Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 13, 1851, Image 4

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Colton of sokto.
' • A waggish cbap.:wbuse 7sisen wife.
• . By drowning. lola her precious hi.',
' ,- Called eat hie ne;4hbors; all around.
Anil told 'em t!iat his spoesi was drowned,
Aid. spite-of se•rch, conWitot be roan*
,Ns knew, be . the very nook
„ • r Where abetted mbled in the brook s
• - i ,Aid he had • d skin, the shore.;
Alva place • mile or Ohre. .
,• s the place:" the people cried.
. • -
"Why, what d'ye mean?" The man replied.
1 ""of course, you don't suppose I'd go
I ' AidWaste* the time to . look &ohne
- Vest known the woman quits a spell. '
And learnt her irnshioitsprotiy well—
' Alive or dead, she'd go. I 'wow. .
' Agaistil 4e currentiaNyherr —Boston Post.
The Effects of Pear. .
1 The follow . ing ist i t i d m by
mt the Boston Medical and
Surgical Journal, a a m in which we should
not look fora fictitious narrative:
"A young man, twenty-three years old, c a fro,
j the mines to San Francisco, with the int inn I
to leaving the latter place for home. On the eve
' ing of his arrival, he, with his 'companions, visited
the gambling 'ikons.' After watching for a time
. the varied fortunes of a table, supposed to be ander
ghtbg the process of tipping,' from the continued
success of those betting against the bank, the' ex
citement oct judgement, and he
threw upon i . ' new deal, a bag
which he se his ill—the result
of two years 10m—exclaiming
' vista a voice atensc excitement,
all borne or le dealer slowly re
sudal the s dog, with his counte
nance livid, able,fate that seems
ever attl.ndai protess when com
menced, I tt he Young man who
staked his a trd; and never shall
.I forget ae hie look of intense
anxiety, as he a as they fell from
. the dealer's 1 All the energies of his system
tweeted Concentrated In the fixed gaze' of his eyes,
while the dead .palor of his face bespoke the subdued
action of his heart. All around seemed infected- with
the sympathetic por rpf therspell--even the hith
erto successful winners forgot their own stakes in
the hazardous chance played upon the issue of the
bet". The cards are slowly'tulJ with the precision
of bight-wrought excitement. The seven spot wins.
The spell is broken—repttion takes place. The
- ii nner exclaims,.with a deep drawn sigh, 'I will
iiter gamble again,' and was carried from the room
i a deep swoon, from which he did not recover fully
till next morning, end then to know 'that the equiv.
'silent surrendered Tor his gain was .the cerlor of his
kair,now changed to a perfect white."
fimui Tistus.--"It is hard t hoer," says the young
Atop, sale puffs a three cent cigar, or pays twenty
five cents for a circus ticket—"lt's bard times, and
, I can't afford 'to takes pepper'
-._.4t is bard times," says tire middle-aged man, as
- 'be pays fur a priund of tea, a lot of toffee, and a gal
lon of rem; all worse than useless--"lt's hardtimer,
and I can't afford to take a paper."
. "The times are herd," says the man with e large
family; "I have six children to clothe, feed, and pro-
Tide a gehapt for: I Can't afford to have a newspa
per' " Poor ma- .1 what a piffle does not know
that three months schooling In a year with a week
. ly Paper, is better fur his children than six months'
without the paper.
'"The times arehard;" nays the young woman, as
she gives twenty-five cents, just for a ribbon to wear
around her neck—“the times h are so hard I cannot
- -subscribe for your paper, though I like- it, and
should be glad to-have it." Poor girl!
Now my friendly sluice to . . 7 1f2'8 and all trti , rr,
Is, to consider a good paper as one "(the necessaries
of life, quite :1s needful to the mind as raiment and
food for the :.:,ly, and always to be received before
amusement; ornament, or the gratification of any
. • artificial appetite 'or, whim. If you don't lilt the
.Boat, takrivoine other paper. Be sure to haver one,
mid teach yourself to regard a good paper as intlit
_ , pensable.—Portiald Pleasure Root.
eve sometimes signally visited. Th e last remain
. lag relatiie of Benediiet Arnold, the traitor, was car
ried to-the Norwich Poor House three or four days
ago by one of the Select men. She was cousin to
the traitor, ana remembers him well—and spoke with
' seeming resentment and indignation of his having
been "driven out of the country." She is ninety
411 1,e.
years ol ' and when taken from the ntherable
hovel where and a sister of hers, who died th ree
or four years go, bad lived, solitary, and in abject
poverty for many years, the poor old creature was
sitting ',Moth a spark of tire to warm herself by,
although the day twin one of the culdest'of the sea
e have iiiver been able to learn (remake the
Edito of the Norwich Courier,) that there was any.
. reaso except in the leprosy which clung to the 1
traitor hom-it was their misfortune to be allied to, 1
why this woman and ber sister, neither of whom was
- ever mirrie4 should have gone through life exclu-
deli from social life and intercourse by the inexora
bllbin of siciety. Yet such is the fact. It fur
nishes a striking Commentary upon the depth and
strength of that feeling of loathing and execration.,
'glib which the name of Benedict Arnold is linked,
me and forever is the popular mind.
, GP' Swrxr.---11a! ma! Cousin Bill he's in the
parlor.with sister Sal, and he keeps biting her."
"Cousin Bill biting my Sall" e
. "Tes'emi seed him do it ever so many• timer; bit
bet right on'the mouth—and the larnpl gal didn't
- holler a bit mother."
."Oh—ahl never mind, Ned, I guess he clidift her:
her much." 1 ""
"Hart ber! by gosh she - loves it, ahe'does. ens she
kept letting him, and didn't say nothing but just
smacked her lips as though 'twits good—she did.—
I seed it all through the key-hole. I'll ire taters at
biro, gosh. f
(rr Winchell tells a good story of two old war.
i . meson board of a.canal boat, the one uncomfortably
warm, the other as uncomfortably cold; the first ex
claims in a loud tone of voice, "Chambermaid, open
that Window or I shall die." (The window 'is open
ed.) The other iinntediately sings out in a much
*Air key, “Chatahermatd, *but that window or A
shall die." (The uindow is closed.) An old joker
who hence!, listening immediately calls out, Cham
bermaid, open that window and kill one of them ere
women, and then "hut it and kill tother eras.
.. ---
Cot at AT LAST...IITS. Jeglials Jiplen never
could go to bed without' first looking underneath to
see if sowiebOdy wits dot stowed away there. Buy
search hadalways been bootless. At last. howev
er, one night she spied, (or thought she did, which
is all theorise.) ths long looked for boots and kV.
"Oh! Mr. Jipson! Ilt.Jipsoo!" site sarsnmed out,
Hthere's a man ender the Led!"
"Ideasrer coolly drawled out her nd, "well
my I ase glad you have ound bin last. you
Lave been looking for him the - twenty y' EP• ''
1111T -Tr/.
- Ilk Go
N .* 411117
IKaitE. prepared to eontraetsfiutter. Cheese. all other proper
ly (row Erie w New Yon—through is thirty Yours
y--Meng. kW Li ors' on Erie Canatl-ao transhipments.
through direct from Butiiilo to New-Vork.
V' For u*. Coal, Salt. White Flab. wad Water Lime,
Erie. Jane V. •
185 L &drat
. c. , j , a ).,. L 1...)!
sa siva swam rola a= aosaaus I
DR. La CROIX'S Pairs-re Mint
est Tawsrms. eistitled, A P 111•1-
001riela View of Marriage—it popular
treatise on the seeder inlinisases of
youth • od maturity. arising from geis•
ml dipmars in both sexes. will, Op
-4,6 of 125 colored and plain I oho
rao,lis and roper i aim, 1111111fal ~.g, the
its foamy. Physiokgy , and Di- i.ed al
ie Sexual Organs. their structures,
i.^. and Atari anis. and the va woos to
rrsi pryduced in them by minor)
it , ii , • I %cow, and inketion. eliives.
loPtunis and baneful effects of Vent
. il ill-eite. 5, loge therlillth plain date •
ions for the perfect cure of syphilis,
lee, str lc to ries, Ikewithout wiercary.
Atensi%e practical ob servations on elev
. nocturnal seminal emissions. or con
.. ..,
si atomiser a enkuess. and its attendant sympattnee. The whole
iii,irated by lattilllie cane* trout Dr. Is Croix'• private pra-tice.
the reprolucitye organs of females illustrated. Menstruation.
irregularity. or the entire suppfention of the Menses, and their re
medses by M. It. La Croix. M. U.. Graduate of the bletheal Ile
panusent of the Northern Quiver y—blember of the llosiistal
des Venersenaes. Paris—Corresi dent of the 11.efortord *boo%
of Medicine, and member oft Medical Society. &e. &c.
o InizoN.
