t I'ruf. ROgers and his corp.; bat the
work is now snspendelf on account of the inclemen
cy of the season. 'llhe researches thus far have
been c , mdueted with Aare - and method, and have
sulted le a large irier se to the positive knowledge
before poseessed of II distribution and range of the
veins of coat.t Nearl • all the smaller basins into
which the general con) fieid is divided, have been
trnced and connected and their centres, or the lines
of veparati4n of - the Plorthern and Southern dips,
are accurately deter, ined - by measurements. • Two
extensive seta oisurl
eye have been carried through
the valley, and prep rations ire in progress for a
Topographical Map, !which 01111 exhibit the leading
featurei and valued f the that
l o
, lands. Professor
Rogers totpresses an opinion. that large amounts Of
money hate been 14' .ted by the present mode of
sinking slopes down Ot inehmitiou of the coil veins
on the spies of. the lbs 141.• Perpenliculer shafts
in the basins are re4mmended aiffar preferable as
well as leis expeneirie. •
r.j i,
se of force, in case
' I.II3.ASUCR iii I fear
de to-day to the
pi s. by some of Los
ood elliTt.
'in of the Committee'
kilns, I should think
• Rei.v.noos Etivecito3.— Not many in milts since, ,
at an e.; )4cogal Sunday school, nut a hundred iniles
front 110. ton, the fee or of the church was examin
ing the children oft church on the lesson of the'
day, the 'crucifix iersiof the Saviour. After some re-
marks-addrissed to the school on this event of the
Scripture, he asked::"My children can you tell me
wh a thbse , people were that crucified our blessed
Redeemer?' A dead silence prevailed. The ques
tion, from its extr‘nte simplicity, puzzled them.—
"What!" said the minister, "d o * y au not know who
they werA'• At last a flint littlevoice responded
in the corner of the room with, "I know sir,"—
"Well,• who were they, my little child!'' •"The LO
co Focos, sir?' The effect upon the parents of the
children many of whom were present, can better be
imagin than described. ' And what a comment it
is upon artizan inculcation!
COM 041 SING TIIR Wlllti Psnre.—The Demo
cratic party, in eon ress, laid the resolutions, en
(l,)rsirk• the Compronl
tee, on the table. The whigs
passed the iesokution approving of the "pacific meat
sures." Let us see 'WI' ic'n made the most out of the
movement. ,The llemocrats went into. the House
1 on the most liarmr;nious terms, and elected &Speak
' er on the first ballot almost every man coining square
auto the rack.' The whig goh, on the contrary, ex
pl,,ded and -Licked the gunners t•ky high—the high
' e-t vote for'Speaker heikg 111, which was cast for
Chandler, of Pennsylvania.. Fillmore - and his
friends are hvinonizing the whig party with a ven•
geance.--clalny Knickerbocker. '
THE REVOLUTION! Is 111gs:co.—A correspondent
of the New pr!eava Picayune, says ccivitie Revolu
tion in dlileaa.):
"I thii.k, rum all I can leap rf
rom good authori
ty,}. and tr(:na rer.ocii, who' know the cauntry and the
men wall, OM the revolution in Eastern hleciico
oas got up morel to have a chance - 10 inundate the
31ex.lin•Provioces on the R o Grande with goods
from tin; Atriei-ican flit ' of • Ise river, free of duty.—
flrtis iisville has been rapid y going down o Ain the
last sig mouth., in consequence of dna:severe watch
kept by the Mexican authorities over the smugglers,
and, in corisequenct;, patriotism mse i
and pitched in
to t-he Mexican - authorities. This I was told by a
gentleman from G4lceston,,who had just returned
from Brownsville, and who had, lived there long
enough clearly to become Mayori!)lle says the town
oas being deserted, on account of lack of t ade,
fleece the revollon." -
.. —=----- - •
New .i1A111( 011 DiATINCTIO:I.—A e!esolution has
been 'offered in the Kentucky Legislature, Which
provides that the keeper of the Penitentiary shall
dye the nose of each male convict perfectly black,
to ith some chemical preparation which cannot be
washed off or removed until time shall wear it stay
—:-the application to be renewed as often as may- be
necesss-y during the term of imprisonment. Pike
of that Kentucky Flag, it in favor of the resolution.
willilan mendme,pt requiring the Sheriff of each
county t4catch every delinquent sub
scriher ihis bailiwick, and black his nose, and keep
it blacked until he pays up!
*CRYSTAL P.l LA CR 13 NRW Yoam.—A petition
is alktut to be presented to the Common Council of
Neq York for the use of Madason Square fur the
erection of a Crystal Palace to accommodate the
second Great World's Fair in 1852. Mr. Paxton
has made the derlign--500 by 200 feeti two stories;
and the contracting agree to have the structure corn•
pleted in three months. Mr. Kiddie, United. Steles
Commissioner at the Wurld's Fair, has the pledge
of so. e seven hundred contributors of articles.
DEtenstarg..—.A young woman named Mrs. W est:
et. at e about 9 lichick last evening, threw herself
off ti,e gust! near Brown lir-Larkin'. wareliiuse with
the evleant intention of drowning herself. dr. P.
