0 II 'A. P. DVitt.lN.lktio.. Proprietors. VOLUME 22. frit. Ohoeruer./ A.. P. DURLIN & CO. PROPRIE, H. F. 8 0 Aft - •. 1 47 • 11 d t/o r. OFFICE. CORNER STATE ST. AND P '.131.1C SQUARE. ERIE ... TIM V 114" Or "TUC. P.ArEll. Cay itubscril•cn tip the came,. at. , II" • Ity marl; or at the office. in anvaxice. 1.50 TT If not paid in advance. or within.threelaOlathe hom the Uwe at bubserilaug. tvy o dollars 14 ill be charged, JJ'AllcOunnutllcationr uticthe poni paid. . It TES QF ADVERTISING. • •, C: rd not exceeding 1 . lila. oneLy ear. • 63.00 1 l'' , 0 , ,e tare r . .. ~ •• 110.151 • do. .do. viz month*, .. 1 • - 6 . 00 C.O. do. three months. ....!. 3,00 iri ii ,,,,,,en t a dt ereoernen tr, 50 cents itersguare. of fifteen line.. ot r....Jr the flr,t Ifitenlerl. C. 5 cents fur each vutraNuent invertion. .t_t I" , atly ;Ai erti..en• have the privilege of changin..l at pleavire; ut at r ol.‘ue arc alma ol to occupy inure i 4 han too liquareh,all44a 6r !Inalrd ti. th,,rimmethale latainrss. .4 ,i .en ~... r, ,e r, I, I , 0 t having other directions, will be h.serted t JP. ,r , .id and rt,.,:::.1 accor4hocia, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. W. H. KNOWLTON, s.Va ,- ht,dipernad Repatret. Dealer in Wateheq. Clocks. Jewelry. nit Glasses and other 1%1119 C0u4.1%.. ton• 0111.clOof Rr>t of the Reed (louse. ARBLEKLe. & KEPLER. Itu.■ in Dr'{ Grueer f tes, 11nrdwatr, Crcekery,&c. ?co , Petry Raek.State street, Erte, A. M . JUDSON, krTOILYFY AT L.w —orrice on Park Row, between Brown's new i - I';,t, I and the Ref 110aPt. up 'blip , . CO M PTON & HAVERSI'ICK. I. ALAI. its Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors of all kande. Crockery %ad.... Arc.. one door south of StiVith Jackson's store, French treet. Erie. Pa. j'Cusnotts: i .._ , G. A N li It E . ~. nt et3.o4k.itlre ("frelabach—Depot of Foreign MUSIC and inn -tent Nlttrebai.dt/e.„ ' It.tle,ne and retail, No. Ilk, St't . Sth St. at , = In•-tinii , tfitt , t, 1 inadelitlia... c, . • D It. C. BRA NI/ES. I'm-sat aa 4 and Ss 5.....n.—.1 Oct. corner of-State nti Seventh - Street*. Ret.oletiCe no I:11)th Street ; between Preach iLlt,i = thalami. F:r.e, Is T. W. MOORE, R IlltirOeerle., Pro% mein. , , I,V pies, I.lquer.. enini les, Fruit, Arr.. one !icor I,elou Lcwmr.At r'ret State street. Erie. SAN FOR 13 - & - Co Bralr"" in Gopl.Silecr„ Rank Noir", Pratte, Certificate" of Be :1;1/0:v.11:Inge on the principal cities convanel} entice tit Braell)'" BHA"Ir, Public Square. Erie.. T. HERON STUART ttg 4 , 0 I .*- 44 :Ece. corner of Ftonch Rod eln I'IS. l,ter Mow.. Korth . .. etore.. Re-gd , •nee Fourth atrtct lu.•d.,l o 1 t.teot Ii poihrclry Han. It.* I s 1 Eli ft Err dr SONS; rrr,lantil r r., Ii f 411 "dinpls of Grovvrics.• Uri :or.. S!up • . Ace.: and grit. IVO,dmile . f the:11...1. 1 4 ;0. 1110.Ch0a1..;4. En.% - M M. S. LANE. .. I it Attorney and Cotunalloi. at Law. geintenonar. rano. nut Not 1. Petenotni..l3o.inty Lon +. and e la In. !or e Ural .1,..1114.131i 1.1 her Woollen entrueted io me shall T ree 's , prorup, and r,,Ehrio attention. Office in ltirtgltt's Block oti e%taie otreet. over J. U. Follerton•A n) fe.. Erie lief. 19. LA I RS) ft:UST. k•ml Retail Denier, ni Dry (;.,..iil.,k;rotterieiii.liarilteare Flour. dr.e., N. I, Rl:right'« Block en , zwr 01 hits and eltate Strectil N%11 . -Do•! I alM lr ()LIVER tiI"AF - F0R1.), --- likx - k.rll,r and' Siatiwer, and 11nitufaetFrr Blank Book', and runic I uk. corner ad the ihatnohd nk i Su It .t Pet. • J. B. MCKEAN, and gt wr_i Agency and ...onnw—ton (Yank • •111 - 1.1 , S REED. . 