Its this book tie mange Of every private disease Is minutely de
scribed. wills their v yniptomi, s a d h ow la ",,, t ,,,,,,,A. 6.. e ~,,,.m
000 to m .—o fib receipts for the remedies. their management. &.e..
in &woos la nitii.ide. It en haler every one to viecessfully and Yr5...1.4y
...1.4y Great his ease. (theret4 avoiding the helflolll4ooll daily
practiced by quack. on tbeignorant.) or to yudge if property treat. 1
rd. Young Men who have peen unfortunate in cootractiug dm- I
7011111PIRIII AGAIN:. ewe, presoak to placing themselves under the care of an; doctor .
no mutter what his pretensions may be, get a copy of this truly
rola , it kfure i# raids t_but . tint Eapiref um nut to be rodent/AC nieful work beta. as aexposes the trickery and int, astute pram ,
I'H AVE just Mei • - --0 of the largest Iron and mei by on .eks, who advertise to ew ' private diseases in the
Nail Monis** km are therefore ferrule• public bowYpopers. Sold by Ike author. who may be consulted
ed belts., anyffillos men bit up your heads; a upon any of the diseases of which it treats Any person demists'
Rapti of Flooli Is awl Iron that it would 113 cents ene Weed a letter (post paid) will receive one copy 01 111111
a year ago. W low as *lieu. per poind. Wash by 'toad , or tine copies for iI. Addres , Ur M. B. La Croix.
Iron all 11,111,11 o tweeds, at nets. Nall., or but 1691, P. 0„ Buffalo, 4 . Y. Also Or rile by the author,
• meanies as ki Those peen are 10 per 'No. 3il, Beaver st; P. L. 0 insert, tinder the Nilsen:to, Albany, N.Y .
rent below Bur - can Ise tuotched I will try FEMALE COMPLAINT.
again. The al receivine a home work of Falling Orate Womb, Goiorrhom or Whites. 0 , Execs-
Shelf II a rilwas rage Truomintn". Chains. sate. Irregular or painful Menne". Dropsy of the Windt
Ana ile, V leen • Tooled' all kinds at Df. La Croix 'soften called upon by young and mace males
rate.. atm Rui II .CA DWELL. who hare lend their health injured for years by pills bOSlnUllis
Erie. Sent. 1 ' IS purchased frosts eelebr Jed female ininniterai u false pre
tence of effectin" cum—those medicines I i ateeen emirs of
twenty Imre an inyucpus effect upon the coosetution. without pro
doe ins the desired effect.or any signs of it. Ladies who aoh for
medicines. the of of a Inch has been roved in tbourontin of
cases, and never failed to effect speed cures without any bad re
sults, will nw none but
Dr. De Zoaney's Pe Periodical Pine,
which are the result 91 the rombi knowledge and experience
ciliates. of the oldest and most distinguished physietans of Eu
rope, 81111 have Wen used by (culotte embracing mot or the gen
t y and nobility of Feiner for Use loot 03 years. To eulogise
their views would not add to their merits. The only precaution
necessary to be observed is. ladies should not take them if they
have reason to believe that they're in tensile' situations (the Par •
tieulars.of a bleb will be mentioned in.the wrappers nreompaw
Ingrach box.) though always safe and healthy, so gently, let ro
active are they.
"T Prier It per boa. they can be trapsniitted by man many
rano( the V is ion.
Dr. La Croix ins ices all the afflicted. however Worselese their
1 case may appear, or whatever their disease uay he. or wryer
many physicians or remedies they demoted, its wl
edge and skill to the test its an examination of the ease—it t ill
cost them nothing, lie promise' to every case be treats ape -
neat sod radical cure for life.
LT The Ilisoeusar) in FO arra arti that the pervon Mug
will see no one but the doctor himself, a hes is In convtant mitten
.danee in hug private roosts, redil) and willing to render relief to
all who may give him a call. Ilimilreds of eertirkates voluntari
ly given orciirm. some of which are moot astonishing cave, on
ord. vertu inspection at the Dispensary, all which are by his
ememberlll Lloyd street. uid stairs, sign of Old Calm's Dead,
Buffalo, March 0. 1931. t Iv VI
Erie Livery Stable.
101!01 T in: ....„,,,ts would inform the public
that they roll eolll.llllle the Livery 1110111 end
at their old stand on State Street, near Third.
where Horses and Carriage. of all description may be rosiest nt
all times ready for use, and prices ict suit the tunes, rielo.e It 11 , e
Ina call. MARTIN & BRIGGS.
Erie. June 11, 1931. tf3.
1.0 W Y S SCOTT.
roittr2RlE3G 'A VI) COMMIS 57(73 MERCII.4OTS, AND
DEA/41115 IN 00,11/..;
Also. rash. Me`. Salt an 4 Plaster: at Itae 'arse Ware Home
sV..ettlor the nridsr, Public poet. Erie. La•
M.R. Lownv.. w .L. t3COTT
A Et A . T A2IDI 0 P
THE tpuivacritf. Miriam wined the on Park Row. Iwo
doors W MAW . k Wright's Mime Oihee.latety
occupied sr a Jeraelry Store to Mr. Stock desires to rail the
attention of the ells:ens of Eta, to his stock of c!..1
which hem noW opening. direct from Eastern Maientaro. far
Being a practical Hauer tilituielf. and haring taken the utmost
pains in the irekt , ion of ibeae Good.. the eonituunity may rept
samired they are ade of firm material.. End by the hen work-
Itatft•atrit will beiirarranied equr.l in fineM, style and durability
to any that can he had in the Ea.terti edify:
Gentlehten eat at all time. tlnd trre the linen fltehloi • • Win.
11. hectic Co'neeliebrated Slat. ai Sew York prier.. and cape
Of alluoft every Owe. quairty met price. Also. a good rtock of
The eubscriber hopes_by honorable. fair dim' ing. to build up hi.
tutelar"... a. hi. aim i. oat to &eve those who MirOtlii, hit.. hut
to make reliable g.l Motnera.l , R. J. MOGERE.
Erte.ttept. 13.1N31.—11 I
WIAWiI.PX, Chinese Lau I Washitut lbr washing in
h# l d !loft r' hi Fluid • the besa prepara tion
known 4 n 4 ,or vole% cloths, frtemorins
Meese or tar, Arr cleaning s or paint. (or deetmring bed bap
and other rerasiu, for sale b J. 11. BURTON & Co.
Ana tt. i 1 __ Is
Land Sad LOts for Maw.
3nn Aqiiiw in Bloomfield row nsh I ri,lllllaerm dile n11.1)4111-
ULF dings laud orehant—pike Win. This Is an excellent
grazing farm. i . . .
130 acres nine miles west of Erie. in Fairview township. lgo
acres cleated . Buildings and orchard—price $ per Oen; an ex
eeltenigtain origracinn farm.
77 acres in U 111/0/0 tow naliep. LS acres cleared. buildings and or
chard—price MVO.
lag acres in; I.ellmu ff township. on he east bank of French
Creek. a miles licdow Waterford --G.3 we cleared. house. lam
and orchard. price 40Mta. , .This IS a autiful - farm of bottom
lands and bill ifitte.gbod kir inns gra .
711 acne" tiro miles east of Lake Rondo good build
ings audorchard, and a valuable power for a mill—price edit per
acre.i .
30 mere* Eno Academy land, one mile south of Erie, on the
Tornpikeron& all cleared— price Caper acre.
alki ac 'Cs of Wild Laud, patio( tract NO 11000,.i0 Wayne taint
ship-price $730. , '
IN kern , of wild land in Le Boeut7tp—price $7 pet sere.
Alto, a largeauutkeofin Lots and Out Lai oC the town of
. .
Feb 111,14311 41 : ' 'Laud Agent. Erie. Pa. , •
TAR. Pitch and Rosin constantly on hand and for sale by
[ B l . R. T. S. t PONS
INT iltoivA,mrinneErzr,
ns vr ie s . Ar ri F d Tt o Llut o v o e . tt a il: d ga y I , t h ized_
Brokers. under the firm ,of M. SANFORD & Co. Office a
**Sea-ty's Block," betvreen State and Peach streets, Public
Erie, Jan. Jan le4l. . • nil
IttAt. l .l" f`CAtlitit, i superior article, Ibr sale by
June ill. • D. tr. CLARK.
Iffi l ltACTS of I"no#7V - eve, Vanilla. Ntitturg, Ritter Al
moods. Peach, Celery:, Orange Flour, Cochineal nod Recta.
rine, fur sale by ID. S. CLARK.
June 21. • 6
1. 011 " 66 23"
r j4-141-ec i i r t e . d . n alTTL r " It 1 1 4 & SONS
; ,
ANapplication will be wade to the next Legisla tu re of Penn
sylvania, bribe inetwOuration of • Bank. to he called the
tlrieCny Bank. to be.located in the City of Erie. Eric County,
Pa.. with a capital of.cme hundred thousand &Marv, with the
pri•ikge of I tic mud na the same to three hundred thousand dol
lars, and that the individual liability clause will he inserted in
the L'hanow of said Blink.: 1
.1 H. railterton, ' J. C. lotaiOtalt. Smith Jackson,
Benry Cadwell. , C. N. TiliWs, Gov Loomis.
Geo Keliorts. . Wm. Kelley. Walter Cheater,
Thomas 11. &11, lollsn Galbraith. A. Beebe,
W. K. Uallatther.. -
Erie, Pa.. June 11: , 1831.
-- -
asdwars Steady Relief fo WS.