Johnson, conected with the warehouse, hearing the
noise, rushed out and plunged into the river, and
sititairied bey, until assistance arrived. She was
about 25 years of age, and a resident of Geneva,
Wisconsin. Some domestic trouble was evidently
t he e tt e,e' of the act. She was cared for in the irr'n
tlest manner and is nem recovering.—Daily
esnsin. •
tr. A MISSIONARY Preacher in California thus
dmiciiiies an incident; in his experience:—
"At Columbia the moat eligible room we cluld ob
tain for the evening was a restaurant. When we
arrived at this place, the tables were occupied by
monte-dealers. The r keeper of the house, with great
. politene t iss to me, notified those present th a t the house
was to e opened that evening for religious wo rship,
and requested . he gentlemen when they had finish
ed their games. to give place to preaching. The
proprietor kind's arranged the benches lot us. With
the bar behind me, my Bible on a- mouse table. and a
mixed audience Safari me, I proclaimed the.olrers of
the gospel.
Common or Tea 'Wessman Rivoss.—We veer
by a memorial to Canons in favor of esseeving the
,in the western rivers, that the amount
or commerce Sestet on the, western rivers during the
last year iv *etiolated at 112110,000,000; it is greeter
than the &whoa of the total exports of the nation.
brie Ohotrutr.
Low of the Steamer Nayflower.
The magnificent steamer Mayflower, commended by
Capt. Van Alfas, went ashore about eighteln .miles
above this port on Tuesday night last. We hUve been
unable to glean any of the particulars other an that
there were no lives lost, though the passenger. and crew
suffered severely from the intense cold. It le "apposed
she will be a perfect wreck in a short time, as oho laya
entirely exposed to the fury of the waves. fler engine
will be saved. probably, as the point she *track is a sand
beach and the water shallow. The immediate C4USO of
.he disaster was Lilo breaking of the tiller.chaius, thus
reuderiog her unanairtgenble. She is owned by.the Cen
tral Railroad Company, and was one of the
.11101 t
nificent boats on the western waters.
Canal ConunissiOner.
We tee any quantity of "names good au4 true." men-
Boned in our Democratic exchanges. in connection with
the nomination of Canal Commissioner to be made Lt
the 4th. of March Convention. Prominent among these
aspirants may bo reckoned Cal. fitirdoo F. Mama. of
Bradford; Cal. Levi L. Tate, of Columbia; and John
B. Britten, Esq.. of Cumberland. The two latter aro
Editors; and as that class of men are proyerbial for work.
Mg- fur nothing and finding themselves, we think it is the
height of impudence in them to ask for so impartial is
office as Canal Commissioner. Hem*. we shoot throw
our infloence for either; for should either succeed it'
wonid have a most demoralising infsenee on the press
of the State. Indeed, should such a smith
halted there is no knowing where it would end. Why.
we do not know but w‘inight ourself be seduced from the
beaten walks ofn pack horse for politicians, and attempt
to get an it would never do—never: Edi
tors were not triStio l o hold office themselves—it is their
friends and "perm " they labor for.. They make ve
ry good stepping stones for others, but as for themselves,
they Joust be coolant to plod *lon in the same old beat
en path. Se Messrs. John B. Bretton and Levi L. Tate
just please to stand. aside feral:Me body else! Not Ger
din F. Mason, probably, for be is not of the 'right stripe'
to succeed. and is. withal. too capable a man—but for
tomebody that has been anointed by the ``favorite," and
shrived by confessor.
Troublesome, Very.
r- Somehow. we don't exactly sett how. though. the Ga-
=tie ie very much troubled by "country friends" ntet au.
dershanding its position. on many,pubjects--ench as the
George Law, Slov'ory. Free Banking, etc. etc..--,hence
about •vitry other west:. it is Ahead, to devote a pod
potoll 0 0414.00 Or 00 in **tlaArling its position." 'This
. w kit •loriaders" through four several articles, in all
over a eiiluinn. to prove that it, and seversl of its friende.
Iwhich it names, are for the six foot track, and •' - nothing
eke;" that '.•Publico" is'nt William Kelley. Esq., but an
entirely different- 'endow's, who has'at any interest in
the Railroad now. is'at likely to have, and above all,
dt.Fist mean what he wrote., •:st alt, et all" All this. we
:should judge. is very tronhieeopie, and we do not
wunde our neighbor. "good easy soul." that he is,
4 should get out of patience sometimes. Now, to ease our
Usighbor a little, we are willing to say that our cores
pondent .-Erie" was wrong in his surmise of the author
ship of ":Publico." have good esidelece of this in
two 'communications from that redoubtable gentleman
now in our drawer.. which we shrewdly suspect have
been Irojected by.the Gazette.. We don't publish them
because we have ne idea- of raising such a storm about
our ears as has evidently raged round Abe Grum office
fur the last week. The world, however, we apprehend,
won't a great dell by their suppression; for, after
carefully reading them through, we are ati"Usiath in the
,dark as ever as to what he is driving at.