1, , Drat: R in rno.4l.l. f ri,,an .Vuertean Harm. arr 11111 !Call, int sh,• Vr tar, Iron and t4reel No. 3 }toed 110tg..1.: J. F. 1:1-15iilt-&-e;, Bt. 1CQ31 , 11.0. ("armee and Wagon Buildere.State Street. •he (*een irveitih afi. Eighth. Erie. Li STRONG, M. 1) dWraul:, erne Door west of C. B. krrutht'. store, 11f1 stairs. • DoCT. J. L. STEWART. (We r m all Doct. A. Rerzr., Seeinth near Sas.afr 1. wet!. Res • Attieltee, bit eat...array., one door hortrr Of - Seventh A _ (.7'. Si E . OEL. • want, %X r and Retail drater in i:rocerierk Provialmw. Miler. I.tonot . Feud, are.. &e - Corner of French and EttlbStreeni. opir,-ste It e r e re,telt.' 110t.l.tralle. SV(11.1:r :II i ' t -. and Rid .) :. ° ll l-1 1kr 8 a; v r i r iC ti l : A Fi N n N itl ' y Gro;eriataL Crocker!. —.-- ---- t: law , l arr. Iron. !ti :AIN Sae.. Cheap rhdr. Erie. Pa.; - ri ,- Ti.:. hied,' pruee paid for Country Produee.Xt Ji GUALDING Mee It ..Ve TM! on. alid Mt' Maker—ShoK No. I Piot' Peolite'd . ~r•. ox 7r A. & afters' roeery !lore ) State k.• VI J. W. %VETNIORE. . ITTOR:V t I:Y AT L;lrr, .' • • , - r 1 g , IF:ce. on ; 4 el , ,ih Street. Lrle. Pa . _ _ . ___ lIENRY, CADSVELL, 1.1-Irrw,Jr,l•ber. and Remi t Dealer iw Dry Good.. Groe. Ile., • r,-;,: y, 1;1,:5.n are, Carletiw,r,. Ilamln are„ Iran, Steel, Na • •-, -, ,I, i, 8.•-. • F.t.sptnr. St) -s Viate etreet,lOur doot 4 , belon -t , It ,•,‘ t.'n l!t. t . Erin. l W a. -- lu, hi, % :CA'.. Bel O - ..%x1. , .Irrn.:sl poem' int.,ani a poem' ..... , roine .1 1 - f .'.i,1,:1e nitti Carriner 'franinine.. ——l— =I , • S. - NI ERVIN SMITH. A I.Aw Itizi.ee of- the Pel,,e, IllAtua! I. fr InstaranCe ClMpar (;};URGE IL CI - 1 LER, AT v.ixEx AI LAW. A; rant . Erie COUDIY• Pa. atteiided to with protnpwww, JOSIAfI KELLOGG, ••car !,r—r & Coll/1,14:mq l j lerchant = on the Pdhhe Dock, east of r•• 1 WT.!, Ft.,h, constant] • I. ROSENZWEIG & , •• Ir • s.r B.! :/il . .llrAi ran in Fortign and Domestic Dry n lit, &Aare. Boole and Shoo.. &c.. No. 4 ,:or• e ztre,t.tne. 111LLIAMS Ell and Itrcker. Ificater in Mil , - of F.:l•ll3iir. rPrt rf.enic.iof f;olii and PriVer cnur. he.. kr li, et. corner of State-sr; aii.l.Publ Sunic NIAII.SHALL St VINCENT. - • 7 ^• •r,• •N -I Mir , ' kip ritairs Hall blinding os• ProthGr..ct,•s (Afire. Erie. R • _ MU RAY WHAI r r AT, C. , C , {AVLIAM AT LAVI -.A • ,• I. UV CT ti. T. Wright's e, 12:1LUltlee OUC 11001 SVC,* Of Stair titreet, on the plantontl, M. TIBBA LS, i , F‘rflt An Dry GOCNiA, Dry Groectyles, Crockery, Hardware, ke., ♦O. 111. SMITH JACKSON, f If rein Dry Goods, Oryceries, Hard ware,t4ucens Warr. 1,3‘1. 111, Citcapottle, Erie, Pa. • WILLIAI RIBLET, ISI PIM Mira l'pholstk.r, and Undertaker , coiner of 540r 4 aad 7•CSlllth streets. Loc.. 1 _ _ EDWINJ.K — ELS . 0 & CO. 6,1.8%1. Forwarding, Produce 441 COMMIvon Merchants:dealers. roars and fine ,kalt, Coal, Pla,aer, Kludglea, Ike. Public dock, •ole of the bridge. Erie. WALKER COOK, C. t Forw - a•ding. Coskm-edon and Pioduee Merebaula:Sce 0i.41 Wurrhouve enst of Me Public Bridge. Erie. G LooAilg" & Co: E 6 i c ter,, Plated and Drat tits in Watches. Jewel : yr uu Nd y ve a r,_c a nna_;. eime sucet, Britanlia Ware Cutlery. _ r nc - nrarl) dpposate the Engle 110 E rie. G, --- CARTER & BRCiTtiE, Went es ALa and'Retall dealers an Deur, Medyir" Paints. Ode. n)e-•tuffe. dc.c.: No. 11. Reed House. JAMES LYT FAatIOVAIII.I Merchant Tailor, on. the public square, a few Jeers ...rm of State street, Erie, D. 87CL-Xiik. Mull-as...Lc •ND Illirtati. Dealer in Groceries. h vrisions. Ship ( 1. a I,.llrry. Stone-% are. k.e. ke.. No. li,Bontidl Block. Erie. _ . ... 