A CERTAIN cure for Rbroaritisni. Pore throat. Ppraies. At Ileirthms of the Spine. Toothache. Tie Uoicraresta, aad all
Nervous affection.. Salt Rheum. Ring Worm. &Impious of the
shin. and Cramps in Ole 61°,21404 Fur anisjv
my. 11.
irzfr tr.drcncS,JElrEEßf. A.ADFXYGT GOODY
Benin se., tiosrly opposite Empire moms.
NOW opening. the largest and uncut stock of Cords In this
line ever oatedifor sale In Erie, Just purchased In IC York
embracing all the new It) les of rich Jew elry Just out. Any one
wishingdo purchane a opkinlid watch and chain will haven first
rate niatortu nit y for releeting. Not to be uwlereold by any
hit ertabl ',Worm in this %icihit). G. LOOMIS & CO.•:nt• 11.
ri A I.IF. oft N 1.% D Ma 1•11 tee tared to order at short notice.
V into R bi Gol. cast Plum. 11/ ri eta.Cha i na.or nythagdesired,
of any 'st)ir. at 7 G. lAMYMIIS & Co.'s
CONIr 4 PR Ell EVAII E ' . tastiotar) 0 .1 universal H bulgy . , together
it oth a thogrnp ) o f Persons. to wh ich is sp.
pended au epitome Of Ileutiteil 31, thokiry. INntural Philosophy.
thmerail Astronomy and Physiolout ; Adopted in the Public
Se hoots of Philadelphia. E:st. JONES t CO. Publishers.
N. W. Corner and RACE streets. Philatlplphia
Teneers and Armin! rsurniet".. addressing letters to as post
reticL will he flirt, .41,1 titith copies for examinai low.
IV" A Full and Complete Assortment of Boots aod Eltaikot
at y for sale at the Lwrest Pries.
rhilsitelp/hia. May 3. 1 131 . 1431
Tolls C. BEEBE having just returned Rom New York wi th a
lame, splendid and elwapassortnient of bouest Goods. wrong
handsome. foot colored and fmillionable, fresh from the looms of
the manufacturer., in every, clime. Europe. Asia. Africa and
AM(' r Ica. fought at a mat aneri6ee for cash. and offered to the
public for nearly their own prki. Call and see. Goods *ow it
with prompttie.s to all. and none obliged to buy MOM.* suited.
Among his stock will be found silk, wool. cotton and linen. silk
and satins Brew Goods ofolery variety. /Magid Clothip and (Insf
'mercy , . plain and watered Poplins. edging.. inserting.. collars,
underplot% es. culls, silk And ,satin Vesting.. Fringing blue, Meek
purple, wade and Variagaickl.Cantou. betted. Ae.
*CPL. 111. 114 i arm la
itoonsood to N 0.144 Paco Otajot,
Rsiaisns Feneta sad refik &preside Crams Street Irhilasklisisia ,
II ERE the PCNlfit4ol iio enabled, by increased rae ii it les, to Winindy the wrisirthri *Nand be Hover's Ink, Wbie:h its
wiiirstiread marimbas gas Weled.
This Ink Is now to well eidahllnhed In the rxmi
r qinion ..4
American confidence of th American trunk, that it Is team neeessary
to sap anything in its favor. and the suienneacturrr ta re this oar
pornoi ily to say that le e nlklenee thus secured 'sball notbe
OM .
In a (Dillon to the tattoos kinds of Writing Ink. he also mane
&ells Adatsutatuisr Merl for mending Glut and Mina. as
well a - superior Ilairi 1 • a Mal is outs neeessary In insure
its future use. and a is War, well adinted kir Druggists and
Bottle/. at a very low pike indaree or small quantities.
orders chewed to JilailKPll E HOVER,
:. est. Between dub 6. iltlk. opposite
I. t I. - 3inlo
II i
Pander...lust ree'd, amp lb, sale by
or bole Kra by
141, R. T___. kr ma Enr+ k sorts.
..:. ,
Iron I *roil 1 1 Iroa 11 !
j run now receiving as la
I. can be found we of
Cook w ill he sold fOf e
elan. . large stook •
'tree Ilte•Pl• 4151
1 AM no* reeeivingia
I been pur
rte stock of fluvirs, which hare Jurt
low Acute* in New York Ibrcaoh, and
proconionallly tow for carh or really my.
I am Woo rerriv Mt 0 larrutully of Tear. Coffers. Ilrolarsee., arc. I invit e the attention of Chore wirhing to pur
chase and ray I think 1 c a our as good inducement. as any
bons* IP UV* eilY• ' JOHN V. BEKar.
Erie. rept. V'. 1 4 31,1 . . . Ilm II
Gii - 4—Hyorei mut% E' sod Croton. at
- !
E a llt ti l;: e pr nw it reusiulta t■ GOLD
Erie, June. Li. I M: SAXPORD &
/VIM auloreriber will& to p urchase' 00 cords of Ilesnloca
11. Ohl Other eon artiod leered at fits Asbery and I.lnteK ilu
corner of French audit!' 'limy!. d. 4. 1 1.4.11iti0N.
dept. :7" —IS,
TWIN [attitude wat he +retied in a few Miry in his rooms.
Adore east of the Erie Bank, as soon as the ma . s of rev
nobscrthess are oinliried. Terma—dO for one person. Eli os t
nimilieecontaining six persona, per sear, tuvarial4f in advance.
Pine lessons will he given every Mattrwlry.eslher yf svhleh pr.
pils may 'Resit flours of glibly from 7A. M, 1011. from le to It,
ham IP. M. ton. from 4ln 6. (v.., 7 earning to 11, The intitn
way select on. of these lessons fur thesurel res t Shia enabling all
10 altered witbrsil inrOmren wore. This ualtaisairti low Klee Of
Milton brings instrueiron within the melt of all. The hours
will be occupied in the following roanrer.—First. vocal 'trivia
no—oreond. ketones on every thing Orrnatelell with Ma k. (hie
torg of amine. inch's:mg, 11w nen s of misireal matters)—ihird,
rudiments of nom., with explanations on the black board. or on
`Su instritaetil—fourilu soared music. with aerompsnrment on
the Iliekainns.— MI per oiroOsirk p übaribe. will nod me,
at We above named room*. WM. WILLING.
Erie Oet. 1. lE.II,
A GENERA I. aseortment of Cmekery in/ Glairware siwy ke
tbitud the store a YI Be!r?Tr r
eicncti ETS foratk at theoevr sure it"
Oct, OEM N KTT & W.
A LAVACA. De Luca , Giartuu l -101/20, 11e°. * a rar leral •
eNtakeirl lbw elle by U. PM SCUIF
CIIEETIitGS not Ticki., Cason. Tate. Cu' Wimp. elate
la wad te&ore4. et 0 scum; !amt.
Ali EL — al dasin — iii — Ne 'iliac — . &I iimiTtiTialiii
rk I OK 711.-13 GAMOW A AO.
Aiiiis. -4 large We Ilt . l
reccit 4;1417,1 fliii... 117 - tii - -
ivr. • V ,•t: 8 F.I.DLIN IL SOY.
185 L
rt and welt smarted work of bon as
Many. It alto Marini entirety liar
to same at priers that defy eonifolk
Nana and Spikes. at unusually low
ItUrti e !flf:D.
No. It= 4 Home
• 1 man :1
itional Series of Standard School Books.
Finn lesions in Arithmetic, School A rithmetle. Uri treat tr.
Arithmetic. Elementary Algebra. Elementary Geometry. Practical
Bourdon's Algebra. Legendre's Geometry. Surveying, Ann.
Geotutu). ralcutinr.. Descriptive Geometry, Shades, Shadows.
ParkeesJuvenile Philosophy.
do. First Lessons in Natural Plillosophy.
do. gebool Compediuna of Nat. Philosophy.
Clnrk•,s Edelman) of Drawing.
Pate's elements of Geology.
Ilausliton's Elements of Physiedocr.
Reid and Rain's Chemistry and Electricity.
Rlclntire's Astronomy and Globes.
Willard** &boot Iti+tory,
do. I I, lied nate* and gliatorieal Chang.
du. Universal Ilistorynad Temple of Time. and historic
Sciesei of Lks Cagii6ll Loa:saga
Clark's New English Graiirmal f
'Parker+ Rhetorical Reader.
Watt shuproretarentof the mind.
ngre. l NWirinli i irfATat g lio atinkeltrall944l;4
Rom and Ilyuut Book.
Patton and Eastman's System of Penmanship and • 60341-Keep
iog. with chirgraph ie. Chants and Key. .
. g 44” The above list of books have been prepared withi pan ie
ular reference to the educational improvement of our 4inintry.
Teachers and friends of education are respectfully reforested to
examine these works in reference to their merits and their spec
adamatiOn to the public schools and higher Universities of our
country. For sale wboaciale and retail, by
Agent for A. R. Barnes. is Co.
May 44.—i
_ _________ _______
-- iIiNNICT - 111raliTNItar TIN IBIEOP.
mow The subscriber would inform his fiends and the
piddle generally that he will continue the TIN. cop.