- But enough of this, The GiueUe save we have not
denied the material statement of ••facts"l4 its Eittortm
of last week, raking up Walker & Co's quarrel Of Jest
winter with the western read. What "fact." does the
Gazette wish ner to deny, or admit? Wes, it 'lrish as to
deny the fact that the Ohio,roid sells its Stock in New
York tcr raise Money topriwecute its work? Why, where
else,weuld• it Sell its Mock i Where raise Money, if not
in New York evßastan? And what harm is there in
that? Thent - the E.i tern road sell its stock in New York
for thsvemme purpos ? And if it is any hats in the one ,
certainly it is in th, other. Why.'we might as well com
plain of the manageie of the Easter; road 7mortgaging a
portion of their real Ornate" in New York to raise money
to finish their road, m the Gazette to herald it as a crime
in the lettere' toed to sell its stock for the same per
.pose. 0 . all silly and nonsensical complaints we ever saw
in a public journal, this of the Quarts is the most silly
and child-like. •
Torre is but one other matter in this column and wharf
of **llouedering" that (eclair/1 notice. and that is the as.
sertion4st Got. Reed is itt favor of adhering to the re
quiroments of the Gauge .. sir. That is not true infect
er by - tu'etence. Ho has not only openly advocated its
abandonment, but ho lies bests givioraid and comfort' to
its *moments abroad all summer. The Groats knows
ths..—or it ought to—and yet at places biro among the
'friends fof the pis feet track. Sham*:
87The work on the Washisigton National Monumein
has Me l ts suspended for the season. It has now attainec
to the Igteigisth of one hundred and four feet from the ear
-1 face 011ie ground; and. if it advances with theism* ta
pictity isi it has so far done, it will , s in a few years , reach
iits apse at au elevation of five hundred and seventeen
feet. fo'rming the loftiest structure in the: world; ono that
will do great honor to the American people. by whose
volunt ry contributions it has been thus fat constructed.
frrParrry Goon.—Tbe Osiers Praliaison says Pres
ident Fillmore be selectid exteusively from among his
poli4l friends in Buff.lo, and gives them good places at
Washington. A slight acquaintance with some of the
Prosirieut's proteges, from Buffalo. reminds as of a re
mark ;made by a Syracuse .papter a few years ago, when
a gentleman high in office, and having an appointment
to a hicrative place in Ili, power, chose his own eon—it
being very clear that the young man oweed his appoint
ment more to natural affection. than to any qualifications
The paper referred to remarked that "it Will ever the tat
ditty Cr • man, when he attained poWer. to provide for
his relatives, especially if they didn't know Much."
Er&mar is • way the Plattsburgh
N, Y. R•publicatt stirs op its deli oettisubseribem. If
meh notices do not fetch them w at will?
"There are of our subscribers who owe us for
several years soltscription. who are able to pay. mad who
shall pay. We must raise some "foods" between this
•nd ths first of January; end by the aseistariee of W. It.
Jo:tive, Evq., and the Sheriff. we mat
Itusaicss Now s AAAA 11 AT HATAIiA.-A letter from
Davao' in the New Orleans Picayune soya. that the cir
culation of the Picayune aid Delta. and the New York .
Herald. had been interdicted in the Island of Cuba.—
Characteristic of despotism.
117 k Newspapers meat to be rather illy. appreciated in
Indiana. The Joaroal says that thorn are not more than
three or fuer. prolmbly, eat of the nawspapers that are
published in that Suds. that are mooting their's:knees.
And there is little danger of those that are paying their
way realising a forums. The same May be said of more
States thee tedium we eeepect. •
iIT GILACLUI . , siamber for 311.11111111
—a doable one—is the fins* thlag slier WNW by ',Gra
ham." Tbs isugratinvi ere ountorons and splendid and
the costribstioss by distiugaisbati istitsro. As original"
story by (barest English siovelosit. G. P. IL Asses, is
estotiosekesii Is this sosobsr. Several stile( sow &mans
an also edited.
Er Red saw; troves an. add sad say viand
if a ewe*. hats bees the !estriss stapes Is assrlsei
Preddestial buthm.
Every day strengthens es in the opinions that tito true
policy of the Democratic party. in the presont canvass
for a candidate fur President, is to eetiet a am mass!
One who, while he is • true DamocraS and a sowed
statesmen. is unesceptienable to ail., eau command the
support of all, and who. above all. in westing his nomi
nation will not have to do so by the force of party dril;
or, after a numinatino, will depend *tam that moans
to secure a triumph. We don't wont • nendidate that it
will take the entire Democratic preu of the country to
fan a flatus of merely petty enthasium for; we want
one who will crests a dims of ••spostaneons combustion"
onion' the pesp!e hies .elf! Ti It's the kind or a cindi
das;—ene after the feshioac of Jackson and Polk! Theta
we shalt much to victory—'itt It on the lather band, we
amnia eta a candidate over the heads of thousands of his
own party. expectinz that party drill will ring such thou
sand* into his suppart, why: if we obtain a victory at all,
which it is extremely doubtfiil. it will be snore on account
of the division or apathy of the whir titau throtigh oar
own exertions. •
Bit we not sit do•vn w:th the intiutiou of arguing
the point in 'question, for it is self eviti c ent to every one
but a wilfully Mina stickler for “state-p;ide," but to note
• few of the indications going to mholthe drift of the
popular current.; In Maio., Cunnectieut, and throogh
out No 4 England generally, Gen. Semi llouiton appears
to be tiro favorite. De hat, in the lioittford Times. and
the Augusta Cones States. tw able and maths
elastic champions, and ree shill not be it all surprised to
see all Now England vole for him in the National Con
vention. In Ohio. the hero of San Jacinto is oho making
great head-way. We notice thatthe Nab!. County Cou
rier, in that State ; Dooms' him for President, tud Col.