0. D. .S PA POD RD. , 4- , Dc.ilei in Law. Medical. senool Miscellaneous Books stalkmary Ink. kr. Stale *L. four doors below the Public square. . S. WC - Kk.RBO - I , l f - • h:vAriA4r Ivn !trim rev—Ofice at his residence on Seventh Street, • ~;2 0 -ite the Methodmi Church, Exit.. .._ - JOHN H. BURTON & CO . . • ..ifT oft, R a r.., it. dealer,. in Drum Medic &nes. Dye Slurs , .. ,, ,,•ries. ke. No. 3, Reed Howe, Erie. DR. O. 0. L. ELLIOTT. _ • Refitlent Dentist; Office and dwelling to the Beebe Block. On the East side of the rubble Square, Erie. Teeth inserted Gold Plait. from one to an eattre sett. Carious teeth Oiled pve Uold, and re,tured to health and usefulnew. Teeth aped a nll instruments and Beatifies's. ai to. leave them of a ue.d cknnwss. work warranted. • , ty t)V.R .-194 Key arfk. Dein and ;UMW' Poirdes. jua rr crivrd and tor ■ale by the keg or gem quillOWlr. 1 :r , P: July Vb. R. T. laranarry I Z Son. - - s(yl BAC.P long Balt. On hand and kw sale at No% . Tit . W. F. R m DER NEM. r-ui []ItIE 0 SuJIIIILIt ME 11. B. IlLsvr.isruic =GEM= 1) for sal T: M. Arm• poetril nit 311,i5rellauti. GOING HO _B. • e i The warrior; bean beats wild nd high Ife e beers bite g Maul bond, . And joy beanie forth from PVC eye • •To heat the end command The sound of home di:4h sw y fall., Each brunt is light as air: . Au 1 nu rrily they heed the ealli , To greet the loved. ones 01 I "We're going houie!" the r at 'ICZ/46.i ' • Elpresol every ,ineti of sail; i . , Right swiftly now our vestYcl nip", • • ' Nat Ran theeonaing rite. • MI hardy i men and rough am are. And fat away we roam; But nem on tlic 00 rosy Ka Forget the Joys of home. Wftenee tomes the brilliant flake • • Around the pilgrim's eye. . And .vr Ith rtr bright and sparkling lit 'ells of some reflitteolgh. Tholigh he With wandemf loogland f. In this dark world odaear , Ile finds at Wes raiding nu, The home of ea rly years. aViiere shall the faitlifdi ehrisurot tilt IViien lon and nealt his frame; When soon for stye shall erase to butt Life's dint uncertairOaine. Bright aspirations no will come. His dying stay to proiee. ' And softly whisper—going home— Home to thy rear at‘4•e. THE EXPECTA ,♦ TALE of LIrE. %Vim,: a boy 1 was Gout to., E school- lu a in ouo of tlio midland cuortties. Mull/ale Ile slope at the foot of a lofty !till, round w pike-road wound scientificallY to dirniniah of the declivity: aud the Loudoncoauh, along the white road regularly at liallhat with one wheel dragged, might be tracked tittle• before it crossed the bridge over tit• nod di , appeared from met.- We Opera, of the gfteruoon school as the twarliiig ho i woke up our qniet•otie street; and a forint) ways thought was Griffith Maclean, bur 09' wtra ott melt occasions asorild Ann cin twit!, nJ seizing the hand of the guard, of hisntncle'lf, mouut on the 'roof, and ride chose fur the mero trouble of vrolltitaglba , school consisted of between twenty and thi the care of a master who knew fettle and tai for krving three sermons to preach-every aides two on week•daya, be had but hula trt duties of the school; 'and the only filthier h'- to keep was a needy; hard working lad. Whose poverty and tune worn habiliments deprived him 4f any In area control over the boys.. Timis state With itivi toppled' with, the nervous ersiscible temper of the pedogoguernaturally produced a good deal of delinquency. whichi wai duly scored off the becks of the offenders every toot riog before breakfast. 