PER and SHEET IR llt BL'IdIN Fleet at the old stand
formerly kept by Middleton k d respect ful
ly invites a continuation of the patronage hitherto emended to the
concerti. I have now on hand the largest stock orl'in. copper
and shirt Iron Ware west of New York. Those st tatting to pur
chase w ould do well to -all on me before buying.elsewbere. a. I
am hound WWI cheaper than the chrapern.
Having now on hand the best COOK SITOVF. in the staue,(the
F.agle Slot-A is) which Donlon° puMnit and will abow for it self.—
I will warrant it to anyone whaling io purchase. Also. W. doz
en Milk Pans. of all sizes. &heap Vats and Boders,Stra ins,Stre I
nee Pails, Omni Boat I..Mps and pump... Otter Pots, Tea Pots
and Boilers tanners, washbowls, cake pans, palls, blowhorns,
dippers, skimmers. teakntles. boilers. steamers, buckets, Mies ns,
laulPlll4l3 l , propane. temblerdrainers,roittoons, trunks, dish pan.
pint, quart. gallon and halfgallon measures, fit pacts, graters. kr •
Alan a good assiorttnent of JAPAN WARE, ecmalsting of cake
boxes, trunks, deed holes, spittoons, lea and coffee canninera,
fruit dishes, dust pans, lard and oil lamps, candle alien.. dower,
totes, ley cups and pails. ratite boss,, whistles, appiebuttet ket
tles, liras, kettles, stove rope* and elbows, &e.
Spooling and Gutters promptly attended to. All kind of steam
work made and repaired at the shortest notice. • .
WA NYE!). —A bout forty thousand lbs. ofold Copper. Brassand
Pewter will he taken in etel.ange for Tin and Copper Wan..
Merchant• and others would do well to give me a call at iheold
stand of Middleton & Murphy, two doors east of Brown's Howl,
Erie. March 13, 1 b 3 1.-111 N. MURPHY.
CAI.I. In and we if there has not been a real Resurrection
at the corner of French and Rh streets. where the subscriber
will he on baud at all times ready to inquire alter thelhith of his
Customers. (still believing. as he exprentes himself, thaterery
man has* right to his own ,opin Ion.) and also to shoat theM4Pe
beat stOeit of Rieceilarmuns.
liititool•lbolts and iraisdly ambles,
ever Mosight to this plate; Also. on hand it splendid assortment
of Wank Nock, orbit own matiuMeture, warranted to he of paper
of the best qual • a (whir h will herald low for cash or clean
paper ran.
N. N. tin hand 3 metro( Cider Insert. ofineellent quality
to he ezehanged Ibr mcr Cash.
Binding done to order on short notice.
Expected shortly a lame lot or Christmas Books and Annuals.
Arm. Nov. 21. (myna BFAIFFOR
13' "uert of ware of ine mew Prs oft re aty Agri
cultural tkrciety. the subscriber brought on and offer,. for *ale
the follow i tut articles.
Emery ec Co•o, Horse Power and Thread's( Mukha,-
Sub-roil Plows.
Corn Planters ann Seed Drills,
44 Powers for churning. driving grind stones, Ike..
Cornstalk et/hernial! crushers,
Hay and Straw Cullers,
F.iner}',. improved romp:ming and thermometer churn corn ,
billed, In teeth Garden Raked, hay Parke, Improved miir Scythe
mimes. Ice.. -
Ravine made arranaements fur the Money of the above. toi
=wirte aft articles in AVitAllitllllllll Machinery and Familia
swats. I can Airrtish at Wholesale or Retail, on the same
tear as the manufae tuners, adding transportation. and a. all ar
ticles ate warranted, the attention of Fanners and others is so.
Erie may 10. DOI State meas.! dean motile( Volleriim's.
Dila Dried Lainber.
VA&Thla & SitiniTlCCß have on hand it it.
and Lansher yard. on 11th St..east of the Ff
ty of Kiln dried Pine and White Wood Lain/
Matched Flooring. warranted 'superior to any
Builders will save money by buying their Mal
meat. where It eau be furnished planed in a
and sawed into any shape desired. Cash paid
Clear Tine.
. 4 e. Mt Soti. 10.51.
Loath r sad She* Nudists:
il. FIIII.I.ERTON hrts In store and ofkry fbr sale
al •„
rides dlyain IA Sole Letther
Slaughter ”
" tipper
t 4 do-Ani JCountry ersey Calflijkina,
r "
" PrrnolV
'• " Meek d Paltry Motoceo.
Linings and eluding, •
• " ipeli
t •• /Enamelled and rodent Leather.
Acv..-Lapp. Boot Ttrea, tam and every an ieFeef dboeass
ker'Toola bartilir. August t.
Atzzaz. son 1114111.11.
AVALUABLE Watet rower and Saw 111 1 11.attfie North plow
of Crawford constr.. tag Brie Ealtrorke Ca •
nal. surrounded by the Attest timber in the county. and a good to
eattoad!or a Grim Mill. will be gold at a great bargain. LUAU
BEN* CA 141 AL BONII6 mill be taken in payuietit.
rept. M. Intl. M. B. LOW BV.
Starch 11 Sterols 11
JB. SMYTH & CO'S Corn and Wheat Ptareb on band in
• h im quantities, kw sale at New York wholesale emit prises
Were from 1 'Gun try Merchants prompty filet
Erie. July It C. M. TIIIIIALP. Cbeasside.
EITRACTFL—Irtrwoo t Merriirs extracts of Lemon and
if/mills. for tine by R. T. STERRETT Ir. SON.
Illardattes Versifte Sugar Drops,
OS the (Manatees./ wont& They amain w eakowel or
moreury fa say brut or any ikieterioas laiiredieets waste."
i c i r. pace attractive to the to die lase, shy
to re speratkoti. trbildren vet thew with reatavidity. nor
tale by J. H. SPlTtne fere .
Erie, Au; 1. - No. 3. Reed Hew.
TllsdMra are preparedlP/ CAW the elaallett7
J. of WAflewaod l umber, •is: and 4-4 e /bards; 11,114.2 and
4 Inch Plank; Column 6, 7. 11, 11 and IS Inches sprare,
and 3by 4 Scantling. Ash orthe liAlowingthieltneyst 11,11,14.
3 and 4 inehest Cht rry and all kinds or shipping lumber. The
Subscribers will make contracts for any mounter the above men
toned Lumber to he. delivered the eormits season. Twelve foot
is the most der Irable length to have Lutoetter
Elle. Nov.*, ISM. OW. SELDEN it SON.
T ZOtriAniMMl
Or Or New lark Goaeries. .1 Saerel Muir.
rtrriII.STITUTING a large and choice variety of e Tittles.
1,,i Chants, Anthems, Motets. me.. from the bee Fort gn and
American composer., with all the old tunes In coon use. to
gether with a cone Me eiementary coone,aimplined and adapted
to rho capacities of beginners. The whole comprising the most
complete collection of sacred maim ever published. for sale at
the Bouketore of O. Sr A rEeR O.
Erie. Nov. 30, .1 5 3 0 , nfil
PV ISERISEI.II CORN K7%11114'11-01 unequaled - pnrii, with
fun directions for mak ins l'uddmp.Custardsdkc.. for sale by
Frie. January tip, !PSI. JOAN bIeCANN.
laystos• Paper Wilk,
ranzziss /impair
!VI R. ELItIU MARVIN having disposed ofhi- atercet In the
to I nboreestablishment. and In tie /Barrio & Bee
hint,. to enamel Belden. I lw hu.iness will he:valve be conducted by
the eutwerlhectaandet the 1.6.13 C of Perkin. & Belden. who
all accounts of the lute thus. ' Oct II
arni s L. m at' J
- -
SOA torgelot of annertor third Roan. for Ma Ti ', one. 1.
au &raters' Manufactory, for agile at eastern pikes by the nos.
supply n ill at all t sacs be keel en baud. and dealers and lam. -
Hee will do well tri call and examine Qualities and prier*, for
matron e onsistuftent by L U. uuLukarr.
Erie Aftsv 4. IKSS, SI
flarivererre N'aalest Fackler, Smith the gsfate Road.
Tlll.l proptiators, having made, considerable Improvement In
their machinery and water works, are no enabled to run
their Factory all, throach the sumener, and haring a mutatily of
Clotho. t7asainietes. Flannels. ttutumer To reds. Idhawis. Blankets
and Sheets. also Batinetts of difietent colon and qualitkit, to ex
eitamp for Wool, al 21 11w. of wool pet yard of cloth as good as
the wool will make. We Mail nil our old customers, and ar
many new ones as can it coneeulent.lo give ue a call.
We full dye and drrsi dotnevt le cloth, and manufac
ture Wool at our tusuil rates. Alio. Carding Mane on short ntalee
And Is the best manner. Wallet it'lranfnuth (garotter coma, of our
own manufacture. kept on hand to exchange for Wool.
flarborerrek. May 31. • 3
STRAW GOODO.—Ronnectaid Hato. i good 111180111111 tin Pit
received and Itor sate at No. 3 1 rem Mork.
April If, 1851. AROUCKLEIr. KEPLER.
TOL'IL.D inhant thegir that LIP latemla to pa pankaias
1 , V attention to Vein. rgay io all its various branches.—
His eharees will be rellfo[4.l C. Men* call and see. Office at
nap Cannl stable, near the outlet Lock of tbe Extension Canal.