William Madill, Lient•Governer elect, for Vice-Preiti•
dent. The Ohio Patriot (edited by-Mr. Morgan, Audi
tor of State elect) runs up the tloustorag—ai dote al-.
ee•the Wayne. County Evil. a new amocratic paper,
together with I others, the newels of which have
*seeped our memory. S I of the Ohio papers. on the,
other hand, have Come"out for Dam William Allen, late
Senator from Met State; but it is evident, neverthelesie,
that the conqueror of Santa Arnie al r l favorite with the
I •
Ohio Democracy.
In some of the Western Stiles. and in Kentucky and
New York, Judge Douglas has many i friends; and they
are Mealy, too.ovrho let vin appaitunitt slip to further his
interests. Were he five or ten yearslido:l:we would pre
dict Confidently on his uominatiou; as it is, however, we
think he will field oppositiou where he little expects it,
and in the end Will be defeated by a chnabinatioo in favor
'of some older candidate. But this is inerely speculation;
and th f ere is to telling who will be the lucky eaudidete
among the new wee, for that neither Buchanan nor Clio
will be nominated, we think there is abundant evidence.
Congremional Jottings.
One great byre of contention in C• 'g ross has been din
plaid of—the joint resolutions welco ing Kossuth. We
are glad of it, (or never was there a iiubjectio effectual:-
ly worn thread bare, both by the prises and by politicians.'
as this man Kossuth,. lie is andoutedly • very great
man—possibly a very great Republieen—we do not in
sinuate that he is not—but the adulation he has met from
the peas of that numerous flock of bipeds connected with
the American press, called toadies, la perfectly sickening.
Every ono has had something to bay. and every one
thinks the reading public wool.' bo unenlightened were
it not for him.. Indeed, from the m i anifestations in Con
gress and out. a stranger wo'o'd los ISJ to suppose that a
Republican. • patriot, or • great snail. is • ram dais in
this country, where as tlieyspriog.op. Boorish for a ilea
son,and go out monthly. But enough, of this—he had been
•feasted and talked to its New York tis his heart's coolest.
and the joist resthations of web:tote have passed both
branches of Congress: in the S mate 33 to 6, and in
the 113nsi b 1 nom; hang hike 230 majority. So that Tars
Oats is fettled
Gen. Cass, always the first in the field when his coun
try's Ironer is at stake. indrodneed 1 resolution of inquiry
in the case of the Promethena. lie deemed it necessary
that the,Gove ansent should exercise a surveillanze over
its flag nod sintaiaits honer. The, resolution . was
adapted., TI s Hosea bill. providing for a trawler of
Lend Warrants. was taken up slid !turerred to a Commit
tee o't the Public Lends -Ssweralinternorials were pre
sented, mito4 them. petitions from American exhibitors
at the World'a Ir.tir. asking that their censuses Might be
paid, and 038 from the logisitturis or _Missouri. asking
lauds far railroad purposes . The first of these memos is
certainly ought to be listened to and the prayer grant s
Why not I Certainly the. Creverurnent ought to pay t e
expenses of *very "free white men" that wants to maim
the "grand tour to Europe." 1 I
- Among the bills introduced, vis see one by Mr. Bar
ton& graining a pension le the widow of the brave thin.
Worth- liters ma a very worthy wid ow
for governinint
sympathy. but we insestion.'whegh l er it will _elicit hallos
roach as has been already axpeudsd on the "illustriiiiis
'Mr. Foote's resolutioas,• declaring the CI r
declaring the Cornproe4 •
heal settlement of the slavery question, has' been upon
the carpet, and he and Mr. Sensthr Butler havebeen de.
bating whether the resolution's federate a falsehood' et;
not. We think Mr. Foote Os
. ading this compromise
hobby a little too fast. Aftee ridibg • into the Executive
chair of his state upon the strength of it, it memo to us
he ought to let the mutter rest--especially when by not
doing so, agitation is invited. But some people never
know when to stop, and Mr. Foote is undoubtedly one of
,hat kind.
117 "Heiman soft Ina Laril!'—The Buffalo "Queen
City," under this bead. etimmenta very severely and just
ly upon the recommendation, contained in the Report of
the Secretary of the Navy, to restore Bogging in the Na
vy. 11 say* it is truly humiliatii4 that a man occupying
a high position in the Government of the "Model Repub
lic" should have a bead sufficieutly cold and cruel and a
head sufficiently weak and ill-balanced as to deliberately
pat forth such 'a propositiffti. The, lash, faggot, the
thurftb-screw. and the whole in fiC,rnal catalogue of instru
ments of torture have bad their day.. The cat-o-nine
tails will never again lacerate the back of a man dad an
American chime on board of a National ship of this coon
toy. Such ii national scandal ae the log of the hadepen
• dears on her last cruise to the Pacific will not again shock
and disgust the feelings of our people. The number and
merciless brutality of the floggiUg scenes of that cruise
will afford, for all time, an exaMple sufficiently powerful
to deter our Legislators from again allowing the dandies
and squirts who figure so largely on the Quarter peck
front enjoying the cheap liszney of ordering poor Jack to
be "Diced up and soundly flogglid." Mr. Graham should
confine recommendations of this delicate sort to the over
seers of his own plantation. and the backs of die owe us
(roes.. We can't interfere with his domestic arrange
ments. But in the name of the comas 3nest decency and
humanity, we raise our hninbli protest against the resto
ration of the reign of the cat add the lash; against the ri
val of those painful apectschis4thero BOMAN flash is cut
and torn withitripes
'W h ich revival niereY4 with !IL bi. a tin: heart,
Weeps when she see* iutheted."