'l hos want ais wanted ,p tuition nas made up iu fie:ging; and d the master was rare!) ru be school. he made amends for his absence by a •igGron use of his prermlative while ho was there. arifflth Ms !eau; who was never present on these oreitnolls. eon. only at nine o'clock. Was let our c3lornOri lienerne , uf.. One by, one he had taken all our jsehel4 ding a cob .nt tailor nil the village, and got them for a inning Cool so well lined wadi old remnants of• kind ot fell or serge , . for the man• ufacture of which the place - was fatuous. that We Could af ford to stand tip without wincing, and' even to laugh through our wr faces Under the 'tnaiutinal ceremony of caning. Further. Griffith war il i a o sole m %n eans of COM eturutatioo with the shop keepe rs ) , bought our cakes. fruit, and plwithtugs, when he had maguey to spend, and wouldt orally contrive so courey a bench of bresd and eb e from home. to any starvin g victim who was toad sod to fastening for his transgressions. lu re iiii turn or all this sympathy wercoul do no less than relieve On th. as faro possible , from th trouble end '•hother," as he called it. cloudy. We wo isd his sums regularly for data Wareham( ' translated hilt Patin. and read user his lessons with oar fingers as he btoodup tit repeat them before the muster. i • Griffii: l l% mother was the daughter of a gentleman re sidinz its the neighborhood of Nlttivele. Pitleeti years ego she had eloped with a youni Irish officer—an nn principled fortnne•hnoterw he, finding Itlinrelf mista ken iu hie O r nture. the °trended,lather haring refused any partionjted at first neglieteg and fitiriliy deserted , his wife, who hid retorted home with Griffith, her only' child, to seek a reconciliation with her parents. This tFind never been cordially ranted. The old man had oth arichildien who had not disobeytd him, and to them, at his death. he bequeathed The bulk of his property ; allott ing to Griffith's mother only a life-interest in a small es : tate which brought her something less than a hundred pounds a year. But the -family wee? -wealthy, and the fond mother hoped. indeed fully expected. that they would mike a gentlemanly, drovision filr\her only child. this expectation Griffith was' nurtured an 4 bred; end be tog reminded every day that he was bgru a gentleman. grew up with the, it itiJn that ll:nil:cation and hibarof any •sort were unbecoming the chaiiicter he would have to 'sustain. He was a boy of average natural abilities. and with industry might have cultivated them to advehtage; but industry was a plebeian virtue, which his silly moth- . er altogether discountenanced, and widistotid the attem pts, not very vigorous, of the schoolmaster to enforce.