Brae, Jan. 4, 1..4t.
-volt sale trEa'ne on& Items thr Lake road. two miles west
r of Ow city of Erie. many all humored. with a good,Water
power, a embank!. nouns. Barb and Orchard. Pace 400 per
acre, one-Worth down. and the balance in three equal annual in
stalment' witkinterea. Apply to Mr. Wilson King. In Erie, or
to A. Dasuainsille. :dB. C. Idllancan's, Lid. Blain Boect. Buffalo.
Gazette please ropy. I to
A. First Tract of Land for Bale.
THI O'HARA • net. or Irani N 0.317 In McKean township.
adjoining the uth line's:WM/Memel' township, andeonthin
ing Ile acres. This It ocelot the very kid tracts of laud-for
whew: or otbeegra in. iVilie Colony of Erie. It is well Watered.
exceedingly well watered. and situated only seven miler ham the
city of Erie; and will be wild in whole or in parts to milt purcha
sers. fit timber and Merino) white it a very inviting natation
for the erection of • steam saw Ili 1.
Alta. WO town lots in Erie. 4.190.24 half acre lots at from ISM
to /Van each; Icing a subell% Won of Eriy out-lots Nos . WO and
331, Alfa, sale by 1 f WILSON KING.
July s id, Mil. 1 it Land agent, Erie. Pa.
- • l i i it it -- :
ialo ri P s zany'
In Erie's taireav at the Store or the Jew,
L. kept everything cheap, pretty and new;
To I.e convinced what rte say 3 really true
Give us it call. then you'll nester say no.
Silk.. ligared. Plain and Patin dkeheller,
Alulte , ao. !Iterates and Masi de Lains. •
Mull.. Catithrica and tpleadidly ri
embroidered rotas.
• Wrought to figures the *post bpabllrtil, serious iii modes.
Laee Capes. Endersleercs. Nellt.Poliars and Cuffs.
TO/ether with • large ',Portman* of fancy studs.
Alarge and splendid lot of Say pate Shawls—
; Ladies w fe happy to reeive all of o your cant. •
We have ' Goods of all:coital. blue, scarlet end brown,
I Asper and cheap as can he had in the town;
An al went of Poplin.. plain. chaneeside. yodeled and plaid.
1 Far icor and cheaper than any where die in the city can
belied. . 1
We have a line lot Of nosier/ lind gloves—amain. •
We hare Lawns and - iftceo. both ilottPd and plain,
With Inserting, and Edgings. Caulheie, COUOS and Lisle. 1131I'W
i Which cannot be excelled in beauty cif p.:Ueras. Cheapness and
We mould alto notice our impOrtation co' Whir, (Rine.
; The pare juice of the grape. /rows on the sunny banks of the
Free flout ail drugs and pcatolus dyes—
None can Its excellence kilo until It he tries.
1 We would advise our Rica& of Its excellence to partake.
Nut merely et a heverage. but for the "stainer Wm sake,"
' For which sake A is good and *nullity can do you bo liana.
I In its purity consign' its chief and great charm.
To make quick sales gar anals trolltt we certainty arc willing.
Euitke oar neighbors mew& t not for big protitt and the slow
The nimble Olipeare prlncipki Is ours—hy It we abide
By it our goods we sell cud bpi them slide.
Now I do not want this eommisnlfy to fa 7 takes by surprise,
I Or lo think lam trying Jo mall moot over their elm; •
fit that I am at all Inclined to he funny, "
la saying I sell goods very cheap fat the motley. •
Erie, Sept. /1h MI. M. KOCH. ,
stub ammilkinempai. •
AMIIN t: Mourand in% cm lone ll i il re daily heini brought
lefore the poblie in tido are of inspect emeill. one more, and
not the len... Ira• wade ita appearance. dssuptett enormity for
your benefit. lu introducing to you
Having been awarded the Pretinucts at the New York sad Nick
tou tstase Fairs as limns the beet arise le offered bribe resSorat ion
Grille Hair and to keep it from fallout WI% One trial will prove to
sou snore satisfactory than, hudreds orcertsficates frogs persona
you never
he of, living sw aydown east: Try is. and judge for
yourselves. There is uo bisulfate about this; but it is au article
that is every day used by hundreds of families. to their entire sa
tostketion. There is nothing mb it. composition that is is the
least injurious to the hair: on Ow contrary. Unlit leave your hair
An a healthy plate s and elfeettsafly destroys deadfall, leaving the
haw, under its appl ienl ion, always
deemed in any style. It le invaluable for it, beautifying and in
virnnting 901:1111011. 11111.0nitli 10 the hatr the, frotranee of the
mort deitatithd dower:. For the toilet it 1 1 1 unequaled. Try it.
Ladies and Gentlemen. and tfj•ou tind it answers your espeeta
lion*. OOP PrunrWinf would he happy to receiver your patronage
and awohnanee In introthicahg a . io your ftientki. ± Also.
For Itypepela,--Gont. Rheumatism. cramp. iNiallen. chokes
Marinas. Nertrous and Sick Headache. Sea Sickness. Nausea. Re,
The great advantage of the Fluid e strati. or educate of Jama I -
ea Ginger is. that in a eery costeentrated firm. if contains all the
above prine islet.. without any pf the inert matter. welch makes
it much more agreeable to the stomach. and al the same time
more palatable. Try a single bottle of either. and If not saddle.?
uur Ascots are authorised to return the money In every instance.
Orders boor Dealers supplied at the SWUM dwrount. by address
ing T4IOMAB & Run, New York.
d_r Carter dt. Stadler. Grusin'.. Erie. anal
EVVINO Of 'M kir sale by ;the Nis cheap by
Erie. FerG IL • ' ' . r K. etirrox a CO.
0141 Ohio
N areal variety at Lootnis & Co's. embrac lag Ladies asid Cents
%aims. Wenn Pm*, ['inveighers. Pencils and Pens. Ladles'
CutT Pins. Bracelets, sad ot*.r desirable articles all warranted
as represented. Call in—no charge for showing. 7 June *L.
,trassum D4l 19.18ISWED.-EXCEL6IOI FAMILY
BT which a largo washing can he done In one-third less t • •
trouble and expense than with any other Pape know . It
can-be used with soft or hard water, cold or warm. Will • .ve
Grew. Paint. Tar. Int or stains from goods withal least
Injury either Mille goods or the hands. For vale by
Erie. June 11, IP3i. CARTER & rrrgEit.
TSiockbOthers of this Bank give not e that they Intend to
JL apply so the next Levslatpre Air a- wal of the Charter;
with the-same Capital, and with its it title, location and
privileges. By order of the Ward of Irvetori.
Erie. Aug. 10, MM. Simla, WAVARJIEN, Cashier
sus Mugs
TORN ZINIIKEILY has sold oat his entire, stesek of Groceries
to Messrs. A.&J. B. ylf.thers. Those concerned moisten:3-
M I hat the Hooks and account' of Zimmerli & Hitehsoek. A.
Hitchcock, mad John Tifmiserly, are in the ha ids of the latter in
diSidual kir IMMEIHATK collection.. Necessity dictates that
this be the LANTRAI.Li therefore ptatlemen null see the bene
fit of giving this it earnest mutation.
Erie, Atms Sia ! A. H. HITCHCOCK.
' yr at Winter Goods from *mei - en l 1
Ertst returned from New York and Pleitadelpbia with
laws mock of
hare ever °Shred In Erie; bought mostly kor 17Itsts, and at
, Auctions. at pri c e. that mart defy all compriltkon.
b Bay rude Shawls. plain and plaid, #1 30 to slat also, a
f large assonment of square. Woollen Phawls from at se w
[troche Shawls from #4 to #lO. worth nearly double the price.
a black and drab Tittle( Shawls, with silk or worsted fringe.
#3 to $7
DIPS Goods `i fkisus Auction."
Prone), Mediators. silk and Wool French er.shinercs, silk warp
mud roma warp Alpacas, silk warp Lustre... elituipbee Coburp.
riot's) les, et is. per rani. ►ea I'.\ I pima Lust es fin as ad; also, s
fuilaasortmentbf De Lahti. *stile h I will sell Ibr Is., Is. *l, Is.
Gil. and 9s, Also, II etiss.s.
SAM yards Madder colored Prints, which home heretofbre been
fold at Ind t wpl DOW offer for lkl, and guarantee the colors per
frctly flat. Attn:', a handeotne naportsuent of Pe. lOe, sad
him's, roles and colors warranted.
, D•m•stic illo•ds1
al heavy unbleached Sheeting at Id, Goer unbleached •
lariat 7d and ad; bleached Ilhiiialas sod Ilbeedngs it 1 4 .1. lid
Ind and lid wooed, Irish Linen. horn S. &I to 7s yard.
warranted pore !men; Linen Damask TabieCloOm, bed and
unbleached Table Linen. Damask Napkins of all qualities.