U 3 Cot.. Barroa.—Since the retain of Col. Ben . n
Missouri. the waibetwerin the Beaten and Anti- num
B r
portions of the;)ensoeratio pa4y is that State hub roken
out with renew d 'spirit cud bitterness. The lac Louis
Uaies, the organ of the Bontinites. has proclaimed that
'hare can be no uoion between the two partieiotad pub
!hikes with commendation the proceedings or a aisatiog at
which Cot Benton was, semi timed forCespess. end el pre
ference expressed for Gan-Wm. 0. Butler for President.
and Gen." Dodge. of Wiecensio. for Vice Presideit.
ILT - Hos. Wm. L IR taci.—The Kinderhook Sella Mel
of Thursday. • paper published at the 1!00110 of Van Su.
res, comae out strongly ii favor of Gov. Marcy as the
Democratic nandidato far the ; next Presidency.
Cr Vasty—Boyier, of the Carlisle Demo
crat. says boy much hi dreaded. is his itiboslboy day%
to los polished by slid*, batmses two girls. Alit tho
force of education. is atter years ho Warned to submit
to such thists without itiodding a tom.
Er 00407's Lady; Book: far "m isery. fatly sustiloo
its highropstuOss as ■ Malaise of itsperior teen!.• ft
mesas tie essivolutse hoe si. ' ?rift. •3 Par Yew.
Oar Country's ?regrew.
:Tee census of 1!!:0) exhibits' gratifying evidence of the
"regress. le Wealth. 00:sulitioa, cud every thing else con.
sainting a happy and prosperous :nation. of this country is,
&sr the last ten yeanz nail if i any thin: was wanting to Ei
pat to Bight thst"ruin" and ...alisc," croaker' of the press tie
and of Cuogreer, the exhibit.; roferred to furnish it. So Cr
fez as population' it cincetneri theCCensus teblei exhibit
a ratio of increase for the teal yetris prior to 18.59, consi• 41
derably grocer than that of the preheding decennial pe- th
nod:'tad thos e estimates of popuiskion which had been N
d upon a uniform ratio; of increase , turn out to bawl
wid of the truth. This reaults tram the extraordinary tot
influx of foreigners. Wh:eh has otkan place within the Ti
last five 7 1 cars) During that period, the number of im- rii
migrants has been equal to the fifteen preceding years: an
and the tide still swell,' higher with every recurring sea- re,
son. It is alioady ascntairle4 titit /bout 233.000 Air- m
eigners have leivirsil at IN owl York atone during the first co
elevin months of the preeett year, leaving hale, doubt i t •
that by the first of Jaauary . lhe number will reach 31?".- s e
093: Fur the other ports, it will be within bounds to es- ba
•fimste the Nair if. at 100.01 more, making a t nal. uf om
400.0J0 trianygriate in one hoar! This is equivalent to t o ,
adding such a:State es Nlicliigati. with four Represerita; fro
tivcs and two Senators, per ; annum. front this source
alone, besides one of equal i4ze from the natural increase
of our people.: It May he salfely estimated that five init. 'I
lions of 'foreigners' will Ravel inigrrted themselves upon f°
Our popii'.itien ha t.a yeoirs !ruin IS.10; and there is hr
almarient evitence tlist.thalt nurnh!r exceeds the total °'
amount : , :I"mi:ration to t4ele shines, from the set-
denten. at Jantestownep tS this time: It is only with
in a few years that our poppiltitlon has beep. materially” , l by Lim•nigration. j Prior to 1825, the umber
of ie.:a nt.grants rarely, if ever, exceeded five thousand per
aaauss, while within the laid two mfg. fifteen thousand
have arrived at New Y a weik:
The world Ir.: !) , :•t, wondering fpr thirty year) at the
rapid settlemeut 3..1.1 giowtiti of our frontier States; but it
the progress whic:i iis.s been witnessed in the past is ae C
nothing comp irLd .3 that which is destined to exhibit it- / Y
',Um coining years, %Vitro the State of Ohio corn- li
mined its career, the :iepulciona. r die Union was little c:
more than hiur tnillione, dad the emigration from DPI
rope was perhaps five diutUtand par annum; yet, in the itv
first five ye/rs of her exiatence, her population rose to
forty-five thou'eand, and ini the next too, to two kindred ~
and thirty thousand. It iii to be remarked that at that
period Ohiefm
ored the w 010 fiat
tn vier oldie free SLAW% St
1 1
which cir-ustonce canc.. tr Lea the whole tide of eini :
grayed opal that State. istlliarets, at' the present trio- ( 4 1
wren:, that frontier extuudS from the parallel of 49 deg. to L
40 deg. 3) tnin.; and wa i st of the State of :thesauri, it 111
will COUP: down to 35 degi 311 min. Bar notwithstandiug d
this wide filld whizli opei s b•-forti the tide of emigration,
the iminen+l volatile wit eh it has acquired will fill up uti
Michigan, Wisconsin. a lowa. with a ,repiti.ty which I r
his newer been witnfneseli in the history of the older ,
States. Tbe progri es of I Wisconsin in the ten years pri. I 1
or to the taking oldie let i ie coastal is unparalleled. From .
thirty thouSan•l iu 1940, its population rose to three hun
dred and fire thousand ia; and if, like Ohio is its
ear:y b:seciily, Wii l icon in
. had been withuut rivals in the
absorption of Northeru i • 4 European emigration, there is
little doubt that its poput tion would now number a mil
lion! But Alichiganj ll nevi. and lowa, all equally rich
and accessible, have inc eased with nearlylequal rapidity;
and by spreading gle p puleuou over a wider surface,
broken into separate St si organizations, have prevented
the exhib.iiim of the sub hue spectacle of a groatcom -
pact and Fitipulods State,ithe creation of ten yearn! !