— Thus he was never pontshed,se:dom reproved; and the fact that he was the sole individual ea priveliged in a school where both reproof asid.punishineut Were so plen tiful, could not fail of impressing him with ti great idea of his own importance Schoolboys arelfond tiispeculating on their future prospects, and of dilating on the fancied pleasures of manhood and Independence. and the delights of some. particular trade or profession aped which they have set their heisits; the farm, the forge, the loom, the, counter. the press, the, desk, &Invokes eager partisans among the knottier, at i 414 as among oldeekhildsen; and while crouching round the dirt' spark of fire on a wet win ter day, we were wont to chalk out for ourselves stature coarse of life when released from the drudgery, se we thought it, of school. Some declared for building, car peuteriog. fermi - lig, milling, or cattle-bnieding; some Were panting for life in the great city; some logged for the sea and travel to foreign countries; and some for a quiet life at home amid rural - sports and the old family faces. Above ell Griffith Maclean towered is unapproach able greatness. 'I shall be a gentletwan.“ - tiald he; ••if I don't have a commission In the army—whleh I am not sere I should like, because it's ikbore to be ordered off where you don't want to go—l shall bawl .6 offieial sit uation andsr government, with next to nothijag to do but to see life and enjoy gayest" Poor Griffith! Time workox. One fine minting I woopliated, along with a ample abases...a the top of a London coach; and before forty-eight bears had elapeed.fenad thyself bound apprentice to, bard-werking master sad a la nopro fession in theibeart of louden. ' sores ye I served and wrought in acquiring the set and myekiry;ae my in dentures termed it. or my trade. Sena iikme la the •coarse of this period it was my plisasest prithliege Midvale, where some Of my rllitSeas dwelt a sad's' each SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 200851. wit I renewed the intimacy with my old school-follow Griffith. Get we. qualifying himself for the life of • gen tlemen-by leading one of idleness; and 1 envied him;not a little his proficieucy in the use of the angle and the gun. and the opportunity he occasionally enjoyed' of following •this hounds upon a borrowed horse. At my last vie t. at tbe.end of my term of iippreii ticeship. 1 felt rather hurt at the cold reception his mother gave me. and at the very haughty, off-baud bearing of Griffith himself; and I le solved to be as indrEiendeat as he by giving him an' op• itortunity pf dropping the aequaintan . ce if he chose. 1 understood. however, tli it both ho and his mother %ere still feeding upon expectation. and that they hoped every theme from Genefal —.. to whom applicetlop had been nada on Griffith's behalf, as the son of an officer, and that they confidently expected a cadetship that would open op the road to promotion and fortune. The wished. for appointment did not arrive. Poor Griffith's i father had died .without leaving that reputation behind him might have paved the way for his sen's advance ment. fed the application nes not complied with.. This was a rtioetifyiaiblow to the mother, whose pride it pain cru.hed. Griffith. now of age, propoised that they should remove to Inindon, where, living in the very : t source and centre of of c,al appointments, they ' hi ght bnug 01(.4:influence to bear' upon any suitable birth th.:t might be vacant. They accordingly left Mtilva:o and came to town. where they lived in complete reterement anon • vevy limited income. I met Grillirh accidentally