Bmad Clot* Ca aid mem. Gatineau and allwool Tweeds, from
Auctlon.and will he sold at perfect s l a tegbaer.. Good black
broad Cloth. 1.4 wide an grl par vard; brows. green and drab
worn $ son SS per yard; all wool Tweeds for My cents, Carob
mere,. from severity five cents to one dollar, Platinetts My cents,
black doeskin Quaimares, from ill IS Wei per yard.
H RETIRES and blenched Jinn brown. Drills. Tic lt-
inr. Marine Swipe". summer vivid's, coma yarns. carpel
saw and wicking. all of, which will he add cheap as the cheap
est:by 18 ARBUCKLE& KErLEE.
rr RN euteseeibeer here just irturned from New York with •
tarp amoonsuent of
rail mad Vinare Gook.
which were purchased withm . • frsr days put Itw Cask. and our.
Iry to the greattiaoic In the mosey st a mat auertke SO
the aspOsletyr sad steartheturers. We ere WPM, ki ti e tae
public tae herellt grout purchases st a small adausee. tha
as hossabrthe quality or the eheatones% kit woad Wad* • caw
Paria l galrlakii Prketki a lid are istheled win
dissa stt.twn a W Y
I;rlr,,(ict 1, Im3l
lIAIICICL 11ZUWI..0,:).11
pl•kcy-44 barbels just &velvet* by
t & m
T"E /Polon tom Cb. ha e a
later S &
roue in town. where ; that
intend keeping a full enpply of .11 the different kind. and pi
kes of WOO they wake, and row, n oso!ete atuortinent of Plods.
Perron, o ho have used Ike Nod, &Lin), tiottoiniony do Dot
need to be told that Wile better KM malt of Y •enet or elsewhere.
Erie. dept. 11..-17
ir -— ti — Pf4;ii de.
er rsobseribert.purri.ated I:.e entire .tuck of Grot e
& ries or J. Zits'", Iv. nlll continue the Mau tie." , at 11w. o'd
Hand under the 'none and firm of . 4 1 &. 8 WA LT r.RA. They
intend not lo be undnreold be in oier e.tablitihnient. and will
be happy to wait on ail wtrunany tutus n ith a call with
the greaten tdeneute. •
FA!. lepL U.
s§ o rt - Ti iiiiiii ir .
Du. HUNTER st ill forfeit V3O. if failing to cure any care of
disease that may come node, his care. no matter how long
standing or adlieting. &Tiara elk* etc invited to his Prit ate
Rooms, W. North SEVENTH Smoot. Philadelphia. without Year oil
interruption by other patients. Strangers and others who have
been unfortanalle in the reteetton of a physician are invited to
call. Those who have imidred .theutselves by solitary .vlee ars
also invited.
RI/IDAND ttf.ltee. —The afflieted would do well to reflect
heftier truslingltwir hermit. happiness. and in noun) ease, their
lives. is the hands of physie 'comsat of this elan of mala
dies. It loeerminly iinpn..title for one man to understand all the
11110 the human famclya re subject W. Every reaper table physic tan
has his peen liar Antioch, in n hleh he is more oueeessibol than his
brotherprolessors. and leftist be devotes moot of his time and
v Kane !'e.i nre,eaehuivrlydevoted to the atudy iind treat
ment of or the sexual orgos, together with alerts up
" the boll), throw, nose or legs. paint : n. the bend or bones. Mel
e ria I Itten inn ism, tar ie t urea. gra t el.irreguterities, disease aris
ing frost %within' ettesees or impurit,es of the Mood. whereby
the roomitticton has become enfeebled, enables tht Doctor to offer
'rely antic/ to all who may place themselves under his care
Philadelphia. Maya, 1531. 1)31
tfortA Kist Corner of Third sad U.seir a freers, &arm Spree
sad PIN , Streets. Philadelphia.
FIFTEEN VKARA of extensive and uninterrupted practice
spent in thi. city, have rendered Dr K. the Most expert and
successful pr.cthiuner far and near, in the treatment of all disea
ses offs private onion. eersons laniard with ulcers on the body.
throat, or legs, punt I LI the head or boner. mere areal alltUallitirill
*me Wes. gravel. diseasegillising from youthfla exceases or hubs,'
Mies of the blood, whereby be constitution has become enfeebled
are alb treated with success.
. lie 'rho plares bhnself under the cart of Dr. K. may religious
ly cchilide lu his honor u a gentian •d. and confidently rely upon
iPis skill as a physician.
Tags Nonce —Young Men who have injured
Utensils es by a certain practice indulged in—a habit frequently
learned Duns evil compattiolla or at sehool—thit egrets of whit+
are nightly Sett, even when asleep, and destroy_ both mind and
body i shouhrapply immediately. Weakness and constitutional
"debility, loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude and general
prostration. irritability and all nervous affections, indigestion,
rduggish nests tif the liver. and every d -ease in any way connect
ed with the procreative flinetions cured, and Kill vigor restored.
Tills Book just published is filled with useful infiarmation, cn
the infirmities and diseases of the viiei ati ve organs. I t address
es heelfaliketo Faith, .Vanhood,a.4 Old irge.atid should be read
by all. The valuable advice and impressive warning It gives.
will prevent years of misery and eutfering, sad save annually
Thousands of Lives. Tarenta, by reading it, will learn how' to
pravOot the destruction of their children.
A remittance of 'laterite, enclosed in a letter, addreseed to
Dr. KIN KELM, N. W. Corner of Third and l7nlon-threets.he
tween Spruce and Pine, nata/slew, will ensure a book, under
envelope. per return mail.
• Persons at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter, enclosing
a fee) and be cured at home.
pa c k ag es of 3/airings, DieseN•our. At.., forwarded, by sending
a reskittance. and put up secure from D• 1118,1 (fr Cort•eity.
Bcpk-seliers, News Agents. Pedlar*. Canvassers. and all others
im plied is ith the above work at very Icw roles. !yin
To the Sick and Afflicted!
of Consumption !
liskruld ie tztexiiirely bikes throlopkort She world. for Am
ere Oteussas haborsog skier Mostar oussous,islicli rnU prssefs-
Ws "aim arrested by thspssurrfail *gear, sr
Or WILD intrilLitir. •
The Ongiaal sail Genuine Prspershisa!
Fo.vr or Boca". Freerk C0..3141-;
June Mb, IPM.
Ma. &WAYNE—Dear s;r: Believing it a duty I owe to the pub
lied and in justice to !,•41. I have thought proper to make known
one of tbe W OO % extr.t.,ql tzar) chtter, in my own care. that hao
ever been truly recorded. In the mouth of October lost. I wee
Ifilieled.with a revere galnernip in my breast. which formed a
large ahem. and also eollatitl tt terted to my Lunge and Wee) much
afflicted theta, and disc iv+ tired large quantities of corruption. cs
kraal and internal, that tv, large onantities panted through my
bier. which I thr,. up. My C., 'outdate° palm through city
lungs, and out thr, •vb the ea v tit .1 my breast with a ppareul ease.
attended with a * tore,. t cough, d.., and night * lomorkppetite. and
extreme debility, *nth*: wy physic tans thought my case rut ieely
hopetera and beyond the power of inetheine. I remained in thin
wnrcehed cowl/Emu fora lung time, t nod 1 wan waited toe mere
skektun i and them .ceoied to be no for we, but, having read
In the public paper. of the Many wonderful cures perleinued by
yottr. Compound symop si trim etwerv. I Immediately sent to Sal
tirniore for five bottler, and commenced its use and to my great
salisfartion and toy anxious family. the abeess or opening in my
lungs Levan to heal. and the rough subside, and on using ten hot
ties I was motored to periled health. I feel very grateful, and
firmly believe that to your itivalua' , lo medicine, under the bless
ings of Divine Providence, I am Indebted the this great change.
sod I am happy to say that I mu now etuoyirti as good health as
I *sr hove.
ffot the satisfaction of those who are not acquainted with me,
I apPend to thieeertificate the ham sof gentlemen wetland fa
rotably know n to a large portion of the citizens et Maryland and
Virginia. and will doubtless . ',Nee all wbo are similarly adlict
ed tofu your wonderful and ,oVal liable Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry. Yours, Very Respectfully,
The subseril r was well acquainted with Thomas Dixon. and
cal testify that as been afflicted as above represented. I regard
his recovery as pluton a muscle. lie is a worthy member of so-
railer ~,f Antra Circuit , Rehltiassee Coufsrescr.
We, the undo igned, residents of the Point of Rocks and vi
einity.areacquainted with Thomas Dixon..and know him to have
been afflicted arabove represented, and was thought by his friends
as Well .s by our most skillful physicians, to best recovery, but
by lbe exclusive use of that inestimaLle remed y, Dr. Suomyse's
Onngssfai Syrup of Wild Cherry is now restored to perlket health.
and! we &el duty bound to recommend this valuable medicine to
all who may be tumilarly afflicted.
Piro littch. Merchant. 0 TSOMAL '
LLOYD C. HILT.' .. W. I. Sarre,
d* must. W. SAlifilt. E. W. MUMu..
inn'. W, LTG!. , . Pinup Maxus CRUM.
The ~',,- .e i aye, e medicine is the result of many years ex - -
tees's. racue i Philadelphia by Dr. Swayoi.