I , _2 _ •
Newspaper Postage
There is evidently a Combined efTart making by the
city pig/Wiers to induct' Cuagress to amend the prawn
liberal and just Lew of , newspaper postage. They are
not satisfied with its disertininating feature by which
newspapers are charged postage accord:mg to distance.
They wish to go back. to near as may be. to the (Alma
system of the old law, by which the blanket minims of
Philadelphia and New York were transported hundreds
of miles sit the same rates that the lac it newspapers' were
ca'rr.ed &netts, And strange as it incy appear this move,
which it does not take a vole great ansonnt of brains to
soe is a d.rect st sb et the 'country press.fiudfc countenance
and. indirectly, sit n:.ort from thc i-ery quarter it is intend- .
ed to injure. T:11 - orgcmaction we refer to is known as
the'••Nser York cheep pesters Asseciatibe," and in num
bers of Or conntr; cote cooraries we find thq proceedings
of this sell cautribuTed body of regulatorti as regularly
chronicled hoticed es thnues it had for its aims thee
accomplishment n'fthetr..t lan hide object in the world.
When we see o uot wonder that the local pram
is inefficient and without intiaenceifur how can a press
be etTscMnt and have influence that•does not know enough
to take care uf .:g 4P Plow can it be respected when it
voluntarily assunili the office of turning the grind-stone
that sharpens the knife 4estined to sever its ern jar:Liar
For yee-s the kcal ress. which may justly Be called
the bone and sinew of e dry, public enterprise of the coun
try and the spree i of initellip , nce, from a district school
to canal* and t:ailrusda; has struggled against the odious
featuresiot the.old nawignMer postage system. tinder
the new. ivnich' is a veq fair step totrards equal end es
actjuitiett. it is fast assuming an inlluei!co and positron
commensurate with its iinportance. But this does not suit
the intermit of the geutleinen of the - metropolis. The
leesl press has been their "hewers of wood and drawers
of water" too long to be given up sow without a strug
gle. The city press has been the pzpouents of public
opinion so lung. that its conductors are loath now t.i
step ba4 to their true position, Hence these "cheap pox
tap associations." They know that "cheep postage" is
a popular hobby, and they think if under it they can se
cure a ianiform rate of'!one cent postage on newspape
tar any distance," they will regain the foothold they hay
lost. under these circumstances what is the duty
of the cauntry press? Simply to be troe to itself. T.'
shut the door io the face of tneie "cheap postage" gun
tiensen, and when they send their circular, forth colic
ling cisoperatien in their schemes, to bead them bee
under aisvelope t unpaid, and thus force them to take •
dose or their own medicine. • I
. _.
The Erie Ots, rt.,. .se in favor oCCoI. Snowden f r
State 'Tretteurt r. If .ve lived in Penusylvatsia, we won d
go iu for Sloan. of the Observer. He's a righteous be .
and oeght ,to have the allies —Oswego Palbufiuns.
Thies so: but then wo are told the ••rightelas" were
persoCuted in all age.' of the world; hence our hence fpr
eci office iu Pean.ylveuia is *boar as flattering as t.l a
prospe i cts of that !alio* quadruped is a certain namet se
eiiispot 'Thou% claws. The fact is. nothing short oft "q -
eral.'f or "Co' utel. - "lor "Meier." ever gets office h.q..
and it is not, ery mate l ral whether the "General," br
"Colonel.!' or "Alskir" aforesaid bail brains or braes.
en that he beaves 'in acid wo•shies our political trinityl--
Buchanan. Forney and Br. twier. . .
Tlir. BENEFIT or AUVLII(IitNG.--.1 . 40 B•311t0t1 Ti
of Thursday. says. ,
The gentleman who wlsoltised for a wife in the Ti
about a fortnight sines taelis,l on us Yesterday and said t at
through that advertisement he had been able to select
one Of the bestof women and he was the happiest of in n.
In addition. he handed us a ten dollar gold piece, • d
insisted upon our accepting it as a.present from his b etter
half. ,
Think of that. ye , freezing, bottomless, shirtless, b h 7
ekirs and forthwith court or advertise:
• ---.._ _ _ ______ _ ______ , i
IltDitave or Gas. .131Lasar.—Tbis Fort Smith
aid 41 the 21st ult.. 'anomie. s the death of Brevo4 ' ig.
Gei. William G. Belknap, .of the Fifth Infantry. his
snit leek place onithe 10th ult.. WI the General ree f re
turning from the thisaos. between Preston. ingexas, end
Fort Was'ute. Gan. Itelinap's family was at Tort Gal
loon. to whibh post he was proceeding on sick leave. iHe
watbetweee fifty Mid sixty years of age. and has been a
fisitkfal and gallant! racer. ' - , ,
Er la the 3%090.000 of the United Statae.populatiou
theta us more pompon who habitually road and Writ(
than eau be found is 150.000.000 iu &snipe is one art
10134110tt Off in any shape you please.
The MediOa N. Ir.,.Clitimi(Beward Whig).`tpar
a •fosounti•ig rote over some remarks which it aka
is Ostia' to Presiid' eat Fillets:Vs 'rose Musa •
Sittific tot. I •
GazeUs, among its
melee that an effort is maid
i n
to torn out a portion c
'in nd North East road. I
m intended to be thus
mriright, Ind Tracy. Icl
in morn scared than hi
Is ascertain nothing 0,
er. is • determination t
ewr. ork directors in pie
ho it is believed. had bee r
m f the New York met
ra we heed heard it !
and Tiny are intim,'
the former has a he;
than fair to the lute esti
t 1
n4nonity that he ehohl
and oftener at it,
-Ti nv movement on fo•
• a • , except that for the
ot • :lieve. and the Ga ze ,
o . a pod drat to tte Irk
Cthe tree clanger up 0.13
1 -
la The o ffi ce of tho 1
-t. caught flre on T
he prompt eff.als ur • •
beets consumed.
$l5O to $lOO.
il l / - VIRGINIA Ei,tcrtois
election nadir the n i
k. end, for th. first
is that the Denise
rwbeiming majority,
ir Mr. Franklin Mo
is °tice, has bey°.
tangos ascken, a
' We wish ••Frank'
ly look of the ••Sock
nay, we have no cl.
.., 1 r s )tile time a compositor
on tor the pehlisheis'of the
per übliehed at Randolph, N.
tuu ant ruccees, and front the
" nd our knowledge of L a
tth wish will be reala.ed.
_ _ _____ _ •
r . PISTOLS AND - ColliV.E!. ens.—
has written s most
Albert G. Brown. .
rout and malign/in
agely on Mr. Brow
lg - Our local colum .11
44t 16 owl cau'L lupakt 1.1:1 10,
-that it can't be rea he,
uld be like soarchiu ! fui
- 1 more honor than :uc,
W 0 .looked in at tb•
it; o g M the Reed fiouf,
r n? had not been qtt e s
t ea could get the te l w
t e evenlog. Perhaps -ni
i may be more coral tahl
ar to ascertain, and 'f th,
ut you, whib the' . übs
en. Scott and his a my
met, of Mexico, yo et%
yen if your toes ache and
(Cr A Ntw Mitt. Cu:
WI to have lire,' uta.e.
st the practicability at c
era to any diststice. y to
mile of pipe !was laid.
apera were to piss, nd
otritnuniestion In t. a WI
o:k. eaa be etticte' In a!
:r7 t 1 •'3colt and . r.ll
el by the of Yes:
!ere tint ••t;re roir o ai
•'onrcntign or ow C cu
'mum or no Virden. '
Vl3 C,Ni" hiss luta -try);
••±I .1%2 c;:untr, firK: 11,1 I:,
v:f..rnitcm;,l to g) for Sc.,:t,
n:i. t. J.k!i.l-ton or 00 Litas;on.
. pi uions do not cost any that
I not mak any thuig for :ha.
preeum6 the"'Clni
AN cljourne I mating o th - >se fay. , rab'e lc the cree
tion of a new c.Mnt • . out u parts of Cr,w'rer t and Ens
counties. will be h fit at "einhruigt , . t.raw,urd coun
ty, on Monday, Dee :Thh. It is exper t el th a t all who
have au interest iu this pr ii-et, will ho 11l 111:' , Uliallet.
there to give an'exp espion f their opitie.m...A., a nice t•
ing held at Wettd . ° .ontt e 13th inst.'. it-was kesolred.
That we petitioU th. Legist turn of Pen us) I s a ,, ,, , !fl.lists
a law erecting a ne • coon v out of the parts u' Craw iurd
and Erie counties. ti be ca led Lehttati; with Wolerfora
as its county seat. That t eefing was large 04 entha
simile. and warm) - the b lief that success will troop
the efforts of those iow mo ing in this project. It is then
earnestly requested • hat all favorable to this nie%cment
will be in attend in-. at th adjourned tneceinE to he ne:d
at Cambridge op Ic. 29t1 . ' LEI.III:LFF.
‘Valerfurd. tlfec. I. 185 .
ox t..—We call attention W t 6
• now in our paper. •od
en colds end coughs.. are
it contains will not be found
advertisement of this, Itrtiel
thisseasonof the fear
prevalent. the inforinatlon
unwelcome. • The l emiae
it, are coaclnnive trjoth f'
we here been,t`evo'?• wi
many distinguislpt4 indiri
ers Who echo le r t
e lts thei
me4ine fo the 7ery
dangeron disriaseeJ It is
Vac, dis eertai+ ver
tlicted with cough. told
nese. or indeed an yl of the
will do well to try 4lte Cii
cause to regret thelesperi
t mimes. lent to MOMMead
s value. In addition to these
• the perusal of from
.uals as well as humble sufflr
indebtedness to this ialuehlt
f their health from painful and
at once safe and pleasant to
powerful to cure. Those al
. asthma. bronchitis, bowies
various affections of ttie leap.
wry, Pectoral. and will have le
NAitB,IED. •
Oa the 9th inst.; by th
♦s McNAto. of COlOll6/10
Rom of Green townshi.