I /
Liisk .;,1: 1 I Marko *Jae Osswins. Remember no prepa
rations cd Vil Cherry is genuine. except the original article as
prepared by r.llwayn. gee that Iris Pfirtrsit is on the wrapper
areund e._ bottle. Uatit Jon obtain this Compound you will
never k w the real a Imes of the Wild Cherry.
ityne's Celebrated Vennifuke.,
~/1 sok- and ciffeetual remedy for worms, dyspepsia, Cholera
MOrbill• R; 'II Tv or dyspeptic children or adults. and
1 the to -1 .-- r• ' Family Medicine everolteted
•l i the public, "
J. J AYRES, ' .1 I.l_ k ropectable merchant of Williamsport.
Pa.. sates: 1 'lave v.,: Vennifure io my own family. and
caa speak in the very , i.ctiest ferias of it. My wife is so much
phased with it thew 01 use nu other.
Remember Dr. /Swarm's Verunittar is now linkup in square
boMeethat the name is spelt comedy—
Ant as a gentle purgative. producing a Maltby state of tbe Liver
and Dowels, acting as an alternative. changing the state Drew
threat... *itch is very emotion to snate'individuals:and for the
irregularities incident to Ilonalentbey are very valuable.
S. R. Ratebis, Evansville. Ind . writes June Sth IMO. Your
medicine sells well. and gives 'psi% rmal satisfaction. Your Su
gar Coated Sarsaparilla and Tar Pills told out directly. Bend on
a urge supply.
Chalfam k Hughes, Danville. Pa., writer. April 111,1P60—Send
Intarediately a fitrtner supply of your family medicines; We are
ankh In need of theta—they arc effecting great cares in this
NE.MOVAL.—Dr. Bwayoe Las removed his Laboratory. to No.
4 North Seventh Street. oweoad door above Market. Philadelpia.
where the above valuableMedielu. , are ouly prepared.
Career& amber. No. a. Reed Roane Erie.
J. H. Burma, Rio. I, . " ' -
W. P. Judson.* Co.. • Waterford
J. A. White, Girard.
N. .1. Clark lk Ikon.. c - 'Fairview.
W. & J. W. Campbell. • Edeaboio.
Norman Callen ,
C. W. Burton.
W. tJ. W. mphell,
Perkins& gwell.
1 asomi Shittuet. Ellen rg.
• 3. L. P rite. Adaarav Me.
And by dealers ia.Medie ems generally.
.111. 1911. 1y33 -18
riE subscriber aeons a General Land Agent and Land Broker
Poe Lands in Erie county. Pa. fitmentt anus, all, to 30
races, wanted, by rood purchasers. if offered cheap.
Erie. Feb. W. 1661.—.5. WILSON KING
CIRELP HARDWARE,—A good arrontnent jun receiving at
0 N 0.3, Perry Mork, by 18 A RBITCRI.V.& KEPLER.
SILK and Linen plain and fi gured Merino, plain and
ligurod DeLains, Cashmeres of the atom atyletton the cash
q►lent, by IS ARBUCKLE & KEPLER.
THE .werib e r is now nrceivinx his Pall and Winterfilmek of
Goods. commune of foreign and domestic dry goods. hard
ware. mom, Wei and dry. crockery. nails. &e., which will
knsold at unprecedented low prices. fife ready pay, as I wish to
do business on the ready pay systrin in (inure and examine
priers and qualities, aad you will be satisfied as to both
AXES HANDLED cart be hal for Se each nt the cheap
• Hardware Store. No, 3. Reed [loose. !WPCS REED.
Glassware and Crockery.
. k ry
LAMA 6 assortment oCerotl and Glassware.just mei r
ed. settien will he golds. e I.e. P as any in this market. at Ns
3Mock .—Erie, eel t. 13.-18
BAY STATE BHA vma.—Tbe place to parttime Ilbawls eheap
Mt at Pro.. Cbea psnic. GEO. HELPER & BON.
'Erie. Oat. 4. 18$1. El
tUTTUR aad Cbt-eme Timm, as iILIPUI =MIL
Ur. Aug,* LI
3000 TARO. or GinihaamOtia 'arrival. awl far Pale by
:km 21 e. M. TIBBA LS.
!lasi:if/Mill and Lniabariri,
On Lfr M
eensh . Ease qf Fresch, Env, it
Arl ART= & }MOTHER Mc In, koarebao.d one of Viri<irn•
ki an d
11'8 IM I ROVIEIi PATENI PLANING, mg t. , . - i
INC and I•ROVING NI.VCII INKS, os nett a• chi n ., '
Mr using the mime in thli county , are now prep are d ly d,,, 'rc
bee in any of the above forms for all a lio rimy set Ot to tate r ...:
with a call. The facility with which they eill dies. lualetZ,
me . th em la put the price so low. which ',Meths. superierii;',.
the workmanship, o ff er trronit ihducemeht s At. Home Ca • '
aud ail others aho may be in want of dfewed t oeiberio
them at leave a mill and ernmine Into the matter themseiem"
Flooring dressed by this Machine is (illy equal Li, m it
by hand. b ot h i n the suusothnem of tb rface. andd emos (4.4,
o.laB. while it has the advnnta_e vine of
and width the entire length of the rd, requiring s e c o i "*.
leveling to bring the Native r en; hence a carmin ? is:1 1 1 :
double the number of squares iti a do) dressed in this un to . '
that he can of that dressed by mid. The Machille 111 se e t ,... i 2
ed that they eau dress lumber . May width up toll wicket, ti t ,j; . ,
thickness up to 2 Inches,- . i,
They'slao have CI RCA.' LAM SAWS in oper at i c , is i
with t h e above, mi th ai bleb they eon rip lumber loony is sit',.,
thickness desired. Also, a very uperwl TI 8214/Iljtyht,
enabling them loth:rimy kind of it ntnirre eeitec I) mu,
pesters, Cabins, Makers', Biwa's, B ts.ete
They are also preparing to, and intend keenin r oe bard 4.
smutty a supply of Lumber, especial!, Wh nevico . sootii,
siding sad Clear Pia.. , 4
.CANTLII it ElloTtilli."
Erse, March MIL, laßl. I .. ,
=7f 1117 II A 111 CI-11 C 0 ZIP •II 1r
(of„lt'Atiladelphist.) - .•71
A SE now dot ng businiesSon the
pla n .alvlnithe lasim4
it a participation in the MlA's of tact:timpani, unig nit i tts,
ty beyond the premium lluskf•
Risk . uptito t h e Leas, and ra nal insu red on the nea t y avc i i , .
terms. Losses will belilersliy and promptly aditisteil , •
Fire risks on mere hand iire,bu t Idings and otherproperty; te tcti
or country, for a limitedirrm permanently.
Joseph H. Seal. - J meet. Hand, Edmond A,
Theophilus Paulding. JOAO C. basso, H. Jones Brooke.
Robert Surtos, Ira Garnett, Lobo B. retinae.
Hugh Cr*., g etiael Edwards, George Berndt. '
Rear) L awrence fl vid B. Stacey Edward Darlingteti
Charles Kelley. plisse P.lai Davi.. .1. G. Jobuseit.
William Folirells Wil4 Hay, John S. Nealm,
Dr. 13.Thoinan. M. a• M• Huston, John Seller./ t.
gt S neer
vehergat. issi bould, aee,) : Win. Mania heel
Tzr Application Can ?lade to
. 3. KELLO‘G,Efie Age •.rik Feb. la, ISIS. 1 c
Dy• Ilr • Iltilis,Pain
?INE aodersigaed r yule on h Lem term s N Q .
. ir. ,
_L all the different hi O . of rhea OIVII manufacture, suit yr
ranted equalio any ma ogaetured. wit
Lerwood„ led-ri .: t'am..a ood. ff yper Niel -WO.,
rustic. Green F y, Red Sanders, Extract 01 Ln i p,,,,,
N ies• wood Brazil-wo od, Peaeh•st cod. Bar-wood,
Lae. Dye, Argol. I ' Cream Tarter.
Toorther With a perweal naisortwyof Dye Stab. Dun ' thi n ,
Paints, 4c.-4c . Merchants and anufacturers supplied.
, *-1' NTZ, TOWNSEND pr. co . •
March ft, 1831.-1 y i No. 55, Water awe, 9 y
anocizazeir AND mass vitiulTul - 7 -
AGOOR anrortment of Dining and Tea Sets. light bye,
mg blur, white and 'smithery; also, a good varier} of (4, t
ware, for sale at the loWest figures Ly C N. TIIIIIALri
THE PPTTSFJCBGF t STORE ham been removed from !cc
Wright'sllloek,u:, he frame Imildme on French ~,,,,i. , ;,
door north of C. M. Tibbale. where the subser. ber 'On contin,.
to keep a full assortment of Groceries and Prot i.inn. 04 diNia ,.
for rate, at wholesale and Retail, at a small advanse lb,. gt „.
Erie, March 13, 1831.1 . J. BTagg -
CLOCKS, Itn sale by the Box or smile one, et large attmtier 4
oYles, wad some r ry cheap tu price, as lore ao SI Se, iii
July 3. 8 G. LooMtg ex,..
VV . ALKING sTIGICIL—A good assortment for ogilrlTy
July S. 8 G. I.O4LiM IS & CIA
M*MCA'. INSTR ItIEICTS—A hirer arrnritof nt of (,t ,
Banjoes, Violins Fires, rltitei., etringr. /kr for ralr ~
'at 6 G. LOOMIS & 0 .
_ _
'rIritRIELI6 Too .. and Fl,hli,l for sal, by
. ,
WILLOW. WAGO '8 of every varlet) Pot sale by
June 11. 6 D. S. CLAIM
i — ol every , •• ription for sole II
I. 6 D. P CLUE
_)00 G. H. retaliation! cap, for soy , 14 ,
s()N, ,
61 R. . STERRETT k
.500 BAGS
sale lt i NSTEß BEI7 k. soya
OILRTi. 13110731.1112 — ,
lifiir ---
• N, 6, litimod Zoete.
[1 A it y in E e zn .o ha i nil t a t v ht ;te r z e te e n n s a itr ed aT t o o rtgr i u t : t of or Druirs ate 14,,
e of lit,
c ian• of whatever in-in:SOIL or no se two!. II tth ever) article la It, r
line, and of such.p.allty'as io enable the inleineent iihyi.ici:::c
calculate their action r ith masonable certainty They text
are such as cannot thillt 'tut till reasonable persona.
- iriai oa Wood.. _
117. THEsubseri ris prepared to execute all order* it l i
line. Draw ing, nil Engraving Landscaper, vies, 1
Hoteli.Stores Factories Machinery, Societies' Seals, BLLPIMP
Cards, Show illaf.k.C.i C..
°Merril ttended to wit out delay, charges luoderats. -
Fredonia. Jul. , .1.7„ DII . M 11l /MT.
B oNNEW.Dibtio—ns i - rtitcials,itc... at
DEN 1 .503
TAN - ,1 4 1 - IF.lria — O.llll AN OINTMENT —Jiii.i rhiertro
i a Woad and flar ItO by J.llll BURTriN eDi
Utt4tiOlit'S. INDIAII ICHOLAGOUGE—P or Fewer ant Aft,
Intertalttatithod litkroittant Fever*, and the 'anon Woo
of II dhotis diseases. i I J H. lit lil 11N k re..
Erie. Ant. 4. 1I) ' Wholesale and Retail !tram
utejun reeeived
TIIE itutiorritierit w •
1. have Ludt a pow.
for tistee dealing in th
June .t 1;
IV Alta ANTS for ~.
• • good is every rem
Erse. June It
and will be 6616 6
Ent.. Sept. 6.
1. from Amami at
best quality. and will
of nalk.a. Leather
to else him a can he
Erie. Rept 6,
N v
bacrib e
T .
been k-hteted with ear
flew* give us a call.
Erre: Aug. 30, lE4f.
received by Jul,
.1.11 in the sick room
Erie. Kept. 6.
I . oa
THE proprietor, Wj
the Empire city. •
meat of JEWS'
ever before Wpm"' -
are now rent'
found a large
and Fob Cho
lion. Breast
Gold. Silver
steel fob ar
meats with
cry week he
articles ehem
nus of the
aral'ather ti
viols, guiuu
fiagewiets, r
silver table
Ct - nhay.
led makers,
silver, and
snuffer. and trays, sari
do.. atecl Peas, card ear
boards, dorninoes, ehls
and forks, lea-sereera,
All of which will be
the hours all A. M. ei
ly will be taken from
article, homewith II
IT Said Palace is
said Knowlton, one
Erie, Sept. 6.-17
ALARGE • • ', Oast arriving. consistm; of ecife..un
IruB B n l of 'fa/ • • Inds. molasses. syrup. rte . etc •atNo 3.
Perry Block by •18 ARBUCKLE k; ErLEIt
fr HE subser i ben ▪
nowireeeiving a lame and splendid 91,4
1 of Fall and Wintel a. consisting of Dr) ( oods,Groem e r
Hardivare.Crockery. l.boes;lle. In this stock may be lauld
almost ever) variety • Ladeveßress Goods; Cloths. Cassinee" : •
Vesting., &c. They site thetr'old customers aod pow" r
erally latending ▪ base goodie in their line to call sal el
mine their stock be 7 purchasing elliewhere. as It*, Ro l t".
admit prmes and goal ties wall give entire SitiffiCl ion
eerie. Oct 23.-24 ' J AMES HUGHES t CO.
TAN N EMS' ogl.
0 73 Gallons or pute Tamers' 00 ratel" l
and for sale by bbl. and gallon. U. 9. natii•
Erie. Oct. 13. 1951. 21.
lI.V ER GOODS. ' lain and Tbneaded Table and Tea .r . , , ,
1. Fork,. Butler K res. ete. of our own manufacture. • •,...`
pip It
warraoted of the du of Engraved in
G . Lot4h. h. Cli•
June IS. 7
the Mestpl , ThrO t
IVI °HEYS remln to the gild Country on ,,,
J.TI terma.On our porwibiltry. M SAM FOK P . ‘ ii
Feb. let ISM. ; pealv'• Block El
1%488 CAtlhilow opening a large an sp endl.l ton
4.T.R. tuent of Milline y Goods. which will be soidwhoessu r.
Joretail at the loinest prices. Her stock embracer i tiii
the Sillowinci
R I BBONig-71 1 !fie h plaid. newest style, scarf, ssia AV
and velvet Ribons, in short every style that can Derailed frs.
El ATl.l.llX—,rolois and priers.
SI KS —Of All every delver' piton, Re making Bonnets. halal cc.
vet Cloaks. Le. ' NI 04
SILK V ELV ETS—Rlaek. brown. blue, greet. Ka * ' for
Frllolllll. Regalins. kn.
FLOWERS-I'l units, Tabs. arches. Laces.
EDGINGS—SIack Lace s.
EMBROIDERY--geillars. •Veil very large sisornew•" l6 l ° ,,, n.
derslreces. eheinisetts, bandkerebler., cudirindered lad $
e*ings and iusertion4.
KiD t: WV ES—Qt,ittlenien's white,
first quality. Mitts. long and abort, great earth.
HOSIER Y.— AS &goes. best quality.
....1 Gimps. sr
DRESS TRIMMIXOS--Netted Fringe. nall—'
ted Ribbons. Le,
DRESS CArt.--Orievery style.
-,... hued Oa
BONN ETS—Eumil , 'l li Etilk Satin and worn, - _, twits
constantly on hand. . traw Bonnet' cl4iied and shaPcs
Ladies! hoe and rolorri
shortest usual. i Sou l '
Cloak Trinunlars.Madt made Cloaks. 74170 ear
, pleuras
las. Ike.. Fancy Bosittna. Corot. Crotchet Needle ' acs , wit '
idy Cotton Tapes. itks ape Eyßoy's Bens. -den
may other artistes numerous o mention. A , .
Goods aad llosampir ptly ancaded to. • til
ale. Bept. 17, 1 , N51.1
i i
A new irtyle...ll:4llor anw no% t
rePpertfistly enform thr pul.llt *aid,
niattlzinc. and arr dr,r , ,ur or por,rf
rued. R. T. LitIILTT a. SON:.
nit :al aer.s each• goorasottOta ia
tia'e at the exe hanee offset of
_ SAPi FORD k C.k
F. —A line lot Just reteired by Wm.
.tly on [sand by
3.11. SURTOii k
• swum, Oil.
hand and will be regulari reero
titan' a supply of pure Fi.h (hl of Off
he will %ell at reduced rates by die t:.
ufneturers Pill find it for their iarnes
purchasing elm here.
1. O. II Vl.lll'llt
st receiving a large stoek or Stummet 31'
ing of law usual varieties, waar► Sao
and will be sold a. low as the lower
O.II 4 .iThIENT.—A lot ofthr. ar•,.r'e
—A very eocivenrent sad
nursery, for sale by
I. KNOWLTON. has just tettned hem
the largest. Cheapest and best anew
t city writ of Dunkirk. all of ah. 6
On the ant floor. No 1, ref k
Id and Silver Watches. Gold earl
Is, linger Rinp °reser) &km ,
Ad size,. Cud' pins and bricelec
, er thimbles. gold react!. and mg
leys, &e. - wade artiste
at the east to furnish a supply tv
be will be able to furnish Ow
estabtishment west of the term.
ne Railroad Also, on hand, c
ty of Looting Gia socs,Brass Cloth
eh as piano Melees Melodeon , . ban
ta, tambourine., c 'afloat% dor
e., inlay and camphene lamp.. XIII
eyr and wittily, silver and Germs
arsancLaalt moons. butter kaires
le ofrenknives of the molt relent
xtraPs, seaway a and shears. Geld
steel spectacle..
sets. CBPlOhl, and candlesticks.
,da Cases. Fancy Boxes. Plated and Plot
.1 bag, andpurse clasps, hair ecrubs,
sea, v na cards and eat elope , . gamest:
is men, wallets and pocket bcoks,kart
shown to Ins visiiers a( any note brume
d 9 P. M.. tree patio. and a small fee et
hose wbo may a ish to tate some of UK
aced on the around formerly octave: tl
tweet of the Reed noose.