- At the res:denee of h•
nano. on Tuesday ow•
%tams. aged 76 years I
On the 13th inst.. at
John Cook. in ktilleree
aTHE well known
Ea& V ttlKe. Otie a
creek lionfe. • it o
(null on the tiro or Arr a.
quire of the sutorrther fie
the YO, 1,31
CPRNER of Fourth and
Model Arehneed, by d
21mouthly parka. •
The above work is.des I
those directly interested I
eaneement of am noble or
their taste and 'aeauainta
manner in which x ie pr
tasteful ornament liar the
neatiousgive it the!highc.,
1.1. and 3
Prwe--50 e•-•
klqU EL 5t.0.1.5.
ed to meet tip.
, builtlinget, but all titt ,,, !.-•re , i"
tn our ztutuuy, au.',
ce with arch Ile, tut,. • t
red and embetii.h , 1. r , , ty"'
Itawine-rouin. *title •
r del:very •
Addre . a4 at•ot e,
pH( Lt
es - Cii
NA . ele
Deo 80.
AV A bei
thy eeed.
le ' r
6., Jewt
Q RV k.:l
14., him
that the
in skad melee.
About in the p.
snide, eveir se
will brut % the h et t - "l . Jes`: l .f',i' 0 ;, , , , t , t
le. Opposite BrOt , •
thin Hurt.
011!Or s'flonaderings," in t i.
..) ,
; somewhere and by some
( the prksent directors of the
t also intimates that the goo,
rated are. Messrs. Kelley,
this, e apprehend the Go
tt. 6 far. as we hats be ep
the ki d iii intended. That
prey sat the elect,on of two
of Me is. King and Jackson,
mar ed by those at the bob
ent. there Can be no doubt,
pate that, as Messrs Court.
ely anointed in business,
try c tract in Canada which,
of 'th time. it wvtild be co'
I the company and th e .
re ace to setae 420 equal
= : Bat that ':.ere is any
to hange al. ponies of tbe
Cti it of Nos e I uric,, we do
is • rirrilt,,,ne the: tLeca HI,
n Tort to lead I , ;e pub'm ct
. I uha Gaibralih. an &ma
poraial haat, and bat
• MOO .11114 Calitaa. WOOid
was, the damage II mit
Nile 041 Waniuiou held her
, ucituhou ou Monday hist
h e c.tried t
YO 'n her history, the people
ett, and the re
:hes State by ILI
ay 1/.O+!Ql
Senator Groin, of Catfur‘
rd n.T biter 10 the ex-nuldier,
charting h:nt w:th
we: rchee," and cowmen: og
rOrite sod public charac:er.
•zett op this week. Ths
.e 3,1 with therstercury dawn on
Li • 41; a 'twenty-Coot piA.. St
rSi John Frookku—a rat
a Pannarataa, new ex1,.5-
huridly evening.. It thi
d, we,.do not know bat:,
pat at a ill tr:er L, vaying 41.1
igh as it e. its 1441 ea the city,
tie• at toaat it win attic coo! s.
ter is bay tir the spirit et :6
tc s tikes up iaakee Doodle u
at seen marcitiag through the
•Iti of regret qteexper.daare,
to it'd cktatter.l
,ss• rasa:.—A ui
ri espenent •
on small scalp, in Boston. to
ioneying letters end new•ps
te sof atmuipher,e pressen
th ugh which the letlerssisi
the onclust)u is arnveS V. :hit
'lly between quston t : .,1 Nts
h.) , I (-4.4 r tiztretzv.r.
Rev. J. F. fired, Mr. Taos-
Ohio, and Miss C►nousa N
~E D .
son-in-law. James 'fest. to V.-
/line the 2d inst.; NartamnaL
nd 7 days.
he residence of her !gather Mr.
!; Miss Ei.tcta COOK, aged 4:
, • forialo az 32.7nt.
• tol vtittittmt• Tar., st mot •ttot , t , •
t•it• • II
Fred fur %LI: It \ r
Fur ~lwr r
ascr piew, -
J ,, -t rt. t:NI.\111
Oa's pare OA ,r ht.
rranted pore an I .4 ,, I
J. H. BUR ri" & •
Plagti.lN44;l,cap. ',vie i. , ..‘'. '
isp4rent arl (4, , i
_ J. II Ml' It" to. R 1 '
try and Lemon. 1 . i I : • ••
01 .1. 11. lit Kl.O. & e.
I. 1144 Almond. R •e• 3 , ! I ,
fineEalai 11 . 1
J. H. 111 g I' , ' A . 1.
ift.whelt of 1% Litt '
J Vrorruti tat tot• ft.}
tht higtteit price
be Ready.
hie Wittier Na ok
Present+. whit!' n :I: !re rt!'`o wc
re(1114,4:. .•3
Jaw elry. .
Lk. l tinrr
' 4
children's lu.o , •
4,111 h• at sloo.kloN'S
.tra fine dnele% •
at ;. t
t. ,1 % ro•
iti TO)ii it•it •-*--
.lin uit'l 0 0'
be 4 prncd ta!!..e,
aat Mai* Vr.Alll.
the !To idnirt h 3
(bumf at ibi.t
`t• After r).lu. te
Iment than. mun s-.e